Til 13 ( TMAITA DAILY HI3I3C VWISDN KHDA V , JTLY ' 04 1808 , BLOriflvEEP UP THEIR GAIT i OmauajU'gnin Succumbs to Kansas City's Furious Onslaught. * VMDSWORTH TRIES PITCHING ONCE MORE l lilt Vi-rj Hard. lull \VII.I mill lilt .SiiHrl IM DooldoilljOIT I'tirilvv l.vlt A MIIX AliiuiMl Utiit'nllii'il. KA'NSAS CITY , July G. ( special Tele gram. ) The hard hitting of tlio Utucs won j toilay'as Rame from llio Omahaim , who nnrI I rowly escaped n shut-out , errors by ( Vila- Kun itnd MrVlcker giving them two of their scores-Wadsworth was touched Up for cloven safe olies , Including two triples and i n homer. I'ardco , for the locals , wnH In ] Rood form and held Omnhn down to seven lilts without giving a single put > s. Tlie bat ting "and Melding of Coutmughlon wern features. The prettiest play of the came occurred In the third Inning , when Con- nniiKltton killed McCauley's hlRh drlvo by pulling. Ihu ball down with his right hand and Ii'MIng It fall Into the other hund. The UThea scored four In thi1 second , when Wilson wns Riven a base on balU. O'llagan , VIox ml Slaglo singled and McVlckcr hit for tl.ici ) bags. In the Becoml alter Krlsboo had I'.iuwn a pass CoiiimuKhtnit hit to the left field fence for a home run. I'ardue Min gled In the fourth and came home on Sla- glo's triple , Single scoring on Itoat'a b.id throw after he had gathered I-'rlsbcc'i grounder. In the fifth Williams , Wilson and JlcVlcker singled and VIox and Single walked , the combination yielding two runs. Omatm made one In the fifth. I'reston hit Into jrlght and McVlckur allowed him lo reacli third on a one-baHO hit. McCauley's single brotiisht In the run.Two were added In-tVe Euventh on singles by Preston , Mc- M Caultfy and Wndsworth and O'Hagan's er rors. T\\o games will bo played tomorrow afternoon. Score : Kfljtnln 30 3 7 2 21 15 3 Score by innings Kni'iBuH Oltv ' 0 I * in OlMlhil' , . 0 : . One hour anil forty-live minules. SI'OHHS. HiilliiiuipollH AerlN 11 ( ' 'urlher Slide - ' Dinvti tlie Column. INDIANAPOLIS. July 6. lUinipus Jones vras wild today , but with all had Kieat luck or the Hdire would have been up in double IlKiires. Ills support was weak and laKKV. S ° " : .lt U.H.I5. Indianapolis . . . 2 0 0 2 o 1 0 0 * 5 7 1 Columbus . . . . . - Batteries : Indianapolis , Vhllllps and L.yiieb : Columbus , Jones and Sullivan. DKTROIT , illch. . July n. IMtel.er Irwln was easy for the visitors In the llrst two Innlncs today. 1-ater ho did brilliant work and Milwaukee was bold to a tie until It ' ended the Kame with two runs. * c"1.- . . , Dull-oil 270 IlllwiinUee . . . . 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-4 5 Hatterlos : Detroit , Irwln and Wilson ; Milwaukee. RottKor and Spoor. MINNEAPOLIS , July 5. flic Saints bammered out nn easy victory by superior lia'uo running and bltlliiK opporliinely. e : . R " II B Minneapolis . . 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 l" 11 2 Paul 0-7 11 .2 St. Hatlerles : Minneapolis , Cook. Dixmi and lllllur ; SI. Paul , Denzer and Spies. STANDING OF TUB TEAMS. Played. Won. Lo.st. I'er C. St. Tuul IIw 02.1 ' Indianapolis : w ( il.'J . 69.7 Kunsiis City 40 Columbus . . . : , ' . ) . ! I om.-ilm 511 -I " MJ Detroit ' > ' 2.1 "l.l in ' ' 111 . JlbinoapoIlM - - - , , Clump * today : Oinalia at Kansas ( .Ity. Milwaukee ut Detroit , Indianapolis at Co- unibu , Minneapolis at St. Taul. SAMKS 01THI3 NATIONAL I.HA iH. ; slitii Slliii IllieU Mil" Seeiiinl I'lnee ' In tlie Iti'fat Hiie'f. JNHW YDIIK. July 5. Klobt-danz was too mob for tbo New Yorkers , whllu Dobeny for Hie Hoslons. Two of , -aH at times ousy llontun'H runs resulted from uwild pitch. Bcoro : Now York 2 LUoHtcm u y o a o o o o 0-5 ! Two-baso hit : Davis. SncrllU-o bllH : Duffy. ? < ; ollliiH. ,1'Mrst ' IIIIHO by errorn : New York , 1. ' Kit-Hi base on b.rlla : Ott Oolieny. I : off KlolKHlaii/ . Hit by pllcbod ball : Tlcrnnn. Slruclt oul : Hy DulR-ny , ' . ' ; by Klohcilnn * . t ! . 1'nnHed balbi : Hy Yi-u 'or. 2 ; by Orudy , " . , Wild pilch : liiibenv. I .eft on bases : Now 'York , i ) : ItoHton , S , Tlmo nf pime : One limn- and llfiy mlniuoH. IJiniilfca ; Kinsllt- and lloy'illcr. .Mlriulanee , 1,5" . ( ll-JllillMH I'ltlJ ( il-etlt llllll. iMIH'AOO , July -'lovoland ' .could not bit "llci-y" C.'Iarke at llnrlKlu lime , wlillo tbo ( JrphanH KOI Ibelr liltn in linneliL-s ami 1 nlidi < lniHe ' 'ni .will : ' Allouiltint-o. l.uoft. Hcorn : ' I-UIIK ; ( 'blt-agu , 1 ; ( 'lovobind , t. l.oft on IWHCH : riilensii , 0 ; ciuvoland. 1 ( > . Two-lmfo hits : U > un.'ullnoo. . Kiolcn ba en ; Uyiui , Diiblon (2) ( ) . DonnbiiH , Thorn * tan ( - ) . Uoublo pbiyn : Mit'orma-li lo Merles lo Uvorllt ; .MirUto ; vciltt ; Mt-rtod to Dnblon to Kvorltt. Struck out : lly Clarke , 1 ; by I'uwt'll , it , lliiiicsi nn bulls : Off C'lnrko , D : nfi' I'owoll , ' . ' . lilt by pitched ball : C'lilldc. Tlmo of Ktiino : Two bnurK and thirty mill- ulM I'mplroji : ti wart \vnml nnd Wood. ( lullTH ) l\eei | Dropl'liiu. ' ItAI.TIMOUK , July O.-Thc Orlolcn batted inoro favorably tnduy nnd again dofonu-d tbu 1'lilllU-H. fcoru : UALTIAU 'ill- : . I'lllI.ADKM'IIIA u.ir.o.A.K.i im. O.A.I- : . Mi-lllllW , 3ll I U T ili-y. t-f. . II JJ 0 u Kwli'r , rf. 0 5 1 t ) > UKtfi ( . Hi ' 1 0 Jiain'ijii , tt , p 3 4 U1 lirvl- : | > . | { | Mi-Uium , II ) a 0 I U l.iiJoi' | , Srt. . 'J ' Hi'liuu. U. 1 1 4 0 u 1'lk'U. . . . t 1 llr.Mllf. i-f. . 1 1 ( 0u 0I n ilrl'url'd. c. fl S I j'l-imint. Jli 3 1 I u 1 SU. 1 u itulmuoii , c I J J 0 e Ciu , { t N iw . 0 0 0 1 0 I' nit. p 00 T . ' 7 IS ! I S 2 T.iiiilH . . . . | S 11 7 | llnttiinorn . o a 0 ,1 l o 0 0 7 I'blladvlpbta . 0001 1000 2 1 , .flVlv'll.ltaiie ? : Nenicml. Threo-baso hits : 1-Ilck , liobliiKnu. Suerlllro hit : nomont. Karned IIIIIH : llaltlmoro. 3 ; I'blladelpbla. 1. Jlncoi on balls : Off Hall. 3 ; off Noim , 2. Blruck nut : Hy Nop * . 2 : bv I'ialt. a Left Wi bust : * ; itulllmore , 7 , I'blludulpbla , 7. Tltnn of ( turnf : Tww hours. Umplrw : Oftft- ncy nd llrown. \ViiNliliiKtoti liiuiili il Cle rr One. AVAHIltNOTON. July . Timely hits by Andernnn nnd McOnlrc won todny Kti \VdithlnBton. . Attemlnncc , SW. Score : . . " I'lOM. i ItllOOKI.Y.V KHO..V.B. ' IIH.OA.K. , If. I J * II OlOHrtln. rf. . ) 1 9 II ( J Ommnn. rf n 1 1 8 nu.ijw . * . rf. . . . 1 I t o A Anrtrm'n , tl > 1 1 9 0 IJK im'c-c. if o i 2-0 JlrOulrf. r o 1 I 1 diTurh'ir. Hi . o l 13 j o Itflti , Jh. . . . 0 0 t i I Hnllman. ! 1 > n 1 2 2 ( ) Wirttnw , f. I 0 J 0 liShlndlP , Sl . " 0010 JlFJ-eM , Jli. 0 I 2 fl 0 Ma noon. . 0 1 ! 4 t nrl les' . ra. 0 1 S n 0 Smith , 3I > . . . n o 3 4 1 Kv n , ( > . . . . 1 I f < 2 iiMlllfr. p. . . . l i i ii n Tnti-l * . . . . I < 17 10 2 TnlHU . . . 2 < l SI 1:1 : 1 \VflshlnKton 0 I Urooklyn I 0 0 0 0 0 l o 0 2 Knrncd runs : \VashliiKton , a. Stolen bititeM : Jones , Anderson. Double plav : Avrl loy to Anderson. Hases on balls : rift Kvans , 2 ; oft Miller , . lilt by pitched ball : Khlndlo , Anderson , Miller. Struck out : Hy Kvans. 1 ; by Miller , 2. Wild pilch : Miller. Left on buses : Washington , 10 ; Urooklyn , S. Tlmo of game : Two hours , empires : Lynch and Andrews. Itl-OttllM < 'OIINO < l > Ill-Mini. IMTTSIItnm , July 5. Tlie scorn tolls tbo story of today's game. I'addnn and Hly did some fast work In thu Held , but notb- liiK sppclnlly brlllluiit took place. Attend ance , 1,1 uo. Score : ICnrned runs : IMttsburK. I. Sacrlllce hit : O'Hrlen. Stolen buses : O'Hrlen (2) ( ) , dray , Iloworimm. Double plays : O'Hrlen to How- I'rmnn ; Kly to Howrrninn ; Hly to I'adden. First bnse < in balls : Oft Ublnes , 4 ; off Car- I Hy. . X. lilt by pitched ball : fSrny , UhlnoH , Stenzel. Struck out : Hy I'nrsey , 1. Time of Kninu : One hour inl forty-two minutes. Umpires : Snyder and Connolly. STANDING UK THE TKAMS. IMuyi-il. Won. l st. 1'er C. Cincinnati K ) ifi ' \ rr.7 Uo.Httm Cij II 2o C2.1 Haltlmore ill : n 21 liO.n Clovelaml C3 3J 2i > CIO.O C'hlcsigo US HO 21 > 5T.I I'lttrflmrg ( M Ki 31 f > 3.0 New York fij : C S3I'J.2 Philadelphia. fit 27 51 -U.t : Brooklyn Kl 27 SB 12.U Washington m 27 . .WlO.'J St.v Louis " . .70 23 17 : .2.U Louisville BS 21 1G 32.1 Ouinus today : Doston at Urooklyn , Inlcrilntc I.IMIKIII * . GRAND HA1MDS , July 5.-Score : n.n.E. Grand IJaplds.O 0302210 2 10 13 0 Newcastle 0 00020000 2 41 HatterlCH ! Orutiil Itnplds , Hnrpur and Cote ; Newcastle. Smith anil Xlurain. KOIiT WAYNK , July 5. Score : U.1T.E. Fort Wayne . . . .0 0531000 0-U 81 SprlllKllrld 1 0001002 0 1 10 5 HattiTli's : Fort Wnyne , Allowny and Campbell ; Sprlnglleld , Wells uml Onilllus. 'r ' MiniHt'iivinN. . TECKMSK1I , Neb. , July fi. ( Special. ) Tieiiinsoli ; won from tbo Llnrolti Orlginnls In the ball game yesterday. The score was 7 to 1. Originals OOOOOlOfi 0-1 Tecumsuli * 7 llaoe hits : Orlslnals , 5 ; Teeumseh. 9. Struck out : Jlelforil , 4 ; Case , 5. Uiitlorlos : Urlglnalx. Molford and Hay ; Tccumseh , Case and UulTuin. I n ill a UN Win A mi In. CORNING , la. , July D.-Speclul Tele gram. ) The Nebraska Indians won their third Kame from Cre.ston loil.iy by a score of H to i > . HUOCKTON , Alass. , July 5. The Now ICiiKhind linso Ball li'UKUtwhich lias bail in unprotltable season to date , collapsed to day. OMAHA CIIICKKT CILII WINS AliAIX. Hi-Tent * Ilir 7.1iifi rli by II.-tier llu - ( liiKiinil MIIII-IIT | l-'li'ldlnn. The Xingarls ran up ugalnst the Umabus Jlonday nnd got worsted In tlie fray , as thu score will show. The KUIIIO was u close ono throughout , uml on a perfect wicket tlie bowlers bud a little thu best of It. Cameron , C. Young , Luwrle , Neulu siiul Harry btrllilliiK pluyt'd a line gume at tin- tiat lor tlK'lr sides , while IJoUKal , with tbu bu'l ' , carrleil oil' tlie bonors. The tleldlnt ; was good and nt limes brilliant , llelow are tne full .scores : OMAilA T BAM FIRST INNINGS. Slmnw , c urul b , G. Vuugluin . ( Taylor , b G. Yiiihan . ' U.ite , c and I ) Neale . Cameron , c Young , I ) Uuugal . ' . ; Urutcble , b Neule . 4 W. Vauglmn , b Uougnl . 1 Lawrif , run out . I ( J. Young , not out . ' 1'otter , l > Dougul . t . ' . It.irbcr , o Johnson , b Nealo . ' - Uwon , e and l > Oougiil . 5 New , b Uougal . 5 Total . tX. X1NGARI TUAJI F1KST INNINGS. Neale , b W. Vatiglian . 17 Turtlutd , b W. Vauglmn . 5 G. VaiiKhan , b Bute . U UuiiKal , b Hate . > . . . - l-'raiRls , b Ilate . I IteynolUs , b W. S'aughun . I u. btribilim , b W.iiuglmn . : Umitli.s ; , e Voun # , b riinim.s . b Hlrheliuu , b W. \ anglum . u Jolinsnii , L. Ii. W. , U Slmms . 1 U.onng , b li.ite . II. btrioung , nut out . < Total HOVLING ANAL id IS. Mr.st Innings : Overs. Runs. Wkts G. Saiighun . 5 II ! - IJuiiKias . 3 12 U Neulu . 12 M .1 IJougal . U 1U uraitna Kirst Innlnus : Overs. Runs. WKtu \V. Vaugliuii . . 10 -.i Unto . , . 11 7 bimms . 2 3 OMAHA THAM-SKCOND INNINGS. Slmms , b Uijugul . 'I iiyinr , nut out . Hate , I ) Dousul . 1 L'nmt-ron. dm not but . Uniunif , l > Uuimlus . U. \ nuBlnin , u rilribllnb" , b Uoiual . J.uwrle , u Uougal . J c' . VOUMK , b G. Vauglmn . Ii 1 'utter , t ) UoiiKlas . Hurbur , v Neale , b Duuglas . Owen , c Strlbllnu. b Duugal . New , U Uotinnl . KxtniH . Total . t xiNGAiii TIAM-SKCOND INNINGS. Neale , r Harbor , b Luwrlt ) . Turnout , b Lawrio . G. \ tiub'bnii , e Harbcr , b W. VaiiKlian. . . i Uoiifa'al , run out . ' i''r.\ncis , e HroU'lile , b l.awrle . Itt-ynulus , did nol but . vStrlbiiii ! , ' , b Hate . iJiiuclus , nut out . UU'liolk'ii , did not Imt . 0 Julnisiiu , did not b.it . 0 It , YouiiK. u llrntc'lilo , b Huto . 1 11. Strimiiii- SlmmH . , . 13 Kxlrus . 7 Total . 55 HOWLING ANALYSIS. Uinallil Seiond liming : Overs. Runs. Wkts. W. Vuuglmn . . . . . . > ! lu 1 IJato . 2 G 'J u.mms . , , . 7 15 1 Lawrli * . . . . . & 17 3 InnhiK : Overs. Runs. Wkt3. n. VnuKhuii . U 7 1 UoUKhlH . 4 12 U Neal"7 " 12 0 Dougal . 17 2 * ( i KM-in.i.i T SHOTS AMI : uiciitiii ) , 'I'oiirniiiin'iil ill .Ni > \ Vorti llovi-lnpx S iin < - ( iixtil Shoollltu. NICW YORK. July 5. Kxci-ptloiially line went her favoivd the inarkxineii and vis itors who gathered m lilend.ile park today to tulii' pnrt In tile Hbuntlny tournament nnd festival of thu National Hharpt-liooiers' assoi'lallon. SDIIIO i\rellont shotH wern rei-utik'd this afienioiiii. the best Hcore bt-lnif iniuln by J. Jti'bbam uf the Jersey lllilu ulub. Out of n poxiillili ) IW , in live KhntH nt thu mill ) target Reblmm made ninvty-i > lglu. and Ibis Is nut likely to beaten during the week. A. S. Hills , jr. , and Jacob Stub ) of Mart- lord , t'olin. , scored sexly-svven and slxty- hlx reapt'otfiilly at thu lioaor target. II. -\f. Pope , Ifartf.ird , C'onn. ; F , C. ROM , Itrooklyu , and illrhaol Dorler , It.iyonne. N. J. . luivo each scored suviwty-two out of n ppsxIbUi soveiity-llvo on tlie ( Ionium ring turuot. D. W. Mcil.aushlln of San I''rancUct > lends with forty-six points out of llfty at tbo Standard Amerlcun target. Tbo nhootliic , which bcvun ut 9 o'clock , J curried on without Interruption fx < ept mi hour's reoesw for luncheon until 7 o'clock tonight. The majority of con testants iNed smokelesn powder , which pprinlttitl the men lo follow ench other In rrtulil uccefllon. ' , The following won fcold modnl * nt point I larnet. with a wore of 15u : J. U. les ! , I. , i Kmlrew. II. H. lUioknttcr , Georso Durst , Mnt ( llnilnle. H. Meyer , U Hollander , Fred Facoinoro , L hosier roomlis. Kdwurtl S. 1'lllard and 9. Truiinstlne. HVH.NTS O.V 'IIIF. IttNMMi TltACKS. Artli11 n IT j- . ( InIliir t * Oiviier , nnil I UN TrnlliiT An- Hilled OIT. ' CINCINNATI , July 5 , Aitlo Duffy , the Cincinnati horse owner , pool room manager and | Hlltlclati , together with bis trainer , C. II. bit-bold , and W. U. Cluircber , nn elec trician , wore ruled off the turf today by the Judges at the Latonla track. The charge against the three men was that they tried to make Jockey Aker use an t'lettric saddle on several burses belonging to dtflcrent owners at the Latonla mooting. Aker was under contract to Duffy and asked to hnvu his contract with him an nulled , which led to tlie Investigation , with the result stated. Duny did not appear to defend himself and the Judges took tnlH as conclusive evidence thill be was guilty of the charge. His homes. Tuition and Mike Mullen , are also barred from the American Turf congress tracks by today's decision. Jockey Aker was exonerated from any wrong doing In the ease. The sport today was rather tame and only n fair attendance wan seen. The weather WHO line and the track fust. Re sults : First race , one mile , selling : Tin Craft won , Hen Walker second , Van Loglu third. Time : 1:43 : ? ; . Second race was declared off. Third race , one mlle and llfty yards , sell- Inis : Donation won. Klslna second. Pares third. Time : lli : ! . Fourth race , six furlongs : Azcunn won , Purity second , McAllister third. Time : ll : ! > ' , l. Fifth race , live furlongs : Scbnnkon won , Oneltn soeiiinl. Duplicate third. Time : I:03Vi. : Sixth race , ono mile , selling : La Grange von. Vlrglo O second , Provolo third. Time : : I2 4. Seventh race , one mile , selling : Lord Frn- or won , JlcCleury second , Arcturlus third. Time. : lMi > > i. ST. LOCIS , July n. The races were de- nycil on hour at tbu fair grounds this ifturnoon on account of tbo tire In the tables and several horses that had been timed loose were withdrawn. Four favor- les won. The track was fast and the veather pleasant. Results : First race , six furlongs : Night Gown won , -Ivudla second , Nora. S third. Time1:15 : ? ; . Second nice , for maiden 2-year-ohl llllles , four and one-half furlong : Good Hope von , Celluloid second. Lady Memphis third. Time : Oiofi . Third race , selling , seven nnd one-half filrlonus : Pnrthemny won , Ac iulnas second , Mariiliiln third. Time : 1:36. : Fourth race , selling , one mile nnd seventy yards : Linda won , David 111 second , Sler- rolla third. Time : I- : ! ) ! ? ' , . Fifth race , sellliiM : , six and one-half fur- : OIIK.S : Loving Cup won. Belle Warde sec- mil , St. Augustine third. Time : l:2IVj. : Sixth race , selling , six and one-half fur- OIIKS : Siddubla won , Randuzzii second , Lady Cnllahan third. Time : 1:22 : % . BUFFALO , N. Y. . July 5.-Ilolldiiy re action bad the usual effect on the tittoml- mee at Furl Urle toda > and the crowd was Hiimll. Results : First race , three-iiuiirters of a mlle : Horace ace won , South Africa second , Dave S third. Time : 1:11. Second race , four nnd one-half furlongs : Hen Viking won , Sir Clsslmlr second , Con travene third. Time : 0Sii'i. : Third nice , seven-eighths of n mile : Jla- aomm won , JmlKo untgley second , Fossy F third. Time : 1:2X1' : . Fourth nicj' , eleven-sixteenths of a mile , 2-J ear-old llllles : Semper Madonna won , .lean Inyelow second , Fnlella third. Time : lt'Sa' : , . Fifth race , one mile , 2-year-olds and up ward : Marltn won. Flylni ; Dutrhmail sec ond. Headlight third. Time : 1:11 : , . CHICAGO , July 5. Three favorites and Ihroo si'cond cludcos llnlsbod In front at Wnshlngton park today. Results : First rnco , seven nnd one-half furlongs : Ynbndam won , Cutler sccnnd , Frlskal third Time : l:3V : i. Si'cond race. 11v furlongs : Cannce won , Muzlo second , Tlpton third. Time : 1:01. : Third race , one and ono-bulf furloiiKs : Imp won. The Devil second , The Roman third. Time : 1:16. : Fourth race , put-so , one nnd a quartet miles : Alvnnido won , Forte second , Joe Shelby third. Time : 2:06. Fifth race. purs < > , six furlongs nnd llfty- llve yards : Hen lladad won , Fonsu second Jlury Hlack third. Tlnn > : 1:1H'/ ' , . Sixth race , live ftirlnnss : Cambrian won Gold Fox second. Facade third. Time : 1:01 : KIIOCN : it Imvii ( ' ! ( > IOWA CITY , la. , July S. ( Special Telo- Brnm. ) At the Loiigno of American Wheel men meet thiH mnrnliiK the following nom limtlons were made to be voted ion by mall ballot : Chief consul , A. C. Miller , DCS Molnes : vloe consul , Dr. C. It. Wbelpley , Cedar Rapid * ; secrHary-treiisurer , H. A. Sherman , Cedar Hnpids. The llnal races were held this afternoon , resulting as follows : Half mile championship : F. C. Sloven. , Ottumwa , won : J. H. Urockrnan , Central City , second ; Q. B. Fagorol , Des Molnes , third. Time : 1:19. : Mlle , professional : B. n. Ulrd. St. I'aul , won ; Charles llofor , St. I'aul , ser-oml ; Hurry K. While , Cedar Haplds , third. Time : Two-mile amateur championship : F. Flllp , Cedar Hnpids , won : C. Joy , Oskaloosa. second end ; F. C. Stevens , Oltiimwa , third. Time : 5:32. : 5:32.Mile Mile , amateur , 2x ; ) class : Hugh Jncksnn , f'i'dailinplds , won ; J. II. Hrooktniin , Cen tral Cltv , second : O. F. Peterson , Clinton , third. Tlmo : 2.tS : 2-5. Three-mile handicap , professional : rimrles llofor , St. I'aul ( scratch ) , won : H. H. Illrd , St. T.-iul ( scratch ) , second ; II. ( ' . . White , C'odnr Rapids ( fifty yards ) , third. Time : Throe-mile handicap , amateur : Karl It. IlolHon. Town City ( twenty yards ) , won ; K , A. IToouor , Des Molnes (150 yards ) , second ; H. C. Johnson , Lemurs (150 yards ) , ihtrd. Time : S:3 : ! ) 1-5. F. Flllp ( scratch ) , llrst mlle In 2:2.1. : Two miles , tandem : O. F. Ford stud J. TI. Hrookman , Central City , won ; Hurl U. Hoi- son and Rtiftis Choate , lowu C'lty , socond. Tlmo : 5:11 : 2-5. Five-mile amateur : R. A. Hooper. Dos Molnes. won : F. S. Pimonbtirg. Ilookford , Hocond ; C. Joy , Oskaloosa , llilrd. Time : 13:41. Oiiinlin CUM duli'M Seoi-i' . Tbo Ornnlni Onn c-lnb had a nlco little celebration of the Fourth of July out at Us Rtoundi ! ncross ihe river yoslorday. From I 10 o'clock In Ihe morning until way after supper time the guns were crac-klnir nnd t wbon the nfl'ray with over n conplo of Hum- | sis ml shells and n couple of hundred blr-ls luul boon iimiiHhed. There wore plenly of events on llio cards. Tbo majority of Diem consisted of Hweep- htakes , nltbotigli there wore also several tenm shoots. Two or three live bird events \\rra also pulled olT. Tbo bt-st ivsiiltH at Iho tnrgels were us follows , llfteen birds to Ihj ; man : llnllowull 11111 11111 11111-1 Looinls ' 11111 liilll lilll-l Purmeleo 11111 11111 11111-1 Holnrleli 11101 11111 11111-1 Kdwards 11101 11101 neil I Selirooder 11111 11111 11111 1 Welch 11111 OiJIfll 11111-1 Hnioker 11111 11111 11111-1 Pllmmer lllll mil 11111-1 Spleco , , . , Iliol lllll iKill l West lllll lion 11111-1 Kwlng 01011 mill ijuuo Kimball 11111 11111 11110-1 Fogg 01111 lllll 01110 1 Townscml lllll lllll loon- ] Johnson iioio 00110 oipv ) Watt 11110 mm lllll-l Curtis 10111 10101 11111-1 Ilardln 01011 IIO-N ) mm Ntvons 01011 llou ) loiHU Hrooks ooooi oiono onuo ; Junes UlUOi ) 00101 11)01 ) Jlaltorf 11101 O'jin ' oioio During tbo afternoon there were a con slderablo number of "freak" affairs. Fo example. Frank Parmeloo , rl lit-liunded Bbot Frank Fogg , left-handed , at tbo trap and lhe.ro was u variety of other ovcnts < > the same order. All around the sliuuUT spent an enjoyable day. Pllliibnry % "lnn Aiiiilher. VIKNNA. July 5. In tbo Iwenty-fourt round of tbo ( hosti masters' Intcrnatlnnn tournament played today Marco and Ala pin won their ginnos with Showalu-r and Cam ; J'lllsbnry boat Marorzy ; Llpko and Tnrraiich drew ; Trenchanl lout to Burn ; Thchi orln and Sehlechtcr drew ; SU Initz and Hlackburne , Halprln nnd Junuwskl ami Halrd and Wulhrodt had to adjourn their nnmos a second lime. Stelnltz nnd llalniln llnvu the bolter trnines , but the Halrd-Wal- brodt game stands pretty nearly even. Summer Race MoclliiKx. HARTFORD. Conn. . July 5.-The railiig nt Chiirlor Oak park today was character ised by good llnlHhos and close conlosts. Kitlty. | driven by Goers , made bis llrst rnc and bis first mark , 2:12'i. : In tbo 2lii : trot. Tbi * 2:13 : trot was tbo event of the day. GoorKlana. plokod as a winner , was do- foutoil by Al Rich , the hitter winning throe of the * dx beats. Results : 2:1S trot , puruo J1.500 : Kiiuliy won In three Btralaht befits. Time : 2:17 : % . 2H'.i : , 2:15H. : 2 : ) pace , purse $1.100 : Lady of the Manor voii ttecond , fourth and llflli liu.iis and the rnce. Tlnir : M1M. SJ1H. Ml" " * . Arlington won firm and tliir/honis. Time : 2ltl : > . 3 13 trnt. purse JI.V * ) : Al Illeli won fourth , fifth nnd sixth liifitsn < l the rnoiv Time : 2:1DH : , il IB , : .I3. ( JporRlntm won -irrottd nnd ( bird heats. TltnC"raiV4. 2lJi4. : IMItift won tliillr.it bent. Tllne : J:11H. intKuis noiu T eiily-ilitli : IleeorilH Are Ilroken lit n rriilrl > . .1lllc llnee. TIlIl.AnKM'lllA , July S.-l'wenty-ol bt new world's rooifi'clq/.vere c tnb'lshed ' lo- night In the thlrtij.mtlo inntcli lacr at Wil low drove between Tom Union and Kdu- ourd Tnylore , and -n 'n ilMtl-iiil.'liliiK fen- turo of tbo nlRht tlia little KnJiu-hiimn mc- ccrded In lowering 't'hVi roco.l l for otif hour , iillhoiiKh be was dofealeil by Union In tbo innlcb race. The tiM-e was postjion-vl from yesterday nnd from tbo time the ( ilwtol cnnki-d they followed their pacers without Inning them once. Tuyloro got llrsl away nnd muile llio llrst mile In 1:40 : 3-B. At tbo second the record beunn to ipTnylore still leiulltlK. Ho fell behind the record In the third , but lopped It In the fourth , and from there on all i co ords were lowered. l.lnton was In front up to the eighth. Tny- lore then went ahead up to the twenty- third , when the \Vi-lohinan moved to tbo front to tbo end , -winning ; the mulch race In r.1:10. : Tbo performance of the men bad boon so remarkable lh.it tbo nlllrluls urged them oth to RO ahead for the hour's record. Tom ailed to underHlnlid tbo urging , but the Ittlo Frenchman kept culling on his pacers o speed faster , nnd wbon tbo first hour vn s roaebcd he had covered n distance of blrty-tbree miles and BCD yards. The best irevlntis record was thirty-two miles and ,76S yards , made by Slocks In London. Slmrliey INNIICM n dm ll.-nue. NHW YORK. July 5. When Tom SImrkoy nmiulslied Otis Uubllng last Wednewlny Igtit nt I'oney Island in less than a round le hysterically Khouteil from the ring that 10 would moot 1'Mtzslmtnons. Coibett or Icl'oy. Tonight the sailor , through his new nanager , Tom O'ltourko. Issued a challenge o any heavyweight In the world. Kid JU-- 'oy proferred. to box twenty or more omuls for J20.000 n side before tbo club the best Inducements. PUTS UP THE PmCEOF TWINE llockiiile of liinlln ivieonlv | < - fur rnriuers AVbo Have Crnlu tu IMn.l. NEW YORK , July 5. The World saya : Admiral Dewey's blockade of the Philip pines threatens to create a cordage dearth hrougbout Ihe civilized world. H has lonblcd the price of Manila rope and twine n this country , and , by doubling the value of Manila hemp , has made fortunes for man- ifnclnrers who had large stocks In reserve. The John Good Cordage and Machine com- lany , which was forced Into the bauds of a receiver several months ago , was among the concerns which held a reserve stock of the icinp , and steps are being taken _ to rcorgan- ze the company on a solid iliinnclnl basis. John Rood , ot Cordage fame , discussed the situation at the machine works , Park and Washington avenues , Urooklyn. "It will require , " be said , "abottl ir.0,000.000 pounds of Manila twine to bind this . year's wheat crop n Iho United States. From the closest estimates we can make we II ml the present supply of Manila hemp , outside the Phlllp- pine Islands , will lie , exhausted In tlnoe months. As considerable time is required l ( transport the hemp from Manila to this country , wo will have to arrange matters 30011 , or the cordage iianufacturers | will flni : themselves without any raw material. In that event the gr.cat Western wheat farms would soon have no binding material to use on their reapers and might be forced buck to the old-fasblm.cii method of bindlnf , their sheaves with straw. This would bo i tremendous task in the fields , which cover mllt-s upon miles'of territory , and may re sult In the loss of much of the grain throng ! the exposure to the weather. Sisal twine the material for wlilcli comes from Mexico might b substituted In the rcjlpers for tin Manila , but the supply of that In limllei iind would certainly not be sulllclenl to nice tbo demand. "You may gain some Idea of the Immensltj of the demand when I tell you that the 150,000,000 pounds of twine icqulred this year by the farmers would contain ! )0,000- ) 000.000 lineal feet and would cost them about $18,000,000. Since the war began the price of Manila hemp has run up from 1 to 8 % cents a pound. I think It Is selling at 8 cents today. English merchants , through their local agents , are offering it for sale here at the market price , but will not guar antee Its delivery at any specified time. " DEATH RECORD. IC.lHor I ) . \ . IllelinrilNOii. DAVKN'POUT , la. . July S. Mr. D. N. Richardson , editor of the Democrat , died at Groton , VI. , last night. He had been la poor hoallh for several years. Mr. Hlchard- son was ono of the old settlers of Daven port and was well known thoiiKhout the west , having been at one time president of the Northwest I'rcss association. lie wan- nil oxleiiBlvo traveler , had published a bonk about bis journeys nnd hail some reputation as a llteratetir. Ho wa an ardent democrat and conspicnotiH In politics. It Is under stood the body will be brought hero for burial. Son oT Sci-reln ry CarllNle. NRW YORK. July 5. William K. Carlisle died today at tbo homo of his father , John ( J. Carlisle , ex-secretary of the treasury. Mr. Carlisle lias been a resident of Now York about six months. He came to this clly lo assume tbo practice of bis brother. Logan , who dlod recently. IIo had practiced In Kentucky , Kansas and Chicago courts. Ciuitiilli MlKlli.MV M be mi ii n. SAN' DIKOO. Cal. , July fi. Cnptnln Mat thew Sherman , a noted naval vo.tc.rnn and ex-inlnor of San Diego , died here today of ptTiilysls. DEATH LIST REACHES EIGHT Aniillier Vlellin nl' I In- CIIIHnn | | of tinH.xoiirNliiii SI ell in e i- Surf City , ' UKVKRI.Y , Mass. , July . The death of Mrs. Samuel Kmifrson of N'orlh Oevorly , which occurred todny , brings the list of known fatalities rHfuJjLlng from the founder ing of the oxcurslpii ! steamer Surf City In thin harbor. In tin ) t > ( | iinll last evening , up to eight. The vlcljlroti wore : Mrs. Samuel Uinerton of NorlhJeyerly | , } ; Miss Cntharlno Wubbor of HeverlyJphn ; , Keniioy , 3-year- ' old Eon of John Kcu'noy of ricverly ; Nclllo Cressuy , et-hool tonhpr ( : , daughter of Joseph II. Crussey of Hevqrly ; Llz lo Irene Conant , aged 1C , and Herbert Haymond Conant , aied 5. clilldrvn ofr Iorbcrt C. Conant of Uanvers ; ( Jraco K.Sicl | | | of North Hoverly ; Maria Hello \ig.in. I . BUSINESSJROUBLES. I'm lire MM ipiiiriieliirei-N , NH\V YORK , July , p. Plegg , Wright & Co. , manufacturers of umbrellas , made nn assignment today. Liabilities and asaets about Sluo.oco each. Ruinous competition Is given as the cause. Hold | n I'liNNriiKer Train , RICO , Colo. , July 5. Tl'O Rio Oramlo Southern trnln was held up at Stony Cieolf. twenty m'los nust nf llleo , nt IMTj o'clock tbu mornliiK by thtcu im.-n supposed to bo Mexicans. The train crew was 'plucod under Kuard. afa-r - wlilcli luo rolibr went through the cars , rcllovlny ibo passcngorH of about $ ECO. They were evidently ama teurs and got but n small part of the money on the train. The -jjcpreEs and mall cars were unmolested. tilH-ole MiivomonlH nt \iv York. Ni\\ : YORK , July 6. Tin exports of spg. do for the week weiu : ( Jold , $5.7a6 ; silver , ? 'J32.y90. The linporta for the wrck wt'ro : Oold , y.73l ; vllvil , I'Jfl.SeC. The Imports of dry goods for tbo week wore $1.132,11' , ' and of general merchandise JGSS1CW. CANDIDATES COMING OUT Black Hills Will Out en Important Figure in Republican Convention , SURE OF CARRYING STATE THIS YEAR Mlnt 1 1 it rni o ii y In tinI'nulon Hunk * .Nel f lier OeimioralM or t * * | tu- MilItoiiltt , I'lr.UHE. S. ! > . . July S.-Spcclal ( Tele- grain. ) As the date for the republican state conxontlon draws nearer the candidates who will go before the convention are becoming nero numerous. Hut as yet the situation remains different from last campaign , when t \vns possible to forecast almost certainly who the nominees would be several months In advance of thu convention. This year the ticket will be largely made up within the few hours before tbo opening of the convention , but will at the same time be con trolled to an extent by the results of the conventions of several counties In the state. The contest In Lawrence county may go a IOUK way In outlining a part of the ticket. In the contest for the delegation from that county Kirk 0. Phillips , as a candidate for governor , will be made one of If not the strongest man before the convention , while the same county with a delegation In favor | of Van Clso for congress would make him i the most probable man on the ticket from I the Dlack Hills section. On the position ' taken by tbo Hills a large part of the rest of the ticket will piobably hinge. There i Is n strong and growing feeling among the I republicans that tbo state will bo relieved \ from populism this year and the candidates feel that a nomination will be equivalent to an election. The most Important question as to the opposition Is la tbo question so frequently j asked , "How perfect and satisfactory was , the fusion consummated ? " So far as the j surface Indications went all was harmonious. ! ' Hut was It so under the surfact ? With the state as close as It was In the last j election there are straws which , small In j appearance , bode no good for the fusion ticket. First In that line , while a number of "tnid-roaders" were there and one of their number was given a place on the ticket. It Is ominous that the old time lead ers of populism saw the handwriting on the wall and after warning the new populist party of the result of the action which waste to be taken , they stayed at home and , as one of them expressed It , allowed the new men to "work out their own rnln , " and as another states In a warning letter : "Wo knifed a mongrel -judicial ticket last fall ami wo can do the samp thing again. " Then the democrats are not standing s.olldly behind the action of that convention. True , they secured a large share of the piomlneiH ofilces. but the speech of Chair man Temple , which was so strongly popu- listlc that ho was called to the populist con vention Itself to repeal II. was a bitter dose to hundreds of democrats over the state and many of them who arc opposed to see ! ing thu democratic party wiped out of the state , take the position that if It must go ; down they would prefer to see it left in tbo hands of the republicans tluin j the populists. They showed the power of their disaffection In ( he judicial elections of last year and , while their numbers may not bo great , they at that election swung the state from closely populist to strongly republican and they have It in their power to the same thing again. Besides these the element of republicans who were carried away by the free silver wave two years ago must be considered , and the three combined elements are enough to easily swing a state over which was only half carried two years ago , with all these elements working for poptilistlc success , while they are now working against It. Crop * liuliT WntIT. YANKTON , S. D. . July 5. ( Special. ) The high water In the Missouri river has caused an overflow of the bottom land cast of the great ditch , which was made by the high water In the Jim river of last spring , about six miles east of Yankton , and 100 acres of growing crops on several farms are partially under water and will 1m a total lo s. Wheat and rye fields have sult'cred most , and the damage will reach several thousand dollars. UiHMvlvM Arrives ll in < > . DI3ADWOOD , S. D. , July li. ( Special Tel egram. ) Congressman Knowlcs arrived from Washington today. He states the ad journment of congress only awaits the action of the senate In the Hawaiian resolution , which Mr. Knowlrs thinks will pass by .two-thirds majority. Mr. Know-led will re main In the hills some time looking after bis re-election for congress. Alileriuiiii OrliNiirr DlxmisHi-il. CHAMIiKRLAIN , S. J ) . , July .1. ( Spe cial. ) Judge Smith has dismissed the in dictment against Alderman Rdward Ochaner of Kimball. Ocbsner was charged with having been , contrary to state statutes. In partnership with the artesian well con tractors who recently sunk a well under contract for the town of Klmbnll. I'lERIlB. S. I ) . . July r-Speclal ( Tolo- gram. ) U. H. I'romifoot , manager of tin- Locke hotel In this city , while intending the races at Fort I'lurro today , was thrown from a carriage by Its helm ; overturned and had his loft thigh broken , besides being badly bruised. The other members of t party were uninjured. Smith Diiliiila .VIMVN .Viitex , Aberdeen told $12.000 of school bonds at a uranium of I'cento. . Tbu d.aal for the consollilatlon of tlie Deadwood - wood smelter and the ( iolden Huwnrd Rhlojl- natlon plants In the Dlack Hills. Is otf. Governor Leo lias added the names of W T. La Kolletio and W. A. Tompklns to the list of delegates to the International mining convention , to be held In Salt Lake. Dr. Dice Mcl.aien , a professor of the South Dakotn Agricultural college at DnmkltiKS , recently asked for a relaase from tbq rn. gents of education , but H was decided that he should bo kept. Sioux Kails baa again been honored. This time In the election of II. C. Sessions ( o the position of supreme master workman of the Ancient Order of United Workmen of the United States and Canada. The Slonx Falls lire dopartmunt's portion of thu per cent tux levied upon the gross premium receipts of the Insurance compa nies doing business In South Dakota will foot up about J8CO this year. Articles of incorporation hnvo been fllcd for th-9 Lostervillr-Tabor Creamery company nt LcHtorvllliYankton coiinly. with a i-np- Ital of1,500. . Intorpnratord , Christian Il.il- inann. Joseph Koppel , John Janda. HJwurd Friedcl. FIRST MAN IN FROM KLONDIKE Kill mute of Onlil ( hitiiiit from ftlilt- ( > ( ) I , OIM > ( ii XIO.IMIO.Ilim UUcr Illulti-r Tlinn K cr KIIIMVII , VANmrVKR , n. CT , July -The first tlMnur to arrive from St. Michaels with * old dii t and news from O.iwson direct Is the tug New KtiRl.ind. This bo.U looked In nt Nannlnio on July 3 , on Its w.iy to Seattle from the Yukon river , and O. H. St. Unvla took the opportunity to | > oM to Vancouver some Interesting n.irtlculnrs at tht > state of afl'.ilrs In the Klondike region nnd on the great gold river Yukon Itself. Ho s.iys : "The tug left Seattle on May 23 for St. Michaels with two river boats In tow. On I June IS. we ran Into thick lee In Horlng sa. . I but It did no damage to the ve.ijeln nnd tns. j We were nt St. Michael on June 21. nnd I found several sailing voxels anchored and ! discharged there.Ve left St. Mlrhicls on I Juno 26. The New England was the first steamer to arrive nt St. Michaels , where i several stern wherl bo.Us are being built for i the Yukon river traillo. At Dutch harbor , ; which was reached June 2fi. there are a ' great many river boals building for the ! Yukon trade. The Yukon river opened at j Daw-ton on May S. A parly of eighteen men i left D.nvson on June 1 and reached St. j Michaels on Juno 21 , a distance of 2.100 i miles. The Yukon In eight feet higher than ' ever known. Dawjon Is Hooded. | "There Is a great deal of sloknevt In I Dawson. the death rate being three to four dally. Typhoid , pneumonia and scurvy are the prevailing ailments. "The hospital and church at U.iw&on were burned down , Juno 11. "U wns reported that there are 10.000 claims recorded and only about Mi ) are on n paying basis. It la estimated thai from J20.ooo.00rt to S 10.000.000 will come oul of ihe country this spring. A good pan of this will bo composed of last year's output. Otitcomlng miners say that new miners w III have to go lo entirely new ground for dig gings. "At Fort Yukon on Juno ! ) . there were twenty-three hours , fifteen minutes of sun. On account of high water the river steamers wore driven high nnd dry on the banks of the Yukon. The Margaret Holla , Woare and Victoria were high and dry at Circle City , about -100 yeards from Ihe water. Tbo steamer Seattle , which loft last fall for Dawson - son with eighty passengers , Is high and dry , fifteen miles nbovo Circle City. The ( iovornor Ptoneham. with li0 ! passengers , U on a b.ir at Fort Yukon. "Many claims are obtainable for $20. The poll tax at Dawpnn 13 $15 ; dog tax , $5 , and minors' licenses cost $10. "All sick people will have the llrst chanci * to come down on the llrst bout for SI. Michaels. At Comox. the passengers of the New England , presented Captain Joyce with a large gold nugget , from Klondike. " FIRE RECORD. Tun uf DIIIIMIIInIril. . SArilAMI-JNTO. July 5. A special to The Hoe says the town of Uunsmuir , In Siski ou county oa the line of the California l'e- Ken railway , was almost swept out of oxl < : - ence by lire dut-iiiK the early hours lol.iy. The lire started In the Arlington house and in an Incredibly short apace or time two blocks of the business portion of the lonn were ablaze. The railroad library , section house , together with the two' buaine-iH blocks and private residences were de- stroyed. AiljiiNllnn vi ) ulMlln IM'H | lii-icM tiiieOH. ST. JOHNS , N. F. . July 5. Sir Janus F. Winter , the premier , and Receiver CTotieral ! Morine , the colonial delegates to London , j wire that prospects are favorable for a sal- i Isfactory conclusion of the ncKolliitlons for | a royal commlsaion. Joseph Chamberlain , I secretary of state for the colonies , concede- * llio riKlH of Newfoundland to insist upon a , revision of French claims upon the west | co.ist of the Island and upon onforcltiK a strict observance by the I-'rench of Ihclr treaty nKreomunts. Mr. Chamberlain also agrees that Newfoundland Is entitled to membership on the commission appointed to adjust the differences between the I'nlted States and Canada. The llrltlsb govern ment will Insist upon the presence of n ISrltlsh consul at St. Pierre. "ripple Creek Colil. COLORADO SPRINGS , Colo. . July 5. ( Special. ) The Cripple Creek gold camp Is rapidly IncrcnslnR its gold output , as Is shown by the record made for the llrst half of the present year. For ihe six months endlai ; July 1 the sold production for the district amounted to $7,200,000. The month of June has a record this year of $ I00,000. beiiiR the best monthly showing in the his tory of the camp. In the face of this evor- IncreasliiK production the ore reserves of the bcvoral big mines' are hccomliiK greater - \ number of mines are holding In reserve their richest ore bodies. Arn-Hl IteNiillH In ti 'rrild ) . ST. LOUIS , July 5. A special to tlie I'osl- Dispatch from I'lttsllcld , 111. , says that bo- causu of n BhootliiK at Hulls , tl'ii county , business In almost at a standstill and the exclteniflnt intense. City Marshal ( jeoi-RC DotiKlns , who had been ordered o arrest Henry Lnndruin , shot and killed the latter wbon he resisted. In opposing the mariihnl Lnndrum lircd several Bbots. Iwo ofvblh wounded iiioinbcr.s of the city council , one of these wns hit in Iho IOK. while the other , .lamest IIIiiHou , r-ci-ivoil a shot In the boelH. . lh , will die. Fenri'N IIIN ! C'tiiiu1 Uitivii. LAUAMIK , Wyo. , July D. ( Special.--It ) l reported thnt rnnchmcn and aiouk raisers have fenced In largo arena of the public domain , to which they have no title , and u decision of the territorial supreme couil of Wyoming , which upheld this practice having been reversed by tbo United States circuit court , the land dc.mrlmcnt | has ruled IhM the fern-en already illi Rally erected miihi como iov.n. ! A great many raiu-luiK-n In ibis vicinity are afttL-ted by llio order. ( liluaiiiiiii In a Sail KBYVI5ST. . Flu. . July D. flaplaln Haun- dors of the Huhoonor Dellye , which arrived this morning from union's Kev , reports that a Chlnumnn , half dond from starvation and exposure , drifted on the bt > acb In a small canoe from the Cuban coast. Ho had two machetes and a bug of coal In the car.no IIo said bo wns a charcoal burner from I he north coast of Culm , and owing to the scarcity of food there ho had decided to try to reach thin place. MovoineiilN of Ooenii Vexxoln. .Inly ft , At New York Arrived Spaarndan , from Rotterdam ; Mobile , trom London : Ki naliiK- ton from Antwerp ; ArUonn from Stettin. Sailed ( JeorKlc , for Liverpool ; Servlu , for Liverpool ; Kaiser Wlllielm dcr Orobse , for Bremen : La Campalgne. for Antwerp. At Southampton Arrived Phonier , from ! New York. At lln-iui nArrhod Hi-omen , from Now York. At MarseillesArrived - California , from I New York Arc holler than liand-wwerl Bhoo.s but co. t lo. s. Men , wonitni and fliildrnn wear them. All kinds are made ; all dealers sell them. UUOWK.YIISIIUK MAOUINKUY uo. , Annufll Salnn over ( J,000 OOO flotn * BILIOUS AND NKRVOU3 DlSORDnitn Ptii'h aWlml mnl IMInln thn Plomndi. ( llilillnoM , I'tiltics * aflor inenN , Ili-.iil- nohe. Dbv I ness. lrow.IUBas. ) I'lu-'liltnts of lloat , IJOM of Appetlto. CoillvonrKi. lllolchea on Iho Skm. 0 < > lil Chlllrt. DM- turbod Sloop. Fru.'htfiil Dreams anil nil Nervous nnd Troiiililini ; S iiRntlon ! THE IIRST DOSE WILL GIVE REL1E1 ? IN TWENTY MINUTES. Kvory sultorc * will acknowlcilKo them to l > o A WONDERFUL MEDICINE , iiur.ru.ur.s IMI.US. taken o cd , will < itileklrro toro 1'onmles to com * pletn health. They promptly romovci tnicllonsorlrro ulnrltlos of the sya tern nnil ruru Mck llcnitiu-bo. 1'urn Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN , WOMEN OR CHILDREN Boochnm's Pills nro Without a Rival Anil li vi > | lii > LARGEST SALE of mi ) Pat enl Metllcltio In Ibc IVorlil. 25 < ? r.t nil Drtiu Stores , PAIN CURED IN AN NSTANT ! For headache ( whether sick or nervous ) , toothache , neuralgia , rheumatism , lumbago , pains ami weakness In the back , snlno OP kidneys , pains around Iho liver , pleurisy , swelling of the joints and pains of all kinds , the application of Rndwny's Ready Relief will afford Immedluto ease , and lt ; continued use for u few dnys effect u per manent euro. euro.A A tTItU FOR AM , Summer Complaints. A half to n teaspoonful of Ready Relief In a half tumbler of water , repented as of ten as the illschnrKcs continue , and a llan- nel saturated with Ready Relief placed over the stomach and bowels will afford Immediate Relief and sion effect a cure Internally-A half lo n tcaspoonful In half a tumbler of water-will In a few min utes cure Cramps , Spasms. SumHtnmaih , Nausea , Vomiting , Heartburn. Nervous ness , Sick Headache , Flntiileney and all Internal pains. Miiliirhi In lt. < < VIII-IOIIM KoriiiN Ciireit anil l'reeiiteil. . Ti-lee . > le ) per bill tlo.Solil by tlrii KUlH 1)11. 11 \I\V DA CO. , r. , " . l < : im Street. Ne v Yorli. A SPECIAX.T1T. jPrlmary , Second try or TcrlUry OLOOO I'OIHON pcrmanrnHy Cured in 15 to 35 Days. You can b 11 ruled at honfor itm * price und > r > m B'l.ir.inty. ' If you priftr to come here * c will contract lo p.iy mil- roac ] fare and lioltl bl''a. nn-J no chttfm U w fall to cure. IS1 YOU HAVE taken mercury , lodldo potarh and etlll have aci ) B unil i > iitn . Mueou * Pilcliei In mouth. Sore Tin cut , V'lmplo , Cupper < -'ol- orri ) Brcts , Ulccl'H on uny Part or lh * b < xly , JI lr or > ! j'abnv * falllns oul. II Ii this Bfcondnry nn We Guarantee to Curs W * solicit the mcst obstinate OA M and challenge the woilj tot a cnmi we cannel ctir * . Tills dlirur hoj alwnyi b fft J Ihe hill of the lintl imlntnt physician * . JIM.030 capital behind our uncmdlllonal uaranty. At/iol'JIt proof ; nt sctlirj on opplleallon. IM p s book isnt frn. Address COO2C IlKMBDY CO. . 141)1 Mnnonlu Temple. Cltlonuo , 111. Searles & Searles SPECIALISTS Rum-nil lee In eure xpc eilll y unit null * n.illjnil XPHVOIS , OlIIIOVIC V\H rra < IUi-niien of I.-n ami irniueiu WEAK GflcN SYPHILIS SRXUAI-I.Y. curcil for life , Nlxht Emissions , I.oat Manhood , Hy- rtroeide , Verlr-oci-1" , Gonorrhea , Client , Kyph- Illn. Stricture , I'llep , KlHtula und Itertal UlcarB , Dlabetea. Brlnht'a nint-iHe cured. Consultation Free. by new method without pain or cuttlnK. Gallon or mldro.ijt with aiamp , Trcatmunt by mall. nn ? ociini c ? v vccnir. ? UltO. CtnllLtd 5 urJlRul win * . . MSB I will tlmt my lihouuattgia Cure will rulii'tc luui- lingo , sclntifii mnl nil rliotiinntlo ] - ; : in two or throu liotir.'i , nnil ruro In n fc\r days. Ml'NYON. At oil - - FJ-IA ST to Health and nicJl- Li ; ' ciil advice froo. ' 1W)5 Arch Ht. . P hlln. LiXIR OF Is n prcpuniunn of the Drug by whiuh in Injurious ilTeiU ro removed , lulo llio val uable mediclnul propertleH aru retained It piMhcssc-3 all the uedutivo. unoilyno nnil anli- spasmoijii ; powers of Opium , but proUiict-.i no Hickncaa of the htomach , no vomiting , no costivcnoss. no hendiii-ho. in acute IIL-IVUU.I d.'t > or < lc.-rs It In an Invaluable remedy , and U recommended by the best physicians. E , FERRETT , Agent , U12 Pve.il ht , Now York.