Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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s 1)AILY 1HE:1t1ES1)AY ,1WY 6 198.
- - - -
Studut Dcua the Question of a1ational
: Behool at the Oongrcsa
, . 4 -
IeppsrM. CIC , 31nre , Gns nti.I Itsoti
1iilI uf the ' , , , niid e-
CeNsit ICN lbC % % 'Iisit Tlie
1Ie e i ) fl ( IL Urou Ing Ict.
With a day ntIre1y dcvotel to ( liscils.
sona and compositions at a distinctively
: American or Patriotic character the musical
. CongreM finished itn work.
l.otils C. lion ot Hoston presideI ( over
the morning session and addresses were do.
lIvcrel by N. Coo Stewart ol Clevelatid on
° Muiic hi tue I'tiblic Schools' and Homer
Moorn on 'Tlio AInptabillty cC merlcan
Lvgcnds to Musical lirnina. "
, lLctnarkII1g that "this ia said to be a
f : ciiiIdH age , " Mi' . StuwarL presetited mady
ROOl suggestions ns to the teaching of
OIIIHIC , 1)0th ) mi an art and n a science. It.
, was about 1S30 that Lowell Maann first In-
trolIIcel ( ( music into the public schools of
Iloston and this innovation spread until
eventually It has beconio a general course
of RtUly. (
8IggPMt t.iti to CflhIlIM'IH.
Mr. Moor ircsentcit as an example of
; 'early American Irgenil and history. as a
basis ( Jt the American nuisto tirama , " an
outline of an origitiat story drawn from
two Interwoven legenils of witch-burning
( layR in Massachusetts. It. would require an
American , he thotiglit , to write an American
musical dratna. just na It ( toeS a German
like \Vagner to write German coniiiositlona
of that class , and the music , he paid , ia to
the drama the real silrit ) , as tile libretto is
it } ; flifll. ( 110 considered this country rich
In the possibiiitics of thu character of genius
he hail ju view.
The inuicai Part iroter of the program
was furnilied by Messr3.'IilInnt II. Sherwood -
wood , pianist , of Chicago ami J. Wallacc
Gowlrlch , organist , of Boston. Most ofthe
coiiiposltioris rcnIcrcl. as are niso tlioe
for thi' afternoon , 'eru original Aincricati
. lROdtlCtiOns.
' 11(0 ( afternoon program consisted at adV -
dresses by GEorge C. Gow of Vassar eel-
lege on "Music as a Factor In American
Education. " and Louis S. C. Elson of Bus-
tni on 'Oui ' National Music. ' ' 'I'he musical
jart was contributed to by Ernest It. Kroc-
- ger , ( ho St. Louis Pianist ; Dr. and Airs.
( Jerrit Smith of Nus York , organist and
soprahif , repcetiv'iy ; Miss Jennie iutton of
No York , soirnno. and Harry J. Fellows
of Erie. Pa. , tenor.
In his paper Mr. ( iov ( levotcil himselt to
the question : "Of wimi. nature shah mu-
muicai training be amid to what extent shah
it hits caurheih ? " In sixty-six colleges. frouii
Harvard to the University of Colorado ,
courses 1mm uumusic nrc offered as part of the
legitimate work leading to the degree of
' 13. A. ' vhihle in 172 institutions of learning -
ing nitogether music Is included in some
form by Inivate instruction. The change
of sell t I uncut in t hi e favor of inn Ic I rug nmushc
a regular study is but one of the instances
of the generni alteration In time estimates
of the educational value of many studies.
lie regarded mumuisic as a language of itself
' --time lammgtuagc of hut' omoflouis-anul on this
point smuil : "Let us say boldly that the
children of America have two native Ian-
guagemu , English auiti music. [ 'rom time
cradle to ( lie grave we live In the atmnos-
phere of the one ; from the cradle to the
grave we arc wooed with the magic of the
other , It therefore behooves the new education -
cation , with Its face to tIme fuiture , to give
It glad welcouio to time sister speech amiti
to acknowledge Its muicanlog anti value. Let
rntmshc be knowim as a lauiguage with a mar-
vellously rich and varied literature and the
aPPlication of the best methods of lauiguage
uutuuly xviii not wait. If music and English
are lrnrallcI studies the acquirement of
virtuosity iii music i mnutchued with elocui-
tioimry or ( Iranmatic skili in English-coni-
position iii English with conipositiouu in
music. \\'iieui music is niso taught from the
irluumary school to the college in both its
iiPOhCul and written forums with the same
: cmtrmIestmmcs mmmiii thoroughness as are given
to our otluem mumotlmer tongue , then anti then
only vhIl the true balance ho attaimirul which
the IIC0P1C of Aiuierica have a right to do-
fin miii.
Full of entertainment was the address of
Louis C. Flsoui : on "Our Natlomial Music. "
? ttaiiy a Popular air lie traced back to its
original Iircmut oil tile oilier side of the
Athanthc. such us 'Yuuumkce Gentile" to 'Lucy
Locket Lost tier l'ocket , ' a song of 0mm-
veillnn days. ' ' mimi 'l'hu Star Spangled
Banner" to an 1nghishm bacchanalian 501mg
of 1750. lie also gme the origin of 'lIiI
Columbia. ' Mnuiy of these old tummies. that
is. thu airs they mlevuIojted fruimi. Mr. Elson
lhiiyetl on a piano so that the audience
cumuli ! make comparison. lie told of how
Juhn Brown's Body" in thu clvii war had
evolveil through the medium of a Alassa-
Cluusctts regiment fmomum an old Methodist
"Not one of these national snags , " me-
mat-Iced Mr. Eison , "was written intemi-
tionmihly flu ; such. that is , as a war song or
aim it iiationni 5011g. No natlommal somig can
FhrIuuI ; up except mis circumuustanees Itrimig
it into hehiig. IIovever , time composers ore
coming-and this congress many assist in
hastening them- who whii couiuposo the
( lisLiiictiveiy Amnerieumn airs of the future
anti bye aimil bye time couuiioser will conic
who wIll bring forth time Amnericnmm ha-
tinimal hymn. I should like It to ho a somig
( if PnCC. yet I should hue sorry if ( hero was
110 rtotuimtl of thu triuiuuia't In It , for I be-
I I eve I limit I i bert y , hut ri iii ismu ii mid heroism
will iit'ver ijin in thmo worlil so long aim there
Is an Aimmerlcan ummutlommal hymnum. ' '
LiN ( 'lbuIItVt.
Time National Congress of Mushelamis came
to a ciosti last evening at the exposition
auditoriumum In thu ircscmiee of time largest
aumlieneti ( lint himis mmss&miuIileiI at nil ) ' time
simico itt ; . 'eglnuuhig. Time coimeert ht'gami at
7O : : oclock by the orchmesti-a playlmmg thu
'eil known imymiimm , "Ammmeu lea. " The ui'Xt
'umuiimbei s as a concerto for idamim. : writtmm
auth played Imy Mr. lrmiest it. iCroeger of St.
Lotus , n umucrhtomlous work , niusicianly iii
style. mit. I luuumi bill loot amuu ] usually omigimial.
Thuhu wami followeil b' a concert aria emutitleul
4 , I I urn a mitt Ita muiler' coumi i > uiscd hmy A . At.
Fourster of i'ittburg amid sling by MISs
Iuumiamida Vierlucher. vhiosu beatutiftil voice and
a puc iRAPC CZ .1.1 ( jr TARTAR PQWDCI
tligliest UonorsVorld's Pair
' 0014 Medal5 Mlthyluter jair
tmrtimutle style have ih1et1 so much to the enjoyment -
joyment of the sessions of time congress.
It was about ii a. mm when the lntaqttt
Marie Thturcsa ipauem1 out to ra. It was
foIlotet by the Cristobal Colon , Vlzeaya
anul Oqumemuulo and last Ity time destroyers
Furor anti l'lmton. The loo1out on the
American vessels , lying flve r ten inilcs
off the entuaumie ! to time harbor , sighmtetl tbemd
immediately. .
Most of the crews were at the usual Stun-
( lay inonhii qtfdrtcrs without thought of
inythmIng as surprising as the Spanish fleet
getting Past the Merrimac , whukh they be-
lit'veul olfectively biockemi the exit. There
was great excitrpent. at once anti raplul
action along the American lines ,
The ititihh tmfor full sptil ahenti were
running from hrIdge to erjgine room o
every ship , every ship started in shore anti
the great 13-inch anti smaller guns fired
shot after shot at long range
One hin' iinuily IIurmiul , Suimmum' GiaNts
IIruuiiu.ii amid is Aiim n ( nresi
I , , . mt Coum' .
"Babe" l'almner's
Tweire-ycar-olil attcmnpt
at Fotmrtb..ot.JuIy . olebratlou nifty be the
cause of his death.
lie is lying at lila momne at Boulevard
avenue and Forty-fifth street in a serious
condition. Time [ heidi on his body , hands
00(1 flilflS IS burned almost to a crisli. One
of his eyes Is conuiiletehy burned out. lire-
crackers and iowder caused his condition ,
The acebtomit bdluttemletI muar the lad's
home , where ho with ottm r niall boys 'crc
shooting off fireworks. Young l'ainmer hail
ii small camimmon anti hi ; iockets bulged With
imowiler for time caimmiomi chmrges. liming
about his waimit 'ere several bunches of fire-
cmnckers. lm fittemptimug tIVhlghit a piece of
jutmiik tbe _ matclt ( p , somfue , uarmtier Ignited
the firecrackers anti soon Imo wmi in time
inimist otrikihfr flzzhhmmg mass of fire.
Befemo.bmm , coUhmLLemir the firecrackers froni
his waist the sparks had Ignited his cloth-
hug wiuichi in tinme conmnmunicated with the
howiler in his pockets. , liefore assistance
couhth be rendered 1dm by the neighbors niuti
his viaymnntes time ho % received the injuries
that ummny caume hisIentlm. J ) . McClanahami
attended him.
An exuioshbn of what is believed to have
beemi dymmauUe , t1ammmagtI thu , vindows Iii
time buildings In the vicimmity of Fifteemitli
ahuti Chicbtr 4t'to' tt1u' extent of $75 and
Smitt flats suffered time inosttscverely. The
cxploslbim' 'c na'r1' b ' four young macmm
s'iio cormier of Fit-
tcemmthi street auth buried time dynamite be-
mmenth a hue of paving blocks. After the
oxpicmslomu which mihmook the buildings to their
Very foimnilatiomumu time macmu rode rapidiy vcst
on Fift'entht Street. The police are lookimmg
for tiIS.bic3clist.s1 . . .
Albert Ddlnshi , vhmo lives near Tenth amid
Charles streets. was ahmmmot gored to death
by a yJci9us cow at Graceammd Eighth streets
yesterday afternimon. floW thin nr5iite of
tvo meum - who"were masslng thmo enclosure
\'hicre tIme cow vas coiiflnctt ummil 'lmo vent
tolmis asshtitamico saved 1)mmnuki's ) life. As it
\as the ummfortmmnate mmian miustaineul a corn-
potmmiil fracture , o thmu right ammh'Ie timid several -
oral broken ribs besimies severe internal him-
juries. ' Itmniskt had entered time enclosure
to drive tiieov home. Its calf ran in front
of him linti lie caught hold of It and It set
tip a piahmmtlvc watihmug.Vltim a snort of
anger time cow rtmsimett suddenly on Dumnski
auth caught him 'vitii lowered head iii time
smimail of tIme hack and tossed imimmi Into the
mdr. lictore Dmmnmski cotmiui arise time beast
was upomu hulni. It stampeut time irostrato
muon with itm4 feet , hlekcil him ittici mmmdc
desperate attempts to catch him on its
horns but Uummmjiki managed to evade time
pohtuts of the horns a1tiiouii he got time full
force of dime beast's head , Ills body is one
amass of contusions. A police mumibulance re-
immoveti hhmum to time Cimmrksou memorial imos-
.4 Ciismtriil .iHsImiiif.
A cowardly nmmtl ummprovolcil assault was
nmaile Inst mmigimt by harry Gallmmgimer , son
of Chief of Police Onilagimer , impon Victor
itoscivater of TIme lice. Time latter was lust
( luictiY ienviimg the Gemnummim village at time
expo.dt1om 'lmen Cailaglmer. who is munch the
larger ntmtl hiatt ( hue nulvzmmmtagc of nearly
twice time weight , jimmnpeui froni a table at
which he was slttimmg ammul rushIng tip from
bclmind strutdc with his fist at Mr. Itose-
vaters hmvatl. kmuockimig off his hint . thought
imut sI ighmtl y hrutsl mm g ii I mmm . flystamniers hum-
mmiedlntely seiet1 the burly brute. who had
huiclced imp mm clinic , vhmichm ime wits brandish-
lug. Gallagher was arrested and lei away
by Oiilcer ltaimmt'y , but , the officer released
time worthiless loafer uS soon as lie disclosed
luis identity mis a ijomi of Omuatma's reformmm chief
( it lOliCti. Young ( ahlmmgimcr later sought to
pick another ilglmt. hut strtmelc a mmmii of lmis
size ammul caine otit vhthm a hit'mimmtlfmmlly decorated -
rated pim'siognommiy ahicim it will take soy-
oral days to miimro into mmumtural shape.
LilLiN1'O ! tOL"i'F
INeumr'4Imi _
Hot Sprhmmgs , S. I ) . . ommil meturn---$16,1O---
July 1 and 5. ' ' '
Salt Lake nuti retumn-$32,00-Jtmiy 3.
l'om'tland 'amid i-etmurn-U.tiQ-June 30 amid
July 1.
Washington anti rettmrmm-531.23---Jumly 8-
Nashville foil returmm-323.25-Jtmly 3i i- ,
lluffalo- amid retimmn-$211i5-July 11 amid
Full iimtorimiatlbmm nt Llcki't otflco. 1502
Varmmamim st. , or at Burhiuugtomm depot , 10th
multi Mason ats.
iii.I INuiululi liimrNmomiM ,
Salt Lake amid return , 3OO0. : Juno CO.
Salt Lake ammil rctumrum , $32.00. July 3 ,
l'orthmind and return , $ CO.5O , Jumme 30 and
Jumly 1. . _ . -
\Vitsimlngtnn , D. C. , amid return , $3.25 ,
Jim I y 8 , I amiul 5 ,
Nmmuihmvihie utmmmi return , $28.25 $ , July 2 , 4
mmui 5. . .
lhmmffnio amid m-etrrrm. $25.75 , July 11 and 12.
For full hitformnumtiomi call at city ticket
otlice. 332 ? .Fjtnmn Imtrcet.
Fiitst &t.Uut'iii ii. 1mm Nt.ti
Tint ICcystoumn ethiress munv leaves Chicago
miii iou S Lit I iou ml tu II y mu I I 0 :80 : ii. iim ammtl am-
riveim Tiventy-titimil street statiomm.Ncw Yomk ,
2:3 : p. iii , mmext day--over on hour quicker
timimo. Get uletmulla mommm II , It. Iorjmmg ) , A. Ci.
I. Agt , 218 Stmtmthm Clark St. , Chicago.
L1A'JI ( I I't''i' IL.t i ' 1 1) COiOIlAfl ( )
'iu liuut'I. . himiuuumd litmus t.
Leaves Oummahma 5:20 : a. mum. arrives Ietmver )
anti Colom-nuin Sluriumg S p. him. Tithe this
train smith sai'o sleeping car mb of J.5O.
Ticket ailict' 1320 Imsrmiauim struet.
: flI' $ l.ii1tiG 11.1 ii 1ItVICli ,
Viut ltus'L I'uli ; miii ilnumle.
( ' 01mm ummemut I mm g Al outlay , J uime 27 , luil han
mmht'eiiers i-lhi rumm frommi ( ) mmmahiru to 1)emmver
( in train No. 7 , leaving Ommmahma at 7 p. jim. ,
mmmiii arriving itt ilemuim'r 11 :30 : and Colorado
Sprhigs i,1O ; tile follovimig mnornimmg. Give
limit ; rmcv sm'r'it'e ii trial. For ( blots anti
slceilmmg ear reitryations call at city ticket
0111cc. 132a Pmirmiamn st
, ,
jIIti iiet'Ii liutimi pmmiei t
anil quirk % immmn of limo lmuloum ; Pacific makes
It the ppuImmr hue to ill principal western
resorts Cm ( ) tiehtt aihice , No. 1202 Far-
mmamu mit.
Sammm'l hiurmus is svllhimg mm beautiful slg-
'iieco tahitI suit , $2.2.
miiht ri1I. , 'I'eims , , iisuul 1l.'d.irmi.
\'imt time Northmweutts'rmm Llmme ,
Jui ) 3rd. liii auth Slim , extrutorultnary rates.
The Nerthimcmmterii tim the "Ofihelni Lhmme" for
the Neiirmu4ta 0. E. dehgatiomu. Tlirotmgh
cars , 1101 Fmn-mmani itt.
isuly 411g.
1.ow rates evrryahieu-e ,
Northvcstcrp l4uui ,
1401 Farnamn St.
nIHI ) .
I > leicnNSi'rtd aged 'IT years.
Fimnermi services will lit' hmt'il ( monm All
Snimmls' chore ii 'I'ue'stluy , July 5 , iii a am.
Friends imuvited. lntermnvnt at Vrospecl
11111 ceuctery1
Coiuumici hlr ntmshtAgInmcn * . Ohtijer ii ,
time hn' ) ' Iii ft Ver Ilmithuumis-
InNI I&t iI nmuuicr ,
Probably no morepatriotlo celebration
occurred anywhere yestet1ny than that
wimich took place at Fort Omaha. The bays
of the Third regiment , Nebraska volunteer
Infantry arc not permii1ted 16 ho hkoflti time'
line of pickets , so a special celebration
arrangeil anti several thousand pcople from
Omaha Joined with thi'it1irs 'th nuaking
time affair a great success. The Thiril regiment -
ment band furnished the music tliroughmout.
the day anml prcmmiutiy at 3 o'clock time
crowd was assembled before thc het irn- ,
( era at the fort , Colonel 8ryan introduced
lilsimop t3cannehl , whd itfered an eioquent
prayer in behalf of our armies in Cuba anti
Manila , and asked ( livine guidance Jmm the
furtimer carrying out or time war. Atijutamit
General Barry then reati the lecinratiomm of
lmmdcpetmmlemico mind was foliowcl by Gemmeral
Charles Alamiderson , whb uitmhiversd a"gtirring
Feurtim of July aildrcss , , . .
GenerAl Mamutlersoum spoke of the hardships -
ships anti terrors of war , hut remmminulctl time
soldiers that timert' were piea3mmlefi mixed lit
with the .hamilshlps anti that war luau ! made
mere amen than it hail marromi.
Colonel 14. C. i1aceof limmcln gave the
soltiler boys much good advice ammtt turged
It UpOn them that th Tim1rJ''i giiffbmmt voultl
he the nmost consillciiotts .c , any tp ,
because of the fame of its ieamlcr.
Eti 1' . Smnith of Omaha exiiresseml his regret -
gret at hohuig commmpoiteti to , forego 'the cap-
taimmey of Counpmny C , because of physical
disability and was gruutcti twhtii npphmmuse
fronm Company C amid othet hienbcrs of ( .me
rvgimmmcmmt. Mr. Smmmlthm Eitoko bricily of tlmti
losses of life in otmr formmier vnrs smut saiti
that thm results attaimmeti wgr wtmmthm the
cost. 1mm the Iresent crisis we lmave the sat.-
isfaction of sueimmg it son Of Clentymal Grant
at the bend of mm southern regitmuent and time
grammdsomm of Gemieral Grant on time stmmtf of
0110 of time Lees , a condition of reconcilia-
tiomm between time mmotth , gmid , south which
cotmhmi never have bemm brutmghmt about iii any
other vay. , . .
TIme prograni was emmuled with the prcsemmta.
tiorm of mm svort1 to ' 0oi'n1 iirytumm by Air.
Snmttim. The sword was a plain , regulation
mmlhlcers' sword anmi Colonel Bryan responded
to limo speech of presentatkmi Iii a few wrtis.
lie asstired time nmomnhers of time reginiemit
that lie reahizeti imis igmmorance of military
affairs auth that he imoped to acqumhro a knowledge -
edge of stick mattera from time experholiced
ofilcers who are in the rcmimnemmt.
A fins display of fireworks lii the evening
eonmpletcd the celebration at the fort.
A FIV .tiiv.tN'i'.t4s :
Offered l , thit' ( 'iilt'ii , , , titimkee ( ' &
St. Piusil ItnI1sptv. ,
A clean train mimadeuiii hmmmtl sthrtu3t1 fronm
Omumaima. Baggage checked from residemice to
destimmittion , .
Eimgammt tmaimi service amid courteous emmi-
Eiitire trains hightL , hyelcctricity and
m'ltit electric light in every berthm.
Fhmmest. uitmmimmg car service in tIme est ,
wItim nmcls served "a In carte. "
Thin Flyer leaves at 5:4 : p. mum. daily from
Utmlon Iepot. , . .
CITY TICiET OFFICE , 150 'armmnnm St.
C. S. CAIIItIER , City Ticket Ageat.
Sm'icLIL $1.t'I'i1S .
Viui MIsMulirI1'mmcu1ImiILahi.svar.
Washington , H. C. , July 3 , 'I , 5.
Nashville , Teno. , Jmily3 , ' 1 , 5"
Buiralo , N. V. , July 1)aud.IC.
Fotmrtim of Jtily , 2 , 3 , 1. -
- For fmmrtimcr imifortuatlon .cim1i at depot ,
15th nod Webster , or new office , location
S. E. cormier 14th anti Douiglaim streets.
TflOS. F. aOIWREY , 1' . & T. A.
J. 0. 1'IIILLIPI'I A. (1. F. & 1' . A.
'lime Ca n Illseli tiLl 1.1 mu I t e,1.
The mmcmv Wabash solid vestibule train of
day coaches , sleeping mind dining cars. A
train for tourists and ithi classes of travel.
Leave Chicago ( tinily ) , 12 mmoon.
Leave St. Louis ( tinily ) , ft:1O : n. ma.
Arrive kew York via 'est Slmoro , 3:30 :
p. in.
Arrive Boston via Fitchburg , 5:50 p. ' m.
Alt agcmmts sell tickets for thus train amimi
wIll tell you all about it. AsIc him or write
G. N. Claytoum , 0.V. . I' . Agt.Vnhasim it , It.
l'inte Glass , I'iatc Mirrors at F. J3. Ken-
mmard's , 1410 homey St. -
IIt7FF Ia ) , N. V , . % NiItL'i't'iiN.
VIm I lie Nun him eittvr.i 1.iiit
July 11 amid 12 , txtraorthimmary rates ,
through ears. The Northwestern is time
"ohhtcal ( hue. " Write C It. Morgan , hmiter-
mmational president Ii , Y. P. U. , Omaha , or
city elliec , 1401 Famnam street.
Cii rsl 0 f 'I'Ii ii ii kM.
\Ve wisim to return our heartfelt timapka
to tIme mimatmy friemmils anti alSo to time G. A. It.
for their kiniimmt'ss nmmd syjmmjmathuy expressed
to us iii our imercaveumient in time death of
our htisiiamid anti father. -
0. II. Coles of London , Emmg. , is in Omaha
taking 1mm the expositiomi.
\Vlhliatn Provost. Jr. . nmmti wifd afi N. ' 13.
lilack amuti rite of cimcster. , . 'a , . . , .arr.icti in
Omumahma yesterday.
Mrs. Jolla P. Wilson' amid ' Mrs. W. S. C.
I'em'klumg ut Nnrwicim , Conmu. , nrc ammmong tIme
exposition visitors.
Robert Pat terson aim Aleck lltmthmcrforti
have returned frommu a short vacatiomm trip
tim Lake Qumimmneiiammg , Nub.
Miss Agnes U. Itoberttmjm , stmperhmitm'nulent
( if uucimtioiim of Cherokee , Imu. , is time guest of
Mr. amid Mrs. John S. flriggs
Mrs. A. U. Robertson ofVasiita. . In. . is
visiting with her hir'mmts : , Mr. nhmmi Airs.
Julia S. liriggs , tmmuii sceijig tIme oxposltlomm.
Miss Charlotte Cii rh mmmiii Frammlc Miller of
Linct'in latiti Al iss Ellzahetii hiommmieii' of
Chitcagu visited fitemids 1mm time city icatur-
Miss . \ttbic Shiermmmamm. who hma he n the
guest ( it Mrs. Mary L. AicAuslaumil aim
Twtmmty-thiirui street for several days , lumma
met mm u'imeth ( ii It e r im aiim ( I I ii Nti ml ii Ph mm t t e. Nob.
10. J. Aheligmmmmim ammil nmothier of Aiumsiey ,
John Lovcrithge \'ymmioro , Al. J. lleasing
amid JosePh Mutton of Nebrumskmi City , Steila
irwin , Eti lrm'imm oimti , V. Scott of Lincoln
are registereti nt the Barker.
Ails \tatlehint' V. Slmirlev of Loumdomm ,
Emmg. ; Joimim l.urcuizo of St. l.tmtii , Ala. :
Joimim W.'m'orhtl of New 'crit J A. Test-
nmami of Dallas , Ttx , . r " i % ' . ICmmutts of
I hemi i'tr uume ii m nmm ; : u-r i : , btupplmmg at
tini lharhmer.
S. N. W'iiklmis imumil II. ft ! Ilurtneek of
Cm euitoum , H. Cl Lass , wife mutiti tiaughter of
Itointy , in. ; 'iiimis Mime lnlu of Otiuuwu , Ia. :
A. Al Stolley of lIeu Oak. lii. : J. Jaunt nntl
T. F. Thmommums o Ahoitilamnimi. Ia. . are low ails
stopphimg at the llnrher . .
Cmuimaimm ( Lyomms of ( itithirie Cemmter. Ta. ,
tins been spemmtlimmg a couple of days at time
exposition nmmti icuives Ilium miftormioumi or a
six wceks imummtimmg amid tisiitmig mmmmnt
through Utah amuti adjehming states. lie Is
nccommmpanletl by hits son.
Nebraskans a I hotels : Frank ( Immimies ,
Eikbmmtrt : J. II. 1ltmmumimmt'r timmul vIfe. C. l
W'ooithriuhgo anti wife , Beatrice ; Mary Fhtz
gerald , Ilihtaum Fitzgei'altl , I'mimml Fitzgerald
Agnes Mulry , F. 11. Itohinson. J. i' Carson
smut ivife. J. ii. Catterim. A. L. Nemmlrnuuht ,
Limicoimi ; N. B. \ Vimmter.Vmmhmo9 : W. li
VeCkIy , Valley ; Lou halley Itmushmvtile , fl
II. Jnmmess. O'Neill ; C. 1. George , ( I I ) .
Nelielas , Miss Jones , l. I'aiiltamm , Fremommt
( I. ii. Ahabon. ( 'imndromm . It. 14 , ltmmtts. Ne-
brimslma ( . 'iuy : FreuiVimmdiu. . ( , Cimaummce
Abbott , wife amid sO'ns , chuyler , D. Al ,
Keller amid imife , hastings.
' . _ ,1.
after hearty oathng uao
Ilorsford's Acid Phosphate
It relloveti droaln o.
bbmmumibitiIuss . b'umtupeuiyiu bottle. .
- - -
I If sourti OMthA NEWS. j
Time Board of Educallomm omet yesterday nmmti
organizeti by the eeieittmm of Joimmu Pita Rob-
crts for president , hXr-tu Michel vice presi-
tIemmt ansi Fritz Frcitnsiuecretary , l'resiulent
floberts nppointed thma'foliowiag committees.
which were conflrmeii :
Fimmancc Bremimmamu , ' .toeclmner , LotI.
Teachers amid emiminations : i.occimner ,
Frcitng , Bruce ,
hitmildumugs amid groamitie : Micimel , htoberts ,
Text books ttmmtl coursas of stumuy : Shmupp ,
Wyman , Loechner.
hiepairs and supplies : itoherts , Lott ,
hiumles mind rcgtmiations : Bruce , Robert's ,
Sammltary affairs anti janitors : ) .ott ,
Micimmi , Brennan.
JudIciary : Wynmmin , Stmpp. l"reitng.
l'rimmtlmig : Freitag , Bruce , Michiel ,
By timis arrangement of comummittees time
four republican mnemmmbers are each givemm
eimntrnmammslmtims of comnnmittecs tvlmilo time mmciv
mnemmmhors are also equmiiiy mis ivell provitieti
for. Of course time cimoice viummia vcmmt to
the demmiocmats but taken as a whole the
comnmntttees appear .j. be' satisfactory to nit
Amiothmor mneeting of time Iloarti i'ihi be lucId
Oti Fritiay evommimmg of timle week ,
Ahinmit ik'u.r 'Vim x ,
It Is oxpecteti ( hint time brewers mmssocimt-
tion wili rencim sommio comichumsioim today iii ma-
latlon to limO comnimiimiimt of tue utmthm Ommmnhma
saloon keepers regardimmg the war tax on
beer. A comnnmittco of time local saloon keep-
ems ummmiomm ivatted tupomm tIme brewers associmi-
lion Saturtlny mind presented tie mmmatter.
After a disctmsstomm lastiumg for soumme tiummo the
, Ireivors stateui that they wotmhmi decitio time
qtmcstion tothmmy. From wlmat camm be Icarmieti
there scemmis to ho no imrospect of time brew. .
cries payhmig time tax nmmtl imm that case the
price of beer sold in camis will remnain as
estabhisimed by time saltmomm keepers assecha-
then. Many of time saloon keepers favor the
neli. schedule for time reason that It will Lii
a nmeasmire tb aim'ay with time limucimet trade
and that is sonmetimlmmg which has been
tiesireti. 'It I saiti timmit time brewers ivouhil
ratimer nhammdomm tl'e can trade than to absorb -
serb the entire vnr tax.
ClinaNilig CIt , Ad teirmicy.
Ammiommg time charter anmemiuimuemmts ivhicim
imave beemm suggestcti is time seicctiomm of mm
city attorney iy a vote of time imeolile , This
nmatter has oftcmm been mmmemmtonett ! htmL has
mmever asstmmmied delhmmito simmmpe tmmmtil recemmtly
whmemi time qtmestlomm of revislmmg time clmmmrtcr
Caine U. No rcthectiomm is immtentietl to be
cast eu the Imrcsent city attorney or mtmmy of
his predecessors bitt a gloat maiiy taxpayers
assem-t that they watmid mmmmmcIm prefer to hun s'
a voice in time selection of time city's legal
ativisor thamm to allow time mmmayor the imrtv-
lIege of imiaklmmg such ami iniportammt npmoitit-
uncut. TIme oilice is one of time best salaried
ones in time gift of lime immayor and there is
iiiwmiys mmmore or less rivalry ummmmong time
legal lights for time iositlon. By electing
aim attommmey thu mmmayor would be relieved of
eomisidcmaiilc respomisibhlity ammtl mmu doubt the
micomilo wotuid be better satisfli'ii.
' em.3. ( tilt ( hush lula
For the first time In a mmutmmber' of years
thele 'was no celebratlomm here yesterday.
Up to 000(1 ( time streets were crowticti auth all
of time stores were open ; but with time rimmg-
ing of time 12 o'clock bells time stores closed
their doors and time stmects sooim wore a
iieserteii apitearammee. No busimmess was
tr.ummsncted at the stock yards and time banks
anti city olilces were closed nIl day. Small
boys kept uii mm ftmsUlamie of lire crackers mmli
day btmt na far'as could be learned rio ac-
ciiIemts of any eonpquaneo occurred , Time
tioilce hmatl mmii easy timimo of it mis violators
of time law were scarce.
F'rcd Miller , whose hmomnc i3 i.t Tmycmmty-
ecouiti and I streets , ivas shot tiirougim time
leg by the careless hamidulmmg of a revolver
ammtl Jack Aturpimy ivas slightly injured by
time cxlioslolm ) of a cammnon cracker.
Siur1i ii I ) ' ansi Miiui Crecic.
Commmity Attortmey Patrick of Sarpy coUnty
has udvisemi time city coumieii by letter timat
lie vlhi imolti time city rcspommmtibie for time
coimthitiomm of Mud creek , which hue asserts
is a mmiutsmimmco and that ummiess steps arc
taicemi hi' time city damis to abate this sumlt
will lie coimmmmmencetl to recover damages. Air.
i'atrick lmoitis that time city is equally to
blame with the tmckcrs inasmmmucim mis time
city is cognizant of time state of mulfmilrs nimmi
lois taken mio steps to hilt a stop to time misc
of time creek as a sewer. Notice is givtimm
timitt UimleS8 time use of the stream as a
sliver Is stoppeui heavy suits for tiammmages
will be immstltuteti.
i.tvy liii' i'iirk I's riiuMeM ,
TIme pam'k conmimmisslommers of this city imave
asked for a levy of three-quarters of a mnihl
anti as time law is mmizmmitiatory it is supposed -
posed that tue council iviil mmmake time levy
m'itimout qilestiomi. Sommme of time city oiflchais
seemim to thhmik that the pmrk board ( mtmght to
get along for a year witlmotmt mmmakimmg emmy
nmoro immmprovomnents , limit time commmmuissiomm-
era sa' they mmevtl the immumncy to coummpleto
tiiO imhmims and % silh Insist mmpou time iovy
wimichm time law allows.
: uisigli. ( Ij' ( ; ( sN4Im , .
.Tmmiige A. S. White lion rtiturmuemi ( room a
trii to St. Louis.
\v. Heed Dimmmroy of Lincolmm spmmmt yester-
slay iii time city vitim frlemmths ,
Charles \\'ihsoim of Aslmimmi ( is lucre. time
gtmest of frieumtis for a few iimys.
The toek yards comimpaumy commtcmnpiates
time erectiomm of a mmciv scale house.
Frmmmmk l'lerce of timlit citY hams t'iiiistc'ii iii
time Tiiiril Neiramtka ( Volummtcer infaiitry.
forum , to Mr. anti Airs. Thmoimmas Lareumzemm ,
Twentytimirti mmiiV streets , a daughter.
Mmmi. C. Larmmim of Siicrblmumm , Wyo. , is time
gmmest of Mail Carrier Mmmrtimm ammti family.
A immeeting ot time city coummcil as a hoard
of Eqtimmiizatioim is oum time bills for tommighit.
A mneettmmg of time LJmmioim Veterummis' htti-
Pu hi i camm ci mm I ) iv I ii ham itt I ml a t tim c chico of
Jmmiigo Agimew \\'euiumesdimy evt'muimmg for
timt' inmrioso of electing miehegates to tIme
Republican State league conveimtiomm , which
The thteat Test
Of a pure t.oap L-wi11 it hirink
, , , . , . . SW 00 1 ? If
ip , - p. , o , there's
; ; u-oummetlmhmmg
'I ' ' hmjtmrioui'in
. . . : mt. Fortahi.
, . , '
. , 3' 1 ,
. 'I. , ing dainty
. articles ,
. use a soap
I t &opmmrcthiat
' : it ss'on't
. slmrimmk vool.
MY MAMA I WiSh tAINt 'FIr t's
USED $50
U1U@All' '
meets at lloyd's timu'imter aim the etcnimmg of
July 12.
, Mr. anti Mr. , SV. L. hlohiimnti wemmt to
Ashlalid to sienti .tlmtwIotmrtlm with rein-
Miss Mary Itawicy humus been ntlm1ti to tIme
force of operators at the local telephone
A tl tugbtcm imas' 'been born to Mr. nimd
Airs. .lnhmn Oiiver 'rhjirt9tim street and the
county line.
Mr. anti Airs , ilt. ii. tmntmti of Iloone. In. ,
sItemmL Smmntiay amid yesterday iii time city
with friends.
A nmeetlng of ( ha , Somtthm Onmaima Iteptiblicaui
club will ho held at Plvonkn's huh \Vcdmmes-
day evcmmitm , -
Airs. J C , Gmaimamim has returned ( rota an
eastorim trip wimicim immclu'mli.ti New York CItY
nut ! Niagara Fails.
The case of Aintitiox anti 1)niiy for shooting -
ing Alike hart lii st for hmearlmmg before
Judge ilaticock todays
Mc. amid Airs , iiemmlimmmmln Ormiimnmmm of Ban-
croft ; Neb , , were the guestit yesterday of
it. t. Carpenter amid wife.
George Parke of time Cmmtinimy eoummpan
canto siown. Cruimm Sioux , City yestertiny to
spemmtl time Fourth with his fanmhly.
Mrs. C. J. l'hummmh , ii'iuo line hen vinlttmmmtm
her eomm , l. , A. Agmmc'iv , for a eomfplc ef
vcekg rettmrmmeti to imer lmommme itt Stuart. is. .
Itoy lavis ) , formmmerly bookkeeper for time
lees ! electric light 'uonmUammy , Lmmmt now iii
bimsimmesa for hmlmmmseif at Gibbon , Neb. , is
lucre for a few mimmys.
1)u iiu'us Ii its lhsuimnmmmI ,
MaH Dyer of iCnmmucm City was stammtiing
0mm tint itlatlorm of one of (1mm' ( eoteiies of
time 'l' it Arthur traIn 'as it immmlieti across
time river 'brIdge yostermimmy mnormmimmg at 11
o'clock. Viieum time train arrivemi mmt time
Ommmmmhia cml of .tlmo bridge a mnamm mmmadti a
stab at a dizmummomid wlmich Mr. Dyer wore in
his miimirt fm'Omit anti smmccCcticti him tearing It
fmommm the shirt. lor itimimed froimi time traimm
and cmttigimt time 'fellow , talsng ) time ettomme
away fmommm hminm. At timis iiolnt a c nfed-
crate grabbed Dyer by time armmm anti akctl
what ' iias the smatter , . . Menmitimmmo the thief
esenpeti , lmls cummfeiiermmto followed imimmi amiti
time tire ( lisappeareti ammmommg time buTluhlngs
of 4o'fltomt' Sprlmms distillery.
Ii revo rip , Imi miimtgeui.
lfmmtt & harris , bakers ammml tiurlmmg yestcr-
(1113' dealers 1mm firemierks. suffereui time hoes
of the latter stock ycsteriay thmrommgim a care-
iessly miroppeti mimatcim , A cotmmmtcr stooti iii
front of their . 16 Nortim Shtecntlm
street loathed witlm flrecrimckers , sky rock.'ts
mmmiii hiomnamm cammdleim , . 'mmm acciticmmtal spark
toucimcti oft thIs coliectiomm amid iii mm few
secoittis there was aim imlmrommmptmi display of
fireworks that caumseti passersby to seek
time simeltem' of doorways. A large wiumtiow
\a5 bmnkomi mimmul time trout of time btmiithlng
shigimtiy scorcimemi. Time fire ticimmmrtmmmemmt cx-
thmmguislmcci the blaze before further tiammmage
im'as tlommc than to tile stock. wlmicim was
valued at'iO.
Vur 4LIi I il ' 't'l Isk' lii I iihinmi , .
1)cputy Ummitt'ti States l ¼ larsiiah Ahhamm re-
ttirr.eil tmimdiy mmhglmt frommm llommmer , vlmcrc
lie arrested Ptzm Shortbmck : nmmtl 'oummg
itogume for suhhtumg \ % iulsky to lmmdians. 'rime
two mmmcmi 'micro' lieu ntgmmemt before Commmmis-
smommer Slomumi ami , ! ii4me imotmnti over to time
fctiemai cotmm t tmmmtler $0O bail , si hicim they
furmmishieui. N r. Allan i'Ihl retmmrmm to hianmer
anti take imm charge all time ummemm wimo Immure
bien mteliimmg the Immdhamis Foumrth of July
wimisicy. -
. $
is due not only to the originit'liLy and
simimplicity mif tIme cotmibimmatiomm , bra also
to time care and skill with wimicim it is
mnamitmfactured by seiemmtifmc immoecses
ltmiowmm to time CAIulromuNmA Fiu Symmut'
Co. ommiy , 1111(1 WO wisim to impress UIOfl
nfl time immmportammce of ptmrclmmtsimmg time
tiu amid origimmimi memnemiy. As time
gemmmminc yrmip of Figs is mi.amiufaetured
by time CALIF0uINIA Fin Svitui' Co.
. 'umliy , a hmmoiviedgc of timat fact will
assist omme in avoiding tim worthless
immiltations unantmfmmctured by otlmer par-
ties. 'i'lmc high Ptanding of time CAIz-
vomtNxA Fin Svitum' Co. witim the mmmcdi-
cmii profeusiomi , nmmtl time satismuctiomi
wimich time genuine Syrujm of Figs Imus
given to rni'iiiommui of fammmihies mnahes
tmt ) nammie of time Company a guaranty
of tue exceliemice of its remmmemly. It is
far itm rmdvammce of all otimer laximtives ,
its it acts on time kitimme3's , liver mmml
bot'e1s wit.iuomit irrhtutimig or weaken-
hmmg them , anti it iloes not gripe mmor
imauseato. in order to get its beneficial
effects , iiiease memnemimber time mmaummc of
time Comnpammy-
tist'rrvv " , - iti. YIltK. N.Y.
JtlL&'A'i'i ( INtl. .
BroweI dII
Opens Sept , I t ii , I S98.
I'cumrdhuig and Jiiy ) School fomGirl
Umider time direction of itt. Rev. George
Vorthmington , S. ' 1' . D. , LL D. l'rimnnry ,
prepnratom'y mmmiii cohlcgimmte ( 'oiirseul. Cormi-
ietemmt corps ot temmciiers. Atoderii moth-
otis and every advmmntmmge altered. Strict
tmttefltiomi Pail1 to time immoral , nmemmtai anti
lilmsiciti sicil beimmg of time studeimts , 1)iplo-
mmmmus convrrctl. l'reuares for all colleges
open to womcmm. Special courses in Iligim.
or 1'umglisii , Sciemices , Amici.'mit mmmi Alomiemum
F 1.aimgmimtges , Music ouiti Art. t'ermna mmiod-
ermi t ii. I hui iii I mmg me iimt I red mu nil I mm excel lcmmt
em-tier. Simmhtimry luummbimig. Satisfactory
stt'iimn imutlmmi
l'mirents tmmmul gtmmmrdirmmms desiring to emmter
iitmhmlhs ivili hilemise semid for catuhogue , or
tupiiy PCi'Htmtihh ) ' to
I .Mrs. L. E , Upton , Priii.
IhlSVl1CII huh. Omimauiuu , Neb ,
- .
a M D
; ; I a l 14 R I 0 ILLINOIS. Z
PARENTS &siming to send their daughters !
: to a school of high grade , whim high social , '
literary , and artistic advantages , are invited - .
ed to meet the Rector of St. Mary's atany
convenient time wimichm they may dsig-
nate , on Thursday , Friday and Saturday ,
July 7th , 8th , and 9th , Millard Hotel thus
city , % t , , t
Doctor and Mrs. Lfuingwell would also
I be glad to mat former pupils and patrons
, of the school ,
, - . .t -I- . 6tii vemir. Iiuijtm'c"oiiemmtud mrospnz'ity. l4 l'rtifCsitQrh ( ruma LtiiI-
wr.ulitia ritmul S i'uroimehi I Cs13iiet'iumrIrI ( , A Eh,000 I'iutno to
' best tiiumsio Itihiii , ( .t i'miunmi-A irecricail tuiuiseri'titiry. Xv.s rr
McImrmvemikft , lirtctnrUruivriii prebent iii vcrti dtmrho May
_ _ _ _ _ i.mmrgebt. ( 'hicahiest. Ileit. hut ; robs
JO1hI'i ' , IhLLION , l'res. , 11 A. HI. , MEXICO , IO.
L Weitwor h ! Iitary Academ Y Ohlestlargcstimnd ccntr&I best equipped west. in
Government suorvhsion. Now iitmildImhts heingerected. Students rejected lmiHt
. ymr lam wammIn ? r000u. MOKSANDFORD SELLERS IA.A. . SupI. . 0.
- -
- .
- - - - - . . hie'o-Jumljr i. , . . ' - -
. -r- A
4zm n'k down' t'i.
S de of &ths
. . '
Say I if you watit. to see the S1lalli\VhiCSi ) of SOhilO
black-faced nd'erI it'iiig ail(1 the liunibug of allegc(1 mirlc- ;
( tOWn ifllCS jiwt ( 'Irop litto ' .1110 Nt3hI'flik1i aii clay I1iii
week 8.11(1100k ( at the IIU\V l1liplfleIlt of mcii's liticii siit
'WIlICiL'i11 be oEriP(1 ( nt 1vo-uifly a iu'i1. "tVe arp iltt
selling t1iete suits at two Rftybecausu we are "o'ei'
loaded , " or because we ; u'o going to take iiiveittory IiCXt
weelc1 or oti. aCcOunt of the heat , but beetiie ; ve 11:1(1 :
theni iUhllO'U } ) to io11 for that prieiiaiid bectiL(3 : ( we'allt
to make a few ioiiities ) to buy firee'i'noker for t1it ' 'glori.
oils IFoiu'LIi. ' ' 'l'Iieso suits art liiwn----.all lilieht-puro
1111011-8,11(1 at preeiit , wr'itiiig there s a uitli I'i'esli 1hou
lZLlK1 , of them iii till regular sizes-no lolling how inaiiy
vi1I be loft to tell tliti story when the bugle blows iijnphI.
next Saturlay night.
_ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - _ _
U itfe r iii e cited
Grupe Juice-
Tue choicest deilemu'y for sick nntt
commvmtlc'mcemmt - mtceoplaiihtm to tlith
weakest. stoumimueti - strictly uiomiuti- , . . . $ -
ctiimohie , timurcioro time ( imil' liorimmls-
s'mhlo , wimmo for SiicmmtImmeuutal iUi'PSC8
81)1(1 ) lii 25e , 85c amid ( bk , bottles ,
Sherman & McConncI Drug Co , ,
' . Miuitllc of liiocic. totigo Street.
- - . - - - - - _ . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- . - SAPYO
" -
. 0 0 0 U A 'O 9 I
0 You may have a course of medical
. trcutnment for a
0 of all kinds at the
; Shepard Medical Institute :
0 New York Life Bldg. , Omaha , Neb , :
CDC IAI TiQ. Catarrh , Eleaf- .
a ) I L It'lL I I LO- hess amimi miii
a Diseases of time rmmmg , , Stornacim ,
Kidneys , Nerves and lilooti. Itefer-
. once , by pcrmnimuulon , to 5,000 cured o
S mni.tlommta , Time largest nmetiicmi Olhlces
. anti practice In time svest. The Omnaima
lice , leimdimmg daily , 5a3's : 'Time Slmepo
a mini Medicmil institute iii emmtireiy rt'hin-
0 itlo in a iroessiojial amid limhithmm'ss
Wa ) ' . Dr. SImejarti timid his associates
a iutvo gained amid fully nmaintmmineti a
0 lending repututiotm in time treatumieumt
0 of chmronic disemi5eu4. The public mmmy
atoly trust timemn. " S
IPtIP 1T1 For testimonials from 0
0 YY um I i L ministers , tu'aclmcre , bmmsi-
0 nsx men , farmers , etc. , telhimmg how
they were ctmred at. home through the 0
0 Mail Systemn. a
S QflL'TImo ( New Treatment ;
iJL iJ i 110w It Cures , ' is iiemmt free
a to all 'mvimu write. It is a clean ometlical
S work for thin whole famimily to ream !
anti is of gTeat value to all ivimo se'k ,
0 ietter hmcaitim. 1100k and Commsumltatlon
0 Blanks semmt free to all intiuirere. S
0 Medicimmes aemmt cv'ryivlm'rm. State
yotme case mi.imd utetiti ( or oplrmlomm amid
S lowest terms. , Charges humv. Con-
. tuition frt.e , personally or by letter ,
. . t1itnm , l'liis 1'itii'r.
, I 0 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 I
' o
0" 't'nt : ; " . . BI5G for unn.tmraI (
. . dticmmirg.i. I5twai.mIos. .
I. i s. b
Quut8.4 ' lrtitetic. .3C nlc.riti.v , *
5.1 i ltfl ii ( . f macGui , uembr.DM.
, . . , , .iiito. rs.islu. . eim.1 not isirli.
. titiEriss CmicutitCo. ' .r poisonous.
I .Id by 1)ruiELeS ,
V , fI. 1. . sent lii piLls rppr
.1 I ; .1mir.I , p5p&iIl , r
' , ) ta 3.w. ur 1 . .ItIcI , $3.7&
I' Uitip s so
. - We want you toknow
( ; ( limit i Ito mmmmumitmfmmcimmre _ ammil
mimic Of m lie
'it : . - ' . OFFICIAL
k . !
t Is ttoli'ly iii time lmauitI at
' ; Jl Get , , iV. Etymmim & co. 'riihs
" , .Iltximi limis mliii ' ' ( 'tiimlmosltu' , '
ltemil : aim t liii hmamitiiti.
, i Sigmmeul )
1 " 'I'm ii mis-B . ) mu immi Iii-
, . ' - 2 1 I C mm m mu t mm I 1'.x ( ilumo.
'I - , i ( itiutloim W.'tule , h'rc.
.1 mit , . \'aieiieiii , Seo'y
, . Tea ' , im't'l.75 , $2.01) ) , * 2.50 ,
1 ff"tr' " . Cuii'ee , .hzt ) il.5 ! , fi.5i ) , * 2.tL ) )
I Itim't mmmalce a mnistmmk
. lout get time rlglituiie.
t . , I d ,
Geo.W1Byau& Co.
k7k.i . .
, ,
liii ) SuiiilIi mutm St.
. 5 ,
Amid brhtlge work , or teeth wltimommt PlateS.
I : iOo pi'm' ttiotii tmrmtih .1 thy Sthm tmniy. 'I'lmlis
offer is mnuihui to immt roth oct ui mm r 1mb. . im c iimmim
deumtah work mmmiii lii gummmrmmmitteti iii every
respect \'u'ry host iit't ( it teeth Colt !
lil I t imgmi Ii Ott mm p. Si I icr , mm nitlgmmmmm : mm mmti gout
ahoy tllhimigs Pie , 'l'ecth extmactetl positively
'mi'itimotmt Paili
120 So. 14th St. , car. Iouglmms. Iti'emmimmgui mmmi-
tih 5. Stumiiuy , , I it. in. LLti.13' in atteiitimuimci ) .
'Ilie Biggest Stock.
All humus--au hueSIOu'I'I' h'ItlL'E3-Stus
us imtt t , iim'ices humumi , uii'ei iiiitti.
Omaha Tent and Ruhor Co1 ,
131 1 1"mtrmiiuii. I
S ii'
S ( ) uie Ilaluig serluuIus , ' , ui im111 , ies'er
it ishi'co mit sJmjs-vnrus ut
.1 dlIl '
. _ CS' O 4
hut Nluire , I
. ( ill wool
IJiileiits , , ' ' , lit' , . it gim iiii"Ii I iN
, , ' Ili ts , Nmiuimgi.d iii mm'I lii shill , . sliiiiiss'iit , At
rntm' ( I'm' guilt ) ' iiiust lie iiuuIitIiu'ui ,
.1 ? .iti.v' ' ° cl to
. . .
lirhuig.m imn'i. . ( itsn' ( lam
lila-lump ( .ftiuiitiuJi uiiui u'u'liisig. ij for
$ 5 mm aim' , , ' uia , sir yuimum musi' ) ' Iiiiu.l , lcs't
S hattie ( ii lii' himimaulile , tltIs.r ,
' ( . 'mniui , uN I i-u. ji , nnf I hi Jut mm's , u'iiua'E isf. '
.4t ? . S ti i't.
14a ru 4 Ii ii ii rsu' 5siua si N ,
W'itIi July lii. ' , iu..Iiiin or itusuiaier ,
rj"lJ 0 JJ'itiriin 0
s- , ( 'IuillmIiIg iiu'giiis. ( liii , 'l'NuII % ' . iii' i U
( _ )1i tli Iiuauu'hau'sh , S Iliseit ut shuN , , tim' J'5. .
, issiseI lIiu'iim ti5i ( ( ) .uails ( , 'i'iia' ' , i'i'rum
t _ . ' 1ftci 1S en s oh , imiii JIuIaiuNt miii lies sit mi5.ii ( ii ¶ E "
15(1.7 : ; . li. i. u r ' i 0 k mm I m5.I ( ) , . i 1
( ) i ' % % T-j . jai'et'er ansi-mi ithie yams jsteI ,
5i ii 5' ,
.i1 c-ts : : C of H JmrslUrmIN ( Ii , ( , hiui.i' , fromim , Shsmidu's
or grim , , hrom'ii asahi Iii i.e-cit iau'r
ji111 : j _ t'hiii'Itu'tI , 1i1aisiu'st or , iiii'sI imimt t cemas
iiiui ( list li'i llmruM , .aiitsImmu.i'u' , , iuumi'-
I t'cI icti ess
I ut , I mm'cesl , I riesa t , mror'.ti'sh-u'i I lici' fit
' . mm'usI-isalsiul--ismr.- ,
'JY'lj (1 t 15511.0 - - - ,
mimi i'uiuahu'mi cisaths risissar iii tust iii ( Ii
S ti-cit (1t1l 312 S
0- ' Cu erj' ssiuisiim'i , % 't uaiiIsl Jiu' Ihisiti.-
J . 'uti t Ii ehuhi' ( uauthisii , Iut t'sausaiau'rs'Iishl' i,1r ,
rem'S isuiui ( limit's mu lap' mu r
in this St.orc.
- - -