- _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - -r- -1------ - - - - - - - - . . - _ _ . -v- - - - 1 - - - , - -7. - - - - . - - . - r - - - . - - - - . . . - - - ,11 I I 1 DA1 _ L V U I Ec ON 1) AV , , J I. ' I V 4 I 898. CORNELL NMiES A PROTEST T1itnk 3 , 1' . Walsh of I1urnbo1t 1 Not Acting Iti Geol raith , cfl3JEcTs To HIS BEIUG d CANDIDATE Chnlr , uf 1IilrrfMtIIg 1IItnr from lIit IoItgii of III' I'oItIIMM tu itleli n rilsoit Coitnl.t .ieol n L.it , * I : ik , i. LtNCOLN , July 3.-Speclal.-The ( ) poilti. * cml ttintIon n Ittchnrdao county , where J , r. wii of liumbohit I conteMing with Auditor Cornell for the popocratlo delegations - tions calls to niInl a Httlo ioIItIcai Ihtoi7 from that locality. When Cornell received the nomination for , stnte nutiltor the WnIBh faction iii R1chardon county wai far froiii IIeaBe(1 ) ( but the general ImpreaBlon there being that none of the opocratIc nominecH idooil a chatice or election , no tight vns inale ngnlnAt Cornell In hIR own 1otinty. After iertionVnhih made nn hpplicatlon for np. Iolntment flH tnte bank uxarnitier nod cured the endorsoinent or the ( lenlocrats of the county. rhe popuihts endorsed a soti or Uco. A. Abbott for the place. Ii t ( cen the two Cornell had t wnrrn time , ' 1 at htst concluded to nioInt a mn outside of ItielInrllBoO county for the tilace. This I nict1 ! ; a howl from the flic1inrdon county Itatesrnen , and Cornell incntcd the popu- Ilsts by appointing AtbotUH , son as chief bookkeeper Iti his oilier , Walsh was left out In the Cohil. The fricilliB Ut the nuihhlor now nsert that the canthldacy of Vnlshi thk fall li not in good fnith , but Is aCtflttCd with a view to compel Cornell to compromise and give \\'nhihI an nppohntment. They say thnt once tIOI % 1 Proniso 114 itin1 the contest rih1 h ( ceIareci ott anti Cornehi will get the Rich. nrthson ( lClegfltiOfl without trouble. It is nit- ( herstood that the auditor is Itidignont over this scheme to " 110111 hiiiii tip , " niul that ho viht otTer no compromise , being cspccinhiy hostile because \\'iilah lii a "vest end iiian , " whereas the auditor has imulo it a practice to eiect lila deputies from the east cud of the county.'ord comen from Ric1iardon cotinty that there Is little hope of a coin- promise. nijil that. the tight wili ho waged right 01) to the tiate of the state convention. i'ii. frn .gretiiiiit. 'Fhp popuh1st In this part of the tnte are a long way from agreeing upon a candidate for governor , and the situation Is growing r C0flf1110l. A prominent populist from the Fourth district Bald mat iiight that Coii. ) gressinflu Stark wa the most acceptable ) nahi for tue 1)10CC ) , hut that in the event of a 110W man being noiniiiated for eongres3 to auceced Stark the district would sudely go republican. as there had bceii a consider- nblo change in the sentiment of the PeOlI' iii the 1)ast year. The fusioiiists of the Fourth district believe that Stark is the only man they can nominate with any pros- PtCt ? of success and haiti that it would be ' , .s _ a bad PoliticOl niove to put him on the state ticket this year. The fuslonist comltnttees of the First dIii- trict wili meet In Lincoln this week to decide ijrnn the time and place for their con- gresslonal nomination , Local fusionists ad- nit that thieve are many ( liillculties to be iict , and that it may be deemed advisable to unite upon some inait not now promi- liently mentioned for the place , as the fight between the present candidates is likely to grow bitter nnd endanger the ftiion scheme tI the district. They have little hope that their candidate can be elected , but believe that an acceptable man and a good cam- pitiglier would be of material help t the ' Gtatt ) ticket. Li tie,1 ii i.nt'ii I ' .i-s. The Lincoln school board held its last an- linal meeting last night , preparatory to turning the hu3iiIos over to the new board. Reports were made on the Elnancial condi- thou of the ihistrict. The total expense fet the year has been $1 13,62S.17. as compared with $ lO2.6OG.3 for the previous year. t'art of this difference is accounted for by the iact that during the year just passed a new 3iighi school building has been erected at a cost of 27,791.i5 , and that ropahr and int- Proveillents have been added to the old buildings to the amount of $1,833.05. The council of the village of Ilavelock ha called a slecIal olcction to ( leclie ( 111)011 the proposition of the Uncnlii street car coin- paiiy to extenhl its hues to that ilaco. 'rite franchite , if granted , will provide for a 30-cent fare bctween Lincoln and Ilaveloek for a period not to exceed ten years , after vhiich time a lower rate Is to be made. it wlhl also provIde that the work on the new line be commenced before OctoIur I , and be finishicil before April 3. The tepubilcan league clubs of Laiieastci county have been requested to hold meet- jugs on July 9 for the purpoo of selecting lelegates to the state league convention at Onialia. In the call it is tnted that the pres- idt'iit , secretary and treasurer of each club 'nill be ex-oiilcio delegates atitl tittit In add- ! tlon to these cacti ciub 'ihi be entitled to Otto delegate for each ilfty meinbcrt or major Iraeton ! thereof. , a The ihivorce granted Mrs. Annie irum- - - 111011(1 ( frotit her hiusbanilV. . \ . lruniniond , last F'ebruary , has beeti set aside by listrlei. Jii'tlgo Cornish upon the shioviiig that at the time the decree was granted the defentiant was an initiate of the asylum. I t scents thittt 110 notIce was served on Druinniond. no cvi- thence was given at the time that ho was III the asyltini and the proceedings were Irregular - regular in other vays. Druinmond was for meily a reshtient of Ca33 county auth was at one time itronhlnent in state educational circles. Miss Mabel Elmoro , daughter ot Mrs. J , IL. Baiti of this city , is missing ( join home. the Inst seen of her being \\'eihiiesday. . AlOUt a year ago Miss liimiore. who is :19 : years old , became overheated and for a few days octet ! strangely and hail several fainting SlIehls. Since that time she has been in ioor health and on several occasions showed signs of mental aberratIon. Lsst week ho again bi'eamo overpowercil by the heat while out for a bayrack ride with a tarty of young people auth \Vednesday caine down towli atiti has not since returned tomuo. Time Ilticolu gun club vili celebrate the 'ourtlm of July with a sweepstake tournament - mont beginning at 10 o'clock and lathiig alt lay. Targets wilt be trapped for 1 cent each atiti a good crowd is expected. cotIilb Tr'asurcr Sullivan has sent out delinquent tax notices to 5,000 tax ewers nut ! cach notice calls attention to the fact that unlcss the required amount of mone' Is forthcoming Insimle of thirty days a distress - tress warrant will be itmsuetl The Lincoln Paint and Color company gave its employcs a picnic at Lincoln park yesterday. Time party conalsttd of 100 Ilco- 1)10 , who rcrs entertaIned and bountifully fed without fret or worry On their inrt , Th.a , . - t forenoon was spent In playIng various gaines , an entertaining feature being a base ball game between the 0111cc and factory , Lywi's . PERFECT / Tooth Powder AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURYS Used by people of rtJuileinont icr over a qtnirter of a. ccnturr. I forces. The rore wns kept le three flgmrei ; by a Liniely shower of rain , MIllHPlIM , ttt.I * , . at Tl.UMSill : , ctm , , Jttiy , - - - ( Tel gram.-Mrs. ) Zoo Iftilht Cfth5'tl ! another shooting affray herc today and tIme victim of It vhli ( lie. Zoo baa recently turneti he nifections to W. \Vorthcn0 a hortie trainer. anti Vorthtn has reciprocated to the extent that ho ieft his wife anti children The 1nim hn'e tceii out of town together a number of days and today when thcy retlirnetl Knight , the omnan'a husband , shot ham viihi a shot- gnu , over sixty buckshot entering his left side.'orthien dodged bettlmul a tree to prevent - vent being given a second charge , inIght then gave his nttcntioi to the \vonmami and threatened her life. She defied him and hii cotirage failed. The wolumum then mulatiti- istereti to the wants of Vorthcn , while ICimight took flight. Tonight the tlortnr rePort - Port \Vortlien in a low condition anti have but little hope for his recovery. Knight wa caught by time sheriff and a itisse when about eight miies from town filth brotighit back and jaile(1. rEent. ii fo r 5' ( ( fl III Mel , , TRCUdSI11 , Nob. , July 3.-Speclal.- ( ) The following corps of teachers lisa been engaged by the Tectimsehi school board for time coming school ycam : Superintendent , Prof. U. V , Rihis , into of I'ertm , but re- centiy of this city ; Chant's li. Ianforth of Perti , Misa Idemnu Swami of Sterling , A. p. 1.lbt ) ) ' , Miss Georgia holmes , Miss Jes- io Green , Miss Nellie Schhec. Misa lichen \\'ilghit , dra. Sadie Stokes miamI Miss Mar- grettrt Scott of Tecumasehi , and1 , Ii. Ittye of Ilrowitvilie. 'l'lIef , Ciilt. TAIILR ROCK , Neb. , July .1.-ipecinl.- ( ) Fol' some time the itizcns of this vicinity hart' been im'sterccl by Potty thmievhtigs and yesterday a muon namcl MeIflumicy , who has previously lornc a good reputation , was arrested - rested , charged with stealing four elates of eggs auth a slxt y-iountl lirkin of butter ( main a car on tile city track. l'art of time goods tere found secreted in his barim and ts'hen he was brought before the court he pleatled guilty , restored the goods and was given a nominal ( Inc. Other arrests are likely to follow. ( el.'Iru4' 't'lit'lr ( , : m1et % 't'ti.Iliig. LCUP CITY , Neb. , July 3.-Speclal ( Tele- gramn.-J. ) M. Snyder and wife celebrated tilt' fiftieth annLverary of their marrIage today and tour generations were present. Time remarkable feature was that imot one of tile families In these four generations hail smith'retl a single 1033 by death. About 200 intimate friends were present anti the mar- rlage ceremony was 1)erformed by Rev. ( I. K. llotchkin auth time presentation speech of a number of beautiful precnts by It. J. Nightingale. ) rmiit tim ! roIei , . T1tINTON , Nob. , July 1.-Special.- ( ) Last evening It began raining amid It stili contimmues. More thami an inch of vater has already fallen.'heat and nit sinai ! grain has aim improved appearance. Farmers are jimbilamit over the good crop that is now asaurod. llmrveNt Iti 1'r.gres. DUNRAR , Neb , , July 3.-Special.-Fail ( ) wheat is about nil cut and shocked aimit last week saw many fields harvested. The wheat wIll be a hotter crop and quailty than the farmers expected. Threshing will begin early next week. Nelrnskn News Nodes , There is talk of starting a second bank at Creston. Aurora is figuring on putting in an eke- tric light plant. Work has been commenced on the Toblas telephone system. Young grasshoppers in large numbers have tppeared Iii Iawcs county. Lightning Icihied twenty steers on tile Stewart ranch in Logan county. Applications ( or $7,500 worth of the new govortmnment bonds have been made by'resi- dents of Honking , The sixteen sections of mail comprising tIme larger share of time olil Fort Mcl'her- son reservation ere opened for entry at North Platte Monday Immorning. By noon three-fourths of time humid was taken. Bishop Scanneli of Omaha ha notified the trustees of the Itavemirma Catholic church that when they have raised the sum of , iO ( ) anti investei that sum in a suitable - able residence property for a priest he will eve to it that a resident priest is sent there. There arc some pretty big grain fields iii the vicinity of ( iothmonburg. W. F. ilinclc lies In 00 acres of smith grain ; II. L , Wil- Hams. 700 acres ; J. lilies , one section ; whim 100 moc' farmers adjacent to tIme city have ( rota 100 acres , to 320 in small gralmi , which prommilses an immense yield. I'rtmjosrml tll1mmiiet' vlI , IigImimmil , If t110 United States and England should form an alliance , time combined strength would be so great that there would bo lit- tie chance for enenmies to overcomime us. in me 111cc ntammn"r , 'iieti niemm and wonien hccep UI ) their bodily strength with ilostetter's Stomach I3ittei's , there is little chance of attacks from disease. The old titan i'cimicmly enriches tile bleed , buIlds up thie mnmmsel"n , steadies tile nerves and increases the ap- Petite. Try it. DEATH RECORD. Clia rlt's No ens. GRAND ISLAND , Neb , , July 3.-Special. ( ) -Grand island mourns time death of one of Its voluimtet'rs. Charles Norris was a mmmcmii- her of comnpammy M of time National Guard. lie vtts rt'gtmimrhy examined by the United tilatemi mustering-him olilcer at Lincoln and panned time cxammmiimmmtion. 'iiilo time conm- lnmmm ) ' was yet itt Lincoln , and just after mimusterilig iii , lie was taken sick with stomn- itcim amid bowel trouble amid was for a time Iii time hmospititl at Lincoln.Vhmcn time orders - ders enmue to move to Clmlcknniauga lie had llartimmlly recovered anti immststed upon going to time ( remit. Ilrst Lieutcmmant Perry iavo Norris his piece in time sleeper , while Perry took Norris' piece lii time day coach anti Norris imeemaLd to stand tIme trip t'ehI. About a week after the boys wem'e in time south- era camp tie took a relapse mtiid lila father was called , After about a week in the hospital at Lytlo Norris 'ns able to un- dertmmke time trip home and received his discharge. lie has gradually wasted away antI though making a very stubborn tight It lies been kimono by the family ( or time last two days that recovery wits impossible , Yesterilimy morning Norris wits conscious cmiii bathe his parents and sister farewell , realizing himself that time end was near. Norris was apparently a strong , robust young amen , 22 years of age. lie was the omiiy son of Mr. amid Mis , C , 13. NorrIs. 1't'tmmmm l'isNcs . % ialy , GitANI ) ISL.ANI ) , Neb , , July 3.-Siocial. ( ) -\S'Ihhlamn Morris. a veteran of the Sal. riermm' lionie , ( lied yesterday afternoon at time age of 75 ye'ars. lie was admitted to the lmonme from Lincoln lit 18t10 , lie served in the Ooo ilurmmircd nail Thirteenth Illinois infantry anti in time Thirteenth Missouri. lie has one son , who Is a resident of Lb. cola. The funeral took place at time home chapel this afternoon , interment being made in the imomno cenmetery. Or. flornrd. TFKA MAlI , Neb. , July 3.-Speciai-Jr. ( Iorwmird , formerly well known in Omaha and a brotimer of Dr. W. N , forward ot that city , died at Norfolk today. Ills body will be brought to this Ithace for burial on Tuesday. Fret ! l'h'Lcemis , CRESCENT CITY , In. , July 3.-Special. ( ) -Fred i1lckens , well kuowmm in Omnitha , died here today. ills brother , Charles Pickeims of Omaha , Is ber to arrange br the funeral. -L = LoNEI1YIKOFI \ iS KiLLED L&atler of the Gallant Twonty-Sccond Uives Up Ills Life , OMAUA'S ' INTEREST IN FIGHT AT SANTIAGO ietisp ti f Persomuti 1,11MM Smist a In el I , list. Peimllm' , tmnimz , Vlioiti time lIt'mm.l OIIiet-r % 'ns i'opmmlnn- Ills trmn ( . 'nre'r. The list of the killed anti wounded In the fighting uroummil Santiago hirings hionmo to the iwopie of Onmnhmmt a sense of personal loss. The Twenty-second infantry was in time thick of the fight and time entire list of Casualties is not yet known , It Is certaiti that its gallant coloitel , Chance A. Wikoff , Is among the kiiid amid Lieutenant Colonel Patterson anmomig tIme notititied , though for. ttmnatcly time injuries of time latter are not considered fatal. Among botlm army itmeim anti civhilans the expressions of regret at time tienthi of Colonel Wikoff arc gctici'&ti mind heartfelt. lie was C'ery inch a moldier , courteous ammd mmmi- aestmmimlng amid possessing those qtmalities which endeared him to all witim tt'iioni he Caine him -rontact. His army record Is ono of long and arduous service , lie having won his pronlotion to tlmc rank of colonel step by step ( roam time ranks 11. ' was born III I'eimtmsyivnmmln , March 8 , 1S3 ? , rind ha'i ho liVCl V.0(11(1 not have reiireil tmntil 1901. lIe \vns appointed to time regular nm-may front civil life. lie enlisted iii time Into war of thmo rebeilion as a lirivato in CrtflIv'tly l , First i'emmmmsyl'ahmIn infantry , ntmd was dis- cimnrgeil soon after miimml conmmnIslomieii first lieutenant of the Fifteemflh hmmfammtrv , Ho Was made a captain kugmmst 15 , 1SGI , auth transferred to time Twemmty-fourtli lmmfantry iii September , 1860 , nuid to time ifloventhi in AVti , 1809. Ho was pmoinoteml to niajor of time Fourteemitim Infantry Iecemmmber 8 , 1 HG. lieutenant colonel of time Nineteentim Iii- ( anti' ) ' in ISDI , and was recently comnmis- slammed colonel amid nasigmied to tim Twenty- second Infantry and mm'ns iii conimnand of time reimumeumt wimen it was ordered soutlm frommu Fort Crook just previous to time break- big out of time Present war. Asiio ( rain timeso iroimmotiotms In time ordinary cotmrne of army life ito was breveted captain lit April , 1862. for "gallant. amid meritorious services in time battle at ShIioh ; ' ' major on Novem- bar 25 , 1863 , for "railmimit and mnerltoriotms services In time lmatles of Cimlckamaugna and Missiomu Ritie. " ( ' 0 to mm t1 I 'mm t S e nsa mm 's It t'ei , id. Lieumtenamit Colonel l'atternon of time samno regimmmemmt , vhto was among time woundemi , also has a long and brilliant record of services In time Into tear. ihovmts born in New York , February 10 , 1S43 , tumid ivan , 111cc his colonel , appointed to time reguiar army ( roam civil life. lie joimmed time arimmy 1mm 1861 as first lietmtenamut of time Rleveath infantry amid in 1866 was promoted to a captaincy and transferred to time Twentieth infantry. He was hreveted captain ( or gallant service in the bathe of Chapel Court House , Vmm. , in 1864. ' He particIpated with credit in the siege of Yorktown , battles of Gaines Mills , M mu vera , Chmammcehlorsviiio , Gettysburg , Rap- jauhaimmioclc. Mine Run , Wilderness , Spottsyl- vaimla , North Anna River , Ilethseda Cimurch , Petersburg , Weldon Rail road , Chapel Court House and Hatcher's Run. lie was coin- missioned nmajor of the Third infantry in 1891 and lieutenant colonel of the Twenty- second in 1895. Liommtennnt Ord , who is anmomug the woumided , is not Lieutenatmt E. 0. C. Ord , vito is with the Twenty-muecotid amid who was instructor of the High School cadets , llUFIti. ( ) , N. Y. , ANS ) itIi'l'UILN. V Iii t lie NmmiImm'vcstenit LI mme. July 11 and 12. oxtraordhimary rates , througim cars. The Northwestern is time "othICinh line. " Write C. IL Morgamu , international - national presldemmt fl. Y. P. U. , Omaha , or city i1ce , 1401 Farimaimi street. , Jmmty 'Itli. Low rates everywimere , Nortimwemmtermm Line , 1 101 Farnam St. 'l'hme ttmjperb Fijimiimieitt and quick iiimme of the Itmton Pacific makes it the popular line to Ail principal western resorts. City ticket ofilco. No. 1202 Far- naum st. i'Imitlc I tig the Os vlmlmeM. Several of the largest ostriclmes ( inchud- tug tue giant Mark Ilaimmmcm ) vill be plucked an Monday at the Midway Ostricim Farm. 1'I .i. Ii Iiiic lime Ost rlt'Iies. Several of the largest ostrlclmes ( includ- irmg the gIant Mark ilanna ) will be plucked oil Monday at time Midway Ostrich Farnu. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Bowen Curley of Idaho Falls , Iminimo , Is an Oimmnha visitor. C.lwnrd W'hmlto of Lomidoim , Eng. , is aim exposItIon vIsitor. leWltt flurglansi has gamma to Colorado to spend a vacation of ten days. Mrs. Charles lIens lms returned to liar hmonmo in Chicago mufter speumling two weeks with imer sister. Mrs. ttmmdrew ilnas of Soutim Thirtieth avenue , L. R. Wood and wife. J. 1.Valter'owl nmitl T. . .1.'aod arrived In Onmuima yesterday from Niies , Micim. . and ss'iil vIsit time cx- position for several days. A. L. } loughtelimmg , W'ood McDowell anti Nels t. , McDowell of Fairbmmry amid H. Ii. Mummgro\'e of Coluimmlmims are htate gtiemuts among time arrivals at time Barker. C. W. Willis amid mvlfe. C. S. Martin amid wife.V. . FlVihiimt , Miss Mary Caywaotl nnmi Miss Mary Barrett of ilroken how m'm a vIsiting the eximositiomm and stopjmimig at tIme L'rker. Dr. Albert 51mw of tIme American Magn- zirme iteview of Reviews , s'imo hmas been In time city tiurimig time last week , leaves ( or Minneapolis , m'hmere hue vihi remain a few minys before returning to New York. n. M. Wolf , vIfo miami sari. J. Burke , C. "IV. Cole amid wife , Jmmmmmcs Crotty. A. P. Snmltlm , P. O'honnell anmi C. R. lirommmmer aiim ! viCe are Limmcolmmltcs spcndummg time Fotmrtim 1mm time exposition city and stopmiimg mit tIme Barker. F. 0. Reason , Ctmnrlcs C. Album , J , 13o- lack. J. Blair. F. J. l1cwls. W. C. Xeimn , C. S. Meyer. W'oomi Arimalul anti tvife anti "I'I' . It. Lenmiarml ama nmnong time lCnrmsas City IemilO whmo arrived in Ornaima yesterday to celebrate time Fourtlm at the exposition , Mrs Calvin S. Ilrice. Mrs. Lawremmca Maxwell mmd Mrs. J. S. Mettcr of Llama. 0. , anti Mrs.'I' . P. Orr amid Miss I" . Ilattelhe at Plqua , 0. , immaima 111) a special Party wimicim arrlvemi In Ommmahia yesterday ( rota the Pa- chile coast nail t'Ili reimmain in Omaha several tlays before goimmg on east. Nebraskans at lmotels : WIll M. Deimnis. JoimmuV. . Bergers , II.V. . I-Iubimmmrtj , wIfe amid cimlid , Joimmi S. Smith. it. F3. Finley. J. II. Trmmckhmelnm , C , A. WirImk. W' . C. Wittnmamm and wIfe , II. L. Stein , Lila Trigg , Nell Trlgg , J. Mommchunn amid wife , Al hart anml wife , Lincoln ; A. J. Sinmomisomi. S. Preston. John N. Clark , George \'I. Clark , Alliance ; Charles \'I'eclz , Tbonmas Comunor , 0. W'eehz. Snot lfixtomm , A. Almmeas , Gramimi Island ; (1. ( 1.1. hhlnmmmamm , II. J. Archer , \ \ ' . ii. Lucrapt. Fre- nmont ; I. , . A. ihecher , Nellgim ; A. II. Whito- ker. Craig ; F. A. Patterson , Stoclcholma ; A. A. McCool and wife. Salem : I. If. McCnllumn , Indianota ; II. C. 'l'homnpson , Ilastingim ; J. 1ti. "IVinter , Irwin Declm , L. J. Klhilamm , It. C. KhhIlan. 'Wahoo ; J , ii. i'ope , Siiver Creek ; 'V. I' . Kreitz , R. A. Seifert. hexlngtomm , 11. 14 , iiramin , .ioimmm F. Piper , N. I ) . Camneromm , J. M. Crowehl , Tekamaim ; It. 11. Jenimesmi , O'Neill ; T. 14. Ackerman , Stanton : B. F. Carter , Valentine ; C. B. DiehI. Stratton ; S. .1. Roberts. Seward ; 'IV. II. Rastbmammu , liroken 130w ; F. A , Bohmme , Ravermmmmm , LOCAL BREVITIES , Time mnoothily meeting of time W'omamm's ChrIstian association will bo imeld Tuesday , July 5 , at 10 o'clock him tIme Young Men's Cimrlstimtn asmmoclation lariors. Important business to comae before the associatIon , Friends and members urged to attend , DIG DAY FORTHE RAILROADS , ( , VNIIIIM lii lifliii liii , u mzItc sit Slum- huiy 'I'rn i'l In it % i'ry Sat- isfnetmmpy llgimnt' , Yesterday was a bjg day for time rttllrontla lemuhimig into OniTi * , especIally the lines front the sotith. 'ht' tcdtmeetl rates lnmt Into effect b3 nil time lines for time Fourtim of Jtmiy , omme regular tare for time rommnd trill , tere tmt'ti yesteriay with time result hint time largest crosm oer brotmglmt In for a celebration of ItmtlWi1CnieImce miny In tlmis city traveled to Omnhmh. In mmtliiitiomm to the am'- rivals of yestcrm1a niore are expected today , train reports from all time through trains dime lucre timis mnormulng Indicating that totlay's btmslmucsa , wiii be evemm lmmrger tlmatm yesterday's. Time ifmitmsns City , Plttsbtmrg & Gulf ronmi brought In time Immot imuuneromms crowd. There was tue regular traiuu of that line , which arrived frommi ICanses City at 1130 o'clock yesterday nmormming with seven cars all filled. Time St. Louis express of time \'rmbashm caine iii over the same line shmortiy after mmooim. I Three siecinl trains of an average of seven cars cccli followed time rrgmmiar trmmimms at immtcrvnls of thirty mmmimmumcs. Iii all there tere somewhat over 2,000 people from Kan- sits City , St. Lotus amid other poimmts to the f semutlm brommghmt in on these five trains. Time hulk of time 2,000 \ ' , Crc sumipping clerics from time wimolesale houses mmcml muimimmufnctuurimmg estaimlihmmmmemmts of Kammsas City. After get- hag timeir dinners down town tiucy diul hot lost , nmuch tiimme 1mm goimmg .mmmt to time exposition grouumds , s lucre tlmey mpeumt time rest of the afternaomm ammul most of time evenl'mg. They iromimise to do tlmcir share toward ceiebrmit- immg time Potmrtht mit time groummitis today. TIme Ilrst rettirmmimig nimecial for Kammsas City vIli leave . imere tomilghmt at 6:30 : o'clock. The Minsotmri i'acifle lund four extra cars attmmcimel to its traimm No. 1 , from 3mmnsas City , arriving at 6 a. mu. Traimi No. 9 , mmm'riv- lug at 1 o'clock , also carried three athlitlomuai cars fom' the immcreased traille. Not nil of timlmi travel was fm'ommu Kmtmmsas City , mmmcii of it beimmg ( mum lmmtermmmedimtte imhmmis. 1mm all there Were about 500 visItors brought in cmi tlme.se trcmlmms. As all otimer Fourth of Jmmly echo- bratlons niong tim line of time Misotmri l'a- clue were declared cit to swell time Ommmmmha croird It was only natumral timat the bulk of t1m travel siueuitl direct itself this way. The Burlington's nmortmiiug train and oven- imig train from Kansas City had extra coaches attached , and all time ears were well filled tvitht F'otmrth of Jimly travel. Time east ammil west lInes also hroughmt in a good amotmmmt of travel , but mmothhmmg extrnordimiarily heavy. IL Is expected thmat most of the travel into Omumalma trommm points on these himmes will reach here thil nmornimmg. On train No. 1 of the Ummlon Pacific yesterday - terday mornimmg tiuerc was a special tourist car commtaitming twexmty-flvo selmool teachers frommm San Fraimelsco emmroLmte to Wasblngtomu for time meetlmmg of time National Ehtmcational aseociatlon. East of imere time route of tue car was over time Chicago & Nortimwestern ammmi the llaltimmmore c Ohio railroads. Five cars filled with sciool teachers were at- tacimed to Union l'aciflc train No. 2 goimmg east over time Northwestcrmm. Timis evening timero will be a spoolmul party of Nebraska sclmooi teachers for Waslmimmgton amimi Chris- tiamm Eimmleavorers for Nashville leave ( op the east aver time ' Nertluwestern , golmmg ( coma Ciulcago over time l'enmmsyivania lines. ' FIGHTERS OF ALL NATIONS Idnmimmmu's Object I.ii to mu FI RIIIhroiI $ ml % 'erp Coammmopohitmmiz Cro'rui In it ( itiiersi1 A fierce fight iii one of tIme temporury restaurant hint outside time atcs of the eximositlon groumidid csterday served to slmow time cosmmiopolitan cImtttacter Omimalma has as- sumued siimce the openimmg of the exposition. A druimken Italian mitered time restaurant nmmml gave atm artier for a bowl of spagimettie soup. It was served to lmlimm by a Swiss waiter girl. TIme Italian foummd mm Ily lim tIme first spoommfUl and grew furious. lIe threw time bowl and coimtemmts at time girl , btmt alme mlucked it anti it. struck aim Arabiamm seated at the next tabie. Time Arab got tmp nmmd liummeImed time heami of a Turk behInd imini , thmiimking ime was guilty of the act. Arabia and Ttmricey lam- immediately mixed tlmiimgs amid the flgimt started a gemmeral mneico. Mm Assyrinmi ammil aim Rug- lish horter took sides with time 'rimrlc , whIle time .Amnericami cashier aaml a Russian guest pitched in mmd aided tIme Arabian , Mime was gettimmg time worst of it. The Fremmch cook and Imla assistant , a Swedisim ivomuan made frantic attempts to separate the combatants. A plate throwmi by one of time flglmtors went timrough ommo of the front windows amid struck a Chimmanman on time back and caromed on time imead of an IndIan train time WiimlVest show. Tim Germaim lrolmrictor of time place was frantic over time wreck time fighters caused , and after trylmmg in vaimm to stop time scrmmim ran to a teleplmone and. called for the imal ice. \'imen time wagon arrived aim Irisim bitmecoat followed by ills comnramles , a Jew arid a mmegro ailgimtcd , amid after a liberal apphlca- tlomm of locust time cambatants s'era separated - rated anmi loaded hub the wagon aimmi driven to tIme statiomm by time Austrian driver. Timis mmmormiimig tue cosmopoiitamm twill ho givemm a lmearimmg by Judge Gordon , a Scotch. mail. Itnisle mummd 'IIit ( ' ) Itotlu (0e. Time rommmammce of William Kruger was immarred yesterday by time uligimt of his pros. Imective bride one week befom'o time cere- nloimy was to have occurred. Kruger immms lmoarmled tom' several mnontims at 523 South Thmirteemmtim street , where Della Crossieim was cnmploycd as waitress , 'rime youumg woman simowed sumeit grace In her attendance that Krtmger t'as attracted tiluti was so suiccess- full timat time tiny was set for July 10. Saturday - day the womami applied for 2U with wimicim to complete her trousseau , Krmmger fur- miishmed time amnommnt and simo stortcmi out to make time iturchases. 'i'lmat was time last Kruger lmas mmeeim of Imer , amid iimckiemuts have occurred to him in time light of prenemmt eir- ctmmnatnimCcs tlmat warrauit time muuslmlclon timat shmo imims gone wltit a hmantleommier man. Fmmmrtli oh' , J'uil' mit Flirt Ommimilmim. Time soldier boys 'hmo are gatiuered at Fort Omaimmt intent ! 'to imnve a i'ourthm of July celebration bY their owmu thmis mifter- noomi , but they ama nnxlomma to imave all Omaha joitm In with timeumu it it will. Time celebration will commence ProniptlY at 3 o'clock and will epiutimiuc for a couple of hours. I AccordIng to th ? Jgram that has so far Imeemi mmrrmmngeml ihiuihop Scanneil iii to make the opeimimmg prayer. A'tjutarmt ( leneral Barry vili reami tIme ietiflr.4tiofl of Indopendeimee mmmiii addresses mmlii lie nmamle imy Gemmeral Mnmmderson , Ed 1' . ' ' Smltim , Coiommei L. C. Pace of Lincoln mim1t. others. There will imroiabiy be a iaradotnhomit time fort grotmads. Have You a Cariideth Jtmmtl do you i'1dt it sitt'cl'l'lieim you snimt a lILYL ) he CPSL'-TiIt'140 ( tti'4t5 are , ltl'Ongi ) ' iimmitltt of vooml 'ci.e vItli hhiio graIn lenthier-tittt'ti vith sriimga OH lImit iiislilt' timat iu'uvImt ; timy liljury 10 limo en mmiorn-I t cmiii lie attmteimoml to miriy 'imt''i-mo ii. ; to ( ) jt'il ltt time 101) 01 $ liit'i4 -Our lint' of mtILmhttl'tlt' miiotogritmiit'i's' siipplim'n 1i4 immost cohmmplete-lmotililmg timat . . .ill mmlii you iii tIme voi'k but timmit .o imitvo-ln'slult u' 'u hi't ; rued a gi'm'mtt ( leal imimotit It oumt'itelm'pmm mmmiii mire yiiliimg to til llum mill iVi ? kmioi'-Ytuti ' vill tInd our lilCL' thu kind t011 t8iit to iia , The Aloe & Penfold Co Aimuicvr I'Iuoo Smmppir limpumsa. 14M Farnam Street. Oppoilte 1'aton IIot,1. CLOS1'C 1USlCAL CONCRESS riiial Sessions of the Gathering Will I3 Held Tocay. AMERICAN MUSIC hAS TIlE RIGhT OF WAY A lmmm r i , t I mm mm 1 : mi ci ( iii I . ' it utsi * i nil t'rmt ( 'OmmuluItsIt lutms VIli ( 'IiIIhIrIM ( ' time l'roti rum mum ( lie I.emtmu , rt-rs anti L'errmrmmm'rM % SIii 5 he. 'I\'itim time coumeert this evening at time cx- Position atmditorlunm the mmessiomms of tltt' Na- tiommal Congress of Musicians will come to an cmiii. Today is to be known as "Aimucrhcatm music tiny. " mmmi nil tlm ntmmmibers upon time Imrogratmms will be seiceted froumm time works of Anmcricmtmm comimposermi. The first admiresmi tlmb ; mumornimmg will be delivered by ? dr. N' . Coo Stewart of Clevelnimmi , 0. . upon "Music in. tIme Public Schools. " Mr. Stomi art ima'm ummitier Imla direction 1,300 teacimers amid timotm- sammmis of cimlldremi , lie was time foummider of tii 1mitmsie 'Cearlmermm' N'atiommni associatiomi amid for three years presliemit of the mtisicai depat Lmmment of the Natloumni KttmmcatIommni mis- sorirutiomu , Thmo Coommd omidress mi ill b glvemm byir. . 1dooro tmpomm "Our Hariy hitsiory and Lcgemmmi as mm i3nsis for time Aummem'icmmmu Mmmslc-Im'mimmma. " 1mm iiltmstrmmtiomm of time numb- jcct Mr. Moore will mend a story fommntted , tliOmm these eiemnmmts. At it ociocic time seveumthm recital will lie glvemm by Mr.'Iil immni II. Shuerim cod , B ismi , lemmnie ( ) sbmmrn flint Mr.Vmiiiimce Goodrich. I 'Fhme irognmmmm viii bo omit' of time umuost inter- estlmmg of time series ammml will commmiit en- timely of Aunericami commmpositiomus. At I :30 : Mm' . ( leorge C. Cow t'iil mleiivcr I au address tmlmomm "Music mis a Factor 1mm aim Aimmem'icamm Educatiomm. " Mr. ( law is at time lmcul of the mmmusical dcpartmmmemmt of Vassar I college amid is ammo of time icst iimtormmmeml moon 1mm t ima mmmtmsieai primfesmiloim , I At 2 :15 : .ttr. Lommin C. Risomm uvili lecture ulOmm "Ommr Ntmtiommai Alusle' ' amid will ilius- trute it pm'otuseiy witim selections coverimmg a uviule range of sommgs. Mr. Einomm is a sue- daunt imm time mmmusic of time peepic amid hues nmaclo orlglmmnl luuvestbgmutuomis timmit. have beemu prothmctivc' of remlmarlcnlle results. ills ! ec I ttmro is omm time popular ormier anti lie will . imas Witim imhimu a mmmmmmmimer of urlglmmmil nmmimmu- scrllts , mmnmong thmeni thmmt of time ' 'Star Spatmgicml ilanmter , " wimiclm immay be scout by time audience , I.mmst of the Itvi'I tills , At 3:30 : tIme last recital of time congress mviii be given by Ir. Gorrit Simmithi , Mrs. ( iorrit Smnitim , Miss Jcmmmmle Duttoim , Mr. Ermmmit It. Krooger nod Ilarry J. Fellows. Time program uvili be ummade UI , entirely of our mmativc Coniposers , Time evemmimug concert will be Imelmi at time Expositiomm Atmditoriun and will begin prommmptly at 7 : 30 o'clock 1mm order timat it immumy ho over iii time for time flreuom'ks.'itim this commeert time National Congfcss of Mu. siciamis trill eimtl. 'l'he program is as ( oh- iowa : Commcerto for imlaumo . . . .Ernst U. FZroeger l'iayed by time L'ommmpomter , Concert Aria-hero mmml Leuniler. . . . . . . . A. M. F'oerster Mini. ; Ammumida Vierhelier. Dramatic Overture-Melpoimmemme . . . . . . . . . George 'IV. Cimmulwicic TIme Tlmomnns Orcimestrim , calmducted by time commilmoser. Concert for Violin . . . . . . . . . .Fritz LIstcmmmanmm ilermmiuarth Listemnaun. Voeni Qumartet-Time New World . . . . . . . . humor Moore Mrs. Murtlmm Cahmi , Mm' , harry J. Fellows , ilonmer Motmre mtimd Lumcien 13. Copelumuti. Dtmrlng a commversation yesterday Mr. Louis C. Rlson of Boston said : "I ama mmstoumlsimcd at time number of American composers brotmghmt lucre or represemuteti by their works and ton arunzeml at the great interest displayed - played at time coimeerts by tIme ntmdieaces , mmmore rapt thami aria would oveim thud in time cast. I consimler that time timimo has come vimemm time \vest immuist take iart 1mm the mmii- vammee mnovemiment of Ammierican art. You are nccustommmed lmere to consider Boston time Mecca of American mmmusic , bmmt twenty years ago Bostomm was hot iuitmclm fmmrtlmer am- vamiced tlmamm many western cities nrc at iwesemmt anti I believe a score ff years will cmmuse gigantic mtmsicai progress here. What I hmnvo heard already of time sessiomis of time Muscial Congress hues interested mime very much. Time Immmliaim subject treated is omme timat mntmr.t be of especial interst iii this section , where sommmo of it had its rise. I ani especiaiiy glad timat such a commiposer as Mr. Chadwick lies beemu brougimt to Omaha. We regard him in time east as time macst umrommmising commductor anti time most timorommgim commiposer iii time mmativc ranks. 'Evcim thuougim the congm'ess and time comm- certs lila ) ' ho a trifle beyond entire popular commiprehension. yet it is a planting of good seed-seed wimchm ! must bear fruit in the iuear fmmture. It places Omaha 1mm limme withm time other great cities of time west 1mm imelping mmative art. " HYMENEAL. Me Ii mm e-Cisirle. CASPER , \\3o. , July 3.--Spccial.-Mlss ( ) \Vliimeimine Clark , cotmmmty stmperimmtendommt of scimools , amid Kemumuetim Mcflae , n wealtlmy Iloelumumster at this commnty , % m'ere mmmarrled \Vcmlncsday niormmlumg at time Graimd Cemutral hotel , mu large nummmber of relatives and fricimds being present. A weddimug mlimmner was served at time .imotei , Great interest was taken In tIme mmmarriago imere in that it grew iim mm romnamu tie ut ay omit of time recent - cent trial of tlmo groonm for murder. Iur- lug time legal imroccetiimmgs , whelm extenmied thrcmughm three trials , Miss Clark workeil In- defmutigahmhy 1mm liar lover's hclmalf. At time lese of his second trial , when imo wmms foummd guilty of nmurder 1mm tIme first de- gree. lmu Contijiue(1 ( to worlc.S'tmen Mr. McIiao urns aequuitteml at tIme close of imis third trIal time ( late stan at ommce set for time WClmi I nIl. : ii INFI Iiziu'tomm vI dim * luc Vomu.dcd , NIi\V YORK , July 3.-Chairman Stephen F3. flartoim of the lIed Cross socIety Immmmt re. calved thma foiiowiumg cablegrmmmmm ( roam Clara Iiartomm , time dispatchm coining timrommghu time Wnr tiopnrtmnent from Pimiya mid Rste nail bemmring date July 3 : "Lessem' ammil his force arc attcmmdhmug wounded home , They are commstuntiy commmIn in. Riweil mummml his force are mailing sup. 1)1105 ( rota time State of 'Fexas , In time surf , day mind mmlglmt , wlthotmt docks , tinder greet difliculties anti dangers , General Simmufter gends us mmrgeuut appeal fm-onm the front for nmodielmues antI tood-nomie there , \S'ihl try to sepil imy four mmmmmio wagons to hilni tommlgimt , armd go aim ourselves. " Miss Bartomm ( lees imot give her exact boa- tion , I - - - - . - . - - . "If you _ : : ' : : snar _ set' a thing too often , 'oti no longer SCG it : if you hCat a thing too oftcn , yeti 110 lOl1t'r heat' it. ' ' Perhaps you've fl ' lhiC1 hCai(1 ihitich of " " , - st'eii : ( so Pearline - h that it nakc ; ho 1lfllCSS'lOfl 111)011 you. 1'hcti it's tulle to 'akc up auid look about ) and SCC 'ktt Pearline is doing for other 'IOi11Cii , Pearlinc givc the casicst , quickest , most cconohi'ical 'aslung and clenniig , , , u , - . - - - _ & 4pjr6 ? vI'IoN's BlR'flflAY ) ( Commtlmmtmm1 front FIrst Page. ) 11mg fotmmmtnlmm fomnmt'tI a settimmi ; for time mmmusio wimicim ambled giently to its cimmirm. At the evemmitmg commcemt aim time bluff trmmct , however , the eromvmi was mumtmeh larger tlmmmum iii time nftcrnooim , every rent 1mm front of time nmtmsie iavihiomi imelhmg Illicit and hutmmmtiretls of I lCltIt ) stmimmtb I a q tinrimmg tIme emmt ire Pam for . immammce , Time umi ogrimmims imresemitemi at btthm commct'rts Immeitmilemi mmii attractive coliectiiim of mmutmsi e a f iii I k I immi s. ho tim cmigeit' ) mm mmii ittmiumlar. nmmd time t'apaimie imimilmimcr iii muimIcim titu' imtmmn- hers w're lterformmied imicide tIme commcertmm Immost emmjeynbie. liii 'I'tt'il.HflA Id Nt'It IHX. H im'rl emit' , ' of ; ; t ; m , , i'tl t'l ( it It Smmshi.'e't'l , ( 'mimmuou'mm l'ht'titl , Thmo expoeitiomm gtmards mire Immmmirueteml to i4toim every liemnmt html. hmnuhmmg nmmt of time oiiiclai tiketmi attaclueti to huts cammmcm a ammml commmpei imimim to lcmve tlt groummulit or lmtmm cimmmne Lu lormmult ( or time use of time instm'tmmmmt.'mmt. Yesterday mmtmrmtmt mmccii , while tIme sumu mm'ns niuimmglmig imrighutiy mmmiii nil centlitlomma wt'ro PCrfCCL for tmikimig pimotogriultius , a gummrml tmmu dtmty miemir time Amlmmmimmimitrmution mtrchm caught sight of a mmmmmmm withm a stmspiciotms lookIng black box hmmmrryimmg toward time mmummin court as tlmotmgh lii search of a good loiimt frommm tvhmlelm to cmmtcim a snap shot. ilmurryimig after hmtmtu time gimarti smu w thmut : there mm-as imu ticket nttaclmed to tIme eniumermi. Tmpping tue mmmmmmm omm time milmotmider time gumord immformmmed imlmmm thmmit Lme vouitl have ho get a permmmit before hue could ' 'muse that tumimmg. " ' 'I domi't mmccii aim ) ' Pem'mnlt , " replit'ti time mmmii , whmim tacIt 1mm time situatiomm at a gimumuce. , . , 'I.ouu camm't imne timmmt tlmimmg vitimotmt a ver- mimit , ' ' rc'lmiiel ( time gummrd : who wmmmm becommmlmmg soimmewimat mmettled , as a crowd was gmtlmer- : lug mmmiii tIme immoim seeimmed to be mnmikimmg ftmmm of imiimm. 'l demm't wmmmmt to mmmmuke ynum ammy trommble. btit otmr orders are very strict mmmiii I'll lmnve to arrest you if you demm't go qmmlc'tly amid bum ) ' a Perhmmil before yotm use it. ' . , I ( lam ) ' I. I mm temm U I a lmmm y a 10mm i t , ' ' relml led time mmuamm with sommmc show of temper , "aim : ! 3'oi ( caim't immalco ama. " "Now , look lmere , immister , " replied time guimurmlt'imo was getthmig mmumid , ' 'you can't use timat without a pcrmumlt , and if you tioim't comume with mmmc iummd get Dime rigimi away ili rtmmm you 1mm , ' ' "I demi't need ammy perimmit , ammmi I'mn , oimmg to misc thIs timimug m ighmt now , ' ' reimil'md time mmmamu witim time kodak , as ito wlmmiteti at time crowml. ' 'Yotm just watcim time. ' \Vitim tiuis he vmuilci'mi to n ccmmmvatulemmt seat , Sn t iowmm amid opemmed I Ii a ho'c , extract I mm g a smmmdwiclm and various mmther eatables , wimicim ime coolly liroccemiemI to demimoiia1m , wlmile tIm crowd gave the gmard time imugti. : 1i % mIimsl t Ion ? u ( i'M. There were 4,509 paId ntlmmmissiomms to tIme grotmmmds Sattmrilrmy. 'i'Jme imiteriar of time Nebraska lmmmildhmmg Is ( lecorateti tvitim flags amid immmmmtlmmg nmmd pro- semmts a gay mulIearmmmmce imu lmommor of time cel- ebratiumm of time Fommetim of Jumly , Time only am'rests immumle yesterday vere those of mm commimle of mmmen who tried to rtmmm time Twemmtletlm street gate. Timey dasimc'd iast time ! gatekeeper , who was emnpreparetl for suclm n mmuovrmmmommt , btmt timey mu'eme ciumickly ovemimnuieml tumid locked tip. Time lone builmlimmg is time emily state multI- I it g aim t ime grouimds t'hm Ichu itt a o I oiummm to visItors aim Summdny. Time spreading iorclmcs , imowevcr , are hiiteraliy supplied with chairs amid these are occupieml by licolmie who mviim to emijoy a vIe\v of time greummtis trout this Poimit. Time Illlois building is Iiberaiiy ilecoratcil witim time mmntiommal colors Iii imommor of time nation's birthday , llmgs : , bmtmmmtlumg mint ! clotim 1mm tIme lrcper colors hieing thisimimmyod withm a lavish immmnd , I'rommmimmcumt ft'atmmres of time mlecoratioims are large pom'traits of Abrmmhmnni Lincoimi ttitml Johmim A. Logamm , which mire hmmmng ( coin time bai'omm y over t lie mmml mm cmi- tranco. 'l'lmese are iirmmlmcmi with iummtiumg and surroundeti by iimmgs , middimug very much to time effectivemmess of time .lecoratiomm , TODAY'S ' WEATHER FORECAST i'rthzmhuIitIes A re f.i a l'iuIr Imuy tim Nt-irimskmu , ivl tim. Va rimmlle ' % % 'I IOIM , iIu-e. , mmm I uig Siii t luu'ni y. W'ASIIINGTON , July 8.-Forecast for Itiomiday : For Nebraslmmu , Iowa and Knmmsas-Fmmlr wemmtimer ; variable wiumils , beconmimig gotmtim. any , For Soutiu lakota-Fair ; % v'anmner 1mm east- era pontiomms ; sotmtlmeniy'Immmhs , \Vyomimmg-Fnlt' ; variable wirmmhmm , For tI issotmni-Gemmc'raiiy fair ; wmmnmnur ; imoutluenly wimmds. \Vyoniing denmoenots will imoitl tfleir state commventiemm at Casimer August : i. DR. WELCH DULY INSTALLED i ( 'ti. l'istm mit t hutSett'mmrui St teeS tIch lmumi I.t i'lIIiMt'tIiiuil ( 'Immmrt.lm 'l'mm''es limlii , Dr. A. (1.Veichm Imrc'aclucil his first sermon to the congregation of time Semu'cmrd Street Methuntiltt chmtmm'elm yestorminy mornIng. lie et'eeptemi hIs mmcmv chimirge trommm Now Mexico. Mmtny mmmemumhers of thmo eommgregntlimi cx- I lirenseil lhelr sitisfmmetlomi : mit time close of tue I service. un. \'eim'im chose mmmi bus text , , iohmu I xvii. 15 : "I lmra' not that 'l'hmoti shall tmmice I hem omit of the wem'iti , but timmit thmmni itimali keep timemmm front et'ii , " lii his opemmimmg itraer lr. \\'elchm emiketi thummt God m'cuuiommiber time ttmmiicmi States iii this tiimue' of trouble , l''mm'ctl time Alnuighity to ho wIth time nmmiu % ' iiti : iivy nimil miuiidhlv lmring the war to a citiqo amid lummumioreti a special biemumilmug to rest aim lime pnm'imt of tiuose yotmmmg muon ut ho inive iii me.ttiy fallen imm battle. lr'edehm said 1mm liii nermmmon 'l'Imc worhmt of time text were miitokt'im in' ( 'liii ittv lmi I a I a tIm t' gmm rile mm mm f ( lei husenmemie , muon I y Imefore I I in ti entiu , wimcmi t i I um cite ii Isci ph en utere mircu miti I I I mmm in lmrmem' : . ( un st w an always a lmrmyimig ; mmmmmmm , Hv'mm bum this inst timmme of trial I he lnnYCi , mmtt t'r I llmmm- mmcl f , hmmt , for I I is fol I otters , I Intl t lucy iii igiu tin miavetl mimtti kept trommu ( 'vii. Tint words itt I lit' text hold true tothav whim tIme cimtmrt'it timmti this Pet Ithmmm m'mmmi tunkeil cmi mmmcii ( tiC ilium followem's of tlme imm'esemmt as it mm'mts tar time twelve trimo hmmiml liceim uvitim lilmmi 1mm Ills cmm'tlmly : career. ( "linlst kmmow time 'timomtcommiimmgs of Ills ills- ciples mmmmtl wlmtlmed time'mmm tim remumnin bug in time uum'ld ama ! imy so doiimg fmmrtlmem' time glory of his kingdommm. 'l'lmo tm'uniis of tIme tnxt. : mm- ; utlieti to emicim cue of I us in dye im'ntm em 'mt'itim cqtuiml force , It wmms muueammt mis immticim for Thuommimis , time tioumbtiimg one , as ( am' Peter. thmt rock of ( lou's church. nut ! i'vemm Jilting vmms I mmci mm mld iii t hue I1C t I thmum. Like tim ii t ttl cc. every cute of muit hues n mmmissiimim 1mm I his life tumti time reward or ntmmuishimiemmt will lit' mmmi great to tin. ' mmiast aimmirimne as to those a l.mu eioctrify thu um'arlti uvlthm timely muceolnhill5ii mnemits , Christ asiseit timmit ills discImtis hi altered imecause I hme'y hint ! a work tm tin. I f time u'ork stopped Jumiimmisumm mmmi pagatutsulm % otmiil flourish tumid Chmristimmmmity voumltI lien- mu. Now time cimureh tubes time imimme of tlti' tvcl vu miposi ics mmmiii is time Imtmmimtim : uiiehit'ii - ger of a livimmg tmmmth. l'mutt ages nimnw htmmw Cium'Imtt's words were mmmimitacum ; 1w rIls fol- louvers. lie did not mmmenn timemmi to lit' kept fromuu evil hiy scclmmmllng timeummaclvemi in ills- taimt Caves aimmrt frommi all livimig helmmgs or 1mm tlni cloister eeuimtimmg their bcals , but wanted tiucam lit time immidsi of aiim. ' hero their lives miiunimlil itimimme for thin gmuttl em' Ills cause. Memm camu live 1mm mttuclu sumrm'oimniilmigs and still remnaimm imm'e mmmmmi holy ammil timis was Christ's umietimod of kt'etitmg tlmemmm ( rein tit'i ! . Time C'lmristiami , like time imemitmtifui vlmite Ply' growlmmg in tIme mimiro amid immmpartiumg its sweetness aroummd It , mummy still be umusoiloti amiml tie good iii time worst demus of vice. Tlmera is mme thmommgimt mmmcmrcm clear thmnn I Ime separate immdivititmailty of the church anti time voi'id. "m'I'hmilo dolmme time mumissiomus of Christ We immummit immure denim immunds and it ptmro heart amid mntmst be mmiammiestntiomms of Ills reiicemmmimmg Pnus'er. Let eacim of ums talce time words of tIme t"xt imomime to ourselves anti live for I-lime wlmu sa'Od mis anti show hint 1w ommm limes thrit we are iivlmmg mmmommumniemits of ills 'urine mmmercy timid Ills true servmumut. i/Perfect InfcmtFpo1 ord EaIe ran Condensed tiIk - A PERFECT SUBSTITUTE 101 ? MOTHERS MILIC. FOR IJO YEPIRS THE LCAOIUCJ BRAND. ' ; 'I//MNT//fALT//rvr FREE. . . . . .Y. @HDLNSOD MmLifi. NEWYORI ( - - - - - . BLISS MILLI1EflY AT HALF PRICE ' ' ' ' ' ' LtRGES'l' S'I'OCK IN WES'I' W12 DOUGLAS ST - _ - - Victory Is Ours- ( ) imi' it I'm ii it's mi mc iii n m'eim I u g rlgl it on- immisim I im g I II It Spa im I ml i'l ii 01 I I ol' t lie i'Ii y mumil 1) m'ex I i. Sim mnmI m mm i a im Iii OS' I 1mg rlgim t aloimg ) usimhhIg uthut'i' m'timC' de'mthem' to tIme m'enr uvitim his gient c'mmimitort-glviimg , vi imi ' I fmm ' ' m'-\V I t immolum'y-sa im , g s'mi no - itt ( 'mmli I d 1mm' 1 ) t'l t ( 'i' 11011' t hun a a st vu I si I 111)01' tom' t Ii 1' 1mm t i h's'I'i mt'm' ta mm you Ii n I so imutmmy dlft'rm'uht 11111115 ilS lm'u'e-'I'iiei"ti t I me cx I i't-ii ; ii ii tt'tl t imet t ho I ml ) IS' i'OIi II (1 ( t ( mit Ii I I d t in' c H I I 111(111 I Ii SI' \ \ ' ( I ot'-mi II at time' imoinliar h lcJ4 of ; l.2 : ; , , ; L7f ; ' -I lie t I I lTet'iI cem I I I jI ii i't' 114 I Im e d Iffem'ei moo 1mm mltimmllty-4tll time stylomi mit mIll tue I ci cemi , Drexel Shoe Co.9 Omit ha's 131-lu-do d e Slice hloummue. 1'llI ) iitflN4tM STRlEI' . - - : - - - - - - - - _ _ - . _ _ _ _ - . - _ _ Artist or hot- It h)1t'imsS ) 115 every huh' you colmit' to ( liii' it0u't' Imiii l00il-'tVt'V' ( uulw'ays $ ( ) iile it , , I itliug mmesv In lk'tmml to ShmS' voti-imt ) , 1I immmtttei' if 3'Oui iV41i' ( ' lmc' i'ey est'rlmly ( ' 01110 itgaimm t tiiu'-s'ti mmi' ' iimaiiimg ; it sln'elal [ ' ' t'ffiim't t his lm''t'il to SDhl a imiiimilier at' 0th' I : 1 : iit'it. oi'lgi I Ill I I ) mt I It I I ii gm4 , Ctl ? I I mmgs , e Ic.- : ' ' I ii mmmi ss'Il 1 i mimi k it ii u-Ices so I hmu ; t you emt a I ii IUIII , . s9 hit' iimlviimlmmge : ( if limmyhtig lmos'-0tir ! f frainhlig diilmI ; i'timti'iit hmOY'I' iS'fl $ lIlt 00111 . . ' ihmtti , mis ilIV-ihliulm ( , ' Ilnim iuiouilmilmugs J mist . .o. r flhiitfti ( to ( lilt' tisilmul lois' limbos-You mirti - . . , , iii vited It luok-limmy ( ii' imot. - ' - ? 4'- , 4 ' ' A. HOSPE , : . .t 0r.z.te':2I : Nusic aild Art. 1513 Douglas . - . . . . - - 'V -