Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1898, Image 1

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. THE OMAHA. :1 : DAILY BEE. . ' .
_ . _ ; , I : EsrtlABj4IsIIED : JUNE :19 : , 187.1. orir , RNDAY MOThNING , JULY I , 1898. SIN IAE COPY FI\r CEN''S.
; American Forces Hoist the Stars and Stripes
4 Over i\'Iore Spaii1 Islands.
Charleston and Transports Pick Up Loose
on Their Way Overb
Troops Cominonco to Disembark oii July 1 at the Scene of the Glorious Victory
of May Day-Spanish Governor nud Other Of11cGr of the Ladronos
Taken in Tow by the Transports and a ForcO of
Mon Loft to Hold the
1-TONG KONG , 1Tuly 4.The United States ( lispatell
1 ) boat Za uiro , w1ik1i left Cavite , ? Iaiii1a harbor , July 1 , has
arrived here. It reports tilat the American i1001)S on the
tFaIlSlOrti4 ) City of Sydney , City of Peking and Australia ,
; convoyed. by the Char'eston ' , arri'cd at Cavite Oil J une 30 ,
having takeii the LalrOlle ishuids on the way and having left
j- ] 11(1 there. 'Phie. Spanish governor aiid oilier ofhicials LI- )
: titreci were brought io Cavhte. 'fhie troops COlflIflellCet to clis-
I cuihark at G'ite : J uly IL.
1IflhI ) UVItS' ( ttn do 'I'Iu-I r 1)es t Ii
-vIIIl ( , IrlItii. ( II ( SIIILIIIMI&
q'i uoI4 HLLeI.
w\SI1iNGTON , July . -T1io foflowing
dISUtC1I ) front aeneral Sliafter wa received
at the \'nr departnient tonight :
PLAYA 1)FL FSTfl , July 3.-Adjutant
General , Wnshington : The following [ a a
partial Ikt of the killed :
ty-iecund Infantry.
ILTON , Ninth cavalry.
LIEUTENANT W. 11. SMITh , 'rentli cay-
airy.MAJOIt F. A. 0. F'OltS1 , First cavalry.
' ' Volunteer cay-
1icltle o ( West 1'UIUt.
Tenth cavalry.
tAN , Tenth cavalry.
CAPIAIN MOItItISON , Company K , Sev-
enteeI % I It I ra itry.
Company i. Sixth Iiifantry.
SIC0Nl ) lAEtYTlN\NT \ \ . A. STATEIt ,
CompanY Thirteenth Infantry.
A1'TAIN V. F. IIRUM , 'I'entli Infantry.
141FUTENANT M'C0ItlCLI , Twciity-fltth
JOHN 11UTLF1t , irlvato Company E ,
Sixth Mnsachulett volunteers.
UENIt't ANIEItSON , ergeaiit Company
.A , FIrst cavalry.
- , llattery A , Second artillery.
- Id COY , flattery A , Second artillery.
- \VAGlltNElt , ilattery F , Secoiid
. A. 1' . UNIElt\V00I ) , Battery A , Second
JAMES IIOLLON , flattery A , Second ar-
FollowIng Is a vartlnl lIst of olilcera
- . . , 'vouniletI ;
. : : i 1Ieutcnant Colonel John Ii. I'atterson ,
Twenty-secoilil Infantry ,
Caitalfl ) Atgtistus , 1' . l3locksom , SIxth cay-
' airy.
L CaptaIn Charles 1V. Taylor , NInth cavalry.
Lteutemtnt Irntik ii , McCoy , Tenth cay-
LIeutenant Ilaskell , llrst Volunteer cay-
! ' Captain John U. Rotlnnn , TwentIeth In-
ft Captain i. . i lenry of the voliinteer ,
ahnt through the hIps.
iilJutaiit General A. L. Mlll. adjutant
Secoiiil brigade , cavalry dIvIsIon , bhot
, through head ,
Id&tsoii MItchell , Conpnny It , Itougli
( RIders , right sliouliler Injured.
V Sergeant Sanitiel Icvon ) , ariii fractured.
t Trooper Long , shut through the leg.
Llentenniit JSell , Armstrong , cavalry ,
LIeutenant Colonel Ilaskell , Seventeenth
CaptaIn lirereton , 'l'wenty.fourtli Infantry ,
allghtiy In left lug ,
Lleutenunt Colonel \Vorth ,
eliPlalu MeFarhane , Sixteenth lnftuitry ,
sdlglitly In leg.
CaitaIu lotlgu. Twenty-fourth Infantry.
IIeutenant Turnian , SIxth Infantry , fatally -
tally In spIne.
Itetitennnt ltobertson , SIxth Iiiutry ,
below heart , In left leg , right leg fractured
by thIrd bullet.
I.Ieuteiiniit I'urdy , SIxth Infantry , through
the thIgh.
Major Mont , Tenth cavalry , In the groIn.
IIeutennnt Scabora , EIghth Infantry.
i. j. Carroll , Second Massachusetts ,
- lllnvkmore , econI Matsachusetts.
- Revere , Second Massachusetts.
- Short , Second Massaehusett8.
Fret Junske , Seventh Infantry , Iii hentl.
Sergeant lute , flattery II , Second artIllery.
. L orgcant Cortleld , llattery A , Second ar-
fi- tillery.
.t I Corporal Keen , Battery A , Second artil-
Icry ,
Llcutenent horace ,
- 1)uvercux , Troop 1 , 1100gb hiltlers ,
ihiot throuih urns.
Jacob Pauster , troop It , ThIrd cavalry ,
hi bead ,
F , It. MeIonnltl , flougt Riders , In the
1eacl ,
- \Vaguer , company F , Thirteenth In.
( entry , In the leg.
Chnrlei Jones , comraay B , Twenty.fourl ,
4 Infsntry , hurt by bur5tIng of shell ,
A. Porcutt company F' Slteeutb Infantry ,
jn the aria ,
1 $
Jacob KuhThn , Second Infantry , shot twice
on rIght of chest and left leg.
l. 11. Ersteln , Second Infantry.
1. F. Thro , on throat.
Johti Ilonner , ThIrd Infantry , In rIght. side.
Captain George K. Iltinter , ThIrd cjvairy ,
Iii right leg.
Major 11. W'Ves3els. . cominanilitig Third
cavalry , In the neck.
CaptaIn ( leorge A. Dodd , ThIrd cavalry , In
the forehead.
First Lieutenant 0. D. Meyer , Third cat'-
aIry. In the hIp and groIn.
F'Ir.t Lieutenant Arthur Thiayer , ThIrd
cavalry , In the right hIp.
Second Lieutenant J. T. Conrad , Third
I cavalry , in the ankle.
Captain ICavanagh , Thlrteenth infantry ,
left hIp.
CaptaIn harry , Fifth Infantry , In leg.
CaptaIn J. J. Burton , Twenty-fourth Infantry -
fantry , In left leg.
Lieutenant W. C. Short , Sixth cavalry , In
iIght arm and right shoulder.
LIeutenant Colonel henry Carroll , coin-
inaiidlng FIrst brIgade , cavalry tlIvIloii ,
4ii Ot th rough ho tii hi I ps.
Colonel C. A.Vinlow , severely wounded ,
probably fatally.
CaptaIn J. 13. Kerr , SIxth cavalry , In rIght
FIrst LIeutenant 'InsIow S.'ootl , Nljithi
cavalry , Iii mouth.
C. Augustus Barton , troop E , Sixth cay-
aIry , In right hand.
John 11. lIner , troop E , SIxth cavalry , In
rIght hand.
Corporal \VIniiall , troop E , SIxth cavalry ,
in right shoulder and back.
\Vllllnni J. Turner , company E , Tenth in-
fatitry. shot through heath ,
\'Ihlltuii A. Ihusster , company C , Seventy-
fourth Infantry , In vrlst.
hletijamin FranklIn , Tenth cavalry , In side
alid wrist.
CaptaIn George D. Walker , company L ,
Sixth Infantry , In rIght leg.
l'eter llcrgiier , company C , Fourth lafan.
try , In the chest.
Second Lieutenant T. A. htoberts , Tenth
cavalry , through ( lie stoniachi.
FIrst Lietiteitant . ' 1. II. Ilarnuin , atljutatit
Tenth cavalry , In left side.
\v. T. Courtiy , NInth cavalry , struck by a
. , i..1I
George P. Cooper , colnhtally a , Twenty-
fifth Infantry , art , , shot off.
P. J'ordan , ' Second Infantry , In the vrlst.
J. 0. S. 'hIte , ( 'Olilpally E , Tenth Infantry ,
Iii the right foot am ! left leg.
Sergeant Juhii l. Taylor , troQp F , Tenth
cavalry , In the right foot.
Charles Andrew , company IC , Seventy-first
New York , In the rIght elbow.
'Fhiomas 0. IlnrtIy , company C ] , Tenth cay-
al ry , I ii I hi o rigit t a iii , aiiil sIde.
v.Vaslii ngton , coiiipiiiy 1 , Seventy-
tourthi Infantry , through the rIght arm.
Frank ltodgluy , troop C Tciithi cavalry ,
Iii left leg.
\Vlluy I llpahur , Troop , Teiithi cavalry ,
through feet ,
Alexander hhlgglns , Coiiipaiiy (1 , Twenty-
fourth Infantry , In the thigh.
11. L. 1)oiiglast ) , Troop C , FIrst cavalry ,
In the left nvin. ,
Sergetitit Patrick W'ehch , Company C ,
NInth Inf.intry. In 'Ight leg.
( ildeoli 1)ahiIgo , Troop II , First cavalry ,
In thit' rIght thIgh.
Corporal lk'nnls ( mulnez. Company
SIxth Infant ry , In left kitee.
Charles .lolke , 'rroohi 1 , ThIrd cavalry.
in left arni and heft leg.
C. I. . I'ope , Company ) , Twenty-fourth
Infantry , in left thigh.
NathanIel Ache , Company 11 , ThIrteenth
Infantry , In the lIght thIgh.
Jaiiies 'i'uruey , SIxth Infantry , In the
right leg , tilso hurt by shell.
Ceorge 1' . Douglass , Company t1 , Tenth
infantry. run ovvi' by cannon ,
( 'lart'neo 11. Leeli ) ' . company A , Sixteenth
Infantry , In the back.
J. A. liledove. company U , SIxth infantry ,
In tle right foot.
T. C. Guiup , conipany E , Slxthi infantry ,
in tue foot ,
F' . flail , company 11 , Tiilrteiithi Infantry ,
in the ankle.
John MIller. conpany II , Eighth , Infantry.
on tliti wrist.
II. II. O'MnIley , company 11 , SIxth Infantry ,
In the right hanil ,
James McClure , company . ' , Sixteenth Infantry -
fantry , In the right leg.
\IIiIaiu Arms , evompany Sixtueiith In-
faiitry , in thiti left leg ,
Corporal FrancIs Christian , company C ,
Sixth Iiifantry , In the rlpht leg twice ,
It , II. ithenian , company F , Eighth Infantry - .
try , In ( he rIbt shoulder.
A ate I'I'flhi hnrce'pi Sn rrnn 1 t lie
Ionnicil ( 'It ( ill ( lie flnMt unit
iirthi SlICN ,
WAShINGTON , July 3.-From the heat
and carnage of the battlefield of Santiago ,
where for the Inst three days the American
forces have nressed forward against no In-
trenched enemy , General Shafter today sent
the following dispatch summarizing the sit-
1'LAY DE1 ESTE , July 3-Secretary of
\'nr , % 'ashiIngton : We have the town well
Invested on the north and east , but s'Ith a
% 'ery thIn line. Upon approachIng IL we
find It of such a character and the ( Ic-
folises so str'tig It wIll he Impossible to
carry It by- storm wIth my liresent force.
Our losses up to date wIll aggregate 1,000 ,
but list line not yet been mathe. hint little
siekiies outshtle of ehiaustlon from intense
heat and exertions of the battle of the day
before yesterday tinil the nhtno3t constant
fire 'hiIchi I kept up on the trench ,
Vi'agon road to the tear is kept up with
some dlmctilty on account of raitis , hut
I will he able to use it for the present.
Geuitrnl 'heclcr ts seriously III 011(1 wIll
probably have to go to ( lie rear today. Ceo-
cral Young Is also very Ill ; confined to his
Ceneral hawkIns was slightly wounded in
the foot ( lurIng the sortie the enemy made
last nIght , which was handsomely rCpuised.
The behavIor of ( lie troopa was manificent.
General Garcia reported he holds the railroad -
road from Sanilago to San Luls and has
burned a bridge and removed 501110 raIls
also that General I'ando has arrived at
t'nhtnzt and that thr , Pr..ti,1t t'ntiqI tIti ,
about 400 Frenchi citizens. cattle Itito his
line yesterday from Santiago. have dl-
recteti hilni to treat thient wIth every courtesy -
tesy irnsstbhe. SIIAFTEII ,
Major Ceiterat.
Secrc'tnry Alger sent the followIng reply
to General Sitafter
To General Shatter : The president dIrects
me to say that you have the gratItude
nnth thinks of the natIon for the brilliant
nod efFectIve worhc of your noble army on
Friday , July 1. The steady valor and hero-
iIii of officers anti inca thrill ( lie Atnerlenti
people with prIde. The country mourns the
brave men vhio fell In battle , They have
ahIetl new naities to our roil of heroes.
It. A. ALGER , Secretary ofVar. .
The thlspatcit speaks for Itself and , as Adjutant -
jutant General Corbin saId , tells what a
desperate fight our gallant troops hav beeti
In. It 'na received at nooti today , after
a lull of ucariy thirty-six hours in tue out-
cml InformatIon from the IhId.
At first , shieii It became known that the
Anierlcan commander had reported the tIe-
fenses to ito so strong that It. would he un-
itnsslble to carry theni by storm vitht hIs
present force there was momentarily a wave
of 'heep apprehensloti. flut this was not
shiarel by the mIlitary authorities here. All
their energies , nil their attention , was
turneth to meetitig thie sItuation as pro-
sunteti by ( lelieral Shafter.
There vas neither time nor disposition t
take account of what had gone before , when
It was apparent that the Americati army
hail fought Its way inch by Inch utider a
llazlng sun , through a tlense tropical vcge-
tation , steadily advancing and beating back
the foe. taking position after poSItIon , until ,
as General Shatter reported , the town was
well Ilivested on the north and east by the
long drawit out him of AmerIcan troops.
That was a siitflclent tribute to the valor
of our brave men and It silenced all cavil
over the conditions now presenteil by Geti-
oral Shafter. It was a time for action , for
rein forcetnents , and toward hi0 executIon
of this end every effort of the miministra-
tlon was at once turned ,
Ihit there was oilier information of a
dIfferent tetior , coming about the same
tune. The American army was not alone
feeling the effects of this three ihays' stoek
of arms. Definite , Positive Information was
at hitnd that Santiago bad been llteralhy
torn to pieces and that In the wreclc and
ruin of ( lenlohished buIldIngs the Spanish
casultius numbered fully 1,000. This was
a fitting ouTset to any qualms raIsed by the
reports from the American line.
This Information caine from one of the
foreign consuls stationed at Santiago , who
teported to the representative of his country -
try in W'ashingtoii the fearful havoc withIn
the city wrought by the Anierican army and
the Ii.t.
Tile distress of tIme city , oven before the
battle , was clearly shown by the action of
this consul In serving out ratIons of one-
half pounil daily to his fellow countrymen ,
a few hundred In number , for the last
EvIdently thiere was no food to buy , as
the SpanIsh military force had taken every
avaIlable iounfi. Omily by tumis official dls-
ti IItmtioli of rations to the foreign colony
could they be kept froni starvation. Then
caine the brief hut graphic recital of the
terrible effect of tIme Anierican attpck from
haimil amid sea , Time bursting shells from
our iheet had done the greatest damage Inside -
side of the city. fluildings were riddled wIth
rifle shot and mown down with time hinge
shells iiiiml soUth projectiles from tIme shmips.
Most serious of all , time Spaniabi coin-
nmaimdcr. General Llnarcs , oecmmiyIng a place
slimiilimr to that of General Shatter 1mm thie
A merlcnn army , was seriously wounded.
This tact hind beeti grudglimgly admitted
froimi thiitlrtd , but time report reaching here
heft no room for tloimbt as to the serious-
'mess ' of this feature. WIth It was the
further fact that the Spaitialt casualties.
even behinil entrenchiineimtit , ran up to 1,000
nod were equal to that of time fearless macil
lmo fought In time oiteii ,
\\'Ithm nil tIme lights furnished on time situ-
atloim , ouIlcIal nmitt unotilelal , direct antI Indirect -
direct , it % US apparemmt that each side hind
stiflerud terrIble losses , with now a period
of lull for those Iii mespomisililhity to mneis-
tire their conditions , bum ! ) ' thmelr detid , came
for theIr woumideti , awl uireiaro for time
graver conflict yet to comae.
Thu liresltlelmt nimil his wat- advisers re-
mnnlmmed calm thiroughiout time day. All theIr
iittcimtloti wits directed to thin work of prep.
oration. Time future movements of General
Shatter are welt emtabllshied. They hiatt been
mnatle known Iii his dispatch , but It 'as
tlcttini'th nulvisable not to mitako this PortIon
hnmbllc as It would serve to advise time cimemny
ot time , mnerIcan itlatm.
It can be saul that General Slmafters
forces will hO strongly mmmiii favorahly located
wIth the gnus of time Ammierican warsimipim
servIng as an additional protection to their
front. ltelnforcemnents will bum hurried to
thmeni , whdchm wIll ho cumimple for aim emner-
gemimmy , whether it be tormn or selge.
wIth SantIago iiartlnlly wrecked , anti
IIlIed wIth a thousand ( lead and sounded ,
the condItIon timere Is desperate. even erit.
Iciti. 'l'tierc Is little likelIhood of ammy Span.
tsIi sortie In force uimmiler such clrcunistaimcus ,
but time ItossIbilIt still renialmis that tue
Sitamulsli gmirr'son ' may seek relict by evacu-
mmtlmmg the city coil retiring to time nioun-
talmi vatlms to the north. But time Amerlcamm
plami Is for offensive. vigorous action , with
full resources of men and nimms at their
commmmnatmd , General MIles said 10,000 , If
micetl bit , wIll muove on Santiago , It moore arc
needed then It " ill tie 7,0O0.
Time lesson of SanIago lies served oimly to
enkIndle a greater earnestness ttiromigiiou
every avenue of ofllelal lIfe at the natiommal
capital , i.nil there Is mm deep set dterioImma.
foil tu mmn'et heroic romidltlons Ith heroic
AssIstant Secretary Melkhejohrm , who imas
a thorough knou1edgo of the transport
servIce , was hastily sunhimmoimt'tJ amid reached
the White hiouse about 1 o'clock. The comi-
ferencu lasted for somime lime ,
Omaha Will Celebrate it Boya'ily at the
Exposition Grounds Today.
Arrangement. Completh n Participanth
Only Whiting for the Word ,
Estimates Put the Expected Attendance rar
Up Inth the Thousands ,
Very Mnim l'eOhiiC ImimsN the ( neM nmiil
iieiiii ii I'l4'iiMmiflt III , ) Iu1mi A itiong
the lliiiifniiI hienlities itt
tIme G rent $ lmuv.
Yesterday the aspect of the exposition
groutids was a quiet and peaceful prelude to
time pomp and pageantry that.whhi imlark time
celebration of the natIon's holiday today.
Even the echo of the firecrackers that Poll.
l'etl amui sputtered lii noIsy autlclpation of
the morrow In every part of the city could
not be heard and the seretmlty of the Sabbath -
bath was timmbroken. It was naturally aim cx-
ccedlngly uneventful day , for aside front
the measured ntovement of the slowly mnoy-
lag crowmis there vmis no sign of bustle or
activity. There was nothing more offensive
to time Sabbatariami thati good music , brighmt
sunalmine and the always imiterestimig pano-
ramna of noble architecture antI pretty land-
1ftmt for those vlmo wished to spend a
quiet aftermiouti anti eveimlmmg In the amidst
of time most beautIful surroundIngs the day
fmmlfllled all expectations , There was LIme
tmnusual comblnatlomi of a July suit that
shone uninterrumptedly from a cloumdles sky
anti an atmosphere that was cool enough for
time mnost perfect comfort oven Iii the after-
Iloon. It was ummdoumbteclly the niost perfect
day for unalloyed enjoymnemit that ha3 et
heemi givemi the exposItIon ad time condItions
seemed lit t.lehlgiitfuml imarniommy vlthi time Sab-
batim qumlet of the day.
Aside fiomn time fact tlmmit the bulk of the
People \vem e waItIng for time big ( lay , there
vmms every rensomi why the attemmdaimce should
have brokoit time Stmimday record. As It waS
there was ftmlly the umsuat crowd on time
grounds in addition to se'era1 tlmoumsnnd
People who were the advance guard of tIme
big Fotmm'tlm of July excursIons front other
cities. TIme Kansas City excmmrslonlsts were
emi time groummids In large nttnbers timid vero
ever3'wlmero recognizable by time yellow
badges , vhIchi bore time ratlmer suggestive
request : "Put Mc Ott at Onmima. " There
sere Immimcrotms family parties aniong theut
amid they all ceined to enjoy time novel
attractions around thmemmi to the full limit.
They tramped over tIme grounds all time
afternoon and In the evi'miing they admired
the imiagnificemit Illumnlimatlons 4.ud eultivat'd
an intimate acqtmalntamicevIzhm the ummlque
amusements of the MhiI'ayt Most of ( Item
stayed until tIme gates wert choseit and then
tS'ent lmomc to rest and be ott hand for the
big celebration totlay
CeI ibrnt bit trrntigtmimeiiis.
All the arrungememits for today were commm-
itleted Satmmrdny antI consequently there \'as
Ito turmoil of iireiuuratiomi to disturb tIme
Sabbatim ( ltilet. Every detail hiatt been fully
completed anti imothmlng is lackIng but time
ci owd to imiaktt time Fourth an ummpreceiented
success. Timat time crowd vIli be there early
In time day seems to be fully assured. Time
railmmaIs immive assured the mnnoagement timat
tlmey s'Ill Imave nil time people they can haul ,
tlmoir estimate incluthlng seventy-two cars
front Kansas City anti St. Joe alone. Time
crushu has beemi anticipated by culling time
full force or ticket ellers nd gate keepers
oil auty dims morning anti it is estimated
that froni 100,000 to 1O,000 people can be
imandieti wIthout delay or Inconvenlemmec. As
the PrIncipal cclebrntioim occurs In thie fore-
11000 liii exceptlommaIly heavy imiornlmmg attendance -
tendanco Is anticipated anti with time mobIl-
tlonal gates antI turnstiles that have been
put In since time Inst big crowil the peoimle
can be admItted to time grounds as rapidly
as time motor traIns can lmrimig tlmenl to the
The celebration wihl begin hmortly before
10 o'clock witim a novvl ( hispilmy of Japanese
fireworks on time lagoon anti promptly at 10
o'clock time big Midway parade vlll move.
The concesalonists have not spared ( hue or
money In perfecting thus feature and It
prommilses to be one of the Imlpst Interesting
spectacles that tIme local public has ever wit-
imessed. It lhi Include every feature of time
amnusememit sectIon and several timomisand
dollars have been exIenmlcti in decorations
anti other features. Tlmre are over fIfty
distInct features amid seveil bnnmhs will fimr-
nhttht time musical Inspiration , Time exercises
of time duty vIll begin at tima banml stand
prommmptly at 11 o'clock anti will be concluded
1mm tIme for dinner. Thou time People will
be permitted to devote theIr tlmue to seeIrmg
time exposItion untIl 9 o'clock , when time mnag.
niliccnt display of fIreworks wllI be gIven emi
( lie north tract. Later. ima time 0ay will be
uvoimotl up 'It1m a brIlliant. Illpnilmmntlon of
time tldyay. wIth colored fire whIch will
continue from it o'clock ( mutt ! ( hue gates are
i ) , % 'i5 ) ( IIIilJflItIXG Ch'i'iI ,
Iiii.I ; t ittit Mis iistrticm1t % 'sirh I time
mi I'i a ii to r V Is I t ums' , ( ( ) , i " iai'- .
Dmmrlmmg tIme next mouth t1e exposition
: mmanageimiclmt % t Ill chmcduIe m number of spit-
u'lal laymm for various ncIghbriug cities. It
Is not Proposed to occasions
by any ehimboratu exercises. as It Is ( milieu
for grammted that time peuplp , vuii coiiio to see
( Ito exposItIon and mint to hm ar simeechues.
limit retluced railroad rates lvIl be provided
In cacim ease and a special eqort umimide to
mmcc ( lint time vIsitors eimjoy t4melr holiday.
Time Idea has hieen emmiphaticahly endorsed by
it mmumnber of local railroad numm vhio believe
( limit it will Itrove a most effpctivo scim'mmme
to ltrlumg outsIde pojtlu n tmo ! eitosItIom. ,
It Is mmntlerstood ( hint very low rates will lit'
mmmdc for these eveumts which wIll cover not
emily time ccursIons froot the city Iii honor
of vhlclm ( he tiny Is nmnncd , but nlso oil In-
tcrmncdIate ltoins. ( Sioux City day would Iii.
clinic I'entler , Tekaimmali , lilaIr anti other In-
ternmethlato towmms and Des , lolnes day would
aftorti transportatloum at a cQnmlmaratlvcly
trIllIng cost to time lCOPIO ) of Atlantic. Neolmm ,
Avoca anti it dozen otliem- Iowa cIties. Dates
lmave already becmm set for collie of these cc-
casiomimi anti others will be scheduled from
(11110 to ( hue.
hlci mmml L'ttlml-.CIN tin Sit sitii.- .
Time concert of time Ftmurth ilegtmmment band
In fromut of thu Coveramnemit building yemmter-
day afterimona attracted a large mmunmbem-
teople who sat out time steps of time buhidlumg
auth along the colonnades at either side. Time
cliii hind pimitseth behind Ihe big buIldIng be.
( ore time concert Cotumuenced and time invitIng
shade antI ( he gentle splashing of time play-
( Continued on FIttb 1'age.
- ' -
Hour. ) . . Icg ,
l. a. mit. . . , , , fit :1 : ii. iii. . . . , 78
U a. tim . . . . . . ( it 2 ii. iii. . . . . , 7.4
7 n. iii . . . . . . Ut 8 mm. iii . . . . . .
8 a. ma . . . . . . lOt -4 ii. mit . . . . . .
I ) a. mit . . . . . . fl r i. am . . . . . . 7 U
10 a. mu. . . , , . ( IM U m. am . . . . . . 70
I I a. am . . . . . . 70 7 Ii , III . . . , , . 50
12 in. . . . . . . . . 7h S ii. iii . . . . . . Sf1
tm i' . im . . . . . . S U
TOl ) A' ' A'i' 'l'IIl t1X1'4)ShTI ( ) ? .
I miticitetidence 1)si.
1)1i0 ) a. mit. , IIMphui ) ' Of .IiliillttCMe VIre-
10 a. iii. . Geanil I'murnde from 31
I I a. iii , , Sm.enklimg mit ( irmumiti I'Immm.
8 ii. iii. . h'omrthm Iteglttiemit linmiti ,
liii''i'itimt'Iit html 1.11 tig ,
7 , : Itm I , . ill. , ItimrtIt hteil uttemtt hinmid ,
Ormmtiii i'invai.
Si if1 p. iii. , 'I'h.nhmmnM OrehieNd ra nail
Sub I MtM , Amid it.rlnmit.
9 ii. mm , . , Virea irks , North Trnet.
I I m , . iii. . k1 n Ilium in IititIim.
) , , 'i'ivmi u
i ) it , iii. , ( imigresM of lttMIeiILiiN lit
Coitgregtit Intuit Church ,
illamme , , ( 'tihiles tndrId 'Clint S lie A titer-
ICIIIIM limive 'i'iikcii smitA.lvtiiiec.t
l'n,41N ut ( hitSitami hum hiefemiNC.
MAOIt1D , July 3-6 p. nu-Tme ! govern-
meat has receIved cipher dispatchtes frommi
Ctmlmn , the contents of u'hIchu imnvtu mint been
annie public. It is saul , however , ( lint time
Spaniards offered heroic reslstaimce to thic
Anierienim forces s'lmiih made nut attack on
the outer hiosltions at Santiago.
Gemmerni Vera tie itoy , commmmnnimdlmig at El
Cancy , fought with ( lie greatest courage ,
setting his macn an exarmlple by leadIng time
titlvaimce. It 'as tiumtier simIlar commdltlomm5
that General I.innres was wounded. Accord-
lug to official dispatches received , the Spmimm-
ishi troops fell bnck umpomm time city of San-
tlngo in ordeti to awaIt relnforcemnents. The
dIspatches mb not nmcimtion time death of ( ] emm-
cml'ara th itoy , which , It was rumored ,
had occurred.
10 a. nm.-Captaln General Iilanco reports
to time government ummuier date Jtmly 1 , as tel-
lows :
At nooum today time enemy vigorously attacked -
tacked and succeetiemi Iii taicing the ndvammco
Posthoit of Lamnas mitmil Samm Juan after a
vehmcumueimt rcslstammce lustIng three hours emi
our Part. We were able to save our ar-
thliery , timotigim half ( lie troops were iuiaceti
hors dii commlbat. General Lhnarcs was sc-j
verely wotmmmded iii time left anti and rellim-
quishmed his comnnuaumd to Cemmeral Tiral.
The emmemmiy In considerable force attackeh time
village of El Caney this moriming auni was
reputised by General \'ara. Time flglmt was
resumnied this evening auth entled In El
Camuey itself being taken , after a vigorous
rcsistaimco oil our part. Our losses were
heavy. I imulve no hews fronu time Escarlo
anti Caresa coiuntns , with 'imich I fouumih
It Impossible to counmimunlcate , despite nil efforts -
forts to tIn so.
l'rlvnto ullspatcimes ( rota Santiago give tlmo
following details :
( ieimcrai Simafter's arniy , conultosemi of 17,000
Infantry anti cighty-teo siege ; uums of Va-
riotms caliber , attacked time Spmmnish hiosItlomIs
before Santiago , 0,000 rebels umuier Geimernl
Garcia assisting ( beta. The Spaniards had
only 2,000 mmmcii. partly voiuimtcers.
Our troops fought whit imemolc cotmrage.
'lime battle lasted three hours and time Span-
imih were thieti comnpelltd to abamudomi lImo
trmmciies and to fall back on Santiago. Time
retreat was conducted In perfect order.
Omir losses were heavy and time enemy's
were enormous. The list of our wounded
itmelumies General Llmiarcs , Colonel Ordoimt'z
mmml Mnjcirs Anmadrid and Arraiza , time hatter -
ter bolimgCemmcral , Llimares' aiti-de-caimup.
The Amnerlena attack upon El Carmcy was
severe. The position was defemmdeti by Ccii-
oral 'mmrmi do ito ) ' 'Ithi 00 macn. Time eumeimmy
was at lirs ( repulsed , but ultlummmmtely me-
newed thme attack.
A litter dispatch says : Time Amerlcamis
fought eight against one. The Spaniarmimu de-
fentled thmenmselves heroically. CiiiwouimlcIi
are numnierous , Including Geimerni Vara tie
Itoy mmmmmi Major Iommuiimgumez. Time struggle
Is becomIng dIfficult , 2,000 Spanish imavimig
to mumeet 25,000 of tIme enenmy.
( , -itt'm-ti him'oo1' I , N. ) I 11(41 d o f4i'hi'et
, , .
,1i. ( . ft f IIi it ii tin ii ii ti e ii to mmm a
Immimitethlate .tditiie.
I'AIUC , Ga. , July 3.-This umferimooim ( an order
arrived from time \Var department to General
[ irooko to designate about 20,000 immen for
iminedlitto departure to the south , and there
was great excitemeuit nut ! bustle In time
ranks. Gemieral Jiroohce declined to make
itimblIc time order , but It Is understood that
lie has selected time First dIvIsion of time
First corps , and two brigades of time Second
ilivisloum to ho muoved at once.
'lImo fIrst ihivision Is composed of the foi-
lowlumg reglmemmts : First brigatie-Firmit
Keumtucky , TimirdVlsconslum , Fifth Illinois.
Second hrigadc-Fourim ( Ohio , Third Illimmmls ,
Fourth ' . Third
I'ennsylvnnla. brigatle-SIx-
tteimhi ( I'etmmmsyIvanla , Second \Viscoimshn ,
Thirmi Kentucky.
Seconmi division : FIrst brigade-Thirty-
first \IIciilgan , Slxec'mmtim ( Indlauma , First
Georgia , Second brigade-Sixth Ohio , Omie
Iluumdrcti cmiii FIfty-eighth limihiana , First
\Vest VIrginia.
The regiments of the Second division were
inspected ( imimi evemmlmmg , auth arc reatly to
move. They have been kept busy sluice time
orther to gmm'oparo for ( hme field Caine mm week
ago , gettimug rid of their excess cqulpnieumt
arid cinthmimmg , amid It vIhl require hitie ( ( line
(0 ( break cammmp antI depart.
lii antIcipation of the order ( ho railroads -
roads have been accumnuiallrmg cars mit thIs
point for a week. Time \Veserim ( & Atlantic
railroad Is crowmlcti iIth I'uilmnumti cars.
It is said ( oumIgimt ( lint thmore mire Umirty tralimim
of twenty cars cant on time tracks hero
rcatIy to lraimspor ( troops. 'rime reglmemuts
will emmmhmimrhc at Itossvlhle anti hiloggolth , to
Immsurc spceil'y ( ranmtportuIoum ( , as tt'ns done
wbemm time meguinrs were nmovctl southi , auth
It Is timotmglmt hsy time rahlroimd umuttmorlIes (
they can move ( lie 20,000 mmmcmi in two dmtymi ,
it Is imndvrstooti at ( lila hour ( limit three reg-
lrmiens ( will move toimmorrow ummorimlmmg.
IiOSl'I'l'.tl ,'.tCi'i'Y OVhii'l'tXI.l ( ) ,
IIt'tl ( 'rINN SimrseN'ork Night a isil
ImtVIthmont Sli'oip ,
( ( 'olyrglmt ) , IlOt , by As5ocimmttah l'resmm. )
SIIIONEY , July 1. 8:30 : Im. umm.-IIy ( time As-
sochniemi Press Boat Cynthia , via Port . ' mm-
tommie , July 2.-Time ) ( hlVlLIml hospital this
evenIng represents Its capacity overtaxed.
Time Imhmymtlclans gave up theIr cots anti
hlankcts to time ivountleti antI Ume rmeuvspmmt'r
correspondents diii ( be m'anme. Time hteth
Cross nurses are armgels wIthout dIsguise.
They worked time whole nlghmt by the hlgimt
of cammdles artd lanterims without tiiee'p. Time
shortage of anmbuIanccs Is launummtcd by tIme
surgeons arid time arrival of more Is m'agorIy
av.alted. Many of ( lie wommrmtlctl urtiketi to
the hospital. They report that 250 soldIers
are 1mm thai field imo3pitals (00 serIously hurt
to allow of their removal.
Colonel J0110 M. ilumrimilomu ( Is mIssing nail
limo report ( bitt him 1mm rica' ! Is accepted here.
LIeutenants SmIth amid ShIp of limo Temith
cavalry are woiumuieth ammO ( olomiel Carroll
of thu Shh ( cavalry was shot through ( lieS
hIps ,
All Stj\T Ships But lown lip and Are
Burning o Beach , '
; L
. .
Pride of Spain's Navy Meets the Same' Sad
Fate as the Lamented Maine ,
Eo Sends Word That Unless flie Request is Quickly Compiled With Ho Wilt
] lomnbard the City and Notifies the War Dopartmnont mit Washington
That Ho is Confident the Surrender Will 3o Made
-Doatrttction of the Fleet Follows
Title Demand.
July -'P1 te followi ug diSlai cli wa
received at the ViTnr departineiit tolay :
' 'PLAYA 1)EL EST.E , Tuly 3.-Siboucy ofhice oiifii'ins
the slateinent that all the Spanish fleet , except oiie war 51111) ,
is dCStI'OyCl and burning on the beach , 11 was w'itiiessed by S
( Jil1)iflihl Sini tlI , who 101(1 the o1jei'atoi' tliei'c vis ; no ( lOl11)t of
its correctness. ALLEN , Signal Olhicer. "
VASI-IINGTON , .Tuly :3.-The : foIlo'i ug cable dispatch
was giveil out at the \\Thite House :
' 'PLAYA 1)EL ES'11E , July 3.Tlte destructioii of Ocr-
vei'a's fleet is confirmed. ALLEN , Lieutenant Colonel. "
WAS1-IINGTON , July 3.-'J'ie ' ] fol1ow'ii stateineiit was
toiuiglit given out at the WThite 1-louse :
General Sliafter te1egralls from Playa del ] te1 July 3 :
- I 'En'ly'thi1hlorILiug 1 sent tI delnfuul for the jinniediato
surreltTcr of Santiago , tlii'eateniuig to bonibai-d the city : I
believe the ilace will be siu'i'cnclered. "
This COhLti'aliCtS the 1'01)ol't ) that Geiiei'al Sliafter has
fallen bacic. S
PrCNIlit Itet't'ti-s thiitmiristiitee -
jitemit of ( Ia' 5)'st rime 1 iii ii of
Ce rvern's i'I ci' t ml t Sit ii S I it go.
WAShINGTON , July 4.-Glorioums news
from Cuba affords time Macrican , eopIt , jmis.
( ice omm time ceiehiratioim of tIlls , tile nimtloumai
hmohitlay. Adumlral Sampsomi has acctnmi-
idished time vork viuIcli lie was directed (0 (
Perform when lie left Key \\'est for tito
coast of Ctmha. lie was ordered to fInd anti
destroy Cervera's fleet.
Several wcekmi ago Conmomlore Sclmicy ioca-
( cd time fleet Iii time bay of Santiago. Yes-
terdimy , after being Itottleti helpless lii the
harbor for weeks , the Ilcet was destroyeti.
Nothmlng now reimmulmus of time Spanish squati-
ron btit simattereti amid burmilmig immilImmi.
In ndiiIon ( to time spicmmdhd work mmccomn-
htlishmed by Adimmlral Sarmmpsoim , General Shmaf-
( or , in command of ( he hand forces before
Sammtlmmgo , had so far hmrogrLssed Iii ( hue car-
ryiimg out of imls ltIamms for tIme reductIon of
time city that at 10:30 : yesterday nmorimirmg hi ,
denmaimdetl the Iimmummethiae surrender of ( lie
Simarmish forces. At 3:80 : yesterday after.
11000 Geimerai Shmnfter's denmamiti bath utot imcemm
coimupllcti with so far as mms olliclmilly known ,
That time deumaummi will be cormmplieti with ,
however , General Shatter fully believes , anti
that time stars mmd stripes will on thIs Fourim (
of July ito raised over the former cmipltmil ot
Cumita itt regartied cmi imractIcmmhly certaIn.
Ttmo himformnatinn coumtalnmed In time altove
dispatches , % 'as receIved early In Limo evenlmmg ,
limit It wait riot aimmmotmnmced oillcIimlhy until
several hours litter , As a result of Its re-
celpt , however , a conmfercumcc of hmrommmlnent
oIlicIals was imehil at time \'hIte ilomimio liii.
immediately. Thiose present mit time commferermce ,
besides time imresldemmt , were \'Ice i'r'etiltient
unhurt , Secretary 1)umy , Secretary Long , See-
reary ( Alger , Postmnmtber ( General Simmitim ,
General MIles , Adjutant ( leumeral Corhirm ,
Gc'mmeruml Guy V. IIt'mmry arid Seimutor iinmmmma ,
Thu Iitformmmatlomm wits discussed in all Its
Time news sent It ) ' General Stmafer ( anti
LicuUtnant Colonel \Iien want recelveti wIth
Intense satisfaction. It was taken to In-
dlcato not only that Adsulral Smmnolmmiorm hail
accoummhthlsumeih mnagmmlllceumtly time ( asic to
which lie hind been Bet , lint It watt clearly
proven that tumerai Slmaftur wait In a nmiumchm
stronger poitlon tItan time war uflielala hmath
beeni leti to believe.
Time destruction of time fleet was riot con-
uirnmed untIl a few minutes lmeforc ( lie news
was gI'emm to the public. it removes by far
time most serious obstruction toward ( lie
capturtu of Simuitiago by time humid forces.
Ietnlhmm of time desructloui ( of Cervermi's
fleet hmmtve miot htcu recelvitl at ( hIs wrIt-
11mg by eIhmer limo \Vur or Navy di'partmnents.
\Viiuthmcm' Smiuluitsoim's ships enmtcreti time liar-
bor , anti ( hero attacketi amid annihIlated time
Silarmislm squadron , or witehmi'r ( Cerverit mnmade
a ilespermme rhushi lmnst time * ttmiikeri Merrlmnae
to tIn' oem'aim bc'ommti In time hmoito that lie
mmulghmt lie able to save at least a itmnrt of his
fleet lint mint hevui olllciumily reported.
Time tIeet of Amimnlrni Cervera was one of
time.llnes ( Sham po3sesscti. The AImnirante
( ) qmmcntlo , time \'lzcaya. anti time Cnlsobmil (
Colon were mnotlermu armmmured cruisers of ( hit
first class.
Time \'Icaya. which vIsited this country
soon after tbo Maine was cimt to Havana ,
was of 7,000 tons thlsttlacemeumt. 310 feet
long anti heavIly armored. Its belt. arnmmor
hiclrmg twelve Inches in thickness amid its
deck armor three Incimes. Its arrimamnent
comslsed ( of two il-hnchm anti ten fJ-Iiicb
ilontomla guns , eight 2.2-toni rapId-fire
guns , eIght 1.4-Inch gurus cmiii two
mltrmiiilcust mt , IL lint ) two roasts wIth mmmlii
, tary tops , two turrets , two moko stacks
_ _
nmmtl a rain bow. it carried sIx torpedo ttmbe.
was capable of a sumecti rate of twemmty
knots aimtl its coimipleimmemit wins too ; mni.
Thu Alnmlranc Oquendo iiati Iii nihmnost
every respect a dmmplleae ( of time \'Izcayn.
TIm t' Crist oiah Colon hail mm ii Is p1 acemnen t of
ii,840 toims , mind wmms J2S feet lommg. It hmath muic
immeim mmrmmmor , both at time water ilimu mmliii at.
time gnu POSitloims , amiI l.5-himchm armimor oni Its
sleek. Itmi arimmammment coimsIsted of two 10-
imicim , ten mulx-Iuicit raltll gnums , six -1.4-Inch
guns , ten 2-imichm gumims , two imiltraileimses , amiti
tout' torpedo tmbes. it was capaimlo of a
mipeeti of twi'Imy bunts mmmiii carried 150 mmmcmi.
Of ( im roummnimmlmmg 'esmiehmi of ( Inn' fleet thu
'ferrer mnitl time Furor w crc torpedo tmoat. destroyers -
stroyers mmmi ( lie Reiuma Mcrcctlemn i'as .ti
ciii vessel ( limit was stink a simomt tiimmc ago
by it simeil froimm Sammmitsmmmm4 Sleet.
Thmo Terror ivas riot lvlIm ( ( lie iieet , at Sami-
lingo , but Is EtmhIOcd ) to be lit Saim Juan ,
h'orto Rico , untlergoing repairs numitle mmcccii-
mary by an encommrmer wIth tIme St. l'aul a
few nlays ago ,
I mm aihtil ti oil to t lie a hove no cut I ( mu t'd yes-
scum thmere ivete two ( orpetlo hiOiiii ( , ninth a
collier , I a thin Svammimihn fleet orhgimmrmhly.
Whmchmer ( time collier wait at SantIago or not
Is hot Imimown ,
( ) lik'ln I , IJINIIm , felts's trout Siiimd Iu&s
( 'IIIIHI' ft ' : ( , Semisuiflui Jim
liii' Sitiiiilshi Cimpititi.
LONDON , July -1.-Tine Mathrld correspomuti-
t'nmt of ( lie Stmurmtiartl nays :
Time ofilcial illtiiiatcimes with referemuce to
time Ilgimtlmig itt SaimIimgo ( tic Ctmha have
cammseti a. iialnmtuh scumimmitloum , 'rime qumeemi re-
gemit has coat. arm exprosslorm of her miymn-
hiathmy to Seaora Llmiaremm , vhfu of Gemmeral
Linrmres , who is reshilimug lii 'uhnidrhmh.
Time greatest anxiety lii felt by till chasp .
Time ttrm'ss of all sectioums Iii angry bc'cmmumic ,
mme limiter mmmeasmmres imavo bcemm tmikenm to ro-
Inmforco Llmmares. Time titieumm ri'geumt lmmmtm imo-
tilleti imen' nulmmisers ( to send her mmii nli-
Ititcimes , imo ummatter at wimmit hmommr ( Imey ar-
rIle ,
, .
J.ui is 'l'Imouit.miisii Ilumli l"hglmfeis lii I1
( : tiiii' , .iiimst Sui rre.iiii'm' o i4hmiifer *
or lilt' ,
TIII , July i-Evemmlmmg.- ( AssnicIati'iI
i'ies lIsputchm itoat Cynmtlmltm , via Port An-
tommie , July -ileinummemi ) hum on mmli sides by
( I cime ra I Law ton'nm ill vlmi lou , time Shim ii mum
troohtit In time ( own o El Cimmicy mmro tommhgbmt.
hiracticalhy prisoners of war timid hty tiny-
break tomorrow. Saturmlay , Sjumimm will imavo
lost 2.000 of Its bemit sohtllers , kllioti ,
wouumthed mmmi takeum prisouierin In amid aroumuid
tIme ( own , which was practIcally hum time
imanmilmu of time Ammuerican forces at o'clock
'ntis result was not ohtmmlnemh , however ,
wItimotit severe fighting on lImo itart of ( ho
Amumerlemmum forces arid nshthmougii It Is hmniposat.
bit , Ut thus ( mmmi to gIve a list of time slead
armtl wonmmmnletl It Is znfe to say ( mu iomi In
( Icumerul Lawtonm's titylahomb alone wIll be 150
hI I I cml or svou mm ii cii.
Amoomug time olilcermi wcmuimdcii tire :
Colonel Carpemmter , comoummamunIlag ( lie Seveimth
Lieutenant I lomiel Patterson , Connunanmi.
mug time Tweumt ) secommtl Infanmtry will irob.
ably recover.
Lieutenant Ilesarti , anijutant of ( lie Soy-
enlim Intaory. ( wouumtietl twIce.
m1ujor ( 'orumimili of ttm b'ev'nlim infantry ,
In General Lzmwtmmm' divhmiloim the Second
Mamuaeiuu"tts hail imp to time maidniio of
( lie itay rurtnlnLd time heaviest loss , , .l.