Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1898, Part I, Page 7, Image 7

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Tj11 IAIIA DAiLY 13F UN1) Y , JtL " 1SS )
- . . : Oerman At1eti Pah Their Copethki !
: DL4piteWidzdBain.
1.r n fl-u-r 1)n , * ) Ift-Ii1f
- .trnItI th CItp.ri nt the i'pefl
# tur-'Othr ( ; oed Wnrk
rjIIl , II.
rbera1n an1 td kterS * eonMeribtr
L ' WIth the cbiapetttt b CIZI eet33 Of
I- The Tuner a * the Vthtou tflet
d'irI th IO.tnID cotNs Of the Sitnh7
rograin ad K a3 necef&arT to n3a for
Aelter to te ras tOTeT he ratei-
ott. 03e tflhSit-3tk TOPt CUtThbT
catht : sbot thirty f4 trO the gred tn
I b.rJ iher ad drenec fo th Iu.
I3gnI pmptIy at 7 . m. t1e elaa
corap3tItIol comtlnud ntLI soie Ihie after
the on TwelTe e1me were en.
I te7eI 3.5 foilows : 11anoer. elgbt men , H.
Both. Instruetor : Hermn e1ht. . 1' . ftp
steb , nsLructcr ; FrcnionL e3eta , Prof.
Rostliu. nstrue1or La Salle , eight. Wfl-
1iat 1nstrctot ; Holstdn. e4gbt. Emil
. $ 1LDm. lntruclor ; L.eartnorth. ten. Wfl.
11am ! Vebter , Lnstnzctor ; K3nsu City ,
eight , Fred BUrger , intnietor ; West Den-
: ' 7cr. eight. 1z Straur. lnftnictor ;
Omaj * . twelte. V. 0. React , Instrjc-
tor ; LIrysrtlie. tweLve , Karl liaennl ,
ititrtor ; Topeka. t.oty-foUr. Otto \Ven-
deIbirg. inetructo ; ; Datenort , . twehc , Her-
. znin Slender. instructor. The omieUUon
-a In exeres on parallel bars 'A3Od cx-
ervl.ez , high jumping and rope climbing.
Omaha and W st Denver made te beL
bowthg tn wand and araiiel bar xerctes.
Next to ( bern came ) .IaryxviiIe and Topeka.
} Cinax City olIowe'L The bigh jumping and
. , rope c1txnbln 'acre not flnisbd at 12 odock ,
b u to that hour Marysrille .eemed
t : hrc the beat of It in the btr ± lomo and
weti DeDVCrIU the rope citmbhg. The best
indhiduai junltts were made by Charis
Seltz el DenTer and Michael Ilerbolihelmer
or 3aryIiIe. Nan. . both cIearth at fire
. . feet two inches. In frke rope climbing the
Rocky lountain boys frcm Denver were a
M-prfce. one of them , Corge Eyer. bmk-
ng the record , and going up flfty-tour feet
t 3Ls Is two feet better than what bad
preiou7 atnod ax the record. xaely.
Uty-two eCt , climbed by George Konnt o
: t. Lotts ! at the naIonai tur-nfeat at 3fl1-
' eaukee to i : .
V E-xc bna riLe left foot off at the ankle ,
but ttth docs not hamper turn In the least.
atcmInIy As be dirabed to the ; op of the
fty.fuot rope. with the wind swaytn his
bedy , cheera went up from all over tbe
g1ounta. AI1cwlng to : his t'od the xnea.sre
from his legs to the ground was then forty-
fire ttct clx lehes. It wa therefore necessary -
essary for Mm to come dosu and climb
azilu as ar as his strength would 2e : him.
Tbn b ( got up eight feet six inthes more.
Adding the two together gle him hts
- mini of ty-our feeL The other members
of the \Vt. Dern-er eaiz. which is a
crncler-Jack. made the following : George
Kanflmann. :4 ; Frank Fiali. 3 : ; William
BeLt. Z3 ; Fer letms. Zi : John &choeieis.
: . : : VilIiam 3. Meuaer. ! . and Mol'h Ott , .
sr. . .
For theee class contests the judges were
a Curt Toll of Indianapolis. Herman
hem of Chicago. OUo Boeuger of SL Loths
and Jacob Srhmitt of Denver.
The twelve teams were rnther oddly di-
ylded into- four groips. Herman. Hanorr.
Fremont and L.aSaIIe contItutin ; one group.
Holstein. Leavenworth. Kaiaas City.Vet
Denver and Omaba the second. taryTllie
and Topeka the third and Dacenport a
g ; oi3 all by Itself. The pr : wIll be z
follows : LaSalle. first ; Premont. second :
Hanover third. West DenTer. rst ; Kansas
city , atcond ; Omaha , third. Topeka. lrst :
3aryasille , . secon& Das-enport. first. In
the group of eve , Leavenoth came Dext to
Omaha in the general summing up of
I'olut , . forSlit' Trnfli.
A pecnilzrlty atut the dlstrthuUon of
rIzea at a turnfest Is that the "race is not
aioays to the ssift nor the battle to the
atrong. ' but a great many things are takefl
tnto consideration besides intrlnsJc athletic
merit. Points are awarded for mileage and
attendance. For the reason. therefore. that
Topeka had a team twenty-four strong.
whtie . ! arysvIfle had telre. Topeka was
gten the first prize. though Marysillie best
No pot.asb-no mineral-no danger
-in S. S. S. This xnans great
dealtotfl who know thedisa.strou
eftect o ( these drutrs. It is the
only bIOOI remedy guarantee4
I Pllr6iy Veg table1
' - - S. S. S. forces the disease out
through the kin-doe. not. dry up
the poisn to decay the bones , like
mercurial mixtflre do.
. . I was almoSt 1 physIcal wreck. the rcsnl ; of
mercnrial tTratlnent
for blood po.u : .S.3.
is a realLIo-4 remedy.
for it rtred me per-
zninenUv " iten ry
tr-ct , St. Leas , ) ! o
free ; are4L SIttT Seclc Co. . .siina.
$1,000ThTPRIZE.S ;
f I To Ii.lriiuteil iiroiIat.
. \ , ti
¶ J , lYse tbeletter contaIned in the text.
'RE3.LE.1UEH TIlE lAIE and
, forzn as many words as you can.
using letters eIther backwar'I or for-
t word. but dunl use any letter In the
samt word more times than It apIeare
in RiMtER TIlE iAlXI
; For example the words ; den. am-
her. he. man , . ttc. . etc. 'The perin
formtn the greatest number o words
, using the Letters in tli text wfll xe-
J I ( s4 % e
: , Fox the next laratst iLet will be given
' Seventy-Five Dollars in gold. for th
next larget Fifty Dollars In Gold.
, For the next larrest Twenty-Five
Dollars In Gold. and for each of the
, next ten lsrst lists will be given
Ten Dollars tn Gold. If you are good
, at word making ou can secure a valuable -
uablo prize. as I intend giving to
every pereon s4sndIng lists eontatin
, twentiVC words or over their choke
of an extra special daily prixe of
either a handsome , Itvcr tsni ierry.
Dtsh otthe beat quadruple plate. with
, line crystal bowL a ( enuIn Small
t Diamond Lady's Ring ( Gold settlng
or a First-nasa Time'keeptfl at'h
to contestants compllng with ru1.s
t coverning the ( 'onltst- Stan your
list anti send today 13 s-cent cLamps.
, or cents in sliver ( wrapped
carefully In PPer ) . for a three w3nths
, trial aubsertotlon to TIlE t.lO
Cblcagos great 16-page illustrated ,
, home weekly publIestIon. giving full
fStrtfrULSSS and roIe governing con.
; test. This mpet1tion is OPEN TO ALL
TRIAL S1.ISSCRIflERS .snd will bet
carefully and conarlcptiously eondurt-
t ed. and is solely for the purpose oft
further Introducing my family weekly
t Into new borneo. It you make a good
list of words and answer promptly
. " you U stand an equal opponunlty to
a. , secure a valuable psi.ze. I refer you
- . . . . to any merranille agenci or Chkago
bank as to my nsnctal standing. I
assure you that your trial cubacrip-
, ion to my 'neekb i1ll be tOOSI
ifyi4g AUdra. C' M Upton. c
t Dearbcna Si. Chit-ago. III.
. . . *
, , .
it Ira blgh jnrnpg by4IJ4 o 3.14. tIed it La
the waad ad ; piralkl bat exercises at ,
az,4f.lI rerir cJihtly behln4 It In the rc'e
* IaH. . .42 to S. ! . l.tarys1lles blat of
a'eeragu was 3-6t itMie Tepckss wt
z ; & ( 'atlng the lne$4eetal polots oot.
sM * tbe contest ltseif 'epek * bi4 4l. ao4
Maryaville 4Z11. A bile of aerages for
all the to4tc. itrely 14 the eecieot. tIht
be of lalerect na4er th cjreracanees :
. ParIflgZltznb -
. .JIc4Junp.lDg.
Teens \ % * . nd lion. . Total.
IianoYer . . . . . . . . . . .j , ; j , 21. ? !
lletinza . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . %
Fr emot . . . . . . . . . . ; .i ; s. ; ; ! .5 i ;
Ut ialie. . . . . . . . . . ) . ( $ ) ! .I ; . ! ; n.e . . . . . . . . . t. , . * s c in ; .ii
Iesseoworth . . . . (4 L . S. 21i
loneac t'lt . . . . . * t IOM .H r.c
West Detn'er. . . . . 3. $ . I1.iA $ .M
Omh . . . . . . . . . . . , : i ; * . si ;
Mrycvlfl.e . . . . . . . II.aS $ . !
Topeka . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.4 , . $ t _ ; ; .
D-ntport . . . . . . . v.14 .1 I0. % $ . 31T
fli4 ben eterytbn kc coente4 ( be total
for each teana , kecording to the order In
which they stand. was : La Salle. 40 : Fre-
, manL. : ; .2e ; llanoaer. 2i ; herman. . ? S :
\Vest Dearer. Kansas City. 13. ;
Omaha. ll.t7 ; Leaentorih. 41. $ ; Ilo4stetn.
13.e1 : Topeka , 44. ; ; ; tarysTille . , tLl ; Da-
I enport. ' .
luiiiiIdniil ConteatC.
in the afternoon the indftldual contests
: took ptce. Ibere were In side and horse
s-suiting. eleretses on the parailel bars and
, turning on the horizontal tnr All exeept
the hnrtzontai bar turolag occurred on the
grotinds. but the rain bad made the ground
too slIppery for the horizontal bar and the
, eicrctses on it ad to be gone though
in the South Side hall. sine entered in
I this. Tbejr were Gcorge Kyser. Carl SeILZ ,
Fdnk B. Fiala and William Meu.ser of
Veat Denver. OHo Won of Plattamouth.
Otto Peusehel and George Stora of Kansas
City. William CheTaller of iarenworth and
Baznhart Berg of Darenport.
George Eyser was far ahead of any of his
competitors. He Es the little man with the
wooden fooL ln the raulting over the big
horse he was the admiration of all beholders -
holders and got cheer after cheer. Neit
I to hIm was Fzank B. the xme
club of boys from the Rockies. yser
sbou1et rst pjp 5t F1.ala second , unless -
less in the total guricg they do not lose i
on other points , which Is hardly likely. as
DenTer tas the best of It on mileage as
well as merit. .U. a late hour the Indivld-
us ) contests had not been ured up. Otto
WtirI , as representing Omaha. seemed to be
a good third. Mersrs. Hem. Waechte ; and
Schmitt aere the judges. This contest will
be determintet b the naIs today.
lbere was also a club swinging contest
beween Wurl and F. C. Kettler of Kansas
City. crith the chances all in favor of the
latter. Kettler is as graceful with a pair
C : Indian clubs as be Is with a fencing foil.
Three of the Marysxille turn women also
enjojtd..a coltect.tth the clubs. Misses
Mary KounI , Hate ljertolshelxner and Bertha
MiIIcrr1t I ! haed to say which wnc the
most .gracefui and the judges bad to do
some pretty ne figii n. The octal record
bad not been simmed up yesterday evening.
. ii ion.
\ tflSflfl " Cmi. ' Compel
Finally the 155.5 competition of the turn-
aomcn was enoyed In She dancing pvil-
lion. Tbtz was one of the ycry bes : fea-
lures of the whole turne5. aud a prettier
eahlbition of all around gracefulness . has
aedom ever .tsen witnessedIt Is the
rst time women have been permitted to
compete on the same footing as the men.
They were almost overwhelmed with ap-
plauae and. though they went through all
the cacretses hravely enough. they left the
pavillion covered trith blushes under the
weIght of so much approbatIon.
The Marysvtlle women came rst. fourteen -
teen 0 ! them , under the drilling of matron-
tor Karl Haenni. They drilled with dumb
bclls and also in club swingIng. Neat Omaha
was represented by siateen. Insi.rocted by
sG. . Ret-aer. They went through several
. ery pretty movements with wand.s and
hoops. After them severtecn turn women
from Kansas City. drilled by Instrucwr
Fred Burger with bar bells and last. but
by no means least. fourteen from Topeka.
Otto Wendelburg. Instructor. It was a
close first between Maxyaville and Kansas
City. though the Omaha women bad a pointer
or two to their favor because of their corn-
bloing dcnlt apparatus In one drill. The
Topeka women were put through calisthen-
ins. Al ) the classes deserved all the praise
they get and it whould seem as though noth-
tog short of first prize is due each. hut this.
of course. cannot be. Mileage is against
the Omaha class for one thing. On the
other band in the awarding of .rst prize
the judges baie to' take into consideration
the dIculUes of the bar bell exerelses
which dIstinguished the Kansas City class
and the fact. too. that the MarysvIlie women
practically did double work With the dumb
bells and clubs. It was conceded. bow-
ever. that the probabilities 'were to laver
of Mnrysailie. The record sill be made public -
lic today. Messrs. Hem. Tell and Boetgger
were the prize judges.
StnitPrize WInner % .
For that matter. all the prizes will be
announced today. or rather this evening.
It can be announced beforehand that the
prize winners of the individual contcst of
Friday are : PhilIp Mueller of Omaha. rst.
with twenty-eight points ; Michael Herbal-
shelmCr of Maryaville. second. with f.4O.
and Gus Bueck of Davenport , third. with
The other winners are :
Fencing : George Stars rst. F. C. Kett-
let second. both of Kansas City.
Wrealling Ilight weight ) : AUgnStVeat -
pbal brat. Harro Pluth second. both of Da-
venport. heavy weight. William Skmsen
rst. Franz Strohkarek second. also both
of Davenport : middle weicbt. William Moss
of Davenport finaL Otto Neiderweiser.
Omaha , second. and Otto r.Iechc Daven-
port. third.
Weight lifting : Carl Hettwer. Kansas
City. rxt : F. Kobten. Marysajile. eeeonl ;
H. o1tberg. Kansas City. third.
The senior atest Kansas City
and Omaha irnt In th formr , favor. This
consisted of cxezclse.s wsth tue' dumb beI !
and other apparatus. laaaas City had
chosen parallil bars and Otnrsbs. bell bars ,
besides the dumbbells. Faiowlng : as the
record :
. Total
Dumb Ilells. Apparatus. Points.
Kansas City. . . . . . . . . . S.7 is.oZ
Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.I .t3 3
IliUlIllUntlOn This flvenint
tecvxnpanyIcg the distribution of the
pritta this evening wiI be a grand illumina-
lion of the Vinton street grounds and a summer -
mer nlgbts festival , concert and ball. The
contests will be ftnlshed this forenoon , beginning -
ginning probably at 9 o'clock. These will
consist of putting the shot. far high jump
and hop. step and jump. In the afternoon
there ii to bc a grand gymnastic exhibition
of ficid sports of all kinds by the dierent
socIeties and znasa exercise , by the turn
women. the seniors ( the bears ) and the ac-
lives ( the young members ) . A number of
excuraloas are expected Dam Des Moines.
Kansas City , DaTenport and Avoca. Ii. . St.
Jotpb. 3.10. . Fremont. web. . and other
For the Fourth the program Is a special
nra under the auspices of the Omaha Turner
Wheel club and in the afternoon and even-
lug. if the turoers are not too tired. toaling
( ten idus ) at Krugs park. The boiiug
committee La henry Hetmeister and H. Be.
Several bands swIll be at the grounds today
sod ft is the Intention to make the ortasiou
of the wind-up of the Trausmlselsaippi Turn-
teat a gals one. It is eaPected that the asso-
dated wheel clube of the city aill take a run
out to Ibe grounds In the morning.
Dareuport , 1 * . , Kansas City and Denver
are doing very eIl itt lbs matter of s-i.z.e
InnLug ,
Informality marked the entertainment of
the visItors bat aught. The younger con-
Ungent gathered at Turner ball and spent a
aozfiJ eTentug Ia the club rooms. The big
gytsxa'o wasuracd late a daoteball attil
here the isie * * rM wtaa * be are
e'apeUn ; Is the.ei-eals d.ieig the tetirna-
eflt eoeed thetaselvea to so Ietprmptu
laep for ceveni bors.
It was a great nlist fo..tha.cetors. the'
beari. ' They ha4 a cett 'of rronloo In the
rt'eets of the Sot de titrnrs at Twift-
Iteth aitd Vision reeta sad .bed a merry
fine for beers. There was plenty to eat aeti
4tiok and no end or soMal good ttaxe. OlTi-
cots of the feast were elected as the eveatn
advaseed .aad these tailed upee tese pyt.
eat for cens. specebes ae4 decUmttls. to
t.Ms way the tIae wes spent * oi.1I the tor-
log os advaiaeng. Over l$4 of these old-
. .
timers In the t.rerc. raoki were to at-
( ; . % ME elF Tilil. % %
CleseIsn.l CIlmblno cennd l'Ine
fl-er ninn.
, CLEVEl.AD. 0. . iu1yThe 'risitora
ecil4 not' hir PeeweII tAts and an
I % -ktor for the home team was the result.
' Score :
ULg1tLk1 , . I 1JOa5OX.
it 11.0 A It S
Dsrtti. It.L I 4 4 ef.1f4 1 4 $ .
2b. . a a I C 1 Preaeey. x. I I It I 0
viliba a i * lIlXry. 1f.3 % , 0 . 1 0 0
) Si-Keaa. , 2 a s I I4uin. _ . . . .
( stk.em't. IbOl I S 0 t1Ob'nZ. efO 0 e C S
.flake. : L. . I C 0 Ftahl. . . . . 2 0 4 ' 0
) cfO i 0 0 l.'er. se. . . . 0 1.1 I
T1ter. . . . 0 0 1 I 0 Laws. n . S S .1 0
Powell. 3 , . .1 0 1 0 4 Vaster. e. . . I * 0 f 0
5CkaeiC II S 4 0 Lat5. p. . . . 0 1 0 0 1
--a- . . _ _ _ _ _
T.aIs . . . S f- I Tctal. . . . 1 1 14 1
'I3itted for Blake in ninth.
C1eveland . . . . . . . . . . .
l3ecton . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I . Earnc'd runs : Cleroland. ? . Left on : Cleveisnd. ; ; Bo'zon. T. Bases on
balls : Off PowelL ? ; of Lowis. 3. Struck
. out : By Powell 3 : by Lewis , 3. home run :
. ? leXen. Two-base hits : Wallace. Me-
Kan , SacrifIce hits : O'Connor. Stolen
. bases : Durkett. MeKean and nutty. VIld
, pitches : Lewis. 1 Umpire : Cushman.
I Time : Two hours and ttfteen minutes. At-
Isudance. i.m.u. :
1 flroren Ena fnr Vryhlnr
I ST. L.Ol.IS , July 2.-The Browns oniF
made four .eeatIning hits ofT Veyblrxus
. deliver ) . Esper started In to pitch for the
Itsowna. but was touched up right lively.
.Sc re :
T. LOUIS. , W.ts1IlGTOX.
RLO.A.E. I tI U. . ' . E. .
Dw.f. b. . . 0 0 1 1 1 Setbath. 11. 1 2 1. I
nrI. cf. C C I lGe4tmln. rt O I C
] Lsrley. IL. 1 0 a i * ni.rsn. ci I I I 0 4
1exte. lb. . 0 1 H I 0 MrGutre. Sb'S ' 010 a 0
aerniat , . e. 0 0 Z I C Fstrelt. c. . I 2 1 0 4
'zd + n. r . C I I 0 0 fleltx. . . . I I 1 t C
Qtnn. rs . 4 0 ? I Mecra. I I I 4 1
: . * I S U Wrieley. s 1 2 S I
. . . . 110 Weybinc p1101 +
GiIr.sIt. p 4 . . . t _ _ . - -
_ - - _ - I Tosts.UfU I
7otil . . . . I 4 : 3'
StLouk . . . . . . . . . . . .
\ashincton . . . . . . . . 1 3 0 0 0 4 1 lEarned -
Earned runs : Washlnxrton. I. Two-bee
hits : Selbach. Anderson. Three-base hits :
Anderson. Meyers. Sacrlke hit : Gett-
man. Double play VeyhIng toVricleir
to ! lcGuire. Bases on balls : Off Esper , 3 ;
of ! Vyhinr. & Struck out : By Esper. 3 ;
by Gllpalx-kk. , ; by Weyblng. L Time of
game : Two hours and nyc minutva. Urn-V
pires : Saxartwood anti Wood.
CoiILIrI , . Vln a IeorvIer.
LOt'ISVILLL , Ky. . JulyT 's
came was the greatest seeu on the h&i
grour.ds In many a day. The . Co1nots
sccre'd the only run of the gamy In the
tenth inning on Jennings error. Hoy's'
sInIe. an ouLield fly. .ttendant'v. l..O.
Score : ,
1LILO..1. i 1LiI.O.A.E. i
flop. ef. . . . . C 1 1 4 0 McGraw. 3b 4 1 5 C
RItc.y. sC I I K'tier. fl..4 4 0 0
ISeitb.C S I Jenni.cs0 1 I I 1
F Clate. If t' 1 4 ' 0 0 ItcGam. Lb C 22 4 4
SVszer1b.0 I S I CHomes. L.4 I I a l
C1icmar3b4 I a c aurdie. cr..o I 340
i. Cl2ke. Ti C 1 e 4' UmO. b S S I I S
) Itrre. cC 0 3 3 4Itebt.zn. cI. 4 5 14'
Mace. ; . . . 1 B I 1 lliu.cks's. p..0 C 0 1 C
Ths1s . . . I 30 it 1 7o.a1s . . . 0 t45 3 I
Louisville . . . . . . . . 0004044041-I
BalUmor0 0 0 0 0 C 0 4 0
Two-base hits : McGraw. Jennir.s. Ssc-
riic.e hits : J. Carke. KIttrede. Cling-
man. McGann. Stolen bases : Robtn.-on.
Keeler. fltthey. First base on balls : Oft
Maee. 4. Struck out : By Hughes. .
Dubl. pisy Cilugman to. Wagner. Hit
by pitched ball : Cllngmazt. ItoIrnee. . Left
on bases : Louisville. 61 Ealttr.Ore. ' I.
Time : Two hours. Umpires : O'Day and
McDonald. .
Jon0) , , . Drop Another.
PITTSBI'RG. Pa. . July -PZttsbus
crack team was beaten ny Brooklyn by
bItting when bits tvere ne'ied. Two sen-
satlonal catches b Tannebtil and one by
Gniin were the features. Attendanc , .
1.t'1 Score : '
PItTBrRG. , naoosnLy.
1l.ovan. xi I 4 1 1 5 GTtan. ef. . C 1 0 0
ORren. Ct. 2 1 1 4 bJonee. rf. . . C I. 5 4 .5
Ursy. gb. . . a I S S ILCbnce. UI f I C C
TntMU.1f4 S 0 bTocts. lb.1 III CC
IIawrnn. Ibi I I 1 1Haltnfn. nbC 1 1 1 0
1'a.5jen. lb. C I I B SMniItr. tb 1 I 1
: etrtver. e. ' 5 0 1 0 0 daFon. La. 0 1 9 1 0
Bly.s' . . . . .
IttineS. p. . 0 4 1 1 0 erneIy. p 4 4 4 S S
Tta1s . . . . : i + Ii4 II otats . . . . 3CIit I
Pittsburg . . . . . . . . . . . 1OI00000CL.I
Brookira . . . . . . . . . . . . 0O0010OO-
Esrnod runs : PIttaburg 1. Two-base
hit : Grltn. Three-base hit : Shindle.
Sscridct- hits : QBrien. TannehllL Stolen
bases : Donovan ( I ) . OBden. Tannehili ,
LaChance- Double plays : Padden to Ely ,
Bowerman to Donovan to Gra. Kennedy
10 Shindle to Tucker. First base on balls :
Ott Rhines. , I ; oft Kennedy. 4. HIt by
pitched ball : Magoon. Struck out ; By
Rhines , L Passed ball : Ryae. Wild
pitch : Kennedy. Time : Two hours and
tWa minutte. tmpires : Lynch and An-
Itcd Ssell Their Lead.
ClNClNATl. July . -The Reds bad no
trouble Sndin ; Platt today. Hawley was
effective throughout. Two little dies were
allowed to dr-op safe In the ninth. and
this. with a clean bit. gave Philadelphia
three runs. Attendance. 1.444. Score :
B.l-t.o A.E.1 BIl t.tE.
MeDridi. ! . S 1 2 0 0 toak1. cL. C I I C
bfeIdL ItO 1 1 ODourtas. ib , C 4 0
Corc'oran. s S 1 ± I C DeltWty. it C I 4 0
t.eIIy. lb 1 1 S t S L.a.Iote. Il , . . C I ' C
IIIler. rt' . . 1 1 1 0 0 FuIZZ. rC. t I I I
Irwin. lb . . : I C I CMcT&rjd , ci I I I
5ltPtee. b. C 1 4 1 CI-sr4er. ats. I I 3 s C
Ieix _ c. . . . . 1 1 1 3 I'c _ C I a I a
Haw1ey.p..1Il'Iatt.P. . . . . CCCII
Tetals . . . i 24 I II I ToaaIc , . . . 4 11 I I I
Cincinnati . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 1 4 3 0 4 0-s
Philadelphia . . . . . . . . 0 0 4 0 1 0 4 0 3-i
Earned runs : Ctneinnatl. 4 : Phiiadel-
phia. 3. Two.tieae hits : Beckley. Irwin.
Peita. ) lawlcy. Lajole , Lander 4 ? ) . Cross.
Three-base bits : Corcoran. Fulta. Stolen
bass : Miller. Doublt plays : Irwin to
McPhe'e to Heckle ) ? . First base on bells :
Off Ptatt. . Hit by pitched ball : Dy
Hawley. I ; by FISH. I. Wild pitch : PlaIt.
Time : Two hours and ten minutes. 1'm. ,
piree : Etnelle and Heydler.
t'ncl' W'Ini Aiiothc , I
CHICAGO. July I-Tbe Giants won
against the weakened Orpheus u4sy
after thirteen innings of hard play. Caila-
ha weakened in the 1at lnnhrg and was
hit safely three limes for two rune. Lange'
is laid up with a badly sprained ankle and
Connor as the victim of a sunstroke this
morning. Dhlen was ordered from the
game In the eleventh. Attendance.
Score :
itlI.O..A t : ILH.o A t
Itan. IL. . 1 3 1 4 V'R'tn. tf I I C I C I
Ev&tt. lb. 1 15 1 4 Tlerasa. If I I S 2 4
IsteiL cZ lb C I I I Jox-cs. , . x c i
IJ.MeU. 5' 1 3 G I Basis , as. . . I I a i
Bct"Yt : . abC I 0.ka&Ib.I I I0
IIa. rI. f.i C I I C 51CYr. rf C 1 0 I 1
Wco&t. lb. . I a I I lIIarlma , 3b4 I 2 0 Z
Doosbue. c. I I 4 3 4 Warner. c. . C I I a
CatIz'sn p s S " Iirekin. p. . 0 0 a r
. . I C C 0 . .
.iisee. if. I - - - -
Clarke. ci. . 4 I B 'recals . . . . I 13 B I ! 4
Totals . . . . 411B4
Chicaro . . . . . . . . . . . . .
; ts' York . . . . . . . . . .
Earned runs : ChIcago. 4 ; New York , I.
Left en bases : Chicago. 0 : Nw York. .
Two.base hIts Ryan , Callahan. Tbr-
base hit : McCormick. Sacritice hits : Is-
bell. Davis , Tiernan. Stolen bases : Isbell.
Mertes. Donahue. Joyce. Double plays :
Voods to Dahien 10 Everett , Callahan to
F.veritt to Tiernan. Davis to Gleason ,
Oasis to Joyce. Struck out : By Callahan ,
4 , by Meekin. 0. Passed balls : \Vernrr
Itases on bails : Off CaIlhaja. . oil Meekin ,
0. ViM pitch : Ieekl. Time : Three hours
and twenty minutes. tmpires : Snyder
and Cennolly.
PIa. Won. iaat. l'er C.
Ctncinnati . . . . . . . . . . . s t :
Cleveland . . . . . _ . + 3 14 01.3
'Boston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ,
Baltimore . . . . . . . . . . . % 4
Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( l
PxtUburg . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 21 01.1
; ew York . . . . . . . . . . 31 31 ro.s
Philadelphia . . . . . . . . o Il 31 4 ; .
' Brooklyn . . . . . . . . . . . . ( d 34 41.3
asbing1ou . . . . . . . . . cI ? S 31 3.7
St-Lsis . . . . . . . . . . . g =
Leufrrtile . . . . . . . . . . . ? ii 31.3
Games today : LoszLsvtiIe at Chicago , St.
1.uis at Cincinnati , Vlttsburg at Cleveland.
Yale . % &aln Defeats IlraL ,
E\V YORK , July 2.-Yale defeated liar-
I &rd at the polo grounds today In the do-
& -
- - - - -
ctdng ! game of th. cnllegs hampi..nchip I
Mot of IRO worvT beth aMes was detiOt
b I he bottcr0s isa. si ecuttea of both
pleh + r , tetist ifri't. In elese places
' eptain Greeasry bits snore steady tisaC
a , ! 11-a-alt. flai but few evidences of his
-g % arm" 'l aIes three talilee
an4 liarvards only score were the tMroet
result of errors. Score :
005,1 RIl.3I.
Tab. . . . . . . . . . . . % , . -
harvard . . . . . _ tJ I C 4 0 4 4-1
llattoriet' : Y * , ( oenway anil S.fltean ;
harvard. LIta * rI1C44.
al. .es. .
. '
Solt III ( TIfl-'i.I'1eTlllt : ii.tnui ; .
Miluntike. ' SVl0from Cnlnntn in
C rr3 1eir.
M lLSSAtKJl4ujrMllwaukee woo
a ios. 555.4 Int.cestlis * me toda. . tOoth
eWes put p a beI1.iant field game. Captain
Tebesu was flned aM put out of the game
by rxnplre Dailey for kkkIn. Seers :
it n.c.
Columbus . . . . .
flatteries : Maliukeo Rettger and Sp.or ;
Cotaimbus. IoIt& ansi .Hockloy.
MlN ; EAPOl.k. July 2.-The Millers
knocked ) le-i-dith mit of the box In tbc
first zame , mOkint five two-bose bits.
Oliagan was put tout of. the game j5 txe
eighth for obertipg to a decision. Score
llrst rame :
u.n } : .
Minneapolis . 0 ? 3 4 4 4 S t.-Il T I
Kancas lty. ! ? 0 4 P 0 4 l- ; 1
Batterlee ; MihtieeIs. 1ceeI and
blxon : Kansas CIty MtcdIth , Pardee and
Score scand game :
! LII.E.
Minneapolis .0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1- ! 1
Kansas City . C 0 S 0 0 1 3l0 12 1
Hatteriest Minneapolis. Cook and lIttler ;
Kansas City. Gear and WIlson.
DETROIT. Jt4y I.-.Caplaln-Manasar
Stallthca $ ityed his Or-st game with the
home team today.'breking the hoodoo. It
took eleven innings. but Thomas won out
in the end. Score :
Detroit . . . . . . . . . . . . .o03o04oea-l1 4
Indianapolis . . . . . . I 9 0 0 4 0 C 4 0 1-4 I
Batteries : Detroit. Thomas and Twine-
him ; lndianrpo4is. Foreman and Lynch.
ST. PArt. . July I.-o game ; rain.
Played. Won. Lost. P.C.
Indianapolis . . . . . . . . a E II
St.PauL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 51.1
Columbus . . . . . . . . . . 3 34 3 59.6
Kansas City . . . . . . . . 13 16 51.1
Milwaukee . . . . . . . . & . I SI S 55.6
Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 :1 55
Detroit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! :1 41 3L9
Minneapolis . . . . . . . . cm :1 41 3.3
Games today : Omaha at Kansas City ,
Indianapolis at Cohsrnbus. Detroit at hill-
waukee. St. Paul at MInneapolis. Tl. Afternoon.
The Council Bluffs team will be over this
afternoon and meet the Meta Bros. on tht
old Fort Omaha grounds. Council Bluffs
has a good strong team ami the Steta Bros.
will have to play fast ball. Game called
at 50 sharp The lineup :
Mtz Bros Positions Council Bluffs.
Sage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Catch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sour
Dowa . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fitch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Foote
Bowman . . . . . . . . . . . .First. . . . . . . . . . . Bambler
Klefther . . . . . . . . . . .Second. . . . . . . . . . . . Shugart
Rooney . . . . . . . . . . . . .ThIrd . . . . . . . . . . . hughes
Itackes . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sbor. . . . . . . . . . Stepher.son
\ % - . Bowles . . . . . . . . . .L.eft . . . . . . . . . . . . Williams
lielmectkWle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kane
Johnson . . . . . . . . . . .Right. . . . . . . . . . . . Duncan
Stanager Sage e'pects to make arrange-
n' "ts with tht. Council BluSs manare-
ment : : - a game.Jomorrow afternoon the
Fourth a !
llaydrn Bros. and South Omaha base
ball teams play ! : Omaha league grounds.
Twenty-fifth and . .rThes avenue , Sunday at
5:30. The inevpr
Haydens . PoeBtons. South Omaha.
Bowman . . . . . . . . . .Ctch. . . . . . . . . Fitzgerald
VeI'h . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'Pci. . . . . . . . . . . . Demond
Harrt.o' . . . . . . . .i..flrst. . . . . . . . . . . . . . OeIi
OConnor . . . . . . .s..Scozad. . . . . . . . . . . . . Clark
SpaIi . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ThIraI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Taibot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Short. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dunn
Lafferty . . . . . . . . . . .tLft. . . . . . . . . . . . . Suilivan . .tJdds'l . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lynch
Sinnahan . . . . . . . . . . .Rluht. . . . . . . . . . . . Hawley
Art Creighton , aIil . umpire.
Jii'et-tst1i l.enue.
FOP.T WAYNE.'Jujy 1.-Score :
Fort - Wayne..0'0' 3 1 0 4 0 - S
Mendld . . . . I ' - 4" 3 1 4 0 1 ' -11 15 3
Batteries : F.taWayne , ' Alloway and
Cntnbeli : Manadekt'-.Eiy and BelL
.thleInie % Iii ttit' ) liildnle Stnke
7hienel. .
CINCINNATI , July 1.-The MhIldaIe
stakes. at six furlongs. ( or - yearoldand
upwards. was won'by Alleviate at Latonla
tcday in most impressive style. Alleviate
was the favorite at 4 to S. Lillian Bell.
and Eight Bells were at 5 to I each , with
4 to 1 against Me.AhlLeter. Alleviate was
last away at th tarx. and could never get
through the bunch until the last quarter
role was paaed. Then she fotsebt her way I
clear and caught McAllister. who was lead- .
tug b a lengrh. This pair hooked up for !
the ISaiah. and In a drive .Ahheviate won by'
a bead from McAllister. who got the round
place b two ltngtts from Lillian BelL
Jockey Conley rode the winner. Weather
pleasant. track fast. Summaries :
First race. seven furlongs , selling : Lena
Myers icon , .knnie Taylor second. Terramle
Ihird. Time : 11t.
Second race. flve 'furlonra : Judge Tarrln
won. Rotnanoff second , Frieslandthird. .
Timt : 1 ( .
Third race. one mile : The Planet wtn ,
Jeannot second. Hungry Hill third. Time :
1:41. .
I Fourth race. the Mihldale stakes , sta fur-
. tours : Alleviate won McAllister second.
Lillian lIeU third. Time : I:14.
, Fifth race. selhinr. live funiongs : Piceota
won. Terrene second , Dupltcate third. Time :
. iOI.
Sixth rare , seven , sellIng : Margaret -
. garet Jane won. Lyhis second. Mortllla
third. Time :
I BUFFALO. N. Y. . July 1.-The weather
' wa.s 1mb and track fast at Fort Erie to-
I day. The race of the day was the fourth
. at a mile. In which Storm King won in
i the fast time of 1:44. within a half a
I second of the track record. Summaries :
I First race , dye and one-half furlongs :
I . South Afrien won. Dave S. second , Mon.
golian thtrd. Time : l.ti.
I Second race. Ih e furlongs : Vex won ,
I Plesrier second. Pirate 51. thIrd. Time :
I Ie114.
I Third race. seven furlongs : Kirk won ,
I Wordwortb second , Judge Qulgi.y third.
Time :
Fourth race. one mile : Storm King won.
I Our Johnny second , GuiWer thIrd. Time :
I ml4.
I Fifth race. seven furlongs : Manzanlta
won. Isen second. Annie Lauretta third.
Time : 1.
Sixth race. handicap. stteplechase , about
two and one-half miles : Parson won. The
Tar second. Alfonsina third. Time : : SlL.
ST. LOUIS , July 1.-The feature at the
fair grounds this auiernoon was the bits-
soon stake. valued at fl.t.i ) . in whIeI seven'
started. Sir Gatlan was at all times the
favorite. Irish led until the dial , when
Espirage and Fausturo joined the pacemaker -
maker and runnIng well bunched the three
led the way to the-stretch turn , where Es.
pirage drew away.trom theta and landed an
easy winner by , U.rce lengths from Dandy
H. who came s&jigg In the ctrvsch from
fifth position. tYnfrone favorite. Colonel
Gay. was successful on the day. Vealher
warm , track fast. i Summaries :
First race. selling. one mile : Sex-f won.
Perclt.a second. ifarrie Floyd third. Time :
, Second race. se + ling 3-ysar-olds , one mile ;
Pinochle won. Diana May second. H. B.
Srck third. Tint , : 1$3.
Third race. seLgg. one mile : Reuben
Ttwett won. htltel secofl& Organ Pilot
I t1.trd. Time : 1 it" .
Fourth race. th.exditsaoufl stake , selling.
six furlongs : Esartge won , Dandy H see-
ond. Irish third. 'Time : 1J4S.
Fifth race. oneplle and seveflty yards :
Colonel Gay woA 'tihdeline second , Laur.
eate third. TImet'Il4.
Sixth race. sellIdtone mile : biontodonice
wro. lIeaumoneee oad , Rebel Jack third.
Time : 1l. :
: CHICAGO , July . . . -Two track records
I were equalled aitne _ broken at Wash-
togion park thI.c'sfternocxn. biacy and
Marte Fonz were the only winning ( aye - '
ye rites. and Macy ran one mile and twenty
: yards as fast as Staid Msrion. who held
I the worIds recor4 for the distanes. Then
' Onamastus xtot ( .sl ) beat Kentucky Col-
or.el. but equalled Black Venus time ( or
lays furlongs In
I The surartse of he day saute when Per.
vr. with Skeets Martin up. ran the fast.
eat one and one-iighth miles ever run In
this port of the country. The fractional
Itxne for the race 'was l : ° i. 1:1 * l : ) , l3l.
' which makes the wbole race OSM' of excels-
iIouai rate of sr-ed. Fervor is . 4.yIr-
I eld coil by Foote-BeiGe hllaise. and a.
a I-year-old was a cast off ( rena Pat Dunn's
hIIndc.oeet. from GeM Leigh's stable.
gave the talent a hard dump when Os. beat
Mgol. the I to S shot. at odds of to I.
In fast time.
It was decld si tonlht by the 'asbhsg.
ton Park chub that the Radish system of
hand tsook-inakiag as atcoI today. would
be Mrii-tly adhered to In the future. ini
n' further trub ) ' is avitkii.atCd from lb.
( 'isle Federatssu. Summaries :
First rare ne mile and twenty yards.
p . . . . f
. .
* 0 'i
, . 111111 Auction .
- . . - . ; . : jn.r'I : : _ .
The most gigantic sale
ever Coiltelliplated in time history of Omaha ! It iztvo1ve. the cntzr s.'ck of C. S. Bay-
iiionii , coiisisting of-
in Diamonds , Vatches , Jewelry , Bric-a-brac , Cut
. Glass , Solid Silver , Plated Ware , Clocks , Leather
Goods , Umbrellas , Canes , Belts and Novelties in Souvenir -
venir Goods , ,
A thousand other articles all
to be sold withotit limit or reserve -
serve to the highest bidder0
The object of this stupendous sale is to liquidate oui
ind btedness , and in order to accomplish this object we
are compelled to offer our entire stock at a sacrifice
Sales at 10 a. m. and 7:30 : p. n-i. daily.
cQ I
Fifteenth and Douglas Sts. P. J. Burroughs , Auctioneer.
Stacy won. Burly Burly second. The Ho-
man third. Time : 1:4- ) . '
Second race. five furlong's : Onarnasttis
% on. Kenttcky Colonel second. TolucaI
1O. I
third. Time :
Third race. one mile and an eighth : Fervor - !
vor won. Waterloo second. Itnp thtd.
Time : msIa.
Fourth rare. one and one-sixteenth miles : !
MoRe Fonse won. Low hopper second. '
Croesus thtrd. Time : 1G.
Fifth race , six furlongs : Hindoonet won.
Algol second , Meddler third. Time : 1l4.
Sixth race. one mile and one-sixteenth :
hush Penny won. Bdlicoso second. Na- ,
thanson third. Time. 1:64.
NE\V Y0BK. July 1.-'lne Long Island
handicap was the cbhf event at Sheepe-
bead Bay today. and Ornament was made :
the favorite. with Lehman second choice.
The delay was lone and tiresome. The
horses got away in lairly good order. with
Ornamtnt last. On the way around the
lower turn Ogden went to the front and
was never beaded. Ornament and Ogden
made a lnrd 1r.tsh. Results : I
First race. six furlongs. selling : Lambent -
bent won. Nosey second , Autumn third ,
Time : 1:15 2-5. I
r Second rce. Vernal atake. dye ( uFions :
Vblplash won. C.aoutchoue acond. High
Degree third. Time : ] 41 4-5.
Third race. one and three-quarter miles :
Dutch Skater won. Latsoa second. Defender - I
fender third. TIme : IKd. '
Fourth race. live ( urlonga. selhinu : Hirer-
, vesent won. The Gardner second. Duk + of .
I Baden third. TIre : 14d.
I Fifth race. Long Island handicap. one
i mile and a fur1on : iaden won. Spenccr .
second. Oranment thir& Time : 1.51 4-5.
Sixth race , hurdle. two miles : Trayant
won. Brown Red Second. Sir Lawrence
I third. Time : 11. I
i Defenla lice Wanderers by Two Itun , .
i In a One-lnnlfln ) lieIi.
. Omaha won the return match from the
Waclierers yesterday by two runs. Those
. who -c'ortd batted well. notably W Vaughn
and Francis for the losing side and Neale
anti Tulhdd for the winners. The fielding
, was poor and slovenly. Douglas bowled .a
1.ti' game and had he been put on aoonr
the asp-ct f the game would have becn
, chng-d. Score :
Stnms , b. Lawrle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
. Doual. b. Neale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S
Taylor. C. . Ncale. b. Lawnie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
v. Vaugnan. b. 6. Vaughan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
I Francis. C. and b. G. Vaughan. . . . . . . . . . Il
Protchie , b. Rate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
PUter. run out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Doug1xs , Dot OOt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1'rkerton. b. 6. Vaughan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. Smith , thrown ; nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ,
Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
' rwiers Overs.Maident.F.uns.WiCket $
Lwrle . . . . . . . . I I II I
Neale . . . . . . . . . 6 1 29 1
G. Vaughan. . I 1 10 3
Bate . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 13 1
Neale. C. Treynor. b. W. VaUghan. . . . . . II
'Iutfleld , I , . Dugias. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
itat.C. . Taylor , b. \ \ ' . Vaughan. . . . . . . . . .
G. Vaughan. b. Douglas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Owen. b. SImm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I -
, ' Lawns. b. Slmma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Young. b. Simins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
'Ircynor. retired. hurt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
I Strtbiinc. not out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
, Ayres. ii. Douglas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, Bowlers. Overx.Maidens.Rune.Wivkets.
Dcugal . . . . . . . . 4 19
Simuts . . . . . . . . 14 1 II 3
v. Vaugb--n 4 4 14 0
Douglas . . . . . . 9 4 5 31
. % ccistent to tikyelslta.iti Man.
WASHINGTON , .Juiy 1.-Griifln ilalatead.
! one of the speediest racing tycists ) in the
district , met with a serious atetdent while
I training at International park. Jialtead ,
who is at presn1 riding in magni cnI
form , was making an attempt to lower the
quarter-mile pacest record when the aect.
dent eccurred. It appears IDa : a trplet that
was pacing him swung out too fdr on the
hirat bank and accidentally CuWde4 Hal.
slesel with Ierridc force into the fence on
the turn. Ilaistead struck the railing
. , bead dsafl and we. buried bckwari on
the embankment. It waa found that hi.
, front teeth were tll broken off. his gum.
cut. a long gash in hi. chin. arms. legs and
bock severely leecrated and be'uissd. and
, ti'l be was othrwtae bedir injured. It
is doubtful whether esi' not hlaistead wilt
eStr race galn.
, liaLstIi. 4 eon of lion Mtu'it Ilaistead
, sod Is chief ; * of the .houe of repx-
t s4totatves. a p.itsn be has held for sty-
oral years.
( oHli".t fer liin Is.
, After the resider yroram at a Liz-
: tetath siret consort garden Ja.t night a
f er-round soxsng ui.t1t was intredured
I between iViIhiaw iaiobert of Daenpc.rt.
Is . and Jraro ChoIn. a wtll lcvown boo !
i 4sssr i.w-rt has hd go.eb ! raltilsv
. and has c'oesatderaUe skill as a lighter Ito
has won a bong list of evenu In hIs n'tve
: i---- ; :
state and ha met eorge DIxon without
diaeredt. I. balin has nured in numerous
engagements in the city during the last
six months and Is a finely built young ala-
b'te. He weinha H5 pounds. twelve
mare than his opponent. The box-
era were cautious during the flrt
rounds. but in the final two the
audience saw some excellent work.
j..ambert showed sufficient science to counterbalance -
terbalance his lack of weight , particularly
In his ducking and upper cuts. Chalfin was
also clever and quIck so take opportuni-
ties. Large gloves were used and the con-
loSt was simply ( or points.
11nrsf l'nrL Club Rncea.
I.ONDON. July 1.-At thi ZIrSI day ran-
ing of the Hurst Park club summer meetIng -
Ing today Sir. Fairics 4-year-old B. C.
Eager won the Duchs.s of York stakes of
Li-ti sovereigns : Lord Z.etIand' Ilnold was
sts'ond and the LurlIlari-hereslord six-
blesS Sandia third.
The all ages maiden ; aIale of 101 soy-
'etelgus was won by the Lorillard-Beresford
stabiesye'arold colt DorL Ii. This evrnt
is for all ages that have never won 'up i
t the time of entry. Five horses ran , dls-
tarce five furlonra.
.trnerlenu Athletes Win.
LONDON. July 1.-la the amateur ath.
belie championship games at Stamford
Brhig today H.S.'ei.h won the mile run
b twenty wards. w. a Luyterts second
and D. G. Barr-Is third. Time : 4:11 4.5.
OrIon. the American runner. did not take
fart In the mll. run. Leahy won the high
jump. clearing live feet. eleven and five-
elitths Inches. Grace. th American. was
, not plans-i. In the two-mile steeplechase.
, OrIon. the American runner. pushed to the
front before the mile post and won hr
eighty yards.
I Ohio \Vl-I 3leet Open. .
, CLEVELD. 0. . July 1.-The opening
. lay of the state wheel meet. under the
auspices of the Cleveland Wheel club , at
the Glenvilbe Drialnz park this afternoon ,
drew a mali crowd In an exhibition mile
Dr. A. I. Brown of thiS city covered the
distance in 1:4 ? . breakIng the track record
by 0 1-5 seconds.
Fita-in - , , tor 1V"nmtnn
CHVEXNE. Wyo. . June 30.-SpecIal
Telegraxn.-The ) Wyoming populist , demo-
cratie and clver ! republican slate commit-
teee held meexlags here today and fixed
.Ug'ut : 3 at Casper a. the time and place for
holding a state convention. The three
pnrties will fuse on state questions.
I'renriir. to tei 3lutr. .
Rev. A. W. Mann of Gambler. 0. . addressed -
dressed the deaf mutes of the city in Trio-
ity catht'drah last night. Yr. Mann was
the. first deaf mute ordaIned ta the Episo.
pal church cet of the Alleghenies and the I
second In the history of the church. lie is
now general missionary to deaf mutes In the
middle ac-stern states and has traveled al.
most contInuously in this sork tar the last
twenty-five years. There are now dcc other I
deaf metes associated with him. His work
was begun in MichIgan and since th.'o mis-
sbus for the- deaf have been erected under
his direction In nearly all the large western
cities. The only one in this vicinity Is at
St. Loots. which Mr Mann founeed ! in 1S
Mr. Mann has teen abroad twice and de- I
scrIbei very graphically to his audience
scenes met with in his travels , particularly
the famous cathedrals.
A hint to Those \'ho have itoscl
Mr. John Ilevina. editor of the Press. Au-
thon. Iowa. says' " 1 have used Chamber'
laIn's COlIC Cholera and DIarrhoea Remedy
In my famIly for fifteen years. have recommended -
mended it to hundreds of otbrr. aisi have
never known It to fail in a stogie iusixaee.
lut Run ihus. leently.
Lkeziie Inspector MeVitite last evening
notIfied tba management of the beauty
shows at 34i5 and SI ? North Sixteenth cirtet
to conduct a mote moral show or suffer
the cancellation of their liceoses. The can.
vat chow at Sixteenth and Daveol4rt
streets was clia oiit4 to conduct their
exxtertainrcenl in a more cleanly manner or
coffer closure. The orders to the managers
at 36 and II ? North Sixteenth street In-
eluded not only the Inside show. but the
eahibilon of Olmitly dressed aemen to the
front of the plaCe.
The city impr velcitt foentulttee of the
WoUaaas club will meet Monday at 4 o'eletk
at the Congregational church.
Services will be bold at . % lI Salnta jl.
eel churt1 at Ii nclocl this iooralag.
There will be no ereelna service.
George 1V 'hur'h. hi.'ag si 1I4 Neith
Twesxty.fourth otreet. was thrown ( sow bti
buggy and sustained a orokea aria. lie
turned too stort and the vehicle upset.
s. . . ' ---r'
Why Are InteillgIPeop1e So legligcit of
Their Best Friwth.
inny an Eye Lo.t by Neglect or Un-
sl.iilful Trciiel.t Chigt to
htectlfy l'rryiou. liankeXey
Instrnhicjiia for Ills Work.
There are few subjects of snore general
interest. and none in respect of which more
knowledre would be of greater advantage
to people ix general than the human eye.
Viloz is very properly d 'S ritOi as the
most precious of Our senses , and Its loss is
considered one of the most serious aJIle-
Lions that can befall inanbiad. It is only
of late years 'bat the causes of certain de-
ficleacles 1:1 sight have been made known.
and the recet erroneous st5tCments are still
made and , believed regarding thent. Even
intehligen people may be excused if they
have tot yet become acquainted with the
new diseovenes which are comparatIvely xc-
cent , In the making and selentic fitting of
glasses. But we shall have no excuse to
Offer In their behalf if they do not avail
' themselves of the means pIad at their
' disposal ( or acquiring the knowledge of the
I nature of the troublesome dt4tets of sIght
' and of learning how simple. In the great
number of cases. they can be cured or as-
sittol by the stlentidc adjustment of pet-
fectly made lenses.
It Is. of course , always advisable to refrain -
frain from abusing your eyes , but uhen at
length. owing to advanced years or other
causes. the aid of glasses baa become neces-
' sary. It is of the greatest importance that
care and discrimination should be used .n
having thun properly fitted.
I Do not be discouraged because you have
hitherto been unable to find the assistance
in glajsea that your friends do True. you
bate spent many dollars and much time in
search o perfect sight and Comfort. Lut
science has not been idle in this branch of
work. any more than In other professions
of perhaps less Importance. liaster of his
profession and aided by every lutrumeot
known to science for his work. places Dr.
Seymour In a position seldom equalled by
the most proficient man In this ltne-eer-
tainly never surpassed.
To n I.oitg ? .uffcrliitr i'utIIc
be oers an opportunity which should be
appreciated In the highest degree by all
these 'aba are having trouble with their
eyes. Do not be sketicai or narrow-
minded If you are interested in theie state.
I meats , for yoor sight is too precious to be
trifled with and your friends cannot advise
you intelllgenily who have riot suffered the
xperience you are going through at the
present lime. Perhaps you do not feel
I warreted In consulting any one about your
eyes who you know in advance will charge
' you a good siaed professIonal fee. even before -
; fore they have made an examination of
I yotir sight. In this respect you are right.
I your case is oae that calls upon the
sktll of a specialist you should , of course.
expect to pay for his knoaledge. but you
should not be denied the opportunity of
askiag hi. r.ersonal advice before eznployIn
his professional skill , and this is sou.e-
tbt.g you now bare an opportunity bf
I Dr. Seymour will be pleased to meet any
one having say trouble with their eyes and
will advise them on the subject Itbout cx-
peate. Roes lIt-li Rartsach block. car-
ncr JOsh and Douglas streets.
BRANDS-WillIam C aged 33 3r'c. at
reabd.nce 4 Franlin Street. Junt- ) ,
Funeral Sunday. July 2. ( rum Ta tart a
undertaking rooms. Twtntr-lhlrd anti
Ceasing streets. to Peoples church. rth
Eighteenth Street. at I p. m Itennsins
will be taken to Great Bend. K-n. Gate
sit ) trnt. 0. Knibta of tJte 51a. . .
, .IrCi have charge of the JJ
a" . kights are Invited to attend.