Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1898, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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- (3 ( - - - 'i1iri oMA1rA - DAILY 11EEt1XIAy : , JULY _ _ 8 _ , 1898. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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. z'oit 1lINT1N.
flUdweI8cr beer. Roscufeld. Tel. 323.
, Try Moore 4 nth tQ Itco u rnIte.
Vanted-LatesL ealUon ot Council fl1UZ !
city lrcctory. Ap1y at flee omee.
At the I1rsL Congtegntlonnl chirch the
) iI.tnonthly comintifflon servIce will be held
thIa morning at 10:30 : o'clock ,
dnnriger Nicoll of thn Weatern Union or-
flee In this city hn ohiered 3.&OO 1-cent
roycilue Btnmps for the July busIness at this
'Fiie Joint instoliatioii of the newly elected
bmcers of the tour Odd Vcllows' lolges wilt
bc lieu Tuesday evening at Odd FlIows'
teniplc ,
. Ion't you think it must. . be a prettr good
; [ laundry that can please so many IIu.1lrcds (
o f customers ? Welt-that's the 'Eagle , "
724 Broadway.
Th clerk of the diatrict court isued fitLY-
rfivo marriage licenses durilig the month uf
'June , thu number being sonics'Iiat below
t ho usual avctngo.
, The resitleiitA of Macconia are arranging
'for a granti celebration July 4. Tle lulteY
Buck itaartet of the city will render a nuin-
ber of patriotic songs.
A marriage license was issued yesterday
, to CL F. Christy. aged 37 , and A. 1ny , aged
14 , both of Custer. Neb , , and they wore
: tniarrled by Justice Ferrier.
t Up to yesterday evenitig only three in-
strntncnts rcIllIrIng statnps 1II(1er the new
war revenue tax linit beeli Iresented for
1liing in the office of County Itecorder Slid-
ard.At the Christian tabernacle this , iiorning
the poster , Rev. S. Id. Perkilis , will preach
on "Tho Itesurrection of Christ's Body"
and In thin evening UI ) "Thu Resurrection
of the hluiiinn Body. ' '
; I FrnIic CopelanI , who says lie is a printer
from hamburg , ha , , was arrested last night.
by Officer Claur and charged with atternht-
ing to Pick . the IOCkCts ) of Juifles Ward , a
' rurahite from Missouri Valley.
; The share of Annie C. Fohict in the estate -
tate of the Into John ] Iickey lrnving been
assignetl to V , L. Kerticy. Judge Smith has
isscul flu order In district court for- the ad-
nhlniHtrator to turn It over to Kerney ,
I'rof , W. M. Marshall , formerly a teacher
iii the Iowa School for the Deaf here. but
for the last. year filling a similar position in
a like Institution Iii Vancouver.'ash. . , Is
, in the city visiting relatives and friends.
) I'ostinastcr Treynor , while playing cricket
in Omaha yesterday afternoon , had the misfortune -
fortune to be struck In the face by the ball.
The force of the 1)10w cut quite a gash in
his cheek , whichi required several stitches
' to sess' up.
TIi regular monthly meeting of the city
council occurs Monday night , but on ac-
COlIflt of being the Fourth of. July it Is not
likely that any business vill be transacted
aiiil an ; uhjournment will be takei to Toes-
I ( lay evening ,
Tlionias C. 1)awsoii commenced stilt in the
I dIstrict court yesterday against A. T. Rains
to recover $135 on a note alleged to be due.
Thu plalntlU is at present lB Itlo Jatioito
filling the position of secretary of the Bra-
, alhian legrttlon.
A building iermit was Issued yesterday.
p to J. J. hess for the erection of a frame
cottage on South Seventh street lust south
, of ( tie Bloomer school house to cost $2.200.
Mr. Hess intends thifl residence as a home
tar himself and family.
The tin box cnntalnlno a number of valuable -
able papers that was sten , together with
other goods , from- the resid4'nce of henry
Moyers on Benton street , was fount ! yester-
( lay In the alley back of Gladstone's store
on Douglas street. Omaha.
Itey. A.V. . Manit of Cleveland , 0. . general -
oral missionary to ileaf mutes , will be the
, ucst of Rev. L. V. McDonald this evenIng
' and at S o'clOchc will preach in the sIgn
language at St. l'aut'e church In connec-
tIOfl with the usual evenIng servIce.
Martha Lucille. the 2-year-old ( laughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ulles , \Vashington
1. avenue , died at a late hour FrIday nIght
frommi bronchitis. The funeral will be held
thmI afternOon at 3 o'clock from the colored
Baptist church an Thirteenth street.
The funeral of the late Mrs. M , F. Robe.
sister of M.V. . Fleming of this city , wIlt
ha held this afternoon from the Broadway
MethodIst church at 2:30 : o'clock. Rev. J.
11. Senseney will conduct the services amid
interment will lie \Valnut 11111 cenmetery.
Sam Grant , the alleged corn doctor arrested -
rested Thursday for entering time house of
Mrs. Drake OH Second avenue. refused to
accompany the Omaha officers back across
the river yestermlny. where it is alleged ho
is WantemI to answer the charge of larceny.
Charles Schofield. arrested Thursday for
picking the pocket of P. A. Goyer of Glen-
WOOd at the circus , had a partial prellimi-
mary hearIng before Justice Vien yesterday.
lie was commItted to the county jail untIl
\'etlncsday , whemi tIme case is to be ro-
sunmcl. (
Hon. D. J , Palmer of WashIngton , Ta , ,
a3 in the city yesterday In time Interest of
his candIdacy for railroad commissioner.
lie was appoInted railroad commIssioner
last winter by Governor Shaw to fill a Vacancy -
cancy aIl ( ho Is now a candIdate for rc
nomination ,
lepnty Revenue Collector Knox received
ft further supply of documentary revenue
stamps yesterlny , but wholly lusuthiclent to
near mimeet the miemand and by evening 1mb
iitI disposed of nearly all of then ) . Collector -
lector ICimox also received a macli supply
of the proprietary stamps.
At ( lie Fifth Avenue Methodist clnirch
today Dr. D. C. Franklin , rcsldlng elder
of the Council lhlmiffs district. will preach
at the morning service and administer the
sacrament. This service and the penta-
costal service at 4 a , in. vlIl be held in the
tabernacle tent. The gospel meetings in
the tent wilt be continued every evening of
time week.
The report of the Christian home for the
Week emidlng yesterday ebmows total receipts
in time manager's fund $11.25 , being $23.75
below the JIcemIs of the week and increasing
the deficiency in this fund to $300G9 , The
- gi and total of receipts lii the general fund
amounted to $155.37 , being $14.63 below time
estimatemi needs for the current expenses
at the week. The deficiency In this tumid
has been increased to 618.32.
harry \v. Semen's extravaganza coin-
. hmany , which OldIiti ) a week's engflgeflCnt at
thu 1)olmany ) theater tonight. is said to be
000 of the largest burlesque companIes now
on thin roami. This season it numbers thirty
\ Persons. among whommi are a number of well
known 8Ieciait ) ' artists , including Lynwood ,
the faunae. contortionist , There Is a ballet
of fifteen women , and the Mouhin Rouge
dancers are said to be a great attraction.
C. U. Vinyl Co. , fenmalo remedy : consultation -
tion free. OlBee hours. to 12 and 2 to 5.
health book furaisbieti , 326'327-328 Mer-
name block.
N. Y. I'lunibing company , Tel. 250 ,
If you want to enjoy lIfe on the Fourth
take in Manawn.
When the sea-lions were performing at
time circus one of the bystanders wanted to
kmmo if the slmow-nahm hmui borrowed that
big fish at Sullivan. . time grocer ? The showman -
man didn't know Sullivan. but lie enloycil
the joke on the fellow just the same. Time
man declared 110 had seen something that
looked like It at Sullivan's. It was proba-
lily time big June fIsh he had seen.
George Stammton has Purchiase(1 a League
bicycle from Cole & Cole.
Big time at Manawa tIme Fourth.
. F'rt'e $ imo' .
hundreds of 1)eoliu StOiped to look Lit our
dIsplay of statuary iii our show window last
week and all were unanimous that imoilmimig
immis ever bcemi shmova in Council illufis that
can beat this hue of goods , You can tImid
time hero of Manila there and other noted
milItary mimen besides. others of renowim auth
fanme , It costs nothing tb see ( lila display
and you will miss a treat If you fail to
GLABS COMPANY. Masonic Temple ,
. 'jno bathing at Mauawa.
M. S. ilampleman Declines to Bet on
Another Man's Game.
St ranger frummi Sterl ing , Coli , . , lins a
Very Vii nlt.mmsnmId 1hIICFII'tmCt' cihm
Three tftiil ( k'imtIemmii lie
Cimnhmees Ii , Icct.
M. S. hiamplemmmn , from Sterling , Cob. .
was robbed of $65 on this side of the rIvcr
yesterday afternoomm by three wily conflilelicu
sharks , two of whom he baa met in Omaha.
After mobbing hiampleninn time tlmree inca
mambo their escape while theIr victim has-
temmed to time folice station , where he related
his talc of woe.
hiamplemnan , who adniitted he was not no-
cmmstomcd to the way3 and wiles ot a large
city , stated. that lie was stopping at time
Moore house in Omaha while taking in the
exposition. There mm couple of days ago lie
became acquainted with a mnaa who clalmiicl
to have formerly knowmi hIm in Arkansas.
hiamnpbemnn did not m enmember the man , but
guessed the fellow -as alt right and it was
mmot long before tie amid his newly found old
friend becamne quite intimate. After dimmmier
at time hotel whcro hlampleman was stopping -
ping ; the man from Arkansas introduced
another friend who proposed that they ross
the rivcr anti take In the sights of Council
Bluffs instcad of visiting the exposition , as
they had done on time iwo previous days.
tiampleman 'as ihlim1g , especially na the
second strnngcr appeared to be a nmost comm-
genial acriunlntanee , They boarded the
Council' llitTff mnbt r ntmd' ltamplemamms
fricmmd Crummi-'Amkausas paid the farO.Vhen
they reached time east emmd of the motor
bridge one of time maca suggested that they
get oft tIme car antI take a look at the gmmn
club's grounds. hlamplemnan hmad done a lit-
tIe targef sbootlng hum his tIme and was
nothing loath to visit the grounls.
Arriving at the enclosure they were met
at time gate by a stranger who claImed to be
the mnanimger. . lie as most affable amid
vommid be tlehighmteml to show the visitors
arotmmmd. Time grounds looked over one of the
trio suggested a shell game , htmL hiamupleman
comnmcmmccd to snmehl a rat amid declined to
play. ills refusal ' seenmed to emmrage the
friend from Arkansas , vhmo told iiimmi he
need not be afraid as lie had more money
with him than hianmplemnn had mmd lie produced -
duced a big roll of lulls. fommm his Pocket.
This put hiampiemnan on his upettie and he
tiovo dovn in his jeans and pulled out his
wad containing $55 mo3tly in $1. bIlls. Time
roil looked a big one , but it was the last
chance time man froni Colorado had to hook
at for the three men cio3ed round imiat
while two took hold of hits arms , the third
mann , who claimed to be time muammager of time
simooting grounds , seized the wad and tran'm-
ferred it to liii owim pockets. hianipleman
remonstrated , but in vain. The trio simply
laugimed at him and told him ime was a great
blm sucker. The trio of eommfhtknie men
thenmade a bait for a passing motor to
Oniaha and that was the last Ilamnplcmaa
saw of them.
Time timree men who robbed 1-Impieman are
thougimt by time police to be time samne parties
who made an ummsmmcccssfui attempt Friday
night to work John McMaimus and his nephew
of Waterloo , In. , at Fairniount. park , on time
padioci racket.
Mana\'a is the finest. pleasure resort In
time vcst. . -
"Slipc. ' thmut'ts time minnie one of our cus-
tonmers huts brmmmmded our favorite cheroot
smoker. But he cannot find a name that
will ttmko the. place -of time "Cormmer , " the
best five-cent cigar in time city. You wIll
say so if you try one. C. A. Moore's Corner
Cigar Store , BaldwIn Block.
There is still a fine hot of lmnmnmocks left
frommi vhiicli you comm select a beauty. It is
only mmecessnry to see them to convInce
you that timere is nothing 1mm town tlmnt can
ieat timemn either for quality , or beauty.
Davis. the drug , paint and glas maim ,
Jr votm ore hot go to Manawa and get
cooled oft ,
SOCILh'i'Y IN COtJ.m1C1 i 1IiUFFS.
L'iirties ii Iimiee 3illIlzLslL Are Nosm'
( tmilte t lie I'roier Caimer ,
One of time jolliest social events of time last
veek In Council Biuffs was time pIcnic supper -
per givenFrlday evening at Lake Manawa
by Miss Moumtgonmery in imoor of imer guest ,
MIss hiomamimi of New York. Supper was
scrved at time boat house. Amommg time out
of to'n guests present were Miss Pahimmer
and Mr. John l'atrick of Omaima.
Wedmmeaday evening Miss Nehi Dodge iii-
vited a few of her IntImate frIends to a
picnic slipper at time lake in honor of her
guest , Miss hlrewer ,
Mrs. Horace , hmmckson and Miss J , V.
Darsie Jackson of Chicago who are guests
oh their way to Colorado to spend the simm-
mner immonths , are guests of Mr. and Mrs.
\v , S. Dimnmock for a few days.
An enthusiastic audience , a beautifully
decorated cimurchu , a score of daintily
dressed young women anti a well executed
program mmmdc time sommg recital given by
the P111)118 ) of Mrs. W. J. Leverctt Tlmursday
evemming at , time Commgregatlonal church a
pronounced success both artistically ammth
socially , Time selectiomis were veli cimosen
for time voices , many of which give rare
liromnlse for the future. Time lmuliis seru
assisted by Miss Gertrude Kennedy , former
superintendent of immuslo imm time city schools
Miss Gleasomi as accoummptmnist anti Miss McBride -
Bride as violinist , Oumo of time immost Imleas-
lug mmummmbermm on time programmm was the mhtmet ,
"See the I'aic Moon " Miss
, sung by Kemm-
miedy mmml Mr. ! mlonfort.
Miss Jitnuil Murphy of Soutim Eight street
entertained a few of her friemmds Tuesday
imight at a lawn party.
Miss. hloimmaums of Now York Is time guest
of Miss Mommtgomery.
Mrs. C. hml. Ttmlcott amid children have rc-
turned from a viit with relatives iii Ciii-
Mrs. Kate Nimunmo is entertaining her sia-
tor , Mrs. helena Itughmes of St , Paul , Mian.
Mrs. WIlliam F. Sapp returned Friday
immorning front an extended visit with friemmds
1mm Cimlcago.
Miss Mary Martin of Davenport is visitIng
imer sister , Mrs.S'alter Stiliumman , amid will
renmalo hmcro for time rest of time sunmnmer ,
Mr. and Mrs , T. B. Cavln of Park avenue
are entertimluming Mr. anti Mrs. Charles Snmitii
and Mrs. J. A. ilaltzel of St. Louis. George
Calvin Is imonmo for a simort vacation from
Grain ) Island , Neb. lie is emitertaimming as
his guest Edward Drew Cover of Grand
Island who has been attending school in
Boston ,
Mrs. J , H , Sigumafoos of Morningaide no.
companied by Mrs. C , A. Signafoos of Fre-
umiout. Neb. , are visiting friends and rula-
lives in Chicago amid Wiaconsin.
Miss holbrook , who baa charge of the
I'rammg Educational eonmpammy'a exhibit at time
exposition , was the guest the last week of
Miss hlarrielt Blood.
Mrs. John 1)eimtlng of Hazel street Is vIsit.
tag friends in 1'ortiand Ore.
Ir. amid Mrs. H. C , Allen , who bay beca
visiting Dr. A. P. llaacbott anti family due-
lag natl since the session of the American
IntItuto of Homeopathy , returned to their
home In Chicago yesterday. greatly pleased
t'Itht their short stay In Council Blurts and
their visit to the TransmnisslssIppi expoal.
tion whIch , by the way , they think bears
Very favorable commiparison In mnany particu-
let's with the % 'orld's fair of Cimicago.
Alderman amid Mrs. J. B , . Atkins , City
Physician T. B. Lumccy , Tom Lacey , 7ttac
hinnchmett , Dwight OdeB , harry Cavin , For.
6st itit1mertorm1 and Maurice DeKny heft
Vctlmmestlay for a inontim's outing at Spirit
Lake. where timy have a strain launch ,
Miss Genevieve Keating baa recovered
from imer recent sickness ,
Mrs. N. I' . Dodge entertained as her guest
during the lasi week Mrs. .J. 'F. Stewart
of Des Moines. Miss Ellen lodga hind as
imor guest .Miss Mary 8rewer.of Miumnenpohis.
lr. nail Mrs. George F. Shears of Clii-
cage Were tue guests the l5st weak of Mr.
anti Mrs. Thomas Metcalf-
Miss htarriett l3lootl , Instructor of draw-
-tug in tIme publIc schools , tins as her guest
Miss Julia Memmtomi of Boone.
Miss Snow of flrookfleld , Mo , , was the
guest the lust week of Mrs. W. S. Dinmmnock ,
Mr. and Mrs. Mauiford Savage and son
Artimum of Champaign , , Ill , , are the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ii , Arthur.
Miss Pohly Erhi left FrIday for a month's
visit with friemmils In Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. J , A. Murphy of South First
Street tire e11j03'lumg a visit from their sOn ,
Dr. Mtmrpimy ,
Edward 13. Bloomner'of Ihfmoenlx , Arlz. , is
the gimest of his adopted tatlmer , 110mm. D. C.
liloomnem' of Sotmtlm FIrst street.
Mr. anti Mrs. Thomas P. Treynor Will
remove to Sioux City in Limo near future ,
Mr. Treymmor immtving bcen transferred there
by the Cudahy I'tmckimmg comnpammy.
Miss Sadie Goh.lgrabber is visiting friends
In ileresford. S. D.
Mrs. Spencer Bcaimmnn of Chicago , wimo
has been the guest of Mr. amid Mrs. ii. W.
-Tilton , returned lionme Thursday , but her
laughitur , Miss Floremicdremnins fort a visit
with friemida lb timis city numb Omaha.
Misses Vesta Clailanar amid Edmma Orcutt
rcturmied Thursday fronm a visit with rela-
tivea 1mm Viilisca. .
Mrs. A. B. Patton of Garden Grove , ICan. ,
ncconmpaumiemi by imer daumghter , Frane'es , Is
vlsitimmg her son , Edward Martin of Graham
Mrs. Demmny , vlfe of Cafltaln It , Denny of
the police force , returned Timtmrsday fromn a
pleasant visit with relatives In Boone , ha.
Miss Gemmevieve Baldwin is visiting In
Clevi'iammd , 0. , and is expected home about
Wednesday. She has recently been elected
president of time sophomore class at Vassar.
Dtmring the inst veek Mr. and Mrs. Ermmest
B. hart emmtertaiimed Mr. nail Mrs. Frederick
Carberry of Chicago. . Mr. Carberry sammg
tile tenor solos in time oratorio of "Isaiah"
at the exposition ,
Miss Iddith Wyckoft of this city , a teacher
in tue Iowa Schooi for time Icaf , has ac-
ceimtcd a position 1mm the Illinois School for
tiio Deaf at Springfield and viii leave for
there at the cloc of time summer vacation.
Mr. anti Mrs. Scott Ormsby , who imave
beemi visiting friends Imi this city , returned
to their imome in Emnictsburg Thtmrstiay.
Miss Parvin , wimo has been vIsiting hero
since tIme meeting of time Iowa Masomiic
grand lodge , returned Thursday to hicr home
in Cedar Rapids.
Dr. anti Mrs. Iicnsley and two dauglmtcrs
of Pcoria , Ill. , are visiting Mr. and Mrs. B.
Shumbert at Twenty-first street and Second
avenume. Dr. Hensley Is a brother of Mrs.
B. C. Cole of Chicago visiting hits
brother , I-I. A. Cole of Oakland avenue , and
will remmsain here until after time Fourtim.
Miss Lottie Caldwehi of Oakland , Ia. , is
visiting the fatally of Mr. and Mrs. .7. Sharp
at 2001 Fltthm avemmue.
Mrs. J. L. Forman of Humneston , Ta. , no-
companicd by her son , is visiting imor
mother , Mrs. L. D. Leper of Ninth avenue.
Thomas J , Keating And wife of Portland ,
Ore. , are in tha city. visiting Mr. Keating's
mother , Mrs. lit , iCeating. This is Mr.
Keating's first visit honme to Council Bluffs
in seven years.
Miss Carrie Schooatgon entertained last
Monday Dr. Kahmlkc and Dr. Owen of Ciii-
cage , friends of Dr. Frank Metcalf of Ciii-
cage , formerly of tithe city.
Mrs. Thomas Metcalf entertained a din-
ncr party Wednesday night. Time following
guests were present : Dr. Corresta Can-
field , Dr. Shears and wife , Dr. HV. . Pierson
amid Dr. Cobb anti wIfe , all of Chicago. The
dining room was tramisferred into a bower
of loveliness by amasses of cut flowers.
Manawa trains conm4ecl with time Omaha
motor cars and time service is good. It you
domm't go today , go tomorroy , or you wIll
miss sonmethirmg fine.
Along with the circus there were nu-
mcrous cntcrtaitiitiemits In the city durIng
last week , but imone of greater Interest thmamt
the mimammothm display of resim fish at Sui-
hivan's , the grocer , 343 Broadway.
FOR SALE-Cooa second-head bicycle at
a bargain. Call at The Dec oiile , Council
Biu ifs.
Map of Cuba , \Vesu ladies and the World
at Tue Bee olfico , TOe eacim ,
i'igltt aim dite ihxprt'ss Metimoils JIt'gIILN
to llt'nr Fruit.
Yesterday afternoon A. T. Ihiwell , local
agent. of time Pacific Rxprcss coummpany , ro-
cciycd instructIons froni the imeadquarteru
of time Colimpany In Otnalmn that the company
would rescind its torimmer order and bear
time cost of time tax itself.
Up to last evemming the agents of time
Adams , Wells-Fargo , A mnerlcamm amid Ummited
States express coummpanies hail received no
immatructious contrary to those previously
sent out and time agents Imero are inclined
to believe t1ma tlmeir companies will imot
accede to the demamids of time Implement
firimis unless cOnipeilefi to by law.
The Inplemnent men have obtained time
advice of attorimeys , wlmo give it as their
opinion that time intent of time law requiring
time 1-cent stamimp on express aiiiimmient. re-
ceipta was to tax the express coampanies and
not the simipper. Time } : mmmpklo-Simtmgart hiartI-
ware conmpany and II. II. Van Brunt , time
wholesale carriage dealer , flied protests with
time express companies yesterday morning
aimfi It is expected that unless time express
companies vimo are still holding out back
down other wimoiesate firms wimo ship large
quantities of goods by express will take up
time fight witim limo inmitiemnent macmm.
Advices are to the effect timat the fight
inaugurated by limo implement lirmns is not
confined to this city , but is ummiversal all
over the country ,
Fireworks cheap. Fireceticicers , 3 bunches
10 cemmts ; cannon crackers. 1 cent each ; skyrockets -
rockets , 1 cent ; roman candies , 1 cent ; ser-
penIs. 1 cent. Flags amid other timings
equaiiy aa cimeap , Klein. 112 Broadway.
An excellent prograumm has been arranged
a Mana'a for time Fourth.
Flaim , big and small , scale fish amid tlslm
without scales , fresh fish amid salt flshm , old
fish ammd young tlslm , In fact the greatest
imiace for fish you have ever seen Is at Sul-
hivan's , the grocer , 343 Broadway.
Cmmmimty imlstitimte Atteumituuit'c ,
The enrollment at the I'ottawattamlo
County institute yesterday reached 331
amid County Sumperiatendent Sawyer expects
to see this increased by at least fifty amoco
during the comiuig week. Dr. Emerson B.
W'hito concluded his eagagenmcnt yeatertlay
amid will return to his home 1mm Colummibus.
0. . tornorow , Dr. C. C. Rounds of New
York , who wilt have "Language and Lit-
i' , ;
orature , " arrived yesterday anti will corn-
mence work at the intiute Ttmcsday morn-
ing. Other instructorp who will be added
to the institute the coming week arem Prof.
J. S. Sharp of Lemars. .Ia. , who will imavo
arithmetic ; Prof. M. B. , ( 'oater of Walntit ,
vhmo will have geography , and Prof. I ) . Fred
Grass of Harvard , who iil have economics.
Prof. Grass was forniiy one of time Cotmncit
Bluffs high school fd klity ,
lect lug ( PC t ime /toeIntioii. .
Members in this city of tIme Iowa State
liar Association have been notified that the
aumnimal meeting of the ammeociation will be
held at Mason City anti Clear Lake \Vednes-
day mmd Thursday of next week , The an-
unmet address wilt be made by lion , henry
0 .Tompkins of Montgomnery , Ala. At the
annual bammquet on Wednesday ovemming the
following will respond to toasts : lion. Wcs-
icy Martin , lion , Slmirley Oiliiilantl , hiomi.
I , . M. Burr , lion. J. ii. Quick , lion. Smnith
Mct'hersoti , Judge C. M. Waterman , Judge
John C , Sherwin mind Qoyernor Shaw. On
the afternoon of Thursdays the' association
will go to Clear Lake over the electric lute
w'imcro time bar of MaBon City lmas arranged
for fotmr excursions upon the lake and where
thme Outing climb of Mnsoum City wlii tender
the association a banquet.
Davis , the drug , pala and glass man , is
always imp with the times. To verity this
It is only miecessary to. see his big display
of fireworks , Ito has an endless display of
gOoiB 1mm this line amid there is mme use to
look anywhere else to timid timemn clmeapdr.1
iavis' hirices are always as low , if not
lower , than any competitor.
For boat titling no place beats Manawa.
Plenty of boats there.
t'ommgrt'jant inmi ' . % 'iii ilmts'e Cimnrgt. .
Time services this evenimig at time Second
I'resbytem'iaim clmurcit will be iii charge of
time amen of time congregation amid will ho
1mm time nature of a. temnperamico rally , at
wimicim time following progranm will bo ron-
( lerci ( : Instrunmental nmtisic , bible reathimig ,
D. N. Mngrutler ; soip , Johmn hiedgewick ,
Omimaima ; devotional , 11ev. Drenmmeum : solo , IV.
P. Oilicer ; lecture , "ilvLls of Iimtemrmperamiee , "
Dr. 11. A. Carter ; instrqrnental. closiuig with
"Ammicrica. " hiebert Van Do ilogert wfil pre-
Ftmraislmeti rooumms for rent with beard. 221
Sotmtim Sc'emmtim Street.
Don't fail to see tIme electrical mirage at
Mammawa 0mm time mmigimt of the Fourth.
Sullivan , the grocer , has scored nimother
big victory over the elusive fish and this
week lie vihl imnve a larger display of time
flumny tribe thamm ever and this immeaums a
pretty big undertaking.
'limo omclal photographs of time United
Stntes Navy , containhig over 200 pictures
of the vessels , with timehr officers and a mmunm-
of time views of time ui-fated Maine. cami be
limui at time Council ihtmffs omce of The 13cc
for 25 cemmts nmmtl a Bq ' go pomm.
Nice bathing suitat , Manawa ,
3iisstmirl Riser i'lIlLmrov'I.lemt % Yorle.
SiOUX CITY , July 2.-Smeclal ( ; Telegram. )
-It is quite possible that time emitlre charge
of time Missouri RIvr improvement work
will be Piacetl in cimrge of one oflicer , Cap-
taimi J. C. Sanford of Sioux City. For some
time there has hecum aonme talk of consohi-
tinting time St. Paul auth St. Louis omces.
There has been sonic oiilcial correspondence
1mm regard to time rnattcr ; the funds for time
improvement ot the Missouri river are running -
ning low. No appropriation has been made
uy vuigress to repiemmian inc flepietee allow-
amicca for time mvesterntlepnrtimiOimtk , at least ,
and there is need of close economy. 5ev-
oral attaches of time olilce have been let otmt
on accoummt of lack of funds. The appropria-
tioms for upper river points are just sufficient
to maintain time work already done and keep
it form disintegration wimlie no new work
calm be ummdcrtakcn , Should time St. Louis
office ho laced in charge of Captain Sanford -
ford , he would retain his residence in Siotmx
City , but would spend one.hmaif of his tinmtm
in St. Louis.
Sties for Alleged Sss'1iim1iIimg
DES MOINES , July 2.-Speclal ( Tehe-
gram.-W. ) . Wiiiiams , a well known
ticket broker of timis city , lmns sworn out
warrants for the arrest of Ira II. Stubbs ,
Fred Timayer and Samuel G. Koontz , the
two latter said to be travehiumg men , charging -
ing them wIth swhmithling him out of $6,000
worth of property by false pretenses. lie
alleges that they lndmmced hinm to trade time
above amount of property for 400 acres of
land 1mm Nebraska , for wimlclm Timayer was
said to be willing to give time $6,000. After
Williamima deeded his property to Koommtz for
time purpose of time trade , Timayer refused
to complete the deal ammil has disappeared ,
Time iammtl is said to have recemitly beeemm sold
to ammotimer Des Moines man for $150 taxes.
hull Aeitaieimm-'t , 1t'nr.
hULL. Ta. , July 2-Speclni.-Thjo ( ) hlimli
academy , under time supervision of Rev. J.
B. Chase , closed a very successful year's
work this week. 0mm Sumnday time bacca-
laurcauto sermon was delivered by Rev. J.
B. Chase , On Tjmcsday nlglmt time Athenian
Literary society gave a program at the
acatieimmy imali. On Wednesday evening Rev.
D. 13. Bvans of Larchwood , gave an able
amid instructive address oum time "Elements
of Success" to the Athenian Literary society.
On Thursday afternoon , graduating exercises
and an address by Rev. Charles II , Seccomne
of Sibley , were the order , anti in time evening
a comnmencenmermt concert , under the direc-
thou of Prof. H. Oitlham ,
N.rfhis'estermt Io- ' ( 'tergtsuN.
SIBLEY. In. , July 2.-Special.-Pimul ( )
Scimalior of Sac City has been elected dls-
trict comnmander of time Nortitwcmmterim Iowa
Veteramms' association for time commming year
nmmti the next reunion Is to imo held at Stmc
City the last week In June , 1S9 , I'ast District -
trict Commantber E. F , Messer of Shmeldon
was presented by time association witim a gold
badge , Mrs. McCauslaati anti Mrs. Newell
of Sibley amid time Mlfs Young of Sioux
City gave fine at tue CR1111) fire.
Itcu' . McKee of Shmeitign.tCoionei iubowery of
Tamna and otjmera muio patriotic speeches.
General 0. 0. iiowa amm eloquent ad.
jillipt's iuutu..Iumtte.1 ,
INDIIPRNDENCE1 Joly 2.-Special.- ( )
The republican of theTenth ju-
dicini district placed lm nomimmatiomm Judges
A. S. hhiair.of Manciestet' anti F' . C. Piatt of
Watcrioo , the imrese Jth1ges of the district.
I itss'tt xt'wLm'mm No I i.s.
Time Ciarlmmda Joirjma.war $ daliy did mmot
pay and has heemm abmiulQned. ;
14. Ii. Simaume of 'NoW Virginia imas as-
sunmed commtrol of tite Truro Enterprise.
A now tiemimocratip ipper at Malvern wIli
be 'dited by C. Iii. 'Rice. formerly a reluh-
lican ,
The Grammd Juactioh headlight , an dm1
nosvepaper , Imas been absorbed by time New
Era , a republican paper ,
0 , (1 , Sargent of Enmmnetsburg imas re-
mmmoveti to Ilidora. where ho will assist imis
son in the managemnezit of time illdora Emm.
Joim B. Clarey has soul time Iowa hiius'
trated at Des Moines to time Midiammd
Moumtiiiy ammd whit go east au accoumat of
his itealtim ,
Justium 'II' . McEmmchran of Chicago resigned
his position as editor of time Sioux City
Journal last week anti returned to Chu-
cage , where Ime hans become assistant city
editor of the ChIcago l'ost. .
A. 14. harvey of time Perry Chief I. first
sergeamit of comnpany B. Fifty-second Iowa ,
and lila partumer , Frank M , Iioeye , expects
to be appolmmteti Postmnaster at I'erry In a
few ( lays , SO the daily edition of the Chief ,
which has been published several years ,
viii be dIscontinued until the war 18 over.
Fourth of 'July : .
Program complete at Manawa. J
IEvery body invited to take hi the
sightsand be convinced that
t '
Lake Manawa
tt' is the only place to get cooled off '
and have lots o fun. .
. . - , ' Above all don't fail to see the t. .
Electrical Mirageat night. I
: :
- .
Frank H. Heltell is Named to Succeed
Judge Thomas.
Oilier 3Imitlm'm's IleintItig to time Coumil-
( limit miitt i'zmy of Voimlitteem's ilL
time ionmu iteti-
DES MOINES , July 2.-Spcclal ( 'role-
gramn.-Govertmor ) Shaw this mmiormmlng mimm-
000ncc(1 tIme nppoimmtmnctmt of Frammk ii. lid-
sell as jimfige of tIme Fourtecmmtlm judicial tiis-
trict of Iowa to succeed Judge Lot C.
Thomas , wimo resigns to accept time nonmimma-
tioa for congress. lie will be given imis
conimission Augtmst 16 , time date on wimlcim
Jutigo Thotijas' resigmmation takes effect. Mr.
hieiseli is a practicing attorney at Sioux
Adjutant Geucrai flyers timis morning re-
cciveth an official notification from Coiotmei
Hunmph.mrey of time Fifty-secomid Iowa Immfmmn-
try at Chickammmauga tlmat Arthur Rule , first t
hietitetmant amid bataliiomm adJtmtammt , had been
compelled to resign hmia positiomm 1mm the ,
United States army on account of ill health.
l'iiylig IteJe'tetl Recruits.
'Warrants for $5',177,03 In pay of Iowa aol-
diers has been forwartiod by the statc of
Iowa on autimority of Paymaster McIlemmry. ft
completes time hiquiiatlomm of timis debt by time
state. Most of time money went to mnen who
vcre rejected after being called to Camp
McKinley and had to go imormme. There were
289 of timese amen. The total amnount given ,
hmowcver , includes the pay of twenty-seven
macn who u'ero mustered , but did hmot receive -
ceive timelr pay before leaving for the front ,
thirty-flye men called for artillery organiza' .
tiomi and Captaimm Emmmery and clerks 1mm the
quartermaster's department. Of time total
time state t.1ii be reinmbursed for time pay
of the macn at the fromit only , making time
total cost for rejections anti other expenses
4)74.65. ) The total number of macmm rejected -
jected and who receive pay represents about
20 or 30 per cent of time mmmen who were
actually rejected , but wimo are not entitled
to jmay uzmder the rules of time department.
One captain certified timirty men to Paymaster -
master Mchlcnry. Five wore allowed pay.
Only timose wimo caine on time call are entitled -
titled to this pay. Timose who came to time
camp witimout. authorIty of time call , evemm
timough timey joitmed conmpnnies In good fttitim ,
could riot recover fm'oni time state. Married
mmmcii and men whose fnmmmilies were ill mmd
other men simiinrly situated , although macmn-
hers of the gum'rd , were specifically cx-
'eluded from time call , and even timough they
cammme to Des Moines , timey could not get
pay for the tiimmc.
aii.t'tltur of 11)550 , lIar jtsitiit'ijitlifl.
MASON CITY , In. , July 2.-Spccial.- ( )
The fourth annual nmecting of time Iowa
State Bar association will ho lucid at Mason
City arid Clear Lake , July 6 amid 7. Time address -
dress of welcome will be delivered by John
Ciiggett. IL M. Richer will respond. There
will be time usual reports of conmmlttees ammti
general discussions by Jtmdgcs M. .1. Wade ,
L. J. I3ianeimard , Iii. W. Beach , II. B. Deenmer ,
Lewis Muies , Prof. EmalIn McClain and
others. Judge Watle will deliver time preal-
dent's address and the annual atldresa will
be by hlemmry 0. Tomklmms of Montgommmery ,
Ala. At the annual bnmmquct omm time oveuming
of the 6th the foiiowimmg persona viii re-
spend to toasts : Wesley Martin , Shiny
Giliiiammd , P , I'I. Blair , J. ii. Qumick , Sunitim
McPimcrson , Jtmdge C. M , Waterman , Jumtlgo
John C. Sherwin mmimti Governor Leslie M.
51mw. On time afternoon of time 7tim tue
associatloim will go to Clear Lake over time
electric line , where the bar of Masomm City
has geumerousiy arrnmmgcti for four excursions -
sions upomi time lake anti wimere time
OutIng club of Mason City will tender the
association a banquet. Time associatiomm has
how nearly 400 mnemubera aimd Is coumatantiy
growing. Time olficers of time ttssociatioim are
at Present : Iii. J , Wade of iowa City , imnesi
deimt ; lion , James 0 , Crosby of Garnrmvlilo ,
vice president ; N. 11. Coiflmm of Des Moines ,
secretary ; George F , henry of Jca Moines ,
treasurer. At this nmeetilmg ohiicers will be
elected for the ensuimmg year.
Nt'am' PIn mit to ltvIlorslle t IlltiI'd.
GLENWOOD , Ia. , July 2-Special.-Time ( )
Gienwood Canimimmg compaimy Is masking ar-
rangenients as rapidly as possible to build
an evaporating pimmnt in connection witim its
factory , Tue conilmany will hiave aim eqtmulm-
nsemmt of suflhclemit capacity to use iracti-
offered them , About
call ) ' mmli time apples
ten mmmcli wihi jo reQuired to do the work
.ot time vlant.
h't ss' Ilhidi Stlioiii Humihuliug ,
IIEI ) OAK , In. , July 2-Special.-Thme ( )
coimtract has been let for time new Red Oak
high scitool hutltling for $14P8 , Time build.
tug Is to be ready for use Jummuany 1 amid
will be the imaimtlsomncst 1mm this bmrt of time
state.Vimefl conmpleted amid furmmisimed It
will represcimt , witim time site , about $50,000.
Gt'uue'rtui J.Iistui ims AsMigmu mutt-lit.
DES MOINES , July 2-Special-Chen- ( )
oral J. 11. Lincohlm , the Iowa brigadier general -
eral , $0 far in this vnr , Is now in comnnmammd
of a brigade comnposed of time Sixty-ninth
New York , Third Omio and Second Georgia.
Ymhlssoturi Letiti itimiI.imie 3ilsmcs ,
JOPLiN , IIO. , July 2.-Special.---Timo ( )
mo5t- prosperous half year in the history of.
; 1
- - -
. .
- . _ S. eeL. . e : -
I : . - ti''I' - 1'mt' ' $ ' is' iI iIi'ti. . . .t'ie'
J , . .
Around Council Bltiiis I ,
; _ 'ohl cmlii huiImmpros'eul mmmiii mmmmluimii ros'eci frim It humus ( 'lit-alter i mu 4 *
+ : titism'icliilt' 'tiimtmm ttlmS'sVitPrC in the Li mutt-mi States , 'i'ImeruIs n , , fali- I ? L
4 , . itl'C ) O crops here. LOtk itt our I'rimlt Pmmrmmm s1ille they mire 1mm luemir- ' ' '
i ! lmmg , , '
' 1)I 1' .c iiiss. . , . . '
D.'Y & ! IEs1 : 'rIme ut-mu l-tmtt , , imumI It.mmii Honkers , 't
4 Ia ii'voexImmsive bait ) of mu lam-cc umimimiber of
: 89 Poat'l St. Council Bluffs ,
I F'rtm i I , ( I a riemi mttui G mmii mm Fzm rums. \\'ni to
-5. 1'roimnily coimiluct buyers tlirommgim atm I tiucuim for imifurimmatioum mmumd atmItu what you
' , ? orchards tree of cimarg. , I want.
'I'i .1. . ( I..I. . . , . -AL' i' ii ' 1k . . , y
_ - - .
- - - - - - - -
IT FAIS ' 10 ' 1IAE A'.F 'filE LICI1'1' STORE. . :
We Sell to Sat.isfy.
In Purnishuiig Iowa Homes We Stand by Iowa
People-Iowa People Stand by Us , - f
SCII13EX IOOIIS. . _ , Kl'ICiX C.tii-I'r. , . .
Screen wire amid window screen amid Cabinets with volnmiar 101)5 , double ontl .
franmcs. single dmavers anti tiismmppcanimmg hour bums ,
IVo imave a fmmll hue of screen wire iii all Solid ommk cupboards , beautifuuly mmmdc armtl
wIdths. Our window screen in time sasim Is finished , double glass doors antI roomy. See
the very latest model of convenience. timcnm.
IIICYC'idcS-T ( ) CLOSS3 OU'1' . . . ' % 'IiiE CO'I'S , . . ,
July will flimd the end of our cycle husi- Everybody taking exposition roomers
mmccc. lIvery wheel svhii be. sold. Come and imceds wire cots. Nearly everybody 1mm tmvn
% 'O will persuade you that at these prices knows timat this is time place to get. tben ,
S'otm caimmiot afford to be without. a wimeel. anti time mattresses to fIt.
L.tM' MOWEitS . . . , iIAEiiOCICS . . . . '
I-low is your iawmm mower ? If yum haven't Time new wire hamimiock , made of galvan-
one there 'l&mi't aimy use for yotm to be withIzcd wire , will mmot rust or break. We have
out any lommger. They are aimnost as cheap twiqo imamnmmmocks to chose out very cheap.
as toy wheelbarrows and ainmost as eaaily Oct prIces emi our croquet sets.
1tOCiiIhitS ANI ) COLJCIIIOS . . .
GitSOi.TNII S'I'OVIdS. . . . We have renewed ottr rocier stock anti
Everybody knows the famous Jewel. have many very imaimdsome specinmens fromti
Everybody knows thd Jewel StoYe have rio $1.90 up. We imave also a few new timings
equal for safety , durability. and commvcnlence iii coucimes. Nothing nlalmi about them but
of operation. time prices.
Peterson & Schoening ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - '
time Missouri-Kansas i ail amid iimmc mining I
district has just closed. The district's out-
hut for the first six months of 1898 nggre-
gated 1mm round nunmhers 260,000,000 poumids
of zimmc ore auth 80,000,000 pounds of heath ore ,
wimicim sold at $3,000,000. The ummuimuahiy
hmarti raimms of time spring prevented work in
many of time mines from two to four weeks ,
causing a loss of about 1,000,000 pounds
of ore , According to the present outlook.
this year's output of the mines will reach
about $7,000,000 , The last six mnommths imave
also broken the distrIct's record In time
emumier of mine fatalities , sixty-one fatal
accidents occurring witimimm thIs period.
Capimmin GrIdieyi.'Iusicnil' Unfit fur
itmt' at tIme huStle of
Ma mu I I mm.
ElitE , Pa. , July 2-Time first nutimentic
details surrounding the last moments on
earth of Captain Charles V. Gridley imave
beeim received here by his taummily , in a letter
froimm l'ayinaster Gait , who had been as-
siglme(1 ( to care for the invalid amiti brlxmg
imilmi imonme , Time latter states hint Captain
( Irldley imatl becum ill for several weeks before -
fore time fighmt timid arose train a sickbc'tl to
assume hits duties on timat glorious day , lie
renmaimmed on duty continuously , attifering
from a rptune , wimich was so aggravated
that frequent imenmorriiages occurred , After
time battle he was ontlered home. The ban'd
of time Olympia played "Mild Lang Sync" as
the commimmmumder left his shmip , aevr again
to return.
Oum time Coptic , enrotmto to Yokohmaruma , the
sitip's surgeon informed imiam that time imcta-
ornimages would result In ulemmtim , Captain
(3m'itiiey replied : "Time hattie of Manuia
kiiied mime , hut I vouimI tie It again if ( mecca-
sary. " Twemity-four hours before imis uieatim
ensued , he lapsed into uimcozmsciousnesa , titter
sending lovhumg mesrages to his wife and diii-
The funeral services were imeid iim an En-
gush church , time Aimwrlcan commsol limIting
an mmtitlress. Time ohhhcers of the Coptic attended -
tended time cerenmonies in fuli uniformim amimb
the Japammese coimmummander sent 100 marInes
as , p guarti of imonor. lhigimt blue jackets
fr6ia time Ummited States imoapital carried the
coffin from time boat to the imouse , time casket
being draped in American Ilags. Time pail-
bearers were Payma8ter Mcfloimald , Dr. Anderson -
derson , U. S. N the American minister ,
consul , two linglisim naval officers anti Pay.
master Cult ,
N. II. lid I ,
ATLANTIC , Ia. , July 2-Speclal.-N ( ) , Ii.
Bell , aged St. of Fremmiont , Ncim. , wimo came
imero Just April to visit iiis.ister , Mrs. 1' .
Montgomery , died last eveniag. The do.
ceased leaves a wife amid semi ,
Sei'imr.l Cmiumm .hm.rriige iie'eord ,
SEWAItD , Nob. , July 2.-Speciai-The ( )
following is the port of time. mortgages
tiled -and released in Sewaru eQuaty for the
_ _ _ _
- - - - - - -
b0i1 ; ; Theater ' I
Cornnmeimclumg Sunday , July 3 ,
J3xtravagaiiza Company '
30 AmerIcan anti Ilmmropemmn artIsts. Us
to date himiriemulume ltlmt ) % ! , ' , l'niccs , Iirmtt floor ,
Coo ; buicoimy , 25c ; gmmliery , hOe , Seats now cit
nle at tlmeater box olhlce.
immontim of Jumie : F'arm mortgages filed.
18 , $18,807.74 ; released , 35 , $50,83 ; city'
mortgages filed , 9 , $1,767.20 ; released , 5 , -
$5,100 ; cimnttel mortgages fileti , 77 , $21-
400.29 ; releasetl , 39 , $32,289.10 ; sheriff's ,
(1oct15 filetl , farm , 4.
CipttIuu Siuo'nmmuker , U. S. P. .
LONDON. July 2.-Captain F , I. Ihimoe. ,
nfiikcr of time Fourth Ummited Stnte cavalry
filed yestcrmlay at ilrigimtomm. Lleutcnnmmt.
Colommel Alfred B. ilates , time United States
nhiiitary mmttacime lucre , is making time an-
rammgemnoimts for the funeral.
Strike of * i. . St.'rcot'ju'rs Simumis Ui
All * lm IlIg' Ness'smpimmer
OtlIt's. -
ChICAGO , July 2.-None of tIme English
imapers were Imublisimeci 1mm ChIcago today , ow-
lag to a strike amoiig time stereotypers , Timti
atercotypers demand a reduction in thin
Imours of labor anti aim immcrcaso in wages , It
was refused and as a result at 8 o'clock iat ,
eveimung time stercotypers reftusod to go to.
work , Time following imewapapers imavo cmi-
tlrciy nuspemmded itlbllcatlolm penthiuig a set- .
tiemnent of time isamie : Tinies'hieraitl , itec-
ord , Tribune , Citronlele , Jmmtcr Occn , iyeim-
lag Post , Daily News , llveimimmg Journal ammO.
time Disptmtcim , A meetuimg of time lmubiisimt'ra
was imeld at 11 o'clock this mnonniimg to ar-
raimgo a plamm of campaigmm anti to vroviiiu
for time resummiimmg of iubiicatloim at time car-
host mnomnent , aimd it was aumnoummeed that on
paper could be imubuisimei , tomimorrow itmentming ,
Time hmubhisimers are acting togetimer ulmO wIlt
contimmumo to tb so , Already timey have no-
celveti a large imutmmher of mmtpllcitioims front
stencotypers 1mm oUter cities , antI it Is time
general belief timat. shmmec somnetbuumg like 200
cmnpioyt'mm are directly lumvoived time suspt'n-
slon whii mmot be 101mg.
Ihit test ro nm-J t , ii n still.
Charles llngatromn amid Miss Lena Johnson -
son were married Friday , July 1 , at time
imonma of time oliiclatitmg minister , 11ev. .
CimauiemsV. . Ihavidge ,
I I mm m'r-ntlI , ,
John B , hluber of Coiumnbua , Neb , , and
Miss Gertrude P. Ilobb of Lithe Falis , N , Y. . .
were married Thursday , Jumme 30 , at 12 mu.
11ev. Charles V , Savidgo officiated ,
' 'loiei. t Ihitrf Immi , umtIt , Simoelc ,
VIENNA , July 2.-There was a violent
eartimquake shock at Simmj , a towim of Ialias
tin , early this morning. Several houses Ol
lapsed , -
, , 0 ,
-------z- . . . . .