Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1898, Part I, Page 5, Image 5

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. TII1i ( TIAiA DAiLY ] flc ] : SVNDAY , J1LY 8 , 1898. ,
- - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -
- -
iicussic iNDIAN IUSIC
: iigti of Muican Listrs to ! oin
Interesting Ixpliuiations.
' 1't1I , , hr th "IIiirii,1t , 1liiI' , Of tim-
dlni * itmni 1II.lstrs.M Ills
3Pt ii re ui f It ( ' , ( , ( at
Siflgs ( ) E % 'nr siiiul I'cziie.
erne Inicresting stiim1to are imten In ttio
contatitIy IncreaRlng nttenthince it the
Iutiitea1 congress at the I'irt Congrega-
ttonal cIiutch V'otncn who arc teachers
anti tiitIcnts preilornlnnte at the mlny sea-
f1t0h13. IIUICCII ( OW TflCfl are among the spec-
tatorL But it tt at the hour of recttnts
arni at nIght when W'kigncr or some other
great composer Is being Interpreted ( hat the
worshippers ( OUC out aiid ( IUrIItg the contorts -
torts bcbinc obtiviotis ot all else.
In a ( IlItCt way the visItors to the con-
rrea yesterday mornIng who partlclpnte&tn
the progiam felt like sanding the Omaha
weather rn ° n it symphony ot thanks for the
sI1ttr4. ) coolIng breezes and the cloulg fur-
ntslici. The FIrst CongregatIonal church
wAa IiICtiaanL and cool. The autcnces
ba4 the plenauro of hearing stullvs
to Indian niualc and harmony.
Iurlng the forenoon John C. lilt-
more , tif Careinoiit. Cal.1 who tins. cvotcd
inuii tliio ( o the aubject ot the harmony In
I the muUtn of the aeml-savagos prescntel tot
tliti auuiltors an tlliiatrateil talk on "The
harmonic I3asta at intUan Mutc. It was a
1lseouise out ot the oimltnniy , nni was well
recelveil. Mr. Fillmore i1lsuet InterestIngly -
Ingly the PrIIICIPIPS of the musIc of iltifer-
ant trIbes of Amet teen Indlatis , showing , by
the use of the lihahlo , the charneteilatics of
, ' theIr songs of war afll of peace. TIm talk
'was mostly of a technIcal nature , but the
J upeaker Investeil Itvhth mtlcl Interest.
PrliimlttVj Iiiii nail lUiislo.
One of the tjuctloiis ralscl by the study
of prhIilttle musIc In , 'V'hat dIrection does
the voice take iien making melody span-
taneousiyV ThIs was the 11111111 scleniIIe
iiohiit inised by tile speaker , who proceetlelt
At once to hhluintiiato the subject by practt-
cat Illustrations. lie said that whIle It th.
' of course , ImpossIble to oha1n any data
from the prImItive man of thousands or mli-
lions of years back , It Is possIble to obtain
' muslelu it sumeleiiiy primItive stage to en-
attic us to draw trustworthy conclusions.
'I lib gave i'xnniplen of the nongs of the Na-
$ vtijoswhilch , forni the connecting link between -
tween exciteil howling and excited singing.
the quality of tone being more like a yelp
titan any&Iiing elstt , Willie the Intervals produced -
duced hy the voice are unmistakably those
of the major chord.
The point was mailo that whatever these
people do intst necessarily be Perfectly not-
ural and ripontancoils , the voIce following
. the title of least resistance in accordance
. ) with universal law.'hcn , therefore , we
find savage ra es making melodies , a large
iiercentaio of vhteii contain only the tone
' , ' o a major or minor chord , while all bye-
tones hiitroduced invariably b'dong to chords
Wtlch stand in close relation to the chord
of the key-note , we are Justitled in the in-
duCtiOfl that a nattral perception of the
harmonic reiptlons of tonca , however dim
and obscure that perception may be , is the
0 shaping , formative force iii folk-melody.
Tub point was illustrated by copious examples -
amples from time songs of various tribes and
races , nail the statement was 010110 and eta-
phasized that out of many hundreds of folk-
somigs studied by the speaker from atmnmerous
aborigiflai tribes nit over this country and
from numerous European , Asiatic and African -
can races , as well as thoic of time South
Sea Islands , not one has been found which
diii not servo to exemplify this fundamental
In time afternoon time subject of Indian
music was treated at greater Tcngthi and In
1111 attractIve intimater by La Flesche's In-
thou class.
Tile soloists at the fifth recital this morn-
lag were Miss Mabel Crawford , contralto of
Chicago , Dr. Albert floss Parsons of Now
Yorlc and A. J. Wallace Goodrich , organist ,
of Chicago. Mr. Goodrich is comparatively
now to western audiences , but has made his
mark east. lie was introduced by Louts
C. Elson , who predicted for him a glowing
Thu attendance at the afternoon session of ,
tlio congress yesterday was fully represent-
tativo and worthy of the brilliant numbers
t. that graced the program. Time church was
conifortably fllled with a distinctly intiste-
.1 admiring crowd and there were features enc
c tile program rarely excelled.
'I'Iii , Soleim I I lie l'lmstsms ,
A symnloaiumn of echoes from tlmm primeval
forests and the camp of l'oor La-thu Iwo-
decessor of tIme Industrious white race that
' ? hOW occupies the land between time great
lakes anti time Pacific ocean-was the theme
) h
, % that was attractively presented In the after-
, ' noon. There was an exhibit of Indittim mimuste
with the talk lore melodies of the Otnalmas
and an\exlmaustivo \ atitireas treating on "The
I'syelmtcl Asvect of Indian Music. " It was
time result at years of work and study and
m careful tnvesttgatloa into time lives of tIme
Indian tribes , auth many interesting points
, Wore lirouglit out by Alice C. Fletcher , the
-t. Shio was assisted by Prof. John C. Fill-
. flora Of Clairemont , Cal , , and Francis La
: Itchy Scaly Eczema Seven Years.
Face and Head Full of Large
: White Scales and Sores.
: So Disgusted I Was Ashamed
r' To Be Soon in Company.
Instant Relief and
My case of Iezeimma was of about seven years'
stammtilng , it was of time Bealy , itchy khmni. I
somuetlummes tilotight amy face amid aroma were
shire. My taco was ( mmli at large , ltito scales ,
aint toy Imeatl was full of sores , 1mm fact I was
ilhsgtmstemi , I was ashamed to go iii cotmmpany.
I 11)0k live bottles of CIJTICUIIA lLIt4otVr.N ? ,
J wasiteil toy taco &umti arms with Cu'rictmmu
SOAI' , 1ttitomm CITTICUIIA ( nimmtmentautl ) found
, i nt rIif ( , tstutttly , situ I got a clean taco
' again , thauks to tIme CUTICtIIIA llasimumt.
. - 'Votm may tb as yomi sea lit with this.
Idarclm 7 , lBtti. iOt htagg St. , flrooklymN. Y.
. I sutferoti two years with Ache. I hmav
- .
' - . . . } _ tried all kitmds of maedielnesliut they milil mmmc no
- gootl. I used six betties of Ctrrmcuu& itmsOt-
VENT. nuts cakes of CLrrlcun. lioAI'und .1 ate
Cured , Ilysklim isassmuoothnsatmy baby
I Feb.t2itL3. I . FIShIER ,
' tt3 N. Coumpton Ave. , lit. Louis , Mo ,
CrTtcCI& Ilissoisa ar.bejonttill doubt ths
11 tiu cur , , , blou4 1urldr , . ioU bimor cemdlu4 t we4
sin timi. . Wina bIb , wttti CuTlets & 8. * p. gattt. .n.
cintlilgi vlth Cusevsmoii.tmsn. , purnt ci .motli a
? .thm cai ; , md stilt dasi of CirticugA ilsot.yzwr ,
gt&t.t of blud purlkr sud i'umr cure. . hit. cu.d
; hotu&sd. , t a.t. whir' uflctnt was . .tnmo.t btyomd
mt4mmriims. , biirttZ.Ii.s orslto.,4e5gurtweut tint We.
8o14 tbroukout tt. 1'urTiU 2J&VU LCD Cucu. .
5b.l V1..ue.u.Usd In. .
, . I
S \
Flesche of the gavsrnmenL service el. Wssh-
legion , who read a paper accompanyIng Limo
The scleatifle lihiliteS of the subject were
treated in detail by l'rof. Fillmore anti then
tIme pychIc aspects by Miss fletcher. Si
Indian youths and men from the reserva-
tiomi lit Bancroft , who tmrriscl early In the
day , were piesont , amid under the direction
of Mr. La Fh'shme , vhmo Is a hlgbiy.etlucmited
Indian nnd vhmo has been in time government
service for several ycmrs , examples of all
kinds of Itplhan sommg were , sung. ThIs
tcmttiro proved to be highly entertainIng
and the ntmtiietcc received the strange , worthless -
less , weird chants of tIme eIvtIlcth red men
with much enthusIasm.
it was an enlIvening ipectac1e to see time
Indiana waving their hands and arms auth
singing , while one of theta kept up an In-
cessamut rumble on a thrum. Otto of theta
handled the rattle and they waved gaily
betlecked batons. Miss Fletcher's paper
dealt with time tribes of IndIans between
tim great lakes anti the Pacific ocean north
o time fortieth parallel , , tiss Fletcher ,
among other timIngs , saul :
"Indian music , and In fact"nil musk , can
hl'ttitiIttl ( in two wars , physically , as aim
expression of feeling lit meloilie form , or
tuechanicalhy , from the stamitlpolnt of phmysies.
"It is dttlleult for us to thmhimk of vocal-
intislc as separate tronl words. 'We are
accustomed to bait Upon the words moore
thman UlOit ) time maclady for nil untlerstnuithiimg
of tIm feelIng to be lntorpretcth The in-
ditto's semmsm of musical fitness imm'sucli that
when Ito used wortis at. all there vna' In huts
nminti so close a correspondence bt'tvceum tIme
Idea they conveycti and the mnuale that Ito
could not tolerate a divorcement anti a
new cozm'bitmatIon. 'rIme rituals sung in imIs
varlotma ceremnontes were ti ( ) exceimtion tO
this rule , The music so universal in the
himilian's rites and ceremonies were no cia-
bchiielmmrnits , but an actual expression of
eunotioums. lie Was tmnnlho , to iletimie Intellectually -
lectually , anti that these emmiotions were not
altogether vague is Indicated by the fact
that lie never SCPtrlttCii ; huts melody from
its original subject ; that he never applied
0110 ttmno to tWo tltstinet themes.
"Most of time Indian songs were entirely
without m'ortla , vocables being used to float
tIme voice ; these hmezi once ct to a somig
were never clmanged , but their artier was
imreserved as carefully' as it they hatl been
netual words representing ideas. They were
not fragmnemmts of words , arcimaic or otherwise -
wise , , but were a primitive attempt to give
an iptollectual definition to the emotion of
the song.
Ii.itiiitIi'M of liuilinim SIngIng.
"There nrc tWO generally received opiim-
ions concerning IndIan songs ; tlmat they are
imnprovimec1 and forgotten after timey have
once been rentlered , or that even It time
santo song is nttenmpted twice It is subject
to varlatiomms , intentional or otlmerwtse. The
extended observation of mommy years amoimg
nmany tribes has failed to prove these sup-
positions. On time contrary I have hearil
the same song again nnti again sung by
different Indians and have been unable to
detect any variation. Songs imave becum recorded -
corded UhOmi graphnphtomio cyl tailors , which
fourteen ytrs previously I had transcribed
from the singing of time Indian , and an cx-
aunination of these duplicate songs show
a comimpieto ngreement. '
Speaking of the characteristic expressions
of different kinds of songs , Miss Fletcher
said :
"Songs expressive of the gentle emotions
or which sought to reach the mysterious stm-
pernattmrai powers had hawing or breatlming
aspirate syllables , as 'lie-ha , hi , a-he , a-hi. '
In courtship the lover breathed his sentl-
niemits , iti sighing vocabies : 'Hi.dima , ho , ha.
lit-a he-ha he ! Hi-a lie ! ' No words inter-
preteti the funeral song , breathing 'vocabics
alone carried tile voice : 'f-nh dha-ha nh-I ,
tilma.lmo nh-ha ha-oh. ' When tIme Indian
wislieti to represent action and power in
songs descriptive of strength and valor. or
when warlike feeling was to be excited he
used time explosive syllables , ' 'a , yl , yii
yaw , ' as in the Mi-ka-thi songs.
"Ills ( time IndIan's ) song is subjective in
its cause amid in its effect ; lie seenis to have
sung train time simple impulse to voice hs !
aspirations , his joys and lila sorrows , that
commld In no oilier way find mmtteramice. "
The untutored song was 1li close fitting
garb of emmmotion , hetraylimg Its outhiimet with
undisguised trutlmfuinoss ; Indian song3 ,
therefore , offer strong evidence timat unnnu-
sical expression Is a necessity in the nature
of man , Is the spontaneous utterance of tooling -
ing timat lies outside the provixmce of words.
Fo1loving Miss Fletcher's atitlress Miss
Anmantia Vierhehler rendosed a pathetic 1mm-
dma ballad for the speaker and Franz Add-
mann performed upon time violIn Intiinn
melodies depicling tlid various modes and
shades of feelimig that the roth man endeavors
to express by his chants.
It t' Mi' . 'La Fiesche's desire to preserve
50010 of thmo melodies of time race. They are
fast disappearing and unless what rites are
kmiown to remain among the tribes are
carefully preserved and cultivated much of
tile macaiming of Indian songs' will be forever
Commencing at 4 o'clock flermmimard Liste-
manmm , violinist , anti Miss Jennie Dutton ,
soprano , of Cimicago captivated the large
audience by t nunmber of skillfully rendoreti
compositions. Both earmicti and , receiveti
encores spontaneously given ,
There has been no little complimentary
comment. upon the Imerforniance of Ernest
icroeger , who gave an "American coin-
posers' " program Fritlay. Thu selections
were alt fiom veIl known music writers
between St. Louis and Now York and for
this tlisplay of loyalty Mr. iCroeger's cciii-
patriots anti hits admirers have sung his
praises often.
Motiday the Musical congress will close
with an ' 'American music" festival , wimicim
Mr. Moore has so doiightfullj urged. It will
be a great day for tlmoso who love to hear
time works of our owim song writers.
I'iit riot ii. Strvlc's 'Fo.hgm' ,
'Fime services at tha First Metlmodlst Ecis-
copal cimureb totlay will have a special patriotic -
triotic ilavor. At tIme morning service at
10:30 : the pastor , 11ev , Joimn McQuoiil , wIlt
take "Aimierican Liberty" for his sublect.
imrmd time tousle will consist of imatrlotic
songs. In time evenIng Intiteati ofthie , regular -
lar o'clock service , timero wIll be a pa-
trotie JubIlee , at whlc'lm addresses vIhI be
iilatltl by Mayor Moores , ox-Senator Cimarles
F. Mandersoim amitlV , F. Gtmi'ley , Time
mimlisic for the evening vill be ' 'Marclmlimg
Through GeorgIa" and other old war songs ,
Iromiloni Ifs.
Chicago News ; It a boy is lost lie's a
waif frame home.
It witie intijices wit imiost amen mutist ho
teet9tulcrs ,
If wishes were bicycles beggars would
all be searchers ,
If e'cccimtrictty were genitis all nmatlhiouses
would ho universities ,
Ig a lmIng itt a beauty it's a joy forever
until it goes out of style.
If time good were not iimcllned to go to
tiio bath we woultl have no mnissionuries.
If tIme conceIt m'cre takeim out of sonme
1)001)10 there would be nothilimg left to bury.
if a imman talks unusually loud it isn't
miecessary to cheer a space for lmiun to act
In , ' C
If the juvenIle king of Spain luau his say
lie would irebably oxelaIml "A bike , a
bike , may kingdonm for a bike ! "
If mnarriLtl 'leOpio continued to act after
marriage as they (11th during courtship there
would be but few mlivorce
it't Shirt ,
Chicago Post : "Kipling , " lie sail as lie
hooked UI ) from hula paper , "once actually
throw lila 'Recessionni' into time waste basket
mumi hmi wife rescued it. "
"Yis , yes I know till about thmtt. " to-
plrcd tIme literary mnati inImatl3mmIly , "I
tried to see If I could MrIke time fti , ' road
to .fauna that vay once' myself , "
" \v.iiv' :
" \.Il , my wife dfdii't "escue U , 00:1 : 50
I am still plodding along. "
Ito I
Oe1cbrition of Iudepndencti Day Promises
to Be it hummer.
( irnuitl e I and Ilost * 'iu liiie' I's'rnile
Jer i'Inhlneih-I'r'csslnhm t , , lie
itt'm'hi'a'cmI Ii ) ' Stat , ' tutu
( 'It ) ' tililelnis ,
All tIme arrangements for the Fourtim of
July celebration at time expositIon grountls
have been completed and everything is
ready to celebrate tIme national Imolhlay in
a thoroughly immuique anti patrIotic manimer.
'l'iie first feature of the ( lay will be the
display of Japanese fireworks on the lagoon
itmat Imefore i o'clock. I'r'mmptly ' at that
hour limo big unmade of nit nations will
start from time intersectIon of Twentieth
strcet tututi thm Vest Mitlway , Time dlvi-
slons wIhI form as follows :
First uiivum'Ion on east side of Twentieth
Street stmuth of West Midway , right restIng
bit \'t'st itIhtlvay ,
Scotiu1 uii'iuIon , ( mU vest it1o tit Twentieth
street luohitli of'cst Midway , right. rest-
lag oimp&imtltelliuintmIre ltallroad station ,
Third tii''ht4iOi ) on cost attic of Twentlethi
street it.wtlm . of Vust Mimiway , rlglmt , resting
OhilSht ) a Sehi U t z mavlIioim.
I"iitii'tii uiivielu > tt cmi W't4t side of 'l'vontlethl
street mn.rthi nt'Cst itt iIISVIt , right resting
itt Point um.'i'tlt ' ( if tInittmmre : lttiilroatl tmi-
I Iim ,
FIfth ult Isiomi aim 'tmcnmit lot In rear of
Garibaldi r.stnurammt right resting mm Twemi-
tietim sheet near Garibaldi restaurant ,
'I'Iul , , Is (114' ( ) i'uk't' of 'tlnru'hi ,
Exposltloim Imotlce , ExposItIon hand ; grand
lilarshal , Frank Restock' elmief of stalt , Col-
cud Thomas Early staff , J. A. Cornman ,
Fred T. Cummulmis , L. It. hare , l. 13. Asim-
hey , Wauren II. Irons , Stephien von Szemmnyey ,
E. 11. Cagney.
'J'huIs Is the Start ,
First Division-tarsimah , C. ii , dq Zevehlos ;
aides , l"rctl V. . ' . Thomhsbn , F. 'L' . Dtrlamid ,
C' , , F. 1.Vlcklamui , 1-larry Ltiughmam , lingua-
hack's bantl , exposition lire tieptmrtment
1 Ingemiback's'ild Aimlmnnl shmoi' , Chinese
Village. I3oinbardruent of thiitniizms , Clii-
ultilta. the Oregon \Vommder , hlavttiun atid time
Naitme , Momitgoniury 'nrd & Co.
Second 1)visioim-Marshtitl , harry 0' Drlemi ;
attics , V. 0. 'rmmyior , 1tI. 13 , l'Ietz , M , cnsitm ,
t'tthuimel iuihho Nitmei. litmati , Str..ets oC
Cairo , Simocit the Chutes , 1\loorishi Palace ,
G'rinnii Village , Palace of I llusltuns , Mystic
Maze. ithg Rock Simtw Parisian 1)ancers ,
Libby Glass Blowers , btmncing GirL A. L.
line , llrevorks ; Fiylmmg Lmul.
Third Division-Marshal , F. 11. MeCon.
itoh ; mtlit's , C. Ii. Holbrook , 'l'omn Ilitetor ,
S. % 'IhhIard , H. iholtair. Band , Old I'lan-
ttttion , Pabst Music hail , Cyciorama , Giant
See-Saw , Itoh tIme Itoh , California Gold
Mute , OstrIch Farm , Sceimic itaitway ,
Camera Ohscmmra.
Foumthm Divisintm-tmurshmnl , P. C. tattox ;
imIle. Lewis flOtt . .TolmiiViille , Dick Mat-
tax , Jim itoot. Vlhl IVest band. Omaha
\VIid " .Vest slmw , Idols of Art , Ctmrnmnins'
eolmLessIon , jinrikushns ttntl roller clinIcs ;
Sc'hmIitz l'aviiioum , Gtiribaltil Itestanrant ,
Minlat uro Railroad , 1tlnm'kei'i 1tCttturaimt ,
ltohmemian inn.
Still 'I'hiere is Uorp.
Fifth Division-Mtirsiiitl , Guston Akoimmi ;
nlde , Knihhhie Nelmy , Emil Lerny , Isaac
Ihtimyaker , M. Zitoun , Fornaimd Akoumi.
Streets of All Nations humid , Streets at All
Natiomis , Gomiduiiers , Baker's Chocolate ,
Electrical department , Swift l'acking corn-
hlany , Cudahy l'acklng company.
Time line of immarch will be east over the
north viaduct and thmence sotmth on the East
Midway to time Horticulture building , where
the procession will countermarch to the
Gmand plaza. At timi bamid stand time parade
will be m'evioweti by governor Ilolcomb ,
Mayor Moores , President Wattles and time
executive committee of 'the exposition as-
soehatiomi and distinguished guests , At 11
o'clock the followIng exercises will be held
at time bammd stand :
MusIc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exoositlon Danil
rrayvr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . a. . snatcttty
Soimg-My C.nmntry 'Tis of T..5.
EXl > OSttlOfl chorus of 290 v.11(014 untter
uiirectton of Mr.Vihlarul Kimball ,
Heading Decliratiomi ; of Independence. .
iloim. Joimmm C. Wlmztrton
SuimgRed'htto anti Blue. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1xpositloim chorus of OO VaIN'S under
tiirectlomi of Mr. Tlmomnna J. holly.
Oration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hion. Jantes , M. Iteck
iJititod States attorney of i'ennsylvnmiin.
Ittu4ic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1'xosItiomi I3antl
TIme immost brilliant tiispiay of fireworks
ever seen in Omaha ivihi be given on the
North tract in theeveniimg , anti the celebration -
tion will be ivound up at 11 o'clock by a
grain ] iilumlmmatlomm ot tIme entire Midway ,
Ski'It'I& of I lie Oratum' .
James i1. Beck , who wilt deliver time address -
dress of time day , is United States attorney
for time easteril district of Pemimisyivania amid
one of tue immost noted orators of that state ,
lie was born in Pimiladelphia July 9 , 1861 ,
and was educatetl at the public schools of
that city. Subsequently he entered the
Moravian college at Bethohen ! , Pa. , where
lme graduated in 1880 as the sflutatortan of
his class. lie spent a year in the railroad -
road buslnes , after wimich he stutlied law
and was admitted to time bar In 1884 , A
few years later he formed the partmmersiiip
withmVillhaun F. liarrlty , which still ro-
maimme. I'revions to his appointment as
United States nttormmey in 1896 Ime served
three years as assistant United States attorney -
torney for the same district , but resigned
in 1892 on account f the demands
of his piivato practice , lie has been
connected with soumme of time mnost important
civil amid crminnl cases that have been
trieti hum tIme i'ennsylvnnia courts during the
Inst ten years. Aside frotmm hits professiommal
success Mr. Heck has won an enviable ropu-
tatloil in the literary field , lie has been a
contributor to various magazines and was
time first eiitor ( Of the Simakespearian , thmo
first magazimmo tlmat was devoted to the study
of Shakespeare. his first great triumph as
a public simeaker was in 1881 , when ho re-
siondeiI to the toast , "Civil immmd Roilglous
Liberty , " at time lhlbernian banquet In I'hlla-
delpiiia. Time local mmewspapers of the tel-
lowimmg clay itrolmoumiced this to be the most
eloqtment adiress ever ( louvered In that cIty
on a similar occasion anti ( rote that time his
oratory s'aa in demammil , lie luau been the
principal apealcer oil a number of occasions
of national importance , one of the immost notable -
able being on i'emmusylvania day mmt the
World's fair , whierci his siwech vas declared
to be time greatest oratorIcal effort that lied
yet been heard at Jackson park , Mr. Boclc
has a wife amni two tmiitiremm anti is promo-
Incntly itientilied with many huihlc hlmutitu-
tious of l'imllatleiplmIa ,
hit'1"i'lFl' , . ' ' ' ' '
, % 'l'I'Il .t i'IwI' .
lI4tt' ml Ne'brnst.iu SuI. ! I u'r CIiiimgm'l flit'
St'mi * I JmiOmttN of ii html ly ,
Sonicwlmere in this city , rays time San
Francisco Examnitmer , Is a mean-let us hope
there is but omme-who uioeu not wish success
to time boys in blue. Hut lie is not feeling
so well today as lie felt yesterday mnoitmlng ,
it htmppenetl 1mm a wc't-gootls store over
near Camp Merritt , Iii time first place , time
only occupants of the roommm , aside ( roam tIme
barkeeper Wits S tail , swurtlmy , dark-ponmr
hleXlOneh flian , Apparently lie imati been
drinkimmg Juet enough to make hint ugly and
he looketi ttioUt as vIcIous aim individual as
one often rummu across , ' ' -
Soon there entered it nebraska sergeant.
lie was a dapper little jima of luardI ) ' more
thamu five and otto-half ft'tmt in height , and
lie looked as neat as It lme had just stepped
out of a bandbox imustead of out of a tent
where dirt is particularly closes at hand.
Evidently lie was a social little chap , too ,
for he asked the barkeeper to drink with
him , .iimtl as they lifted uthe glasses of
foaming beer to their lips , tue tiroliosed a
"here's to tIme atcccss of tIme boys In
blue , "
"To It-i with time boys In blue ! "
it was time big swartby fellow who slioke.
Like a flash the little sergeauL turned on
"itd you speaic" Ito asked ,
"That's what I uid. I said 'To Im- "
lie did miol say it again , for straight roui
July Thcpositloit ; ; ; ; ; Ixpositioii Oroiiiit.ts - July
4th ' ' Moiiday Ih : 4TH : 4t1V
_ - -TTr--i I , ; -i - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Moiiday _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
J t 1 i _ - _ - _ - - - - _ - . _ . - - 'T
U " 5 I , , , 0 0
L The Grandest National Holiday Celebration
Y ' ill the History of the West . . 0
9:50 A. M. 10 A. M. _
4 Beautihtl Display Grand Pageant R
OF. . . . . . i oltite
t h Japanese Midway Concessionaires. R
I ii \'li jolt E'eL' ) ' Nttt kin I ii the . 'mYnrid'Ll t 0
11 * Iepi'csented.
Day Fireworks A Spectac1e of
a ' '
T , Bniids of 1Iiisic ! %
' ' : 10 if'
'I'lic Fii'st lii the II istoi'3' of Onimshtu u C-
Gorgeous Illumination Qrand Cotwt . j
.2\/1 . The Most Beautifiti the World Has Ever Seen. .
- . . - - [ _ J
- - -
- - 9:00 P. M. --i-
R siooo09REWORKS L .
R , i Yp.
_ _
. .
D3----- 11:00 P. M.
0 Special Illumination o1 the Great Midway. 4
w Lu th
_ _ _ _ iciiii _
July 4th 'July 4th Grounds Tomorrow Ju13N
C. , -
the soldier's shoulcThr shot a blue-sleeved
nrmn , and time fist htLh end of it took the
burly rufTilan fairl' still squarely antler the
chin. He droppedt to the floor as if Imo had
been hit by a battering rem ,
Then the dapperitttle sergeant picked up
his glass agaimi , anti ' ' 6iiee immore sold : -
"here's to the s1ccsa of time boys in
blu , , - . , t , . .a , u
But before lid Anti' the bariceeper drank
time toast , he laU5d just one niomnent ,
turned to time feilowi who i'as just lmtekimmg
himnuclf UI ) from the floor , and said :
"Did I untierstandyotm to army nnytlmiumg ? "
Amid time big bully said not a word as ho
slunk fronm the roommi like the Wiiipled cur
that he ivas.
That is the sort of 1101'S they raise in Nebraska -
braska , amid that state Is not nlomic in pro-
dmmeimig them.
iluulsumm iiim'Ielit's I1ugIIsti I.ziigumitge.
Is Lieutenant Ilobson , by his gallant
tieCl , likely to add a worn to time nautical
portion of timc Eimglishi lamiguago ? it looks
111cc it , says time London Telegrapim. For
exaniple , a river passenger steamer , one of
the grimiest amid imiost tumble-dowmm of the
many dilapidated croft of time kintl that
plough the silent hmlghivay , imearly collided
with a barge at London bridge yesterday
afternoon , The skipper used strong ian-
guago to time bargee , but to his taumits the
latter bellowed. ilehtor take that old tub
out to sea ailti'Hobsonizo' her ! " TIme retort -
tort was greeted with a burst 01 appreciative -
tive and sympathetic laughter by the jms-
sengors on board time vessel thmtms characterized -
ized , It the majority of the Thamnes passenger -
senger steamners were ofilcienthy "Ilobsomm-
izeci" and replaced by conifortable modern
vessels the chnimge would be weleonmed by
toast of time people who use the river uerv-
hiitJCA'I'lflNI O'I'ES.
if I ansivi'red that. Suppose after I had
said "Yes" the 'offer was mmot mmmdc. Wimoru
wotmld I be thou ? ' '
Captaimi J , Ii. ICauko of Wooster , 0. , has
given over $40,000 iii asim donatiomms Imi time
past to tIme University of Wooster , and now
he has deetleti to it his i'esidemmcu in time
town , that cost hilimi $30,000.
Frederick C. Sayies , dust mayor of I'aw-
tucicet , It. I. , has ofiered to liresemmt to time
city a free library 1mm memory of lmls wife ,
Deborah Cook Sayles , and lies purchmased a
22,500 site for time building.
Iartmoutlt cohioge has jeceived a lmom'tm'ait
of Sammitmel Gray , one of the four amen who
wore gratluated in its first chitas of 1771 ,
Time jdcture was prescmmted to the college by
Mrs. Charlotte U. Lathiroim of Vm'intlham ,
Cone ,
When I'resitiemmttndrews of Brown university -
versity i'iis asked if ha woulti accept an Invitation -
vitation to beconmo uporintendent of public
scimool tim hicmgo : , In case it were extended
to him , lie replied : 'I might get iii a hole
Itochmester univ.ars.y lies attempted to
solve time co-education qtmestiomm hmy ngreeimmg
to oimemm its doors 't6'-ts'Onmeim atm the tmamtme
terimis ' that time of
as macmm , vroI'id'd womnemm
hloclmcster will raise lO0,000 ( or the college ,
Prof. William hiil'ibeV of PrInceton ummi-
veruity will lend iv satentillc expeditiomi to
hawaii this year , qlje hmojmes to visit amid
explore the buria , a.yi's of the linvaiian
klzmga of bug ago. far as kimown ito I
white miman unit hhtemmi or gaimied
a good gemioral id ' ( them ,
Colorado college ) received $ iO,000
from Mr. amid Mr4 .1. M. flemimis toward
tIme entiowmemmt of tpa chair of Engilsim.
A miew builtiiimg , tofe tild'otei to tousle nmid
art , anti to cost ; IIW,1)00 , will scott lie
begun , and I'residi'mit' Slocuun hopes to
imavo aim Itamid sommmetDtAHs Cam' a science and
atiministratlomm hnmIidimiV '
Seveiiteeim mnemmmbiir' ' .tV lIme senior class of
Northwestern umitsum's-ity , Ilvanstoim , Ill , ,
were tjmitlateth into tItO l'iml flute Kappa on
Tuesday , and nine qfltjjmm are ) 'oummg woimmen ,
The fratermmity wimtci 'was founded im 17711 ,
was originally mtecret1 but is eat' so now.
anti electiomi to memiubersblp Is contingemmt
upon high scholarship.
There is no royal'ropti to hearimlug , but
time amid study' ar required to mimake a
scholar , The president of Oberhimi college ,
wheim asked by a studeimi it iiu could not
take a shorter course , repiletl : Oim , yes ;
but that tlepemmds upomm what you want to
mmmake of yourself , When Coil wants to
tanks an oak lie takes a hundred years.
but wlmen ime ivamits m squash he takes six
months , "
Itecemit otlicial action in Milwaukee , \VIs. ,
lisa excluded mnnrrieti woineim as teachers in
the public scimools , In Chicago ito objection
Is mailu to their serving unless they have
clmlidren under 2 years of ego , although a
womnami member of the Hoard of Education ,
herself mnarrried , says sIte thinks vreference
should bo givemm , other timings being equal ,
to unmarrriud woalpa who have to support
Account of a Visit to Remnants of Two
Cailfomia Tribes.
Olmi Cimutomas Itoimtg l'mit A'wvny-Vei'y
Old immuilmimi Iii time - -
muit'ni A mnom.g time thu Imimis-
: mlimt'li thii ligamed t'eoiie.
Accordimmg to Charles F. Lumnnmis , Immdiamis
nrc a much misunderstood and greatly
maligned people , and to his opinion let inc
add the weight of corroborative testimony
as gathered durhmmg a recent tour ainommg
tIme Jmmtiinns of San Diego county , made for
time ptmrpose 0,1 securing photographs , writes
hlmimmima S. Marishiail 1mm tue Semi Francisco
Chrommicie ,
Since the advent of Itanmona amm esleclal
iimterest has ceumtered around the Teniocula
tribe , tue remnimammt of which still dwells in
the little village hot far from time town of
the saimmo name which Is the vresent ter-
bus of one of time limmes of the Southermi
California railway ,
My travels took me among the Pale and
Paumna Intilnns , closely allied to time Tome-
culas , who live omm time Paumo reservation
or scattered aIommg time foothills of time I'aio-
iimai' mnountnimis in the vicinity of the beau-
tittml Pala valley , wimich is lcnown to fauna
chiefly through tIme detnehied and picturesque
belfry belonging to time fast decaying Pala
Misslomi , The valley lies about sixty miles
north of Semi Diego.
Tlmis is a region of hills and niountulims
ammiong which iminuinerablo somali but cx-
coedingly fertile valleys lie imitiden. 0mm
ovem'y roimnded knoll or gemmtle slope otme sees
time nmicieimt adobe , time tub limit or brusim
house of nit Itmdiamm fatally ; imometitmies , too ,
oiie unexpectethly coiimca across these rude
Imonios Just whore tIme river-tIme Semi Limis
itey-mimimices it beimd , hut so coumpietcly ame
they iii imarmmiomiy with time general tone of
time lamitlucapo that it is only wimeim a mighty
cliorims of barks or time furIous , but harmless -
less , onslaught of a imortie of immongrel curs
startles time traveler timmit lie is aware lie iii
close to a imabitatlomi.
Tlmert' is quite its muelm difference in time
appenramice mmd envIronnment of these ahotius
as in thmost' of the races of a lighter siciim ,
anti , possibly. thmis uilfferemmce many be ladle-
alive of a graded social scale ; ho that as It
nmay , I found the people , when I hail omice
wail their confidence mmii convinced themim of
my friendulmip and synmpatimy , hiosimitable nmmtl
genuine with some attributes which mmmight
well be emimiateil by their neighbors who
are a peg higher on time iimtehleetuai pole.
Lust itt * 1mm' Siveitt Ilunisi's ,
Some years before wimile vjuithmmg this uammme
section , without a camera , however , I hail
inspected : m sweat house , one of three 1mm the
village , Time owners were , in consequmeimce
of time Imossession , muon of promnlmmcmmce in time
comrmmnunlty. though whether they owed their
utatmding to a greater degree of t'leammliness
or simmmpiy the conveimienecs therefor I was
unable to ammcertalmm.'jLli visiomma of a
unique pimcmtograpii I vemmt in ( luest of this
sweathiouse one day duriimg amy recent trip ,
Search alommg tue river bank failed to reveal
time iou' rommntled pile of adobe I renmetimbered
anti a visit to time lmotmso for iimtormmiatlomm as
to itit whereabouts was mimade.
Wimero time full glare of the sun fell di-
rectiy upon her an 'old woman sat on a
smmmic sprend on tlmq bare grotmnti weaving a
basket , \'hiemm interrogated as to the sweathouSe -
houSe she replied whim an expression of con-
temmipt on her yriphlcd face ;
"No more , NQbody uses timem umow ; they
all bathe in tIme river. "
Such is time progress of civilization. Yet
this same olil wonmamm , who nmust be nearly
if ziot. quite 10(1 ( years old. absolutely refused -
fused tq allow her picture to be taken , de.
during emphatically timat it siw was an Ii- *
diami imo did muot. want her Imicturo to be
hawked around and laughed at by people
who cared 'nothing for the origInal. And
still lucre are veraons irho say there is no
sentiment. among these people , As I hail
carelessly negie'cteti to hiring lay purse and ,
worse still , imat ailed to hay in time usual
supply of tobacco , persuasion was uelesa ,
The Indian graveyard ii but a short dia-
tatmco from here. Immiagino a smimahl cleared
allot amidst a tangle of wild vegetation and
scattered scrub oak oncioset , ny barimed wire
to prevent tIme depredations of wild animals.
Rows of graves as close as they can be dug
fill the itmmmall irmclostmre , auth omm each rude
nmouimd geometrical higurea arc outlimmed in
shells and bits of brokemm glass or crockery ,
while oiti ianmpa , watches , clocks , battles
and ammythimig that can catch and give back
the sun's rays arc piced upon time gm'aves
for purposes of ornamuentatlon. It was a
liathetic picture. These people have perfect
faith in a hereafter and an absolute belief
that tieatim is but the gate of reunion.
III a broad clearing anmong time willows
timat line time river's bank I fountl a pie-
turesque brush hut conjaimmimmg several rooms ,
time walls of which 'erc constructed of dried
himmliS anti foliage closely immterlaced , time roof
wns of title thatch , tied the hard eartlmemm
floors were as cleamm as frequemmt sweepings I
could make them , Ami old womnamm sat on a
bench in the shady , cool immterior , busily
emmgagctl in mmieimdhimg a child's clean calico
waist , amid a small lad of pernaps 6 or 7
years , whose hithmo , bronze hotly was cmi-
tlreiy nude , leepeii out of time duskiness
of an inner apartmnemmt.
SuI.Jeets for Ilium Czimmmem'st ,
i-lore were subjects for the Iihmotogramhcr's
art , I aslced for a , drink of water from time
olin , praised its coolness and aeceptoti an invitation -
vitation to sit down lii the shade at tIme
seine time tleplorimmg time heat of the sun's
rays. Tue womammn imad wiped off the chair
anti sprtnkleti tIme floor afresim ,
Time acquaimmtammcc progresseti , and rcs-
cathy time boy was icaZeti from hIs Iildhmmg
imiace , lila bashfulness overcome hy tin ox-
lmrcssion of Interest in the kitten lie hiuggeti
so tigimtly that It. was aimmmost simmotlmereti ,
lroving again time adage , "Otic touch of
Imature makes tim"ivhmole worhti kin , ' '
Neither lie nor imi grandmmmothicj' hail a
thought of inmmodeuty 1mm tIme fact that hue
was mmtmile. though the old wommiami remnarlceti
imathmetlcalhy that sue bad i'asimed anti was
repairing lila only gmirmneiit , except mm ivell-
ss'orii amid oft-mmmented pair of tiny pants.
Witim tue gift of a bag of tobacco amid a
somali sliver coin vreused Immto time boy's hand
tIme surreimmier was complete , and , omniil a
aiiowc'r of biessimmgs , Maria said plaintively ,
tn time inixttmre of Spanish , Inthinim amid himmg-
lishi. that is time language of her mmctnnle. "I
love to smoke , but I tim too hoUr tbtmy
tobacco , for time boy's father , who is my eon-
in-law , takes everything to buy drink with. ' '
Then , ime was ammxious to imoso before the
canmera and woulti have patiently "sat" for
aim hour hind I so deitireti. Latci' . mis we
mmgaiim passeii timat way , time ehilhti ran out anti
hailed us , pointing to hminiself , lie was
clad in his cieami clothes anti had an oid
straw hat imiion ImP. head , anti was thmo cx-
enmpiiflcatiomm of pritle tim itppcararmce ,
half a mimhie ftirtiier eu arm ammcleimt ntiobe
hut , ivitim time inevitable brush-roofed annex
iii front , crowmis time uumnnult of a low hill.
here the sitoemmiakem' altO cobbler fom' tIme viii-
Icy lives. lie is a stalwart fellow , whose
s'ifo hiatt a pm'etty intelhigemmt faced thought
she siieals : only time lmitiiauu lamiguago. That I
younger gemmeration have not learmmeti the
lnmmguage of theim' forefathers , anti by time
time their chtiltlremm have m'cacimeti mnimturlty it
\'ihl have beemi utterly foriotu'im ,
Inquhry developed the fact that emm the hill
beyond , wimichi omme m'eachieil by desccmmdhimg time
abrupt slope of ii steelm cammyomi amid nuccmmtl-
hug quite as ateeli a grade on time other sub , I
lived time great grammthmmiothmor of thin hioc-
meeker , and hula olilces were inmmnethintely so-
cureti to obtahmu her comiseimt to ' 'sit" for a
victure. -
hiy time side of a low tub hut , ubmitied
frommm tue glare of the sun
hiy some bunches of tules , a bummdle
of bones and purchmmeimt-ilke skhmm 1mm tIme
aemnblaimcc of a human belimg sat iiudiiieti
upomi some ohil rags. 11cr blearcil OC5
seemed oblivious to everythIng amid her
claw-like hands clutched at time empty air
vpasmnodicahiy ,
A LI'imig htiummuimp' _
Timere was sonmething horrible yet awe-in-
spirimmg iii time itigiut of title creature who
suggested the thought of mmothirmg so immucii
as a hiving mummy , TIme dropping of it
hung of tobacco into' imer lap worked an imm-
statmi and marvelous change. She awoke tea
a kmiowiedge of her surroundimigs us if by
magic and , takimmg lii the situation itt a
glance , particularly the canmera whthi time
lemma pointed dIrectly at her , she brushed
usldo time wisps of coarse grimy hair and
hitched herself Into the sun , "striking aim
I , _ . _ " ' ' V - - ' - '
tttitudc" without waiting for an invilatinni'
to do so , It wan ovithently mme mmciv experl'
011Cc for her , but though I thought I s'n3s
fammmhhiar witim ovem'y photograph of olti laM
china wommmen taken by professlommal pimotog # ,
rapimers I have never scemi one of her ,
A tIme bulb ammapped tii withiereti hills
gave uttornimco to a wistfui cry for "dinero ,
tuiti a silver qummrtcr hrouglmt forth voltmbiu
timanlcs. Thut'm'o'as satisfactiomi him the tomuo
him vimIclm site mcmlii , with a wag of her skeW-
ton-hilce hmead :
"l'mn imearly 120 years cud niuti utmost likely'
I'ii be death micxt mmmonthm , htmL I'll iitmve sonic'
sugar before I die. lt'a a lommg timmue since
I've Imad any sugar. "
My tlmoimghmts instamutly reverted to time
timoutiamitis of dollars semmt ammnually to the
abie-imodleil heathen In foreign cnummtrics.
lii all that section there is no figure mmmortt
striklmmg titan that of Jacinta , time sister of'
moan isimo ivas once the cimlef of all tub
tribes in timle part of time coummtry. liii
died m'oniothmhimg over a year ago amid t1mt
story of his life would read hike a rommmmnce
Jaclnta is ninmost 100 yeai's oiV. yet site hi
strommg , active ammil alert. anti is time mnest
dotimmg great graudaunt in the world. Chief
Manucihta's 2-niontiis-olti great grandson is
seldom out of imer arms , and alto eximihmilk
himmi proudly to all corners. Whmen the iiand
I camnerzm , entirely unlcnowmm to Imer , caught'
time imictura of youth anti ago thus presomutetli
it mmmade a picture which if it were time com
ct'ptipn of an artist worked out iii oils wotmid I
immake his imimie famous ,
Aim lmidiim , ! . ' , ,
Sebastian lives in a dilapidated atioba on
the river bank. If lie was a wimite Immamu instead - '
stead of cmi Indian lie wotmitl lie eonshiieretl
a hmem'o , JIti is a biitimo , cheery , white-
haired old fellow , brlnmfumh of a tleshre toe
accommodate , ammti yet with a life story that'
mhght wiJ forimm time basis for a thrilling
vorlc of fiction , One incithemmt ivhhI giva
tue keynote to time wimole story.
Several years ago a steer was stolen near
' San flermmartiirmo mmimtl tins trac'd to Sehas-
than's cabiti , ivimero the jmelt was lotted ,
Sebastian's only cimiid , a son just eimterlng
ummammimooti , was arrested , Imimi guilt Proven
to the satisfactinim of judge anti jury , ammil
lie was seiiteimccd to servo a terzmm of two
years iii San Qnentiii ,
ills fattier eli to thmis tune hiehieveil the
boy 110(1 haiti for time beef , thiotmghm lie lcmmomv
his Son to vosaesa cvii fefltlemmeiea , lIe tiC.
tertimlmmed to nmnko one mmmnre effort to rccIa'
him , amid so comae into court mmnd.siwore that
lie nail ito only wits thm thief. Of course ,
time semi , that trite culprit , ivmms relcasemi mmd
time fatimer served tIlt ) sc'iml4'nce , limit hiefore
goIng away lie hwggcd tIme boy to repay tb
sacrifIce by hmecnmnimmg 'tim hommest niati1 s.i
imromniao wimim'hm lie simile alum 'ittrt faithiiilbV.
Otme mrmommthm before lImo olil mann hllier.
atet.l imlu wife , to wlmomn ito wtis devotedly at.i
tachioti , dioti , amid shortly ufterms'arth time imomm'
into imati mmmarrhctl In thu miieatitlmne , also thlotl1
hcavimmg a son now about. 13 years of age ,
\S'hemm I mimotograpimeti hum staimclimmg iii
trout of a great mass of tumma ( cactus ) So.
bastlami itaiti ;
" \S'iil YOU itt'flti a pIcture to amy gramid.
child 7 Ito is imlI I imavim left axuti when 'I '
tim goime it will be nil ito will have to remniimd
imhmii of huts father's taniily , ' '
Yet this mntmmm Is only a liespiseti Intilan ,
thliiiig lila lIttle vatcim of groummtI , tieploring
the falling eyesight which cahmseti luhmmm to
hull UI ) almmmoat , imlu entire croji of heloycd
onions before hue 'ilucovereil that they were
mint weeds , Timore , was it wistful tomme lii hut'
'olCti Its ime expressed a regret timmmt ito was
so umoor that hue cotmhtl not buy glasses , hut lit
a mmmonmeimt regret was forgotten iii limo happy
renn'mmibrammco of a now inmir of hirogummu whit
which lila cahiousoti , brown , soehtc'ss feet.
I were clad , amid to which lie called atemutiorr (
not ommco but many limnes ,
Theme iii ro'mmmamico and pathos ammO hierotaimm
in lihenty atmiong this ri'mntmammt at a fast this
appearIng race ; ammd , If there itt much to de'-
ldore also , it' is hmmcontrovertitho thmut thm *
mtmmnme faults and weaknesses exist samomig our
owil PCoiie ) ,
% 'ery Mumt'ht LIl' hums ,
Chicago Post : "This , " staid the dispenser
of drinks , " is soinctblmmg umaiy timat we ccli
time Dewey cocktail. "
' 'Vowi' ' excialimmed tue euttonter , tcr
takitig it sip of it ; "It's nothiimmg but hiqubi
lire. "
"I'reciaeiy , " replied the dispenser of
drinks ilemtsantly. "IIusiiI it becim your
underatmtmudhmm alt aluuig that Dewey Is prvttl
hot stuff ? "