Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1898, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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I "
4 T1L Sl'NlAY , TU1 ' ' t'8)8. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ockty Kept on the Go During the Last
Six Days.
8ipire Iuuitfll Are 1t o'i1 ( , Iotitg
tIii. tsIgir ( niyttIuns , f1t ,
, eiiiiIiti , nii ( Iso I-
Olnatift BQCIlty during the tact week might
1iet hO 1Ikein1 to a nnuy colored , wtttly
chniiglng 1cmlcii1oopc. IgIiinIflg on Mon-
clay with thc cftelI5 it shifted to the races ,
( thlIIc(1 with the conventions of the pliysl
clani * , ct1ucator. and musicians , flhltiig in
the spaces with excursiouK to the 'cxi'osi
tion ,
b'oclety was out In full fore at the circUs ,
One of the well known young men was Itearti
to remark on Iutulny that ) n supposed lie
Wofihil linvo to go atid tcthe his kitiR , but us
lie was accompanied the tiny utter by a
'liariilng 3ouiig woman anti as this was
only one of tue ninny lnstnnce , . _ It is a vnn-
tier the streets vero hot Itill of frantic par-
cots In search of lost children ,
Sonic of ( lie sniartest sunirner gowns dis.
llayet1 thliR Reason Wete at 1110 clrctls , mniiy
of them dcclileully chile , I hirse sheer 11110) '
creations so IllUchi nfTcctc(1 on hot dny.
4bou the race-wt'1l , ovcry pocicty has
1114 e1t31fltflhl of litre Iovrrs and sporting
I efltlItiBlllMtM 1111(1 Omaha Is no exeQ1)tinu.
: 'Fhiert , tiocins to 110 lOlOCtliiilg Indescrtbahl ) '
oxlihlnruthiig niid socially irrcslstiblo In a
swift ride bcIild a irnir of smooth , high
: stoppers.
: have only one life to live" wotllti
; he 11 very appropriate motto foi the rccep-
tions hint were haiti during the past
vt'olC. Thu IIntlltIpatIilsts flihlied ; lip the
8ocial side of their conentlon Mondiiy with
: gIant celat , Thursdiiy evening the splen-
: diii icC1tIoli for the educatiiis 01111 the
: climatic finish of the week in the Ltnln-
ger racelItlon for the musical artists.
; The red letter eVent of the week for the
top set vns th10 garden varty given the
Riding club by Miss Mao hamilton nt her
home \'ednesc1ay evening on their return
from a twilight -ride through ( lie country
Item Is an Item about an Omaha society
Wollian which Is floating around the country
Iii COfliflhi with a portrait , hiavhiig startcl
In Chicago , and having already reached
Cleveland Town Topics which illustrates the
adage about going away from home to hear
the news :
Omaha society to date ha refreshingly rep.
resented in the pilfered portrait of 2dlss
'Jess" Dickinson , the only child of i1r. and
lttrs. Fdward 1. Dickinson , who live 1101111-
oinehy on I'irk avenue at. Mon strt'et.
Mr. Dickinson is the general manager of
thin Union l'aciflc railway and one of
Omaha's 'foroniost citizens. Miss Jeisle Is
a graduate of the Oniahia high school 011(1
a Now York young 1adlc' llnlshiiiig semi-
nary. 11cr soin1 1)UltlahlCy alit ) hioptiharity
are hir000unceci unit they am cnlinnccnl by
a dramatic genius that Is occasionally unil
delightfully exploited amateurhy. Some
f..I . . . . 1. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . - - " - _ . . . of
" , ' - , LU CUll lid1110 40I
flehiaii of Omaha , " so realistic anti effortless
are her capital Impersonations. Soeloty is
always on the qul vivo wheti she summons
a select little cast from among her girl anti
club friends , and 1)1115 a parlor play at the
"DIckinson thieater"-as the hiantisome stone
stable at. the Dlcicinsoti premises. ha desig-
ilated , when it is festooned and chaired for
an lnvltatloiinl performance. Miss IIellusoa
Is one of the moat stylishly gowned girls In
Omaha and Is frequently seen in Chicago
circles. at the opera , derby and functlon of
state , being Invariably. a member of her
father's 'SlCCifll cor iartiea. She saw that
World's fair thiorougltly anti also the San
' FrancIsco , Atlanta anti Nashville expositions -
tions anti is therefore hrepared to patriotically -
ally Proclaim the superiority of the Omaha
show to everything of the kind in history
1tet'ii , iin ror I lie Ilortors.
l'lto reception and bail lendereti the vlst-
lug hiotucopathists and their frleiids at the
Millard 1at Monday evenhtig was one of the
successes of the season. The committee in
charge Cotislitteti of Mesdantes II. W. Contieli
and 'SV. I-i. Iiniiehett. The Millard and , all
( its retinue belonged to the homcopathlsts anti
It was brilliant with tri-cohorod lights ,
Inyriatla or hiowers everywhere. The guests
; were received In tito parlors by the oillcers
of the convention and Mesthimes S. A. Mc-
: \Vhiortcr , C , } . Squires , Itniph Conneth. lion.
chiult A. Campbell and hlanchiett of Couticht
Bluffs. lii the ball room the orchestra was
stationed 1)ehIHl a magnincent. screen of
palms , In thto blue room Punch 'as served
from a lingo bowi wrentltetl With American
iieatitls cml smilax by the Misses lloaglmil ; ,
SquIres atiti Taylor. The white anti gold ban.
quet room was turned Into a reil , white nut !
blue rainbow.
1'ii , et rItigt-(4) Ill fort.
Local society was Interested In the marS
rings of Miss Mabel Frances Comfort to Mr.
/trthiur W. l'nrtriilgc. which took place
Wctliucsday at hiotita of the brido's oar-
cuts , 1531) South Twenty-sixth street. After
the ceremony , whIch was icrormctl by Rev.
T. J. Mackay , rector of All Saints church , a
ilnhigiutful Itinchiton aa partakea of by
the U3eiiiiletl itteHts. Thu itridal 1)Brt ) ' Was
flindo up of Mls Nellie harvey , brariuig the
, i Juhte satin ctishiioui , on shIchi lay the ved.
tiluig ilug ; the Misses Nellie Taylor anti
I4hlttut I lainittoitil , ribbon bearers ; Miuts
liolitu Catlwehi , uuiuhil of hionor Mr. Charles
hopper , beat man , autul Messrs , Dwight S.
Caltiwehl aini Aubrey W' . Baxter , uslierti. A
ultuutiber of the guests accompnnfet Mr. and
Mrs. itartrhdgo to the train which bore titan :
to Colorado on their weiluhing titur.
Yvu1l I IIIM II liii ihusutgvu. ' , ts.
Mr. suit ! Mrs. LotiI Rothschild announce
tito engaganicuit of their daughter Flora to
Mr. Sol ( ] ohlstone.
Miss Addle Slnerson of Cork , Nab. , was
niarrieti to Me , Alouzo 1) , Cainpblt of Doug-
his , Nob. , III Oinaltu Juno 29.
\ednes'.i.ty , June 29. Mr. Gustout F.
EJenCter auuti Miss Mluintu Pearl Smith 'eru
married , Rev. Thuonias J. Mackay ofilcinting.
' Only the linineduutte families antI fricuttle of
the cnntructlng Iarties were present ,
On Thursday evening , June O. a yery
quiet wetlulluug occurred at tue resIdence of
Itli. ii. 1.1. Carrier , it brother of tim britie ,
1il4 ( leurgia avenue , whuei , thiss Ida b. Ficun-
lug was united Ii : marriage to Mr. Claz-ii.
\Velis Chuatlwick , Juilgo Irving F. Baxter , a
frieuiti of the groom , oihlclatlng , The varlors
811(1 uhiuluig room vere tastefully decorated
. .
- - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
The Koy.I Ii the hljhient grede bulIng powder
&JIDI Actual test. show It oo. coo.
thIrd further than coy other Liroad.
: '
Absolutcly Pure
' ; rtA US-limO POWDCS CO. . tew Yov.
- - - I
anti aftsr the ceremony lunch : wns served.
Only the relathre and a very few of the
intimate friends at. the contracting itartics
were irsenr ; '
The huirringe ot Mr. John 13. liuher sod
Miss Cortie 1' . flohuli was aelebrateil t high
nuuii Jtiiuti 30 , at the reshtlence of Miss KIttue
1' . listelhuorst , 2(111 ( ( russ Street. Only the
immediate friends of the family s era PrCS-
cut. They will be at luonhi , to theIr.frientls
at Columbus. Neb ,
TIc marriage of MIss Mttrgarst Cunuuiuug.
ham , daughter of Mr. I ) . ( tunnlngham of this
city , to Mr. Thoutins l3alto orcurreti last
vcek at. St. 1o's duireli , St. Iouis. Thu
hurido hinti been the guest of her aunt , Mrs.
Zuinn of St. i.ouhs , They wIll be , nt borne
to their friends at 2020 homey street.
Lnt Vednest1ny eenIng MIss Mntv iioyer
nntl Mr. Ianc Simpson werl' married by
Itev. 3. V. Wilson. After the ceremony
refreshments were served at the home of
the huritie. About i huirty-fivc guests were
present. Mr. am ! Mrs. Simpson will be at
home to their frientlut at Sixtieth and Vinton
streets nfei Jttly 4.
( ieorgo 3. Adams of Fullerton , Web. , wh
marrieti to Ninette E. Foreitnuuti , tiougiuter
or Capinin 8111 ! Mrs. L. 1) . F'orebatul of
Kcaliley1 Nab. , on June 30 by ltev. J. I ) .
Kerr. luastor of Clifton 11111 Presbyteriuin
church , at his cliurcit. There rert' ircsont
the inutitedinte relatives of both Parties and
a tow intimate frientis , Wedding luncheon
vas serve. ! at thin t'axton Immediately after
that cercinouly. They will be at hinmi' to
their frlentis at Fullerton , Neb. . after July
20.At ( Ito itoino of Mr. aitti Mrs. Carl \Vood-
vnrtl , 2223 Ltikc stveet , Wetlocetiny titter-
1:0011 , .i tst TtlItli May Icuhne was united in
ninrrlngti to Mr. Itaiph P. 1'alcs , 11ev , h
(1mb , iastnr of St. MarkA English Lutheran
church , omcinttng. Tile bride wore a gown
of lI1e ParIs muslIn over ilh and carried
a large liouriuct of brIde roses. Mist ; Mantie
\Vlllieirny % 'ns maid of honor and Mr. L. J ,
/tllen best man. Mr. anti Mrs. Fobs left
in thin evenhlig for Miiwntikee nail other
lake points nitti will ho at home In Chicago
after July 5.
i..ttttui I ii uuut'ut t S III the \Veelc.
Mrs. C. .1. Greene's I o'clock luncheon on
\\'tIncstlay was a very techerche affair.
Moster Robert Earl Edwards celebrated
his 11th birthday June 29 by entertaining a
titunuhier of his friendut.
4' eIrnhltitlfl : coffee " 1' ; elven 1w Mrs. F' .
A. Urogart at her resideuice on Wednesday ,
Covers ver-e mlii for eight.
Ott Friday night Mr. and Mrs. II. 11.
ITardet' entertained at dInner. Thc color
- sc1onle .vas yellow and white.
Tdr , anti hles. W. M. Itogers celebrated
tlidr thi wedding Monday evening by cit.
tertahuting it few of their friends.
Dr. JohTiofl elitertalnetl about fifty of his
filcjiuls n luncheon Tuesday. A number of
gticsts vero present from Chnriton , Ta.
. .Mrs.'Kirk of St. Paul was the guest of
honor at an afternoon luncheon given by
Mrs. ilarry Knott at her home Friday.
A sutinli. informal dinner was given by
Mi s. C. K. Coutant Thursday night In honor
of Iter guest , Mrs. Drhnger of Salt Lake City.
Dr. \ \ ' . H. Ilanchett entertained a stag
dnuier on u day and a porch party at his
elegant home Monday evening In honor of
some of the vIsiting doctors.
Mrs : GWr : Holtirege was given a very
pleasant surprise Thursday evening by her
rehiftives anti intimate friends. the occasion
being her biithniay anniversary.
Mrs. E. 3. liohrbough gave a luncheon
Wednesday in honor of Mesdames Ansil
Badger of Colorado aitil S. Andress of
flloOiningtoiu , Ill. The table decorations
were quite unlque.jnd decIdedly attractive.
Mrs. J. M. Metcalf gave a 6 o'clock informal -
formal tnuslcui dinner Friday night in
honor of Miss Metcalf of St. Louis. Miss
Adah Mabei flryant of New York antI MIss
Ofilcei ot the musical departnient of the
The local committee of the American In-
stttute of Electrical EngIneers entertained
the visiting delegates at a trolley party
over to Council Bluffs Thursday evening.
iefreshmcnts scrc served on the cars.
About fIfty were iresent.
Qnc of the dellghtfui parties of the week
was the sweat-pea luncheon given by Mrs.
F. I ICirkentlahi at her home on Thiurstiay
afternoon. The' appointments of the dIning
rooni vere pcrfoct , with its richly eunbrohtl-
ercd linen , sparkling cut glass and profit.
ioii of blossonis. Covers for tweleve were
Nv. anti Mrs. George IV. Llnlnger , assisteti
by Mrs. haIler , Mr. J , M. Metcalf anti MIss
Sqqlrcs. received the loading musicians of
Omaha and the musicians from abroad at.
tendIng thc Musieai congrcns Thursday
afternoon. The reception presented much
splendor from the richness nih ) varIety of
the decorations nod brIlliant costumIng of
tlte gluests. Two large punch howls in a
prominent position In the gallery were iurc-
sided nver by the Misses Barker. Mrs. HaIler
% 05 asslatetl by tile MIsses Shiveriek.
SquIres. Metcalf of St. LouIs anti Cook of
Council Bluffs.
ilo't in tii t I' . * f Pen iii e.
Judge Fawcctt left tar WIsconsIn Thurs.
Air. and Mrs. C , J. Greene left for Chicago
Miss Nash returned from Dubuque , Ia. ,
Miss . Nell McShne left for the east on
Mrs. SoI Dcg n wont to Chicago FrIday
.for a week.
Mr. E. M. and Miss Andreesea are borne
front' Detroit.
Miss. Mabelle Crawford is a guest of the
Misses Abbott.
RabbI Leo M. Franklin will return from
the east toilar. '
Rev. D. D. Burt Is the guest of judge anti
Mrs. labaujth.
Mr. George I' . Stebbins has rotiiried from
an eastern trip. -
Mr. anti Mrs. J. R. Ebersoie are guests of
Mr. anti Mrs. Oveis.
Ztlra. J. W , Waning will leave Tuesdy
for Washington , D. C.
Mrs. Loziers of Now York Is the guest
of Mis. Samuel Burns.
Ml Carolyn Cole Jones of Orinitehl Is a
guest of tlio Misses Scott.
Dr. anti Mrs. Bailey of Lincoln visIted
Mis , J. Bobbins last week.
Miss Alice Drake of Chicago Is the guest
of Mrs. C. S. Motutgoniery.
Mrs. II. Ohirisiuunt : of Mapleton. In. , Is
visiting Mrs. C. II. Downs.
General George lantly. returned front
Chulekautunugut Park last tt'eek.
1)1. A. F. Nighitiugnle and daughter are
guests of Mrs. E. L. Lonmx. -
Miss Neilu Newton of Washington. D. C. ,
is VIBltIllg Miss Ester Bcnun.
Miss Cenlo Ruthtcrorti and Mrs. Chapman
leitt'o for Logan , In. , Tuesday.
itey. Florence Koilock Croaker of Boston
is a guest of Mrs. M. Attdruws.
Mr , J. V. 'anh1orui uttiti ftirnily of Seattle
are gtleuttut of MiS. hleecher Iiigby ,
Colonel Pratt is visiting at ( lie home of
-V. I ) . Morgan of Idnachiester , In.
Mrs. Icober and daughter of ChIcago are
guests of Mrs. Edward Dickinson ,
Mr. Inylil Ihautn , Jr. . line returned ( roll :
Lafayette college for the summer.
Mrs. W. ii , lox of Deitycr Is visitIng relu-
lives anti friends for a few weeks.
Mr. aiutl Mrs. J. II. ! .iacanube : ' left Friday
for Lake 01(01)011 ) ( or a few weeks.
Miss Lithe ilntchlnson of Alyner , Canada ,
Is the guest of Mrs. Carrie Johnson ,
Mr. F.V. . Nash returned Friday front on
ertendeti trip through Old Mexico.
Miss Helen Vlcknr3 of ( leurgia Is the
guest of her sister. Mrs. J. . York.
Mlzs hayward of Nebraska City , guest of
lilies ii , Cady , returned hionic host week.
Mrs. Jnnea Driuger and daughter of Salt
Lake Cltyaru visiting Mrs. C. K. Coutant ,
Miss Josephine Alien returned Tuesday
( coin a month's visit with frIends In Illinois.
Mr. F , T. O'Malk'y of Denlsoa , Tex. , Is
a guest of hula cousin , Mrs. C. A. Rutherford ,
Dr. Itanchict ( of Sioux City was ( lie guest
of hIs brother , PrV. . II. Ilanchult , last
Mtuia Mihdrcd Levy , who baa been attend-
lug school Ia New York returned borne last
week ,
Mrs. Fl. hahn : of Michigan Is yishtlng at
her uuot's Ut 151 North Twenty-eighth :
Mr. T. Johnson Is home from a tour
through England. Scotland and the Shothand
laIn ad
MIss Mary 0. 11uiber of Detroit. who hiss
bueti visiting with Mr. anti Mrs.Valer 11.
W1hkin ut 1306- South 'Fblrty.llrst street ,
heft for Iener and'ColorndrprIogs on
Senility last. .
" S
Miss Rhsle"ontgomery left yetiterilay for
Chicago , whtre she will epenti her summer
vacation ,
Miss Edith Tobitt I4ft Friday for a three
weeks' vacation ttt Lnkcside. Lake Chat-
tatiqun , N. \ ' :
Mra , Ezra-M1Ilnni titud datighitera left for
Colorado where they will be cstabIishel
for thu sumrner.
Miss Grace Lee anti Miss IJeusle McKay
of Minneapolis were guests of Mrs. Itt. E.
Welles inst week. - . . . . .
Mr. anti tjrs. Bliss of Tairmount , Neb , ,
nnti Mn. ileaff ht' Montana are guests of
Mrs. 'IV. 11 , W'unn , .
Mr. flay J. Staley heft Suntlay to spend a
tto weeks' vacation In anti about Denver
with Mr.Vill IJox.
Mr. F.uclht ! Martiti , accompanied by his
fatally , lute gone to lioston. Mr. Martin
will return next yeek.
The Misses Luythes. lenders In St. Louis
soCIety , Were efitertnlfletl during the week
by Miss Louise Squires.
MIss Sallyc Ouzzenhehm of Allegheny. Pa. ,
is the guest of Miss Ilattye Dreltust , i13
South Twentieth street.
Mr. Thomas S. Clark wIll spend Sunday
here and return to Fort StceleVyoq wiLl :
Mrs , Clark thie evening ,
Mrs. ft. Sexnuer of New Orleans is visit-
lug liar daughter , Mrs. N. I. Guckert. 125
South Thirty-sixth : strdct.
The Misses Della and May Oberfcldcr of
ChIcago wIll spend the summer with theIr
sIster , Mrs. Leo M. , Franklin.
Miss Lord , who has been the guest of her
brother , Dr. Lord , the last winter , returned
home to DIxon , lii. , last Tuesday.
Miss Adal : Mabel Bryant. contralto solo.
1st of the holy Trhiilty church , New York ,
Is a guest of Mrs. 3. M. Metcalf.
Mr. anti Mrs. John MeKearnan. Chicago ,
spcilt a few days with : Mr. anti Mrs. George
Kitlti , 2707 South Twentieth street.
Miss Florence l'hehps ot Carthage , Mo , ,
Is the guest of Miss Estella Forbes at her
Itoutie , 832 North : Eighteenth street ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. it , Fox' of Lake Charles ,
La , , are visIting Mr , nuuti Mrs. 1railhc
Vaughn of 1152 North : Sixteenth street.
Mrs. Clinches B , Baldwin and Miss Laura
liahdivhu : of llaldwinsvhlle. N. Y. . are the
guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. 1 ! . Van Dusen.
Mrs. IV. . Lincolt : and Mrs. Fleming
Pendleton of Intlependence , Mo , , 'are the
gtmests pt Mr. anti Mrs. W. David Lincoln.
Miss Sue I'axtol : Is in Chicago , attendIng
the unLvcrsityShjt wIll visit Boston before
rettirnitig ( or her 111gb school duties in the
fall.sirs. . Morton .antl Mr 0.V. . Manchester.
members of All Saints' hurch choIr , are
spendIng their vacations aoflg th Atlantic
coast. S
Mrs. Ihafer ntwi tidughtdr. Miss IJessle , efFort
Fort Scott , ICan. . are the guests of Mr. nod
Mrs. Joseph Allen. ' 1034 South Thirtieth :
MIss Beatrice Montague , who has beet :
visiting wiLl : her cousins , Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Clifford. will heave Sunilay for
Lead , S. D. , to spend the summer.
Mr. Robert "IV. Baxter of I'ortinnd , Ore. .
who will soon take up his permanent residence -
denco here. has been the guest of Mr. E.
B. Buckinghanut during the last week ,
Mr. D. C. Shelley nod family of Chicago
are the guests of Mrs. Margaret Brennan ,
1928 South FIfteenth street. Mr. Shelley Is
connected WIth the ChIcago Times-Herald.
Mr. and Mrs. Charics C. Rosewater returned -
turned to Omaha on Friday after a iicasaut
wetiding trip through New York. state nud
over the Great Lakes front Buffalo to Du.
Mr. Gus Arnold of Allegheny , P. . arrived
here yesterday nod vihl leave today for Clii-
cage , acconpanletl by .hiut. wife , who has
been visiting MIss Drolfust for the last
fortnIght. " ' ' 'I
Miss Louise Doherty. daughter. of Rev.
and Mrs. Robert Doherty of thIs cIty. has
returned home from the commencement ex-
erclses at St. Katherine's sciiooi , Davenport -
port , In. Miss Iaherty snug at 'the coin-
menceinent and the Davenport papers In
critIcising the music spentc of her solo as
"the gem of the evening. "
Fl ors'n ( 'I' .
Mr. W , It , Learn of Omhz was a vIsitor
in town Friday.
Miss Fannie Morse and Miibei Tucker attended -
tended the exposition Wednesday.
The Knights of the Forest will give a
dance and supper at the city hall July
Mr. Freeman Tucker of Do Soto. Nob. ,
was vIsiting his mother Saturday anti Sunday -
day ,
The Florence teachers have all returned
from the county institute full of enthu-
Mr. Henry Joins loft Saturday for Win-
sitle , Neb. , whore ho wiil spend the rest of
tIme summer.
Mrs. L. B. Finch : at Ulysses , Nob. , has
bed : hero the last week visiting with Mrs.
J. F. hloltaman.
Miss Meboi Mattliies and Arthur Esteile
of Omaha were visIting with the family of
F. S. Tucker Sunday.
Mike Daily , the city marshal , had a so-
yore sunstroke Suntlay. but Is recovered
sufficiently to be out.
Mrs. MaggIe Wong of Omaha is vIsiting
her Iarents , Mr. anti Mrs. John Lewiti. who
lIve a mile north of town.
Mr. W. B. Backus returned ( rota Sioux
Falls , S. I ) . , this week and is now located
In his law ofUce In Omaha.
Mr. B. Sayhes , living near Sheldon , In. ,
was here a couple of days the fIrst of the
week visItIng wIth Charles Brewer ,
Mrs. James Watts and little daughter of
Omaha visited with : Mr. Vntts over Sun-
day. Mr. Watts beIng employ d at the water
i'rof. Johfl 'IV , Fishier , the newly elected
principal of the public utchiools. spent thu
Sabbath : with : his old friend , Fret , 'iv , n.
Miss Margaret Mill , a teacher In the Sn-
loin , Ore. , Indian school , Is expecteti home
this vcek for a month's visit with liar
nothier and sister.
The members of time Episcopal church
gave an lee cretiun social at the dlv haIl
Thursdny evening. Thu profits gb toward
thio expenses of St. Mark's church.
The ! tilsst's Brown of i'onca , Nab. . nr-
ulved Tuesday and wihi visit .with their
ilticle , Mr. J. 1' , Brown. tvto lives near liorp ,
for two weeks anti attend the exposition ,
The members of the Preabyterinu : dined :
gave an Ice crt'auit social at the city hail
'l'uestlay night. There were muIa nut ! reel-
tations , including a reeitatlon by Miss
lloyer of Omaha.
Mr. Charles Carleon anti John Simpson
were elected members of ( Ito Board of Ed.
ucation at the regular school election Tues.
tiny , The lroposltlon to sell ( lie city : aIl
tothe city carrIed ,
Miss LIllian flotulessou : , one of thin gradu-
ate3 of the Florence scluooh , passoti the
Omaha city cxanulintloti cud is now on the
aiushgnial list with an cony prospect of an
ttppointnteuut n teacher.
Mr. I'V , Stevens of St. Paul , vlto has
huee , hero ( or the last tlreo months as inSpector -
Specter for the raIlway Company of the
bridges built near here , return tl hionue
Saturday , lila dutIes being finiuthieti.
Mr. W. B. ilackus bait been engaged as
qno of the instructors at the flawes County
inuttituto , During one evening of flue loath-
tutu Mr. Backus : vjii Iehiyer a Lecture to
the teachers aitti the sonic lecture will be
repeated in Rapid City , S. I ) .
Company . . Ii of Blair. Neb. . ThIrd regl-
-"r..4 '
i'Cit1ntr'rR , 'Ifl
1119 then ; ( 'auttimin
Vantleusen. First LIeutenant itey , tlndor.
wood anti Sedond Lieutenant .Ioiuu : lCinney
arrived bore on time neon train Tuesday
and marched front hero to Fort Ounalun.
I ?
The Laillue' Aid aoCivy will not have a
meeting for two weeks.
Mrs. Clinches Potter of Omaha visited
with ( ricuids ho BOuiotz Mond5i' .
Mr. iry Kelly ot Oiuahi was a visitor at
tIm iuontu of Mr. and ! tilJ.Vthl Moi-amu OUt-
log ( lie ttcek.
Services ihi tie laild at the Mtthioclit
Ritiscopal church this evening at the uauai
hour by the Fiuior , 11ev. Mc , heats ,
Mitti Kate Scott of Ilayciock anti Miss
Lucille cott of Omaha eru guests at the
hoico ot' Mr. and Mrs. Eu Ii , lhcuffrnaui the
lnt week.
The annual school election of tlI district
was held last Monday evening. 'i'iio trees-
urer submitted hhs report and the awn of
$25 was voted for the lUfilosU of ealarg-
lug the library and other routine business
we. , trnnst"tf. Samuel hinlayson wflC
elected ( a ftdecl hinselt.
A nOmb1"i time young people were en-
tertain.d last week. at the home of Miss
Ada h. Steiger to meet her frIend , MIss
Merle Itlhhyarti of St. Joseph.
Miss MarIe iliil'ad , who laos been vIsit-
tog hi OnhiThomit1 Dnson for ( ha last
ituonth , deiunrtetl for Mound City , where she
wIll visit a week beforit returning to her
home in St. Joseph : . . .
'Fhio hmne of Mr. and Mrs. Grant'
burned to the ground Inst Friday about 5PO
in the afternoon , The cause of the fire is
iinknowzu. Most of the furniture was saved.
The house was Iusmutctl.
Mise Alice and Clara McDIhi'of lila-
wathma , Nan. , arrived in flanson Inst Tuesday
aint utre the guests of theIr uncle , J. A.
Morgan. Mls Ahlce'McDlIl was at ea ( hue
itrhncipal tf the Benson schools.
Last'Wdnesthay Chris Martig's team ran
away while going down the bill on MIlitary
road , throwIng Mr. Martlg ant ! lila son out
of the wagon , injurIng Mr. Martig so lie is
confined to hula room. ills son received 5ev-
cml cuts in fallIng on a barb wire fence ,
A farewell party was gIven Tuesday even-
hog at. the hotra of Miss hf. E. Safford Ia
hoaor of Miss Marie lililyard , who has beet :
visiting ainpng old frIends the last few
nuonthis. A : uumnbcr of her friends of Omaha
auui.thi'm htlace.ere. . prcsent and spent an
enjoyable thue ,
' bautket iuicuilc tihl be gIven by' tito Icy.
Iuugtou : nun ! tleuusout canis of the MotIon :
Voothmen of imerita at McCornb's grove
Monday. The itrosratut Of the tiny tvtil cot-
sist of pnile iaces and in the evening iluttuc-
Ilug. A prira will be giveut to the best
: unnii waltzer.
3) ml l ti er.
Mrs. Hogorut , a forrncr resitlent of Omaha ,
is visiting liar relatives , Mn. i'ahmuen and
fautilly , on Davenport street.
Tluo Dundee tennis club , comprising a
number of the young people of ( lie village ;
luamu bcen organIzcd anti hitis beak-cit ground
for the couu ts on Davenport street , between
Fortycighth : alIt ) Forty-HInt ! : .
Mr. W. J. Fischer and , ? tJia Sophie
Fisehici' leftyestttntiay for their out hotne In
Altom : , iii. Mr. Fischer. after a busimicas
( cii , in ( ito cast , will return with : his tarn-
ily , which Is maicitig a visit In Aiton.
4otmfli Iltukota itimecu , % u'uL Ask time
ltumiiiouiths to Grnhi ( the
S. ) ,
CIIAI.lDEftT-.AIN , S. D. , July 2-Speeial. ( )
-Among tfkl , important business transacted
by the South Dakota Sheep Breeders' and
Wool Groyers' ifasocintlon , which : has just
held its eIghth annual meeting here , , was
the selectIon of a commIttee to cali , , upon
the presidents of the railroad lines entering
( lie state to request that the sheopnen of
South Dakota be accorded the same feeding
privileges for their she p as are granted
sheep raiseraand feeders in adjoinIng states.
Ta adjacent states sheep shipped by railroad -
road may be unloaded at midway points
anti ted for several weeks or months , ( lien
reloaded and shipped to theIr tlostination
at through freIght rates , being a great say-
ins over local rates , whIch , South : Dakota
sheep . raisers . - are . now . . required to pay
should they w a m to unload their sheep to
be fed enroute. This condition of affairs
works an injustIce and an injury to the
state. Wh&n the matter is presented to
the presidents of the various raIlroads there
Is little question that the sheep-feeding
privileges nnve'njoycd by other 'northwest-
cnn states exentied ( to Sotutli Dakota.
The sheep -raising industr'y in South Dakota -
kota , whIle yet1 , to Its infancy , has made
and Is makipg phenomenal strides , and will
be greatly hentflted and encouraged if the
railroads grjtnt ( lie request of the sheeprnen
in tIiI Impotatt particular.
lltJSI : ' ESS 1(1 ( ) I ) A' ! ' LAND OFF : CSL
IuidIt'sitIomk' 'if NotvSetthers Ctuuiulug
hut , Soot ! , Iuikotim , ' '
ABEIIDEENj..S. D. , July 2.-Speclai.- ( )
Business at the United States land omce
keeps quite brisk , and is an indication of a
heavy ImmIgration into ( lila land district.
During the month of Juno there were forty-
two homestead entries , 9,424 acres ; twenty-
three final homestead proots , 3.677 acre3 ;
twenty-four finnI timber culture proofs , 3,754
acres ; cash receipts , $1,141.47.
The Aberdeen Gun club is tlctermined that
all pot hunters shah be prosecuted , amid offers
a reward of $25 for information leading to
the convictIon of any one violating the game
laws of the state.
Time populist camp meeting at Tacoma
park is now in ( till blast. Several leading
lights of the party are present , and attract
large crowds. Waiter Thomas MIlls of Clii-
cage , in an address Tuesday , made a bitter
attack on American women , classing thorn
as low in morality and virtue. The "Yan-
bees" in general caine In for a scoring , It
is sold his remarks were grossly insulting
and unfit to be repeated. People generally
were very much disguBted with the speaker
and his utterances.
ltuiIit 1IIjmui StuumsIl Grniii.
hURON , S. D. , July 2.-Speclal.-Thurs- ( )
day's rainfall was a veritable God-send to
this part of ( lie state. It was thu first soaking -
ing rain for atone thaui two weeks , suid was
satliy needed in many localities , particularly
to ( lie north : and northwest , from ten to
twenty miles. The strong , drying winds
that irovalled for tout' tlays were very severe
on wheat , rye and barley , and In some see-
(101:8 COCU was twisted. Now everytlmhrug Is
refreshed , farmers arc more cheerful and
the outlook for a fair aninil graIn harvest is
qtiite encouraging , A few tanners , fearing
theIr barley anti rye woultl not dii , began
cutting the crop for hay , but Thursday's
rain stoppeti thiimm work , anti it is now thought
that cvcn tlui.rnore unpromnimuing fields will
give suIflcleat yIeld to pay for hiarvestimig.
Fortunately , thcro are few fields so poor ( lint
they wIll not give iretty good returns. F'lax ,
which : is' of small acreage in this part of
the state , will be greatly benefited by the
rains , and that which has made very little
progress wIll miow grow rapidly.
ituutli liikolti Olin cult Coimeumt IPm ,
BRADLEY , S. D. , July 2.-Spocial-Thio ( )
annual Christian church conventIon was lucId
hicro the last : 'eohc. The attendance was
large and the pports of ( lie om'er showet !
a gratifying lrcase in niembershilp. The
following otc r were elected for the ensuing -
suing teem : iIpldent , , 11ev , Vi' , H. Muliimis
of HoLland ; vine resideimt , Rev , B. W , 130w-
cr3 of Mihierutpirespondltig ; secretary , Rev.
% v. P. Shhimhaet of Aberdeen ; recording see-
rctary , 11ev. .113 11. Alnsworthi \'atertown ;
treasurer , Mi&tt , ida Southwiclc of Arlington ;
cxecmtivo lid/veil / , , 'J , 13. Moore of Aberdeen
and M , D. 4xfm3t1er ( of Watertown ,
A state lnljiistetini assoaatiomi was formed
with 11ev , 11P _ Shnniimart : of Aberdeen
president , ltj ) , r , v. Bowers of Miller vice
presidcmit , atid fey. A. 11. Seymour of , Ar-
ilngtomi secretmrr5 anti treasurer.
p , SI
Czmiitlcqli' for Govt-rumor ,
ELH pOu11a ? I ) . , July 2.-Speclal.- ( )
S. 0 , lingsrm , ) hmo was the repubilcan candidate -
didate for governor two years ago , will be
a cauitihtlate fuIJ renomInation , ii : ninny
portions of ttt lihltte there Is a feeling and
desIre that Mr. Vitugsruti should be accontied
a rcnomninatiomi. , Ills exhierhence in imblic
mnattenuu has btn large , anti lie fins been
equal to the requirtmneuits on each and every
occasion , .Ir. 'RIngarud will be cordially
suluported by the delegation from Union
couuty In thio Mitchell convention on August -
gust 24 , jwxt.
fto'crt' Storm ,
PIEIRE , S. A , July 2.-Speciai ( Tele-
gram.-A ) terrific electric storm anti cloud
burst visited the section of the country about
Okoboja , a lIttle town twenty miles umorthm
I of here , Thursday night , Over three inchea
of rain fell , flooding the valley of Okoboja
creek. 0mb iaamu lost thirteemi head of
hiorse8 by lightning , while others lost cattle
ant ) horses ( rota the same , Crops , which
were needIng rain badly , wihi be brought out
huh right by the main.
Expeolfttion tbft Two Thousand Decgates
- will Go to Sah Lake.
Mnui' 14itjeots of interest Imi time 'est-
em Stoles-VIsItor , . WIll lie Wel-
eiuuI'o Aio - idxcm'ious
.tli'o L'inuiiied.
SALT LAKE , Utah , July 2.-Spcinh.- ( )
Present mntlications point to thue atteumdaucc
of at least 2,000 accredIted delegates at ( hue
international MinIng congress to be held
hero Jtmhy 0 , 7 , 8 and 9 , with at least as nati'
more vIsitors who will be iwesemit as slwcta-
toes , The delegate appointments to unto
uiunber nearly 1,800 , representIng twenty-
sOven afates ahuui terrlturics nntl 125 dIfferent
comiutinitIes.'hile time crowd promnises to
be grcatiy In excess of the bet : ! contumihttee's
expectations , ample provision has been unatle
for such a contIngency alit ! everybody vlll
be cared for , Ample hotel aecomnioclatiomis
are available at fair rates. The fumd in
hauitl exu ± eed $5,00b oral will be at least $6iOO (
by the opening of ( lie congress.
TI : ' : program : : just announced by ( lie coun-
mlttee Imiclmitles a number of social and iuleas-
ure-givimig features , as well as the practical
busl1iess affairs of the convemition. It Is cx-
pectet ! ( lie first day , Wetincaday , July 6 , : vill
be hargcly occupied with the orgauIzation of
( lie hoiiy The muoralmig session , at 10 o'clock ,
will be devoted to am : nddres of welconie by
Governor \\'ells , ( lie ailltoimitnucult of committees -
tees nit credentials anti pernianent orgamilsa-
tiom : and order of busimmess. in the mifternooti ,
beginnIng at 2 o'clock , these coiuimnIttee will
report , time permanent olflccrs will be in-
sahhcd amid , It timne reuuualmis , reports will be
hearth from the 'special ' comumnlttees appoimited
at Deiiver last year. One of these comunit-
tees was dlrecteti to considernrnl , formulate
-ii report upon the establishment of a na-
Ilonal department of nilnes nnd mninitig ; the
othier5was to report ott the revIsion anti codification -
fication of the fetieral minimig laws. Bath
comnilttoes will be ready to present theIr
conclusions twheu , : called UhlOii by the con-
If these reports are reaclietl by time close
of the first day , it is expected that they will
be before the congress far discussIon nut )
final aittion during the second day , Tiurs.
I'm'orm : iii of SiiluJe'jM _
\'ednesday evening the delegates and
thieiriadles will be the guests of Saltair , the
resort on Great Salt hake , where a band concert -
cert , reception mind dance will be given the
visitors. All of Thursday's business sea-
sioux will bo ( levoteti to time subjects deslg-
tinted by the committee on order of bush-
ness , amid Thursday craning will be left open
for such sneclal entrtainmcnt as may be
annoutmced hereafter , Friday and Saturday's
bu3lncss hn been. outlined by the local corn-
nlttee on program , but no announcement
will be made until the committee on order
of business has acte4 upou : It. Among the
subjectm to be presented In papers prepared
especially for the occasion by uncut of wide
experience are the following : "Coal and
Coke , " " Advances in Methods of Concentra-
then , " 'tflelatlon of the Geological Survey to
the Itlimihng Industry , " "Relative Merits of
Cyaniding and Chlorination , " "Mine Inspec-
tiont' "illotory cf Reduction of SmeltIng
Costs , " "Long Distance Trananuission of
Electric I'ower , " "Fuel Coat in Puniping , "
"Recent Advances iii Sniolting , " "A New
Treatment of Low Grade Ore , " "Copper , "
"Relations of Investors and Miners. " All of
theje papers are ready or In course of prep-
oration lyygen , conpicuous for their knowl.
edge of the subjects treated. As they ar
presented they vihi be dIantuse by the cot-
gross , nod it is expected the discussion will
( Scofleld's Closed All Day Monday. )
Waists Ohhia ! f. 2 5
_ _
They're well worth tInt money-more
you will say-fronts tucketi in fine cluster
tuclcs-tinlined except the
yoke-cool as
cotton and dollars saved in washing ,
White French
Pique Skirts
$1.98 each for Tuesday-This is a very
finely shaped skirt-tailored seams-wIde
hem-and we think you'll acknowledge
they're the greatest skirt bargalmis you've
seen for many a day-Our Linen Skirt pricee
bring ( ho trade to us-Wash Ties Tuesday at
19 cents-Our store will be closed all day
a 0crFIELD
- _ _ _
HIUCt'l' I OL.
BroweII HdII
Opens Sept , 19th , 181)8. )
JonidIiig tt iid Jny School for Gim'h
Under the direction of ilL , 11ev. George
Wortimingtom : , H. T , I ) , , LL. D , Priniury ,
hlreparatory anti collegiate courses. Coin.
lietent corps of teachers , Mudorti mneth : .
otis and every advantage offered , Strict
&ttuntion haiti , to time moral , mnemital and
physical sveil being of the students. Diplo-
mus conferred. I'repnres ( or all colleges
open to women , Special courses in High.
or 1dnghihu , Sciences , Ancient and Itlotlern
Languages , Mutate and .Art. Verrns mod.
eritte , Bmuildluig repalreti anti iii excehlent
order , Sanitary iilunbing. Satisfactory
atcaun hentitiuc ,
Parents umnd guardlaums desiring to enter
pupils will 1)10050 solid for catalogue , or
appmy Persommahi ) ' to
Mrs. L. R. Uptoii Priii.
lii'osvnel 1 huh. Oumahimi , Nub ,
St. Catherine's
18th and Cuss Streets ,
% vII..L HF : OPEN
A ; a Gueit House foi' Ladies
( lUrillg the iiiontlis of J uly
anti August.
Centrally Locateti.
Five Blocks from New I'oatotflce.
1 IBock fromi : Car Line to Exposition.
LA IU ES'I' S'I'OCIC 1 N V'ES' ! '
prove of the greatest practical value to those
On Friday evening , 3uIy S , a comphi-
uflentory concert will be given for the cci-
gresa In time famous Momma Tabernacle
by the Tabernacle choir of 1,000 voices , assisted -
sisted by thme Knights ot I'ythias band , an
orgnnIzqion ( celebrated thmu'oughotmt the vest
for Its oxeelheac'e. TIrn annie bnrnt will
furnish : music at nil of time sossiouus of the
congress amid at lime Saitair reception.
Unless a chamige Is orthcrctl by the congress -
gress , that selectIon of ( lie next Ilince or
iiit'ctiiig will be heft tmnthh Sotturda ) ' , time last
day of the session ,
A ntmnibeu' of interestluig special tnliis have
been arranged for ( hue tieleguttes by time railroads -
roads , 'rIte first of these Is on Sitiiuiiiy ,
July 10 , iilcu : two u'nihrotuls tvhll run special
( mItts to Mercu : anti Tintic , olin tim
great eyanitie gold cnumiu and thin othit'r a
silver , gold , leaui alit ) ctputir , canip , where
mining is cnrrietl to great uiopths. him boil :
places counuiilttees wihi see th time enter-
tutlnnicot of the visitors , amid the ttiites
will be oiieii to inspection. On Moumda ) ' no
oxctmrslom : will be run to iilnghan : lImit ) th : :
visitors wilh be guests of the camp. Thi
llhghiamid Boy mimic will hat lighted for ( hitu
occashom : him all its workings by ilmenuitiescent
I lgiits-ailerdlng mlii opportutuhty to suttidy ,
niImlng opernthoiis on a large scale tunics
thm best c91tlitlons. On Tuesday there will
be another excursiomi to Mercur.
A uiuuiber of imiquirics have beci : reeciveti
at henmiquarters as to whether any but ulehe-
gates wlhh lie allowed In ( lie couivcntion halt
dimmIng the congreha ; antI whether tiny but
delegates will get time benefit of the special
rates , The railroad rates are opeui to evert-
one who attends the congress either as tide- S
gate or sPectator , The cquigress Is opemi to
nil , hut emily delegates will be allowed ( I
vote , ( , S
( 'ultim'niluu ICii5 nti's ,
lhouitt county huts selectctl Steauiuboat S
Sprimugs as the commmty sent at a eomyetlttOml
itelti for ( bat Iuimmirnee , '
Time Lcativlllo iieraiti-tb'nioernt mitt
Chmronieho hits ebmumigeul lunnuis , Colonel \V ,
Ii , ( irifllth retirimmg amid l.tute ii , Johuittomi
mind Jellies Mne.nuinnm ! : tnkIn charge of
( he property , They have assumeti control , J
hunhug ilIum chased ( lie Imper ,
Thy ( 'muss party of ( lie United Stales
gL'oiogirttl inirvey hi tehorteh at wiurk hut
time neighbemlrnoti of hierimuosa partmc , An-
I othem' force wIll Ite mint to iioic further
irnrtlu vithlii a iseek or two , It is mint yet
certain whmeilwr a ilartY wIll wom'k imear
lenver this om' not , ' .
l'm'of. i'atton , stole suporhmtcnient of rub- f
lie lumatrumetiout , Pt In receipt of a letter front 's.
her hiu'httIiul , LIeutenant Cowks. Sixteenth
iuifaumtry , atauinimeut at Tainhin , irl'i. , to ( hue
effect that hit' . tiiti muot aecoumihlafly lila megI-
iiiemit to Cillom. I L ias hmnntussibhn for alt
- time oIliet'ra _ to go , nmtd to ilecitlo tvio should
Vmuinl Ite'luiimt ! it was ticeldeti to ' 1rai' lots.
l.ictiteutnmmt ConIes drew the 'straw i"lmleit
llre'vemmtcti his going to Oumba with : his regi-
. '
- -
, t
S At Ctit Prices ' :
Our store is the IflIJCCI. Of t1rti bii'yw'i for the vei'y
cogotit 1'GRStit tilat 0111' stock C'OlDpi"lSeS OVCL'ytIlillg in the S
drug line winch caii possib1y be ileeIed ( lOt' the sick room ,
\\Te positively giiaraittee the 1'i'eiiiess ] lIh(1 ) goiiuiudness ol'
every ; lrtielC we sell-as ve11 as that our price vi1l always be
the lowest. S
Terms-Spot Cash. '
Itegilar Pmlce , Our l'rlce. ' Regtihiir Price Otis .Pric
$1.00 A'er's Ihair'ig'r . . . . . . . $1.00 Xk'kaiuto Suugwn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bOo
$1.00 Ayc'r's Sarsnparliia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tOc IwmiIg liutmiuumrgt'r Iirnitt 'I'eut . . . . . . . . , 2b
$1.00 Ayer'14 Cherry I'cctoral . . . . . . . . . . . . SOc $1.00 Listerlmie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
25e Ayer's Pills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Oc 25e Lyon's 'J'tatth& l'ovdcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Cc
$1.00 13uoth : ' Iiytnmet , . % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cc 25c Laxnttvu Bromito Qiuinimuti . . . . . . . . . . . . .
25t' Ballard FT. It. Syrup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20e Soc Lit Blumicho Fitee ' . . . . . . . . . . . .
$1.00 Itccf , Itoh mtnti 'ImieVyoth . . . . . . 7.c 75c Ilutgtlmu'13 MngmioIlti Balm . . . . . . . . . . . . . IJ3o
Sic Blruicy's Catutrrhi Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Cc ltiuuiyoui's ieinCtlI'M . . . . . . . . . .TOe , 40c anti SOc
2.ic Brown's Camphorated 'I'Ottll Posy 20c 25e Ztienmic'n's Tititumn , Powder . . . . . . . . . . . Ito
a' ; Bitter W'nter , Ltmjos & Mnt'as. . . . . . 23c 75t' ManlIer's Coil Liver Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GSo . S
2c : ; Brown's Bromichiltit Trochieu . . . . . . . . . 2Cc il. ) Miles' 1it nttlIt' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . too r' . -
2Sc 1lni1e'ntinea RemedieM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c llorhli'k's Ahimited MIlk . . . . . .45c , SOc and $3.25
25c I3ucklemi' Arumlca Salve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Cc 31.00 Sizultinu J'repuruti * ns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'JOe
25c Becelutim's Pills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Cc SOc" Iltii'Iulii Creamim amid Lotitun . . . . . . . . . 40u
75c Bochiee's German Syrup. . . . . . . . . . . . 7Cc ISa tumid 5Cc At. & L. F'lorlilzu Water , 2Cc & GOti
2ic Brauudnc'ti'ut Pills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th4 &Oc , tuimd ? 5c Melhin's Food..40c anti a5c
st.o0 Brltlfieitl'i4 Mothers' Friemid . . . . . . SIC $1.00 Oramige itiossoui . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SO
$1.00 Brndileld' I"eunaie Regulator . . . . . . SSe $1.50 Oriemitni Crenun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.20
25c anti SOc Bull's Cough : Syrup . .20c and 40c Packer's Tar Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ilu
25c Cnrter' Little Liver l'ills . . . . . . . . . . . lIe . $1.0' ' ) I'alne'im ( 'elery Comupounti . . . . . . . . . . 'TIc
25c amid SOc Chiauiiberinlm's Cough : ISa PI's Ctmro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c
Syrup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20e and ICc Bc Pieuce's Pills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c
23c anti SOc Chintnbenlalm'it Dhztrrlioett J $1.00 I'Ii'ru's Otuitlen ] 'ult'tllenl Discovery , 7To
Itemedy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20c and 4Cc $ i,00 I'ierce'g FavorIte Prescription . . . . . 7Tti
250 Cuticura Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c 25c Pasteunimia Dentifrice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c
iCe , 25c and SOc Cascareta . . . . .ICe' , 2Cc amid 40c , Pond's Extract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Cc , 10c amid $1.50
35e Castoria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2oc 25c Rimbifonni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Cc
$1.00 Ciuticura Resolvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SSc . $1.00 l'imilchtmn'a Comptiund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FOe
$1.00 Carlshati Sprutiel Salt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .c SOc 1'ozzomii' Puwder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SOc anti $1.09 Electric hitters . . . . .40c amid 75e S Pyritmiul Pile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . timid M
ISo Electro Silicon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12c I Peara' EJmisctntetl Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12a
252 Haney's F'rngrnnt Cream. . . . . . . . . . . . 20c PInnutI's Eati tie Qmmluuint' . . . . . . . .38c nuiti 73c
SOc Ely's Cream Balm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lIc 1'ituttim4'i Vegetals ( violet , lilac , , etc. ) . . Gic
1"rog In Thiroat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'be 4711 Sotiju . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iso
25t ilolunes' Froatilia . . . . . . . . . . . - . . , . . . . . . . 2Cc She'fllells Dt'umtifrie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Soc Cciii Catnrrli Powder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40c Shmiiohi' C'ouimuumiitioui Cmure , , .20c , 40c utuiti SCum
23c , SOc , $1.00 Gargling Oil. . , .20c , 40c anti SOc $1.00 Steam's'lmie Cod Liver OIl . . . . . 75e
25c , Poe , $1.00 Gnrlleid Ten , . . .20c , 4Cc timid SOc SOc Syrup . of Figs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Cc
150 Gramitlpa's'ouutler Soup . . . . . . . . . . . . Cc S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and $1.40
25c litre's Root Beer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c Stuart's Dytupepsia 'rutlilets . . . . .4Cc anti ( 'Cc
$1.00 Ilooti's SmlralmiitriIitL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75e Scott's Euuiulskun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Cc tumid He
25c Hootl' Pills mud Tooth : Powder. . . . . . 2Cc 75c Sozttluit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COc
' ; Tc huh's Catarrh Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COt. ISa Swnutstlowu : ( Tetiow's ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
25c , 50c , $1.00 Ilumnpirey'a ) Remedies , 25c Gotisatmuer ( 'l'ctlnw's ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iSo
2Cc , lOu zulu SOc , Ste 'tVIiliimiii' Pink Pills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40c
SOc and $1.00 Itamlln's lVIznri OIl , iOc & SOc $1.21'nruuc'r's Safe Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Cc
SOc IlIad's him. anti Ahm'tl Cream . . . . . 45c i $ ffJViiue of Cttrtlni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SOc llobb's Sparogus i'iils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Cc . : uc ' , tiitlluimm'y'mt Facial Sotilu . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ito
$1.00 Iltistetter's IthtterH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75c Matlttzio , YnIu'mm ZIc articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . ITo
$1.00 Juymies' Expectornuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TIc Maulnune Yale's SOt. articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40c
2c : ; Karl's Clover Root . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c Matlamo Yumhe' $1.00 tmrticle . . . . . . . . . . . 750
50c Lyons' Knthairou : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Cc 1tit1nme Yalttmu $1.50 nrticlc . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.25
$1.00 Kimlamazoo C'lery Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TIc' s Motlamuin Yiie' $2.00 arlichea . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.75 '
SOc Kcuniu'ut Cough : Sym'up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40c TIc Thmoniputomi's Chii'rm'y Plio8illmtito . . . . . . iSo
$1.00 Kemidtmhi'mt Spavium Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . TSe SOc Tiionupsoui'a Cherry I'hosphmato . . . , , lie (
500 amid $1.00 Kiinier's Swamp Itoot $ i 00 Tuffy'a Malt 'tVluiskey . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900
450 amid tOo $1.00 lienilmigs 'tVhiIske ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$1.50 Kominedy's Medical ] ) iseovery . . . . . . $1.25
'fiiiis Spot Cash Write for Catalogue.S
Sherman & McCoune11 ' -
Drug Co.
1513 Dodge Si : , Mithile o Block , .
Omaha , Neb.
- - - - - - -
Mrs. 4i. Benson ,
210-212 S. 16th St.
Monday we r
will be closed all day
But Tuesday we will give seine hargaimis that vfil make trade lIvely.
Elegant two-toncti h'hmmttl Parnsols-eammopy' top-sohhti bonier Iii cculter ,
nmtul lielmistltcheth top smith 1)ottouli-I very tipped ribs timid hutuidsomu luau-
tIle-regular $4.50 Parasols-for $2.87. .
Two-toned Check ] 'arasols-ahmeh 1
ribs-canopy top-novelL3' hiatt-
die-reguhar $4.00 l'nrasols-for $2.25. '
WhIte China Silk l'arnsola-withm two and three uutik ruffles-fancy
imandhes-reguinr 3,00 oarnsola-for $1.50 , Sniume I'ttraaol with two deep S
chuifot : ruffles for $2.00 , .
Misses' Handsome China Silk Parasols-in all thee nuwest slimules- S
nolby ) handles anti tassel-regular $ L25 I'nrasohmt-jor $1.50. - .
I Ciiihdmcm's Satlm : Parasols-all L'ohorum-regular Price 85c-for 45c , j. )
New Shirt Waists e
, ,
, % sTu have mt huge iinc-Jtist conic lii ,
Pink , Iliimmt anti \\'hito Lawmi Sb \S'aists-rume'tI , ttikotI anti etaI I
broitieretl-prices ( loin $1.25 tip. _ .
hlantisomne Pink aittl Blue Clunk Ginghams fuomn $1.00 imp. '
Jiuut In-a large line of late atyh LINEN 1)1(1155 BICIITS. . k"
New styies in Untieraklriut-hamidsotmio ones ( coma $1.19 tip.
_ _
_ _ _ _ _
r Wash Your Faces
_ $ and Your Laces 9
- with ) ' . ,
( * 4 S I
Made on purpose/or
. , Fiie : Fabrics aizd Fine Shuts.
hade by 'I'Imc CUDAIIY SOAP WORK'S , , Omaima , U. S. A ,
t , . , , .s _ _ , , , .
I ,
a , _ , . ,
- - - -5 - 5 - . : .