Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1898, Part III, Page 20, Image 20

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, _ 20 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : _ _ _ _ _ _ q'itii osrA1rApAi'rjY iEEsrNIAY , JULY 8 , 1808. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iIll
_ l %
' _
When the It. LuI convention of the
Lenguc of American Wlitelmen refcrrc0 tea
a committee the qtiston ( of the eaguo
nbnnilonlng control of racing opponents ot
race control eccepted the dccIIon a the
entering welge Ln a iUtrnctIn probcm.
: Tlie action CbeC1C ( the preiuI of secessIon ,
particularly In the west where wheemen
: w In open rebellion ngnlnst the tyrannical
ruleR of the racing board , but IL 1 not likely
to excdIte the divorce. The profits of race
control , Its opnrttlnitIea anil ; oer are too
great an tempting to be dropped by the
manngcn. Nor will they loosen their grip
without an upheaval. At the present time
they are strengthening their grip on rae-
Irig and charging the loss of Icague membership -
ship to the action taken at St. Louis. The
loss In mvmbershlp this year Is 11,000.
Mott nii.l his racing boar0 insinuate that
this is due to the ° prospect of giving up
control of racing. " And they make a very
strong loint In asking why the good roads
crowtl the not show by Increased inembeihiip
; that their po3ition i the salvation of the
league. It Is polntel out against the talk of
the opposition to racing that not a state
meet and not a national meet is secured by
permission of the division or the national
bohy , ns the case may he. that the one argu.
mont of geol to the locality wanting the
meet is not atlyanceti. Give us the meet
anI ( It Will incan hunthetis of new zncmber , '
. they say-and it doc3 , invariably , though
notlting happens of Interest at a meet but
thu racing.
lioubtlcss racing is a stronit catch in at-
: tractiiig riicinbois to the league , anti it. is
likely to be its mainstay , with goofl road
as a ihivorsion. But racing will not attract
the majority of whiecinien who wouhd.reul.
iiy sIPPort an organization devoted to roail
I lmproveiiicnt. The iiiethiuds of the league
Jiorever , io not comineini thetnselvc to
general auiiwrt. ) It. irna heretofore hoggeil
; . the receipts Irom the meet and gave iioth-
lag in return , except the batlge of meniber-
ship. The reaHoll which inejnbcrshhp lts
fallen is not what the racing board would
have the lflhlliC ) bchieve. It is to be found
In the wlilespread belief that a contribution
to the league Is like throwing moticy to
the birds.
Notwithstanding the war indications are
that tin , ' 9 incet . lndianaioits will be
the greatest gathering or wiicelnien that
over took lilaco in thu eountry Thu requests -
quests for inforimttlon and ncconiinotlatlons
are ieginiiing to pour lii on Secretary \\'ool-
ion , and the ircss committee is besiegell
for iiews coticerultig the nicut. Undoubtedly
more divisions viii ho rcprescntct in In-
diunapohis aeXt August than vcre iii I'Iiil-
adeiphiliL a year ago. This is ( hue to the
central location of Indianapolis and its ac-
cessiblhlty frOIn all Parts of thin country.
It Is thought also that the fact that ( ' ( tlfl.
diltIl wheeliucil can UOV tour to tue Un Iteti
Stutes without being itelti up by the cutonl
olilcials vlll irovu ) a ( iCCI(11d benellt to Itl
dianapolis. An attelllpt is being iiindo to
. organize clubs to Invade tile Uttited States
In several Canadian cities , arId It HillY be
that the wlieelineit of two countries svili
; anticipate the governments nid forui an
otfonslvo and dcfenslvc iihiluiteo during the
wecic of the meet.
A Danbury , Coon. , concern ts engaged in
the rnanutactlre ot a folding bleyclo for
WhlCll many claims are made. The frame
is somewhat unique in appearance , allil is
pivoted In the middle. 13y prssiiig two
sirillg ) bolts , thus releasing the oks , the
front part of the machine may ho swung
around against the rear , thereby reducing
the length by one-half. and making a coal-
paratively convenient armful for carryin
. UI ) 1(1)11 ) ( leWli stairs and up elevators. It is
ohio claimed that the wheel may , when
folded , bo carried comfortably on cars and
buses , may be hung on a hook In small
closets , auth llLl be stored In a small coiii-
pass. The cqiicern manufacturing this
wheel shows testimonials from several naval
oillcer % vhlo found It very convenient to
stow away on board and to transport ashore
in small boats.
A useful thing to remember when cycling
on SUflU days is that a steady glare of sunlight -
light on pnctunatic tires , especially when
hot III HIotioll , Is not altogether desirable.
Thu sunshine 5CCIIIS to draw the elasticity
? and spring out of the tires In a remarkable
manner. There Is generaily a shady corner
by the roadside , s'hlere the wheel can be
left In safety while Its owner indulges in
llOofltilo refreshment nod a Possible after-
Iuuch siesta.
A manufacturer estimates tile annual output -
put of steel bails uscl In the bearings of
bicycles at 116,200,000 , and that the gross
VOIUIIID of business in thIs one hue yeariy
amounts to $1IOQOOO. There itro now about
111110 concerns of importance making tcvl
balls , but the extension of tbo Industry is
early expected , as the use of steel balls for
IIIZUIy kinds of niechanisiu is rapidly spread-
Mnker of the chainhcss wheel say that
practically all thic trouble that has breji
reported by riders of the machine has been
found to 1)0 ) dUo solely to amateur attcnipts
to take aPart anti reassemble the runnIng
gear to satisfy curiosity about its Constrlic-
tion or because of the fancied necessity of
cielulilg. Work of the kind is easy and
51011)10 for those who understand it , but it
Is hot adapted to uninstructeil repairers.
AnotiIr I it , lSlI4 lout I ii s lIIiN tIit
Celestial 1iliIrt ,
The Bureau of Foreign ConlalerCo at
Washington has issueti advance sheets of
certain consular reports ( rota Norway ,
Chlilla , antI Corca that viil prove valuable
for 'xportcrs of bicycles , Incidentally thin
reports niso give thin general readei much
curious Inforniutlon 8bowing how the hi-
cycle is lietlutrating the most out of the way
corners of the worith. Norway i not e.cactiy
such a corner , hut one is rallier surprised to
learn that even this rugmcd and rain-washed
land nianngcs to use thin ubiquitous wheel
with increasing enthusiasm , Conbul Mami
at Bergen says that bIcycles are in general
use in that bortlerland ( if the uiiduight sun ,
the machines coining in about equal aiim-
hers front acrinany anti tromii thin United
StOics. There are two linus that Rnantllae-
turn cycies at Christiania. but the imported
machines are the ( mtvoritcs. despite thin duty
of S each. I
Ihtit it Is in China nail Corea that time advent -
vent of the wheci seems most curious. Until -
til Inst year tow wheels hind found their way
overt into tile OPCU ports of the Celestial
eiuiiire. but imw the fail has becomi almost
universal amnomig the foreigners in till towns
where cyclIng is liossiblo. Consul ( oodnow
at Shatighimi states that society there is
dominated by the outeloor.loving FngiIsh-
mitit , auth wheel riding is now taking the
place of 'aiking and horseback riding Fes'
Chinese have as yet taketi to the wheel ,
their clothing being a tleciiied Impediment.
ut souls young Ciiomunen have succumbed
to the fascinating machine in spite of
their queues and petticoat costumes. Vheu
they ride they ither leave this outer
- - - - - , . - - - - - - - - -
garment off entirely or turn it up and fasten
it at the waist. They also fasten their long
queue at thetr aistbands. Their trousers
are long and full itnd baggy. much like the
( livicleil skirts worn by women in the United
Statcs. and they always have to ride with
a chain guard to keep these from catching
and tearing. No Chinese women rule. The
consul emphatically denies the newspaper
reports that any Chinese woman has yet
been guilty of scandalizing her nation by a
public nppcnrance of such a daring and im.
liOilS nature.
No shieels are made in China , nor are they
likely soon to be. The Chinese have no
mechan heal ability. Furthermore , they have
no toads in our sense of the term. Thtougb-
out the empire there arc only tiarrow lilithis
for the iedestrian or horsemnu , seldom
wide enough &veri for a jinricksha and
"vracticahly impossible for wheeling. " These
paths are supposed to be maintained by the
owncrs of the abutting land , but the latter
uaualiy encroach on the road to the farthest
possible hiniit , so as to gain the apace for
cultivation. Only time roads built by the
foreigners immediately around the larger
stticmnents are Passable for wheeling.
ljntler the Influence of the open commercial
doors that iinvo foliowed the Japanese war
time cause of good roads and of the bicycle
may be expected to Invade even darkest
China in time.
The more graceful and lighter American
wheels have the preference over luropeau
maclilacs among ShanghaI purchasers. There
Is a duty of 5 ncr cent on imported wheels :
no other country gets a smaller rate. A
wheel selling for 1O0 in American gold at
home brings about $235 in Mexican sliver
dollars at Shanghai , and cheaper wheels
sell in the siiie proportion. Admnirerti of tli
cheap silver dollar can amuse thrlllsolvei
fletiriag out how long it will take a Chinese
worhIngmnan to earn a bicycle on a wage of
30 cents a thtiy.
Strangest of all does it mecm to learn that
the hermit nation of Corea is also taking to
wheeling. Something over 100 inaclilne
arc in daily use at Seoul. Two ox-cabinet
oillciahs arc among thin riders on the vell.
paveil streets of that quaint capital. The
footpaths that run all over thin country are
at lpat va3sable for wheelnien , and the
Anipicaii missionaries nrariy all use bicycles
in mimaking their trips through the country.
Corct has no bicycle factories and no repair
shops. it. ir.iortH nearly all its w11ce18
frolmi the United States , with Japan as a
distant second iii thin race for this new trade.
Tile duty on American bicycles is 7 per
cent ad valorcin. The con3ul at Seoul says a
w iit'l 'ivhiicii could be soul at $100 In sliver
vi olliti lie in good micmnanil. The whole tenor
of tiies reports Is to iii ge American mann-
fiettirers in all hues to seize the
( ildIortunitics 110W opening up for Oriental
FtJN '
" 11db , old nman , wher&s that beautirul
suite of nmllogaay you hind In your liar-
br ? "
'Wn hind to put it down stairs. There
vnsn't room enough for our wheels. "
, ,
I ( lO't ! like his kiiee action , ' ' m'nid the
sp'ctator at the street curlIer , stopping a
itioment to watch a noted cyclist flit liast.
Thin spectator was a member of he Saiva-
tlon army , and his judgriient was that of an
Extraordinary ? Wehi , I should say he
, .
"In shiat way ? "
" \S'hy , he rides a bicycle and doesn't act
as if lie thought be wash racer every time
ho gets oii a crowded boulevard. "
"Ioes your husband really say that it is
not proper for a man to wear his bicycle
suit to church ? "
"Yes , that is his excuse for staying away. "
"I tell you , when Wheeler started for the
front tile parting was most affecting , "
' 'Thin parting from his wife ? ' '
, .
.Oh ) , dear , no ; the Parting from his bicy-
etc. "
"This is the' worst blow I have ever suf-
forcilh" groaned the cyclist fifteen miles
front home , who broke his hump while try-
lug to Inflate his tire.
Physician-Two of your ribs are broken.
your right aria is fractured , one of your
ears is missing and thrv lingers gone.
I'atietit-Ilow is the wheel ?
"Without a scratch. "
"Thank heaven. Thiak of what mIght
have happened ! "
Withers-I did not see your daughter at
church yesterday.
Deacon Knox-I eta sorry to say that she
went bicycling. I think slio greatly respects
your opinionnnd it may do her good when
I toil her you expressed sorrow that she
( lid not attend divine worship.
An Witlierim was with the girl on that
bicycle ride , It is expected they will have
"such fumi" when next they meet.
The chairman at the Nebraska division
racing board is working hard to secure the
success of tue 1898 state circuit , which he
hopes to make the best this state has ever
bind , As will be seen by the letter pub-
ltshetl below , the list of towns assigned
dates includes twenty-four of the best hi-
cycle towns in Nebraska , and , while it is
quite likely that sonic of them will iot
neceilt the dates , Chairman Benson hopes
to fill thin places thimls left vacant with other
towns. It is hi intention to arrange for a
special sleeping car in which the racing men
who follow thin circuIt can practically maka
their homes. If this plan succeeds It will
not 1)4) iiecnssary for the IIUU to sleep in
any kind of a bed that a country hotel may
offer them , and they can get their inenla
wherever they choose. This method of living
will be far more economical for thin men
auth will save thiemu the worry and bother
of transferring their baggage to niiii from
hotels. A iipecial baggage car viii also
be arranged for nail both cnn be sIdetracked
at the station where a stop is to be riiade
I and. easily attached to any train , either
fmeigiit or vassencer. lien the party is
ready to heave , Another great convenience
that time -special sleeping car will be is that
where it is necessary for the inca to catch
ft midnight train , if it were not for the
car they would be compelled to 1030 their
sleep until muitinight where with it they may
retire as early as 8 o'clock if they chosse
amid hot be disturbed again until morning ,
This itt thin iihan that Js followed upon the
national circuit , but ro far has never been
tried upon any state circuit ,
Following is a 1131 of toyns which hayc been
assigned dates : Vairbury , July 30 ; IJea-
trice , August 1 ; Lincoln , August 2 ; Ashhaod ,
Imugtist 3 ; 1'lattsmaouth , August 4 ; Omaha ,
August fi ; Vaync , August 8 ; Norfolk , August -
gust i ; Fremoont , August 10 ; Columbus , August -
gust 11 ; Central City , August 12 ; St. Paul ,
August 13 ; grand Island , August 15 ; Kear-
net , August 10 ; LexIngton ,
hastings , Aitgtit 19 , Mlnden , August 20t
lloldtcge , August 22 , fled ( 'louti , August. 23 ;
Superior , August 24 aeneyti , August 2& ,
York , August 26 ; Aurora , August 27 ;
Seward , August 29.
There Is considerable talk among the
members of the Omaha Wheel ciub otglving
a protesional yond race some tune this
month and inviting all local professionals
to enter , as wcii as any from out of town
who might care to compete. Omaha hn no
track upon which to hold races and as all
of ( lie local professionals arc anxious to ( ho
some racing It is quite likely that a road
race would mlaw a good BitCt flehti of start-
ers. Captain Mickel and herman Muente-
teeing have the matter in charge , and while
no definite arrangements have been matte a
yet it is almost sure that if the race is ft
go it wiii be hold over the I3lair-Omnha
course. This would make a long and hard
rIde and would be a severe teat upon any
man's road riding ability.
Captain l3nrnea of the Triangle Wheel
club has called the following runs for July :
July & , Tuesday , 730 'p. m , ( scorch ) , Elmwood -
wood park , 12 miles ; July 7 , Thursday , S p.
m. , regular monthly business meeting ; July
9 , Saturday , 3:30 : p. in. , Calhoun , 35 mlies ,
boating : Juiy 12 , Tuesday , 7:30 : p. m , , Soy-
momir park , 16 miles , Dr. Miller entertains :
July 16 , Saturday , :30 : p. mn , Papililon , 0
miles ; July 19 , Tuesday , 7:30 : p. m. , coasting
contest , club championship , Florence hIll ,
entries close July 18 ; July 23 , Saturday , t:30 :
p. m , , Glenwood , &O miles , supper at Cosy
restaurant ; July 26 , Tuesday , 3:30 : P. In. ,
Irvingtou , 11 mlies ; July t0 , Saturday , 330
p. to. , Mtliard , 16 miles , supper at Miliard ,
Through the Associated Cyciing ( 'tibs tile
several cycling clubs of Omaha and their
friends have beemi invited to attend the
turniest at Thirteenth and \'inton streets
For this purpose time wheel 01111)5 repro-
sonteil in the Associated Cycling Clubs niul
their frientla will nsseniblo on South
Eightecmithi street between Uouglas and
Farnani streets today at 1:30 : p. In. ill club
uniforni anmi club colors.
Each club will be under the coinlnand
of Its captain and cli other unorganized
wheelniell will be assigmicd to the club of
their choice. wheelmen accompanied by
wonlen amid not members of any club seth
lie collectively assigned.
John \Vestberg nnd .Johin Butler will be
marshals of the day nail attend to the
proper assignment of the clubs anti wheel-
11)011. )
Tickets of ndmlsssion and badges will be
distrthimitemi only at the point of starting
anti noime sviil be admitted at the gates mis
wheelnion 011 this occasion unless bearing
the badge and in 11110 of iiarnde.
The lirocesslomi will be licadeti by the Associated -
sociated Cycling Clubs and followed by the
clubs 011(1 their friends in alphabetical
order , as Follows : Associateml Cycliiig
Clubs , liemis Park Athletic \Vhieelmnen ,
Ganaymedo Wheel dull , League of Alnerl-
cniiVhcelinen , Onialla'heel club , Tourist
\'heel club , Turner \Vhieel club. It Is
hioiie&i that there ss'ill be a large attendalice
of vlmeeinien aiiil everybody that coiiies is
assured a good time , as every one kiiows
that a more hospitable lot of peoiile than
tim Turners never existed.
lii last Sunday's Issue of TIle lien there
appeared a challenge from Louis Fhescher ,
svllo SVaZ recently defeated by Mr. Muente-
fcrin , for another race , and below will be
found Muentefering's answer :
In answer to Mr. Fiesclier's challenge ,
PlibhiSilel iii last Sunday's halter , I will ray
that I mb hot accept It for several reasons.
I nra not in tile racing game as a business
unit tb not care to ride against any and
every olin who posts a challenge for miie.
however , I cordially invite Mr. Fiescher
to beat may time of one hour and sixteen
miiinutes , over the Blair course , UlIpaced
fiomii Florence. and if be ooes hot Succeed
this scili be evidence tl'at lie is not iii my
class. If he does I will Post i00 against
a bike amount that I can beat his best iiii-
paced time to Blair one minute , or I will
give bun olin minute start nilil catch him
bcforc lie reaches Blair. The Omanhia Wheel
climb is going to give a road race soon , in
which , if there are five starters , Imiciudiug
Fieschier , I will bet $25 that he syill not
get bettor than fiftb place. In this race
there svlhi be nmple opportunity for nIl
parties who are unhappy over past defeats
to wipe out old scores , HopIng that
Fieschier will now attenipt to lower my
Blair record , amid be thereby convinced of
tile ftitiiity of any further gnashing of
teeth , I am , very truly ,
Tue country roads are Just now in a
pretty dusty condition , and most of the chub
runs that have been called for today will be
abandoned , amid local clubs and wheelmuen
will all attend the turnest , which is to be
held at Turnfest park , at Thirteenth and
Viuton streets , this afternoon ,
WHit the itmmclmig Sinai ,
Arrangements have been made by the
National Track association for an extensive
tour swhich wilt last tlmroughout the month
of August. The trip wili ho on a larger
scale thazi any previous tour and should
prove quito a boom to the sport , it will
ho thie fIrst Opportunity given the lovers
of cycle racing in the west to witness paced
racing by the best men ma the country ,
Aceordimmg to the iresent outline the circuit
svihl begin at tUpon , Wis. , August 2 , from
there going to Milwaukee , August 4 , lta-
cimie August 1 , Chicago August 6 , Peoria
August 7 , and thence to time national meet
at Iflhiianapoils , August 10 to 13. At the
comiciusion of the thicc days' macct the
party Proceeds to Louisville for August 16 ,
wliemi a ten-mile match vihl run he-
tweon McDuffce and John 5 , John500 , The
fohlowimig day at the salon place Arthur
Cardiner will ride his long distance race of
the year , meeting Limiton in it fifteemi-mnile
Ulipaceti race ,
Next the
on line
sits Citv Ai.t , 9' ) . . . . . Is Kim-
- , ' , U tlILii ( AUgust 24.
Demiver will
then be invaded by thio star
aggrcgatio for a two-day tournament.
. Me-
meets hlainiltomi on August 6 , in a
teli-miho niatcit race , and the next day Tommi
LilitOil goes against hiockenberger , the "limit. .
( ermmiiIk Iloy , ' ' for a tswenty.fiye julie COtest.
Ilackemiberger . then meets McDuffce In a fif-
teen.milile race at Pueblo on August 28 , the
tour ending on September 2 , wheim llamxiilton
amid Linton viii Imicet at tsu'cnty itiiies at
Omaha , Th tcamiiit 'u'iii return in time for
the macct at Springfiehtl , Mass.
, on Septem-
her 1 , Twemity-fl'o , coimmiistimig of five stars
nutil twenty licemakers , will travel on thin
circuit , Efforts will be
made to have mc ape-
dcl car for time Party , Fully 1,100 miles sehll
be covered on tue trihi , the expense of which
will aggregate ioooo. Dixie limes will
have charge. Thin fact that Lintomi is to be
a mmiemnber of thin team of invaders will pro-
s't'nt his match witim Miehinel on August 13 ,
which was to have token Place at l3oston ,
'i'rimingh , , ( ' 'eIt , Citmi , NIes ,
Thmo chub enjoyed the run to Honey Creek
in Spite of time dusty ronils , The swIm re-
frcaiiecl them , A s'ery tempting slipper
awaited them , On their returmi , at Crescent
City , areen and Stcmamn stopped too bug in
a blackberry hatch amid lost time crowd.
Captain Barnes left Thursmlay on his vaca-
tton for Eagle Lake , hod. Mr. IJarnes will
spemul part of lila vacatiomi in teaching the
art of swimming , He will be gone about six
weeks ,
Those who failed to get In the picture are
now regreting it , It's a beauty , and a large
number nrc beimig orderemi ,
Howard Stillson wiil act as captain mlmmrlng
Mr. Ilarmies' absence , McCuhiy miami hall are
in thm mail for the clmib ineda.s. with over 200
miks to their credit , Stomiima is a close see-
Thee who failed to go on the run to
Manmiwmt Tuesday evening , missed doe of the
best runs of the season , after a ieasnmit
rule on the teamiier , su'imnmning was in-
mlulged in for an hour , on the return the
club accepted an invitation to stop at tue
home of Mr. Chawson , Thmo chub was entertained -
tertained by the Misses Ciawson , assisted by
Miss Carter , Ice cream and cake vero served
anti a Jolly time was hiami until a hate hour ,
F , liendersomi is apeumhing a few days in
thin country with hits son.
Time July runs promise to be some of the
best this season , I.ool .oygr thie schedule.
Tlimirsdmty evening , July 7 , Is the regular
monthly business meeting. Members be end
d ,
- -
Fictuua arni ! flegion Where
Out Troops w Are ,
General Shiafler's ATniy In No 1)itmager
fruits hiMcmmic , It ppoier Snail-
tnr ) ' iIngiilnhlnmN Arc
0 bsc , , e.l.
On a certain very cold day in it not too
remote February , relates Dr , Persitor Frazet'
in the I'hiiadeltihin Times. the writer sailel
from a port of the northern Umiled States for
Santiago , and , like many who have &ntorctl
this northern frimmge of the tropics at liat
season of the year , he passed in forty-eight
hours through the curious experience of
wmttchlmig the ice form from the spr'uy east.
up imy the cut water , and atnmmdlmlg oil deck
iim the emriy ( morning watch while the sailors
turned the hose on his perspirIng body.
Cuba. ioonis up grandly to the eye which
has seen btmt glimpses of Wathing's , tnd the
flat antI uninteresting cays and little islanmis
between the l3ahianlas mitid Cape Maysi. The
view of the imnposimig Sierra dcl Cobra chatmi
amid of the precipitomma chiff of thin eastern
end of Cuba against which the ( tech ) imter :
of the Caribbean sea dashes Into foaln , is
magniflccnt amid it arouses the indignatIon
of the United Statesiami ( lint his country
almost alone of ( lie civilized tuitions Isos-
sesses ho one of these islands so close to its
coast. Evemi in good weather amid in tiny-
light it is tiitflcult to see the ntrammco
to the harbor of Santiago when but a few
miles out to sea , while in tao short twilight
or at night it is indistinguishable front the
long , black coast line.
lInt when of a sudden the narrow efttrancc
00)1105 into view , just as ( lie conviction is
forced upon you that thc Pilot had determined -
mined to run tue boat's heaml into the reeks ,
thin series of chmamigimig pictures is delightful
amId imiteresting. The outer harbor , with
Smiiitli Cay aiid Pmmnta Gorfia obstrtmettng ( lie
view into the interior , seems capable of
furnishing anchorage for the largest iieeta.
but it is hot till Morro and tli lower batteries -
tories are well astermi altO thin high cliffs to
( lie east are hllussed ( lint omme catches a
glimpse of ( lie large inner harbor anti thin
s1tite city ot Santiago tie Cuba eli its bouu1-
lag line ,
This part of thin harbor seems to ( lie eye
all Inimiiense circle broken on v the nmtr-
row strait whici IllIltes it vithi ( lie lower
bay. Omi time left ( west ) on entering are
tIm extensive coal wham yes several antIcs
from thin town , while on thin rIght ( cast ) and
chose to the city are ( ho ore svliarves of thie
Juragun Iroii company. Tue sea front of
thin city is occuhieti by large warehouses
anti shiohis , bortiereml by a broaml anil usunily
mmimidily or dusty , unpaved Street , which is
separated by a narrow ( ree-frimmgctl piaza
from tIme wharves at which nlerclinntmnen
anti little steamers anil pleasure noats are
moored ,
i'k't firesli tin anti imi'resl I iig ,
The city itself Is picturesqime and scry in-
tcrestimig , not dirtier than ( lie a\'ermge seaboard -
board cities of the tropics and surroumitied
by hiighihantis , with niountaimis in ( lie back.
ground which give It a distinctive stid
pleasing setting. If It be' omm a market day
zulu early iii the niormiimig or late In the
afternoon that one's visit is made-for the
inhinbitnimts avoid inovimig about mmmcli froni
9 a. an , to 3 p. iii.-a very varied amid iheas-
log scene will greet one. Groups of men in
scanty white clothing , 'without shoes , but
svitht broad-brlmiimncd straw hats ; women
with short dresses , large hnnmikerchiets and
browned COmflileXiOnS will be seen here and
there surrounding booths Ih ( lie street or
filling the space allotted to the regular mar-
lent on the stone terrace near tIme catho-
tiral aziti chatting interestedly and Pleas-
antly. Shiould you go through ( ho market
the chianco is ( bat you would not be able
to annie half of the commodities which are
offered for sale. l3ananas , of course , are
phcntlfuh , but include an exceedingly sien-
der and delicate variety unknown to our
markets , and far superior in flavor to ( lie
fruit we obafii in the northern states.
Round , juicy fruit like huge plums with an
Unusually large stone , sweet fruit remindIng -
Ing one of the May apple , mind varieties
without another for whiichi a taste nuist lie
acquired , meet emma everywhere. But the
strangest mirticbo at' food Is the white corn
of the royal palai , 'which fmmrnishes a delicioUs -
cioUs salad , though one's enjoyment of it
is tempered by the regret that for every
white heart solmi a noble tree bias been sac-
rificeti. In the evenings the senoras and
senoritas may be seen cinergimig from their
iron-bound citadels and walking in grommps
or under the guard of some elderly dmlemlna
or cavalier , listening to the music in time
parks or visiting friends In the plazas or
private houses.
Tue buildings are generahhy plain anti
white , with gratings over the windows , but
with time trees on the broader streets anti
tue spaces stmrrounding ( lie better class of
residences , together with ( lie changing sky
line as one mounts the steep streets , the
aspect is generally very pleasing. TIme
cathedral and the principal club are excellent -
lent buildings , eaji adapted to its distinc-
( lye purpose , but the cool shiamle anti inviting -
ing halls of the latter present charms to
Limo average traveler which ar as great In
their way as those of our own large city
clubs. Hero , as elsewhiero in Spanish and
Oriental countries , squalor anti untidiness
can be found. but they are not ths iligIin..tIvn
features of the hilace.
'i'Iit' SilinmehaM Are BeauS itiml ,
The villas whichi surround Ziitiago are ,
on ( lie other hiami , both numerous anti beau-
tlfmih , anti imply a taste for comfort anti re-
fimiomnent which robs that torrid climate of a
part of its seventies. These are tlsualiy amiq-
story , broad and many-roometi etlifices , often
hiordered with perennially blooming flowers
and siiadeti by pahms amid other trees , The
lloors of these mansions of the bettor sort
are of tiles , and theibedateads of iron , for
one of the niost annoying enemies to ease
are thin countless myriatls of ants which invade -
vado everything miamI find a secure harbor in
woodwork. If any business is to be transacted -
acted in the town the Inhabitants of one of
these villas rise at 5 a. rn. , anti after a cmip
of coffee and a piece of breail eIther proceed
in a boat across the bay to tIm city wharves
or make the journey on horse.back. Though
carriages are numerous , this methmoti of
traveling is not so uniformly agreeable ,
owing to the contiltion of time roads , It is
time object to return to. time villa before 9 or
at ( lie latest 10 o'cbocki In the forenoon , because -
cause ( lie beat has haesme Intense anti
enervating by that hoar. A tranqmill two
hours are liaised in the cool sbamlo or in the
tiled anti well ventliattsii houe until noon ,
a misual hour of desayunoor breakfast , Many
delicacies tempt ( lie
uppetitie at this repast -
past , anti especially tht fresh sea fish , of
which there is a delightful variety , are pm-
pared in an admirable manner by the Imaflve
Cuhian cooks , Fruit of all tropical kintis is
found In abundance on the table , together
with ( lie hhgher (
Spanish vines or the an-
tivo product ruin , but Ia case th stranger
is tempted to Indulge 4n this bevetego he io
warneti that Its effects are fatal , If at ( Ito
same time he partakes of thin little banana
to which reference s'as made above , ( As
to the foundation. for ( hats saemnent the
writer gannet vouch. ) After ( lie first meal
fohiowa anothusr rest of two hours during
i'2tici. Phoebus Sends his most llammiing tlarts
onthis country of ( be sun , By 4 o'clock ( liii
mitigation of the heat , together with the
generally prevalent bmoeze , aiaka it possible
to enjoy moderate exercise either by walking -
ing or Iii. ( ho water of the bay , and ( ho
numerous cimmb yachts or rowboats hmegin to
dot the lanthlocked harbor , carrying i1cnsumra
vattioa or preparing tot' the frequcntiy re.
cuffing rowing or saIling racc ,
Iinmmer ) ( conilda ) , ft scarcely more serious
repast than the deaayuno , Is served at 6 or
7 o'clock , tmaimt with time swift faiiing night
comes a release frotmi all time restrainIng In-
fluencea of a tropical clImate.
The view of the southeastern Cmibami coast
from the sea Is as magnIficent as Is ( lao
blue Cnriblmean from the high cliffs in fair
weather , while tiuring the not lntreqmacnt
hurricanes of ( lie stormy season it is inajes-
tic. The fortress of El Morro is a qtmaint
anti archaic piece of masonry apProached by
( ho visitor lip a long line of winding steps ,
which lent ? to ( lie large paved yarti between
the citadel anti ( lie outir wall. The cmii-
bmasures for the guns are of the style of
those in all the oltiest Spanhuhi forts on this
continemit , antI thie guns were at the tithe
of the writer's Inst visIt a few years ago cx-
tremely antiquated In appearance.
Time Cilmimnte hienlthmfni ,
Altogether the impression anatie upon he
traveler ( in time of peace ) of Samitiago anti
tts emivirons is very agreeable. The PeOPle
were cotirtecus anti frienmlly ( except a ccr-
tam omciah element amnong the natives of
Simm ) anti the climate one of the hi'nltliiest
imi the island , There is always sonic yel-
how fever in the city , but iii ( tie winter
muomithis it is usually conflnctt to ( lie troops
born in Spain.
An imivitation to examine the interior of
the province of Santiago tie Cumh > a umitler very
agreeable auspices iii the directors' car of
what is now called tue ' 'Ferro-Carmil ' do
Sabanihia y Marrto , " was very gladly no-
Cepteti. Moat of the railroads out of San-
tinge anti , imi fact , in thin eastern part of tIm
islanti are imarrow gauge. Thin locomotives
are small bmmt bmisiness-lihie looking nut-
duties , but the miarrator was entirely unPrepared -
Prepared for ( he style of carriage in which
lie amid his four or five coimipanhons niamlo
( he trip to San hula. Imagine ( lie hotly of
one of ( lie seasitlo coaches for four iicople
lifted fmomn ( lie ttxhcs , tue door amitl roof
removed anti ( lie rcmnaimilng seats mountcih
oil a little locomotive , where the cosu'-
catchier of ours is placed , amid you will have
thin directors' observation car in which our
jouriiey uses mantle. The semisation of run-
fling over ( lie long trestles amid high opemi-
work britiges is exlmilarating , but to emujoy
to ( lie full extemit this novel nuetliod of
railroading cue mnust meet , as sve tilit , a
group of cattle browsing eu the ( niche amid
see a bull toss his imeail as if to tlispute
one's passage. Fortttmuately only iii iliungimia-
tiomi did we scoop UI ) ft half dozen horned
beasts into nut' laps auth feel ourselves
liinhieti to thu back of tIme scat by their fore-
cbomis hmoriis , while their iiiiitt legs amid tails
wave iii front lute the wimigs of miiothms glued
by kcrosemie the lamps that attracted
Omi thin trip we Passed ft pecmiliar sumg-
gcstlvc bottomless lilt ( mis seen betweemi ( lie
rails ) at tIme ' 'peumnta iiiadera" purgaorlo ,
over the arroyo of ( lie caine namiic. I'ur-
gatorio seeiiueti ctmphiomuy for shoot. At Ios
hloccns we stolipeil mmmii ? eiitereti a beautiful
Italian 'ilia , built iii 1)1110 white amone , svithi
( lie arcades naid portlcos anti pillars just
hike time structures omie sees iii sotithiemmi
Italy anti Sicily , dating from renloto htomnami
tinys , Tile coumitry thiroumghi whiicii we
Passctl first On tile raIl , nmiii limter on lini se -
back , was niountaimmous anti the iesss splemi-
thlti. Tue celebrated Mmingancsc mine , which
staB ready to PI0IIIICO 400 toils of choice
ore per day sshien thin IreSelit ) revolution
broke out , was also nh object of great in-
terest and will sonic day be of coiiuinercial
Importance to this country.
'I'Ii ruiighm the .Jiirngiiim uIImmes.
flut the journey of greatest interest was
from thin flIlmIes of ( lie Juragua Iromu conu-
pany at Flrmneza. Timis emmterprislng and
important company is the fIrst of three or
more Amnericamu firmas which have exploited
tim mmcmi resources of Cuba. AS before
nicautionctl , its wharf or iron pier lies across
a small cove of the inner lay of Santiago
do Cuba anti dun south of thin city. Thin
company mansion , "La Cruz , " is buIlt on a
high promontory , some two miles from the
provincial capital , surrountiemi by flowers
anti groves of bamianas , palms anti pine-
apples. Every breeze that stirs is caught
at this lovely spot , desined very likely
to be used very soon by Umilted States am-
tlllery. From here the entire inner bay
can be comnianthed , as well as the city.
The railway runs first southeast , thiemu
south anti finally sammthiwest amid svest nrotmmmd
( ho base of the elevated iaiutl forming ( lie
eastern shore of the harbor , guarded by El
Morro. It strikes thin coast first mit Agua-
domes , which , if topography may ho trusted
anti Spain's soldiers are what they have
been , is sure to bif the scene of a bloody
battle in thio near future , it , Intleed , it has
not already been such heforo these wortls
appear in print. Crossing the mouth of
the little 1(10 Sail Juamu at its jumictiomi with
thin sea , the railway skirts thin Caribbean
sea for seven miles to Siboney , ca-ossimig
them a lagoon in whichi a caimnan ( or alligator -
gator ) is supposed to lie in wait for stmang-
ers. The view of the sea along ( huts soon
to become historic coast line is magnificent.
Froniibomuey time steep ascent of the nuoun-
taimis begins following up the valley of the
little Rio Carpemiiro , or rather svest of thin
crest line , between this auth ( lie little Rio
Juragua , to the setthemauent of F'lrmmucza. The
scene chianes completely from the coast
during these few miles of steep hill , and
ssero it not for ( lie heat anti ( lie southern
vegetation one might almost imnaglno oneself -
self in V. spur ef thin Ahieghienies , It Is
also interesting to miote ( hint ( lie writer was
ttbo to establish by observations nuade dmir-
ing the journey mmext to be tloscribed that
this resemblance Is not n'r'lv Riinorll..inl
but that the underlying macits of this great
isinaid are ( lie same as timose which lanka
up our own Appalachilamia.
Ho also expressed ( lie belief ( lint future
investigations wouhtl show ( hint J'uerto Rico ,
Santo Domingo , Haiti , Jamaica anti the
Windsvard islamitis were part of the saume
great Oitrtii nmoveauuent wiiichi tilverted thin
axis of ( lie Jtppnhacimiaus-or rnhmer a
ba-audi of it-to the east amid inchosed ( lie
Caribbean mis aim immlanti son. Very brent
ohiservatiomis by Dr. 'IS' . hiergt in Santo lo-
bingo confimni thiscs'iews ,
mut'miaii1cti itt Ihimlitami ri ,
Bright anti early one znoraiiaig a party of
hiorsemmien heft the hospitable camp wails of
Firmimeza anti the wonmlerul ( developimuent of
Juimagun amid Juragmma City anti hiiOCeeled ,
east emi the Lola ( now thin property of thin
Spanish-/timuerican Iron COmniamuy , whose
wharf at ilaiquirl mmervcd for thin iiisemn-
barkment of thin largest hart of General
Shiafter's army ) , amid then miorthmeast over
( lie hlhi mimi mountaIns along miiero trails ,
and qftemi witlmotit thieni , Thu writer roiio
a stout white stallion , whIch , though micitlier
I swift nor ngthe , uses strong ann In ( lie main
mmtmretootetl. Alter passimig all day milomug the
edges of ruhneth coffee piaaitmitlomis , thmromigh
forests anti across gulchmeim and stmcammis , we
nutde our first camp iii miii abamitbomied house
of a farm idantation. Thiere was sonic
nniusemncnt iii getting ritl of the winge'l amid
; four-footed occupants-bats , birds timid mice
-but In the t'mid we iiati a conapamatlychy
tramiquil nail refrcshiiimg sleep. Thin iitmxt da
time smmae sort of rlthing was continued. We
passed the hieati of a vast ravine on whose
idilt'a hind fornmeriy been lihanteth among than
bt'st coffee of thin island. Thilim gulch st'cmmiemi
to ileitceammi miles to ( Ian sea , anti our position
to be of imaimeasumabie height. At our eamnp
near the top of a nuountaimi seine l00 feet
in height , timid on tIme bank of a siiuaih
strt'amn , the writer , iii spite of tIme wariiimigs
ofjjie miativo Cubans , lirciimmreih fogS fl plunge
Into tbe Icy waters of ( lila mimommntaimi tar-
remit. Surprise wims a mUtt tea-mu to cimiploy
for the sensation whiemi it was found that in
( his region a imuountain torrent lies a tern-
pematuro of about 78 degrees Fabrenheit.
itoweyer , the bath was Invigorating , and wa
Buys ( ho best wbcol on
-3O etirth. : Nntionnl , Clove-
luxicl , VictorRncyclcs , ate
TO _ A Few Wheels
$45 at $17 to $25. '
Call and sec our line or Write for prlOes
IL 1 ! ' . 1141 17FORD , Mgr.
4ZONortii Wtli Street , Omnlui , Neb.
not attended with any of tIme disastrous
constquences of momintain fever , etc. , which
had becli haredicteth ,
} 'otir days we traveleti through the un-
pcoplet % forests of eastern Cuba , camping
or bivemiitckiaig , or nt timmues the guests of
some large owmuer of a hilalitiltiomu , amid returned -
turned to hlrmmueza stroiigly iinpreBsett by
( lie iicaltiiulmmcss ( of the climate anti Unable -
able to Umiderstnlmtl why it was beiievett
that ( lie auommntain fever ( cahentura lcrmui- ,
close ) could kill a luau who slept out of
doors in it few hours. 'Vet , whihie timere , a
case eccurreth of a workauamm sslio rettirmied
to Firineza ( ho worse for liquor , slept muir-
iaig thin night on tue side of ii. hill , amid
dicti bcfore noon ( lie next day.
'i'Iie liii ) ' iii ( mimmiitmaammutilq )
An excursion lii time smmiahl steamers which
rutu from Santiago do Cuba to Ouantnnammio
was interesting as shiowimig ( lie state of the
feeiimig townrtls citizens of thin United States
1)3' tIme liemilmisumlares ( Spamiiarmis ) . 'rhi bay of
Guantnaianmo is extrcmiiely shitmhiow , tumid at
.tiic ( mm 81)01(011 of thin cost of lighterimig
out the stmgar eu ihits fromau ( lie whmars'es of
Cammiiancermt to ( lie vessels was us great as
the freight to New Yoak , Soiiic of thio
lilamitattcns near ( lila towil were stmperb , auth
the hlospitality of their owners hirlmlcelY. It
was a iiess' sensatiomi to walk through ilchils
of sugar cane cant to lena-mi that these ore
never rephamuted more frcquemmtly thinii every
ten years , ouitl Imi umanny eases hot at mull Two
amId evemu three crejis of stmgar per year are
obtained ,
The railroad which serves to cai'ry the
Product of the llmiuitatomis ) ! to ( lie shmnrves
for shilpinemut svms of very light rails , and
tIme sensation of rlihiig on thiemim was that
of goimmg over time ties ,
A s'ery aggressive , lana-thy insnmui' , Spaniard
55-as omucouuitorcti on ( ho uitcaiuiboii ! . re I 'ntig
to Saaitiago , amid care seas necessary to lire-
vomit pcrsomial violemice. Ills ( nIle was all of
( lie "Porcos Aaaiericamios , ' ' anti his actiomis
\vere mimost aggras'atlmmg , This kimid of lamiI I
gmiage frotmi it'rfoctiy samme Spaniards , tIme
injmistice to Aumierican iuierehumtimts and the
studied discourtesy of Spamalshi olilcinis to
otmr regularly accmehitemi tlipiomiiatic ageaits
are amuiomig ( lie uihimmtar causes which have
limovoktut time present u Br.
'l'uo itteohicremit thoughts In connectIon
withi the uhiove trip are llrs , th proof of
thin lmuprovemuunnt imi thin sugar auiauuufmictumre. I
\\'hinn It was mlesireii to get somuuo old-Cash-
ioiieti Cumbaai niohasses ( lie owner of a large
jmlamihttiomi klmidly se'ait word to sommie of his
muegro retniamers tiwellimug cmi the hills. They
boiled ( lie camao iii tim out style nail pro-
duceil souno admuuirable aiinbasses. hut time
article has ceased to be a staple of corn-
Time second. is time very peculiar anti de-
lighitful adtiithon to a sitz hmatli of about a
pimit of white Ctmhman ruin. It seems to be
iumore invigormiting and cleansing thmami as
iiiuchi iiure alcohol aiiti has a imiuch iuiore
agreeable odor.
It seems Probable ( hint with good anal-
tary regulations ( lie health of our troops
wIll hot ho inipaired evcmi during July and
August It It is necessary that they miliould
stay lxi Sammtiago Eo bug.
Iimimmdieerelalnf t1.t Serveml its a F'hmm
tr 'Irene mpim ( limit On'aiMtol.
A relic on exhibition during the coumfeder-
ate hazer at Baltimore , owmuetl by Mm-s. D.
Glraul ( Vrlgbit. the presltlemit of the Datmgh-
ters of the Confetheracy in tIme state of M'ary-
land , recalls a ticod of heroism performmied
titurimig the civil war well worthy of record.
Thus relic was the hantikerchuief which served
as a hag of true during ( lie siege of Fort
Suuuiter , and which , attached to his sword ,
55-as waved at the very month of the enema-my's
gmaus by Lewis T. Wigfalh , Mrs. Wright's
father. 7lie barracks score in flames amid the
Iiagstaff had beemi shot away anti convinced
that resistance was unavailing Senator Wig-
fall resolved to prevent ( lie needless sacri-
flee of life at the rIsk of huts owmi , Turmiimmg
ml thea ! ear to thin remnonstmamices of those
about. iiilfl lie enubarked in a skiff mnanmmcd
by three negro oarsmen amid a. coxswain and
liUlietl In the tiirectlomu of thmo fort.Vhemi
scarcely 100 yards from shore , however , time
stars and stripes were again in evidence
anti his friends hailed lilmu to return. Ills
only reply was a determiuined wave of his immi-
lirovisod slgmial. Owbimg to ( lie tllstance it seas
invisible to those in the fort. anti thin skiff
was fireth upoim , A thirty-two poimnh ball
struck the water witilimi five yards of 1mm
a-mail was fohioweti by a such which nearly
proved fatal. The negroes straIned every
nerve to get tinder thin lee of thin fort anti
thin Instamit thin boat touched the whmmmrtVlg. .
fnhi imoranir nshinrp Makintr his wnv tn
hmiunself fromn a protrudimmg gun into the cnu-
tiresome , where , mmnrecogmiizcml cmiii unchial-
htmigctl , un ejicotmnteretl one of time garrison ,
Time fire semis raging , ( lie heat was imitntmse ,
time snuoke nlnmost imisuffemabln , whIle shells
score explodimmg above anmi ( rein time to time
witliimi thin fort ( roimi aumortars on Smmilivmin's
lslaiiml , Workimig his way to a group of em-
cers uitandlmig near time casemnate , the comi-
( edermite asked If Mmmjor Amitltiromi uu'its them ,
cmiii betome they could recover from thielr
smirprisn mit his jircsemico nunomag them the
object of his utmost apiroimclmeI.
As hits eyes foil upon the swormi amid hianih-
hmerchiief thin senior oflheer inquired whoma hue
hail time hmonor of adchreuisimmg , amid , beimmg tulil
"Colonel Wigfnlh of Gemicral liemumegartt's
stall , " ashied sehint his bmmsimmess with luau
miahghmt be ,
' 'I have comume , ' ' m-eiilitul W'Igfumhh , "to say
you IiiUSt strike your cohors. Your position
is ummtcnahile. You have tiefeuiijel , it gai-
hmmmitly , but it is imuatiness to persevere In mi
I useless rcsistaaice. Yeti
canmuot be re-eu-
forced ! You hmmtvo no provisioums ! Youa' inn-
I mnumiition is iuearly exhuuiusetl ( , anti your tort
Is on fire ! "
"Oliomi what. temnas , " asked Andermmomm , "do
you summon me to smurremider ? "
"Upon uneomiditiommab terms , " was thin me- I
joiuidtir. "Gtmwral hiemiuregarti Is aim oiihccr
timumi a gentlemmiamm. lIe will doubtless grunt
I you all ( hue liomiors of wmir , but specimiltu
gmatia. "
"I have mimic all flint vns liossihilu to de-
ft-jul thmlmm tort . " said thin umuioui oilhcer.
" 'omi hmavr , " seas thin rt'piy. 'Now haul
down your flag. "
' 'limit yor PeoPle are still firing upon us , "
objected Ihmmmlersomm ,
"Iioimit a white flag , ' ' said \VIgfall , ' 'or , If
you domm't I will , and uhmoa my ascii respon-
sibil lty. ' '
At this Inmutimnt a shell burst wIthin ten
feet of ( lie federal othicer , auiti , inviting thin
commftdematp into a caistimnate , a white hag
With maiseti , end ( lie battle of Fort Sumter
I was over. Major Anderson anti hula garrIson
hind reached that stage of morbid excitation
whiicbu iii ( he forerumimmem of mnartymtiomai.
They were ready to watch their mnagazimies ,
( IPlQdU amid die where ( hey stood , and \Vhi-
iiro Ctll.ry the most c01fl1)lOtO
stock of
'In Omaha. \ . tiew wheel for
Second. hflhi(1 ( W1ltO1S at your
o\\'hi I)1"lCC ,
( i r. I 5t ii a mid I I a rimey.
. .
- - - - - - -
- -
$9O$25 )
Biggest Bargains Ever Offered. '
- (
oreo & Wrht
Inner Tuhes ,
5 Cts1 ' . -
SinIe Tube Tire
$2.50 Iac1i. '
CotI 6th amid CluIc.ugo Sts ,
Lu. T. IIE'IULN , Mgr ,
A ( tall line ( 'f new wheels at $23
ttiuti : : o'hecls m'ented amid a-c-
iimthi'cd ,
flu [ . FRDRICKSON , u , ,
Tclophomio 1(13. (
Jtthm and D tlgc Stm'cets , Omaha
is a remarkably low figure - .
ure for the popular "Yellow fellow -
low , " but we hay ' 98 modeI
at that price.
Flush joImhtH ,
sll f-Oi I I iij. ; Hemiri iigs
Iiitti'iial 1LlStCmhiii8- Eqiiipimicmit ,
Cur. 15th amid hhmim'imcy Sta.
fall's act was the omie both of heroism mumiij
Detroit Journal : It poetic thought came
(0 hutmmi.
"Where turn limo roses of yesteryear ? " lie
demmmaumiit'tI , ( cscrliubaiy.
"At thin tiyeworks , beimmg mcnovmmted , " ( iii-
tcrcmh hits breve little wife , desiring to Coil- j
ccii 1 mioth I mug frommm hi I iii.
Therm her utn lhhinil with tears , for ( hero
wOrn eminughu of ( lie hatter to liii her great ,
Piteous eyes , albeIt , miot enough to burst f
I Into ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
A ii isits.rmrisiumg : Jrumtist ,
Thuero are few mnn more wide awake aM
enterprising than Kiihicu & Co. , who spare nc ,
pains It ) secure thie best of everything In a
their llmio for thmolr many customumers , 'they '
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New Ilarovery for Conamugmiptioum , Coughs afimi
Colds , Thus is the woaulerui remedy that is
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Call mi ( above drug store and get a trial botti.
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