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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1898)
- . - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - . - . - - - - - . - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; - . . - - - - - - . _ - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - -v---- --V.-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F- . 1 3 9'1fJ OMAhA 1) iU IJ1Ej : S1rN1. ) j-p r4y , i imi. - - r ContinentaI's ' _ _ _ H : _ _ _ p- L _ _ I. Stock Clearing. . .SaIe. . . . THEY'RE ' OUT OF SIGHT. We mean our prices on broken - ken lot men's suits in this Stoc * C/caring Sale. . , Just as good as the best , but they must go. Big fall stock comes in the last of this month. We must have the room-you get the benefit. This is why we will sell you an elegant all w.ol cheviot suit : tomorrow , MONDAYfor $5.50 , $8.75 andSlO.00. A low retail price on these suits would be $10 , $12 and $15. Always see the Continental first 15th & Douglas. OMAHA. CENTRISTS WILL HAVE POWER 'llelr SI rgtIi Iii flu' N&t ILiIcIn.tiix . 'It to ( gUIMt liii , ( overIt- III tit I iitIi L'ioii I.Ie. ( dopyvlght , 1S9 , ; ; zSSdCk : Press. ) TIERLIN , July ,2.-1'uhuic attention. coit- . ttnued ko be abs rb d In the eleettons rc- cetitly hcld Ui tIils country anti their results. The newspapers are teeming with 1ncIdent Intlicative ot queer electioneering methois observcl during the carnpalgti aIR ! a mass of evionce Is presente4 lrovliig thrit. intim- ilatlon ( was resorted to , in ninny di&trIcts. & notably In the rural sections. 'Flie socialists will contest a number ot theHe elections. They will also contest the seats in Cassel , Elhing and Dortinund and n the Sccon(1 Qfld Fifth (1strlcts ! of Berlin. In the latter place , It is nllegetl , enough ii- legal ballots were counted In favor of the antI-socinlit candidate to vitiate the result. The ilefeat of Dr. Theodore Barth , the frelsinnigu icatler , at Itostock , duo to the candidacy at the agrarlaiis. lr. I'aasche , and the enormous Increase in the socialist vote , which aggregated 13,000 above that of 193. 193.The The increased strength of the centrists Is flow 101 and the weakening of the govern- moot side in the floichstag intiued the ceo- trists to formulate a list of demands for the coining sessloil , Including the recall of the Jesuits , the abolition or the last remnants ot kulturkampt legislation , the reinstate- inent in the constitution of the articles granting absolute voiitical equality to the Catholic church and the re8tltution of the Catholic tlopartment in the ministry of vub- lie wor3hlp. The reprcentatlvo of the AssocIated Press learns , however , front good authority , that although ho cannot iass new measures without - out the co.opcration of the centrists Emperor ' .Viihlain wiii iiot sanction the recahi of the Jesuits , which the centrists regard as the most. iniportant of their demantls. Emperor Viliinm recently deelared tluic as long as lie was king of PrussIa the i3mi- tiesratit should not have a I'riissian vote in favor of the recall of the Jesuits. nor of the other demands enumerated. It Is robnble , therefore , that there viL ! be trouble between the centrists anti the gov- crnment during the next 5c3sI011 and es ieciahiy as a nuinhwr of tloe. elected on tli rebatiots , vIto were aide. ! by ceo. . trist vote3 are ) lelgel ( to SUPIort celltri3t dozuanda. 'Flio lasuanco of a decree I ) ) ' the secretary of state for 1o3t5 and teiegraphis forbid- ( HUg the iosta1 eZflIlOyes , who number 80.000. to have any connection with th so. cinhists , oceasioiietl the discovery lurlng the canipaign that. the ilepartinent Is largely permeated with socialism , Frequently tel. cgrnms connected with electIoicriug ( or government candidates were ( helayeh in ( aver - vor of telegrams atltlresaed to their socialist oIIionents and others were tiungieLl , oppar. entiy iurposely. so as to lead to serious anhumleratandings on the goverII1I1en side. Cuin.lI.I.N CIehIrIi1 , . .liihy 1. OTTAS\'A. Oat. , July 2.-The Ottawa Iield battery , the Princess Louise dragoons and the Forty-third regiment , ahi from the Ot. tawa tthitrlct , will leave here Sunday night for Iiurhlngton , Vt. , to join in the Fourth of July 'celebration there , There will be about $00 otltcer anti men. ' 0 . . . . $ The Omaha Bee L Map of Cuha Coupon , Present this Coupon with t lOcfor f AMapofCuba. I I A Nap orthVest Indies. 6 And a Mapoftho World , 4 e By Mttil 14 cents. f uip.drip-SIP. . . ANXIOUSLY AWAIT ADVICES . S . WaOffibi 1s Aixrous a to the ReuIt at SanUago do. Onba. . IAC1 ( DEFINITE NEWS FROM SIIAFTER ( ) ii 1)iaiine1t ItCeelCl frnit 1lR Pr4uRt Sn , . 1b. Ihal lI , Is Gi.itig oh , hut Ietit I.hiN ? otlIti of the l'rogrcsw IItIhit IIIhhe. 1VAShJlOTO , July 2.-This line Icen a day of almost uhpnrahlelcd suspense and anxiety. From President McKinley down through nIl official Washington everybody has been under a tremendous strain. News from Oenotd Shatter has been eagerly cx. lCCtCd , but svo a brief Word on the cx- tent. of the casualties , nothing came from him during the tiny concerning the progress of the action at Santiago. Just at the cloac of the ( lay the first bit. of information coming ( hIrcctly to ofliclais reached the iiresident and Secretary Alger. It was a private dispatch not pr1nariiy intended - tended for thein although it came through offleiai channels , Briefly nod oxrcsaive1y it told the story of a day of terrifIc flght. log. It was 'lived. from the fleld of action and was as late as 4 p. m. It stntcd that the engagement had been in progress throughout today ; that the dead and wounded were being carried to the tear and that the American losses were heavy. The exact wording of the dispatch was not made known , but one of the high offi- dais who read It sal(1 it conveyed to him the idea of extreme tension and of a huittle In which the llercest elements of warfare reva lied. Until this came the omciais were posi. tively without a word as to whether the nflgflgemcnt begun yesterday was continuing today. They could only speculate , sonie tak- log the view that the assault of yesterday had been followed today by a storming of the city itself ; others maIntaining that Ceo- eral Shatter's troops , spent with the terrible strain of yesterday , had paused today long enought to clear the field of its dead and woo ndetl. It was only by this brief private message , which under ordinary circumstances would have received little nttenlion , that the pres- blent ntftl his advisers were made aware that the battle was tih1 in progress and still without ( lefinite issue. As it was , the few words relieved the suspense , but not the anxiety. It made known only that the lIght was going on. % 'ItorNot Ixieet.1 Yet. One of the oihleials who read it said it convoyed such Information as could be cx Iiccted , but he said lie had not expecteih a victory yet. But others were far less hope fui in their views. That the hattie was still ragIng meant that our men were pass- lug through a fearful ordeal , havIng been in action now Practically for thirty-six hours. The tucro fact that the dispatchi did hot chronicle a decisive advantage by the Amer- . icait force was construed by some olilcials hIS ominous. So far as otliclal dispatches were con- cciiicd there as no informatIon hearing on the situation at. SantIago. b'ecretary Al. ger sid at the close of omce hours he haI not received a vorth front General Shafter ; Secretary Long said at the annie hour that nothing had come fem Admiral Sampson and in particular the secretary of the navy dismissed as groundless the rumor that word bad reached him that Morro castle had been ( lenlohished by the American squadron. - Gcnera Miles was similarly without ad- Vices. At 3 o'clock he joined Secretary Al- ger in the latter's 0111cc and the two con- fcrrd for a ' ° ° 11v1 ° the military situ- atiob. Neither the secretary nor the corn- maniling general underestimates the great task before the Amcricatt army , with an ehlenly wohi entrenched in front ot them , with Cervera's guns pouring shot and shell Into our lilies and wtthi the possibility that Spanish reinforcements have now swelled the ranks of the enemy until they are greater than the combined forces under the American military commander. But all that the government in Washington - ton can do Is being done and done quickly , Tmo great issue remains for General Shafter aUd his forces to work out to a coticlualon. His call br a large force of medical olflcers sas quickly responded to. The hospital ship 'Belief , which left New York today , was given orders before sailing to stop on Its way south at Fortress Monroe , where the extra force of surgeons will board it. It wtil r ach Fortress Monroe tomorrow and take on board the physicIans immediately and thmen proceed hurriedly to the aid of time wounded soldiers under General Shatter's cornomand. Surgeon General Sternberg of the army was unable to make arrangements today for all time medical assistants which General Shatter asked for. After considerable labor 1111 got together a force of probably a dozen Physicians and these , with the surgeons already - ready aboard the vessels , viil approximate about twenty In all. 'I'hese , General Stern- berg hopes , will ho enough to supply time jressiiig wants oftimo army. Iur. ' Sn rg..hms % YII I II. ' Sent. Time Ilelief should reach Santiago in four or live days , It ndiiitional physicians are neemled ( hey viil be sent , General Sternberg iays , on time cruiser Yale , which Is schmeduibd to leave Norfolk about time middle of next % v.eic vIth a largu iletaclmnment of General Carretsoim's brigade as reimiforceimmenta to General Shafter , TIme ImersonhIci of time surgical corps of th RelIef so tar as it could be ascertahimeml todny lmere is as follows : Major George ii , Tor. ney , Burgeon lit charge ; Mark lhrndloy , sum - ; eomi Uniteil States volummtct'rmm ; hlt'utemmmumt Colonel Nicholas Serum of Chicago , Captain \Villlanm C. Gorgas antI time following con. tract surgcona : Francis Metcalf , Itmmmmdolpi , M. Myerms , Frcmh , liarbock , Ernest C. b'chmuhtze , acorgu ii. Torney , Jr. . Julio IL. hicks , henry i3rovn , motes T. Artwlne , Jesse Runstmurg , Ituphmus D , flosst , Soy. der , Charles C. Mtmrhimry , Jnmmmes McMnclcall , 13. Stanley \\'arrtn. General Sternbcrg left hero this evening for Fortress \ioni no , hero tie will immake a imcrsommui lnslmcctlomm of time Relief before it starts on its trip to Santiago , The itmtimmmatiomm that ( lemmeral Allies may soon leave Wmmshilmmgtomm for comae POint svhcr , , action is tXiectel is likely to lmrov ( ' true , html as yet it Is irntiiing mhlore than a rumor. it , is time evident Imuroze of time war oiIl- daIs to semi moore troops to Cuba as coon as rossibie. In rt'spormstm to a htmessmmgo sent to ( lenoral Simatter to mlay ago a reply va8 received that timu traimsporls mmow off Santiago would be sent bacic to ley West as o n as posslbht , Time transports are aceded to convey tite adilitlnmmmmh troops to Otiba-Iroops that are evimhently lutemmdemh to reimmiorce Central Shatter's conmnmmtnd , Vtmrml reached tIme marlin , imospital scrvlcp " p&a Is weakness ol the stouiaeh It is the source of untold mtscry. It nmay ho cured by totting and etrengthenlng the stonmclm and cimrlohlng and pmirifying time blood with Hood's Sarsaparllla , Many tlmonsaads have been cured by this immedi- ' 1nu and write that now they "can eat anything thmey yvish without distress. " ood's ' Sarsaparifla Is prepared by C. I. Ilooti & Co. , Lowell , Mass. Sold by druIsts. $ t , six for . clot hooD's. Hood's Pilla cuxe all liver Ills. cents. today that a ucapidomma case , ossibiy one of yellow fever , ilal de4reloped at the naval hopltah at Ire ? Wt lm pSttbtmt being a sailor from. the simsillary ship Yankee. The facts were reported to the Navy department - mont ntmd 'tIff lntltIiry Was at ctnc mali. titted by th suigeon general of the navy. 11cm is not nipreImenalo on the subject , as the atcst 're'tmrts from the hospital 1mo no evIdcnc of x dlov fvcr , anti it is probable - able that the case Is nothing nmro ( lisa one 1mavin stThpicldms * syinmtornL % Secretary Lcn spIj tonight ( hint no chahge had hten made in' time naval pro. grant. Commodore \Vntson's fleet , lie saW , WoUld sail ( or .i'ain in a few ilays , even should Caniaras squadron return to Spain. , t % X I lI'I' ; ; 't : % ' , % it Ill'Ait'I'M iN'I' . 1ingeriy Ai , mlII.itc fromim time Si'pntil InM V'iglitiimg nt Simittingo. WAShINGTON , July 2.-Time profoundest concern thmrougimout military and q.mclah cir- cbs , marked the opening of time second ( lay upon which time lattio of Santiago is being fotiglmt. The desperate charnetr of the fighting Is now fully ) cnown to time War (10- partment. The Informnittiomi Is in addition to the report. hy..hcnera.l Shmafter last midnight , when ime roughly estinmated his casualties as abov 400. Later reports , om- cliii and direct from time' ilem1 , indicitte ( list this catimato was far too low. General Shafter had not , 'tip to 11 ochock title morn- lug , placed any exact figure on imis lass , but , lie nmndo It , clear that lmia first estimate at ' 400 , was mmmcli short of the actual loss. The 4socintetl Press dispatcimes from the fie'd ' , giving time casualties at about 1,000 , is In line with General Shatter's later Intimation , although , as stated , he has set no figure. The military authorities were alert early In tim day. 'dc'fflte the"TaCt that they hind beeim Up vehl throtmglitlmenight , in anxious waiting for the latest reports. Secretary Alger and thme adjutant general of time army , General Corbin , held a conference , as soon as the secretary arrived. Then Surgeon Con. oral Sternborg was sent for , and joined in the conference. It Is umnleretend that the surgeon - goon general will emmd a large force of med. icni officers , sonic forty or fifty , in nmhthition to timose already with General Simatter's men. All suitable appliances will be pro. vldod. Neither the secretary nor the adjmmtammt gemm- oral would add anything to ( ho information given out at midmmlgimt. It was said , however - ever , that the estimate of kiiied anti wounded first mmmade by General Shatter was more likely to be under than over the real loss , as the deno growth of chapparol , In which the troops fought , made It weli.nlgh impossible at first to learn the extent of the loss. loss.An Impressive seriousness pervaded the mIlitary centers. . The Imewa that our gal- hant moon lint ! their way , foot by foot , up to the commanding plateau of Caney , was welcome indeed , but there was now thme full realization timat this had been done in the face of a witherlng fire. In. stead of a skirmish on time right hank , as the reports yesterday indIcated , it was imow clemmr thmat a gemmoral emmgagernent , and a terrific - rific one , had been fought under time broIl- log tropical sun and in the tangled vegeta- ( ion northeast of Santiago. General Miles 011(1 hIs staff were lodged in the general's ollice enriy. Spread on time general's desk was a map shotvimmg every roadnay , trail anti eievation.almout Santiago. Tue general traceth the tine of operations yesterday ammd the probable lute of action now in progress. lIe had received mmotlmimmg addlttommal train the field. 11 spoke gravely of the fierceness of the flghtiimg yesterday. From a strategic point of vlow , Lawton's taking of Caney yesterday gavl nit oleva. tion omm the right wing , serving the double ptmrpose of divertiimg the enemny from the loft , and also of giving our troops a more comnrnanmling sweep of time enemy's nortimpra defemises. IncIdentally , It accomplished the Important nurimoseat least to some extent , of prevehting P3ndo's coining down with reinforcements from the north and turning our rIght flank. MAHER IN THE GUARD , HOUSE lie 1eibt 'i'imerePeiiIIiig a Heel- shims of the eomirt-timmrtlmtl 1mm ! ti CaMe. CAMP THOMAS , Chmlckamnuga Park , July 2.-Sjecial Teiegram.-Lnte ) last mmlght Private Jolmn C. Maher was thrust Into the guard lmo.isc author orders from divIsion headquarters. A. decision has not been rendered in his case , but it. Is thougimt ito should be kept' confined pending the .le- cision. Great Indignation exists in the regi- rnentat hIs Incarceration. liiigI I.hi , Cr'ws ( llimmimg'I'Ielr tlhhhIN. NEW YORK , Jmmly 2.-Time English crows of the recently immralmbsed transports , MIs- sissippl anti Mohawk , who refujed 1o sign for service In the American navy and who were to be sent back to England , are beginning - ginning to reconsider theIr action , and many of theni have applied for positions on time ships. Major StmnmrnethaYes of time quarter- master's deimartment Is undecided as to whether he will sign the men. Some of their pooltiotis have been filled nod he says timat lie can secure all the seanmeim anti engl- neers necessary to fill time vacant nositioos. ( ritiiii l'mml jim mliii ) I'Iittt iii.lmlihIt i it time' 1hrtlt.iiIthII'mml , IlimIldihuic. The tata of New York , thirnuglm the great firm of Siebreclmt & Son of New York city , Now ltochiehle , ' N. V. . and Trinitlail.Vest lathes , Imas bimown its prmmctieql iimterest In tIme TransnilssisLiiimpt Extositiomm ammd the grand exhibit of limhlimis , ferna and hmay trees mantle by tlmls Itoummu ha time wcL enl of time ilurtlemihttmrnl bmmilmiihlg. L'as never- been ax- celled vest of the MiSStSSiIIi. Tlmls Is time only house 1mm time cast In time imcrticulttmrai hitmalnet's timat imnmm ihmterestel Itself in time 5000053 of ( ho eXiOSltiOIL Its outdoor cx- time grotmmmds , 00(1 hihit was tite fit et on nttrmmctetl constunt ntteimtion loimg bcforc Lime ' Juno I. gates were upeim to time nimblit' on But the inmicor exhihmlt is time crownimmg effort - fort of timis esthlihishmimtetmt. antI 'ell s'ortlm a stcltml visit Neitimer CXpCflSO imor effort bait lmi'Cfl spnred to show to ( he vest time woimmiet ftmi variety nitmi imarfcot trcatmncimt or iahimms uimder glass , ( or vimlcit time firimi of Siebrcclmt & Somm ls ( aimmotis. Timeir estmh- hisimnient Is 1it cmlticat and largest iii lids commimtry , nearly 100 imimmense greetmliotmm43 amid ' .OOflO ( ) 1mare fret of pinsim being mmlii- izemi lit time jmromhtmctlon of their output. in- volvimmg an lnvestmmmelmt of imearhy immmlf a in II I ion del I mmrs , Time following ni'e the mmmmmncs of immilins tmnd iilmmmmts omm exhibitIon it reca Lutescetis , Cocos v'edmieilanu. Kentla Belimmorcafla , La- tnmmia llorhonicn , Ltyltoimla Rottiniiifohla , l'ltoi'mmtcophormmmlm Sceimeilarthin. l'itnemmix re- chlnatn , Irtmccnumi , asserted. Fiemis Elmmstlea , l'eiiiltmimtlSTeitelmii. . i'ammmlanus titihls , Sea. fc.rtlmia Ellegamts. Phoenix Itupricola , l'imoe- nix Cammmmriemmtmis , Pritcimaruiimm Gramnlimm. ArI I ancaria Excciemm , Ucuaha iteltmmtmt , Area \'crslmmmfCeltil , Nephmrohipls ilostommiemmats , Nc3imhmrOiIPla Cormiata Compaet&l , Nepimroll- lila lavn ilinimlos Furcaims , Altwplmlia Aims- trails , 1)ickemjimla Ammtartlca. hay trees- I.aurus Nobilis. Areen hlanri , reca Sn- pldmi , Rapids Fimmhwiilforimmtms , ltmmpimlmt ilmi- mills , List of outdoor cm.imlhmhts. coimsitiimg et Commiferoims trecs , iluododemidrous , Azohca3. Jmtpmmimmt'u Mophes. etc . cli icrfceiiy imurd oimd smmltnhdo to tito chlimmnto of Nebraska ' ' ' ' i'rimmm l'icca Nortinmaimnlmtnn , l'lt'vmm i'ungemms : St mobu , l'rimns Strohius Cormmpncta , Cupi'czmus Lasonimmnu , Ecticosimura I'tsifera Ammra , Itetimmospora Squarromma ( Ilanca. Thlya Aur.a , 'rlmiya Filiitmmdula ) , , Timlya Itiblria , Timlytm Pyratimimialls Auremm , Sciadopitys Vermmlclhhata , liuxus Arborescemma , Shindarmi et'-Jnpn nose Maples , best. varieties lthododemmdrmmn3 , beat varieties ; Azaleas , best varietIes. Au- cuba Jmmponica , IIgurtrummm Ovaliohiuni , Li. gnrtrmiimm OvaihIfolun , ptmmmlarui , trees , Merus Mba I'nmmmiula , Sahix Cnprnea Pendula , Lii- blecu. Syrlrtcus , tel , var , . etc. The perfectly healthy condition mmtmd ro bust growth of both exhibIts train Messrs. Sk'hjreclmt & Son cammimot tall to inipress uptin time visitor mnost satiefactor i' Eults nail their revresentativo Mr. Simaw , vlil gladly give any iimtom'imiation regarding the cuitl- vation of the various kinds , SI1A1)1 ) NEEDS SURCEONS Asks that& 1l Eqnippe llospiutl Ship Ec ( &ntlllin. WANTS MORE MEDICAL OFFICERS ( iorrtmmimeit ' .Viil at Utica yItIm Emt hie.ttieMt ntist ito Au iii ltat11)M , 'r t ( Siuct'or time . . . mo - ' 'lvtdtmitilcii. : . ,1 ' t.IS \VASi1lr4GTON. July 2.-Owing to the mnaiiy ctmnflictiiig m ports of time losses of time Ameficait tfoopsin yeaterday's engagement. it hims bedttmOtmht best by the War tic- Imrtmeflt omcinls to mmmake lmlmbhic the text of General ShnTtor' last dispatch , received this nmornimig fit ' 4 o'clock : SIUONHY ( Vta I'layn Iel ) Iste ) . Jmiiy 1.- 1 fear I have unilerostitmmateti today's ca8u attics. , A .lnrgo . and thoroughly equipped hosp1ai ship houid be semit here at once t9 care for lh .voUniheti , The cimlet surgeon says ime lmnH usd for forty nmoro mnemlicah omcers , Tiie shffp 'hitmit hring a launch anml boats for convOylflg thi Womimimled. . I SIIAFTER. - Major General. Cemmmmmmniilug , \\'ASIIU'GTON , Jty ! 2.-nmrncdiately on recoivln Gcmierl Shsftcr's telegramim , concerning - corning the kihied anti wommnded , Surgeon General Sternberg. of time army , called cmi Colonel Van I'eypen , the surgeon general of , time mmivy , and time two imold a lommg commstmlta- Lion , ' regarding the course to be tnkn , Fortummat5ly , the nnmbulammco ship , Solace , 1mm mmow in time , vlcimmity of General Slmrmfter's army , and It. will be utilized for ammy omimer- gooey cases which may arise. While time navy ship , Solace , Is desIgned primarily for time misc of the fleet , it will be limit at time thisposltion of the arnmy whenever that may be necessary , iod time navy mmml tinny ships will tie usel interchangeably. The Solace Is fully as welt ndopted for treating time wounded as , its sister ship of time armmmy , nmmti imas accommodation for several hutmdreil immeim. Time Inst Imemird of time Solace , it was at Gunimtnmmanmo bay , a simort ( ilst000e fromn the cable station , from which tIme dispatches are sent. hurried preparations are beiimg made by time \Var departmemit to seti to Gemmerai Shatter time assistants 1mm the mcdl- cal department , which he asked for , to at tend time needs of time wommmmdeh , as a result of yestermla's battle. The hospital ship Relief , wlmiclm has beemm undergoing a thorougim overhauling at New York , Is about ready to start for Sammtiago. It was scheduled to have saIled yesterday , but owimmg to some delay was unable to get off at that time , ammd wIll leave today. Time Relict has been fitted up in an adtmilrable nmamimmer for tIme treatmemit of the sick ani wottmmmicth anti every conmfort possible vlil be provided for the ttmmfortmmmiates. Timere is a surgeon in chargi witim a force of corn- Petemmt assislamits and a complete outfit for surgical wnrk hi cases where it is necessary. Accomnmmmotiih for probably 500 persons have been 'IioYlded , anti in nhliltlon timore has been ln3talleh In time simlp a carbonatiimg imiant amul 'hn the nmammtmfactmmrlmmg apparatus , wimlclm hasttacillties for making a great deal more timan"is needed ahoaril simlp. Tlmo stmr- pius will bC utilized in supplyIng the hospl- tals asimore lii the lmnmmmemliate vIcinity of the slmlps. of courmi1 tlmC greater ntmnmber of cases of slckmmess anti wounds prlnmarjiy will be treated lim time teglnmemital anmi divlslomm lies- pitals , wimile thtm Relief will be utilized to a great exte0t itt bringing baik to the lJnitd States such cages of convalescemmts and time more serIous eases of sickness which It Is felt slmnulmt The 'brouglmt here for treatmnommt. IeEh the ItelnIr'iimemmtN. ecretarym.Is , , authority for time state- meat thatimnadmhitlonal , troops will be sent from Camp Alger to Snntiaio before time 8ilm or tith of time mmmommtlm. Time reasomm for timis Is tlmmit the auxllimmrfcruisers , Yale and liar- yard , which were selected for the purpose of transporting time troops to Cuba , wiil riot be ready to start on the next trip for timtmt Island before time ( late mimentloned. Tlmis is a change In the original arrangement under which It was expected ( bat the Yale would be ready to sail fronm Newport Ne' by the 3d or 4th , wIth a detachment of General llemmry's division for the reinferce- ment of General Shaftem"s army Iii Cuba , Time change was necesaitated by reason of the fact tlmat instead of returnIng mlirect to Newport News , It was found expedient to have the aIc go to NOW York. Altimougim not so statem there is reason for time belief that the change in the program was made itt order to allow time Yale to take a number of sick and wotmrmded soldiers front Sammtlngo for treatmmment in the hospitals of time moro. northern cIties. In view of the de1a In the roturmi of the steamer fronm Newport News , the autimorities of the War depart- mnent lmre deemed It best to' have time troops which have been ordered to Santiago , to remain - main at Canmp Alger until time steammier is at l'ort Newport News reaiiy to take them to Santiago without subjecting thmem to ammy ufmnecessary delay at Newport News. Ceo- oral 11cr y has hcemm In frequent commeulta- tiomm with the ollicials of time War dejmrt- ment regardhmg time mnnvemnent of lila livl- sion to Smmmmtlmigo anml lmas reported tlmat it Is entirely remiT to start on Its jourimey at aim hour's mmotico. Complete arrangements hail beemm made for the departure of time troops from Cammmp Aiger today aimi there was comm- aitlerable tllsalpolntment arnoimg tlmem when It became known ttmamt there ouit1 be several days' delay in startitmg for Newport News. ' % 'Sh7 NIItV Om,4mm II , ) lom'ro. NEW YOltic , July 2-A copyrigimteil ills' imatcim to tile Iveimimm.Vorld , mlmmtel ' 'In Limo field , t % 0 10 lies. ft ommi Saimtiago , J uly I , ' rmmmmh cabled tromim Pinyat del Esto , says i3aii Juamm heights. lmmmvo faiiemm , iid the way is mmomv op fleml for an advance on Morro castle. It ws aglomiomms victory , but very dcmiriy Imurehmasel , TIme imlPe vas time strong- Spanisim - . outoat , ivcil fortillci mmmiii voiimtimtiy defqmmdtml. . . ' TIme noslthoim was an excellent nun , San Juan imill .is steep , and tin artillery battery vns locatemi It. . It wan alto ucupbed Imy bmirrapjpd oUter huilmhings , but the Anmericnui iFcw , storzmmel time loights gut Spanisim vm1Inr0lgd , to yield to time bmmildog tenacity umilcpmJrage } , of the Amiglo-S.mou. s I write oic , llcOI are swnruping mmp time imill nimd coilqi It like nmmts. Time Sinumiards are dezmmoriiliZttIa : , Time figimlitiji ; lrms ; been of time hardest iclumd mmmiii otir top'lmave suffered severely , hut time cmicniyfqminrks arc in their imands aumi tlmay o nttt'mcqmmtmt the cost , El Caumeionisi.pUr5 , ' 11w general advaimee , wimichm begamntmt. ' p. mit. , has been auccesalmil , mmii along tb line , After .lrivimmg time enemy I out of El Caei : time troops look vo3mmesoli I of time viltsguud destuoycmi the Spamnlsim I I forts , by svtmhbhlit imai been defended , tfhiC Spaniards iiddt'tmmto ' time cIty of Santiago , where thtey17twmarc , 'flu losecmfl iLmm botlm eimics were lmcmmvy. A t bursting putminit.qf slmcii rlrtost nmmmmlhmiiated nit I entire comopammy of our troops , A. d'4imstctt to time Tyciinm Woril minted El l'aso e ( 'uba , imear Santtaio , umoon , by way of l'layb ilci lIsLe , July 1 , smys : Time. , first artiiIry 'light ' of the cammiImaimm imas just. lievn cndtd by the silencing of a Spout- lab'iattery. . The vouimdctl are still hchut picked imp as this 'ilispatcim Is hurried rttviy. General Lawtomm's divaon : : blvouaced mmcar El Caney inst aught without firra , At 1 o'clock this morning there wam a smmhlcn "boom" It was th first shot from Cmmpion's battcry , fired to avcn ; the killIng of his mu. I'rontpthy the rruoirlm began to answer the clmahicage ( mciii their (0db and trcmmche. At 1:15 : p. rn. qrlnics' Lattery opened cmi the Spatm'ah trcos to time right of time 3an Juan biochbmouse. The conmrnon lioivdcr Used by our lIcepa smookcd. anml was a flue I rCVt ir tbt , prphsim field battery , wimich pmobmbty wak served by Admiral Cervera's marines. jmtdglmmg by time accuracy of tima aim. , . V'liIeour.emnoke gsvc' thm' enemy our range , ( lrlmes could imot locate time eneny'g guns , which used smokeless powder , exceimt approximately. But , satisfied as to time Spminiim positIon , our men worked like nmati. Thmi' innisti fire graiiilly s1keneih , aol in less titan an hour It ceased altogether. flattery A of time Second artillery deserves great credit for the victory , for , , it % 'OS , a case of blitmtlneu against sight , Time battery loss , the olhlcers state , was as follows : ' KIlitl- - ' UNDE11W'Opl ) , private. Ill'IlM , private. W'nunded- hoary , teorgo , C , , first sergeomit. \'eite , sergeant. Cornfori , sergeaumt. Keeite , corporal. . 1)ruu , Sheila immtt , itniagli itimhers , T ! batter ) ' was stmiportei ; by time flotiim Riders , about 100 Cubans witum m htotchfiss gun , a , ti ! ) vu.clmt of tIme Tenth cavalry mmd a squad front Conmpany C of time Second cavalry. Most of the Spammlsh shells how .qwnver the crest of the batteries' posittomm sod oximlodeiL Timmougim tlmenm time Bought Rid- era had about ten wounded , amnoumg thmeumm ii. Chmpinin , whose left elbow was smuasbed. TJu Cmmbnn. , leather , Goimsalca , reports tlmflt the Cubaaa lost twenty kiiled anti woummmietl. Time details of General Lnwtomi'a losses have mmot arrived , 'heavy volley liming has been hmearti for three homirs. 'It seems to Indicate a stromg ; Amimericami advmtmmce. There i's no artillery flriumg front El CaIme3' , amid only scattering almots caine from San Juan , which has a slope of fifteemi feet in ( he hunmireil. Time day is clear anti a moderato breeze Is blowing , but there is a stroumg hmeat. Time troops are in good condition. Corimoral Mc- Leaim wnsovercome by time lmermt. The bitt. tery fired 100 rounds , two-thirds shell and ( liii balaumce simralmhmei. Thti mnilitmmry balloon used by time sigumai corps for the imurpose of obtalnimmg accurate iimformaation of the location of the vimcmimy itfli time character ot timoir defenses , proved of inestimimable service 1mm time engagonment , Th balloon floated just over time tree tops and was easIly guided along tlmree miles of time roati towarml time hues of the enemmiy. Whenever It halted for time lnmrlmose of taking a imimotograpim of time fortiflcaticmiis below time Spauilards seized time occasIon for taking pot shots at the niltlnir mimomittter. , At one timmme time big , bnlioon imung over San Juamm , not over OO yards front time enemmmy amid for five imminimtcs the Spaniards below tried in vaimi to Inmnctitre it. II im.gIm Ii I tIers % ' . ) ii ii.1 oil. In ( lie fighting at San Juan a Spanish shell two anti a half immcimes In dianmeter btmrst 1mm time midst of Captain Puritir's battery - tory in time First artillery , wotmmmdin several , Itootvelt's Rouglm itimlers 'ere also in this fight , and bore .tbemmmselves svitit as muuch cremlit as In last Friday's btmtthe 1mm the bush. Several of the Itougim Riders were wounded , among timem the following : Devore , S. 0. , sergeant Troop K. Arnmstiong . A. , corporal Troop D. McSparm'omm , corporal Troop G. Ash , Aiwimm C. , itrivate Troop 0. . FreenmamiV. . , private Troop F. Long , Ihcnjnnmiim A. , private Troop IC. Mitchell , Matomi , private Troop K. I iou'ton , V. D. , corimrmmi 'rroop I , Third United States cavalry. was also wotmmmdcd. GATHERING UP TRANSPORTS , ' ' " ' . ' ' ' SImIji mis 'I'iioy Arrive 'lII lie 'i'nkemm foi Uoimrthi Ii imed I tioms tim , .ummIm. SAN FRANCISCO , Jmmly 2.-Tile steamship Acapulco , front ClmIna auth way jrnrts , has arrived here. Time jjmuatiila , fromn British Coiumbin'hlau' : reaiied quarantine , and the Panama is expected from Central America in a few hours. It Is believed these timree 'csscis vill be tnken by the goverummneot for transport purposes. The City of Puebia anti I'eru are rapidly being fitted up. Time idea of sending ettth simip elf as it is ready , without - out vniting for a fleet , has not been tavora- bly considered amid the next expedition wIll be sirmtitat' to those that have jureceded it , ohthoughm time term fleet is variable and may include anything from three to fifteen yes- gels , Major General B. S. Otis has ammumounced no"deflnitc plans in regard to his departure. AccordIng to Present Immtentlon he will not go until time last fleet sails through time Golileim Gate , The Alger Light artillery wIll vrobably move over to the PresIdio tomorrow to Jolmm ( ho forces at Camp Mule1. Major Cemmerni Otis has not yet desig- ntatod the troops to go on the next trip to Manila. It Is known that Major Geumeral Merritt Is anxious that the First New York volud'teers shouiil be dispatched shortly and they wIll probably have a place in timtf'uext Ilcet. The troops at time Presidio and Liome I'oint wore called otmt late Friday to fight 'grass fires. The mutes at Lime PoInt approached dangerously near the tents and magazine efFort Fort Baker. Abotmt 800 acres were burned over , but no serious damage done , The difficulty in obtaimming steanmers for trarmsport service has caused the governumment to seek ( or selling resmuels , and It Is umider- stool time Tacoma twIll be eharteremi to carry coml : and mIlitary Spliplies to Manila , General MerrIam has ordered Mmmjor F'ranlc hess of time Third Ummited States artillery to Fort CanbyVasliimmm.ztomm , where iie wlii ho pem-nmanemmtly stationed CUJI4'tNS t(1I'i ' 1'JIl' Sl'tNl.t it h ) . ' . Ii ext m'y II um go ii'iIii I I ii t Im e ' % 't's I e a'mm I Iui of time. isliiud , NEW YOitK , July 2.-Accorihlmmg to advices - vices receivmiil hero by time Cuimamm junta , fleuieral Illas , 1mm eonmmmmnmmml of time Slxtim arimmy corps in i'inar mid 1110 , recently imnd a hint- tie witim limo Slmanislm in the vestcrjm vart of time Imlanml. in whIch Ime camne off victorl- Otis. 'rime Spmmmmishm loss t as imt'uvy mmmi time Cuban lost less ( baum fifty. After the bat- 'tic a comnpammy of i'anlslm soimliors ( room the garrlsomm rnarcht'il Imito time Cubamm cmnmp : with alias and , qtmlpincnts fium' time Cubans , al- leglumg tile > ' were Ihiy treated by tlmtmir clii- cci's. ' There hmati beemi much suffering umuumong time rceoncentratioi's , tint It imas been greatly al- ho'latcd umimmet they ieft time cities. Fimtmr Svmmmmishm mipics svere caught 1mm tIme Column ( 00th ntl vcre stmitcnecmi amid lmrommiimtly simot. Time Spanlshm itriconers mmmc kept uimder close guard , but are foil and svell treatel , Illtlm- erto It lisa becmm the lmrtmctice 'to release time Siinmtlarils cmmptureml , after ili'prlvhmig theum of arias tutu miommunitiomi , hut it is imow time imutentlon of Plea to keep time vrisooermm lii crier that. they amity be exchanged for Cmi- barms anti tJimltocl States soldiers taiteti pris- 0001' by time Stmuniam'ds. 'rime battle vhicii resulted so favorable for Ctmmerri Liaz Wfl3 one of time fiercest cmi- gagemnents taking 112cc in i'lmmar dcl Rio ammih iastcd time greeter psi t of a day. lioLtm Ide fmmugimt iii guerrIlla faslmioim , but time Spmmmm- lards were fittaily forceil to wlthmdi'aw imefore time hmcqvy nuil constant Ore of tIme Cuinmmms. Nearly oil time Lmnmmunition In time Cmmiamm cramp ns'd tip amid liii lnmmUrii'umls ; vlii liii in room conmittloim for anotimem Ii'imt mmmi- icrmm tiny cmmmm oblain cUpImhIes , t 'mm ' .4' ( ) f I "m' i' ' ' ) ' I it C Sm i i'mi gil , CIU\CO. Jtmi 2.-A case of geimmtimmo leprosy is eatmsimmg a diFpute betweo City I ir'mmhth CorumnlsIoner itt'ynolds amid the ollI- clrmls of time feik ral Immmmnlgratioo service. Time leper is Constantiumo Chmlpuras , a Greek fruit peiltile , 21 years imli , who hums iivt'ii 1mm ChIcago ( or three years. ir , ileymmuhmis rmimits ( i'm , goveruiutmcmmt to scud Ctmipurmis imach to his hmoimme to Europe , where friommila mire willing to cnr'e ( or time imatiemit. 1'hic gavel nmmmI'Imt otiltilais argue that timey cannot act , because they were not givemi proper not Ice. ARRANGE FOR COOPEftAT1O Attlo to tie Cuban Secretary ofVar Visits Waahington. TELLS OF EVENTS IN INTERIOR or CUBA S timmum Isli inle aim I mmeiTeimmtl lIst itL ohm Cimimitim Ciii.i tni-h'imt &mm a , Cliii- timmeil Ohiiers to 1) e a t iii VASiIlNGTo , July 2'-Cnptain Nicholas h'rrez Stable , alde-do.ni1m of the secretary of war of Ctmba , Coloimel Fontsterhimmg , hmas arrived here , numil vamm in commforenco wIth Major Ocumeral Miles and time olhhcers of hIs ittalt. Captaimm itahihe conies directly fronm time sent of Cmmbium govcrmmmimemmt , now at La s1'ermmnzn , wimero Presitiemit Masse and his entire emiblumet , except time secretary of state , ii ; located , Time secretary of state , colonel Morenode in Terre , has eommmo aim to Tmmimpa , whem'o he is stoimping for a tlmmme with a sick rehmttive. Captain Sttmbie wears limo gray duck tmumifornm , simIlar to ( lint worn by time UnIted States bificers , Coining directly Trdhl. ' time Cuban setretimry ot war , he brlnga mmmuch iumforimmmitlon as to trio mmltumitlomm tiirotmgimotm ( the ishimmid , mind imis visit Is to. % mini sectmrlng further co-operation botweemm ( lie emitire Cuban forces 50(1 ( tIme Ummttcd Stmitoa troops. Captain Stable says i'rcsimlemmt Mmmaso mmnd lila caliinet mire mmtrommgiy located at El Ealmerauigmi , lmlcim Is on lila hammil , in time provlmmce of l'tmerto Primucipo. They Immive tenmimomary quarters , and hmivo mnalntaimmeti timoimmselves stmccessfmmlly 'maimmst frequeumt at. tacks by Siammlaim troops. Cuimtnin Stable reports for the hlrst ( tame time ( lotalis of a hot ommgagcimieat , wimicim occurred recently , continmmltmg through .Xuimu 1 , 4 timid 15. The Spaniards nunmbereI 4,000 , whit time quban's defense was mmmaintnimied by only 800. Not- wlthstaumdutmg this discrepancy , time Ctibmimm loss was only forty-seven killed mind womiimded , while the Simaniards left thirty killed mm time fleid , Indicating timat thmelr en- time loss in kiiled ani 'aommmmtieti was the greater. Time Spaniards capturctl tvo Cuban ofli- cers , a first anti a cond iieutommmmnt. Cmip- taUt Stahilo says thmCsc officers were subjected to time mmmost cruel anti lnhumimmtn imidignities. One of them was PImiCed by time Spaumlshm comtmmmmamuiler 1mm fromit of a cammnomm , and mtt mm givemi sigmial , was blown to atommis. Time Spaniaim commmimmaimiler thou called for ma voluim- teor to "mb gollado" the reinmtlumimmg olllcer. Title commslsts of tlmrustlmmg a bayommet through thu micek of time nrlaoner from omme sub to the other , penetrating Limo wimmdpipe. A Spmmmmish voiummteer stepimeti forward. and time Cubummi olflcvr was LImos subjected to time ( or- ture of a ajow ileath , Cnptaimm Stable stnts also that two small boys , imot over ii yemtrmm oIl , imomm-cnmmmbatants , . .i Ito were drivimmg cattle , were mmiso kihimol by thin Spammiards. Except for these brutal atrocities , time Spanish raid umi El I'speranza was futile. and time Slmammishi force flmmahiy retired - tired , heavlmmg I'residont ? mimisso aol his cabi- n't nmalnta4mmimmg their seat of govcrnntemmt. Captain Stahile was aeeommmpmmnled 1mm imIs visit to time Wmmr ilepartnient by Senor Quesailmm of time Cimbami iegmmtion. It Is lrub- able that these eommferences will m'i'stmit in a fuller tmnmlerstrmmtdiiig mis to time co-opera- tioti wimemm ( hit' army begins to make its way wcstwarml to time ceumtrel lMii't of time lslmmnd. ( uLi'L"i'iN ( CAlLS iN itiiiAIISI'ISS. l're mum ri , i ic i'ii' Iimmi'I ) ' iii I. Ii t 0 'I' ron p , I'm' , , mum t I. i v k mm iii mm ii trim. CII ICKA MA UG1 July 2.-Today has ha'emi another t'xceslrely warm omme mit Cammmp Tiiomas , aol time mon have mmgaimm exlerl- eimeii trouble iii getting timrotmglm witim their drills. Time work of paying the armumy vas time iuialum featimre of the ilay. A nimmmmbttr of reginments 'hote pay rolls Imave beemi elmecketi mind approved were pail before noon. Time work Is imow systemmmatized and hereafter at least mmix regiments a day wIll be pail. The whole army svihl be ilisposed of In a very mihiort time. Although time army now In camp here imas rcceivemi no inmntedlate orders to move to time frommt lmreparatlomms for sucim an event are going on. Ever sInce the arrival of this army time Southern , Western & Atlaimtic , Cimattammooga , Rome & Soutimermm amid Ala- bamna Great Sotmthern have commccmmtrated a large mmmmmber of passenger conches at thus point. These cars remmiained on time sIdings In a rather proumiiscuous order ummiil tommy , wimon the two former roads began tIme vork of stralghtemming otmt ammii makimug tlmee curs up into trains of one freight , three baggmmge amid nine passenger cars. Major Nyc , corn- missary of ubsistcncc of time Chattanooga depot , is engaged hi iireparimmg for a move- nmeot of time army. During the last several days ime imas shipped to the nark a quantity of "travel rations , " canmmed corumemi beef , lmard tmmck , cammimed salmon and otimer him'e- imared amid cooketl food , suihiclent to last time minim ) ' for tcmm days. These supplies have been imortiommel out to time commmmlssary ofil- eel's of time park , so thmat s'imcmm time time conies to leave ( or time frommt every soldier camm secmmre his 'travel rations' ' from imis m'cgimemmtai commIssary antI pack sammie lii lmimm haversack in a very few mmtinutes , Three mulct ramigea are now etntmlIsimed for tIme tmsc of time macmm of time 'FhmIril division , FIrst umid Limo ' m'Ihl ' mirimmy compa , ) coumtmmmc'mmee limacilce at once. ThIs mlivlsiamm is nimmong time imttniler ordered to tlme front mmimti time mmmcim viil iumt In all tie ! ( line possIble Iii tam get practice. TIme rcgimnt'umts ivimichm will . - - - - - - - -----i- practice at time n. " ranges are I 4 Twelfth Mlmmiu'i.otn , Twth New , , York , Elihth % hiissacimtisctt , i"iftim Anti Ninth 1enhmSyl- 'aumla , Twemity.flrat Kansas , rirat South Caroliuma , Sccommti Missouri anti First 4cw hlatmmptiilre. The rIfle mammgo Is iocated' near the camp of the Twelfth Minnesota mind onp- , . ft bill. ' Major Ttoger , , who has been the inspector gemmerni of ( lemmoish Grant's divisiomi. has re- sigtmed hmi Imositloim Ruth gone to Coh'fl&'dticmit & I to tmecelmt the ilositloim of iiotmtcommnt colonel , of the Secommmi Comiiieetlemit. It is not kmmowa who will succeed him , but General ( irant ' will probably appohimt ProvisIonally a immenm- her of tIme Eighth New Yoi'k , . i4i FIC1IT hEROES , . ( Conlimmimeti ( memo First i'age. ) cci's ntimh mmmen in thmeir ork of tontlmnmotms auth llttt'mmso luhmsicnh stralum , o immg to the hills mind s''flu1miS anti time fierce tropIcal stilt. tvimlehm iiamimmmmercil ihovmm ttiomm timemmi the ' C greater hurt of ( ho tiny. l 'Fito Cutumums iwhia'vt.Ml with skill mmnti valor "I Oflmt remitlored valuable mmiii , ( lemmeriti Carcia , amid tIme other Cuban gemiersha led troops in Imersons mmmi slioweml great coolness In tight tilnees , Time Spammishm fotigimt sttmhborimhy timi'omiglmout umnil tIme retreat , tlmougim steady , i'as slowly ' anti cooly conducted. Time ) ' comitested every Immch of time vay anti fomighmt with tmnexpccted skill , timelr-ufliecra imammiiilng the trooims i'itlm hmm'nvery amid gooti jmitlgnmeimt. As In all ( if theIr figimtimmg so far , lmnivorer , they mliii immQst of their work tinier cover , rarely ' simon lug themimseives 1mm large bodies iii time 010mm. All the retreats were toward Smumtlmmgo smut it is lirobalmhe ( limit by imigimttahi time entire force of Slmanisim iii ( ho proviimce of Santiago J do Cuba vihi be yIthiimi time city's i'ahis with thin cxcoptlomm of 4,000 mmmcml imnier ( lemm'ral Pando , whose tmttemmmhmt to rehiuforce Sammtimmgo is believed to have beemi frmmstrateti. " CAMAit.t.'S Siili'S ' , 'l'sai , of 'I'imi'umm ihit'i' Stmirteil on time 'I'ri m mm ru l mm ii i lit , WAShINGTON , July 2.-The following , ' buhietimi yas pOsted at time State theimartnicmmt lii m'cgard /tilmuiral Caimmama's iheet this aft- ermmoomm : , Spmmmmlsim ships Colomi amid Coroihommga emitereil time Suez caimal yesterday. Rest , with cx- crptiomm of one , repairing , left hmarbor , coalIng - , Ing from , timelr trmilisliorts. ( Slgmmeil.VATTS. ) ' \VATTS. \\'atts , time sender of timis teicgrrmmmt , is the tleputy consul at Cairo , who has been at Port Said for several minys ohserviimg thmo / ' . oleratlomls of time Spmiimish tleet. , i The Rio slmips i'cliorttjd nit imavlng emmteroil the canal imot of are mmmiuhi commseqtmemmce as I uighmters auil arc not calcimlated to cnteh ammy special trouble to 'uimmmiral Iemvey , or to nmalte army uimntcriai cimammgo imi time existimmg coniii i lomm a f mm tin I rim mm t ml mm mm I I a , TIm t' Cillnmi Is a tioop shljm. The Com'omommga itt a collier amid also bits tlooims omm 'bomrd. ' : ' , SUEZ , .itmly 2.'rIme Simmmimlsim colliers 'imicii emmtt'rci ( lit' camimmi ycstem'timty arrived here mit 2 ii. iii. timmimmy. Time vessels referred to are time Colon amid Covailtmmmgmm , vlmose emmtry into " ' , time Smmei cammuti was caimiemi to time Amisoclatemh i'rcst fromim Port Said last cvcimlmmg. LONDON , July 2.-Lloyds' migemit at. I'ort Saul , ieit'grmmpimlmmg at I :20 : ii. iii , todmi ) ' , says 1' time Slmmmnlslm Ilcet is nmmciiorci outside Egym. tirimi vaters mumti is emigmgeil : 1mm coahimmg. ( iU.thL.tN'i'INIi IISI'.t'I'CuI . Iiuvi's , , liiimmmm hi'uiim tti lioi'Ih.'a ! timihi' ii iim' , , v ii ( , Iieiiis News. lORr ANTONIO , July 1.-Via ( Kimigaton , Jmly 2.-Actlun ) has bcemm trmlteim by time Jammmalcn nmitlmoritles hicim 'iht serloimsiy iii- tenure with Amumericamm imewspapcr boats. Time qimaraimtiiie board ( if KIngston has issued an order that theae boats mmmtmst not be emitered at or cleared at l'ort Ammtonio withmotmt per- mmmisslon of time bonrmi , bitt mmmm.mst go Into quar- nntioe. Timis vlii detaiim time boats here at least a few hours , and perimzmps a iiay amid longer. It. In hoped time olilclals wIll simon' clemmmemmcy In timi matter , becammac the dispatch boats do hot emuter Cuban ports , as there are none of thmemie timoy can enter now , amid wheim they are not at Port Antonio they are 0mm time higim seas carrying ( ilslntcimt's tramms- ferreth to them a mIle or mnoro off coast. They have been running to Port Antonio for time mat six weeks. Thu mmewiy opened ' telegrnphm line which time UnIted States gov- ermmmnemmt. opeimcd ( rommi ( limaumtammammio bay iii used almost exclusively for govermmmmment dig- patcimes. If time Jammmmiican authorities enforce the qtmnrantlno against time mmewsimmmper boats Jamaica will have to be abammmloned as a poimmt of 1lhlimg dispatches , mind time iuhhic will receive a greatly delayed service of howe froimm tIme seat of war , " ' Asis iteeimii'mui I In foI''t'iiitmii.y , WAShINGTON , July 2.-Representatte Arnold of P mmimimyivammia Imas had a eonforemmco svitim time preslilommt over time serves rca- tiered time goverimnmemmt by Captnimm 11 , ii. W'imitney , time yoimng nrnmy oflhcer wimo went it lomig ihistrimmee Into time Immterior of Ctmba as the bearer of otllciah mmmcssages frommm the Wasimtmmgtomm authorities to General Gonmez. Cnhmtain't'imltmmey is from Clearfleid , Pa , , anti Iterforimmomi hits trip early 1mm tIme var. \Vitlm him wore somne Cubans , but time trill si'mms a dmmmmgeromms one , anti time party was fired on several timnes , Mr. Arnold immimmie a ' ( ornmai reqimest of time uresidomit to simo' Limo go'em'mmtmteiit's zmimirtmclatiomm of time work by iimnl I mm g Caumtai mm \'im I I mmoy a I iou temma ii t cub- mmci. Time prcslirmit said ime ss'oultl take up time case very soomi. - - - - - - - - - - GRACEFUL WOMEN J'eca'am ; J , om , : crvouswss : Fsirs ease J 7Wi/tillCflt , J771TOy ; j" 4 / ( 6Ii'm' itrvotsn'ss coimnot' be I 1) ) accomnnliuimc ( I li\ ' i'1I1 ' P ° " ° ' . ' 't : : 1 , ) . , : ) : . , \ ' . , tclmt Jo : ; , tlicbt' caixi of nmmvemmiOmmt. ( , , , ; - . : i ) t ' 1\1mmru \ , m'l'vom1..vImrm.mi Lmlo umtmmuIbhmtul ( * . . $ ' .d \\\\\\Y\ \ \ \ \ \ to fm'u1 time' : : : c'tarzhu , Catrmm'rh crf.s : 3 ! ; ' ? \\\t . im1U1i'ttcU e.ryt1mct'c ; I o-mummti F I J ' - . - - . - . - - - , \ \ \ \ \ \ ctmi. . it ' : Jmcr r located. J t iimmmlui 1 \ , 1) , ' , S. 1) . 11rIan , CoIw/i : : , 0 , 1)rir ) : tim-4 : Vet' t ii ( it' fifteen ycars I lmmt'ti hmt'eii tm'ltjct to mis ( t ( ] I I' 1k' . I v'miId lmt1vu hImL'iit ( if ' qUI'titihi' ( lit mity m.'uinro1i v.'lthm t u"imllme imiir fe hii. , . . . , \Iy \ im rvt mm v.'i'I'tm IC&'i'llJiy tldiitmtItmI. I % 'i1M iif' rixt I'm era t I rt It ci' ] iccl imvm'vim . ) ' ( , ' ( , ? miy st.onmtulm : ( tilt huiut'i 't t'ncl .1 'r' ' . . coiittrit' ' , c , 'i ; z'ud tm'niil II2U. I cmmmmsultcul ns'titiml idm.vhk'hmim m iIiit t tt , ci ir : ( ' ; il h c itt ! c.hmm i' _ ' ummmy . ) . I humid imimnobt gi't'mm III , Imi ulen ; ml" h _ 't I l'o'tm ml .i Iti'i' I , I I. . 'm : co : t < y& ' u'ti mmgo I lust I hm' t. IonIc l'-ri-ivi. " ' ) i'flhl It' t m It 'i" _ 1hi' j i1icf to , oil uy dtsmmjrucnliio H3imtlu'itS. ! ) I t I m I 't.m ' u'tlj i ' cllr'hiii j I'm f , h'r''m e' ' . . ' ' Ot rnmy tue t imme. " S'mmil ( tim lr. lImr.a..a.'t't I'u . , m i , " . 'I' ; tm'y ! ui , iuhloo1 1re , Hpeclnl heels for Vuum'im , , i'.t-r : m- _ ! ii : ji u a .1. . 'm' . . . i lct mtUCot1mi aacimbrcnti , anti at time . btiimitt timue I.ih1t1 ii ti j _ , ' i' ( I 1' I I'm : it ' . All tlrlVTit1n ( t.'il : it , N r. . 'It.Imma Tlur'il : . : , I 1 e p I'i'.I , , , ? IItstm. , s'rm'it'mt : ' ' lut. rmimnmncr I vus t.miiimled . ' 1tlt ! Jm1a't1 : o.p.lztom.m : . l'c-itt-umn hiclo&1 mc nmmd , movi 1 cumi do mmiy own 'ttm'1c. " hiei'e Li ut kttzm' fr'ot 1r ; ' . IcSo 'V''aiclic , Otuoo Lulchiclm , SIte s'r1ths : , . I'ot' tltmpo y..urt I atifmrcm1 . 1 hi czt t'r'Iirl cly.pemin. : lily mimouthi watt ho era I could heareely cat. 1 'roti' tO yoi fCt' m,41vmeJ , t'Itri _ 'OtI 1(11(1 iO 1(1 ( tltc Pc-ru-tin , mm nd 7th amt-ii-Iin I at. omce : Cot , nomnu and bgn it to I umimu I I , I t , Iumxs lc'tnt ten iuioimtiit i.Iuce I hm'gmin to iae your imedIeImmcn nmmd I uu perfcotiy re1l , I have sic hihma cC my aid tm'onble , " Tim mnagumificent worlo nccomnp1hlmed by Pe rmm-nn iluring time pzmht forty years In cum'Inf catarchimal tromiile , Is reflected itt timouands oX letters ott tile mind con atuntly belmug received , . , ,