Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1898, Part III, Page 19, Image 19

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ProfipCct.s of Omaha in the Wcstern Lcgue
. Still Uncertain.
Owner. ut liii , Tetn 1'nyni' nl'nlley
? Int Cnlctiln ted to IituIeit r
ll tIic , ( ,
Juat ae we succeed In cutting the mu3-
tard arid moving out of the last hole Into
SIxth pottIon comes the io3IbIIIty , that
Omaha will Jose the Western league ( ran-
chI8o. No ofliclal announcament to this o-
feat has becfl male ( yet And no intimation
wilt bo given out by the magnates , bnt there
Ii no question that the transfer is being
Very seriously consideret ) . Nothing very defl-
nlt will probably be done untIl toward the
end of the aggregation's trip In the east.
% Vhllo there Is no question that the aggregation -
gation has not received enough support to
encourage l'resldent Schunian in remaining
here under existing circumstances , it can-
riot be saW that this Is all the fault of
Omaha. This city may not be the best base
ball town In the world , but it wilt support
I' bali team if a right kind of business management -
agement Is back of it. The l1Islnrs3 policy
which has been steering the club since be.
fore the opening of thu season has been
very unbusinesslike to say the least. Tlieres
where a whole lot of the fault really llc.
In the first place a team that wa maim
up In the main of dead ones was gotpn together -
gether nod wIth such an oiitflt the season
was folIowe ( for over a month. People became -
came dligustia1 with this aggregation afl (
certainly wouli not Hock to see a taiieniler.
Then the grounila were locateil altogether
too far out. Finally not an cfort was made
nor over has been made to Interest the hue-
. ines element of' the city in the game.
If a right sort of policy Is pursued base
ball Interest could be worled up in this
city. Certainly Omaha would support a
team much better than St. Joe , 1)es Moines ,
flockford and othore of the small fry towns
that arc trying to get the franchise. If
the club shoulil ho movei to one of these
places and the same huslnes policy be pursued -
sued the men would be walking out of
town on their tippers anti with cavities
within their internal regions in a very few
The history of the Babes during the seven
days ending with Friday is confined entirely
to the ! itlIers. Six games were Playeil and
I _ the Babes captureil live of thenl , iiropping
the last oni in a record-breaking fashloji-
for the twelve errors they made COIIiO pretty
nearly establishing a now record. Five alit
) of six , though , Is about as good as any \Vcst-
era league teatii has been able to tin even
With the northern weak sisters. so wo have
slot much of a kick coming.
This has put 1113 above both the Tigers
atiti tlio dillors III the table with a tilce
lIttle lead. Next above tie are the flrowors
and they are quite a stretch away and play-
log good , though soniewhat erratic bail.
They have no license to keep alicail o us
-.1 and with a hit more strengthening the Babes
ought to be knocking for nilnission into the
first division before the season winds up.
If it had not been for that crazy quilt
game with the Millers , the folding marks
would have been much better than they are.
In batting. however , the Omaha contingent
, ' . bas sIlcCcelc.l in swelling their averages at
the expens of the slab artista of the north.
'd Hoiliogsworth carried off the lion's share of
the honors in this line , for lie swatted the
leather at a 40 clip and came in with his
bingles at very opportune times. McCauley
picked up very well , too , while Fleming
Yield up his 01111. The tahios are :
a. AU. Ii H. TB. Ac' .
] Iollingsworth . . . . . . . . . . 1 t 4 9 Ii 40 9
Fleming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 19 5 7 7 36.8
IilcCaimIoy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 17 i 6 6 35.3
Preston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 21 2 6 S S.7
Fiiilicr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S IS .1 5 7 27.8
Lyons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 17 1 6 28.6
jtiitt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2 3 5 8 22.7
] ) aub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 10 1 2 3 20.0
Etistace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r 23 4 6 17.4
Pickering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2 5 9 15.4
Wadsworth . . . . . . . . . . . . . S I 0 0 . . . .
P0 A. F. Av.
McCmtiiley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3 0 100.0
Fisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1 1 1 96.8
Lyomm $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1s I ) 2 95.7
] ioiiingsworth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 21 2 91.9
Etistuci , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 17 2 93.1
Pickering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 0 2 S5.7
ROUt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 5 86.1
iitub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3 82.4
Fleming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1 ( 2 77.8
1\'iitliworth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 50.0
hero arc the imnomelal nverages of the
Individuals for the season :
- (8. All. Tt. 11. TB. Av. Inc. DCC.
W(8. ' . Cl 16 31 41 86.2 .8
' V Pre8ton . . . . . 27 102 18 30 33 29.4
Iloit ) ' . . . . . . . . 52 196 Ii' . si ; ri ; 2.6 1.7
Lyons . . . . . . . 62 ISS :13 : 60 Cr 27.0 . .4
Bent . . . . . . . . . 51 200 2. ; St 70 25.S . . .4
. . . . . . 41 in : 15 _ 33 21.6 1.1
Pickering . . . . 26 101 15 22 21.2 . . .6
ilcCnuiey . . . 5 ! 195 26 40 'IS 21)9 1.4
Eustace . . . . . SI 200 22 33 49 1iL5
Daub . . . . . . . . . 22 56 4 6 7 10.7 2.0
\Vndswortli . 3 7 0 0 0 . . . . . . . . . .
1'O. A. 16. As' . inc. Dec.
Lyons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549 22 17 97.1 . . . .1
I'restofl . . . . . . . . . . . . fit 2 5 02.6 . . . .4
Daub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 76 7 92.6 . . . 2.2
McCauley . . . . . . . . . 201) 66 22 92.1 .8 . . .
- - iloiiingsworth . . . ic 101 IS 9..2 .4 . . .
, - Fisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92,2 1.6
y- Pickering . . . . . . . . . . 61 6 6 92.1 1.9
4 Eustaco . . . . . . . . . . . Dl 129 23 90.7 .4
I , Fleming . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2 I 81,2 . . . 3.8
, ) float . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 55 83,1 .4
4 IVadewortli . . . . . . . o 4 2 66.7
: Whether the team stayH in thIs city or
1 not , it. will not come buck until the cod
r- of July. There was a game scheduled bore
'with Kansas City today neil one on iiext
Wednesday and one on Thursday. Kansas
City is drawing so much hotter than Ommisha.
though , that It yas decided to transfer the
games to the town clOwn tim river. Consequently -
quontly the lisbes wiii have six coniecutive
games on the liues grounds , comnniencing
with one today. Two will ho played toinor-
row. After time conclusIpg contest on
'I'hursday the tonic goes to Indianapolis to
start tile swing around the eastern circuit.
Time hoosiers lilet IL tight Ir01)OsitlOll In
tbo llrawcr , who cut down the leati of the
champions to a very appreclabla degree by
t takilig four * itrnighit gullies. The lirush
farm has a habit of llayimmg a cry erratic
folding game at times and it is a bit sur-
pristog that It has not been triiieil up
Inoro often than it tins. It has a very short
lend now anti any one of the next three
' 1 icama Is likely to jump attend of it at any
tIiilo. St. Paul1 Columbus and Kansas City
are making. a hot run and each day sees a
shifting In their positions. Ifluing time last
week each of ( licec aggregations has occupied -
pied each of the three lower positions in
the first division , Milwaukee ha becu
t .hooting forward amid It will not be ( be umi-
expeetcil it she uLccede In bushing iicrsclf
Into thr runti.rg
It a tmnly an te1ashm habi that the fleds
ha o hind on the first Position tim the big
lnguo race for quite a little whiie They
1mae taken a mighty fall In only a little
over two weeks. On June 15 they wore
eighty points to ( lie goo4 nnd on last
Thursday that lsnil hind beemi cut don to
eight. with prospetta that tliey. were snoim
to be ovortnkcii by at least one , if flot two.
of the runners behinil theni. Chiragn , ni.
thmoiJghi crippletl , ha been catalog right
aloig. ! In the seconil division Vashingtnn
anti l'hllndelphia have hteen .ioing the best
oric. The former is threatening to boost
Brooklyn , while ( lie Qua1ers seem to be
working to take the beau of ( ho division
away from the Giants.
( 'titi rtney Slim ) ii ( ( ' . I. liii t ( 'iik
i.eite , Ynit' ii nil Lehi , iiiit ( . , e.
fm ii It mirsic nI.
Who svill coach the college boat crews next
year ? This is a question thct every cal-
legian who has any Interest in aquntics and
every follower of boating rnatteis in the
country has asked several times since the
Cornell-Yale-llarvartl race at New London
last week ,
Taking Limo winning crew first , the qucs-
tion is easily anawereil , Charles a Courtney
will coach the Cornehhians again , If he is
aiic and well , anti the niami who would try
to displace himim afier the successful record
lie has made at Cornell womihti have some
temerity , to eny the least. Should anything
happen to Comirtlicy , anti Wi' hope there
won't , it is an accepted fact that little
Frediiic Colson would ho itt once chosen to
nil Courtney's place. That sounds pretty
funny , funnier to men who do not know the
little captain-cozawnin than to thne who
are fully aware of what a past mnastem' of
the art of oarsmanship hohi. . This simile-
ment ha probably never before appeared in
cold print , hut it has been known and nppre-
ciateil mmniong C'm'nehi atiiietem for tue lust
two years. A great many people smilel
when the 'Cornell crew a year ego selected
the little coxswain for this year , but those
people tild not know. Fretlulie Coison mna
have bcemi the first coxswain ever elevated
to time Position of captain of a 'varsity crew ,
but his worth hats been tried and im known
quantity ; it's doubtful it any crew was ever
better captained than the one that won ( corn
Yale and Harvard two weeks ago.
At Yale it is generally admitted that Itob-
curt J , Cook , formerly "the peerless Bob
Cook , " has coached his last 'Yale crew. That
was time sentiment of Yale moon at New Lan-
do and in the eastern cities after tile race
was rowed and that enttiiieiit is bound to
find ecIiressiomi in the athletic councils of
time New haven univcrstiy. Such action will
not be taken because Cook lost again this
year , although it is possible that thugs
might have been different had Yale won.
hut ever sluice Yale's trip to Henley there
has been opposition to Cook. This was
strengthieiied last year when \'ule lost to
Cornell antI it wan only through the her-
noun ! efforts of Captain Payne Whitney that
Cook was given charge for this year , Whit-
ney and Cook worked together vehl. Cook
would not have been coach this year had not
Vhitoey been captain and certainly no other
conch but Cook would have let Whitney
row on oar in a 'varsity shell. It Is a hard
thing to any , hut Captain Whitney was the
poorest oar in the Yale shell In its last
race and was time only one who caught any
crabs to speak of.
It is believed that some of time recent oars-
mmmcii of Old' Yale will have charge of the
coaching of the Yale crews next season.
Trenclway arid Arnuictrong mire nmmmst promni-
iientiy mentioned antI it is doubtful It any
better omen couid be found. One timing is
certuiumi , they would have time suplort of time
old oarsummen of Yale ammul a hearty co-opera.
tion that has been plainly lackIng in time
last three years. Cook is an old Yale nmnn
and s'as captain at time famous ' 76 crew , bitt
that will not keep hIm at the head of the
Yale navy. Not only are time tUdets amid
time Yale oarsmen dissatisfied with imis moth-
oils , but several mneumbers of time Yale faculty
imve recently had sometimiimg to say about
time loose manlier in imieim aquatic matters
were going. So the old coach , once so sue-
cessmml. widely imommored numd higimly respected ,
viil leave the staniptuig rounds of old Eli ,
"tmnwept , unlmotmored arid mmmmsutmg. " lie is
800i1 to sail for foreign shmore. lIe will
spend a part of time summer in England ,
sttmuiyimmg the methods of English crews as
exhibited at the henley races in July. After
that lie is to go over to France amid it is
reported about his old home in Philadelphia
timat lie vhlt train one of the French boat
cinh crews ( or a regatta to be held late this
Sumlulomer , It woulmi surprise n one it this
were true , ( or Cook has to all intents and
Purposes .beconme a professional coach. As
a loyal alunmnums he vent back to New Haven
amid later to New London for a number of
years to help put the crews iii shape , This
was his vogue for a number of years. But
in the few years precetltng the passing of
Cook his custom has been different , lIe
hmumsmmiovedfrom , l'hmiiatlelphia to New London
after the Christmas hoiiday. and remained
there 'with the oarsmen night and day Un-
tii after the June races. lie has hrac-
ticahly given up his umewepapem- work in i'imil-
adclphia and witim a commnemidable ambition
to train a crow to heat time OnCS turned omit
by Courtney at Cornell , hums given up every-
thmliig cisc to accomplish his heart's desire.
Ito has bad two triais anti failed and this
after doing all in his power to prevent time
crows from ummeeting , Cook was the king
of aquatic COmuehiemi until ills crow met those
of Courtney , but. umow " ( ho king Is dead ;
long live the hcimmg , "
Rudolph C. Lehmann of Emigland will not.
be hack in America to train next year's
crews of Harvard university. That hi set-
tied. Lehummann says so himself end we
opine ( hint ho may have received a tip to
that effect fronm some of time Crimson's ath-
letlo advisers , lie has returned to Emmg-
laud , but wilt probably be back In America
in the early autunmim , When he comes back
to title couumtry It will
not be to train a
college crew , however , but to marry a fair
youumg Now Englammd bride , If Mr. Leimunnnn
could hot win boat races over hero be sue-
cceticd in winning the hand of 0mw of lIon-
tomi's 5wehl society girls , so imo probably
does not consider that imI two annual visits
to American shores were altogether in vain ,
There lies been sommie little talk about as-
curitmg Leimmimann to coach thu Yale crews ,
bust those best ostetl take no stock lii the
report. 'rime truth is that Yale Is tired of
the English ideas of rowimig recemmtly introduced -
troduced there by Cook amid It in not likely
that thu athmictic amivisers of tli grand old
university at New haven would allow a
still further abandonment of Amneriemmn Ideas
of rowing for the ailoption of time system
of a purely English coach. Harvard university -
versity is not without satin , muon who were
excellent students of rowing soil should be
good toactmcrmm. I'crkmms ( , Fonnessey , Mor-
ow amid a halt dozen other old Iluurvard
t ' ooctgttvo !
oarsmen ste looked cmpnn as prohm3hdtics !
and any of ( lit m s. otmid t' rtlmmiy forni a
strong notions for a sheol of grn4hiIste
coaches , which is ttuiy time liest system. lie.
cause it R further removed from time taint
of imrotesmionalism
flet I I ml mc hIrnml runlh , . i1lx I.iimrfl ii-
mitcH I 'I'Ii I , . lintim 1-Mont e 'Fl timely
Shuts fatUuifler's ,
Time cricketera at Ouiahn are beginning ta
make active preparations for the tourna-
rnemmt of the Northwestern Cricket n'oela
( ion , which ill he held Months ) ' . July iS. nail
sticceciling days. The association i toni.
poseti of five orgamlizatlonM : Manitoba
Cricket association , Chicago Cricket nasa-
ciation , lcnver , Cricicet cliii , , Mtnnp.wtn
Cricket climb antI Omaha. The local climb has
secured tile new base ball park for the wcek
nail to gathes will be ilayed daily. TIcketS
are now out anti in time hands of immemmibers.
Pot' a slumgie admission they cost 2' , Cemmts , or
for time entire series 1.00. It is imopeul time
public viil attend these matches. as they
will have , no opportunity of witnessing the
best cileluet ever seen in the liniteil States
oUtii1e of l'hllnmiel'lmia ' ; , the hmonme of Anmerl-
can cricket. The Manitoba association is
tPuiteti to be verb' Strong ( Imis year. Clii-
rage is determnimmed to win back this honors
lost last year , and may be expecteil to bring
its very best teanm. lenver is ati mImilcimn a
quauitity , but from cli accounts will prove
a arni ngregation. Miimmmemuuia aimil Ommmnhma
have strengthmemmeil their tsnlmms title year. Time
matches should , therefore , be the most in.
teresting ever playcil tmniler ( lit' auspices of
time association.
Thm entertainment of time visitors is re.
ceivirmg ( lit' attention of the Onmaima corn-
mnittee , and no efforts will be spared to
make time ( mm pass pleasaumtly for our gliesis.
The Omnaha team must get mlawn to hmarit
work If it ezpects to win army iuiumrei at the
tourimnumient , ammd as it proposes to b an
element in time match time coummnmittce line
ileciuieli to ilay immntcim gaummes irm time even-
immga. Time heeL evening moatehi will be
liayetI \'eilmmesda ) ' , July 6 , comnmneneimig
at 6:30 : p. mu. prompt , amid will be continued
on Friday , The scores mantle in these even-
log gammmes will coumit 1mm tIme season's averages -
ages Just the annie as timose compiled on
Sustimrdays. It Is hoped that time immeimibers
of th climb whit turn omit strong for
matches , The ( earn to be selected for the
tournament needs all the Practice It can
possibly get , anml every ammo slmouitl take nuffi-
dent pride in the climb to do nil ( hey possibly -
bly caim to ensure its success.
Following the criticism of last week in
Time Ilee , the cricket writer makes time following -
lowing suggestions to the local players :
Appeumded arc a few hints with regard
to batting , which should be thoroughly di-
gesied by time bateman : Grip time hat firmly
with time right lmantl , less flrnmly with the
left. Tue rlgimt too should he just clear
of time wicket. All ( ho weight of time body
shoimhil ho on time right foot , none on the left
toot or bat. 110th knees ehouid be kept
straight. TIme left shoulder should be
brought. well across the wIcket. Time bat
unmet him kept perfectly upright for nearly
all balls , always for those 'which nrc
m'trnlghmt , or nearly straight.
The bataman's first object should be to
defemmd lila wicket , time second to score rumims.
Time two things may ho reasonably corn-
bineil , nmmd a defensive stroke , if played with
determination amid power , nmay , and often
does , result in the acquisition of ions. in
both back and forward play time bat and
left leg should be so eioso together that
( ha bali cannot imass between them. Time
bamsmmmami shmouid always be comfortably set-
tied to receive the ball before the bowler
begins to run. 'ile iii tinme" Is a valuable
maxtumi. If the bowler is fidgety at the
post amid bowls before time batsunan in quite
reatly , the latter should draw away and refuse -
fuse to hmlay the ball. Jmiummen , thu great \Vimm-
nepeg bowler , reqtmires carefimi watclmlumg in
this particular. Mammy of lila wickets are
gaiumed by his starting to bowl before the
baLsummnmi is prepared.
I believe strongly in net lractice , amid I
do mint thmiimk a player can have too much of
it. if practice is carried out carefully anti
studiously. It is a mistake ( or a coach to
try ammil change the natural tendencies of
his pupils. The great thing Is to develop time
students' abilities to their best amid fullest
exteimt. There has been too little coaching
1mm connection with our cricket this year.
Sonmo one is to blumimme for this , ammd now it iii
too late to organize a regular system of
coaciming , at ammy rate before time tourima-
Playijig with a straight bat Is to batting
what good length is to bowling. Timis point
should be imnpresseul on time minds of nil
players. Timing time ball is another im-
portaumt factor in the batter's makeup-lilt-
ting the ball at exactly the right monment ,
in exactly the right attitude amid wIth the
right action. The first thing to avoid is
making up your mind what to do before time
hall has left time bowler's hand. A previous i
resolve of ( tile kimmd is absoltmtely without
any data. Men lose their wickets by having
to correct their strokes more often than for
any other reason. Let mao' Impress upon
players time necessity in forward milny of
moving the front leg omit close to the spot
where the lint is to meet time ball. If this
is not done time stroke is likely to be weak
and feeble. In playing any kind of bowl-
log , it is best for a batemnarm , untii hue he-
conies perfectly familiar with it , to play
quietly aunt steadily. lie should try and
find out mmli there is about time bowling before -
fore lie starts to make mincemeat of it.
When ho gets his eye in , then , and only
then , may ho take ( ho bowling under his
own management.
flatsmnen must not move fromum the wicket ,
Such a movement Is fatal to good play. If
the right leg Is moved backward toward
square leg it is inmpossihle to play with a
straight bat. All our batemmmen are weak
in ( lila respect.
Iupon 4 mul OmmiiihmuCluhis Pronilmie n
Vtiie Lot of Iliutertitlim miment
for time 'I'rnim Hiiers ,
Trap shooting will have quite a boom
Imeremihoute this afternoon ammd tomorrow ,
Time Iupont will have a big affair this after.
naomi on its grotmmmda today , wimilo the Oumuima
Glum club will have a shoot going all the
day Monday. There is every prospect that
there will be a big attemmdammco at both
shoots , as the two ciuhs have joined In a
way to finIte both big successes.
The Dupont club In putting up a great card ,
Its shoot conimmmencea at 10 o'clock with the
regular club event. Time start is mamie at.
that early hour iii order to have time shoot
out of the way by 3 o'clock , when a swoop.
stakes Is to be imulled off. .After that there
is to be a sweepstakes ( or everybody , and
sonme live bird events ,
Time club shoot will be a big thing , and is
expected to be crowded and lmotly contested ,
A dozen prizes have been hummg up for ( tie
contestants. This event will be confimmed
solely to club members , however , The
sweepstakes will probably be well ( tiled , too ,
because a big contingent from the Ounuba
( lun club is expected to be no imaumil to liow
the Dupont. outfit how to shoot ,
Thu Onmab , Gun club imas a program that
will last. mmli the day , comnnmencimmg mit 9
o'clock , on Monday , time Fotmrtlm of July , .
Time cvemmta will be hirinelhmnily of a sweep ,
stakes character , and there mire also to be
soumme live bird shoots. The attcmmulmmrmce will
be awehled by a reciprocate contingent from
the Dupont club.
Ed Krug has returned from a couple of
'eeoks' stay down et Lake Langdon , lIe
had a great tIme with the dab and bad smne
flue sport. Ho roped In army quantity of
baa , some of ttiiitn being away up to aii
pourls in wc ight
Doe ( ) wsni tmtl Albert Edhalm went to
Onran yesterday for a day's sport on tiles
Jolmn nail ltenr3'Meflonrttd dallied 'with
time smoon at Miller's lake last Thursday nod
t'njoyeti 501110 nice soft. They pulled out
thirty Polmimuls of hasa. In the few imours they
were out on the water ,
There Is a little port in sight 1mm tIme
fl&ut future for tue levers of time gun , wimo
have bemm eoummpuie.l1 ) . to either lie idle or
content theniselvpm , 't'tttm ork at time trap
simmco the ducks took their flight northmwartl.
The umpinmiti plo'et will soon be here in stmf-
flelent qmmnntitlcs to atom'iI flue sport unicas
ii has ctmammged his Imabit of mmmany years'
growth. Timeso birds uaually come in from
time north about the uititidhi , of July and re-
mmmiii for ( room two wceks to a month , their
favorite ground being frephl3' umiowtl nmcntl-
ours. They ore pcmlmmips the mmiost nggrnvnt-
big bird with wimicim the gumimier imas to con-
temmd. They mimmuhe very little or mm effort at
comiccahinent. stalkimig over time newly mumowed
mnendow in full vIes' of time gcmnner , Inciting
immtmch larger timan they really are. in ( lila
tantalizing manner they tetmmpt the stunner ,
omm1' to take flight just wimemi Ime is nlmmmost
near etmoumsim for a simot. Timis flight Is sd-
uhoimi tpr lomug , c'imen tlmcy settle dowum to
lent ! time sporisnimium ntiotiier chase.'imen
withiium shocmtimmg distance timey are a corn-
hmarnti'ely easy mmmrk , owing to timeir lube-
nonmlmmally large vImmg surface.
Like all time lilt us of time 8111110 mitmul allied
taimillies , wimeut aim their travels , they are
mmigimt-lhicrs-mto out , line numy liceumse to tell
whcui they 'volume or when timey go. You
know tlmcy are imeme anti again you know
they nrc goumo. Not emily ulumrltmg their mmmi-
gratioums tb ( lucy ily at mmlglmt , hut timey nra
at all tiuumes active mmfter stmndowum , their
plnlmmtlvc , imeumetruitiuig call greetlmmg time ear
at over ) ' hour. This call , by time % 'miy , is one
of time must deceptive littered by bin ! or
liemist , commveyimmg but mmmi imidistioct Idea of
thu distance or miircetiom , of the bird. At
close quarters It is not lotmil , hut its carrying
qualities are sonmethming lhmemmouuieummll.
OmlimmimmL'N Smmimtmimer 3lei.I I imj ( 'iliulca to
an l7im t I iiit'i y Idmmi-So mmmc
riiii.n 'of fIm 't'urf.
Time sumummer meeting of the Fair auml
Speeil assocIation was called o Friday. As
far as it went time purses xviii be paid in
fimhi and time same action will be taken ro-
gardhimg time bills mmmiii ciumluns immeuirred. Thmo
racing ( lint was showmm was good. All time
promises immade regartiiimg time class of horses
entered were fulfilled. Some of the best
animmnmle In the w'estern country were emm-
tered and time fields nero musually 1111cm ! in
nil the events. Every heat was a race , too.
If there was any Jockeyimmg there were rio
evidences of it. An excellent cart ! was put
up all imrouumd amId it is too bad that Omimaha
people thu mmot avail hmeimmsclves moore of time
opportunity to see goatt races.
All thmo predictions , made regarding time
showing the track would make wore umlso
made good. When a 2-year-old can go mm
mmmiio lii 2 :25 : at tlmis tmmme of time year , when
a 3-year-old has to no ummder tim , ! 2ti ntlrk !
to make a wInnhig , imcum a 2:15 : horse goes
1mm 2:09. : anti a 2'2-i aimimmmai in 2:10 : , time Un-
derfootlng must. be pm4itty ' '
( mist. 'l'hose were
some of time right particular features of time
meeting. I
It is said that' declarlog off of this
meet at this stags i likely to nut an end to
light harmmess evCnts In the future. It is
hardly iikeiy that timia will be true , though ,
anti it is 'riot ' considered likely by time horse-
mmmen of the city. To be sure , time nttemmdanro
'as light , limit thaf1 i going to be time rule
with au outside evemluls this year. The cx-
position is lmroving ( ( (0 ( great a ounter at-
tm cti atm. '
This emmding of time mmmect , Imowever , line limit
the directors of time speed association in
doubt Is to the nfivisahiiiity of imohtling a
runniimg meet this simmnmimer. Although they
have niready decided to liold smuch arm affair ,
timey seemed to ho Inclined to reconsider the
determniumatlon. Time matter Is to be set-
tied In the near future.
Time final meeting in the western circtmlt
takes Place In St. Joseph next week. That
will crud at time close of the week , 1mm tIme for
time lmorsomumen to get their aniummimls over to
the graimd easterum circuit.
An enormous cumin Is being ptmt up in
ImLirses thin year by time grand trotting cir-
cuit. time amnoummt reaclmimmg $330,000. There Is
an opportunity for lmretty nearly every sort
of a horse , from a green omme to one with
a mark around 2O5 : The omcial route this
I year Is as follow'a Detroit , Cleveland ,
Coiumumibus , Fort Wayne , Buffalo , Glens Fails ,
Readviile , Hartford and Portland , 1mm the
order nanmed. Time omenlmmg occurs at Do-
trait , where ttm dates extend from July 18
to 23 , inclusive.
L.iintV'eel O.e ofLilmImNuni At'tivtl '
Aimmoi'c' time PoiIovcrn
or FiM limit it.
During the past veelc there line been more
fighting amongst time top-notcimers than there
was for a long time before. The ituhhlum-
Sharkey miii , the Dixon-Jordan match amid
the Sullivan-Hawkiim fight. furnlslioul a ulcer
hilt of billers thaim imas beozm presemited to
time public for vcelts anti weeks. They
Iurnished sonme surprIses , too.
For the future there is nothing very
promemtslng. It seemsas _ if all prospects for
a match between Kid McCoy and Choynskl
are off because of tue fact that the two
fighters have been tmnabla to agree upon a
meeting place. McCoy is now flirting with
Corbett , wimo declares that ho is ready to
meet him for a stogey , It no money can be
be found. Joe Goddard amid Pete Ifiaher
are dawn for another go on July 8 for'a
purse of 8,000. r1iere are hmlezmty of goes
eheduled for time Iqneer ligimts , however ,
Gus RuhlIn's det at at the huantis of Sailor
Sharkey was expectctl , of course , but it was
riot anticipated Lat lie would ho disposed
of quite so easily , iut wlmihe the Akron
giant was dispose1 o , in such elmort order ,
Shmarkey cannot 6iatm too mmmcli from the
victory , There tt po question , judging
( rtm tue pubhishe mc ounts , that there was
a wimolt , hot of iucl In the result.
It was just at tq clpso of time first rotund.
Before that the to iqen had been playing
even. hluiihimm jablei his left into Simar-
key's face twice pmtI Sharkey swung both
right antI heft a head , which staggered
Ruhlln , Starkey was quick to see his
opportunity and quicciy swung lila right on
Ruhhin'm jaw , droplmihig/tho Ohio giant helpless -
less to time floor. It. . as a cleAmm kuockout
blow. of course , but. if Ruimlin imad clucked
aim inch lower 1mm dodging a loft feint , a
different story might imave been told ,
Generally tlmls vk4tiry would Incline one
to believe that Surrkry Is a mmmcli better
man luau McCoy , taking into consideratIon
the length of while Ruimhin stooti off the hatter -
ter , but It is questionable whether smith a
Conclusion can rigitJy be drawmm , It does
look as if the sailor muSt do sounetijing
betterjfore ho is entitled to a place Iii time
frommt racks. A great-to-do tins been raised
by Sharkey's friemuds to time effect ( hint the
ex-sallor Is now entitled to mmioro favor because -
cause imo indulged In no foul tactics , but diii
lie have it chance to'In tIme brief two iota.
utes' fighting !
What was pronmised at the time Sohiy
Smith gained a deciion over 'George flixoa
imas developed more Into a fact as a result
oftimo wimmuing of lien Jordan over the colored -
ored weeder last. Vriday night , DIxon hiss
probably fought amoco fights nod xiroportlomm.
ately worm more vietarIs than tiny other
hutfttt In the ring , bmmt the pace that he has
trnek I amitat put hint out of the race with
lotmngcr aspirants for the honors very soon ,
To he sure Ben Jordan hail hut time sha'ie
the best of it. bitt that Is a wboie lot , when
time colored boya vest expericimee is conahi-
ereul. The way ho wemmt right into the cliaun-
plea's leads anti found him , atnomps him as
a persistent tighter. end declares himn to
be without question a coiner 1mm time class.
ile hits cmi esceik'nt l'ast record , although It
is not a long one , nor does it contain this
tmntuca of many stars , ills showing against
IIxoum ) Is till time Iimore creditable for ( bitt
Spike Suhlivami's defeat of Dal hawkins
was riot altogetimer tmnexpected. In fact , it
ouhl have beemm imart ! to get mitch better
timitn nut even bet on time bout , because of time
gootl timimugs timmit Sullivan has iiecmi doing in
tiuc hiast. Time result 'ommws umear imtmttimtg
him in time Ratmit' class whit Kid I.umvigume ,
lahy aumd Mcl'artlnntl. They form a quartet
of highitut'ighmt ( lint oultI puzrlo a guesser
to select the best one.
The followIng Is a gaunc betweemm W. IL IC.
Poiloc'ic numd Fl. Lasker. played ilurhag tIme
progress of that particimlarly bright event Ia
cimes4 history , time Ihastinga tCngimmntl )
toimrnammmetmt , iii l89. It was mecicil that in
tliL4 CflSe , as iii others , hacker titeliimt'ti time
Evnim's gutnmblt , though lme hiss declared that
him knows a vLummming mleteumce.Vhuite's error
In jmutlguumi'uit occurred hum tIme seventeeimthi amid
dimtecniim moves :
\ 'Imlt1'mhItmCk. . iiint'k-tnskcr.
II' It ) l'C 1. II'm K I.
2KI. . to R 13 3. 2-Rt to Q hi 3 ,
3Il to Ii I . 8-li to 11 I.
I - I' tt. Q N t I. 4-Il to It 3.
_ , lii Q 1.1 8. 5-I' to Q 3.
t-t' ; t. . Q It I. G-l' to Q It 3.
7 Plo It 5. 7-il to It 2.
, -1' tit Nt 5. 8-1' takeM I' .
ii - ii titkes 1' . 9-Kt iii Il 3.
la-I , lii it t ; . ili-Citutihes.
hI-.l , to Q 3. ii-i'Zt to K 2.
' . ' . P.
12-i' . tutl. s I' 12-li tuikes ii' It 3. 13-1' to Q I.
i I - Citm.tlt'ii. I 1-iCt to I't ' 3.
ii I' hikes I' . ir-.ict tuikt'u4 1' .
ir. Q to F itti. lC.-Q to 11 3.
ii''ii It' It 5. 17-Q to It i.
i'-l't to II 2 , IS-Nt tuikeut 1' .
19-It ttikt'-t II. 19-il takes Kt.
: tkt Iii IC l. 20-Q tuikeit Ii.
IIit taites It. 21-81. tmtkt's it.
22.-.Q tnkt's Kt. 22-lCt to it 6.
23-lt to it sq. Zl.-lCt to IC 7 ( ch. )
it.'itigtiu' .
Problcuim No. 30 , frotmm the Lotmdnn Times ,
wimito to iday numd nmate iii timreo ummoves :
E3 # 'i I3
. I r ; '
mti , F4
Prolmlemmm No. 2 , ihtome by I' to Q 7 , fol-
io'eii Ity ltn KS if It takes Kt ; by l't to
IC 2 if it taki's 1' ; by Km to Ii .8 It tI to
I , ; Iiy Q to Q ii If It to K 6 antI by Q
. ' . 11 Vt I , ' I ) . . r
' ' - ' ' ' ' ' '
, , ; 'c' umutimtir felt that lie Imumil
reumsoum it ) believe tluiut m&rraumgeuiiemit her
feet i ti itht vnyut. tim t. et'tiimti .timmtitI etil mm ( iou
at Q to Q ( ( elm ) , ( mihloweil by Ii to It 3 ,
was suggested by D. ' 1' . Logaum mind 'r. N.
I Iartzcil ,
The June niumber of "Whilst" commtnins a
nca code for duplicate wiuist us proposed by
I , . .7. Torimmey , chairman of the commmmmmlttee
on lawut of the Anmerlcnn Whilst league. It
is muot. proposed as a report of time full corn-
mittee , hut Is intended as a basis for dis-
cussioum. The code appears to be judiciously
and ' impartIally coumetructed amid , although
the ttmne Is too short for its adoptloim this
ycam. , it will uimdoubtediy be time frammmework
of a timliy utmatured code for next year's
Iii time same nmagmizine appears an Iumtcr-
eating article oum wimist nmaumnerlsms imm which
it ii ; remarked ( hint they have lecn a theme
of conmmmmeuit , anti oftomi of objurgation , ever
since tIme galume has licemu establisimoti.'liist
players who imave no mnanuieriamna , " it con-
timmtmcs , 'aro few , but every player is
scumsitive to their objectioumable imatiure when
tiisplayctl by others. There Is no vaiid rca-
soul for lumuputing their use to numy immteumtiommal
umntairness , for wimist plnycra do not stoop to
that sort of timing. Sommictimmues they are
ummerely tRue to ahh'ctmmtloum-hlttltj tricks of
habit copied froimm sommie better player umon
whom the iearner has mumodoied his ummethmoils
of play. More gemmerally , however , they are
purely invohimmmtary anti useti in perfect In-
nocemmce , though time user succeeds , never-
timeless , in beIng exasperatIng. " A corra-
spommdeimt train ( lie \Vommmamm's Vlmist congress -
gross also dcal wIth ( lila subject amid men-
thorium a nartictuiar case. "Because a umoted
whilst ammthor anti expert line a habit of
stamidhmmg mm card cmi its edge amid holding it
there till one gets tired at waitluig , aimd ( lien
flops it over , Is that a reason for a lot. of
women tloitmg the saumme tIming ? There Is
certainly muotimimug nmoro distractimmg , and to
0113 It seemmms exceetiiimgly silly. "
There was only a smimahi attendance at ( Ito
meeting of the Omaha Whilst climb Wednesday -
day night , but arm Iumterestiumg session was'
held. East anti \Vest won by a umarrow
mnnrgimm , as fohiows :
J'ust anti \Vcst-
flctiit'k anti Moranmaim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
( 'rtunimer amid St'immmmcil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Canter ammd ilusiumnu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 724
Averag. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
North itii Sunlit-
Simmmioy mmmiii J5urriii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Simon auth AlIce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Comstock nmmd Ilarkuess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 680
Average . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Qu'n tutu . ' . , IHvera ,
COUNCIL IIL.UFFS. Juno 27.-To time
Sporting Editor of The Bee : What. is the
nutumber of thm states of ( lits unlomu , also time
mmnmea of territories not yet atimmilued to time
umiioim of atates7-I'iing.
Anmm-Forty-flvo states , Time territories are
New Mexico , Arizona nmmil Oklmmhouita. Alaska
and Indian Territory mire consitlered tarn-
tories , although they .io not have time usual
territorIal form of govenuimiient.
"Vl.i-IlUI 1:1' 1)1 1(18 O1' i4.tNfl.
lmtereNt lii $ iiinnmhIe Of Nsmturiti Slim-
iliiee'riimir I ii ilol mmiii.
An Interesting Illustration of umatural engineering -
gineering is the well known heavy dike on
the Ilohlr.mmd coast , wimicim was built by the
winds theuitselVes , u-elates hmms'emmtiomi. Thic
'and foruneti between the jetties becoming
dry In sunny weather , and tIme eimrface biowul
ashore orm time wind blowing In timat direr-
tion , it was desIred to bumilti a strong dike to
contmect with the sand dunes , and thIs was
acComlihiched by setting in time sand , in rows
about one foot apart , tufts of dune sea grass
nearby. Time tufts times placed , consisting
damply of little handfuls of grass , were put ,
each one , into a cavity dug out witim the
hands , time tuft being sot into this and the
sand pressed around.
Thu whole surface of time dry , sandy beach
above high tide was covered with time plan.
tation , and ust back of t , at time highest
point of time existing sandy area , one or two
rosa of weeds were set in time sand , their
toils cut off and ( ho stalks left athmmdiumg
about. four feet above the sand-time latter ,
timifting along over the surface , catching
sand 1mm one tIny almost burying time tufts of
grass and standing up one foot along time
row of reeds ; then another Plantation being
nmade , and another , a massive dike was thus
built up to the imeight of the adjoining dike.
In hmlghm steno tides ( be waves eat into the
top of time lope amid hull clown time saud , bitt
by time same process of building the dike is
again restored to its former size.
- ' - - - - - -
- - -
'AS VIE\YED \ BY A FE1NER' ( : '
The Energetic , Intelligent , but Undeorativo
Aimierican Soldier.
.tlt I iitc'i. . $ lug Prii'iiill SIeeii of 4 lie
lltim Icr tutu 'imt tin ter tu 'lucy
_ i hi iienr Ii , ( 'limit t-SIiuii It'll )
if Dreii.
The American army is not aim ornamental
iumstittmtlon , writes tIme Tmsnmiia eorreslonuient )
( if time London Mmiii. As mmmy friemmtl tlt first
lieutenant atmys :
"thin , Snnm domm't keep aimy sohthiers for
iarlor ot-nnmmments. lie line his army get
out In the WOOtI yard , where they huimatie. "
Iii ) ' friend the hiemmtc'nammt is , personally ,
by no nmeummia ilecorative. lie diii not shave
timis mimoitming ; I rather fancy tht lie thu
imot shave yesterday. lie has a grizziiuig
mustachio , for he is , I should any , 40
years of age ; lila face is lammed , riot with
time new sitrftice imrown tan of the Fioritia
I 5Umi , butt tatuned three incites deep witim
time and all kImmti of weather. lie vears
lila black brmtitheti tmmmifonrut coat.-timq tlmtmm
shmoumider strait "with time elmigle bar , 'Imich
( it'immtes his rank , is time otmjy touch at mmmii-
iitit'ry imhioimt hmimn-tmmubnttonctl , showing his
coloreti cotiomm shirt. ills slouch felt tint ,
tientet ! 1mm mit time toil cmiii iiiutclmcti iii at
time sides , huangs aim ( iii , back pnotimhmerammco
of iuis heath , so that its wide circle of bniumm
tmrimme a tramne for hits jolly , roimmmti , cicuui
shmavemi face.
lie is not ticeorative by aims' ummeatma , but
ime is six feet tail. ills coat , hitmilt by sunmo
Prairie post tailor , vriumkies over lmi hack
uiumui chest ; taut his back Is hike time side of
a hotusm' , anti umnmler time wrimmkles timt're is a
chmest hike a imogehenui of liimrtnmm beer. hut
hmroumm can'as ieggings tb mtot ut iuiiim very
'ehI ; but this itt becuiimse Imis calves ore too
big for nimy reasoumabie size of leggllmg ,
No ; Ito lit certainly not mm good smumuiiio of
time ornamental mummy officer ; ( nit he is a
perfect picture of hienltht umiti stu'eiugtlm antI
vigor amid eouitiltioim. 'i'hen hit' moves it is
wltim the easy , graceful freetloimu of time
athlete. When ho rests ( lucre is the ath-
lete's easy grave in imis attitude. it he Is
not ormmauumeumtnl lie is impressively Iilctur-
esqtue , and if Iere a Spammlarti , am' tvum , or
oven half a tlzeim Spmtmmlnris , I ( nimoy I
slmotiiti be ammxinims to kecIm ( mitt of his way.
lie receiveti lila ummihitary traimmlmig at the
\\Test i'oiumt MilItary neaulemny. lie Imas
lenruicti ills trade 1mm a twenty years' him-
pretitlccshmip oimt vest , fighting imutliutmus iimmti
-wimich is just as tiifllctilt-kceplmmg IndIans
train thgimtimmg. lie has thistlnguislmeil himself -
self a tiozeim ( lutes , uloes mmot kimomY tIme
iimeaiiiimg of fear , hiarthiy kmmows the mmmr afl-
tug of fatigue , is as simmmlmle mint ! homiest amid
truthful antI immodest as lie iii tall aumil
straight anti strommg and brave , amid is a
iietmteimttilt still , nftet twenty years' ser-
Ice , mutt hecauuse he has mint deserveti pro-
nmotloum , but because imi this tiemimocratle immtmd
they nrc cii fearful of hmromnotiomi gohlig bY
favor ( limit ( lucy mimake itroumuotiorm a iiuird ammd
fmtst matter of seimiorlty.
'I'o ( : cieratt ,
Time stomut , soilui lookimmg , elderly gentleuuman
iii a straw limit , who , iii hils severely plnin
blue mmnifnrnm , looks like a nmetropolitnhm pa-
lice superimmteumdcumt , is the genermil-Geimeral
\'auie. TIme other pinelti , stotmt , solId , cideriy
gcimtienmnmm , who nlso looks like a nmetropoh-
itaim 11011cc superintendent , is the otimer geim-
cral-Gemmeral Simaftor. They are not gIlt-
tering ornminments ; immmt General Wade is
kumown throughout tIme mirmumy as a ' 'flghmter
from Bhoouiviile , " aunt General -haft'er ,
thmotuglm ho occupies so nmuchm slma t n his
rocking' chair. has been ( anions vcl slmce ,
time war for the vigor amid tiash of his light-
lug methmotIs
The tall , spare , gray , eltierhy nmati , wimo
keeps a cigar wagging between lmls teeth all
time while' he is talking , is a coloumei. lIx-
ccitt for iml riding boots and time straps
acloss lila shmouhthcrs , antI time yellow stripe
tiown time seam of his trousers leg , lie looks
like a gas umueter inspector ; but lie is as
hmam'ti as a wire rope , mmd Is , they say , time
'cry perfection of a cavalry albert. Time
nen who stand orslt rthoiut lii grommms look-
iimg like overgrown school hoard mumeum are
ali otlicers-nmajors aimtl captalmis mini ! I iou -
tenammts. ' 'otu commit ! aot descrIbe tlut'mmm as
shmovy ; butt they all staumd like athletes anti
( hit ) ' all have ( lie easy , cormfiticumt style of
the nmnn who knows his hiiumtiimess nnul wimo
lcmmows ( hut lmo kmiowmt It.
Time rutuml uimmd ( lie wotmiti not fetch fancy
Prices US muorks of art. You nmay see hmuuum.
miretis of ( item wnikiimg about on time woomlen
platforun sitiewaiks of ( ho hlitie town , Timey
wear brown hriceti lcggimmgs Ilk-tm their omcermt ,
caught bitmo serge trousers , generally time
worse for wear ; loose serge shirts of a shade
darker biue , amid soft felt broad hirinmmmmed ,
gray siotmeim bats , with a narrow , lmiimchefi
Lii ) fore timid nit dciii ( mm the crown. Tlmoy
rcnmlmutl you of tIme muon who.tb . time roughi
work in a circus-hanti faecti mneim , m'ittm
square jaws mtmmil prowling eyes. They snioko
immccssammtly , ( lucre is remtsomm to sualtect timut
they chow a good deal ; in coumversatiomm they
lumcessantly Invoke a Holy uumune , numil every
time they invoke it. thucy spit. But tiucir
average height is live feet eight inches or
five feet imimmo inches , anti every minmum looks
like aim nttmlete. Afoot timey go with great
swinging strides mmmotmmmted they sit iii their
sadiiles am ; if they imnd been bortm there.
l'imyslcahly , they amo as fine soldiers as one
cotuhil wish to see-every umaum a pmctimro of
health amid stremmgthi.
' 'it's like this , ' ' says my lieutemmant , ' 'we
don't keep army big tmrmmmy , but wluat we got
getmu lug imiommey ; so we only wammt tIme boat ,
anti we caum afford to ho very elmooay' in
our ret'rultimmg , Amid when a genii maui Joins
time outfit hue lives gootl , and Is fetl gooti ,
anti Is paid good , and the life can't help
make a gooti man of tutu , \'hy , mioummo of
them have stopped with time outfit. timiougim
half a dozen re-enlistments. "
'J'rmltmeul In I tie ' % Vt-st.
Many of the inca have never seen a big
town for years. 'rimey have been statiommed in
emnahi posts out In time remote west amid
north , his'lmug the harmi , healthy lives of diii-
clphimmeti cowboys , imuntimmg , fishing anti fightIng -
Ing , 1mm ( ho sathile always. It Is years since
army regIment halt been gathered together as
time regiments are gathered here. Time mm-
ture of the arummy's ordiummmry duties demands
that tIme regliiit'nts should ( me spilt up into
amtmr.hi detachmimmemmtmu statlommeth hundreds of
umiils apart. One is curious to see bow macn
who h.vo been accustomed only to act in-
dlviduaily or in smumahi hodies will beimave
now that , for time fIrst time , they arc called
upon to fighmt lit large cornblmmatiomms.
Anti wimat of timeir dischhihilie ? Timemie great ,
big nthletle officers , you say to yourself , and
these great big athletii of time raxmk antI file ,
are all very well intiivliIualiy-spionilid tel-
lows-but what of theni collectively ? isn't
their discipline rather lax' ? Each man you
mmotice seems to wear his hat at mimmy aumgle
which suits hits fancy , or fits in wIth hula
counfort. An thtey' go about town each man
seemni to walk with time stride which suits
him imabit , and the uccomnumuouiation of lila own
legs , Time drill sergeammt does not sceom to
imave acconmphislied bits custormmam-y utmilormity.
Eneim man-nail to time Iiumropan eye it scenic
Ito strange us to be almost Iutiicrous-eacim
man seemuma actually to retain sometiming of
his own inilivitltmahity. lIvery maim seomims to
retalim , as well its his iumtIlv'iduaiity , imis owmm
immtehihgeumee. That to time European view
5001138 almost imorrlbie.
Iloum' , you woimiler , can an otilcer exercise
Coimmitlete command over ( tie aggregation of
separate Intiividuahities ? Wimat lie uvamits , a
you have always kmmowmm for eertnimm , is .a
numuiber of immen reduced by bug iresstmro of
time drill imutriuctur's pulpimig machine immto a
condition in whIch they will do just as they
- - - -
a -
- - - _ _
are h1 t'xathy as timey have hucen tittight-li
do it
I qucstmonc'ct mmmy lieutenant upon $ JIiI
paInt ,
iiiteiilctiee Is time Tiuttmc' ,
" \'imy , may tiny , " said he , "that's just
it-intehilgnt'e. The American soldier h&a
more Intelligence ( mmii any soldier lii the
morltI , just bt'emnise ho Is expm'eteth to immmve
more. lIe Can't point lila toes hike a lIes-
ton goshiimg , because he don't immuve to , lie
tinmm't have to lcimnum any ; mnrior ti'ii'ks hike
that , imor to tirca5 himself up in parlor
clothes , because he don't. lmrtve imimy kings
anti cmmmperors to coumue and anmimso timent-
selves looking at him. limit lie's expected
to be iimtelligemit because lie needs Ititcihi-
geiico in hula hitisttmcits , auth lie's taught to
be a daisy shot nmmfi a daisy hmouscmnmmn , antI
If ) 'Oii'ii give flue atm iimtrcnchtt poititIo
anti a regiimmemmt of our voyn I'll imolti oat
for a imo' tlnwmm ngaltmst aIm ) ' infantry
force ) 'ou calm hiring tmgitiumst mmmc.
" 'cs , siree , with twemuty of the boys 'tiffi
imiumJor over timcro Imeiti dit immoro than five
himtmdretl Indians up in thm'hito valki
for three dnys-aimti that was mutter he'd
( 'comm ceiralcti nnil hind every horse in the
troop shot ulowml'iiy mild lie do it ? Us-
CaUse every boy misOtI lila intciligeimce 'I
eii as hmis rifle. "
This uumonmmlmmg I sav six feet of immitseho
strt'tchmetl out out tutu grass mituler it tree.
it. hind a cigarette in its unotmtim , Its .bat
itritmi drawn tiown over its eyes , and one
httmoe beumt to ummake a rest for time other
leg. Aim oflicer caine by , anti I lotiket ! up
to see imat time soldIer mould mb , lie Sn-
himtt'tl. limit ime tualtmtt'd withiomit trouhllimg to
get tmp , lie just hay there mm the lint of
lila hack anti mialitteti. I hmolimtttl out hits
gmave almorteouumimug to nmy grizzled lieu-
temmant. I regm'ct to nay that tie failed entirely -
tirely to see timt' imoilit.
" \Vhiy hmoimlih lie sniOte nmmy more than
lie does ? " lie asked ; "whmnt's time gootl of
anyway ? ¶ i'iunt fellow u'lih go timeotuptt
I auth back agmulut if I tell imimmi to. lie's
thoime it ttt'tore yesterday , antI he'll ito it
agnimi after temmiorro % ' , nut ! so ioumg as he'll
tb ( hint I domi't glo mm rap to imuivu imimmi hit-
timmg hmitmiseit oim tiuo eycbro' every time I
go imy. "
No ; they are riot mit nil ormmnnmentnl , times.
Aummerit'utum sohtiim'rmt , umeithier olilners umor mmmcii ,
lInt as atm exrmmmiphe of a flume , frnmmk , straight ,
hmoiuest , kiimdly , hovnhmie gentletuman , strong
aimci bravo timmil ttprigimt. time Aummcrit'aum tmliletr
coummmmmammtis mumy emmiimtmsinstic m'CShiCCt niuui Us
to thm amen-well , if yeti looked time louver
regiomma over for a roIlectioum of imumrti mmiitCieui
giaumts with tIme t'icrummmh bmumuflre giittcrimig in
timeir' eyes , you could mmot bottt'm' these ,
1itieliuti'M Arimtt'n Siiiv.
Time best salve 1mm time worhil ( or cots ,
brtmises , sores , ulcers , tummit m'iiemimmi , ( otur
sores , totter , chisimpeti lmaimthim , cimlihlmimimm ,
cormis , a mmii uil I shut erupt lime , amid positively
cures lilies. or umo imay requmired. li is guar-
nmmtceth to give iterfect satlsfnctioim or mmmummay
rofimntled. I'm'ictt 25 eetmts pet' box. For asic
by Kuhn & ( so.
li'i , 'I' ' ( ) 31 iLt i,4 l'flit S'l'OtJ'i' ' ( ) lttN
Nit iIren1 timid fur 'm'mIliNe ' 'imu ) 'ziiti to
Real mt't' 'l'mmt' I r liii rulu'im of hlesiu ,
' 'At 12 t'clock mmimmi'ii ; , ' ' writes Mrs. S. T.
itomcr iii the July Lathes' liomime Jtmumrmmuii ,
ilirectitug ( Ito stout wommmami how to cttm'o her
obesity , ' ' ( lit' iirst mmmenh tmt thmo thmmy simemiki
be' taken. Tmm a mu cli lirolleil chops , or sweet-
brc'iuls , or eggs 1mm any ( orumm , orm slice of
'cll bmketl whole vimeumt bread , bmmtteretl itimmi
tlmtmrommghmiy mnuistleateul , mmmiii cue grcemm veg-
etablo. Eat enough to smtisfy : lutmuiger , bItt time immic imitrogoumotma coumiluounti. For dessert -
sort a ctip ciustarti or tnimit-grimpea , h'aelies ) ,
oraumgcs or htalteil apple.
'F'or ( lie umiglmt mmmcmii have a clear soup , a
roth mimt'at--iim fiuct , ammy mmment exechit voric omit !
'emmi-a stuccumlemit vegetable like utimlumacim ,
cooked celery. a little lettmmee , new peas ,
striuig beans , a little ramv caitbage or well-
coolted cauhitiowor. All niest 'nmmmsL hrn
lirolleti , roasted oi holleti-not fiefi. g halt "
pd md of meat. may be eaten at timis meal. A
imlece rif wehl-toasteil 'wlmoio wheat brcatl ,
wltlmout butter , a hit of well-riprumcd cimeese ,
anti a cup of clear coffee may torma the
ticutsert , Time smmccess of this tro.itimmcumt lid
lum doing vi timomut iireakfast. The patient
ummay cat sutilciemit to satisfy imimngei' , but umo
more ; in a tow ilays she will flrti ( lint time
so-called imutmiger is not felt at time rit of time
stoummach , nimd in leaii tiunum a wet Ic site will
emmjoy tlmo tao ummeals a tiny-the fisI at umoorm
and the last at 5 or 6 o'tlock-bettor titan
Slam imas ever cmmjoyed her timrcc immnhii. "
- - - -
- -
' % Vii13 OTIimiltS VtIL 00MIJS.T
Searles & ear1es
hii ?
Gmmnrnnlce to cure Nmieediir anti riuh1
emmiiy till Nl1tI'OUS , GISIIUNIO AZfl
l'ltTVA'i'Il ( liNeitiiCN uif Men nrmd wonton.
SEXUALIX. cured for life ,
Ntgimt Emissions , Lost Mnmiimood , Ily-
droccie , Vericoccis , Gonorrhea , ( .Ittet , Syph-
Ihis Stricture , Piles , Ietstuia arid Itectal
Ulcers , Diabetes , IIrighmt'ti Diseas. cured.
Consultation Free.
Stricture an
by new amethod whtimout pain or cutting.
Cailon or address with stamp , 'rreatmsn $
by mail ,
'inc orini ro V tirinu ro IlL'S. 14th St
11110. dUU1LI ) 0 tIIISLL. OSL3ALa , .iIgA
The Ladles' Department of the
10 now open for business , and fully
equipped with two new apparatus for givlal
the nuost healthful , pieusimmg batims kumow
to time world.
The INSTITUTE hiss among its patron ;
time best known ladies In Omaha , \Ve as
you to give it a trial of two baths at least.
mmcd if It is mmot found as rmilrecented , we will
refund your mooney.
Rooms , New Quarters ,
216-218-22011cc BuIlding
Nc w IIykoe Inst.
Lake Michigan and Lake $ uptrlor Iransoorlathon vs.
( ) ii 'n.e iuw $ Crt $ ituin.bIp SiuItcu.
. SoIIina Front
hoe Mat-itlitat , Iuic.I , i.4ruII ( Chicago 'i'veiniI 'Ituflult , 'in , .
tetIitttc'Ttt , a A Mi , t.d U t'ht'itu.i1 AiaMm,4'I'Jmi ,
? ' HtiiIxrrn , , i'tiokci , u'te.t
lulutli , . ' . . iitnwck , ilougLton , Ashiam,4 ,
IIiu.tratet l'emeJ.tii.t4 ' tatib4 ftw ni , att.tieatIgmu.
dud AND , 11N AND N. wiu sTcHgCAg