Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1898, Part III, Image 18

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h RiLI.S ANn 1'LOW111tS.
Ilnnynnt , Vhatlrrhur , i'Inrts Or-
gnndlrq tar lltdatunnter'enr. .
NEW YOlll : , July 1.-hose to tell the
true story of rho orgnndy of this year Il3
to begin at the foundatlon pcttkoaL As
you are n modish woman nut leaped to be
saved from the hot flaea of crltlctm , don't
I fall Into the error of erecting any of your
lawny triumphs on a superstructure of
crisp , buoyant taffeta silk. Go to the
smart dressmaker , conslder ber ways and
wisely got your effects of cloudy lovedlnesn
on no more costly and slnblo underidnning
than a eham aklrt of coarse wblto cotton
net , or rather thick otarched muslin , of
any solid tint preferred. If yon rntu t have
' silk then select a soft , hloxpenslvo grade
of surah and let It be the whole duty of
your embroidered musllr. or orgnndy , with
J its frills and f1OUnCe9 , to flare out of Itself
t'- with the desired bouffnnto cxpresston. Ihd
any one of this season's thin goods , no
full of gum arable dressing hat they stunt
alone , over n starchy ntllt and nothing but
a Mother Bunth does the wearer appear.
That Woman is a benefactor to her cex
who discovery a now way of putting flounces
on muslin skirts , for the use of gathered
ornamentation on transpnrent goods now
o'mounts to a mild frenzy nod tliorr is no
eccentricity in form and Inying on of this
gathered decoration that your aister woman
will not observe , admire amt adopt. Very
narrow quilllnis of either lawn , lace or
ribbon have grown like delicntn vines over
counllres petticoats , and these arc set on
In deep Vandyke points , extending from the
knee , hip , or even the waist down. Young
I' 1 $
up long gold neck ehnins Into armlets ,
There has gone up a juMibablc wall from
a numtcr of women over the slow supprrs ,
slon of pouched waist front. Never was
theio a taslilan so berevolent to the slender
Amarlenn woman , and to make up to the
eflm onrs for thelr all merciful fronts the
powers that sway iaehlon's destiny have ytro-
tnuigatrd min edict in furor of the kerchief for
their dresses.
A turd at ( east of the light afternoon
gowns nod a fulr proportton of the evening
custtunes are decorated with this highly
becoming ; shoulder drapery. This Ins been
one of the means by which old laces have
cone forward proptneutly and ore of the
attractive sehlmsicnlitles of white muslin
debutant0 gowns is the hrtluul liberty sntln
ribbon tied over the bust. A ribbon nearly
a font wide Is nlmply drawn round the body ,
dirertly under thin nuns , and tied in a big
boss over the host. If a ribbon is not tised
then a Liberty silk scarf , or one of lace , is
similarly arranged and the ends fall just to
the w uisl line.
? : err ledvra.
Two now ulcoves for evening dresses have
blossomed out since woton have begun to
nlmw a lllilug for ball going with nrnts quite
uncovered , Th first of these is the wing
alcove of muslin , or ribbon , or lace , and
made in the form of a great how , very crisp
In the ears and set on nl the back of the
shoulder. To wear such a sleeve a list , tight
cap of material is drawn over the crest of
the arm and to this the center of the bow
ii ; ( astened. The air these alcoves gives is
quite us it the svearcr had a pair of dainty
wings growing out of ho' back-just such
Inconsequential , becoming little wings as
you like , a long-wired black velvet how ,
pierced by a cut steel or brilliant arrow.
Pretty girls pit et their top kunl5 of hairr
erect triplets of button roses ristng from
bows of 1)111k smUll ,
Plovers are of alt occasions utilized
either trcah from thin garden or ( rum the
milliner's stork. Coronets of blossoms , lit-
terwoven with jewels , appear ut the dinner
tables and In bull rooms on the heads of
thou chaperons , An Inapiring aigrette of or-
duds anti violets Is and of thu most showy
lecoratlots , while a cluster of brilliant red
I geraniums , springing fromn a semi-circle of
diamonds , gives great dignity to an elaborately -
rately putTed bead. Most fascinating in
blonde young hair is a tuft of monthly roses
upspringlug front a bow of narrow black
I velvet ribbon ; else a sheaf of white ones
growing out of a bow of black spangled
I tulle.
Dowagers hare taken ss lhelr season's
s -
1 !
olflammo ore gorgeous cerise orlrieh
feather spangled with brilliants , and it Is
not uncommon to see n well dressed womnu
nearing one while cmuella In her dusky
trezses at a half circle of green leaves
posdrred with diamond dust. ily all these
signs it will be seen that. the heron is securing -
curing the breathing spell in which to grow
new plumage against the next cruel on-
simtghl of fashion.
Stout women have cause to rejoice over
the clone woven elnttic linen underwear
that some obliging manufacturer has put
on the market , since the suns of .luno have
grown very ardent. 'rho filet is grey flax
color , of very loose open weave , and has
a tui'end of woof In Wary ) and woof. Quito
Ca closely as any knit wool underwear these
linen garments fit ; they do not shrink , are
to be highly recommended for carrying off
the excessive heat and moisture of the body
aunt altogether have no drawbacks so far
as one can see , A pretty , delicate , grnyish
brown finer lace trims off the tops of the
under vests , the corset covers and drawer's
and coquettish rose , blue or yellow baby
ripples through the bead lug.
'ups for Flldrrly Lndlen ,
Matrons' caps are models of beauty this
mummer and betray a cerlnhu amount of
decorous coquetry In their bow knots and
perky little chops of Ince , Very old Indies
continue , naul most wisely , to adorn their
veuternblo heads with the huge puny
crowns of Iis e that hcr niajeaty of England
nifects. Those women who have not , however -
ever , done with the lighter social pleasures
and still wcnr jewels nud cnlnrs with dignity -
nity , assume a really lovely creation of the
finest stiffened gauze that is pleated fluid
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girls , who wear white embroidered swissee
and such , dlsplay elaborate Vuudyking on
their graduation and first dancing dresses
and the pretty fancy adds always to a
F woman's appearance , la glving her height
and slenderness ,
Lner IOlahnratlous ,
A fair number of exceedingly lovely organdy -
gandy dresses , of the Idglt necked variety ,
and worn to afternoon outdoor affairs , are
smartly anti fancifully elaborated with lace
beading , wide or narrow , let into the skirt
either In points or in rounds ; like thu outlines -
lines of Sputlsh flounces , Through the
beading , of course , run ribbons , usually a
thought wider than the lace ! toles , in order
to pucltor it up prettily. Al the tops and
bottoms of polnts , or at , intervals along the
circles , the ribbon is drawn out and tied in
bows and , by repeating this utaaeuver on
the waist , great dlatlncllon in trinuniug la
The places to note the growtltL of the organdy -
gandy and the kindred goods right now are
et tennis gaines and strawberry teas , on
country club verandas sail at golf tournaments
ments It Is an Important fact that numbora
of women cut their sleeves to the elbow and
draw gloves up to the point where the ab-
breviatloa lakes place , while a quota have
the necks of their light dresses cut out
pretty liberally at back std front anti then
flied la with a thin spotted net , drasnt
smoothly over white ahouldursaud chest. A
high finishing collar of ribbon takes away
from anything like a truly decollolo oxpres-
don ,
A Nesy Juiyrl ,
Not even an echo answers where has the
ostrich feather ban gone. It has simply
melted out of sight and there Is nothing in
its place , slowly disappeurhig is the long I
sold chain , with Its Inset jewels , beads or
puarls. . Into the place of the chair has
sprung n new toy , A stick of ivory , ebony
or tortoise shell , scarcely larger In girth
than a slate pencil measures about eighteen
luohes in length and , tapering at one end
in a load peuell , that serews Iii and out At
the other cud It is finished by a sat of three
little glasses that , fold in toy ether , Orto ! s
a powerful magnifying lens , the other two
are for observing objects at a Ions ; distance
or at close quarters , in case one Is near or
far sighted , This fiat gold top , where the
gold rlmmott glasses are set on , Is enslly nn-
screwed and dmvn the whole center of the
stick runs a veil filled with aromatic sum ;
refreshing Ou a close room or acting as a
restorative tor startled curves.
sonudint's in t > lace of the screw punchh a
flue steel blade sboola out front thu end of
the stick. For what purpose this last Is
used no woman has yet found out , save to
cut magazlnu leaves and apen letters , but it
Is a daintily pretty weapon , More fenllnlao
and appropriate , not to say useful , ds the uud
finished with a gold hook for fastening
glovaa. Direct from I'aris thesu batuuts
have coma , along ndth the fancy for cutUutf
. - „ v t us n8 ii id
toward the crud of the Lenltry its detnrative
'inure are in profess of rc + llscovery Of all
it Is the slmplest enp to mnnufnsluro anti
one Of the most comely V late nhik muslin 1
tut in a two and a half Inch strip mrasuri i
ing fifty inches in length is the bulwark of
Its cotatfuctldn , This edged all about with
n harrow ruche of the same naterinl , or
white lace , 1s' ' the' second stage of its composition -
position , wIllle with so much done time
wearer need only with little penry hcaded
pits loop nod pleat it in place on her head.
.ts a morning ef'I afternoon headdress at
home it has do tttml and any woman gains
in beauty by Its ddoptinn , t
Itlustlnltonn of Vasillous ,
Gowns laflernoon fetes anti country
games are given In the accompanying huge
, Illustration. The first figure standing rep-
I resents n periwinkle blue grenadine delicately -
cately figured in black anti made tip over a
I front of del blue silk muslin. A key pat ,
tern In dark blue satin ribbon of two widths
I skirts the toot of * ho front drapery and the
wide frills of silk muslin at the side are
similarly handed with blue ribbon.
A little symphony in black and white Is
displayed by the second figure , The black
Is only nnrrow folds of satin forming the
lattice work over bust and hips , while the
white is swiss , having the edges of its
flounces picked out In black embroidery. A
wide black wheat straw hat , pinched into
picturesque shape and adorned with black
grenadine ribbon and black plumes is the
simple and appropriate headgear.
A taffeta of royal red lucked from neck to
heels and Interspersed with 1)5)1115 of chan
tilly lace Inid over palest yellow silk is the
umtlve or the third costume fit for a canary
blond or a Spanlei brunette. A tucker of
yellow silk net opens over the bust and n
liberty satin ribbon weuml twice about the
waist leis fall In the right knee one broad
streamer weighted with a big bow.
' % 't IL 'I'lr9V'OOINGS. ! .
Cupid. No I.ery 'I'iuut 91nr1I , Quite Ae-
tlvt .tat .
ilomalces without uuinber have cut-
ntinated in the face of Impending orders to ,
the front. One girl , the daughter of a
' colonel in the regular army , out on the l'a-
1fl t I.1 tint r It
tin artists and sculptors give the figures of
The other and equally pretty decoration
for a decollate evening bodice is the shower
sleeve. Usually a small ruche of lace , or a
circle of small flowers. Is laid on the slloul-
dnr strap of the bodice rand thou lace or
thlunest dotted net Is gathered into thin
armhole all about save a space of about
two Inches it front. This forms ai open
veil In wldch the arm hangs and the delf-
cato shower of soft material falls nearly to
the knee. Front the flowers on the shoulder
fine trails and' wreaths are allowed to full
out on the full curtain of Ince or muslin
and the bottom of such a slerro is edged
with lace or cut lu deep points or scollops
and then trilled.
Pity the sorrow of the theater-goer. hay-
lug by gentle violence and courteous threats
overconta the lowering huts , liln gallsut efforts -
forts In behalf of humalq' have suffnrad
grievous checkmate by thin' woman who
adorns , her heel with a tow appropriatu
ormunents. It there Is anything ntoro ob.
jeetiotablo than lit pietiro hat to tine
earnest lover at a clear slugn view It is the
now theater heuddrese of flowers , jewels ,
tulle and what lint , These lmperlal cult-
Lures are the direct growth ( ruin the ltigh
wreuglt hall and dinner decorations for the
! head , Just now the evening toilet denuuds
! all hair high up to thud front end then , if
then shnped Into a lofty white coronet. At
thin base of the coronet rums usually a row
of Orient pearls , anti tle whole fragile thing
is based on a wired semi-circle wrapped
with white sntiu ribbon. Behind the coronet
puffs maybe piled plentifully , and in front
the white or silvery hair is usuallyssa'od
and slightly parted , To short , stout women
such a lead ornament lends infinite dignity -
nity In deportment aunt a few valuable
inches In lteight.
Two types of most acceptable broakfaat
cap for the mother of debutante daughters
la the ho chlef and the wreath. A kerchief
is a three-cornered bit of pretllaess usually
cut. alit of wltltu swiss and hearing ottstand-
lug small flutes on lbo two short sldea of Its
angular ! aria. The points of thin angina puss
down and are caught under the eblu svitlt a
knotof block taffeta ribbon and Uc framing
thus given the taco Is becoming it the ux-
treme. Sotnothdng more orthodox is the
wreath , It is built on the beat English
model of ivory tinted nwchlht or valon
clennes lace , based on a wired ribbon band
that crosses the front at the head. Directly
over the brow the lace Is drawn up in two
lightly wired paints anti train that , in a
shell rueltn Interspersed with rosettes of narrow -
row black or violet ribbon , the wreath tapers
oft' toward the ears.
A cap with lappute was a dlatinctly niod-
c c cons , nutrr au tutenat sweetheart -
heart , a year ahead oflimn , nod three days
later scut him away to fight in the Philip ,
pine without saddening hint vllh one tear.
"Go(1 will bring him sate back to one , " she
said with an exalted unfits , Then there is
the Jeraey girl , whose honeymoon lasted just
so long ns it took a ferry boat to cross the
1tnIson river. Ilcr soldier lover could not
get even a half day's leave. So she pluckily
got a uduister , tacthlm enrote to the train
that was bearing hint southsvnrd and married
ried Ithn In midstream ,
\Veddings at the trout , or in the camps
have been numerous. In talking them over
the other duy two white-haired southern
gentlewomen became remiulsceut. "That Is
I all very romantic , " one of their said , "still
It does not match things I remember. Major '
Falconuel of the confederate engineers mar-
rich a cousin 6f nuriie. She hived at Florence ,
Ala. The fcderals'were ' advancing-it was in
' , I think , lint they had a great wedding
- bride sore ntugnyicet white brocade -
cade , which imd rbeen ordered train Paris
before the 'war began. The ceremony was
just over , nu n1 crols Itng to congratulate -
late the couple , when a trusty negro rushed
in with nese that a squad of federal cavalry
was less 'tlnur 300' yards away , Ind catnlug
straight to the , houae.
Major Falaane 's horse stood saddled in
a )
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the backyard , Ile caught his bride In his' '
aims , leaped through a window with her ,
asvuiug lint up behind hint regardless of tho' '
fine whim hook , and galloped off with bullets -
lets singing all around thlm. die managed
to ( Scope and reach the confederate lines in
safety. That' was about the suddenest and
ntolt ill-provided wedding tour I ever heard
of. "
"Yes , " thin other agreed , "Still , tt was
not so utraulgo as Lizzie R = 's wedding
Don't you remember Bert She was a sort
of freak-ulh ui't like men to cacao about her
and only accepted thin man she married
upon couditlin tbnt he should leave for
army thin mat ) e ' l ho ceremommY was finished.
Ha was rich adil good looking and years
younger than nhe. Nobody ever quite under. '
stood what' marls him so crazily ! n love
with her. Ha totlk her upon her own condi-
tions-left lei + r right 'at the altar 5101)5 amt
never saw hbr again until elm Caine to nurse
hip after hilt v s tnorallly wounded. I always -
ways did thlnli it a shame tlmt she got his
fortune. duo had willed It to her and his
mother and' ' brothers would not contest the
tvlli , " ' "
"Did I even "tell you about how Ned
Cooper was bait 'married ? " the first speaker
ran on. "That 'us out. It Columbia , when
all middle Tennessee was a debatable land.
Ned had alwveulhuart theru-luu had boot
--f , - -
c"g.gca to er t ors o war , u u n
was ih lhete on a cavalry rsid he somehow
penundrd her to marry him. They were out
on the floor and Ned had gat through his
part of the ceremony -had promised to love ,
cherish comfort , keep , honor nud all that ,
when lire federals most lneonslde'ately
swonped down on thin horse. Of course that
broke up the wedding , Ned and his best
melt-he hind half n dozen-ran for their
horses nud galloped away. The oddest part
is that he did not sea the girl again until I
after peace nos made-'aul then he food
her married hard and fast to another man.
I fancy she is about the only wwonnu fu the
United Slates with a marriage ceremony
and a hair to her credit-with ho legal intervention -
tervention , "
"The soldiers were great and most tas
clnatinfi lovers , " the second cnmtnenhvl.
"in fact , love tanking was as natural to
them mis breathing. General Quarles' second'
wife used to tell wttlt great glee , n story f
of her experience when the general was
courting hcr. She was Miss ,11ica Vivian ,
one of the richest and most beautiful women
in the south , a cousin of lass Augusta
Evans- the uevehlst , who it was anld made
her the heroine of her war novel "Mac ,
curia , " glut that is neither here nor there.
General Quarlea was stationed at Mobllo for
some title , and While there filet Miss Vivian
aul became engaged to her. lie was of the
best Vlrghlla blood , a widower , courtly , eie-
gant and of the most Inflammable gallantry.
\Vhem far from the lips he toyed it was
a necessity with him to make love to the
dips he was near. At least you would drink
so ( rout Mrs. Quarles' story , which ran
smnelhing in this fashion , "
"Not so long after their engagement ho
was ordered away to join hood's army In
the Invasion of Tennessee.'erd came buck
presently that he was pretty badly womuled ,
bliss Vivian thought it right amid proper to
go nud nurse him. Shin embarked tupau a
little w4u'ezy steamboat for the first stage
of her journey and found herself the only
wennu passenger. It was to be a night
journney , but she was too anxious to
sleep , so ant In the cabin , wishing the boat
had wings , At thin first stop another wonat
came ahearul and alto also canoe hubo the
cabin nud sat dmvn , evidently in great ills-
tress of nand. Other women came aboard
and into the cabin at various landings -
ings In Melancholy sllence , now tad
then wiping away tears , fly anus linty IL
was close uu to 3 o'clnck-and the lhnil of
feminine slletiee hind been reached. A late
toner ttaued to her next neighbor sighing ,
almost sobbing out , "I thought the boat
never would come. I um so impaticmlL to
reach uty botrolhed ltusband , who I have
just head is badly wnunded. "
" \ Vlmy'lmat ! a colncldence ! So is nape !
I nun going to nurse hunt , " said the woman
addressed. The other women prirkFii up
their ears , and looked syngntthetlc. At last
the boldest of them ventured to say ; " 1 nun
going to do thin sumo thing : "
" , Sad so aM I , ' 'And so sin I ; ' carne In
chorus trod the rest--all except Miss Vivian ,
who could oat trust herself to speak , site
was so full of sympathy with Ohio weight of
tune. At last one of the other women said :
. . \ e may as well tell who out' sweetluearts
are. Maybe we can help each other ! Mine is
-General Quarles , "
"Geue'al Quarles ! You must he mistaken !
I am en ; aged hr hi crone in various keys
from each. Miss Vivian slid kept silence- t
aud thanked her shirrs she had not been exposed -
posed like pie others. She left the boat at
the next landing , resolved to give her 1ev
iag lover at least one chance for hie life.
lie must have tahcu it-for he lived to
marry her. a
1NVEN'1'ION Oh' \4'OM.tN. .
Collar Ihrtlon'Which no .lvvay
with 31ueh 1'tvlfanll .
Not a few men have In the last month o :
two hall occasion to hhesA an Inventor tin-
knowii to them. The benedictions nailed
down would doubtless have been still nines'
fervent hind the men ( mown that the person
to svhmu they were InJebted was a woman ,
For ninny years roan has been a victim at
the trickeries of that imp of Ivory mud the
old Nick , the collar button. For years rte
hiss followed It In festive excurslaits down
hla hack or wader the dressing table , suffer.
ing not In silence and not patiently , butt
never letting Ile wild Idea enter lda bend
that there might be a remedy. Men have
invented bicycle brakes , patent churns ,
necktie fasteners and other labor and twa-
per saving devices milhnited , but a way out
I of line collar li tton ditiloilty has never been
suggested by a masculine mind. Not until
thin advent of llie new womnu was there any
relief from the infernal cantrips of thin cul-
inr button. Ltucn collars are to the mien
wouiat a necessity , almost , with every
waist she weara , be it of silk or cotton. Iles
trials tv1Ut the collar button began sogte
time ago ttnd after a series of games of hide
and seek and ninny enforced hours of bodily
eoulorilons not down in catalogues of the
latest physical culture taddist , the woman
of today- set herself to work with true fem-
inhuo inatict when in a di/Fculty / , and tits
result is her troubles along this particular
line are over.
The woman In question Is Mrs. Henry
Boardman of St. I'atil , w'lio last fall evolved
u blessing to man and w omaukhul. Shin
took to a small jewelry shop lu St. Paul a
collar button aul a tiny gold pin and vu-
questcd that the bottom of the button be removed -
moved and the top , with the steni still attached -
tached , be fastened to the top of thin pitt.
Ilcr experiunent was so successful that she
sent a motel \Vashington same tluie afterward -
erward and hind it patented , 'tVhlia in the
east drat winter Mrs. Boanhnan made utr-
rangemetts with a factory for having thin
pins made on a royalty , and the result has
been so smaessful that ltousep In this and
other large clues have placed the little nr-
ticle an sale. 'rho pins may be used by
loon as tvell as women and for cuss as well
as collars. For the men In the army whi
roust svcar linen collars and do oat wish
to unit white shirts this little device will
be welcome , -
t'rllls of Pnshioa.
Persian lawn wi11'be'popular this year
and will be lrlm need tviti lace edgings.
ilathing stilts in patriotic color tnelanges
are set forth in thin sumnmor aeaSUU of
1898 ,
An old fnvonto that is being revived le
the white grenadine , with fanny dots of
white chenmllo.
Silk mull still continues a favorite , not ,
withstanding the tariff amid the consequent
rise' in thin price.
Dotted Swiasus are most fashionable at
the present ( tune. Thny are made with
minty lace-edged ruffles and bows of rib ,
hone ,
A new fabric 1s the "Radiant" drap de
soma , This is a heavy silky gauze nun-
tonal , well adapted to the present ciinglug
A very large portion of the diaphanous
silks and mushins this year are trimmed
with loops , bow-knots , bauuls and floating
ands of velvet ribbon of medium width.
Infaut are wearing hosiery quite as gay
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Mme Yale's
A THE AGr e I. .
T1IOUSitnd of Progressive 1Vonion tllrollgs our New
1)epllrtnleut coilttliiiillg
' ' ' ' ' ' t .
Marvelous. Results of Mmal alo1 s D scodo ( l ' est
"No porsounlly guarantee tllnlr purity and high elms ntot'IL
A\vtlydcd World's hulr Medal fund Diploma of honor , indorsed by Great
GQvirnnlollt Chenllsts ,
Irer. Our
Price. Ptc1 ,
atMrl.'YALL S SKIN FOOD -removes wrinkles , restores youth-two eizes-
8mall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , I1:4 $111
Large . . . . . . . . 3X ) Y:7
DLMid. YALE'S . LO\fPLf I1L EACh1"-clears time complexion ; removes
all skin blemishes 2,00 1.75
the complexion perfect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,09 ,60
MME. YALhC'S "ELIXIR Oil' BEAUTY"-creates a rosglow of miaur + ai
anlor-a skin tonic . . . . . . , . . . . . , . I.00 .6f
SLMa YALE'S \VI11TEN13R"-makes thin hands soft , delfeae amid
white . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,00 , W
DIME. YALE'S "L'XCEi.9OR [ I1AIR TONIC"-a sclettllfla medlclno tor cc-
storing tine hair to perfect health and its natm nl color ; slops hair Ltll-
lng ; cures dandruff and all laiown ailments of the hair ; does not
affect this hair's natural color. Can be used by blonds or brunets , or
adults o1 either sex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I.W , f1 ' .
DIME : YALE'S "lIATR CLEANSER"-a psrfect shampoo , highly nncdi-
cated , LA ) 3
MMI. YALE'S "FRUITCUItA"-a female tonic , surpassing In merit any
thlni ever dlscovered for curing the complaints pewiliar to the see. . , . 1.P ) .09 '
Mt1E. YALE'S "BIOO1 ? TONIC"-a great blood purlfler and general tonic
for building up a run-dawn system and acting upon the blood , liver and
kidneys , glvlaq strength , vigor and purity to all the vital organs of either sev-
children or adult . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.01 .t3
MME. YALE'S " FERTIL17.RR"-rt posbivn cure fan constipation . . . . , , , . . . . 1,50
LOTION"-a positive cure for blttekhoad a , pimples , and all miner of
erruptlve ukln diseases-to be uasd as ( It recteil-the ointment itefore retiring -
tiring and the lotion at night . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . 1.o0 .c
the growth of eyebrows and lashes ; truly wonwdcrtul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 ,69
MME. YALE'S "TOOTH POWDER" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W .3s
DfME , YALE'S "F'AC'E POWDER"-3 9IIADDS-nesh , while , cream , . . , . . fA . : S
MME. YALE'S "CODII'LEUON 50AP" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :5 1 ,
MME. YALF'S "JACK ROSE LEAVES"-a rose pink tint far the chcejcs
-perfect Imitation of nature . . . . . . . .ft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , c9
DIME , YALE'S "ROSEBUDS"-lip salve. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 .c
MME. YALE'S Famous "Guide to Beauty" FREE. Ask for one ,
Mntl Orders Sent to any Part of Aha'rica.
as that worn by their fashionable fathers
and mothers. Their little half-nose are
brilliant in color nud evtremc In design ,
and It Is salt afford the average youngster
more amusement tban the loudest-sounding
The fancy granadines are lovely this year ,
as indeed are all the new grenadiaos , for
foyer was there such a wonderful lad beautiful -
tiful sariety. Very elegant , also , flue the
silk hots , mud different imnportfug ltottsas
show dilerent treatment of these liaud-
collie textiles.
The coolest shines for the bicycle or time
tennls court or the louse this weather are
of linen or crash in silades of cream , browner
or black and while. They are tied with
white laces or fastcnod wllh fiat pearl but-
tons. WRlt crash or linen skirts they are
particularly pretty.
There are no surprising novetaes In parasols -
asols this year. Chlffon is almost omnipresent -
present , and when this Is absent lace is
lrlils of finely pleutel transparent muslin ,
mint , silk or lace , and they give a renutrka-
bly pretty flulslt to a neglige gown or
Fetulnltle 1'rrsonnIs ,
Queen Margheritn of Italy has tak.'n to
golf as a preventive of her lucrea tig
obesity ,
In her castle Patti line a phonograph into
which she frequently warbles , and tlu u
occasionally leads th'e cylinders to her
trlcnds at a dlstanco ( lint they may listen to
her melodious strains ,
Miss Payne Townsluend , whose rei'ent
narriage to George Bernard Slinw wits a
surprise to the playwrlght's frlauls , is ' , ud
to be very rich and , beside being itersb d
in social reforms , conducta a school of ece-
uomIcsln London.
The empress of Austria , at , one time lho
most beaut'lful woman in Europe , lit described
_ _ _
- -
scribed now as pitifully thin and worn , Pre-
e ) - '
( ; : \ '
I \ /\c/ / - ii t ,
a f
/ \ \
p2 1 f . > t (
t o 0 1 ,
t '
U Ue , w 7 11 ,
\ . y 4 c +
found , There are far more fancy nmdeis
exhibited than those for utility uses , the
only serviceable styles displayed being those
of pongee or of silk in plain or fancy pat ,
The new "Dresden" chn111es are manufactured
factured In Lyons , and they show many of
Ohio very attractive destgus popular in
silks and amiial ! patterned satlmis of lust'
winter , Tltose goods are as delicate In
effect a5 the 5hcer India wools , tad they
make dainty uud summer-like gownwllieh
can ho worn on cool days and evenings
dnring the entire season.
Brlght colored capes of pleated silk muslin
lin lisse , chiffon anti. transparent silk arc ,
ono of the fancies of the season. The mu-
trtrlul Is accordion pleateil , uud billows and
yards of it are used for each cape , which
is pointed trout and back , short over the
sheaves. It is cometlntea hushed with very
long scarf ends ,
The most elegant black gowns juut now
shown utt time Importing houses are of very
lustrous watered silk , made In prlncesso
style and trimmed very elaborately on the
bodice portion uud front of the gown : vith
black lace , with girdle and yoke , bretello
or vest-limes of the finest cut jet ,
At a recant weulditg receptlot lu New
York ( lie bride wore while satin , with a
tichu of Duchesso lace , the gown further 1
decorated with bodice and skirt trtnnUmga'
of moussehalna do anie. The hrlde's mother
wore a prineesse dress of u11ver gray satin ,
brocnrled with white rogeliuds and trimtueu
with wldta lace. A cousin of the bride , a
tall , brilliant young brmctte , appeared In
a toilet of cream-yellow chiffon over yellow -
low satin , with , girdle and collar anti elbow.
alcevo bands of the meat vivid geranium-
rush velvet ,
iCntfe plealed frills appear once agalt
among the fluffy lrimniiags of the muiry sum-
flier gowns bout for day and eveuitg wear. I
These are placed stn cyary posslhlu position
on bodice and skirt , from neck to heut , and
very frerptottly min ( lie large round lint , amid
the effect is completu ahem a matching rut ,
fie-trimmed parasol is added. 'there is
much coolness and grace Itnpurted by these
maturely aged , and no longer taking any
interest oven iii oitlour sports , of which she
was formerly passionately fond.
Miss Merle Bnrie , who is at present right
In the s wjm at Newport , awes her ttileCMes
In qhn 400 to her ability us general scene-
tury and nnnnugor for the smart set in NOW
York. She writes Iuvlttlon5 tar tauny
large functions and attends to the domeatlO
delalls of several large establishments ,
bliss Emilie Wagner of Uaitiniore , a student -
dent of thin Peabody conservatory anti a
graduate of the Wonmeut's college of ilanI-
moro , undlsnayed by the noises of New
York hums established a conservatory of
musto iii a tenement house In that city. Sbu
hn5 Bono It , toe , ( rein lien Interest ! n lni
proving the colvdltlen of the pour , and not
to live up to her value ,
Mrs. Teresa Aquadru , who Oonducts a con-
tecttonery store ht lhlidgvport , Conn. , hums '
presented a ehubn for $24,000 against time
United Slates government , through paean
1'ava of the llallaut embassy , based upon a
petltlon in which situ asserts that a boycott
is being nmulnluhted against hur and this
municipal uuthorltles have fulled to proWct
] ter. , Begoljewow , thin newly appointed Iius
elan minlstnr of pnhllo ifalructlon , has begun
gun the duties of Inns office by issuing a
drastic order. IIe lies spent mm ich thnn In
visiting gitla' schools ntul gymtlasln , and hiss
made the discovery tint the corset as an
article of dress Is sot rotuluclve to the
hetdth unit physical development of limo
wearers. Accordingly hu has Issued an order
to thin pupils of higher schools and gym ,
unsia , as well us to thin students of time cou
sers'ulorics , prnlutbiling the wearlug of car ,
sets. The order Is accornpunfcd with reasons -
sons 05 to why it has been Issued.
Miss Anna \VIIIite , \Vorth county , Itan-
sas , girl , ranked third In a class of sixty
that was graduated this year front the law I
dupartniett of thin university , 'l'Ite contest -
test between time tlmreu Ieuders of the clues ,
lhu other two lining uteri , was very close , ao
close , in fact , that a large numlior of the
class rnemhera heileved that buss Wllhita t
really should have been given first honors , . P