Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1898, Editorial Sheet, Page 13, Image 13

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- - - - T1U OMAUA DAILY BEE : St'NDAY , jUuY 8 , 1898. _ _ _ - ) U
oiJT1oN oi iii FOURTh
. Celebrations Showing How the Precnt
, . . Obcrvanco 1a ] Dovelopca.
S ( hiiq , l'Ircirks nnit I'roCeMtnh.s
I'Iui Ilegzti-Ornl Inn , , IOflflWe(1
Iner-IIow CDlr.9u ! ICtpL
. tlIQ ILr.t flnt.
. The first Fourth of .luty celebration took
p'ace ' In I1hlIflhteIIblft four ( P.'S after the
flhIflILIOfl Of the Ieclaratlon of nu1epcn11ence ,
on July 8 , 176 , "a warm , sunshiny morn
Ig ; , " us one of those who wore present
deserlbet the tlay. John Nixon rezu ) the
1lielaratIon In the yard of the stitto house ,
flhIt thc great assembly of jeoilo "gave
three repeated hozzas. " The klng'a arms
% sere torn doii from thetr place , and then
the proclamation was reat before each ot
the fire hnttnlIon on the comnions. In the
evening , vIifch was clear and tartIght , ban-
flro weru kintiled , cannon were flro(1 ( , bells
vrc rung , "with other demonstrations of
oy upon the Unnntnilty and agreement of
tim declaration. "
On July Vasblneton himq'lf dIpr,1
tlic eclelrntlon which was boltl in New York.
'rho declaration was rciul In the presence of
the army , nnil the asaemblel people In.
thilged In dIsplays very like those of the
preceding day In PhIladelphia , although the
New York celebration went a step farther ,
for in their enthusiasm the people tore down ,
beheaded nnil melted the statue of George
ill In Howling green , "the troops long hay-
ng hail au Inclination so to do. "
'the flows Waa hurried forward to Boston ,
nflI ( the messengers made such Incredible
fast tune that they arrived on the 18th of
July. 'rho IC0P10 were ( Ircssc4 In their
day suits' ' and with the soldiers thronged
the streets. Exactly at 1 o'clock Thorna.
: Cratta arose In the towit house and read
_ _ _ _ _ itloud the ( icciaratlon , antI the men stood up
and reic'ated the words of their olflcera
and sworn to upholl the rights of their
, country. The town clerk road the declara-
tlcn , tram a balcony to the crowd , "at the
CIIO Of cbInh a shout , begun in the hail ,
; ) as3el to the atreets , which rang with Ioul (
liuzzas , thodow and measured boom of cannon -
non and the rattle of musketry. " Then
there was a banquet in the council chamber ,
"to which all the richer cItizens were In-
vltetl , " while great itlantItIes of liquor were
. ' - dlHtributed among the people , and In the
_ 4 , evening there was a general illuminatIon
of the entire town , There was no statue
of ICing George to be broken , but thu people
( (11(1 ( the next beat thing , for they tore down
- . . 1 the lion anil the unicorn fioxn the caat wing
. of the state house.
t I I i Mt CcIe1rit In by CongrcMN ,
Oiio of the tIIIlUbliShCl letters of John
Adams iivc the following description : The
thought of taking any notice of thIs day
was not conceived until the atcomi of thu
niouth , auth was not nienthoned until ihiu
thIrd. It was too late to have a sermon ,
ns every ollo wIshel , so this must be do-
Ierred to another year. Congress deter-
IflIIlC(1 ( to adjourn over that day and to dine
together. TIm general olilcers and others In
tOWlI were invited , after the reident and
( 'utillehl niid board of war ot this state , In
the morning thio Delaware friguto , several
large galleys and other continental anneil
vc55e18 , the l'ennsylvania ship and row gal.
I.ys nud guard boats wore all hauled off into
the river and several of theft were dressed
n the colors of all nations displayed above
the masts , yards and riggIng. At 1 o'clock
the ships were all manned ; that Is , the then
_ _ _ _ _ _ \veI C all ordered aloft and arranged upon
: the top yards auth shrouds , making a strik-
lag apPearance of flieR drawn up In order
Ihi the air. Then I eiit on 1)00111 the Del-
a v.arc with tim president and several Sen.
tlemcn of the marine commIttee , sooii titter
whIch we vere saluted with a discharge of
thirteen gnus , \'lllch was followed by tliir-
tech others fioni each of the arlacil vessels
lit the river , then thio galleys followed tIle
fire and after them tile gunboats. Then the
president and the COlflI)8IIY ) returned In the
barges to the shore and were saluted by
three cheers ( rota every shIp , galley aud
boat in the river. Thu wharves and shores
we're lined with a vast concourse of people ,
all shouting and huzzulng. At. 3
'we wont to dinner and were very agreeably
entertained with excellent company , good
cheer and music from the band of hessIans
. captured at Trenton and by continual vol.
leys between every toast from a company of
itohihiera. " .
- - -
The letter then goes on to descrIbe tile
hirocesslons and salutes of tim soldiers , and
expresses the surprise of the writer in the
c , ' , , evening to behold almost every house
, g lighted by can'lIc In the wlulowa , "though
a few surly houses were dark. " "I had for-
: iot , " ho contliiues , "thu ringing of hells all
day and evening , and tim bonfires io the
streets , nod the fireworks played off. hind
Ceneral howe becil hero in disguise , or his
master , this show would have given them
the hicailachie. "
t fp ( ' j lit' Ienhairstt IIIII of I'nt'e.
The anniversaries lied been celebrated in
the army by the discharge of guns , the set-
tlng free iJf prisoners , and festivities In
'which the wives of thho generals had been
'very active , ! ilrs , Knox and Mrs. Greene
being especially interestetL The year when
zicaco was declared witnessed the introduc-
tlon of tile oratIon. Cuiis and bells , of
course , continued to ho very much ha cvi-
- -
Vlslcli Pldcs ?
When a nina is sick his
work tithes Iii , , , instead of
he riding his work. Hi
daily task Instead of beinK
the months which supports
nud carries hilni on to corn.
fort and prosperity
. - L- becomes an over.
b u r tI e ii
I - wcighiin hint
, , f' down. lIe has
; : , . iio stiengthi , no
. - ambition , lie ( eels
U' that there is rinthi.
' . lug heft but for hun
, ' , to stagger along mm-
III the awful pres.
- of disease and
trouble at last
crushcs him to
' . - earth.
/ : 'rIte prosperous
& man is the one wino
, ; : keeps the itIIeT
hand of his work ,
,9bccausc he is stronIg ,
/ ' ' /Calable and elier.
4' t ; , getic , Dr , Pierce's
? . , . Gohmieii Medical
Iitmcovery has
. brought the best
kind of hirosnerity
to thiomisanets of
weighed - ilovii , over . hardened mien amid
woineil by giving them time physical
mmtmcngth antI stamina to carry on their work
forcefully and easily ,
' , Ior time last thirec years , ' says Mr , J. C.
! hIorgait , of Mononiai ) , Marion Co. , W , Vs. , in a
hcttvr to lit , l'Irrce. I have beto a constant smaf.
Icier ( rain juiigetion conilhlcatect with coin.
. pisints that ge'imernhly aceomimpamly muich cases.
AlwayS alter eating there isouhtl be a ( urination
of gs mild a heavy mead Iii lily stomach , I would
Irichi III ) iiiy fuo'I alter eating : bowels were very
irrrgiiiar 1 would hiiiaine I aw objects floatIng
hcfore iiiy cycs , I had paIn across may back ,
About hecenmber , i56 , I began feeling machi
. worse iliac IIMIII and was l-gmmiuIog to think I
WOuld have to suirer the remalodrr of iiiy life ,
1 was greatly discoura&ed. I deici-ibed my case
to Dr. h'lcrccs staEl'UI physicians and they dl.
TectetI ( lie to begin a ; once takitig the ' Colden
idettlcal iis.'uvcrv ' accordIng to dIrectIons. I
diil o , atiti sum happy Lu suite I cxiierienced
must gratifying results , as nil the uiiplrassol
feelings have entirely left izic. I hate now
a very good alipetite. relish any food , amid ann
pleased to asy I ( eel oiice moore hike my former
bch ( . I n-ecexltly walked a ciist4iice of one bun.
dred atui ten miles lit about four 'lays. "
No remedy relieves constipation so
quickly and effectively si Dr. Pierce' .
Pleas.aut Fehicts.
- - -a-
. ' - -
thence , nail tosste wer. drunk * n remcponm1e
to at the dinners , which were proyhiM on
every villAge grten or city common. "George
Washington , " "The ConstitutIon , " "The
United States" and "The Daughtets of
America" caine In for a goodly share of at.
tention in oration and In toast. "Squirrels ,
chickens , green corn and vegetables of the
season" Were piled tipon the tables , and
were free to all , while firewater as well as
fireworks abounded , The Introductien of
the "oration , " however , chiefly distinguishes
the celebration of 1783 , and dates from that
This was the "Jubilee" and was the most
elaborate of all celebrations up to that time.
Three of the sIgners of the declaration were
still living , although the weakness of old
ago prevented thorn from taking an active
part In the festIvities. Th struggle of
the South AmerIcan countrIes to throw oft
the yoke of Spain , and the popular sympathy
with Greece helped to Inspire the American
people. Bands , bell , , cannon and proces-
Blons abounded , and tIne oration held a conspicuous -
spicuous part. Josiah Quincy was the orator -
tor in hJoston ldward Everett in Cam-
bride , while In Washington an "honorable
member" delivered a great speech before
a greater cro'wd front thin steps of the cap
Itoh , New 'York had not yet made so much
of the oration as had some of the other
cities , but did not lack in enthusiasm. A
long ProcessIon marched from the Battery
to Washington square , and was there review -
view by D\ViLt Clinton , thio governor of
the state. Ten thousand people were In the
assembly and aided in disposing of the "ox
toast" which had been provided. The enthusiasm -
thusiasm throughout the hand was intense.
Tue "ilouroo doctrine , " the "liberty of
man. " "the oppression of effete monarchies"
vcro oxpresslons used not only by the orators -
tors , but by all men. Doubtless the
"Jubilee" provided a mighty Impulse for
the nation , then Just passing out from ItS
Tile Ceiiteniilfll.
Marvelous were the changes which the
fifty years had witnessed since the jubilee ,
but they were no greater tItan the changes
in the method o celebrating the great event
In American history. Noise of bells aud
cannon was still retained , to the inex-
preesibic delight of young America , but
science , art and literature all received their
due share of attention. 'Upon the very spot
whore the republic was horn lion , Joseph
It. Hawley extended a welcome to the
friends of nU nations assembled there , and
then resigned the chair to the vice president -
dent of time United States. William M.
Evarts delivered an oration upon "What
the Ago Owes to America , " poems by
Holmes and I3ayard Taylor were read and
"Our National Banner , a Oranfi Triumphal
March , " wrItten by Dexter Smith , was ron-
dered. Gieat as was the enthusiasm mnani-
tested in the quaint old Qmmaker town , it
was but little in advance of that displayed
In every cIty and viilaco in the nation. The
"centeiinial" will he reniembered not only
for its material display , but for its orations
anid poems as well. Among the various
Fourth of 4uIy orators on that occasion
vero itichard 5 , Storris , Ilenry Ward
fleeclior , George William Curtis , Horatio
Seymour , Lucius B. Cliittcntlen , Henry
Barnard , Cortlandt l'arker , John A. Dlx ,
Fernando Wood , Leonard Bacon , Robert C.
Winthrop , Charles Francis Adams and innumerable -
numerable other lesser lights ,
Of poems , \'llhlam Cuiien Bryant , John
Greenleaf Whittler , Oliver Wendell
Holmes , Ihaynrd Taylor and others fur-
nishnet ] their best. I'erhihps the poems of
Uryant anti Whittier will live longest ; anti
that of Bryanit especially was miot only his.
tone , hut alro prophetic , lie "celebrated"
the past antI diii not forget the future , as
lie wrote :
And thou , the now beginning age ,
\Vnrnied by tIne Past , and not In Vain ,
'Wrlto on a fairer , whiter page
The record of thy happier reign.
C.oSSh I' til ( ) U'I' NO'I'iID l'IIOI'LH.
William C. Whitney , the democratic
leader of New York , has retired from active
business life. Ho Is very wcahthiy , anti it is
his intention to pass the remainder of his
days in the enjoynient of what his large
wealth will give hint and in the task of
bringing back to health the vife In whom
his existence seems centered.
Senator Stewart was adtiresing his fellow
members the other day on the subject of
finance , and quoted copiously from 'what he
had called "eminent authorities. " At the
close of a lengthy extract Senator Hoar
inquired from what hook the western man
had been reading. "It is an analysis of the
functions of money , " by Whihlani M. Stewart ,
United States senator"waa the cool reply.
W. L. Foster has pilote4 over 200 boats
through the White Horse rapIds in Alasl < a
during the last two months , For this work
he received nearly $12,000 , and he thinks that
he succeeded In earning as much money in
the anton lengthi of time as any man in
Alaska. Foster ran a street car at Astoria
before ho wonit to Alaska , and ho is now
thinking of haying a few shares of stock
in the company of which lie was once an
humble employc.
Sir Marshall Clarke , who has Just been
appointed to a post that Is virtually that of
govoi'nor of the immense /mirlcan territory
known by the name of flhnodcsla , enjoys the
reputation of being the man wino knows
better than any one else how to deal with
thin natives. lie hits an almost Perfect
knowledge of the native modes of action ,
prejudices and ideas , and a year ego received -
coived an nildrosa of thanks tram thit.
Aborigines' Protection society for his ro-
marlcablo defemiso of native rIghts dmiriiig the
quarter of a century which be has spent
in southern Africa.
henri Schneider , who hind just dlc'l at
the ago of 58 , was the lCrupp of France.
Mere than twenty years ago ho sticceeled
his father as chief proprietor of the great
Cremirot Iroii works , vhich had attained
great prospt'rity tinder the second empire.
lie carried further lila fnthnm'r's rrincliiIe or
associating tile workmen with success of thin
firm , as is done at tha lcrupp factory at
Essen , and this regard for the emplojcs
vua Otto cause of the Sehmneiders' remarkable
prosperity. The eIther fielmneider took a
prominent part in politics , but lila son coin-
flied his energies to irlvato business , lit'
loaves a soli , Fugviie , who had a hong
training for the nninnagonienit of the works.
It is told of Mrs. Gindatono that once
when in an underground train , in London ,
shnu hind for a companion a woman. who said
In thin course of time conversation that she
nni her husband vero in a tight fix , lie
had hieltl a high place in tine civil service ,
but haul been compelled to resign. Nothipg
which ho could ho presented Itself , and ho
resolved to go out to Australia , but his
wIfe and Cannily would have to be loft be.
hind , The woman told the story without
guessing who her listener vus. When Mrs ,
Gladstone carnie to get off she found she
hind not a penny to take her home. "I
should like to help you , ' elm said to the
wife , "but I must first cotisult my has-
band , If you will call on me at 11 o'clock
tomorrow morning , et No. 10 St , James
Square , I will ace what can be done for
you. lit the inneantimna I have conan out
without IIIY purse , I haya not a penny
to pay my return tare , so 1)10580 lend me
sixperice. " Though this sounded soinmewhizit
like the holdup of a confIdence woman , the
almost tlm'stitute wife gave O the little
money she bad with her , Next day she
called at the Gladstone house. Mrs , Glad.
stone gave her $250 troni Mr. Gladstone
sad added ; 50 more on her own behalf ,
TIme Presbyterian Board of Missions receives -
ceives 34OOO from women's societies and
board. &ioue.
- - -
Personality of the Author of thG Dec1araton
of Independence
IhI Loneli licyhmood , Unfortunate
Lo-o Affair and I'lenssnt 01,1 Age
Itecallesi by 01.1 I.etters-Ui.
% 'Ietr * of Itight Living.
Jefferson , the nation builder , the statesman -
man , theorist nail philosopher , is well known
to his countrymen ; in fact , to all the world.
The Jefferson of life is a loss
familiar but no less interesting figure. No
000 of Jefferson's many biographers has sue-
ceeded in giving an adequate presentation
of his personality , but from contemporary
descriptions , old letters and family records
it is possibho to get a very fair and accurate
mental picture of Jefferson's human side ,
fr ; , like all heroes , ho was intensely human.
Ia point of stature Jefferson was Ia the
Washington and Lincoln class , six feet two
and a half inches in height , not as well
built as Washington , but resembling in hues
of certain disproportion thin great lentuckIan
rather than the almost hyslcaIiy perfect
Virginian. lie was a good horsomanbut in
this respect below \Vashilngton standard ,
as , indeed , what man of that era was not ?
Like WisliIng&on , too , Jefferson possesseh
prodigious strength , lie was the strongest
man in his county , and could lIft thin weight
of 1,000 pounds with case. Ills great
strength was an inhicriL'tnco from hiis father ,
who is described as having been "a wonder
of physical force. " Unhiko Lincoln , not a
trace of awkwardness could be discovered in
Jelforson. The widely different associations
of the two men easily account for the fact.
The log cabin In the wilderness , thin flat
boat , the small country vihiago , the rough
western circuit in those pioneer days , the
shirt sleeves legislature of a young state ,
could not be comnareil. as chnools of deport-
meat and thio graces or life , with time cant-
fortable planter's mansion in coloiiial Vir-
ginla , thio classical school , the old college
of William and Mary , the stately establish-
rnents of the opulent slave owners , with
eqtnaro niiles of rich estates , tile cuitured
life of early i'hiiindeiphla , nail , finally , a bug
residence in the most splendid of Euro-
miean capitals and a close vcrsonal anti official
intercourse with the leaders of the brilliant
and aristocratic court of the most polisheti
of Frenchi kings. But , despite thieo differences -
ences , there is a chose resemblance in char.
actor nuid ilisposititon between tlicso two
natioiPal heroes ,
I.ZL' Result ) ' of I''nsli.
Jefferson \vai ; not a handsome man , At
.h ago of 17 he is described as tall , raw-
jouncil , freckled anti sanily-hialri'd ; tire feet
intl hatiil iario , ( lie \'rists thicl : , tine chin
ilid cheekbones Promiileuit. lInt his zip.
) earauice , of course , unproved as Inn grew
a years , The face was angular , the features
; trong and the hues finn and well , lefiiied.
us complexion was ruddy , the texture of
Lhie skim flute and the color delicately fair.
rite sandy hair of youth deepened to a red-
lish chestnut of luxuriant growth. Tile
: yes were full and deep-set , in tint ii iigt
nazel , and beautiful in expression. izuniei
irew this lrnrtrait of Jeffernon at the age
Dr S2. 'Thin head , which ha not iecuiiinir
In its shape , is set rather forwnrl , on lila
niiouidera : and his neck , being long , ibero
Is , when he is walking , nun hlahttunl pro-
Lrusion of it. It is still covered with hair
vhichi , having been once red and now turning -
ing gray , is of an indistinct sandy hue. Ills
eyes are sninli , very light cmi now' neithier
brilliant nor striking. His chin is rather
long , but not pointed , Ills mmmlii is well
formed and still filled with teqtii ; it is
strongly compressed , benrbng nu exprenisloin
Df contentment and hienevoience. ills corn-
pioxloui , formerly light and frecklcil , now
bears thin innurks of age and cuutanieoius of-
fectbon. his limbs are uncommonly long ,
lila hands and feet very large , anti his
wrIsts of an extraordinary size. "
The general expression of the countenance
was vivacous ! neil exceedingly pleasing. lie
had a nature full of sunshine anti a counuitant
desIre to niake all around him happy. At-
fectloa for family , friends , anti especially
children , wltlu whom , when a grandfathtcr ,
lie ii'ns 'wont to romp on the floor , was one
of his strongest characteristics. lIe i'as
keenly sensItive to suffering even in (10mm
animals , hnut lie did not carry sentiment so
far as to prevent hint train souindiy punish.
ing an unruly horse , en as to uiinster hIm ,
Those dependent on hun loveil him , vartic-
ularly his slaveui , to whom he was kind enid
generous. Few mcii ever hind a greater
nununhner of trielitla ; no unuin could be uniore
devoted to them. lie Inossesacli a high ,
proud spirit , but not a particle of 'vanity ,
lie hail unbounded faith in hiunianuity arid
was quick to forgive nuid forget personal
Inijiury anti lnjuiitticn. lie was seliloun angry ,
ill-humored or irritable. In every relation
of life lie urns frank. candid sunl consolen-
tlously jtmiit. Tliourih far froni effeminate ,
ho hind man ) ' feuiihuiiiio ways , tastes nual feel-
lungs , which pntlear'il hun to thDse who en-
joycu lila rrienurnup.
\'SlN .IIt Ifli ( ) rnEor.
While Jefferson was a brlhliatit coutver
nationalist liii was not an orator. "Why
Mr. Jefferson was not ihistingul lied in
poijulai' debate , " says William Wi 't , 'Ims
, ttoa been a niatter of smirprio to tlmoso
who have seen his eloquieuuce au paper anti
hearth it in conversation , He hail all the
attributes of thin nnin'l auth the heart antI
the cool which era essential to eioqiieiico
of tine hiighcst order. 'The only defect was
a iihiysicai one ; ho wantetl volume mini coiii-
pass of voice for a large deliberative as-
screWy , and his voice , from tine excess of
his sensibIlity , instead of rIsing withi his
feelings and conceptions. stink uuuiher thielr
mrcssuro annul becanie gunttural anti inarticui.
late. Tine consciousness of this infirmity re-
iressetl every attempt in a large hotly in
which bin kuiew lie must tail. " But , in-
tiependently of this detect , Jefferson
seems to have been averse to speech-
ranking. This may be inferred from hils
sharp criticism of the debates in the con.
tinentai congress. "Day alter tiny , " hue remarks -
marks , "ivas wasted on the most unimpoi-
taut questions. " To a member who lied
asked him bow "he could sit in silence ,
iiearloii so much false reasoning which a
word would refute , " be replied that "to
refute was easy , but to silence was impos-
sibie. " lie added that it "was the trade of
lawyers to question everything , yield nothi-
lag and talk by the hour , " arid "that 150
of them should do business togVthef ought
in ;
Boom ! Bangli vu
The unexpectetl'kftn happens-now
it'tt ft big cut tibn ladies' Foster
Bicyc'e ' 1io-lri L. Shooinan
never hn.9 fllfldt1 uch a cut from
what everybody Inns considered the
right price as ho Ui ; on tlico bootq
-The ten inch 'bldclo boot niixetl
clothi topa-ta ii rid Uttl 'bottoms-medium
weight soles-that , te' bought at a. Itrice
to troll for $ 'i.fiO-f.5ninind ( you-go now
at're lbqt. old style-New
goods for this stiihig tratlome of
time high emit styli h'ave been selling at
i.riO-lho\v time mlflutltj lriLP ) , 2,5O-Tliig
is the Bicycle hoot oliot'tuullty ) of tine
, ,
year n
Drexel Iioe Co. ,
Otiinhiit's Up-b-unto Shoe lion , . .
% IAI 19 FA RNAM .S'l'Rli'L'
Dore's ' a Hot Time-
Iii Sulid3' ago icr night-aim der v1ii
lie a limit tililL' at tie hxposilnoii tamer- ¶ ,
row-mumil this kid ivill be in it-no xvIii , - .
1113' thttil'it live cubit Stoceker clgnr-Dat's
tliwuI3's lii mm hush iuuitl miami's gout' flhi
luuutilt' hiI ml lug lot-koz ( lt'huI tilElleil l't'l'
let's doii't smoke lmutlien else-dey no de
tIliTet'ite lntweeum tire' amid ten cents-
lint tI'S' Him 110 1)0113' ) hcniii tell do tiliTci' .
alice intw'oi'ii ummy tlutl's : live c'eflt r /
StOl2ckei' an hiinzit hif tie tlI ( ei'iitepn-.ii , '
2. . 4
thuit Stoecket' 1 tie ht't smoke evem'-li
mimi hiest denhc'rs 141'll ( IC Stoei'ker-Ask tnt' nit e
QO -
1404 DOUtLAS.
: '
We Celebrate Tomorrow'I
iuitl all Oiuntlm joln with tn-celebrat-
lug the fact that we've beeui inn lnisimnesg
over 2 3'entr tIght in thiii ' : inute location .
-anid tiintt out' eh'gant itock of ilnuio '
cnunpn'ises tile it'athiiig in.ntrtiumtuints--s'michi
is tIne iic' eemlo : 1CiniD.tii , the ICumniln ,
tlit ICi'aule'Iu & hitch , tli hlallet &
lnt'is , the \Vhiitiiey mtni ( lliiize-Tiicie i
colohrtted : iiitllt)4 ) caui uuuv lit. ? iiui : ott
extreniteiy eulsy in1Ylnieimt-fmu1' $2i cash
ztflI ( $ l ( ) l'n' ) uuiuutli-tt : lit'iCCS tlnntt are
astoniisliingly loiv-'l'lii'n iigtlni : i'ott can ,
pn'c'u a hue' liftIlliluil gi'aumu IdaHo 'iihi
a small lfi'Iln11lt ) 01' . ' 1 5 e'ainhi anti $ S
1)01' ) mouth-goods that .y on know are /
i'igiit-fon' this lmomns loin a reputation at
A. HOSPE , .
tisi e All ' t513 Doui1us C
, , , ,
inot to he expected. " Jefferson , however ,
appreciated oratury. lIe observed of l'at-
rick henry that "be appeared to mu to
ininenk as Ihoiner iviotCd anti of .Tohn Atiamns
" 0th' colossus the iboor , "
lie said , "lie was on
and "caine out with n power of thought
anti exprcssioni which moi'etl us from our
Seats. "
Jutfernoi : I'I it 3iy ,
As a boy Jcitc'rson hind very uttle huomne
life , In the sense o1f living with hils family.
At t years of ago lie was ununler thin tuItion
of a clergyman , who tntmighit him Franichi
anul tile rudinnelits or. , Greek anti Latiun.
1Vhen only 14 he lost his father. Half a
century later Jelfeizoul , in a letter of advice
to his j'rannultoun , gnL'e an account of thIs
critical perioti at his life , and of tine perils
that beset hum. " \\1ioii I recollect , " lie
wrote , "that at 1 I years of age tile whole
care anti direction of myself was thrown
on iniyself entirely , without a n'e1ati'e or
fi'land ( lualik ( 1o aulvlst ? or gnululo ale , auth
rccohlect the virlotus borts at had cannpany
with which I nssohntitl front time to tunic ,
I ant astouilshital ' 1 did not tui'n off with
home of tinuit anti becoflie as worthless
to uioeiety as they were. Fronn the clrcum-
stanceS of my position I was ofteul thrown
Into thin society cot horse rncers , card lilny-
ors , fox hiunuters , tnr'ienitifhc anal proresslonial
men , nnd of dignhthctl nuneui , anti unnauuy a
tune have I nuiketl myself , In the etithu-
slr.stic moment of the death of a fox or the
victory of a favorite horse , the issue of a
qtiestlon eloquently argued at. tine bar , or in
the great council of tIme nationVeIl : ,
is'hicii of thic'ao kinds of reputations should
I Prefer ? Thunit of a horse jockey ? A fox
huunitcr ? An orator ? Or the hounest aulvo-
' ? Be assured ,
cafe of my country's rights
any dear , hefftrson , tinat these little returns
inito onnuselvt's , thIs uioif-criticislng habit , in
not trillIng , nor uuiciesui , but heii(1s to tile
irutlennt selectIon nnti steatly Punrsmnit of
what is right. "
All tim satuie , young Jefferson kept up
pretty well with tine crowd vnd , liti not
nilov himself to 1w tirprlveil of hiis share
of whatever fun u'ns , going on , Aind , itl-
though a trifle more sedate wiieui Ito weint
to Whlhient and Mary college , \'iIliauiuui- -
laura , the old capital of Virginia , lie hilpetl
to sustain the reputation ( if that establIshment -
mont fur scholastic vivacity iii tile regulation -
tion nranhni nlavcii Uconi tiit towiluiucophO.
At college iim gave no oxtrznordiiiitrY cvi-
dences of genhtta , but hue was a haitI student ,
resolute in thin pursuit of luiou'leiige with a
strong turin for oi'igiiiitl investigation
MathematIcs was hula favoriio study nuid lie
excelled in the ancient classics and in thin
line arts ,
i'4 I"i rst T.o'Arr'j r ,
'Flue future author of tine leciaration of
Iiiilejindvnnce wits wildly lii love with a
Mips itebecca hiurwehi at the ago of 19. lie
was reatiinig law at tine tunic , amid iin'eihinig
upon the picture of Rebecca , which lie
carried in his ease , he ferveuithy wished in
II. helter to a frlenth titat "thtu devil mad old
Coke , for lie was sure hip never wnt so tired
of an htl thiiii scouihninl : in his life , ' ' 'Fe
auti (0 hiS mcunmam pguiuiea oiu
picture was ruined b a , rainstorm onu uighit ) ,
annul time rats ran oT yth the silk garters
thin fair hiandci of itebera nail inatlu for himu ,
Despairing of tine iucc'enu of his suIt. lie
lilanmned ii foreign tour0 llnglanuii , holland ,
Spain , Egypt. "Sluuld : inc ask her ? " wiw
thin great iirohilouui. jn hrnationi leil that way ,
but if refuseth lie iruhn , lie "ton tunes nnore
vretchitiil than over. " Thilt tlreaihjul state
or SUSlOitSO hasted uiki'iy a yeai' . Ihohil re-
colvos to emil tine agony a ii inneitod away
when thin time cantel lie could never gut
beyond "explalninig Ida projt'etnm" anti in-
timnatinig that lie sbilW4)i ; ) ask time qtiestlon in
due iliac. The catz\8trQ1he \ caine at last Ia
the auminouncomeuit of tu ! fair Iteliecca's en-
gagenient to iuiiothmur , nthtl in thin Jofferrouulan
better giving the horriM news to his friend , t
the attune of Wiihlnnmsbur ; was changetl to
' 'Deu'iisburg , " Iii thus letter he phmiiosophl-
caily discoursed on thin tnectssity of
fortitude in thIs strain ; "Tine only iiiethoii
of doing this is to assume a perfect roslgna.
ticat to tine dit'iune will , to consitler that
whatever does happen muM happen , antI
thuat by our uneasiness we cannot prevent
thin blow hieftire it does fail , but we may add
to its force after It bums fallen , "
Jefferson was exceedingly lend of music ,
\'i'hihlo a boy ho learned o play the violin ,
anti in his early manhootl ha took hits fiddle
with him wherever ho wont , There is a
tradition that it hehpetl bun to win hiB wife ,
the rich and beautiful Widow Skeltoun. The
! story goes that two of his rivals snot on
evening at the door of her retdenice. They
were shown into a room to wflich the music
of a hnarpsichmortl anid a violin was wafted to
titein , together vitii the sounuils of two voices
unitited in a tender hove song. Tine viuhini and
0103 voice belonged to Jefferson , 110th ouitors
took the hint conveyed by thne sitniatlon and
left , never to return on tim saunue iniicsionm.
c ru ror I a 't' Ii t I a is ,
Jefferson founul time while hit' was minIster
to F'r.innce to take an Interest in the liii-
iiu'oi'oment of the harpsIchord anti to invent
a sImple conitrlvauicc for the uuiaking of time
in music. lie Inad in fact a strong turn toward -
ward invention. Thu familiar rmjvolvlnig
chair is of his contrivance , While presi.
dent lie hit upon an idea. for a tiry dock
udnich hue wanted congress to built ! in'ash -
ingtoni , antI exhibited a niodel of it in tine
White House ,
Jefferson hail s'ory rosltive ideas on thin
cflueatlon inrniwr fan' ycunig wonieui. Refer-
riuig to his aivim daughters , lie said : "r
thitiunghit it esuicuntlal to gIve tiienn a solid
educatIon which might eniabie them , ii'heu
hiecorno mothers , to educate their own
tlauhni.'ra , and c''eui to direct the course of
thnt'ir 'ns , shioumid their .tthers hio iot , inn.
atteutive or lnt'apabie" That meant a bight
, uuidard. lie was severe in his coniheunina-
tbwn of the trash that In his tIny wenit tinder
thu annie of Uctioni. 'Fine "innarthllnato paa-
sioju" for it iu'as one of the "great ohustaclea"
to gooti etluncatbon. it v'as so much "inolsonn"
Infecting the mind and destroylnig Its tonic ,
with tbo ' 'reauult of a bloated Innagirnatloni ,
sickly judgment and disgust towards nih
the , real hunitinicas of life. " Miss Etigeworthi
amid iitnie. Genighls he excepted from this
vigorous coundemnathon. Pope , Dryden ,
Thonnpson auth Shiakespearr , Moliere , Itaci no
ainni tine Carnielilea u'ern "authors who ninny
be read with luleanuro and improvement. "
French was indispensable. Dancing , draw-
lug mid musIc wore "essential , ' ' but after
marriage ivomen should follow the Frennch
rule of not dancing. The importaoce of
donnestle economy was obvionns.
Whent in htis 76th year Jefferson was asked
to describe his niannner of life. "I live so
ranch like other peopie , " lie replied , "thiat
I nnlght refer to ordinnary life ant tIme history
of my own. " He gave , hnowever , sonno
particulars. Aunlnnal food lie ate little of ,
uisitng it inot as nut "ailment , hint as a cnui-
tiinieot ( or thn vegetahle , " whichu formeti
his principal diet , A glass anal a half of
ivifle satisfied him , but with a fricntl hue
trebled it , lint ' 'hnlvt ' 1 its tifecia by tlrink-
lug jhno weak witneit only. ' ' inht liquors
amid either were his usual table drlnks ; lie
tank tea or Coffee at breakfast. " 1 was &
imarti atuudeut , ' ' lie adds , "uuntii I entered on
tile business of life , amid at thu ago of 76 I
aini again A hard atnitleint. This passion for
reathing cut down his oheoplng hnonmrs some-
threes to five it thin vahunono iii hnaumil was interesting -
teresting , for , "winethner hue rL'tircl to bed
early or hate , inn roan wlthn thin sun , " If his
author was dull Inc slept eight hours ,
'Tobacco lie never usoth , nor "ardent spirits. "
iiothi biear1nni and cycuiight were good. At
Ii'.ghit amid with firm print , however , glasses
wore necessary. lie was too febin to walk
far , limit ho couhil go aim horseback wlthmonnt
fatiguro sl'x or eight miles a tiny anti sometimes -
times thirty or forty. Jeffcrsomi was 83 years
olti whneni be tiled , J , I' , FOIEY.
HIN iHlliii'i' ) ' % 'liN AuIMnn''rel ,
lincktorth , author of uhio cure -ninous
" \'nitiiorlc , " auth his dauginter 1)oSscsuiti
extraordinary vocal gifts , says the Argo-
natu. 'Finn fmuthcr took IL unto hilts heath to
jraetico in a bacic route tine muivih cr' of a
iiencoeic. lie lund iloticeti thnntt when ann
reacoe screanhlnu nunotumer ott uuiu oppismL ,
'tithe of thin house generally screamed iii
dotinmnce. At heat , believing hulminseif pro-
ticient , ho gave hum ptinucoi'k cry , hiding
luimiuseif behuinntl a tree , To his dchght the
veacochc on the opposite side of thin lawn
screamed defIantly. lunuinetilatehy after this ,
winichi occurrei , just before breakfast , lie
came into tine breakfast room , snyinng with
trlurnphm to his tlznuighmter : ' 'Anal Susan , time
other pacock answered me. " Ta his great
annoyance ills daughter hamrst unto a fit of
hauughter , Rallier Provoked at this , be soul :
" \'eli , I think you unuighit have congratml-
lateti nine. ' ' And then , though still hardly
ahtlu to speak for laughing , site said : "Why.
Papa. I was the hicacock that unnswered
The gray gowns thus 't'ar arji extrennely
dainty and hiundsouoo anti they ajupear iii
every sort of material from ilnen , ilque ,
batiste. nun's veiling and cauhmniiere , on
throughu tIme array of attractIve tircas fahm'
rica fo crisp stand-alone taffeta , aatiui foul.
ard , crepe do eitiae , moire , faille and summer -
mer brocade , '
- - - - - _ _
Do you know wo can luavo you pain
and money- Not a tiny Parses litit that . ' -
we ulo tiil for sonic one-W'o've apphl. 0 0
nunces for the pninlcs aPplication of 'a
Ch'OWli and bridge vrk which are far
superior to nn3'tlming ever used in den- \ *
tisti'y-'l'iur , litirse strlmigs tlomi't mood to
be opened wide to pay our biii-Siuill ( 1/ / )
goiti flillngs with us are oiuiy 2.OO- "
silver anti gold alloy $1.00-We 1ine ? .J"
ilmtle a shuihy of filling nuuiil know % VC
can ghlnrantee 7011 lime beeit of work-
\Ve cxninitie teeth free-Electric fniis
that give 'Oih rest niitl eomfom't-Lndy
, _
13 Yenr. 11,1 rIco , ' h'nxtnn flhlc.
Lhiit'rrnpp , 111th cud L'nrugw ,
- - - - -
A 6lorious Fourth-
ha only lunlf vny cc'IebrnteI ( if yotl
luinkt' no uinism'-hie'olvei's atiti blank
L'ui'tl'l(1ge : ( hmolml their own for nolsu'-llmniu .
' -tue-they mni'o imat'inlesg-.Somu i'uroi-
't'i'i ; n 1ov us tOc-4umnl tiuey'hi 8hlnot , too ,
22 thu 11cc' cntrtt'iiIgct , lOc lOX ) ,
: kj ceittet' lire ' '
cutt'ti'llgt' , 1c a
38 t'euutnu' time F 1e '
cnrtrltiges , a ?
'i'Im'i't' i'ill hue 'big cros'tIs ntt the xiuo. ,
sitioui tOlhhiU'l'OS' and ' ' , ,
3'Olh luiitl hei tei' _ SIII
utlimi get onme of am' lxposit ioihStitb- )
light. numal sti'omug-enmi 1)0 folded up : uud
nillihoSt Pitt lii 11mm' luoc'ket---Oc is really
cimi'mp fOE' this hmaiidy sent ,
1514 Fariiuiii St ,
If You Can't ' Seo-
'rite rtnutl ( lint lends ( owned MIhihmill-
, 'Otl' ! are lint ii'oliei'ly hit tt'ul
-I'I'OlOu'h3' ) littt'd C3'eIiSseM : uulcail COIn-
fort to ( lie' svcnurer-'l'hmey 'Ieiiul'ot'ca the .
fmunciioit of time u'yes w'ithiouut. nuny umidiuc
. st'ntinn a mid tlmc't'e s cute tnmx I lint cainniot
in' levied ! 'it bout ht't'lI-'l'liC ) t nix out t lie
t'yt'idghut-4)muly nni u'xln'm't ( lInt lclniiu uhiouulth
1)0 ti'thtt'tI wit hi sue'iu a dt'ilt'nte niiniiioui
-\\ts lint ye' HCi'tln't'Il time .si'k''s of nut t'x't I
i"t anal t lmou'ouiglmly ( yolmliit4'ult opticinuuu
i'litm ii'ili uitntle it fi'ee exaimmiunnutltot fin' '
yoti-titeui tt'Il youi just iu'hinLt you ifl'i
fliul ( 'hmat it svihi cott--Ouur colot'mi
git.4St't ; uul'o just time titling for tlit's
hlu'ight tinty ,
tmiieAloe &PenfoldCo
it'ii 'I I luIr SPi"uitIlii3 Op I icili US.
1os 1"ar" 'iii SIred. OI'tIAHA
Ozpu1to L'.uatuu ibid. , .
. _ _ -5
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ouilcthmg Abont a Trademark That Is
Now Pamous.
su.l Il 'tVliuut Smith 'l'iii izs iOit' lie
'riii'ii e.i I nito us ( i''ztl ( 'roll t If
l'rotit't'i , liliniti 11.11 iiiil II-
loith ( li ) ,
I' snap shot from a camera tnlen by a
outhisithe hello three ) 'cznnit nign Inns glvenn tine
acrId ouie of its most faniotna tratie-uuark3.
Milhiotna of hicapie who have sniilcd at tIne
nietures of tIme wool 50111) twimna in tint' mews-
tapers anti on bulletin boards tiuroumglionnt
lIne cauimtry will ticuibthers recall tine catch
limit' , "t1y unannninu tzeti wcnoi sonu , , " ' ' I wisln
ninhmn hail , " a dIalogue aeconupnnilctl with
lifelIke rchnuothurttons of thin "mug" nmni ,
'short' ci I I I I in cml i ti Fell 'S illi I rruiun I rts ,
Fcw an e aware thu .u factom' iii tim on Igini
it this Popular Otii'Ci tlEennneuit \ % as one of the
s ± t Ai
; - . ¼ iifJ'
F \W , LV ?
II ji: : ¼ 41
most proiuiiuieiit nit > cic'ty girls of Chicago ,
who phnotogranhi.nd two chinmrnilmng little tots
tnunm [ ) eiuvcr , ivimo , with a u dative , worn
visitinng Chicago several years ago. Since that
tlato the twiuiui frtinmu the Qimee'mu City of thu
pinthuns litive been llPImlarlzeti to such an ox-
twit that tim trritir' , the inomiselnoid , nuud limo
lubhic generally uunlto in conceding it to ho
a national hit.
humterest in tints pleasing pu'oluctioim train
thin sinnplie'ity cmiii immtnaeencc of cmliii life has
mcvii intruusifled by time ( net that aim of the
most ( nuintaus scullitorn ; of imirohiin has repro-
titncei , them in bronze , oral the thought was
thius Ircrcnutcti to Swift Pc Co. to have a nuun-
her of copl'nt ( if tine origiunnil made out of
actual wool soap. Tbniui Irns beeII tianne , anti a
I I rti I I cii in U nnher has been jilecl , a in ox in I iii -
tltjii throughout tine country at iicu'uipiper :
otilces anil stores. Gino of hhmenie tmnhtlue
Sties of artistic work is thisplayc'l ' at tine
TrannsntiiselssItpi Exlnositloti lit Omaha and
time Paris exposition of I'JOO.
Ftii' ( lie ls ! , ' of % aiv'rtlsiig ,
The use of tine twins for imnivertisuung inur-
moses was first conneelved by hI. 51. hiawmirth ,
then mnnaumufrmcturer of wool soap , anti C. 1) ,
hiertolet , at that time connecteti with time
well kimowun advertising firm of Loril &
'Fhiomnns. The idea % ViiS iievelopetl whmc'im ant
ihitistr.itlon appealeti to timi'ir nimitumal ntimnnira-
tloui iii May , 1895 , whIm they we're leaking
over full of tIme uningazinies. An artist inn
that employ of Lord & Thomas smilisequentiy
elaboratctl oil thin origInal plan , Wlii'n It
was submitted jo sir. hiaworihi he semi ( lint
ho hind a relative who would visit him iii
July and brIng two chmarzuning little twin girls
willu lieu' fronin lenyer.Vhe'nu they nirriveni
the "snap shot" ivani taken whose fanme now
knows no boundary lion. The chIldren were
4 years old when the picture was obtained ,
They are now approaching 7 ,
When time mother of tine little ones saw
what arm instantaneous lilt the appearance
of the semi-nude twiniB bad created sue
became first mortified and then alarmed at
. - : "
. , . ttt" -
p - ' s c :
- \ , .
, : .
' '
. . .zi - , ' ,
Does 'flils Mean You ?
\Vo ii'tint to get. in ton'iu , uvithn ( bit' maui
ivhm ii I sun' t tin I I sltt'.i n'it in I Ii e uvit y It n I aui ii-
, i i'y II' , ieini , 'liii ' . 'ri n ian ii iv ho Ia I I reni of
hi a a nit rca kni ii nil gn'.n y tine nmnh ges , e f frnuycii
ha ails a mid I cmi I in I I oniini 'r. , i i'n ri'h
where ii. oughtn't I , , In' nttnti inc titu'ii u'hi'ro
it _ otughit to be.'e cniut si.u'lniso ) anti Idenuso
[ unit inuin.
' ' ' .VlS'I' ' ' '
Siluit'l' % $ A Si'lCi.ti'm'y ,
' ' ( ' ( ( u : ; m ,
Laundry I ith and Fah'nam.
Up townOffice 1517 Farnam.
the hrnininc'nce tint' pride flhiti sunshine of
I hi , mouse hoi ti iund a t m a I ii 'til . Sine tn rgeni Ii y.
ilt'dgcd , limo mnmnufactnlj ; era to secrecy , aind
jticaleii whim I t'uui never to thivtnlgo thno
iticuitity of tIne hihht1i cii. All effom'ts of cmiii-
( ntis pctiile , to oc'rtaiun tine nininmies of thie
"wool soap h.ltia" hove therefore proved In
vain. Fm ann the Gohtien Onto at I lie Pacific
slnit to I lie Atiiiumtic uieaiioarii ninth front
I hti mmmc I tolna I I ii e t 0 ( lie sam tim I a liii tiieuio
liii ii d a inc a miii I ii mnocenn t I m tithe- mini rk ba hues
have mccii the star atmnacliunu on time bulletin
boards , conituounted inanny vt'oiule iii tine pub.
lie puinits , 'ntinl nunathin unillionunt ntnnile , lout fes
are awnulu that they istuo taken from life ,
amnni Limit a fumn.1 inintiter In her fau'-away
Rarity nnotunmtaiun home hind bimisliotl with
jmioistenmetl eyes over the ( nine ti'nt 'imnh , titus
hutton thrust umnoni her linif-umalteti babies.
'i'iiu twins are grulunnicimlitireun of olin of the
greatest iioeis iii Macrica. They mire tin-
tmstnally iuiigiit lot' their age , nuid are resld-
big inn iuumvcr ( c'day , Jiotim are girls ,
Ln I , 'st l'I ( ' I nine or iii , . 'l'svliip , ,
Tinero is no evinienicu flint that antler-
shirt worum by anne of thin twins hind been
wztahicd with wool soap , limit it Is inositively
known that tine shirmiunkon irarnucmnt worim by
tIme other Italic was not washed with that
ittantiard anti innihlspeuueabho ntijunnct of the
hiotiseinoith. in this issue of 'l'hie litte tine hat-
et lntnotogrnuphi of time twlnns in street dress
is precented for thin first time , It was ra-
iuctauntly given hiy thai itarenits of time orig-
iniak mmrnnit'r lirornise that tine names of this
chmlitlreuu wcntmld not Ito iiSe(1 ( ,
Many intimnirios hnavtu recently hnecn r.-
/L ,
_ _
/ ' . # _ I ,
'r\ ' \
- -
TIlE ONhi WHO JNVhE1) hEll HIS1'JR'fl
TA 5Th ,
celved as tin the ltht'ntityof thm , famous twins
ishoco features in tIme newspapers have
caused so mnnnmnmy auihilonna to smile , nod up.
inrovirngiy antI nudge thick connipamniouns.
TIne onily comicession tine inarents will make
to gratIfy Puinlic curiosity Is to Submit these
now photograhnhnui of their hehovod ones in
garb riot so abbreviated as the omne that ap.
iesrs In the trade-mark prints-
- - -