Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1898, Editorial Sheet, Page 11, Image 11

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Lc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'ItJIE OMAhA DAILY _ flE1 : SVNIAY , TUJIY 3 , 1898. ii
- - -
: CD1T1ON 01 ? OIMh1'S ' TRADE
: V1 strong on Neafly Every Kin1 ot
: ? : :
. ConNumer Mont Gcicri1I CipnteI1ci
to my tile Tn-.Jl,1brA Oliject
' to the Action ipf 1x1reiN
CtiIiiLjflhiIc , .
) fi
. A large attendance of out.ot.tOWfl PCOPC
. , gtvo the city a lively air Inst week and
without cxccpUon buInc men nrc giving
, Yery Bati8fnctory accountS of the condition
of buincs9 in nil departments ot trade. A
Rrent many of the viiitors wore from nearby -
by pointn and tool ndvantagO of the oppor-
tunhty prestnted to do no amail amoUnt of
trading before leaving for home , with the
: tC9Uit that snica at lending retail LOUSeS
' inatic a most excellent showing.
Among the visitors there wns a COflSi(1
trablo proportion of country merchants ,
who matc their presence known to the
local jobbers , tnd nho left muny plnsitnt
reminders ( it their visit In the shape of
lItwrnI orders 1IleI for future shipment.
The batik cltrings for the week tinide a
most cxc&'licflt shiowini , the average being
conshherabi ) ' above 81,000.000 per day and
the gaiti over corresponding week of Inst
I yfl in excess of 1,0 ) Ct cent.
The going into effect of the new revenue
: law has fllnhC very little difference with
local merchants , at Ienst johters. As a
general thing the COst of the tax has been
Included in the purchase Price of the goods
P0 that thin consumer pays the tax and the
mcrchinnt has little concern regarding the
The action of the express companies In
refusing to pay the cost of stamps is
iitronnly objected to by jobbers , who have
occasion to seild out a good many express
& packages , and they are irOtCstiW ( luite
t loudly.
: I lIeny 'l'rzihq lii
4 Trade In wholesale groceries continues to
t I be vety heavy for this season of the year.
The improvement is CSICCiflhlY ) noticeable
I comparIsons are made with previous
' yenr.
The market remains firm on nearly all
' lines but in a tev cases advances are
noteti. The heaviest advance Iat week was
on inuIl fruitH canned. Canners say there
wn3 a short crop and they were unable to
get supplies enough to mcvi the expected
c demand , which explains the sudden risc In
price. It is rcvorted that thu gooselperry
innrkct vai ; cornered ILIII1 that a great
many tackers have scarcely any in sLack.
'rho ndttec on this line sInce the opening
of the season amounts to from 30e to 3c
per dozen.
Tens , owing to the large demnnd , ad-
w.nced ½ c Per 1)0110(1 ( nnt 146c was added
to the Price of sugars for the same reason.
The market on inot , lines of tarinaceotis
gends remains tea0y. Flour , however , fell
oft 30c per barrel last week , owing to the
1' bi enk in vhcat , which also cztusel ( a drop
In the price of crackers amounting to c
per lotlnd. fleans are also a little lower.
No other changes of importance are re-
FnrIIcrPI 'VSIIIt Gootis.
'rle VOltflflO of business done by hard-
warn nien 114 also very Ilattering. 'l'he tie-
. 1 inand is 1Otl for all cInssc of merehan-
( lisa niul for all kinis of seatonuhie ! farm-
log gootis ill larlicular. Tim fleed of the
farniers have leei1 so tar In ulvanco of
L. . what was anticipated that - consIleralIe
: ' difliCulty has been exiterienceti in tIlling
tIm orders.'ire cloth. screen doors ,
sythe * ; and Inatin3 and steel gootlit in gen-
cml are relorted ) OH beIng In the greatest
deinniol. No advance , lunvever , has taken
place on these hues with the t'xCCltioa of
that 10 er cent rbm on v1ro cloth , which
was reported a COUlhe of wcekH ago.
Dry goods Johitern are still busy vith
tim arrival of fall goods and they arc
routing In a very initisfuctory manner. It
has becli a long tIme loce lealer $ In this
city have stocked up as heavily as they
are doing this year , which is a good lath-
cation of the conditIon of trade. Seasona-
bin goods continue to Ito in good dematul.
but osido from that there l little moving
toward the country at the present time.
Country merchnnt8 , however. want their
BUIilieH ) early this year so as to be ready ,
t for the largo tratlo that is sure to fohlov
the luirvesting of crops in the fail , and
consetilienflY It wilt not ito long before the
goods 'ill be on the road , 'rite new revenue
law effects but one class of goods that
d rygoocis lflCIl handle , namely , perfumery.
The consumer pays the tax , so it is itntntt-
terial to the merchant whether or not
goods arc taxed.
Nothing new is reported by either the
hoot nail shoe or the rubber goods Jobbers.
They am not complaining of the amount
of business ticy nrc doIng , as this Is the
time they do not expect to tb much ox-
ceit Inolc after their own stock. The fact
that they are haying In a heavier supply
than usual is a goo1l indication that the
traveling Inca met with good success on
. . - _ _ _ . , n , , . . . . . . . . , . . . _ , . .I.a. . , .arnnn . . , lu tha
tile rudu. .1 IU tlI' ; '
future condition of tIm lathter nmrket
iloes not seem to be inllnenclng buyers to
any appreciable xtetit anti coitsetitlentlY
no speculatIng is being done on that score.
LiitIicrmen's Quiet Scnoi * .
t This is also the quiet season for lumbermen -
men , as farmers are too busy in the Ilehuls
to build new houses or barns. There was
rot , however , the usual shrinkage in trade
, last month and in fact several merchants
I altl it was the best Juluue they have ever
- had. The general lmprou'ioil Is that since
, business kept up so well In Juiie there
! will be no failing oft this month , but
I rather , it anything , an iunpro\'cment. ' 1he
I market i firm on all lInes , with every indication -
dication for Its rennuining In that coutdl-
ton for some time to conic.
: Fruit nuid l'rouluce.
i Strawberries are now entirely gone and
; the receipts of blttcltberrlc and rnspber-
rles are not as liberal tie they were a few
dayS ago. The Missouri crop of blackher-
rIce is nearly exhrLtttttcd nnd the rnspber-
I ries that. are being received arc lracticaily
' all hionto grown ,
'Wtttrmelons : are on the market in large
numbers for this season of thu year atul
' - are In fairly good tlenmiul. Lemons , however -
over , are the popular fruIt at ( lie luresunt
'I'luo egg market renmins steady at from
4 I % c to Dc , lint weother niales the hand-
I' , hag of eggs difficult niud commission men
report heavy hosses ( luring last is'cek , lint-
ter remitlait unctuungel and so does poultry -
try with the exception of spring chickens ,
. which have becit hluettuttlng considerably
owing to a large tltnuund. For one tIny
tim market was iIIt to 16c , but it mis now
fallen to lie.
t ( IMAII A. GINilt.tL u.tiiIcwi's.
; Cotisl U ton of 'l'rnde nail ( tuieduutlozH
, n oIL S ( gLum anil F'tiit'y GrlperleN ,
ECIGS-Clood stock , t ½ jIc.
13UTTlit-Comnion to fair , 9Jllc ; sep-
orator. 1e ; gathered creamery , l3j'l Ic.
, 3. VflAL.-Choice ( at , tO to 120 lbs. , quoted
' at S19C large Itud coarse , Cj7c.
Z ' ' LIVE l'our.'rltv-liens. Ge ; old roosters -
ers , 3'4e ; slurilig chickens. l2JVic ; ducks ,
I Cc : gtso. 1k ! ,
I l'ItlFONS-Li' ' . per thoz. , GO75c.
. ' ONIONS-New southern. vcr lb. , 13c.
- . ] 6ANShlLtfl(1ltit'h1 navy , vcr iiu. ,
I 111j1'ATOES-NeW , per bu. , SOiS5e.
. ( MI1I1AGE-I'er crate per lb. , l'e.
'l'OMA'l'OES-Per tour basket crate , 75J
CUCUMIIEI1S-lonio grown , er uloz , ,
. -
I Ak : l3lNS-1-3 bu , box , 4Oij5Oc.
1 , III4ACIC ASI1lIlth1I i5-Pcr 21-qt. case ,
I LAClCIllItTIi E14-fl.5112.OO.
I ltIl ) it\StItEltltilS-l'er 21-qt. case ,
P $ l.72.CO.
. GOOShIflhlItliS-Fer 21.qt. case , $ I.OOP
1.25.CIiEitltlESPi'r 21-nt. ( 'flHO , $ l.OO'l.25 ;
' Cut ii to ruIns , pcr lO-li. box , $1.25.
% PEItChll5-SoutlterJI , 1-3 hu. box , 75
: $1.00 ; California. 20-lb. box , $1.25.
A Pit lco'rH-l'er 20-lb. eutse. , $1 35111 50
CU1titFN'rS-I'er 21-qi. ( u4 fl.251J1.50.
'WATEitM 1 IONB-CruteI , 30c.
ORANO IS-Seedlitugt4 , $2.5Qj2,75 ; tetli
terranean sweets , $2.ftij2.5.
. 1hMONS-Culifornin , $5.t'O ' ; fancy Mcd-
" \ lnn. $ G.O0.
lIANAJAS-ClutlCe ) , largo stock , ier
_ hunch. S2.O0 2.25 ; medium sIzed bunches ,
$ l.75t 2.04) ,
' NUTS-Almonds , ier lb. , large sIze , l2j
lIt' : small , lie ; lhrazlis. per lb. , 91110c ; En-
gush walnuts , iter lb. , fancy soft shell , 1111
ble ; standards , l'j9c filberts , luer Iti. , IOu ;
pecans , luolisluetl , inethluin , Gj7e : extra
. large. $4Je ; large hickory nuts , $1.O0l.1O
, her bu. ; small , $ l.24j1.25 her bu. . cocoanuts ,
per 100 , $4 ; Peanuts. raw , 6titc ; roastvd ,
. AtA1'Lli SYI1UP-Five-gal , can. each ,
$3.75 ; gal. cans , pure , per doz. , $12 ; half-gal.
cults , $6.25 ; quart cnn , $3.&O.
I IONFIY-Cluolco white , 14tI1&c.
IA'l'ES-llallowee , Go to TO-lb. boxes , tdc ;
pair , 5c ; Iard , 9-lb. boxes , 9c.
FIGS-Imported , funey , 14-lb. ,
- - - -
- - -
- - -
' _
bcxes , toe ; 1-erown , li-lb. boxes , tIc ; 2-lb. T
tOXCs , 2te PCt box ; California , 10-lb.
box , 81.
CIiI1t-l'er haig bbl. . $3.25113.&O.
hllIES , TAI.L0W , 1TC.
11l1)IS.-No. 1 r-efl hides , 7l,4e ; o. 2
gzeen hiules. C,4c , No. 1 salted hides , Oc ; No
2 salted hiIes4 , hc ; No. I veal calf , ' 8 to 12
lbs. , c ; No. 2 vcrj t'nlf , 12 to 15 lbs. , c.
1 , : le : tallow , Nf , , 2.2tAc ; rough tallow , 1c ;
white grease , 2 ½ 112e ; yellow and brown
grease , 11,4li2c.
SIIIEL' 1'flITS-Urecn salted , each , I5)
7cc ; grefl salted shearings ( short wonleul
early skins ) , etieh , ISe ; dry shenrings ( short
wonled early pklns ) , No. I , .ach , Sc ; dry
glint. ICanras , and Nebraska butcher wool
nelts , per hi ; . , actual weight , 4i&e : : dry flint ,
ifnnssts and Nebraska mtirrnln wool pelts ,
per lb. actUal weight , Slile ; dry flint , Cob-
redo butcher wool veils , per lb. , actual
weight , 5e ; dry flint , Colorado murrain
wool Pelts , h1C Ili. , actual weight , 3tJlc.
Wool tinrPcts.
LONDON , July , -The wool market today -
day ices extremely animated throughout.
Cape of Good IIob'o and Natal Wools shared
in tIle rise and greasy merlnos sold well ,
Greasy and cross-breeds were mostly
taketi by home trade. The competition
atnolig continental luyers was spirited.
The number of sales offereul today were
l0i54 baie. The following are the sales iii
detail : New South Wales , 1,200 bales
scoured , 9'.ull1i ' rst ; greasy , & 11lOtl. Queens-
litntl , 1,200 balis ; sceured , 104El6'4tl
greasy , 79tl , Victoria , 1,100 bales
greasy , S'ktIlOd. Tasmania , 400 hales ;
, ueotr4Ml , , 5.4u1f1s ! 4d' greasy , 5'4lOd. Cape
or. Gel iloi.e and 2'ntnl. t,4.i0 balet4 , teotireul ,
Sttlltl , New Zealand , 0,700 babes ; scoured ,
& 'dS',4d. The following nrc the imports for
the week : Australia , 25S bales : New Zen-
land. 25.C91 bales ; Cape of flood hiopo and
Natal , 4,119 bnk : elsewhere , 1,426 bales.
'rho offerings for next week are S0,950
lales. The arrivals of wool for the fifth
series are 61 5C2 bales , of which 1O0 were
forwarded direct ,
CUtin 3lnrket.
t.IVFI1POOL. , July 2-COTTON-Spot ,
limited demand ; PrIces tunchutnged : Amen-
cnn mIddling , 3 1-32d ; sales , 5,000 bales , of
which 200 were for speculation and export
and included 4S0'J ' American ; receipts , 00
bales , including 3O0 American , Futures
closed steady ; American middling , L. M. C. ,
Judy , 3 22-Gbi sehlurs ; July antI Atiguiutt ,
:1 : 22-64d sellers ; August and September ,
3 21-GftiS 22-Gid tuIyors ; September and Oc-
tnher , : i 2O.G13 21-fild buyers ; November and
December , 3 1f-G1l3 ; Hi-6h1 buyers ; Decem-
her tutid .Innutuiry , 3 18-01113 19-64d buyers ;
Jnnuary anti Feirunry , 3 1t-GFlU 19-Gid buy-
crc ; February and March , : i I3-tld buyers :
March and April 3 20-Ciul buyers ; Aluril and
May , 3 20-111a 21'Gitl buyers.
SI , , , , s G nil i iairiet.
ST. LOUIS , July 2.-There was no regmi-
mr session of tIme Merchants' exelmange today -
day , halt there was some trading on thb
efirhi. Only eight cars of wheat were no-
ceived lucre today. Time feeling wmut strong
among mcmii dealers , September sold at
70c to Oc , tue latter IC aliovo yester-
day's close , anti later at 70 5-Sc ; December
sold at 'flc and July 73c bid.
Corn showed great strength : September
sold at 31e on the curb and that was bid
fur it.
Ott Iatrlet.
WILMINGTON , N. C. , July 2.-OILS-
Spirits of turpentine , steady at 2Zij23c.
Iosln , firm at $1.00 and $1.05. Crude tur-
Tuefitifle , dull at $1.00 and $1.50. Tar , steady
at $1.30.
SAvANNAIr , Ga. , July 2.-OILS-SpIrits
of turptntine , 23'4c. ' llosln , unchanged.
IeposJts at 1'Iuls 'I'Ime SurlimuNs All
I'r.'vlis itccot-i.
NEW YOflF , July 2.-Tlmo Financier
says : An expansion of $12,520S00 in deposits -
posits , necessItating an extra reervc re-
qtulrcment. or $3,13l0O. agiulmist which the
gain In cash only $2,939,000 , accotults
for a mlecrezmsu of $192,74X1 In time surplus reserve -
serve of the New York clearing house
banks for the veek ending July 2. The
tmntistmnl expansion in uIctosibt is due
mnmuituhy to the fact that time government
tumuls received from booth stubsenlptions are
heliug Placed in special depository hanks. ,
TItus the National city and the hanover
National , two of time pnlncilmal imustitutlouis
hmoluhlog thuL nionoy , reimort between them
a gain of over $9,000,004) In dtnosits , or 5
per cent of the total increase Uir time vcck.
'I'lio gaIn In loan8 , however runs well
throughout the entire list of iank'4 'tnd Is
one of time most favorable developments
of the week. In the last ninety ( ltt'S time
loan expansion has hmeoum $25,000tJ0 , and time
tottil is now about the same tnmutmnt ummder
time extrnurtiinzm rily high iwint attained
F'etmrtmary 19. DeposIts , however. surpass
all lrevious records by $12,000C$10 and in
s'iew of the special operations of time trens-
ury. ivlil probably. attaIn within the next
month a total far above utnytlming yet
recorded , The current statement is con-
tinting and does not balance , Imut. time opera-
tiomms which arc bringing about the changes
are % vchi dellnud tinul will continue to show
for some Weeks to come. The important
Imoint Is ( lint the surplus reserve Beenms to
have attained Its highest average. As
heavy as treasury expenses nrc , in vIewer
or time war. they wIll hardly elUtul the re-
celpttu on bond sutscriptlon account , and
while a large part of time extra money wIll
go into specially designated bummks , the
operations will tie up more or less money.
time -.mntlmne thL're isjmo cessation of
LOU U eTmmnnu I 0 r 1 U umus cmli t tic .tt-u. u& jour-
cantilo nnh ( crop borrowers here and else-
vimere , and these reluircmcnts will imave
to be met , After .Iuly 14 time allotments
and larger bids will cmiii into use a great
deal of money now lying idle. All these
clrctmurmstnnces wilt have a tendency to em-
jloy money , tumd while a , , one iook for
anytliimg apmroacImIng a stringency , mnoney
ivlil net be a du'ug on time market , despite
the fact that timc' t'oummtry possesses some-
timing 111cc $175O0OO ( ) 'of specie and other
currency which it did not have at this time
last year.
Loimmitmim Stock ( I imotni lotus.
LONDON , Jut > 2.-4 p m-Cioslng :
COOSOIR , mn'.v. . 1 i 1 15-hO N. 'u' . Crnttrzut..O
CoumMois. acet. . . . . . . . 112 l'enuRvivauula. . . . . . . (194
Cfltm. t'aemnc. . . . . . . . 8U Ito.ehuur. , . . . . . . . . . . .
) 'r1e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13) Mex. ( ru , . now 45. . fl(1 (
Erie 1st mmal' . . . . . 3tR Atchison . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Ill. Oentrut. . . . . . . . . . 10814 L. & N. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
51eumcauu ortlltmnry , grand Trunk. . . . . . . .
$ t.I'aul eotuunen..102 (
J1AR SiLVER-QuIet at 27 1-Sd ier ounce.
MONEY-.i'i per cent.
'Fhu rate of discount in time open market
for simort bills , 1 7-8 per cent ; thmree moumtlms'
blils , 1 5-IC Imer cent.
Flmnmclnl Notes.
OMAHA , July 2-'t'lio clearings for time
day ivero 81,459,54 1.77 ; Imalanceum , $491,712.51.
Tile clearings for 1B'J7 were $741,4E.19 and
thu balances , T5,0)9.b0. Increase in clear-
Imugs , $ iS.iOS.58.
'rime ligurea for the last six days , with
conmiarlsolms , are
1158 1S97. Increase.
June 27 . , $ I,15Smm.73 S 7S0,2m5.25 37S,2i3.50
June 28 . . 1hSiiS0.2h 701,2G6.3 479,919.91
June 2'J . . 1tSi,4S'J.t3 774,536.38 3YJ,953.Z5 (
June 30 . . lO4l,6ii.3't 774,710.78 256,903.60
July 1 , , . . 1,19'J.1i4.6 756,725.03 412,419.53
July 2 , . . , 1,459,514.77 7i,436.19 71S,1OS.SS
Total . . .87,141ISS.36 $ 1,520,969.99 $2,615,511.37
s'r. r.ouis , July 2.-Clearings , $2,321SGS ;
balances. $ l30 271 ; mooney. 51S per cent ;
Now York excimamuge , 40e luremtumn bid , Soc
mrcnuiuuimi nsked.
1'I 11 LAD1LPhIIA , July 2.-Clearimmgs ,
$18,241,264 ; balances , $2,7S0t$5.
lhAiTIMOitl' ) , July 2.-CLearings , $1,731-
011 ; balnmmcetm , $501,023.
BOSTON. J mmlv 2.-ClearIngs , $ l0,1S2,322 ;
bnlammccs , $2,59d,4ii ,
NEW YOIIK. July 2.-Clearings , $113,039-
526 ; leilaluces , lT,0rJ,340.
CINCINNATI. July 2.-'Mommey , ; per
cent ; New York exclmuumge , inn ; cleanlmmgs ,
$2,078 500.
Nid' OIILEANS , July 2.-Clearings ,
lttl'ii'IPII IS. .Iuly 2.-Clcaniumgs , $217,911 ;
lmtulatmcemt , 810.957.
\VAS1 I I NGTJN , July 2.-Today's state-
mcmii. of time condition of the treasury
simuws ; Availutilo cash balance , $210,400-
436 ; gold reserve , $ l67CitS,0S9.
Fmpr'hutm JItumi , ut'lnl.
flhilIU1IN , July 2.-Ihti'mmlimess oum the bouuso
Olment'ml irregumlmir today , but strengthemmed
aim tIm lurosluect ot cimeaper untmney , the
llrunfless elmuewimero including all round Imur-
chmautlumg. International securities \cere
higher. Italians were the most firma. Simamm-
im'hm 4mt were mwgltcted and bank shares amid
Ammierleumu securities irnulmroved ,
] .ONIQN. July 2-TIme market for Anmer-
ican securities xnnvetl upward , all oum buy-
tog orders , 'Flia close was firm and time tie-
nmiumut generally light. 'rime auumoummt of html-
lieu wltimdrawn from the hank of Englatmd
eum balance today was 112,000. Gold Is
(1utOtt'ui at. linenos Ayres at 174.20.
i'AitlS , Jul $ ' 2.-Prices were strong en tIme
bourse today , the sulmerulmtlflmianeo of mmmoney
stimulating limo buyIng , oumtnngoes were
easy atummi ( Itmotationum were Imigimer , exceimt In
time case of hipanisli Is and Brazilians. Itia
Tlntos were in strong demand , 1athlrs arum
brontlemming , 'l'lmere wits mionmu large tnmtnsnc-
tk.ns in thetum , 'I'hree imer cent rcntes , 303f
5itc , for time uccOuumt ; exchmnngo on London ,
2Sf 20 for checks , Simanisim is closed at
33 7.8.
l'rnuu , , , * iuuuN iii Ihse Nums-r.
WASiIINGTON July 2.-The president
todalr sent. these ImominatlomiB to the senate :
Navy-Captain William S. Muse , marina
corps , to bc'a major in said corps ; Passed
Assistant Surgeon Louis W. Attles , to be
a surgeon , and Alfred allbert Grunwehl of
Virginia to be &n assistant surgeon in the
Week Ends with a Light Supply of All
. fl3Tt.B of' stuff.
T'mTo Iloiluhns Coming Together
5ere 1t hiculuec hue Icmnanmt for
Killers-hogs lit iletter Request -
quest ntnt Iltghcr.
SOUTh OMAiIA , July 2.
Cattle. hogs. Snep.
fleeeipts today . . . . . . . . . . . 1,173 6,461 611
Ofliclal yesterday . . . . . . . . 1,252 8,197 4,000
One week ago. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,339 8,815 lull
'Two weeks ego . , . . , . , , . , , 1,684 6,214 667
One year ago . . . . . . . . . . . . . 050 4,427
Two years ago . . . . . . . . . . . 757 4,249 117
Total thmi week . . . . . . . .14,473 40,149 11,772
Week ending Jrmne 25 . , . .15,412 41,867 0,555
'SVeek emmdimg June 18 . . , .14,555 31,500 5,1162
' % Veek emnlimmg Juno 11 , . . ,15108 42,5.51 4,631
Week ending June 4. . . .12.921 35,011 11,453
Average Price paid for hogs for the last
few days. with comparisomma :
_ _ _ _ _$93. 1S92.
Juno iWT. 3 so . 21 3 10 4 46 4 6(11 S 4 82
Jtmno 19 . . . . 3 15 3 02 4 48 4 ' 70 6 01
Juno 20 . , , . 3 79 2 95 1 45 4 60 5 90 4 48
Jtimie 21 . . . . 3 81 3 15 4 37 4 Cl 5 78 4 90
Jtitmo22 , . , , 372(321 ( 302 440 4771563 419
June23. . , 372 321 302 412 573 495
June 24 . . , 3 67 3 26 3 00 4 40 S ' 5 76 4 95
June25. . , 368 323 297 446 4S0 501
Juuie2d. . . , . 315 2.97 452 473 563
June 27 . . . . . ' 1 62 2 90 4 571 4 73 5 77 4 D )
Juno 23 . . . 3 62 3 16 4 63 4 50 5 76 5 ( ml
June29 31,0 324 294 41j1) 4'iU &Gl 616
.Iune 30 . . , 3 55 : i II 2 95 4 64 5 &i 5 2t
Julyl. . . . . . 357319290467 540555
July 2 . . . . , . : i 61 3 18 2 05 4 63 4 73 Sj.3
lndientes Sunday ,
Time ofllcial nunmber of cars of stock
brought in today imy 'mach ronil wammt
Cattle. hogs. Sheep. 11'ses ,
0. & St. 11. fly. . . . . . . . . . 2 . .
Missouri I'acIllc fly 11 2 . . 4
U. 1' . system. . . . . . . . . . 20 29 2 . ,
F. , E , & ZsI. V. fl Il 4 30 , . 1
C. , St. P. , M. & 0 , fly 6 6 . .
Ii , & 2t. Ii , It. It. . . . . . 7 24 . .
C. , 13. & Q , Ity. . . . . . . . . . 1 , .
C. . It. I. & P. Ity , , E 2 . , . .
C. , 11. 1. & 1' . Ity. , W , . 2 , ,
Total receiimts . . . . 50 96 2 5
Time disposition of tIme day's receipts was
as follows , caclm buyer purclmnsing the mummu-
ber of head tumtiicated :
Buyers Cattle hogs.
Omaha Packing Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 . 922
G. 11. 1iaunond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,1)13 )
Swift nmmmi Counpammy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 1,056
Cudnimy l'acking Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St 1,19 *
P. D. Arnmour , Cimicago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I,1SO
Cary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
North I' . & P. Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ' , i
hammond , Fnnsas City. . . . . . . . . . 49
SvIft from cotmntr3' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3S7 . . .
Cutiaiiy , Kansas City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOS . . . .
White , I' . & 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.5
I lanmmnunil , Best & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
Other buyers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 . . . .
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,190 6,610
Receipts today were small but It
wits a Saturday ivithu two imolidays
to ftilow , Summdny and 1oumdzty , ammd mu )
gt'eat sUllitly was requIred. Time mnmmrkcts
veru generally in good shape antI tIme Immuist
of time receilmts oItl In good semion ,
CATTEE-'i'iiere were imitrdiy cmn mmgh cat
tie lucre to make a test of tht market , timid
it was time smnniiet run fbr a ioumg tlnme.
V'iiat cattle were offered , 1mowe'cr , oid
'we'll amid-thu market was entirely satisfactory -
tory to holders.
ileof cattle If at nil desirable Were a
simatle imigher , but heavy utimul ummattrumcttvo
cattle were not inhmeh different. front , yes-
COWS and helfers were unchanged so far
nil 'nliIes were concerned and time few odds
and eitls offered were soon dimtlmo5d of. V1l
calves sold about time same as yesterdn3' ,
some very chmoice native calves brluglumg
$6.75. Not enough bulls or stags were Of-
fereti to establish quotations.
There were no stockers or feeders flrst
hands , or at least none of any co1msdqucmuc.
The cattle market as a whole tills week
has been In pretty good shape. Both re-
ceilmts and demand have heeui of liberal pro-
imortlons and mmch day's nrrfvutis as a rule
have met with neatly sale at good prices.
The tendency of fat cattle has been upward -
ward , IIcat'y cattle are now ,51110c higher
and handy light cattle 101120c higher than.
a week ago. The cow market duiIng the
week has not simowim much change. Good
dry lot heifers and cows are good sellers
anti Prices are just as Imigh as they Imave
been aumy time. As a matter of course
grassy cow stu has been dtscriminated
against anti the mnrket on thmat kind of
stuff is liable to break badly most any time
whemi the arrivals beconie larger. Steck-
ers and feeders have declined during thio
week 201125c , but the loss was largely en
time heavy feedcr. In fact , the decline
has been most on that kind while cimolco
little stock cattle have held up much bet-
ter. still they are considerably lower than
during tue high time. Cattle sold this week
at $1.r5 thmat would at one time have brought
$3.00 easily. Representative sales :
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
5. .1002 $3 70 39. .1108 $1 50 20. .1100 $4 60
7. .1154 4 00 22. .1163 50 1. .1030 4 60
3. . 773 4 00 12. .1204 65 25. .1492 4 ( .5
1. . 810 4 20 35..1314 GO h1..1190 4 65
39. . 058 4 45 1. .1330 60 17. .1334 4 65
33. .1215 4 45 36. .1301 60 35 , .1260 4 75
28. . 913 4 50 17. .112) 60 63. .1312 4 50
1. . 600 2 25 2. .1070 15 1. .1010 3 50
I. .1050 2 50 1. .1140 25 1. . 9S0 3 50
1 , . 500 2 7i 1..1210 25 1..1110 3 55
1. .1090 2 85 2..1130 25 4. . 040 3 60
1. . 930 2 85 4..1005 30 1..1110 3 65
7. 032 2 85 2..IOSO 35 1. . 960 3 85
1 , . 930 2 85 l.lllO 35 l..i170 4 00
1. .1270 2 00 1. .1130 3 ' 10 1. . 890 4 00
1Ih50 3 00 1..1120 3 40 l.1310 4 00
2..1340 310 2..128 340 3..1290 410
4 , .1010 3 15 9. . 866 3 40
25. . 545 4 ( .0
1..1310 2 75 1..lIhO 3 : io
2 , . 230 6 00 2. . 150 6 00 1. . 210 6 50
S'i'ftEnltS JtNi ) FEEDEItS.
I. . 6S0 3 8.5 1. , 400 4 30 1. . 410 4 35
L.5S0 425
HOGS-Time week closed with a fair run
of hogs , but ammo too large to meet the
requirements of time market.
The trade opened strong to Sc higher
than yesterday. 'ro start with , It was
prtltty gemerally a $160 market , with more
sales above than below. Tlmen came reports -
ports of ami easier market at Chicago nnth
, , , nn 111 tha n , , , rn , , rrnt nr,1'rg ie1ntr
filled the trade weakened under that in-
Iluence and closed with the advance pruc-
ticaily all lost.
Time early market was active anti though
later it hung lire , owing to the fact that
salesmen nil wanted early prices , still
everything was sold and welgimed up early
In the morning.
The market as a wimolo averaged consid-
crumbly imigimer than ysterdny iuumd South
Omaha was time best and hiighiemmt mnurket on
time river today.
This hums been a week of large
receipts not only at Southi Omaha ,
hilt at all market points , and of lower
markets. There has been a demand for
everything roceiveil , but time large run of
hogs hnim steadily acted nut a bear factor
for time dejmrcssion of values.
Time week OliCnel ( wtthm i'aluie a strong
So lower. lnmt on 'l'miesdny timere was no material -
terial cimange. 'rime market declined 2 ½ c
on \ and 5c on ¶ l'immmrmutlity. In
otlmor ivoruls , by Thursday time unarla't was I
12c lower than at ( ha close of the lmrevI-
Otis week , On Fnimlay there was a reaction
aimmounting to 2 ½ c ama ! the week closed only
7.c ( lower than time week before.
It is very evident that in all sections of
the country timers are a great many hogs
timmit are heavy anti ready for muarkot. 'rime
hint weather is causing feeders to rush
them forward to market with time rcsimlt
that Juuthi was a largo month in time rant-
tsr of receipts and tunless all sIgns fall
July Is likely to see free mumnrketingmm. Thme I I
effect of large receipts was piaimmiy visIble
in time course of the tumarket last niotitli , I
whmlc'hm ivims teathliy mlowmmwumrtl , whim only
occmumionmil and uumimnportant reactIons. At
( hue commeumcemneumt of time monthm time average -
ago price paid for hogs on thmi market ,
ivits $4.20 , is'huIIe oa Ilium last day of time
month time average Imnico was $3.65 , a drop
of ( 'Sc. 'rime extrenme imigim point of time
unanthi was touched o time fIrst day of ( h
month and time extreme low imoilit was not
reached until tne Iummt day , Itepresentativo
sa I es :
No , Av , Sim. Pr. No , .Av , Bim , Pr.
02 . , . . . . 197 24)0 ) $3 f's ) . . . . . . . . . $355
87 . , . , , . 192 120 55 50 , , , , , , 23.1 280 3 5711
SI..195 SO 57' ' , ' 41 , . , . , , 222 1.0 3 57
77 , , , . , , 215 200 57 ½ 85 , . , . . . 20S 120 ( 0
74 , . . . , 25S 120 60 66 , , , , , . 294 210 ( 0
83 , , , . , 215 40 60 70 . . , . . . 259 160 ( ' 0
72 , . , . , 235 WI 60 63 , , , . , . 266 , , , 60
56 , , , . , 273 120 60 15 , , , , , , 268 . , , GO
11..260 . . . 360 11 . , . . , . 222 210 60
76 , , . . 225 164) 3 60 14..241 40 60
76..275 240 3 60 50..252 120 GO
GO , , . , . , 305 SO 3 60 63 , . , . . , 231 160 60
64..256 160 3 60 47 , , . , , , 210 . . GO
62..233 50 3 GO 72..252 160 60
76..201 . . 360 GS.,235 . . GO
65..245 40 3 ( .0 Tm . . . . . .261 120 360
641..268 160 3 60 63 . , , . , . 240 80 3 GO
73..244 200 3 60 67..299 200 3 60
60..2t0 240 3 60 75 , . , . , . 250 120 360
'ii..261 , , 3 60 . . . . . . 120 3 GO
_ - _ 2 , _ -
8G. 269 i0 CO Ii 21G 40 3 Cl
66..242 O 62 , - 244 . . 3 G2'
60 . . . . , . 1t44 . . . 67 ( 55 , . 259 80 3 67
M..2611 80 62 1. . 240 80 3
67..244 10 q.8l. . . . .272 240 3
67. . , , , 239 50 c2Lc ? . . . . SO 3 62' '
am , , , , , , 304 80 624 . . . 3621,4
t , . . , , . 300 . . , 624 $7 . , . .303 ISO 3 24
SO G'i4 . . . . . 262 80 3624
GG..2S . . , 62'4 il7Oi..25f , . . . 3 6lt ,
79..Ills 40 3G2 If4..272 SO 365
2. . , . . 2110 200 3 & 67 p" . , .
67..Y.5 , , . 365 71 . , , , .26 160 65
( .0 , . , , . . 267 $0 385 & 1..290 50 365
62 . . , , . , 2.S $ . . , ItS &l.290 160 65
67 . . . , , , 273 120 3 ( .6 .293 . . . 55
Si . . . . .233 160 ' 1 65t4 tlO.19) . 120 &IUJ
76..238 80 3514 imo.260 : O GO
69..240 40 60 80 GO
65 , . , , , , 270 40 (0 ' c7Gd..216 80 60
Ii..262 . , , 3 fO 70 , .219 200 60
55..232 120 360 45' . 2.52 . , . 64) )
79..243 120 3 60 , , . GO
64..254 320 3 60 J56a..294 40 360
Cl . , , . . , 2l5 SO 60 . . 160 360
r.5..2112 240 60 iso 3
40 , , . . , 259 . . , 6214 ' 14' . , ' , . . . 2tS , . . 3 62t ,
47..341 . . . G2 G3..263 40 3 62' .
00..202 120 62m. 60..249 . . . 365
58 . , . . , . 205 40 67 ½ 60..287 50 8 GI1Z
I . , . , . , 290 . . . 200 1..ICO . . . 200
1..260 , , . 2 25 1..170 . . , 2 75
1 , , . . , . 170 . . 335 4 , , , , . , 26 . . . 360
1 . . . . . .210 . , , 350 6 i. . . , ,206 . . . 365
C . , . . . . 288 . . . 3 55 1 , , , , . . 420 . , . 360
; . . . . . . . . , 305
SIIEEI'-Thcre were only two cars me-
Ported in the yards and they came in into.
They were mixed western lambs. Thu market -
ket did not simw any very immaterial change.
'rime offerings of simecim nhud lambs have
been very light at this Point nil tim week
Imst fluid for several weeks In fact. Time
re'ceipts of the week , as will be noted from
the taimle of llgurcs given at time head of
timi column vere net so bad , bmit of tIme
arrivals a considerable proportion was
shiilmpvd direct to packers , while of time bitt-
anco quite a good many were mmot of the
kind calculated to mitiniulate free buying.
On mast mhiiy , In fact , thmerc have not been
encug'h desirable mutton , sheep or lamnims on
sale to make a test of tIme market. Still
other markets have been bower and it might
ho sate to say that Immi there been any
hero to uiunount to anytiming the market
Svr.tiitt have been all of IOi20C lower on
lnmhms. Very few SPriliS Inmhms hmnve been
recetveml here but they are bringing time
best in years for tlmis sensoum . 'f tIme
ycnr. In time language of time yards they
are as high as a hmoww. Lambs have been
genii sellers all this season , When Cob-
rmitio lambs stoppeth com'hmmg spriumg lambs
begimum to put in an appearance In time markets -
kets of tile country tumid time uhemnanml hits
imeen in excess of the supply right along.
it. . , . _ . . _ ( l4S.
1'ANSA5 CITY , Jui 2.-CATTLE-Be-
ceiptum , 120 head : prices mincimanged ; receipts
for time week , 21,000 imetid ; lIght smippiy mnct
wltlm Vigorommit demand ; all grades kIlling
stcck active at 5tcnuI prices : tovker and
feeders , idmnmie higimer ; late sales : Cimolce
heavy steers. $4.75615.OO : medimmm , $1,501 ?
4.80 : light weights , $1.OOi15.0O ; stockers and
feeders , $3.6561'S.OO ; bimtcimer cows utmiul belt-
cr5 , $3.1OIPI.'O ( ; inutch'er bulls , $3,1O11-i.0O ;
canning stock , $2.603a0 Texas steOrs ,
$3.1O5ji.4O ; 'l'exas cows amid imeifermu , $3.1O1Jl
hIOGS-jteeeiltmm , 4,600 imeni : prices. shade
hmigimer : receipts for the week , 78,500 h'mtI
with liberal receipts and dtmhl provision
market prices were well maintaimed , , time
top price being Sc higlmer thmami tlmis tIny
last iveek ; heavy hogs. $3.656J8.S0 : mixed ,
3.45113.65 : light , $3.306j3.6O : pigs , $2.5Ck13.b.
S1IEI6P-Itecelpts , IS head : prices Unchanged -
changed : receipts for the week , 21,500 head ;
strong ( iemnnmi , which absorbed sooth re-
Celimts and mhesirahdc flocks sold steamiyl few
hmmnclmcs of coumimon stork 501(1 100 20c
loiver ; late sales : Slmrhmmg lamabs , $5.Oth1
6.60 ; yearlings , $ i.75lj5.I0 native mmmttons ,
S4.2O'I4.i0 ; 'l'exani , $3.75ii4.G5 ; Arlztmnns ,
$ L006j4.70 ; stockers and feeders , $3.2511i.0O.
C'imletm go 1,1 vt'Sti'hc.
CIIICACIO , July 2.-TfO-Esttmatctl receipts -
ceipts tomlay , 15,000 imeimmlf l ft over 5,360 head.
Mmmrket steamly to Sc lnmvr ; light hogs.
$3.6113.75 ; mixed , $3.G5mlt0 ; 1i.avy , $3.GOij
3.80 ; rommgim ,
CA'I'TLE-Itcceipts , .4OO head. Market
SIIEEI'-Recelpts , 4,000 heamh. Market dull ,
wtak : natives. $3.2511f.0O ; westerns , $ I.0011
4.85 ; lambs , $4.OO16.75.
Yesterday's official : IImmgs , receipts. 21,202
bend ; shIpments , 4,851 ; lut'ttth. Cattle , re-
eclpti4 , 4,774 head : shipaments. 2,2116 heath.
Sheep , reeehlmts. 15,525 ILcaml. . slilpumients , 1,954
. head. 4
Estimated receipts ofh gs Tuesday , 25,000
head. I .
St. Lotus 1.I'i'e44toelc.
ST. LOUIS , July 2.-CkTTLE-neceipts ,
firm head ; nmarket nomlnhh fair to fammcy
utatlve shipping and 'Jhtt steers , $ I.5511
5lD bumlk of sales , $ t.7Os4J40 ; dres.'ueti beef
amid bmmtchiei' steers , $1.15It4Q ; bulk of Saie ,
$ IJOi14.70 ; tcers under 1,000 pnuiubs , $ ? .OO1O
4.65 : bulk of sales , $4.h5tj4.7O ; stockers and
feeders , 83.5514.30 ; bulk of sales , 3.S.,414.25 ;
coivs and heit'ers , $2.O0i1.G5 ; bulk of cows ,
$2.85t3.75 : 'rexas and Indian steers , $3.45I
4.25 : cows and helfers , 12.5)113.75.
1IOGS-1teceipts , 2,393 head ; market a
shade stroqger ; yorkers. 83.60113.70 ; packers ,
13.65413 75 : hutchmers. $370113.55.
ShEEP-Receipts , 100 head ; market
steady ; natIve n-itmttonui , 83.75414.75 : lambs ,
$450116.10 ; culls amid bucks , $3.750j4,25 ; stock-
ore , 13.10114.25.
StOck Iii Sight ,
Itecord of receipts of live stock at tIme
fotmr prinicpal markets for July 2 :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,173 6,41:1 : 511
Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460 15,000 4,000
Ilansas City . . . . . . . . . . . 120 4.500 IS
St. Louts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOt ) 2,300 100
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,853 2S,2G 4,629
Colmuzmge Iuirlnmr Last Year.
WASHINGTON , July 2.-The report of the
director of thmo mint shows that during the
fiscal year closed yesterday tim coInage at
the mints of the United States amounted to
$72,609,033 , as follows : Gold , $64,631,865 ;
slIver , $16,455,584 ; minor coIns , $1,489,484 , Time
standard shiver dollars coined aggregated
Its 1)iirk Slmsuiioivs hlrouglut hienme mvlth
Strrm'fmil Fot't'e to Otie i'imnuliy ,
Saturday morning a ilewepaimer carrier
rang the bell at one of time houses at the
arsenal In this city with unusual violence ,
reiatcs time Washington Post. The front
door was open and ho threw a paper Into
time ball. A lady opened the door to inquIre
time cause of the dtsturbanc& . The carrier
remarked : "There has been a big bat1e
down in Cuba and Cantaln Cannon ha been
killed , "
Mrs. Capron , for it was she , staggered
against the balustrade of the stairway anti
kept herself from falling. ha a few see-
ends a servant , who had been startled by
the ringing of the doorbell , found her stRati-
ing there almost beside herself from horror
and despair. Sime assisteti Imer to a couch
athi called the garrison surgeon , who lives
next door. lie adnilnistereth restoratlves
numd she was aooui able to ask whether it
was her husimantl or her son u1mo was killed
and read time story of the hattie of Jurogua ,
in wimlch her son tonIc such a gallant hart ,
ThIs awful news found Mrs. Caluron nursing
a 14-year-old boy vimo isaear time point of
death with typhoid fever. . . lie line been .111
for several weeks , but his discaso has not
yet reached a crisis , 11cr husband , Captain
Capron of time First artiiIerv , Is with General
Simafter , and his troopsan.h ) guns arc probably -
ably being unloaded fronone at time trans.
ports today. It was Then 500 , Captain
Ahivyn Capron , Jr. , who , was killed , A year
ago another son conmxmmittethsuicido. There
are two cbmildren left , Life sick boy and a
son about 11 , Time wifeot , CaptaIn Capron ,
Jr. , is at Fort Sill , ir. Young Capron
belongeti to a fighting family , Ills graumd-
fattier was captaIn of tin , E'Irst artillery In
the Mexican war and was hilled at time bat-
tie of Cberubusco , Ills fsthIr was gramluated
at time military academn' , ini1873 anti is now
captain of the same ltatter.y.tiio granthfathmer
commanded , and lie has , two cousins in time
army , Mrs. Caproo was aMiss Kissaun of
Brooklyn ,
Young Capron , failing to receive an ap-
polntmont as cadet In the military academy ,
enlisted in time army as a private , hoping
to secure a commission by pronmotioum. lie
worked bard for it and finally succee'dcd in
being appointed eeond lieutenant in time
Fifth infantry by l'resldent Cleveland , in
which he auntIe a spleummiitl record , Whiemm
Colonel \'ootI commenced the organization
of the "Bought Itiders"hie asketi the scene-
tary of war to detail COlmtain Capron to
command one of his companies because of
his courage and skill as a soldier. lie was
a well bumilt , handsome oman , about 27 years
of age. lie was very courageous and very
popular in his troop.
: ; 1-
RecOUcctioihS of it Man Who Wa on the
Albemarlo When Wrecked ,
CuNittn5r arceted with n Slorumt of
Shells nuil iluilleds-Force of flit ,
IJidiiiuim-Cttisluig 'cars
of the hero ,
Sidney \V. Peeler of Calurenga 'alley ,
Cab. , one of the tow survivors of time crew
on the confederate ratim Aibenmanie on the
night she was blown into tise1csuss by
the torpedo directed by Lleutemmaut 'mVilitanu
B. Cushmimmg , rebated to a New York Sun cor-
respondent. his recollections of the historic I
ovenL Peeler is a native \Vtlumington , N.
C. , and was in the confederate naval servIce
three years. Ito was on time Tennessee for ,
several months , anti saw time battle between
the Monitor anti the Jiterrimac in Marcim ,
1S62. When the Aibemanle was being built
at Pl3'lnOtltii , N. C. , iii the spring of 1S63 ,
he aided in her contrtmction. Later he be-
camiro one of her petty ofl1crs.
"The Albemarle was a good counterpart
uf tIme Mci rlmac , " said Mn , l'eeiem' , "but an
iniprovenment In anmuaiiicnt. The battle of
the Monitor and Merrimac taught time confederates -
federates several icseons ( hint we acted un.
'rime Albenmarie was bufit at Etlwartl's Ferry ,
above Plymouth , on Albeunarhe soummd. At
time ( tine It was the greatest fIghting machine
afloat. It was tim forerunner of macny niu-
ciples of present naval architecture , Clmicf
Constructor John L. Porter , C. S. N. , the-
signed the shIp. She was 122 feet long , 45
feet beam , antI S feet tlraughmt. 11cr skeleton
was of solid oak timbers 10x12 inches timlek ,
thovetahiemi together and covered by four.lmmchm
planking. She had two of the finest 200-
horse-power eimghaes of time day. 11cr shield
was octagonal auth was about flty feet long.
iron railroad malls were used as the frame.
work for it. Upon the ehielml , plates of
ron time inclmes thiLk were bolted mund i'Ivete.l
with extreme vane. Firery plate was testcui ,
rmimtl the toughest plates only were useti. To
immnke tatre of rcsistaneo to time 100-poutmul
hiotn from thm federal guns an extra coat-
hug of two-inch enamor was bolted over all
the surface above the water line. The prow
of the rant m'as the ahi.immmpomtammt character-
istie of our darling Albemnarle. That was
of tJ ) flutIst , hardest easoncd oak. It was
shm'.qtot1wILhi Iron 'six Inches throtigim and it
was tapered to it point. A more formiduhmle
englimeof war lied never been made. Time
armnmueat was six-Inch pivot guns , several
howitzers , and fl v9 6-hmounders.
"At' th close. of ( lie summmer of 1864 the
Allemario'vltimtlrew up the Ihosuoko for re-
lmi1ir II had 'done good service In tim Inst
smirch 'nionths , having sent live of Uncle
Samn's good craft bencatlm the water. We
were all enthusiastic at the prospect before
us .jiuij9tr. : , ] ilg rant , f making seine chat'-
tOns in naval hhmtory during time next few
inOnths. Porter's fleet , conmlsting of several
gmmnhohb and seine side wlmm'el craft , was at
loanoke Isiammtl in Albeunarle sound , and as
soon as we cotiltl get our fighting ranm in
shape It was the intentloim to go down there
aimti , simik the fetieral boats , as we lmad served
others of the same class. Theicfore we , one
and all , worked like Trojans at repairing
our armor plates and tinkering wIth our
big engines.
, l'reriuurluig' for IIiisiuies ,
u'The relahs were finished hmy the middle
of Otober anti we were awaIting the er-
rival 'of three 7-inch guns before we
started down the river to once more deal
witlm the federal fleet. We knew that General -
oral Sherman's army was operating in North
Carohimma , and timoreforo unusual efforts were
pitt forth' tci'pm'iitect the pride of the confederate -
federate navy against any surprises. The
gttrnlson at Fort Bateman , which stood guarti
over the rIver at Plymouth , was increased.
Two field pieces were put on the deck of the
Albemnarle anti an artihiery guard was sta-
tiommed there day and night.Vhlie the river
was strewn with torpedoes , the river banks
were mmmardetj against smmmprise by bluarons ,
three small batteries and fifty sentries.
Tlmere was an abuntlance of ammunition for
both men anti muskets. To make our craft
doubly safe from attack a cordon of pine
logs , thirty feet. long , chained together hike
a raft , was Imiaced in tile water about the
Albenmarle. It seemed as If the ram was
absolutely secure ,
"I retaihl the night Cushing came with
his little launch anti blew tip our big rain
as well as if it were hut yesterday. It was
a cold , cheerless , clay , October 27. The
gtiards repomed everything all right , and it
was 'genra1Jy' believed the Yan1s down in
the sound Were shakIng in their boots at
our rospcetivo early Eitlvaaco upon their
fleet. W.hen darkness approached that even-
ins the 'fresh seultnlcs vent on guard and
the men at lie fort signaled to time men
on time Ahimenmarle that all was well , Slipper
was served , and eon the great , grim figlmtliig
machine settled Into slumber. The guards
at tIme bow anti stern kept watch. I bad a
letter to write that nIght , anti I had per-
mtssldn to sit with a shiadd lantern aft In
the cabin , It. w a very black night and
rain fell in sprinkles.
"I hati been writIng about two hours when
I hearth some one calling from the river
bank. I paid no attention , In a neconti I
heard a musket shot and then an excited
running about on the deck above me ,
Quicker than I can tell It sonic one yelled
down into the cabin :
'I 'All lmaatls to quarteral'
'I'Ime AtdtelL.
"I snatched the lantern anti ran up. Forty
or more of our crew , who hati been asleep
In their hammumnocks , came running after inc.
We all instinctIvely knew it was a Yankee
attack , but we supposed it from the
land. Before tiny at us hail reacheti tIme
deck there was a firing of mtmslccts anti a
belching of howitzers. It seemed as it
the whole of Sherman's army had sudtienhy
swooped down upon the Albemanle. The
beacons were flaming anti the guards were
shooting , All was confusion on time upper
deck. The artillerymen wore traimmlng theIr
cannon anti calling foi' ammunition. f no-
member that five bells were rung In time
cabin at ( lint moment ,
"Oft at our bow I saw a narrow steam
launch without top , 111cc a large rowboat ,
about twcmmty.flvo feet bug , comiimg across
time river straight at the Albemarle. IL was
about 300 feet away then. In time flickering
light of tIme beacons we could see a man
Mantling in the bow in his shirt sleeves , ss'ith
a long stick 1mm hIs hanml like a imeavy Slab-
pole. We afterward knew that lie was
Lieutenant Gushing , The. screech of eliot
anti grape and canister began , untl the
batteries on shore roared and Iimtmeml. Tim
launch moveti rigid. along , Captain Welcim
of time Aibemanlo danced about excitedly
anti we tried to train otir cannon on time
craft , which was below our range , Amid a I
shmomver of lead antI iron that niamlo the
itoanoko all about ( lie little boat seethe antI
boll like math , time iamirmcim ran up to time
cordon of logs. The man in his shirt siceves
standing in the bow leaned over ( apparently
unconscious of time roan of cannon and ( lie
tireimping of hall nnml grape cloaa abomut him )
. antI hooked critically at the imalt-suinimerged
I water-soaked logs , The hauumcii was turneti
to one sltle , anti while Captain Welch
m screamed frantically to the men In the boat :
'Surreaderi Surrender , or we'll blow you to
h-i ! ' the little boat came again fuill tilt toward -
ward the raft. 'rho dozen meum aboard Imer
were in the stern , so the bow was raised ,
Full steam was on , anti time boat went scuil-
ding before our astonished eyes straight
across the itllppery auth water-soaked raft.
"Time howItzers at Fort Liateinan had now
added their voice to the din of firing. The
: .L.
_ _ _ .
smo1ceueb ( On the lmninch wit ! shot oft , antI
we saw by time baeon iight8 aini the thames
from the cannon one or two amen roil over in
the hmottom of time bent at it shot The man
tn the bow never flInched In that ( rightful
storm. lie was evltlenly shouting oricrs to
hIs conmrades , To tell all this mnsks it I
seem slow , In a twlnkhlimg the launch was
chose umpon the ram nnmitlshlps. It was done
so quickly that we could not realize what
was really taking place , flown went that
flshpole affaIr which Cushlng htl in bbs
hauti , nd it lmrojected vertically front this
bow of the launch. We cotittl zen thing like
an oil can on its trcc'ernl. Time pohi waa
the torpedo Imooni , and the can was time
torpedo itself.
lrtghutfuil I1iulosloii ,
"Tlmen there was it deafening crashing and
creaking explosion. I knoW of nothing to
cemimaro with it except an awful roarIng
earthquake. It secineti as it we imatl beemm
struck by lightning anti run Into by a lore.
mottve at Lime same moment. AdmliI to the
roar of the guns time sensation was Inost
terrifying , Every one on the rant was
thrown down , The heavy cannnmm on deck
toppled over and there was a wrenching of
iron supporta and armor Plate. Time
Albemanlo rose fully five feet on our simle.
Half of us expecteth to be anmmlhtlated before -
fore we could stagger to our feet. htmL soimmo
one mild have coolness enough In the utmlque
experience to know what to do.
, ,
'GeL to time Imort gmums ! Every man use
a nitmsketl' shomiteti a lieutenant ,
"Time ratmm vmmo settling then and we ran
ntl lookemi over the side of tme Aibemanit' .
The inca In the iauuimcim liatl lenped fromim it
and were swImming for dear life. The
beacons were too flici'.eriag to lie of much
service for our mmiarkesnicmm. bitt over half
of the 'u'jnks were shot in the water. A few
got away by pure luck lit the shambows of
the piles of cotton bides on the wimart anti
shore. Cusimimig himself escaped in thIs way ,
It. was one of time mimiraclas that tb occur
at such titmicti that an ) ' one of Ctisimiimg's
expedition should have lived to get neal' time
rant In timat haIl of lead imimtl iron nmissile ,
mtmch moore so that any one could have
reached shore in timat boIling water.
"in three minutes , ( lest scOummcl an age , w'e
lint ! to abandon tIme Albetimarie , SVnter tea
into her like a sieve. had we beeim aim time
sea we wotilmi have sunk in imalt the tiumme.
Seine of time boys tried to get below ulcck
to save iemseumai property , limit could miot.
Captain Welcim sent word to time shore bat-
terics to shell time formet anti awmirnp across
Clue ilonnoke , opposIte I'lytmmotmtlm , Imeemmuse time
tlcolug Yanks might have reached there ,
'l'ho sentries were urged to be very watchful -
ful f.r fugitive \'amiks that night.
"All night long hundreds of soldiers anti
emnilors sat on time coal w'lmimrf nuti taihc'i
about the destructioum of ow' naval imrtde.
Women anti children at I'Iymatmth were ten'
ribiy frightemmed at time mmolse ot the exploiomm
amiti the mimusketry anti cannoimading and lieu
to time soldiers' piotection , They supposed ,
of cotmrse , that Gommeral Shuermamm , witim 50,000
mcmi , bath come to guth r them all iii. Time
sorrow of tIme contetle , when it bccamumo
limosrmi ; that time rain had bvemm torpetloed auth
hail suimk , was as touching os anything I
saw in warfare. We knew that time liopu'
of our navy was flimishemi thmeim. As we sat
thmere that cold , dark mmight on the wharf
ninny a gnizzicti amaim wept tears of auger
aimO sorrow. Naturally we weme ctmriotms to
know line' so powerfully enamored a cuaft
coulti have been so cnstly wounded to
death , At the first streaks of ulawn several
of us were tlou'im in time water bemicatlm time
wimarf examinIng the lmmmlk as best w'e could.
The craft hiatt cttied in about llftecu feet
of water , end aim she drew but clgbt feet ammO
s'as h.nmilt low iii tim water , It may lie real-
1zcd bow much water haul rushed into her.
It lammed * 4) Vteee.
"The torpedoes bad loosened every part of
the hulk. There were seams about aim inch
wide , some sixty feet distant from the spot
where 'Cuehtng had exploded time torpedo.
There was a rough hole amidshIps , as large
as the head of a hogshead , when tue torpedo
had domme its deadly work. Scams hiatt a
foot wide and twelve and twemmty feet bug
radiated therefrom in every direction. An
1,100-pound shot from a modem rifled
cannon could not do more damage timan that
lift y-pouimti copper-boumnti torpedo had done.
Anmimor plates vere ripped off , amiti the 1)15
timbers were wrenched otut of place. The
Iron stanebione w'ero twisted , ( lie decic amidships -
ships was raised , and both the engines ivere
irreparably snmaslmed and wrenched. It is
marvellous that the magazine had not been
exploded. Half a dozcmu men who were
In their hammocks near time spot where time
torpedo exploded were found dead In the
water ,
, , ,
\\o had heard much and seen nothing of
time torpedoes the Yankees were using. Some
one dIved down and brought up time remains
of Cmmslmlag's torpedo. I believe the renmalmis
ore now in the naval museum at Wasimltmg-
ton. TIme late United States Senator Ben
11111 of Georgia had ( heat as a curiosity for
some years , aimth I believe be gave then to
the Naval nitiseurn , The torpedo was of the
size and shape of a three-gallon oil can.
Fifty Ioumnds of giant owtler bath been
packoti in a remind wood casing , About thia
was a covering of thin copper. so timat a
apace occupied by air was at time butt of time
torpedo. 'l'bat was to make tIme tom'petio float
with the point downwarmi wimeum It was released -
leased rein time torpedo boom , There was a
point shaimed like the business cmiii of a
candiu .Abotmt this were a score of large
percussion caps , each of wimich tommeimeti
fuluniumatlng powder Inside the copper cover.
ing. Time torpedo was exploded on the same
principal as ( lie old-fashioned cap and
powder gun. When Cushing pulled tIm
iaumyam'd the springs at the end of Lime tOnielo
boom were loosetmeth , ( ho deamhly mesemmeer
started from the boom toward our ram , and
stnlkimmg its side with full force mime caps
went off antI ignitomi time fimiminating powder ,
which exploded time giant Powder.
"Chief Constructor l'ortor was notified
time day following time explosion what laud
taken , place. lie sent experts to look over
thai wreck. They said the hulk was useless.
Captain W'elcim ordered time tuacitlumery to be
destroyeti , so that It nmhgiit imcvcr be uieetl
by time enemy. Several barrels of powder
wore expiotled there , and all that remalneil
of the umntie of the cohifemlerato navy , iii that
rc'gioim at least , was blown to Idecea auth sunlc
In the floanoke.
'l'hte Scommqitt'vlsltt'th ,
"lit the sutmmmcr of 1872-about two years
before Cushiitmg'um death fronm brain fever-lie
was traveling for his health , atmtl lie went
down thin coast to Albemarle liouimmd. lie was
curious to see what remained of the oitl
rain , lie spent a day or two about l'ly-
imiotitii , and I climmumeeml to niect luau at ilaunp.
tom ; Roads a few weeks later. I was restIng
there , anmi when Conmiumander Cusiming ( Liucm
time youngest maim of tlmat rauk in the Ammieri.
can navy ) learned that I was one of time
crew of the rain time night lie blew up our
prize craft , we becimnie quite intImate tiur-
lug time week imo rcmatumd at hampton
Itoatims , Gushing told inc that lie wits umot
( luito 22 years olmi whemi he perforated time
imeriioua feat of blowing up tim Alijemnanit' ,
miami that ho hami a vote of timauks anti a golmi
mmmedab fronm congress time very clay he was 22.
I lie told mmmc timat thu torpemia lie hail miseti
t eli our rain mm'ns oumo of six timmit imtui : been
made at Spniumgflvld , Mass. , esimecinuy for
dcstroyhumg time Aibemmuimnio , Tue idea of
I hilowirmg our utimbp up had been talked of by
Admiral Porter amud Commodore i.IcConmh iii
Amigust mtnd September , 1861 , but there
seenmed not the least hope to perfornm thti
Immuzardous feat. When , however , the Aibo-
mmmarle laid thrice gone down the hloanoko
lute Albenmarlo Sound and 110(1 stink such
I guumhoats as the SoutimfioltI ( train Staten
island , N , Y , ) , arid the Anmboy , mmml knocked
ugly holes in the staunclm little Miami , It
I was realized ( list sonmotluing desprato unust
be done very sooum. Lieutenant Gushing had
successfully done' remarkably daring things
" . . . : '
- .
. -
in lSGI anti 1863 during time naval opera. .
lions oft time coast of lionitla and ott th
Ihlnckwaier in WilmIimgton harbor. lie ws
cnIlcl into constultatlon as to how the but ,
threatening Aihmeinsurie mIght be made use-
ies. Think of the tniti , dignified xtvii.
comnmanders consulting with a bc.ardles.
"lInt Cushlng was ready to embark upor
any expethitban that wotihul siunsim time rebel
rani. lie apparently never took heed of the
risk lie ran , lie lovetl excitement , and wel-
roamed a chance to show his nerve. It Is ot
generally known , but Coummnmamht'r Cmishin
told me timat he made three umisiiccessful at-
temmipta itm the three weeks iirevlous to the
, wrecklng of the ram to ncconitlish thab
hmuirluose. Ommco Cumchming amid a pnrty of ftvs
youimg umicum , each arnmed with a twenty"
poutmul torpedo , tried to get tlmtotughm th.
swamps on thm nortlm bank of tlu itoanoke ,
opPosite Phymmioutli , amid then lo time Albe-
tnat'lc at the wharf. hut time talus had
mumute the swaummps Impassable , nmnt they found
time shore alive with rebel sentrIes , An-
otimer time Cushlug cud a party tried to
get ototuumtl at the rear of Plymilomith , in-
tcumduimg by a stithulen advntmce'dowmi timnough
time streets of tlmat may old town sonic m1aTh
night , to tiisclmnu'ge time torpedoes against
time rnlmm nummi thcut get away as best tlm.r ,
comihi ,
"ily the Inst , eck of October C.mtuulming was
welluuigim desperate , mmnti he resolved to risk
everything lum biolmmg tip tiuo AIbemnanle.
Commiuumotloro McCoumib gave hmlni a lathnelm , ante
Ctmshlumg rcimt mum the nomimmd mmml river to thu.
ratim.'hien lie went to get his volunteer
crew of fifteehm , he hmd nioro thfllethity ) timait
lie ezlIcd'tCtl. ho hind to tell the immen iuIntmtIT
that there ivuts scarcely helms for any of
them rcttirnlng front time expethitioim , and that
he vnntcmi fl v'oluumteors those sailors oai
wlmo were prepared to die in tIme tmnnrti cml
hind no oume depeumileut for sttui ort tiI'Olt
them. Commmnmaumler Cosimlng told mime timnt Ito
never really recovered fioni the hmock of tims
immtense excltemmmcnt of that historic night
anti time explosion. lie saul that ( lucre were
hut four survivors , so far as ho knew , of
tIme expeditboum. Tn o of imI macli Were kIllu1
ill his laumichi just before tlme torpetlo wmms
fired , anti there were about etiuhit who were ,
110 tlolmbt , slmnt in the water by time mnuskctnl'
and imnwltzers. hutch Ctislmliig limed aimmi humiti
j'iis lmcaltlm. be mouIml , no thouht , have been
an nmhnuiruh before ime was 'iS-the yomingtat
omcei' of that uammk in time rom'lm1 , lie WflS
it tutu , hmaIC.facI , anti nt'rvolhs immamm.
would mie'er have imickd lmhin ham an uts-
semmmblnge as time lumen of narvnlous intrepidity -
ity that lie was. " ,
l4'It.tNC35 tl ) A3LLlltiCA ,
Friuimlul iim' ) ilssloiu * hint Itemamiilc.l 1 *
itu All immimee lIetnei'ut t lit' Couumtric.
If , A. Oguica writes of "A Great liolmub-
htca.n at Court" tim tue July St. Nicholas.
Mr. Ogmien tells of Franklin's mmmissiuim to
I'ranco nmmd its results. lie sa"s :
Time court of li'rammee , w'imlle friendly and
willing tIm aid us as it coim'lmhm'ums imot no
yet renthy to ackmmowicdgo our imutleponubenco
aimti by so doiumg to rmu'ovoke a conilict with
Great llnitain , The var , thus far , imaul gone
agimlimat us ; mucus of time one bright ray in
thu gloommm-W'ashmingtoii's victory at Trea-
toum-imam.1 takcmm live months to rc'aclm France ,
so dltilcmmlt wns it. to emmeimpo ficimi the British
cruisers watclmlug our 'coasts.
Sommio immuslcets and a lmrlate loan of $400-
000 were st'ctmretl amid uulimglo 'olmmmmteers
were licmmt3. To flgimt for Amtmenicn becaimmo
with time youumg Frcmmch mmohics what mmow-
unlays we shouhmi call a ' 'fad , ' ' Franklin
ivuis besieged by rctjuests to be officers in
otir nrmimy om' for letters of rccoiuumiendatiomi
to commgrcss , nuni Ito was at. lila wit's end to
refuse with kiimdimess , so that imo uihmould imob
Imiako promises of ramik that he could not
In coimtrast to nmmmny of these requests at
this timmmo stands Lafayette's gemmeroums offer ,
of mnonoy , nrmmmmm and lila life if need be , without -
out proumlso of rank or reward : but the
French governmcimt still withheld its aim ) ,
waiting for Semite decideti i'ictou'y to prove
to time imatlomma of Europe hat time unitemi
colonies stood some clmaumce of wimimmiimg timcIr
Duirlumg this winter of darkness for free-
doui' cause , Fraukilim intuit play Imia part in
time gay world of l'aris. To make fnicnio
for our country was his constant atm ; imcg
eumenmtes lie delIcti anti everywhere ho cx-
presseti his certainty of the final triumph of
Amimerica in the struggle.
\\o have all braid of the phrase , "These
art ) time tunes that try inca's souls. " These
words were mised at Jmmst ttmis tune by Thonlas
Value , who wrote a series of mmrttcles omm time
American war. For , while itvmts dark iii-
mleed on our side of time ocean , it cemned also
as if no nation abroad w'otmld 11011 , US. Franlc-
ha semmt lila associates , Lee and Deane , to
the courts of Spain aiim Prussia for aid , but
mmeitimer was disposed to take the fIrst step ,
Diplomacy amumoimg mmatlons is often a tediotis
and selfish proceeding. Meanwhile time doctor -
tor thid what ho could towimrtl arming ships
and nmakimig easier the lot of prisoners of
war abroatl. Aim to time ships , he was sonic-
what successful , anmi was gratified by lmi
success , for hue was eager to give Englaud
some of ( lie treatment the colonies had received -
ceived from her inca-of-war.
All of these matters kept time emivoy very
busy-so much so that hula graumdson , Tuuinpie ,
was obliged to act as lila secretary and the
Idea of his going to a mmniversity was givea
Ui ) . At last camno tIme sunsimino tlmrougit the
ciotmds , for time Wise I'rovidence that guimies
the affairs of nations an ivcih as of men
brommgimt about Limo smirrermtler of llmmrgoyno
mmd lila army in October , 1777 , after the bat-
tie of Saratoga.
'I'hme news was ( hisimatched with all lunate
to our rcimrcsdntnthvciu abroati. Miutsachmu-
settum semut the glummi tidings by special inca-
semuger , a yoummg Mr. Austin. Before imlim the-
varttmre a prayer was offeretl train the pulpit
of a church in iiostouu-timo minister , It is
said. being ito absorbetl in praylums especially
that the dispatches might be delivorctl that
lie made no rneumtiomm of the immesseimgcrl
in a little over a month , however , botl
messenger antI packet arrived in l'aris , and
tue scene when lie drove Into time eommrtyard
of the Hotel Valentinois was a menmorablo
one ,
Our representatives hmimti receivemi worth of
imia landing , limit kimow nothiluig of tIme umaturo
of his hews , Aim the chaise dasimeml up to the
group around the door awl time mmiessemmgeg
aligimteul , 1)r. Franklin grasped hits hmammd , cx-
claiming :
"Sir , is i'lmiiamlciphmia taken ? "
"Yes , sir , " was Austimi's reply.
Tlmen the old stateanman wrung lila itanda
lii disappointnmemmt anti iiaml begun to retura
Itt samlucima to time house whelm time mnesseumger
crieti :
"But , sir , I imavmi greater news than thmatb
General hiurgt > yime anti hits whole army are
Prl5uiCrS of war ! "
Tempbo carrleml thmo news to the French
pniummo mimmiater , time Comnto do Vergemmnos ,
auiti a few clays later a private iimtem-vlem
took place \'eraailbi's. .
About a year froum the lanmllng of Franklin
on tIme coast of France lila errand to that
nation was ncconmpiislicmi , She became the
ally of ( lie Aune'nlcaui colonies , mmmi thmuum was
time first to ivcirouuie the ( lotted States into
( lie circle of nations.
JAME5 E. flOY1 I
'I'clcplione 1089. OlIlulul , Neb
lhOfr.ilI ) OP TI1ADII ,
I9Ire't wirca to (2iilcgt' and New York.
Correspondents ; John A. W&rnmn & Co.
'VIiIiil'iIUIi 1t)51 ,
ituommut 'I , N , V. li fe 111mb g. , ( Hiinlmu , Nets ,
StocksGraio , rrovisions
lirect Ylrrs New l'orl , 'hlcugo und
Wctoru L'oluto ,