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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1898)
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Still , It wan omethlng of an Improvement upnn ' the preceding tlays and the management looks for bigger attenilance to1ay nnfl tO- morrow. This afternoon h been set. aside ; for the women again , and a good contingent - . gent of tlio gentler sex will probably be out. The card was a crackerjack. The year-ohs trotted like veterans , once going . below the 20 mark and once running a ' ilca4 beat. In the 2:24 : class a half mile In one of the beats was covcrc(1 In 1:01 : anti tie mile in ) lttlo over 2:10. : flhat's 1irctt nearly Hying for this class. And In the 2:17 : trot there was a field of horses fit to go upon the grand circuit at any time. ' There were four starters In the first . race-the trot for 3.yenr-olts tar a lurse of $400. They wore : lr. Spelman. ii. g. , Prodigal ( McAvoy ) , Smith & Reynolds , An- ncontla , Mont , ; latan , cli. g. , Norcatur ( Ho- cnok ) Palmer L. Clark , St. Joseph , Mo. ; Black Robert , bik. ft. , 11. Mcoberts ( Chand- icr ) , fllVersilo Farm , Herlin'Is. . ; Ellen , MflIIHOfl ( , b. 1. , James Madison ( Ward ) , F. E. Word1 San Dernartlino , Cab TlicrO was a hot finish to the first heat. Ilocock htul fatru at the heid all the while-- a COUIlO of iengthH to the better of Dr. Spelmaii. At the turn Into the stretch , . ho\yover , the Montana horse mtde a great spurt and drew Uj ) to latan , Some fifty feet tron ( the \viro both horses broke and - they both. 1InIsIed the mile UI ) in the air wIth noLan Inch difference between them- a clear dead hoot. Ellen Madison was third and Black Itobert was ihistanced , but by declaring It a dead heat the judges allowed the latter to start again. Time : 2:20. : l'rctty Hnee trout This Out. : ri. , latan started out like a winner In the y second heat , with Dr. Spelman a couple of . Iength9 behind. lie broke at quarter , & but recovered before the doctor overtook A him , At the halt , however. ho went no In I I the air badly and before ho was brought . ( lack to earth agaIn Dr. Speiman was a score , of lengths In the lead and kept the advan- 4 taga to the wire. Intan nearly lost secomi : place. as he was Pressed close by Ellen 't Madison. and got the place by only a foot. Time , 222. . , * - Ono of the prettiest races of the day was , a.i ( the third heat , which developed into a sur- - prlo. Dr. Spolman loft the wire In the leM and tept It to the halt , where Intan . came ill ) to him by outtrottlng him on the turn. latan gradually crawled forward , but . . , in the meantime Ellen MfllisOfl , who hooked like a poor third all the time , wn coming up lilco a real race horse. On the turn Into the stretch the California horse overtook the I doetor and the latter stopped. Ellen Madison - son continued to come and at the distance , E # wa running neck and neck with latan and . ' beat him out by not more than a nose. Dr. Spelman was third. Tlma 2:1O14. : - Ititan stepping too hard 'in the three hoL already run and had to be drawn. Black flobert was.ia the raceonJforvarm _ in up and was also drawn. That. lefonly Dr. Spehinati and Ellen MaUson. The fourth heat was easy for the former. who came - . , Under the wire in a walk. The time was so punk , 2:25 : , that the judges almost declared the licat. off , and did declare all bets off. . The trouble arose over the soldiering of the driver of Ellen Madison , Ward , who was jacked UI ) by the judges. The final heat was won without trouble by Dr. Spelman in the time of 2:23 : % . The first money went to 1)r. Spelman , with ElIcit Madisot second. halt the entries were scratched In the RecoRd race , which was a pace for the 2:24 : class for a jureo of 5O0. Thee who started vero : Mls Logan. b. in. , General Logan ( I3oucher ) , A. W. floucher , San Jose , Cal. ; Shade On , b s. , Shathehand Onward ( Kay ) , J. N. Kay , Erving , Nob. ; Shecam , b. g. , . - , Dunce ( Frank Enos ) , W , J. Harris , Spokaue. 1A .1 Miss Logan irneed a great utile In the first heat. jumIing Into the lead from the . start and keeping It throughout. She went . . the first quarter in 0:31 : % . Shecam broke 'V in the first uuartcr and could not catch up again. Shade On was an easy second as Miss Logan was first. Time : 2:14 % . The second heat was a race , even though Idiss Logan won again in great time , She left the wire last , but at tim halt forged ahead. Site gained steadily 'till she got iii the lead nntl remained there to the wire. There was a hot fight for seond place between - . : tweon the ottcr two , Sbecnru fiunhiy beat- lug out Shade On by a neck. The Inst hnif was vaced Iii the hot time of 1:01. : 'rIte . ( time for tlio. ! nhie was 2:10 : % . Miss I.ogan vet ! the race in the third heat without being Pushed. Shade On won second money by getting ceoutl place and L Shocatit was third and got thIrd money. Time : 2:13 : % . : For thit IXiINllIt The big field was in the third and last event , a trot for the 2:17 : class , for the big , $1,000 Transmtsstssippi purse. Out of four- tecq entries , there were only three scratches. . These who went were ; ? tiattio l'atterson. 5 b. rn. , Vilandor ( Wilson ) , It. 13. Mathieson , 4 , 1'Irre. S. I ) , ; Maldino , hr. m. , Lobasco ( Ilocock ) , P. L. Clark , St. J00 Stables. St. Joseph , Mo , ; ( ] odella , b. in , , Aberdeen ( Russell - sell ) , A. L. Patrick , Omaha ; Lady Beau- : moat. b. in , , Beaumont ( Lash ) , J , IV. Malone - ; lone , Ihcthpage , Teen. ; J J. b. s. , Hero ( Wtckerstnuu ) , F. E. Wickershiam , Omaha ; flolla Popplu. ch. s. , Julia A. Itawlins , I ( firoal ) , Ruthbcn Stables , ltuthben , Ia , ; Joe t . \Vonder , b. g. , liouna Richards ( Myers ) a Joines Nelson , Spring Valley , Iii , ; Iltixhuni. ; ' ch , g. , Vestegga ( Creary ) , W. J. Creary , La ( t Both , ztlo , ; hazel Kinney , b , m. , McKlnney ( Hodges ) , P.V. . hodges , Los Angeles ; SIam- I , bouhette , b. s. , Stamboul ( Nesting ) , 13 , 0. Van Iiakkelen , San Mateo , Cal. ; Porter , I George liaxter , ! iInneapolis. tJ The big bunch soon strung out in the first beat. Mattie Patterson , the favorite , broke before the first turn and was never in it. She run repeatedly during the tulle. Maid- lao was in the lead all the way around to the three-quarters pole. where SIam- bou , tto took the first. place and held it under ( Ito wire. Joe Wonder catite rushing ull out of tue bunch on the round into the turn and came In second by a iteek over Maidino. Tlio Omaha horse , Godella , got fourth place. The time was very good- 2:12-and : the race must have been good IC for no other reason than that not one ot the bunch was distanced , The second bent saw a tilco bunch ( rota a the wire to the half and in fact all around 5q the circuit. Maidino led again around to the three-quarter Itole , where Stamboniette , who was back In the crowd , forged ahead nd catue in wittner easily , Maidino was . WHILE THE WAR LASTS All who march walk or stanil should shako him their iftoes Aileit's Foot-Ease , a powder. It cures aching , tired , sore , swol. .t' feet and makes tight or new shoes easy , , a 'nbsorbb moisture and vrevunts chtaliitg hot , smitrtiiu , blistered , swsatlng feet , Au thu regular army troops anil navy men uo : ft. Volunteers in hot climates can't exist in comfort without it. Alien's Foot.1aso I oid by all iirugisti and ihoe stores , 2c , Sample sent 1'IlEII. Address , Allen $ Olmstud , LeRoy , ? . T ' second and Joe \Vonder third. Tim Omaha horAc tell hack to seventh ititice and Mrttlo Patterson tenth , Time : 2 l. In the third heat the favorite finally showe4 some speed and trotted in second. Stnmbouiete was an easy first , while hazel kinney and flolha l'oppln were third and fourth , Joe Wonder was fifth , but he was caught running on ( ho Iack stretch anti was put back to ninth place. Time : 2:12 : % , Suniinries. 3.ycar.old trot , pprse $100 : Ir. Speiman , b. l'rodlgal ( MeAvoy ) , SmIti & 'Roynolds , Anaconda , Mont. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( lb , I 3 1 1 Fiien Madison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1 2 2 Intith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dh2 2 dr Black Itotn'rt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 4 dr rlme : 2:203k : , 2:22 : , 2tlD % , 2:33 : , 2:23 : % , 2:21 : elnit i > ncc , purse &o0 : Miss Ltgnn , I , , m. General Logan ( lonelier ) , A.J. . Boticher , Sttn lose , Ciii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 Shade On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 2 t3)irnm ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 3 Tutite : 2:11 : % . 2l0 : , 2:13 : % . 2:17 : chasM , trot , rahisnhiI4sissilpi , I > trs 2 I O0Q : Htitmboulette b. s. , Stnmboul ( Kent- lag ) , H , 0. Van liakkclcn , San Ma. ten , Cal. . . . . . . . . e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i I 1 'llnItilne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 7 Joe Woitiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 9 ? tlattle Patterson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 10 2 1thIa l'Olhifl ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4 Liuhy Heaumont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0 S Lady Itlenilmont . . . . . . 5 6 S hlitzel Khtiney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 9 3 iltixhum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G 6 5 .1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 811 1'rter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 11 10 'Fume : 2:12 : , 2:15 : , 2:12 : % . 'I'4IhU 'M CII rd , The card for this afternoon is : l'acing , 2:3 class , $ O0 : Ayifsford , C. (1. ( tIety , itIctniitis ) , 'J'enhi. ; Aunty thticks , 1t It. Siuitnan , Ncvndn , lit. : DUll Qtti ) t ( ' , As- berry 3i ngi e toil , lUcid niul , I a. ; Bud I , I ) . I ) , ' 1'evuhiy , Anaconda. In. ; Julia Shake , I ) . 1) . 't'cwohy , AnaeJnIn ( , In. ; 1i Jlennett , \'ililnm Cook , Aibuquer.ue , N. M. ; La itoy , llward l'arkei' , Colortitlu Springs , Coin. ; Corter McGregor , F. It. \'tiin , Otitalia , Nob. ; Sam ' , 11. M. AnidonVirhltn , Iztii , ; Skates , Mike Elmore , Ailiunce , Neb. John IL , 1i1 1tniiinsan , Oinitlin. Nub. ' 1'rottIni , 8O0 , S5O ) : MtIei'iikcn : , F' . \Vlekershiatn , Tracy , tinii , ; 3tuiiiil lowns. I I. I I. 1)ovns , ahlutteilpolls , 1\tlnu. I'llut l.tttnhtet't , Itivereltia I"arm , Berlin , \Vis. ; llcrIhinl. Itnnni'lls tutu Kirby , Jack- soilville , Ill. ; Gt'orgo 3V , IeJ'eitiiey , l' . ¼ V , Hodges , Los Anclt's , Cnh. F It , Smith niul Iteynolds , Anaconda , \1ont. ; Gertle It , Smith anti lteynolds , Anai nitila 2duiit. Dolly .1ichititt : .AnIy Idciat'eii , I'Ieits- unton , Ciii. : ihooper , ' 11 ? ti. O'en , Coloraild Spritigs , Colt , . . Kane , F. II , Sitckett , Al- itlon , Neb , ; 'l'ickcts , .1. II. Stetton , Omaha , Neb. ; Dimples. J. D. Simpson , Leintirs , lit.'eiwitltl. ; . l'ahner L. Clark , St. .Iosepli , Mo.Vert ; , l'ainer L. Clark , St. Joseph , 0. 0.l'nclng , 2:19 : cltiss , $00 : i\elso , A. D. Ionr- hicati , lcnvcr , Cob. ; Jeskn , Iluthorn stable , ituthiorn , lu. : Diii Nyc , U.V. . Shores , Los Angeles , Cal. : Atliol'ilke , Ilighhantl stock farm. Denver , Cob. ; irvingtnn Belle , \\'illinm Cecil , Irvtngton , Cal. ; KlntnwiLh , ' 1' . E. Keating , l'icasanton , Cal. ; Meazan- ella , M. C. ( Iranger , Dallas , 'l'ex. ; Simon Onggerheiin J. Harris , Detiver , Cole. ; 1tlsii Kitt1thg , Ilenry IIoipingVayne , Neb. ; King Altamont , W. J. harris , Sim- kane , Wash. 'VitAl' SIIOO'I'IG ' ' ' A'I' I I b'AUiCIiE , C. V. lludd of Ios'tt "tVIit the Secoitsi alit ! 141st RY'iI t , M1LWAUlCE1 , June : : o.-A. three duys' trap shooting tournament , tinder the auspices of the National Gun club of l'tlil- vnnkee , and in conneetion with the senil- centennial carnival , opened at National imrk today. Five events of twenty blue rocks each were oil the program ttlay , It. C. Johnson of Nort ) Cape , \\is. , itfltl a sportsman who regIstered as " 1)an , " vero tied for the first idace. scoring tue full twenty each. C.V. . Iliidth of Des Molne , Itt , , won the second event , scoritig twenty. Ii. lieike , Dayton , 0. , and 0. Zwcrg , ShiehoyganVis. . , scored twenty each In the tht'.l c'eiit. In the furth event Glazier , Gilbert and Ruble were tied , scoring twenty each. Budd WOfl tIle last event , scoring twenty. Prominent trap shooters nra here from different ittittes , including J. C. Gilbert of Spirit Lake. In. ; Stuitnaid anti BrIgham , Citlcao ; Iloiweli , Bridgeport , Coon. ; stthl ) , Keithsburg , Ill. ; Vlrges , Lowell , 0. , ittiti Bowers , 1)ceatur , Ill. PO8'I'L'ONE flOAT htACF TILl. 'I'OIAY , CollIMt' Is To hlutight for the FreMli- iiitii It ) : lTzike 't'IieI r Coistest. SAItATOGA , N. Y. , June 20.-TIle freshmen - men race which was to have beeii rowed itt 2 &cIocIc tltls afternooii 'as postponetl until 10:30 : a. m. tomorrov on account of a atrong southerly wind blowing straight down the course. 'rhus there will be two CtflteStS tomorrow , the vavsity beltig seltetitlieti ( or 5 oclock. 130th promIse ox- CePtioflhthiY good srnrt. 'l'hie Cornell 'varsity has a decided lca,1 In the betting. Ilettirig on the freshmen continues tonight at the bookmakers at even on Cornell , against the Ilold , fi to 5 against Columbia mid .i to I against l'eiin- sYiVanhlL. No big bets have been recorded itilti few wagers have been laid on the 'varsity race. Cimse LNsM 'ihiromigiL Fouling. LOUJSVILLE , Ky. , June 30.-Amitl a scene of excitement , ( Ito fight betore the Kentucky Athletic club between "Dick" Case , champion light weight of the northwest - west , ttntl " [ lobby" Dobbs. champion colored light weight of the world , ended in a fiasco , Dobbs winning on a foul. Mt'fluflhe Lowers ii ltecorsl. BOSTON , June 30.-Edtitc MeDuille ro1e the final mile of a twelve and one-third- mile spin at Charles River park today In I :31 : 2-5 , as tinted from th training Pint- form. ruiis is tltrot-t1fthts of a second fits- ( or than the world's record , held by I'lntt- Betters of En1and. hleInse i l tehier 5mm ) ! Ivitim , KANSAS ci'ry , Juno 0.-Piteher Saul- van , chirirtereil from ( Ito Nutiqilni league , \vlts released today. Sullivan PltClIesi six gaines with thin Ltlucit , of which lie svoii three. lie refused to accept a transfer to tile Omaha cltlb. iioisIiiiiikltt 31 liNt lie Stoliid , CHICAGO , Jutic 10.-Mnyor Harrison served notice today on President George I I. W'Ieeler , of \Vnshilngton Park climb ( lint umiless Ituttule gatnbhiiig and bookniak- lag arc stoppesi within the club's encloturo the o1iIcial of the track 'ill ho arrested. i'hrssIa JisillitimsViti. . VILLISCA , lit. , Juno $ D.-Special ( Tele- grarn.-'l'ho ) Nebraska Indians won from 'ilhisca today by a. score of 1 ? to 1. lInt- ttries lnsiiantt , O'Dell and i'rovost ; VII. hisea , Greenlee and Jones. NEW RITUAL FOR HIBERNIANS ( ) rslt'r Iefi'nls tIme I'roposithon It ) Adopt a Xstd Isimmni Insusailice Felt- iii rt , in tIme Consl Hutiomi. TRENTON , N. J , . June 30.-The Ancient Order of Ilibernians , in convention today , adopted the now ritual provided and recoin- mended by flishop MeFaul , The convention defeated th proiosition to adopt a national insuraica feature. This afternoon the convention adopted now constItution. It Is , with minor changes , the constitution adopted by the American body in 189G. Thu convention will adopt resolutions nid elect otitcers tomorrow and then adjourn. DEATH RECORD , .t. A. t-wlstnn. CLAY CENTER , ICun , , June 30.-Speciat ( Telegram--A ) , A. Newman , ix-representa- ( lye front this district and member of the Hoard of Pardons , dropped dead tbii after- noon. SlsIpiie'r Vii M IIi 'Vsta. NEW YORK. June 20.-For a number of days the olilciala of the various express companies with headquarters in this city hnyo been discussing the effect of the war revenue tax upon their business. It is saul today that tile companies have decided that the payment of the tax by them would take so harge a part of their entire net rovanuo that it would be impossible to as- 811010 the burden. Therefore the shipper will be required to pay title tax , plus the express coinhiany's rates. Jiunurms for Scuri'tnry flay , ANN ARBOR , Mich. , June 30.-The degree - gree of master of arts was conferred upon lion. W'iillaw It. Day , secretary of state , by ths University of Micfligan at today's commencement exercises. The address of the day upon "The Old Vorid and the New" was delivered by Frof , Benjamin J. Wheeler of Cornell university , I . . . - - = - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . " - JO11N IllllCI1T IS A SURPRISE Defoat. Two Derby Wnnor3 ! Easily on the Lfttonia Track , PINK COAT EVEN LOSES SECOND PLCE Vlniser I , , an Outslsler nI 'I to 1 , nms,1 JIts Perfsrmilnhicc , Its VcII us Jilts 'l'isiie Shsoels the Tzilpnt , CINCINNATI , June 30.-Pink Coat and han d'Or , ( ito two derby winners , went down to defcat before Talbott Urotltcrs 3-ycar-olil colt , John Bright , in the Ilimyar stakes at Latonia today. There were but three starters in the race , and Joliti Bright was the outsider at 4 to 1. han d'Or was always favorite at 4 to fi , whIle 0 to S was ( Ito best price that couid be bail on I'Ittk . Coat , The race was at. a mIle and an eighth , ahil vas run in the remarkable ( Into of 1:53 : % . l'ink Coat was the first away at the ntart but at the ullarter jolc halt sI'Or tookth lend antI set. a killing pace for Pink Cant antI John llright. After passing the half itillo float. Jolni llrietit took ccniit1 nlaet away from ; : I'iiik Coat , and thou Matthevii sent Julia Bright after han d'Or. Turning into ( lie stretch , , loitti 13riglit1iot hiy han d'Or hike a. ghost , amid whit soott trt lengths to the lend. Conley on lIam 'd'Or amid Martin on I'ink Coat mit their mbddt under the whip , but. they could not eiitct John Bright. vito won by four lengths. lIltu tl'Or got second Place from l'iml : Coat utl t a fierce drive. The value to the winmiem'i $5,500 , : . , Aftcltii finish Jocky Mtli asaultq Conley lb the scaie rooni niat 'The former was tilted 20 and slIspotitletI for thiirty'dnys by th judges. Martin vIil not be niloivetl to tide for anyone but . his eiimuiloy'i , 1'tit Dunn , during his auspetision.'eather , flue ; track , fast. Attendance , 6,000 : 1lesuiLs First race. itix ( urIoutgi , salting : Bill Pcw oil vtiui , lbValker siconti , harry Lee third. 'i'imuto : 1:16. : Second selling untie tine-aix- race , , antI - - te ( ntlt : Great Ilend won , Kitty 11 secuutd , I'zin Chnumn third. ¶ l'iunu : 1 : IT , Thuirti race. six furlongs , aelting : Dr. Puts vomi alnrlti second , lunhiar thiirsi. 'rime : ll. : Anna M disqualIfied for foul- log 1'oiirth race , ( lie Illunyar stakes , tulle and nmto-eighth : John Bright \vnn , unit D'Ot sernd , I'Imk Coat third. 'l'ime : I :5 : % , Fifth itiec , tlve furlongs : l'ounauolt vtin , Estnlrooke second , hard Kuiott third , Time : 1:00 % . Sixth race , selling , nix fiiu'Iongs : Cyclone von , lhigh Jinks second , Jolly Son third , Time : 1:15. NEW YOI1K , Julie 30.-Sheeissheatl Ilny results : FIrst race , six furlongs : No'y won , Orion second , Fleeting Cclii third. Tinie : 1li : l- . Second race , one mile , selling : Ogden % vou , , Dufemider second , I her Own Ctirtl. ' .I'irne : 1:12 % . 'flulrd race , June stakes , Futurity course : RtihorVOhi , Sir 1 lubert seconil , Iflulute. lander third. 'I'hme : I :12. : Fourth race , Sjentltft ! stakes , mile niuI a furlong : Sailor King Ilztndball second , \'histhing Con tlulrth. 'l'lune : 1 :5 : 2.5. FIfth race , Futurity course , selling : Jack I'oint s\'oui , 'I'yrtushena cc'ond , The Gar. dener third. TIme : I :12 : 1-5. Sixth race , utitle and one-sixteenth : ( lIon WhO , Boy Orator second , Jefferson third. 'nine : 1:47 4-5. CHICAGO , June 10.-TIto Iluiglewootl stakes , 'a1tted at $2,120. were won by St. Catallne at lsVnshingtout l'ark. Ileaults : First race , mile anti fifty yards : Cherry Leaf s'oui. Sutton second , Moncreith third. Tune : 1:43. : Second race , four and one.haIf furlongs : Kentucky Colhnel won , Great Land second , Cambrian third , Time : :54 % . 'l'htiril race , the Englewood stakes , one mile : St. Catahine s'Qii , Miss Gusslo ( Jarda third. Time : 1:10 % . Fourth race , one utile : Simon \ \ ' vouu , Fervor second , for liadad third. Time : 1:39. : 1:39.Fifth Fifth race , six furlongs : llurIy ] lturi3' voui , Algol seCond , Richard J third. 'i'Ime : 1:13. : 1:13.SIthi SIthi race , one mile and ilfty yturtis : Nathtniuout won. I lohietizollern acconil , Croesus third. Time : 1:11. : IIUFFALO , June 30.-lte'aults : First race. six furlongs : Lniiky Bob won. Altctt Fancy second , 2tlongihittui third. 'lime : I :15. : Secontl race , 2-year-aIds , selling , four anti one-half furlongs : Jtlutiu Black won , Luidy' Scarlet econtl , FlyIng hello third. Time : 0r5. : 'rhtrsl race , one tulle , selling : Flying' 1)utchimrtn won , Lotl Ic Hunter secouttl , Jolt11 Conroy third , Time : 1:42 , Fourth race , 2-ycitr-olds , fl'e anti one- half furlongs : Nervura von , liolden see- end. Ily George third. TIme : 1:10 % . Fifth race , otto mile anti one-sixteenth : Free Lance won. Our Johnny second , Brighton third. TIme : 1IS. : Sixth race , alto mile. selling : Onalaska " . . . .1. l'eari second , lloutig third. 'l'ime : 1:43. : 1:43.b b 1' . LOUIS , June 30.-flesults : First race. handicali , for 2-ycar-oltls , five amid one-half furlouugs : Cliii woui , Leo Planter eeond , Foxel' . third. 'Pinto : I :03. : . Second race , selling , six mind one-half furlongs : Aquinas von , St. Augustine utceonti , Xahissa third. 'l'ime : 1:21 % . Thuirti race , selling , nile untie : I'arthe- max worm , L'nclo Abb sccnd , uuger third. 'nine : 1:13. : Fourth race , Mountl City selling stake , one antI one-eighth mntIe : Crockett von. Forbusit second , Sir Holia thuird. Tiune ; 1:55. : 1:55.Fifth race , selling , one mile : ( in 'l'a Dod \V(1Ii. Domsto second , Sive. third , 'qie : , 1:12 : % . Sixth race , selling , seven fuirloutg : Mtulclinn von , Kb ; Mu second , Guitie itock third. 'l'iune : , :2S. : G.MHS OP 'l'hIl1 ! NA'I'lOL 1EA(11Il I'ht Ihndt'lhh. In hits mu Situp vit it lIst- Li'imiit'rs for Omct' , , CINCINNA'l'l , June 30. - Dmmanu ldtchicd Tuesday anti lie wai hile fou' ( lie l'litlhies todny. 'rite 'isitors tactiC twqnt- seven hilts. 'I'hiat vas nuore than any team Ilas unistle iii a game this season , Attend- alice , 1SJ0. ( Score : : C' ! NC ! NNAT I. I'l I I L UI1.l 'II IA. 1t.11.O.A.1l. Betirije , of Cl 0 3 0 0 Cooie , of. . , 4 a , 0 0 litilIlilay , It 0 1 1 1 0 , ) ' , , lb 2 3 7 0 0 Coreorali , s's 0 0 3 4 3 leleti'ty , It. a a 1 0 0 Ileckley , lb 2 1 11 0 1 1a.fote , ZI , . . 2 a :1 : t : m Miller , rt , . 0 1 0 0 0 FlIck , rt. , , . 2 4 2 I ) 0 Il's , in , sb. . . . U 2 3 4 0 21t"arl'tI , c 1 4 2 0 1 McI'Imee , Iti. 0 1 3 4 0 l.anlerst , 3b. I 3 3 0 0 I'cttz , C. . . . . 0 0 3 2 0 L'rom.S , )5 . . . I 2 3 & 0 liani'ann , i I I 0 3 0 lonoliue , p. 1 0 1 1 0 'Totals . . , , 3 72718 1 Totals , , . .11212710 4 Cinclnmiati . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0-i L'uuiiatleuiihia , , . . . . , 4 2 0 Ii 0 2 1 1 1-17 Barmued runs ; Phtiladehllhia , 15 ; Cincinnati , 2. 'rvo.iisse , hilts : McFartansi (2) ( ) , Landers. CoolO3' . 'l'iuree.Iiase huit ; Mt'Ftrlanfi , 1)010- lmanty , Flick , Ilecllcy , Daniunnuin. I lomo run ; Coole ) ' . Stolen itase : MtiItr. Double amy : Dammoann to I'eitz to Ileckloy , 1'irst base on lialls. . By Donoltue , 3 ; liy Damn- mann , 2. Stmtuclc omit : Dy Doncihuue , 2. Viit $ pitch : Daunniano. 'l'inum of game : 0n ltttur timid fifty minutes , . UmpIres : Enislie and . ' - Ileytilor. ' Criiflit'N' Bent thit' GinhliM. ChICAGO , Juno 30.-C4i ago preseuttetl a crilpbeii team , which s'on CII uninteresting game from New York. 'rIte visitors liiutyeli histlcssiy , 110th pitchers were very wild , Attendance , 2,200. Score : ClLlC'AOO. NB\S' YOhtK. 11.11.0 A t : 11.11 ( ) ; 11 Mertes. If.,0 U 2 0 0 " 11alt'n , cfI 2 0 0 0 1veritt , lii , . I 0 9 0 I Tternan , If. U 1 0 0 0 \Ois , ci. . 0 0 1 It 0 Joyce , lb. . . 0 1 10 A , . , . . , ) , . . , . 1)uliten , mis. . 3 2 4 .3 I ( Itraton , 2b 1 1 8.5 3 McC'nt'it , 31s 2 0 U 3 0 Mc'rc'm-y , rf I 0 1 0 0 ( : liumiceL . . P 2 3 0 O1llnrtman , 3L , 0 0 0 1 0 Conner , lii. . I ) 0 U 4 'Ji\\'astoer. e. . I i 5 1 0 lonalitie , C , 0 1 1 0 Seysisour , p. 0 3 0 0 0 Isbell , p. . . . ( I 0 0 3 1 Total , . . . . 5 8 21 14 6 Totals . . , i7 62111 3 NewYork , . , , , . , . , . . 101000030-5 Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 0 4 02 1 0 - ? Earned run : Now York , 1. Left on bases : New York , 8 ; ChIcago , 6. 'rwo-bnse hits : Van Ilaitren , Dalmien , 'i'Itrec-base lulls : 'l'iernaii , Warner , Stolen bases ; \amu Ilul- tren , ilccormIck (2) ) . loublc viays : Gleason to Davis to Joyce ; Gleason to Joyce ; Davis to Gleason : Connor to 1veritt. Struck out : llartmnn , Mertes (2) ( ) , llveritt (2) ( ) . Passed ball : W'nrner , Bases on balls : Off Scyuoour , ' 7 ; off lsbeii 5 , WIld pitches : Seymour , 2 : lutbell , 1. IIIL by bali : ZslcCormiek , 'I'imne of gunue : One hour nad ( ort-tive minutes , Umpireal Snyder and Connolly. ihiriia Ainsost W'hiltcwnslscti , LOUIS\'ILLE , June 2.0.-The Birds were hot at their best today and the locals hind easy sailing , McOraw was put out of the game nuuil off tint groumids by Umpire O'lay in ( Ito third Inning. Attendance , 300. Score : LOUISVILLE. IML.TlMORli , ILII.O.A.E tt.ll.O.A.B , hey , Cf. . . . . i 1 2 0 0 1tOraw , 3b a o 0 0 0 Stafford , 2b 2 3 1 1 ) tugtiei , U. 0 1 2 0 0 Itl1chey ii , 1 1 3 t 0 le.her , ri-lb 0 1 4 I 1 _ _ _ _ _ ---a- - - _ _ , . hict'r. if , 2 2 1 0OJtnnR ! , s. 0 1 I 0 1' Ct'ke. if 1 1 3 0 0 MeOutn , lb 0 I I 0 0 \'smgner , It , . 0 0 10 01fJlteime , It , . 0 1 2 0 0 ( "l'gma , Sb C I 2 ' 1 ef. . 0 0 2 1 1 llttr"tse , ci 0 I 2 b hemont , Th. a I I 2 C ( 'un'tism , p 1 1 1 2 itt istke , e . . I 2 3 1 t - - - -.n..11DJaTnes p00020 Totnli . . . . 92311 1 XCeliy . . . . . . 0 0 000 9rtjbrotau.u . . . -j - ; i . - ' - ; Kc'lly hatted for ijtnmnes in the ninth , Lctlis'llle . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 4 0 1 1 0 3 Ilaltimaro . . . . . . . . . .r-O-0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-1 } arned ru na : Lqui'IiIe , 2. Titree-iman htts : lie ) ' , Itugh'es ttcrIfiee itit : ltitehuey , Sielen hoses : Stafforti , Ititchie ) ' Ioxter , 1)emont , McCann.FIrst bust , on balls : Off CunnIngham. 3 ; oft Mciuiunc's , 3. Struck outt B McJamei " 2. 1)oubie lilaYs : Ititehey to Stafforsil Ito \'nguier : flttclie' to W'agner , 11i _ ,1hy PltcheIl until : .lennlmigs , ( 'mi-he. l'nseed ball : Clarke , 2. left on boars : Lotli.4vIile , 2 ; lruhtlmore , 7. T'me of game : One hour mutul forty-five unintltes. Uniplrcet O'Day autul McDonald , flt'oolclyst il'nle I'ttIMhhlrlt , I'ITTSUUIIO , Juno 10.-Kilien was kt'ocked out of ( ho box In tIle fourth. iutiilng. I'ittsburg could sIn nothing with Dunn until I lie seventh , when Patiden mantle a home run on it icing drive to left , and in time eighth , with the imses ( till , he cleureti them with a three-bagger. Attendance , 1,200. Score : 1'lTrutIuU. : hlhtOOI1't. It ) I.O.\.hi. hi 1)inorsn , rt I ) I I 0 ( IrIflin , ef. . I I 2 .2 ( .fli'Iefl. ct. 0 5 .letip , ' , rf. . . . I Z I 0 0 ( : , n3 , lb. . . . t I 'U If1m'ce , It 0 0 2 II 0 ur'thy , If. 1 2 1 Tta'lcer , ii , , 2 2 12 0 0 hal , II , , . . it ) Ii i Itimliman , lb I 2 2 3 1 l'aihlen , 2u , . 1 2 0 iiIuidl , Iii. I 1 4 6 II IIo'rninfl , C. I ) 4 0 : a1tin , s. I I 2 3 II guy , . . . . . . a 4 I ( him , e. . . . . 0 1 2 0 0 Tnatiilih . I 0 0 renmm , um. . . . . 0 2 0 2 1 hflulen , p. . . 0 0 0 itI1tne , I' . . 0 0 ii Total's . . . . I 12 2 , 14 2 'io1riter . 0 0 0 0 Totala . . . .t' ! ' 2l1 2' * lintteti for Eh' In ninth. 'Bnt ted fur ithumies in ninth. PIttslttrr , . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 1-5 Brooklyn . . . . . . . . . . . o o 4 2 0 2 0 0-8 Enruicul riuuua : Plttuulurg , , 8 : llrookiyum , 'l. Tvo-bauit' lulls' 'l'tn'iu'r. , vulutnitu , I'lngtnin. 'J'liree.Iiaimc lilt : l'adtleui. I mute rtuut : Pad. 'It'll , Siie"liiu t' hits : O'Ilu Ion. Gray. Stolen hare : lttnuvnu. ltiIslt.i PlaYs : Gray to Pailden tim 1)avIs , 1)outtivnn to Gray , Shliuilio to 'Ftuckcu' . Muigoon to ilnilman to 'i'uckur. First base en balls : Off Kilien , 3 ; off Ithines , I ; oft luuin 2. ' 1 lit by luitchci ( bnll Gray. SIi'tich < nut 1 1' Klllmt , 2 ; by ltiiint' , 1 . by Diunti. 2. Timuto of game : 01w hour tutu thirty-live unlittiteit. Ummipir"tt : 14 nell ttild 4mmt1revs. ? , ) MtDht Crflt'1M Ui. ' C1.1VELANli , 0. , , Ituiti' 50.-Toilny's gtune : \'as it uuiugglng match , the visitors hinting the bent of It. 'J'lio , ilcitltuug t'ns Iooose on both t4iiles. Ecoro : Cl.l'tli.tNi ) . . ilu:4'rcN. : . it ml. ' , .i' ; liur'.tt'Lt , If. . 0 1. 3 0 9 llnniitt'n , Cr 2 4 0 0 ( huts. . : 1 4 1 'I ' Tenne } ' , lii. 0 U 12 0 0 tt'nlki e , B 0 0 2 1 2 uuu'y , If. . . . ) I a o a'um , ss I 1 ' ' ' hiiis , 3t.i. , 1 2 1 2 0 I t1)eL'U. lb. 0 0 10 0 1 Stahl , rf. . . . 2 2 0 0 0 Bla'te , m t. . . 1. ii i 'I 's ulv'tt , 21 , . 1 1 1 4 a " 'lir" , of. 1 1 G I 0 1.'iw , m" . . . . 1 3 4 3 0 Ztntmer , C. . 0 0 0 0 0 ' 'ao'r , c. . , 1 2 5 I o't _ onntJi' , C 1 1 1 I II IThe.t'z , p t 1 Ii a a \'ilion , p. . . 0 1 0 t I ) Willie , u' . . . I 1 , 0 0 0 Voting , i' . . . 0 1 0 2 'i ' 2i'wie , ii. . . . 0 0 0 0 0 Sock'I"M . .0 0 0 u 0 - - - - - - . 'i'otitt , * . . .10 i : ; 27 1.1 4 Totals . . . , 72712 3 Socktulexis ballet ! ftr'Ilsijut in sixth. Cietelauitl . . . . . . . . . . . 0 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 tI-5 loout ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( I 0 2 0 Ii 5 1 1 1-10 Earuied rims : Cleveland , I ; Boston , 6. Left tilt bases : Cleveland. 9 ; Boston , 10. First lmaso On balls : Off \\'ilsoui , I ; of Flnbethiinz , 2 ; off \\'Iiiis. 5 , Struck out : By \ \ Iison , I : byVIIhis. . . llciune run : Ide- 1'1ean. 'l'hurc-base lilt ; : KioletInnz. 'Fwo- 1iae hilts : O'Ciiluo , , , } 1tobcdtnz. : Suit ri- lice hitsVahtn0e : , O'Conilor , 'l'enney. Stolen bases : lllt1e : , ' O'Connor , liamnilton. Jr'ulde alutys : StIVeLts. Lowe , 'l'eutney. ' \'ild pitcltVillls. : . Unires : Cusiuinan int'l ( 'airy. Time of knmhc : Tw'o hours and thirty inlmuttes. Att0ntlaiu"e : 1,200. i400ttors the Kist. ST. LOUIS. JUIIC 0.iilltl Carsc'y wait in IhIa l'nx buoy fo : ' tub 1r'vns ; : tmtfi tIle Soulittois , aC 1dm an a t'tuI thruishiuig. Cross SPlit 0. flIIgrt in ( lie fifth imiuuing tumid will be laid up. ST. LOIlIS. " ' 1t'.tSlIlNGTO. $ . . ' . ' Lewd , rf'21i I 2 1 1 0 5'liac1i. If. . I I I 0 1 Stcnzcl. ef. . 0 1 : : t 'a ti' ' . . , aii , ri 1 0 4 0 0 ilsirle ) ' , lf. . 0 1) 11 0'Ojn1r'n , , ci' 2 2 0 I ) tm',3 , , . . . 0 1 , 2 \coiire : , 1331000 Siig ten , rt. . 1 0 1 t' o4 nri II , c. . . I 2 2 0 0 De'ker. lb. . 0 1 9 0 fleli , 2b. . . 2 1 2 2 0 Ieient : , C 1 2 0 ' . II Itye s. I : . 2 1 1 2 I ) tltilna , Fit. . , 0 I 1 2 1r , t , rIgiey rs. 2 3 2 4 0 ci..k..I , . Jti-2b il , 2 .1. ' ii 0 't\eyliluugp. 0 . Is I d ' U Carcy , ii. . . ( I 0 0 3 0 , , - - - - - . - - - - - , rLae ! . . . .1 , II 2 12 1 Tunis . . . . 3 8 2 , : i 1' it.Louils . . . . . . . . . . 00O001110-3 \\ra,4llington , . . . . . . . 0 5 0 1 2 1 6 0 0--13 Earuied rune : \\'ueli ington , .1. 'l'wo-base hIts : Cleit'nts , , , t mulesoum ; C ) , t1cGuuire. 'i'lrce-Intse llittt : \'u'igley. Snort- lice hIt : Gettnin ii. liases on balls : Off Crsey. 3 ; off \'eyIIiuig , 1. Struck tint : By \V'cyliing' . 1. 'i'Inl ( ' : One hour and fifty-live mnintute. I 7m Il N'S : Sw'nrt'u-oct1 ItitIVood. . STANDI NO ' 01" ' 1' ! ill TEAMS. I'Inye'l.oii. . Lost. Per C. Cluucinutati . . . . . . . . . . . 6l . 40 21 C1.5 Thston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , i : it 23 62.3 Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . . CO B 24 60.0 Baltimore . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 : ii 21 5.6 Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 :1 : ; 20 50.1 Plttabaug . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 11 28 t1.1 New York . . . . . . . . . . . Ct ) 20 31 40.3 Phiiiniieiiiiiia . . . . . . . . 56 27 23 .IS2 Brooklyn . . . . . . . . . . . . Is 24 li 41.4 VasiiIngton . . . . . . . . . 61 24 37 3) ) ' St. Louts . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( Vl 2 ( 42 : : .l 3 l.ouulsvillo . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 21 42 33.3 ( ; amnt's today : New York tit Chicago ; PIt liti ti oh nit in ii t Ci aol Iltuti Ii ; I lost on at Clevcln ni : Ilaltillinro at Louiui'vtllo ; Jlrok. iyn mit l'ittsbuurgas1iiuigtn ; at St. Louis. SCOhI 115 OF't'Ihli 'iVtiSTiBtN Ia. : ii I ' t : , 1atict,4 t1e ( oluuisuluun 0mm 1- It t ii ' ' t , , fVIs I tI1L\VAUKEE , Juno 10.-Taylor lltcllctl another ri'riai'icti1'i gtne today and 1iI- tvttukee admlnlsteied a shut-out in thin llrat guuxnp - of the u'rIes with Columbus. The Brewers hlIt Jolte lined , Score : . ILJI.E. Mltwaimlceo , . . , (1 ( .1 0 2 0 2 0 1 * . 10 3 Columbus . . . . . 0 0 ( I 0 0 II 0 0 0-0 2 5 Tiittcrles : Ifiulwauibee , 'i'uyler , Spetq' diii ] flutinli ; Columlius , Joliti and lluckioy. DETIIO1'I' , Juuto 1O.-luinlihity to bunch hIts on I lawley atid rnggeul lulutliig on the PttI't of the locals lost thte llrst game of ( lie series to Indlumunpolis. Store : - 21.ILE. Indhutnajiolis . . I 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0-S 12 2 Detroit . . . . . . . . 0 0 (1 ( I ) 1 0 0 1 2-1 .0 5 ' Jltutterieuu : lntlinnnpoiis , Iltiwley anti Lyitthi : Detroit , 'J'Iiouitna anti 'I'whni'hauit. ! tilNNl'APOh1S , Illnti. , June 2O.-I.Iinne- nhoils-Fnsas ) : City guime hOStltoulOtl on tiC- ctiIuIt of rain. b'l' . 1'At' I. . , Minn. , , , Jiune 21.-St. Paul- Omaha name 1)ui5h)0fled ) on aeoount 01' rain. STANDING OF 'I'IIE TEAMS. i'hayetl. Wait. Lost. Per C. InliiztnuiuioliM . . . . . . . . . 57 : : ' 21 61.2 Colunibus , , , . , . . . . , , , 55 31 22 61.0 'St. Puul . . , , , , , , . , , . , Cl : u 24 io.7 ; l'itnaaut City . . . . . . . . (50 ( 'JO 24 60.0 Milwaukee , , , , , , . . . . . 61 31 27 55.7 Oninhia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cl 19 35 25.2 Detroit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6' ' ) 20 40 3.1.3 Miuuiieaiiuil . . . . . . . . . GO 19 41 31.7 Ganie totlay : Otnaltut itt St. l'uttui , luin- sac City at itiitlnenhioiis I lIiiruIutlItliS at Detroit , Columbus at MIsvaukoe. \vI 1.1. ' 1'It.tNhlRCid1YEItXI ) Ct.l1hi , llsh.lumsom ' . 'iIh ljvt- ) Uuu on Ills. I'm- Is I bit lout , utility Guiiuie. CLEVELAND , Ohtho 30.-it is probable tltitt no more leagdd fikse b.tll gitunes will be Pial'Cti In Ciovcl idtttluis season , at least tufter tim series or tltreo games with St. Louis , beginning Jt'ult'1. ' President Itobin. sell is out of time Ittity now nrraiigiuig to liit't'ti tIle gituilt's truitfqmred. 'l'ito utuiso Li lack of tupport tipqn the part or ( hue Ituhihie and President 1tob1ntt's ( anger ovum' the refusal of tile cittilCit ciepiezit to allow Sunday games. 1fsiitsuccesds in traits- ( errlutg ( lie games t ather citls It Is pmob. able ( hut 'i'cbvau qiiuiiii Intilalus will ho wearing somtic umil1iirp other ( tuna Clove- land's next year. Jnt'L 1Iftt'lIJ Itceiguis. Jack Iluscali is UP hanger a Western league ilnipire , Onuiccount of ( Ito linril times Presutlent lh'i'i lltmisomt wanted to cut his salary jtis dlC-fotirthi utti Jack wmiltl not stand fortIt. lie consccjuctttly resigned anti camnn.hobio. lie does not tie- hove that the \Veiatern Icacue tvlli ho In 1uuiminess after July , as Isllltvauk e o and Kititsas City are ( Ito only cities not in ( Ito huolo Ott tIle season , (1 islmicy 'I'uilt's I Iii' Sicuius.I , OTTUM\\'A , In. , June 30.-Quincy took thu second of the exhibItion games today , Score : ILll.E. Ottumwa . . . . . . . - Quinc ) ' . . . . . . . . . .030000000-3112 flatteries : Ottutawa , Nonemnuuker end Keefu ; Quimlcy , Purvin anti Loltunun. SliPrtilug FlTIe. A number of Omaiians tltrouih whose veins courses phenty of rich , red sporting blood journeyed down to u huh iii South Omnalta lust mtlgti ( to see a lirizu light that hiatt been orally atlvertiscd ubout town ( or several days. 'raumas Duggan , tile Aug. tralian siiider , and Jim Adams were billed for a light to a finish. but only the former put In alt appearance. .4fter ( lie failure of th mill Duggiun ald he would chah- lenge the whole , wide world ( or a middleweight - weight match , and would patiently await I returns , - - Tp111'ST 1 FULL S\V1XU \ German Athietco Well Started on Their Great Transmisssippi Gathering , CLASS COMPETITION COMMENCES TODAY l'rs'l I ma I ml a r 1CM ( 'leut red At'ut ) - VePuer- slay Ilefure the' DrIll at the ii- posit hut Grams itils-Sousti' of the Ciaisst's In % ttstusiitui , Yesterday's exercises at ( Ito exposition grounds uttarked thu brutal opening of the Trnnsmisslssippi Turnfest , lurlutg the earlier part of ( lie tiny ninny delegates hatt reachicti the city. There worn tlte active ttlrmiers , the hears or the scaler turutors , and the women turulcrs. Among canto ( Ito Parties who arriveti tltir- 11mg ttio mornIng were : Twelve active anti six woman turuit'rs trout Lvat'emtvorth , Ean. ttelt'e active turners , Davenport , Ia. ; tweaty-seven active atiti twenty wontan turners , Topeka , Kuuti. ; twelve active ( ant- tins , 1reinitot , Nob. ; ten active turners , Ilol- strut , In. ; eight active turners , La Salle , Iii. ; twelve active nail sixteen woinnut titniterut , Mnr3'vlllc , Mo. ; ten active ttutners , Hanover , Ken. : slxteemr natIve and sIxteen to0taut turners , Kansas City , nntt miii- vltlual contestants front l'hcttstitoutlt , Ccdrtr italikia , Des Moines anti St. Lottie. In nil about 200 active tulnitels , scvcutty Bears anti ilfty uvomnuumi ttuhtcrs nrnivett ultmruuig the morning. The active turners are making their licouhqtuartou's at ( inrilciul lintel , Six- teu.nth and llottarul streets , nutd the head- qtiitrters of that woman turnero are at Thlr- tt'emith anti Viillumn strcets. Others cattie hater , until there is a very good nttcuitiauice liure. 'rite ntornlng slcnt in a general reception - ception of the turners at Turner hull , iSIS hlaritey street , anti ( lie whtole uiffair was one jolly reunion. As fast as the visiting delegations - gations nrrlvetl in town they were tact liy 201110 of ( lie lociil cittortniutment committee and eseortcd to Turner ball , nutul after In- trodttctlouuut had iiceui made auth refreshments served the visitors were takeut to their re- spcctive quarters. Frotut 12 to 1 o'clock a splendid dinner tvn.5 rerveti to the visitors at Turners' park , and front 1 to 3 them'e was a consuitatton amolug the uiucit who vili act as judges or the turner athletic contests. After dinner bath beeti conipleteti a uncut- log cf judges of athletic events was held to dctetunhuie upoit ( lie nic'thotl of awarding prizes. In the ( cant contests it was igrec'l ( lint ( lie average shioulti be taken of cich team Iii ( lie following eveutta niud ( lie mnt'ntt graded accortiluugly : Rope cllnibimig , weIght lifting , club swinging , putting the shot , far lighi jtuntp , antI hop , step and jump. A mass rehearsal drill fohloweti lit which teatits trout the following clubs tvent through tile 'ruincra' itianual for tile first time to- gctlucr : Denver , Cola. , Cetiar Itaplils , Bur- lington. Ia. , Topeka , Lcaventvortli , Knit. , ilciutian , Plattsutiouthi , Fremont. Neb. , Kansas - sas City , St. Louis , Mo. , Peoria , Ill. , La- Salle , Win. Although the different teauius were imuifauniliar with each other , so iierfcct IVflS their PrcPai'atlofl In the drill unaulnal ( lint there tt'as no hitch iii ( lie evoltutlouls and the director consitiereul ( Item fully iue- parctl for an exhibition drill. The athletes ( lien took cars for the exposition rounds where the drill was schietlult'.i at .1 oelok. The attractions of tlte exposition grounds kept the large body of Turners there durIng the evening and on that account the tvel- coining exercises at Turner hall were post- jOflCd flhttil this meriting at. 1) ) o'clock. At tli'at hour a welcoming address will be given by Mayor Moores in behalf of ( lie city , by ' Prehdeitt I'hiilp Andres In hichalf of the Missouri Valley Turnbezlrk and by Dr. It. S. Lucke. chairman of the central commit- tee. The usual geol : music was present last evening under llreotor Sohuuuike anti ( lie ocashoti was coutwerteti into an imiformal dance. HARRISON CAUSES DEADLOCKt floutril of IltI utcuit hut Iii Chicago Not IIu4Iosecl In At't'I'it of tIme tLymr'M ! iititmiisuui. ChICAGO , June 30.-The deadlock tn the Board of Educatiout over the election of a superiuttendent of Chicago's schools is stihl unbiolteut , Three ballots were taken today , rcsulting as yesterday , 10 for Lane and 8 or Dr. Iletilamlut Anuirews. Dr. Andrews scenic most likely to lie elected. Otto ( rcsltani , son of the hate Judge Walter - tor Q. ( .reshamn , today resigned as a mom- her of the Iloarti of Education , glvimig au 1,18 reason the tact ( lint -he could not coo- scicatio'ushy follow ( Ito wishes of Mayor Ilarilson , vlio nuipointeti him , in voting against Suptirintentleuit Lane. 11 I G F'Ult I S 'I' U iii ; Y 'l'l i I'S Id ON UN. JtnIsslimms''flIs'Is,7 . ; ; : , . It'uii 3hisihe by lii lsl'st oil I'uut'I It-s. N1OVi' YORK , June 30.-TIn , statement is published here fotiny tmpon ( ho authority o hit crests idea tutheui w'itll the properties , that ( lie Big Four is to secure by purchase the Chicago , 1niauiai'oIIs , & Louisville. i'rest- ddtit Ingalis utnil Presitlont Brice and their several nsocIates in thto manuigemeuit of tue iropertle huivo come to a tiellnlto tigree- ment. Thd IJIg Four Is to buy the suijutiler popert1 autd Is to pay for it : outright. This is [ ho first step in the Big Four's hilan look- lag to a coutsollilatlon of many properties in the central vcst , especially those iticuitliled with the liltuintinous coal trutle. The tic- qtiislthomi of the Mouton trould give ( lie Big Four au entrance into Chicago , whereas heretofore it huas useti the Illinois Central tracks anti teitniutals. Purtlteruioro It gives the Big Four coutsimIcniibie Imithlautapolls anti Louisville IflIsimiesa , shutting ott much coin- 1)0(1(100 ) ( ( frotit thigte sections. HY M E NEAL , FnrrsIt-lu.imter. FREMONT , Nab. , June 2O-Spet'lal.- ( ) Dernanti FitreIl of Omaha and Miss MolIie Bloomer of this city were marnlctl yesterday at the Catholic chtmrclt by Fattier itluigan , A large number of inviteti guests were pros- cat. After the wedding a wetlilluig break. fast waa servctl at. the resitlonco of the britlo's mother , Mrs. John Delaney , after which they left for Omalimi , Mn , Farrell ti'n.'i born In tills county anti etiumcateti at the Fromouut Normal school. lie has boemt In thu railway mail service for the last four years 11011 is at vrescnt runnlmtg out tIle Union l'aeifle on traimis 2 arid 3 , Tile bride Is a teacher in the Dodge school. its-slut ri's thmi' F'rt'um'tl 'iui'iit Ium 4 PAI11S , Jutno 30.-The cabinet has dcIdefi that ( lie full duty on wheat is to he re stored tomorrow , - - - . - - - - - _ _ ' ' HELPS , tci c k' OTHtft , boon gathered so succossttllly In thia tonic as to , . - render it the most effectIve Malt Extract In the market. ; \ Invaluable to sufferer from dyspepsia and sleeplessness. Restorosdlgostiontoothos . and lnviorato9 the ontlro _ , _ _ 'S ( ho nerves . , system. . A NON.INTOXICANT. ut'ucosn . : ' . , .L . ; VAL.BLATZ BnEvINt1 CO. M1LWAUIII , U.S.A Ioley Bros. , Viioletmle IeIets , Office , ICI lone hotel , ia. N. 14th St. , Olnaha , Nab. - - p , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ / ) SAY ! 1)o kI1OW about you ; ulyIhiIlg ; ; " ' ' cloth ? c"ts ? . : . , , , . Al'O OU a jUlgO ( of quality ? , ' , ' 1)o you know what I'nhilcsai' : ' . S ' WOl'hl by 110 (1resIy 111(111 ef i'asli 101111.1)10 celltort ? Our ; t1eiiiiioii are iilsll'uctel ( to " " / .1 1 post you 6)11 these ilialtol's. ' 1Iioy , 5'p \ : wifl ' 1)0 IC1tJd to ilistI'uet , you 'p ' , , 1 _ _ I'CgaI'Iiflg tim 1Lttst I'abi'ics-io - aelUflhllt yoit ol : the little 1'11Llig(13 ; , .4 tlhItt ttko l'i'oiii to ' ; 1)111C0 season e SetIsOil. T11Cy will siiggoL what : deiglls viI1 1)t'St bei'ouno you'I _ _ ' I _ _ _ _ _ _ wi a ; cO1OI't are most suitable for , 'ou , etc. , in faet their ns _ _ I S'iStal'iCtl Will niake buyiiig-cisy. ; . _ _ _ Force of habit : uid long oXporiellee in tile tailoring bisi , . ness-assui'es to pti.feeL ' and ve11 made ' you t'ittiiig gu'iuoiit : _ _ _ be the price $15 0" 5O. I AU. 6AIIMNTS MADE IN OMAHA-BY OMAHA TAH.ORS. _ _ TROUSERS , E4 to i12. SUiTS , 15 to 5O j209 and 211 S. 15th St. - - - Karbacii Block I / _ a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SOUTH DAKOTA NEWS. Hard Letuk in time iClomtuIIIc. RAPII ) CITY , S. I ) . , Jutic 30.-Spoclal.- ( ) The fIrst arrival ( menu ( lie Alaska gold flehtls of those wio : left this city last tall is Henry Aaron , who arrived yesterday ( rotfl the Copper river country.'liat lie has to say about the country woiuiil dampen , tile ardor of nay would-be fortune seeker I to that district. lIe states that there are hutitfireds of men in this district Who are dead broke and who are tlying of home- : sickness. hut little gold trill ha brought I out. of this district ( lila summer , not one- ! temithi , Mr. Aaron cstlmatcs of the amoulit taken into the country. 'nges have been lowered In many 'places froni $15 to $8 anti $10 a day anti provislotis , triton lie left , the 2d day of June , were till but gone. A good niany tictithis have occurred during the wInter and mnauty uutninrked graves I have been made. I Slice : , Rvt'eders IOtet't ( ) Ihht'urs. I C1JAMBEItLAIN , S. D. , June 30.-Special ( Teicgram.-At ) ( lie nominal ltuslmtess meet- lug of tlte South ialota : Sheep lirceders' nail Wool Growers' association ilere today the followIng oflicers were elected for the ensuing year : Preslticnt , Id. F. Greeloy , Gary ; vice president , Captain S. 1' . howell , Stithterlanti ; treasurer , S. B.Vilson , Dijon hills ; secretary , W. F. T. hiushinell , Aber- dccli ; executtvo committee , I' . S. Gordon , Dell Rapids ; W. 0. Mcmi , Gllette ; Martin - tin Johnsomt , Vestsver ; Cooutel J. I ) . Geti- t1e , 'Virgil ; 0. Id , Shiepart ] , Clear Lake. Thai Itiacu of iiolduutt. the next annual mcet- log is to be decided by the omcers. Haiti Put South Inkiilti. HURON , S. D. , June 30.-Special ( Tele- grauu-Rain has been falling hero anti over this portion of the state almost continually - tinually slutce unoruiiutg. ThIe area covered Is thirty itiilci wide by fifty long. ( Ills being nearly the storm center , Wheat wilt he greatly benefited , as many fields were sut- tenlutg ( or moisture , none hint'ing fallen for two weeks , amid ( or several days ( lie weather ltas bcen hot anti tiryimtg winds have pro- vaiheti , ( ' ( , , , : ShiIs.ItlI , PIJB1RE , S. 1) . , Juute 30.-Speclal ( Tout. gram.-A ) tehegranl received here aituiOilllCcS time suIcide at Victor , Cob. , of F. Ii. Smith , trIte ii'as ( or a long time prcsideuit of tIle Sleek Growers' batik at Fart i'lorre and witicly kmtown lmi this part of ( lie uiortuiweutt , III health was the cause of his act. Lee G ru mu I ii l'it vuis ii , . , PIEItRE , 5 , 1) . , Juno 30.-Speclal ( Tele- gramn-Govornor ) Leo today granted a pardon to harry McAlIams , who was sent up front Ctitter cotmaty on a chtarge of larceny. Governor Leo ( lilt afternoon isstuetl pardons ( or John Novak and James Negret' , sent ttii from Liiucoln county on a charge of robbery , 4 ( ) mm I Ii Iu I ii Neivs Ni. It's. Jail 'ViiIis , a usrounimient tarntc'r living a few itiIhe sotmtlleast of hilton , tViIII .senl. ously injured by falhiuig from mu Iatlder. 'fhie Jtedlleid I'ress announccs the can- sittlacy of 0 , (1. Berg for conimisutiotmer of school amid iittbllc lands before that repub- hicati state cortvc'titioli , harvey i'eek , this young Englisliunamt who tried to kihi himself at Webster , 5 , I ) , . Is still alive anll huclti tvltii a bullet in hits head. lie may recover. It h'ias beemi bunted at Ontonvillo that T. VP , A. l'oppo of Milbank , wlto fitteti out ultul leil a lClomullko t.'xpeshlioui. wan hyneheil by his COmIamiiutls In Alaska for alleged crokodmuess. I ) . Ii. McCann of threat Falls , Idnuit. , recently appoInted register of ( Ito ( lalteti : ; utes humid office at Circle City , Aiaskn , ia an olml-tlmnu resiulent of Aljt'ntieeui. nuid hula relatives arc now residing lii that city. Time slIrimug rouuidup of the lilitek 111115 cattle range. Ilas horn linlslicti , Iteports front ( lie different itectiouls of ( lie rouge aIO comilai In. The lots of stock for the winter is m'CI'ortcti hiy solntt lilt ; catlemttoui ( to lie aliotit 2 per ccitt , Others report irac- tically nothing. - UWeitSI The Ladles' Department of thc rw . .t. histfltate H is now open for busimiest , anti folly cq.iippod wIth two new apparatus for giving the Inost itcaltllful , ileumnutig baths kmtowa ) to tlte world. ( I The INSTITUTE has anleug its patroim , ' best kmiotu'n lathics in Ontaha.Vo asIc you to give It a trial of twd batils at least , cmi if it l ; tint found us represented. we wi ) refund your money. j ' Rooms , New Quartet's , 216-2U1-22O3c Bi11i New yke ( hst. WITt oTIII1rm 5' tiT. Cflf13I.T ear1es & $ earies ftZTht F'l. 2 ' Qf i , SPECIALISTS . r.umt m'utuii citO curt- . l""i I I ' .i iii ] rmlsll- eahly sill BlLS'ItTh ( , ( JIIIII 'IJ .t.1 ? I'i41''l'Fi tI i'mtses sit 31t'n a miii % ( ) ' WEAE sypLjs ' . SEXuALLY. etirell for lIfe , Ntht lCtnlaaons , l.ost Manhood , h1' ' . drocule , Vcnicocee , Gimiornliea , Ulcol , B3'pbt. the , Strtcttirt , l'iiee , Fmstuin and lt'eLa ! Ulotra , Diaboten , Bnight'u Ilssso cured , ConsuItttion tic. h1Lre a itt . by new method without pain or eutllig. Callon or address with stamp , 'rreaiunent by mail , rno citli to v urni ro 111'S. j.JIIi 1 Vito. OLIIIIL(0 0 OL11flLtt. ( ) M.4 , WTU jt : FOR 3O : .fr0 _ . . . . z :1.T ; ; ; . . . , , 4 _ ' ( , - . ; if ? No Dotontlon From rwlno6a , Ve rfcr to hlusaseos or 1'ATJn'rs Clilliri PILES CURED iil Seven to Ten Days VIthotuL Paiii. Osa rRSATMCNT 1)005 71111VOluiC , TH EMPIRE RUPTUflE CUF AflD MEDICfL INI311TIJTE , ( Bttaoenori to TillO 0. 1. 24lLLIh CO , ) p32-933 hew York Life Building , Ounalia , Cell or write tar thcmtla ' Asan Advertising Medium The Bee Is Unexcelled. application. - _ 4 fr # - - - _ _ _ a. i- .