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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1898)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - . --v-- --f-- - - i---iii i _ _ a ' _ i/ j11ThAITA : DAiLY 1flI FIflDAY , JuLY 1 , i88. \ _ 5 - a' 1LEi1 FOR IANUM TRA1N1NC Ohcgo ! Proteor Urg a Large Ethnson : in Public Sehoo System. WOULD CARRY IT FROM PRIMARY GRADE LiP Al I . , riu' Setninn ( , t1I , At ten Ion n - 4. cieswl g . aat S&viirliig ii fliti , iiic. lli ( i ' ( II I , ii'uiup nti4 Iii- . ) eIIIItttIrvl. floti ) 8hnflcmcnt ( znd retrenchment hnd a voice n the teflellrrB' convention when It I ws rcutiicd In I3oytV theater yesterday. , On tht , one Ilnnl , t'rlnclpnl ItlchntilVnter. . lflnn ot the ChnrIe 1CozinIii1cy IUblIC ) iehonl ; of CiIcago , urgc1 the nnovntIon o ninna1 tritsItig In the cleniontary choo1s froni t1u klnth'rgnrtvn up , a ptstion also taken by StIIerIflteflIrflt Virgil ( Ciirtts * of St. PaiI , : i1ii I'rot.Vootlford C. Anderson at the Uiilverslty ot South 1akatn a1vIf'I I cotrc In colifliiet cmi 1sitrticton In the c high rcIloOIH niid * tate cohlcge9 : while J on the other Iiaii1 , Attorney Ihil1o1c . .v. Sc.iniaiI ot Clinton , In , , Ieai1ed for a recngnltluii nt ( ha ntccsslty o oniethIng like t hftIflflC ( hCtWetU , a school ( lIMtdcL hi. coma and It. outgo. Mr. Senimii's , piip'r wnH nqIIIrciieI , purllalR , niuro particularly to rncn1hc2 ! at Ioarlli ) ot wlueatinn , fly way at variety theru wns sonic iiod tilliging by tIit li ernont main iltiartet , in- elittling Mlnio 1ritivIo' and Did You a Ivcr ( let teft-tlio latter a r'cltatlvc n tnre-nIo a very funny picco having tha tiignlflcnnt refrain 'ls tliI hot unmigli for you ? ' As he took the chair Prot. William W. I FoIrll ot llnneniio1i , piotessor of 3)011(1- f cal scienee in the tJnlvcr.Ity at Minnesuta , t3)Oht3 at Liii' tinhijue a1iicatloiin1 nilvautages : at his owu state. The Idea of a general cainprehonsivo seliorne of c1ucat1on , open to nil aIii absolutely iron , he obsivci1 , is not r altogether a now one. It occurs in the act ot Maachtisotts In 1617 , also In Jefferson uct , 177) ) , and In Inillana In 1SIG. Such a } sehoine , he explained , Is now fully realized in Minnesota , where 'a pupil can go from - the kitulergartezi to the ilegrec of doctor ot philosophy In 'the State university without baying to pay a ecnt. ' Principal \\'atcrniiin'H par on tianhinl : training in till ) clainetitary seIiuts was the t first read , 'rho origin of thu mittiin1 trnlii- .4 Ing movement , Mr.Vatermati icenlIpd , was - when I'rosldent flitokie tiC the \t.tstc1itt- Setta Institute of TechnieoIoiy isitctl the ' I'liilailclpbta Centennial oxPItIoi ( In IS' and aw the lttisstaii school . ' .liilIt from Moscow. VentUnh1y iiuuiual training choo1 t Were estahliiilicd in Chicago and St. i.oiiis and , in tinie became a necessary feature of high Echools generally. - ; IiiiuihI Ihj. ii 1t.iIIer. r "flut ' 1' he contlncl to ( lie high school 7' ' Was the query. "iVe heed a few oleinentary schools , " declared Mr.Vaterninn. . ' 'atid a strong public opinion to back up the s(11ool boards. Thcso elementary schools slioulil begin - gin at the kiiiilergnrten zind incliule the Iirlinary grodes. Over niiicteen-twcntleths of ( ho ptiblic school children iievcr see the ligli ncliool , niitl therefore lieser get a chance at Its inautlLtl training. Now vhatcvcr will _ _ g benefit ( Ii , public schools is what the public r4fll should always he carefully cent - t I in any tune of clucntlon. ' ' . T gtied that of course the public had t tI1iCflteii U3) to the improvdnent. j\Vnteriuaii ( lescribed ( ha Chicago limo. I there nrc 7.000 boys and 1,000 gIrls ' I taught this 1jraiih , the latter leniii- lag Souse work and cooking--"doniestic ' oI iicc. " , ' ! danual training Is not a fad , ' ' sold Mr. IVaterinan , ' 'but It the r.suhts have not ni- ways been satisfactory , It has been because nicchaiilcs antI not teaclic.n have l'een em- ploycd , and the products of the Lench have been niore thought of thati the Iroducts of the school-men. " Superintendent Curtlss argued for manual \ training on behalf of "those who irnist face 4 ( lie everlasting jrobleni of living antI work- lug. To defer such training until the child t reaches the high school is to deprive mnaiiy of hand-skill and rob the nation of the 41 wealth these might have been rcndercd capa- F le of producing. It manual training Is an . essential feature it Is not a fail , and If w could convince ( lie publIc of this we could rest our case against the tradItIonally Ironclad - , clad curricula of twenty-five years ago. " t C4)ii'reIL'1 IIHtrIt ! Prof. Anderson's argument for corn- I ] nerclai InstructIon was baseil upon a muss : of statistical leductlons. lie said 50 per cent of the business imiemi are college edu- cateil. yet the average college graduate has . a very poor commercial education. Only i. . \ three colleges vest of the Mlsslsaippi nmul . Boven cast of it have a four-year commercial ; course , 110 argued for a four-year conimer- 7 . . ) cml course iii the high schools , and a y c' seven-year course In ( ho collegcs-thirct rcar5 preparatory. The federal governmnemit , . . i9' ho saul , Iial auproprIate4 $626,000 to agri- riu cultural institutions , and ( lie various states ; 4jr , had approprIated i.768OOO Jo these colleges , y bu in all not over $10,000 woot for coin- 7 200rcial Instruction. , ' , In iliscussimig time radical temidency to increased - ' creased school expenditure Attorney Se.irnun said : 'Grmulually new burdens arc being L engrafted UpOn the sclio.l rer'niics-lIniler- r guirtemis , mnamimini training , mnusie , drawimmg , ' ! - , vhysical culture , cookimig snhmoos ! , thiti nmr- chase of free text Ijooko , compuileQry attendance - ' anco , the reduction in the number of schol- 'Ii 1J' urs er teacher , etc. They become fixed 'Ip charges-the tendency is rapidly toward increased - creased annual Outlay -it Is In hmnrnmony , no doubt , with the general ln % ' of progreu.s , as civilization everywhere miiak.a immercaseil do- muamuls upon the modern stani. The eluca. ( tlonal system is by no omeans thn exception to ( hits rub. This wizhning of the $ COiC or the functiomis of thc miiiblic chiool 19 merely the result of a new perception of the public value of intelligemico and of aes- tht'tic culture , "Time strIking feature In school as voll as in municipal economy i the increase of bonded Indebtednesim , In ISSO time aggregate debt of ( ha various school districts of thai Uniteil SttitO3 amnounteil to the modest suni of $17,580G82. Ten years later this hail grown to $36,701,918 , an Imicrease of $19,121- . 2CI6. or more than 100 per cemit during the ( localk' . Time cemismas for 1900 wIll uniloubt- emily show a proportionate gaimi. This increase - crease is mualmily dime to tIme construction of permanent iniprovements made necessary by the iduenoniemmal growth of urban popula- tioo. " ( 'oimt'i'rmmimiw l'imItIti Cr&'al II. Mr , Scanman told how the public credit luis had to tie hiypotheratcd , nail remarking . J timid a due relation between incoimmo amid this. bursernente matiat be observed , he aulvised nhtiastIrciS of economy , and also of debt- clearing. Ilmiiotig the latter , the sinking funil iii liartictilar. One of Seaman's rallier sarcastic observations - tions was tlmmit 'sit Is safe to say timuit each of ( lie 200,000 school disti lets In the United states bus developed a system of financial niammagemnclit , Incluiling a nietlioui of book- keopim , vhichm bears the atamnp of its own local mimit. " lie. therefore , urged Inure cIentif1o niethod ammil uniformity in time keopilig of school accounts , iteY. Luther 1' , Luulden , 1) . D. , of Liticoin. ! 4eb. , iii the brief period of timue millotteti to hini urged the point that it ideas of moore gencral econonly were Inculcated Iii the pu- pli8 It would be a great fluancial saving to time school boards. timid would obviate the necessity for o frequently cutting dowu the teachmer saiarlei. - A paper on time adviiablllty of the general Introduction of the study of ( ] erzuan In the public cboo1g caxue from lieu , Jo1u , , , - " . . ' - - - - schwab et ( 'Inclrmnnti , but Judge W.11 iltist. Ing of Wilber , ? eb. , reamuoneti that unle the population of time locality JustIfied it , or thu facilities wCre ( tivoritbic' , there Is no i-'al ncd of Giiiittmi as any such general study. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ii.t Si' $ I MSIN A'l' Al' ll'i'lt I t31. ffl mm 3 . 'l'm.mim'Iieri I.iten t a t ito Ci ow I mm ( eit.rIt * . ! , . .ss. The beauty of the exposition groun4a mimler time electric light anti the cool breezes which lrevailed in time open air proved too much for the dehegate to ( ho educational convention ho vcre on the grounds hast- night end fully 95 per cent of those In at- tenulmmnco nt ( ho closing aesslomi of the con- cntiofl in the Atithitorium caine from tionmi- town and entered the building from the Sixteenth street entrance. There was a fair-sized audience prrsent Wliem ) the chairmnami of time evenIng. l'resl- dent Vt' . S. Chaplin of lVashmiml3lon tuiiver. sity , $ t. Louis , announced that the ccrctsss would conimnence with a song by the 1rc- mont Mule quartet. The quartet sang one number in a mumanner which caught the fancy vf the nmimiit'nce and an encore was de- mnamitheil. Before Immtolticimig ( lie speakers of tlit evening ( "hiairrnitum Chaplin took oc- casiomm to expre"s the gratitude of those who had comae froni oIlier rolnts to attend the comiventlomi to tIme lmoiile of Omaha for time royal manner In which the visitors hail Ucen ciatem-taineui ; to the commIttee of ar- rahmgt'nmommts for the thoroughness with which tlit' ' dtnlls of the convention hind iiCfl worked omit , auth to tIme people who ccii- coiVed and carried o the exposition. lie spoke In glowing terms of lime splendor of tIme eXho3itiomi , and of Its far-reaching euiuca- tional force. Thu lirat ipeahcer of tIme evening was Mrs. 111a 1" . Yoummg , assistant superIntendent of schools of Chicago , 'ho read a 11011cr on "lthl In the Teaching torce. " n opening sinu Intil tlown ( lie proimositlon that , diverse ! are tIme various occupations of woman- I klmiul , all have to deal with the lflIbhIC. Thmo I problems Presomited by ( lila tomhition cannot be solved by the ztudy of the conditions of $ . ( lila world ommly The speaker asserted that the study of ( lie future is an Important facer - ( or in thm uiolvIng of the relations between , lPOPIC ) in this world , The study of th ethics of ocicty w'as declared to be a most important elenient in the solution of this pmoblem. The study of cause and effect was ( hIscuSSId at sonmo length as apphiil to the everyday occurrences In the schoolroom. I'i'iNit1I'at _ t mmi&rtsv' tihlress , After another song by t1u quartet l'resl- demit l. llenJunuln Amidrovs of l3rovn lint- vermii ty , I'rowtdence , was Imitrodimeed to read a liullair On 'Thme I'uhlle School System as aim Instrumentality of Social Advance. " As a iirchinulmmary to his address Prestilomit Anmirews expressed his surprise amid grmtti- fientien at time evidence of progrcsu In the timings of the immind in the great west as evidenced iiy the topics vhlch had leemi ills- cussed at the convention just closing. In opemmimig his address time speaker discussed the soiai conditions of the lower strata of life iii ( lie great cities , dwelling upon time differemmec between time lowest class of Amnoricamus In cities With lower ctasCs of foreigners in ( ho samuie cities , time fommner beimmg immitchi higher than the latter. lIe us- sorted that the vital question in commoec- tion ' .vitii thus 1)11050 of social ecommomnies is ( ho probloimi of elevating ( lie stamuhamd of life. 11 said tlmis problem Imad interested students elmico the tinie of Plato amid rnamuy methods hail boeti suggested. Some of these ere discussed , the plan of Johimi Stuart Mill beimmg tt cit upon as the mmiost practi- cal. 'I'hu unit of hiht's plamm lmmvolvlng the edtmcatlomm of time mnasses-vns declared to be the most practical and effective. Compui- sory nttemmdmimice at school was dcclared a necessity and the bemmeliclal etfects of the klmmilergartemi upon time yoummgest member of time faintly were dwelt upon us most effective - fectivo methmoul. A imymitemnatic method of teachmimig morals was urged as oh important factor in time effort to carry out the plan nailer dIscussIon. It wus asserted that all I recognize a comnmaomi standard of mnorais huich does miot involve time various religious beliefs or lack of them. TIme necessity of tmnprovcmnemit in the character of time ordi- mmary school room and its surroummdimmgs vas urged mis a vital factor in ( lie effort to lam- irovo tIme tm-emmd of thought. In summmmimig UI ) ( liii speaker declared that if this course of training is carried out in all varts of time land the result- will be an improvement in time conditiomms of the masses , doing imu ny with time slums of time large cemmters amid time ° submcrged tenth. " It was declared tlmat this reform will go lmammd iii hamad with time great mnovemnent for "good roads , " ammO It will be possible to 10055 tIme entire populatiomi iii the centers , thus maiming the plan practical for the rural as well as thai urbami miistriets. IIECEI"i'ION 'l'O 'I'IIl 1)EhIcG.'VES. Visitimig TI'zmelIt'rM l'lensitmitly Ilnier- * iilmu-iI at tinCIy tutu , Time visiting delegates to time Transrnis- sissippl Educatiommui convention were very pleasantly entertained hiatt evomiimmg at a ro- cc'ption given in their honor at time city hail. lietweemi time hours of S ammd 11 nearly 1,000 visitors passed through time receiving rooms ammd vero Imeortily greeted by sommie of the menmbers of the reception committee. Time reception proper took place on the ilfth thoor , where time educatiommal roommis are located. Time large nssembly room which Is used for teachers' conferences hmad been trammsformmmed into a bit of fairyland. It was lirettily decorated with great bunches of cut flowers , numerous collections of palnma anti otlmor potted plants , wimihe tIme cimmimithe- hers vere tastefully ormiamemiteti witlm stimuli Amimericnmm flags intcrtwinemh with uisimaragus plammt. Smmmahlor roommms off time fiftl hoer corridor were also prettily decorated , and were made tioulily attractive by time vresemice of liberal bowls of claret hiuuich. Fair attendants - tendants selected fronm anmong time local school teaclmcrs presided in a generous imman- her over the refreshnients. Time tunisia was unusually good. In the reception roommi a string orchestra comislating of mnanmlolins , guitar and iiumrp , welt playeii by the Misses Lowe amid Iinibaclm , remmilered a ntmmmmber of irctti nmiui imoimmilar airs tIurimmg tIme evening. Time Smmtorius Mandolin chili was statiommeti on tIme third corridor , and also hielpemi to make time evemmiuig hmoturs pass picammnmitly by. 1)urimmg the evening tIme Fre- umiommt Male qmmmtrtot sang a number of catchy airs , which 'ere vell received. Time of- Ilcers of tIme convcumtiou sere sslsted in receiving their intellectual guests by their wives mmmii a number of promnimmnt citizens nntl heading society wommien of thu city , Time reception % 'as a most cimurmning function , mimmil was a happy commclusiomm to time profItable sesiomis tlmat have beemm heW here. ( jiiit't' r ii I ii g ( 'a I I rges. Two college presidents , one university presldemmt , a high school imrinclpal nail a states preparatory school principal ditmcummsetl secondary sclmoohs mind coihego emlucatiomi at the conference in Metrohmolitmmmm imall yester- tiay aftcrmmooim , One or two of the speakers ratimer timoumglmt time college aught be ilislmenseti with alto. getimer , Not so , however , with time chair- Oman , l'rcsidcmmtVilliumn 1. Slocumn of time Colorado Sprimmgs college. In his opinion It would hewer time stammilaril of educatiorm 1mm this country , lie explained why there is Each a ihhfferentiatlon of time distlumctively American system of university ciltication , aucim as ( lint of Yale , Harvard , etc. , by say- lug timat it has been duo to tacking emi time vrofcssional course , mmmedlcal , law mind time like. There never Was ft ( hue in time west , said lie , vhmen time college idea was so mis. semmtial as now , The revolulommlzatiomm ( of time Amuericaim university systeuus lie attributed - tributed to German iuitluenco. A. F. Nigimtiugalo , superintendemmt of time Chicago 111gb schools , answered the ques. - - - - - - - - - ---r--- ( ton , ' 1Mtiy the work of time seco tiary sclmool be lmsiepentleumt bf any relation to the college" in time tmm'Atttive. anti l'rin- clpai IltnryVhmite Callahan of time state prcpemmory mirimool of CoiorA'Io considered the secondary school vuy mmec'essmmry as a Preparatory institution Inasmuch as It corn. ilumeii both the academic and high school features. Time hope of a general imnifloation mn(1 uniformity' of American educational stand- armis vsumu expressed by Prosidemit ( icorge A. ( hites of time Iowa college. "Vhy slmotmld we not have as high a standard of education in time vest aim 1mm the cast ? " lie asked. Do- plorimmg greatly time meager preparation re- I qttircd for the itrofessions in many of ( ho I eihicntiommnl institutions , l'rcsimhent 'mV. S. Chaplin of the \'ashingtoum unIversity of St. Louis saId the great object of omiucation , , after miii , is to "teach men how to timink clearly. " TIme Idea of co-ordination of time ccondurY schools nmmd colleges was ( ho maui one in the thread of hiscimslon. L'ONilit lNC1 Oi' K ) ( aAlt'i' % tlItM. ( 'inMimig Siihiimi oftime St'et halt l'roi's mm Ver I mit ert'st lug 4)mie. The lCindergnrteui teachers closed a very successful conferemico yesterday afternoon witlm exercises and the reading of brigimt , thoughmtful iaIcrs. Time conicremice was opened with the slims. ui1 ; hmy Miss Fannie Arnold of this city , who gave "hittle Iloy Iiluo" amid a sweet ltmihmmby. An excellent paimer 00 kinulorgar- temm workers vns read by Mrs. W. V. ' . lCcy sac of Omalma. Simo gave a unotlmers ideal of a kindergarten teaelmor. "Sue shoulul be a cttltivnteti woman ; that is , it wonmat of education , refimmeinent amid idcality. Nowimere In the world are timoro quaiiflcntiomms so touch needed or mmeceasary. A yoimmmg girl is a sweet mmd clmarmuing cm-entummc-hier lack of experience nmnkes her so , but she lacks tlmat iimsigltt of a umia- ttmrcd omnan. " Mrs. Keysor's PaPer YUB highly urnlsed because slmmi dealt so aptly witim ( liii streiighening of time kimmilergarteim , Miss Caroline M. C. hart , director of time Kinuhergartemi Training School of haiti- more , liresemmteti a palmer omm Froebuii sommgs for cimlhdreum , accommmpnmmted by a talk on time requsito qualifications of a teacimer , who , alto said , umimould understand the very on- ( uic ammd origin of- time system , anti was hlghmly commmphhmmiented. Miss May C. McCuliocim , supervisor of time kiumilergartens iii time schools of St. IMtmis , ommtemtatnwi the gntherlumg vilm a brIght talL omm ' 'rho Story hour. ' ' Sime lllustrmmted her talk with two stories fm omim time cliii- drum's literature of today. They were . . l3lessed Eyes" frommi Mrs. harrison's story hook , anti an adrmptathomm from one of Eugene - gene Field's stories. Time discusslomis wore led by Mrs. Carroll G. Pearso amid Mrs. F.V. . Itlelmards. II ttni i'eim'iitrs Another Interesting nftermmoon was en- Joyeti by the conference of history leaclmers ha time imimbllc library building. it was ( hC voted wholly to aim address by i'rof. Fred Morrow Fling of the tJmmhversity of No- bmaskum aim time real scientific method of teach- lug history in time college amid ummiverslty , amuul ammswers by I'rof. Fhimug ho time large umuamlior of questiomms unit to him. UuifortimmmntelS' , liorhmmips , for this 'ery imu- vortmimmt brancim of pedagogy , time exposition imroved too mmmcii of mmmm attractIon to time teachers , mind time attendnumce was ratimor slhmmm. l'rof. Fhimmg's idea of teachmlmmg history - tory is simimply that it should be done wltim mnetimod , imnvimmg for Its lmumrposc time correct leadhuig of time pupil imp thiougim nh sources to mnodermi times , but with a great care as to the proof of facts. Not nil hmistory is fact , sucim as time story of William Tell and time apple , but there are facts which can be determmmlmied by various processes such as time cmises lii Creek history. lie \\'as inclimmed to discount time narrative text ummelmod ( , tmmmless combined with ' 'sources' ' amid suitable extracts. Nothing further has yet been domme In time inteimuhed organization of a Trnmmsmnhssissipli History Teachers' association. It many have to be deterred until some timne wimen ltmcrc comm be secured a fuller represcmiatiOfl of time trammsmmmlssissippi states. SltooIM. fli'it'iving tlit The dravlmmg teacimers had a vcmy inter- estlmig session yesterday afternoon in thmo lecture room of time First f'tcsbytcriaim chmurclm. The lrogrnm prepared was divIdml , and the second imaif given first. Mra. Lucy Fitch l'crkimms of Chicago presided over a round-table discussion of "Time Imilluenco of himmvlroummmmemmt in Home anti School. ' ' J. 11 , Vntm Sickle. superimmtendeumt of Nortim side scimools , Icnver ; Mrs. Riley of St. Louis , Miss Matilda Salter of Cam imommulmilo , Ill , ; Miss Alice a ci. hhitte , supervisor of ( ira\\'imig in time Onmaima iUiiic schools , Miss Jessamnine L. Jones , supervisor of drawing at Ahgona. In. , and Miss harriet Blood , supervisor of draw- lmmg , Council Bluffs , In. , participated 1mm time discussion. For time second part of time program time size of the confercm1'a was greatly iumcrease'l , time school teachers attomiding time conferemmcc 0mm rural mchmools amiul methmomis coinhmig over to time mneetlmmg of drawimig teachers in a body. Superintemident Soldan of St. Louis was absent on accommnt of illness. George Twoso. secretary of time "Arts mmd Crafts Society" of Chmicuigo , commdtmcted a roummd ta- 1mb eu "Certain Aspects of Education Through Art Training. " Joimmi II. Kirk , state superincndemmt of Missouri ; A. Ii. Parsons of Creston , Ia. , ammul J , C. White of Jcffem-somm City , Mo. , participated 1mm the discussion. I IIMt rlmetalmM or lpimf suitS Iii I , iuI. Time ( eachmem'um of time iheaf and dumb con- ciutieti their ummeetimigs with a brief but vary intaresItmg ( session , at which a large auto- her , immclmmtiimmg outsiders , were pre.semmt to see ( lie llhumstratiomms of ( ho blind ( eimchmimmg. Yesterday afterumoon Prof , C. L. Wyckoff of time Iowa School for time Deaf read a paper on "Time itelation of time Deaf to Written Language. " Mrs. Francis MclCiumley gave sonic exercises amid a talk on time thmird year work for ( lie deaf , Prof. J , L. Gillespie , who presimied , stated that while timerocrtu not Imman > ' lmreseumt at time meetimig they had lund a i'ery profitable session. At time Natiommal Educatiommal con- ventioum , which convenes In Vm'asimiumgomi ( time I first iart ) of tlmls mnontlm , time deaf anul dumb I have a section. Their immtornatiommal commveum- tlon maceta Iii Calummibus In July. Timcse two facts account for mmmammy who are unable to be llrcsemmt at both , Liumnie hiogimowooui was at the umiei'timmg yesterday witit her touchier , Miss lonalti. Sima conversed svith a mmmmmmiber of visitors anti pleasaimtiy displayeui liar talent anti aptitude for reaulimmg mmmmmi flguriumg in time poimmt syateumm ammmi also for talking , 'J''n'Ii 6' rs n f its k' . Thmreo Iniportamit nuidressos were hmearml at time mimeetimmg of time uumtmslc teacimers at time 111gb school building , 'Fimo attemmulanco was large aimmi a lively interest was nmanlfested , Time 'roceedimmgs ivere sornewhmat enlivened lmy sommme ihlustratiomma of sight singing by a class of Miss Fannie Arnold's pupils , Miss Itemme ilaniliton , prlmmcipai of time Cen- ( rid school of timis city , gave aim accoummt of ( Ito Prescntatiomm of Wagmmcrian oimcras mit hlum'reuthm , Prof. Gabriel lCatzemmbcrgcr raaul ii pape' 0mm "Time Immfiuemice of Music on time Arnericaum People , " Mr. J. 11 , Ketchmeni of lzmumt St. Louis uliscusseul time ( ohio , "Are So Teachimig Music or Teacbiimg , " wimicim was largely dl3cu6seul. su u mm mmmi I 'I'm I mm I ii m 'l't'i , elat' mum. 'limo uneetlmmg of time tmmmmuual traimmirig in- strtmctora was successful from time fact of the carmmest attention amid ulcep interest per- vamliog the deliberations. Mr. E , I ) , i'iml- hips of Kansas City acted as secretary anti luir. Jmmmnes A. Merrill mind 11. C. Irish of Shaw's Garden , St. Louis , led time discus- sions. An immterestlng feature mas Mr. irisim's explanation of imia idea for a scimool garden where a taste for the study of na- hire snigimt be InCuhtitt1 Into the p1mph , Mr.Vntermmun of ( "hicogo gut-e an Inter- quitting talk. Thm gaucra1 discussion , aim- Perintondel by ML.M.orrlson , covered time work of the mmmanusLrIning school and tlu mitivmunced Ideas fec tile greater uscfulnes hum the future. it mural Seiimpiii 'I'm'mms'lmers. Tim school teeoirrs , interested Iii rural schools moot in the mumi4itnritmm of thin Voummig Men's Christian as'distion $ yesterday mitt- crmmcon anti llstenftl mhlscuu's'omi of sev- cml papers ( hint wto crowti,4 with valuable suggestions to them. The first paper was rend by Jesse M. qahtois-ay of Wahoo. Nab. , and was entitled "Vemmthlatimig , heating unit LighUmmg of ltmmraiSchmool , , hIuhIuiing , " lid- ward J. IiothiielI , county superiumteiitiemit Of hiubile schools lmer , ( t'uiiowcti ' with an nil- ummlrabio haruor on 'St'uthum ; , Furmmituro amid hqulpament of Rural Schools. " After thmo reading of these two papers anti brief dig- cimasiona of tIme same , tIme commference nil- joimrncmi to time First l'resbyterian chumclm to joimm 1mm tIme confercmmco of drawing tcmmcim- era. A Missouri model of school buildtmmgs was exhibIted at time latter mnet.Uumg. C'tiermi Imi ( 'It 11.1 St uiily. The conference on chmild study yesterday nfternoomm was held in tIme lecttmro room of ( lie iommize Memorial Ltmtiicrnmi clmurclm. It . % .nh ; not so % 'ell ntemmded ( as ( fle sessiomm of time unecedhmmg tiny , but the papers ( lint were tenth were Immvaluable. Prof. Am-hmmr .lllmi of ( lie Untver.sity of Colorado read a luaper on "Time Child amid Extn Orgaimle Evoltm- ( ion. " Dr. Cohn A. Scott of ( lie Chicago Nornmni schmool followed witlm a paper omm 'Showing Off _ ' ' "Time Clmilci amid h'nm-eumt from ( lie Stnndluolmmt of Child Study' ' i'as discussed by l'rof. Oscar Chrismiman of tIme State Normmial school of Emnporia , Krmmm. Time couucludhmmg 1)01)01' was by Prof. E. G. Laum- Cuistet' of Colorado college and s'as on "Time Pedagogic \'autie of Auiolesccmmt Imiterests. " 'l'entilii'm'um 05 ImmI islm. Time second session of time English tencim- ems was ( mclii yesterday nfturmmoomm 1mm time First UnitarIan ctmurch Smmpcrtmmtomitient 'iv. ' 11. Skinner of Nebraska City presented tIme ilrst paper on "Should College Emmtrnnce Ito- qtulm'emmiommts 130 increased ? " Superimmtemmdomit II. E. iCrats of Sioux CIty nmmd Suporintoummi- emit J. F. Kent-tog of Pueblo , Cob. , discussed the paier. Dr. Edward A. Allen of time Ummiversity of Missoitri rend a paper on "Time Place of Englisim l'imilology in time College Curriculum. " h'rof. J. V. Demmmiey of the Ohio State imimiverslty was ummaimlo to be In nttemmdunce at tIme congress , so his Paper On "Time Semmmimma in English Comnpositiomm Tcumehhmmg" was read by Prof. C. F. Aumsiey of the Ummlvcrsity of NcbrnBka. t griemill miriml ( ; .il he ; , ' Tiiilt' . The fimmal eonfcreumco of time tcaehm.irs in agrlctmlturuml college amid experimmmcnt statiomm work was held at the Conmuiercial climb rooms yesterday afternoon. Prof. Beard- shear of time Iowa State Agriculturai college presidimmg , Twenty mnhimtmte addresses were delivered by 110mm. Eiwood Mcmiii , lrrigatioim engineer of the United States Departmemmt of itgricultmmre , Chmoyemmmmo , Wyo. ; Prof. C , F. Curt-las , director of cxperinmennl ( station amid professor of agrlcimltum'e , Aimmes , Ia , ; 110mm. 0. E. Morrow , President nmmd director of time Okhumlmommma Agricultural nimui Mechmammlcai College - lege and Exporimumemmtmil Statlomm , Stiliwater , 0. P. CASE OF TIjE ; LUN SISTERS .1 mmilge 211 uuigem. iht.utrs lii. . 'I'esth mommy Commeei'i I mug S Ii t' ' 1' Ii rt'e Clii- iitIt ? ( hii. All day yesterday was gt'cmm to tIme talc- lug of tcstimmmony mm time Ltmn sisters' case before Judge Muner antI time owhulemice was mmii given 1mm , ieavihg ommly time lleauiimmgs to be heard before time court ivill decide whether tIme girls mumy reummain in Omaha or hmnll be sent back t9 CImina. The fedumul cotmrt4 ruoui was a typIcal nhmommd-eyed colmgress yuisterday attermmoomm , umboimt fifty Chmimmese lmeimmg uresent eIther as % 'Itumesses 01' listeners in time case. On a request mnade by time Unit-oil States district attorney alt tIme Chinese excepthmmg time in- terlmrctervere excluded from time room thur. hug time tumkimmg of a hart of time testimumommy , but the oriemmtals waitea 1mm time corridors amid returmmed to time court room as soomm as nosslbie. - Time testimmmommy in the case was vary slum- liar to that given lii Judge Scott's court. Time three girls declared that they hail beemm treated kindly by time Meim Leo \Vnhi 'hiinge counpany mmii that mme hmidecent proposals hail been made to them. They denied mmii time allegatIons mmmade by Miss Wykoff and others thmat their quartera wore dirty and unconmfortabho amid expressed thenmselves as helumg greatly vhased with the treatment they Imad received at time hauls of Lent Yuo ammd otimer ummembers and agents of time conm- pany. Jimim Wye amid With Leo testified that time girls were oflered lou sale at $1OO and Jim \Vyo swore ( limit- Loin Yue of the VII- lage coampammy asked him if lie kmmes' any Cimiumamen wlmo would be apt to buy timenm. Loin Yue miemileti ever having mnet Jima \\'ye miumul testimmiony was offered to show that Jiumi 'Vi'ye and soveraj other Chimmamen made ( lie boast that it would be cheaper for time commmiuany to pay timenm 3OO or $400 than to let time case be takemm into time courts. Miss Vykoft , time nmlsslonary who has taken such mimi interest In ( lie case , was on time stammd anti testified that time way time Chimuee men amid worneum i'ero hivimmg at- ( ho quarters at Thirteenth nail Cimicngo streets Is very immiproper according to Clii- hose ideas. Sue found mcmi nod wonmen 1mm time saummo roonm upomm vlsitimmg time lilace , aim ummheard of timlumg in Cimiuma , amid sa' mmmii ) ' timhmmgs which led her to believe that time girls were brought here for mme good pur- pose. uI-iii"mvliig .luuitIml , ' I'iiumi'ies , The omees in time Service bimiidlng are hives of industry today. Momutimly lmassos arc isatmed to exhibitors and concessionists amid their employcul amimi aim there is a good-sized arimiy of thueni the clerIcs nrc immundateul with busIness during time last two days of time month , Abotmt twenty-live of ( ho exposition guards left their passes to ho remmcwed last mmlgbt and neglected to take timemim out again , As a consequemico they wore stopped at time gates like any one glee anti wore compelled to vait tmmmtii arrangeimieimts could be ummadmi to pass ( hem timroughm' ' % 'sm I * um fu r t lie mj's i I gimitd mm ye' , Time amprOmriatio3i rthimmance , which was hmumssei at a specia' ' smmqotimmg of tIme coummcii yestertimmy uItem'mmOOfl , ia mint effective yet because it has umot hmeeum approved by time ummayor. Itcthmmg 7.fmmiPthr I1mmglmimmmm mliii lint care to have aumythmi g to sb with it , owing to thin fact that Mayan Moores would return imoflie so soomi , City CommmprohlerVcstlwrg ( is lmrelmamed to , warrants ummiler time ordhmmatmce Just usoomm as time mmlgmmatumro of tIme mmmayor is alil/ceI / COLOlliuIO'S ) 11N1C 1)1SPL1Y ) Oentnnhu1 Stnta Makc u Most tnthrestiug Show at the Exposition. EXHIBITS SOME MttRVEIOUS SPECIMENS i : cr , timIng tIme State l'roImmee in the \mt of Orelhetmii iii. timie I'm l'himvi'si lii llmis ) .t&'t'C.M mif I lie I miqim Irimig I'imhlie. Conmmlssioner Harry Leo and J. C. Lauig- icy of Colorado hmnve completed the htmsalla- tioa of time Colorado exhibit in time Mimmem btmiltthng ammd heft for Iemmver Thursday mmiglmt. Comnmmmlssioumer Leo will return as eoomm as possible nuiul will irobably SlCmmti most of his tiimme in Ommmnlma until ( ho exposition closes , iurlumg ( lie last week time Colorado repre- sctmtaivos imave litut iiivimnt mimammy expert mineralogists declare to be the most conm- idete and ummeritorhoims mIneral exhibit ( lint liii' ; ever been simowum at any exposition. It imicitmulos speciniemma ( limit repm-esemmt lime- ( Ically every forum tim vhiclm native gold is foummul auth tIme showing of mmatlve sliver is scarcely ieuis conmpiete. TIme nrrammgemmiemmt of time exhibit is especially satisfactory mtumui time visitor Is able to discover at a glance any muicciimmcum tlmat tie wishmes to exummuine. Time booth vhich covers 2,000 square feet is ery artistically tieslgmmeih anti decorated , ttlthmommgh the decoratiomma nrc not qimito coimipleto on mmmi- count of the fact that tIme visible supply of bummtimmg in Ornnha has beemi temmmporarly exhmumusteti , In time center of ( ho emmtm-numce stammths a hugh pymamnki of ilumarz whmicim comm- tumins SPecinmemma froumi nearly all tIme amities 1mm tIme state , This is especially artistic iii Its commstrumctloum , and Is theslgmmcd to contain a miammmple of cacti species of ummimmeral hit order ( lintiucople who vishm to exmimumlmme a var- tietmiar ore mmmay be accoumimmmodateui without goimmg into ( ho cases. The apex of time vyraniitl is a , sliver mmiugget frommi time faimmous Moliio Gibson mimic , which weighs 397 potmntis amid which vommlui coimm Itmto 8,212 miii- ver dollars , A summail case at tlmo right contains - tains a mmmilquo specimimemi of tehltmritmmmm quartz , across time face of which appears mm goldemm cross timat has beemm brought out by pamusimmg time hlammie of a blow lmipe over time smmrfncc. Smmimt , Imilereumt hmm Sjecuiimt'mmmi. Time hint- eases that fill the bulk of time space beiuimmd time yraniltl contain tIme native sjecimmmemms , vhmila time mmpm'igiit cases thmat mire ranged nm-otmmmd three sides of time booth show the econoummical or comnmmmerclal ores anti ummimm- erals. Time exhibit of native gold ore is pam-ticulam-ly interesting. Time most sriklmmg spccinmcmm is a tweuty-sevemm-imoimmmd mmugget fronm time Summtmggler Ummlnmm mmminc at Tehlurlde , wimich contains ten poummds of Imuro gold amid would assay $2.1-b , There are also sonic very rich brown orei fmonm time Lcadvihie this- tr4ct amid an especially imzmmmtisomime simowimmg of time famous crystalized gold front time lireck- lnbriuigo district , whmicim is commcemleul to limo- duce time most bemitmtiful specimmmens lii (1w ( worhul. Time crystals are simowmm iii every' conceivable almaps nmmui some of ( imemmm are as ( lelicate as simowtinltuis 1mm timeir featimery otmt- hiumes. Theme are also specinmens of native gold iii over ) ' conceivable coniblumntiomm with other mmmetais amid time slIver tiximibit Is am- ranged 1mm time sanme Immanmier Not time least attractive feature of time cx- lmlbit is time dIsplay of lromm pymites , which iii- chimihes somime very pretty cryatals froimi time Gilpimi district. These are purely imatmmral Cliccinmeims , but to the tmnhmmitiatcui observer they look as thmougim they imai bceim cnrvetl from the nmost highly liolishmeul steeL Next to timcse is a very extensive ulisphay of A muazomm stommes frommi time ivest side of PIke's l'eak , which are mint ommly extremmiehy attmac- ( lie , lmmmt are aim entire imovelty to a large im'oportiomm of time exposition visitors. 'l'hmo display of lead ores is also very complete mud other cases show collecticmmmmm of topaz , garnet' , imolislmed quartz. sappimim-es mmmiii various other miscellaneous minerals. A \cry novel feature imi tIme case of thiomnsommite fronm the School of Mines at Gohuicim. Sonic of tim specimmiens resemble nmasses of ( lime cotton 1mm rough shieil , so fine is their imatural structure. Timere is also a very imammdsommmo exhibit of native onyx and mnarbies , somae of which are ahmmmost as beau- tifimh as time finest .speciimmemms of inmuorted - nmarbles ( . , iorzmIo'um Coiimimm.-re'ini Ore. The upright cases around time shies of ( he booth contaumm speciniemms of coimmnmercial ore froni every producing mImic In Colorado. Each SieCimimen is labeled whim time nanme of time mine mind Its owmmcr ammtl time value of time ore. Between time cases are plilnms constructed - structed from the mnarbies and building stones of time state mmmd above thmeimm imammg a series of vaumoramic Imictures worked in oils which ilimiatrate the various mzmimmlng sectiomms amid citIes of time state. These are vxtremmmoly interesting , as every feature of the landscape - scape Is perfectly reproduced even to time actual coiors of the imouse and time appear- mince of ( lie soil , Specimens of coal and coke and manimfac- tmired iromi are displayed ott time outside of the hootim anti the arrangemnont of time score or more of saumiphes of coal Is a type of time thorouglmmmess with whielm the emmtire exlmibi imas ioemm classIfied amid arranged. Each specinmon Is a cube of coal sIx immchmes square amid in each case the label tells mmot oumiy where time specinmeum canme from , but also its ammalysis , the comparative enmount of cahorlm ( lint it will furnish amid cvem' ' other ienm of lnfornmatiomm timat a visitor miglmt wish to kmmow , ThIs Imrinciple hmns hiceum tohiowed in the arrammgememmt of ( be entire exhibIt , and there 1mm scarcely a fact or feature relative to Colorado mmmiumoraiogy that cammnot bo ills- cowered ahumost at a glammce , ( ) 'IeeIie hit Jiuhl , Wimemm time case of John O'Keeffe , cimmirgeui witim assaultimig i'atrohumman I.lmmsschmmmmium eitim mmmurdemous imitemm ( , was cauled 1mm police court yestertisy , time ulefendant tailed to appear. A capiums was nccordhuigly Issueui mind O'ieoffe was louigeth iii Jmill last imighmt. O'ICeeffo emmuimtieti Imis revolver at time olhlcer whiic m'euuislmmg orros ( amuml omme bullet umar- rowly grazeul imimi (1mm-oat , 1.1 lint r ! ? uuitrui li'-um. Time Library boam'tI humId mm ummeetlmmg last night iviim all time ummeummbers imresu-'mmt , 'l'he reliorts of ( lie presltiemm ( auth librariumm wm'm e exaummined , lmlllmt ahinwoth amid other routine iUshumeSS traumsnetmiul , lI.n iii imlith Ium'a fur ( ) mmumlmim 'I'i'mui'lui'rum. On July 1 , 2 aumti 4 , Friday , Saturtlumy timid .1oumui.iy eXammulmumitmohi' ( or teachers ram time Omaha city schools v1hi take place , Voha Cmiii hiuit'imvi' I mu mi ii. isi r' , PARIS , Jimmie 30-Time Citamnber of 1)ejmmi- ties ias timmongeul today wimeum , amnld coumsiul- emabhe oxeitemmient , M. lhrhimson , tIme new pro- mimier , ouhiumcut tIme mmiinhstorial Imohicy. Time , - Ladies' ' Southern'TIqs- . Ti \Vhmemm It c'onuex to titm' new hI foots'c'ar , 'OU euill mII\S'lhyH ( ¼ fllBt. elm Irtx L , Sltoo. ' 5' maui mm I ii'l 1mg ii gl h t I ii. I i t' ( iou I-I le io is it tk'citit'ml imuvt'hty-a lmmllts' : tmouithit'm'im Iii'- 1mm a ummot lien mm t I ( iii dim tlc-toIored I a II - - ivitlt mdhlc y'ictImmg tmh-\VIuIO hU\V tie- Cl ) I a toe-I I iii Ifln.St d it I a I y aim ml bt'eoiim I mm g . d' ehtou' eym'i. liii I , oi mt ha mlyg b0t5:1 : cimimi- _ \ % a l'IiI'titlmhu , tOo-Jtlt ) ( ' ( ' . tliti h'Oht IM I hue . . ' i'Igiit 'eightmuimmi vhmat do yeti tlmiumk ' 0 I iI'y ; tm ? - i.5&'elh , timmit's vhmut , _ I imey'IU 'om'tlm , limit our timunti c'titoumi luiaCi'u4 thin il'i'O mit $2.hiO , ( .u Drexel Shoe Co. , ( Oimmuhmmm' . , , Vi-to-uiuitii Simo ilnuic 11U Ft1NUL STREEr , - yui. chianmtuartiltinuitel- passed a oe at coufl- thence In the government. 1tIernls ltume it tiemuIer , i.ONlON , Jtmno O.-In time itmrhnrn ) city clctIomi for a successor in Parliamemmt to time late Matthew h'owier , litmnral , ( ho union- iste hmmuvo won a victory. The atmom'ssftmt , cumnuileinte vas It. i'liiott , who ' ? ts ule- fu'ateuh b Mm , Fowier ut ( hi' gemmornl eic'ctloim of July , t % . II'AIID ABOUT TOWN. Carl I less , miewahialuer eomrvspoumtlemit amuul nmerc'hnmmt of Ammmrlsweui , Switzcrlmimmth , 18 time gimest of lmis brother , J. J. llesmi of thmhs city , amid will BlmL'fltI several wadis him viewIng thu capumsltlon tim time interest of lila hiomime . impel. . time /umrieim Tmigeiilntt. Mr. hess visited thmo expositions of Sttmttgart , Buulmi h'emit anti Gemieva tim a Journalistic capacity anti Is timem-efore able (0 ( judge of time eommm- irnmnttve nmerlt of clip Ou mm. ' ' 1mm all depart- mmmm'umts , ouch us art. electricity , imuammimfac. tOuTs multi mnecimnumlcs , " tuiid Mr. hess , "tIme Trammminmhmusisslppi show is fully imi , to iuiro- vcamt exlmoslthomma mmhmd lii sommie reCpets it is far supcmtor. For immataumee , time mgrlctmlum-mil oximiblts Ititlicated mu m'Im'immmess Of moii wlmichm to Ettropommmm eyes was litthmi less ( immi numhims- tug I sauu' grimlim mud vegetables imt'me ( lint Etmromcunmi soil , exhimmuusteti 'Ithm ct'mmttmm'ies of tillimgui , voulti be uttel ly unable to lutolltie , 'l'iie immimmimig disluin ) mu. mmlso , nrc on mm imumeim larger scale ( liii mm those commmnmumly exhmitui tcui In ltmropc. " Mr hess us mIs also lmmturemmted 1mm tIme this. vlnys of umilformims nimtl areotmtem-nm'mmts , him thu Gorermmummemi ( imtmiltlimug , as lie Is huhmmiscif a shnm-pslmeotcm- thu Swiss hlommmo Ummamti , lIe immnule a commipamisoum of eitizemm tuohuii'm-3' ( a- vorumbiti to his owum miommmmm'y. ( "Time active mimiiitiummmmemm imm Swltzeriamid " ' ' - , ho tumid , 'nm-c comim huosotl of time cmi ( I mc miul tul t iii mm I e volmumha- tion amid the citlzeum soldiery is readily coum- u'orttblu ) lute fully cqtulppcti m-egtmlam's. This Is Possible licenimmiti of time Practice. cape- daIly In slmarpshmootimmg , wimichm is coumstammly kept up. lIvery week each voter Is reqimim-ed to take hart 1mm nIle practice , besides eli-ill mmmmtl eanmp experiemice fotmr tiummes a yeni' , So iii case ( be cotmmitry Is immvoired iii uamit is able to ( hmromv its streumgit ( hmmto time hieltl without a uimommmemmt's loss of timime 1mm drIll or rub practice. " i'ersommgml i'smrimgriu hiliN. Dr. I'eabouhy i'emmt to Limmcolmm ye'stcrtlmiy. Jolmmm Auhmmnms of Pasadena , Cmii. , Is aim Onmauma visitom. A. C. F'nvcy nmi& vifo of Ogden , Utah , are exposiIoim VisItors. ( 1 _ ICorrileruier timid vife of New 0- hi'amia nrc oxitositiomi visitors. \\t. F. iCim-khmar ( nmitl wife of Des Moimm's , imm. , mire stoppimmg at time Barker. Miss Carita Cum-tis loft for Lake Okoboji elm 'i'lumrsday , to spemmul thmc ammummimmem- . I ) . M.'olf , wife amid duttmglmter of Liii- eohmm are' stopplumg at time hlaiker. I. . J. Orceim amid C. C. Demmny of Ilock Ishanul are registercil at time Ilaiker. 11ev. Floreimre iCohlock Crooker of ilostoum , Mass , Is , islting Mrs. MnrI. . tmmtiiews. "iv. Conmstork of Oaktlale amid A. G.'ami I't'emm ( of Sterling ni-c guests at tIme liar- kem' iiiimis Lehimi I'otter. witim time Mimmumeapolis cimortis , Is isItimig her comisimi , C. 4' . Peter - ( or , She will renmalmm mmmmtll Fritiny mmigh ( . N. It. Iiirdsommg of Momiror , La. , mliii Dr. II. P IIirdsoimg of itiivumrtla , Mismi , arrived iii 0 immumima tim I a mmmommm I umg to visit time -xpo3 i U omm. Frctl auth W'ihiinmmm flimwltzer of time North ihritige woolemm ummihls. t'ortlm liriulgo , Mass. , have heemm vIsIting their sister , Mrs. hoary Iteifeltit ( of this city. Jmmdge Fawcett left last mmlgimt for \\'lscon- simm , uliore , tiurlmmg tIme next I hr-ac i et'ks , lie \viii limit 1mm hIs tlmne omm a fnrmmm iii time vicimi- ity of iiavei ( irceim , a little towmm a hew unilc fmtmm Onlemma , III. A tbmyumiouul & W'imitconmb party , ctmnslsliuig of twenty-ume'emm wonmeum frommm time Neuu Eumg- lauiml states , nmrbed in Oummauma from time wet mmd wili visIt the extioni- tloum two days before returnimig east. Lieuemmmumt ( Chiau los Ii. Cummummody , U. ( . A. , ivimo has berim stationed mit Iumlitmqtme , In. , us siulwrimmtcmmtlemmt of tIme work of mip- rapplmmg ( lie banks of the Mississiili ) river at that poitmt. immis rcturmmed to Ommialia ummeler orders. itev , D , D. Burt , time mmev pastor of time pm ret f'.lrlst In ii nit tirah. liii mi am'rl ved a mmd fo m' thmo present is ammikiug his home with Juulge amid Mmmi. Slumimaugit at Fortlethm mmmii 1)omlge streets. 'l'lmls ovemming Rev. hurt w ill be tentlemed a reception at Jutige Slabummugh's lmommme , htev. Burt , who stmcceeci.s item' . Vow- ter. was foi-mmmerly tate evaumgeilst of time Cimristiamm clmmimchi in Nebraska. Dr. Edward A. Allen. hmrofessor of Emig- hIsh him ( lie Ummiveumuity of MissourI , whmo Is iii Onmaima to attenti ( I.e Ilducuttloimal coil- grcss , expresses imiuimsehf aim lwimmg greatly iheaseh ( vhtim tIme expositiomi nmmul surprimucd ut its innguitutle. imJthiemi tlmiimlus time cx- Imoumi thou imarticulzmrhy bemmuti fim I at mm I gim t nuitt will rtimmnumi after tIme close of time congress ho glue ( ho big show a thorough lookhumg over. Nebrashcamms at time hotels : 7u1. i'uicflthm , Greehey : J. 'r. Marcy , Mu-ut. L. i ) . Fore- imnmmd , Miss Efile Forehmand , George Vi' . Brown , Mrs 0. 'IV. McGill , ICearney ; N. J. ileumhim , Scott \\'mmhl , N. W. Prestoum , J. Vi' Simlairt , C. iii. Bliss , iim-s. F. S. iimmrrtsmm , Fremmiomit ; i-I. 'IV. hicumbhim , IioiIui'r C. it. Yommumg mmmii jhmidrcmm , Stnmmtomm , F.'i' , liar- icr , , UnsthmmgsV. ; . ii. i'tzcr. i'imittsnuntmthi ; Will liolulrluige. AllIance ; Chmmmrlcs 0. ho'm-m , North h'humte ( ; 11. C. ltoimntrce. J. C. DahI- mmiii mm. Li micol mm ; P. iii . Bow I I mm. I ( a mmuiohl I hi ; A. II. Carlsomm , Axtehi ; xli. hI. lrumiter. Selmimy- her : % irs. iummmmmatIamn8. . Grorge J , Amiumiims , Fuhleriomi : Myrtle A. Brooks , lehimm Fletu-imer , Seward : Charles E , hiumluer. ilemmtmice ; 11. folio , Grammd Ishammul ; hI. II. Squires , J. S. Sqtmlues , Bunhmeum hlcmw ; N. L Taylor , Norfolk - folk ; L. W' Sumow , Javiui Chty J. S. Ncs- lilt riuiti wife , l\n terlno : Johmim M. Fitch- uuatrick , hielmroim ; Chmmmrlcs Vi' . Kaley , Ited Cloud ; Fred Sonmmc'umschteuumVcst i'oimmt. Contioenta1's ' $ i Acr SIok COaDh SaIL Friday morning we will opcfl a. thirty days' stock cleaning sale , Our new fall goods viii come from July i5 to Aug. i. This sale is to make room for these goods and to give our customers an opportunity We have a nunTher of broken - ken lots , and some have hardly been touched , just like our olicr stock in style and finish , No better car- ned by any store. Keep your eye on this column. It will be the most interesting - ing one in this paper for the next thirty days. Can you think ala beuer mu'ay to save nioney than by btiyThg . . . Mcii's Stylish Suits-Good eumommght to wear aumywliere-for $5 , $6.50 , $8.75 , and $10 , Or Boys' Suits at $1,915 , $2 , $2.5O Long Trotlscr5 Salts , $3,95 and $5 , a st-kg : of from $2 to $3.50 a suit. jVa matter ivat 'cm , need in nmcn's ot' boys' dot1ij'n. , amrays see Till ! CONTI' NENTAL first. _ J1 & Douglas , - OIflML MUST USE POSTAGE STAMPS 0mm I y 'I'Iu ist' 1 uimmumium I umi imy I lii' irmi- lImI h vi 1 ii terM "h It. " A me ( , , ouh for itmvemi i.e lui riumt-s. WAShINGTON , Jumue3O-ium nmmswer to umimmmmcrommue imiqimlrhi's emi time subject , thu chum- nmimisiommer of iumtermmal re'eumuem today said I ( limit lmostumge' stimummlmu cotmhui imiit be used in ' place of revenue stamimpa except such as humid I becim I mimpri um teti II ) ' t lie goverumumu cmi t mI ( It the 1 letters ' 'I. IL' ' If time ordimmumry postage iitlmumm3us , imot o imnhirimmtcd. were naomi for hum- : temmmmml reveumue pum-poes , ( lie , iocummmeutts or articles to whIch tIle ) ' i'cme uippiieth would lie regnrtleil as tiuistaummlmeui nimuh tr'ateul no- cnrdhmmgly. Attcumtioii is also enuleti to ( ho ' fact ( lint iummprimiteul stamps cnmmnot be uscit iii umumymmiemit of lostagc. , iiuuuuuu' itt's , , i'i Je to l'i I I iuis erliug. WASHINGTON , Juno 30.-An nttemmmpt t secmmrl' paSsage of time bill to lmmcorporato tIme hmmtermmumtioumnl Amnericamm bammhc nmet vitlt opiiositiomm today in ( lie house , Filibuster- lug was iumuhulgeul iii , bitt It was not effective 1mm prevcmmtimmg action oum tIme bill. Adjourn- unemmt was forceul before a vote on time incas- tire could be reacimed. It will be ui-god to- immormow I tImush Siam iii Im Ilem'rs Iimmprmmge , ' % \TASII INOTON , June 30.-Time commnis- muioimem. ' of iumteuimuml rovoumime hmums dectileti that railroad coumipumumics making a charge for excess hnggmige , of lassemigurs , ehumil lie re- quiremi to afllx a 1-ccitt stammmp to bills of lathing coverIng tmeiu excess iii time sutumo ummuummmer as express Comlmhiammies are requlreel to stauimi ) their bills of inuiIng. Arrvum tud for Post , , mmmumt , 'r's Uuruler. WAShINGTON. Jummo 30-Tiio chief yost- ofilco iumspecor ( has received a tehegrammi atatimig ( lint nix muon have been arrestemi ut Lake CIty , S. C , , chmumrgeti with having mnuiruiereuh time mmegro Fancy , Time ease at- trzmctemi nntiommmil attention and the govern- immeat has vigorotmshy hmualmed time case , - _ - - - - - - If You're ' an Artist-- ' 'oul don't uu'i'ii to l' told hunt mull , ' " Jl8110i4 ) hIl't' imnt mthikt' numil thimmt : tll huimiui0M . _ .f-T' - ' ' ( ' 8i1'L t''en lii' gmmiirmmntt't'ml hmy Ilti' best of ' t ; I di'uilum-s-tlmou-t' mu-u' i't'ulhy Ihmu'u't' Ilus-enss ( , . ) iC's- S I , ' 'i'hm' lCmmilue : , e / , ' .1 lmti h imuhuhl , - - - ' , c' ' ' .r. ' ' ' 'l'lmt' hrammaeli & lluhi'lm , , ' - . . ' Aimul tIme hul'lt'i ralmgt' Is fiommi 2T to ' \ h $ t4)-umot ) ( tlmmut I huti qummtiity im mtuiy differ'f , ' ' ' , \ Ph it , 1 iii t t I It' gt'um t' ma I immim ln mm iue---'i'limmum , ' - , ' . ' I j I tlt'ri' time ( utlml'i'14 , liii' immt'lIilluIl giutmltt mtuul : - - ' . ' ' . \ ' ' . \ \ I them I I mm mm 1.1 , rk't'mI , mm ot mm good-ye t ( Imu best . . : ' . ; : , ' . , ' / . (01' ( Ito immommey oval' ( ) lf'rt'i. 1 , ' t- : - - - , J I ! , tJ. A. HOSPE , 1usIc and Art. 1513 Douglas - - - - - - - - - - - - - I-low Are Your Eyes ? If I lie vlslu > im ISII't l'u'f'et ) ( thtt'y 14110(11(1 ( ( liii suhimhmhlm'I ( lhiii'kh ( , ' , ' uvithi tt tnmlr of oul ) ' . leiUlIltlClmhiY ( littt'1 \'im'ui yout' , , # % . ( ' _ S''ht blui' , sumiai't niid get ied svhmtII rend. ' , , ( . i I i ig , v il I I mmg or uual mug I I mm'nu I i i a imy vn y , , " coimit , to mis 1111(1 uutm hii trit thmm'nu fieu . . - ' II II ii II t I I it'mmh ' , vi t Ii ghmtimset' I I i n t vil I ll ( ' ' . ' leI ( i I I t t'umi t ( It grem'ui 01 ii ttgt' . A Ii I I ho mmu'gieti ( uIoss' umhit ( 'mist 'Ot1 3'OIlt' t'yesigimt ( it huh yell vaim' ( it IlonI t take t ito cimamices , - # kz' I'.i-'ii t'ye oxutimilumntloum. ' I . c. TheAloe &PenfoldCo I.amudImmmr Sel.mitiflo Ojuticuimn. . , 1405 l"ara 'in SreeL O-DasiL. . UutL f _ ' ; - . . , . _ . . - - - - - - _ * - i- - - - - . ' . -