- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - v'i : : ' - TI- IIi : _ _ , 1 . e ' NOL1T \ \ ? Olil PRO1I1llhTR ) . . - - . , . . t . : .i. S prcmo Court Dcnki tha Applicatkn ci' . I the 1erman ! Gang. POLICE BOARD DECISION IS TO STI\ND r NI ) ' % 'tU oC OupiQr , Ittit U ( nerst1 . .p- . * iiIIesttiit of flic J.niv null i-- , . 1tIttI ol tIu Cntrt , . - ttit Ciisi. ' LINCOLN , June O.-SpccInI.-Thc ( ) ? at- iorncya for ( lie IterImn Fire anil Police I - bonrd Came down froni Onitilia today tot ( lie , s cxprsri pirposo ot npcnriIig before ( tier -r- } ; upretne court arni apIyIiig for a writ of prulilhttlon to Ireent ) the bortt appotlited ( liy the city council train Inteiferitig or nL- tenipLing to exerciBo ( tie duties of a hoard _ _ _ _ _ _ I the tinder color of the recent IVCISIOTI of I coutt. Thil afternoon , ( he mcinhiem of the court being engaged In cOflBtlltfltlOfl In thin court room , thin nttorneyS iitcrctl the room and presentirl their npphlcaIon. 'fhie peti- tton idnteit In etTect that ( tie Ilcidman hoard vna tititlc4 to hiohi over ( or forty .dayi ; vhiiIc an PPICflI ) for a rc1itarliig wo being 1)rfcte(1 ( , bitt that the hoard appointed - pointed by the council was veklng to gnin foreiblo nn.h unlawful hosesion of the 'omco nOd that the ii'ace and dignity of thin city of ( ) iiinlia were hieing crIousty threat- cricil. Attorncyi acorge A. Day nod \V. W. Ilorsnian made xteiitled argunwata ou the matter. City Attorney Commit and Frank L. Mo- Coy vero present , reirceiitiiig thin iicw board , but declined to make uppearalico , holding that thin notice ervei1 upon tiieiti was inBiiflIcicnt and ( hint there WOR leck of t1iI8dietion on the hart of the court at thit ( loin. Mr. Connehi made a statcitietit deIlY ing that there was danger of riot anti bloodithied In Omaha , as intituilted by the applicants. I)4ii ) 1114 IIerI iliftil i'rftIilMi t liii , . The nicitihiera of ( lie court held a few nm- Inents irivate .coimsuhtntion , ufcr which they called time attorneys into thin room 1111(1 Informed - . formed them that thin court term having linen adjotirneil for time iumiimiior vannUomi , there Is now no jurisdiction on Its hart to r hear nxitl tictermnine time nmatter at hutid. Judge IInrrlmomi made a statement of his Views of time case , holding that in enso there Is any attempt on time jiart o any- I on to violate the law , the other courts are , o1)en ) to .itimy complainant , anti that there . I ha nothing Imi thin petition just read that would justify time ittipreme court iii taking t , action , lie ahd that the heciHIoa of time ' . court hail keen remimlereti In the commission caime , but that iio writ of ouster hind been S Issued. This left the case to be governed 4) ) by thu regular ruhes of thin court , nilti him tCOhC It for granted that time attorneys were fnmiiiar witim these rimies. lie furthmcr stateti that time application for a sPecial session i ) of time court ou1d be refused , thin meni- ( &TL hers of thin court having agreed that a . aitceini seashoit would be inexpedient. - .v ) i Li ( IL imiiil Umi I , ' Miss Lotmic l'ounil left for Chicago today , , - where shin vihl take the summer course at I , the Chicago university. Miss Pound will ' ! , : .u.L also Ihay temmnis auth in iepteiiiber expects ' . ' . \ . to dcfcnd the western chianiplonship cup " - . - In ( lie annual tournamneimt. ' Th6mnas F. AViilianms , law vartner of A. U. Woifenbarger , went over to Sheiby , In. , the first of time week and on Tuesday nveniiig was united in nmarriago with Miss 1. Hattie I'lum of that imlace. They will visit I among relativcs in Iowa for a couple of wceks before coining to thick future hiotmie - itt. Lincoln. Time annual conmmnencemnent exercises of . thio Advontistsehool at College View took place in time college chapel tonight. News was received from Demiver last , niglmt of time death of Mr. Stuckoy , a I brother-In-law of flenton Maret. Mrs. ift f Mnrot. and her sister anti inoUmer heft for ( . where time funeral will be . 1Jt Ifnhil on Friday. Mr. Maret is tim Detmver i - i ' and will accoimipany the remains to Lex- - Ington. : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ % . , . 1 Court itt FiiIl CIt. T44 FALLS CiTY , Nch. , Juime 30.-Special.- ( ) tq7 Th the district court time case of Oiadwell ' ? Ai against thin city of F'ahhs City , upon motion - tion of time defendant's counsel time court * . iimstructed time jury to return a verdict for the city , TImi was a stilt brought by time 4 "VI executor against the city to recover ilamn- ages for the negligemmt coxmstruction ot a II bridge whereby young Giadweli lost hits . life , The evidence tended to show that . the plnimmthif himseir was negligent iii not A using vroper caution in approaciming the - ' i.J bridge. This case will no ( lcmimbt be carried \ . to time supreme court. In the case of Ma- homey against New York Mutual I.ifo Insurance - ; ) surance company , whmicim was tried W'himes- : day , ( ho court rendered a judgment iii faVor - ) Vor of the vlaintitf. Thin stilt was brought t to recover the paynment of two life imisurunco C policies by time widow of one Mahoney , whet t , J I ; canto to imis death by uicido , . , ' , - - p Shot lit tilt. I.'t. I FREMONT , Neb. , mime 30.-Spcciah.- ( ) c Chmrls Yocuni , night \'atchman at thin Nyc. * , . lchneimler company's east elevator , was shot - . 1mm time left last imight by some imakimowim t , . . parties , wbmo succm'etletl in ranking their es- . 'L\ CflPC. At about 11 o'clock last evening j Yocmmm saw six nina near the elemvtor. lie , . $ . 'irdcreci tiienm away. They walketh east be- 5' 'mveen time railroad tracks a short ihistnimce , when one of thoam ttmrncd sudileimly amid fired. - . . . 1e' 'Time bullet struck Yocunm 1mm the left leg just below the knee , lie ttmrned and fireth several I simoti , at time-gang , who ran tinder time freight cars ott time swhtchm track.'ord was SauL uptown and time oilhccrmi thorotmghiy searched thu yartis , but could mint fimmil time mmmcii. Yoculim thminits hmu carm identify time timami whet did the slmootiimg , The wounmi Is not serious. t JinrCMt lIi glilM. rlCUMSFflI , Nab. , Junui 30.-Sieclai.- ( ) . Harvest is on In earliest Jum Johnson couimty and tlmerc imever was it ( tome lmeu omen were so ecarce. Them Is a great ilemnitnil ( or humurvestemil mmmiii any mmamm wimo can shock wheat immuth ilcmtlres vork is in time fell , Time wages iaid generally is l,6O er day iumh board , Time imarv'sting together with tim buiiihimmi ; him tIme city aimii tue railroad grntlimmg voiic on time hitmrhimmgtoiu soptb of hero imas Loch ft hoommu to time laborurs of Tcctiimmseit thmi umimnmmmmer , FAIltMONP , Neb , , Jummo iO-Sjmecinl.- ( ) harvest has eoinmnciweii 1mm good earnest , Witeat will go as high as thirty-five busimehmi per acre. onmO farmers are offering $2.50 V cr day for hmammtls. t * turiit' .MNii iii hhiATRlCi , Neb. , Jumime i0.-Spcciah ( Tel. p cgrnln.-14. ) At. Peimmtmertorm a leading heat. , , . . jrIco mmttortmey , was 'ssauiteih aimil beateim - over the heath by time toii nmarshmai at Lib. , . arty last iiIgtit lie was preseimt to rehire. eimt time rcmnoiistralitlt 1mm saloon hicelist' , time imeariRut _ imaying hcemt begumu before time ' towmi council viicrm tim troubie occurred , CoimaidCrall0 boil blood iiail already becim eiigeimilOrt'tl , thin town Itoarti immmvimmg rofuiseii ts to hear time case with mimamitlaummustitl by thin " - court , Mr. i'cmmmborton says lie was murgim. E itmg a law oiiit wlwn time assnuit 'ns ummmmil , i . , which lie thechares was entimely utmprovokctl. . tNIiIit uil llii s ium I ist. 4 hi AShLAND , Ntii , , Jumimu 20.-Speeiai ( ) - t I ' . ohhowing are time nanmes of time boys who , . emmhisted 1mm comnpamm ) ' II of time Third Ne- . m1 braska regiomcmmt Marsimah Paimmit'rtomm , itlv.u Browim , Ira \vcaver , Charles Powler , harry t ' 4 rbutbumatmt , ihert Wells timid C , C. Chaimmnami , , ( You.rt Ut l'i t'isiimI , F1LEMONT , Neb.t Juno 30.-tSPeciai.- ) . t Judge Marshall conveocil the district court . , A . , pI - . . ' , . _ _ . - - - . - ' . . . - - - - - - , - - - - - - , - - - - $ - . . - ( Ij Tnflrnimg anti talk 1 the tie k ( for thi r&ii I' of settipg u s for trial Nimie tju ( it urrp nmimrketl fat' trisi , none of which were of more thati local lntertst. A mmmmmbet of ens that 1mn enrumbereil the .hocke5 far the last eight t temi Yearm wire strickemi I ott. Time jtmry will hi , eshipih July Z anti thmC trial o Cztes will hss ( ahmout two wcek. Thm're are Intl two erimiliinl , enes for trial. I.stt'iiiis i'rm'm' . Iturni i.iI rr ) . T1(1MSilf ( , Nob. , Jumme 0.-pccial ( Tckgramn. I-The l'OstalTlee autimoritic.j at Washington tommy ? tlmt information to the TccumiIchi omen that limo free esperimental rural delivery , whicim is opcrntih lii a numim- br of offlccs over the ccmtmrmtry , inciumhin hits erie , wilt be Cnntiiimih one year. The time previously provitheil for m'mpircil today , after being lit opcraton a year nail one- half. 'i'hii gives emmmphoymemt , to tour amail en rr1cr. Yn , , , , , Ii. 1 iIMII litti. AfflILND , Nvh. , Julie O.-Specta1.- ( ) Following ott. thifl iifllflttt of the omcers Installed - stalled at the Inst r'gtuiar mcetlng of Porno. granate bilge , No. 110 , tiinlcnt , Free anti I Accepteil Mimsoims : W. M. , 0. D. hiartoril : I . ii. II. Cone ; 3. 'iV. , J. t , fleece ; T. , It. t. fltmtler ; S. , J.V. . Moon ; S , I ) . , A. 13. imtlicr ; J. fl. , A 4ntr1nt : S. S. , (1. J. halls. hark ; j. S. , J. T. Scliiniilt ; T. , J. C. hails- bark. ItiIiigl ug , , tim ( rmjie. TEICAM.\hI , Neb. , June 30.-Ihmccinh.- ( ) Time tity council of this ilacn has ordcrcti thin city eimimmt'er to set grade stakes on Mttiit street for the purpose of brhngiimg all sidewalks on that street to graihe , As it is mit in escnt sumac of tlmo walks tire below grathtj nflmi onmo oim glade nod the t'oummcil will cntlenvir , to iiave timcmn tmniformmi. IC Itii'it Iy it PALLI3 flITY , Nob. , JUimim .1fl.-imecial.--- ( ) Dr. Johmim Ii. MeComimicli wait found \\'emincs. day nbout itoon iii a barn back of Iftirk- hart's limeat mimarhcet. in an unconscious coim- ( litiPui. Upon exnmnimmatioim it was found timat two of lmis ribs had becn bmoiccn. lie en- tcre'l the barn m.omnctimne during thin mmight before aimd was klckcd by a horse. Slut lVpnflier. FREMONr , Nob. , June 20.-Zpeciai.- ( ) At 0 o'clock time mercury stood at 03. At 3 p. rn. IL stood at I'S ' in time haiie. A hot wirmf has Prevaileti tronm time south. It is very duisty anti limo top of the groimmid Is halted haril. New hay is conming in anti selling on the streets at from $3.50 to $ t er ton. flelil fur 'Frimmi. TEFCAMAII , Neb. , June 30.-Special.- ( ) Thie hrnothegging case of 11. W. Monroe nnti Charles Ehiis , wimicim hums oceupiomi the at- temmtion of time county cotmrt imere for time Inst to days , ternminated yesterday in the biuimlimig over of both of the ulefemitimmats to the district court ummchcr bonds of Ot ) each. I'riiiim I ii r' ( 'i I tlrmut . \ VlE1'lNGVATFil , Neb. , .Jtmne 30.-Spe- ( cial.-A itiece of gas liiiie , sonic powthir anti a mmmatchm comnpriseii tue mnaterimils which , after time ( , xplosiomm yesterday , tlisflguretl tIme taco ( it Neil , son of It. S. Wilkimmsomm. Time cheek bone was exposcil mi'md the cut cx- timded ilowum tlmrougim time mmphcr iii ) . .t'eili'iiIit lug , 1hlATEtICI , Neb. , June 30.--Spccial ( Tel- egranm.-Fhmner ) Cmurrithmcms , route clerk in time postomec , was badly iimjured today by a imot from a revolver. Time gun uis ac- eitlemmtahly shaken off a shelf amid fired , the simot entering his foot. Pails City hteruiitN , F'ALLS CITY , Nob. . June 30.-Specinl.- ( ) Falha City has semmt five mmmore yoummg mmmcii to time front. Yesterday l'ro ( . hlildeman. J. IL l'ickettV. . It , hershey , Clarence Mussei- man anti Jake Norris left for Onmaima to joimm time Third regiment. btmmmd , Ilg 'i'liIo'ues at Wu.rk. C1I1ROKEE , In. , June 30.-Speciah.- ( ) hog "loves are operating now in the imeighmborhood of this city. IISCUSSINU s.ulsnuttV's Si'EECI ! . Geuieiully I uutergmreleml as flehmig Par- * luL to time Umihteil States. LONDON , Jumic 30.-Though on casual rending the marquis of Salisbury's speech at the United chub last imighmt scorns to have beim an attempt to carry water oh both simotmliicrs , time diplomatic body lucre coil- alders It a jmronoumieeineumt of Great Brit- ala's partiality. There is imo doubt time premier intentleci his remarks as a hint to the uowers that Great Britain Is in sym- imathuy whim the United States , and the hint m'ns called forth in the attitude of Gernmammy lii the Pimihiipines. Time declaratioum that the lJnited States is amiinmateti ha the present war by an "em- vtmtel phuiammtimropimy" Is the iassage oa which stress Is haiti , and many people find a connection between the prenmher's speecim anti the recent visit of Colonel Johmm flay , thin Utmiteti States imnmbassador , who agnium coumferred witim time tmmarqtmiii of Salisbury yesterday. 1mm thu course of his visit yesterday Col- cool hilLy Imiforummeti time marquis of time blockade of time southern coast of Cuba , It is kmiown that the Spanish ambassador , Count. hla'con , cabled the imiarquis of Sails- bury's simeech to Madrid , although it could not Imavo been a surprise to hminm , as he ro- ceimtly iimformned a coiienguo that he had uumquestiommabhe infornmumtion that there was "an irommcimu.l ahliammeim" between Great lInt- aiim and the United States before time war wits begumm. Ihis rglurs mit % Vorlc Agiulum. The store of A. Abiiums , a Syrian , was cimtercd by burgiarui on Sunday night and $125 worth of goods stolen. Tue store is at 1239 South Timirteomith street amid time stock carried consists of peddlers' wares. fronm flume silks to collar buttons , The property stoicim commsisted ( if a large amouimt of tummy gootia of this tlescriptiomm anti thi , loss uumatio aim apiireclablu iumro.tmi on time toclc. TIme front iioor imad becim opened with time key. ' imicim immmtl iieemm timiit fenced froimm time lock amid then tirawn thuoughm a wide crack under time door witim a crooked wire , Lmist imighit. hlemmry hlimnuiimmg , JoImim Sickumieimty. Joimim Venbrmisiia mmmiii Casa Ito- itenthmai , nil ummiler 12 years ohil , were an- resteil for time otTciise antI chmtmrgcd with grummid iarcemmy. It was atmcertcmhimeh that the boys imath stolen time key to an ummtmseti sitlo thoor tinning Saturtlay. limit hail been uum- able to ummnko it work , They acctmrdimmgiy tilt tipoim thin Imlan of stealing ( nont door key troimm time lock immsiiie tin , door , $ % % .i ummi ituI Ii Coil IlilPuite' .Inmu. Iiiwmiil I ) . fmmrson of hitmbbard. Nob. , lost his savings , aimmotutmtiumg tim * iOi , yesterday - terday at I ho immitmils of two confidence omen. 'I'imcy first omet hiimul on Sixteenth street mimuti ummiler time guise of mmmi oIl fnienil wimommm t.arsomm mmml forgotten ncconmpummiwi 111mm to Sautim Ommmmmimn to see thin iackimmg imotises. At a imaioomm him that city Larsomi was InVolved - Volved in mm gimimme of tlie aimth timrotmgh time ameiliumit of 1 % bceommd shank hmis mmmoimey this- nhuimeareti. Larsoim mmml mm iletective visited every suhoomi him South Ommmalia later. limit the victinm uiti imimable to loemite the one where time oceuirremmee took liimt'e , ; % ii , i'tuieum ( H mif Oi'euiui 't'sse'Is , Jim , ms. : tO. At l'hiiaileiidmla-Arrleth - Nt'derlanti , Im oem \ mm twerp , , t copt'mmimagen-Salied-llecklti , ( or New Yank , .it York-Sailed-MaSsachusettS , for h.oimilomj Nomnatlic , tar Liverpool ; Ftmerst ilismnmimek , for hlanmhmurg ; flarbarossa. for ilnemimeim. Arrivt'tI-lloiiVitl , fronm Mmmrseiiies ; tiervimu , troimi Liverpool. At Queemmmitowmm-SniiI'l-ltimYniailii , ( or i'hmiimmdciiihmia ; laJemitlc , for New York , Ar. nived-Oerummmmmmic , ( room New York. for Liv- erpooi. At LivorpoOl-Arnh"eilhlelgemiialmtl , from l'imiimuiehimimia , At Lommdomm-ArnIveih-Mmtnitoba , ( roam New ionic , At I Igmnmburg-Arnived-h'hoemmicia , ( ruin New York. FICURES t1tPll1SE Tl111 Popocratlo c1momer Astoniehea at The Bee's Publication of' Thcr Bccorc1. ROECT EDMISTEN S APPORTIONMENT Cnuities I'iirmi flmu , um hu l'lntms of tiuc . rhlmusN Ii , . ii Very lei'Ii 1ui. LinmugImis Cnuumit ( lets Ltmil it ehureMe ii lit t iii ii , LINCOLN , Jtmne 30.-Specinh.-The ( ) mem- hers of the state hotisa party arc iii a state of time greatest constcnumtttlon over thin cx- poure of their camnpaigim expense items aimtl are busy accusing tacit other of having given time limforniatlon to The lice. It seems that the little printed pamphlet containing the itemmis was first imiteumiled ' ) r gemmerni this- trihtmtlamm , but was founti to contain so muchm ihamuinging matter that it was decided to only issue copies of it to members of the committee amml to a few of time faithful among thin omee hoidimmg class. In time mneamm- ( lime time lumdepeimihent , time organ of time PoP- tiiist imart' . mmntier limo itimpnesaibn ( lint the pmtmnplmiets wotmhml be generally circulated , last lt'elC ; mmmbhisheml mmmi editorial , the opemm- log pargraph of which vns as fohhows TIme imoliuiist state commmilttee imims issued a little paitiplilet givitmg a uletniietl reliant or time meccilits amid expnmmscs of the or- gammization tii inst year. hml somne states this is requireti by law , in Nehmrnshca time law docs not retitmire it , hmut Cimninmnan 1ti- immisteim antI Secretary howe hmmmve thono a conmimmefldimbhe net by mnnkimmg time ilnnimcinl busimiess of time party mubiIc , Vimcre there is nothing to Coimccal there is eveny reason why the ICOImhe simouhmi hmrmve just such ml repent.'lmere there is sommmethmimmg to calm- coal time hmeoliie mmre still macto entitled to it. Time opinion of time iopocrats now is that time Immiiehicimmient spoke too soon , and in fact that it ommght to have kept entirely still about. time expense iteimiii , Time panmhmhilets were to be limnitd In their circimlathomi , amid at time liresent tinme they are kept from thin inmbiie gaze , nomme but time Inside mnenmbers of time Popocratie clique being allowed to see timenl , It Is dmmiy froimi time article huh. iiimed in The lice that time voters of thin state are able to learn of these expemmso items. 11,1 uuilsteum's Plait thiuse , The populist comimmittee completed its seance tothumy at noon , having received let- tens from fifty-seven coummty comimmitteenmen giving timeir lmrceremmces as to time mimanimer of figimring time basis for representation for time coining pOimtiilst convention. Of ttmo conm- initteemnen imearti from thirty-three favored basing tile representation oim time Sullivan vote , anti twemmty-t'mve favoreti timtm Mmmxveii vote for a basis , The counties hcanii from were as follows : For time Sullivan Uasis-llmmffmiho , Burt , Clay , Cummuing , Ctmstcr , 1)awson , lomiglas , Dmmrmtly , Casper , harlan , hayes , ihoht , 110w- artl , Jeflersomm , ICearmmey. Kmmox , Lammcaster , Lincoln , Madisoim , Ierrick , Otoe , l'crkimmmi , hhichmardson. Saline. Sarpy , Scotts hilmuif , Shmenitlan , Sioux , Thmum'stomm , Valley , \'nsh- immgton , Yorit-33. For time Mmmxvcil Basls-Mhams. Ihooume , litmtler , Cetlar , Coltmtx , lakotmm , F'rankllmm , Fraimtier , Fimrnas , flail. hiamniltomi , John. 50i , Loop , Nammce , Nemimatma , Nmmchoils , I'hielps , l'icrce , Platte , T'olk , Roil \'iiiow , Seward. Stanton , Thayer , \'obster-25. Chairman Etlimmisten , as a nmcnmber of time committee , after he fountl that his clmenme to iiunit the ropnesemmtatiomi hmohelesaly ) tic- teateti , made a Play today by casting his vote ( or the Sullivan basis , expectimig by that to cmmrry favor In Iouglas anti Lammcns- tcr counties. The Sullivan ba.sis was ( Ic- claretl adopted anil the call for time state conveotiomm was mnade out in accordance. The representation of the cotmnties will be as follows : Adams . . . . . . . . . . . . 21'Jolmumson . . . . . . . . . . 13 Aflteiohie . . . . . . . . ImlKearmmey : . . . . . . . . . . 12 Ihitumier . . . . . . . . . . . 2Keitmm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . filitlime . . . . . . . . . . . . i'iimmbttil . . . . . . . . . . 1 Boomitm . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Kt'ymt l'aimo. 4 Box Iimmtte. . . . . . . . t ! ilex 1oyd 6 Lmmlmcaster 4S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Lincolim . . . . . . . . . . . 33 1101mb. . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Ltigmmmm . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 flumi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Liitmp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Butler . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Mmmm1Iom . . . . . . . . . . 17 Cmt"s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Mcl'imertmon I Cedar . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Ierrlck . . . . . . . . . . 11 Clinic . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Nance . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Cherry . . . . . . . . . . . . S Neniahmmi . . . . . . . . . . is Clme'emmmme . . . . . . . . 5 Nuckolis . . . . . . . . . iS Clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Otou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Cmlftmx . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Pawmmee . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Cunmimig . . . . . . . . . . . 17 I'irkiims Custer . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 l'hmehpq . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Dakota . . . . . . . . . . . 7 i'himrce 1)mmwes . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 l'hatte . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Dawson . . . . . . . . . . I5t'ohk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is Detmel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Itetl Willow . . . . . . 10 Dixon . . . . . . . . . . . . . l21ltlcimardson 25 . Dodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2tl1tek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Dougimma . . . . . . . . . . SI Saline . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Dumidy . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Saniiy . . . . . . . . . . . . . P'iiinmtiie . . . . . . . . . . 19 mmtmmmders . . . . . . . . . . 27 i"rmmimklin . . . . . . . . . . 11 St'iltt8 Iliumff 3 i"rommtler . . . . . . . . . . 9 Seward . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Ftimnns . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Sheridan . . . . . . . . . S Gmige . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Simermnnn . . . . . . . . . 9 Gmmnhleitl . . . . . . . . . . 3 Sioux . . . . . . . . . . . . . :3 : Goslier . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Stanton . . . . . . . . . . .3 Graumt . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 'J'imnyer . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Greeley . . . . . . . . . . . 8 'Fhicirnas . . . . . . . . . . 2 I iimll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I711'lmimrstimn . . . . . . . . . 6 himtnmilton . . . . . . . . . \'mmhloy . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 llmmrlmmn . . . . . . . . . . . 12tl'mmshimmgtoim , 1:3 : hliiye' . . . . . . . . . . . . . \aymmc . . . . . . . . . . . 10 hitchcock . . . . . . . . 6 Vebster . . . . . . . . . . 13 liolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 'iieelcr . . . . . . . . . . 3 hlotiker . . . . . . . . . . . 1 iork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 hiowmtrI . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - Jefferson . . . . . . . . . 16 't'atiml . . . . . . . . . .1,114 NF'5 I N.t'l'Fi i1L5'I'lS Pt ) It ( ) % 'liitNO1t. . , ii i It msesl a It ( ' ii iilt I lout mu s Put 'l'iieI r 'l tilt' 'll'k't I ii ( lie I'lelti. ST. PAUL. Minn , , Jtmno 30.-The rcpub- lican state convention today nominated Limo following state ticket : Governdr , W. II , Fustls of Minneapolis ; lieutenant governor , Linden M. Smith of Chmlppewa coummty ; scene- tmmry of state , Albert Berg of Chicago commnty ; state auditor , Robert C. IUnmm of Millehncs commumty ; state treasurer , A. T. Koerrmer , Meeker county ; attorney general , \V. II. hiougiass of Clmmy county ; clerk of the su- imrenmo count , Dar S. Reese of Itamsey county ; associate justices of sulmrcme court , C. I. . Lewis of Dimlmmtim , C. 14 , hirowim of MorrIs and John A. Lovely of Albert Lea. Time war amid money planks of time pitmtfonumm follow : We are in favor of time Immediate ammmiexu- tiorm of time iimtwmmiiaii islrimmtis , not only as aim tmbsoltmto mmecessity , but as a fruition of one of Limo mmobleht aspirations of one of thin bug 11mm of our greatest statesimmeim mmmmd because smicim legisimmtlon wouiti be of atmeb mmmi mtdvan- ttigo to tint Aummenicaim l)00ihC. ) ) \Vu believe time imationimi honor anti ma- todd iuiteremit of the Aimmerican P001110 no- quire the mmmalntcmmmmmmce of time presemmt gold stmimmdanmi. \Vo declare our tmumaitenmmble opposItion to time free colmiage of silver and all sciuonmes looking to time repudiation of tiebta. We coimmieummn time commtinuzmi migitntioum of tree silver as temmdlng to dcbuuehi the public mmmcmlii and jeopardize time prosperity at time cotmntr ) ' , time highest interests of huiclm tIe- macmud mit all tllumeim a s0tmmii uimti stablu fimmaim- dat systemim. Ve deutiro to especially conmnmemmti time vIs- ilotmi anti imtniotisimm of time lmresemmt admninis- tmatiomm li time ulmaummigemumemmt of the existing war betwe.aum this coummtry amimi Spain. a war which appeals to time imatriotism of every citizen , in timmmt it lB tmeimmg Prosecuted in the Interest of immmmuianlty antI for no selfish onus wimatever. To the emmmi tlmmit its objects may im' spenibily rtnllzemh mmmi time war brought to mmii early tcnummlummmtlon we pledge all thu immoral anti mntmtenimmi smipport imm ( itmr Power. 1(11 11511 $ liii I ry lIsiilui y. TOl'fllcfm , Kan. , Juno 30.-Shmeciah.- ( ) Secretary Cobmmnmm of the State Boari of Agnicultmiro is greatly pleaseti with time ox- lmression of the ( ialryummen in Topeka yesterday - day of their tleterminatiomm to son tiumtt Ian. sas shall have aim extensive antI vcll main- tainemi dairy hispla ) ' at thu Transnuisslssimpi lIximositioum in spite of there being no state apimropriatlolm for time purpose. Mr. Cobmmrmm'mu idea is that time state cammno ( spend a little money to greater advantage than La shoIog o the world that It has un- hlimilteti timiatitilit's at the rssci miami grftln here from which dairy gootis of highest grmiule can be evolved itt U minimum cost , anti timmut a ulenmonsti imtion ertimuch facts lutist vrove of inestimable prpfit by encouraging the increac.i convoriloYm of' coin tmtmmmnilant 15w immaterial Into cornmmbl1\fes \ that are instant - stant cash , "Attention to this , " im ° nntl selling fInihiemi prodmmcts , rnmmhmttcturetb at imonie from the Inexpensive grwtl of ommr pralrie viii make ums rich , Nd eIIzemms ( are being more to pronmotc that sort of prosperity than our own cowmen , creamerymen anti cheese makers , anti their work , iii so coummendabbe as to deserve every encommrulgement. " - - - Time city councIl , sitting as a Ibomtrti of Iqtmahizntlon , last mmighmt raised the as- scsseil valuation of vrohiert3' in time city it4.OO0 , time increase falling on the cur- oratIons , TIme trick w.ms turned by time iii- trotltmctlon by Kelly of the following reso- itmtiomm Inasimmuch as time nssassors imave tblscninm- inmiteti ii' their asscssnmommts in favor of thin foilowiimg mmarmmeii corporatIons anti In order to equalize the vnimmatlomm to corrcsitoiii to time valuation lmhnceti tmpomm othCr lmroPertY 1mm tIme city , be it llcsohved , That the fohhowimig sums in ad- thitioim be illaceti upon timie corporatioums : Ummioum Stock \'arths conmpammy , $30(00 ; Ctt- nimy Pnckimmg commipammy , $20,000 ; Onmahma Packimmg counimamly , $8ouO ; Arnmotur & Co. , $10,000 ; ilmmmmmtmmon.i l1acking colimpan5' , $12- (00 ; Swift ammd Commmpany , $16,000 ; Oummatmma ' , \ 'ater'orks conulmammy , $4,000 ; Sommth Onmumlmn. Water Works commipany , $ i.400 ; Met- nimpolitan Street Railway comumpammy , $ i,600 ; Nebraska Telviihioiie coummpmuimy , $ I ,200 ; South Ommmumiua Land commmpammy , $1,000 ; Sommtim Onmumhma ( ins conmpany , $2flO0 ; Omaha Street ltmmil- lvim5 cormmpmimmy , 2,0O0 ; Uumltcd iteal Estate rrmmat comnpaim' , $ IStu ) ; total , $114,000. The conmplaints flieui by property owmmers Were referred to the commncilnmcn from time warmis 1mm w hlcim time property complained of is located , with immstr.mictiomms to reliant at a mmleetiumg to be hmeld next Tuesday evemming. \\'hemi the vote oum this resohutloum was takcum it stood 4 mmnmi 4 , Messrs. Chimmgemm , Mont , Traimmor anmi llemmumett voting against it. Thmo nmayor ammimounced that he hmmmti thin deciding vote in case of a tic and declared time muotiomu carrhcth. ltelmrcseumtativcs of nearly mmli of the corporations - porations ilivolveti were hrcsemmt anti wit- rmessed the proceemilmigs , butt all refuseii to be imitervievcd at time cioo of time scssiomm. It was , hiounvor , asserted timat the council hmas no riglmt to immcrcmmse time total vmmimmation as retmurneti by the assessors , being cummpowcrett omuly to equalize the tax. 'i'it- . : ( imu Cli 'o lbs. All checks or drafts dated today or thereafter - after going through the bammhua must hmavo attacimeul thereto one of the new war revenue stahmmps or else the banks will b conmpchlemi to throw thm iaier omit. This law got's immto effect today tmmmti will nmeamm a large increase iii time Smammllm s.mles at this poimmt , as aliflost all of the imusimmess transacted here is domme tlmromigfm time rnedimmmmm of cimeclus. Check books properly stamimpeut will be placed om sale by time hmammis this mnoruhhuig , tIme staummp3 mummy. also be obtaimmeul a. tim PosloIhire. After commsimiorlimg the matter timepackers have , ie- cideti to conthumme paying in checks , as it is stated timat time work would ho greatly increased - creased simomilub an attenipt be made to pay in mmmoncy. it wihb takeunmim hnrnense ( Itmantity of these revelmmmc stamps to smiphily time packers - ers for timeir pay roil ahomi , ' tms thmo mcmi are paid every two weeks. Amjotlmer big call for stutilips \ iil coumme ( roiti time Live Stock ox- chamige immmildimmg , whefe niommey Is seltiommi seen , mmlthomigh time d.mii bfl immes fools up to thousands of dollars. Shippers are as a rule paiti iim either checks am1 tlrafts amid very iittbo actual nmommcy is hatmthetb in the traims- actlomms. Commmmission rne cihl possibly ctmr- tall the use of checks a hithe. but It is not thought that atmy mono mmey thbn usual will be hmammilled on accouflof time mmcmv law. All cattle paper , immchuthing both the notes anmi mortgages will have to ime stanmpeti and tiuis nmeamms a big item iim the course of a year , as many thmousanmls of dollars arc used in the cattle lean btmsimmess imere every year. The three banks iloimig bilsinces In this city. tIme Packers' National , the Sommth Ormmalma National and time Union Stock Yards National , have ummited In pubhhtuhiumg the fol. lowing card for the benefit of those haying busimmess at the bammks : 0mm amiti after July 1. 1898 , the nailer- sigmied baumks of South Ommmahma will mmtmki' a elmarge of 2 cemmts on eacim draft or cashier's check issued. to cover time cost of time revenue sttmmnp attached. This will hot apply where a cimarge is made for cx- clmammge soiti. Time reventme bmw rcqtmires tiitit all checks mmimti drafts issumeul shall bear the 2-cent rt'veimmmn stoimip. Scctlomm 9 of ( lie rcvemmtme law provitleul tlmat revemmue stamups shall bear the initials of time person mumming the same , togetlmer with date of use. Failtmre to iio so simmmbl reimder the liersoum stmbject to a fine or imnprlsomimmment. mit the discretion or timt' court. No checks or drafts ( or credit or collection or imotes or mortgages for discount vili be m-eceivc'i which do not lmear the stamimps required by the revenue law. As the penimlty in rt'garii to checks , ( lrafts , etc. . fulls On time bammlc payimmg as well as on the PC50ii drawiumg time palmer , the banks have decided that all checks and iirafts intist have the necessary stamps nttached before timey arc presemmted for dehmosit or lmaymncnt. No imrrangemnent can be nmatle with time banks to stamp checks or drafts whmcn preselmtcd , Business men here , anti especially the iiqtior dealers , will be pleased to learum that the packers will continmme to issue may roll checks. The cashing of these pay checks has become quite a feature hero , as the holder ustmaily mnalces a bmlmrchmase in order to obtain the money due iminm. - Slur or a lIeu , Juumige Agnew tells mu ( tinny story about it lien which lie mniseil from lila coomm omm May 31. Tiio fowl is of time I'artnitigo Cochiln variety anti it was thmotmghmt when nmissetl that clmiclcon thieves had been about. Yesterday time jmmdge imati occasion to make stummmo repairs to time lien house nnml tore a couple of boards loose frommi the floor sill. Mmmcii to lila smmrpriso lie fotmimub time mmmisslng fowl wedged in between the alley fence mmii the imeim house , Shin was alive and wimeum released eommneumccq o eat as mmtu. mnhiy as over , nlthmouilm , hmaviimg gamin for twcmmty.mmine days wiq1out teed or water. IiIgluIi.nul Seluimoi hluiiuliimg. Work on the new 1hitm1kmd school is vro- grossing rapidly antI , ' timmit the fauummdmmtion vmulls will ftdItt grumtbo by Sat- mmrulny mmlghmt , Abotmt tweimy brIcklayers and aim mnaimy imelperui are at work amid thin coum- struetion is being iiuslmut. , At time Lincoln school only a few nmezmac at nrk , as tIme contractors mire commmphuUutg a job at Red Oak , In. , beer comnmtmqig here. Time cx- cavatlomms have been emjumpleteti anti a few carpemmters are emmgagei irm1.slmaping tlmmmhers. It Is time iutemmtioim to place a Imirge force at work on this tmuildlng next Moimday mnora- llih. lngIc Cit ) ( Iuu'ssii. . l'rof. W. .3. ( lt'umimili of Sigourney' , In. , Is here , the gtmest of .1. 1) . ( lenmummill , Qtulto a ntmmhrer of time dowim town saloonS are how running all mmlgtmt. 1) , 1C. Hancock of I'eniier was here yes- terilay looking after hmls hmroi.erty . inter- CS t S. WillIam Sherman reporteti for tItuty rJ. fire imali No. 1 yesterday anti was pmut to work , Ray ( inimth has returneti fronm Minnetmpo- his , iCan. , where lie has becum attending scimooi , John Van Wio of time Tribune force has gone to tJrmumti Island to visit relatives for a week. Sam Ii. Christie retmmrncti , yestcriiaT front iexter , Ia. , where lie spout a week yisitiumg fnlemmds muid relatives. Time eumloum cmtulkers miii give a tinmice Sattmrmlay mmlght at Ril Trapp's hall , Twenty- eigtmtim Auth it streets. Commmniemmcimmg today tim ealary of time see- relary of time hoard of Edtmcation is raireti frommm $35 to $ O a ttofltlu. A. M. Ritcimeim of Now 'York , preititlent of thin Stocknmamt l'ubhisimlng commllmaim ) ' , hut spemitiltig a few days 1mm time city. Street Conmmmmissioner hess Imums lust flim- isimeti time layimtg of t emily-Seven hOW crosswahl.s 1mm different narts of time city. Cimlef Simmithm spent a very comnfortmthlti day yesterday ahmtl it is timotiiit how tlmnt hme will Lie able to be omit again in a rcck or temm days , Cimaries iCnrhik , nmnhiloycti at Swift's amid living lit fligimteemmthm anti P streets , fell a mhistnuico tif twenty feet yesterday amid was ( Imlite badly hmtmrt. 4 special nmeetlmmg of time hoard of Edmm- catiomm will be lucId tonight for thin lmmmrhose of disliosilug of nil tummfimuishit'd immisilleuts , No now business will be trmkemm tIp. DEPEW BACK FROM EUROPE ' ' 'I'lut.r , 'I'ittitrul ieserilmos t lii' l'C4'i I lug lime 'uuItt.ii Stiult's us tvut- crnth Unfit iuruhuie , NEYOR1 , Jutme 30.-C'imammncoy M. lIe- pew returned imommme ( ma time Kmmiser'lhimeinm den Grosse anti wmis weleomncii by a large party of fnietmils , vimo vent down time bay on timb New York Central tug. lie afterward - ward spoke freely of Imis observations anti oxpeniehices abroad. Itcgaruhimmg the semmtimmment tovaril time limmited States , lie salti that ium Prmmmmco the feeling was nmost bitter ngalimst title commmm- try. It 'vile bOhicved thmere timmmt thin object of time Ummitcd States in beginning the war \as time extcmmslomm of territory or immmpeniai extemmsiomi , anti the same ophmiiou appeared to irevaii in Gernitmmmy. Six weeks' timmie iittti chammged the seumtl- mnommt of ninety-five years in Eumglatmti and all ammimnosities vero hmtmried by thin tide of symnhmatimy anti ummiversal feeling of relationship - ship wimicim was biumding agimiust time worltl lie said 1)cwey's victory haul hail a mmlarkei beneficial effect to arousing respect for time United States , them beimmg a gemmeral belief that our shiiima were umo good numl that emir anmmiy , coimmposed of 14oomi mmiemm , haul mme cxperiemmcc om' tmaimuiumg. itt hminco of what was expected it was diutcovered tlmat our vessehs were of time soundest commstructlomm , v I tim armna tim C ih I mi imxcehled , ammti mmmtmm : lied a mmtl oiflcered by skilled senmmmen atid tacticiamms , t'hmiic time arnmy imad ( ilshmhaycd all time qtmal- itics of veteramms. Mi' . Ieliew said the rest of Europe , even if dLposed to himtcrfero Iii our war , are rum- strained by the bhief that any mnoveimmemlt In timtmt ( hlrcetiomm wotmid Precipitate aim aili- ance with Eimghammd. The victory of Icwey mit Mammiia amid the daring and spiemmdid of- ( tilt of Ilobsomi mit Santiago have tiomma coim- sltiemable service him commvimmcing commtimmcmmtal Etmropo of our fighting caliber nod arous- immg emmtbtmsimsmn iii Emiglantl. Etmglisim statesnmcn whmomtm lie immot nil said : "Keep the i'lmlllppimmes. hame witlm us China amid open ports in tIme cast. They nmmlly us good naturedly , " said Mr. iepew , "on our protestations of pure summmtimmmemmt in this war mmti : say : Yes , that Is tIme way we always . : tt in and timer we stay. Christiatmity atmd . ; hmzatiun demmu'nm : it , you kmiow , and we give the beggam limmerty , laIr amid Jtmstmce , which they umever bath before. it Is your blood. You lmavn conic by it lmommestiy. You have aroused time appetite of eartlm hmummger and you eanmmot Stall. ' Si1. ts t hum Seumouuil mIxumeil I tloum. SAN FRANCISCO , Jumle 30.-Tbe Alammieda report's timat oil June 23. , whmemm forty-live immiles this side of lionohmmlu , It spoke tIme China tinder ( till head of stt.'aimm. Next dty. 137 unties froni ilonoiuimm , it slgummtleml tIme Zealaimdla , Senator anti Colonon aimil ammotlmer vessei botmnd for Iloumoluhu was spoken. TODAY'S WEATHER FORECAST It ' , VlIt II. ' ( ieuuernIl Fair In Nc- hruisILui , Cooler , umuiil sItli Southerly ViutuIs. WAShINGTON , Jumme 30.-Forecast for Friday : For Nebraska anti Kansas-Generally fmtir ; cooler ; southerly winds. For Iowa-Occasional showers ; cooler ; light mmortheriy trinds. For South Iakota-Occasional shmoa ens ; variable winds. For Mlssourl-Gemmerahly fair ; southerly winds. For Wyoming-Partly cloudy weather ; northerly wimmils. Ioni liecurul. OFFICE OF fIIE vflA'rllEn BUREAU , OlulA I IA , J umium : IO.-Ommthmt reemrd of teal- pertutmire mmmiii rninnli commipareil with time comresptmmtuling dmt' of time inst three yemtrm4 : 1S'.4S ib'Ji iStuG 1395 MuL\ilnumn teimllierimttlrc . . 91 53 l6 734 Iiimmiuntmiut ttnmpormttmre : . . . 74 . : mi f3 A'erutge teumilieraturo . , , . 54 74 71 70 ltmuinfmuii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .udJ Record Of tennmimeratmire amid irtmcilmitmutiomm at Ornahimt for this mitt ) ' mind since Macelm 1 , Th9S : Normal ( or time day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 1xt'es for time clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 4tcciiumniimmted excess iimce Itmrtim 1..I u I Nornim : I rim I ii fmu ii ( or t lie tlm : . . . . . . . imich Dimiicieimty for ( lie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ilmhm 'i'mtmtl rammifutll since P.immrchm 1 . . . . . .13.334 iuit'iui's Dellcieuicy since Mmmccli I . . . . . . . . . 1 .29 iutc'Iiem Doilclency crmrreslm'g Porioul lS97. . 4.44 inchiemu Excess correumii'g ileildimi 1349(1. ( . . . . 2.36 lrmchmcuu Jte1)ulls fi uuuuL Stat IIIIs It S ii , mum. , Sevcmmty-hiftit Alenitliaum time. - i- . . pcc.3 .i r'4 . . - STATIONS AND STATE OF . , : , WEA'rIIER. r : ac - Omaima , cheer . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I S9J Oh .03) ) Nomtlm Pimitle , demur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bs 90 .tkJ bt : I t Lak t' , cluiUmi 9' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . u ; 74 . . (0 ( Clme'emmut& , ( 'imiuiiy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SO b6 ' 1' Itzmlikh City. litilling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 4.2 .Oi 1 Itiroul , clotmily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SS Cuj , 'Ju ) ViiliStflhi , r.iiumimmg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 5I .h1 St. Lotilmi , ciemir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N 'Jl ( NJ St. i'mmtil numlmuhmmg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t1 76 .lu ( i.mve'uuimort , vlouily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3G ouj .0(3 ( 1 lelemiru , rmmirmimmg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 41 . 1'umuimnmu City , tlotmr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tfl 90 .0(3 ( 1 imtVFi. ' , rmuluulimg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r1s r , 'i' Ihisummiurek , cltiumdy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rII 0i no UU1VL'stoim , imtlt ) elnuily . . . . . . . . . . . . b2 Si .10 ' 1' I mullen t ( .S t rum ut' a f Iirecl lii t a I icum. 14. \\'Ei.Sii. . Local Forecast Ohhlumlal. - - - - - - - - - - / Speaks for itself ! -Pearline , That accol.lrits for its quick and large A live CIlt package of Pearlirie ( fo11ow the directions ) sIios's ) 'ou - the ease , comfort and quickness 1)SUCCCSS : t of washing w'ith Little or no rubbing - " 4k \ bing , You won't see all the wear and tear that t'savcs , perhaps. But you _ I I will later when you find that the clotlle3 _ _ _ 4 ) ) I last longer. HeY' fin p er I a I Ma ' [ mpress Murie Feodorowiia of itus's'r . _ _ tI'I r- fft ' To Mt. Maviaui Paris , Frcuice. Anitc1ikof 1i1ace , St. Petersburg , Deceinter 6 , 1894 "Her Majestyq Empress Marie Feodorowna , finding great benefit from the use of your tonic-wine , requests that a case of 50 bottles Yin Mariani be sent immediately , acictressed to Hr Majesty , the Empress. " NEVER hhAS ANI'I'hI ING 1tFEN SO ii1 ( hiLl' ANI ) SO .1 l.S'I'L'i' PRA1SlI ) AS . .MAhIANLV1NE , tIme Vcttumntms 'I'ONIC for iiIY , NlR\1IS timid BRAIN FIJI : ! MEN , DEUCATE MENJ SICKI. ? CftIIEN Vin Marini is indorsed by the medical faculty all over the world. It is specially recommended for Nervous Troubles , Throat and Lung Diseases , Byspepsia , Consumption , Oeneral Debility , Malaria , Wasting Diseases and La Grippe. Sold at All 1)rtigIsts. Refuic Smibstkutiouis. VIN MARIANI GIVeS' ST1UENGTIi S1'ECIA L OFFER-'I'o al I vlmo 'ritc imicmttiomtiii the Ouittiliut flee , w'e scimtl a book eoiittmiiiiiig hlIt'tritits amid cimdom'semtcnts of Ii1ImEROUS , EiI- PRESS , 1'RINCES , CA1tI)1NALS , ARC1IIIISLIO1tmS and ( ) t11e1' distinguiishmod . pcrsoiiumgcs. i1AllIAN1 & CO. , 52 ' .VES'I' 15'i'hI STREE'l' , NEV YO1K. Paris-i1 Boulevard Ilntmssmmmmmn Loumtiomi SI-Mortimimer St. - ; - St ; Moimtmummtl-2S-lij h1opitmml , . - - - - - . - - . - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - : IA1 . g You Want to See * * the Padfic Ocean .There will never be a time when you can see it for so little expense. ! .cdhI ! * * If You Wut to Make a Home * * On Its BeduUfol Shores . . There will never be a time when you can buy so much of it for so little money as r right now : * : EXCURSION GOES , OMAHA TO PORTLAND - LAND , PRACTICALLY FREE , * * FRIDAYJuLY : 1st. * : * * * * STEARNS FRUIT LAND CO , * : 323 Farnam St. , Omaha. 4E' ! 275 STARk ST. , PORTLAND , ORE. - - , , . I I ) I ! Ct 'I' I (9 Nit I Oldest , 1arzests" ] WetitworhMiIi2aryAcadcr Y best equIpped In , L ceotruti west . . , ( lovcnrmmonf. supervliulomm. Newiiumlltbiiimzn boiumcrected Mtuideiits mejeoted I3 ItADFOIID Af'A th'u1 Y - Fominuleil 303. For the huiglici etlucatioum of youumg ss o incH . ( 'Ia its ha I muimd 34eieii I I ii it calm i so ii f H t mmii y. a I et > I ' .u Pa nt t ii my mu mmml ( bit iii mm I. Year liuginmu Sept. 14. Itt'S. ' Apply to "hhss ldtt C. Alien , Pnium. , liradfonul , Mass. For an up-to-date Western 1'Tewspaper Read The Omaha Bee Lake Michilan and take SuperIor Transimontation Co. LAKE SUPERIOR STEAMERS. TIlE CREAT LAKE ROUTE , O.i 'sb. ? ew SmmL Htuwelilp . % Ii.ullcu. Iluillinga From Chicago I'or Mackind. IlanI , Ilt'irol uueiloTor. oiitutet 'lu , . V A.MW " 4. ( I i'iI : niu.hl A.9iI.I.4 I'M. ton ( 'iisrkyohz Ihiirt.or 14i.rii.g. , ietokuj' , tLc. Tui.5 AM , 'thur. ii AM , Oat. I'M. ior , .hiirq'mrume. It.iveck , lhmiugitouu , A.blau.I , Iialuth. utc.m i , ,4. 33 I'S ! . IIluiirai. . uuiiilita m.hi4 free on pphicaiion , OFIiL AN 2UH MID N. WAII * $ TlVHiIAQQ. : _ --ffi L\ \ th iia Opens Sept. 111th , 1898 , B c tii'dhitg ithid Jmuy Si.hi ooh for Giv Under thmo direction cit Itt. Rev. George \Vorthiiumgtomm , 13. ' 1. lI , I.L. D. I'rhunary , lireliirmitory : uumd collegiate catirscms , Corn. potent corps of temucimers. l1douierum metim- otis utuiti every mulvjtumtimge otfercil , Strict attention iidtimi to time immoral , mentuul timid iiluY5ieml ( well ieiiiJI of time ttmilemmtus i-iplo- IIlttI coruferreil. Proptires for all collegrum open to women. Special courses 1mm high. or flumgiishi , Huieneenu , Aumeicimi mmmiii iio4crmt Lmmumguuges. Miimiic timid Art. 'forms mod. era t a , I lui iii I rig mi eu roil ii mmd i ii tuxceil cii t order. Sanitary PlUimmhinir , IlutIsmtctory uttemmun hiemmtlng , l'areimts miimul gumtrdinims iieumlnimmg to etuter imulills will 1110(150 scud fur cutulogue , em' tmplmuy liersormuhil' to Mi s. L. R. Upton , Prhi. flrowiielh hull. Oinahimm , Nab - ; j'