Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 01, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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'PILE 0M A HA DAIrAY JUF : 11 I 1)AV , J VLY 1 , 1S9 .
¶ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : _ _
Omha , July 1 , 1S4.
_ Patriotic People
Will do bcir shopping Saturday--We close
all day Monday.
t7' COOl
0 ) Just Hi : sthfrs
4f : f\ t1itt
\\'ahIlel ( tOhly (
: ! :1 stilt
here are somfi-
iJc ( Lawn now c.
12'4c Lawn now 7 ½ c.
; lEc lIIntle3 ) now ICC.
18c OnhliIie9 flow 1cc.
2tc BaUste now 1c.
12 ½ c Iiick ) now 7t/c ,
Dress Skirts UI. B1iek ; Bril
litittiue. :
\ \ ' ( 1iav 11u4t receveiI a new Unt' 'f
I ) al ii I l aek I rI I I I a n U ii e Sk I rts-t1ice
ga ritlull ts rtre In Ro 'V thoUt it I ul ii
% 'IIIeh 1flhIhv4 ft very I1IiiIrflI)1e light
svclght Runliner shirt. very full utiil
txccilent innterlul-prlct' , $5.00 each.
Other Illach Ihili intitine SkIrts at 32.75 ,
$3.00. 3.tO aiiit $1.OO each.
DUck Skirts I IahIlSOIflC navy
. . . ,
bltIt3 Iuck Skii'ts ,
naul ) ( ' % vItlI , wiile t1nutIc ( . white iiue
trinmlitg-prhcc' , , $1.75 cacti.
IIosiei'y 1411(1 ( ies' BItek : Cotton
, .
_ _ _ _ _ with ( lOUble 50k. too niih heel , very
good quality , 20c imir.
I.,1IICS' ( Tali Cotton hose. vlth high
SiIiced ) heels artil itoubit' toes , ISc-3
. Pa11fi , SOC.
ChiIhdreii'i l3hachc Cotton Fine tihhed
I lose , with itiaco 501e5 anil double
hiices. 25e Pair.
IlifahitH' Fine Itibbed Tan and Iiiack
hose , 25c iiatr.
totioiis : .
. 4 pretty Belt Is the haRt touch that
gtveH the thiilsliliig natnesi to the
llgiirc.Vu have eenie at very little
I'lain l.'ntlier Ilelts at 25e , 3c , SOc.
(0c ( , 75c and $1.00 each.
Patent Leather Ihalts at 25e each.
\\'IiRp Velvet Belting , Soc per yard.
\ViiItt l'itiiw Bitiiig , 25c ier yard.
eightecn lTiefl. 'rlic shit , stIll hloat8. Its
guirn nrc titiecabie. Cervcra'H ships are In
the aiiic position as ascertained ten days
Santiago is in h)1lifl sight of the Ainer-
leans. 4\ mile uhienti the Spanish outposts
II lfl svaIni lag w I th soul iers. 'rue SpaC'S
dottitl vLLii Cuban detaclimeilts are buffers
I a thi' tiUjiCIll ( I a g cot I isbn .
'i'V ( liii II Ii 'I'll . % 4I'It'IS ) SIUL 11111) .
' . ' ' I.'iit ViiI hi. , ' . , ' Slip-
,1Ii.lI , liii. SipIsIIlrM Iii tiiliii.
\,4sI hINTtiN. JtiIl ( ) : t---NegotiutIons ,
tIhi coiit'uuo ' hctwcen the \\'ar department
a a it mdi I P ii V rICES foi the pimrehmn e of m mlii I-
tionril vcmitls for nimoy tramisportimtlomi i.erv-
Ice. \\'oitI caimle to the Ilmqnmtmmm'nt ) today
that thm'tohnwk auth iIsslssIppI of the
tthmimtIr , ' 1'IZiflIOrt hIii would be ready for i
the vatt'r by Sattirilny after000mi. 'I'hey
an ) iui W .t L New York , I it .Ioel hmavi mig t heir
bottOms meraImtI1. W'licn read ) ' their i1e-
tinatlomi prohnbly , will be somnevhmero on
I ii 0 [ 'inn h a ma id , t hit' l oIma I o Ta mnima
. iiittl t In'h i s ; I ssi 111)1 ) I 0 .lackson vill e.
'rho former has a large capacity for carry-
lug refrlgeintcd beef unit this 'IhI be
availed uf ' by tIme couunlssmiry departumelit
: forwurihitig supjlii's to tIme sohihlers. The
\IissIsiIpmi , If It got's to JacksonvIlle. vIIi
ho U t I I I zeil In shil liii iim g some o t t1i eaval ry
fi inn that hitltCe to Santiago or to Porte
RIco , as iimmiy hereafter be deterinincil. hiothi
sels cmiii ( arry a large imimimibec of cavalry-
imorties mimmil . I . 0 the r
. .liIeII Wi t ti their ( .1111 pinelit.
y ( istls or the Atlantic line svlii ho over-
hnumletl as soon as they reach iort from
I'Iie arraiigcmciits which thm commissary
ilepartmnunt Iii making for stIlpl'iII , beef for
, The Omaha Bee
Map of Cuba Coupon
, Present this Coupon with
e 1Ofor
A Map ofCuba.
e A Map ofthoVest Indies.
' And a Mapoftho World ,
' By Mull 14 emtts ,
. . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - -s
This Coupon with 25c
' _ VILI. StCUff 1U1
Olficial rhotograhs
of the United States Navy ,
LUI1CS' i\lus. \
IjU Skirts ,
rufile , . edgeti
I Cfl1JIOilCI'y1
$ .
eneli , "
Ladlcs Cambric Skirt , two rows of tor-
clioti lace Inserting. lace edge protec-
thin ruhild , at $1.00 and $1.15 each.
Ladles' flowm of Long Cloth , prettily
trinimned. at L.2 , 1.SO. S2.OO itnil
Sunirncr Sununer
Beti Clothing Blankets ,
imice quality , all cotton-white , 70o-
erev. 7ac ocr mmnlr.
_ . TH so , ELDN&CO.
meal. liUaItt'r ratlmmH only. The people are
starving , having mnflugocs only. Shelled corn
is $2 a barrel , mice i cents. beans 50 cents
a Potmni ; 110 Polk ; imotatoes and onIons all
scauL Tue regetahIe ZliU ( of cultivation
'mis eIzcd for tIme troops to use Ince tIme
light of tIme 2lthm.
TIme Spanish are hourly expecting assault.
Limmares hmi 10,000 men emitrenched from
1\homro \ iii a semi-circle endlimg at El Correo.
lii the imioumitnins , mmorthiwest six miles from
Sant ingo , where the seater systeimi begins.
heW cztimflom , mime entremichied. Tural has
15.000 regimiars. 5,000 volummteers , 1,200 mua-
cities auth siiiiors entrenchm1. , Torah sags
Aimmericaims cunmmot enter.
Fi-oni time Santiago end thie Cammey Itoad to
time Spanish entremichnients ruims In a
eurvo about tIme city to the high hills stop-
iIimg , at lI Cobrt. There are mm dufcmmses on
timO SvesterLi side of. tIme city. Mountains
are rehleil upon to stop the Aimierican move-
mactm t I here.
'l'heme lii comflriiintion of tIme slmklimg of
thi , Spaimlsh schooner 'l'ratalgar the day at-
ter tIm a last Stt a I Ingo bommmbard macmm t. Thmir-
tiemi- Inch shells failed to cxliode , at Smith
Key. Ommo shell wiecked the bow of the
Itcitma Mercedes. killing the. _ eaituilm aimil
Silimmumer Comforters. with mmcc cottomi
tIlling. at $1.00 , $1.25 , $1.35 , $1.50 , $1.75
Uncrwcar Ladies' jersey rib-
l(1 ) ( kilet. ) leiigtli
TIme umbrella style. lace trimamned , 25c
hAmllIes WImite fibbed Cotton Vests ,
low neck nmmd siceveless , taped neck
and armims. The each.
Ciilldreim's One India ( latize Vests , high
nechc , both short ftflI long sleeves.
to match--
with knee lemmgth vammts
rrlccs differ nccordiimg to sizes.
, . FuriiisIuns
? . )
Moi'e new neg-
I ligee shirts
i ust reed 'ed-
thee 810 of
F. .riiIj fille quality of
. 49 ; Iflfl(1raS.
Made . ith white ncckband for white
collars and one pair of iimmk cuffs to
mmmatcli shilrt-prlce , $1.00 each ,
Mcii's Fancy Striped flaibriggan Shirts
anti Irawer& SOc each.
Piain lalbrlggnn Slmlrts and Irawers ,
SOc and 75c a garment.
the army amid starving Cuhmans contemplate
the assignment to that service of probably
four or five vessels. when the ilemuands of
the service justify It , amid tIme limmiteil States
troops Imave beemm lamuiemI mit other points
In Cuba , and tIme canmpaigmm against havana
has been columnenced. For the last two
momtlms a numnber of vessels havebcem , semit
to Cuba with supplies for tue Cuban armny
anti thm , suffering peolmie , amnounthmig Iii all
I 0 several hundred tlmousamii ratloims.
The sum of $5,000,000 Imas been placed at
the disposal of the commissary departmemmt
for suliplying the army wIth beef and food
foi time Cubami army ammil reconcentrados.
\Viien other Points in the island are occupied -
pied the SUhII' 51111)5 will make roumiml
tiIiS ) in every ten days or thereabouts , and
Iii addition to carryimg food will also take
material for the quartermaster's auth other
tiepartImlents ot the arimly. A reguiar ferry
service vhiI be established between Tanmpa
i auth the various lorts In Cuba.
At Miami , where General Schwaii cons-
mmiammmis a division. the comimmnissary depart-
flleflt has concentrated 1,000,000 rations. in-
dicahing the probability of troops being
kept there for somne tinie anti the adhitlon
of othiems In the future.
S.tN I'R.YISC ( ) lUIJ. AND Q1iI'1.
Lifiut. Ni' s Iii * lii. Mu i tiiry Cni.ip sit
tnt Po- .
SN FRANCISCO , June 30.-SInce the do-
partmmre of time third expedition there has
been a lull in local military circles. For
several ilays previous to the sailing of time
fleets all Use departmnetmts verc vorklng day
and night.
I'reparations for the next oxpedltjon are
ahimlost conmpleted. The troopm at Camp Mer-
ritt arc eqmilppeti anti are drilling live hours
staily. Conmnmlssary stores ( or another ox-
psiItiomm can be obtained alit ! put aboard
ves3eh within a short time.
'l'hiu real cause o sielay Is on account of
cimartered vessels , amid the necessity of cc-
ilttimmg passenger steanmers hmotore they can
be mask' to serve as troop simips.
Camp Merritt still contaimm3 mmlore thaml 10-
000 amen , and to trammsport such an army to
ManiLt twelve or ljfecii ( vessei viiI be
it i , mmot probable that all the troops re-
mnalmmhmmg Imere vihi be sent away in one Immi-
mmiemmsu fleet. letaehmnments of three or four
escis vh1l salt at intervals. whenever they
may be ready. Certainly some of time four
battalions of re'glmiar3 fromn time camp , amid
lrobabhy time Nev York reglmmmemmt , which Is
commmimmg to thIs coast , will be sent first to time
Phihi PPifleS.
This mmmorulng the Montana regimnent was
Iiispccted by General hughes. Time South
I lahcota reglrmmemmt was inspected In heavy
immarchmtsmg artier.
time field hmospital there Is only one
berious case , amid time imuamber of sick bmas
sliglmtly Increased.
: iia.i nil ltt.rts .tm.i'riiiii htt-v'rs. ' .
MAIItlD Julio 30.-Ohtlcial Spammish cc-
port received hero from havana say that
a cohusmin of Ammierlean. troops. supported by
the fire of three war 6hilps , advanced emi
'l'tiesmlay ( roam Siboncy via .tguadores amId
I "inmmeihlaloly rotireil after as cxchiammgo of
chile shots 'Ith the Sisanflsim scout. . ' ' Time
ilispatchm n.hds "lurlmmg limo last thirco ilays
I time /Umierlcarms have been cmmdeavorlng to
lami artillery at several points , but their
boats groummtled and It was ommhy with the
! greatest iihhhlculty that they saved thmeir
nothmcr havana dispatch announces that
tcmmeral Arcolam. has "reiniposed time decree
llxlmmg time hrlcii ) of provIsions at hiavasma ,
I OWImIg to time fact that the prices vero
risctI during time temmlporary stmpemmsIon of
tiit decree. "
( e1.'r Iii , , * 0 Siil Ingo.
lhlIihl.IN , Jusme O.-Time ( iernman war simlp
( Icier. it is ammmloUncemj , whit heave hiavamma
\\'cdnt'silay on Its way to Sammtingo , by
W5) of imimimaica.
I ,
(1O ( C
tessro full. regular action
( the bowels , iiu not un-
'to or Immflalmlt' , but leave
, I litu .Ilcste itIetip , or.
. Iius ii , enfevI coadiiiuim. Try them. 2 criit
; anvi citly by t , 1. lievil 4. t.'u. . Lulioti , .L. '
.iiovixt : SLO\YLY \ VOR\VARI \ )
American Trops Arc Being Mobillzcl Near
Santiago do Onba.
Is.tmim 'i'Ithilsi 4niitlngn hlnINs tied
( : rMs I'im.ts I ) er Iiie uf I lie
l'rliit.lpmil fliilil liigs Is , Stny
.Artiiirr Iire.
( C'npyrighmt. lR9 , by AssociateI l'ress. >
oi'F' .iUlLAGU. l'rovlneo of SantIago do
Cuba , Jumme 2tL-On ( hoard Assoclatetl I'ress
hIspatlm float handy.-The ) force of the
Aimmerican armmly Is being mnoblhiied as rapidly
as POSsible ill time vicitilty of Agnailores ,
four mnulcs from Santiago do Cuba. The
Imlomncnt time tedious task is comimleted time
attack on Spain's last ditch 1mm eastern
( 'imba viii be begun.'lmemm that vliI be
General Shatter hirmiselt cannot say.
The troops cams be moved without serious
delay , and are pushIng forward rapidly. btmt
time mllovenlCnt of tIme pack trains , wmlgons
nmhtmlnmlces amid artillery is taxing tIme skIll
nail endtmrnmmce of the officers amid mmmcml to
the utmmmost.
From iliaqimiri , where time artillery was
landwl. to the lmrcsent Imoimit of conct'ntril-
tiomm , time road rumms throtigim a tangle of
tropical mmmuhcrgrowth , up amid ( lawn steep
hiliskies. anti over trenchmerotme swamup-bor-
dered streammis. for a distance of over twelve
miles. Through this commtiiitmotis thicket tIme
rear guard of the army is cmmttimg Its wily ,
The engineers are at work leveling the
track , while regulars amId volunteers with
axes. aided by Cubans with mmmaelictcs ame
leveling trees nail carrying out time brush.
A few light gumma hnve already reaclmed
thIs port. The siege gtnms are imot yet
witlmlmm five miles of time vanguard.
General Shatter left hIs ship today and
took imp imls quarters with ( lemmeralVhecler
at the front. 111mm almlcaramlce there gave
rumour tililt nil attmick ouid be muasle tomorrow -
morrow , but time stat ! officers say tomlighit
it is inlhossulmle to get time filmIly iii almape
to strike a blow far several days.
About 2,000 troops are Calmlped four mnlles
east of the Imeslegesi city , amid time remnalnmlcr
of the forces stretch along time roads from
there to Jurmmgumt mind Ulaquiri.
I'iin I ii mm S'iii l-'Irele.
The advamlee forces arc Ill a semi-cIrcle ,
the left thank resting about two mntlcs fromu
those tmmmder conimammil of General Chnffee ,
with the extrenie right umider commammil of
Colonel Miles , about a mile to the north-
ccst. Ik'ginmmimlg with the Twelfth infantry
at the extrenme left , the Seventh , Seven-
teomItim , Fourth , TWeimtyflftil and Temith in-
famitry extent ! to time right iii the order
namneml. ilcyollil them iIeket lines are 03-
taimlished tiiree-hlmarters of a mimihe nearer.
Samlttago city hIeing iii eight of Cemmerai
Clmaft' and Colonel Miles troops.
A large number of Red Cross flags are
flying from the buildIngs iml Santiago. Seven
smmch flags could be countel today , amid It is
renortd two more were hoisted tamllght.
They are all flying frolim the largest antI
fllO3t promInent buildings , and our olllcers
say the Soanish soldiers evidently iimteiid to
thus try to imrotect every place 1mm the city
offering a good mark for the artillery.
For the last day or time landings have
been without Imicimlemit. The hospital corps
has finished its camp amid several patIents
are already ummdergolng treatment. There
are quite a few cases of measles tinder the
care of time Physletans. but a majority of tIle
sickness reaults from heat and the hardshlp3
tue men have undergone , iarticuiarly in
waiting for shelter and toad during the
handing off Santiago.
TIme Ileet lies sIlently mmmd grimly wait-
lug for the mmlonlemmt to cosmic whemi it shall
ilmially measure its stremlgtim with the bar-
bar batteries. All tiny loimg fbur American
millIe and halt off
mmmemi-of-war lay a a
Morios gImmis , but. mmot a shot was cxchammged.
Thu sailors 0mm board could almost have cx-
changed words wIth time Spammlartls on shore ,
amid the tact the Spaniards did mIot risk
a shot or two is tuken to indicate they are
pt'rhiaps short of nmuimltmnitloml , The Iowa ,
Massachusetts or New Oricamis could have
been eaiIy hit , as they lay withIn such
easy rmimmge , limit ? ttorro niighit imave becim
a country school house for all the hostiI
dcmommstrmiitiomi It made.
Word Was received by Rear Admiral
Sampson today that tIme Spasmish supply boat
Purishmna Commcepcion , whlcim escaped train
Jamnaica recently , immis arrIved stately at Tim-
nas , time port of Sancti Spirltus. Oh the
soutlmerim coast of Santa Clara. TIme imaval
olhicers here are much chagrined at time fact
that the steaimmcr got away.
litI iifretiiie'ii ds I. . r Slinui or llmie Not
Yi.t l-1t 'I'miiiltiii.
W.SiIhNGTON , Jumie 30.-Contrary to
the expectation of the \Var slepam timlemit of-
itcials there seemmis to have been cosmic , Ie-
lay at Tammipa Ill disptcimlsmg tile transports
from there vitim reinforcemmients for General
Shatter. Tim oiflclais yesterday felt sure
that at Inst somne of tile vessels wouhil drop
dosvml to Key West yesterday , btmt limo rePorts -
Ports received today , lo not bear out this
hope. TIte advlces vhich have cosmic to t1mc
dopartmnemlt are mmot absolutely clear iii their
mmleasllsmg us to just imemm the translomts ) Will
mlepmirt , althmuughm sommmo of hiram , accanhimig
LI ) timezu thispmitcimcs , wilt smreiy get pit to-
day. Time I itmdsomi , one of time trammeports ,
wIth a large mmimiimbcr of recruits mitimubering
In all fltOllt ) t)50 ) lmifamitrymcmm , together with
lIve olflccrs , ilimliell out of l'ort Timmnpa .mito
the bli ) ' last nIght , Time Flmst llllsmtmls m'egl-
mmlcmmt of Imifantry iii loatlimlg Its iii operty arm
tlmo Gate City ammil tue City of .Mucomi , but
the regismiemit ' , 'as eapecteti to go aboard this
smiormihmmg at which tismie the llimdsumm amid ( into
CIty would leave for Key IVest , There was
not roomn aboard of the shIlls ( or cavalry
recruits for some of the regusimemits in Sami-
tiago , s'hIeii Imami been nssemmmhlcd at Tampa.
Three of the trammsporta at Tiimmmiia are to
take artillery , of which timore are six light
tmnd eight heavy batteries , They are iii-
oxperlemmeetl in dealing with the Fnghish
crews of the Ummiommist amid Specialist amid
the temper displayed by them has resulted
him delaying time ioadlng of tlio gUIIO on
board of these vessels. hloivever , this work
Is miow nearly tiolmo and time horses are to
be Put Oil the vessels today. A miummiber of
nrtihlerymnemi arti to go to Samittago on the
Commnancho , aitiiotmgim the illapatches do not
Imimhicatim jUst Imow immauy vIil be sent. These
three latter vessels are cxpecied to leave
Tamupa tosmlglmt. A convoy of three or mmmoru
vessels will escort thu trasmsportms to amm-
( tago.
ML'Ii'lllltSIXI'l'l' ili SIlIl1ltS ( ,
i.t'i'isl Vi' hi 11 I ii I .is.c t'iiiN.N llii
liiiX. % , lIii'll * of I lie Ili ii rt.
CiiiC4\C.O. June 50.-Dr. S. C. Stnmmton.
who has charge tmf time cxasmiinatioml of cc-
cruits for time Vmmlted States regimlar army
lit tIme city. immis caused a seimsatlomi ammiommg
medical mmmcmi by ilecharimig tiizit Oh imabitual
fast cutler of bIcycles , or a "scorches. " Is
tmnilt pimymslcmilly to serve ott a solshler iii time
aria ) ' . lie ima mmmdc tbis matter the sub-
je'ct of iiis severest tests imi lila examlima-
Lions of npphleamits for emmllmmtimlemit amid mnmimiy
much have bremi reectcd because of a "hi-
cyel heart. " us , time practlttosmer totals it ,
caused by exCiV exercise lii mithlng a
% heel. Tile ihmctor says : "Persistesit
mmvorcliuiig or fast ridilig line a tendency
to enlarge tIlt , hiart amid thus interefere
wIth its lirupes action. I'CIV enthuBistIC
bicyclIsts casi resist lImo temmiptation to
'scorch' and as a consequence time lihst.
clan believes tlmat time hearts of a large Isro-
liortlon of this lus ure imioru or less at-
Zccted. This bciii the vase , they would
be tiIiblo tne4uro the hrtihip ( lint
mtrnly life Imiflte5 nail phoimhil not ha pt'r
imiitteil to cntc1 ( hi , service. Tue excitement
attending uumoAm war is lo exceedimmgly
deleterious tt9 Iiso MImoSa iieafts are iii
any , kgrco & . " Io earlIest Is lr.
Stanton in tl imistter thoU he mnakcs tile
"ilcycle henrt. a' feature of his cxanilna-
Lions ,
l'litIl'l'lN4l l'lllI 'llI7'l'l.lilt . % 1IMY.
l' .
leltig hlsisilly . .1'rs'nr..1 fur Scrsle
iiLt1lo I'r.tmt.
, Itmne 30.-A ojkflviilch engaged the attention -
tion of all theregiments at the Park today
was that of nlter ansi coniplctlmmg thie pay
rolls , This was in accordammce with Ilnal iii-
strisetlons frossi headmjimarters in order to
ito rcnmiy to receive the governmnesit Ia3' ) . By
mmlght the work was imracticahly conipleted.
'Fiie rolls vili be submmllttcml sit omiec ansi tue
task of linyisig off IlL least 50,000 o0lccrs amid
111011 will probably begiml tommmorrow.
Of tIme FIrst corps , which has beemi or-
shored to be hut iii radiimeas for ( lie iiext
expedition , Colonel Wihlianm Itlciiards. ad-
jutamit gemicral. said this nftermioon : "This
corps is about as thoroughly equipped as
they will ever get to be. TIme corps could
mcspoimd to orders to move , wIth its effects
packed , lii froimi twelve to eIghteen hours. "
To ascertain what effects time rcgimemits
Imave emi immimlil ( lint they will imot be mible
to carry with them to tIme front , vagomi thrills
imave imeemi hi urogress In miii the thivlsionq
aims ! time much ima'e bailed and immmloailcd their
outfits wIth Ereat rapidity.
The quartermaster amid om'dmuammco depart-
mnemmts nrc still rushed amud maIming umider
time strain , nnil dolly carloads of clothing ,
almelur tents anti nrulnatmce stores go omit ( ( I
tIme regimnemits. Omie feature wiilch mItts to
tile struimi Oii the quartermaster's , is'part-
mmmemmt is that aim mimi average time soldiers at
Cammip Timommias wear out daily micarly 500
stilts of ummiforimi nmmd other elotililig in hro
Portiomm. Time ordnance miepartmnemit received
today three carloads of ordsiamico stores
frommi time Ituck lalamimi arst'mmal , isiclimdiimg
ninety-live Loxes of iiorse anti other equip-
mnents for the artillery brigade.
EqulpmliemltS , such as cactrisigo belts. hay-
ersacks , cammtcemis , etc. , were mllatrihuted today -
day amnommg time fohiowimug regiumlents : 1Igiitii
anti Fourteenth New \'ork , Third Tcmmmmessee ,
Ninth lemlmlsylvamlia , Second Nebraska ammd
Twemity-lirat ifaimsams. Aboimt. 1,000 rifles mir-
rived this attermioon and will be imanded out
tomorrow mimirmlilmg.
Time regiments are rapidly being OIled to
their full strength. Mome than 100 recruits
arrived today.
Major Chamlea F. Mnsomm , 'lmo was surgeomi
in charge of the hospital at General hlrookemi
hcaulqtsarters , has beeui ahilmoism ted macdical
imisimector of tile First corps. lie was sue-
ceetled at the headquarters imospitlll by
Major Thomas C. 1Inibahl of the volummteer
himigadier General hubbard , who has been
assigmieil to a brlgalo at Jacksonville , Fin. ,
arriveil at tli l'ark toilay.
Aim order was received today by Licutcn-
ant M. hay , imi commimimamid of time First
OhIo cavalry. to mn9ve tommmorrow and to limo-
ceod to Lakelamil , F'la. The regiment is 110w
fully equipped tvitiihorses ammsl Krig-Jorgemi-
Comm gtmmms , It. ii9 hicfl. imuder waitIng orders
for several weeks.
l.i..t , 'i'll Ii ( S'2 It 11 Id'l1NtTIc h5hli It i1S'i' .
tismniltm' . ' on "iiistsi'i levlies to lit. .
irt o , , iit'.mti mimi-sm tM.
\V.iiINGTON. Jume 30.-The simbcomn-
mittce of time omnqlitteo on finance having
iii charge the supiilmiiesmtai war rovenmie bill
today tlecIdd to ) ( iStlOme ) ! action upon it
timitil the next csaion. This decisIemi was
reached at a uiet'tlpg of the subcommittee
held today. So.lul.u Of time mnemnbers advocated
immedIate actlqht Upoil the bill , but. a ma-
jorlty held It wouit1be wiser to iostpomie tIme
report bug enough to furnish an opportunity
to make a test of the law as it how stamids.
Iii the meantilile time commIttee will coil-
tlnue Its Investigatiomis durimmg the recess ,
and it. iS believed will be able to cover time
lriumal more comlrebcnsively than lviii be
hOSSihilC at thus Glue.
The bill mleai lug with the period of lIquor
storage extemidlng the "outage' time for
leakage was also poatponeml.
I'l risisr , ) ii Smisi mm IMli St'mm mimer.
MAIRlI ) , June 30.-Time govormior gemieral
of l'orin Itico cables that mimi Amnoricami
cruiser is fIring commtimiuotmsly upon the
strammleIl ( Slianish stcamner Antomlio Lopez.
Tutu gorormior general oh' l'orto ltlco cables
that it vihl be duilhcuht to save thai cargo
of the steanmer Atmtonia Lopez , whIch was
mumi ashioro at Salinas , mimic time entrance
of the harbor of Sasi Juan sIc l'orto Itico ,
to escape time Umlltemi States auxiliary eruis-
era SL l'aul and St. Louis , which ore-
vomited It from landing a cargo of ProvisIons
and war material. lie explains hits in-
mmbihity to save the steamer's cargo by tIme
fact. ai alleged. that an American crimiser
Is comitinuously firimmg ispomi the stramided
A cabinet council over which tIme queml
regent presided , vas held today. The
mmihsmlsters decline to fmmrmmlsim ammy Imiformimatlolm
beyosid saying that thmey sliscmmssed time war.
Nt' ii I I I' t 'I'i , L. i-s . .11 o im . 'y to i'I' risit . s4.
SAN F1tANCISCO , Jimmie il.-'i'iie Call
says : The steamer N'wpurt , which ilmH
sailed witim Getmemai Memmite for the l'hilip-
plsics , vIli hrmrmg joy to time imencta of our
troops Iii Mamlilmi , mis it carries a large simimi
of mooney ( or the paylmiemit of limo soitliurs
uinii the oimrcilasu of aeemlcd supplIes. It Is
said tlmmit the steanmer curries from $ i,000,000
to 3O00.OO4l in gold. it vill bo reimiemmibored
tlmat General Merritt , 151 additIon to time
money mmecessary for time use of time troops
iii Limo near fmmture , asked ( ho presIdent for
$ lO0.000 to be tiseti by 111111 ilS aim emmiergoncy
fummd at imis discretion anti suggesteml how
( lila mimomicy could be mimimmooriated for such
iimmrvore. This 1O0mi00 Is probably lmicluded
iii tIme coin shmlpnlemmt on the Newport.
Not hI.msnli t Iy I Is , ' ( . , v'riiim'it.
\VASIIINGTON , Jimime 30.-It is stated at
tueVar departmemlt that time govermiumiemit
has hot. rsurchmased five vessels of tue Wmiromms
anti Furless-Leyhand line as amisiui. . ml Iii
dispatchles from London. It may lie ft'rtimer '
stated that the tlhcials have miot cvcu con-
aitlered auth tb hot exlicet to consider tIme
ihmlcatiomi of the vesaCls referred to , Time lie.
liof hero is tlua tile shills imave been inir-
cimaseml for the Ji ( imBiBe Transport line , which
operates steanis1l'lL betweemi the Uniteml
States ports aultiaEurope , asiml which recently
sold to time \Var 1Ieimirtmmmemmt sovemm of its harg-
est anti host steamers for trammaport amid
freIght purchases.
Iti-limi I r I l.t I'rt-mi'h , Calile.
VI4AYA 1)Fil ' lISThI , itmamstamsamo Pity ,
Jmmnm' 30.-TIme Vrcil0hi cable , emit muoumme tinie
ago mmear Guamittinmismio Imy time auxIliary
cruiser St. I.otmtt hue been repaired by tIme
cable hmoat Amlriimi 'romlay a connection % Vi114
emitaldishmed betvePn General Simimftor'mm imeaml-
( itmartiurs at iliqujm.Irl and Guammtanammio. tIme
hue beIng usemi for government busismess so
' ' . , ( I rmiriI I. , % Vm'st.
NEW YORK. June 30.-Ormiers have
reached time ihroollymi umory yard for the
cruiser Topeka. in comummmmand of Captain
Cowhe8 , to iiroeceti at once to ifey'cst. .
i.lsimu ii S. t't. % 'ii i $11 I i's (1iiii II I.
LiSiION , June 30.---it Is rumiiioretl hero ( limit
four Ammmeriean war shilie arc eu their way
to this port.
tOi ) FoOl ) .
Strength gomnea train good food and sick-
Hess of any sort oftemi means a lack of the
right sort mir Suilure of proper digestion
Grape-Nuts , tIme delicious new food , can
be digested by babes , as vchl as adults anti
Uoti I'oud.
cimurimimi ( boom all
At grocers.
iiiINC ( volt A OXFL1CT
Conditions Arc SIICII that a 13atto May 13o
Expected at Any Moment.
'J't'l egestimhm ( ' , , iiimtta hi is ( ' 5111111 " lilt
Vnhitmigtii sisil N'U S lit huller-
timime , ' ( 'ii it lh , ltu'eel i&'L
' % % ltimniit 1)elny.
\\'ASIiINtITON , Jmmne 10.-Tiie situation iii
the close of the tiny was dcscnibcml by Secre-
lacy Alger as Imeing such as to warramit hilmn
In the expectation of hews at any mmiommieo ( .
There Were t'.o parties to a battle , mimiti it
imilglmt lie lmrcclottati'tl by chIller shmhe , ittiti
110 0110 here kimow what ( lie Spammishi iiilmO5i
tion seas. ammul imo mmme kmiew General Shatter's
oiami of auack , though in lila message yeS-
termlny lie itudirmitcd a , purpose to mmiovo quick.
as lie said melmmforcemuments could hot re'acii
him hiefore lie alTered ( tattle.
Secretary Alger was gratified when lie
learned that direi't telegraphic commimutisilca'
tinmi how eXlsteml ietweemi ) 'ashihuigton omid
Ceneiai Shatter's lientlqumsirters at Sihmomicy.
.Ali mmicssages hicrcttfort' iiave lueemm delayed
tWent- four hours , owimig to the , mcesSit3'
of sendimug theta across rough commmmtly to
reach time calile mtrutlomm. TIme loss of so
munch time msilgimt lie fatal in ease ( it
mmccii of further reimiforcemnemits or tiintmitllii
( intl anti simpithies.
Tue Ollisiloli is hiehti thim't his navy vihl cooperate -
operate iii time attack on Samitimigo , mmimml to
tlmat end part of Shaftcrs force is to move
( in Morro and capture the place anti ( ulleil
thu gateway to the harbor by i'emnovimig the
lii Isie.
'Iiio experIence or ( lie vesaels while iii
( I uamm tnnaimio hmmubom' I ii pti I I I mmg tip ( ito mni flea
there , Is caPecteti to facIlitate similar work
at Samitlago.
Thu seond oxpeditiomi fromn Tamumput to re-
lmiforco General Shsnftci aipcams to have cmi-
coumi tereul ahmminst. as miiflui ) ' tiltilcill i lea as (1153
omigimmul expeditlomi iii gcttimmg away. It was
conflutcmitly expected itero that thme start
ivotilil be mnade frotml Tammipa last Momlday ,
but one tllrnculty after itmmotlmer hilts naomi to
retaril time inovonient so that It vas with a
reeling of relief that the miens caine fromii
'i'itmmipa ( limit tIme flagship of ( lie expetlitloli ,
the litmdsomm , had swummmg out immto the streammi
and was ready to lead the procession of
trammsports , 'iileh it is behieveml Is tinder
way for Santiago.
'shi- eu ION 'V5t ) ' Ihsmei
it is calculated that the secomiul install-
mncmmt of the rulmmforeemmietits dispatched to
Gemicral Shiafter fmommi Caluim Alger reached
lilmim today emi the Harvard , and tIme steamiier
Yale is expecteui mit Newport News slay after
tommiorrow , rettirmmlng frommi its first trill with
luhhleld's soldiers to take mmioro reinforce-
iiiomits , probaiily iimciudimig ( iarretsomi'a bat-
tal Ion.
Thu departmllemmt Is thiorotmghiy satisfied
With the success attemmdimig this mumetlmoti of
transportimig troops , having foumitl it not only
imiueh muore ecommaumilcal thaml time conmbiimcmi
rail amid water route via Taimmpa , html. more
expeditious. The steanmers lVill lie further
availed of In oumrsumance of Secretary Alger's
intomitlon to continue to dIspatch reinforce-
nlcnt after reinforcememlt to General Shatter
tmxmtti ho has aum overpowerimig force at his
Major Gemleral Ceppimiger is mmot to go to
Sammtitgo With any of these additional forces.
lie is semilor to General Shmafter. anti if sent
to Santiago , by virtue of the army regula-
( lemma , voulti asaumimtm conimuasid of time army
iii frommt of that place. Thereofre it is likely
ime will be rceerved for the command of the
l'orto Rican expeditIon.
it was announced at the Navy department -
mont that ( lie Cadiz squadron huad paid time
heavy Suez canal tolls , anti was about to
proceed eastward through tim canal , though
tiiis statcmnexit was probably erroxicomma , ow-
log to ( ho later reports Imidicatlng that tue
Sltamitsh vessels were stopping for repairs.
TIle advice only hastemmed the hirepara-
tions niaking for time departure of Coumimno-
dore'atsoli'S eastern squadron. Tue comul-
mmlOZlOr ( ' iuas reported to tile Navy depart-
niemit his arrival ott Santiago , anti is In con-
sultatioxu wIth Admiral SaInhiSon respecting
limo tietalla of ( ho cruise whIch It is cx-
pectet ] will occupy fotmr months , hirovitied the
war endures that length of ( line ,
( ; I yes ie'iey mm ii Ad vim ii Isige.
Tim delays to which the SpanIurtle are
subjected at Port Saul will retlommmmd greatly
to ( lie aivamitiige of Admulral Dewey , if
Camara Is still in reality bound [ or the
Piuiliplmines , for they insure time arrival of al-
milost the whole of General Merritt's mnilitar
force. amid alnmost certainly of ( lie cruiser
Charleston afli tile imlonitors Monterey amid
Monatinock. before the Shiatuish squadron
. .otmltl reach Mamiila.
Tue reporta from Santiago as to reeominoi-
terlmig oartlcs anti ciforts of otmr oiltcers to
takc observations buds to tue hiellof at the
\\'ar departmnexut ( hunt a imlg balloon mntu' be
UtIlized by General Simafter as a IflOittiS of
smtrveying Santiago and all time surroumithing
coumitry. Gexucrmmi Greely , ebmief slgtinl olhicer.
semit a COnIpletti balloon trtmlmm with the expedition -
pedition , Amid It Is available for use emi ( ho
Ibid If General Shiafter desires.
The balloon is of tIme latest xumakc anti eon-
talus , wiwul immilateti 17.000 cubIc feet of gas.
Time Cohuilileto cqmmlpmnent for gasxiuaklmig ,
mmmnclilmie anti amparatims for fillIng LImo hal-
hoomi , aCeofliiulileS time train. Amm experienced
aeronaut. a xmmojol' In the sIgnal service , has
( hue traIn in clmarge.
It Is said observations coulti be taken at
a hmelght of several thmommant1 feet , ( lie Pal-
hoomu being amichiored vithilmm thu Aniem'lcaxi
lines with comm timmmmous coumiumiuunleatiomi be-
twecli the balloon and the ground by mmicamus
of telelmiuone.
Sim .tN'I'm , ! jmt Si'.tNISIi C. ' . ' .t Ill ) ,
No iri.hiiuli . I I I y ' , ' , SI ii h I . .g
hr ! roollyii Is 'l'rme.
WAS1JING'i'ON , Juno 30.-No worul hats
conic to time Navy tlepartmnent fmohn Atlmulirmmi
Sampson making ( hue slightest reforexmce to
thai Spaulsim story of thme aimikimug of the
lirookiyn by a isimehi from time Sasmtlago
harbor mlctenmiets , As Adxairll Sammulison is
.wltimimm an hour or two's reach of this cable
station aiim ! his ormiera woulti require iiimmi
to report Instantly oh mifl sumehu ocetmrreilce ,
the ofhiciaha of time Navy .lepartmmiemit hmave mme
htesitation iii mlemmouiiclmmg time story as a
fabrication similar to thmat gotttn up a week
ago fromii % la.lrhul descrhbimig time killing of
Cumptauxt hvalus.
The reports receiveti at the Navy ticisart-
uncut of tIme collision hcveen ( time Ioiphuin
amiul ( hue Newark utmo meager , limit Ixumhlcat.m
that It took ohaco near iCity Wt'st. 'limit
Dohimitimi sxnmishmetl Its stern , injuring limo
fore comiipmirtriit'mmt Iack (5 ( , time collisIon
liulkimeami , It is smow oh Its way to Norfolk
( (1 ho shock cml.
l I % 'liS NO ( .4) . % I. 'l'O 'I'hIIl Sh'.tNlSil ,
A , , , ' ' Shill , ( 'imminiI , I'itl's it l'Irsmt
SIn vlsi ,
WAShINGTON , Juume 30.-A sccommml case
of aim mittemmlimt to transfer coal Ii oma lili
Amnorleamm to a Simammlshm hmmcrchmaatmmsummm in
Mexico tins brotmgimt out tIme old ( inns Imhiuck
of ami Amimerlan suit captain. Time oUO-tomi
Atnericami mteimoouuer Clara A. l'hmiiixiey WitS
authorized sonic clays ago to clear wIth 700
tons of coal from MobIle for Vera Cruz , on
representuitiomis hitimt time comml was for mail-
toad iurioses. On reac'hulmmg'era Crtmz
Captain Philmmmiey SIllS , lirects'ii by L. Jon
lilac , Iii time Itresemice of mu grotip to excited
Shianisli mtumnimatlmizera , to place imis vessel
alovmgsido the Sinhulsit steummmer Maclit 11cr-
coca. Captaimi I'iuimlmley blummtly refused.
declarlmmg with emupimutsis no vessel him his
charge siuoumld ever lie alongside it ship bear.
lug the thug of his country's cneuuy1 inucic
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' ' '
4ttI'S1l1'I'S ,
_ -
'MA"ARACE' ' Friday , July _ _
IIU Program : -
. . .
I'c ( ; , 35 CI..ASS suo. (
1. Aylcsfor,1 , , C. ( I. Mety , Memphis , Tenn. 6. I'tl llenett , Wmn. Cook , Altmumqumerqu. ,
2. Atmmmty Shucks , ll it , Bilimuar , Nevamla , N. 1t1
Iowa. 7 , Lo Itoy , Edwarml Parker. Colorami
Sprlmigs , Col ,
3 , 1)011 QuIxote , Asberry Singleton , lticii. , Carter McGregor , I' . ii.'inmi , Oxiiah1'
land , Iowa. Nob.
4. Ibid ii , . I ) . I ) . Tewoimy , Annconmia , Iowa , , Sam W. ii. Z1t. Anhtlon , Wichita , ( Can.
5 , Jtmlln Shake , I ) . I ) . Tewohy , Aminconda , 10. Skates , Mike Elmmiore , Alliance , Nob.
Iouv. Ii. John It. 1tl , Robinson , Ommiaha , Ncb.
'I'1)'I"1'G , 8O : ( ) CLASS , $500.
1. Mnbel Wilkes , F. \'iekerslinmn , Tracy , 7. ( iortie IL. Smithi anti Iheymioltta , Ans.
Mimili. conda , Mommt.
2. htobin louu mis , ii. hi. lowns , Minneapo- . 1)011) ' Mmtchtmto , Amitly Mclowehl , Pleas-
ha , Mltmn. ntmtoml , Cal.
:1. : PIlot Laxmibcrt , ltieraltie Farm , lierhili. , . , hlooper , i. M. Owemi , Colornulo Smringu
4. licrplinl , ltamimmehIs ansi Kirby , Jacksomi-
'liIe , Ill. 10. iCamme , F. M. Siuckett , Altmiomm , Neim ,
5. ( Ice . \ . MciCcmimiey , I' . W. llouhges , Los it. Tickets. .1. Il. Stetsami. Ommiatm , NeIm.
Angeles , Cal. 12. 1)Ilmihiles. J. 1) , Simmmiisosi , I.e Mars , Iowa.
( I. F' . V. it. , Smmiithi immitl hleymiolds , Ann13 , W'ChWlihmi , Pnhmiier L. Clark , St. Joe , Mo.
commuha , Momit. 14. \'ert , l'ahtncr L. Clark , St. Joe , Mo ,
11.A ( I N ( ; , 2 : 1 h ) CI.ASS , $ F,00.
1. /telmu , A. I ) . Moorhmenmi , flemiver , Col. I 03. lclfltllWmlh , T. l' . Ceatimig , h'ls'umsamitomi ' , Cal
2. Jeska , htumthmmirmi Stahtle , itmmthiormi , Iowa , 7. Mnmizanehla , M. C. ( irammger , llllll.i ) , Tex.
S Siniomi ( Iaggerimeimli J. Ilmurrie Den-
3. 11111 Nyc. (1.V. ( . Shmore , Ios Ammgeita C.'il. , , -
. Cole.
4. , tlmol'llkes er.
, illghmlammtl Stock Fem in ,
Miss ( ' (
Clopphmig. hle'miry Clapping , Wayne ,
lt'miver , ( 'ole. Net , .
5 , Irvlmmgtomm IlelieVnm. . Cccli , lrviimgtoui , 10. ( Citig Ahtaimiomit , Vi' . J. harris , Spokane ,
Cal. Washu ,
Hnpy Jack , 2:09-The : ( iL1ideIeH Wolitler ,
XViI I ( ; i 'c aim Ix Iii hi I Euuclm I ) ny ,
; 3 l ' r t t No CiIAUI ( IR ) Clflt1AflS ,
nu li I I itiOR QUAIt I I It
Titioila1 Congress of Musiciats
Jty First Chuch
Addresses at i 30 , John 5'nn Clove ; 10 lZ , hc. ( ierrit Smmiith ; 1 :30 : , Mrs. Katlmerino
FIsk ; Llfi , lr. Albert itimsa i'mumsomms.
hiecitals- 05) ) a. mui . , Mr . l. It. Kmoegcr , St. Lotus , Mrs. Gerrit Smmiithi. New York.
3:00 : is. mmu , , Mr. W'mn. II. Siic'twootl. Chicago ; Miss Jmumimmie Oslmormm , Chicago.
iViIc. ' I n nun inn iiu SECONU utnMrn j
MISS AiAll MAlllL. IIItYAN , Mit. iiAhtitY J. FlLLO\VS.
MR. FItANIC S. hANNAh , MIt , liOMlilt MOOltFi.
Mit. A1tTIIUIt MI1IS , Coxiductor
After ( lie ( 'omicert timere will be exhmibttetl
100 Stereopticon Views of Waqnr Scelies.
.tl iii iNMilli II ) I lie IICII lii it. amid ( 'em. ui-rI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fOe Fismeb
Cotultomi utealomi ticket , good for 12 liertormuauces , $3.00 for sale at tIme ciuurciu.
- ' : imiuSi:3ml1'i'S.
- - -
The Creighton I ' '
0. \'ootlwtirti , . % mslm's'mml'tit hIreclor ,
'l'IN h(1 II' sxls : )
'I'll LI'Ol ) ' lii ) CO.
Next Summmday-
OUIt itIl'i'SY.
N. of Mtmu.ic hall East Midway.
_ _ -
- - - - - -
1Io'l'EI.S. '
Car. Iii & Jmicksomi Sta , J C' . Griffin. Prop.
1l : ) fluonm-\ moti&'rn 1 rnprovexnermts. .
Thutes-Amimeric'Lmu Plan , 2.O1) to 3.O0 imem. slay
Etmroptltmi 1llim , 31-00 itt'r duty mind uimu'uirtls.
'ar limit' to muist frtmn all siellots. Direct
ear Ilume ti ) nIttiri emitrimmuce of ExposItion
13th and DotmIts Sts. , Ouilaha.
. _ .tmlchilc.tN ANt ) l1UltI'.tY Ph.tN.-
J ic. M.tIIKEI . ; IN , Proim. .
htt'I'i'S $ hl ) .ttsD l2.t ) ( ) h'Ehi hAY
Ichectric cars direct to exposition grounds.
tlNF h3.ItlL'It. Caihier. . . . . .
SAM liAii4N comer Clerk-
14th amid Harney St.
American I'han-3 to 4 dollars per day.
Street cars fm-onu depots amid fuoxn luotel to
Exposition Groumitis in fiftecmm mnixiutes.
hi. SiLh.OV&Y , Mamiager
'I'-i'iiitise j
- - - - - -
less supply it with evemi a ton of coal. Time
captailu witht a cm'owd at lila hut'cls mmiarciuc'd
to time Amnericaxi consulate and miotillesl time
Ammiericaxu coxmstml amid lie u'rote lit O5lCo to
Gemlerai Spatuldimmg. coxusmil gemucral , ( hat lie
hail olacemi time captaIsm umniiom Anlericlimi lire-
teetlomi. Exports of coal to Mr. Jomi lilac of
Vera Cm'tmz lmave beemi stopped amid time tie-
hartmmlemit ) wiil look to fix respommumilihity amid
imUmlisimimiemlt for the dcemb.
C.t Iii y Fzi1mi'i' ( Li P5115 Ni ) % % 'olt It 'I' .
lt'ney Cult Esmttl ly ) , . , ' sit I I If hit
Mii'tm. It.
WAShINGTON , Julio 30-Wlmilo : not muhat-
img itmi close t'ntch over the Camllz tieet thmc
Navy mlepartxmleuut. ( hoes hot feel timmu ' , .miio mb-
gree of appreimenslomm rcsupectliig the pmovc-
macmitts of those uduii.s as it mbiui whitmi ( ho
start was iiiauie for I'ort Saith , 'Fha iovemsi-
miient hunts ml omic every I ii I mug ioss i Ph . I I hi in
faIr lilies to lirovemmt ( lila fleet ( remit reach-
log time i'hmlliplilmlcxs amid ( lie ( lie agemits of
tIme State , iopartimlchlt have beesm particularly
successtmmi 1mm this work. United States Con-
mtular Agesit liroatihent limits tmst made a mmas.
let stroke , wimich be reiuomts to ( Lie depart-
\Vhmilo ( lie Spumnlsim shmipim were seclilmig ltt'r-
mnlasbon of time Igyitlamm go'erzmliiemmt to ( mike
coal at I'ort Said , ( huts conmmmilar umfleer aue
c'ee&beth In quietly hiuylmig imp all of tlimt coal
available at ( hunt port. This amounted to
20.000 tommm , amid It is In a good ishtm53 to lie
shmipped to lcss'cy ; to servo as ii base of supplIes -
plIes for Commotior' V'sl8O'i'S caimLeun stlumr4-
soil whiemm it enters thu Meihiterrunehmmm sea ,
or to coal asiy Amnericlmml s't'ssels ( lint may
imaes throtmgii ( lie Suez easmal bommumd to ( iso
Jtshmmic ( imiatbomi If It. hoimimi he item smilsuisahiho
for warships to take ext coal at i'ort S.iitl.
IiNIIl V IS ShIlht'l' OF .i3l lii'Nl'I'lN ,
Aii'rIemiIIt. liii-rt-i-Hi * Soi.s' lIsimsuli'
11'1,51i A slims iimti Cm'r'r1i ,
( CotyrlgIit , lS1t. hi ) ' , hNmJt'iatt'li vrt'ss
I'LAYA DEl4 ESTII. Jummo 30.-Intercepted
dispatches from Ashmmmiral Cervera hmow a
critical ( ate of affairs at S.mntiago. iloGm
food anti amnnitimiitioxi art , ci iortc1l to be get-
timig short , amId the latter ill be exhausted
before long. For sommie slays tIme Ii'et has
been imutable to draw a almot froun time mit-
torIes off thuc' hiarbom' eptriliC'e. abtimoughm go-
iou close in shore. The emuiser New Orleans -
leans has heft for Key West.
. % , mlhmir liml.i' h1 iiii.ihi'l.
CAPE liAY'FhIN , hiaytt. June 30.-C I ) . ma.
-Time report saii to emmiamsate fresh Cape
furious cannomlahlimig WitS
hiayticmi that a
imt'arml this snornhmmg at the Mule St. Nic-
oiamm , comnimmg from thai wiadwuird paesae ,
has iso foundation ,
4 ,
- - -
- - - -
OR (1ENN6 ( JULY 3
, AT 8:30. :
S Clifford's
Gaiety Girls
Iii the Roiyitl Extu-avag.txiza
amid Jiummittqume ,
Little 1iss Chic ago
With a Cast of 50
Phict.s-1O. , 20c , Hh amid 50t ,
Visit Clifford's Casiiio
, ,
- 0mm lImo iiiit ilisvn-
. . . IhiG 1'AUil1'ti.LII CtM1'ANY. . . .
hiarney Si ,
Lents & WillIams , Props. and Mgra.
\v. % v COLE , Act. Manager.
Telophomic 2217.
The Coolest Place in Town. ,
ad week of high Class Vaudeville. \
TOM6UT anti A W [ [
Mn t lmim't's'etlnetmmlay , Saturday , Suxuday ,
, IiN'lI , I ill' Solo-i--
Chmnrtcuiso Imiternatiouuutlo.
hm-suil ( aim rmi mit-i---
amid lila
mm hI I smg misIlvovsI Ji'NNil'-
llisoim Cl y ( L ulmusOetti--
Imi Their Orlginrmi Act.
iISlm-i- ) Arimali'miK-
3ti h mm at rid ( 'umesh Iutmi
lisi'hi.-I I , ' t'ssNshuh ) _
Dt'seildivo Vocalist. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . -
Semlant iomial Aerialist.
Vinimie ii , ' 1'hl _
Corxu't Sobtmh t.
'I'rsil-i's , Siiimerhi Oi't'lms-pmtrm ,
I 'rices 25c amid 35a. Itorstiummmjntss. ,
GtiilI's Concert Garden ,
Ii , C. , r , I ( him mimmil Slav i-Jmsor ( ,
lieGumill , Rrlss'l'dlr ,
( Illllhan ansI Ieixisore , ( tim , favorite cake
walkers , Cisrroll nmmml Gimrlmmer , , counesby
slotchi artists. 'i'Iue Gorlomi Sisters , chased.
( 'II I simi g.'mii. 'i'bmt' N rmtmmm ii ru , i mm t rod mid mug Lit-
( I ii ? tIm : ii ml , i'ha mumjmlo mm miii liver of t hiss vorimI.
Dtt'o J. I Ims lii i tm atm r ii t'aih I immtsr , i mm ami on gi-
11511 nit , I I immit C'4. GrumP , Itliss Vurrc'mm , Call.
furmlia liamitomio ,
All Roads Lead To
Trained Whiil Animal lihiow on Yest Midway -
way ; 100 Lions. 'rigors amid EleImhiantis ,
. . . a' , ' 'I'Iltf
- - - -
1 5th ii liLt C ipitol Ave.
Cuupum'o ( ( lie hiras Itlng anti Hide Again
, JOS. iitN'liFl' ) , It'si-e avail Mmismiigev.
110 Not Forget to Visit the
Tea Gardens Bazar and Joss
House on West Midway.2
I'Iie Livimig JoIJ. e VelltIut'th .1
' ,