Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 01, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TilE OMAIrA DATTiYBBE : FRIDAY , JUIIY 1 , 1895 ii - - - I
v' : : Wheat Market ,
hi AfflCd by 'ZitI
. ) . inni Corn , One , , ftitd
All 'I'rflYIuIUttJ' ShIEY UC
. cilnen In I'riee.
- -
. . IIrcAao , Juno 3o.-rrnspect of an
rnormou rep weakeneti wheat today arter
1iarp rally early In the ReMsion. July
clwed lower and September loHt 3-sc.
Corn declined 3c an,1 oati WM oft 'kuj& Se.
' , : in provirdons pork left oft 24c lower , lard
tI4 rtb c.
2 Perfect' w ather throughout the winter
belt so faornbio or thu continu.
, s ttnco 'at hnrycting and threhin oIera
* 1 tiofli gave Wheat an apjoarunca ot con.
" ' 'raleicence lIom tI&n bull tcver that rLeil
In the pIL the latter hqit of the Ses5ion yes-
terday. Thoiw who tJiu dinuno8ed the
_ opening cpnlItion9 yere hnkliierl In thi
's Iymptom Qt that vat-lahie tnrtlady. In tIC.
ton mintLtti thu fever had ngain retcIiwl
- the ntae it hl nttaIn'd the da hefore
and In ittidtlter hour nothing ¼ otlitl he
, ) CZtrl hut aIl of sliorti for wheat and
cries of ruined cropi _ September . thern cio.
Ing price or which wttg $ 54c. nrtgil at
from Sc down to t * 1.Sc , hut It qufrkly
. benn nil ipwnrl movement that. reached
great dlmeludoln , both in the volum. or
, the tranaLlonN and ( he , teflt of the ad-
tI-Lt1Ce. } flrnrt , who had beei % coflgrntu
- ' . . Ming themeIves over the reaction in
prlcei at the start , became uneasy when
the price of Septemler rench'iI 9c utiti
- C commenced In ( eel thoroughly alarmed
' when It got above 69e and ; inn1c tricken
wheti it wu eiimlinJr from 9' to G'J 7.8c.
; i i
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July In the seine time hail ndvancetl from
12c , the , ) PeflIflIC price , to 74c. 'Fite crop
rpnrtt emanating train people in the trade
In VnrkflI Western citiei vcnt of un exrtg-
. gerateit type regarding the amount of damage -
age done hy rtnit and lnIgK , some of them
Buggestivo 'of an actual croi' failure. The
.alvaiieo : wnt ; all lost OTt reporhs from
iffiurcea conversant with tlto lroati eflerni
ftLtureM f ; tile CrOP over the entire cotill-
ti7 , which iiitilcztted a crop of inieuaI
nagnItuda after all allowance WaB nintle
fot'.4iettvy damage In ii giotl many Iocz&l-
flee. h4 Cincinnati I'riee Current etii-
ge9ted a ) 'Iehl fully ns larc tie in 1Sl
WIl'1t It. with Gll,7S0,000 hti. , flnd the unuiteti
14ur141ia of that crop welghj on the mar.
kott ; Furo anti rthroath for ttvo yenrt. The
rettorntioii of the wheat duty by France
vita apparently Ignoreti here. Chicago re-
celved flve core , naitintt eleven last yenr :
. ? bJJLlfllujohlH 111111 1)tiltiLh only thirtecn cars ,
cOtiitirCih , with 3.t ) the similar day a year
ago. July opened ! t'e lower at 72 ¼ c , at1
Vailceth to 744c , leclltied to 72'4c ' then
flrined ui to 73e bid at the close. eptem-
ber began 3.l4 ( ( lfl'Wii at is ; 1.scitS'4c. sold
1i ) steadily to 69 7-Sc , weaketieti to fS 1-Sc ,
thicIl rose to litti , the citaitii. i)11Ce. )
Brilliant s'eatIicr ritl the niuteilee of
ShIiililg domanil ninde trtiilers latrisli ttB
ft rub in corn. although they were 1cm-
porarily affected hulllthly while Whlettt
' % Vflm4 making lilt early ndvtmiice. Jtily Oefle4l
! 4t1'3-Sc iover ut 11 t-iflIl)1e. rose to . , 1-SV
32,4c , then dcliiietl to P4c blil at time ciustt
Continued ( 'OVCriItg lty shorts , ra' J
weather itredlctlons , lIfl frtvornlle crop
ports millit time rally ill corn advanced oats ,
The early gain vats nil 1ot in sympathy
'with tii drop In the other arnhtis : July
comtnenced 1-Sc lower at 21c , rose to
22 1.Se. fell off to 21 1-Sc , tilemi firmed ip to
214i21c bid.
The feeling III provisIons was bearish enlarge
large receipts of hogs and a decline In
jmrices at tlic yartis. A moderate btiSIileSS
vns done iii chaiiglng July ProlUct over
lilto September at ) reVrttllI1g dilTerences.
July pork OiCfletl ) 1nver at $3. 13 , nil-
'vanceit to $ .55 , then declined to 59.45 , time
' closlnrr figure. The i-amigo In lard tilId ribs
v:1s : small.
Estimated receIpts for tomorrow : \Vlteat ,
lii- cars ; corn , 160 cars ; catmi , is' ' ) cars ; hogs ,
25,000 head.
Leaning Luturee range a , . tollowB :
Article , ' . . I Oiet. I j Low' . icloso. ! Ycsti
.w liett-
Jimmie . . ) 70 79 %
July 724 74i i2 % 73 i3tj
Sept 983-4 fl91 * 118 % n
Dee , 1ttl 7ti ctIttjtt G8ith 69 %
.lniy. . . : LTh 32t % 313j : IW 32
Sept : % :1:1 : : % 12tt : ; % a2s
DiVe SThC % 9t ; ) 32i 93 ¶ 3II
OeIs- .
Jtiy. . . 21 22 % 21 % ? jhies1 21 %
Sept. . . IOh-20 : : o 111j4 29 20 %
.lniy. . . 9 45 P 55 9 45 9 .13 9 47 %
Sept. . . U 02 % 0 Tt U 92 % o 05 9 07 %
July. . . 5 : i I ; 37 % : s :12 : % 5 32 % 5 37 %
Set. ) . . c ; i ii 50 5 45 5 4 5 50
S. fltbmm-
July. . . 524 5 35 5 3d4 5 324 5 57
% 5 45 $ .10 4214 5
_ _
'No. 2.
Cash clUotntlOrtS were s follows :
'FLOUIt-liull : winter Patents , $ i.SO1.9O :
straights.t.40T4.r0 : special brands. hard
Bprlng latents. ; 5 ; bakers. $3.2&hJ3. & ) .
WH1iAT-No. 2 sirlng , 75e ; No. 3 spring ,
7OQ1S2c : No. 2 red. SOc.
COhl-No. 2 , 31c.
OATS-No. 2 , 22 ½ c ; No. 2 whIte. 24c ; No.
3 whIte , 23y4ltAC.
RYE-No. 2. lie.
I4AflLF1Y-No. 2. 3Ol31o.
Slti2DS-Fiaxseed , No. 1 , $1.01 ; prIme
timothy imeed. $2.70.
PROVISIONS-Pork. mess. wr bl)1 , , $9.45
Oi9 : SO. Tart1 , Per 100 lbs. , 5.3W15.40. - Bacon.
short ribs sides ( loose ) , $5.45 ; itry salted
Bhoulder5 ( boXed ) $1.041.75 ; short clear
Bides ( boxed ) .
8UGA1S-Cut lout , $6.91 ; granulated , 5.52
Artlciemm , JecetptN. { Shtpnmetmti * .
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,000
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,60mm
; Corntmu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21I.suu . . : 701,300
Ommt.bti. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IltiJ10 ( ( , 51,5t ( )
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )
Ilarloy.bta. . 0.700 'J200
On the Produce e.'cclutiigo today the butter -
tor market rmms steady ; creameries , 14lic ; :
ilairies , Bt.i1:4c. : Eggs , steady , fresh , lOc.
i'oultry. native ; spring chlckin , l1J1lc ;
hens , 'Ic ; ducks , 6c ; turkeys , & 1j7e.
icE-tv oitic ( io , ; ioit.t i. 1li.tiLi F1'I' $ .
quntutlimits for thelny oil Geitermil
CnntimoiLJ lii's.
NEW YORK. June 80.-Ft.OUit-Ttecelpts ,
9,50-4 iIIs. ; exports , iOSOL bids. ; li-am and
held lmlglior emii'ly in the tilty , but ilmutily
enseth at ? with wheat.
CORNMI1AL-1)mIil : yellow ssestein. GSc.
BA 1tIIiY MA L'r-Dtmhl : western , O2i170t ,
'WI IltT-1tecelitH , 12,9 ho. ; exports ,
iGr,551 ; bu. ; spot , No. 2 retl , Stc , f. 0. in ,
alloat : 53c elevator. Olitlonti IIi&'fleI a sinitltm
enitlet. because of disappointing cables but
promptly advu need actively on covering tim'
sPired ) by crop ilC'iVdi ; tlimai 11r1ce5 showed
1-S1tc net decline ; No. 2 red , July , 794EJ
S1e , cloetl 79 7.ic.
COItN-fleeeilits , 18.650 bu. : exports. 30,000
1)U , ; spot , easy ; No , 2 , 35'ic. Options opened
StVatI ) ' nild ntlvuncetl WitiL vheuLt , but
ji-ict liberal selllig , which protltice,1 a weak
mni1eroiiu closed ! ,4c liet lower : crop news
improved July at 35'i1l3 1-Sc , closed 33c.
OA'FS-hlecelPts , 50.tSYI ho. ; exports , 12P.-
& & 3 lmti , ; eltilt , steady : No. 2 , lmc : : I\O , 2 'mvhite ,
23e. Options were dull itiltl caster with corn ;
closeil e net lower ; July closi % at 2c.
ItO1'a-Stendy : StiLie , common to chole ,
1593 crop , 3&flc ; 10 crop , 0'7e : 1597 cr01 , . 12
11f14c : Paclilu eont , 1595 crop , 3ljic ; 13)0 crop ,
tlfz7c ; 1S97 crop , l2t14c.
wooL.-Qulst ; fleece , 1J21e ; Tcxas , i3J
c11EES-Quiet ; light sicinis , 5tjtc
part skims. ' ( till siclititi , 2ji2it' .
TALLOW-hittlH city , 3 1-Sc ; country , 3 14
lila 3.Se.
ItlCl'l-HteadY ; fair to good , Oj.SJ74mi
Japan , 8 7.MiGc.
7do14ASSESBtenh1y ; New Orleans , open
kettle. good to choice , % fli-Se ,
COTTONSIID OlL.-Iull ; prime crude ,
20. ' : 'el1oV , 2lS2lc.
MFrrA1.S-Whlte tin end lead show a
relatively llrmn ititIon : the znmirket lacks
14lCCittI feature unit eximlllIs III tie minima-
tion , The Ziietnl xcIimmngn calls pig Iron
'warrants unc'hangcil with $0.50 bid antI
25.65 naked : lake t'IIIPI'r , unelmittiged with
ll.75 Ill. ! ttiiti $ Ii.S'PA , asked : till , higher but
fltItit vitii $15.30 Idmi itimil $15.50 immikeil
ter , nominal with $1.90 hltl mmmi $5.15 ammlmeti ;
lend , lirmn % 'ithi $3.9.S hid no.1 $1.00 tiskeil.
Time lirm flxliig the settling lirlee for miners
and smelters quotes lead at
J1t1'l"L'l'iIt-hICctiiltS. 5,634 1)kgs , ; firm ;
veaterim creamery , l5ij17e ; 1mIgiiis , ITo ;
factory , h1'IIl2c.
EtiOut-IteeiptB , 8,265 iikgs , ; item ; west-
erim. l2Ymff13C. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
ilmittlmnoriUnrUet. .
flAT.1'1MO1lh , Juno 30.-1"LOuJTt-DuIl
aimil unchanged ; rccelptmm. 3,042 , bbls , : cx.
j5li'tt3 , mitmimo ; veterli suptirilne , $ L50t
3.75 ; vesicri1 extra , $ I.O0j'4.5 ; western
family , 5.00'i15.O : whiter viieat , 50,00116,73 ;
gmpriitg wheat. * o.2I(6,00 ; si'ilnr , wheat ,
mtraigImmi. 86,00116,25 ; receIpts , 2,001 bbls , ;
exhorts. 3.226 1)1)15.
\V11IT-Vnsettlemh ; shot anti month , 1Y
1&3e ; July 79u1S0mm ; steamer No. 2 red ,
lSc ; receiltilt ; 11,536 bu , ; exports. 23,511 liii. ;
smoutbern wti imt , 1) ) ' sample , Ttl3c ; south-
t'rn wheat. ott iriiilo , 7S4jt2ttc.
1 eQI7'-Dtlll itiit caB ) ' ; 5lOt ) unit il300th
33c ; Jtily 315134t4e ; steamer mixed ,
330 ; receIpts. 7lSi3 bu. : xportim. 12 113 bu , ;
southern white corn , 7c ; southern yeilqw ,
OATIcadIei'l No. 2 whIte , $ O31o ;
I-- - -
No , 2 mixed , 27fi'2S % recdptim , 6,500 bu. ;
exportim , none.
HUTTifl-Steady ; fancy creamery , 1'i
ISe ; fancy Imitation , lGc ; fancy ladle , l3ijl
lie : om1 lad1 , store packed , 1O11C.
CIIEESl--Bteamj.y : fancy New York ,
lnrge , 979c ; fancy New York , medium ,
9 ½ tJ10c ; fancy New York. small , DSlOl,4c.
Cnnmlltlnn of Trade nail Qnntntloni
on Sinpie and I'flflC3' Produce.
EOti-Ooot1 stock , S12e.
3i1JTFJfl-Common to fair. Diltic : sep.
atator , 15c gathered creamery. I5011C.
VflA1-Choico fat.0 to 120 iig. quoted at
Z9c : lsttge and coarse , StJTc.
1iVF1 1'OUITIIY-Llens , c , old roost-
cr5 , 3'4c ; spring chlens , ist1thc ; ducks , Cc ;
geese , Ge.
I'IOEONS-.Llve , per dox. , 60TCc.
VIOETA fl1.E $ .
ONIONB-Neiy southern , per lb. 1a.
III6ANH-tIanmt.nlekeml navy. per tI. , $ l2. .
POTATOE0l11 potatoes , 2O14OC flew pO-
tntne , per bu. , r.
( AitiI.GI4-.I'er crate per lb. . 2c.
TOMATOEl'er four basket crate , 8c7
$1.00 ; 1-3 imu. box , SOc.
, " ( ' 1MliFflhi3-1Iomo grown , per doz. .
WAX IflAN8-1.3 bu. box , &O100c.
FItU i'rs.
flICK ] CAHI'llFltllI flH-l'cr 24.qt. case.
$2.25 ; 21'qi. ease , ; Lh&71.20.
I , , I'1fl IIASI'JiSiItltlEt3-'er 21-pt. case ,
$ L7Mtoo ,
OOSfl-3E1tItI1-Per 21.qt. Case , $ t.OO
CIll6htItI3..t'er 2l-t. case. $1,00'1.23 ;
Cailltnrntas , per 1O.lh. bnx. 31,50.
PIACI1-Houthern , 1-3 bu , box , 75c@
$1.00 ; Calltornln , 20.itn box , $ I.2.
' ' ( ( ) ' ' - 2J ! lb , case. $1.ZI1I.&O.
CUflIUINT5-.I'er 21-qt. Case , $ l.25iJ1,5O.
WA'1kItM1'JLLjNSCtted , 301j33c ; loose.
2311 30c.
ORANGES'-'IieeIlings , , LS4yj2.75 ; Mcdltcr-
ranezin Sweets. $2.50h2,75 ,
LEMONS-California , $3.00 ; fancy ides-
ama , $0.00.
IlJiN.'NAS-C5joio , large stock. per
btineli , $2.O0I2,25 ; medium slzd bUnchc ,
$ l.75712.OO.
NUTS-Almonds , per lb. . larc sIze , 127
13c : nmall , lie ; 11r5z1i3 , . 'JIJiOC' En.
helm walnuts , per lb. , fancy solt shell , I10
lie ; mmtltndarls , Sj9e : filberts , per lb. , IOO
tecans , polished , medium. IJ7ct extra
large , 8119c ; large hickory nuts. Zi.OWI.1b
Per him. ; small , $ i.23j1,5 Per bU. ; cocoaliuts.
ver IOO ; i ; peanuts , raw , GijO ½ c : roasted ,
MAPLE SY1IUP-Flve.gnL can , each ,
$2.75 : gal. cans. pure , Pet do3. , 312 : half-gal.
cans , 36.2. ; Quart cans , $3.0.
FIGuI-importeti , fancy. 3-crown ,
boxes , bc : 5-crown , 41-lb. boxes , Bc ; 2-lb.
box. 221ml3e ' per box ; California , 10-lb.
box , $1.
IIONJ0Y-Chlc White , 14715c.
DATJS-1LalInree , 60 to 70-lb. boxes ,
a0c SnIr , Sc ; Fmtrl , boxes , Dc.
CIDEI-Per half bbi. , $ I.25't13.50.
Ii1D1S-No. 1 greezi liltleg , 7c ; No. 2
green hides , 64 ; No. 1 salteil hides , Dc : No.
2 salted hides , Sc ; No. 1 veal calf. S to 12
lbs. , tic ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 lbs. , 7c.
TALLOW , ti ruAsi , FITC.-'l'nllow , No.
1 , Se ; tallow , No , 2 , 2c ; rough tallow , 1 ½ c ;
i'1ilto grease , 247j2ic ; yellow amid brown
1 ease , 1 ½ 'U2c.
SI11ilP 1'El1TS-Grcen salted , each , I51
icc : green salted shearlugs ( short wooled
early skins ) , each , lSc ; dry shearingim , ( short
vQoletl early skins ) , No. I , each , 5c ; dry
illnt , Naimsui : mind Nebraska butcher wool
pelts , 1)01' ) lb. . actual weight , 4715c :
dry flint , ICansas nnd Nebraska marrain
wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 31j1e ; dry
hint , Colorado butchet wool PeltS. per lb. ,
actual vclglit , .ii5c ; dry flint , Colorado miii--
rain wool lOita , Pet' lb. , actual weight , 3
St. LouIN Market.
ST LOUIS. Jiiite 30.-W' I IFiAT-Lower :
closed with July September ' 43-Sc and
Decemler 3-Sc tinder yesterday ; spot ,
higher ; No. 2 reti , cash , elevator. The ;
track , 761175c , mmcmv : it.Sc old ; July , 69c ;
Septeniber , r.7i4ti6 3-Sc ; December , 61 3-Sc
asked : No. 2 hard , SSc.
COflN-Future were weak and fractionally -
ally lower ; SPot , , lower No. 2 cash , Die
asked ; July , 23c ; September , 50 5.SU35c.
OATS-Weak anti lower for futures amiti
cash ; No. 2 cash , lie bid ; track , 23J23c ;
July. 2P,4c ; September , 20c bid ; No. 2 whIte ,
RYE-Nominal at 40c.
Si-IEDS-Flaxtmeed , nominal at $1.01 ; prime
Llmutliv seed. $2.OOhD.50.
COI1NMEAT.-Steatiy at $1.65f1.7O.
lIlIAN-Dull : sacketi. east track. 40130C.
hAY-Dull anti weak ; prairie , 56.00117.00 ;
timothy , $7.04j1O.00.
BUT'I'Elt-QuIet ; creamery , 145j16',4c1 ;
dairy , IOtJl4c.
EGGS-Steady at 9e. loss off.
\VIIISEY-Stoady at $1.23.
1AGGING-4i 3. J7 3.Gc ,
METALS-Lead. strong at $3.8S13.V/ ;
slelter , steady at $4.60.
PROVISIONS-Pork , quIet : standard
mess , jobblngttlO. Lard. lower ; prime
steam. 15.15 : choIce. 33.2.5. Bacon. boxed
shoultiermi. $5.25 ; ixirmishortcJe&r , $6.00 ;
ribs , 50.l2 : horis. 30.23. Dry salt meats.
boxed shoulders.I $1.75 ; extra short clear.
$5.50 : ribs , $3.612 shorts , $3.75.
itlICEll'TS-Flour , 4.000 bbis. : wheat , 13-
000 him. : corn. 32.000 hu. ; omits , 26.000 be.
SIllI'MENTS-Flour , 1,000 bbls. ; wheat ,
5.000 bu. ; corpj23.QOO bu. ; oats , 3,000 bu.
Ltverpncl 31nrkt.
LIVERPOOL. June 30.-WHEAT-Spot ,
dull ; No. 2 red western , vlnter , Oi 7d : No.
2 ncthern snrine. Os Dii. Futures closed
quiet ; July , Os 4d September , Cs 540 ; Dc-
eemier , 55 7iLd.
( 'OlIN-Spot. nutet : American mixed
new , Ds ; July , 3s cl ; September , 3s 3d.
I lOPS--At L.ontton , Pacific coast , dull ,
PIIOVJSIONS-fleef , easy. extra India
mess , TSs ; prime mess , COs 3d. Porlc , dull ;
lrimo mess , tIne western , Ols 34 : prIme
niess. nicdiiimn western. Its Dd. llama , short
cut , dull , DOs. Bacon steady , 27s Oil : short ribs ,
29s 6t1 ; bug clear mltltllemm. light , Dis Cii : long
clear nulilillea , heavy , Dis ; short clear baek ,
Dis ; clear iellies. 3ts ; shoulders. stitiure ,
ilrm , 21s. Laid , dull ; Prime % vestern , 29s ;
tallow , Prime city , dull , lOs.
Cl1E1GfiF-FIrm , American finest white
anti colored , DOs' Gd.
OILS-Cottonseei oil , Liverpool refined ,
ilimil , ISs Sti , 'I'urpentine spirits , steady , 23s
Gd. RosIn , common , steady , Cs.
1zi itsims ( il ) ' (3m In mmliii l'roviMIouu.
LANRAR CITY. .Ttina afl-t'hPtfll1if
little new wheat offered : No. I hard , SIc
bid ; No , 2 old , nominally , SIc : hew , 72f1
Tic : No. 3 old , 75677c ; new , GIeii7lc ; No , 1
red , IDe : No. 2 iilil , 79c : new , 737174c : No , 3 ,
737iiSe ; No. 2 slriimg , TItjTGc ; No. 5 , 707172c.
CORN-Active : No. 2 mixed , ZOc ; No. 2
w1iit. lie ; No , 3 , DO'e.
OATS-ActI'e : No. 2 white , 26r27c.
P.YFi-Steatly ; No , 2 , lOc.
hAY-Quiet. unchanged.
BUTTIIIt-Stendy ; eiurator , i27j14c ;
dniry. billIe.
EtitiS-Stendy : fresh , Sc.
ItEt.'Eli'TS-Wlieat , 1,200 bu , ; corn , 15.000
be. : omits. 15.000 bu ,
Ri I I I'MENTS-i\'Iiemit , 15,1100 ho. ; corn ,
2'JSOO liu. ; outs , 5,000 lmii ,
Ciiieimiimntl InrIct.
CINCINNA'rI. Julie D0.-F'I.OUR-Qulet ;
fanm' ' , SI lmilt5S : faimily , $3.60i43.S5.
\VIIEA'i'-Steaiiv ; No , 2 red , Sic ,
CORN-Quiet ; No. 2 mIxed , Sic.
OATS-Dtill : No , 2 mixed , 2S,4c. !
RYE-Firm : No. 2 , 41e.
I'ltOVISlONS-Lnrth. dull at 50.121. Bulk
meats iulet at $5.10. ibLt'fl , steady at 50.59.
\VIl1filY-Flrni at 51,23.
BUT'I'EIt-Stenily ; faimey Biglus , 167J15c ;
Ohio , 12-uSc : dairy , i0ic.
tOUUAII-Enmmy ; lmnrti refined , 51.47116.10.
ECItiS-Flrmn at Dc.
CiIEiI3lb-Stcady good to prime Ohio
cream , 771Tc.
( lrntn Ileccitits at Vrliit'Ipui Marketi.
CILICAO9 , June 313.-Beceipts : Wheat , 5
cars ; corn , 410 cites ; outs , 1913 cars. lIeU-
mated care for tomorrot'Vheat , 16 ; corn ,
460 : oats 380.
ST. i uis , June 30.-Receipts : 'Wheat ,
11 cars.
Id I NNEAI0L113 , Juimo 30.-flecelpte :
\'heat. 12 cars.
DULUTh , Juno 30.-lteceiptii Wheat , 1
'Vuleulo Misrkct ,
TOLEDO , Jimmie 30.-WIIEAT-W'eak and
lower : No. 2 cmtli , Sic : July , 7Iie.
CORN-Active iin&b lower ; No. 2 mIxed ,
oATS-Dull anti lower : No. 2 mixed , 23 ¼ c.
IIYII-Iuli anti stenily ; No. 2 cash , 4l'c.
VL.O'lIitS1IJIl-'IulL itilil steady ; prime.
cash , $3.00.
OIL-North LIme , GTe ; South Llmna and
Intilanu , lIe.
l'stL'imi : uu rk.ts ,
PEORIA , Juimu 30-CORN-Inactive ; No.
! , nominal.
tATS-Hlowt No , 3 white , 223c.
% % 'IIISKY-FIrzn ; ilgh : ) root spirit. ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Suit Vrnuciscu % 'lte'ii ( 3larkt't ,
Steady ; Dectlmber , $ l.235.
Coffee Market ,
NEW 'YOIIIC , June 3O.-COFFEE----Options
0IeilCd steady at unchanged prices. After
a slight ipurt o activity at the start time
trading became slack uim1 was light dur-
tog the balance of tile session. Absence
of news from Brazil and evidences of spec.
uilative nptithy abroad mci-cubed the dls.
position of Jocal , truderms. to proceed with
the utmost caution ; 'closed 'steady anti un.
_ _ Ir !
changed to 5 Points net higher , sales , II 000
bags , Inclmnling July at $5.50. SpeC codee.
Ilin , dull and nominal ; No. 7 , invoice , $ G.23
tmo. 7 , jobbing , $6.73. Mild , narrow and a
tame affair ; eordora , $ t50l5.3.
STOCICS.tYl ) tllMIM ,
'rrnilers Close L'plitiiilnee'I' * 'rrpnra- '
10r3 tO the 1loildn's. I
NEV YO1lh , Jimmie 30.-The cobtlntieth
duilnes of ( ho stock market todtY justifleil
the judgment of the memters of the Stork
exchange that It was hardly worth while to ,
keep open for Saturday's himtit tiny's trading
prcccillng Monlruy's holIdity' A great hart
or today's business consisted of closing lip
antI evening tip outetnutling onrnct preparatory -
paratory to the three ulays' cesatiofl of
trading. This dullness In the market in the
Inca of the actual existence of war Is in
striking contrast to the extreme nervous
news 'liich dictated the mibblitinil of the
usual StOck exchange lmolithuy on Good Fri.
dcv last. when there was ibutly ttxpeCnlinii (
of' the presentation of tlit' report on the
imlalne disaster to Congress amid nl outbreak
of hostilities against Spain. Stock exchange
memiere then insisted upon holding a
sitti to afford opportunity to sell stocks in
time fear of what has now actusily come to
1)1155 and which , having come to PasS , finds
vrices at an extremely high level firmly
maintained. Dull as tolny's , market was
the dernnnil for stocks clearly exieeied , the
supply , itnml there was a tluict absorptiott
of securities through a Wltiel)1 e.teimdeti list ,
bitisifleims continued largely primfsinu1ti1 , but
there wa 51)1mm t'omnmissiomi houSe huslimeami
ulmimie , thm outside buying imeing nttributel
to WeStttfl sources , and Iothg especIallY
nmanlfest In the grangers In syumipathy witii
time imprqveti tOne of tln wheat market ,
Sugar continued its advance , but lost it be' .
fore the clay closeti. I'eolle's Gus Was mmii
at One time .2',4 points. amid mmii time day's ud-
Vmmnces late in time afternoon causeil a sharil
reaction which was most mntirked In time
stocks which hail shuwim the largest gitlimim
and In whlcim Tobacco milso shared. l'umhimnul
simowemi a further striking advance mind
touchemi 2O7. The buying is said to he ihime
to a ienmiing diimtribuitiimn of the cumlmflfly'ii
large suirplums. Doubts over Interpretation
of some Polills of the new revenue law
which goes immtn force tomorrow hail nn in-
iiueimce Iii curtailing speculation. A decline
iii sterling exehamige itm resIdence to time lo'-
ering of tlid Ibmink of llmmglmtimd tilecount rate
was a feature of the day. In boimfis there
was a reaction in Texas & I'aclilc secomitbe
( Hi renulzlimg. Otherwise irice % verc ilrmly
held , Tutni smiles , $2,230,000. United States
old is , couiimtn , advanced % per cent timid the
new 4e i-S her remit lim the bid Price.
The Eveimiimg I'ot'mt London ilmmmtmmcial en-
blesram umays 'T1me Stuck market lmcre , in-
citiliimg , Amncricnims , was stendy. but with
little busltmi'ss. 'J'liere was mi special Comm.
ture. Time rmaiueti'mn In the blank of Eng.
land discount rate Imas come a veok sooner
tbmtii exiwcts'd. It wan good policy of the
directors , however , to make the movememmt ,
for they have done a much larger bail bust-
ness today than they would have done 0th-
erwise. l'robably 2,000,000 was left today ,
tIme money being wanted for time custoinmtry
half yearly retlulrenmentt. A Dutch balm for
57.815,000 ilorin ( mibout 523.150,000) ) is an-
mmuimced toimlgimt , tIme immtcreet bcimmg 3 itfl'
cent. miimtl time Issue price 97 imer ct'imt.
SiwYer ilrotlmCrs anti time lJnioti bank of
Loumdofl wihi receIve subscriptitmns in Lon-
( lOll. An Italian io.rn for 6,000,600 is cx-
Peeled within time next teim dimys ,
Time following are the closimmg quotations
of the ientilng stocks on the New York
nmmmrlet today :
Atchison . . . . . . . . . . 1:1 : % St. 1' . , k 0111 . . . . . . . . . 76
(10 . . . . . . . . : ia ito nra . . . . . . . . . . . . I 32
baltimore & 01,10 , 1 414 St. I' . 14. . ' 38. . . . . . . . I 41
Cnimntimi Ptcttlc : . , 81 So , i'ncift" . . . . . . . . . . 154
Camiatimi Sotminern , . CO So. hallway. . . . . . . . . 5 %
Central Paculic. . . . . . 1:1,0 : , So. 1ttllway : pfd 21)4 )
Chr'mt. .tOIiiO. . . . . . . . 220 * 'roxas . ' i'achi'ic. , 12 %
Chicago & .Utorm . . , , 1 SM4 limitnim Pueblo. . . . . . .
C. . ii. & . . . . . . . . . . . ) PS ilimloim l'acilte pItt. , 504
elt S. i . . . . . . . . . . CSI Ii. 1' . 0. .kG. . . . . . . .
C.C.C.l& St. I . . . . . 414waltash . . . . . . . . . . . 7
'to pIti. . . . . . . . . . . mim8 Va1cttj1m ! . . . . . . . . . I . $15
Pd. & itmmiuomm. . . . . 1 09 Vhei. & L. 1" . . . . . . I 35
Dcl. I. . k SY . . . . . . I 58 Wheel , .1 , L. i' . arl 11 %
Den. , itio (1 . . . . . . . 19 . AdalasM Ex. . . . . . . . . . lOll .
do 1-tit . . . . . . . . . .31)14 ) itnmertcamm lIx..2)
En , ' llm'mwl. . . . . . . . . imt : Putted Stnte'i lbc. . . ii )
Ere I et art. . . . . . . . . :1t45 % Vellm ' : mrgo Ex. . ,1 lii
Ft.Vavmme . . . . . . . I 71) Aiim. tot. 011. . . . . . . . .
flrt'ai Sorthprmm umId. I Si ) .5 , Cot. OIl ntd . . . . . .2 %
iloelcimmr VuIty. . , , U Aiim. Spirit' , . . . . . . .
iiiiimois Cmntrm1. . . 1 ta4 ) Aiim. S hint S 9f3. . . . . . :1 : 4
Lake Em-ic .I SY , . . . )43i1 Ala. Tobacco . . . . . . 119
tie tfci . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 % do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
LnkStmort-t. , . . . . . . . 187 l'eoimle's Ua'm. . . . . . .
LOitihVllle. Nasim. 31 % Commn. tias. . . . . . . . . lt 4
Mamitmattait 1. . . . . . . 10.1 % Co'mm. Ca'lm Co. . . . . Ilil
Met. St. ICY. . . . l3 toi. F. ' Iron . . . . . 9134
Mtcimie'a , . CemmtriI. . 10341 110 mmmc. . . . . . . . . Ut )
Miami. .t St. C . . . . . . 2S8 (3i'n. i11'cti'lc , , . , , . ,
dolitord . . . . . . . . . .SM . % lllitmolsSteot. . . . . . . . SIPS
. ' . . . . . . . . . . : LaCleoc Ux . . . . . . .
tobItu& Ohio . . . . 26 Lead. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
liti , IC. & T. . . . . . . . I I tie efO. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10114
? , lo.K. .k T mirth. . . . . 3:3 Nut. Lilt. Oil . . . . . . . . 1113-5
Cbm. . led. .tL. . . . . . 915 i'aeIflc'att. . . . . . . . .
do t1. . . . . . . . . . . . . Di ) Puimiiau Pam . . . . . . . ( Iiit. (
N. .7. Cetitral . . . . . . . 934 SIlver CertiCcatc.
5. YCentraI..11334 Stmtntl.Itopo &T. . . . C
14.Y.CIii.&SL 1 . . . 1933 SUgU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:42 : %
tle1t pat. . . . . . . . 67 do 013. . . . . . . . . . Ilit
iio2d tmti. . . . . . . . . . : ti : T. C. .t , iromu. . . . . . . . 25 % SVeturu 14 U. S. Leather. . . . . . . 734
No. Anmee. Co. . . . . . . ' 51.4 do ptd . . . . . . . . . . . 6634
No.iic1tic. . . . . . . . . 211 U. 5. Ittibber' . . . . . . 244
ULmfd . . . . . . . . . . . 1194 do pSI. . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 %
OmmiarIo , W. . . . . . 14 % Weeterim Untoim U'21I1 .
Om'e. P. Nay . . . . . . . . 4t Northwestera . . . . . .
Ore.ShoriLlno. . . . . 25 % do afti. . . . . . . . . . . . . 17(1 (
PIttsbur . . . . . . . . . . . 171 fl.GV ! . . . . . . . . . 911 %
1teaUium . . . . . . . . . . . 1811 It. 0. & W.pbl. . . . . . .
itocS Islatid. . . . . . . . 117 Cht. Gt. West. ' . . . . . 1434
S. L,3& S. 14' 7 % Itcatllmmg 1st pftl. 4334
. , . . . . . . . . . . .
(10 itprd. . . . . . . . . . 6134 St L. & S. W. . . . . . . . 'SI
St. z'aiml . . . . . . . . . . . 933 do. plC. . . . . . . . . . . 11 %
do tti. . . . . . . . . . . 14534 lirooklynit. T . . . . . 54 %
Hawaii C. C' . . . . . . . . 2334
Total sales of stocks today , 223,400 shares ,
Including : Atchison preferred. 3,751 : ( 'hI-
emigo , Burlington & Quincy , 9,633 ; Manimat-
tni , 6,6401 Nortlmern Pacitic preferred , 1,763 ;
Itock island , 11,000 ; St. Paui,54O : ' 1'ecns &
Pacific , 2.245 ; Union PacIficpreferreth , 3.303 :
Spirits , ) 3,337 : Tobacco , 192,234 Chicago Great
Western , 5,365 ; I'r'opku'5 Gas , 27.525 : Geiierai-
Electric. 6.753 ; Pullman , 6,851 ; Sugar , 26,405 ;
Westei'n Union , 0,157.
Ni-mv Yori Money Market.
CALL-Nominally i4tt1i per cent.
PlUME MERqAN'riLII PA l'ER-D'bll 1)er
actual business in bankers' hiils'at $4.S5
514.86 for demanil and % fOr sixty
ilays. Posteti rates , * I.S&7J'I.S6. Commer-
clal bills , $4.53.
SILVER C1IbtTtFrCATIIS'.Ct419m/2c.
GOVERNMENT BONDS-Strong ; new 4s ,
registered mintS coupon. ill 3-8 ; is , registered ,
110 ¼ : 4. coupon , 111 ½ ; 2s , 95' ; l'aciiic Ge
of 1599 , 1Ol.
Closing quotations on bonds , vere as Cal-
lows :
U. S. mi'mW 49r'i-.3 iltTii , J. 0. Di. . . . . . . . . I l5
U.S.locotip. . . . . . 121
U. S. .iiirer . . . . . . . .I ill y , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11)-I )
U,3.4.cottp. . . . . . Ilili No. Pacifl isti , , 115
U.S.2s.m'n ; 115 No. Pacitie Ss. . . .
U. S. :0. : ro'.I 1211 2o. Palihe : Is , , , . . 08 %
U.S.Ss. coup . . . . .112 % N. Y , C. & SI. L4s.mS3i )
Dlbtrlet.i. U.t , . . . . . 11414 N. . W. ha . . . . . . . 121
Aia..cias'It. . . . . . 110 NW.Conselj. . . . . . ill
Ala..cmaiis I ) . . . . . . . . 103 N. IV. Peb. 3s. . . . . . I lit %
.tia.'lisa : ' 3. . . . . . . . lIt ) C's. NaylsOm. . . . . . . I 1.1
Alit. Currency. , . 01) Om. Nay. 4 . . . . 0334
Atcimicon is. . . . . . . (1-lit : 0 , 5. a. 113. t , T . . . , . .
Atcimisoitaul , 4i. , , . 117 % 0. S.r 3m. t. t' . . . . . 10734
C'Ommmmdmi,8o.Ueta , . . 11)834 Pacittc4is of ' 03. , lid
Clii. Tenmm.4s. , , . 137 itearItuir 411 , , , . . , , . 141134
c. & (1. mitt I 14'5 ' i1.G.Wot isti. . . . . K94
(1.11. 13. 4i . .iOt % St. i- . . % & I. 31 , tb-i. I 1)3
D..t It. 0 , 1-mu . , .lItS ) St. I. . .1 S. FO ) , I. 121a-4
ndlt. o.4'I . , . . , . . , US SlP.tbou'wls. . . . . . . 143
ItastCnmi. lMt..lliT34 SLP.O , ¼ P , lstm , . . 120 %
ErteGai. is . . . . . . . 744 St. P. C. i 1' , 3 . . . . . I 17
F. IV. k II. IL t. r. 7334 Southern ity , bi , , . .
'id , . iSiec. hi , . . . . . . 103 3 , U. . ! T. Us. . . . . . . '
G1 , .me. A. . . , , . 1115 Teminnemesot3 , . . III )
U. it. .t 4 , A. this. . , 102 Tax l'.ic , I. . C , isis 10334
iIa'2.Cent,3 , . . . . . I It ) Tex. l'u. Sr. 2is , 44)
li. l , . ' 1' . (1.cami ( IL lot U P. 1) . , 4) , itm. . 023
iowa 11. lets , . , . 1(11 ( % ivab.lsa . . . . . . 1101
La.NuwCoa.iilt)1l Wab , 2rts . . . . . . . . . . . $1334
L. & N. Ciii. 49. . . . . 90)1 ) 1VuL Sb ore 4 * , , , . . . BID
3tiatotmrI t8. . . . . . . 10(1 ( Va. Ccisttirioi. . . . . . . 71
Imi , IC. & ' 1' . 9dM. . . . . . 63 Va , tiernrrai . , , , , , , , 4
a ! . 16. .tT.45 , , , . , 81 : tjniomm Peitlo p10. . 594
N. V. C. itmia. . . . . . . . 110 Union L'aeifle Its , . . 11434
HoNlon Stmmilc Quotations.
BOSTON , June 30.-Call loanS , 1713 iur
cent : time loans , DSJI per cent. Closing
priCeS for atock , bonds and mining shares :
A.TkP T.VWE1'Wf1..3 %
AImmeriCan iitmeT. : , 132 % Atelmisoti ; ifti. . . . . . . . 35 %
Aimi. Stmgmr oft , , 1 1214 Hoioim I , , , , . , , , . , 04114
hay Stmte ( ) i 1,4 18 14 , I. . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
5.11 relepimaus , . , 274 $ , Geti. .1sc. rdd. . . . . . 02
L'oetonJ.tlbtmy 223 Acimlimon Ii. . . . . . . 0234
Hoston Maine. . , 162 Won Cent Us . . , , , , 125 %
C. , IIli 13 . . . . . . , li)414 ) Ailouez ! dln , O , , 414
Ftteltourr . . . . . . . tam Atiumtlo . , , , , . . . . , . , Oil
General nittelno. , 31) 11oicmn 3 Momflmumi 320:1 :
IllinoIs Stool. , 57 italic .I jtqstcmm. . , , Org
3iexic'sn Central. . l,4 C5iUineL , ItocIs . 506
N. Y. N , . . . . . 114 Cwmtonitii. . . . . . . ' 1434
Die Colony. . , . , 390 b'ramiklimm. . . . . . . . . . .
0.3.14. . . . . . . . . , , 21) OCctiola. . . . . . . . . . . 4634
RuDDer . . , . , , . , . , 24 i3ttlncy . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
131)100 Pacific. . . . . 2:154 : 'l'amnarmu'a , . . . . . . . . 135
iVcvt EmmU . . . . . . . . . 1)44 , 3VOlvvt'ines , , , . . , , 22
iVent Itnul lfld , , , , , 10:4 : % Parrofl
3V. Itlomi. . . . . . . . . . . 32itiOlttDolmmlnlomi 2234
Stun ICrilitcisco SiiImii % ( ( Zuotzutlommii ,
SA N FItANC'ISCO. Julio 3O.-Oliic'lal cbs.
lag quotations on mimmlmmg stocks today were
us follows :
TiaCotm. . . . . . . . . 1 lntucky Cou , . , , ,
Anal's. . . . . . . . . . . S . 3lexlcaim . . , , . . , , , . , H
( kcfler.1 OCitieUt3l COIl. . , , 53
20M& Delchtir , , , , 32 OllitIr . . . . , , . , . , , , 14
) iutilomm. . . . . . . . . . . 1 ivunn3tI. , , . . , . , , . , .
Caledoitlil. . . . . . . . . 111 i'otosl . , . . , . . , , , , . , S
Challenge Comm. . , , I I Havart , . . . . . . . . . . . , 2
Cliollmmr. . . . . . . . . . . . . :4 : Sterns N'vmmIa. , , , , , 44
Coallilemice. . . . , , , , Dl Silver 11111 . , . , . , , S
Cou.Cai. .l Va. , . , l'J ' Uiioti Comm. . . . . . . . 15
Crowim l'Otii . . , , , 4 Ut hi Con. . . . . . , , , , 1
'luuiu&surrms , . : 6 Yellow Jacket , , , 31
hale it Norei'os 41) SOmimdail. . . . . , , , , 165
Justice. . . . . . . . . . . . . a
'asked ,
Silver bars , M4c ; Mexican dohi'armi ' , 4G'73
4Cc ; drafts , sight , 1le ; telegraph , lOc ,
liiuimtc of lbimgliiitml St , tieiieim * .
LONDON June 50.-Time weekly stntnment
of the sank of Eiiglaiiu shows the follow-
' - '
i- -j'
11mg changes , as cornpmtred with the previous
nceotInt Total reserve , decrease , SSS.OOO
circulatIon. increse , D33,00O bullion , In-
cicase , ll.174 ; ether securIties , decrease ,
2lI1X1 : other deposIts. incremise , 500,000 ;
PUt'liC ilellOsilS , decrease. 1.973,000 ; notes
rt'serve , decrease. 736 ; goverumment se-
euirities , inFens , 21.00) , Time ProPortIon
of time 1iiik ( if Eimglanil's reserve to ha.
imiiIt' Is 43.69 t'er eemmt , its eumpareul ivitli
' 4.:5 per cent lzmst wpk. The flank of Eng-
land's rate bf disedhut has been redmicemi
from 3 to 2 % her emtftt.
Vnrk 3lInuiit Qiiutmtt iim , .
NII3V VOltI. Jmnte..10't'iie followIng are
the closing mining 'lluiotations : _ _ _
4ldoIamr . . . . . .P Jtt 1156-trio. . . . . . . . . . 250
Crowtt PetaL : -lnuitsir' . . . . . . . . . . 15
Cnn.C51. & Vu. . , 13it'iymmomitt , . , . , . . , . 13
Pm'Mwooti. . . . . . . . ; ll jJmiIckreP. ( ( . . . . . . . hIIJ
Oct64 Ii Cttrm' ' 4 lDmiIS'ssiivererl. . , 2323
iii ' 4omrls , , 41) I Sitmrr.t NsVt 13. 23
Itonissuso , , 4341t ) fsuuntiard. . . . . . . . . 161)
JionSllrer. . . . . . . . ; 3 , 1111110,1 ( lou. . . . . . . . .
) Itmxicnr . , , , . . , . . . , Lli0tvJmoem , . . . II )
Y.onslon SibtCititlontinIs.
' LONDOMlune , I ) . m-C'ithtlimg
Consohi. , m't. . . . . . . . h1)144. ) \ ' 'nmam4 . . . . . . . 119' (
( o clots , acet..I I I ( I3eimnvivaimla. . . . . . . 51134
t aim , P.ieitmc. . . . . . . $ , Jl cctilits , . . . . . . . . . .
li-li' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I94 Mrs Ceo , 1ieW411. . 0.4
g5 lIrd' . , . . . 'huh Atehtsoi . . . . . . . . . . . 1:134 :
Ill. centr.ii. . . . . . . . . itla II. . , l N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MCMCSmI ornhmiars 2p'jfTi-aimd ' . .
'it.I'iiiil COUutilOll. . . lotts7- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
at 27 5.ltkt ier
ounce , 0' " 3.
MONFiY-t1 % ; u'r emit.
The rate of discdQmpfl1 1mm tIme open market
for shmort blll , 1 l eemlt ; 'for thmree
mouths' bills , 1 l.S13 Per eonL
PIiinmmu % , ites
OMAHA , , Jimne 30'-'I'he clearIngs for time
dill'WCC $ iiJl,614.3.t..Ualunccs $221J301.iS ,
'i'hio cicarimige for 1391 Su'Cre $7719.73 , utah
(1w bmmlmiimees $32,035.18. Increase iii clear-
logs , $2".li,933i.G0. -
1,1 IICAGO , J ( limo 39.-Clearings , $17,750 , 1ST
balaimces , 2.232.O-l21 sterling exctmaumge ,
vostefi , $ I.S.511-l.sG actual , S i.SI4711.iG-lj ;
New Vorit cxcIange , soc 3iretnlunm : sixty
days , ; l.s3imii1 , . Stocks , tiumlet ; lliscuit ,
etminon 25 5-5' ihlecuit. preferred , 19 5-3 ;
Dlmtiiloimt Match , 13534 : Amnc'rlctitt Sti'aw-
boat-mi , Sil ; North Chicago , 205Vest ; Ciii-
engo , Di.
\\AS1IINUTON , Jtino 30.-Today's state.
moot of liii' etmimmiltiomi of time treasury
shows : As mtllahile cash balance , 52.11,32,723 ;
gold reserve , $ i66,473i38.
IIOSTON. Julia' 40.-Clearings , $17,313 , 13 ;
bmmlanvm's , $2,591 SOI.
IIALTIMOIII' , Julie 30.-Clearings , $3,211-
117 : bitlnnece. 5314.233.
I'll ILADIIIJ'lI IA , June 30.-Clearings ,
$ iD.5i4,5.S : hiulttnct's , $1,598,953.
ST. 1.01115 , JUlIO 23.-Clearings , $ iiiOltI :
haiaimce , $738,259 ; money , 5115 per cent : New
York exeiang ( ' , 40d prerniutmi html , GOc lire'
lithium mmmdccii ,
CINCINNATI , June 30.-Money , It/dill per
cetlt New York eXcimnigC , 51.04) to 25c Itre. .
nmiunml cleai'ings , 31,668,550.
NE3\ YORK , June 30.-Clearings , $136 , .
167,706 : Ialnncee , 51O,1i7,265.
NlIV OIILF1ANS , June DO.-Ciearilmgs , $1-
084.419 ; New York exchange. batik , $1.00 Per
$1,030 prenmiunm ; commercial , 25c er $1,090
MFMP11 IS , June 30.-Clearings , $176,170 ;
balances , $57,933.
Fmi count Flit , , ! l'iill.
I.ONDON , June 30-Time market for
Amnericami securities after a dull mmmiii rather
weak optunhtig was llrinem' , Imut rmtbmer : himac-
tive , with ill ) ilPeciai features. Tue clmsiimg ,
tone vns firm , but the tlcniaimd generally
light. TIme amount of taillitma takzi alit of
the iinumk of llngianil on lathances today
3vtts 20.000. Goitl Is quoted mit Buenos
Ayres at 115.80.
I'AItiS , JUlIO 30.-Prices were steady omm
timi , bourse toilay ammil closed finn , time decrease -
crease in tIme Bank of lIiglnmtl's rate of
discount liavlimg little effect. International
securities were tirm , particularly iim the
( 'nile of Italians. 'I'hree Der ceimt routes ,
1DM GOc for time account. Exchange on Lou-
drim , 2Sf Ilc fur checks.
BII1ILIN , June 3I-Iltlslnesa ) on the ioUl'SC
today vas decidedly ( irma tinti animated ,
i\meriemns beimmg favorably : ii'fected by time
II Imriuis ( It Snlisburys speech at tIme United
chum at London imist night. liltet'matiOlth :
ccuritht's wcm'c all ti-nm. Interest ( 'hietI'
ceimtered in bank nnth imudustrial slutre ,
Which made good ndvaimces.
Hmim,1. i ) ! I'i'ml lice Stimleinetit ,
PAThS. June 30.-The weekly statement of
tIme Ilank of France slios's time following
ciinimgee. : is compared with tue previous zmc-
count : Notes in cIrculation , increase , 122.-
-150,000 ( mimes ; trctmsury accounts curt eumt.
ii)4rtM.S0 , 15.150.000 francs ; gold In. hand , , ie-
crease , 3.3225.000 franca ; bills iiiountcd , increase -
crease , 220.775,000 frm6imcs ; silver , increase ,
715.000 frammcs.
. ccrr'roNMAUISJb'r.
I.- .
Pour Crowii 1ItL'jI.TmeUlper humid amid 1)omt Prices.
NEW 'YORK , Jmn 30-TIme bear crowd
hail time upper hmammd lfl _ today's cotton nmar-
ket lind succeedetLiu..scoring a further de-
dine of 8 nints. Less confident shorts
covered on time 1lnt call , eeeizmg no immdica-
tiomm of renewed Interest or probabil1t3 Of
Immaterial cimange iq. prices until after time
Im'clldays. This iiemaati tentleti to steady
the market for atiine. but weakimess moon
developed unt1erqisIts-lhberal selling orilers
from the south and broati , and mnodermtte
liquidation of the'iAmigust nmimi October deliveries -
liveries by local longs , time stronger of
whom immi imelti out iluring the recent tie-
dine in tIme liole1of9t reaction. Liverpool
cables were dlsmuppoitm'ting , indicating lower
Prices tm futures auiti arm liudlrtereimt' tie-
month for spot calt'ecih Iteports from New
Yni-Ic lrlnt cloth ) markets , aiim ] the dry goods
market were mtlso'tof 311t uiimsatistiictorv cimar-
aeter , and addeddlku tIme discouragement of
the bull factiomm. 'hlmd iwesent low -prices ,
however , caused slittrts to proceed with ex-
ti-came cnumtlotm , and mt no tIme did the bear
crcwil make conertcd effort to sell the
nmnrket ofT. The close 3vami catty at a net
loss of 7 to S points. Total sales of futures
80.000 bales. Spot , ilull ; nmiihdling , C16c. .
not receipts , 372 bales ; gross receipts , 2 ,
bales ; exports to the contInent , 360 bales ;
for-tvnrmleiL 184 bales ; sales , C:1t : ; bales ; fllifl.
tiers , 236 bales ; stock. 101,461 bales. Total
today : Net receipts , 2,902 bales ; exports to
Great Britain , 483 bales ; to ilte eontinemmt ,
3.809 hales : stock. 207,313 bales , Coimsolidated :
Net receipts , 16,863 bales : exports to Great
Britain , 20,925 miles : to France , 5,078 bales ;
to time continent. 7,446 , hales. Total since
September 1 : Nrt receipts , 8,460.611 bales ;
eXli'ts to Great Britmilim , D,428.iG& & bnlett ; to
France , 811,516 bales ; to thma commeineimt , 2,913-
379 bales.
Simot , dull and easy ; ordinary , 4i,40 : good or.
dinary , 4 7-Sc ; ' ziiiihilllng , 5 5-ICc : mid-
tiling , C 15-hOc ; good multidling , 0 5-lIe ; mlii-
tiling , C il-lIe ; recellits , 1,410 bales ; stock ,
112.510 bmiles. Futures , quiet ; sales , 19,500
iaies ; July , 53.723115.74 ; August , 55,63113.00 ;
September , $3.6301'3.66 ; October , 55,61115,65 ;
Novc'nmlmer , 33.60113.67 ; December , 55,65715.69 ;
Jnruary , 55.71115,72 ; February , 55,71715.73 ;
Marcim. $3.77tjC,79.
LZVF1RI'OOL , June 30.-COTTON-Spot ,
moderate demnmi nfl ; Prices favor buyers ;
Airertean mnititiiiimg , 3 7-lOu. The ales of
the day were 8,009 bales , of which 800 were
for speculation ammil export amid includt'd
7,700 Amnerk'an : exports , ' 1.000 lambs , iiCliil-
ing 3,500 American. Futures opened quiet ,
with a moderate demand , mtl.i c'losetl easy :
Anierioimn miiltiiiimg. L. Pit. C. . July , 3 2.3.Glii
tuyers : Jul3' anti August , 3 23.610 imuyers
August antI September. 323-Old sellers ; Sop-
tenuber and October , 3 22-Old sellers : October
and November. 3 21.04th sellers ; November
minti December , 3 23-Gui sellers : December
and January. 320.Gld ( ( Oilers ; January and
February , 3 20-51t1 buyers ; February aimfi
March 3 30-Old sellers ; Marchi and April ,
3 21.G473 22-C4dlIeilem'H ,
'S'cmii SllLrkets.
BOSTON , lurme. , 30-Following , are ti)0
cuotatlons for' ' tile lcimdlniz dest'rintions :
Ohio miiii Ptiiflhi3'i'flflA ! ilreces XX mind'
above , ZOo : XXX aimd XX and above , 2Of$30c ;
ilelatne. Ide ; No.I comhiimg. Sac ; No. 2
xx Michigan. Sic' ; 3No. 1 MIchigan , comb.
lug' . 23c ; No. I Iliinois , combing. IDe ; No. 2
itIi'illgtliI , comhimllC , 21'c ; No , 2 Ililfloim4 , combIng -
Ing , ZSc , X New York , New ilammipehire anti
Vip'puommt , 221112c ; No , , 1 New York. New
hampshire antI l'ermont , ISc ; Uclatne ,
ihlchigiui , 28c' . l'nuu'asimod , meditmmn , Ken.
tuicy altO Indiana , one-fourth bloom ! comb-
tug. 224/lIe ; Kentucky 1(1)11 Iluilaria. thimee-
eighths 1)100(1 eomIng , 221123c ; Missouri
one fourth blood. comblig. : lIe : braid comb-
11mg , lOc ; lake and Georgia , 1DV2OC , Texas
wools , spring medium , twelve montlms. 15J' '
ICc ; scoured , iOiilZc ; shIrini line. twelve
months , 1671170 ; imcoui'ed , 3511-ISO. 'rcrm'itory
wools : MOntana. line flicillum and tIne. 35
$ ihSc ; scoured , 45c ; imtalieitt' . Wyoming.
lute. , hue medium , etc. . 1471150 : tltmmplO , 40
@ 15c. Australian , scommrcd basis comniing ,
sulerflmue , TOiiT2 : good , GSljGSc ; average1 62
4G5c : QtleeiislmintI'clmlhfiig , , 65C ,
LONDON. June , % h. ' The wool 50108 were
continued today 3t1'j a Imirgim ( itteildancti
( It buyers. 'l'lle numnier of bales offercil
was llO'39 , incimitlitig in lot of wools suitable
for Aimmerica , It isisaid that several of time
Amnerlcamu reiresentlmtiyct4 made purcimmuses
today. Scoured amid anti-inns were in good
demand , withm ( ito iroittinent antI time home
traiie COnlltutiIlg kriiflly at mi furiimer mimi-
advance , A inrgftlAItEpiliy of each bide for
good hue stock Ivail mnauimtnlmmeii. 'I'htero
was on limeroased ( lsmnimii from time French
buyers. Medium coarse scoured stocks
eltowed weakiess tmid 54)11)5 were whim-
drawn. Time ( ohiouyirmj miru the sale. In ( IC.
tall : Nesi' Stititisle $ , 2.100 bales ; imcottred ,
iOi4d ; greasy , 0711041 Quconstown. 1.400
bales ; scoured. B1j1d ; greasy. 6l71Sm/ti ,
'Victoria.1.200 baiqs. scourel , 7th71is 5i4i1 ;
grcmmey. 68ui1.I.'eut AustraUa , 000 lmales ;
r'oured , Is 2444313)4d ; grensy. 4itsTl.
Tasmmiaimimt , 100 builys' scoured. DdtIms 9th ;
greasy. 6t1711,31dtw Zealand , 5140 bales ;
scoured , 6l,4il7jl 4,3 grease. 5348lid. Cape
of flood Hope anti Natal , O0 bales ; greasy ,
$ Th.d.
. , .
- - - - - -
- -
Heavy Receipts of' iloga Continua the
reatu23 at the Local Yards.
( lii , . Ijomise Tnke , . Nenrly t1t ilutire
UtTering-a-liege Stnmnp Another
I'miekt'I nml Sell Freely at
, 411(3 lechlne ,
SOUTH OMAHA , June 30.
Catthm. ilogs. Sheep.
Ollicini yesterday . . . . . . . . 3,510 10,1138 1,293 I
One wecic ago . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,231 8313 6111
'l'wi , weoks.mtgo . . . . . . . . . . 1,195 6,174 397
Oim year ago , . . . , r. . . , , . . 3.111 7.432 2,130
Tn' . ) YCIii-3 ago . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,3.91 7,271) ) 1,216
Total title weelt . . . . . . . . . . iOMS 30,433 10,2551
Satin' lust week , . , . , , . . , , 11,747 31,3,313 8,243
Sitme week betor . . . . . . . iOi ) 20.1-19 5,15.3
lteeeiptti tor time nmontim with comparisons :
. Cattle. hogs. Stmcep.
June , 1895 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63298 182,144 32,550
-Jtmiit , , 189 ? . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .65,193 176,013 31,403
June , 3396 . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , .Z6i7O 153,212 15,53 ?
Jimmie , 7193 . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21,556 s7O2iI ; 14,302
Jttue , , ISDi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63,2-is 217,633 16,51 : )
Juno , 159.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iasii 1511,341 0,529
'J'uimme , I92 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41,219 202,912 7,923
June , 1591 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31,066 312,105 6tUf. )
Juno , 1890 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45'J'J1 issriw 5,13.5
Average 1)rlce ifltill for imogS rot thue last
few days , with coinparisomme :
June16. , , . 1901322 3011 ' 1459161017 : ;
June17. , , , 382 315 30i441' ' 6t ( 151
June it . , 3 80 3 21 3 10' ' 1 46' 4 651 4 32
Juime 19 . , ' 3 15 .9 02 4 ISI 4 7O C 01 '
June20. , 379 230 I43l4t4)l5D0 ) 443
JUimell 3511313 437i4671578 491) )
'Jtmn' 22 , . . , 3 III 3 II S 02 4 40 4 77t tl 4 8)
June 23 . , : . i 72 3 21 3 02 4 821 5 73 1 93
Jumme 24 . . . . l 67 3 3251 3 4) 4 9 I S 731 4 93
Jumme 25 . . . 3 CS 3 23 2 97 4 461 4 SU C 01
Jutmcl6 315 2,07 4521473 563 ,
Jumme2l 362 296 1571473 57-r49)
JtliuelS. . , 362 3161 6' ' 80i5761500
Juiteld 3601321 29113 11) I'll ) 569 bIt )
.Iutme 31) ) ' ' 4jj5 Ut
: . :
'Iimdicates Suimday.
'l'hc oItici'.mI number of cars 'of stock
brottglmt in today by each roud was1
Cmtttie. hogs. Slmeep. 11'ses.
( , " . , lii , & St. P. ity. , 1 1 . . , .
? ttissomiri I'aeiflc Ity , S 3 2
U. P. s'steimm. . . . . . . . . . 10 38 1
C. & N , W , Ily . , . . . , , , 2 3 . . . .
F. , E. & itt. V. ii. It 14 37 . I
C.iSt 1'lti&Olty 3 6 . .
B & 31. 1 , It. it. . . . . . 4 40 2
C.B.&Q.I1' . . . . . . . . . . 1 . .
K.C.&St.J. . . . . . . . . . . . . I 2
C. , 11 , 1. & 1' . Ity , , i' 1 , .
C , , it. 1. & } ' Ity. , W 2 1 . . , .
- -
'l'otnl receipts . . . . -i 1
Tim Iiispoulitiomm of time day's receipts vns
Os follows , each buyer purchasimmg time nuin-
bee of head immdicuti'ih :
Iluyers Cattle , I1'gmn Slu'p.
Oninimmi l'ackiiig Co. . . . . . . 27 1,67t . . .
G. II , hammond Co. . . . . . . 462 1,201 . . . .
Swift nmiti Coiupntm3' . . . . . . . 162 1,530 43
'Cumluhmy l'aclclng' Co. . . . . . . it 1,1331 255
1' . 23. Armour , Chicago. . . . . . . . 070 . . . .
Vuimsatmt .6 : Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
J , I , . Carey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
i.ohnmaim Itothmsciuilt1. . . 35
v. x , Stepimeims. . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1 _ . . F. hum-tx. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1
hmvlmmgston & Sc-luther. . . . . 43
Onuuhmi P. Co. . KumlimmiC C 'ii )
W'imltt , 11.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 . . . .
I lnullmtmiltll. Kfltllittm ( Cit ) . . . . . . . . . .
Sv1ft , Kmiimsas City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
CutlalmI' , Kansas City. . . . . . Ill )
CImi. I' . & 1' , Co. , N. City . . . 621 , . . .
Swift , tim Cht'engo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5&'t ' , . . . .
Other buyers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 3218 263
Left over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 10' ' )
'I'Otmlls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,279 9,372 1,636
Todty's receipts of stock as a vhioim were
ibgimt , vicimty of hogs , but otmiy a few cattle.
Time total rCceiIti ( for the mouth of Jumme , as
3-ill be noted froim ) tIme tahle glvi'im above ,
were large mis compareti with time cur-
respoziding months of previous years. iii
cattle it hilts bce ) ) the largest June 1mm time
imistoi' ' of time ymti'ds with tIme exception of
Jtmmm , 1557. Only twice in the history of
tile yards have the .Hine receipts liceim any
larger anti that WILe .luring . ( iriuthi years ,
u'imon the shortage of feed compelled mi-mn.
ore to market everything regardless of I
vhetilc'r it wIts ripe for market or not. The
rtlCClitS of sheep wem'tm time heaviest for the I
miummth with the single exception of Julie
of last year.
CA2'TLII-IDven for a Tlmursday time
arrivals of cattle % vera very light , in fact
there WIIS not enough of any ammo kimmil to
go tile rounds among local packers ama )
1)rmmcticallY everytlmlimg sold to one itouse.
'rile prices 1)flld for corufed beeves were
tromug Its compared with yesterday and
everything was sold and weIghed up early in
the morning. had there been cattle enough
hero time Close would probably' have becim
higher , mis buyers did imot get enough to
liii their orders. Some steem' and heifers
olti at $4.70.
Time few loads of butchers' stock brought
steady prices , some pretty good heifers ccli-
ing at $1.30. Bulls are slow sale and the
market i's lower. There are no good , timlck ,
fat bulls comnlmmg , the most of those received
being rather 11mm muiiii on time grassy order.
The latter arc fully Soc periOd lower thamm
they were ri week or teim days mmgo. Nice
Cut little butcher bulls would probalmly sell
afl right. but , timey are 'scarce.
Not maimy stockers and feeder
were offered , but th supply was
equal to the demand , ] tegmilar operators
say thmat tile farniers are so
busy in tue tields that it is Immurdly possible
to get them to look at stock cttbe mummy
nmro , ama ) thmit for that reason time market
is gradually sinking lower ( or lack of good
buying support. Occmmsionaily a bunclt of
stocker3 no.1 feeders ilmut Just lmltpli.'mms to
please some one will lrlng a price that looks
all rigimt , but the general market thin veelc
is louver , mtil of bGlj2Oc lower titan a week
ago. ltepresentmmtive sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av Pr. No. y. Pr.
5.lOlii $3 90 )5..1272 $4 45 ] S..1477 $4 55
1 , . 970 390 17..1261 443 31..12'J3 460
is. 925 : t 95 5. .1088 4 45 49. .1201 4 60
l..1O10 4 03 33. .1311 4 50 211. .3203) 4 65
I 'ISO1 00 22. .1638 4 50 32. .3252 4 65
: : IIO 4 0' ' ) 20.1456 4 Ct ) 22..1202 4 65
4.187 411) ) 3S.iii3 455 19.135l 465
iG..1021 4 : is 20..1326 4 55 1.1360 4 65
25..1092 435 47.I'Jll 455 20..13I1 465
16. .1227 4 35
1. . 840 50 4.,1O7O 3 15 lb060 355
1. . 810 10 8. . 917 3 15 23.1O'ii 3 60
1. 970 50 2 , .1000 3 20 1 , . 3130 3 65
1. .1060 65 1. 1)20 ) ' 1 23 2 , 985 65
1. . 931) (8) ( ) 1IOSI ) 3 35 1 , 791) 65
1. . 950 (40 ( 1. .1130 3 40 5. .1344 65
1. . 700 00 9. . 866 3 40 2.ilOO 70
1..lh1O 00 5. .1165 3 40 1 , .1010 75
7. . Slit 00 2. , 630 1 40 Ii , ,1000 75
1..ll60 3.00 4. . 910 3 40 1 , , 570 75
I. . 9.9) 00 1.l190 3 50 l.l160 75
1 , , 970 00 l..bOlO 'I 50 1. .1110 73
1 , .1030 . , 10 1. .1154) ) ' 1 5) 2. .1250 80
- 11I1)iFEitS.
1. 700 3 25 19. . 574 4 10 2. . 620 4 20
7 , . 562 3 60 13. . 770 4 15 CIL.llS9 4 30
13 , , 939 4 iS
15. .1020 4 70
31. , S5l 304)
1.bO70 3 03 l.i380 3 20 1.1O1O 350
1i000 310 1.11O' ' ) :140 : l,1030 355
1.1620 3 25 I..1'340 3 45
1. . 330 2 75 2. . 210 4 55 22. 235 6 50
1 , . 250 3 T5 1 , . 120 5 00 3 , , 360 6S0
1 , . 280 4 25 2. . 106 5 Cu 1 , . 204) 7 00
1.i070 2 85 7..illO S 33 I.,1230 3 35
li210 300
1. . 310 2 00 14 , . 806 3 65 1. , 570 4 00
2 , . 565 ' 2 85 2-8 , , USO 3 70 9 , . 957 4 10
I , . 670 3 00 3. , 720 : i Dci 1. , 970 4 10
21 , . 604 3 25 1. . 950 0 90 4,1090 4 15
l.b05O 3 : is 1. . 970 4 00 1 , , 640 4 40
4 , 642 3 50 10. . 574 4 00 31. . 655 4 50
1.570 350 1 , 64O 400
HOGS-Time receipts were large agalmu today -
day at. nil market PohIta amid prices lower ,
S'uiueC hero drojpClh , off about Cc time hogs
eelilimg at $3. & & lGltAm with time imig string
at $355 , Yeeterdrty thto bogs ii1 at $3.55
, ti3.C5 witim time popular prIce $3.60 ,
TIme market was at Imo time especially
active. us soibers vere a little hackwarii
about maklmig time concession , but mifter
hue trade VILB once under way tile movement -
ment wits stmlflciently itctlvo to effect an
curly elearaime'e. Everythming was mid by
time middle of tile forenooim.
Today's decline carrini time mnmmrlcct to time
low lOimIt of tile month , the mouth closing
with values 5Cc lower tlmmmn they were at
tlt olieiliig. Time imigii point of tile monhim
was on tile llrst. wimeim tile average Price
( or all the imogs sold was $1.21. All tills
monthu ( hero hums been a grmmdumml fmiliimmg
off in values with S'er ) ' few i-allies anti
those of smnabi immmportilnce and ternlOrar ) ) '
character , Reimrcmmentativo sales :
No , Av , Sit. Pr. No , A % ' . Sb. Pr.
23..215 40 $3 CO 77..221 1205350
67 . , , , , . 232 . , , 3 & 2'63 , , , , , , 252 80 3S2
' 77..260 120 52)r ) 62 , . , . , . 273 160 3 52
60 . , , . , , 244 80 C2h 135..213 SO S 521
75. . , . , + 2t7160 521.4 56 , . , , , , 259 160 352
69 . . , , . . 231 160 Slth 83 . . . . . . 210 , . . 352
91..23'i 160 SZ 416..271 SI ) I 531
fd3 , . , , . . 264 . , . r.5 7i.5f. $ SO 555
I ; : . , , . , . 264 50 55 41..346 580 355
31 . , , . . . 243 1.0 . , & 5 . Cl..25'l 80 355
65 , , , . . . 246 , . , 355 .74..277 80 355
71..251 54) 3 55 11,244 SO 115
' 53 , . . . ' , 383 120 3 (5 G5..23& $0 C'S
, . . .
' -
- ' - ' - - - - - -
- . '
- - -
Si , . , , , , 23 % 120 3115 00..254 . . 311 $
54) , . " . , 300 40 3 35 Si..183 40 3 5.5
71 , . . . . 264 80 385 54 , , 3d ; 1303113
CO-----:94 ; 359 3 55 65..275 160 55
65..237 . . , 3 55 119..263 160 5.5
73..272 40 : i ss 45..303 210 355
62..25 2k ) 3 55 55 . , . . . . 3iJ 120 5.5
10..263 210 3 55 Cl . . . . .382 843 55
10..201 . 355 II.263 ! . . . 55
. 160 555 65 . , , 337 160 S7
Ut..2i3 , , . " 11754 60 . . , . , 250 SO 5734
5.5..282 40 51 % 55..3.19 80 5734
52.iot : ; . . . 574 ril..330 . . . Co
84..224 10 60 07..281 . , . CO
CO..274 80 60 10.ZIS . . . 60
72 227 50 to ; 66..237 240 60
CS . , . . , , 255 130 50 . . . . . . ( 80 61)
StJ.DhG . . , GO 51..293 . . . 360
37..225 . . . 50 21 . . . . .BID , , , 350
75..206 , . . CM 66 . , , . , , 243 120 350
71 . . , . , , 255 120 5234 63 , , . . . , 236 160 3 11.2
59 . . , . Ill SO 5234. 117..236 161) 'I 52
69..263 30 3 112t4 ' 2 . . .243 80 52
-ii . , " , , 261 30 3 5234 71..232 . . . 31
Do . . , ' , . 217 30 1 52' , 55..261) 80 521,4
62..233 . Sm ) 3 5234 230..129 160 521,4 ,
$ . . . . . . , 120 521,4 80..297 Sd 521,4
I 55..213 . , , 521,4 59..217 120 52'4
71 . . . . . .276 . , . 521,4 113..SN 80 52
68. . . . , . 2.39 1(0 ( .234 65..261 38(1 ( 314
,6.3261 ; 123 55 63..261) 5O155
I 77..237 160 3 55 63 , , . , . , 219 . . . .I 5.5
111..265 30 11.5 53 . , . . , . 265 161) 355
6 . . . . . .21 120 55 71..232 , . S 55
SO..2.d SO 15 70 . . . , . .2 .1 350 35.1
I 61..212 40 55 71..212 160 353
Si..2-U SO 1.3 59 , . , , , . 232 . . . 31.5
.3. . , . . 237 240 55 70 , . . . , , ZIIt lto ; 3 os
' 78..248 210 3 t5 31..215 120 355
' 74..1262 80 3 r,5 50 , ! 90 353
.5 , . , . ' 263 . . , 3 ( .3 , ' ) . . . . . . 160 : i f.S
43.333 hO 3 55 531..250 80 353
57 "I' . . 21)2 120 3 55 03..25 $ . . . 53
(19..301 ( . , . . 55 69..274 89 53
64..770 160 ' 1 85 63..2t ) , , . 55
S1..279 20' ' ) 55 75..264 164) 55
I 78..Ill 120 53 r.5.2sG . . . 'I 57'
S..265 80 57' 21.370 , . . 571,4 ,
CI ) , , . , , . , ' 135 1(0 3571,4 72..215 53) 5734
fit..200 . . 5734 77 . . . . .275 10 571,4
.50..2t'O 80 60 10 . . . , , . .3.5 80 60
61..Si , . . bo 71..306 120 6234
1.134) . . . 09 2..100 . . . CO
I , . . . , .2 II ) , . . 50 I . . , 620 SO 50
1 . . . . , , 270 , . . 55 4..161) , . . 25
I..174) , . . :1 : : i.5 c..18.1 . . . 3 4734
C..15' ; . . . 54) ' 1.:10-2 : , , . 'I 50
I..299 , , . 110 0..23.1 . . , 3 1k )
7..135 . . . 'I 50 ; . . . . . .369 , . . SO : , . . iso ii..23. , . . 54)
. . . . . . : . . . ' 1 Ci ) C..1(71 ( . . . 50
' . . . . . . , . . ' 3 50 4..227 50 50
. . . . . . . ) . . . r.3 II , . . , . ,2 ; o 80 55
3..14) , . . r , : I..514) ) 30 55
I . . . . . .3 iD , . . S f.5 I' . , , . . . , 'Ill 80 53
4 , . . . . , lit ) . . . ' 1.5 . . . . . . . 40 3 55
C..271) , . . 53 5..8 , . . : 55
3..ISO . . . 55 . . . . . . ; . . . 3 r3
I , . . . . .1' .39 . . . . 55 4..272 . . , :1 : 55
5. . . . . . . . . . . . 55 3..ico , , ,
) . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 . . . . . . . . . . 3 55
: t..2,0 . . . :1 : 55 . . . . . . . ) . . . : I. )
7..192 . , . : i 5,5 : i.:18:1 : : , . . : . 55
5..204) . . . 11 55 6..2(5 . . . S 55
C..253 . . . 3 65 7..325 80 3 60
SIlF3h1)1'-Timo Chicago hmeei , mnrket vats
reported lower 1)11th yestertlimy itimth tothily ,
but there ilmivo been so fev imem'e time lmmet
few ilays that it is nOt easy to say just
imtW time market is. It oughmt to be lower
eunsiiieriimg time otimer nim-mrkets immt on lie-
ctiuiit ( If time gooti demmmanil Itilti ligimt i-c-
ceipte it hnm held ill ) remni'knbly vehi amid
it Is harmily irnssible to qitot aimy material
ellItltgC. Itepresentutivo smiles :
No As' . Pr.
20 i'wc' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 $300
I : io yearilimgs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 3 75
254 feetlers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 .i 25
103 yemurllmmge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 'I 6234
43 natIve wetimers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134 4 85
cil1ctto i.ivio s'roc SlAltKlI'I' ,
Ii risk im'tiimimii Ciii' ( ) oo,1 Cattle , vitit
' ' Stroimr.
ChiCAGO , Jummw 30.-There 'ns a brisk
theflltil,1 , for tIme better clmss mIt emmttle tiitty
mind prices were strong. L'lmok'e steers. $4.20
7m5.55 ; ) n. , hIuiml , $ I.6O71470 ; Ileef . steers. $1.10
714.55 : stockers anti feetiei5005s ( ) - humus ,
52.75114,15 ; CCIIVS multi Imeifers. 53.10100.00 ;
eai'Os , 51,00717,00 ; westem'mm steers , $4,403f4.S15 ;
'rexns steers. $3.DOijl.65. lteccipts were in
excess of cetImilates ,
hltgs opemii'tl lower. Subsequemmtly trade
becmtino inure mmnlmmlated amid pm'icesvere
somumewlmnt stronger , htmt 15c louver than two
ilave fin , : rimir In c'hic'p $370f33 ( ) onek.
'lie $ ' 11I071 } 05 butchers $3 to717. mmllxui
53.1.0713,70 ; light. $3.531.75 ; liSS , 52.75713.60.
SlmeepS'Ci'U Iii gooil iicmmmaimtl at gemol'aily
$ tt'ili ) ' prices : ( 'omiflomi sheep , 53.00713,50 ;
( 'lilliCo mmmii ttuims , 54.50114.75 ; Texas sheep.
Si. 15714.73 ; rams , 52.23713.25 ; 81)111mg lambs ,
L1ECEiPTS-Cnttlt' , 10,500 imeati ; hogs , 32-
001) ) head ; sheep , 16,000 head.
iiimnte City ii. , . Stock.
ceipts , 2,330 lmeiti : natIves , 1,375 Textmms : ; gooti
demand mmmii moderate receIpts ; market active -
tive itt strong Prices ; cimoice imeavy steers ,
51.50714.80 ; medium. 52,85114.80 : light veiglmts ,
$ i,00115.OO ; stotkermm mind fccicrs , 53,55715.00 ;
butcimers' t.oivs mmmlii imelfers , 53.15711.85 ;
lutcltcrs' 11(1113 , 53.20711,00 : canning stock ,
52.50713.10 ; western steers , $3.7571m.63 ; 'rexas
sieeril , 53.00171.40 ; Texas butchers' cows ,
hOGS-Receipts. 16,500 imead ; pavker and
sluhplors ) took Ibid of hmogs spmiriimgly ; prlce
3vere off SRiOc ; 1101w ) ' lmoge , 55.65713.75 ;
mixed , 53.53713.65 ; lIght , 53.20713.50 ; pIgs , $3.00
S1llIEP-Reccipts , 4,120 head : with an cx-
cellent demniuti for dOSITable elmeep ; despite
time greatiy itmcreahed meetpts. li-ices were
unchanged : spring lanis. 541.00716.50 ; nmutiva
muttomme , $1.ThilIS.11f : At'izonmt grtmssers , $4.30
0)1.70 ) : TCXS , 50,75114.65 ; , stockers and feed.
Cr8 , 53.75414.00.
St. J.oumls Y.Ivo Stock.
ST. LOUIS , June .3O.-CATTLE-Roeeipte ,
2,100 imead , Immeluding 500Texnns : simipnuentc ,
300 head : market etesully .for Texans and
strong for nnttyes ; fair to fancy native
simipping export ' tecrs. 51.40715.15 : bulk of
sales. 54.60714.94) ) ; dresseti beef anti buteimer
steers , * 4.35411.95 : buIlt of Sales , 51.55411.65 ;
steers under 1,000 lbs. , 53.60414.65 : hulk of
smiles , 54,10711.55 ; stockers mmii feeders , $3.35
031.50 ; bulk of sales , 51.85413.25 ; cows anul
heifers , 52.00411.75 ; bulk 'Of cows , 52,75713.65 :
'l'exns mmii Indian steers , 53,40714.25 ; bulk of
q1es. 53.60713,93 ; CoWs and heifers , 52.5041
HOGS-ReceIpts. 7l'00 lmead ; simipmente ,
1.400 heath : market lOc Ioi'er ; yorkers , $3.60
713.75 ; packers , 53.55413.10 ; butcimermi , 83.6571
ST1lIEP-Ilecepts , 2G00 head ; Khipncnts ,
100 head ; nmaulcet stt'aihy : native muttomme ,
54,00714,00 ; lzmmbs ; $5.5081d.iO culls mind bucks ,
$1.7544.50 ; stockers .53.09711.00.
Nemv York Lis'e Stock.
NEW YORK , June 30.-BEEVES-Tie.
ceilltli. 795 head ; feeultmg steady ; cables
lower , live cattln IO'hGullc , miressed weight ;
retrigc'l'ator beef , Sc ; live sheep , O41lOc ,
throsst'ul weight ; exports , 708 emittle , 712 Bieel )
and 2.050 quarters of beef ; tomorrow , ImolmO ,
CAI.V1IS-Receipts , 631 hentl ; market dtmlh ;
veitlii , 157123c lower ; butteiinillcs , emusior ;
'emtli4 , 51.00715.25 ; toPs , 53.25716.00 ; butter-
milks. 33.00713.50.
51535161' ANDLAMBSReceipts , 7,091
lmt'ail ; sheep slow. primq clock welmk , choice
lnmrbs ilrm , others stonily : eight cars umm-
sold : sheep , iioor to gcoij , 53.23111,75 ; extra ,
55.12t" : lambs , 55.00717.00 ; six cars ( extra ) ,
flOGS-Receipts , 2,579 imead : nothitmg doing -
ing ; tuominmully weak mit 54.00414,40.
CIiii'iiiiimitl J.tvii $ tlh
CINCINNATI , Juno 30.-hOGS-Lower at
CA'1"l'1II-Stendy at 32.75714.75.
HIIElIf'-Strotmg at $2.75iii.l5.
LAMES-Easy at 51.541170,40.
, Sto.k in Mimi-Itt.
Recant of recelilts of live stock at the
four principal mnarkcts for June 30 :
Cattle , liege. Sheep.
Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,510 10,536 1.2(15 (
Chicago . . , . . . . . , . , , , , , . 10,500 32,000 16,000
Kansas City . . . . . . . . . . 3,725 10505 4,120
St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,100 7,600 2,600
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,565 55.030 23,925
Nev York Dry QoUds ) Ziiriset ,
N1I\V YORK , Juno 30.-There is little to
be said of 'tile dry goods market. Otitaido
of jabbers' bargains there arc few op 'ra-
tions in time trmuio. Time jobbhng ti-title ru'
lOrtH fair success in all harts of time coun-
try. as well its locally , in clearing of stocks ,
whtic'il in bulls exceeded the OXl'CIatlqimiu of
sellers. It is believed that iii most ouar.
tors time miew seasomi will be opened under
auspicious circumtance. , Staple cotton
goods are dull , ) ilemmchmed gootis have drop-
1)0(1 hark to their normal position in the
market anti are seiliimg slowly mit low but
tirin Prices. Outside of timese there is imo
change , Export elmeetings are active , i-c.
suIts beimmg satisfactory Irom day to lny ,
Primmt clothe are mmliii quiet , flotWitlmlltnmlfi-
ing tile almproaciling curtailment of proliuc-
tiofls , Extras are mmtill quoted at 2 cents
attil are sIlting thereat , Othi gooii Un.
changed , Prints and woveim colored goods
show quiet amid unchanged conditions ,
Oil 3prket. $
OI1 CITY , June 50.-CredIt balances , 92 ;
certificates opened 9144o biti ( or caHill
doseil. 901,4c ; sales for time day , omme casim
at 9034e ; simipments , 93,603 bids. ; riles , 310,584
S4iVANHAIC , CIa. , June 343.-OILS-Tlmr.
pentlno llrmn , ItOi4ii ) , thrmfll qtiutc : A. , Ii. ,
C. . 13. . $1.05 : IL. 1. , * 1,50 ; N. , 55,75 ; 55' , , 0. ,
$1.75V. : . . 'IV. . $1.55.
\S'ILMINGTON , N. C. , Juno 30.-OILS-
Slfiritms turpentine , firm mit 2l712334c , Itocin ,
firm and unchanged , Crude turpentine ,
dull ut 50.001t1.90. Tar , steutly at $1.23.
Mignr ) Iorkes.
NEW YORK , Juno 30.-SUOAR-Raw
quiet ; ( air rellnhiig. 3 5-Sc vtmiitritugui , 9
lest , 4'4u ' ; reilnemi , tiUlet : motmid A , 5 3-Sc ,
uutiutlitri A. 5'.le ; confactloimers A , 51e , ; cute
loaf. C 7-Se : ( ' ( u ilfttI , 7-5e 1osuuieremi ,
5 5.Ke : rtms1)1mmteii. S 7-So ; cubes , 11
NEW ORLEANS , .luimo 30.-SUQAIt-
-J- - -Fe
- - - -
Open kettle , steatly at tis' ; ' cetitrift' I
uhttiht no grnntilimteml or' - whiti'm4 iul s
1)1111(111 yellows , 434514 . ' ' .
3 7-Se. Molasses , Pi133' . % , .
llltA51)lN'S TltiitTY-VIil , MDCIM.
t'aimlo frolit V'lgimtlimjr 2ittiek mlimdi4e'e4'51
teen of Thelit ilers'cd 134 Cti Vnr.
"I have been reading In ap'rs citieS'
( lie war hogan a good dccl nboit , famnllies
sTithu fightIng amine , so reatly fmDI fittI0tt@
( lint as mnmmy as four mmd live brotherS
imrve enlisted , " said ( leotgc 5lntmhiiot t.
Cialrsvflle , 'IV. Vii , , to n NCW Yoik SuIt
correspondent , "antI It has 1nado , me feI
good : but I dent belIeve any I1lflhl ) ' , flO
matter how reatty and patriotIc Its ROmllij
mire , will be able to equal the record of OtL
Charles Ilrandon's , for It is 'dOubttttl Lf1
thicro Is another one in time entire lanmi 1115495
could turn out sovemmteemt SOnS to tight fer
their country. That's wimmit Clmarcli tIra-
don's faintly was able to do , anti dId
'Chnrles li-nation lIved at MoimnuIe34fls.-
55 . Va. , and tiled whmen Ito was 0 74311t8'Ol Im
but hIs yotimigest child wait then less titVmftt
a yetur old. Ho titemi ot'a bi-oken liert , juMt
as the civil war broke out , hIs Ito baVt15t
rofuseti to lIve 'ytth iminu any longer. afl4
ima'itmg begimim proccctlitmgmu ngmtitmst Imim t
obtain a divorce , lie ha at that ttmns ,
thirty-five living children , aat hail beo3.t
nmarrk'tI three titmice. ills first. w1fo borrtt
him only two children , Ills secotud w1t54
ilied after tmearimig html ) eighmtem. ct tl.mti fl154i
of 75 lie mnarried Sarah Barker. she uoimi
15 cud time youmigcst of stxtccml chihUrcu. SlttC'
lived whim Mum twenty-ella years , , bearttm
hiimi flfteemt chmiltiremm , nail then left. blmni ,
tnklimg her 'cnr-old baby with her , and suc.3
liltim for divorce cmi the grouimd of Immconi-
pattbtltty of teumpem' . lIramitlon was tlmeit ,
still halo mmmii imearty , but 1lio , desertion ott
his 'lfe broke hilimu down , timid he diedi
wlthmtn a imuommthi after alto left him.
'Wlmen he took his third wife the cidenti ,
of I3ratluloim's tweimt3r clmlluiromm by his twm
previous wives was 39 , nHd time entire twent
lIved tmtmder time baiterimal roof. Time yottni.
tuifa reared nil of tlte twoiity tliot. worm
) 'otmmlg etiotmUil to imecd renrtimg , besldcs caru. . . _ -
Ing for the flfteemm of her own , the oldest
of whomli 31as butt 20 whet ) she left thotTt'
fatimer. It time patrarchmai Urmindori Imnd (
lived a few tnommtlms lomugei' imo ' ' ( Otittl lmam '
60011 veveiltcell of imlim sons enlist In thou
Ummloim army. it Is a questiomi if in this on' _ $
flilY othmc'r country mmii inatmuimee call be foumuli _
where one ftmtmilly ever before contributudl f'3.
sevunmteemi soils to its country'm service. -
"There were two ChlarieseSutlld two Johlii'm
among these patrIotic brotlmrs. The muimust
of the other timlrtcen vcro SIlImeOhl , Ilvahilti
l'eter , Jogeilmus , lllrzmmmm , JanIce , Van flUrelil ,
Jacob , Abraham , Alexander. David. Ammdrsw
anti 1111cc. Ihoeldes tlteso till CO of Clmalbsi
Ibramitlon's Sons served in ( lie Mexican Wa132 ,
The zeveiltcetm4brOthcrs were all iii Indialia
ant ) Ohio regiments. Two of them-emma at
the Johmms anti one of tite Charleses-wem -
soils of the Inst Mrs. birandon. They we
taicdn PrlSoiem'S mit the battle of Ciilclcfli" ' ' -
mmlauga 51)41 1ilnced iim Aimdersomlvillo Prlsont.
Joumim ( lied thmtii'e. Cimarles was a prlsonemT . -
tWeilty-omC Imlontlis , vliemu be escaped. A1I
the rest of tIme sons were clmbldreim of tile
secoitti vife , They were iii every ltuiportant
battle of tile war , anti all ilveti to get Imonme
whemt time war WIlS over , except Peter , whom
urns killoti at Shlboim.
"Tlicso boys all caine of good flglmtimm
stock , for their father was a famolm3 Indium
fighter anti was lminiseif a veteran of time3
ivam. of 1812 naIl of time Mexican war.'hem
western Pc'nimsylranln WIIS time frontIer and )
tim limtilrmim lIghter and scout was time moat
iumlportamit ntmtl immthispemmsmble persofl imi tile
sottleimment , Charles Ilirantiomt , according tm
all ti'atlltlon. was 0110 of (110 best and moat.
daring of nil the active focI of the Imostlitil
red memm. Ills father wmma killed by' Itmdiatmn ;
wlmemi Charles was only 3 years old , I'
himself VaS taken lrls000r by his fathcn'Sm
slayers nud hiveti among timem twelve yeaz ,
hating thorn umoro time loimger he was wILI
timenl. At the age of 15 he Oscaped mind afthr.
learning 11113 mother tongue spent most aft
his time , until they were driven away tm
ilOi-O remote regions , in limiting 0110 kihllng
Itmdlnas. He was 51 years old when tili
war of 1812 caine and he was one at tlm
first to join time ni-amy. He was still In tilei
service when peace was declared , .
"Tho thIrd wife of this old lIghter woai
still living at Moummdsville a year ngo imal
amid hearty , at 77. She was over sIx feeft-
tall and straIght mis an arrow. . Of boa-
thirty-five children and sUpchildrcn simia
then knew positively the whoroabi 'if"
ommly fifteen. TIme rest were scatforea _ , J
thu country or demtd. Braudoa'a thlrty.tftvol" "
ehultiren were all sons. " ' -
ImicuimImluItent ,
Cleveland Plain Dealer : "MoUidr , " algheb
the young wife , 'I regarmi Tomas the piost
inconsistent man that ever hived. '
"You put it very strongly , my dear. "
"But I illeltil it. lie told immo , tim other'
tiny to ho mmmore obsorvauit , Ito ko3p Imostomil
aim toVllmat We would mmeed. nnml to do 7111W
buyiimg when things were cheapest. 3 wImV.
right down 311(1 mlii in a big . supply of"
Chiristulmis presemmts and be , bmme s'aroait
spoken to am siimce. '
Beach and Booth. Appeal from Caas
coumity. Reversed and ( iiemh13sO. Rugi.n , C.
A. debtor's homestead exemption is
limited in quamutit' to tss'o comttigmiouim lotiu
In an ineorporateti city , towil or VIllage. 11
iUtHlio eucit corporation , to 160 acres of
lmtlmd amid iii eltimur case , tim vulimu' . to $2,000 ,
2. A onty jutignli'mit of mu mhletriet court
becomes a general lieu upon all time liummds of
I lie ulebtor in the c'oummmty , at least , . from time
data of its rettditlon ; anti mu mimortgdge ox-
ccutctl tipon sticim Imuitds thereafter will imot
iimVemmt time nlortgitgeo with IL lien superior to
time judgment ftir anything more titan timu
debtor's . lmomestemmd iimterest.
.3. Oil tile fncta mllscloiwtl by tIme record ,
heiml , that a mortgagee 33010 liUt'im.LSeai ( ito
real estate sold lit judicial saic to satls ( ) '
tIme decree forecbosilig hits limartguge. WIiHJ ] '
ilot entitled to iirts'o tile ( orociasuro decrea , '
and mmiiez'itf's deeti reformed 'SO'flml to imic1midc ,
timereim ) lands not ntiJtitigu'd by time fore-
elositre decree to be subject in tito lieu o
the mmmortgtlge ,
iloales agaiimst Foi'gtltmon. Appeal fl'oi *
Saline county. Alili-mued. flUllivlmmm , .1 ,
Aim adminIstrator vito Ilniiertaltea , vt ± ht- ,
out an mldjulIiciLtioml of ltc'irslilp , to diss. 3
tribute funds ii ) imis Ilminlie mis' tile Z't41iLUi I
of un estate ildninliutereui by litni assu.znwma
time resptntslbility of mtuiclng dldtribttVoomt
tilt' ili-i1C ltirsOiS. )
2 , interlocutory orders made by
couimty eoUi't flhijlstiiljf time ( lurreIlt " - .
t'OUimtH of an afintlimistrator gre oply pths , , . . . . . I
fade-correct , anti such accounts prttcubjeumt
to re-exnnmlmiation and correction at aJiw S
tinie before the aliowamico of time ndmtjU- '
( rutor's flumal report.
3. An ummeonstitutional act of timelugIa. . '
turul is mis ineffocttiiml as thought It hst,9
mmever been Imlisseti ; its invalidity dats's
from its enactment mmml not from ( ime t
it. is adjmftiged to be iii coimfilct with tiuotsm-
Prnm law. -t ,
4. 'l'lto curativO act of 1S95 ( chmapter xx ' , -
iaw $ of 1895) ) wmms intended to legalize QrtIev.
jodgineimts anti tijmdimlgs of the county ctu.eti -
wimic'im ( leenthed % for their valility qn i'ie. '
, hocoibentis net of 1889 ( chapter IvIl , lawott ,
1840) mind immlH 1)0 relatIon to orders ,
monts aimtt llnihltmgs which were valid imjss. .
lnthenL of thiiit act. -
5 , To be available as a defence to ms ,
action an ClItOlmpCl In pals mulct b , jerl.kut.
6. 'rho county court iIossreses ekohu
original jurisdiction 1mm iirobnto mnters ,
( tuestlone rCilmtiig to time settlement of
tates must ho adjudIcated there in
Si-at Instance ,
'l'eIepIulw 1039 , OIIIBI1II , Nub '
Dlre't wIres to Cbicstm m.lli , 2'lw Ytrlg.
Cvrr.spontitntil .ihmmi A , Witrimi 4Ca
'I'EV.III'llOCiIb 1D3J ,
If , It PENNLY o Co.11 /
Steam 4 , N , Y. 1.Ifo IiidiOmitmulia , YLPp.
S tocksGraiii , ,
Direct Wires 7'eiv ' 3ori , C1meaju si4' .
Vesierms Z'uint. . -
, . 4) . - .