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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1898)
- _ _ V - - - - - - . - - - - _ - - - - - - - _ _ -w- . - - . - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --r-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - , . - . - - . . . . - - - - - - ' , I- ; . . 1 ' TIlE OMAhA DAILY BiE FRflAY , JuLY 1 1898. " :1 - - - - _ _ ' ' 'Ts'rt IAL NOTICES ' V cilumn , 111 * ! be tittn until 1i nt. for te V ( : nnhl until St80 for inorntng * n.1 nhit1ny it1ttoni. , , AtVerglRrN , l rrqnelIflg Iflr41 ( , lcCk. cnn ) iav nnsscri .dPVMMCd * o a nuinbercd letter In cure Dr. T1t ! JIpp. Ansvcrs , o nddreNd . . % TIq i1eIverea on prcicntntIUlt Of .l. the gbec1 on1 . . Itnic , , , I 1-2e * vorII flrNt nertIOn $ 1eVs vhtd tIiernfler. Nothing htkct % , . . for 1tu , Hinn ; ; for the flt Inter. . tion. TIiPe su1virIseinentu must be I # cnnecntIir. : S1TI1ATJONSVjtNI'1I ) , r TVWnITIa and copying. 2I tire flhlg. A-61JY8 ; : : V YAFtT1W-iIAIJ JLII.L. iVYAFtT1WiIAIJ V _ _ iV : V V WANT1D , 3 men In CPnluIrn niid one man ' In eh utioccuplel town In Nebrnskn aiitl V aiJoInlng ; tittoe to tnko ordrH for men * uU at $ I.O to $ I&O ) , nintly : i.o to $10.00 , nfltH S1.G to $ S.OO. ; co.oo pz month made by begInners wIth. out experience. We furnish ( till line ot V mpIee and all neccsiry uutflt. For al' . % . V IIcatIon and reference blank and full par. V ticutars nddre * * AmrIcnnVonlen Mills VV Ca6 TnIIors for the Trade , ChICIIICO , Ill. ' V D-M6 Jy' S * ) ASMIN for cignr8 ; $ I2 n month ant . texItfls3 : oh flrm ; cxper1rnC UflflCMS . . sary. C. C. Llhihop & Co. , St. LUIt. O. ' - - V WANTED 40 men to work on fttrrn. , . . $1.25 n. day. floord 45c a dnY. llanIard Cattle Co. . Ames. Neb. VV 13-M.t13 3171 r t V _ I , WANTED-Firat class engineer for a I I horse power condenMing engine. One with h- sOme k nwledge nt electric lightIng pre- S ferred. Atlilres with referetic' , P 32 , 13CC V f Ofilce. Omaha. 1J-.M392-Jy 2 5 V L1SM13NtoeIi office apecb1ties In I JancaM flfl ( Nebruikn ; fine shie lIne's ; I V ( , agoflt $ make $5.00 a tiny : useI by ull mer V V thaiit. Model Mfg. Cn. , Box B , South LV _ BeniL 111(1. 1V IL 13. EII8IIART hi the only expert fire V I Iqia zlVtlJiIator of the people in OlilailIL. : ' Room fli ? , Brown block. 13-Milti Jy2 cI b IVANTED , Coed niettire men to travet. d 14cpenseH viUd. Itnom 3 , n111 I . PAILTN13R withexperience Iii httiidlliig oileitorn to o to DelIver or New Or- . h1inS must have me cash ; fully no- 1. curut1 Crelghton bik. . r. 8. Il-MtiO 30 , II CI.1' . ioo GUlLS for all kinds of work : $3 to $7 week. Canarilan Olilce. 1522 Douglas. C-217 V WANTED , 150 gIrls , Employment Bureau , t V 134 Dofige. Telephane 1G. C-MIll 312 IVAN'1'I'D , competent girl for neoiid work. AIrs. ' 1' . J flogers , 1120 I'urk ave. ave.CA1207 . . . - - - . . , - for general Ilousowork : 2 In IamiIy. A1)PlY t P. In. 211 N. Y. LIfe Bum. C-M32 Jyl' V WANTI3D , fnmiiiei wIth grown girls to , Iern weaving on plaIn cotton goods ; good wagen can be inndo. Address at once. ICearney Cotton Id ills. , 1earney , Nob. ' C-433-JylO. - WANTED. a girl iui general Ilounevork. 2107 Speneer. C-MISI Jyl' . -I - A COMPETENT girl for general house. : work. 1134 S. , 3liAve. _ C-Ii2-Z , WANTED , lady of matured years to manage - ago business outside of cIty. Address T , 47 , IJco. . GOOD girl to help Conic flfl(1 ( ChLtfl1lOrfl1LI(1. I V Lange hotel , GOIS. 13th St. WANTFD-ClrIfor general housework. V i wages $1. 2020 Emmett St. C-491jy1 , PIItST class girl for general housework. 103 . B. 30th Ave. c-tss-i V GIRL. for second work aM help take card .pC child. & 60 S. 2Sth St. C-4G0 2' V WANTIJD.At once , a girl , for general . 1936 Dodge St. C-M2 1' - - - - - - - - - V WANTED. five ladles to represent us In this and surrounding citIes ami towns : . ' pcrmanent poSitlOfl good pay : call at once. Boom 8. Crelghtoa block. . V C-M571 31) ) - - V ETF.RTENC12D lady bookkeeper wanted. I FIrst class references required. Apply to I manager of Pnbt on the 7Iithvay. I . . C-M5t2 8 I . , . V V 9 , - FOR UIONT-IIOUF.S. CUOTCI ) 11008CM and cottages all over cIty ; 4 V V $3 to$75. FidelIty , 1t liner. N. Y. Life. : I : --4-V.-- : ' r , , Benewa & co. . lOS N. 15th St. t V D-249 V ' HQIJES. stores. Bemis , Paxton block. r D-250 MOVING household goods , anl plunos. I 4U Om. Van Storage Ca. , 1V511 Farnani. V e mi. JV2.VU \ V rU1UTNUIITO and Ieaiehold of a 7 antI 13- V roomniodern fiat for sale ; baigain ; good V location , rent low. Bemis. Paxton blk. V V V V COTTAOES-3-room , 7.50 and 38.00 ; $10.00 : 6-room , $32.30 : S-room. $10.00 : newly : V V Ilainte1 and papered : beautIful ( or sitnu- tin. .30 Board of Trade , .0-912 , 7ROOM modern house wIth stable , large ' -ndy grounds. 13om13 , J'axton : 111k. V D-MZS1 ) , 'OR RINT , flne brick dwelliii. facIng V ITanscoin park : nine rooni : all modern ; , f tfle yard. In first class condition ; posses- 'V sion given July 1. John Palo , 209 N. Y. , LIfe. D-141.30 c1 ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . V s.l : tnato first class barn. 1110 No. lSth , ' DV170J1 . : ' 1-IIOOM lIQUSlI. 1l N. 18(1' . 0. L.Green1 . 23 l3arlwr blocic. D-M4t0 Fort TtFNT.Jour-room cottage nnd3 acres V 2'lnhlet3 . west , Politoflico. F. D. Wend. D-M377 1 - V . . FOIt rent , furnished modern house. AdV - V ' dress 'I' 49 , Boo otlIco. D-M&0l J . 1.o1t RENT durlngJuly and August , fur- . P t ztIsliegI fes(1encc fletir hIgh Hc1100l 10 4. , . minutes walk from postoillee : terms rca- F soimble. T 0. lIce. D-t1681 3' -6.BOOf cottaie. InquIre at Dyballs. I5IB ; Dougles , afternoons , D-M&U1 2' If : Jt10N1'IrUIU1SJiE1I ROOMS. . V V i' 'lON VlSlTOlt-1.000 fuellished , , - rooms. Vr1to to 1xposItloxt Ituomiug Co , ] Jouglas block , 16th and Dodge. V I 'T1113 Fnmnam Terrace lintel , 2030 t7nrnam. I Transiwlits. New modern building , now 'I Surnbdtings. nit elegant outsIde rooms ; L porches , lawn. trees. ispeeIniIy desirable V Lot InMI and inratly. 10-M115 ; Jyls III , NICIOIVjY furnished rooms. 2112 Ca53 street. _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ " : icii CaUt rnh % ; restinirent near. 1l V ' E-45t--Jy-3' t- - ; V _ VV - f : V ) 'UaNISIIED canine. 1621 Cass : on het- p . ' , nan. avenue car 11110 ; references refiuirei , V / . . V\ _ , ) -V tranidents. znodern , SwIft , \ . _ - . C.IOl1T1O OfflcIaiIntormatbn Jiureau , I. ,1I1 L7arnarn ; 6.001) ) chulee ; oowa to rent. Il V ! rlomL 117 Leavenworth. c . 3rtJflNlSIflU ) rooms at rQasOflab.1ef5. I V V 20 . i1th. EM23& JIPI I uwaANi' furnIshed room for gentloatan ; I V neutrally located ; private fzzmIl. St12 S. i . 82dt _ , E-McGT nice beds. ciennq cool ; J low ; day or week. Oor 1310 Doug- ks $ t l-M3l9 I VUUNtSIL11D rooms , 1411 Iouglas : one V , bed i& room. \ ' ' : ; we.l 1T ? V 'QALT.I VUt 2200 Farnam ( Cr welt furi1 ; ; ; ' - rooms ; modern and de.strable In all re- ReCtI. ' } - \ , _ _ J . MOI1RN rooms. housekeeping. 511 North . , -1efls Tra1thIenhi , V - a- - - rOIL ItT-PLJ1t1.'il1El ) ROOML ( Contkined , ) - - - - - - - - 11AVIV fl 1CC front room ; can accnmmo- tinte 2 teachers ( luring the conventiOn. 2211 IMCUSt. 1.3.-M41t Jy3 FLRNISIIIJD rooms by the day or week during the ExtositIon 3 car lines to ExPOSItIOn - POSItIOn grounds. 721 North 21st St. l0-1G8-Jy-t' TlIItflI rooms housekeeping. 1112 South tb. E-M476 _ _ riiittoro furnIshed rooms and bath room for lIght housekeeping. 2633 Grant. E-4$9-1' FURNISITIII ) robma at 23C * Spfulidingst. dose to lCxpo. grounds. IJ-M307 Ji 3' flbOMB : near all car lines. MIt California. V E-6t ; Jy-29' NICELY furnished roomfor gentlemen In vrtvnte family : reference requIred. S. W. cor. 17th and Capitol are. E-M380 7' IrUIINI5IIIII ) ItOOMS ANtI I1Ot1lD. TIlE MERBIAM , I t class family hotel4 25th and Dodge S PLVASANT rooms , modern. strIctly fleet- class board : reasonable rates ; translOnt * tgken. & 22 N. 19th et. F-M345 t'14FAHANT , veil furnished room : all mod. orb conveniences , with or without board ; prIvate famIly ; near ilanseom park. 1' 12. lIce. TAKE ( iOWfl that "for sale" or "for tent" sign In your window. The lIes reaches morn peOlio in it day thou wilt pass your wlrjtow In a month : and they constilt these columns when they want. In bUy or rent. TflIO SARATOGA hOTEl. is the place. Americen or European. N.V. . corner exposition - position : Sherman Ave. antI the 24th street car lines iass tile house. Stimmer resort style. romilles solie'ted. Modern , cool , comfortable. homeuiko Baths. gas , pIano and library. 'rolephono 1934.VYou cnn get a street car and find a seat In It. We have trees. birds , green grass and croquet. Double parlors , vast verandas. hammocks , oliy people nod it iCt bear. itatce reasonable - able and according to accomniodatiins. 5OCT11 rooms ; transients. 2402 Case. jrcoo Jyc' _ 'I'IIIO TilflOWlJrt-.28 good rooms. 203 N. 17. lr1d182 321' TIlE ALI3ANY.2101 Douglas : newly fur- atshc'l. ' F-M633 JyS' \VORKING girls' borne. 823 S. leta. F-M9l6 Jyll' IJTOPIA-1721 Davenport , tra11ients acC'ofll- nlolated. ( F-09l 31' V BEAUTIFUL rooms ; transIents. 2511 lIar- Hey. F-M2l6 Jy20' _ MRS. Godo , 202 N. lSth. Transients taken , F-263Jy22' VISITORS to the Transmississlppl and In- ternatlonal ExpositIon wIshing to secure comfortable ( barters t'an sn'e time and eXenSC by wrIting to or calling upon the OfficIal Information Bureau , 1319 F'arnarn St. , the only authorized agency of the Exposition management. Strangers on arrival In Omaha can take street ears direct from any depot. Oflice open day and iiight. F-247 TIlE BENIIFI'l' IIOlflJll. 21st and Plnkney qts , , f,9 ( htiIltIi ) ' furnIshed rooms : on sluaro ( from the , Arch of the Statet : everythIng new and first-class ; terms rca- sonalle. TIlE RoSe , 20.1) ) llarney ; cool rooms. free bathe ; transidats takeii ; rates reasonable. F-3l0 IIOOMS nrIdboard. 316 S. 2Gth. V F-33S-Jy.-1' ---4.J.------ - - - - - - - - - PLEASAN' ] ' rooms , modern : strictly tlrst class hoard ; transients taken. 212 8. 25 St. F-487 NICEST UiOms In city , wIth hoard ; 3 iloclc west of lOStOfflCO. 1909 Capitol avenue. F-3t1 3' FOR 1t113'T = STOREM AND OPF'ICViS. Iron RENT , the 4-story brIck butldlng at 910 Farntun St. ThIs building has a lire- proof cement basement , water on all Iloors. gas. etc. Apply at the otflce ot The 13cc. 1-910 SPACE to rent. suItable for 101) printIng or ether small business. Telephone and desk. Rent cheap. 1517 Burt. 1-681. ROOM. 15x20 , for workshop. 16114 Case , ground floor. I-M321 30' PART store ; hioscentral In city. F. D. Wend. 16th & . Douglas. I-M578 3V Ad ENTS WANTED. WANTEIA.A'ents In evnry town In Nebraska - braska itflti Iowa to solicit accounts for us , to ( 'OIICCVV Cash commission p&tld. Write for partt41ars. S 49. Bee , Omaha. ' , 3938Jy15' AN AGENT In every city to sell a five- cent novelty ; send fifty cents ( OF outllt which 1rIngs you one dollar ; money refunded - funded if net" _ satisfactory. The Peggy ' Cincibnatt , O. J-M5'T4 1' _ . : _ V STORAGE , PACIFIC Stirage afll Warehouse Co. , 908- 910 Jones , general storage and forwardIng. M-255 OM. Van &Stora e , 15111,4 Farn'mTol. 1559. 31-256 WANTED-'I'O Our. IF TOU'are In need of anything try the Want Columns of The JJee ; they will bring you what you wnnt. N-SC ? FOIL s.tLil-FU1LNI'rtJitIO. FOR sale at n bargaIn , 600 lIllOWS nad 600 mattresses new pillows , 25 cents up : new mattresses. 75 cents up. l4081O Dodge. ( ) Mfl2 JyZO GREAT bargains in Furniture at the Wlnonn Implement \Varehouse. . cor- ncr 14th & Nicholas streets ; must be sold at once. 0-51509 Jy 2' Poll , SALII-IIORSIOS 'WAGONS ' ' - , , IJ'i'C. 12 PASSENGER wagonette , 2 good pbae- tons , $410 and $ So ; famliy carriage. leather top , $50 ; good trap , $ S5 ; surrey , brand new. Drummond Carriage Co. . 38th and llarnoy , P-M94 Jy17 VEhICLES , best variety ; prIces and tories easy , Crawford Co. , 1311 Jones St. P-31637Jy9 _ _ _ _ FOIl S.'L10-Stylisii young driver , perfectly gentle anti kind ; no fear steam or cars , IL D. Aloe. lEG 8. 50th ave. P--195 29' SADDIJhorsci ! for ltdy ; iig and sound , 3718 Case. 5'-lfl-30 FOIl SALIO-31131C101.L.tNIIOVS , HORSE cii1)llng macnines , knives unti ro- ; alrs. all standard makes on hand ; grind- lag razors , shears , tfilppers : prompt serv- jV' A , L. Undeland. Q-258. GREAT bargain , four 6 to 10.hole steel ruiiges for hotel or restaurant : two In- \'allil clinIcs ; * nuet be sold. 1410 Dodge. Q-24912 Jyil' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOIL SAI.1l-Ten R.LZ'.A.N. & . ( or S cents at druggists ; one gives relIef , Q-.259 V V V V THI3 Spanish possesslon In both the east and yest , in llfll ) form. with nearly 290 1)llotograI.hie rclroductlons ) of the Amen. can and Spanish navieg , naval command- era , etc. AU for 21 cents , at. time lice 0111cc. It ordered by mmdl. nddrest Navy Photogrnln Department , Omaha liec. tJ-AeS. I hAVE 3 Remington typewnItars that I will sell cheap. Frank iii. Mooree. City hail. . Q-211 iioa. poultry : ild lawn fences ; all wire ; Is beet. Wire Workg , 1tIi and Barney. Q-260. V U 100 I1NDS funeral svuters. Sherman & McConnell Drug C'o. , 1.513 Dodge et. , Omulia , Q-49t9 3y17 WOOI.F ZAQHA11.IA. has boughtout Philip Nathan flieS is now at 12C l7nnnam ; WorltVe fair ( uralturo for sale. sale.Q373 Jyl cOT & jnnttreu for $1.60. Lenis , 1414 Dodge - - _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ V MEDIUM sIzed safe cheap. 218 5. lCtlm St. Q-497-Jy.2' TThIOTHY bay. Nebi'stska hay Co. , 14th and Nicholas. Q--3W-Jy.1 I , 13. IJilltltAlt'V can save you imioney In the adjustment of your losi by lIre. flu knows te ropes. Room 112 Brown Block , Q-.5w JV .nIL St1l.-MtSCi0I.L4NIiOV $ . - . . _ _ _ _ _ _ - ' ' ( Continued. ) IIANDIII1SON Street stabies and hitching yard ; half block north of 16th street ox. poIton ! main entrance. . Q-257 FOIl SALE , Stand , nearExpoattion , 25x&0 ; on rtecntint of death : $50. Wagner , 415 South 19th street : 2nd floor. Q-663 30' FOIt SALE , 12 head nod , fresh cows. ' Call afternoon Jester a yard. 25th and Burt St. , Omaha. Q-464 2' SMALL cook stove and simlendltl sIde sad- tile at half price. 1125 Georgla ave. . Q-M573 8' FOIl SALE two fresh Jersey cows neil one fresh holstein for * ale or trade. 713 South 28th street. Q-M$36 4 STAMPS , COl N5-Iiouglit , oliI , iorten- Son , 401 N. 15th. Q-MS75 30 3115C111L1.tNJOOIJS , V TWENTY-FIVE centS will buy the latest pullICahion Illustrating the 13. S. . and 8pnnish nnvlra , naval commnnilers.etc. : almost 200 photographic r19)rohlictinns with a large mni of the 10tetand WeaL Indies. at ( ho chIco of 'Fite Bee , If , r- dered by mail. address Navy Photograph Department , Omaha lIne US7O A431-MONOPO1X Garbage Co. , cleans ceaspools & privy vaults. 621 N.16. Tel. 1773 It-834 JyIG' Of.AIItVYtNTS. LOST articles found ; missing frIends traced ; life readings ; lucky belts. fill N. 20th. 3-35568 lO' 3t4SSitOIl , OAThS , ETC. V _ MME. SMITh , 118 N. 16th St.1 lint spring and vapor baths. ' 1-l6l.Jy..4' LADI1A Illilson. 119 N. 16th ttipstxtirs ) room 12. Turko-Russlan nail plain latiis , massage. T-207-Jy19' MEDICATED baths , massage. Mmii. Brie- son. from I'anl'i. 107 N. fith ; open all nIght. T-M901 Jy14' _ _ _ _ _ _ - DR. LEON , electric massage bath hiarlots : restful aimil curative. 417 S. 11th , upstairs. T-M47 Jy3' MADAME AMES , 507 5. 13th , roolIm 10 ; mae- sage , baths. T-567-JyG' SUPERI7LUOUS hair moles , etc. , perma- neatly removed by electricity ; references. Mrs. Cronyn , pecia1Ist , r , 10 , Crelghton but. 'f-MEl 30 1'IOIS ONA L. VIAVI for uterine troubles. 346-8 lIce bldg.u physician consultation or health book free. U-261 $30. P.UPU1tE ciirc f'r $30. No detention from business ; 6 years In Omaha. Caller or write for cIrculars. EmpIre Rupture Cure. 932-933 New York Life bldg. , Omaha , Neb. 11-263 Till ) Pantorlum , clothes cleaned , pressed and rcpalred , day and night ; speciaL care gIven , ladies' tailor made gowns : dress suits for hire. N. B. cor , 14th & Farnam. Tel 963. U-64 - A LARGE Map of the World , one of Cuba and nnothcr of the entire West 1ndie , showing Cuba. Purto Ilico , ilayti , San Domingo , Martinique and all the other \Vest Indian rslammos ; 10 cents , at The Bee ollice. By mail , 14 cents. Address Cuban Map Delt. , Omaha Boo. 11-558 IJATIIS , massage. Mine. Post , 31D4 S. 15th. U-MOSS YELLOWSTONE National Paic , cheap company excursions. Write for cIrcular A. Lycun , Cinnabar , Mont. U-M2t Jy21' GET your slmoes halt-soled and heeled while you waIt 15 minutes. for 50 cents. Work guaranteed. 710 N. 16th St. U-29i-Jy2 LADIES' Turkish baths. Mine. Post. , 319l S. 15th. U-M262 DR. K. S. Swellerg , baths of all kinds ; SwedIsh movement , electrIcity , etc. , for ladies and gentlemen. 109-110 lIce Bldg. U-309-Jy-22 I IIAVIO a good gas range which I will exchange for a gpod gasoline stove for time summer with responsible party. Address - dress T 41 , Bee. ' V 3t416 Jy3' LADIES OR GENTLEMEN , If you want a positIon where you can make $4 to 38 per day anywhere call at 703',4 N. 16th st. , second floor. Room 8. 11-51510 , ly,1' MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTA'AJ0. WANTED , choice farm and city loans. It. C. Peters & Co. . 11. S. Natl Bank bldg. 3190.000.00 specIal fund to loan on liret-class impro'veti Omaha property , or for build- lag purposes FIdelity Trust Company. LOAN on Inflroved and unimproved city nroperty. W. Farnani SmIth & Co. . 1320 FarnanL . _ _ _ 6 PER cent. city and thrm loans. Garvin Bras. . 11113 Farnam St. W2CSV : iiciy Loan & Trust Co. . 315 N. Y. L , ; nuick motley at low rates for choice farm lands In Iowa. Northern Miisouri , East- era Nebraska. MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha reai estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 S. 16th.iu v -iu 5 % PER cent money. Bernie , l'axtonblk. . i.ii investors. lists that are investors' lists ; write to Investors' Directory Co. , New York. \v-C11 Jy14' MONEY TO VLOAN-CIIATTUL.S. 510 TO $10,000 TO LOAN 'ON HOUSEhOLD ICUflNITURy3 AND PTA- NOS , HORSES. W.IGONS AND CARRIAGES - RIAGES , WAREhOUSE RECEIPTS , etc. . at lowest rates in Omaha , South Omnha and Counll Bluffs. No removal of goods ; strIctly confidential ; you can uay time loan off at any time erIn In any amounts. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . : ioa South 16th St. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY IN- CORPOIIATED LOAN , COMPANY IN OMAHA. X-274 MONEY loaned salaried leoplo holding lermanent positions , wIth rcslonslble concerns upon their own name , without security : easy payments. Tolman , It. 706. N. Y. Life bldg. UVSINESS CI1AiC16e , TO GET Ia or out of business go to 3. 3. Giion , 514 I5irst Nat'l bank , Y-276 WANTED-An Interest In good business , State full hartieulars. Adfireea T 10 , lice. Y-3tt-1C , IN event of a loss by lire , eec I. 33. Ehr- hart , room 512 , l3ro'vn Block.YM4IS Y-M4IS Jy2' QUICK , c1n printing. Tel , 1346. 1610 Cass , Y-475-Jy-18' IF YOU want to buy. sell or trade any- tiiiti ; call room 512 Brown block. Y-M415 3y2' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - WANTED. equity In Omaha or South Oiuuiiit property mortgaged and about to be t'oneumned. Room 512 Brown blk. Y-M460 JyJ' - WANTED to buy , Rooming house ; wIll pay cash. T 46. Bee ottlee. Y-M4S5 Jyl - FOIL II1XOJIANOJS , FOIl SALE OR TRADE , team and two. seated iUgI. forsingie horse and buggy , Old Nebraska feed stable , 10th and Leav- enworth Ste Z-214--30' _ VV * V V - - - - - - - I011 SA1415-llIl4iL E141'IITI'1. KOIJNTZE Place bargains. $2.500. $3 750 to $6,500. 3. .1 , Gibson , 514 l'irst Nat'i bank bldg. flIl-279 FOLLO\\'ING desirable propertr Business lot corner , 60x150 ft. , in 14u , Omaha , pavei. Business lot. COxliO ft. Imnlroved , South Omaha , street paved. Tract (24 ( lots ) , 3th St. Tract (20 ( lots ) , 20th St. For tmartlctllars alpiy 1012 Farnam St. ItE-231 hOUSES , lots farms. lands , loans , also fire insurance , Bonus , Poxton block.liEISO liE-ISO IF YOU have real estatefor sale nail vant It sold , list it with me and I will eii it-If I can. If you wish to purchase and vnnt a big liargain look over my list , J.II. Sherwood , 422 N , Y. Life bldg. SOU'rIIIOAST corner 28th nail Hickory , 501.50 feeL only $150. J. N , Frenzer. opp. old postom e REMV IS7 _ , * ii 1 = FOIL hlSTAT1. ( Continued. ) _ _ _ HAVE you coma lotti to sell ? NOW fs the time to dipoe of thcm let the people know that yob want to (1151)050 Ot them. The lice reaches the people who have the moncy. liE-ICC i-i1. : 1l.-Bargans. dht Beatitiltd Ilomec of I , R 3 , 10 and 13 rooms each ; locations - tions hc most desirable In the city if yeti are seeking ii. home , we would 1,0 Pleased to aiow you the most desiratlo propert in Onirina. M. 3. Kennnrii & , 310 and 311 Brown block , 1U3-993 _ 160 ACRES1il from ROOd Nebrnskw town ; mortngs $1,000. which I will pay ( i give dienr deed for $2 000. ( hover , 'Time fleaijtnt Man , " 302 i'nrhach 111k. . ) tE-MGS9Jy10 . _ et _ 0. ; e lr IIEST farm urarrOmaha St half appraised value , Jo. . , . Sizer , 251)2 lhlondo st. Omaha. : : 1110-399 Juty 29' T1 ; _ ; , , driiSV ' count ) ' , Ne ) ; . , mad , $1.00 $ hr 'time cash , Slilat have money at ijnce Investigate. , Room Oil , Brown hhoc4. . IIE-M883 .1y3' , . ' . .2 14:1 : 'Ii ; tiEOST. _ V LOST-On E1lon grounds pocketbnok containing V ehgnge and commutatIon ticket to eiloi4kIn , Finder vil1 be liberally - erally rewarded upon leaving the tlckt at this ofiic. Thttekepers have been noV - V tided of nuthb so time ticket will be of ho use to alpVLbut owner. Loet-M2SG A PURSE coitaliiing $60 : a liberal reward if returned tI _ 8fJ'N. ! l6thi et. . -V j , VtV Loet-M430 3y3V V 41iuTIN. ; I FIRST-CLASS millinery stora and fixtures at No. 216 South 18th et , , opposite cIty hull , OLI Saturday , July 2nd , at 10 o'clock a. m. ; stock consists in part of trimmed and untrimmed stylish hints , ribbons. trimmings , flowers , feathers , counter and Upright show cases , desk , chairs , matting - ting , etc. , and ether articles too numerous to mentIon : ladles Particillanll' InvIted to attend sale. Mrs. 1. T. Van Noy. 3. B. Maxay & Co. , auctioneers , O7h-Fri m & c-Sat o . _ MbSC , ARE A7JI ) LANGIJAOIIS. PROF. PETERSEN'S music school. piano. violin , mammdolln , guitar , zither. German method. Terms reasonable. 513 Shoely Block. 620-Jy-4 I'UItNI'1UItE I'AChED. 31. S. WALKLIN. 2111 Cunmlng. Tel. 1331. V AUCTION. J. It. MAXCY & CO. , auctioneers , room 416 , lCnibaclm block , want your auction sales of real estate , merchandise , furniture. , live stock. etc. -528 CAItHIAUE MAKING. KARBACH & SONS , 1312 Howard. Tel. 1102. -M2263 y20 ' ' ' ' ' ELI6C'I'ILO'I'Yt'I NIl. II. S. STARK & CO. , 1110 Dodge.lit4ll -lit4ll Jy27 JUSTICE OF TIlE P13ACIO. .0. 13. IIOUCK. 300 Kartacl , Block. 238 V ITICYCLES. NEW wheels , $19 to $23 ; secondhand wlmce1 , 35 to $15. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 16 & Chicago. -055 l'AWNIIRO lCIOltS. IL MARO\VJTZ loans money. 418 N. 16th SUMMER IUOSOIVI'S. YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK , Wy- lie permanent camps. SpecIal rate. 10. 31. Hunt , 1 and 2 Ware 131k. 'Phone 2135. -M190 Jy14 PRIVATE hOSPITAL. DR. LIEIIER , cancers. female diseases , , 1912 LeavenWorTh. - o Jy4 t1tflbLSTERING. 'I , Vi V LUNDEEN. funIturo made over : 1523 Leavenworth.31691 ' JylO IIAIUDRRSSING. , , if , SALE of hale gtiods : prices satisfactory. Miller Haindresking Parlors , 1514 Douglas. . , t. 853-Jy 12 Ia cr1 1 STATUARY. V . _ . : ARTISTIC flifliros , ornaments. Gonnella & Co. . 3t75. lothoSt. 269-Jy 21' . _ _ L.- _ L.I I ) V WRITERS. TYPEWItITJ5Bt8or rent , 3100 per month. The Simiith.J7repnler Typewriter Co. , 1623 Farnam St. ; Telephone 1284. ZSi SUM3tER SChOOLS , FOR pupIls of ' ; iii and 8th grades , begin. fling June 27 , at Church of Good Shepard , 20th and Ohio. Agnes 31. Dawson. 3l8-Jy-5' VIOLIN MAKING. C. A , CASE , violins repaired. 416 Sheely Elk. -31692 JylO DIIISSSMAKING , DRESSMAKING. Miss Sturdy , 2504 Day. enport. -794JyI1' IIRICIC , WITHNELL Ilro. & Smith , paving , sewer , building ; capacity 100,000 a day ; 22d and Ilickogy streets , Tel , 423. 290 BICYCLES , BARGAINS In new & 2nd hand bicycles ; easy terms. The Safe Store , 1116 irarnanl , 876 Jy13 SIlOlt'l'IIANI ) ANt ) TI'I3tVRL'I'1NG. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y , Life. The schnioi whose Htudents get employmelIt. Conducted by an experienced reporter. 253 AT OMAhA. Bus. College , 36th & Douglas , 284 ShORT-hAND , taught by court reporters. noylce School , 403-5-7 Boo bldg. 'Al STIONOG RA1'II OILS. 'WE SOLICIT and furnish positions ( or stenographers1 tree. The Smith-Premier . Typewriter Co. Teleolmnno 1284. 289 1'IANOS TUNED. PIANOS tuned , $1.60. Rose , 1521 Dodge , 697 Jy6' liMit DRESSING. $ ALE on hair goods. Miller's flair Dress- Ins. 1514 Doulae. -907 Jy14 SUES & CO. , ( i : , liCe hidg , Omeha , Sc ii. ' Scail forourftto Invent. 1. , a rosoricio : NOTICE , LI i - ( Should be reatdatIy by all Interested , as chmanges may occur at any TIme. ) Foreign malls ifor the week ending July 2 , 1693 , wIll cioscPROMPTLY ( In all cases ) at the ( leneraliii'ostolilcu as ( ellen's ; VAil- ( V10L $ VOS'L' MAILS close one hour earlier than closing thou shus'n below. lit ' 1 Traims-LItlnntiu 3lisIls , SATURDAY-Ab 7 a. in. for PRANCE. SivlrZl01iLAVND , ITALY , T1JRICFIY , l0OY1T amid , ' ll1tl'i'lHlI INDIA , icr s. ii. La Bourgoge ! VVVIU llnvro ; ( letters fur other parts OP Europe ( except SpaIn ) must ho directed 'Jct La liourgogno" ) ; at S a , in. for NI'fl'iiiBILANPH direct , er a. s. Arnsterdam.-\lt liotterdam Itters inuat be directed 'pe.r .Anmstertiuzu' ) ; at I a. in. ( or 1'l0'i'11l.I4ANDS dlregt , per a , a , Edanm , . via .Ampktertlam ( iettcr& must be directed "per 0dam" ) at l a. in , for .Ii E''STP.'J"ICIl NTiCl. V ( Contintied. ) - IiCOTIAND direct. ver a. s Ammchorla , via Glasgow ( letters must be dIrected "per Anehdritt' ) at 11 a. in. ( supplementary 12:31) : ii. m. ) for l'iUROI'Il ( except 131mm ) , Per a. a. Lucanla. via Queenstown. After the , lcsinc sit the 5uplmiementt'tr' . Transatlantic ldnllc named above , nthii- tional suppielnentarl' malls arc opeileti oil the piers or the ta2cI'ieatm. t0iighlsih , Frcimclt 4iIlii German steamelL.afld , remain open until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer , Mnil for SCI4I , ntiil Central Ant'erlcn , Vcst Indies. Ilite. SATURDAY-At 230 a. in. for NEW. F'OUNDLAND , per a. a. Roumalmiaim , from l'hmilndclmimla ; at 10 a. fim. ( stmppiemnoimtnrV 10:30 : a. m , ) ( or FORTUNE ISLANI ) , JAMAICA , SAVAN I I4LA amid CARTI IA. GAN4. per it. a , Alieghany ( letters for Costa Rica must be ( ilrcte0 "per ABC- glinhmY' ) at 10:30 : a. m. for hiltAZlt4 direct nnil LA I'I.ATA COUNTRIES , ier s. it , Galileo , vIa l'ernnmtueo , Unhia and 1110 tIe Janeiru ( letters for North Brazil must be. tilrecttnl "lmer Gnhli'n' ) ; at 3:31) : p. cm , for NICWFOITNDI.AND , per steamer from , North Mnil for Newfoundland , by rail to Itoh. fax. and thmeno h steamer. Piiiit at this 05101) daily at 8:30 : , . m , Malls for 511. qtielott , by rail to Boston , and. thence bY steamer. (1050 .ut (111 $ niBee daIly at 8:30 : p. in. Stalls for Mexico City. overland. unh'ss siwcInilY aduireseed fo& ileit.tehl ly steamer , . clean at this office itaiir at 2:30 a. in , .tnd 2:80 : p. mu. "Rtgistered mali Clo5e Ot 6:013 : j , m. PreviouS day , Tritna-PiiciIhe Mflll3. Mails for Chum , Jftpiti % amd hawaii , per a. B , Coptic ( ti"mm San Francisco ) , close lmere daily up to July 1st at 630 p. ci. 5litil for China and JnhIlfl ( SPCcizttlI' ad. dressed uniy ) , iwr it. it. Empress of China ( from Vancouver ) , close here tinily up to July " 4th at 6:30 : I ) . in. Mails for Australia ( except those for IVest Australia. which are forwarded via Furolme ) , New Zoalanil , hawaii , Fiji anl Somoan Islands , imer ii it. Alnmnemla ( from San Francisco ) , close here daily up to July "Ith at 7:00 : a. mu. , 11 a. in. itimmi 6:30 p. m , ( or on arrival at Ness' York of a. s. Cztnmicuilt with Unitishi mails for Australia ) , Mitilit for China anti Japan , 11cr it. S. ArIzona ( from Tacoma ) , close here daily up to July " 11th at 6:30 : p. mc. Malls for Australia ( except V'est Austrahin ) , New Zealand , Fhtwail and FIJI Islands , Per s. S. Vnrnimao ( fronm Vancouver ) , close here daily itftor July 8th and Ui ) to July "list at 6:30 : p. ni. Mails for time Buddy IslamIc 1)0i' elmip City Of l'npeitI ( from San Francisco ) . close here daily up to July 25th at 6:30 : l. m. Trans-Pacille malls are forwarded to port of saihiiig daily and the schedule of closing Is arranged on the nresumntiolm of their uninterrulited overland transit. "ltegle- tered mall closes at 6 p. in. vrevious day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Potmnster Postomce , New Yo k , N. V. , Julie 21 , ISSS. , It.thI.WAY TIME CAII1) . -CL1ICAGO & NORThWEST. eruRaliway-CIty Ticket pjjjie- . . Telephone , Mi , Depot , mp.- _ , Tenth lLfld Mason Streets. Telephone , 629 I Leave Arnlvo. Daylight Chicago Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 6:40 am ' 11:55 : imi Mo. Valley , Sioux City. St. Paul & Mlimnealohi . . . . . . . S 6:40 : amn ' 10:45 : pam Mo. Valley , Sioux City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 7:45 : am ' 9:00 : Inn Boone , Dennlsoim , Council Bluffs . . . ' 10:10 : pm ' 10:05 : acm Eastern Ex. , Des Moines , SEarshall- towim. Cedar Rap- ifs and Chicago ' 11:05 am ' 4:20 : pm Atiantie Flyer , Ciii- eago and East. . . . . ' 4:55 : pm ' 4:20 : pm Fast Mall , ChIcago to Omaha ' 3:15 : cm Northern Express . . ' 5:30 : pm 1:40 : in Om.-Chiicago Spe- cml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 6:55 : urn ' S:25 : am a Daily. FR108tONT , ELKITOILN & , Missouri Valley Itailway- General Offices , United , States National Bank Bldg. . Southwest Corner Twelfth antI Farn'im - ' V 5lroets. Ticket Office , 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone , 561. Depot. Fiftecntlm anti Webster Streets. Telephone. I 458. Leave. Arrive. iack Hills. fleati- wood. l-1t i3prI'gs 3:00 : pm ' 5:00 : pm Vyoming. Casper and Douglas . . . . . . .rn 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm ilastings. York , Ba- vid City , Superior. Geneva. Exeter & Seward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 pm " 0:00 pm Norfolk , Verdlgr.8 and Fremont . . . . . " 8:15 ant 10:45 am Lincoln. Wahoo & Fremont . . . . . . . . . . " 8:15 am " 10:45 am F'remimnt Loca' . . . . " 7:30 am York Passenger 6:10 : pin ' 9:441 am S Daily. " Daily except Sunday. " Sue. day only. se Daily CXCOit Saturday. . "I Daily excent Monday. CHICAGO , Sr. PAUL. MIN. , neapohis & Omaha Railway -General omccs , Nebraska , Division. FIfteenth and Webster Streets. CItY Ticket Office. 1401 3'arnam Street. Tele. phone. 561. Depot , FIfteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone , 1,458. V Leave. Arrive. Sioux City Accom. . " 8:50 am " 8:35 : pm Sioux City Accom. , " 9:50 : am " ' 8:35 : pm Blair , Emerson. Sioux City , l'onea , V 11.trtinntnn and Bloomitold . . . . . . . . 'I 1:00 pin "llSS am Sioux City , Maim- kato , St. Paul & Minneapolis . . . . . . ' " 6:00 pm ' 9:00 am . Daily. " Daily except Sunday. " Suit. day only. " Does not stop at DeSota or Cuff man. CITY & PACIFIC V , Railroad - General Ollict's - , United States National r- . Bdnk Iluliding , S. IV. Cor- nr 'l'welftli anti Farnamn Street. Ticket Office , 1401 Farnani Street , Telelmitone , 561. Depot. 'l'enthm and itasozi Streets. Telephone , 623.Leave. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City , Stan- kato , St. Paul , 6:10 : am ' 8:40 : am ltiinneitpoiis . . . . . . . I 5'J : ( ) im elo:43 : pci Sioux City Local. . ' 7:45 am ' 9:00 pm S Daily. 72 MIS. , snurl River Rnllroad-The Llurhingion Itoute"-Ocn. j cml Otiices N. IV. Cormier R oHm 'JV'eimth amid Farnam Streets. 'l'icket 0111cc. 1502 Fanmmani _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ Street Telephone 250. Dc. pot ; Tenth and Mason Streets. Teiiiphone IlL Leave. Arrive. Lim'coln , Hastings and McCc'ok ' 835 am ' 013 am Limicoin , Denver ; Colorado , Utah , California , Black Hills. Montana Sc J'uge Sound . . . . . . 4.35 i'm ' 4:00 : pm Lncohn Local . . . . . " 7:00 inn 7:40 : m LIncoi Fast Mail. ' 2:55 : urn " 11:40 : am Denver , Coidrado , Utah , California and Puget Sound ' 11:55 pm ' 11:55 : pm 'Daily , "Diiy except Su lidoy. :7H1cAU0. : 13Ufl1INGTON Sc Qulilcy Railroad - BurIinton Burlington Routo"-TIckeL 0111cc , lSO2Fmmrnam Street. fi autu 'reieplioae 250. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets , Trio. phone. 1 $ . L.oave Arrive. Chicago Vesibuied Express . , , , . , , , , . 5:05 : pm ' 8:10 : am Chicago Express . , , ' 9:45 : mini 4:10 : I'm Chicago Sc 131 , Louis Express , 7:45 : pm ' 8:10 : am ( 'reslon Local ' 4:00 : pm 1O1.5 ; aim Pacific Junction Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 11:55 : pin 6:4Opm Fast Stall 4 210 pm Chicago Special . . , ' 12:03 : am ' 11:50 : pm , Daily , ' Daily exceut Sunday , I cANSAS CITV , ST. JO. I seph Sc CouncIl Bluffs flail. I Burtirito roaml - "The Burlington I V [ 1tnute"-Tickot 0111cc , 1502 I RouteV Farnam Street. Telephone I 250. Depot , Tenth amid Sic- Son 131itmets , Telephone 125. Leave , Arrive. Icansa a City Day Express . . . . . . . . . . . ' 9:05 : am 5:40 : pm Ki&liSnS CIty Nigit LXim . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 11:00 pm 6:33 : urn "Jxp4isilitiIt Flyer" St. 1.uis . . , , ' ' ' 4 ' . .0 pm 'F'tbpm for t. Jo'eph &i'ii , Daily. A Ii A 14 II RAILROAD.- Ticket 0111cc. 3415 Farnanm ' Steed. Telcphonu 802. Depot 'v-- V 'i'.iilii II 1141 ShiLlomi Streots. - ' - Tehephrne 623. Leave. ArrIve. . St. . Louis "CiitTOfl I linli' Express. . . . . 4:8' ) pm ' 11:30 am I Vait' . Vait'V ( _ ---V a _ _ - flAhI1VAY TIME CAll Ii , ( Continued. ) _ _ , C1flCAtO , I1OCK ISLAND Sc l'kelfle Itnllromtml-"I'Imo Great Bock Island ltouti , " - , City Ticket Office , 1323 L4 IiflU.1.II I7arndm Sircet. Telephone 428. Depot , Tenth and Mnon Streets. Telephone 629V. , Leave. Arrive. Rocky Mu' Linmlted , east , . , i 1O : am 1:25 : am Rocky Mnuntaifl Linmited. . , .i. . , ' 5:20 am 5:15 : am Chicago Sc St. Paul Vestlbtiied 10 * - press . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 : pm 123 pm Lincoln , Colorado Springs , l'uobo ) , Denver and welt. . 1:30 pm 4:21 : pm Chicago , Des Mimliti's & flock 1s'and . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 7:00pm : lt:25nm Atlantic Express , i'or Des Moines anti eastern points " 7:20 am ' 3:50 : pin Colorado Flyer . . . . . ' 7:00 : imimi " 5:50 : am Daily. ' Daily except Suniley. . UNION rACIFIC . . . Overland Rotittm"-c'neral Of- . flees , N. W. Corner Ninth and . irarnam Streets. City 'ricitet . ( ) fl'ce 1302 Ynrnnmn Btrtet. * V Teieptmono 290. Depot 'l'oimth VaeuO'1 and Mason Streets. Tllephono 629. Leave Arrive. " 'fha Overland Llmnitrd" fur Dell- ver , Salt Lake. . . , _ , .CA S 4t45 and western p.t3 pm The Colorado Spe- ci1. for Denver Sc all Colorado lm'ts. ' 1.1:55 px 6:40 : a in l"ast Mail Train for Salt lAke , I'aettle coact and all western PoInts . . . 4i3 ; pm 8:40 am Lincoln. Beatrice Sc Stromsbtirg FIx. ! ' 5:00 : pm "B.lO pm I"rcmmnont , CIum- bUs , Norfolk , he'd Island & Kemtrney 4:33 Pin " 12:20 : pm Grand Island lOx. . . 5:00 : urn " 12:20 : imami S Daily. ' Iaiiy except Sunday. South Omaha Local Pass-Leaves. 6:15 : a. in. ; 7:00 : a. In. ; 9:55 : a. iii. ; 3:1(1 : p. in. Ar- elves , 10:15 a. in. I 330 p. in. ; 6:00 : P. in , Councii IiltlfTit Loctl-Leawmm , 5:55 : a. ma. ; 6:50 a. in. ; 7:40 : it. in. : 8:40 : : t. in. , 10:30 : it. mm. ; 2:15 : p. iii. ; 4:35 : p. m. : 5:55 : 1) . nm.8:20 ; : in. ; 10:05 p. in. . Arrives , 6:33 : a. iii , ; 7.O : a. m. ; 8:35 : a. ni. ; 11:30 a. ci. ; 3:10 : p. nm 5:40 : p. cm. : 6:30 : p. m. : 9:00 : p. m. : 10:45 : p. m. oMAhA Sc ST. LOUIS RAIL. PQa. . roati-Ontithn , Rmtiiiias City tii E : : : ] Artimur Eastern flouto"-Ticket Railroad-"The Olilcu Port , ROUTE. : 1.415 Fctrnan , Street. Pole- PhoflO 322. Delict , Tenth aimd Mason Sti'octs. Telephone 629. LCmtVe , Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Bail lOxprecs , ' ' 4:35 : i'm 1t:30 : ale Raiisns City _ Quincy Locnl . . . . S am ' 9:05 : pci 1.anzas City lOx- uiross 7:30 : am Port Arthur Ex- lress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:30 : pm Daily. MISSOURI I'ACIFIC RAIL. ' road-General Oliices mind I Ticket Ollice ' Southeast Cor. flee 14th and 'Douglas Streets. I . I 'I'CiL'phoIte. 104. Depot , iOta p , amiti Webster Ste. Telephone . 1458. Leave. Arrive. Kansas and Neb Limited . . . . . . . . . . . S 3:0 : pin ' 12:55 : I'm Kumisitt City & St. Lotus Exlmrcss . . * 9:3) : Pfli 6:00 : ama Nebraska Local , . , 4:30 : ' 9:45 : am * Daily. ' Daily except Sunday. lI1C.OO , M1L\i'AUFZElO & Cer4c St. Paul RaIlway - City I Ticket 0111cc , 1501 Farnamu ' /LWAU/I'EE ; troet. Telelmimono 231. Depot , &ITicket 'i'eimth : ' and Itiasoim Streets. V ; fA Telephone , 623 - . . , .eave. Arrive. Cgo Limited Express . . . . . . . . . . . , p 5ViO : pm 8:20 : am Omaha & Chicago V . Exprcss . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI 11. ® am 4l5 : mm Sioux City and Dea Moinui Express.'lJOO : am " 4:15 pm 'Daily. "Daily dxcept Sunday. IN TilE CIS3iOI'IITtN itUSVitll , . , , From Ally t3toticr. I j ' 1- Vim 4 I V , "WOtlld you mind removing your p iat , please ? " "Certainly , " ' V .i' V ' : I I ' "Great Scott ! I didn't expect iat. Would you mind putting It oii agahn ? " I V .3. "Certainlyl but I haven't time to arralige InS' hair Inside It. " V V I.l'I'fllt'tItY NO'I'IOS , ' V ' . J ? V ) : . . . .t 5 , . : 'V , . / ; , "Wanderings About AcliIn , by a Rev V Ing Blade" with numerous cuts by lii Autk.or , .AILTI7LIL DODGEItS , 'I'll lOSE 'I'WO ClFIA'I'UIIIJS. , V From St. Paul's. I V ' V . ' : . s V 'ii' V V'V , l:4 ! , Neddy-I'm getting hungry. V .4 V , , V I , ' , f' , , ' VV ( ) ' I - I CI ! V . V .v'J.ns V ' " . -a . V V 4t'i.V I. 4 V ' Teddy-But thls'corn Is just the thing , V V . , , . ,3 , . , $ t . , V - V Neddy-Now , 'I'eddy , you have a ulto. . V V V , , % V 3 V 4 , The Donkeys-We are both. guilty , V V V - V _ V lit ) ' ! ' 4lUl'J'O 'IJiJO 8.iMIC NAME , 'V V . - I- ' -5. : ' , . . V. , V ' , L She-Sorry I'm so bohiud , the cmb horse wasuc il Uuit.U kept wazi Izig to U0 backivardts , ' ' ' V JIo-Ab ! that's what they call a Jlbbor.I V : V V 8h0-'I'liat isii't what tii5 mi called ILJ ,