- - - - - - - - _ - _ _ - _ _ _ - - - . - - . . ---M . i-i-- - - - - _ 1 - ' J . - - - - . 7- - --T- ; ITf ' -r-c--- . . ; , . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ' . . - - - : - - - : = - - - . . . I _ ) .JUNI :19 : FRhIAY MO1G , , 1898-TWErXE 1'AGES. EOI'YJf.IX.1 _ _ CENTS. DRILL B TURNERS , t Uerman Ath1etc Afford the reaturo at the Expositon ! Grounds. _ w ! flNE EXHIBITION OF ThEIR TRAINING Lten and Women Go Through Their Drill Bthre a GOOdly Orowd. PROGRAM FOR TODAY IS QUITE VARIED Will Begin with Watcrmalonn and Wind Up in Congregationalista. FOURTH OF JULY TO BE OBSERVED Intgtr Clii rkMul * CuhIl1ctCM Art - t flhIgItI IIN for tIii 'Iost .J.II.I&N CtI.lrutl.ii Fver livid an tiliLt 1)11 , . 'eter1ay the Turnvcrcln from a dozen Western cities came to Omaha to celebrate the Transnilslsstppt Turnfest and litcldeut- ally visited the exposltloti and were given the freedom ot the grounds by the imtiinge- went. They formed a COIIlICUOU ) $ auxiliary to the regular exposition crowd , and in the late afternoon and evening the neat gray linitorlnM of the men and the rtty blue blouses of thu women were in evidence all over the ground . The fact that the bulk of thu day was occupied by exercises ( lawn towit Prevented thCIU roiii ntteuilng ! during the early lrnrt of the ( lay , but kuer on they canio out in force and contributed one of I the mo3t interesting featureB that has yet marked the progress of the exposition. 'The Turners arrived at the grounds soon 4 after 4 o'clock and verc met at the Slier- man ttVCflttO gate by General Manager Ciarkiion , who extended to them the free- ( loin of the grounds. They were hnded liy the First regiment banil itiid to the 4lIiHplrIng strnliis of one of Sousa's marches thu visitors formed In platoons of eight flfld iiinrced across the south viaduct ittid thence aroutid the lagoon , leturning to the ilitiff tract they lilul nut on the Grittiti Plaza , 'hiere they wetit through a. brief program of athletic exercises. There were UIVLtIiS of 400 of them In the drill , Tue WOlliell earricil light Indian clubs and the - . l- . , men vcrc armed with duitilt 1)0115 and vatiiis. \Vitli Ito further PromPting titan the music of time hand tltej svent through a short pro- grain of exercises which illustrnted the thorough training that they lIal receivel. With iteitily 600 Turners arranged in aiteit ranks ott the graveleth space every mimove- iiteiit s'ns lerformed In ierfcct time and the exhibItion was a really wonderful ox- atimple of the result of cotitinucil nthileti trauiiliig. In perfect tinie to the rhythm of the music the woods anti ciubs rose and fell , while ( lie small crowd that remained to witness tile spectacle approved the cx- hilbilion itlt vociferous chiccrs. On necoumit . - $ . . of the ( lClayCl ( arrival of the Turners the drill its comnlarativeiy short amid then they adjourned in force to titi' ( lermnnu VII- huge , where their headquarters liati been located. here they were entertained with a sPecial pmogrnni by the Tyroican quartet and tlc other vocal artists of time resort , after which supper was served. Thou the crowd broke III ) in Parties of a dozemi or less , Ito spent the evening In Inspecting the various attractlns of time Midway. most of which made a hutif rate lxi honor of tiic occasion. tsIde trout the visIt of the Turners the day vns featureless. 'L'PmiI ( ltIIiiiH ( i ' 1'.tit. Today 'Ilt ho marked both by the dis- tributlomi of a carload of mmmchous 11041 grapes by the Texas fruit growers , and by the vIsit of a large imrty of prominent Con- gregationallsts ale as thwir way t the tricmmuial councIl of their church at PortianI , Ore. The latter feature wilt be : signalized by an interesting prograni which - will occur at the Atmditorluum at 3 oeloek. . ; 1tcV. S.'right Butler of this city will call Iio delegates to order mmii President \'at- 1 ( Jhie of time exposition association will pref- _ f. cr a formal welcoiimo. Then there will be , ! ai1 nihmiress by Dr. Butler amid a rcspoiie - I lIon. Nelson lingioy of Maine. The ro- isalIml'r of the afternoon vIll be occupied M- songs by Miss Lillian Terry and short addresses iy a number of prominent Ccii- ; ; gregatiottai clergymen who are mactubers of the laitY. Time principal subject of interest in exposi- thin cIrcles are the preparations for time Fourth of July celebration which is maiiidiy routgrowing time prelimimmary limmils. There is : every reason to believe that It vlii be time biggest cvcmit of time kind thmt has ever been organized In Omaha , and It Is expected to tnltmg out. time biggest crowd that has becim cml the grbunds uim to thmmic. Time Kimmi- sas City excursion Ploimmises to be a imumnm- mnotim niThir.V hue it was originally lire- meted as a- picnic at time shipping clerk's cmrgaimltmtion , it mis mIOW become a gemmerci Li iTaly , A ii the ra Ii roads have imual e a hat rate of $2.75 fmommm Kaimsas City to Onmaima cml rctttrim for the occmmsiomm , alksving time xcursluuistm to spetimi Sunday and Motulay at the exposiijomm , in time ahiseitco of mimmy Fourth of July ceivbratiou in iSansas City , the affair is zicqtmlriiig extraordinary mnagni- tutie anti local bilsilmoss mmmcii 'imo have imeen I jib Immmmas City durIng time last few 1111)5 aay that mieariy every one they saw dtclared that tile ) ' were comnhmig to Omaha to sitonil time Fourth , Time exceptiormaily low rob mtiiteu timti expense of time trli' ' mm mitero ( rile nitil the fact that the Fourth occurs on Monday iiiimkes It possible for time cxcmmrsion- Ists to eUjOy U tWo dimys' hoiiIUy without Interfering witim their business. i'mii.ii'ii iii I . . It i'miii ' , 'rime full imrogramim ( or Limo elmSiLiOfl ) rtle- bratiun was mmnnominceti by ( ictierai Mimitagvr Cinrltion yesterday morning , Time feature will be time display of Japammeso Ilrovorks aim ( lie ingimoli itt fIQ o'clock , muimd tIme grmmmU iumr.mde \.lll start ( mom time intersectioti at T etmtletim street vitlm time W'est Mid'yly pm 0111111 ly at is ) o'clock , It will nimmrchm cast aye ! ' ( lit' miorthm vlahtmc % , thence soUth to the } Lorticuitmm&'ai buihilimig , whmt're It will Imele mmnd tomuiter- mmmarch to limo bandstmn(1. where it iii be received by ( gvorzlu UoicOiiim ) , Mayor ammI th.m mneiimbu'ra Monres , l'reslilemltVatlies of the exeutivC eoiflfliittve lit limit exposi- tioii association ISUI1 other invited gimestis. - v' Time imurade will be hatics1 by timi , eioI- tioii polieC iitt1 bittt1 nimd will include Ilfmy ehistimIct Mitiwimy realur'es , itt 1 I o'eio'ic the oercists of time tIny will ocur at the bausi- . stand , Timey vii1 be prerede I by music Ly 4. the baud and prayer bY Itcv , ' 1' , .T. Mackey. 'l'iwi ; the cxuiositiolm chorus , directed hi Mr. \yiliard Kimball , wiii sing ( ito tuitional an - themn , after vliiii John \\'iimrtimim ' ; uviii rtiii Iuo Decla ; tiOmi ( if iimiiel'umitlcmm 'C. i'iio . 'iurmms ihll sing time 'Ilcmi. 'hltc auth hhlui , ' ' ciii this will be Ioilolel by Limo ovation of ilmo ( h' ) ' by lieu. James M. Utcl of i1lmiiatheiphhm. .a _ . The cciebr4ltIOU vlii cotmlude at b o'clock iti ( liii veimimlg the most immtigmmit1cuu 1 d.pY of ) eversenin timc Iseet , ) & * 11011 I 's I'i'isi I. 'Fho Iouglas j'i LIly bontim ill the liorti. culture immilldiflg ) is been commmpitted auth a tuipiY ul i belii Installed under : t. . I , . . . , j. . - - - - _ ; the direction of Superintendent K If. Walker. This display includes twenty-five varieties of winter apples amid a nummnber of varieties of fresh small fruits , Including reil anil white currant , gooseberrici and cherries , The tooth Is at time right of the immain entrance oil the norlm side of the huildltmg and i elaborately decorated with the Omaha colors. The display of palms , ferns and other decorative plants made by Iotmgias ) county has been augmented by a fine display of sweet peas growmm by the Nebraska Seed comnpmmny. There arc seventy varietice of these and their brilliant colors stand out in plcasiimg contrast against the background of dark green formed by the foliage plants , l'I.AK lIt TlNAS MIL.tN IA. i'rilt for 'l'ppi 'IliiiHsIIil ( II lit' iIii- rll.i'i'it 'ri. I. , . ! t&ri.qi. Today h Texas Melon , iav and 1,200 big , juicy watermeloims of time varieties for whmicim Texas is fnmotms will ho distributed to the hungry immuititutle about ri o'clock , These melons have bcen on exhibition in the liorticmiittire building slimec time flr3t of the week , Tue distribution will be mnamle time cc- catsion of brief exercises at the liorticuiture buuiiiimmg as a preitimminary to time feast. Vice I'resident Johmnon of time Texas Exposition coimmmnissioa tinul Superintendent Atwater of the Texas eximibit will make short talks about Texas , amid General Malinger Clark- son will say a few words as the representa- ( lye jf ( ho exposition. This will cnnvlmnho time foriminhitles amid the immingry inuititumle will themi be given a chance at Limo. melons. 'Time fruit % rili be carveit by a. force tinder the direction of Arbiter Nelson , superinteimd- eimt of the Missouri horticulture exhibit. and will be servcil at tables erected fur the purpose on the north side of the west wing of the Horticulture building. The I melons are big ones , sonic of theta weighing nearly forty pounsis , amid it Is estimated that there Is enough fruit to 8ntisfy the appetite of 10,000 lmungry people. The crowd will be served as long ns time material lasts and ireparablons have been made to serve large mmtmmbers at omme blame. The representatives of the Texas exhibit , icarnutig that a lIttle Texas girl is an inmate - mate of the Clarkson Meimmorlal hospital , picked three of the firmest specimens of the macions atmd sent ( Item to the hospital for the little children who are inmates of that lim- sittitloti. 'Ii 1hvrit' , miiit I i.e ( lanoliN F'uiirt ii. Time Concesslonmiires' club met at the German village yesterday afternoon nimd Shout tYVo bomirs discussing plans for time Fourth of J0i1 larlumle mmml summdry refresh- miieimts lirovided by time mammager of the 'Il- huge. huge.Tha Tha arrnmigememmts for the parade were ilisctiscd at great lemigtim amid several addi- tioiisVerc made to time aircaily elaborate progrtlllm. SaUte of the staternemmts miiado dimming ( lie discussion by the represeimta- tivcs of time vari5us concessiomis imiake It. eVileimt that the imarade will eciipse any- timing In timat hue ever seen ( mm this sec. tinmi. Every nmntmsenment comicesslamm is mnak- lug the most elaborate preparations for tue event and time ilommts Imich will be 1mm ( lie line vII1 be gorgeous In timeir mnagmmi 1- cenci Omia of the thmings agreed on by time mect- big iii a brilliant illuimmimmation of time s1id- uu'ay at 11 o'clock the night of time Fourth. Time street wIll be iminde us hrigxmt as ( lay for its entire length by red , white and blue lire nnd _ time entire Midway will be at its best. Tue street wIll Present a Semitic of activity at that bour which will make a visit to it a timing to be bug reimmembered. _ I lltDVS ( ' ( , rrm a Cl iii , . The ( xhibitors of time exposition , not to ho outdoime by time concessionaires , have formed a club for time business timid socini benefit of ( lie members and Viil fit up iment arid attractive quarters mmt some Iolmmt on tii groumiths to 1)0 ) determimied upoim. Timis action was taken itt a imiecting of ttueexhmlbitors held last nIght In time Mcmi- ( non butildhmig , wimichu btmiidiiig vIii be thu muceting lilace' ot time climb , through ( lie courtesy of l'rcsident Sutimerllii of ( lie Momi- bairn commimissinn , until new quarters are so- iecteil. nhiil reaily for occupancy. Time club imrgaiiizcd imy ciectlmig time following of11cers \V. IL. Sutimeriin of Montana , liresident ; - Swain , repmesomitattve of the General Eiec- trio comimpammy , vice itresident ; A. C. Field , superinteneheimt of the Miimmmesota exhibit , secretary ; henry E. Dosctm , conmniIssioimer aimil superlutemmulent of time Oregon exhibit , treasurer. html tmxctmtive conmiiiittee of fit- terim a as appointed to select 81)11cc for time permanent quarters of tue climb amid this comnmltteo swill report to a mmie'tutmg of the cliii ) to be held at time Montana building to- immorrouv eveiiimig. 1)He' 1. . . ' ohio 1)ii' . Secretary Greene of the Ohio Exposition commnlbsiomm sili take a trip to Ohio next s'cck to coimer with Governor i3ushmneil ro- gardummg selecting a date for Ohmic day at the exposition. Time date will cimoen to suit time commvenlenco of time governor antI whicim it Is fixed action will be taken to itmeluce a I iarge mmumnber of Ohio vcopic to visit the ox- imositlomi 1mm mm body. Secretary Greene states that time conmmission is taking a great Inter- tit iii thIC matter of having the exposition jmropemriy exploited In Ohio , and IL is cx- pieted timat the state will be well represented on Ohio slay. J , 1' . De\Voif , editor of tlte F'ostoria , 0. , Itiss ieiv , aimmi l. Ilarthmuigim , a druggist of Fostorium , are visiting the exposition , amid tlmcy report that considerable interest pro- yolks iii the state regarding 'time exposition and a large attendance may be expected it favorable railroad ratcis are secured. I I I gii i' liisl ( _ 'il ii , I N 4) ii I'II ru tic. Memimbers of time prize company of 111gb School cadets vill assemble at G3O p. am , todm' at the hligim scimool groummmis to forum for time eximibitiomm drill wisicim viIi be giveim at 7:30 : p. am , at time Grand l'imeza on time cx- imositiomm grounds , Time evolutiogms mvlil ho directed by C.iptaiim L. 13. . Ciarkr' , , . tiii Sote's , 'There vcre 4,110 paid athmmmissionsS'edime - day. l'ermmmlsslemm has bcemm granied time Natlonimi Luagmia of Iteilimmisilemmim climbs to use time Aumhituriuni ( or Itse et't'imiiig ineetimig Jill ) ' Ii. Jnimics A. lIe ch of l'hmhiadhishimm. tvlmo will .leiivir timts mutthi ( 'ss ( if time tiny on July .1 , tvl ii a ni vc , I it Oiimmiimmt tim Is mime rimI mig. 11' ) Iii be cuummrtered mit timi l'ixtuu hold. 0mm account of the \'mmgimem' coned t by time 'fimommtns tmltimebt rmt I a I hit' tiul it cijuimu at S I 5 this cu cmii mig , I lie usual ba mmd en mm cert oil tite l'laza viii begin at 7:10 : , imibtemmd of I ITime Time eectitive cnmmiimmittcu hums agalim Ciluilged tIme hour ( it closlimg the grounds , A few ilayim ago the tummia was cimailged fro&im I t to 12 o'clock , but now It hums beim tel mit U3' ' . , bummtiaimt imrovislolm has mmtv beemi mmmodo by time vxioItiomm mllltmiartimieflt ( or smiipiy. limg visitors vithm 1cm , u'mmter. TWCBtY.iitO temmks iut.m becim mlistrhbutt'd about time gmoilimi8 , of mu Idrim temi are In time mmmaln enmilt , e'ight on time bjiiif tract amid the reimimuinmler nit time M idtti'S. ( lemelimlir Cuilbersoim of Texas fins utritteim to Vice t'rtsitient Johnmmotm of the Texas Epoisltloim comuimmisiomm jo notify imimmi ( lint umgtmst 18 has been ogres.'tl upon as " 1exas clay" at time exposition. Mr , Johmmmsoim says that a large Imarty of iCOPi0 ( ruin time Lone to time exposition cmi Slur state tlhl coimmo time sluiem flcd and Ilimit ( Liii matter has ai- ready imecim made public through the press of the stttto. - INDIANS COI1NC TO OIAII Oongres3 of' the Pod Men Now an Assurea Feature of the Exposition. BILl. PASSES CONGRESS AND IS SIGNED 1'nrt' TiioliNflhmtI Inhlnrs _ , - ittrui-l listi res an Ad .1 it I ii it itl Attinetistu for time Big hiilr itt Onmniim. WAShINGTON , June 3O.-Ipecia1 ( Tele- gram-The ) senate , after 6 o'clock tonight , agreed to the leport of time conrerces on time Indian appropriation bill , and the bill a ! agreed to was lmsscd , the house imavimig agreed to time bill yesterday , The bill wa immcdiattiy signed by Vice President hobart and Speaker Reed and rushed to time White iiotmse for time signature of l'resident Mc- Kimmiey , who allhxed his mmammme hotmg before mmmimhtmlght , when it becomes a law by reason of the legInmling of a flew fiscal year. 'The ' passage of this bill nstmres time Trans. nmisissIpit amid International ExposItion aim I additional attractton , as it makes iossibie a convention of Immdlan people at Omaha during time term of time expositlomi , which as an emltm- cational feature vhli be of incalculable benefit - fit to students of ethnology , simiie the gemi- oral public will , for the first time , have an object lesson that cannot fail to be far reach- big as to the habits , custonms , religious rites and ceremonial ( lances of Uncle Sam's rem ! wards. The bIll carries an appropriation of $40,000 for the proposed limdian congress Senator Tlmum'ston today hail aim extemimleil talk with Assistant Secretary Vanderiip In reiatiomm to making Onmaha a distributimmg center for stamped iaper required tinder the imrovisiomms of the revemmue law wimich goes iimto effect at midnight tonight. Senator Thurston showed that the territory coil- tigtious to Omaha was entitied to such eon- slderation , contendimig that it wotmld greatly facilitate the business of the tranamississippl states anti would be of especial benefit to banks amid bankers. Secretary Vanderiip said hme would 111cc to favor Omaha as a dis- tribtmtimmg cemmter , hut so far only nine poiimts of distrlbtmtion huts ! becim agreed tipomi amid untIl it was shown ( lint these cities coimiil not take care of time btmaimicss mme extension wolilmi be nmatle , hut shmmmtmlh time Trcastmry do- imartimient decide that for the pmmrposc of cx- peditlmmg time bumsimmess of the departnmemit ad- ulitiommal distributing centers are desirable Omaha rouid be among the first to be aamned , A petition signed by Ben B. Wooml , M , 'I' . liarioms' , J. II. Millard , ii. Koummtze , II. W' . atcii , C. ST. Lymmmamm , J. II. Evans , J. W. Tlmomimns , F. .1. Moriarty , II. C. Bostwicic and Thoimmas B. Met'imerson , bankers of Onmaima mind South Ommmnha , ilirecteil to Senator Timimrston , praying for time selection of Omaha as a dlstriimumtimmg center , m'as used by time Junior semmator to simo\ % ' the desire of the bammicers to have a nearby point wimeme stammiped paimer could ho hind. 'i'it' ti , i i's i t'm.r , it iii s. Commmnmencuimg at immhhimighmt , every dispatch scmmt over tue wires of aimy of the teit'grapim commmpanics will lmave to bear a 1-cent stamnp. This is true , mmot emily of private business , humt of mmewspaper dispatches , as well. Spe- dais flied to any newspaper timrougimoumt time ijiiitcil States will have to carry a 1-cemit revenue stammip or a fIne of $10 for each and every failure in mmfiixlng simehi stamp will be chalked imp against time pcrsomm so offemid- lag , according to time interpretatiomi of 'the Treasury department. How timis will affect time Associate,1 l'ress is probieimmaticml , the contention of officials here being that , as it has leased hues , queries nimfi advices as to the bmmsincss of time Assoaiateml I'ross cami- not be regarded as mnessages , iimmml therefore rIot emititleti to stammips. Under time vording of the sectIon relatIve to telegraphi corn- panics , time contemition Is ( hint vastly differ- emit constructiomis nitty be put upomi It and it mmiay be necessary for time cotmrts to pass upeim the question of whmnt congrecs iimteimdesl. Time attention of Congressmimami George I ) i'erkiims was caiied tomiigimt to a dispatch froni Des Moimmes in which it was stated that the Iowa constitution provides thmat a jtmdge of the district court shall be eligible for no other office except thmat of a sumpreimme judge during time termu for which lie was eleCted judge. The imiferenco ilrawim fmommt this provision - vision Is that Judge Thomas is ineligible for congress. Mr. Perkimis said : "Time provision of our state constittmtion I correctly stated , but it has never been aji- plied except In case of other stmmto ollices Time commstitumtion of the United States , as yotm kmmow , makes eitimer house of congress the soie Judge of time eiigiiiiity and qualification - tion of its own members , Time nomulimatinim of a judge of time suimmemmie or district court for congress Is not mmcmv In Iowa imoiltics. ' ' ouch lug ol hiiis. Bids for time excavation , foundation , stomme anl brick work of baseimmemmt amid area wails , basemcmmt columns first floor , steel beammis amid giriers for time United States pubile hmmliIhing mit Cheyenne , \'yo. , were opened in timc 0111cc of the supervising architect. Time bids were ami foliows O'Eeefe & Brailiey. Cimey 'nne , $35,800 ; G , W. Atkimison , Colorado Springs , 38,341 ; Bentley Coimsohidated corn- pan > ' , Milwatmkee , $42,121 ; Geslde & Scene Stoime company , Demmver , $34,950 ; Jmmmcs ii. ( irhmtmcs , Cimeyemmmme. $ i2.77r' : ii , J. Jobst , Ommmmtha , $354i0. An addemmdn to apecifica- tiomis was isstmel omm Jmmmme I-I , asicirig for sIc- dmmctionms upon bids flied simotmltl lo2nl stoime be imsemi for bmmckimmg uis the foundations , in. stead of brick , aims ! hiradicy & Oicecfe offerel be ) deduct $4,000 fm omim their bid , wimile Gethhes & Scene of Ienver 0111) ) , macdo a remluctiomi of $500 , Jobst not making ammy reelectIon at all. It is ummderstood fiat nailer timese cm- Ctmnmstaimces O'lciefe & hinaslicy will be awarded time contract tomorrow , Senator \\'arren stating to Supervising Architect Taylor late thIs nftennoomm that tue firimi was cnmlmicmmtiy mesipoimsibic , 0' Keeft , hmavimmg built Foit Cnook amid being vell knowmm iii time west. it Is also timoumgimt time building mviii be commstmtmctesl of ltnwiimis static , l'ostmnnstera apimoimited : Nebraska , J. II. Jollift , at iichemms , hiimroimm coummty , vice J. \I. Fristo , remnovesl. iowa , Joimmm T. WIkert , mit Abbott , ifarsilmi county ; L J. Rogers , at Aiiisoim , Butler coummty , amul J. M. Cunning- imamu , itt W'imito Oak , Mahaskim coummty. Time chief aicimitect of time immsliamm otfice is prepanimig plans antI specifIcations for a mmcmv slonmmiitory buuimlimmg at time 'sVlnmmebago agency. Time structure will be slmmmllar to that to lie erected at Omimahma aimd mviii cost $10,000. SHAFTER MOVES TO FflONT 'l'5ii5 I'i' 'l'emiiiisrn r' lIeit.l.m islrrs 'evil I , Gtqie'mmil 'liv.'it'r-Sic'gem ( uis' All .tslisre , ( Copyright. IS9S , by Ammsncimmtt'd Presm. ) CAMP . .IURAGUAVcslmmcsday , Jimmie 29- ( \'imt lCingetolm , Jmmmmiaica , Juno 30)-Major ) Gemmcrai Shatter decided toIay to establish ii is hmeasislima it ti'S iii t lie field , a mmd lie smil I occupy mm temit tonight with General \'meoier tiimtii imes decliis a lserumnmiehmt location for hIs imeadqcartcnss. There is every Indication that Jtmrague mmiii Cease to lie time lmeami. quarters for time anmmmy , other ( bait for limo medical and cormmmmmissary slcpartmmmeimts , Jim two or three days , A suhilclent force to guard time place mmiii be left here , Isrobabuy ( rommi the voiummteer forces , SIx thmousanil nien frolu Tampa5 uud act1clly th atire , _ 1 _ _ - _ - fighting force. will swing thto Caney or Aguadores , making it the be of operations before Santiago. The railroad from here to Sammtiago Ia rapllly beimig pushed by the engineers ammil a large force of troops. Its completion wilt greatly 1mphlfy the movement - ment of supplies , and the pack train will have no more arduous work than transport- lag the toed and ammunition front Poimit to point at the tropt , The siege guns wemc landed at Biaquinl last night and have started for the front. SPANISH FORCES FALL BACK i'rmei' I lea I I A I.npidii ( 'a item , aim I iii- vorhmiiit limit iust of ( lie CuTer or r.ntIn&o. ( Copyrighmt , l98 , by Aasoeiatcd l'rcaa , ) NEAR tNTlAU0 BE CUBA. Jumme 29.- ( Via Kimmgstomt , Jamaica , Tbtmrsday , June 30. ) -Time Anmenican troops silent yesterday 1mm feelimig ' r the oimemny , otherwiss emigagimig 1mm rccommmma..iances. General Slmaftcr in iersomi , mvitim a small escort , wont almost to Caimey , a small town five tithes northeast of Samiti. ago , Witim which city it is conimected by railroad , Lieutenant Stammditi amid a ( letahl of Cimhamms flu ! Amrmerican slmtirpslmootom's cc- ciiimieil a small imill tiorthiwest of time Aimmeri- can lInes , amid inokini directly down on both Cammey ammd Smuntimigo. Cnmmey mmow scemus ( I ) hold only abommt 300 Spanlslm troops , time number reported by time Cmmtmmi scouts , in spite of the belief of the AmerIcans here tlmat time 3,000 Spammmards elniveim ferwnrsl by our advice on lilaquini amid Jurnguma imad all retreated on Caney iind mmot cmi Santi- ago. Time smnahi number of troops miow at Cancy indicates that the Spaniards Immuve practically evacated the place , ammd this is bchitved to be time case. Lietmtenrmimt Stamishiug was not mnolested durlmig his observation , though lie linseed throimglm a cnmnp wimlch twenty-four hours ireviousi' hind been oecmmimieml imy a strong Simammisim outpost. Corporal llueht of Corn- pany D , Sevemsth United gtatps Infantry , who , withm seven mmmen was sent omit on out- host ditty two miles frommu Santiago yesterday - day mmmorimiimg mind mmns forgotten ummitil this afternoon , was fotimiml by General Shafter and sent Into camp. Time macmm coimsidored time whole affair a good joke. They had re- vcatedly scemm time Spaimlards , who did mint oiler to molest them ansi time Amnenicans mipemit time tIny as if enjoying a picmiic iii time moads. Time corporal said ( intL if he imarl with Imim sumciemmt force hei cotmld have brommgimt in forty Spanisim imIsoners. Several paciflcos brommgimt imm by time Ammiericrmmm omit- heats lirofess ( (5 kmmom' little1of what is trans- mIrlng in Smtmmtlago. A detail of a coimipammy of the Seventh regiment rcmturnesl here larmt mmigiit in mt state of great hilarity , lmmquimlmmg wimero timey could corrml m captured ' 'hack traimi. " him tile center of the gloup of sold- hers mmns time imack trzsimm , a Spaimisim pommy accurately described by a corporal as being 'as thick as a simimmgie" and as long as a lath. ' ' Time lirisommor hiS been dedIcated by the macn to carryimmg their baggage. Time commditiomms ceimtintme hard. heavy rmmimms yesterday set ev rythummg ailoat. Rn- tions , imowever , are imeing scrvesl out mmtore reguiuriy , btmt timey are still not viemitifimi. Oillccrs amid mcmi fare alike. The latter are suffering durlimg time cold imightim frommi hack of time lmiammhets tiimown awny on the rmmmmrclm , Timese have brett aimproprtad by time Cubans - bans , wimo ttmku everytimimmg mm mmigimt and sic as little as possIble. 0mm the , vholo , they actu- ahiy fare better than our mmcn. Time Ammmerlcaim oflicers gemmeraiiy expect a movenmcmmt today to captum-'n Czmmmey which is a simort hive rmmhles imortheast of Saimtiago This , however , Is not official. Such a mauve nmay draw the Spammiards him force from Santiago - ago , but , 1mm view ofthsiir previous retreats , wlmemm our nrmny mrmigimt have heemi seriously imarrassed on time mnarclm , mmii aggressIve move upomm time part of time Spaniards is commsid- ered unlikely. CAMARA CANNOT TME ( COAL imavi.t in ii t ii . , ; ; : ii ; ; I'om't Sit hi IiiimiI4 tIII S.iiiiili % dmimlrmmi is ) 'rmni. ( Copyright , 1S'J' , by Press Publishing Co. ) 1'Oht'l' SAIl ) , Jumme 30.-New York \Vorid Cablegrammi-Special Tcicgrammm.-Tlme guy- emmmrment definitely refuses coal. The fleet is awaltimig timree transports witim coal frommm time westwrsrI and mviii coal after lcnviimg Suez. hlasicets for coaling Immrpeses wIll lie bought later. One transport arrivcsh at mmoomm nmmml two others are mmsi\m' eorniimg Iii. Time San Francisco is discharging 1,100 toims of coal into higimters for the I'elayo armd Carlos. Time two Sinmmmisli coiliers arrived later. but time transshmipmnent of coal was forbimhiten iii iort. Time governor r ceived Immstructions fromim Cairo to request the fleet to anll frommi Port Said as soon as possible. 'flie govern- nmemmt proimibitit time supply of coal except suiflclent to enable time shIps to rcturmm to Spaimm , CAIhlO , June 30.-The following official atmmioiiimcemflent was made thIs afternoon : "The Spanish ships at Port Saul began coaling from their own cohllerti , wimicim an- rived. 'Fhie Egyiitinim governnmcmmt immfonmmmed timemim timat they could mmot. nlow this , and ( hint It niust stop forthmwitim , and that they mammaL alco leave I'ort Said , as time twenty- four hours' litimit hmad been greatly exceeded , The Spammiards thmeim stated thmat tlmeir ships waimted repairs amid begamm dischargIng coil lint ! otimer materIal in order to repalr. ' POitT SAID , Jimime 30-It is said time Kgyptlaii foreIgn ofllc lma Invitesl the Sismnisim nmimmistcr , who is now imere , to aml- vise Aslnmlral Cammiara to wltiislraw his fleet fromn Llmis imarbor. Tit Simammislu steamer San Jgnaeio do toyoia , loaded vitim coal , Imams am- rlvcsl imere , - VASIIfNGTON , June 30.-Secretary Long sold this aftcrmmoon that' lie mmiiIerstood Caimiara's fleet imal pals ! time caimal dues aimml time isresumiinttomm , ito added , is timat timey will con'limtme theft voyage , liSltliII'l' STItV oil'i LANiii. i..siisiii . lcs Not ! Icl1ve ! I iii' ltt'jsort i'ii iiiNiii lii tie mm r. hONION. June 30.-TIme Itmmr today smm's it has grntmmmds for bciiavbmg time European powers m'mii mmot consider Itear Aslnmiral lcmvey 'jimstlflefi in opimoshig , a iammdimig of foreign mmmnnines , " as Muimtla is still under i3man1sim rule Comttiimmmiig tIme Star remarks : "A foreign com'respommiemmt assures us tlitt limo Germaim occupatloa is 'already aim cc- coimmimllshieil fact. " himqutnies mmmasio 0mm time subject show timat time Star's story about tue sittmatiomi at s1ammila is mmttomly dIscredited hero and iii- quirks mit tue embassies show that tit diplomnats imere iisve not imeansi of any such occurrence as time landing of Gerimman forces at or mmcar itlaimila. 1)1 s .ii I e' is liiiii * ( .tj.N Ash ci re. KINGSTON , Jamaica , Juno 30.-A mmuws- paimer dispateim boat , time Ely , wumimt ashore lost night cit ii rocky point mmear time enatermm cud of Jamrmaica. it wIll probably go to Isloces , Lrmrmgdomi hhimmith , a correspondent , wac on board at the timmme , VI5IHPI ( ' 'f ) * $ ; iITerI isg fruui ( 'mm sever. LONION , Juno 30.-faquiries made at the ilnitislm war cube today show there Is abso. lutely tin fouimml.ttlon for time Torommto , Can' asIa , ruimmor that General Lord \\'oiseley , commmnmeimder-Immcimief of time British army , melmo is said to be aim aspirant for the 0111cc of govermmor-generai of tmiimada , js suffering from a cammcerous growth and cannot llvti eveim iommg enough to coimme to Cauada. 'j'h ruzuotIs unfounded. - . _ t . - - - - - - - - --i- PEACE PARTY CAINS GROUN ! ) Growing reeling in Sptiln in ravor of . Ending the War. AtJTUORITIESTRY hARD TO SUPPRESS IT 't'lit- I r A rgsi mmmcmi ( is Fm1 I P1 at Tpo is time insst. , S'i.o Arc hieglsiisiuig tes Sec liomi 'they iIite hIecim t'tmtsIctl. ( Copyright , ls9 , by l'rcss I1mmblimsimlimg Co. ) MA1)ItID , Jumme 30.-Via ( Frontier.-NeW ( York \\'erhmh Cabiegrammm-Simecial Telegranm. ) -Time lmeaee party is gaining gretiimd sols - Ibly that there Is no surrender to party. Time press amid political circles nr. ' mmmakitmg dcspcrmmte cffors , to accuse the commmmmsereimii classes of lmmmttimmg mmmaterial interests imbove hemmer ammd accuse time dymmasty of istittitig their persommal above natiommal interests. All this fails flat upomu time mnnjority of Span- lards , m'lmo mmaturaliy like to continmie ttgimt- lug and if Possible 1mm tIme lommg rumm eccuro lmractienl atlvammtugcs , tsimt buoy ar. begiimm'iiig to iuvnkcmm to time imeniis of a immoloimsied : ar. It is 'ery imotlceabie lmomm' mmmtimsy iieoilo ctsmi- abler ( ho loss o ( Cuba ansi i'ortu Rico a fnrcgommo cemmclUsiomm , but still hmois" to keep the I'hmilippincs , thiommgh there Is time greatest anxiety Iii court nmmml cimtmrcim circles to ktmow on what commulltiuns Spammislm rule enim iii' mc- estatmlisimed 1mm the archmipelngo. Time quecmm regent and imer commsert'ative mmmd mmmlhitamy followimmg tmnuiem' clerhai immilueuco dread that Ammmerlca mmmzmy insist upon time l'imilip- Pines mit least getting home rule ummd being free fm cam the tyraimny of tIme frIars and Jesuits , It is corisimlered timmut time mmnmimm issue is tIme settlomemmt of time h'imililmpimme qtistlomm. LONDON , Jmimme 30.-New ( Yumk's'orkl Cablegi aiim-Special Teii'grnmu.-Thmt' ) Cimmoim- mole's special fremmm Madrid says : The bisimop of Dam celommmm , repns sentlmmg labor , urges ( be govcrmmimlcmmt to telegiapli I'resideot. MelCimm- Icy direct , asklmmg an tmm-imiisticc ammd termmims , but the imews timat aim Ammiericamm iieet is (1mm catenummg time coasts postpommes Imeace iii- ileflnltehy. 'rime ileet is mmomm expected 1mm about tism cc wceks at Tangier or seizing a base 1mm tii Cammmmries cmi Ivica. Even Sagtssta thsimmks imegotiatloims mili tiiim be inmposslbhe. It iii reported timut imot nil of Cammmnma's fleet mmiii procecil to time l'hihipplmmes. Iefeiiteim mire beimmg hmtmm-ricd mm at Feriol , Vigo mtmmm.l Dam eclomma. Timemo rune m-cmmewesl ilisttmrbmnees In Spaimisim villages aroumtmd Gibraltar from a scarcity of silver. Si.itis itt rum-s i'rigii ( esiesi , hONG KONG , Cimimmmi , June 80.-New ( York \Vom'id Cmmbiegrammm-Speciah Teiegrammi.- ) . pammic hsas pruniletl at time Spanish eois'tmst hero , a center of SPaimisim 1)01 ) tictI ri'ttvity , titmice time mmews came timmut a lle't of ttmmer- ican battleships amid cruisem s Li to m'mmrt : across the Atlammtic to attrmck the iiimsiim coast. Timis Informmmntlomm tins commmpi'te iy chamiged tue fceiings of time paitmtmsds , whose hopes hind becim exeitil by time tmmmnoiiimceitieimt ( limit Adimmirumi Caimmara , with imis vese ! of var timid ti-cal ) shims , had m-cacimed l'omt SaRI. Terre , the piocurator , ammd Navmmrro , : lme omi- sul , m cm-c' jmihilaimt mmmmd immada mme mmttemmmpt o comictsl their delight over the mimmticilsatcd cicatructiomi of Dewey's iieet by time I'eiayo , time Caries \J amul tiit trio of torpedo boil destroyers. fltmt thir tleliglmt lmamm turned to ( hismimay , for timey fcar thmat Camimara's commmlmmg Is uncertaimm now. If it was kmiomvim timat tIme Mommterery lntd left Siam Frammemso ammd wotmimi shortly armelior 1mm Maimlla bay the Ammmerlcumm coiimim' mm cuRl feel ( hint all dmmmmger to Dewey hind passed. I Time immemmmhers of time m'caltimy Cortcz fmmmniiy vimo ha ye ni read y auii icil tim momigim Co mmsul \Vhldmsmnmm for Americaim citizemmsiiip arc lire- Pili lug to rcttmnmm to l'sImmilia : bay , Tlmsiy I immtend to assert their claims ( limit timeir prohiem-ty imas beemm illegally commilscatesl. Maxiimso Cortez has notified AImmmiral Deuvoy timat his immslacos mire 'mt time disposal of time Ammmem-icamm generals free for use as iimrrmcks : : for tue troops fmonm Sami Frmmmmcisco. A tar- mmasio is mnghmmg ammfi simips caimmmut leave usia burlier. It is feared that time dispatclm boat McCuiioclm has i.wemm catmglmt its time fury of time tyimimoon , No imews can be expected iimmtii time winds simhmiitle. Consul \'iidmxmnmi Is oxceedimmgiy anxiotms. hits It ( ' ( ) iitiui ( 'es-merit it t t ii l's. LONDON , Jimmie 30.-New ( 'or1c'oriil Cabiegratmm-Specmai Telegrmmmmm.-Tlme ) Morim- mmmg Post's Math-lu shispatchm says : itumnors are isrcvalcmmt timat Jlianco timid Cemvcra nrc cml bail termims. I t said that tIme Shimmmishm : nil- immiral imas imcemm urdem ed by iiiamico to leave Santiago timid tlimt lie replied it as lam- lioasibio to do cc , as time gumms of his cs- sels hail been dismnouimp'd rmmml ime was with- old. coal. Iuico Aimmmovmulumr ammd Simmers Cmi- tna7o , i'mmigcerver , menmimsmrs of thai cmmbinet , are reported to be lit favor of peace. WASII1NGTON , Jtmmme 30.-lit dlpionmatic iitmnrters it is statesi ( lint imo steps have lOCmm tmikemm thus far iii time ( 'mirsictiosm of imcace owem'timrcs frommi immmy qummrter , ammsl that it Is hot lIkely stmch overtures will Comime , either frommi otto power or ( loin a comtibinatiomm of powers , tmmmtil tie nmilitury sitimatiomm mmmateni- ally ctinmmgemi by a dccished victory or a tie- cldeih defeat. Just \vim ) ' timid lmoitisi be awaltcml is mmot clear , lmimt it Is mione the less saul to be an element which delays aimy overtures for peace. Most of ( ito ehipiommmatie representatives of iwwers lIkeiy to take hart him peace omertumres Imavu left time city or are mmtsoUt to go tot' their stiimmmmier vacation - tion , This Aiistnirmn mmmimmister is at New Lommdomi , Coimm. , for time sunmmner ; time Fremich immimmister mm-Ill toomm icavo for a tmiis 1mm tisu Adim ommdacks , mmmiii to Lake George nut ! Lake Chmmmmmihmimtiim ; tIme British armmbasmmrmdom' mm-as to Imave gcd to i'eqtmot , Coimmi. , last Smmtimrdny , but sleitmyid imls start for a few slays owing to a touch of I iiemiimmutismii ; the Genimman anmbassamlur umIll also leave before loimg : time htimssimmn ambassamior hums gommo to fur lumbar , Me. 'i'lsls m-cmiiuveS most of those mmimo mvouifi he mmmost sllrectly active in ammy umeace tmiom't's , ansi , wimiio I hwy can readIly returim iiimouild elreumnstamices develop to require their pros- emmce , ) 'et tinlr liresemit mmbsemico Is tnkemm to Immihicate timat there Is mmotimiimg 1mm time zmcnr future toward PCIC'O ovem'tum-es or other for- olga mmiOvemmment , SOiit.t14 $ IN Cuii.t ( : NI ) hImA. - . i'i.Il4'l' . lit , 111154 Sf1151' ( 'mm nitis ( 'stiff ii * ii Vliuc'li is. .it'i.t % Ytmlso.i. LONDON , July 1.-Time Madrid come- spommult'imt of time Daily Mail says : "Time govenmmmemmt has ordered time foramatioti of a II ) ' i mmg sq mmmiii ro mm , commmpostd o f t lie cmii Is- ems Alfoimso Xihl , Mekor ( formerly unveil , aimd time Ciuslail she Camhiz , unmier cormmmnammd of Lieutcmmaimt Commmmnanser Jose ( I. Sobrmmi , former mmmmvnl mmttacimv of time Simammisim cmii- bassy at W'amtimington. " S I't i ' ii t 14 i'i ( 'I'Ii.t It Nt'I'i ONS , % % , lui ( 'siirl-Immnhltsi ii l'lgIiter mijid II- mmsm ru ii 3i it ii I ft-s I mm Vit t' r I a r , MAiRID ) Juime 30-The cahummet has do- clslesl to commrtnmantitml.dmnlrimi Islontejo for tIme Cavite disaster , nimsi It is proitnlmie timmit General Augustl , captaiim gommerimi of time l'imiiiiiphmmetl , mvlll receive me large reward. , inmmmitiemi Dhjrc'1s4 ( ci lie. ' lihse'i.nsk' , ( ( 'nliyriglmt , it"9' , h' i'te u'mmiiit.mlmltsg I 'is. I KINGSTON , Jamimaica , Juime 30.I New York World Cablegram-Special Telogrimuim. ) -Time greatest resemmtnmemmt Is felt imm corn- immorcimmi circles n well mis among time Cu. bans about Aminmlmal Samnpsomu's notIce to Ja- wulct trading yessel nut to attempt to yb- THE BEE BULLETIN.i Weather Forecast torNebraskit- . - F'nir : Cooler ; Varlabi rage. r I. ' 1'ltmmrmuhsm at t1i fliimilIt Iiisiimimm ( 'isligress Is tsNtmre' 't SummIts's L'i'iici' 1'mirt ( rom ti" Iii ilnthlt' li.ecemi Smiomi 2 Sliitfter Muses Slenthil ) ' I- " 'oiilhIet I mimic'iielw sit iitiit II Nehsriksm , sew- , . . l'sshIee ilunret Ueeisioii I'oiiuilsl Uigmmrcs ( 'nimse e. 'I Ilthltmsrtimi auth ( 'mslsIiti's ( 8 1)aisigs Of time l'cdsmmaes4 . ( 'ohtrsmtim's M i n hut ilMphil- . ii Cosisielt IlisilTs Isemti 11silvrs lnammt Nt'miimsist Cumitnht'mil. ( k'is'rmit 'hseeier I'riuiscs ltlt Mcii. 7 SisiprIlsig ils-emiti , 1sf ii 'l'ttruii'rs 'l'isie (1 istititit isy Storsti. S Oteisiimi of liii' ! itt.sIt'iti ( 'umigress , I ) tisiIimItlm'N ( 'isisitot Plaits , : ti . . me. iili.ti l'ne'ifl ( 'hit iigt'M , ' ' ' . hull rnittl. 'iir 'i'ii ml itsi lice ( ' . .iie'es'sIuiinlres Set ut iII.t'r ( , I I ( ' . , sismiiere'iimI mind i'l umtni'tti Nc % N. ) 2 ! immkhic 'mtr linre Mrrel.mtt , ilitig i"ighmt Ajmiliii'.t l.itw. 't'e'n.st'rie lure sit ( limIts liii t hour , Iemr , ilotim' . 1)e.g. ; n lii . . . . . . 1 us. mu . . . . . . ill ( I ii sit . . . . . . 7 2 mm , iii . . . . . . iml : 7 mm mu , , , 77 : i s. iii . . . . . . lii S a I . . . . . . 71)I is. msm . . , , . , lii I , it iii . . . , . , SI 5 it. mu . . . . . . list ii , Ii lit . . . . . . s- : ; it is. iii . . . . . . pet I I ii iii . . . . . . ' 7 7 ii , iii . . . . . . Sn In 'Ii. . . . . . . . . 00 5 P. itt . , , . . . . 1) is , iii . . . . . . 'I'OiAY A'i' 'I'ti lhi i'OSl'i'ION , At I lie C rositiuis m 'i't'mts % 'at-m-mmieion lIter. ( ' 5.55 treitiitii.iiiml Cosine' II 1)im , :1 : m. iii.-Ftim't Ii Itegl list-itt hlaisel , ( isv- eriimiielmt ! ii liii itima. 8 it. . - ( ' - lomimml I4sruIses. tctttorl ii iii. 7 m811 p. imt.-i'oti nh It & . ti mime' it t 11mm itsl , , I rmitt ttItii. Sm i 5 i. . . mIi.-rmt itel ' . 'mtglier ( 'nsie'e.rt , 'l'tmt.aizts' Oreimest cmi , Ausit.rliimn , ) , 'I'o'im'ii 5 mm it. iil.-'I'vmmItMtniMstMsilIi 'i'mrtmfest , 'i'tivsier i's. i'I , 't'lilrteeisii multI 'iii- (550 S i-oct. . . 1) a. ni-1i ems 11.111 ( 'otigrests , First Csii- matemaal I itaim I 1'iiti rii. n m- iii.-itiit'i'M itt list' Om.iimliit Fmmi i ( mi UiI5'M. - Rite time biokimde sommthm of Cuba. Time Gkammer , a mmewspaper wisiclm is mm commsistcimt advocritsi of time AmerIcium war policy mliii mmmetlmotla , 1mm atm editorial says tlieso cam'gees itro Liii- dotmbtesllS' for gemmeral commaminmptlomm rmmmd I mmmerely trade speeimimmtions , amid It Is timere- fimre ihiilicult to ummdt'rstnmmsl mt polIcy wisicim cnm'ries en mu mum' for time relief of ihistreased I pcoiilo , yet acccimtiimttes timmit distress by iie- cm-emmslmmg timeir food supply. TELEGRAPH LINE IN CAMP ( 'iscriii Simmiftee , 'l' ci 'mi i li-s. trout Sits.- lingo , his liveut ( ' , , .siiimtismleis- lissit vttii ' .VmissIiiigltii. ISIS iuseoeltted l't'ems. tcoisyright , , by ; ) SiBOE-1 BEACh , Gcisem-mml Slmafter's lilamisludrters , Saimtimmgm sic Cumba , Jiiime 30.- 10 :1 : I a , mim.-Colommei Aihs.ms , succoeslod inst mmiglmt 1mm eonmmectimmg tlmis lolmmt ) i' cable witlu Guammtammmmmmmo. Timis eiispntcim is sent front the brachm mmi- mmmost immmmmiethmmtely In frommt of time imermihqmmam- tens of General Simafter. Ordinary press immoSSages crsmmmmol be accehsteul before Satin-- day or Summday nexi All is quiet here , \\.ASiI INGTON , Jimmie I0.-Gcimeral ( irceicy tommigimt received a ( lisimateim ( morn Liemmtcmmnmit Alicmm , child ( if tue cigmimit Coips iii Ctibi , uimimomimmclmmg that a telegraph ammil teicphmetmc station had becim cstmmlihlslmcd at a Imoimmt wIthin two mimilcs of time city of Summtirmgo. This lmiformatiomm is of time itigimest liii- portaimce to time \\'mir departmmiemil ofliciais , as it. hmmsimrcs to I imeimm imrctiemmily mhirtct commm- mmm mm mm lent I cmi wi tim C etmemni Slims fter. Time luformatlomm Is slgniflcmmit : mis it simows time Ammicm icaim troops mire vitimimm rifle shot I of Santiago , time teiegmapim station lmelmmg , of I witlsimm limo Amncrmcamm Ihime , Its ho- catIon commclmmsively insilclmtcs that time foices imave established tlmemlisclvcs aimcasl of time statiomm , GERMANY IS NOT HOSTILE i'm'es s.f Iiei'iIii ists Not Itt'iirt'st'iit lIst' Sciilhiitiit , or ( lie I't-u- mile mit i.sirgt- ( Co'riglit , IS9S , imy i'reas l'iihiisimimmg Cci. ) BERLh , Jimmie 30.-New ( York \Vorhl Ca- hiegraimi-Specmni Tclegramim.-Lnttem-iy ) it I has beemi evident timat expresslomma of ( ] enmmmrtmm opiniomm him time 1)1085 ) of lmosthiity toward time Ummitcsl States , wimicim hove heemi Sm ) ironnmmmmced simmce time begimmmiimmg of tlio wnr , have mmot foummd ac- eoltamicsi 1mm time highest circles. lii- deed , rsttemimpts inmve beemm lately mmdc to IIOO ( limit time Genmnrmmt jotmm nais rmre mmot has- tile at mmli , A vast ammiommmmt of virtmmotms In- I digmmmmtiomm Is displayed timat Amimericans slmouisl timimmic so. Ncivs ageimeies mire eimmmmgeml mm-Rim sendimmg coiored stmmtemmuetmts to Ammmenica uvimicim iim mio mm mmy m-epresetmt ( lenimmaim m'Icmta ammd syimm- Inmtli' . Tonight time North Germsmmmtm Gazette I a a mmrOmn I mien t pmmrngrnilm ollic liii ly I mispi mcii status explicItly timia cimarge ssgaimmst time As- soiatwi i'ress , megrettlmmg timat time Ammmericmsmm mmress Is imot 1mm a iosltiomm to commtroi ( liii mieu's froimm Gunimmammy aimd tlmttt the Gemmmmatm-Ammmonl- dm51 imress imams ho little limfihmeimee Iii time Utmitod States. I Itigili mitt's Nit mis I , , Icy. ( ( 'sm i synigim I , I Y.'s ' , I sy I 'm-oss I 'mild is ii I n g ( 'u. lNiON ) , Jmmne 30.-New ( York \'smrlsl Cmi- hicgrms in - Slice Ia I Tel cgnmmmmm . ) - I mm i mm ii 1mm - mm'siuitaiy ' elm ( -los ilO ercslemmce is uttachiesl to ( liii report timat time govem-mmmmmemmt Imitcmmsls lii Eta rt Ic I liii mm'orl ci mm'I I Ii tm gI gnu I I c mmas'a I p mo - giant , ( ioscits'n has nircamly I" ' ' .teti imnetty Ii In I mm I y t iio ext e ii I of con ' 01111)1 ) ft tt'il : sd - d I tints a I timisal ( 'Xhs'iiii I I ii me Im i s yea r , liii it is POSSible lie mummy fmri' tasiomv a still mime no a iii bit bus i meg am tim to ' text sosslomi. I ascertahmmesl tommlgimt haitI u aries hlsmes- fonsi 'ii n ii ii 10mm . mvlm I elm mmmms : 'm ltmmt Ito mis Is toil good to lie trmte I ammm sorry I eammmmot crosllt It. From ms-hat I hmrmomv time gom'ermitmicimt emily immtenils to snalte us Its msrrca ma I mm sit I hmimU I I ii I mig. ' ' A imiommg Ii mm timid em-s t lie Ia mvcmI mmg of time hank rate Is sieciaresh to iso ilmit , to a iilcthoma of mmioimsiy uioatitmg rmbemmt seckimig iii- \'estmimeimt. it is full ) ' imitticjhsatemi ( ito Pres- emit rate mslll rule for ( lie mmext two immonthis , that is for time cic-mstl seacon. it in ratimem' U ii mm mimic i to elm mm age I liii ho mslt rim I mm ro ii en m' time ii a I t ) ' -ar , imut t t he isa uk mvmm I itt isehled to imlammiolm immccesbemit , cwimtg tO thu exes'jmi lommul state of time immautry 111am Rot. 'rime clmtmmmge created a very favorable Iiimpremmsiomm. Fi.rsisliIisiC Stlm.siIcs is. ( 'smIitti. ( Cnsyrlglmt , IS , by ( lie Assosimmicul I'mcss. ) i'LA"mA iIb ES'rE , ( immmimmtmmmmmrmmo flay , Jimnti 29.Ieimycsl ( Iii Transmtmisslon.-A ) party of sixty-four Cubaimim umisier ( iemmcmal l'errez , who are takIng mamt iii the. ' siege of Guaimtanmsmno , imave been foml , cltmthmes ! and armed by Cahitalim Mc(2mmlla of time Unitesi States cruiser Mmmrblmimeami. 'riiey returned ID tue front tolny. ; 'I'imc Murlileiiemmil loda- landed 5,000 rations ( mcmii time State of 'reXmts for a tow Cubmimi families , forty milk-mi lii I lie' Interior , iii time vIcInity of ( icueral l'emz's troops , BIG I3ATLE ISNEAR Shaftor's Animy is Ahnot Ready to Enter Into the Final Struggle. FORCES CLOSING IN UPON SANTIAGO Spanianis Busy Throwing Up 1ew Earthworks - works on All time Hilts. PANDO IS TRYING TO REINFORCE ThEM " Cubans cilajin the S1)afltafllh Will Make No RCSiEIA1flCC , : I3tit Run , AMERICANS HOLD A SHORT RAILROAD Smmtsh iors imi I ii e'm'rmii Suit flcr , lit. e'iusl Isis I 150 ( 'i.lnis Feret's , i"tsit Sm. to . , ( ' 1mm s'iit -Si's'ii 'I'hummsititti 'tleit ' , ( Copyright , by Pm't'ss rimimlisiming ( 'a. ) t3El LLA , June $ . - ( ' ! 'ort Ammommio.- ( ) ( Nemv York \ -mmbiegrsmimm--Spccial Tele- gnmmmim.A ) big battle Is iimmmmmltmemit tommmor- romm' . All mmmnvcmmmemmts mime leamlimmg to tiso grain ! cm'emmt. Time Spaimlmmrilmm mmre istisy reimi- forcimmg ( liii defenses ommimilsit' b'amiltmgo. lmmrtim. mvorks am-c built omm all imihis commmmmmammsllmsg imp- proaclses , extra himmm of barbed mm'ire fence trciicimes stmrrotmmmd tIme city ama ! timc Spammish situation Is a ilespt'mtito flgimt , it Is sup- ioscl that Cervera'sc gmmims arc loSteml aim time hmllls , time shills retaimmimmg stmillcleimt of time - hsaviest to repel time attack of time sqtmmmdroim. Time fight hirOimmiseS great ikvs'hopimmemmta. Tii Snammimenils have not sallied us heretofore , ( nit ale reported to be tmatIeumtl ) awaiting fresh rsiinfom'c&'mmmemmts. Pammtlo , conmmmmammilImmg 6,000 , heft Mimmizammiliat Jimmie 2 , passing near hisyatimo , a shlstmmmmco of about 130 mmmiktc. Paimio left Ciemifmmegus by steammier omm ( its sotitim coist : to tmihie eommmmmmammtl. Foret'ml mmiarclmes shmoulcl brimmg imis force witimimm tvo or three slays of time tertmiiimni of time simort rzmii\m.ty ( mutt of Smmmmtiago. Once there cmi- trammec to time city Is easy , as time Aimmerlcamm ailvaimee is imot yet timero. Time Cimbamma imam'o 1,001) ) mmmcml scattered timrommghmntmt time imiiis ammil mm-cois aim time I lime of l'ammmio's mimarch to mvorry amid Imarass hsimmm. No serious effort Is hi i m , g msi zmsl e t cm tim mit ii I tim hiti ek , Time Cu ( mamma , mm lithe recogmmizimmg l'mummmiu'a abilIty as a lighter , deride time hum of a stmmhbormm re- sistaisce , saying thmmt : timmiler cover of l'mimlo' a nm'tval tIm ii s tarvl mm g tinimps mm-il I metrot : t on t- siule , cvmmcumtlmmg : time city. GROitUll II1tONSON flEA. SE'ILLA , Cimii , : , Joime 30.-VIa ( i'om-t Atm- trinio-New Yom \VorIsl ) - ( Cmmblegrammm-Sie- cml 'I'ehsigrammm.-At ) slimybreak this immormmimmg 3,000 Ctmbamm immimler ( icmmcral Gatciju umarcimest away ttimder omders to ; mttemimpt to dislodge tlmia lai'gsm tom-ce of Spa it ha i'tla iii tm-emmeitcd to tis ii mmorthm est of time Amimt'rlcaim frotmt. Timis itt- - tack mmms dt'eidt'd aim mit a coummcli of mvar held by General Shatter aimmi ( hetmemal Garcia. 3'estct'lmm3' . Sl.mtrt.'i 's i'srt'es Sttiimsiis-lzctl. 'rocia"s mmmnvemmmc'imt of the Uimitt'sl States foites will ceimsimit of atm extcmmiomt of time left fimmmmk of time Amimemlemmmi mmmmmmy to Agun- tiores at time immomttlm of I he San Jtmmsmm mi men , S timnec timiles east of Smmmmtimigo. It Is meimoited imimoii1cmaiy ( Intl ( Iemserah Lumqmmts , with 9,0(1) mmmcci , Imims mmtam-ttd frommm iiohsimmimm for Sammtiato. Tim Is hod y of ( m oops Imi mmmmmde up of a I I I he Bcntt sired detnclmiimemmts wlmicim bave becim gar- nii5ommlmmg tue milunhi lou its , the forts amid tham biockhmmmtmscmi , the factomien mmii ltmmcicmmsinmm of t lie i i a mm t mm ( io mis I Ii rattgisou t t lie Pm'l tire. i a - cliiiiimmg time 1,500 relim fomccmmmontmm omm time I inn- mmmd : , 'stlcimIgmmmm mmmiii Mnssaclmtmsettsoltmim - tceTs amid time 7500 Culinims with ( hurcia's commmmmmrmimil , Gcmis.mrni Simafttr hums about 2T,00t ) tel ml I cu-s. Time Cmmhammmm formmm two th Ivisi aim ii , mm'l ( Ii C etm e ml I 'si mmii ii i to i't'm-s'z en nimmmaimsh I mm ; ; ( Ito FIrst timid ( lemmeral Coin-ceo time Secoimil. TIme hi-i gad I ermi mm re Cmmr t I I I a ii mmml Cobreco , - 'Vhmo rmsllm-omtl : cemmmtecimmg Aguaslert's mvltiu ( iso mis I mm es ill mmom' be I iii ; mum mm by A mmm erica a cmmgl micersVitc mm ( Ito Spa u hi mhs aba mmd mm mmesl Sibommey timey tnicsl to .mreck time roiiiimg 5 tnt-k , ii I d I mm g iimm rts of t lie cmmgi mm es I mm time bushes , 'i'lme Himpiom-ts of a bmidge m-em-e mmcatly samved tisrsimmgii ito : ms to micmmnlv defy mictcctlomm lit ( ho hopes timat nmmy trrmlim pass- I ii g 0 Vsit' I t m-ou I ml ha It u i-i eel I o sicsmtiiictiosm. Bitt time emmgitmeers % m'ero too smmmart , they It mitt I esi to r t lie it i tide ii parts , a mm 1 , ima VI ii g fomm lid t imcmmm , rem I i-cd time simm gl im vs. 'limo Situ mm isim I act ) titotlvea arc ito my pit ill a g ii p tmmil (10mm-tm time track , with Amimerlcaims at time timrottles , ( lie witistlsis sscrommmmuimmg imms'ay in eximl ( a ( ho it , TIt e lmmhsi go mm-mm mm exim mit I ii ed ammd nems' mmmi sitm rts pltmct'sl I mm imos I t iomm. A mm bug time timimigs cntmtmired mm-em-si mu imitimiber of lint curs ott m'imiclm tas 2,000 toti of coal belomigimig to time mmmimmhimg cOiiiiiiltY. The Spmmmmluinils immul plmtnimcsi to tmmko it to Samitiago fcsr time use of Ccivem-n'mc aimips. Thu cmthstmuro of Agmmmm- ; ihorts mm-ill 15111 time immilt 'mmiii foi its full lcmmgim \mihilms ( lmtir limmes. it mm-ill ( imeim be 1(1581 uI to hits mm I tie phI ic's us mmml a mmm mutt mm I t 10mm fm-aiim time hmsso to a liolmmt ommly tmvo nmiie fiommm time fromtt. .ti.p'ouic'JIiig SitithimIMsI , Slnmvly hut surely ( Ito boys mime nppmoacim- lug time cIty of Saimtlmsgo , 'rime s.mmmtlmusiasmmm Iii at fever lmeal. 'l'ite Isig light is siimmply ilclmsycti I ) ) ' time lack of food mimlimlIen iii I lie iirmmersmseiis to keep tip time mmuetm's stremugtlm. ( iemmerrml Slmnftcr imas ( iidered flint time extreimuc ailvamico bum curbemi ummttil cciii- immimisary ( mulmiim mmrnive at time cammmps. Ono ( I ny's s-mt t ioim ott I y mmerc i ss ii cmi cii 'l'miemi- iits y limi t I item ijoyme mixa fresh I ii K 0 Ii sixcl be itt cmi t. 'flu cy is I I liii me ynmi mm g , Ii Cii I ( Ii y coits t I t ii t iomms ii mm ii i'xcsjTt ioima i st remm gt ii , it itil to those tmmets is slime tlmeir imsmmmummity ; ( room ( em-or , 'fito Simmmimlsim migetmts at Jummimmlcam mmi-c Iimlttstrloimsly sprcmimilumg lime icImart. tlmat y'iiomv ( ever iii ismcmmmhimmt nmmmoimg rimir ( realms , time object ielmmg ii. ) jtrcvemmt Ammmemm-icamm msiiljss (1-01mm eimtcrlng mieutm'rml Itilu tim. All of ( liii iilmt msm-Iiiery Is mmomv at times ( remit--nt li'evIlia. 'rime siege gusts are eu ( lie imm3' . hulaqimimi mit time mean , iii immmmeti. cliiiebantlommesi. . it hums bet-mm left to time nackems mmmiii tetmmsistem-s. 'l'imcro am-u only 200 taimllers to Pm' ° tct time liosiuIih'c whIch mmii just been ( ijitmitcil , Aim timeru mine 2,000 Spaim- ini'sl kmmoi''mm tim he vaimiIum-iiig mmromiiid Jim titti coutitm-y to titti mm est of ( iumitmlatmammmo , aim atttii'It ( iii lllaqmmlm-i tm-omit . tue etmiiL Iii isot luiipi olimible. hmi il i.'m' A d vIt'c. ShiIONl-V , Outpost illekmmtos , Jtimmm 27.- ( 'ltm l'ort Ammtonio , June i0.NcimsYcik ) ( \'oriil Calilegmairm . - - Sliceltil Ttmlegrammm , ) - ( ht'mmertmi 'I'om-al , cotimimmaummier at Samm- timigo , mmlii ) 'cstersimmy tiimmt time Jtmmmer- Icon mm ca mm mu ot ( immee aim ' mm t no mmcii I mm to Sit mm t i ii go mmmc t ito i-mm I touch mmmcmi ts a rem I ( to mit roimg. 'I'om ii I Iii a Ca ito ry I siauuicm' . 'I'imu SImanisIm cxtrcmmte outlasts rumm fromii Cmmmmm ) ' - ht'iacl , mm-he-rem it iermm-i's Sammtiagm , south along time imarbom' hlimffs Iii memimi-clm-emilar lutes to Momma. None of Ccrvt'ma'mm rmmslsi llrimig gitmiem are mishore ( XCCitt four mIx-mmmarliie lleisl niecte. 'limo aim I ' 0 1 ii em' a mi I I I my cim t reimeim. mimimmitg are ii ft-sm' nmoitmitaimi iiomvitzens ansi iiai ( m do.vmi timuz-iJe Ioasiimmg bronze caim- mioui , Tue tIc-fenmsemc - ammo mlimlsamemmtly mmtost mmt'tiii. 'i'tmcrc Is ahmmnust. starvatloim Iii San- tiago. 'lime hmimnmce mmmci Ret iii mmow eximaustuit I amid the boidiems exist on rice and coma'