- - - - - -V V - - _ V - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r - -r---------- - . - _ - - - _ V _ - _ ' I 1/ , ' , ' i2 . ! TUE OMATA DAILY BETh 'I'1flRSDAY , JUNE 30 , 1808. , \ V . 'f V _ _ - _ LICLIT BATTERIES IN ACTiON Part tbc Mule-Back Artillery Will Play in th6 Cuban Oampalgne A RELIC OF GENERAL SCOTT'S ' DAYS They Cnn I''ncfrne ( te PoItit ' .VaIi1i ! IIens ) ( hi tire Cnn , a.t ItCiI.Ii ittiti Are Mu.i ( IffecUt't AgnhItMt ft UiiQrrtIln PQ. It the Cuban campaign th carried out acordIng to the orgnaI plans tione of ( lie men engngcii In It will ice tiny more In- terestilig crvIce than ( lint whIch s lIkely to fall to the lot of the light batterleit ucIi fl8 ( ho ono organized arni eqUipped by Cotonel .J. Astor. Cuba IR especIally nlapted to the work of such companies , osi > eclnlIy in the iiiountalnous , easterit district nbout 1nntIngo. The mIssIon of such a battery Is to seek out ZUlu dettoy , at close range end P10cc- meal , an enemy whose forte is a lirotracteil nail un casing systeui of guerrilla warfare that Is xtremoly harassing and itiscourag- . - ' ; , * itiscourag'I 'I ' ; : - - ' - ' - - \ T'- \ ' 7/ / ' ) ( . # , z- . h ( ' H V . ,1 _ _ 1UMiJl [ IN CUBA. " Va - - - V ; : to troops nccustomelton ( "fair flelt ( tflI 110 tavor , ' even though they be 50oned anti wclI-trj1 veterans. The 1tiY V perilous aiIP often lonely ollo ; t0 flitiles V and their juldes must 1)cnetratc' lOtO spots portcctly itlnccessthlo to lr belies of troops. and where selt-r&PiflCe Is ( lie only Incentive to vIctory. Tfte brunt atul vigor of tbc conhllet intist be borne by the daring gunners , miii swollen rivers , iintrotldeu .dcfllcs ntist not bo nhloweit to interfere rwlth t1ie'unreIcntliig advauce towards the hostIle tcrrilory As Its OfLIOC fflhIIICS ) , the inoiintsin battery V js dcsipcd mainly for operatliit in a. hilly , rOahleSS ( ciiiitry , where tile heavy and coni- paratiVei ( cumbrous field Piece cannot penctrntu. . .Hence , the equipinciit anil trap- - , plugs of tiie' mountain gUll are essentially illhicreut in ninny iiartVUifl1 ! from those oC tue flehtl ttveive-pountlcrs ; nil ( lie gorgeous ehiow and laboriously acquired smartness of the Iatcr tre Inexorably snerlilced , to iiiak' _ _ _ way lot' the more desirable quaiitleti or _ _ _ durability , iigiitiicss niitl ease of locomotion , which form ( lie three Indispensable attributes - tributes of ( lie equipment of a mountain. V battery. In British India this type of artIiler has been brought to a high Stan- . ( lard of.Jeif.ictIor ) % , and Its effectiveness in the continually recurring conihlcts with ( lie hill-tribes line conclusively demonstrated ( lint the niountaiti gun Is ( lie only weapon that vUii .siiccsaftilly COliC with the Style of warfare ptacticed - by the natives of tile himalayas. When Napoleon , in 1800 , daringly crossed the Alps n the4 tci-thiiiation to carry the war against Austria Into ( tie enemy's country , the dliii- V culties which lie encountered were such as would seemed Insuperable to nny but tllatIutrcjl1 sPirIt : as is ivehi known. his magiiLtlcit army wa.a almost decimated In V cariyiug out the tremendous undertaking , 1)1 ) gti1.111 t ION of 'I'rniu.iorlsit Iiiii. of all the obstacles which presented themselves , the transportation of the field guns ' 1iiehi nccoiupanletl the expedition was the most formidable ; It Is iclated that ( lie : cotiibltietl exertion of an entire battalIon was necessary to move a sIngle piece , with Its propcr , 8t11)PlY ) of ammunition ; ii'hiie the other half of the regiment fotiiitl a sulhicient burden in carrying ( lie double load of knap- iineIs , ltrloek , CSIlil ) utensils and five days' : rttion % % Vliichi ( lie wearlsonie labor of their COflhiiiles , iiuposeii Uliflhl them. hut now all title is eiinngetl. It. liis ; become vossible to V transport i light artillery tritiii across a dIllicuit region at a rate of progress which tlto iiialn boqy of troops cannot liolie to itt- tam , and Instead of a source of ' 'V delay aiiil liliiilrnnce , us was foriiierly ( ho \case , the artillery of todny , lii Its niivanee 'typo of ralliLl-lirlug mountain guiis , folios I' a ranguud ; ( lint elistires a speedy and safe advntieo Into Ihie innermost fastiwsses occu- PIC4I by au tiporgaiilzed enemy. or nre these Portahilo cannon of mean or lusig- iilileitii ( caliber ; they fire shells weighing its much us iiliie pounds , and , in the ease of howitzers , cycu tiiore , so that their moral and aettint effect Is little , If any , Infeilor to ( hut of the usua..l ( welyc-pountler IIl&t gun. Moreover , they nrc at all timiies ready for inuuethiato use ; In less than thmrt'e main- tites ft on Ibo s ant of comnmand , "Action froiil" ( a round or mnoro front the entire battery can be poured limb ( lie foe , whereas a regular field battery on the timarchi could be itnulhifleted before It would have time to effectually w'e Its guns against a sudden V attack. - - V : ' , .e 'lithe known Ia the outside world - -"i Italy have adopted malr , use of this arm in cLtve wrfaro in the Mexican war d 1845-IS , The light and iortahilo nature of the guns made them ex- ( rmcly valuable In the irregular skirmishes - mishes that took place , but their most important - portant tiso was foimnil In clearing the strcef from a point of vantage on Limo roofs of the flat-topped houses of ( he City of Mexico. The case with which the guns could be car- tied or slung to the roofs rendered them invaluable in repelling the street attacks , which were of daily occurrence after ( 'aencral Icot and his heroes had taken possessIon of the capItal , But the guns of the Astor bnttcry are very different from the smooth.boro muzzle loaders - ers of the I1extcan war. In fact they are In advance of ( ho armament of tue most perfect mountain batteries that India boasts today. The standard type that ha done such good work ngainst the Afrldla and their sangnrs or stone wall lnrenchmens ( Is a rifled nmimz1e loading piece of ordnance , the barrel and breech sections of which are separate and screw together just. behind the ( rtinnlons , As wIll be soon this weapon Is rather out-of-date , the improvcnients which have been made ilurlng the last twenty years niong the entire llmmo of artillery not seeming - ing to have affected or reached the lonely ileiiot of the himalayas , This defect , however - over , vilh not be Ierinitted to hinder the activity and usefulncss ot the gallant boys who arc to defend the newly-acquired l'hmhlippino archipelago. As has been told in the tinIly Papers , ltotchklss gulls of special constructIon and remarkable rapidity of fire have beeii Issued to the brave comany of volunteers through the patriotIc generosity of Colonel Astor. 'I'll E V % 'o ULlN'T JIt\'I I' ! ' . VIi ) Li YflhIkIe Clgiret ( Macli Inc Is Not fi , ! t. I'iiiiiiI Iii llziniIgi. Manila's beit cigar-made of especially so- lecteti tobacco , wrapped In the iieatst of silver toll mid packed in low rosewood VhOXCi ) tIed wIth Spanish ribbon-costs but i ; cents , and Is considered a rare delicacy. One scarcely ever secs , these cigars-the "Jiicornparables"-outstde of the city itself , and the brand Is so choIce that few smokers are acquainted with It , The iorciguqr at Manila thinks lie Is paying dear for hIs weed at 2O per 1,000 , , says the New York Post , and some of the most professional smokers lImit themselves to the flouqiIet , whIch correspond io our "two for a quarter , " but sell for 11,30 a hundred , Below these upper grades conio a various azsortmcnt of cheaper varieties , includIng the cheroots , -I--- ' _ ' 'c.i.umaIl at the other , and - I - I made ( or late years ( lie cigarettes found in I tanila have been turned out by thousands qm the fast Tunning French machines in PO4tssion of ( lie big tobacco factorIes , but thi is not to say that ( ho mulUtudes are not ktifl mitlo bhand. . I bad the mis. fortun ( to attempt to IntereAt one of the smaller concerns in the purchase of ono of Anmercnn pattern , which worked at double ( hi , speed of tle French article , But we figured IUiout our host , amut since ( lie larger factories hiitt made contracts to equIp themselves with the l'arislan patent , IL apparently scemel decidedly against their interest to allow ( lie Introduction .ot the fast. running American mechanism that had a capacity of turning out 125,000 pIeces per diem , or 200 a mtnue. ( No sooner had the two engtnepra from New York , who hail come to put. the nia- chIne together , started operations than there wa put. under the door at ( lie hotel an anonylmiotia conimutiicniou ( reading : "Ydu are advised to ito no more work on time nmacliine , but leave town at once. " In a state of curious trepidatinu they camp (0 ( oUr omco , where we increaseti ( heir fears by relating to them ( lie IncIdent of ( lie two missionaries vho , sonic years ago , camno to Manila to teach l'rotestnniSfli ( (0 ( the natIves. It. seemed tlldt they had but begun ( lniii labors whiei , tinder the door of their room at ( lie hotel one night was thrust ( lie messigft ' 1Yoti are warned to discontinue your teachings and leave the city. " . : ' Paying no ntentionto.the ( : . communication , ( ho mIssionaries 'cflt on with their work until a second paPei ? puhed under ( lie door : "You aioh will be lesponsiblu for he results of not heeding ( hi3 and tIme previous warning , Lea.r * ldnnila by the mmxl steamer. " Still the missionaries worked on , giving no heed to what 'tliiy tliotlght wer0 cnipty threats. For the third nnil ' Inst time the anonymous letCr ( was ptilie'i Into their room , reading : "You afc nilkiscd for .thie la.tt time to leave the capilal by to- morrow's steamer. " Ihut tile missionarIes stayI on , and on the morning after ( lie depttUre of "tomor- row's stormier" both wr2 totintl poisoned In their little room at hotel. TIme two engine9' continued their work on the cigarctte'IiiaChine In spite of our Etory of [ lie Virst conimnunication , but it was evident 1hat ( hey iero fearful of ( lid consequcne. Scarce three ( lays had olapedtifOr0 a second piece of brown paper as shoved over ( lie threshiohil of theIr room bearing Spanish words equiva- . Icn * to "Give up your -work at once antI nve Manila. " The sItuation began to look so serious and th o chances of our friends sailIng away so strong that-to save thai machine-we haitI the matter before the archbishop , \vlio Was Instantly siicesfiiI in stopping the anonyniqus conitniiiiications. hut the two machinists were uneasy and st'emcd to reel an invisible something. work- log against ( Item. The day for the trial came , and among the dozen spectators were a trio of Jesuit priests. The niachlno started and th cigarettes began to drop out at thai rate of 200 per mInute ; but scarcely had mutual congratulations begun before thai ( hL'ilfltO ( niechianisni suilderily broke In several - oral places anti the apparatus was a useless ivreck. It was clear that where warnings had falicd tampering ivas successful , and our engineers took the next steamer home , thoroughly upset over the methods which Spanish firms were supposed to have adopted (0 ( shut out competItIon. A St'.tItitOV SL&NGS I'L'Sli.F' . AIist III Oie SliziLu'iv of ( lie .IiiII C.nl- tiFit S. tt ! tlrd ( Les Up Its Ilfe. In a grated wIndow of the county Jail , be- twecli the iron bars and the panet of gloss , two sparrovn began last week to build a nest , relates the Kansaii City Star. They worked three days bringing wIsps of rass and feathers aiid strIngs and weaving them In behind anti around the bars. The prison- era on the second tier of cells , with time hanging heavy on their hands , watched the home Luilihing of the birds , FrIday afternoon thai prisoimers heard a great chattering of sparrows , anti looking out they saw ( lint one of the births , In weav- log a strIng into the nest , hind got It ( angled in comae way around its heck. Its fluttering tightened the strIng antI choked it , anti It . \.as dangling hclphess from the bar , wIthin a few yards of ( lie black gallows in the jail i\ \ - ii1 -'ii 1 t k 1 " -I V , V _ ' _ _ , , _ _ _ _ _ J I. I , i ' - T N 2'- / ' ps'I - V 'I ' I V riI V. : LOADING RULlS FOIl TIlE MAItC1I. on whilchi have been hanged four men antI on which three more wIll probably be hanged this summer. The mate of the banging bird wai wildly exciteti antI chattered loudly , fluttering around and peckiii at ( he string. Its crIes brought other sparrows , wire chirpeii excitedly and iCCkCtl at the strIng with their bills , Soon there were a dozen sparrows flyIng arouud the hanging bird , and they kept up ( heir chattering for a half hour ; then a deputy marshal tore the bird loose wIth a long sticlc , it was death , - . - X.iit'o'is Siie'i-itlce. , _ 11 _ V' 'Eillt ! - A RELIC OF 1ONT1CELLO Discovcry of tha .Favorite Fiddle and Bow of Thomas Jefferson , hISTORY OF THE ANCIENT INSTRUMENT Foiiiiil its the ' , iaepaList of nit 01.1 1'ei4ro-N0tV In Thai in an Orchestra sin a. linIti- sflOCO 'Ilienter , The ways in whiehvicinS of famous make and great value piiige from obscurity are varied indeed , ud no' greater Proof of this fact has h0Li admiceti for many years than ( ho finding of Thonitus Jefferson's favorite - vorito vIolin in thobttnds of an oogenarian ( aegro near Chariott.yilie , Va. The violin bears ( late of 1671 , nod its maker was Nice- inus Ainati. This relic of Jefferson and of ( lie skiLl of Its ItalIan tanker was found by Albert Ililile- brandt of 19 Northi Liberty street , HaIti- more , Md , Mr. iluldebrantit Is an amateur musIcian of no littIt'rdi'uation ' ( and sonic- ( hues combines business with Iil&'asuro in trips through various harts of ( lie south. To him an old vioiltinis an object of hove , and it was ( lila nmicible tad of his that led to the finding of the Jelforsomi viollim. it happened wbile lie , , wa.'m visiting at. Char- 'lotesvihle ( , Irelllfiutry to taking part In a oneert which ivaa to be given there , The story Of his discovery and what led up to it is told by hiiomseifas follows : "rho afternoon 1dforo ( lie concert I hap- peneti in a barber's shop kept by a liegro VVflt Charlottesville , antI incidentally asked him my favorIte question : 'lp you know of an old violin , as I want to buy one ? ' SaId .t ' 01.1 : - / V , - V 1 I - I ' ur . . I I1 . , I' .1 . - . , I ) ) ) ' . II- " . \ I l ll _ . 1 J I I . - V 1 \ \ \ \ \ J ) ) ' , : . ' . . > . JFFFEI1SON'S FAMOUS VIOLfl. NOW USED IN A BALTIMOIIIi TIIEATIiIt. ( FROM [ 'IIOTOGitAl'Il. ) lie : 'I knows of an ohd fiddieYboss , that belonged to Thomas Jeffet."i. old John Scott owiis it now. ' The ltar as so Interested - terested In the matter that liT r.t One of lila aici : with inc nd coon we . ' on the road to Scott's hiome about two il4s from Charlottesville , at Limo bnse of thkMontl- cello mountains and tidjoluing the ohti 'effer- soil nlaimtation. JohinSeott I found toim an actIve , bright negro tot 93 years.Vhpn I sauv him he was working In his gala.len. I ttslced him to see the violin and ho btt.ttht to nat from the cupboard a diIaIJ..2.'d double vIolin case that had once V - ercil wIth leather. V Vth elapsed , hioweverfr .rt ? t Piaccil on the cadttiiIt' . lt hail come off in patches. ' "Opening it 1 saw that ( he moti. had a feast with the red lining. Th- struiiuVmlt was carefully wrapped In a ph. of gold cloth , and ( lie minute I looked a. it. I saw that it was ( lie heat specimen of Nicolaus .Anmtl's violins I had ever seen. After a while I managed to strike a bargain wIth ( ho old man and the violIn became my property. In it I ant very much certain I own otto of ( he very best vIolIns existIng toltty ( , Tint scroll Is moet artistically carved , thai iiiodel and workmanship beautiful. Thu varnish Is of golden yellow color nitil the pegs are of ivory. All that was iteeded wna a few repairs and now it Is a singing beauty. It has not a faulty tone , but instead is even and mellow , and ponseses the great carry- log characteristics peculiar only to the very best. makes of the Italian schmol. The violin has been admired by maiiy artists anti ccii- nois.scurs , and I regard It as altogether the mo3t valuable feature of my collection , "John Scott , from whom I bought the violin , loitl ate that lie inherited ( lie In- srumeiit ( froni hIs father , who was a slave of Thomas Jelferson , After returning to CharlottesvIlle with my prIze I learned that Jffcraon was quite a good mntisiclaim , a lover and player of the violin , anti that he haul owncd several valuable lristrunmens ( of Italian make , The one I hail bought lie had chris- teimed 'I'd ' , ' and this makes nic bclieo that It was his favorite vIolin , " No price hiiis been placed on this violin of the great Stttesinaum , but it Is certainlyworh ( a very large sum of money. Oddly enough , It Is today being constantly utlllieti by a frIend of Mr. hlildebrandt , who is one of ( he or- chiestra of a Baltimore theater. Ifow Jefferson - ferson would have niaiveled If he cotilti have looked forward to the use to whiich his favor- Itit violin vouid be iiiitl iiiitJ'i'ix.tr'i' i.ti : ( :0's' : ntIS CONli : , .4. 'l'rlek I'Iiie'.i on NiiiJ OtIIeers at 110 TIOI = l it , Lieutenant Victor Blue , the nervy young otlhccr who recently lierformed ( lie feat of getting a good vIew of the Spanish fleet In Santiago harbor by making a daring detour of seventy-five rimiles or so on Cuban soil , was attached to ( hue Bennington , which was I lying In Honolulu harbor about. three years I ago , lie was then aim ensign , relates the I Wasbiington Star , and he hail not up to ( lint time been a wardroom caterer , So lie was Iinauimously I electct as soon as ho was at- I ( ached to ( ho Bennington , Lieutenant Blue is a giant of a young moan and exceed good-natured , Hut be iiv' ' cuti : - ' I V JVcuti it aft , and atiggesteth to the omeers that when they wanted to weigh themselves thereafter they use ( hose scales of his , The oiflcers didn't suspect anything , and after dInner the name day several of theta weighed them- selves. They had all lost a pound since the day before. They said ( lie scales were wrong and Lieutenant Blue admitted that perhaps they weue. They all weighed again the next day , iachi of them had lost another pound , an , ? they began to feel of their waistbands aonderingiy , All of the ofllcers of the Bennington's wardroom mess went on losing flesh , according to Lieutenant Blue's acales , for ten days or so , Then a meeting of the wardroom bmccrs was called , anti Lieutenant hiluo was dropped as caterer , as beitig "in- competent" and "no account , anyhow. " Lieutenant 131uc didn't lowe to serve as caterer for the rest of that cruise , anti he p ivoro a smile of thcep content every time ho looked at a weighIng apparatus. A 1)li'OT1l ) YOUG ltItt'l'IIIiIi ) , The i.'irn'iiy IIolisiii hits an Arileiti ClintnIoii , at Iloflit' . " 1 am no nroudcr of my brdhidr ( now than I ivas before , " says ( ho younger Ilobson , who hiss just entered \'est Point , in answer to the question of a Now York Journal reporter , "I have always been Iurotilt of him ; always believed in him. " "My brother , Itichinonil , is V six-nearly seven-years toy seninr , you know , Ito was only 14 when be went away front home , but he was toy playmate and my hero as a boy , anti I think lie is likely to remain the latter all his life , " That scents to be ( lie keynote to the relations - lations between the two , The moore young ] Iobson toUts the more It shows , lie seems to have looked up to his elder brother with that rovcrencQ ( lint none but the small boy knows. 'Flits boy James has modeled liini- self upon lila hi other , itichimonil-nitti he scents to have Imickeil out a nina worthy of I toltu (10mm. ( "There was nothing cold about Rich , " he says of lila brother , while lie talks about the aftair of Atiiintolis , "That was the first time in nil liii ; life that lie was not popular with all lie niet , It hurt hun moore thami any otto ever knew. lie used to make light of it to us , but I know lie felt the Injustice of ( lint ostracism , atiti I doubt whether ho ever quite go over It , it throw hint back upon hiniseif so niuchi. You know ( hat was but really a part of the trouble , lie has been constantly oppose1 in ( lie imavy over since ho enterei ( it , Tlu optositioti hitis conic troni the hue , My brother hms always wanted to know as much of his itrofessloti as lie could , anti lie knows it liret ( thoroughly. The subject of modern varfarc as it applies to ( lie big shIps of today has been his especIal study , amid for this reason as soon as the war be- twccn ChIna amid Japan broke out hue asked the naval tmutliorltics for permission to go anti report tittoim ( lie fighting for ( lie UnIted States government , Ills applIcation was en- tiorseil by the chief constructor , anti Rich uas appolntcti readIly enough by the secretary - tary o the navy. Imniiicahlatt'ly ( lucre was OljeCtiOfl ) from ( lie line olilcers. They said they thought it manifestly Improper that a mere constructor should be sent to report Import ( Ito lighting , although Itichi was only to be olin of a lot of men who were going. \\'cll , Rich licaril about tint objections , but ho didn't ( alto any notice , amid just \vctmt right ahead with hIs packing and other rrcparatloiis for his journey. lie was all reatly to start ivlien a dispatch came from the Navy departittent saying that the rip- l)0Ititiiient had been revoked. The st'cre- tary of ( lie navy muatle. no mystery about the matter ; be told my brother frankly enough that the appoIntment had been re- voiteil because the line objected to a constructor - structor being detailed to the mission , "Of course lie has hail his friends-inca who have belloveti In hint auth trusted itini , Sonic of them have wanted to push him forward , but hewotmlth never accept that kind of liro400tion. Only a little while ago lie wrote to one of these friends that he preferred nrotimotiun to collie as the result of servIce. " "Was he Popular as a boy ? " "lie was just the macat popular boy In Greensbo.o , " answered Ifobsoti's brother , " \Vhy , you couldii't keep the oilier boys away from hIm. Ho was the lender in everything. Everybody liked hint. lie vtis big and tall nod strong ; I'm not quite so big , hut"-n little deprecatingly- hope get ( hose otlrsr two incItes at West i.oiti L , "You ought to have seen my brother plity ( cot ball and tennis. And swimnt TIme strongest thing about my brother Is lii ( lCteiiiiiimfliOfl. ( If lie says lie will do a . lie uIll do it , antI if lie won't , lie will 1P ; , IoWim ) in ( lie rilace whiere he used to - , .t In swlitmniing there was a rock , anti ' V ch saul he vnnteii It. lie dived for it , 1 it wouldn't. come loose , lie dived again , hi. Jt stuck. We ( old him lie couldn't get it , flU ] lie said , Voii't I 7' nnil I knew he'd gettit or thrown , Nobody knows how many times lie went down after that old rock , and lircty ( micarly did drown , but lie got ( lie rock. "itich wns a great boxer. lie seldom fought , but when he ( hill It was something to remnemimer. You can't make him afraid of anything. lie doesn't know hiouv Next to toot ball and tennis , I lhmiimk ho liked base bali auth riding , " Janmes Marcelhus Hohmsomi hiasmt't any one but hiinisclt to thank for his appointment to West Point. lie won It in lair fight , by competitive exanilmiatlon , front a score of candidates , Like his brother , lie wanted to go to Annapolis , but a congressnman- Turplu of Alabama-stood Iii ( ho way. For four years ( lie unswerving Turpin blocked every move. lie woultl not appoint - point young Hobson , either directly or as alternate , not because lie did miot think lie woniil make an excelidnt eatlet , bitt liectitiso Judge hiobson differed from him in liohitics , F.tM JldA1t N.t5i uS oi FLVIiItS. ( I'r.'t t ' ones About I Iii' iiiiiI jig or l'uiuisir , iIImssiiiiN , it is interesting to trace the origin of ( lie nhiiies * of common flowers , saa a writer In the New York I'Os ( , Time lcautiful ) canmellia bears ( lie name of a Zulnrnvian-Jesuit timis- slonory , eastern traveler anti botanIst- Father George Joseph Kismnel or Cornelius. lie returne'l ' to Mailrlit from his travels iii l7a9 nail Iires'ntcl ( ( to the Spanish queen , Maria Theresa , wife of Ferdinand VI , a nmnll shrub wIth glossy green leaves , bearing - ing magnificent flowers of dazzling uuhiite- flees , which lie hail iirouibt front tIme island of Luzon , It growing iii a vase of mother-of-pearl , a setting worthy of Its beauty , Cuttings from it. were carefully cultivated In ( lie hothouse in Madrid anti Jealously guarded lest It should become corn- mon. oath it was long before Jt ilbi so , The cainellia , which hands down the nanmo of Father Icartiel , is also a native of China - - Japan , The dahlia , too , is an in" it to Fuchs ; ho Published an account in his works in 171(3 ( ; it is indigenous mf I'eru , Chili and Mexico , Climbing wlatnri } i another imnportrution trout China an transmits ( lie minnie of ri-of. Casper Wistir of I'hiiadolphtin , a physician and forincr professor - fessor of anntorny In thu University of Pennsylvania. The favorite begonia is minmiwi for M , hlegon , a French , pnton of botany ; its original home was tar thistniu ( , it havng been brought trout ( lie region tf the Antles in South America. There are sortie hmlants whoio iiai1cs are Llccinhly significant ; one of t1tt , very on- vrctentlous in Its appearance , is ( lie little compass Pliifl ( , soiimetimcs cahieti rosin weeth , It derives Its imanme from the fact that its leaves point directly north anti south. A lost ( raveler ott our western prairies is sure of a guIde it he flails this little plant , wIth its yellow , daisy-like flouiers , which is so common in ( lie south anti west. Lomig- fellow refers to it lii "Evamigehino. " Vhen the kInd old lirkat woiiltl urge the wautlerer to have patience aiid faIth , he said : ' 'Look itt this vigorous lhttiit ) ( bitt lifts its heath ( rout ( lie nmt'aduiuv , See how its letives are tiirmicti to ( lie north , Iii ; trtie as ( lie machot ; This Is the I'Omfllitifl iluver , ( limit the flnegr ( I f OtitI hits limit ted hero iii ( ho iiuusi'lt'mis wild , direct to ( ho traveler's jiiiirimev Over ( lie st'it-ilke , pathless , limitless waste or I no desert : Such iii the soul ot moan Is fiiithi , " It ieccivea its other title front the fact that its sterns anti leaves exude it kind of rosin , amid botanists give It the "barbarous- sounding" miaine of selphlum-lacianatuiii. The passion flower ( Passitlora ) , front ims- sic , suffering , amid ilos , ilower , has a sacred jimeaning Iii its imaniie , as it was atloptetl front the idea ( hat nil instruments of Christ's has- zion arc reprcscmiteti iii It. The lIve wounds are typified by ( he five nntiic'rs , ( lie three nails by the three stigmas , two for ( lie hands anti one for ( lie feet ; the ci own of ( horns Is irimhlcateti liv ( lie rrtvs of the coroima ; ( ito ( en nPostlcs ( l'eter and Judas being nbscn , arc represented by time' ( en htarts of tIme lierianthi ; ( lie wicketi hnmitls of Ills Pecan- enters are syiiibolIzcl by tire digitate leaves , ( lie scourges are tiw tendrils anti the stemni Iii ( lie column or ; dllar f scourging , The delicate hinmiaca ( twimi honor ) Preserves ( lie minnie of ( lie great Liimiiacus. lIe comisentetl that Dr. Gromiovirms shioulil give his mmamno to this Insigmmitlcaimt but gracifuil cariy flover -so comimniomi ovcryv'tero. With Its ilroop- lag , behi-hik blossoimis , of aim exquIsite 1111k , itti suutet odor , it could not be morn per- fect. fect.Many Many of our moses bear a porftinmo even iii their liamneB , as the ( ' , loire ( ii' Dijon , whIch Camion hole calls " ( Ito wimisomimo brIde of Geimeral Jacqimeitilnot , " bvcauie they ivero seiit out ( lie saiiie 'eai , The "lIon Siicne" is salt ! to have sprummig up flrt from ( lie cleft of a broken statue to the ancient 11151101) Silenus. Thai iflnreclmal Nlih , waa rooted from the stein of one of a whole basket of roses , givemi by ii. Pensauit to tile rahinmit Marcehal wlieii , sick and wounded , lie was returning from his vlctore [ ' at Splerinio tiritl Magenta. 'ntis particular' eultlng contimir1ing to grow , Niel put It iii charge if a famous liortlcul- turlst when he reached home. The next year it bore four lovely lemnon-timiteti roses. At a reception to whIch he was invited by time Emmipresim Eiigenie-then In ( lie hieyiiay of her beauty niiti power-the cross of ( lie Legion of Honor was glvcmi him by her ; he presented to her oho of the unnamneth roses from the Cammipagiia , whicmm she soul ' 'I shall give ( lila rose time tattoo of ( lie bravest itoitlier of France-Mareclial Neil. " Or another beauteous rose a story Is told , which , trust , is only a myth , for tragedy antI remorse should have no conimiectloii with ( lie General Jncqueinimiot. The legcmmd says that the hmritve West Indian general itos- sessed a vIolent ( crimper , and killed the loser of hits itlollzeti tlatmghtcr , Mnrgtiorjte , anti lie died soon after of a broken heart , A Louis Quiaze rose bush , hearing pale pimik roses , grew In the garden , near the seat whiero the losers sat , when ( ho gemieral crossed swords with the yotmng imiami. To avoid thu thoughts which it recalled , ( lie general ordered It cut dowmi. The strong roots sent up new mthioots , auth one of these bore a single velvety crinicon rose , \Vhen asked if it should he cut clown , ( lie grieved father said : "No ; God sent. thu rose , and let it grow , " ICE C1tiA31 CIiN'i't'ZIIES AGO. Tue Ii'i 1010aM Smimmimimer Ciiii ion l'irt iniiii fuel ii ccii lii I I ii I ' . Early June days generally see ( Ito ice cream anti soda parlors doIng a stenilily in- creasimig business. Ice crcqni Is a munch older sweetmeat timami nmniy versona snip- 1)050. In ( lie beginning f tIme scvemmtecntli century goblets maile ofV'lce amid also iced fruit-that is , fruit froztui over-wore first broaghit to table , The ll'imonatIicrs , or Irma- oumaite sellers , of Paris catleavoreti to iii- crease ( he iopiihirtty , t'th1tir ' wares by icing tiit.ni , and one , ' niece enteiprislnug titan ( lie I'03 ( , an Italian named Frocope Coutenux , iii tire year 1660 , conceived the itlea of coim- vertitig such b verags entirely into ice , anti abotmt twenty years latem iced liquors-that itt , liquors clinmigetl into ice-were the prin- dual tImings solul by the Iiznoruaulh'rii. By ( lie cuiti of that ceninry iced hlqiiomii wc'ro quite conirnon iutJ'nrIti. leo cream , or icedVbuutter , " as It. was first called , front its su'ieptI. } resemnlmlauuce to ttiitt substance , soomi ( , $ jiowed , It was first kmmowp In I'nria in I77I2.Tiia Dim ile Char- ( rca often ueiit a that time to ( he l'aris coffee houses to iirink a glass of Iced liquor , atl ( lie landlord Imttvitmg one day presented _ _ 1 o o e A. soap that dcstro'a the of t - neaa of woolemi will destroy ( lie noftimcs of - . time sichmi. Be aurcof that , , No mimatter how much a , . - wool It isn't fit for the V toilet. 'J'iie , ? . , ' thmcaoapthmat - won't shrink MY MAMA I WISH MINI voo1 , usco eio WOOL SAP ITtWlMht. "Wool soap I. an excolient article , tail every woman 'mill be beuormied n.y ulng ii" m1eL.CN M. flAhiKkOITres la ( i A' f" him with lila "Arnip" formeil in ethiblo ice this kind of snVcctmmicat becanmo tht fashions Germmnum cooks at once took up ( he nent arL It was not long in renchitig iimiglnmmd , for In 11713 a French cook re4ldeuit ' ' London uiamnet' ' ( 'icafliOtit. wrote "The Moilerti co. " 'In sehichi iweCt ices were first desrl ? ' of Iumglisli cooks , Tht. ' _ le liisrtiction ( - - - - - 1reatn of ( bose days is an t'noriimously dab- C rateti sweatmncat compared with that of thc lden time , ' . tl 'mns t'ittIt'tl. . ? ( ? hfeago l'oftt : "Timint tumult is a puszl to 'Ine , " anitl the ihsicInmi thoughtfully , "Ii hmav'n't time faintest Idea 'wliiit ho iS worth , ' "V'hat difference does ( limit ninko ? " " \ % hmy , I don't know bow much to charge ' . hint for mimy services , If lie Is inside of x hiunthreti thiousauuil I want to make a. rensomi- ' able charge as a liracticimig ihysiciahl. , butt if' 4 hue is worth moore than ( lint the proper thiini to tin is to call myself a specialist nuiti nmako ( lie price to stilt. " I : ; _ THETC'N' ' t I ll. CHEAT YOU flOW A Govcrnmcnl Samupcer. ' , tifyingtotheAoahd rily I is onevery boLtie of the . OLD CROW TAG : WHskS BC SURE ThE INTERNAL IThVENUESTAMP OVER ThE CORK AND CAPSUlE iS NOT IIROItEN ' 4 AND THAT IT BEARS THE NAME - - W.GAtNES & C V j : " iris ii ( .ovrm'nfNr GIIAR4NTt.E fl/fir iIrU 7/us ! JOTUJNG. For Sale Evvrywiieiv. n-- - . - - - The Ii.S GOYE1tNMENP , wants aLtoanr inca in its service. With one tic- ' - cord the Army timid Navy endorse IrAit-IIEN UM ( lie greatest Ic a a iv a ' ktrengthemicr , invigorator - t or and restorative. it crentc'i solid flesh. mus- c13 rinti strcnuLhi : , civur V the braIn , tutueiighucuis the nerves nail causes tIme cciicruuttve orgni1 to qulckiyrcgaiii their nor- trial ilowers. 1'or ncrv. ens iirostratlimi , , over- scork , Impatieti vitalIty I in eIther sex , or exees the true of opium. iltpm'r' or tobicco , it. I 'sitively cailnOt bo exceiltil. One bo wIll work sicuilers. Six wIll cure. . irAlt-l1iN Is for ulo by mmli druggists , Go t.al , i'ti , 10 cemiti , Oa. to iwo niouitla , ' % rcatrncnt. Fill out amid mail us thu ditugmunsls itlicet Iii ouch box , umutl we uutil give your case npt'cial Utica- ( iou wIthout eXtra charge. Iltmt-mniN is tire- Parcd by lljmulimier 0. hienrAui , Phi I ) . II. S. , dt- rfl.t. from thai formula of ii , J. Itarioui , M. I ) . Cltiveiani'H most cmiacmit specialist. Maitcit Iii closctl PCiCtO0 Ott rt'ccljit 't irl'o. , ( Hits , IIA1tTON AI ) iliNON. ' - liar-lieu lIiI4'k , liciolanti. 0. I For sale by Kuhn & Co. , ltmi amid Doug. ins ; J. A. Fulier & Co. , 14O touglas St. . i sad Grnluamuu iruig ) Co. , 1Iii timid P'tmfliumfl King 1'hiuirmnay , , 27th .umai I.tnvenwoutlm : I'oyr on's I'hiarmnacy 2Ithi a mm I Leavemssvortht ; E. J. S'ykora. So'iii Oiimutha , amid all othie druggists iii Omaha So' .h O'naha. Council . ' _ - I-- - - - - - OThIEiF..4II. ! OOULP V T L i. rg 4 , Searles & SearI ΒΌ . I - ' 4 , , an as V * . V , V ' ' , , SPECIALISTS , - Guariinie I , , cure NlCL'dIi , ) omid rotH. . . emully nil ? iCitYOUS , CIIItONIO .A.1 I'ItmVATE dist'isc' . of Melt antI vvomnen WEAK MU SYMULIS SEXUALLY. cured for life , Night Emnuimions , 1.0.1 Manhood , fly. drocele , Verlcocele , Gonorrhea , Giect , Syp I StrIcture , Piles , Fisttmia and Rectal. I 1j1 loerB , Diabetes , Bright's Disease cured , Consultation Free.Curcd Stricture and Ieet. at. by n.y method without pain or cuttinr , ' Cahion or address with stamp , Treatan $ : by mail. I DR8. 8ERiES SEAR E3 . o4iI4 14th 55 , 2W Lske Michigan md Lake Superior Trsnsmiorlatlon Co. LAKE SUPERIOR STEAMERS. THE GREAT LAKE ROUTE. Ow , , The Nuw bierl kIsilLou. , . 6oIHnga From ChicoBo ror1nckmnso lIflI lheirui * ( iria.1htfflo , . To onto , tc : 'i'ttu. U AMW.t. ii 1' I'Ihi.1l A.MKii4'1'.at. jtur , ( 'iiitrl.yoix iltri.or . it rii,1 , , etokur , ctc.t Tuo.l AMTltur ii AM H&t , Fur Mnrittie. 1iiucock , J1ouhtton , Auhianil , fluit , It , etc. , ii'd , S l'Si. I Iiutrat.Ii tm hI'ta , mnailpI fr' , , , n , , iplientlnn , oFficE AND IOtLS. hUSH AND H WAII ST5..CHiCAIIO. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - f _ _ . , ! : tauhig Sir' ' 'lfcek. . Cura In 15 tlp' , I , , i Nevrr returns , , tlIIIy t'nhi tt , ittiy sulYrrer in , , risiti , sitd " 5 i'I'c ' ) I'll , RIC a IripV1VIIIIIIt ) With full cIh5c. : iIit IttM fur a tijick1 , rut si lure fr J.r Mmtht.J , , , , . in etu 11Ithir , t , I'ii * II S'cak % I , Parts , , Partsiirlcncel , tr ( , I ; , % rIuI , . lIuIc flrni1i , , I 51kb. 9 'I' " _ aVIIb U. . jilt U toy umIxiIs , Ja i i. I 4s , l.Chst.s , tmudsuimai at&t t.frl Irrittliorti or it cerig , , , $ .t - V