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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1898)
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Motna Day was not extcn1vcy ) cole- bnUed nt. the exosRlon ; , owing to the fact that Governor Smith anti a few thouant moro Montana p001)10 were urniblo to come in malta at this time. TliI was throulli 3 , C1 ( of ntercst In t'n ! oxpottlon but because tim event occurrerd Lu the midst fet t C busiest seasoli ot the year , when itearly C jry clas8 of JeOJle WOFO itiablo to get so far from borne. The comparativety bmall patty of Montena citizens who were on the grounls ( yesterday will go away ftill of ox- posttlon rnithusizuun atit they declare that thouoands of their fetIow-cttzeni will be Omlrn visitors before the summer I over. 1Jldo from the exercises which necom- ra1ed } ; ho iledicatlon of Montann'8 State btdtng , the afternoon ahIi evening were tiily ( occuple4 by more musical features than have occurred on any irevlous .lay of tile exposition. Two concerts by the Foarthi ) tc1njont baud , cue by the juvenile banl r Billings , Mont. , the grand choral concert - cert lt the Auditorluni In the afternoon and thin orchotra concert which hrcccdetl the evening session of the Trausnilosissippi educators composed a variety of attrnctloa UfThcleflt to Interest all sorts of musical taste3. The celebration of the Transinississippi Turnfest on the Grand Plaza this afternoon Is eXtCCtel ) ( to bring Out ft tremendous crowd of Gerinalis not only from Omaha 00(1 Its neighiboriiig cities but from iiearly every hargu city in the vcst. Ntarly ZiOu Turners v1i I IZ tt id I)1 ) t I fl the gm ad ( in II , which vIhi occur on the I'iaza at 4 o'ciok , and the local committees dccliri' ; that. they expect to briug fully 5,000 PeoPle to the grounds In addition to the usual e.posi- tion crowd. MLtIlv of the Midway reort' h.vo made cc1nl arrangemenil to utcr- tam the vlsttoi s niid front early ft.'ioou iiutll the gates close at itighit the iuatcst , grey uiiiforma or the Turners will be con- picuois all over the grouiuh.shie fi em this the usual concerts vhiI offer entertain- incnt to the musically Inclined and with good vcathicr the tiny Is expected to be She ' bansier tiny of the wt''k. . NFIi hI.tSICA t'ti ) : M I SSIIN ) 1IiT4. nstnhlatI.i , & cif ; ; . 1hihJI t , s IN ISiiiI&t Cuiipihilt-rzitlui , . The Nebraska Ix1Jositton eousiuhsioss held Its regular eini-niotithiiy meeting at the Ne- bruelca building yesterday morning. Thio most Iniportant matter taktn up For consideration was that of an irrigation exhibit. The leo- 1)10 of Dawson county applied for and were niiotcd ( our acres of ground on the north tract several months ago for the purpose of iziaking an irrigation exhibit showIng the iiethiods Practiced In that county for Irrigating - ' gating crops. The county commissioners of ; Javsou county agreed to appropriate a cer- talsi amount of lunacy to carry out the plstlis and the vhqle scheme was thought to be settled. The Forestry division of the Agricultural ( lepartinent of the government ilahitel nbout an acre in forest trees which were to ho cared ( or by the Irrigation cx- , lint with the exception of thcsc rces iiothilng hits teeri growls on the plot 'oxccpt veeds , anl ( tile latter have reached : . / a height of fltUt six feet. This conditioner or stilairs was haiti before tIm commission by Sti PC ri hltefll CII t. JOlliSOhI of the A gri cul - tire bureau of the Nebraska cotnmission. Mr. JohInboII soul lie hind assurances from - irivatii vartlcs that 3oO % vOUld ho con- Iributed by them for taking hold of the Irrigation exhibit and isiaking It a nueces , anti lie osked the commission to oppropriat i oo to this iiurpoo. as OO % roulti be re- quirril to carry 01St. the idans necessary to maim the exhuhilt a success. The appro- p ri a t ion as motifs an ii Superl ii tend en t Job a- son wiii take hiohil of the batter at 011cc nail make iii' irrigation exhibit that vihi be it credit to the state. liunk ( lark , s tin appoiated helper lii thse horticulture exhibit at a salary of $50 , vats lIrolntel to be aestatant silperin- tendent vitli a salary of GO ier month , Time salary of Mrs. Marks , attendant In thsti check i coin , was Increaseil from $43 to $ ro , mimsil time salary of hlss Ovcrtou , attend- iint _ In the voimiemis waiting roommi , was Increased - creased ( coal $45 to ; ; o , S lMiI for h. . . tt ii , , . . OMAhhI , Jumme 21.-To the Editor of TIps lire : 1 ¼ s a number of very bug petitions ( mmii promuinctit citizemmo have heels ecut to use asking ttiiit tIme Thomas orclio3tra ho emigiiged for July I thought best to say through 'Visa Dcc that It IS deemed beet by thmt bureau of mmnmala to silocoutinue orchestral music ( or the prcecnt , s'itIi the hope that an arrangemneut can be made to havim the Thomas orchestra or SOImIC oilier good orcimestrit cause in Sejitemnber and po3tbhy renialim through Ortohier. There is no questIon but what the comi- ccmts given by time Thomas orchestra humvo beim o is high order and gruaUy enjoyed by thmoitsaptis of mmiimslcah people , ( 'imoral iSerforhImImuecs % Iii be gIven Ire- . - quentiy iltirhmig the entlEe sullimner. TIme 1otmrthi hieglmnent bamul of Iiotix City , hlch by the way Is a very good band auth Imicases thm people Izuimiensely , vihi remain muithi ' , after the totirth of July , , l'hmlnmicy'is Ummted States band , 'hmlch l It Coimsdij outs of tIe very best In Ihie . ' ° weCm ! en- was raced F ) S hliet a colhtsioa& goot out of thi , race , but the judges gmIfl zitnth pIa , I Itaymuomic 211 WOfl the second hea $ ly. I Flei Lottie Smul'T VnM .lh + i. tljiIo I ] U4I onS to it banquet , In which the big fish whit futnih the entire menu. Ilt. SIIIV ViSITS T111 zNt'orrIN. ) Z.hIkr qf fliP Iti'iiti of 1tm.5IPN IN nil Lmth , nsIn.t O ( r t lie Shosv. lJr. Albert Shaw of New York , editor of the American monthly ltcvlew of Reviews , Is in Omaha to &pend a few ( lays InspectIng - Ing the expoSItion. Ir. Shaw has been over at Orinnell , ha. , where ho was time orator at tIme celebration of ( he fiftieth anniversary of Iowa college , from which lie graduated some years ago. Dr. Shaw was oiice editor of the Minne- apohis Tribune , atid Is therefore fiunihiar with time Traostnlsalsslppl country. lie Is an enthusiast over his flrs ( view of the cx- position. in the Review of Reviews for July , just out , Is a , eIh written and beautifully Illustrated article about the exposition , and it wiiLdotmhitless contain In the later num- hers some of Dr. Shaw's miersonal Impressions - sions , Dr. Shaw Is accompanied by Mr. I'ettenghhi of the Review of Itoviews staff. llit h'N ( hiuimt l'Inmr. The state of Utah has loaned its giant an- tionnh flag to the exposition management for ( lie Fourth of July , and thIs mncnter flag wIll form a conspicuous featume of the decorations of the mimain court on thin na- ( ion's birthday. The flag Is tt 1et long antI 76 feet lii width niut is valued et 12O. It was first hung in the famous lnb'rnni'Ie iii Salt Lake City on ti omcasIon of ho amlniission of Utah ti the ummioi of states. The flag was cumtl for thio exposition by Miss Ellenori lutener of ( hits city end It will be slI5p"1.leLt flCiO.3 ( ISO higneim t.e- tweeti the Miuria ; mmiml MImiIn miii ] tb' 3m- chlnery amid Clecrl.ty builil lags. J'tNItlti Notes. There were 4,4ml : paid adnilsslons yestcr- ( hlV c'tt'lUsIvo of conimutatlan ticlals. A host and found burcuu has been estab- lislied at guard headquarters In the fire amid 1)0100 buIlding , amid all articles left iii lime various buildings will be taem1 , at once to this place , where people nm.ty obtain thcmn by proving oWflersllill. A lhca.9ing ) flint untmsmal f'satiirc of the eclelii itlon of the F'ourii or ltily vil be it dirilay of Japanese day fireworks wbkn will be t'xlmihitcd on the 3tidwoy. Tilefe curious noveltIes are most iIiteretIng and miany strange effects will be shown. AMERICAN'S NARROW ESGAPE ( 'zumtIule41 hmy Phi IIIhIIII ( ' Nziltvt's , % 'hIl SlmlmoMt'.I II I iii ( U lie a S mum ii i a v.1. PORT TO\VNSEND , wash. , Juno 29.- /tccordiiig to ailvlces brought train Japan by the steamship Columubla , which arrived last night , considerablti Indignation prevails aiiiong Aniericami saIlors aiiil ofikers at ilaniIa ever the treatment of the captain of the Spanish gummboat Cahlao , which sahleil into 3lanlla bay about a week after the battle and was captured by Dowey's fleet. Tue SpanIards asserted ho showed cawarihice hi not returning the fire of the Jiiicricans. \tter giving hiimii a Spanishm court-martial lie was sentenced to be shot , but Commodore Ic % 0) ' Caliic to his rescue alIl ( took hiliii nuder the protection of the \nerIcaii gov- orninelit. Ilumidreda of eoplo in ManIla are using every effort to leave. As the time drawa near for the arrival of time Ainoricaii sohdier3 they arc bcconilng mare restless. Another source at anxiety Is , III the case of the born- Uardment of 3iauiia , what the Spaniards vIll do with their womuen amiti children , as they cannot be scat to the interior. as they would become the prey of the rebels. it is stated 11 aIiIieal 'ill lie made to the British consul to make arrangements for their removal - moval in C1SC of bombardment , Slnee reaching Manila bay en April 27 the Amnerieamm fleet hint beomi unable to obtain ( mesh irovisions amiti the men have been liv- lag on salt fare. Notwithstanding this , there is no slckmicss among the crews and all ale patiently vaittIig for orders to tahte iiossectiioii of ManIla. 'rho Spanish soldiers are aiixtous to meet the American troops In battle. They are vcll arniod wIth 3lauser rules and Captain General Augusti says everyone will fight with desperation to maintain the honor of Spain. A Japanese iiewspaper contains an account or tile adventures with rebels and SpanIards of Mr. Vincent , an merlcan. superintend- lug a petroleum svehl on the island of Cebu. Mr. Vincent was ( alcoa caltive by the rebels aisil taken to their hleadquarter3 on the outskirts - skirts of Celum , u'liere lie was condemned to dcatli.'hile waiting a Spanish war vessel steamiIei ilito the harbor and coininemiced to bombarti the place. The insurgents speedily I dccanipcd , leavIng their prisoner In the roofs. Shell after shell amo crashing through the walls , carrtlng away most of tlit' building.'iien tile bombardment ceaacil a large number of rebels returned , hmijyimig the bioomlstaimied upper half of a vricst's heath In a basket. The head ivas idaced Oii a table and Vincent waa given to understand ( lint lie would soon share a similar fate. lie wits surrounded by rebels with drawn hcmitvcs. Ileforo tiiq' comniand of exc'cutlomi was given lie suiceectied In snaking them understand ho was an Anicrican antI not a Spaniaril. The chief ordered tilt life eittred : , Imi the meantinie the Spanish soldiers attacked ( lie place from the rear anti thii' rebels attenipted to escape. The 51)8111511 force rouimdetl together some 200 natIves , many of whom were young bays antI were liuluiglim g I ii a a Intl iscrini inato sin ugh icr. Ignor.imit at the t itile of hat ras triinspir. ing wltlmlmi a few score yards of lmimii , Mr. Vincent could hear time cries and prayers of time helpless isa ttvce aiiiiil time roar of mimusltetry. After a vimlle the tire slackened amimi all watt miulot , except a few occa3ional shots which SoUlitted the death himeil of tlmose amuosig time natives who hiatt 05081)0th the volleys roured Into their iiildM , About S o'clock use next morning 31r. Vincent crept out of tIme rumineil bimildiug antI succeeded in gettlimg aboard of the British steaniship Gulf of Mastaban , which unit a number of i'lmilippimie refuges boimnd for Smng.ipore. % Viihmitrmtv I'mivl nt timi' lhlhitin , OSiiKOSll.'Is. . , Jimmie 'J.-\Vithm tue cml. scist of tIme mayor Cliii thitu shierlif. Govurmior Scholield lists ilecitleil to witistiraw the four ( ellihlailics of infantry , mitminberimig 200 macn , Icst'ln tIm light battery and light horse squadron to take care of the strike Imi comi miectlotl with thio 300 deputy nhmeritfs amid ieeIai Police already su era 1mm. Thi of. forts 1(1 ettio time mtrilc ; by coimipromniso lmmtvc resulted In faliume owing to te ; gen- ersil refusal of xuummumscturei s to treat with the strikers us unlomm labor. Tiso strikers would apparently icid If the union iucre . antI 601110 smmiali concussIons in limnhmig. rt smuti p. . . . . ince. lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . , uimu ut , . I. its..3 0 " 4 r for Liv- ering , t'r..4 1 0 ' -1 lii , lb.3 : . ; 1 2 lli , hI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o o lii sulitI . . . . I 0 1 2 ° I Itrool . . . . . .I 0 0 2 5 0' Fmr . . 4 , o o 2 2 " Gray , q o 4 OrItlii I / ' liiiYli ) , 'i'ti - L - EXPECT II1EDIATE ATTACK General Shatter Will NoL Wait for More Rein forements. hAS HIS HEAVY ARTILLERY HEADY FOR USE Indientions Arc SInai SnmmtInio Will un 1ssiiii teal nuiti 'I'nkeim Ilefore i'uiitio Cati Itenehi 'Eliere Si I tim Mimrt , Triimvpm. \VAS1IINOTON , , luno 29.-The opimmion prevails here that within mu day or to at most. General Shafter will have begun his attack eu the city of Santiago proper. The Important event of the day was the gen- oral's aminoumilcelnemit that he could take the city in forty-eight hours , but at consIderable loss. In cemimmection with the aminoumicement con- tamed in iioUier dispatch that he Is going to attack ithmoimt 'mt1tIng for reinforce- meats it will be seemi ( hint the olliclals have grouiid for their expectation that tIme first general cngngemuent of the war will begin soon , Numerically the opposimig armies are not dlffereiit , the estimate of the Spanish forces beIng placed at 14,000 , thoroughly entremmehed and behind barbed wire fences and block hiouse , as against about 18,000 men ummider Simafter's command , aided by 4,000 Cubans. One of the gravest eirnents In the prob. leni Is the Spanish war shIps , for unless Shatter Is materially assisted by Sampson , who might engage the full attention of the Spanish slliiS , their fire cmi the Anierican advance sould be very hard to meet. The military authorities hero say General - oral Llnares has shown great imilhitary tmict in slowLy retiring during time last few days , as h'has gradually drawn out troops from the Protection of the American 'shIps , and brought them close to the fire of the Spanish ships iii the harbor. For this roasoii it was vith relict that. the aminoumicememmt was received here that Shiafter bail succeeded in landing all of his artillery , including his siege ( mimi , for unless - less Sampson can be relied upon to force hits way into the harbor and attack the SpanIsh ships , the siege gimiut planted on heights coniinanding the bay will be the main reliance of Gemieral Shafter in offsetting - setting the presemice of the Spanish iron- clods. II'muI Qfl Slinhm Ishi lti.Iii foreeiiieiils. Undoubtedly , Shaftdr Is animated to attack - tack as coon as possible by his knowledge of the approach of reimiforcenients for I Linares fi olsi 3lnmizanllle , for vltIi timis ad- tlitionai force Sliafter's Positiomi would be disagreeable , If not perilous , at least until he received reinforcenients. The \Var department received the nl. definite nouti today as to the approach of these Spanish reinforcements. This was In an official dispatch stating that 8,000 men , With pack trains anti droves of animals , were advancIng from Maazamilllo , amid were fifty-foimr mIles from Santiago. it has been known through reports from Lieutenant Joyce that the Spaniards have 12.000 men at 3lnnzanillo , amid 10,000 at hlol- guhmi , anti every precaution has beemi taken to guard agaimist their advance from either quarter. Tue olliclal report today showed that 8,000 of those train 3iamizanilln had covered half thio ( lhttflhiCC to Santiago , anti it is the be- hief of officers here that General l'ando is making similar advance with his 10,000 men froni ilolguln. These advances , iiouv rac- tlcally unnpposeil , arc regarded as one of the most serIous phases of tue situation. There Is the further element tovlmich the military authorities are giving careful at- temition , that one man entrenched behind enrtliworks , or 1mm rifle pits , Is worth three men in tIme open. It is said that the battles of Clmancellorsvllle anti Spottsylvanla afforded - forded tiiti most tlirect uroof on this point. 'I . , it' 'I' rut. ii s 1'ii iI 'i'it iii ipit. It was annoumiced at the War tlepartmnent that by the reports 3,000 soldIers should be leaving Tampa today to jolmi Shatter. Timey wIil be three or four ( lays Oil the voyage antI it is lirobabie that it Its this force General Sliatti'r refers to as likely to arrive too late for his tmction. Tue department totlay gave out a message froni Dewey , which was brought. to hloimg Kong by tlmo McCullough , so it must have left Cavite au time 23t1. 'Flie admiral mnnde no referemice to the lantlimig of GUrInaIi imiarincs amid the officials are satisfied that Germany is acting in good faith. Time report that tIle Egyptian government has finally refused to coal Cainara's Ileet at Port Said has not yet beemi olflclally coa- untied , hut its accu riley is not questioned. 'I'imeme Is still somne dotmhit whether tlmis cc- fumsal in itself vIli operate to hrcvent the further niovelncnt of the Spammisli squadron towarti time I'liilipplimes , as Matlriti ativices allege a purpose on the part of the Spamilsh govermmincnt to send additional colliers with the expetlitlon to overcoimme the rCfusal of the venous points along the way to time Philippines to Stlplly coal. There is a strommg 11111mm esslon , however , ( hint the Span. ishi goverminmemit will avail itself of time pretext - text afforiieti by this refusal to tirn lImo liect back to Spaimm. ImIuv1.I : ) tt' 'Vl'l'hI 1' . ' ISLi hIh'IS. ( ) Ni' ii s G I vepi ( I mit I ii l3uiviumisi ( oiei'i'm- lii.c , .tIIihiM itt Simmilimigim , ( Ccityrighmt , by , sstt ited ; l'rt-ts , ) hiAV.NA , JUnO 28-it is ftI uI tint palace of time captain gener ii lifre , tIme licailquiarters of otllcinl news , that time AIiicmiCnl ? forces are Ilmiding hifliculty in advimmicing tliOmm Santiago. it is claimed that. timey followed the railroad track to I JLmmagua , where time niimmes are situmateti , a short thistiinco from tiw coast , between Slbummey amid Agumadores , limit crc unable td mcimcii the hatter ; ilace lim spite of tiio pro- tectiomi afforded by ( lie fire of the war simlpit. 'Time conimmmandcr of time Spanisim gunboat Ardiiia meports flint while reconnoitering emi Jummo 26 , at Colommia , Punta Cortes nail other places , lie was imifornicil that a mitramigo I steammmer with ommo smokestack , apparently a war shilim of 3,000 tons , was In sight. Tiiq stranger sooii caught sight of ( lie Ariliiq amid iiursimeii it. 'uiie gunboit ieimt wltimimi time blue sea nail succeediul in keeping ou of rammgo of the guns of time pursuer. To th souihmeast time stranger , which turiitj out to be an Anmcrlcami war ship , aplicarell to he in company vithi several other vessels , Th Ariiiila made a reeonnaisammce on ti fdllow. ing tIny. June 27. antI ihiseovereti thmat the Aimm'riciimi 51111) hail captureti the sloop Ne- mnesia of Bataiiano , Aniitatl amid tianuehita or Colonist , amid the lillot boats Luez amid Jacimmlo. ; ; ; ' ' ' ' ' ' Jg ' 1)Ii'1'Iit'lIZfli ) 'I'O lymi . . . . . . U , - lied rimnit : Brooklyn , m.'p Ii ) l'reveimt Ilomim- , ' ? . _ i I a , ' , . "i'IrIm ; ) , iiy oimIii , In lm is , HiiisitJi to I ( ker First imiiinmtiii iistie cmi htiIit err _ timrl ) ff ' ienn-'tly , ; i I I It imy IiltC beth hall 'iumuk , out II ) ' (2mirihimti. , ii I ) elm I t'milie'lv i'Iimi "l'muhtr , t'flhiirut * pushing preparations for th defense of the city , 'I ' General Aguinaldo , the tmsurgent leather , deciares that the family of aptain General Augusti , who are prIonor in his hands , are at l'anpamigab an dare 'S'C1I ' treated. TWENTY-FIVE PERSONS HURT ltsiIt of ii l'HNengrr 'Erntit Pliiig time 'rriiek Nenr hiiirhingon Jlnelhiiii. MAltVlLI , Mo. , June 29.-Specia ( ) Tel- cgrarn-The ) Omnaha St. Louis passenger westward bound flew the track P. short dis- lance west of Ilumrllngtoa Junction this motning. The mail , baggage and smekimig cars and one coach were rolleth into a ditch anti received bad damages. The chair car also left the track. There wore about twenty- five on boarti anti almost all of them anti several trainmen received bruises and in- Juries. The seriously injure4 arel J , Dmtwsomi , Kansas City , left hand badly cut anti spine seriously wrenched. 0. T. Groves , brakeman , Stmunberry , arm cut in a window. Mrs. John Curn , Minneapolis , Minn. , hip severely bruised amid prostriuteti by fright. The track was torn up for 200 yards. A combination relict and wreektng train car- ryltig five phmysicians from Maryville nnd eight from Stanberry to care for the injured amid a large crew of men to repair the track was itemit till this morning. The track is still Impassable. While superiatenuhing repairs auth assisting in caring for the injured ( len- oral Manager Soul of the Omnalin & St. Louis received a telegram stating that the largest trestle on time road , located a few niiles east of Cotmncii l3luffs. was on fire. It has been ortioreti that all Omaha & St. Louis trains leaving Council fluffs go arounti on the ilur- lington line to Clarinda , thence to Ilurlimig. ton Junction , where they will go upomi the Omaha & St. Louis tracks. GEORGIA DEMOCRATS HAPPY htejoice tlmut the "Vsir Obliterates All Seettonmul Lilies Iii the Vu Itit States. ATLANTA , Ga. , Juno 29.-The democrats of Georgia today formally placed in nomn- ination thIs ticket , chosen by them at ( lie isrimaries June 3 : Governor , Allen D. Chandler ; secretary of state , Philhip Cook ; trcnstmrer , WIlliam D. Speers : .comnptrohler , General W. A. Wright ; commuissiomier of agrictilture , 0. 11. Stevens ; orIson conimiiis- sinner , J. 5 , Turner ; school commuissioner , G. S. Glenn ; attorney genertl , J. 31. Terreil. Time war with Spain overshadowed all is- stIes. Patriotic imtteramlces .auui referemmces to a umitteil country began with the first speech. hlnmi. } . T. Brown , temporary chair- tunis , in lila speech said : "Tue world looks on In amazement. Less than thIrty-five years ago one section of this country was arrayed against ( lie other in lmiternecimio vnr , the Itlc of 'ivhiichi never witnessed on tIle globe , and yet Whieli ( lie first foreign foe would. dare insult the miational honor , or Iny It.a unholy hands upon the national flag , thiec two , as if they lutti never beCa apart , rLtsim together vlthi omie nccorti , with one purpoae , to see which ean tb greatest honor to Its country's cause. " F. J. Dimbignomi of Savapmuh was niale nerniamient chairmnami antI nnaunced Clark Howell of Atinuta as chmtlrinan of the corn- rnittco cli resolutions. The ticket was then put throumgh with a rush amid after a short recess Mr. iiowqli reath the Illatformu. It pledges the state of GeorgIa "to the flag of our coumitry" amid aflirins the cause for which ( lie United States is engaged in war with Spain is just amid righteous. anti on ( lila subject says , ftmrthor : There is caumse for umulversial congratula- tiomi In the fact thmstt ( lie iiatriutic uprising of the whiale people. has obliterated section- nhisni from time politics of our country , anti while the PCOIll of time south unite with thee of the north 1mm cortlial entliumstasmii ever ( lie mnarveious victory of Dewey iii an- niimilatlng Spaimi's Asiatic iieot , it Is grnti- tying to observe that those of the north are no less cordial 1mm 1)estowlmg ) praIse anti coni memitlation upon time heroic tiecds of the two bravo young southerners , flagley aiiil nob- semi , who with their Intrepid comrades have lyOn distinction which viii render their miaines lmnmiiortai amid add new luster to ( lie .1 nnrlt.n , , Now thiitt tue war is 111)011 US , We urge 111)011 congress and imion ( mie atlmlmiistration to leave nothilmii ulitlone to push It to a Speedy and successful commclusioim , Time vol. Unteer forces should be increaseti to macct time cimiergemicy. anti neither the arzny nor ( lie navy siiouhil lack for want of fummitls to secure decisive rcsuits and force at the earliest practical rnomnelmt the ahantloarnent by Spain of its lO34esSiOn5 ) in ally Part of time western hemIsphere. Time construction of ( lie NIcaragua camial is urged antI tue free coinage at silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 demanded. The electiomi of senators by direct vote of the people is fa- I voreil , amiti profoimmiti and undimninisheil con- lidencu Is extended W. J. hiryami , TROUBLE FIXING PLATFORM l'eiiiisi VII II IlL hlemunerntn A ie hftilt- lug sveeii 'l'svg , Umliiiimms. ALTOONA , I'a. , Juno 2fl.-Thio state democratic - cratic comiventlon assemnblcfi to nomninate a full state ticket for the fail csmiipalgmi w'mms called to artIer thmis afterlmoon by Chmairimsaim Garaman. 'File opera house , where tIme cnn- 'entlon suns Imehil , was paekm'l to thmo doors. P. A. O'hloyle of Luzeremmo county was chosen temnlorary ) chairman. Time idiutfom iii Is cnumsing tIme tielegates more comicermm timat the miammmlng of ( lie cnmiihlt1atts. A half tiozen leaders have hicemi at work on the plntforni , for two ulnys , smliLl had miot i1eitchied an agree- macnt i lieu thit comivelition met , The pro- liotmnced free sliver dclestes imislst on a boiti tieciaration In favor' of ( lie 16 to 1 I Policy iimitl mu stromig emuloreenient of thit Chicago platform. The ! onscrvatives are Opposed to any resolution op ( lie silver qucs- ttoms , amid demnanmi a pisitform conflmieti strictly .to state Issues with a palotiP plank , cmi- .horsimig ( lie var hiollcy of Ijresidermt McKimm- I Icy. Intllcatiomms sire tifmtt. Gtorgo A , Jemiks ( if iiroohviiie viiI be the gubernatorial nommiinee , Sl'iIICI'S inI.lU'/J'iS ) 'ltt ) lNsuuii'i ihviillhill s. a Lt'hi$4mi' $ Couieui- ' I hill is I.timgt'i , Attemideil. , - 'ST. LOUIS. Jumic 29.-Five imimuidreil amid twelve clubs withi a miiofnbersiiip of 30,000 , vero representeil at the conventIon of the 3flssoumri State League of itopimblicami Clubs which met here today. George II , Sitiemier , Joimmi B. Owemis , II. Llowd amid C , W' . Watson were selecteti as delegates to time national convention of republican clubs In Ormiahia. Judge Chamies qah1mmkamp of Fraalclimi county was elected 'presl&'it of the state le.mguo for the emmmuing year , anti WlhiIamu II. han , secretary. ) iaL Sebastian , Prof. 0 , 31 , Wood , John Albus , Cbmarles I" . Buschme , A , 11. Fr.hericks . and Fred Wilhmoff were chocn delegates to represent time state at large. . ' ii ! , , I 'iii Ic tei ii I iii ( or ( is'm'ii.Ir. I " Today i _ _ , , Tcnn. , Julie 29.-At the "camimptiro night" at. George i. tu. I - -'ivntiomi to- roliilatles I , wIth theIr ftinillk'im will meet i , . , at the lost hail , Tw'mlty-fouthm , anti Gramit I iii I sharp Streets , , Elmtertalnmmieiit bigins at S ii , ma , ( cemitiy I I arc sa Ck1IA1tA'ILL \ \ ' PUSh AhEAD Intends to Start for Philippines Today. with Part oflIls Squadron , LEAVES TIlE TORPEDO DESTROYERS I3EHIND intter Arc Iii Such I1n4 SImile flint It is I mimptissl hile fur 'I'htiii to lii uvitit the Jiesi. ( Copyright , 19S , liy Press Pubilshiitig Co. ) i'OltT SAID , Egypt , Jumie 29.-New ( York WorItI Cahicgrammi-Specini Telegram..I ) hear that Aimniral Camara has tiecitieti to leave his torpedo destroyers hero whemi he pursues his voyage to the l'hliippimies amid Ui ) to this mnornhmmg lie says lie hiss reccivemi 110 lmititmintion of amiy contemplated change ihi plans , The torpedo boat destroyers seemmi to be quite beyomid tIme ninnagemiieiit of ( lie slovemily Spanish engimmeera. Tue local cmi- gimiccrs whi have beemi aboarti' the Autimiz have given an estimuate on thc repairs it requires and declare the emmgimies have beemi grossly neglected nail that very inferIor coal lnust"hftve beemi used. An ebidemnic imi tue fleet is feared. One case of imiallpox has beemi loathed from the lrnperatior Carlos V. Tue quarantine an- thiorities have bcemi notified , If Camuara goes oil toward tim Phiiilpplmmes without his three torpetlo destroyers he will hnve only two real war craft. imu lila squatiromi , thai tmnro- liable battleship l'ehayo amid the arnioreti cruiser 1'mnperador Carlos V. lie will have nine ships miltogetimer , of which ttiree are transports amid four are rnercmamitmuemi equmipped with froni two to twelve gimmimu each. Cammiarn. states ( lila ovemiimig that iie cx- pects to continue his voyage tomorrow , leavimig time torpedo destroyers behind , Ito- pairs to the Authaz remitler time possibility of its fohlowlng remuote. It. is believed on the fleet itself that time timreo destroyers intended - tended to return to Spain , but will requmire coal to tramisport thiemii. A council of the couinmnmitiers of all tIle ships was liciti aboard the Pelayo this afternoon , at which Cammiara comiimnumiicatcd iiis latest orders from $ intiriti to hiis colleagues , There is little sign of activity about the niiips. It. Is reported thmat five other macmi are ill with time sninllpox. MERRITT SAILS FOR MANILA tremi ; t Crouii .tssi'iiiiahe I ii ' .Vi t ness the Stnrt-VIil Mitite .111 I'us- si It' S'el. SAN FRANCISCO , Jimmie 29.-The speedy steamer Newport , bearirrg Major Gesieral Wesley Merritt , niilitary governor of the l'hilippines , and his staiT , besidL he Astor light battery amid companys It amid K of ( lie Third United States artillery , amid detachments - ments fromu the hospital and signal corps , Is now on its way to ManIla. As the vcssai gradually drew away from its tiock the blow- lng of mnammy whistles told the people on shore that Geaeral Merritt hail takt'mm hiis departure. Great crowtls had gathered to witness the tiepartimro. of the vessel , smbtl niamiy fasimiomiable equipages on time ( hiCk told of the presence of reprc'tscntativcs of tIme 400 who had come to bitl farewell to frlemids anioilg time niembem-s of the Astor battery. Many tumg boats and yirchts chartered - ered for ( lie occasion accarnuanleti the NewPort - Port dowmt tIme hay amid out thiroughi the Golden Gate to time PacIfic , wlire the last farewells were waved to ( lie miepartimig military niemi gatliereit on the tieck of the steamner. Time Newport will make au effort to overtake - take the third Ileet of transports which sailed emi Mnnday , before the fleet roaches 1-lonnhumlum , where the vessels will coal and take on fresh supplies before proceeding to Manihi. General MerrItt is anxioims to avoid an encoumiter with amiy vessel of the Spanish navy and vill issue orders to time Ileet at honolulu to mnalce all hiossible speed to time Islands. It is probable that the NewIort vlll not wait for time other vessels of the ! fleet at honolulu , limit lviii proceed with as hlttio delay as IOSslblO ) to Manila. : i AVifld , II i I'll ( I t I ) ( ) l' 'II I n ( 'Zlitiihim Neeoiihi ( miiihiimit.iits the Cren , ithi. . WASHINGTON , June 2t-Tlio ) Navy do- iartmmiemit imas rectiivcth fromii i\ctlmig Secretary Spamihilimig of the Treasury tlcpartmaent a letter - ter imicloslng a report frommi Captain F. Ii. Newcomb of the revemino cutter hadron impomi tue ommgagernent In Cardonas hay In which yoting Bagley was killeti and Lleuten- amit Bermiailou , conimmiandlmig tIme torpedo boat SViiislow , was badly lnjmmreti iii tIme thiIgh. After teliimmg 1mw well lila own cress' acteti dum imig the ( hue they were ummmtler fire try- lug to rescue time Winslow , Captalmi New- comb takes iileastmre in test ifyimig to thin remmmmmrkahlu bravery miispiayctl by Lieutemiami Liernniiou antI the imien of ( lie WInslow anti "consider it omie of ( lie greatest privileges of amy life to have been an eye witness of their coniiumct at a tlnme vhemi mummy miieim uvoulti have feht Juisitlfleti In abanuiommlmig hope. VltIi such olTicers anti macmi thio Amiicricamm natiomi many vell be tirouti of Its navy. " YALE GRADUATES SOLDIERS , 'I'u t'iit -'I'iii St'ui lorsV'mur liii' lYmi I- fu'ni , hIi'i iig.r 31t'i.ih.i'rs . of liii I tery , t , Ilghit Art IIh.r , , NEliAViN , Conmi. , Jumio 29-Thifl 198th minmilmal comimmnemicemnCn ( of 'alo ummiversity was hiclil toiny timiti , rer 700 weme grad- uatecl. l'icsidemi ( Tlmmiotimy Iwlgiit deli v- ercd hIs amimiuial address , Timemi foliowcd tIme anmiouncemmmcnt of iirlzes and fellowships , immcludummg graduate fellow- shmlps iii time tlivlmmity achioois , uimmiversity tel- lowsliihis Iii thme graduate school , mtcntlcmmiIc fehiowmmlmips simiml sciioimmrmthmips , university achoiarimhmips in time graduate school amid tue foiiowimmg university vrizemu : 'l'iie John A. Porter prize , Samuel I'eter- semi , It. A. , 1895 , liii , I ) . , 1897 , Ios Aimgelcs , Cal. , 'aie law schiooi , 1898 , Time lieminett prize , Charles Bverett. Farr , Athal , Mass. , Yale , B. A. , 1898. The Cobdcu chub mnedul , Morrell Vnlkcr Gaines , 'aie , 11 , A , , 1898 , Albuquerque , N. M. i'oetry pmIze , Martha hale Shaclelfortl , B. A. , Wclleshey , 1898 , Dover , N. Ii. Perhiaps ( lie most idcturesque feature of the prcsemmtatlomi of cantlitlates for degrees ii as the presence in the fm out mow of can- I didstcs of twenty-two memiiors , all . wearIng the Umilteti States uniform , They are niemmi- hers of flattery A , light artillery , of thmu volunteer service , Although by reason of their volumiteerimig the college courses hind hot hieemi completed , time corporation haii voted to comifer upon thietu time degrees so dearly earmieti amid they received their diphomuas wIth ( lie others of their clmismtem , I'ust mu ( 'at hsIs'scrii iii Vruuim Jt'ii i' . WAShINGTON , Juno 215.-The Navy 'Is- iiartment this afternoon mmmdc public tue foi- lowing cablegram : . . ( 'uclIe-No chiammge in tue situatloim sluco flocketl'1r001 of .Jtu" .g. iivc ( lermuan , ItI to he piayjzig more or ICiii ' one Jopamiese 'I- - - - "exits have - - TiL1 ! - THE BEE BULLETIN , Weather Forecast for Netiraskti- I'ttir : Variable Wintis , 1 age. 1 % hiiiitnmin hay nt tlit' 1'imnsitioii , hattIe ( ' , rut Saul , ( 'nm.mnrn . 'Vhii lii to I'hlihlpii % SiiiIii Afraid of iiii Attnek. ii ( 'emigres , , iif tiisieigiiis Omit' - 'lNsuInhm" at flit' Ii hmositiomi" 3tomitiiiiii lluiimtiiig Is Icliu' i _ , 8 Nebrn'.It Nt-u s. ' hti'll ( ' ( if ( 'harley 3inshiti b l'nmidti ilenuls for Stunt Iii , . , ( Iiiigr'spm hti'ij ririls ( hit' II 'I lhmi it.irinl mm miii t'iiiiiiiieiit , : ; 'l' tL'iiigrciis I'rit' (1 ( 'iiii mii'hi limits lciul 31mm I htlis II Ni'ivs ztii.t ( ' , iiiiiii .tiriirs at Smiii iii ( iumiulit.1 - . Shorting * of mu Ia ) ' , l'hiimus for timl'imrim lest , 8 liii ti'I ) 31i'i ii t t lic htnu'i's. I ) Itevicus of itet't'ii ( l'ilhii'iil hums , Ommlilii 1)1 * iI ( Ni-i. W'mir ' 1'mt. ih.uiiii'oiuttiip , . % .ijnmirii , Nt's' l'l mut'i' Fr ,1 ii ii ge ( mi rim ihi. 1 1 ( 'emil iuiert'inl nhumi l'hiimm mmcliii Nesus , 12 Ihizlit Ihalterit's In . ( t'l I. , , , , , ) emTersoiu's ' ' I'itiorIte' I'iiliiie. I'ciii mieratmire at Oiiiuhium liner , fl'Sr. ilomir. : , i , i , , . . . . . . 7a I l. mit . . . . . . 'Si ; (1 a. mum . . . . . . 7i' ; 2 ii. in . , , , , lit ) I' a. mum , . , , , , 711 8 mu. in , , , , . , t4.h S ii. iii . . . . . . 71) .1 ii. mim . . . . . . ' 57 1) ) ii. in . , . , . , $1 h. ii , iii . . . . . . . .1 10 a. iii . . , . , , S' b 0 mi ma . . . . . . . I I I mu , iii . . , . . . , ; ' p. iii . . . . . . . .t 1 lii. . . . . . . . . 811 8 ii. iii . . . . . . . . I ) u. iii , . , . , . 71) ) 'l'Ol.tV ' ' ' ' ' ' ) . A'l' 'litlil 1Xl'OSI'i'iON , At the t5ruiiiiIsm 'l'iiriiu'erein Ii , 8 m' ' . iii. , IS'oimrtIt htt'giineii ( hhmimimI , ( io'erniiient 1ii ild hiui. 'I ii , mim. , 'Pumemiers' Drill , Genmisi l'lnnm , S im. iii. , i'huuiimmis Ovliest cli , AntI I- t Ii I' m ti iii. simt : ) m' ' . iii. Iunrtli Iteghimuemit llmmitd , ( viiiitl L'imuu , Iormt ' 1'ovii i 1) a. iii. , 3liiNl'itl Cinirt'u4u4 ) , Ph nit Calm- gregut Imitimil ( 'ii mrt'hi. 1) ) a. iii. , 'l'eneliers' Cmnvunt ituum at 2iuyd'n 'l'lmm'ater. ii , mu , iii. , . iiierii'suii lust I I iiu of Lile'- trleiii Iii gili'i'l'N , hot' II ui Iii I nit. II ) it. iii. , 't'rim imtiilsslssI ; ijul 't'mirit'rs , 'I , n r a el a I I e. 2 mm. iii. , ii mail Ii it I'ii : i r miii ml SiH'etl A sin'iiit Itmiet's at Simile I'ii it ( t'i , , ! ii il ' 4. 1) ) mu. iii. , it i't''i't Itumi I U 'l'emu'iit'rs , City thio Nrtmsliaii. 110 has estuhiiishieti lmimiiself at Cavite , outside thin arsenal , ummider our gtlmms suimti ( lie protcetloil of the ni'mieiinl. lIe lists I nvuri abl y ccii il ii et etl tli ii va r hu ama achy. My relations with imiiii arc cordial. hilt IflY conferences have bcm'mi only of a persommti : miatuire , The caiilegrnmn , of course , camne froni Ad- mimI Dewey , hut It IVas mielther dateti slur sighed as givemi out. SANTIAGO SHORT OF WATER .t iii I. r I en ii 'm' S mu ' , ' I ii ( ' ii I t I ii m t lie alit I a " , V ii it'ii Siliumul im' this ! 'e'ztimit'reml City. ' l'reis I'uibllsliimig Co. ) ( Copymigiit. 1S9 , 1)1' KINGSTON , Jamaica , Jtmnms 2L-New ( Yuik World Cmthlcgrammi-Speciai 'l'elegrain. ) -A uhispatelt froni Santiago by the \'est I mmtiig iiIli ( l'mi nanin cable-wlm I cit is mm t mtmmd never hins been cut , as was rcporteti in ( lie United States-ammnoumuccs that last. miigimt a isuri of A miicrlcaii troops iimmiiiiy siicceedctl in tiomnalishumig ( lie vater miiaimi three miles ouisitio the city. despite ( lie precautionary mnensures iimiti galinmit defense by tile Spaniards - iards , Thin losses cmi botii shies are nti ! to have bcen heavy. Tills fact coiiilile'tcly mihiumts off the city's water supply and pro- dumees consternation. IJimless ( lie Americans cami lie drivemi off anti the dammiage repaireti Sammtiago vlll be comiipeiid to capltuiate wlthiln twenty- four hours. DEWEY REPORTS NO CHANGE lie Siivs lime Progress hihm' hmy Agiullizuimlo , time huisimvgeiit bemider , Li % 'mitei'fiil. WAShINGTON , Jimmie 29.-Time Navy do- imartmnomit today imiiitlc iiuihiic tlio foliowimig cablegramil fromii Atlmiral 1)ewey , imroumglm t by thin 3lcCiillochm to hang Kong , nntl timoughi untlateti , StililiOteti to hmlivc hicemi semit fmnin Cavite , Julie 29 : No chammge iii the sitmmatioii since my tel- ( grain of billie 17. Five Germnami , three U ri t mhm , C ii , ) Frelit'h tumiti mimic J mtpammese mar'11 - of rar in puit. Tii imisimrgomits comistamitiy closimig In emi city. i'uguiiiultlo , the imisur- gimit Icauler , vitn tlilrteemi of his staff , ar- riveti May 19 , by lay hiernhissiomi , Oil the Nanmhiamm. lie estabiislmeti imimimselt at Cavito outside of' tiso arsemial , umiiles' the Irotcctitmn ) 0 f oumr gli Ii It , it lid em gall 'tzetl ii iii a rmii y. Tim ; irtigrctts of Agumiimaida lists been wontlerful , I Jo has InvarIably commtlucteui time wmir hIll- mmis'micly. 31y relatiomis with hmimim mire cor dial , but may comiferemices have gemmeruliy Lenim of it persommni natum e. ( 'hIAlIIiS'm'N .U tS't' till Al 31A NI mA. % 'iushiiiig.cii'i lfhiIiiis ) ( 'iiIhil'uit iIi'Imi- , , - ' . ' , ' is ! I A rn e'I. WAShINGTON , Jummio 29.-The oiiiclals here are conililemm ( that Athiiiirai Dewey hia reeels'eii lime rolmilorcemnemits mimuler ( lemierril. Amitiersoim , which sailed finmu Sami F'ramiciseo May 2 , comisistimig of 2,500 macmi. The Charleston certaimily 11115 arrived , as It was leading ( lie trnmisports sonic cilsiamico 'uftem' leavlmi. honolulu.Vithi time aihilitiomu of Its 400 saihers almil mmiarimies .dmiiiral Dewey will feel iiiilchi safer. ' Thai Niuy department , it now appears , ditl mint eXiCCt to hicar of the arrival of tIme troop tramniports hiy thin 23d of thmimm immomithu , the ditto of time last report from Manila. it lied "stimnateti flint ( lie transports mimlghi lie soiiiewhmiit delayed by a onsit1ci'atinmi ( or coal colisilliilitiou , tiesirlmmg to avoitl rcacimlimg Maiilia wIth emiipty bunkers , as Ivoulil have been time ease if they w'er tlriven at full steam across time i'aciflc. Litter on there viii lie a lleimtifiml su4pply of coal at Manila , as Umiiteu Stateim Comisiml liaywnotl at hiomiolimlu lmas simrceedctl in pimr- chiasimig about 12,000 tons , sonic of whIch hill be forwarded imiimnetiiatcly to ( lie Philip- Idnes. ( msil 'l'i'ii ' uN fi'r Not A I iavi'mI. ( Coliyrlgilt , 1t9 , by i'rcss l'uhliniiimig ti.l ST. Pil'RitI , Martimmitiult' , Jimmie 29-Now ( York World Cabls'graimi-Speciiii Teit'grsuni. ) -Time Iaglish teamaer icmnepithrance { , comm utigmicai to time .Siiammisim consul , is still at Fort do France. Strong emideavora to tramisfer coal to ( lie AIirummte were simmie but failed after this visit of Comisul Iammtts to time gov- ermior of Fort tie irunce , who stated L'it.t no tramimifor of cargo wouhil be miliowetl. The destimiatiomi of the htemiiemnhirammce from it cc iii not known , hilt ( lie vessel is nwuitimmg tic- tIers , Ni'mviimtt nissi hiilpiiiii ( 'muhhimit' , \VASIiINGTOf'J , Juilti -ieerctary Lommg hiss received word ( coma ( 'ommmmodori , htcimiey at. Key Vcst ( hint time tiagSiip Newark , with Comimmmiodnre 'atmsoim pa Loaril , has iie'ui 1mm a collision with ( lie 1)olphihmm 'L'lie Newark was ummimijured , but the loliihsin sustained etimisitierablo damimage. It is univ cmi its uvmm . . - t. ilc'tiiiiit are oiitaimm- CASI1ILIANS SCARED Propect ot Bombardlnent by Ainorkan Vetuols Causes Alttnn , AUTHORITIES PUT UP TIlE USUAL BLUFF Try t Make tile Public Believe that Coast is Irnprgnabio. PEOPLE CANNOT BE FOOLED ALL TIlE TIME Annual Influx to Spanish \Vathring PIaesh $ Will Not Occur , AS A RESULT FIFTY PORTS WILl. SUFFER VmrI is hhm'Iiig l'iishi.'ml mba All ( muitMt a hef.'iises I ii Order tu hIutlst U.icle Smuimu' , , % 'mm r Shl I us mmiiii lug ( umiiN. ( Copyright , IStIS , by l'rc'rs i'mmlihislmlng Co. ) MA1)ltii ) , June 2S.-Memuugc ( forwnruie'd lirivatehY from Matiriti across Siunmiishl frau- tierNew'orl ) ( W'orlth Csutmicgraiii-Slmecial Tehegrnuui.-Tho ) ruimmiored comiiimmg of miii Ainerlenum Ilect to thin pemilmmstiia has catiseit ahirmmm : , imltlioumgiu time nutiunrities try to coil- ct'al the fact , Fsiwciail Is this time case on thu coasts imi the mmorthi of Siauii ; , where the uiefeiisctm ore mint comimpicto except at F'errul , where there Is an arsenal. All the othmcr forts thicro are hirotecteti emily by amicieuit. citatlois mimiui forts equIpped with etitiully venerable cammnomm. Iii conscqiemuce % of time report ( liii mmuinual Iniluix of visitors to time fsmshiommnimle watering places there vihl muot take idace. More thaui fifty Isorts bewcemu the boummitlmmry of l'ortumgnl mimiti tIme Freumcit frumitier % % ili stiffer. lvcmi in Sami Sehiastiiumm , tlio mutimiimiier remulthemico of this court , half of time hioummies amid villas are teimnmmtiess , simm It. usia been oiflciaily iuutinismtcti ( lint time quiceis amiti kimmg viIl rcinalui In Madrid until tIme end of the viir , Scrkmiis re'sistmtmmce miiumst he OxiieetCti Imy an Aiiiericnii fleet at. Fe'rrel , Cndiz , Coriluimma , Algecirsis , Ceutara , hlarcelumia mimitl Carta- gemia , haithi frommi forts mmmiii mid mics. Torpe- tloes imave beemi ishiuuiteti at thie'ke hmohiits imi ( lie I sist t % 't ) liiOli t us. Spa I mm him it muiro imbouit tw&'lity ttirimetlo boats of 120 tummis each , mmmliii mmcml liy crows mm miti o ihic ra tm'ai netl in torimetin schools. l'iltits sure reqmiireti iii or- tier to cuter time Ports of hhiliino mind Al- geciraim en imecomimit of stmbmnarimme tiefeimses. Tiio Siinuiislm nrsemmuimu : are working mmighit anti tin ) ' to get ( lie si'contl reserve ilet ready. Six timeusanti sailors of the ilrst reserve have been cahieti cult amid G,000 reserve - serve roliiicrs. hlotim classes Imsuvo beemu traimieti for two years , All of the lirimmeipsul gsmrrit'ouis , incluidimig thiose cii the llalc'nrie isles , have been icinfurcoui , uiiostiy vitlm mir- tiilery , of which Spmimi : has seventeen reg- inicuits , I't'iuiit' I'mi rt ( mi I mis G emmim miii. The imencc PaiY is galimlmig groumiti tinily I Ii t lie iii kid Ic amid work I mig clngses , piim t IC- imlarly iii time lrou'imices. 'l'hmu authorities at hiurcciomimm report imnposimig slemmiomistrit- tiomms mtiid mmiumiifcatos by tIme Chisimimber of Commuuiiercc' , ecummoniiclml societies , ( ratIo - ? ' umniomis , cmimmiuyers of iaiioi' , siime growers amid evemi t he aim I pp I n g anti ha mik I a g imiter- ests. 'Pime iuiimie umcmmtimmieuit. Is strong iii Amitimiltisia anti lilsciuy amitl Cmistile. 'rimis imiakea more atmiluimig tim contmiist betwecil the mu atonal I Ii ( crest it o F t lie flaumi chiml , cc ma- miiercilil amid innuicti ciiiamuciu amid mm ecrtaimu class of politiciamin 1mm Aladritl , whitm titTeet to comitimiuio to believe Iii tIme possihsie pro- hong.itiomi of ( lie war emi ( lie immIlIcille tiiit : Spitimi , hiavimig virtually lost its coioimicit , cams lint lose msismcii lucre , his t cii ci I mm il let smioiu dainimgo umpomi Its mmdvt'rsnry thmnui it can P It. highly sigmiificnmmt , lmmmuvever , that time ProsIleCt'S of Iies5iisie CtmIiuliI of hiCliCo sire mmmliv freely tUsciisseul , u'vemi 1mm tIm 3ism.lriti . Press amid leatlimmg circles. Tue tiilmltlmimntie coi rs ) amid courtiers thiimik pence vili hic liii- miiimiemit time mmmommmt'mit lvhscmm tilt ) fail of Simmi- t isigo It nil 3lsumm I In w i I I a I I a a' either tue urea- emit caiiinet. or its successor to iroiiosu it , Pruvitleti ( lie UnIted States govt'rmmmmicnt does hot mnsike titus termmma So Iisursii as to ilay ) umiconsciously Into the Imamids of ( lie Cur- : lists , melmuibhicamiH umiui other partieli cager fur rcvoiutlomi iummii clvii war. Citm'lzmmxeimi's I'fm'ii4'H , LONDON. Jummie 29.-New' ( York World Ca- iilcgramn-Suiechsul 'l'e'le'graiii.-Tiie ) iiiwelah correslmomimleuit of thin 1)ihly Chrtmmmiiio : at Car- tagemma sumitis mimcii valumimblo immformnatlon comiccriiimig Its micfemisL's aid the kimiti of ra- serve fleet , lie 8a3'H : "Tini bay Itself is mmow hmroiumimiy : ( lie most ii t romig ly foi't ihied Iii ti cc I mm Spa I mm. Fl vu ii i II S chIli mmiii liii I I mu en t rim lice' . A ( ( liii top a t each is a great fort. 'h'hireu mire apparently quito mnoiiermi hiumlit , hiesitle' there are batteries at every umoimit of vamitlmge. Mstiiy have beemi ctinstrmmctetl withiimi tim mitt two miioimthis. On ( lie extreimmity of I lie western ultiimt , of l'ummitsu tIe iii I'tidsitleriu ( ut ) 'er ) ' large mietv guimmit mire places ! imi time ousen simid a little wimy further I west is a powerful mic'w hismttt'ry , of mttonu with two giuiis , ( in time iioiglmta abovti thmeuo film ( her batteries mire still iseimig coimstrtmctemi. A t it simiali inlet jmmnt imislihe time tiny twc'mmty- five go miii liavu Ia t oh y lice a imum t i mm peal t ion , I six large amiet on i lie dust cmitm slice of time bay. I nrgo ga migmu of nicim a mu mit 'icc rk mm i ion the whole series of mie'wiiattnit'a extomiiiiiig tq tIme very top of tIme Imili. iii tile cmimsimmco . to , ( Iii , cli au mid of time hiarhior i titci ( float five red tumil whsitti torpedo buoys u'imlcim teie- grsmpli to tIme shore sit ( mmcli. Aitimgethier an attack upomi Cartngemmsu from ( lie scsi Is not ml thmlmmg to be lightly mitiketl , ' ' 'rIme Cartisgemia corriepomitlemit gives the' limit of ( lie so.ctilieil tlmirml reserve mutlumamirohm as follows : "Al ( 'adia time Vittoria , oiil famuhsiomicil broumlitititi irommelad ; Alfommm.mi Xiii , cruiser untiergoimig rceomsmtmucloml * ; i'iiiicestii .Astuirlas. iiu imrtmeticahly thin gnmmio commshitiomm silt vhmcmu lamm n ' : hicti ; Cacti i usa I Cmmimie roe , cruiser lying ummilimmiuilmed Ill clock ; aimxiliary t'rmiieer Metc'miro , ummarnicti nntl uummarimoreil ; tranmuathamitic liners Leo XI I I , Memmtserrsut aumti time destroyer icstructiir. At Cartagslma ( him ( ilrnltlo , Lepsmmmo and t lie mmislghilflccmmt 1mmhiryo , Cittalumia. At Iiau celumiu tIme Na- mnsinicsi , nfl ancient relic iii old ii cmi vltlm two boats , hiai'celo amId ittitimamosa , At thin call of party Pout ice miiscim , may hue tiomius i yen uI t ii tim iii tiumeer ccl I cc t I cmi. 0 lisol e I ii ii all mm - hiimed I'CSit'ls mliii ) ' hieforti iomic lie iiilshiC'il Imito thin svsuter to kevii time mimimmisiry imiloat , r4ctum- ( line I remmiemolier what a Sjiaaiaih smti'i ' to umie thin other day : 'lii ) umlamiii cu orilcr a ship antI a iiiiifi gets rmmsule ; iii Shmaumi we order a Shill ) Riid one or two Iiohdo act rich. ' lit. i i ( I % 'ihi , % si. tu (1 uis'sl liii. , ( (1ouyrlpiil , lt.9't , hiy l'ress l'uibiitsising Cmi. ) LON1)ON , Juno 2'J.-New ( York Worl'i Cmit4egrzimn - Shiecial 'l'elegrama--Michssmcl ) iavitt hitis given notice that lie will musk ttmtler , $ ccretmtry Curzomm tomoorrow wlmt'thmer time Suez ( 'anal ctmim''imthomi ittjiulsmtes thmat 1)0 war ship hiehomiglmig to a ticliige'remit shah sisiy mnore thiaii twcmmty-four hours at l'ort Said , or time' roauistt'ud ( if Slier , , except in case of ilietrers , amid whether time i 'imiith tt.hiiiim ci r il'geu uistr"i fur si iiu'hmiy lii 5ev-