Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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t 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TH1 Ot1rA iAILY 111:1 T1ESI)1\X , TUNE . 28 1898. -
- -
Idward 0. 1mba11 Exp'ains ' the Doctrine of
; . Ohri3tian science.
feIIhPrM Vrk (0 IltiI.I Lip rlieiii-
l . ! ( .I . * M IIIII1 ( Pt ripugli t'iirc
'j'rIINt In ( isl it lid IlIov-
Iitic hi IIIii
A ( kfflC of the rIneIt'1es of the belief
of Christian cIcncu anil a thorough cx.
pianation of what constitUtes the belief
jflflIC ( up the tlimc of a iccttire delivered
4t IiOyl'S thenter lzuit night by ldwarit 0.
} Cimbnll of Chicago
; The ( heater % vas filled zirnl many people
came who founil no vacant scatR downstairs -
stairs and turned hway. The lecture tit
( ratted nil ciassc of people and the followers -
lowers of the iclence verc niucli in cvi-
dence. The Peakcr wa iiitroiltlcctl by A.
: L. Clark. a newpnIer ) man who i a prorni-
nent. member of the St. Mary Avenue
Church of cicnUstH. iIi vords of intro-
diicLion were brief and quite to the point.
Aw : lecture vas free , a nil Mr. Kim-
. bahI'1lectUtcH arc. The expenses actually
incurred arc all that he requires , In this
" event the eXpCtIsCf3 'erc inne up by the
two local organizations. The lecture was
k listened to by cii nuilenco ettircly demo-
HhlliMuif a
Mr. Kimball is Sflll ( to have been restored
from a lOlig decline to health and vigor
through the ministrations of tiLe power
known to titopu vlrn flnd understnnliiig flfll
ntls1actIou In tue study and interpretation
of thia belief. Since that time he has et
to work championing its ailvaucement , cot-
. recting inisstntelfleflts of facts onccrning
it , denying whnt is charged to it and dud-
' best' of tue.
? dating Its tenets. 'Flie Part
SlCeCll Tilay be said to be what seeflis like
' It Practical aiiiilicatiOll to the fleeIH and re-
qtIlrcnicnts of everyday life.
lie said that the science gives a ra-
tlOflfll , satisfactory and unerring Interpretation -
tation of Divinity. It enlarges a
capacity for good , broadens liini nioutally ,
makeS hliii better flfll sounler physically
and iiiornliy. The ( llsclHures ( of Christian
EclelicO. the spenker stated , UC that instead
of being subjcctto material causation , mind
rightly directed-aml this means much--can
lrcseImt ) and cure disease and demonstrate
ItH mastery over palmi and sickness. A miman
in the of see-
vithotmt 1101)0 nail lost mazes
tarlan aiim ! doctrinal claslilags , while semireli-
log for the peace of Goil , should turn to
Of peace-ChrIstian science. 'rile
time \V8
selentifle treatment is lint vague or imitangi-
I ble , but is scen to ho the only natttrai way
amiti the operatioll of divInely natural lav
ltidced. lao asserted that while Christian
science Is hot flt all of the imature of what
is cahltti faIth cure or prayer cure , it is
twi actually time mnanlfcstatloll of ( led with lls
' healing u.
F Ili I tt iimx .t go i IIMI
F Mr. Kinihail lveit upon theologIcal va-
. aricS to a large extent. lie pointed out
; that time risimig Of a UC'V creed fur years
. muter its advent tiiioii the world called
dovii upon It the curses anti slIcers Of the
Ignorant , unbelieving &timd & mmon-mmnderstand-
: jug. Christian ScIence has been assaulted
-ortcn nhsurdly assaulted-as a ( lamanabie
hmercsy. ilt tlcimdcated ) time fact that there
should be objection to a belief or religious
systelli iecatmse its fo mider , 1s a woman. '
Christian Science teaches mmmli iw to know
himself and ( led , , . i'
'We canneL go Into an explinatlon of
tIme exact imature of Christian Science treat-
' ueUt. " lie said , "hut In the meatier of sick-
t , midas greater results limive been thus effected -
: fected than have beeti acimievemi by medical -
cal reniedirs or treatment. These results
t lmlClUIC ( the heahiimg of cancers , consumntion ,
limaccessible tumors. abitormnal growths ,
eiIielSy. ) locomnotor-ataxia anti mtmammy other
functional and organic diseases that have
been considered incurable. Regardless.
t then , of what nhlyolle many think or say it
Is incontestably true that 1iiiidreds anti
hmumidreds of immahignant cancers have been
f heal ed by C imri H t immim Science. I U nderstaiui
that. immcdicai records (10 not record a simm-
gb case at cure shire tIme world begnmm. "
Amnolig other timings Mr. Kimimbahi , in coil-
elusion , simico Ott follows :
\Ve believe , immuolig other timings , in time
efficacy of righitcotis hiraYcr. Silent itrayer
discourages insincerity.
Knowing as we mb that we are worship-
era of God , that 110 is tIle spirit that is
OlOniPoteilt , goad , lire , truth anti love ;
knowing that we nrc followers of Jesus
Christ amid striving to obey the ten cciii-
mnaimtlmeiits ; that Wa are striving to cai.t
evil ( lilt of ourselves anti others ; to bind
up time brolL'flileartetl ititil heal tIme sick-
Is it U wonder ve ask this geutratton , ' 'Fur
which of lhit'se thmlimgs are wt' being toiiet1. ' '
to Sii I.iik ( ' ( 'ity Viii thit'
L'iiliii i'ZiL'IIi ( ' .
numsiulces of "l'ilfl CItITIQUE , " 1)enver , Cal-
orado. uiil heave Oitiiuiiii on Julio 30th , 6aU :
P. 111. , ViA 'iiR UNION PACiFIC. Tickets
for time rouiiti trlim , including sleeping car
fare tmiid mactils 1mm diiuhimg car , milso FRRli
3llli TRIP to ( lie famous summer resorts
in Colorado , Colorado Springs , Manltou ,
Glenwod Spriimgs , etc. . will ho sold at ItATfl
OF $ GO.OO. For tickets and ( mill informnatlon
call A'I' CITY 'l'iCiCR'r OFFICE , 1302 FAI1.
' TII. , I'Dl ( ' ( , ii
Ilium limi a ii Ilimilimer house
. Ihuriziuti.
Frank Stewart , a stranger in the city ,
mmmade a ( hIring attemnpt at midday burglar ) '
. ) 'esterllny 1111(1 WilS CitlItlIreti , iinml is now
locked up iii time city jail , Before his cai-
turn lie leti his PrOSieCtiS'e 'ictlmiiS and two
Imhice omrers a long chase amid was only
titoimimeti by a fusiilatle of
Tim huouce Stewart sought to loot is the
' resldemmee of It. l'lienix at ilt North
Elgliteeimth. lie entered tIme resitleimee by
. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ seeeeseeee _ _
' _
Situ i'ElillOlst' ( ) * IIIII Ill-f ii ra-
, lIIOJi-.Jtului' ( ) iP4 hull i1) .
: hOt % iriul&ts , , S. I ) . , iiiiui itetuirn-
, Julie 8(1 ( iiuuil .1111) ' 1 ttuul t.
t lult l.uiIu iiuil itcturi-mI'JUt-
I JmuJ
V Port I um II il a ii ii II i' ii r-iOO.h1U-
' . ) uuutu 8(1 itiiil .Jui 1 ,
VnshuhuuWlOui mmuiI hict U rui-151 $ .iS :
Jiul 8 , .1 aijuul
' ishi Illt' giluul ite'durii-iii.iii-
.IuiI :1 : , .t uuuisi 5.
Umuitmulo 1(11(1 hieturui2JU,75-
' . Jui ) ii 1(1111 12.
' 1'umiL limturfllatlOfl at
'i'teket 0111cc- iJcit
' 1502 FQfflC S tarn MuSO SIS ,
: 'fr
: ; ' visitors to'this iodiDe. It bai
a basement window and made hli way to
the rooms at the family on the ccond floor.
Ito ha4 collected nil the valuables he could
lay his handuu Ofl when lie was ( litcovere (
by Mr. Phenit. % 'hen he 'was told to throw
tip his hands Stewart broke and ran with
l'henix In hot pursuit. A block away from
thin l'henix house l'ollce Omcer lougherty
joined In time chac and his revolver barked
siniultaneotisly with that of Phenlx's , but
Stewart emily ran the harrier. Officer hums ,
who heard the shooting , joined in time chac
and his revolver ahdei Its notes to the
fusillade. The other two PUrslers were
pouring after the fleeing man. Finding the
shower of lead was beginning to grow too
uncomfortabh , SteWart toppd and nliowed
himself to be captuted.
To Sui l"rnhu.iNoo uinhi Iteturn
roit $60.00 , VIA TII1 UNION i'ACiI'IC.
for North American Turners' Union Con-
ventlon , July b. For full information call
City Ticket omee. No. 1i02 F'arnanu SL
Everybody In tmaha did not attend the
circus ye3terday afternoon and last evening ,
but a very large number of thenm uhiti , and
like the usual iretis crowl it Was good
natured ; in fact it haul no occasion for being -
ing otherwise than good natured , The
Forepaugh and Sehl Urothers Present a he-
wiltiering amount of entertainment of the
khtmml which one expects to sce in a circus
and time performers aumil attaches of the
show 'set the spectators a good exammmple in
decorous belmavior. The circus , like every-
tIming else , fins gn thmrouigl its process of
evoiuitloim , and that is apparent in many
% % ' 11y3 , but in none is it more noticeable than
in time behnvror of those connected with it.
Froni the days in whtch everybody In town
xpetetl t free fight. when time 'showt'canio
to tori tii1us become like ammy other bu3i-
floss' emiterprise to recognize that to prosper -
per it must cease to oUtrnEe the good order
of tIme community. Thd F'orepaugii and
Sells heOhIL' ) 'jrescnt a ( ' ? in performance ,
free from vulgarity and objectionable tea-
ttirS5. There Is ciwded Into time two and a
hiilt hatirs of entur.tainimmcnt about every-
timing lim the arobatic hiime , together with
50100 very Immd' eqi'mestrIin exhibitions and
some really mnarvejous eNamples of what can
be aceoniimhished by patience and intelhigemmt
trainlimg of the lower menibers of the animal
kingiloimu. Of time latter the performing
seals are easily tIme mnot interesting and
muost Uovel , him their orchestral selections
thC ) arc hardly aim to the standard of Timeo-
ulore Thomas' prodtictioims , lilit out of very
unpromising looking mmummterlal their traimuer
has succeeded iim erolviimg a most lmlghiy en-
tcrtaining act. There is too imuuclm of tlmo
pcrforimimnce to rdimtler it. possible to men-
tioum each of the acts separately which are
worthy of It. The cntertaiimmnetmt is nevem
nhlowcI ( to drag for an instant , nimother
fcattmre'imich Is appreciated by the specta-
tars. The three riimgs nrc kept constantly -
stantly occupIed and thnso iio behold -
hold are scarcely through applauding
oimo clever turn until anothmcieim -
gages the attention , Of the 'thngs wimichm
arc miot mic % ' , limit whelm are worthy of nueii-
tion from the fact that they are Particularly
veli tloii , are time aerial Pertorimlance of
Lozehle. Onrimella and Ryan ; the Deveres.
female acroiats ; tIme riding of iiennett anti
Reed and of time Misses Iavenport , Livingston -
ston amul ilobsoim ; auth a catchy feature was
the ulog chariot race. They go froimu Oumualma
to Nelraska City today , to Lincoln tomorrow
amid return to Councilflhuff3 the next do ) ' .
Thut drummunier boy of Shiiioim gave an 'in-
tereatiuglectue , illustrated withm stereopti.
con views in the Young t1en's Christian as-
soclati'dim au'dito1umn last night. time Imro-
coeds to be donated for the bemmefit of tile
hurt street Old Ladles' home. Time enter-
taiumnmcnt was a pleasing one amid it is to be
regretted that only a tev versons availed
themselves of the opportunity of liearimmg it
antI seeing tIme views , which were composed
of various fimciIemits connected with tIme
War of the itebeihioim anti time fight at Ma-
imihmi , together with the lamuding of our
troops In Cuba. TIme lecture will be to-
peateti tonight at the sumac place and a
wore profltahle evening could not be spent
Timat time management of the Trocadero
have realized their ambition Is es'idenccti by
the large attenbumces of the last wecic. Time
Stage performance was line , the audience all
that could ho ( lesIred In nmmnmbems anI al-
preclatloim. Miss JosephIne Sahel , rightfully
the leader of this week's corps of perform-
cr5 , was greatly appreciated in hir catchy
sommg anti dance sketches , , for all of appearing -
ing imm time last nuimmbor of the proiram.
harry Arnmstroug , of old with Jack Ilaverly's
minstrels , pleased with original sayings and
songs. Time well kimowmm l3ison City quartet ,
recently with "Time Texas Steer , " enthrliied
witim nullitary songs , backed by descriptive
scenery. Miss Viminie lie Witt , aim exceptionally -
ally line eormmet soloist also gained earned
applause by atiihingtoher selections several
national a1rs. MIs "tfboi Cnssidy , deserip-
tivo amid , oPeratic vbcaist , was veli re-
celrtid. Little Lula , time trapeze artht , is a
wonder for oiTh 'of imurage. nut , exceptlimg
hummaimity , . of cotmrse , Frank Ciardimer's
trained monkey is the wonder of the amusement -
ment seekers at reseat in this city.
.th.uuit . Isium mu miii lie to Curt ,
It ,
I have simfferetl a great deal from rhetima-
tisin itmd find that Clmamberlaiit's Palum lialimm
mtiuvfl'S gives moo promnimt relief. It Is the
hiet iimmlmmucimt I himtve used-J , W' . Iirock ,
immercbant , lironmicy , Ky. i'eopte uvho bave
suffered for years with rimeummuatisam have
bean cured Imy a few applications of this
hiimiumuent , , Time prompt.i' hlef from patium
wiilchm it affords Is alone worth mmmmmny times
its cost , - Try a 25-cent bottle of it. You
are certain to be more thamm llcased wIth
time result
V Isit I lug I9uys h'18m114 mu umd 1'hL'l ri-
t'iituum " , Viui ( uuum his
lhighumit'ss ,
Time Kmulghts ofAk-Sar-ileim wore last
eveimlimg hmonoreti vith the iresommco of mmmore
than 100 vIsiting hmilysidiatms anti electricians
wlmo sought eimtrance to the court of time
royal house. They had timeir every wish
gratified anti could have itad more bad they
aslccd tom' it. lvcrythirmg , ( maui the ice in the
lemmuoumado to tim eggs in the saimdwlciies ,
was just what it was cracked up to be. So
u't'ro lots of othmer tlmiimgs ,
It. wn soimmevimat after S o'clock when a
rotirier aimnouiict'd to Iln Ak-Sat-lion IV'
that dye scare of imarhariun , desired adimils.
slon. 'rime vortcuhiis was lowered and the
trIbe advammced. 'i'imey were not the bar.
itarimmims they had been paiimtcti , but turned
out to be simlemmtiiti ambassadors from friendly
courts. Time initiatory coremommica were observed -
served vltlm the usual solemnity , and after
that everything went. Time assemblage was
turned iimto a big joliification Imiecting , amid
wimen time court functions were at aim end
and time refreshments enjoyed all umuited in
three cheers for King Ak-Sam-lien IV , the
most regal host of Qulvera.
I'ILL. ( ( ) lit Itieuut iii h.ijsuitt'uI.
Time mmev'abasim solid vestibule train of
day coaches , sleepiug amid dining curB , A
traimi for tourists mind all classes of travel ,
Leave Chicago ( daily ) , 12 noon.
Ieavo St. Louis ( daily ) . MO a. in ,
Arrive New York via \\'est h3luore , 3:30 :
p. in.
Arrive lhoston via Fitchburg. 5t0 : p. in ,
All agents cIl tickets for this train and
will tell you all about It. AsIc him or write
0. N. Clayton , 0. W. I' . Agt. Vabah It. it.
l'late CHase. Plate Mirrors at F. 13. Ken.
nird's , 1110 hlarney St.
grew us , .e I
I3ought from Marine Innrance Undorwritera
from Steamer "City of Worcester. "
$1.50 1.nuilcs' VrnIier nud Ten
( huavuius , .IIe..2mmc I.nul IPl' antI Cliii-
, Ir'n's ihusler ) , :1 : 'i-ic-2tJe ' % % 'e't' '
hitutuuhhccrt'hlets , 1 1-2e ,
2.OO LAlIlS' W'AlS'i'S , 230 , 3JC , lOC.
too dozcn waists , all kinds , ai ) qualities ,
percales , lawns , Scocm % pmimt zemhyr .inltamp ,
Inctitling white waists , evCry one t1ml ea. ,
son's style , some of tbni ' slighUy mnUsd ,
on sale at 3c , 39c mmd title. worth from $1.00
to $2.00.
Ladies' lumen crash am'iti duck skIrt8 , all
of them this seasomi' styl s , ! unl wqrtm from
$1.00 to $2.10 , on sale at 5c , 490 and OSe.
LADiES' $ i.fO WRAI'PERS . , ANI ) TiA !
2,000 ladies' lace .aIlect mind open work
wrappers , trimnimmeti with ruflle light anti
tiark gmouimda , aetuatly tortii mm ie
at 411c. . , . , . . ' ' t , '
1,000 yards of taffeta silk , 'in i'iaiulS ,
stripes and checks ; $1.00 quality , almost ir-
foci , at 2c yard.
& ,000 lathes' trimamneti sailor iuit , ' white ,
black amul colors , wprth ti to 2.tiQ , on sale
at t0c.
20C LADIliS' ANt ) CILILD'S iI0StEttY,3C.
- 1,000 _ dozen ladies' , mnisc.B' , chIldren's and
boys' hosiery In fast bIacm ammo titn , some
siigimtly vet , others siigimtiy imperfect , go
at 3ie imair , worth up to 2Oc.
All tIme high grqtic , , hoiey , imi , timla lot
that was at imhl Wet or tiahip , wHi go t
Itic amid i7 ½ e imair , mortlm um to 6tic.
Tlmousands of dozens of all kinds of handkerchiefs -
kerchiefs ( lint imave beeim slightly wet , go
at 1'4c each , worth up tdOc. ' '
iimmmense lot of tmandkcichiefs that are
ommly slightly wet anti mnussed , all klids , go
at 3 ½ c , Ic and tOe each , worth up to 35c.
; 0o dozen ladies' amid childreim's fine qumil-
ity summer vests , go at 'J'C eait , worth up
fo 20c.
An immense lot of ' unti
Cimiidren'um Jersey ribbed imitiia. gauze mud
baibriggan underwear , go at lOc nhd l5c
enelt , worth up to 35c.
uiiumeie quantities of Ladles' plain' nun )
fancy l'iencb lisle thread undervear lii
wlmiee , acrue amid black , fancy Li mmmi- , go mIt IDe cacim , worth tip to 1flC. )
' qtmauity Egyp-
I3tiatlietls of Ladies' finest
han cotton anti lisle threatu uimion numits , go
at 29c suit , worth $1O0.
All tin' laces where the boxes Immiro beets
ehlgimtly wet amid broken , some 'slightly
soiled , go at 3 ½ c aiuti lOc yard , \vtmrtli lip
to 35c.
All time embroideries. phmnost prfeet ,
slightly tiamp , go at ic , , 7hc , lOc amud Z5c
yam't } , worth up to 7C.
; T'c qlmahit ) ' Perfect flt'thmmg Suimumuer corsets ,
made of imest quality Ict , , go , a 2jc ) , each.
' '
, e ( . , Ladies' anti Gemmts' umbrella's , well
mimatle. ever ) ' one Per/ec. go at 35C each.
so higlm grade unml'reilas , ZU inch , paragon -
gen frmune , suitable for ladles or gcnts , go
at i'41c eacim.
Thousands of imighi grade , gloria , silk ,
taffeta silk and bond , sere umbrellas , go
at 'JSc muti $ I.fl ) , worth tip to $2.00.
lGthi and Douglas.
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
. .
ihOS'I'ON s'romum 'i'L' S'I'It. % % It.t'i'S.
, ( ) ( ' & SCII rlt'i"M 'u'htnIestile Stock
( 'le'eiim itoh , 0. , hlouiclit fruii
ftC. , 9C. , ltiC. , 25C.
All time macmu's mmd boys' fancy straw hats
and largo still iiati ; tlmat v re slightly damn-
aged , go at c.
All the macn's , boys and chmiitlremfs23c anti
35e straw hints go at 9c. -
All time 11100'S and boys' 50c straw hats
go at tic.
Your choice of time finest men's amid boys'
straw imats , absolutely sotmnti anti perfect ,
worth UI ) to a dollar , go at 2.c.
Your choice of all time mncmi's linen crash
hats-ui nil time newest shapes-go at 25c.
N. VI' . Cot. 16th alit ) iouglas ,
Itouite 10)1' 'l'huel r Vltrluui ( amid ( ) Oier
1'i'til uimluuiirit's Ifnu't. itetu& Ar-
ra : Ljiod Fur.
The Turners imave chosen time route for
their parade on Friday for tIme opening of
tlme great Transmlssissippi Turnfest. The
coloma mviii leave the Turimimaihe on Ilarney
street at 10 o'clock , anii nmarclu to Ninetentim ,
north on Nineteenth , to Farnamim , east to
Scveimtcenthm , north'te"D ugltts , ettsttb SIx-
tconth , imortim to Capitol avenue , east to
Fifteenth , outhm to Farnam , east to Tentlm ,
Sommth to howard , vest to 'rlmirteeimtimr south
oil Thlrte uiitim to the Turnverciim imark. It
is especially reqmuestcti that people along the
route of time parade tiecorate for tIttocoasion.
At 8 o'clock timis evening timere will be a
dress reimearsal of uime classes cnterd ( u time
hopes that all pm'1semmt at thic timmie ,
as timis viil be the last dress relmearsal.
' 'I' 0 ' *
No picnic or outing is coinpiete 'tyitimout
Cook's imperial Chnnipagiui extra dry. It
completes your lunch , . , , . .
mum is V ili e ii ( s. . . . . .
Tonight amid coumtlnulng tiirougiiotmt the
week time Troctuiero presents an entire
change of vaudeville. Tue artists eimgage'l
for this week nrc Josephine Sabel , ehacteuse
interummttionahe ; time ilisumi City Quartet ;
Frammk Cimurdimer and lmis ruling baboon , Jes-
sic ; Little Lula , in a sensational aerial , act ;
Harry rmstrumg. minstrel comimetlian'Iti ; -
ale Do Witt , cornet soloist , aimt I.aybelle
Camtsitiy , tieserliutive vocalist.
s1nc1.ii , 1Nct'ltsIO iu.1'lI ;
'it , Port , trthiur itouitu.
\Vnsimiumgton , I ) . C , Iteturn July 3 , .1 , f.
Nashville , Penn. Return July 3 , i , 5.
ihmmftaio , N. 'V. Returmm July Ii iuud 12 ,
liommieseckers' round trip , July 5 alit ) 19.
Siecint rommumi trip rate to all sUmimimier re-
sorts. For rates. toldetH , with vacation
tours timid mmli iimformnation call at l'ort
Am'timur Route oiilce , I 115 Ftmrimaimi street
( Paxtoii hotel block ) , or write harry 1.
Moores , C , I' . & T. A. , Ommmahma , Nob.
ijW.O ) ( )
FOIl ROUND Ththi' TO I'ORTLAND , 01111 ,
for Tenth Trlemmniul National ° Council of
Coimgri'gmmtioimal Chmurcimes , July 7-12. For
dates , iiimiits on tickets and full inforimma-
tinim. call at , ,
City 'L'iclcet 0111cc , No. ht02 Farnam St.
'I'mveuul y-'i'Ii I mu St rt'et Stiu t bit , 1's't'Y
York City ,
1mm whore all trains from Chicago over Pemmmm-
sylvania Short Lines arm'l'u lim the mnetr'oP-
oils. 'I'imis statloim is time immiet to hotels ,
clubs , retail almopplimg tilatrict ammd residomi.
tial Imortion of Now York City. For special
lnforamutiomi apply to II. It. Iering ) , A , (1.
1' , Agt. , 248 South Clark at. , ( 'Imicago ,
Ci'l ( ) a. ium. Us 10 n , Jim , , ( Ii 10 it. Ru.
6:40 : A. itt , , 6:40 : A. M. .
6:40 : A , it ! ,
The Northwestern line train to St , Paul ,
Minneapolis , Spirit Lake , Duluth and ii Da.
kota points , from time Union I'aclflc' depot.
365 days cvery year. "Through by day.
light , "
1401 Farnam St.
U.tYJIhll'l' ( I'IIAIN ' 1 0 COLORlDO
Vhs Uock 1inuid itonir ,
Leaves Omaha 5:20 a. in. . arrives Denver
and Colorado Springs S p , in , Take thiM
train and save sleeping car rats of $3.50.
Ticket ofilee 1323 Irarnam atrst.
1oiv itut4e 1icmmrMIuil tu Stilt 1.mtlco ' , 'hit
Itock Ishmuuuul ILOUtI' .
Ooiy $30,00 for round tmip. Leave Omahts
June 30. For full information call at city
ticket office , 1S23 Famnani strcct ,
'i'hsu Superb Jlquipuiieust
and quick time of time Union Pacific makei
it the popular line to ill principal weetern
recoris , City ticket 0111cc. No. 1102 Far-
L , tmn at ,
TlhA'li lflS ANI ) OZ'JIIL 1hl'OSi'1'IN
'islturs Are COFiltflhi ) Tn'Itut to
Mako. 'l'hurnmachs'rM ni lttmnmr nt
IIAYDFN hihiOS. . t'1U 1110 STORE.
The great special saWs atavertised Suntlay
, Ihi be on sale the eslttweek. Exija sales
people in all departments to wait on you
1110 ShihitT WA1ST SALE.
The immense stoeio of fine shirt wnit
closed out to us tot pqL cash by V. henry
Rothschild & Co.0 NewsTork , have 3ust nr-
rivcd and go on tid Tuesday morning ,
The moat complete line 4mm America can be
fommd here aow at foil 11.3 below Prevailing
prices. All tyle , all' sizes.
175 tloz , lathit' shirb waists , ; minlds and
checks , fuli blouse fronts , worth The , at 49' .
150 doz , almirt waists in all makes anti
fabrics , worth $1.25 , at lSc.
140 doz , beet styles aflti materials iii simirt
waists , wortlm $ i7& to $ .OO. on sale at.IISC.
A beautiful line' of whiter piqume 'shirt
waists , worth $1.75 , on sale at Die ,
"The florthern part at California' is suffer-
log terribly fromn the uiroutim , " .saiti W. 11.
Porter of Coiton , Cal. , who is In Onmnha
looking over time exposition , "butt In the
southern part , where fruit , raising is the
chiet btusimmss , the mirouth has lmad iittle
effect. Most of tIme fruit farms have an
atmundant supply of water in any kind of 'a
season , 'and the only Imersona who are stuffer-
ing"nre those who have been iimdmuced to bay'
lands vlmich are poorly % vatereti. Real estate -
tate dealers Imave mnnrketetl mnuch atuch lanti
ama ) time uirouth will be of bemmefit iii that
it vill check the sale of hmmntis which ore
not vell atlapted for irrigation inmrposes. 1mm
time Western anti northern parts of the state , .
where cattle raising is time leading business ,
timere 'has been much suffering. Time ranges
are all dried tip and almost all the horses ,
cattle and sheep have beemm shipped immto
other states. flay amid feed have advanced
to extortionate Iriees , ammti it 'will take a
long time for time cattle mmien to recover front
timeir losses , "
Johmu'liuoum , treasurer of Lawrence
county , Soumth Dakotmu ; J. It. Wilson , mu
imrOnhitmcnt attorney of Deadwood , S. D. , and
Robert Ttuilent , who bears tIme distlmmctiomu
of being the first wimite cimiid horn lit time
Black Illlis , are in tIme city enu'otmto to their
respective homes from Aberdeeim , S. I ) . ,
witre tlmey attoimded time uopulist-sliver me-
Pumbhican-demnocratic convemmtlomm as uielc-
gates. TIme. visitors mantle a critical tour
of time oxpositiomm biulithings yesterday and
expressed themnselves as more timan deilghtetl
with tIme SlectaClo laid out before timenm.
ilacim sniti that he 'oumlti comustitute htinuselt
mu comnmlttec of one to advertise the fair
aummong his friends.
l'ersouitui i'iuritrtuh.po
lr. Ammiehia iiurrougbs of floston is iii time
city ,
lr , I ) . Ci. Lass of itodmicy , Ia. , is at time
A. it ! . Ilumuter , wife .anti somm of Miimmme-
altohis are 1mm the city.
Governor Aiva 13. Alaimms auth u'ife of
Colorado are in thmt' qity.
hlouu'arti hi. Baltirigo , esq. , has rctmmrmmetl
froni a ulmort trip to Chicago.
G , It. Snyder mmmmd A. P. Ely of Mccook ,
Neb. , are registcu'cti at thin Barker ,
B , F. Black , simeriff of Jeffereomm county ,
ha. , left the city for home yesterday.
John Ii. Foster and George E. Baird of
Grand Isiammd are guests at time Barker ,
George C. Loonmia and Gt'crge foyer of
Minneapolis , Mmmi. , a'ro stopping at the
Barker ,
Miss Coriimne Axforii of Chicago is spommd-
lag time suinmuer with imer cousin ida , at
Miss Slia hda' Bitki of 'Mnthlaon , Nob. , '
is visithmig her friend , Mrs. E. C. Axierd. at
2114 Luke Street.
.Jamcs T. Kelly anti vifc , Miss Lillian Fiji-
lot aumti Miss Lou Jack are New York arrivals -
rivals stopping at the
Mr. 'mV. It. hinywood , pubilsimer of time
Herald at iyersbumrg , Toimn. , is visitimmg the
eXiositioim , aCcoiimpanivd by lila uu'ife.
Miss Marie Cotfnmaim , vito has beemm attending -
tending Sacred heart boartiing schmool , has
raturmmeti home for the sunmmncr vncumtioum.
Miss Belle Goltiimmitb of thmis city , su'hmo
has beemm itttondiimg tIme University of Micimi-
gamm , imas rettmrned lmoomo to spemid her vaca-
Miss Sara P. Young of Caimitleim , N. J. ,
came In frouim time east this mornhimg , to b'
time guest of Mrs. Martha Field Iiethm tot a ,
Mrs. J. Jemnehi and Miss Cora hirowim of
iiartimmgton. Nob. , are being eimtem'taimied by
Mrs. A. Whitney for two u'eeks , takimig in
time opositioii.
Miss Mauii nmmd Miss Ladle \Vltimnell of
St. Louis , s'ho hmave becim ntteimtling time comi-
Vomit of time Sacred heart , are spcntiing mm
t'w days in Omnaima visiting timeir school
friend , Miss Claire \SToodarti.
Cimaries Mansard mnd wife of Aibtuflmerque ,
N , Al. , are ammjommg tue exposition visitors.
T. it. Van Kirk aimd tlaugimtcr of McKees-
itort. Pa , , anti Mrs. C. T. Wells , Jr. , ammti
cimliti of I'ittsburg , I'a. . mmiuke up a party
uvhich arrivetl in Omaha timl mmmormmimig to
take lim time exposition.
Nebrnskaummm at the Imotels : F' . rlowmnamm ,
Lexingtoim ; Mrs. it ! . E. Immff , 'tV. T. Sloan ,
Nebraska City ; S. L. iirowum , a L. iirouvmm.
Blair ; A. J. Sawyer , Llimeoln ; P. 'F. Zinmiiier-
immmm , ithiimmuio Zinmimmcrnmjmim. Battle Creek ; U.
S. hlrowmm , A. Ii. hirowim , Frt'iimont : II , hi.
McConaugiiy , iloldrcgc ; W. B. Cohviim , l'auv-
lice ; U. J. Gates. AlbIon ; It , W. Crass , Beatrice -
rice ; it ! . it ! . Keiuimels , Jeffersomm ,
I ltm.lS'I'tN 1Ul'I'1h ,
mmj-St : ( , I t I.iu I.o' it n.h II t't ii ruu-j ii ii e 80.
Tickets gooti fifteen dmtylt. Stop-avers nI-
loweti at and west of Demiver.
Take time Btmrhiimgton Route to Denver ,
timen vest over time Coloratin scemmic hues
(1)enver ( & 1110 ( Irando anti Colorado Mid-
mmmii. ) Far timt' best route-timrotmgb cool
canyons , beside wiftiy flowing streams
itriti untlem' the simadow of mighty nmoun-
tains. No heat , no ( lust , imo alkali ilaimis ,
flturhlngton trimimma for ienu'er leave
Oniahia 4:3 : nmmti 11:55 : p. in. ( let tickets at
1502 Fmmrnamii at. , amid mit Burlington depot ,
Teimtii antI Ztlasoim otreets ,
Sjtt't'ial 1..iu limit hixt'uirsiins tot Hut-
tutu ) iuuui , Ssuriitugst
Via the Lake Shore ztnd. Miclmignn Southorum
railway , A Hplentiid , opporttiumity for an in-
oxpermaive eastern trip. Full informnatlon aim
appilcatiomi. 13. 1' . liuropiurey , Ic , T. P. A. ,
Kansas City : C , K Wither , A , Ci , I' . A. ,
Chicago ; A. J. Smmmitiu'G. I' . . , Clevelani ,
itimi , , .tHi5ttim . % ( 'i'ouI is t lui' ,
ienmuy I ) . itium'pbyi has umuc(1 Itichmarti
" ) 'Keeffe In aim action to secure a dissolutiomm
of a partnersimlim. rrjii : pialumtiff alleges that
some years ago lie math time defeimtlant mvemmt
limto business iii imiantmaeturlumg a water timmt ;
posseed cturativu pTPerticS , Now lie wants
eli accotiumtimmg ,
Highest Honors , \Vord's ! Fair
Cold Medal , Midwinter Fair
rrom teamcr , 'OIt.Y ' ¶ orcesthr'm Bought
from MarinoInstranco , Undcrwrithr.
All Uiuitlenvlied limmshius , 8 1-2e-'ot-
li' Silk-
to'iu Fltumuuiels , - - -
nlluios , Ii 1-2e-1n l'ert'nico , , So ,
2 ItII.1 2 1-2 'nruls ' .S'iaie
SIIEETIN'G , DC'AN ! ) l24C ,
' 10 cases of yard site bleached lotusdale
mntusii'n and camdbri'c anti nil kinds of imigh
grade mntuslins , at' 4c a yard ,
All tht itnblraclit'd umttfhimi of every weight
auud gratie , Sonic slightly wet emi t'migcs , go
Ict 3c a yard.
100 , , CQ'FTO FLANNEL , 3C.
Alt kimmd of cotomm flantmel , iumcltudiumg
heavy illiti light t'eight , bleaclmed mutt uuuu-
bieaclmeti , very wet. go mit 3'c ' a yard.
'i2C 1'EilCAL1S , SC.
0ver,20 , cmse of lulgimest grade , 36-inch ,
percales , In all thd mmjt tatterums , go at Sc.
150 DBAPE11.Y SlLi OLiNR , 3 ½ C.
All the vcr finest grades , newest pat-
teruis , fine ailkolinc , very wet , 3i,4e a yard.
12C SUM1Elt 1)OMTS ) ) AN1) OUTING
' 1IXNlIt1 4C A 'tAItD.
S ctes ; o the.vgry mmest grumuics of wet
ilomnet anti otmtliig fla'immel ) , go at 4c a yard.
Over 100 cases of the iiiiest grade of u'ide
bleached simietitug 2' , 2t Mmd 2' , ) 'mltis wide.
mb , itcr goods mmmmmdc , niimmoSt somintm anu
perfect , g"tomtAy ! .
2 YAlti'l1)E tJXiiLiIACIIlIl ) SI1R1IT-
' iNG , ' DC.
All thia uubleacmefi ) slmeotimmg 1mm all widths ,
none less tlmmtn 2 yards ( tie , oumiy sightly
vet , go at 'tie mu , 'murui. '
BIEAqiiD . PlLi.0Shi P MUSL1 N.
All uu'i'dthms' ' of fhlmd bl' bdhmcd nillow slIp
immtmsiimi , UI ) to 1' y mrtls u'itlo , oumly daunng'tt
by wMer , go at 7e a ) flrl , uvortim 2Cc.
DOC CAltPEutTS.8DC'AlU ) .
25 rolls of strictly all wool , Loweul in-
gralim cnrpdt , ehlitmg all over Omnalmu at
DOe \vet , will go ttt : ioc
Toumeis at Sc , tOe , lIe auth 5c , wot'tlm
fromn SOc Ri $1.00.
. Imimmense bargaimms . . .imi miapklims , TOe , DSc ,
$1..9 nntl $1.59 dozen , worth $2.50.
Imnmtwogq .sItciai bargains 1mm table tiannsk
bicachmetl , ummbleachetl antI tturkey red , at 21"c " ,
: I'Jc , 4ic muuiti 69c yard. worth up to $1.00.
MEN'S'ET FUit4ith1iNGS ,
Summmune'r Tics , 4 1mm imaumds , I'tmffs , Ic.
Surnmmmer bands and Shmleld bows , ic.
SOc Silk Ncckwear. hie. !
SOc ,9ilic ttpemmders. lie.
Meum's 25cVorkiumg b'lmlrts , lie.
Men's SOc Launtiried Shirts , hi ½ c.
Mcii's 75c Latumjdrietl Shmirts. 39c.
Meim's 75c Uimdt'rwear. 25c.
Men's $1.2 Uimderwcar , SOc.
' . ' N.V. . Cor. 16thu , aud lotuglas St.
FIW siiRl'mN ( : CAlL Siimt'lCII ,
'in 1t.'k immuuut itoHute.
Coumi mnemmt.immg tIoimdny , J mmmme 27 , l'mihl
sleepers 'ill run frimni Outmalma to lemmver
oii train No. 7 , leaving Oummaha at 7 p. in. ,
imimmi mmrriving at iemu'er ii : i0 ammti Colorado
Siirimmgs 11 :05 : time followimmg mmmorimiimg. Give
tills mmeuv service a trial. For tickets amid
sk cpimmg car resirvatlomma call at city ticket
olrmce , 1323 , l"armmnmmu st
Ammti-I'ihi ctmrcs time Pill HabIt. 25c.
Yeflw ehculars
Pick Up tIme ellouv clm'ctuiara u'hicim will
he left mit yommr door ttitimty or tmnmorrouv-
anti remiti it carefmiily. it will tell you time
prico's mmt. which ) 'OU can buy drugs , imatemit
ummetiieimics amid Perfumery. at nmmr , lrtmg stare
at 1513 Dodge street. Middle of block. Re-
'ntemher thmec will be mu material advance
over these prices on July 1.
1tptmminr uriu Our price.
$1.00 Mile's Norvine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dc
SOc Malted Milk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SIC
$1.00 Mruitlne Pr'pnrauionc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SIc
Sflc tlnlvimma C'r.'nn ) or i4)tiui . . . . . . . . . . . . SIc
SOC Meiiiim's Fttti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SIC
11.1)0' ) Ornuigo Bltsstmn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2k' : 'ti. & L. Fltmriola'mtto'r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ilk'
$11.0 Orintmtl .Creumni ( Gourauds ) . . . . . . . . $ ii4
a , i'mm ( ko'r's 'l'ar Seam ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11e
TIm. 'l nmm t 4 errll I I , l jmit' .1 1 I I t'o' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$1.01) Pierce's Gtmitiemm Methlcitl Discovery. 62c
2 J'ustemmrtimu 1)t'tmtrImico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lie
50c. T'ozzomui's i'ouu'tlerM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lie
SOc Pyrammild i'iltm Ctmra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Soc Itmidwily's IteitLi ) ' Relief. . . . . . . . . . . . lIe
15e lttmtmgIm on 1tttt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hOe
2k' lledlliimlcu4 Ittissittim Salve. . . . . . . . . . . lie
25c Shelhielmi's Ientlfm Ice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lie
$1 Ill ) S m eu rmm's \ % ' I tm t' i f ( 'n'i I 'iver 011 . . . . 7 it'
tle Syrmmmm ott Figs ( geptilne ) . . . . . . . . . . . . 32c
$1.00 Swift's Specific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dc
StIr tltumirt'r Dy8metsimL 1uliltS . . . . . .
Sherman & MCCODnC1I Drug Co. ,
iait : lodgo' .
. . . . 'a ' . r U 0 0
ALL . ' -
. You may have a course of medicai
0 treatment ( or
0 of all kinds at the
S'hopar Moca1 ! Institute :
I New York Life Bldg. , Omaha , Neb ,
: . Catarrh , Deaf-
I Iiseasc of the I4mmrmgs , Stomnmci , ,
Kidneys , Nerves amid Blood. Refer-
. cmmce , by permission , to 5I ) cured
S iationts , I'he largest medical otiiccs
anti practice in time' uu'est , Tins Omaha.
. lIce , leading dully , says : "The Shep-
. arti Medical Iumstitute is eimtirely ro'lla-
. hla in a prnfe'msiommai ammd buroimmess
way. Dr. Simeparn end imis associates
0 lmavo tIfllflel and fully mnitirmtalnemh a
. lflilflg , 'eimmmtittion in the Lreatrrment
I chronic disenseto. , Time imubllc may
mtt'ely trust tlmem , '
: lIE For tetimnnlaha fronm
ministers , tcacimo'rs , bush.
. ness men , farmers , etc. , telling how
time ) ' were qured at home through time 0
0 Ma.i8ystern.
S BOOK -"The New Treatmeuut ;
how It Cures , " is sent free
. to all who write , It lit mm clean mnedical
. work for time wimole family to reati
. and is of great value to all wimo ek
better imesitim. hook and Consultation
. hilanks sent free to all inqtmirers. S
0 MedicInes Sent evorywimere. SPite
your case nd semmd for opinioum amid
. lowest terms. Charges low , Con.
. tation free , permtommnii' or by letter.
ihfemittos , 'J'lij I'iip.
S4V. . * o o o
TillS IS OflCAL !
- .
' ' TIm maumufacturo mind
I 4 sale of the
Of 11CM.
k is solely iii time hmnuids of
. # ( leo , ) V , ityso & ( .iu , 'I'IIIH '
r line limo "Coniposittu'
, hmunol cii handle ,
I 11 AN ! ) INTERNA-
I ' 1'IONitl EXPOSI-
4 ' \ ( ltmrdorm ) \Votttio , l'r r
S .Iuit , . A. W'akelield , ec y
: : Tea . , iaoi,75I2.OO
ii . CoiTus bizo i. 5 , fl..0 , * 2.l )
I Don't make a mistake
. . but get time right one.
I. ) cool WI Ryan&Co.
. , . -F ' 100 South 10thi $ t
Bets , Jtlno 2.
20ys' ? llcus/s. . ' .
Maybe you've CCll boyS' vnists ad'ertisec1 in dry geOdE
stoi'es at 19 emits or 28 cents or oIuO other catCllICIIhIy'
figure and wliehi you vent to look at them you've found
tlieiii o poor that you just ( li'01)1)Cd , them 1111(1 1)aSSC(1 ) ( 01k.
to the next COlilitol' LiIitl IougIlI the ones luftrkCl ( (37 ( cents.
You won't li'U ! 2 ¶ ! P here , Our prices oti waiu3tS.
start at 15 CtJhlt $ . ] ? i'Oihl tililt they go by nickels and.
( 'L'iillCS ill ) to'1.5 , aiLd at any price we quOte you will
l'illl a. goo(1 ( , \ VlJl1ilhitl0VltiSt [ 111(1 ' 0ll wUl find 'us.
jUSt as ilIIXIO1IS to itill , ' 0ti ft .t5 Cent Wt18t , if you.
tloii't W11It 'to' ' pay niiy htiore , ni we will be to sell you a.
(1011111' WUISt' , ' if" tllflt't3 tilt ) 1)l'iI.'O 'OU 'aiit t 1)1lY. Coinct.
ill today 1111(1 500 tO1i1O 1lO'tV iIU8S iii 'V'aII1S flhlI B10US09
. fihitI iiee a stock of waists that wau hllILde up S1)eCiflhly
for 'flie NebI'aka anti vi1I he 1301(1 at Nebi'akiiiriee ,
' ' 1liCII as you know are : t1way 1over tiliul othcr i3t01'Ci.
get for the iniiie ( luality OIgOOdI. Auiongt the itew'
11hih1gi you vi11 Iiiicl it choice selection oE latl'iOtiC waists.
in red , vliito aiid blue , at 75 cents eacltitiUlas most ;
WOlhiCil iay v1io 1C Ilteiti , ifJp buttons aiid badges on.
tlieiii 11h'C 'ort1i hilt , ' '
- - -
: : -
- - - -
- - - - - - -
The UpatoDate School
Teacher Does Not 1iet
but 50u ) 8005 time mmtlvnmmtmi ge tmf puurclmmmsiumg '
tms-Nowlmet'o else sue
thmtmt hiltuuiti froumi - cmlii
ilmuti all the old standmtrd mnakes. NovImeru
else cmiii sime conmparo omme with nuiother-
itltie ii ) ' idtle tum I lie smtmne uloor. 'l'imo , mmp-tu
ointe school temtchmcr kumows a guoti mnmtke
freumm it hOer LiiC. ) Time mittune oil the itimummo
.toiI imcr time story. 'l'im'mm mugmtimm shmo g'mm-
( II'mtll ) kumuws wimen time lrice is right.Vo
have 27 (1 I ff&'reimt mnmtkes I umitmd I umg mm I I time
great h'ltt I 1mm g it in liOlt thin t it re 111mm flu fmmct umr-
oth. Perhimps the umew pitmitms we mmre selliuig
mtt i2 tO 'it : ; ( nil tiuimP If desired ) ummay iii-
ti'm't't , imer. h'crimtmitm4 Slil MAY RXI'ilt-
( _ , iSl'i 'l'l I iI ( I Iti'A'1'l'S'I' K'tiNOti V hi ) . '
lN'ES'l'l NC. 1 N A ( 'I i 1'h' RIlING AN1)
ItEcoal I NG 'l'i i II OWN iht Oh" Ti i i lmES'I'
' ' ' ' ' IIILAINS
i'IAN ( ) 'l'liA'i' MONiV AND
CAN l'iUII'CE. a
him mummy citse siuc Scott ( limit tlme first step
18 (0) umma 1(0 Us a vi si t U f I umsImect itt im-bt'cutmuso
uve a m' t lie out ly h'uIti i' I mm 0 in mm litt 'ilI ) 4011
rltlmem' time Citi&'kei'iimg , St'Inwmy or Fischmer.
\ \ ' ( ' also sth I t lm lItt Id uvimm , i' I I I ulgtttn mmliii
I I it tim II to ii lit lm 21 inure ,1 , Ii'ftrt'mu 1 ummnkes.
\\e s.hl oum timimo' if ilesireti.Ve st'li mmli
limmuutms ) for $1110 ( (1 ( $ i3I less tlmmimm you cmiii
imi my I 1mm' III ci st'uvliem'v. Nt'uv Emmul'rac ) ii I timuumlmm4
its lout' mis 1175Non'nt' & Sumis iduimos
mlii low us ShS.-Somne nev imiaumo as low mmmt
$125. Neuv pinmmos for rt'mmt mmumti mtnmoummt
iamid mti io\'t'i tt , ii iii ii ) ' 0) it Inim'clmimsc.
! v' ' '
Lake Michigan and Lake SuperlerTransnortatmon Co
Own iji , , euv ' , te.'i t'icgii , I , , 31 ooitu , , ii.
Sallings Froni CImcnmio.
For ) ittcmt I titto ihun.t , I ) , 't rlt ( 'itt , , jt , , , , lIttitlo. , 'tar
ohllOetc' 'm'ta. U . % , ) mll'u , II m' .i'i'Imu.1i ASItt 4 1' Ii ,
i'or ( 'Inriaoiu hlmirtnr , 14 'rl.iza , eto'.kui , ite
TurI AIm , mittur Ii . ' , Sot ,
t"nr Mtr , u.m m.t , m m IIII ock , hlou5lttnum , AbilIttad ,
1)umitml , , , 'mc ' V.i , 9 PM ,
m m , , rt.m.4 ut , . iJct. , . tnnlle.i Cr , ' , , , , n n1tptint I , , , , .
_ _
, ' "I UE ! D1IPEL
up. ni u for unotur
rJw 1.21.54. , ' dI.chre.s , tauIanimtlorii ,
auu&.t..4 j Irrititloni or umeeriuioj
Ly . .O lu1ltT mucous aieubrsri.
: . P&tvhus. snd mmcm istri , .
P'THIEfLUCIIIIIIClGO. r r.m1000ua.
a.mi bj Ilruggkta ,
or seat to i&iuu wrp T
bi , propald , cJ
\ I . ' ' 1m. ( . of 1 b.ihisa , * 3.1L
s , ) ) ) Lt'v.l' , as 0 PSLut
Bc gin nhng , Week ,
inumant Relief , ( iimre In iltltiyo , Never returns
I mcmli gladly u'nd I , , say Suffer'r irm a plitlim , ' , '
erlm'ei.ltc FB flI a nrt'uerlltitta wtuhi ft'li dirrc
I tttti fur a qttldl l'rltsme ' 'Ire ' f''r Msmtlit'o'i ' ,
Nlgmtt 1ttttt' , i't''u aims tl'uI1Il' Smittil'rnic
i'art.'iirfetcvl , ' . tIc ( I ii ' . , net , ' itimit'
io'ipr. Iho I ItS tiIIhIdj
Wi u.r'-'Q [ ) I
Ammil bridge uu'ork , or teetlm vitlmnmit PlateS ,
$3lO itor tooth until J mu ) ' 5th tmmmly , 'I'iihme
olfe i. itt inn ti e I mu 1mm t i ud umco tmti r lmlgh clnsim.
ti ( 'ii t mu it mmd is gmat calm teed I um overy'
rPsleet , \'vm' ) ' imt't set tmt tI'tll $5.00. Gold _
iii ii mtgm4 ii Ci. ) ml it. si I u'cr , mm mum nigh iii mtmmih gold.
alloy lhlllmmgs SOc. 'l'cetit extracted mnusItiu'eiy'
v I Uitmmm t 11mm I mm 23c.
120 So litim St. , cor. Iommglitmt. Evcmmlumgs on-
LI I 8. S mm mmdtuy , 1 p. umm . Lmimiy I mm itt
All kimimis-mull t.iccti - IOI' 1S'I' l'ltICE3-Sij
I simmco itrices hiavt olei'Iilmttti ,
Omaha Tent and Rubber Co. ,
181 1 lmurumamii.
If you imrtvo mu I imlummi ) Nmsu. Rommnmin , Fltit
Pug , lted or lirokt'uu Nose , or mimmy mnmmm'hc or'
ldmmuislm on , 1mm or miimiier 'otur mokimm , cull ems
, lJIIN ii , \\'OOIJlmiTi5' { , 127Vest i2d at. ,
New York , Cemmmnihtmutiomt tree ,
, , , . . tIeIb1u
111(1 iit'iutitlfiil , seuslllt' i.l
ci'tisi. Jim ; t , in ho're to , , . ) - . ' ,
c :
, , , ' heouol
A 'ofoi'luuIho' light nh'y
voei'ii.g . iiitgilittI , thu. ' iiird , stUd' sti..i
' . . . ( ' , , , , , 0'
: : s Iieiiu' Nt'tui' hilt tie.
A i.uI . ihijit's t Jo ) ' thmo' .iii.'uIo'iull trash
hut iius , , 'ruiglit lull il IdII Ht'il ' , 'OuiOIer
2 1:14 : :
: : SttI , .i5lttlIco ,
$ u.Io. . sti'i'N mmiii ti'hi ) oui humid
' ' o''tsIi hoist Ito jmnililumit I.lurt . , Ihuumum arid
1 'I'li TI ii
rid h. , . luss vrlize , a
4:11,11 : ( ) Z'I C(1 II i Is Jo'eut mis. ' t hum I t iio'y huuuven't tiny
11 ] (1(10 : : : ( S ii u..sui huts ti sell , am' , ul.i'e I Ilo'l' iii
' olu'i' to i'lol at struum' huts ( limit hsii'u'u
.1'Iti . ; is
s'iirevl' till ) ' guhist mit mill ,
7) rE3YC1"fl 7)10 . 1'1150 itt rule our roil , , ,
.t 0 (1 'I'lluo.hl'y , of thIs .tt.trim I. . . tot o'uto'r - . . -
to , thou' munts omf ( Ii , ' uu'oii , ' , IVi' thiui't
c : : , i Iii (111:1 1) : (1
otilsill'r it il''soI , i'i'tuzci S'iiti 'uviuiuts
S ' 10.r Ii I Iii 'itt ' , 'o' , lOuI't 50.0. lit tot so'l I.
' . % ' , tul mmhii-uuuuulouultt.'olly.-.tiuil hertu the
luit. JZ'.iiiL hui'go's , ( 'oiri.'ty ott ouruusli louts , v' '
I sI oatl'ol I. it ltt't'u , , , I iii' liomu iii , ' mu'ntt
i c1C (1
thio'uus , mmii earlier ' .
, hou'iisg-tooi.-hugs a
7) lC tt'3. gtiijui lilt to , out mm'I ( it tim. , Iot'u'er DrlcCs
oollcotion 'mc 4'
1'lalu crzisli hats mire uiI' 2o ( ) , lucre.
oi 01IS11-'r grgioles i * ' , : tst . 1luicus '
lJig-fIli.t , ) ' or itloul mi-sit 'ISo , mmliii sm'o'iu-
I i C11J-.Zi1 cc
ty otoith olllro'ro'uut illtto'i'IIs ft.ioi SL"t'I'rli
--/IJT1TZXOO - .otylos . to .oo'lcct from , 4'
1 % tuoi I lso'ro , Ito t lie liii sit iuo.o. hienuit , losomo
ii/.L' 53 a t 4 0 '
iru' , h'uuititimn , it iou lull ot hmor uuo'my
S tt"n : ' % % 7' ii ats mutiti-motraw bitt cfftt's * , 75c hui's flue
jauNt vPcsi , me. 25e lot lithe hesM t lussit
(7 O1STI1 to o'isem lucre ,
3Oo I uluui't svnuut sI ruv bits f JQmtf
bhHut , ) it , . ' , VP tloii't lit' St f' .