- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - . _ , - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - _ _ _ _ - " - ' - ; - - T : --i : : . : : - - - . : : : 'r , . ' , . ' . ' 'a 'rITE OMAHA DAILY ] 1JE : TUESDAY , JITNE 28 , 189S. : - ; COIEllCIA1. AND FINANCLi\L \ BiMppoint1ig Retunis from Threshing Send Wheat Upward. JULY AND SEPTEMBER ARE BOTH HIGHER Vnrn 3lnkes nu Ai1yni , 1iit ( ) , i , . ni.1 II J.Itii lit Pt.vi- , Iuii , , ClNI ni 1 % I. ) &t ! I I U. CUICAGO , Juno 27.-UnfavornI,1 , w .fttIcr ) ilor harvesting and (1ISOIItIflCItt fi I thrn8llhig returnH of the wntcr vroi , 4ent vheat up tothty. July closeil 1e higher nd I3eptembcr Ic. Cojn left niT itt 1-Sc a't 'nnce. oath dcIinetI c urk lost 2'/c ' , lard &ac and ribs 74c. Damage reports Cr0111 CXC'5MlC in that lortlnhI Of the toun. try in which harvesting Is under way cre hulllIi sentiment iii wheat at the itirt. The weather In larnIo was nfn- vornble. I'flris , Antwerp and riu.la Pest CUflhIIILiflhIIg ot coutiuus rain flfltI Great ] rttnIn juttiltig In the simo comptI1lnt Iii Rddltion reports cC ioor yields , cuinlail-ed with Vrevlou ( iXpCtRti0ni4 , clinic front at- Xnot. every qnnrtr at tile .ml'rlcntl winter Wheat regiba where harveMting had hecil comflletett. There was eotlsllerlIblu short Interest In the market. 'Fht'rc was a gen- f ctal elTort to eover but IIU ) Hanlu uituttIon Which inttic1 the shoEtH to buy cliceked the olCeritigs , 111111 with little for sale there vns lively ( OllilietItion , Which rculted in better pric.ii. July which clneil Saturday at 71 'e , sold up to S'iC the Ilrst tutt ( of the 1I,5II)1I. ) lilid 8iititiijt IIIIVIUICCd to 6T ½ e , IL gitili of 1/c. C1Oli1L IiOtatIHii3 Croiti aibroad showed IL declilie at Antwerp of ' 2c a bU. 1'IiIs , togetht'r with some . , MteIi tatii us 'v1 I lug of J ( I ly I ii the Iii t ii ert' by liii elevator ( 'nne'rn , ieiit the tirico tItivti to 71e for July iiiiil ( Mt , for SeiItcillIIr. Th ( ' crowd wai ; sharI , however. iiiiii 00 SOnIC good tinying ( lie market rattled quickly ItII.I cloett tlr the thu ftir the day , itecolpts were only eight CIIrII , nnhtist twnty.tliree a year ago. MIiiII.IIIOiiS Ilild 1)uluth rc celvtit ( IigIity-iiiii&l ( 'ars , conliaIr.j with 29 : the correeiiniidliig day Of the ye&ir ti.Core. 3xirts Of whtitt niul hour since Saturday 1mm the Atlantk ports were cqtiat to O- 0) hu. TIii sIiii.Wciit for the week were S,2I7,0)O ) t.ii. July OhlIflell M/U lc higher tt rit17ie : , rose to 73' & ' , (1tCiiiiC(1tO 7IC , then lirin..I UI ) tO TSC 1)lii at the (1011C. Septein- her hegaiti13e I > ktter lit fsGl 7-te. niI. vniicvd to I,7te , WeILIICIICd to Giic. ; tiieii rut- ( ( to i7e 1)111 , t lie , II lirice. It was a changing rnti ket. In corn , with - the tirico Improved 8IIlv1lIt ( : in sympathy yItIi WhItt. The hull rot generally sold - ( lilt .1 ul y a fld bough t Sept inl ) er , it titi tIit elevator ieOll.i i4old S1'jltelflhr iiiiil bought July. July oinIieil uueIiziugel to i-1c io % er Itt 3Ll3l ( 3-Sc , UI ) to 3tc , dOWfl to IP.'iC , IIlVflhiCetl ( to 3t 5-Si3ic , then sold oil to Z1i IiMkCit Ut the ClOSe. 0111.3 WOFO steady to n slI(1c ) higher at tli start , but priceil i'aeit off lattr with the ( It her grains. tli e iii ii rku1 cii. cii ii en r the hottoni ( ill heavy selling by country trail- .rs. J Ut y hego ii uiieli.i ii g.'ii a t ! 2 i-Se , 51)1(1 ( lii ) ii ) 22'e , ( leChiliCil tO 2l4e , tlltn tlrnled ii to 21 7-Se. tile ( losing tigure. I teavy receliltil of oats and the aparent irgeI1cy IY 50010 trailers to get rid iif lard ileiiresseih I rev 151(105. Slier Is ru in e to tlit' t. (5 ( % ( ( when 101' hillEl hll'Q11 knocked off the jirl ce o I I ii vu U 0 it t lint en ii e.l a si igi it re- envery from bottom prir.s. July iork 1)1)1 lieu 51' hilglit'r at. $ I.tO. rose to $9.1P , UlIl (1OtI to $9. 17'.L ! . [ 11011 milled to $9.52i itt the chose. Jill ) ' lard hegoti lower at $ L57I 81)111 III ) Li ) $ .Git3Ci , WeiiICIiCtl to then tlrin.(1 ( till 11) $ : ; .i5 , thfl'Ioslng ligtiro. .liihy r1104 start ( 'II 74c higher at r..4744. declined to $5.2s5.h anti closed at Estlinitteil receipts for tomorrow : \\'hcnt. ir ears : roino : ears ; oatS. 3O cars ; hiog4 , 27.01)0 ) heiiI , beetling futures range as follows : Artlcle. . ( ) in. I 111th. I Loiv. I Cio. , . ! .luiuie. . 7(4'i ( 7R'4 7) 5fl July. . . 72'tt ' 7il : ' 71 7 7lj SCpt. . 8i'Ti ( ( li7. , OIl' Ii IlI1 1)ll ) . . . d7 ( * ts ; t37 ; tIOI Corii- .liily . 814ttl : ) :1114 : : ii : i - . . S' i $ . . . : l2 ! . , :12 : t2'.L : ii J2i'i4 : ; ; th : J2 a24 ZI'l1 OiiM- Jo 7 . t9i 22t't 2I 21 . ! 2t S'ilt. . . 2U * 2O ( : 'i ) :0 2O Pork-- Jriy.15(10 ( Ii 70 9 4Th 9 ) PL . . U iJ 0 8h4 U j i7 ti 70 ' 1rit : . .ltiiv.ti i7L , 1 li2t 5 ( I2 % ii i S ( 't S.'jiI _ . . 07 ( i 7(1 ( 42 .5 Ii 8. 1Ob- July . . 'I 47L ; 47j s ii 1 ; 41) Sei.t . . C , .i : 5 i 21I 4 II t ) 'No. 2. ( 'ash quotations were as follows : 1 I .1 I ' I --1)iih I : Winter patents. $4.ii t.9 : straights , $ l.4O1.flO ; specl l brands , hard prtng Vat ( iits. $5 : t.Ik4r. $ : L2..ct3.50. vhli'r-N ( ) , 2 sprllig , 67j4k ; No. 3 iring. 6liiZe : N.i. 2 reil , 71k. ( OItN-No. 2 , : tli3l' . OA'rs-No. 2 , 2'e ; No. 2 white , 2c ; No. S vhit , ? l".iC. ltYI-LNo , 2 , 11t141C. litl.FY-No. 2 , fL ) ( FiAN Si Ft-Nn. 1 , h.O3'l , O. ritoPiiv : SEEP---l'IhIlle , ; .67' ; . l'htO.\'IShONS-l'dess pork , per bbl. , $ I.54 4 9.GO. lanrd , Per IOU lbs. . 9. 59.l0. shurL ribs 5iles ( loose ) , $5,2n,5.F ) . Dry salted shlouldCrs ( boei1) ) . 1.75i&.OO. Short clear lde ( boed ) : StJ/iJtS-Vut ( lent , IIr2 ; ; griitiuiated , ArilcItts. ' jiThLSiiipincnt'i , . i ; ; ; . bbl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t.iIU ) ) .ts heal. bti.I . ) ( ) ( ) 2e.oo Corn. Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iuoiio . ; : i I 7.1)111) ) ) flitM , ho. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : i 3.11tH , j 7I.1l : ( ) ) Jte. be . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.O ! ) ) 17,1)11)1 ) ) la.irlry bii . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ , ) ) ) ) _ _ _ 111)1) ) On the l'roiiuco exehango todiy : the butter nIlirket'ilS iii'ii ; c'reLnlt'rll's. l4ulk ; dalris , IWi ile. : Eggs , stl'n4ly fresh , 1c , 1t Ilitry. Hteillly S1rhlg , ehilt'kcns , llii14c ; hells , 7 ½ c ; ihtieks , 6t ll6. ; ; t U rkeys , lPj7e. ] l % % ' VOhIl tI , ltlIlJ'l' $ . Qiiiiiil1iis for Iielzi on ( vieruI I , , , iii iii oil I ) Is. . NiW' voiti. ; j tii' -l'ltTit-fll'c.'hlt5 , 1)1)1 ' , 4 .1lX ix lit II , 2Z I IS idl i. ; sti'i ii Icr anti a trifle flilr active. ( 'OItN.M l % 1.-Stonily ; yrhhow s calera , 6e , JhAlU1..l' , ' MA t.1'-Qiiiet ; western , 'ij7Ot' . ' l I 1A'r-htC'l'lIltS. t ) i.22 : hu. ; txilorta , 311 , S'i.t 110 . Shut St ctot y N 0. 2 i-ii , SikC. . o. II. , ) ltia t ; No. 2 rt I I , Sb' , ci ' va I a r ; iI II thtlil ) ) displitycil Ct)111i111'rIiiht' ) iriniiess 1)11 ) lilLy 111111 CIOSCIt iiIOtlt ) ii ( 't'lt 0 hIlVo Sn tIirlllM din ) Price. 'i'iiey ere ilillight by sitrta ) bet'ziustj ci : stLutly ttidt's. h11)iilShl ) wcc'kiy MtItistIcS , bi ii domestic a 1111 j'il rol t' ii rot I I(1)lU t s 111111 Ight lfl'rII14s ) ; Nt ; ; Jell , July , 7 7t1it' ; I'ltl'l'tI , th' . I O ltN - - I 10(111)1 ) 5 , 12 i,2) ) ) ho. ; t x : ) trt 'i. ) , - 21S mi. illicIt stonily ; NI > . 2 , ' ) c ; 'Ilittlilis Ullt'lt iii St'ii II a liii itti ye OCt'11 ( III II 0141' t t I ( ii CVIl ) In. ,5 II liii I hi. , J a 10 I' I ii viit a ( , hot 1 % lot I I > ' tlt'4et1 ) IT 1 I ililer rl'.t I izi ng a nil Ilosell 4il3-S ( ' Ilit lowl'r ; July , 3 5Gjl3e : ; ClSCI1. : V 1-te. 04V1S-lttcelpta , 402,900 ho. : exports. ml.- 191 ho . $ Pl t Vtl lt'iNo. ; . 2 , rT ( ' ; r. o. 2 v Is ite. 21' llIIUIIS ) ItIlCt itiiii en ster , I IlV'llhi ) ) I ig ii t exitIrt 1111111) 1)11(1 ( S''likIifS wrst ; t'Iost il le 11(1 I ' 'l'r J ) I I V I It issil , 2i ; ' ' , I Ifli'S-Stenily ; I4tflte. (0fliJofl to Ch1tCL' , 2F.93 erop. :11) : II' . I'4JG crii. 1'i ) 1' IS'J7 dlop. 11 (1 I le I 'ii vi 1k' t 1)11111 . 1 Si cri I , 311 it' ; ? crtl I. 6l7L' ; 1S97 ( 'iiil ) , I' ) I Ic. \ vooI.Qiihs't ; Ul'CCI ? , 1t1i2k , : q'exas. iti : $4 , . ( _ l I E1SlVery ilriii ; light shcliiis1 ti3ijCc ; pin kli1i , rIm' ' ) iii1't , ' , .l\ I41.OItill : ( 'tt ) , :1 : 1-Sc ; cuiitry , 3 1-S I ( I 1 : i-e. r lt'Stendy ; fair to gopth ; C L.tj7e ; I Jo tLI Li , b 7-i ) e. . . :111)1 .A 58 ES-St ( 'ali : Nl'W Onleilis , ° ) kIttlO. gooih to ChIll" . ' . Silte. 'OT'l'ONS1Ii . ) Oh l--1)uhi : Iai'ehy , steady Li nil lOlV ( .2. to set I : un iii i.i trittle. ? 'JO 11tfliII ; ) I ; hriflhl' crude. 1. o. Ii. 1111115. 1ttlSt' 'nliue 511 Ill 10cr > 'elhl IV. 21 14.1. : flU so iii nor y. I In w. 21 t , 1,0 , t I ei oil. 2TJ 2c ; pil 111(1 s'l ii I en y e 1 le w. t43O4c. ; I I&t I . .SIttisi hess dciii I a ii i'd o II a sina It ril 'i a iii I Itlltfl I 11)1)5 rernal Ii II tiii , I ii 0- elitilgvtl ) 1'i ) ; IrlIll % LI'l'llI1t5 ) O.(1 ( 111111 SYII Ii ,5i ) I ihti .1 III I ii ; c1 itkt'il . ( I ) l I"l' , very I t1iihI sltli t I 7) ) ) blil tIliti $12 tO'.ll'.t. i iii. V'I (1lltt. with l5. 13 huh : li , iI 2 oshesl. Sietr , flOfllflnh. % Itli Iihit 1)1)11 flhlk.l. I 1.iiI ( , iIi'Ifl. % il Ii .1:1. : 11111 li liii I i ) sIcI . rlie 111)11 ) tlitfl I1L1 ( I IlL' settling lIrile ( or initici 1 RIOt $ IIl1'ltt'N 11l11)I'll Il'flII ) t 75. IitTITIlt-Itecehiits. l ? SI i.kg'i crt anlery. 1a'AlTe ' Elgios , (1t lti U djie : l'G ( ' S--1tei'.Itits. 2l likga. ; in.iiket 11111) , weStellis 12ti 13c. . Si. Iiiii III J : ' rl. 1.1. 5 ! ' . l.(51715. Juiti , -ll.tYit-QiiIet. . it 111111 llisvcr ; 1181011t5. $ I.rot ) strIghil1 .5 * itij I ; clear , 3.Oi3.O ; lilt'- ( It , ) ) ) ) : p2t1i.1r.o , " I I i'.l itIihit'r. eIIaIIg Rh July i' . IiitIiibt' ) ' ciTSc iiiiil jccernber T t ltltVt ) Illttlt1h1tY . 5ltit % h.s't'r tI ) st'li No , 2 veil CLIii , clt'vaitor , 7O blil , ti-at k. 7.7le for new1 S7e for old Jtil. istje bill ; Stihi'niber. bid ; . JJec-lIult'r. ) lPse. No. hn.l at'h. Se. voit N _ lrtit urei closed ji t the iot hilt ) ( or l14 Sei1tt'nltt'I $4) ) ) below th toil nail 1-tt' Intrur tIii&i Sturduy siot lower : No 2 cupIl. 31e. July. 3t)1Sc ) asked ; 5ejtCflibCl' . I $ e7.fc bld 4ii ) ' . t23C. OATB-1'utures itroriger , with .3 uly - - - - - -s---- - - PtCatIy anit SPflt'miwr 1C higher , pnt 4i1l , i.tettly ; No. 2 caib. Zi ½ c ; trnck , lii2I'kc : July. 22'c ; Seittmher , 2fJ'lc : ikett , May , W4c , No. 2 whiIt , 29 . It i'-Noflilnsl , net ti0tnblC , SEl-t.laxse1 , lower , $ 'L02'4. l'rme t1muthy reed , 12 ( ii,2.5O I 1-b'tendy SI .7itl.7. hlItN-Qite1. 4tvkeiI. enSt Ir-ick WI' . IIv-slow ; tirairle , $7.lfiJfi9.s ( ) timothy , l.Cui1 ; 11.00. JuyrThm-steatty ; creamery , 11Gc ; 'ha I r' . It I It. EU(1S-I.rm. Dc. WhhiSRY-l.23 , L'Oi'TONTI ES.-40e. IIACIUI ' 4U-6 3-s4j7 a-Sc. Mi-TALS-i.end , lower. $3.C13.G7I. Spot- tcr , lower. $4.5 1'ltOlSlONS - Pork , itulet ; standard mess , JOhIlIflg , $ I..O. h.ard. lower ; prIme i3taIn $3.30 ; ( hIllel' , Ii40. hiacoli , IsIxell lihoullIers , $ .2 extra short clear. ; tibs $ li.121.h shorts , Iry suit , tnl'lttS , hiolted shouIlIrs. $1.75 ; c xtrn short dear , I3.f0 ; rita , ' ( ; 2'4 ; : shorts , $ .7S. 1tE'Ih1'Ti3-.I"lumir , 4,000 titls , ; wheat , 36.- 0fl ho.tnn ; , 'U.000 t'ti. ; onts , 2..0W bu. HI LI I'M ENTS-Fiolir , 2.U'J0 hlls. ; wheat , llI)0 corn , 43,000 tIll. Otlt , 13,000 bu. OMAHA ( ItNiTt. % * . 31A111C13T $ . ( tlIdilIlIi lIt 'I'rndi'nnl qntntinn. UI , $ lnhilc nn.t Fniity Produce. FGGg-Oolnl t'toek , 8',49c. Ilurr1It-coinmoii to fair , 9'i11c sep atutor. 15c ; gathered crcamer. 1311c. V1L-Chohe flit , SO to 120 lbs.1 quoted at SJDl' large fill coarse. CiiTc , i.ivm : ictis , Ge ; old roost- el-s. 3e ; spring Chilekcn , 12'13c ; dtit ( , 6c gCe4e , Ge. l'IGEONS-LIve , Per doz. , G&373c. VEGI1 A lit.lS. ONIONS-New southern , iier lb. , 1c. I tI.\ N4-i 1tlIIl.mickt'i minvy. per tul. . $1.2-i. 1'OTATO1S-.Old Potatoes , 20ij i0c ; new P0 tatoes , or 1ti. , 73e. I I4fh'li"-l'c.r crzttt pCr ib. 2e , 'FOMAroES-l'er four basket crate , 85cj' $1.00 ; 1-3 1,11. box , &Oe. I 1 Ct M iimits-i tome grown , per deL. 40i30c. 40i30c.AX AX flFANH-4-3 ho. box , SOlGOc , Fitu ITS. STltA\V1hFluttlS-$2.75p3.0O. IILACR ltitSI'h3i'ttltI l-l'er 2.qt. case , p2.25 ; 21.1)1. CR51' . $1111.20. ] JtACKlh1Itjti ES-I.tOt1.75. I. ' I ) ItSPlh1ItflIFS-l'er 21-pt. case , $1,75(2.00. , UOSii11'1t1t1iS-1'er 2l-qt. case , 1.0O I Tii 11t1t1j5-per . , - 2 I-ut. case cii lIflrnhIs. Per 10-lb. box , $1.50. I'EACIIFS-Simthiern , 1-3 bu boc 75ctj $1.00 ; CalIfornIa , 20-ill. hex , $1.25. I I 11 t ' ( Yl'Ml'a'r 21)-lb. ) CaSO. St..ti 1.50. CU1t1tENTSPer 21-qt. case , $1.2.iJ1.0. \VA'rEItM 1LONS-Crntet1 , 30J3c ; loose , 25tj3oc. TflOPICAL 1"ItUtTS. OFtANGES-Seetilings. $2.&Ml2.7 : Meditor- ru I'no ) ' 5 % ° et5. 52.50it2.33. I . ! ' 1ONS-Cah Itorahi , $3.00 ; fancy Mes- shun , 16.00. 1ttNANS-rholce. 1aro stock , per 1)U2l'h , $ 2.'j2.2 lfleiiUlfl ) sized bunches , SI.751l.0O M1SCUL1ANEOUS. NUTS-Allnuntla , per lb. . iare sIze. l2j 13e ; amall , lie ; 13r0z113 , Per lb. . WJ10c Eng- Ihahi WallitIts , Per lb. , rzLncY sott shell , ll'lj ' t1 ( stanllariq. ) tlOc } ; ; iibent. iwr lb. . 1IJ'r IednnS , itothshieii , int'dluni , t07c : extra lirge , Sfttc ) ; large hiekory nuts. Sl.0C'1.lU Ivr , 1,11. , ; siiiitll. $ I.234j 1.V tier Ott. ; cocoanuts. LIer 100 , II ; LOiIflhItS ) , raw , Gtj6'c ; roasted , IC. : lA1'1.E SYltUr- . each SYltUrFivcgtI. : can , , 2.75 ; g&il. COIlS , Pure , 10r , io : . , 12 ; half-gal. catill , $ .23 ; Ollart Citli4. * 3.0. l"liS-lmportel , ninny. 3-crown , 11.Ib. boxes , JOe ; 5-crown , 41-lb. hioxeH , Ut. ' ; 2-lb. boxl"i. 2i2ic : : 1)er box : Cahifornia. 10-lb. - box , $1. . I ION EV-Chiohc white , 14 15c. lA'i'ES-llnhlo.rn' , 60 to 70-lb. boxes. 4c ; Sair , i ; Flrll : , 9-lb. t.s ) , 9 CI IUlt-l'er hittlf bbl. , $ i.25 : 3.50. hIDES , TALLOW. ETC hIDES-No. I green 1)htltS , 7 ½ e : No. 2 green hl.ies , 6 ; No. 1 saltetl lihiles. 9 ; No. 2 Salted hides , Sc ; No. 1 veti : calf , S to 12 lbs. , 'Je ; No. 2 V'tli calf. 12 to 15 lbs. , 7c. 'rutow , r iti S U , F'1C.-1'a lltiw , No. 1 , 3 ( ' ; ttiIhow , No. 2 , 2''c Itllgll * atlot' , 1c ; whIle grl'nse , 2'.lj2c ' ; yellow and brown gi case. 1''it2c. SiIlE1 : , I'EL''S-Grceii salted. each , I3 The : green salteti sheariogs ( short wooleil curly skiiis ) , Citl'hi , le ; dry shletrhiigs : , ( short Weoted early skltis ) . No. 1 , each , Sc ; dry hint , 1ansas 011(1 Nebraska butcher wool i'.dts. per III. , actiltut weight , 44z5c ; dry Shut , 1ILI1SiIS nilit Nebraska inurrain Wool i.eItn , ier ; lb. , actial weight , 31j4c ; dry hint , Colortulo butchet wool pelts. ier iii , , actual weight. lOJIc ; dry hint , Colorado mur- ntln wool latI ts , pcr lb. , actual weight , 3 Ic. 1.lvt'rlIol , lirk't. LIVEItPOOL , , lune 27.-whlEA'r-Spnt , dull : No. 2 rel western , winter , 13s Dil : No. 2 northern spring Cs Jd. Futures closed quiet ; July , ts 5(1 ; September , Is 1 5-Sd ; Do- ceinber. Sa S 5-Sti. COHN-Spot , quIet ; American nilxed ne % . , 3a 3d ; July , Os 5-Sd ; September , 3a - 3Il. 1101'S-At London , Pacific coast , dull , ? ti 4 } 'IUVlSlONS-I3eef , easy. extra India mess , 75a ; prIme mess , COs 3d. Pork , dull : prime 111C514 , 11110 western , Ols 31 ; Prune mess , IflCIIUIII vesterm , 48a Ott. hams , short ( 'II t , , illl ) , lIx , Ilacoii , stt.tt1y , 29a : short nibs , long clear mhdlles , , light , 31s Gil ; long clear Ilillidles , heavy. :115 : : short clear halcs , als ; lt'atr hehlies , : i2s ; shItullcrs ( , SIltiure , Elm ) , 24s. Lardi dull ; prime western , 29s ; tallow , lirhnift city , (11111 , 19s. ChhlESE-Firm. American fittest white anti colored , 3)a ) $ .l. . 01 LS-L'ottonseed oil , LIverpool reflncti , chill , 15s Sti. Turpentine spirits , steady. 2s Cd. Itnshn , common , ateahly , 5s. Imports of wheat Into Liverpool for the 'l.t'k From Atlantic poi-t . ,3) , IjOO quarters ; from l'ltclllC ports , Ilolie ; from other ports , 10.04)0 ) , itiarters. ' Imimrts or corn Into Liver- Iltt1l F'romn Atlantic 1)orts for th week , 97$00 quarters. ! ) stlliiiie UglrI.l , flA L'I'IMOItU J . ' , Uno 27.-0'IOU1t--DuI1 11 11)1 ) unchnngel , ; receipts , 3.012 libla. ; experts - ports , 11.11)0 ) ; western ttlIlerIInC , 3.50fl ( 3.7 : vcstern extra , $4.OOiiJ.75 ; western faintly , $5.05.50 winter wheat , $ G.Q0ji6.75 ; spring wheut , $6.25j.50 ( : spring wheat , smrtights. $ ; .0o16.25 ; receipts , 13,870 bbls ; exlonIs , 724 llls. \vI IEA'l'-luil ; s1)Ot fln(1 mouth. 85C asIcell ; Jill3' , 77c hltl ; steallier No , 2 red , SOc 1)5k , ' . ! ; receipts , T,75 hU. : exports , none ; southern whlent. bY sample , 771jstc ; soutl- em wheat. on grnito , b0hS5e. ( 'OLIN-Dull : spt't told month. 3Uz34 1-Sc ; .luly. 31 I-Sit : m ; t4t'n Inl'r iflIxeli. : : : trl : t-Sc r&'u..I id ii , I 01 .71) ) ) ) 1)11. ) ; vest era vhi I t ' torn , Ip:1c : ; ; west em yellow corli , 3.11 ; : tc. O.Vi'S-Imlhi nIiII t'isier : ; No. 2 white , 31 I3c : No. 2 inlxe.I. 20i' naked ; receulits , 12.- Ill ? iii. : oxtIlirtS , fl,4l5 ) ho. IlL "l"F Ull-Stellli ) ' ; fancy creamery. 17t10 lSc ; fanc'y imitation , lGc ; faiiey tnIic. , I3jjt I Ic ; gtlIi Iiil It' , l2e ; s UI re lltckt'l , 1 Oh I Ic. EllS-l"Irmn ; fre'h , 12'.ti'l3e. ( 'I I l'lSI'-Sl.enIl1 ; fiincy New York , large , fIi5e ) ; fltnr3 New Yuik , IfletIhlitlI , 04.t4 be ; ( alley Ne.w York , small , 9'ti10'jc. lCuII'.lIM ( 'Its ( i'ilti itnil l'IliiNIIuIl4. 'i'1Y Juic 21.-\V 11 l'rMar KNiLS ( , - - Mar- hot unset ) lti1 ; No , I hard. 7t eN ; , , . 2. 7Iim 731 , No , : i , 12h 7c.i II 110 ctr ; Cli olti' : . Sc No. 1 neil , 751 ; Ni' ' 2. 725s75e : No. 3. l9) ; ) 11c ; N' , . 2 aprlug , 71kNa. ; . 3 , GIl' . COIIN-Market gl'lmt.rlIIy httt'er. cloaltig lirni : No. 2 inixeil , 21t'e ; No. 2 whit. ' , 2ii'u 2S1t : : No. 3. 2'.jtj 29c. I ) \ ' 1'S-h ) II 1k ' 't ii ( I I vt , a liii HtellII3 ; No. 2 \'llItl' . 9C. 1tYl-iitrktt stoutly ; o. 2. 39d'IOc. I I A Y3IllIhcCt (11111 ; ch.iico prairIe , S,00 ; C I I I ii t'I I I too I by , ItSO. U t'I'i' ll1-Milrk t sti-otly ; sellIlIlitor , 1241' I-It. ; dairy , Ih ) 12e. i(1I-\larkuI : VeR1C at S14c. itlt'l : i i"rslieu t , CG0O corn , I.1O' ' ) l.lt. ; Oats , 7,00' ) Oil. HI I I1'MUNI'S-WIll'nt. 'JI ) ' ) ) ) lIlt. ; ccrn , - 91' ) bu. ; ontM. lthX 11)1. ) ' -I. " . I ) ilt.ii ii , . lilt rk , I. . . Join' 2L-IRJ(1 ' NtW O1tIl..NS. - I'hlOl- 1JC'FS-QuIt't hut stonily. i'irh , stanihitril tilL'SS , $ io.7r4i1 .0) ) . Lxir,1. ruIlmieli Ilerce , II .T. ; Pll"I lu nil. llo',1 tiletits. dry I s1t ihlolIldcrs. 51.23 ; slurs. sr.ol1.l2. ( Itaii. clcr rlIi huIes. $6.S7'4i7.fl0. ' I litmus. choIce , umgilr curi'ii , $ .50)D.O ) ) . I ' 1llh-SteiiiIy ; ltIo , , irIIni ; I' ) ' to fair , 71 , i9C I' l'i'--Onilinny to geol , I 5-E1iIe. VI.OI ' { - - ) : extrlt faticy , $4.211il.i3 ; iltltttlti4. ; I.:4tl.it5. ltlt N'-tle. lt.Prime. . $ i2Oii3,00 ; choice , $ ll.50tj 13.00. titN-No. I whIte. sacked , 42e ; No. I Jul N CII ittitI i'l tuiv , lie. O.TS-Nn. 2 western. saeIctt , 31'c , ' 'Iieitiiimatl lni'L.il. (1 ( NNN'l'l. ( ! Jmmmio -Vl.OtTfl---Qult't fmtrv. * . $3 ) ) l14.rI family , * 3.M3.l3. " I I i'i' : - - Quiet : o. 2 rt'l. , mean It in I a t 53e. I 'OIIN-Stvaty : No. 2 tiiixed $ lc. ( ) . .Thl.liihi : Xii , 2 inlxt'l. 2t'e. ' BY t-.Firtiit'i ; No , 2 , lOc. PltVlSlON- I inl. * ( ltS , ' at $5.3 , . Iltilk iuotils rnsy nt 13.50. lhlCti , Cltty at 36.53. VhIh1tKY-Flsiner lit $1.23. I II 'Ii'Eit.Steady. . SPIIA It. - 1'asy hiarl reltnetl , 1I.47JG.i0. lGl1S-F1nm at Dc. ( 'li1tlSE'44Ieiidy O0d In PrIme 01110 cream 7j7c. 'isU.1- lImb SupIl ) . Yolti ; . Jtmmi -The statt'tnent of thu visilile 8UI'PIY Of mraIn In store itti,1 fltiilfll SIttuntla ) . ts 4iltljlIe'ii $ by the New York I'ro'hut'L' CXtlllt1t' ) , Ill 1111 fellows : \ViiCitt , 17,223,0011 be. ; tieent'nbl.2S3,000 bu. C4)rlt , 2tI20tL)0u.'Inereas , , 2'00O bit. Oats , 7,600,000 bu , ; inereaie , 0SO0O be. Jty ; 1,017- _ ' I ( wyl bu : th'crensc 22,001) bu. flarley , OO0 bu. decrease , I6,000 bu. (1mb ltl''CIlJS flt l'rltieltnl 1lirket. Jumia 21. - hteceipts ; Wheat 43 cars. ST. Louis , June 27.-Iteceits : Vhent , 48 ears. 1iCAGO , June 27.-ReceIpts toi1ay 1 heat , S ears ; corn , 475 cars ; oats , 2cart. . Itiinzited ears for tomorrow : Vheat , 16 ; corn 50 ; oats , 3.10. l)1JLUTII , Juno 27.-ReceIpts : Vhent , 46 ellis. , KANSAS CITY , June 2L-fleceiptsl \ heat , 26 CliS , I'i cit. , 3nrkvt. 'T01EDO , 0. , Jittie 27.-'i\'I iFAT-11igiler ; entlh. SSc ; July , 72V , CORN-Steady ; cash , 32c. OATS-Lower ; No. 2 mIxed , 21c. ItYl-Finmn ; No. 2 , 42e. ( no % FIISKFD-lllgher ; cash , $2.90. l'iiIIiuleIliIiItt l'rosl liVe' . 1'1h1TAIFi1'lh1A , June 27.-I3DTTifl- I. mm : fancy Westerli ercilinery , 17e ; fancy Western 1rlflts. , lSc , EGGS-Steady ; fresh nearby , 12'Ae ; fresh western , 124c % ; fresh southern , lie. l'eorin Mnrki't. I'lOll1A , June 3t-CO1IN-Market easy ; Nii. 2. 30',4c. WI IISKY-Market flrm ; high proot spirits. $1.224 , SILII l"riticli.eo ' . % 'Ii'sit 1nrkct. s , N PitA NCTSCO , June 27.-\'ll Very dull ; December , $1.13 3. STICICS tl ) 1imDS. 1)eitinnil i lIIsIlill'Icll t ill Ahisorl , the SiIIitII Offerings , NFYOfll , June 27.-The standard hia't'l for securIties was little chaugeil today - day from that recently prevailing. Itall' rOlll stocks were neglected , and with a few oxccptina , drifted to a lower p1-ice level , tile IIL'mltlill 1)eitlg htlIltltflCiCflt to Obloib ( 'veil the malh orfcrImig . , Mez'ntime in- ( iI''idtlltl SPecIaLties were taken up itiid pUsiie'il forward Independently to a higher ICVVI without regard tO the general tell- dency Iii time market and without inituenco tlhllil it. 'l'liero was a sharp drive in Sugar ntiil I'COlle'i4 Gas agtiinst tilt ) oetiII1g triuisitetiotts , which rt'dtlced their price nearly $1 Per sliiire. ThIs itliparcntty with it InIrpose on the latrt of the hears to Put a stall tO the tPWard ) teililetIC ) ' of 5011W of tli , ' specialties. limit the IllIltIstniltI stock.a cOhltIllUell to be iflhillClletid enthr'tl' 1) , ' In- tiivhtltial cittises , and 1)11th they timId I'l'O. 1)1014 OILS WCVO ltIlOW'd , to recover. 'I'ohiaccn , the Ittibtatr stocks , Pullman , Third AeltIe 1111(1 Ilrnoklyii Tritilsit nit hio'ed niirketl : strength at otie time or another , the latter atlvaneltig to near 55 on heavy buying lit the ililitl hour. 1liere were a few excci- tIon to tile lllfltVitlt'Ss 10 tile railroad list , the Vitntlt'rlhIt8 anti Itlo UranlieVcsterii siiovIng some tendency to advance. 'I'hero wits alsi quite itti active iiciiiaiid tnt' Atchl. Still preferred lit a smnithl midvilnee In prIce , ilticht vns L'xllnInct h ) ) the later ptibllca- ( ion of tile Mfly truffle statement showing lii ) Increase in the gross earnings of $153,511 101,1 , III the net earnings of $231,297. Part of the dullness In the niarket was attrIbuted It ) iItlbt ) over tile bearing of the iit'w war tax , to go Into effect July 1. Ott stock saie. loans lImIt ! exchange , c5ieCilthlY fill tile twi ) lirst flitined , The tht'c1lott uC the Internal lL'VOfltle uthice that all reissues of stoek cer- tlhicates , whether for tnittltlfers or nll'rely for nil itceit alit hlttioll ( I C holh , I tlgs I ii to 4)00 i'ertlilcitte. are to hI' taxed as fresh ismtcs is cotluillerell rather onerous. ILIIII neulttrt's : for legally ll\'OidIflg this tax are itiite frankly discussed in Vnlt street. Ollo uleastire prolloseil Is (1) iltlllsIt ) stock cer- tlltcate8 'IvItIl trust COtililiLflies iiittl detl In tilt ) C,1l)11)ittiYS , CertiIiClttCls. Tint effect oC prearlLtttls ; ( for tile July , ltabtirsentents itliti it I Si ) the' tise ( ) u : money i t i Itt erlor POI Ida fr , , subscriptions for the governnlellti4 loan ! Motile slight. efteci. ott the tulle of the IlllIlUY market. 1'ile reCcilt ly the tretslIry ( If sulScriltiollS to the boiltiS ( If 511)1111 ile- flOlilIlllttitfl14 ) IC ILISI ) lit'imig tile effect of no- lilICIlig tile stmbtreastlry llLlaltcl' , itt tile clearing 111)1151' . itates for motley itre ilot , hovever , amipreelably t'iiil ngcd , Tilere WItS It genii degree ( IC activity Ill hands today 111(1 linicea I ) ! railroad mortgages \vere gen- ertilly higher. Tottl sales. $3,175,000 , Uniteit Statt's Os : t1vanced l , and new 4 declimled % in thl ( ) 1Iii price. 'I'lie Evcllhng l'ost's 1.ondoll lltlItllllai cablegram says : Stock markets here remain - main Itile , but the tllle VltS lirm today. At liii , settleillent mend WitS clletip and con- titilgoes were lv. Oii AmerIcans the tever- flgt , tttttt , litl 110) ) . execed 3 per cent , white ( Ill Mlls-attkce & St. I'ttti the charge was less than 2 per t'etlt. l'riee $ of AnlenicanM lwrtt are generally higlier , bitt fev lur- chiaes have iet'll ( 'it'elt'd .121 London ac- Ctllflt. Central l'll'ltId affairs attract much attOotioll. Sevt'ral meetIngs of share- llillCI'S' comtnlttees are beIng ai'rauged , but nothing , lechsiVti ha yet het'rt deter- milieu. 41. Dutch loltil for lt,001) ( ) vlIl be Issued an I"ridity sImotiltuneotisly Iii London lt.l ) 10 AnntvrIntn. , Spt'vcr ltrothtc-rs will b' 111141 0 t 0 receive siIlsdi Pt Ions. Tile followIng art' the closIng quotatIons of the teadlng stocks on the New York inarlcet today : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - . . . lmtg St. 1' . .l Uni . . . . . . . . . 77 , toptt . . . . . . . . : lIk : do alit . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 tmalttmnore. ' Ohio , . 1L4 st p ] t. ii M. . . . . . . . 142 Csnadi1'aclflo ; sm : So. PacIfIc . . . . . . . . . 1. ) Cahmadli Sotltflirfl 5 I ! * So. ltaitwav. . . . . . . . . Centrali'.Wlltc. . . . . . 1 $ So. ltallwaypftl 3(1 ( Cltes.&OtlLO. . . . . . . . 2i T.txt'i .t l'aeutc. . . . 11 $ Cillearo .t ? . .tton. . . . 1s7h iTtiloit PacIfic. . . . . . . 24 (1. ii. .t . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union Paulilu ptti 0)i ) C.&E. & . . . . . . . . . . . . . C.C.C ¼ St 1 , . . . . . 4175Va1asll . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1101)111 . . . . . . . . . . P'S % Vabaah p' ' . . . . . . . . . . 10 . D.l , lIuilsnn. . . . . 10' ) SVlioel. & 1. i . . . . . . 'Del. L. : L v. . . . . . 158 Vheei.k 1. . E. PM Ill iJen. & Riot ; . . . . . . . 12 Adailis Ex. . . . . . . . . . 100 . do pft ) . . . . . . . . . lil AiiprleaIi , frx . . . . . . . . Erie Inewi. . . . . . . . . 1:34 : United Stateq IX. . 411 ErlostpCtl. . . . . . . . . : lSh Ve1is Faro , Fx 121 FL Wayne . . . . . . . 1(17 , tfll. Cot. Oil . . . . . . . 21 GreatNorth'niipM.177 i , . Cot. Oil nfd. . . . . 75 iloeinr Valley B Aol. SPIritS . . . . . . . IllinolsO tnIr ii. , 1O33 Ala. 5etnlt pOt. . . . . . . 1.ake' i'nIeV. . . . . 15 Anl. ToDacci. , . , . , . . tb , . . . . . . . . . . . . . ito . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) L.IieS1iore. . . . . . . . 1811 Popio's Ouu. . . . . . . Loui.vllIe.ti aiii aoh ( Coils. ai . . . . . . . . . lOfl'i 7'Tttttittaii , L. . . . . . 14)'s Coii , CZl)11 Co. . . . . lOll Met. St. Ity . . 114 ( loi. F , . ' Iroii. . . . . Micitlran Cnntr2l 10t 110 fl . . . . . . . . . . . t4U 11)111 ) , . & St. I : , . . . . . . ! 7i ( len , l'i.'ctnc. . . . . . . :15 : tin 1st nTt. , . . . . . . . . tOl ) llllnt.h.SLeet. . . . . . . . lTo.PacItlc. . . . . . . . . . : lI LIi CiUe ( as. . . . . . . SI ) 3lobi1e.OIlio. . . . . 2Il Lt'n4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 ltlti , K , . ! T. . . . . . . . 11 Un 1)01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10lfl Mo.K .1 , T lirti . . . , 3t ; NM. LIII. Oil . . . . . . . . jOlt Cttt. , huh. & L . . . . . . . iIOreCn 1mm ) . Co. . . . 21) ) do . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) i'aeIltc Mi1. . . . . . . . . 211 % N. .1. COn Intl . . . . . . O.44 I'iiItman ; P31. . . . . . . I tIU'4 N. YC'intr.tI. . . . . . 11t11 Sllvr CertIIle:1t09 : , . Al N. Y. Cut. .t St. L..2ft iSaiO. ) , ItIl' . ' ' 1' . . . . . lii ( ito 1'4t 0th. . . . . . . . . 07 Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11) ) do2d lICLI. . . . . . . . . . : to , It , 1)01. . . . . . . . . . I 11 Nortolk.ii We'torti 14 T. C. . ¼ iroll. . . . . . . . co. .tnier. Co. . . . . . . 0 % U. S. Leather. . . . . . . 7 % 2t ) . l'acillc. . . . . . . . . 011)4 ) di ) td . . . . . . . . . . . . 0)14 ) tie Dlii . . . . . . . . . . lit ) 11 U , .4. ltiibtwr : . . . . . . 9 OntarIo ¼ \S. . . . . . . I : . % do pal. . . . . . . . . . . . . 811 ( lii' . IL. NIIV . . . . . . . . .41 \V'ht'l'Il tiiiIout. . . . 1)3 ) % Ore. Short LIeu. . . . . 21) Nurths'estergi . . . . . . . l'iltsutitir . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ) tie 11(11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 7(1 ( Ri'tdiig. . . . . . . . . . . III It. I ; . .t w . . . . . . . . . lUteS lsialllt. . . . . . . . I ) ) fl4 It. (7. .1 % V. ) ) ( tt. . . . . . 1174 S. 1. & S , F. . . . . . . . . 71i , Clii. 01. IV'aI. . . . . . . tie Istpvl . . . . . . . . . lii St t. . ! i S. \ ' . . . . . . . . S .iu 2(1 thU. . . . . . . . . 25)4 , Ie. ; , fd. . . . . . . . . . SI. I'IIIII . . . . . . . . . . . 111.15 lt'atIIt , I at mini . . . 4(1 ( .10 orti . . . . . . . . . . . I 11 Ilrotklyn 11. ' 2 . . . . . IiawiIl ; V. 1. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'I.ri. I. 'l'ht ( ) total sales of stockS today were 275- I 03 sItu res , I ad uil I 0 g 9,9.1.3 A tehlson lIre- fenteh , :1,331 : 1 to ri I II gt on , 4l4 I 3Iit aunt ta It , 6- 155 Sort horn l'aclitc. 9,753 Nrthtern , I'acIIIe lnferred ) , 51,114 Itoclc tHIatill. 10 515 St. Ptttil , 1i6l l'tlloil 1'it'Ihtc pri'fe'rn'll , 12,01)3 ) Anterl- ( -III ( S'Irits ) , , 11,110 \ ntirlcan Sllnhts lrtf'rretl , : i.1110 ; ri , hn C ( ' ( ) , II ) , NI ; 1 ' ( ' 1)1) ) I t' ( ill 5 , : tOi 4 I 'Ill I. ' ' 22I't45 Sugar. 7,215 1'entiesaee Illitit l'tittt'e. , . , ( 'oil It1t1 ( I roll. 11,510 l.eathttr , 1,721 L'ather lrtr1'rl'il , 51 , 1 19Vt'H I er&t tin In , Ne'w YurL .lIflP ) Silir1et. NU\V YOitl'Z. June 27.-MONFY ON CALl-NonlinnlIY lit l4J1' per CCIII. I'Iti"iF M EIu'ANTiLr PAPFR-34j1 per COOt. STf1tL1NG 1'XCl IA NGF-Firnl , with nt'tttiil bttitiess In lnIlikers 1)1115 itt. $4.S5,4) ! 4 53. for iietmllttIIi , 1111,1 , $1.iSil.S4 % for sixty IIJt ) $ Imtd rati's. $ i.15 arid $ i.h6t4 ; corn- alerelill bills , $ I.53f1i.SIVj. SI l'Flt ciit'ri : 1'It.'A'1'ES.50@GIe. hA It Sil.Vi'i1t-59c. : I EXICAN lO1L/t llS-4I3fc. GOVFItNM EN'I' IIONDEI-lnregular ; hew 4 $ . tog. 111111 (0111,00 , , 124 ; 4s. re'g. , 110 ; CoIl- p41 ! ) , 111 ; 2s , 'JO ; Is , reg. end coupon , l11 ; l'tti'Itic 014 ( If ' 99 , 10I' . ( losing quotittiolts on bonds wert as follows - lows : 11. 5. 11(1W ls.n' . . . . . . . N. LI. iti. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1t5 II. 14 , Io t'e'li. , . . l5 N. C. 4 $ . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 II. S,4sr. ) . . . 1111.1 1Il4 ) No. laciIte lst'i. . .111) ) 11.8. 4 * . Ounti. 1 1 1401 I I ' No. P11.411110 3a. , , . (124 ii , S. ' .01. rot . . . . . . . . 1.13 No , P.ictIl Is . . . . 1184 U.3.Asrer . . . . . 1124 , . ( . . . & . . . ) U. S. Si. coot. , , . . 1 10 % N. . ' W. Us . . . . . . . 121 illsirIet : $ . UI' , . . 1 l5' N. V. ton'iois. . . . . . 112 Atn..elaii' , A. . . . . 110 N. W. ileb. Si , . . . . . . 11114 Als..eiasi II. . . . . . . 105 ( Ira. ; tv.lstt. . . . . . . I III Aba. 1 (1'I ( . . . . . . 101 lIre. Nut. 4a . . . . 101 AlIiCurrt'tiuy Ill ) 0. 8. I , . . Its , 1. r. . . . . . 1211 Athiiaon t . . . . . el : o. S. I , . : i. t. r. . . . . II ) ? AICIIIS'nStl. 1 * . - i1714 0. Inio. isit. t. i. . . 1 II C.11111111'I ) . , i I h . , 1(11) ( 0 lnp. , 54 , 1. n. . . . . . (11 ( % ( 'Ill. Pcrus * , Is . . . $114 t'.ichflo 01 at 'UI. . , Jolt , I : . , I _ ( J. 5 , I I 4 4 ttetl1iIa . . . . . . . . 5(10) ( ( ' .11. .1. 1) t t4 . . llill lL.Wd4t lt . . . . . (10 ( i.t ) It. ( I. bIt - , 1ll)41S ) ( . 1. . ) 1. 0IL-i. I t1504 I':1L G.4t. . . . . . . 014 St. L.8 , I".Gji. I. 12(1 ( hitst 1' 140. iat4 . . . 1)1 ) ; It t , l' ( , taui . . . . . . 143 Irlt'ei : ( , l . . , , 7Ii St. 1' . U. ii I' . Isti. l20t I , lv .111) , is I. r 7l''St.P.0..ltP.3 ' . . . . . 11)14 i.el , llt' . 0) , . 4' . SUUthi'rn ltr.At . . 5. II . I A I ; ' . . , . , io. Is. it. . ¼ ' 1' . , ls . . . . . (1. II. .t 1 A. 211g. . . 191 TlIl&TI.fll'W S'lti % . . III lt.vP.UenI,5. . , . I Iti iTex , 1'.Ie. L.7 , his 10116 II. J ' 5' . C. Cl1 ill. . It ) I ; 'rx. 1' 1) . 1j. 2(1. :11114 : how : , 11. Isti . . . . 11)1 ' U I' . Li. ¼ 'i. iii , . 024 La. N.wtiju , 1 $ . . . 10) tat a . . . . . 1 lilt I. . , N ( Jill .1 1. . . lii ) W.b'J , Oil S . . . . . . . . . . (4)1 ( ) MIw'tt'tirl me , . . . . . Ii ) ) IVeat Shore Is . . . I 111 % ItI. , , . r. is i , . . . . . l13t4 VII. C.elltirina. . . . . . 7 11 , K .t'F.4t. . . . . 8SVt. 'Ietdrrd. , , , , . . . 7 N. Y C. 1o1'i..I 1U % Utile , P.icIrte p14 . 71l N. J tI. fog , , I I I' . ( tUtOR I' ici&t It . 11.14 illlIl 06 Ucrtilttti ) Stneiui'iit , IIERLIN. June 27.-Thu weelIy statetnent of the Jzupcnlut liumik of Germany ahuw I --i the following changes as compare,3 with the previous account : Cash In hand. Increase - crease , 4,920.000 marks ; treasury account , decrease - crease , 420.003 marks ; other securItIes. 111 erelise , 30S6O,000 thanks ; notes in circulli- then , inronse , 9.t20.K ) marks. Tnsin Stork ikinIntinns , BOSTON , June 27Call lcsttis , 2413 per cent : time balls , 2tI vcr cent. Closing PrIces for stocks , bonds anti mIning shares : A.T. . . . . . . I 4 , Atehihson ptI.i . . . . . American Surar , 120't lloton 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ani.Sisr , aM . , II Itj p , I . . . . . . . . . . . 1,50 , flay State Ut. IN lieu , lee , lttt , . , , . . lit Dell rolepncne 274 AtehIMoll Is. . . . . . . 1124 t1oston. , 'tlblnv 223 N'w Eile1a.t Us . . .111 % loston.k MaIne. , 11124 Witeonstn Ceo. is 404 ( , . .11. & U . . . . . . . . . 1044 AlIotleLMIn , Ui. 5 % FItchotity. . . . . . . 101 4 AtlantIc. . . . . . . . . . . . 21) GetCtl ) D1lallrlo $514 ltoleton& Montt 2014 lIhIflols SISol U4 bitt. . ' Iiolen. . , 24 % Mexican Centril 4 ralilmneti , tieoli SO N. ya N. . . . . . . 03 CtflltelItlta ) . . . . . . . 144 010 Colony. . . . . . 101) ) ) 'ranItllmi. . . . . . . . . . 13 0.3. I. . , - . , . . . . . . . . 4 ? ( OieenL't. . . . . . . . . . . 40 ItitnOer. . . . . . . . . . 2. GutIcy . . . . . . . . . . . 115 lbnlo Pacitic. . . . . 2314'Z'anlarseie ( . . . . . . . . . 157 witln,1 . . . . . . . . m:3t : V'oIwt'rIne'i. . . . . . . . 22 Weti End utd. . . . . 1034 Panrutt. . . . . . . . . . . ly. Elso. . . . . . . . . . ro1l IloIltinloti. . . . . . 24 % San Prni.'Isrn 3tltiing Quotntlons. SAN 3'flANCiSCO , JtIOO 27.-Oflicitil , jloii- lag quotations on tnlnpg ! stocks today were asfoHows : ; ' _ - - _ _ _ _ Alma..4 . KI-tItticky Con 1) Alnl01Con..1 MexIeii. . . . . . . . . . . S AlOlet. . . . . . . . . . . ii Ophir . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Beiclir..4 9verniii. . . . . . . . . . . . flesl. ¼ lIeleher 1'2 . 3otosI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . S Caletlonia. . . . . . . . . 13 SItaO. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Chs.llellroUoml , 12 lconmlon , . . . . . . . . . . I Chollar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sll'tl'I % Nei1a . . . . . 44 lrownpotiit : Ii Union Con. . . . . . . . . 15 E.xetieqtier . . . . . . . . 2 , thtah Con. . . . . . . . . . I ' .ot11n0urrle. . : 7 , Ycilow Jack"t 13 halo It Norcrosq 10 8tatitlant1. . . . . . . . . 100 .liltthe , , . . . . . ' ' . I : : : " asked , Sliver bars , ' 3Ge : MoXIeflil dollars , 46'47 46 3-Sc ; drafts , sight , 17c1 telegraph , 20c. : ) ( W York 31 in I iig Quntnt iu.tis. NIV June 27.-The followIng are the closIng mInIng quotations : Chollar. . . . . . . . . . . . a . Ohlt3nlO. . . . . . . . . . . 223 Crows PoInt.1 ( loam. . . . . . . . . . . . . IS Coti. Cal , , Va. . . IA I'lyIiollth ) . . . . . . . . ill ) % . . . . . . . . . . QuicksIlver. . . . . . . . 1(1) ( ) ) GOIIIl& Curry S untekittlver nr.t 223 tta1oJL.oncIroi 4) ) ) sterraev.t'tL 43 lIollIetaae 41100 Setntlar.l . . . . . . . . . 103 lionSIlvr. . . . . . . . ii : ; Union Con. . . . . . . . . it ) Me.'cican. . . . . . . . . . . 2 Ycllowjacltot III 1.niiliti Stoi'lt ( hiintil , , , LONDON , .10110 27.- ! 1) . 111.-ClosIng : Cotttls , iti't . . . . . . . I iI N V. 0.llml-IIl . . . . . . . I 1114 Co'msols. acet , . , , I 1 1 : t. I Ii Ik'niisvlvtmtla. : . . . . . . 51)4 ) Cat ) . t'aClllC. . . . . . . 8)114 ) ltoa'lmnr. . . . . . . . . . . 501 i'rl. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:11 : , ! 1CX C'n. 110W 4 % , , ( 'Ol ) ' % ) 'rle 1st pril- . . . . . :17 : AtehitsUrl . . . . . . . . . . . 1h : ) Ill. Oentr.ii. . . . . . . . . . ltflOl I , . L N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Melmeali ontIiIlar.v , 2I'i ) , ntnU Trunk. . . . . . . . . St. l'aal COlnillOli. . , lO14 BAR SILVE1I-Steatly at 27 5.lCti per ou a ci' . MONEY-41.1 per cent. Tile tnte of dicoUflt Itt tile OlIt'fl marketer ( or short bills , 1 ½ per ccitt ; three months' bills , 1 31GOj1'per cent. 1'ItisiIit' liii NIti's. OMAhA , 311110 27.-The clearings for the iliiy were $1. ISt,1OS.73 : bitlatices , 3272,117S. iS. 'I'lie eie'nrlllgs for lS'i7 were' S7S0,295.23 , and the balallees , $91,416.73. 1nrc'nse In clearIngs - Ings , $3S,21 3.50. (21 h itAG ( ) . J tints 21'-Clenrlllgi4 , $16,720,500 ; balances , $ i,177StO ; Now York uchumigt' , IlStCtl , 3l.S5z 1,53 ; ItettlIll , $4.S41tj4,5 ; ( iii' sIxty days , $1.,34Tj isr . Stoelts dull ; ltIsc'tmVt , : io ; ltictiIt preft'rred , 'J0 ; Dhanion1l ? ltlLtdit , 132 ; North ChIcago. 2US1 ; Sti'aw. board , 25Vest ; Chicago , 2l. I 1\ I/I' 1 0 it E , J 11111) 27.-Clearings , $2,213- 002 ; btIatmt'es , $290,337. P1 1 I L\1)Ill'htlA , June 27.-ClearIngs , $7,712,912 : lialanct's , $ i,2S7.tA. CINCINNATI , June 27.-Money , 2'jG tier cent ; New York exeitttmige , 25c discount and par : dealings , $2,991,201) . ST. LU U I S. June 27.-Clearings , Si. G.,203 ; btlanzes : , $ lfl,153 ; ll1otiey , illS latr c011t New Ynik exIllange , 75c prenliurn ijid , . , je lt'ti- , nihtilli iske'i. MEM1'lIlS , Julie 27.-Clearitigs , $1S3,04 ; lIalances , $77,001. . . NEV YOIIN. June 27.-ClearIngs , $ oi - 13- 005 ; balances , 34731.515. 140S'I'ON. Jutie 27.-Clearings , $11,300,975 ; btiinecs , $1,333,155. N1V ( Jill JEANS , Juno 27.-ClearIngs , $6l9,175 ; ; New York exchange , bank , $1 per $1,000 1)remiuili ) ; conlincreial , 25e tici' $1,000 irenliumll. 1'reiiria l'l itieliil. LONDON , June 27.-'l'he market for AmerIcan securitics lluetuatei slxntwhat afti'r IL steady olletling , titemi Iniproveti and closed , itlll. Trailng was lnt'rely vrofes- i4IlOhli. Amnottttt r bullion taken Into the 111111k of Enghtttij on balance tlay , 93,001 , ( itil , is quoteil at 1ucnoa Ayres at hO. I'AItIS , June 27.-Qttiet buslne-ss vts the feature of the botirstt transactions today , duo to tIle itI1m1Ot1CjlOntS that 2,1. 13rls 51)11'S efforts to form a new cahiltiet would prove Imleffcctual.1 , F4reigm1 secu rities were heavy. affecte1 by the weakness of Sp.inlsh 4 $ , owing to _ the decisIon regarding --end - stlLinptng , Torco per cent rentes , 102f 5ic for the account. JxpjUflg0 ) on London , 231 25c for the account , BERLIN. June.--j'rIc-ea on the hourse tnhuy were tirni. except In tito case of Spanlaii ls , whIct1 ileclined on arbitrage sellIng. Americans .yero harder and Ca- nudlan l'aclilcs lljctuitted , closIng with a sihlt declIne. declIne.cu'i"i'i cu'i"i'i M.t it Ic tO' ! ' . ' --li- - - - At the (1se l'rIeeM Are Ullellangell to P1-c Lim11s itiglier , NIV' YOIti , Jthu27.-Tlle cotton market - ket was CXCltIoflahly ( destitute of features today , but vasi'teddy , with 1rlces , On- changed to a poIrt , lower , rallying I to 5 iolnti , showIng it rather tvetk ; undertone throughout the session and closing tiull but steady at uneltangeti prices to 4 PoImitil higher. Total sitles of futures 26,100 bales. Spit , dull ; nhlthlhimig , 6 3-Sc ; receIpts , 400 bales : exports to the CohltIfleilt , 2,137 bales : sales , 10) ) ) bale .sstoc ; .k , 10S,460 hales. Total today : Net receiits , , 3,201 bales ; exports to Great Britain , 413 bales ; to the continent , 2,137 halest stock , 11h,023 bales. Consoll- ( latch : Net receipts , 6,219 bales : exIlorts to Great ItritaIn , 9,471 intk's ; to France , 5,078 bales ; to till' continuIlt 2,017 biI ' , 'Veto ! sluec Si'ntomlwr I : Net receIpts , 8,419,979 tales ; extOttS II ) Great lIritain , 3,413,683 bales : to Fiitilce , 811,516 bales ; to the Colt- t111'tlt , 2tJOSS15 1)IIICS , NEOiILIOANS. . Jilt10 27.-COT'rON-- Futtires , 111111 . sahes , 5,000 titmles ; June , aoinl- itztl ; July , $5.80 1,1,1 ; August , 35,73415.74 ; SlIp- temililer , $5.711jS.72 ; October , 35.71)115.71 ) ; No- 'emtther , 13.700,5.78 ; 1)ecemula'r , $5.714i5,75 ; ji ntlary , $5.7I5.7'J ; F'ebruitry , 35.814:5.1.2 : : 2Iarcli , 35.81515.1.6. Spot , ideatly ; sales , 550 bales ; ordlnnry , 4c ; gooi orilinary , i 7-Sc ; 1 1) % t' III Iii i I I 11g. 5 5I I Cl' ; mItll I I mig , 5 15-IGe gtotl fli Ithil I ittg , 6 5.lGe ; in htitli I it r fit I r. 6 -lGc 1 re'eImts. ) 360 bales ; stock , 112,561 hales. LI VERI'OOL Jllne , ' , 27-co'rToN-siiot , mod e'rato loinat tid , liiCes ) u tichiit ligetl ; A mac r- i.i1t1 111111(1 I I fl g , 3 7-1 6th ; $11 I i's II C t lie da y iverti 10,00) ) laih , ( if whIch 50) ) ) were for silc'rtila- t hon a nil export a nIl I mmcl tmIed , 9,500 t mnt'z'I- ( 'II II ; rtceii ItS , I I , Ofk ) I iii lee , hI I A nl'iici : II. Fil I II rca oteii'ti Ii 0 i't , vl I ii a inoit'm a II , III'- inn nil ntil closell St CII .1 y ; Anl erht'a n mill - ( ihIli0 , L. 21. C. , Jtiiit' , 3 25-G-11 viihtiti ; June Ii nh J tily. 3 25.G4ii vu I ue ; J uly a nil A ugus I , 3 23-Old bIlyors ; Atigtist 111)11 I4elltetnla'r , 3 25-640 value' ; Septeniber null Ot'toler , 3 25-6-Id sellers ; 011011Cr ltmtl , Noyt'mbt'r , 23.6 Id sd I ers ; Novetit Ier it 11,1 DecenllnIl , 3 27.Gid sellers ; lucernbl'r tutu January , 3 22-Old solle's ; January ntih I"ehrttary , 3 22-Old buyers ; i'lIrtiitr } ' 1111(1 h'lhtrcl ) , :1 : 22-1:1 : sim : 2l.641l buyers ; March 11:141 April , 3 23-Gl@ 3 21.64d selter. NiisYirk lrr ( Iools Market , NFS'IV ' YORI , June 27.-Lea'ahly the dry g0305 mai-ktit is n.itablo ( ( hr tIm iuying of t'leitraiit'e sitle lii joh)1)I11g ) slinres ttilay , , tIme lttlmlltlil Itiventorles being schellulell for next week. There was it faIr llIlIwltig of buyers in town , chiefly from nearby Idaces. who are lti're tn take advantage of auth biirgmtlns liii tire ahtowti , Jobbers assert that they are meetIng t'it1i oluchi sue'eesa Itt cli'inlng stocks. l'rlees , away are em rnli- dull , ' , , ) t course , to se'iire : the result , but tllti returns ho dite hiti' been sittlarnetory. iii einSt'IlttVtice Interest huis 1)t'on thlverted front tile tleaehietl goiIs market utlil front oIlier quarters ill willehl uteri , have been innny Intittlrht's lutly. Sttiptu cottons are gt'tll-rally mitielsangeti ' from last week's Price atilnilarlIs. l'rlntell goods tro gener- icIly unchanged. TrailIng is fairly gooll but there iii ill exVeIjtltInl ithet' . replrtetl Itt any iiepartineiit. Voolen goais allow nO chmtnge. Oil Mt rl.e't. OIL Cll'Y Pa. , June 27.-CredIt balances , tIde ; lir.t tiii. 901,4e , tissht ; hilghit'st cash , Ole ; closed , cn$11 itfercl at ) % e ; ill ) biti for rt'gttlnr tltlli 1111 smmtes-c'uh its follows : 14,1)00 ) bbls. 11 t tIle : 5. ( $ ) 1d1 s. 8 1 91 , ' ; sh ilitlleni s , ' three ihays , 316.729 ( dls. . rutla , 181.517 tibIa. S4tVANN.1 I , ( in , , JIltIt' 27.-Ol1.S-Splrhta turpentine , final lIt 23 ½ e bId , Itoalmi , 1mm anal Il fldlIii ngt'i. . \'l1MlNO'l'ON , N. ' C , Julie 27.-OILS- SpIrits ttlniletltixa. , . lirtu at 34j23'4e. Itnain , ltrnt at 1.0U 1.)5. ( Cr11110 turpemttinu , 31,00 , 1l.G0l.70. Tarmtl'4,4y at $1.30. C.'u'.t.k _ . NEYOItlC , JuIM 7-COFrl'MO--Options opt'neti steitIy. -tl1cblahiget to 5 1101111 $ lover ; ruled mel lent I el y at I lvi , on I ( iCttiitig$1 al'Illis : : ttrfm1ie"l his' hotter Ltmro- liViltI 1111,1 , flrnzliltttt cables than eXlt'iteil , but specuhatIo still at the nilmiimutn ( 'losel SteflI ) ' 1)1111 Iinrhmingel to 0 ImimIts Ilet lovo.'r. bUilt ) , 4,000 ltap , Including July ILL $5.45. Sllot COffee , tIi , dttit itrId nomInal ; No. 7 , InvoIce , * 625 ; 7 , jobbIng , $ G.,5. Milil , dull and teturelesa Cordova , $5.50I 1'S.OO. - - OIA11 ! LIVE STOCK IARhiET Week Oplnr with a Strong Run and a Du1 Trade , CATTLE PRICES RULE ABOUT STEADY i'nekers 'Fake Nearly i11 ( liTeriligs , hut lteftts tip lttiiic l"lgitres-llog , , Siutnj , 1iniht Uiiiicr t'res- sari , to Nell , LONDON , June 27.-Consols tot luonC ) ' , Ill 1-8 ; for Imecount , 111 3-16. SOUTh OMAhA , Junt. 27. CILttie. hogs. Sheep. Itcceipts today . . . . . . . . . . 3,49) 5,150 1,41 ? OhhlcIni Saturday . . . , . . . . 1,0.19 SSiS 1)4 ) ! One week ago. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,320 9,015 34 'l'ts'o weeks ago. . . . . . . . . . 1,4 ( 5,214 bOT One year ago. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,8Th 2,120 lO'iG Two years ago. . . . . . . . . . . . 1SUS 1,351 2IJTI A't't'ragr , prk e liltI , ! for hogs icr the litst few dll'S , wIth cuminrisons : IlS'8.l1SU7.IIS9O. i1S95I1S94.1S93.IlS92. Jtltie 12 . . . .1 3 31 3 001 4 361 4 6 l5 JUmio 13 . . , . 3 74 3 0l : 4 32 4 74 t 46j 69 Juno 11 , . . . hI 3 i I 4 i 4 70 6 i 4 7 JUne 15 . . . . 3 'l 3 32 2 ¶ Pi I 4I 4 5s 6 19 ! 4 7 Jilt11 ? 16 . . . . 3 1)01 3 221 3 01 4 59 6 lO 4 75 Jut10 17 . , , . 352 3hs IOSj I It 602 481 Jill10 P1 , , . . 3 1.0 ) 211 3 10 4 46 4 osl 4 it2 JUlio 19 . , . . 3 15 .1 02 4 48 4 70 C 01 June20. , . . 379 295 145 41,0 590 448 June 21 . . . . 3 81 3 15 4 3i 4 bi S iS 4 'JO Jilile 22 . . . .3'i2 3 211 3 02i 4 40 4 7i ; S 63 4 11 Jt1i1023 , , , , 372 321,302j , 14521&TJttt)3 ) Julie 24 . . . . 3 67 3 ? 6 : t 001 4 40 e t' ? 6 4 95 Julie 23 . . , . :1 : Gl 3 23 2 'J7 4 461 4 S0i I UI June 2 ; . . . . a lIj 2.911 4 4 ' ; 3 5 2' ' Jtlne 27 . . . . 3 621 I 2 'JUt 4 57i 4 13I 5 'ii 49) 1itdIte Stintlay. ' 1 lIe tIllicial Iluilloer oC cars of stock brought In today b' i'acli road was : Cattle. I logs. Sheep. h1'ses. C.h. . & St. 1' . its' 2 . . . . 0. & St. l. Ity. . . . . . . . . . 2 , . . . U. 1' . system. . . . . . . . . . . . IS 17 2 2 1" . , JO. & 31. \ ' . 1t. it 11 ? 29 . . . . 8. 1- ' . & 1' . Ity. . . . . . . . . . . , , , 3 C. , St. P. , N. & 0. It ) ' 5 7 . . , . it. & : \1. It. It. it. . . . . . 25 20 . . . . C. ' . Ii. & Q. ity. . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . C. , Ii. 1. & 1' . fly. , 10 2 . . . . Total receIpts , , . .7'2 75 2 3 Tue tIlSloSitloll of the titty's receipts was as follows , each buyer pureltualtig thu hum- ber of Ilead Indicated : illivers. Cat the. hogs. Siteeti , Oinnlma i'oeklng Co. . . . . . . . . . . 1&SS 32 (3. Ii. Ilantliloitil Co. . . . . . 179 710 , . . SwIft 1111,1 , Conipamiy. . . . . . ill 1,119 852 CuIlahly l'ackimig Co. . . . . . 111 1,154 4)33 ) 1' . 1) . Armottr , Chicago. 44 It. ilecker and 1)egan. . . 147 . \'ittlSItflt & . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 1lbtIlitii & itotlisclllltls , 19 Nreblls & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4s 11111 & . I ItIttZlflger. . . . . . . . 133 h. I" . lltisz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 IlVitlgHtoiI & Sehialer. . . . . 101 ilecker & Degan , country 71 I Meyers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iss I laintootld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IS' ' ; . . . ChI. 1' . & 1' . Co. , N. City 3j9 , , , . Other buyers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Left over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ioo . . . . Total'm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2,167 5,156 547 Thu total receIpts of st'l ( tothay wet'e I 1gb 1 lott t hi e II rat III t II e lVetk , o it ly 1 30 cars behag repolteh , In , as agitimist 141 a week ago , 137 two weeks ago and 137 three weeks ilgt , , A iiceuiiitrlty of tile tiny's I'ccl'iits \'iis . thitt : Willie ( lie cattle niarket last week \.I1S iii pretty fair silape tue receulis , mIslay % \'cre extremely light. On tile other Iland Ilogs stltferel ii. heavy ileehlne Iist wt'ck : tmiil I ho receipts today were tlmlttsuitlly Iitrgl' 1,11' ILIonhlily. . 'l'lle I eceipts of cuttlo today were the Shut I I est flIr IL 71ltiiLty sI mite t lIe Ill 1(1(1 Ic ( ) I ltis I 1110111 hi , only Ii fty-tI'e I oa Os o f a I I I : ittils Ieltlg ) repurteil cmi salt' . Of that number about thirty-live bails consisted of CirhiIed lCt''e4 ) , the 111,151 Of thtemit heavy and Illedltln ) ) Velgllts. Very few Iltilidy light cattle were to be fIumll itniomg ) the offer- logs. 'l'lliI market Oil heavy and nletllumn weight fat cattle % \'lI $ just mibotit stcaiy , with tIle elose Of last ) .ilC no materIal change being ) lltIceilblo In values. I Ith them o becti Ii II ) ' chuilco llamldy velgli I clLtt I e to SleItk of they mnighlt have sold Iii. strong prIces , 'l'Iie mnrket was fairly actIve when the tnittle 1'iS 011CC under s'ay ittid l'verytillng tvas 54)1(1 hut ! 'Li ehghed up lii good seasoti. Uotli packers ; ttltl sllippers were' bttyers , 'l'hcre was Iiartlly enough cows and hell- ens In the yartis to mnttk a test of tile niar- ket , 1)111 what there were sold at tbout host week's llrlCei. littils vere rather stow 111111 \'eal calves sold as illghl as silly tIme. 'I'here 'ts ittlhtV It number of stockers 111111 ( t'eIlers In tile yiti'1a 1111(1 a considerable nronortlnn of 111cm Western. , . Amor.r ti.e tiuniber therti were a few iditho cattle , 'Fhtc IlenlItilil WIts flt't actIve , alit ! whIle Prices may not have been so very much dlfieremit front the c'ISe , of last week th'y certaInly were Ill ) higher. 'rue tendency scents to be downwtnt1 alt the time on that kInd of cattle. Itepresentatiwe sales : STljJ1tS. No. Pr. No. jv. Pr. No. y Pr. 25. . 7:11 : $3 75 9. . 922 $1 30 10 .1292 34 50 30. . 5116 I 53 17. . 1(87I ( 3' ' ) lOt. .1458 4 50 1. . 630 4 1)0 ) 23..lI36 4 35 44. .1193 4 52 ½ 1..lliO 4 0' ' ) 24 , .101.1) ) 4 40 21. .13'.3 4 55 3..1160 4 10 20..11&l 4 45 20 , .1355 4 55 1..114U 4 13 1..IOCO ) 4 45 4 , 1415 4 65 2..1255 4 23 3S..123 4 45 21.1453 4 65 20.10f9 4 30 1. .1550 4 4i 21. .1121 4 65 24..1312 4 30 12.,1317 4 45 75 , .13S7 4 70 c0'vH. 1. . 630 2 25 1. . 0.9) ) ) 3 25 5..105O 375 1. . 740 2 50 1. . 980 3 4) ) ) 1.1200 375 1..90t ) 5th ) ( i..1l10 355 5.1015 375 1..1210 3 00 5..l098 3 70 1. . 850 : i 75 i..1240 3 00 2. .1140 3 75 1. .1250 3 85 1. . 9110 I 25 S.1O15 I 75 1.1260 355 2. . 973 : m 2 : ; 1. .1201) 3 75 2. .1200 1 15 3. .1203 3 25 2. .1230 3 75 3. .3063 1 15 6. .1040 3 25 lIE ! l"UttIl. 1. . 610 : i 00 1. . 540 4 00 3 , .1040 4 20 2. . 035 3 55 1..1O5I ) 1 00 1 , , 410 4 25 1. . 71.0 : i C' ' ) 26. . 576 4 07 7. , tr2o 4 25 1..1060 4 00 3. . 'iSO 4 IS 15. . 6)8 440 1lUILS. G..1428 2 70 1. .1110 8 25 1. .1630 3 50 1..i5S0 2 SO 1..1270 3 23 1..10l0 350 1.1360 3 00 l..1110 3 25 1.h710 a 75 CALVES. 2. . 115 5 75 1. . 23) ) 11 75 1 , . 160 700 STAGS. 8. .12S6 4 00 S'l'OtiChRS AND VflllETUi. 4. . 19 ; 3 25 3. . 72(1 ( 1 00 2. . 415 4 50 2. . 704) : i 75 1. . 5(1) ( ) .1 15 20. . 601 4 1,0 2.1U71 283 2:1. : . 537 421) ) 27 , , 1.22 4)34) ) 2. 0211 : i 90 32. . . 615 I 50 .w ESTE1tNS. NEVADA , No. 4t % ' . l'r. : i en'vs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76) ) ; $2 5) ) ) Os cows and lielfers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( j'J 3 a ) ) hIA 110 , 29 feeilers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 831 4 30 7 feeders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95' 4 4) 72 feeiier.t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571 4 40 I iOGS-'i'he IlelIrS hitti It. their 'a' tills nionill Hg. i I I illil rkots 't' no re'msi It I og I a rue rtltls , Chilcitgo 48,000 llCItd 111th 1101511) ' 1011 lower , ani EIitII4ilil ( 'lty , 7,00' ) lit'iti atttl &h jOe Iow.'r. At tile SOIflU 11(11(1 tIle receIpts hero tvt'rti thIn largest ( or it 1llllttlIiLy lii IL gtJlJl ) tautly weck , ltotWIthliltltluillig the fact thlltt 111i4t veek's decline Iveulli hrtvtt naturally iliscouraglng effect U3hi 511111- Ilt'rs. IYnlor ( tich condttlon tile ioitrket , Ipeiled 54 lOc lovar a nil 11 eld a bolt I 1 liit t ' , vit y mlii III thu cloSe. 'l'iio sithes ritilged frtlin $3.64 hi $3.70 , tiut the big string wetit at $ J.Uij 3,65 , its aguinilt 3.651i3.7t } on Siituniluy. 1Inwe'er , ott Satunilay there were nioro sales at $3.70 than any other lInli' , ' , wIttlu toduy 13.00 lead all otlie&'a. tIi , that the average decline vits greater 111011 thlu rutigit of l'ricva would lfllliclite. The week 011t'nS wIth till ) market 1P-e lower titan it % VLt5 at tIle IJIUillmlg of lust w'ek , 12 ½ c tower tltuin two weeks ago atld 374c lower tla&mt three weeks aigo. Itep. resentativo uie : No , itv. Sb. Pr. No. As' . Shi. I'r. 13..177 1.4) 33 1,0 41..1)33 . 1.0 $3 00 . , 70..212. 40 3 60 ' ; 'a..7 oo ' 77..231 160 hI CO 1.2..241 . . . )34) . . . . . . , . . 3 50 70..232 1.0 GO 51..26:1 : so j o ' 5..243 . . . 3 110 70..235 4' ' ) 3 GO 66..32 50 liii 55..231 1' ) ) 110 66..253 40 .1 GO 72 . , . . , , 229 12(1 ( 1.1) . . . . . . $ , , . .1 lit 25..11.5 , . . 6(1 ( 66..21)0 ) . . . .1 )30 42..314 , . . 60 72..24)6 81) ) 3 I. . ) ) l . . . . . .Ill . . . GO li..2.19 40 110 , . . . . . . 2(0) 110 ' 76..232 1110 )3l ) 70..233 . . . GO 10..2s3 , . . 57..217 50 )3 ( ) )37..2(3 ( 40 I ) ) . . lli.21 $ 210 110 63..253 . . . 110 . 70..59 1(34) ( 110 14..lIt 2' 21) ) ) It' ' ) . . . . . . 1. ) ) GO 511..277 120 60 ) ) . . . . . . . . . 3 00 52..275 . , . . 3 110 62. . . . . . 21 * 40 3 Cl ) 71 . . . . . . . .11 1.0 11 It' ' ) 77..47 1.0 .1 GO 1.3..211 4) ) ) 'J CO SI..215 40 3 64) ) ; . . . . . . : ' ) II ) 3 62 74..120 . . . 620. % 5-i..221 1.0 . CM. . . . . . . . 120 t'i.l ' + 12..2)3) ) ) 120 .1 G2 19..272 . . . 1.2 ½ (12..21.1 ( . . . . Cl..SO 12' ' ) lilt' . 57..itI 1.11 62'h ' 11).277 ) 120 il23. ( ; . 58..217 1.0 3 C2 )3l.2511 ) I.il 112 ½ 11(1..2i 160 . 112 % 137..2t.3 4) ) ) l,2 . . . . . . , , , 12. . . . . 2,11 . . . I It2 ½ Cl . . . . . .274 1,0 115 . . . . . . . 1.0 115 . . . . . . . 3111 65 1,3 , . . . , . 252 )0 65 ) . . . . . . . , , . $ . . . . . . : 1.11 ( iS Li..253. . . 65 51).317 1)30 65 65..274 160 65 I al. . . . . 240 . , . t0 114 . . . . . .226 ltn Gil I 7 211 12' ' ) 62'4 115..Ill 1111) Glit. ? . . . . . . SO 113 % 69 , . . , , , 2S4 . . . I 1.o..233 210 65 115 , , , , , , 257 uo s till..2)33 . . , 55 64 , , , . , I25 lIto 63 13 , , , , . 300 , , , 67 S6.,325 , 67 61 . , . , , , 305 , , , 3 6l34 53 . , . , . , 153 . , _ ; - - - - &G' . . . .307 lO ; 3 70 51..s o 3 o VAOON LOTS-TI l1tOOUTS. . 2..200 . . . 1,0 1..30t ) , , , ' 180 S..347 . . . 1,3 4..236 . . . 2..29O. . I'S 4. . . . . . . . . . . : ) . . . 13 3..210 . , , 355 S..202 . . . 571,4 5..7t15 . . . ' 1 60 S..292 . . . 60 5..316 . . . 3110 6..233 , . . GO . . . . . . . . , 3 (0 6. . . . . 22.3 . . . 60 . . . . . . . . 3l 11 . . . . .345 40 60 5..2116 . . . 3110 4..211 . , . . GO 6..210 . , 3110 7..i10 . . . hI 00 7..230 . . 3 60 6..217. . . . 'I 110 Ii..246 . . , 'I 60 I..2'JO..111O . . . . . . . ! . . .360 S..21,4 ; . . . 'I II ) I..252 . . . ' 1 60 5..290 . . . 3 60 5..220 . . . 3 60 Shltfl-I'-Thiere were two double ilceks of yearlings , beitIt' 41)111(1 ) ft bunch dniveti In , niakIlig mt total of ilbotlt four curs cii itlt' . The hitost of them were not ovcnl' i1- lritble , altit for that reason the tuers did not tall over cuelt other in tr'lmmi to Ott ) ' them , still thte market wits jttst nItiut ste'itdy and Limo Prlees liiiiI were 'ery goIi cotisinerlng the ( unlity. 1tepresetitiitI'o sales : At ) As' . Pr. 3oltjewc' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oo st 29 lIlt ( 'we' ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t'.l ' 3 75 5 crIpples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 3 75 454 " . ' ) rltlIrS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 t ) Cli ICAOO , June 27.-ItOtiS-Estlmatc'ti receipts today , 4SW heath ; left ot'or , 3.030 lienil lIluIrIlit. ntostl' )0' lower : lights , 3.1.60 l3.80 ; mIxed , $ ) ,70tl.S5 : lleit' ) ' , $3.70'imJ.SO ; roltuil , 83:70413,85. ( 'ATTlE-1tl1tt' , 15,0(0 imeaut ; strong ; hit'eV , 34.0)745,25 ; COWS ainl lteifers , $2.2.it 4.0 ; Texas steers , 33.tIMJ'i.33 ; stockers ttttti I. itt . $ iiO:4 ) Ii SI 1 IOI'l'-ileceIiii p. 18,000 head ; mnniket sIt eng itittivi's , 31.2:4(5. 15 ; western , $4.4tf 5,10 ; liIlmili , $ I.0)4i.55. ) Stttmrdiiy's , ) tIllCiltl : hogs , receipts , 17.584 heath shiptnents , 3GSI tt'i1. $ hteoI. , recelIltil , 2,594 hii'imI , ; C1IIIfllCtttS , 1,073 liettil. Cattle , receipt II. 223 Ii i'uil ; 511 IllIfll'mt ( S 108 lIes ii. l'tInittul tecellItS of hiogs for tomorrow , 28,000 head , CII l(1 ( ) Li ' ' ' ' 'lO S'l'OCiC 31 A 1ti Il' . 11et'elpts III llogst re ileitsy tiiil l'rl ' . ' , . ' A re I.iit' r , CII ICAGO , Jtlfle 27--'i'itc 5)iilil ) ) ) ' of c'nttlo wits tttlder the estimate nmul Itl'CrS were urgent ; lI'iCtS ltItvltllcVI lOt' all itrouiui ( 11)11cc stet'rs , $ I.9015.lt'1 ; nieilitmiu , $ l.53fl4.65 ; beef ste'ers , $1.i5,4.5t ) stockers and fct'hers , $3.6141'lS5 ; hulls , $2.OP 1.00 ; co8 itn,1 , hell- el-s. $ : l.I5'm i.oo ; t'itntlers , $2 204:3.10 ; calves , $ .1.iOtr7.U0 ; vt'stenlt steers , $ i.2.1j4.'JO ; ' 1'e'.tts stet'rs , I 1,50u4.I1. Receipts ( It' lious % vero fur lit excess of ( 'XIlcdtittIotms ; linlcus declimti'd lOt' ; fair to ( ' 1101(1' , $ 2.t.ls.oo : : Pitekel's , S l.)3fltu 3.S2 ; tiUtl'lll'i'i4 , $3. .04:1.53 ; mIxed , 0.i.tJrLVI.S'2t ! ; lights , $ :1,5Oi:3,1.1' : ; pigs , 32.75411.65. I 'I he tiiitit mId fur Ii ceji % tll 14 good for all omletiligs ; sotta' gratles Itic higher tllitmi lust ivt't'k ; wc'sterlt sileell , $1.55 ; grass slteep , $4.75 ; lilt I I ye lieei , , 3 I .7L'tj ' 5.20 ; sprIng In ittbs , 0 i,1)4l ) 7.00. lteceipts : Cattle , 15,000 lit'all ; hogs , 45,00) iieatl ; sltee' , , 13,000 lteimtl. if II liSlM ( 'I I - livi 141 ] ANSAS C' I 'P'S' , J Ullo 27-CA'1'TlE-1to. celpts , 1,518 itlttIVl'S ltttli 1,551 'l'exitiiS ; catmle itI good d'miItilltl ; tir ) ' lilt eitttlt' tOil ! most i1ell'mthlo halliches of ) IllS0 stock , S'i : lOc Ii I g hit'r ; coOl mnott grittles , utcti ye at stltin g pmii''s ; eiioitt' ltuitvy ste'm'S , $ i.75t4S5 ; 1110- , hihlmil Steers 41.501,4.70 ; lIght \'eigllts , $4.00 ( , l,0 ; stockers 111111 f't.lers , 3 I. II ) ? , 4 113 ; Ii at ch 'rs' cnvs It tel lid I cr5 , 3.1. 2't ; I . I ; llutehlera' hulls , $3.231i4,00 ; ( 'ultlmtllig stilt k , 32 :50:3.20 : : % vestem'n Metro , 31.101:4.65 ; 'l'eaes steers , $ : l.1t i 4.30 ; 'l'l'xlis biitCill't'S' CIlVu4 , iltit ( ltmiti'l. IIOUS-1t'cellitS , 6,131 heitd ; ItrIct'S elf Se ; eliico hcttv' , $ 'l.SO4u.95 ; tnI.t'I. ; i.65i:3.S5 ; light % vi'Igllts $ ; I-E5i3,75 ; lligs , $8.00Iu3.41 , SI I 1Oli'-ht'eeIpts , 1.472 htt'td ; ; stmliiili' iltluhmll ) ' l'Ilitllilll IltiItlItY ; iieslrnbie ilililts ii1l it bOLl I St I'll , ly ; 'olnmnott S t ock , tel otv It ) IL ii Ito e I 0 t'er ; still ng lit ilhtJ1 , 33,1)41 ) : 6.25 ; tot - tlve' lIltIttlilts , $ t.70m5.2i'iZiiittL ; : sluei'p , $440h 1.73 ; 't'txlins , 31.2541 1.70 ; stocki'rio amid feeders , $2.5Oi ! 4.00. N't- ' , , rI. , l.lve Slt'k. NE' YOitl'1 , .liune 27.-I 1lOE'ES-lhe- CelIltS , 3.165 hicati ; lilies SleliIl ) ' bulls weak ; siters , $ l.12itS.lO ; 1,111 $ , $1.25 ; oxen utah stugs , $ : i.o'it ' 1.50 ; 11)1115 ) , $3.I5h3.75 ; IIIWS , $2.25i3.75. ( ' 111)11's ) , tillie ( liVi' cattle' itIghlt'r , tt lO2)Ill1C , ilresst'th vi'Ight ; refrIgerator tt'Cf ) , hi Igher II t S'i. p'r Ili. ; 1 I ye sit t't'i , ii II- I liiiigtd ; cx t'o :1 : a tiltiny. 110110 ; tomiorrov. 503 c'attl , 512 shte0i , atiti 2,615 qultrtet's 01 lucef. t'AlVES-Itecehils , 4,631 head ; 25SS lower ; veitla , $1 .OOhO.25 ; extra aiil elthce , , , $ G.037i 6.110 ; tiittenmnilk , t'utlves , $3.75ii 1.23. SI I I'iOf' A N D LAMIIS-ltect'lpts , 12,423 11 cultl ; sit'ep In fal r d etnithitl ; gttlil I ii nil , s ilmeluiy , others 154125i' lowem' : sheep , $3,251.1 4.75 ; ianlls , $5.2Ico.Io ; : culls , $3.001J5.O0. I lOGS-ltt'cehllts , 12,212 Iteati ; lower at $1 00 4.25 , St. ltiiis 1.1 s-i' St.ii. S'l' . 1.01' IS. Jon , ' 27.-CA'I"I'l , E-HCL'ehpts , 2,500 Iwutd , includIng 1tr ) 'l\'xatts ; shIp. lfl'iltS , ; 5O ) head ; itiitrli't strnitg for mtttIves , wIth Texttmia strolug ; fair to fancy native siiIpIIng ) 011,1 , 'xtiiirt steers. $1 , tO4fl.15 ; hulk of iiilct. $4GOij'.t ( ) : tlresse'I beef attii tnmtclter steers , $1.1044.95 : btutk ' ) f sales , $1.51)Ojl.9i ) ) ; steers tittier , 1,00) ) ) lbs. . 31,13414.60 : stockers and feeiiers , $ i.50'114. & ) ) ; 11111k of stiles , $ i.00i14.hO : ; cows ntld Ileifenli , 22.01)41' ' 4.75 ; Texas 111111 lttill.-tn steers , $3.01.r4.I5 ; dlWl ) iin,1 lielft'rs , $2.9O4l.rO. : JIOGS-Itect'hpth , 3,800 hcai ; SIlillllemltii , , 2,5(1) ( htetui : ; miiirlcet i4tcnly lii easier ; yorkers - ers , 33.75j 3.50 ; Iackers , $2.S0ii 1.90 ; butchers. $3.S0 3.90. S1IEE1'-ltecelpts , 2,200 hetid : Iilpntemtts , 1.00 heat ! ; mnitrket stenuly ; native mutton , $4.ir.aiI.sO : lltmuls34.S34 ' 6.55. _ ( 'I , , ei , . tilit I S tok , CINCINNATI , June 27.-hOGS-Active ni 3.25114.05. ( A''Tl ) E-I3 hghcm' at 32.50414.75 , SIIIOEI'-Flrntcr ; tt $2.751x4.10 , l.AMIJS-Htriimtg at $ .OO71II.63. Sto1.1 . .l'nliclil , lhi'i-ortj of receIpts of live stock at the fcur PrInciPal markets far J0t10 27 : . Cattle. linus. Sheep. On-.nha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.491) 51SO 1,417 ( 'Ihicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is.ooo 18,0110 13,003 t'annns CIty . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.05' ) 6,634 4,4i2 St. Lotus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,500 3,300 2,200 Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,059 63.114 21,019 8uigjr 3inrlst'ls. NEW 0i1t1ANS , Jumle 27.-SUGAR- OpemI kettle , stonily itl : n440 : ( 'cltnitiiglil ) 111111 ; no grantiluitel . ) r w'Itlti's lit lirst ha tIll I ; yci I otvs , I ! tj I 7. 1 i ; ; Ill'l ) thIs. 2 % : ! ' 7ti. \ , .Il , " ' . 'M , ( ' 0 MV Ceitt ml Ii oii I. 40t I ic. NE\V YORK , Jllno 2T.-SUGAlt-.lttw , quiet , ( nit' lelillIlhIg , : i 5-Sc ; eeittrhlugiil , II' . test , ; tt'lltmeth , ( imlIl'I ; tnotmhii A. 5 3-Sc ; stiiiiliri * , A , 5u' ; ( ' (1(1 ft'e'llotiem mi A , 5 % ' ; nIl Io.tl' , 5 7-Se ; cnilshuei , LI 7-Sc ; Powdered , 5 5-St ; gi'ltmlillllteti , 5 7-Sc ; etllles , . , 5-Se. f'l'iJl'ilfl iI'I'l l'i'milIs , NEYORIC , Jitito 27.-CAIlFOltNlA Dill El ) I"IIUI'I'S-Qnli.t. F'll ( at'- ilt's , to 111(111 , 14 : ; liii flIt' % yltt' t ray , 1(1.1 ( . l)1u. ) _ is'iiutl Ii rlcil , 1l rhine. ' , le ; c hotl ci' . tl4t' , ( Ilti ) ' ) ' , IOc. I'rtituos , 4445t. , , . \1nit'tts , ) tllyill , s : o' lot' ; ? tloor l'arlc , lOUl2e. I't'lchies : , timu- liecieti , & 'Tj9e ' ; P'ClMi1 12410 , . JtISO'S ( . 'IUltlO. lliit Slu' 1)1,1 : ' , , i It'l li'n l' 1) iiul Mu r- i'i.'ii tI , . . ( itIii.i' I'a'lI.t' . Lhetitenntit llotStlt , 1110 lIeto of the Mer- rlniac , has ihgurcli Iti a love i OtmIanco , fll- Iltous lit mt.-tvul circles. ( Inca hue lot'vl , a volttatl tt'Ithi nil the strength of lila alngu- IrtIJy stroll ) ; 011(1 earnest liattmre. Silo was the ottly toitlan lie ever lovei. , She l'ejectctl Itltu antI mitat'rlc'u.l , a brother olilcet' , The fair woimlall of hIs 1rt'aiiis , whom fmiti.lovlrig cailts called ' 'lIah.soti's CilolC ( ' , " tlts Miss Coliltis , formerly of New Orleans , 'tow of W'eslimlgton. ) % trs. Patti Collltis liuti lieemi In ( lie gos'crntnent employ as it ioStOfllCC ) clerk , whlcr ( ' ihie : Is kmlosvn its ati expert ' 'blInd reader , " or Ill'clptmerer of It- legihtje lUlIrCSSCS. Still 1105 011CC II IlileCeSS. rid contributor tO curretlt ntagazltme'im. Miss Collins % vas 01)11 of ( Ito great ttciiles \Vashlngton , She dr'sEcd sIrnl'Iy. hut Iii purfect taate. She P0S'lIied It reinarkalIle beauty of the dRIll aoutilern type. Sliti was titll UtIll Of stately carriage , with dark eyes and haIr. Sin' t'as a cilarmiug cOllvllnsu- ttonallst , Frank lInker Zaltnt and Itlchard l'eareomi hltihisoa Were rlvttls for lien hatill. liobsom , entered Ilte naval aeaienty ) In 1855 , uuui 41)1(111 ( L' ) % 0 ) 'Clit II bier. lioth ills. tingulbiled themselves as sttiilt'nts. iaehi cornet ! elf "first honors , " grailuatitig itt thu head of his class. Accorllirmg ho the megula- lions , the fIrst thirtu tIletI In the grstlmiatlitg classes itt t'tlitlllI'OllH ' are iernlitte'l ) ' to titako tliohi' OWIt etloice of the corps or branclt of tIlt' itavat servIm'e they 5111111 enter. 110111 liobi'it and Zalima chose tbi t'OisttUtlofl ) : corps , becauce a 111101 of that t'oris onllts ilto glade of cotulgu and becomes a jttnior IlemlIetlant at 00CC. liobsotl OtI grn'iitatltig ' frotn the naval avadeany stutlicul at the ' Enole ll'AlllllIcatiou ulu ( Junlo Mimrlthizie Iii Paris , hieIng graduated at ( lie head of his ctas. altiit ellIerelt the UniversIty of fllas. SOW , ff0111 Ittlicil lIlt , too. IVuuS gradIlitted at the head af his class , I Two two noes , who had been rivals Ii . , - - ' - theIr stiitlhe unit rivis tn-c3'o , were rh' als In love. ' ' 110th WDiO men of exceptional -strength of character , sud both were terribly In earnest , Tltey had courted the yotitltfl beauty In theIr ei1et ilays. Tile ) ' rcttlr(1E'd Iron ) their foreign studIes mattirn In and body , unit pieparcil to tirue their rivalry to the bitter (01(1. It was a sonulenttmi eotl tstilp1 They say thai , llobon , who rarely thInknf anythIng bitt his lIrofeiilloit , tiseti to mIngle his coit- . a icrs.1iion i ItO exterIor ballistics anil Pro' tOStatlOlls of drathlest devotion , iIttlo dli ! she know how lie cotIhi defy dfttlt. In sitlte of liii PeculIarities of comtera- tlon , Ilebson Is a fa'orIte with women , i'ho aometlmttes like serious utemi. Nevertheless , lie witt fated to fall In this case. Zshin won thto ldy. it is Ito illsiam'agetuent to .tb.Itt. gallant ohtlcer to say that marriage nolan- 01151) ' gOes more 11)1 faor than by incniL After tIlls reverse , Itob3on becaitie anon grImly ilevotcil to his lIrofelsioli lImit , iver , They say that lie cares for no votnan tmoW CXCL'ltt. lit a 1.lstotilc % % 'a ) ' , littt his atUttiule tosarti thent Is th torfection of chivalfy aitd courtesy , like that. of a true soittherner. MIsS ( 'olllmis t'ats niarrlt'tl tO Irnmik linker Zaltltt t2it ycsrs ago..nhtmtt was ( huh sent to l'ott Itoyni , S. ( ' . . . ama ! Hobsolt to the Ilrooklyii tiavy yarul. Mrs. Zahtin is now celehratetl as one of "the hit Vet beauties of the naval votlstrio- ( tiomt corps. " 'Fite other two are Mrs. Iavtd Tn'Ior mith Mias Martila lliehi'borti , tinuglt- let' of Chief Constructor liichbonii , 3llO3iIittIiS Ill" 'I'hlIl CiVil. 'a.tIt. ltttt- lie Slu'l I I nit of .tt ltti itt W'tis the llungr' 3ituti's 1)lilurtllltIt3' , I , iotilll. Ii I ittil the might teioit to talk of thIs t'ar , tilhIt I don't talk mlch ) , sIt'fl , t'niter itt the Atlanta Coliitltuttton , I lIreter to lhstemi to hli0Vl1. all ) ! froiti 11(5 ( stllrh3.'l Weh can gnther sometlliili : of tito stress of I 11(1St' ili ) S. I Iciti' hllilt ' 'Itt tIlt' 3'i'fll' ISti I I itl'riVed lit Atlanla 51111 1\'cllt lleijbltng out l'enciutrco street , titiikiitg lily Vfl ) ' to Joiui tOtI ( Ic oi'gh iitflltla. As I illeul to tite rIght nioiit 'tiere thaI 1lrst ttctliot1Ist clltit'ch yct iitntttI. I canto upon ittl tlbil solilier goitig toy way. a w e walked along what is now \'IieaL street the sal- iller tuiticel to toe amitl ashcii I , ' lIt ' ll'Jt ill Ilantit' ! ' 'Old hiatt , ) ) 'Oti ? 1 ' 'I told Itltit that I dId not , tier voti1tl I be a-ttear the ilitigeil 11111CC bttt let' tite 1ttt that tIme cotlscrlpt ohileora Imisisteil that 11 511)1)11 ) ) ii coaii' , 111111 gi ye inc 110 lest I I I I I Itey got lIlt' oil. I stiomi Iihtorluei tIle soldiers that I hati haul llOththliO to rlt : Itt three lltly4l , aud tttat I was iieurly nttl'vtit5. : 11ciehi1c. I 111111 hail mie SlCl'i ) CCCl.t 5 hat lItlIe I lint ! got lttti tug II I ) II fl I us t a S I tI 11111. Ii ( Ill lit it I I lie Ilt'oSlleCtS iiliezul of mtie tvt't'o a3 gloomy as tIoot t'tJ'l I I I , . ' . , , 'Yomt , lon't 1(110W tiio ropes , ' salt ! the so- 01cr , 'you art' mrrmh. ' ) tI jtis sit1 I : to tIlO 011(1 ( 1 will see 11131 ) cdl tb hilt iitltr'o ' 15) uit'nthi. ' 'ThIs wts : no 511011cr stid : tiOtit lie opemtcii : t gate lit it house t'hiicli I Itave slttco II 11(1 I' , it ItS t lIe 'CII rIco hti U' , en ni a CV Ii , 'a 1 and Ivy streets. itmi , ! lIe . ) I tilt eti till to the frmtt uloor 115 If hIt ) lilt ! ua no.1 thte lIlace _ A pr'tt ) ' yoting lail' OhiciWli tIlt ) , ioar , tut whom t hi t' sold I el slalke II P101 t , tS I'll In via : . , ' \\'Ill ott 110:110 : IhIVO 1110 It dnihlc of water ? l'iii to Iltlilry ) I don't isllIW where I ltllt gIl I ag I , i el cei I ) 'l 1 , iit . 'The I utly Silt II i'd till I. a it % Pt"h I Ill 1 lii l' , , ' 1 mIiIiti ) ( Itl lie Ill V. ' tttel' ; II ) lit'IiiI tutu aontethiiig to eat , vhlcli 1 trIll gladly sup- ' iilt for ' iat II ii , iiier , Ill ) , ) sleep 'ou ill 1,31 I IC hllat" . ' - ' 'Silt' Invited tia lust' ! ' , g,1'e its chairs olid tm , I livtl a t.t ) ' I ii to a'l ( I I lIt' I' Piil't 'If I Ito itoiise. A negro girl caIne with a pItcher of water tiIrectl - .11111 pret . y Iiili'fl .lftlr tltli yotng lauly retliriiet anI 'nvttu ' 1 et , In to uihtlfl9t' , At till ) lztble , wlieii vc arrived , was sit- hug a enjoin. ! of ( lIe VIrginia utniny nod un 'ront of tile colonet sat a mliajoi' of tile TOll- , esseu ) army. They were alreauly argilinglnn he merIts of titelr respectIve generals , Leo . , liii Joiimlstoti. Just as we took our sects 1110 colonel remnarlteil , with coltsiderablo arintlt : , 'Why , sir , Jnimnston used to cootniand the Alloy of VirgInia , ills ! It was retreat. retreat , retreat , all the Utite hp tile there. ' . , 'lie Eave.tl Ills 1)1011 , though , ' u'etortcii the major , 'aitsi It they WoItlil have let him ire- ItIliltI lIe wtitill Iittve eaptttred i'dcCIelInfl ' ! : hiuie army eveitttlally. ' 0 'Captitie'l the ulevit , ' cxelalttted tite colonel. 'It 'as retreat , retreat. retreat a1 tile tIme Ito was tilere. Front Yorktown t Sevell I'Ines , mi1 there , when Lee.toot d7uni- laamill , the Yitiikces were Iii sight of the - lag waving front the capItol at Ithehiiiotid , ' . , 'They would have hover got any nearer , ' aPI the major. "l'hat Is General Jobtlstona tvay ol doIng. lie heelts ti-backing tIll Ito 7et.:3 them wheru ho watits tlieni , nimd tiiezt lie will do tilern up in good jthajn' , Just like 'to ' Is going to 110 ohil Shtermaii hOW in a few layml-ynli'li ccc. ' ' "l'iie colotlel laId uhown htls , knIfe and fork and would have sutlil iioniotiting harsh , 31 thInk , hut before tie c'otiltl speak the niJor hegtt II agal a a tll Cit Id , , . . \.oui ne2d have no fears about Atlanta falllitg Into the Iiitnla , of Slierniati. There wIll ilever ho any harm done to this cIty- you'll see that. Old Sllermait will have to 111150 tlit' back track now very soon , and theli thIs VIrginIa army vit1 quit soitic of theIr brttgging , I hope. ' "These words were ilot atone than out of the lmrnjor's lllOilth before- ' , line mti , 1)00 ii ) , liooiim ! coin a I hi e snun il of ca ml liii il tloiii an 'tstu'il y tl I reel Ion , a it ii a lhIell caine wbllzzhiIg litlougil time air lllte a Shliick w its tIed in It , i'eeitiiig to say , ' \Vitcro lire you ? Wla'i e time ) LIIIVhltiro are you 7' ' "Fills shell ( cli a ahot ullatitnee front the CalIco house illVitS ) ' tile firsu shell thrown iitto A ( Ia II bt , E vet'y biily la it Il'tIil tile 0 I it - log roam hIlt the old soldier 1111(1 Inyst'If , I should huvt' rutit , but : ta 1 sti'te'1 ' to i'lae tile tolilit'i' grahibc'th miiy toot utili jerkeul itto II 0'Vtt I ti toy ( 'It a I r , iiyi og Ii S h u , II I ii so : I ' ) lii g I I , ci II 111 .1 tI , Oum , ' I gut IIC3 ret ! . This Is our ojportummity---1)rovideneo ) ) Is on our SIde. ' ' 'A I this hill llghiteileil a belt al'oumld the bottonm of lila gray JIl'ket ottO hiegan fIlling itis blellmim wIth vrovlsloiis fretit the table , I it' ' Httiffu'll , lii IliltIga till ho loOkell about os Iarg3 again ilum lie 11111 WlICtl 1'li flittered , amId by tliti tlttie that llio rest hind got over LImIt' tIXClIOmtttlit ) WI ) W'ith awuy out 1111.1cr 401)10 1)111(13 timhsltig a good rest , wIth provislotia etlotigh for ttvo or three iluys. ' ' Suelt Is Sill' . % i.iiiiiIii ( 8.'iit Ii. ( iiittrnntliie , Icily W'EST , Jun 27.-TIle brig AmapaI , vhIeii w'es viui'turcll ' on Friday last by the UnIted 5111108 gunboat Vlcksbtlrg , twbllu nmalcing its way oult ol tile harbor of iIaymtj , , 1111)1 ) 5 illCIl WUS hirolgllt ) hole by a prize crew cii Saturday nlonillng , wIll be aunt today - day to I tie 'Fortttgss for qtinrlntins dlii Itmrnlgatlimil 1111(1 tvlll ifl bitthtl 111)111 twelv ulay shall have elapsed shire tlte limnoit lt'tt hiavaula. 'fIlls will iituIo Its stay st the Tortugs IlIbI ten 'lays. It will then return to Key \'est , where tIm vrlze cetlrt wl1l' ' . " * . reoihcr a ( heelsiolt ItI Its ease , 8iiis Co. , 'FcIcpIlulle I 031) ) , OIlIUilt ; , 1(1313 ( COMMISSION , ( ; U it I N , I'H OVliI ONS Ilmid S'I'OCKS 4 iliMlili OV TlMihli. DIme t % vir. to Clra.iu ( , dill ) NeW Yur ' 4 ' , , , , ' ' . . ( 'orrPla'lpfull' Jutkr a t'srrn u. 'l'lll1I'lUE illilli , H It P1NNEY & CO. . lIiu , Ill l N , 1' . 1.1 Cc II I d'g , , 1' ) illitltit , 'Noh. Stocks,6rain , Pfovisilin ( I I W il cuud