LTTj - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - . - - - - T . p F rI'JiI Ot&iiA 1)ATJY BEE : MQjNDAY , Tt1NJ 7 , 1898. 8 - - - - - . . - - - - - . - _ 'NRWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. - COUNCILBLUFFS. _ _ . MINOR II1'IN. flwlwelser beer. Itoser.f1& Td. 323 , - ik2It.tnr ( . S. ltanck of Iowa City wns In ; , , CoiiicII Iilutt ycsterdny. Wzinted-Latet clltIon of CouncIl flIuft - city directory. Ap1y at flee oflce. ! , k trR. ( k'orgo Shoemaker of Minneapolla - j Is visiting her parents , Mr. end trs. I. : S ' rot1p Mrs. John Schoentgon lins been called to Creston. In. , by the Illnvsn o her sister , - , Mrs. Lnndaberg. . The } vans Iatmdty Ia the leader In fine work both for color nn(1 finish. & 20 l'earl . atrect. I'hone 2O. A. Kinney of IaaL Orange , N. 3. . is via- lung at the home of Mr nnd Mrs. Ernest : E. hart on I'iirk avenue. - , Sheriff Tubba of Mills county woe in the , city : ysterdny looking for three iIiaoucn4 ) , Int hroko jail at Uknwood Satuiay iiiglit , Lon't you think it must he a prett good _ _ _ _ nundry that can please so many ! iu.idrcda i f custwnersVcilLhnt's the "Eagle , " 24 Ilronulwny. (1. Ihitinian , editor of ( ho Mt. Vernon _ . In. ) llnwkvyo , and wife are the guests of , Ir. and Mrs. Vi. S. Itatril. They are taking , tim expoaltion. , n , ii Ohlt'ntloit , secrctnry of the Potta- . nttamio Iarzners' Mtittini Inaurance asso- iatlon , has announced himself as a candi- _ ate for the 0111cc of county recorder. Mrs Dr. Canilcil of Chicago Is the guest . _ f her neIce. Mrs. Thoinna Metcalf of Blurt _ . _ _ _ _ _ 'et Dr. Can lid ti has leeii attelid I a g t it a ' . . . ewion of the American Institute of ho- J"thy In Omaha. opening session of the 1'ottavnttuinIc County Institute 'hIl be held this movlihtig _ _ _ at 93O o'clock ot the Ihiooiiier school. 'l'lac morning v1h1 ho mainly devote , ! to enrollment - _ _ _ _ _ _ mont and thu assigning of teachiera to boarding - - ing houses. - 7he summer stock company at the Polinny . , yuI cho3O ItS cligagenient tonight and will , give a hiclietit Irnrforlnnnce for Maiagcr Ihowan. A contitinons vaud.3v1110 vrforn- , . 't1c ( ' Introducing entirely new specinItka , k' ho thu bill. , II. 1) . Fester , tl < Omaha man who has , been In jail hero since Friday , was relen9c'l ' by order of Judge AyIcs ortli ycstw day. ' Foster wa arrested whim trying ivtth a cotii- 3)flIiOt1 ) to bicak Into a freight cal r.t the : Norths caLera yat tl , , nseplilne , the Infant daughter of Mr. and MT..a 'I' . B.Vlison , corner of Scott and \ \ aahllngtll ( ) streets , died ) csteIday afternoon - , noon of siltial meningitis , ageil 1 year and E months. No arrangements have been made as yet for the funeral. .Iohn ihunson was arrested yesterday I morning cii a. battery and assault charge - tiled against him by John 'rhiacker , a neigh- her. in Justice Vica's court. 'l'hinckcr ah- lcges that I lawson iiorsevhlpied a son of lila , hlniusoii gave bull niid 'hhl have a : hnrlng Wednesday. & ' 'ro lilcil giving the names of 1) . j. Spear 111111 .1. II. 1)iiigiiiaii ver taken into ctntoly ycSteiday afteinooii by 1)ct.ictiv.'eir as atlapielotin characters. Both nen ar , wt'ih hicctl aui claimed to be .nubkrs from ' OUtlI Omithia. Olie of them is .susavttv'I by thio iii be o f 1)01 0 g a lie 0 f t iii two coo It hcii cc Inch that roblel the Jouseci youths trout Pigeon a couple of days ago. "Crank laundry for cranks. " Nothing hut shirts , collars anti cults. That's our specialty. We can PleaSe YOU where others fail. limit City hauiiihry , 3 1 North tahii street. % FOR SALE-Goon 8ecoiuI-h'tnd bicycle at' birgain. Cihl at The Bee oiIhe. Council I Try Moore's tlenth to lice and mItes. Dii , , IN 11l11 d tIC Situ iii p 'Fax. As the new var revenue law will go into effect next Friilay the Council Blurts banks , arc sending circulars to all their customers anti correspondents calling attention to that portion which applies to banking transac- J tlons _ flanbers expect there will be some I' eottftiToii at the outset of the enforcement . of the adhesive stamp tax itrovisions aiid are I ji advising their customers In Limo. The fol- , ? 3owing is the circular : "To 1)eposltors and Correspondents : Your I itttciitlon Is called to that part of the war ' re'rntte act relative to stamps on checks , t drafts , etc. , which requires that a 2-cent revenue staiitp ho placed on 'any batik check . or draft which Is for the iaiylneitt of any . nut of money drawn upon or Issited by any bank , trust company or any person or per- . soils , companies or corporations at sight or On demand. ' Therefore. on and after July 1 next , great care must be used in atlixing t. . atanips to all checks or tirafta you may draw on this bank , and all checks or drafts you . , may deposit or remit for your credit. " , t 'uhie banks In thIs city will each keep a ' of the stamps on hand for the con- 'v.liience of their customers and by buying . , theta in $ ICO hots obtain I ior cent discount. . ' 1tpcntm Collector lCcniblo of Burlington 9 1ai wrItten to the bankers here asking that . they see the husiness men who do business vIth their banks auth order stamps for them , In hulk , the banks taking the discount. This L is in order to facilitate the distributIon of the stamps. Lost-liatnoud bow-knot , Suitable reward riil ite itttlti for return of same to lice ' 0111cc , Council BiuiTs. , The othlciai photographs of the United States Navy , contaIning over 200 pIctures of the vessels. with their olilcera auth a aura- of the views of the hil-fateti Maine. can be Itail at tile Couricli Bluffs olhlce of The thee , , icr 25 cents and a fico coupon. ' ; Wnr songs ! war songs ! var songs ? by the 'b Dudley-Buck ciuartetVeilnesdtiy evening. 4 Juno 29 , at the armory , Masonic temple. 1 I'dmlssion 25 cents. I'nth , , r Tpuurrd II rNeIit , .Ir. Leonard lClrscht , Jr. , son of Mr. anti Mrs. Ij. Klrscht of 12S Gien avenue , died at 12:30 : 4 t o'clock yesterday morning at the family resitherico of nervous vrostratior , . Mr. ifirscht was 30 years of age anti was horn ' and raised In this cIty. lie had been aIling , t for three weeks , but was thought to have been lniproving the last fc' days anti his . death yesterday morning vtis sudden and , ' unexpected. The funeral will be bout to- 11 - norro' afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock front the totally reslilenco and Interment wiil be In , \'aInut 11111 cemetery , L : , O . ' t : Gall Boide1' . Eagle and "i p Condensed Milk , . ; - LITTLEBOOII"IUrAHT ' . : ; I CONDENSED MIUt Co. , igw vonic. .1 L1 SAFE BURCI4ARS 1)0 ) Al JOB 0111cc of he Eagle Ltuindry the ccno of Their Operations. APPARENTLY EXPERTS AT TIlE BUSINESS tVtlIIlN IhII pIii e1 nitil lICM1ItM OI , lalnesi I ii.I lente t hillS the ltulierM A re i'r.f-MpIuinlM of a high IJe&Lree oC Shill , The safe in the omee of the Eagle laundry at 72i Broadway was blown open at an early hour yesterday morning , evidently by txpert crackrtmcii , vlio secure. ! something over $ f0 In cash and a number of checks. Nitroglycerine was used to force the safe anti , except for about twelve inches of a half butiteri fuse , they left nothing behind tiietii that wouid furnish the ijohice any chew to their Identity. The manner in which tire sate was blown . showed beyond a doubt that it was the work of expert safe blowers. A halo was 1lrhhied I in the door chose to the lock and In this the nitroelycerine was lilneed and then a ttie attnehei. The force of the explosion I sprung the lock nail oxenetl the door , but I did no further danhage to the s'fe. The crnckstnen nxwarently did not lmvr' n very hard task on their hands , as the .afe Is an old tyic one and evidently did not offer much resistance , as the sound of the oxplo- aba 'ns not heard by residents in the neigh- borbood , Tire robbery was a iartlculariy nervy one in view of the fact that the oilice of th' laundry faces directly on Broadway and lire safe is In full view of any on vscinR on the street. 'rite front of thu ninco s almost entirely of giusa nitil oven the upper httlf of the door leading front the street directly into It is of glass. The 0111cc Is always-left lighted at itighit , but the burglars took the precaution to turn It off anti did their work with tire aid of matches , the remnants of which were fount lying on the floor in front of the stile. There scents to be little doubt that three men 'erc enngcd In the work anti that one of the gang kept vatcht on the street while the other two worked lnslie. The light 'us burnIng In the ohhice at 3 o'clock when the patrolman on thii' heat Passed there and circumstances would show I that the safe was blown shortly before 4 o'clock. At this hour the street Is prac- I tlcaliy deserted and the burglars vcro able to do their work ttnintcrruptc'i. ' Vltt ii Neigh , lint' Sn v. About 3 o'clock a rurally named Gregg , who live In a small cottage directly east of the laundry , vere nioused by their dog barking , and ott one of the boys looking out ; of the \'lrt(1OW lie saw three rijeri In the I rear of the iUtlflhlFb' , one of rhom was trying I to coax the dog to keep quiet. The men \veIe probably itt this tiuo looking around the building for a favorable illace to get in. They secured entrance to the buIlding by forcing a door at the vest sldo leading ( lIreetly into the holler room. From here their way Into the 0111cc was unobstructed. Mr. and Mrs. James W. MItehill , who live upstairs at 724 Broadway , saw threc inca in the yard at the back of their building shortly before 4 o'clock and Mr. Mitchell was able to give the police a fairly good description of one of tIm three. These men were , it is StlilIOscd , the partIes who blew the safe. Mrs. Mitchell was first awakened by hearing voices under the window and lookIng out saw the three uteri standing at. thin back door of l'acc's meat market , conversing - versing in a low tone. Site hearth one of tue men remark clint they intist quiet that d-d dog. She awoke her husband , but by the tIme tie got to the wlndov two of the men had passed on toward the hautidry and were htliiticfl from view by Pace's smoke house. The thIrd man was hunting around I I in the ynrd , presumably for sonic instru- meat with which to force the door of the laundry. t Mitchell , thinking they were there to rob l'ace's chicken house , raised the screen of tile window and called out to the mann , threatening to fill him full of lead If lie mliii not get away. Tue man made some reply , \viticht titchiehl failed to catch , aini mnoyeti ( hOWil the alley lit the direction of the laundry. Several of the checks taken from the safe were round on Broadway in front of 110w- arl's restaurant , where they hind been dropped or thrown away bythe burglars. Iloffomayr's mite ) ' patent flour makes the best and most bread. Ask your grocer for It. 01)1) ilL1.I'S' M flit I.&l I.tY. Aiinimul Ctistoiii I lie Order is flnI ( lilt. Fohiowlng the annual custom of the order , the Odd F'ehiows of Council liluffs observed yesterday as MemorIal day amid held ap- proprlate exercises at Fairvlew cemetery , iiero time graves of the departed members of thin fraternity of the triple link were decorated with flowers and evergreens. Thin members of the different lodges assembled at the temple at 1:30 : o'clock and from there marched in a hotly to the cemetery , sonic 100 members beIng in line. George Smith acted as marshal and 0. D , Wheeler as imiaster of ceremimoities , while C.V , Foster lerfornieti time service of chaplain. Following the exercises , which were In accordance with the regular ritual of thin order , the oration of time day was delivered by lion , l ) . C , Bloomer , who is lirobably tIme oltiest mnenihier of the order in the city , Mr. lhloonier's mtthtlress dii'elt iargeiy on the iilonoet Odd Fellows of Council Bluffs , most of whommi lay buried wIthin Falrvhew cemne- tery. tery.At the conclusion of the ceremonies at Falrview cemetery a conmntittee consistIng of C.V. . Foster , John Schoenlng , A , I ) , 'anhlorn , Peter hiapp , James Braihioy , Janmes flhlLert , henry Foul and Mr. lhloomner 1rocecded in carriages to Walnut 11111 cemne- tery , where time graves of time departed mom- hers there were decorated , There are be- tiveemi tlfty and sixty members of the order imiterred In Fairvlew cemetery and about ten \Vainut 11111. Map of Cuba , Vcst Indies and time World at Thin hoc ofhice , jOe each , ) ( iisii'H ihI5'i ( ' .ti'it. The Owl chub will give a bicycle meet at tlto Union lrivlmmg park on July 20. In itththit ion to time wheel iaces there vlhi be a number of regular field events , sprInts , mile and half rimihe runs , burillo races anti others. Time chairniert of the different comnniittee In charge of ( lie meet are : General arrange- nments , hi , l , Smmmith ; track , 0 , 0. Butts ; advertIsing , F. A. Sayles ; privileges , Gus Lode. 'Fhte Immenhhtershihi ) of the Owl club embraces immost of the amateur athmietca in every line of time city. Clay l'intner has purehtaseth a Ieaguc bI. cycle from Cole & Cole. I ii ' 1're'i Cii II in v a I , Iavenport hteiitibiieau : . Ttu farlntrs Of Iowa are mmbktmmg or . oy 'nmmicmit bomis. 'h'imry are the moneyed cimmea In ibis state , Sioux City Journal : lown in his hioIiu district ho Is called George Lamentation Flun. What an appropriate itnine for a cmi.- lamnity catididatel lies Moines Leader : It is erhaps In order to remark , with Lot Thomas is canthi- - - . . 4 ' . _ date in the E1evnth district. there should ho no looking back. Council Bluffs Nonpareil ! Those who opposed an appropriation by Iowa for representation - resentation at the cxpoition must be glad that they didn't have their way. lfls.n ? essilImhcr utei. . The hartley herald has moved Into its spiendid new brick building. Charles F. Chase has retired from the Council Bluffs ( ] iohc-Demorat and John Martin and E. It. Gardner have purchased it. George SLivers , city edItor of the Bar- iington Gazette , caught the var fever and eflhi5tetl in an Iowa regiment uimder time see- onJ call , Sam Sloane of the Charles City Citizen hind no sooner recovered from a long Illness than lie fell front his bicycle amid broke his thigh bone. Slmutal A. Monger , owner of time Ananiosa Jouritni , offers It for sale necaimso he ( l0 sires to take advantage of an opportunity to get a good education , Joe McGlinn has sueti 3. 5 , Trigg of the hlockford Register amid William Penmiiman , part proprietor of time Charles City Citizen , for iihmel. the amount of damage claImed being $90. While a number of Jowa editors were at- teiitllrig the exposition time chico of the Sigotirnoy RevIew blew up anti the root of time house was sent flying through-the air. An explosive newspaper office Is a dangerous - ous timing , Time Cherry sisters diii not recover damn- ages from time Des MoInes Leather because - cause of having reprinted what the Odcbolt Chronicle hmul said about their bimrlescitme performnmince , the court directimig a verdict for the ( lefemise Oil technical groummds. Judge E. It , Thayer of time Clinton Daily Age wrote in lila paper a few days ago : "It is thirty years today since the first number of time Clinton Age was inmbhishied. itlrlrmg nil these years the paper has been tnhitcii by the person whn writes this itemmi. " Stit'Lc , , , ' . fl'flhll 1,1 alit , , I DES MOINES , ha , , June 26.-Speclnl--- ( ) flirctor Joimn It. Sage of the wcathmcr bureau has begun the collection of statistics regard- lag time loss of stock by the farmers of Iowa each year by lightning. illanlis have been mmmaiiod to time represantatlves of the weather service ilepartniemit nil over the state. Thin rephics nrc just beginning to conic in amid it is expected that data will be gathered vitich wlhh be of mnuchi value to time farmers anti itiny cause a niaterinl reduction in lii- surance rates on hive stock If the ngrlcui- turists of the state vill follow otmt the suggestions - gestions made. It is undoubtedly unknown to most of tiio people of the state that. time hoes nit live stock by time farmers of Iowa each ycam' Is greater during the sumnnmer mmionths thami the loss by fire on buildings. It. is believed a large part Of this loss can be prevented by groimndlng thin barb wire fences. iieiiiIii l'it'ii thli1. , IO\I CITY , In. , Jimmic 2i.-Speciai ( ( rtie- gramu.The ) tmnkmmowmi mnami vlmo ii led at the hospital in this city June ii ) amid whose remnai mis have heemi itch ! hits been identi fled as Nelson Summers of Grn1 Island , Neb. lie had been absent ha 'iiimois on n'hslt multi vis takeu ill imere viiiie honit'vartI lommmiih. He vas a rctir.d fammmier iii good circummistamices , btit nvcr beIng able to speak after rnilhhIg ! , thmis city and having nothing emi .mls pcm'son to idomitity hmirti theme has been mnucm Immyaery n' to 1113 iieutity. Time botly will be tent to ( Iramid imlnmmI for burial. Isil L flrpitki , ig Li t (1cmivnod. GLENW'OOD , Ia. , June 26.-Spcciah.-- ( ) A job hot of crimInals , tiring of prison fare and wishing to join thai army , seeing noth- lug to prevent , crawled out of the county bastile at S o'clock last evening. The sheriff hmad given them tue rim of time house and after the thieves had given their promimise to be good the sheriff wemmt thriving. Three macn escaped , two plain house breakers and one man who made a specialty of horse stealing. At this writing no trace of the macn can he found. C.ilhshoii hiitieeii iiecgrhe CgLrN. MASON CITY , Ia , , Juati' 26.-Twenty pea- Pie were bruIsed and shaken up in a coiii- sheLl between two trains of electric cars on the Clear Lake line today. The most seriously imijured are : Mr. Johmmi Taylor , back Injured ; Mrs. A. C. Bryant , head crushmed ; Mrs. Isabella Brown , armn broken ; unknown nina , badly scratched and bruised. iiaiita' iii IeiiI , flUIlL1GTON , Ia. , June 26.-Speciah.- ( ) Approximately $110,000 of time government S Per cert war bonds have ben subscribed for by the imeople of Burhimmgtomm , 'Veii iiiiii SimiL'tM for tin' North. TROMSOi. Island of Tronmsda , Norway , June 2G.-Time arctic expcdttiott imniler Walter Wehlmuan , tIme explom'er , saIled today. Mr. Wellman's expedition hma two objects , time succor of Andrec anil to discover time miorth hole. lie is accompanied by a corps of scientists anti a competent explorer. TODAY'S WEATHER FORECAST 1'rphihh I ( ( Ar. ' I hut It IS'Il I lie h',1 I r lii e1)rmiMhmi 'I'iiilny , At'romiijimmiileL hmy ' % 'iirinjie ' % WAShINGTON , Juno 21-Forecast for Mon day : For Nebraska , South Dakota , Kansas and Wyoming-Fair ; Variable wimmds. For Iowa and MIssourI-Fair in western iortlon ; showers in eastern pertiomi ; variable - ble winds. Io ? ! II'eard. OF'FICE OF 'l'IIE viA'riilIt I3UflEAU , OMAhA , Jimmie 26.-Ommiima record of tern- Pertitimre and raInfall conijaireti vitit the correaimcmrmdiimg ( lily of time last three years : 1S'JS 1S97 396 1S9 Maximum temapermiture . . . i3 67 78 77 Minimum temnitermituro , . , , lB 56 62 5S A'ermmge ternimerature . . . . . 71 62 70 G Rainfall . , . . , . , . , , , . . , , . , , . , , 00 .29 .00 .00 Itecord of temperature arid precipitation itt Omnima for timimi day and since Maccit 1 , Normal for time tIny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 I lxt'ess for time tiny. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Accimmtiiuteti excess since March . . . . . . Nommnrml rainfall for time . . . . . . . Inch leticiemic3' for I lme ihiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 inclm 'l'otnl ramimfahl lnce Mmtrcht I..13.3S iimciie Deficiency ithaca Mimrcii . . . . . . . . . . . inch leticlency ( or car. ileriod 1&i7 . , , . , 4.20 inches Excess for car. 1)eriod 1S9II. . . . . . . . 3,31 inches , , , * , fi'imii Slat Ionii met S p. mu. , Sevemity-fiftim Meridiami time. pm' , . . i3 , - ti. STATIONS AND STATF OF , WEAThER. . : , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ oI I Otmmmmiii : , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . North Plmittt' , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7S .00 SuIt Lake , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Id .00 Ciieyt'immw , near . , , , , , . , . , , , . . , , , , 70 7 .00 huron , hurt cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 71 .00 Ciiiemigo , cioutly . , . , , , , , , , . . , , . , , . 70 76 ,00 'hihimiton , ciear , , , . , . . , . , , , . . , , , . 62 Ci .00 lIt. Lipimis , raIning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 I0 .6 141. Paul , i'loiily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 7G .00 Davenport , cloud ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 721 74 ' 1' hle'lonmi , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 70 .00 imiimmis City , cloudy . , . . . , . . , , , OS 76 .36 htiammirek , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & 6 rt ttLlVC.itefl - , .clotm.ih' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 _ bS _ .00 'I , Iiiihlca I oii t ra ci , a f mmrciimi I mi t Ion . Id , A. W'ELSiI , 1.ocal Forecast Ohhleial. " .tI."t'ihitlN 'l'I.tS , " St. IfluiI $ , h ( , . , I.nilirs Sere * hmi' Ni'v h'iiil liriheimey , At sonic select afternoon "teas" In St. Louis , Mo. , the ladies hmavq beep eryIng the imew tooth delicacy , Grape-Nuts. anti it has become very popular , owing to its novel oimti never to be 'forgotten flavor as wehi as the tact that it is ready to be served witit- out army preparation whatever , a most desirable - sirable feature for hurry breakfast and luncbcon. , . . - , , - - . ' , - , . . . . . , . - . . oqztir PERKINS SEES AmLI CIIANCb - In A. Eleventh District Oongressman May Yet Secure his Reu9mtflatg. . - & ' ANOThER CONVENTION' MUT , . BE HELD . ' ' 10 Jmmilge Thomiimiii , ' , % 'lmn ' % % 'ns Numnhrmnteil htceiith' , IS Itmeliglimhu. ' Utmli'r is CertaIn _ 5.rtlahe oF the Stnte Cmmtiiitiiiii , DES MOINES , Juo 26.-Special ( Teho- grarn.-It ) Is practically certain timat judge Lot M. Titrnmts , who has Just been nomi. nated by thin republicans of time hflevcnth congressional district of Iowa fur congress after a long and bitter contest nimich cc- suited In the defeat of lion (4l. . I'erkins , the presemmt comigressnian from tlmat thlstritt. wlii riot represemit that district 1mm congress. ArtIcle flve , section five et the constittmtiomi of Iowa plainly states that a jumige of time district court shmall be elIjiIjle for no other oflice exceimt that of suprenme jutlgc dtmr lug the term for which lie Is ekctl'd Jutigo. 'fhe sanie questiomi arose when time governor wanted to appoint Jtmihge lien McCoy us a mimenmber of time railroad commimiilssiomm of how.i nail lie found upoim coiisimltatlomi with tiie mit' torney general that a district Judge could not. hold that or army othr pisitlmi for the terni for whIch ime ivas elected imdge. Thu friends of Perkins hmoltl tlmnt another comiven- tion wIll have to be held au ( lthiit Mr. h'cr- klns will yet hold the poltloa. Somrn' limier- eating develoimments are emtmilmi to conic amid the bitter tom test will pr i'ibly have to be reopened. WOMEN MAKE READY TO FIGHT iiee ( imii of Oiili.ers fai' t lie ( ieiiermii Fil i' rim 4 bit 'i'il miy h'ro iii ISS'S tim Ahtiiiiti Iii lhiis'miiiit , DENVER , Cob. , Juime 2G.-The Oemmcrnh Federation of Wonmemi's Climbs is on the eve of the nmost bitterly fought battle in its imlstory. Tommiorrow mnornlmmg is time tIme set for time report of time nonilmiatimig commIttee amid time election of oflicers amid time outlook is for a bitter fight in time comivemithoim. So kaleidoscopic have beemm the presidential chmnmiges iii the last few days that It is mi- vosslbie to presage time result , lint many believe the contimitmoims caticuiming that hmas been going omm Imienhms a rcat surprise In store for time fethermitlomi. At the same time the tIde scorns to have stmddemmly turned toward Mrs. Alice Iveil Breed of Boston , It imas beemi decideti that 11cr mmmc simahi be PreSCmitCi for thie vres- Ideney from limo floor to pi'fe time ohilcial ticket hmentied by Mrs. Lowoof Georgia. Time namne of Mrs. Barmmcs of Louisville , as well as that of Mrs. Pitt. o Denver , is milan mnemmtiomied promnimiermth ( cm ; time place. The following is the fuh , ticcet mmiade imp by time comummiittee to be , irescmtteil to time federation : I'resltiemtt , Airs.'ihhiamn B. Lowe of Atlmmmmta ; vice , ircidemtt , Mrs. Sarah S. Platt of Deuvcrrccqrdimmg ; secretary - tary , Mrs. Entina Fo o Detroit , Mmcii. ; corrcspommtiing secretary , Mm's. Amimma D. West of Sommmmncrviile , Mass. ; , treasurer , Mrs. I'imlhip Moore of St. Louis ; aimlitor ( , Mrs. Meyerommg of Porthammd , Oi. Time Board of DIrectors ineltmdti Mrs. Mafy S. , Lockw000 or Washington , Mrs. ( 'buries hiommretimi of dm1- cage , Mrs. C. H. Morriss' of Iieriin , Wis. , Mrs. 11. 11. l'yhe of Bridgeport. Comimi. , Mrs. E. L. Bimckwalter of Sprtigfield ; , 0. , Mrs. \'iiliam Ted Helmuthm ofjNeW Yomk , Mrs. harriet Windsor of Des Moimies , Mrs. Frniices Eastmiman of Los Aimgeles , Mrs. Frances M. Ford of Ommmaha. Sunday has mmot beemi a tIny of rest for the chub vonnen , A party of pheasiire seekers scaled l'ilce's Peak anti those who remaIned iii Demiver crowdeti time cimurchics where femimmimie preachers delIvered splendid ser- momma. Two afternoon sessions of a religious character were held. Time chiiltircmfs meet- lag in Broadway theater was addressed by Mrs. Jane Atianis of Chicago , wIth exer- clses by the lIttle ones in Trinity cimurcim ' Ihible iii Literature - the vesper service was 'The ature , " wIth interpretive readings by Miss 1-helen Cole of Bostomm , nnd "Bible Stuihy , " by Mrs. Emumna P. Stacy \Vnshlngton. . Time Broadway theater was packed from stage to top gahiery in tim evenlmig to hmear addresses on "SpIritual Signlficaiice of Or- ganlzntiomi. " Mrs. Edward , , , , Lomigstreet of Pimiiatlelphiia presided , with Mrs. Morris C. Iiemijarimiit as local assistant. cimairnian. The program , intersperseti vIth music by the Wonman's chub chorus of Demiver , was as follows : "Tho Federation Idea-Reciprocity Sidrit. " Mrs. Belie lit. Stoutemmborougii of Plattsmouth , Neb. ; "The Labor Standpoint , " Mrs. Jane Adams of ChIcago ; "As Simowmi by time Work of Mary Steele , " Mrs. Charlotte - lotte Reeve Conover of Oimto. The seashomi commeluiicd with the simiglmmg of patriotic somigs. Tomorrow afternoon a literary session will be held at. tue Broadway and a library conference at Unity church. The bIennial adthress of Mrs. Ilenrotin in time evening wIll conclude thme convention. SPRING ROUNDUP ABOUT OVER Little Ioss ( if Stock on lime lUg Itumiges of thi hiIuck ilihls 1)istriat. ItAPID CITY , SiJJuno 26-SpeCial. ( ) -Time spring roundup on time Ihinek ] hlilmi cattle ranges is now practically finished amid time reports from thin thiffereot sectlomma of the range are comning in. The ios of stock for the whiter is reported by somne of thin big cattlemmien at. 1 or 2 per cent , while othm- era report It to ho practIcally nothing. Thus is the mtmmiaiiest loss knowmi for years and It compares very favorably with time heavy loss of last. year , Thirty care of 3-year-old steers passeti throimght tHis 'efty this week bound for Belle Fommrch Phmoy were purchased - chased in julaimo anti werm iii 'fine condition , Several big imurchiases ar'iiboUt to be mnamhe him that state by Black ILIlis'etmttiemmten , Time hcef rounthtmim will cornm'ftt July 25 anti a close cleanup of all stock suItable for ship- mont viil probably be ttrstleul Sheep shearing is abputt finished. The clip bins been large , sopw tlrnatea pine- lag the omouhit at 25041Q jnhmnds for the emitire 111115 , A large time sheeP- niemi are givimig timeir sem their onnual dip to kill time vcrmImm Jo tiocks are reported badly irifesteti Ik , iice. Thin season - son of 1898 hits great irilMhJ'for ' thto stockmen - men of the Black lhilisi,2 % % 'n ii 4 t 0 I' r'se rvi'I1i JIi mm i.'miers , TACOMA , Wash. , Jumip 2p.-Speciah.-A ( ) move Is now under way by Prof. ( Jilstrmml ) of the Ferry museum to procure a series of plaster casts of notable Indians , past and present. Time recent work of Prof , (1 , A. Iorsey of time Field Cohumbian museum of Cimicago in havIng mmmamie c'asts of leaders of time trIbes 1mm time southwesterum portion of time contInent Jeth to Prof. Gilstrap coma- muimlcatlmmg with Prof. Iqrsey , mmmiii arrammgq- mnemmts may follow hmy which casts will ho matie here of represenptiv InmiIaos of the souati and ilerimais tiigsu of tribes In time eastern part of time state. Is Intendeti to hmave those of whom casts arc to be made visit time Fei'ry museum , where a plant will be Instalied for doing the work , If the intentions - tentions of Prof. Gilatrap materialize , I , ihIi't III I'ii I ffli' i imrilsr. WIIEFLER , S. I ) . , June 26.-Spcclai.- ( ) The grand Jury has totinit several indict- I . - -c-- - - j i' : : FIOM- - : OMAHA TO MANAWA . _ -z'--- : y . Will dod You n MdndWd Iioutesm ' Thirty-Five ? A1) & 1-TE bathing scasot commencccl on the 19th inst. The ii' . . water is line-just right for a bath Take the Bridge . line , which passes the principal hotels. . ' .A' Nice tenting spaces for' rent , Special perfoririance at b ( 4:30 : and 8:30 : p. m , Band concert. No extra charcrc : , for picnic parties Tables and chairs free , Call 'Phone No. 50. nieflt , the prlmicipal ommes beimig agalmiat Lamimbert ii. Jones for thin niurtier of henry \'mimi Balboa , alias hlemmrS' ltotlmen , alias Old hiemiry. Ills trial lii be hhtl mmext week. The evidence is all cIrcumstantial , E ou OMAHA NEWS.1 Tommight time city council will tnko up the eqimahlsatlout of the recent assessnmemmt. About ommo dozen commiphaimita have beemi filed exelu- slvo of the jolmit comimidmtlmmt regardimig time assessmmteiit of ( lie packers and railroads. \\'hat will be tiomme with time commmpiaiutt. agaInst. the limicimers and other corperatiomis is a qimt'stiomi , as time city council hurts mme might to either imiciense or lower time total vnhumitIomi mis returned by time assessors. .It is possible ( lint time dozen property owmmerS who coinhiiaimi will be relieved by imavimmg their assesamnemit reduced , time difteremico be- lag amhdod to time corporatiomis , but iii every cnso time sumn is smnahh rind will mmot nmake aimy immaterIal difference.'ithi the railroad valuntiomi witicit has been ntlmletl by ( lie county the total viil ammietmmit to aimimt the sammie us last yemir. It is estimnateth ( hint it \s.iih ttke : at Icast $80,000 to PRY time run- imimmg ejeumtes of time city during time eouming iiscal year , and in addition to this there I wIll be $34,000 asked for by the Board of Rthucatioa , which must be raised by taxa- ( ion. Time overlap will be small , as most of the fuaths are still supplied with mooney. hut the rapidly immerensimig oxidinscs , caused by time growth of the city , will call for an Increase of revenue of several timoimsamiti dollars. It Is expected that time orthlnamiccs making tue annual levy amid the annual npproprha- tion ivlii he presented to the coumicii at the meeting tonighmt , as time city attormmey was reqimested to have timese docummients ready by time last Monday in Jtmnie. Time ordimmance placing ami occupatiomi tax on mmli tehepimnne companies doimig business in the city will most likely be brought otmt tonight , as City Attorney Momitgomery stated yesterday that time paper was reamly to file , \Vhether this ordimiance will immcludc time private plamits ot the packimig houses or emily time Nebraska Telephone comnpammy is not known. Mayor Ensor imas micclared hmimnself In regard to timis proposed legislathomi by stating that he was opposed to the simmgling omit of any one corporation for time purpose of levying aim occupation tax , Time mayor further stateti that. if the ordimmance was made general mmmiii would inciumle all cor- poratiomis doing bimsiness in thin city lie woUlti feel compelled to consider time matter , but for time council to pick out erie lIne of business or any omme comnpany and levy a tax would not be consistent anti would receIve his veto. All of the packIng houses operate private telephone systemus and would most likely come tinder the provisions of time ProPosei ordinance. TIme plan of taxing all of time packing houses anti time stock yards has mmot been worked out iii detail yet , amid mnay mmot be I for sonic time , Several of the mnemnbers of tht council are knowmi to favor the luhac lug of an occupation tax on time corpora- tlorms imm order to make up time deilcit in this valuation as rcturimed by the assessors , hut whether this coulmi be legally done or mmot is a question. Then there is a scheme on foot to hlcemise athletic exhibitions , time South Omimaima Atim- hotlc club beimmg aimed at. It Is understood that time Idea in issimlng a hicemise to such organizations was for time iuriiose of allow- lag prize fights to be puiieti off wIthout. interference. Smmcim action many mmot lie necessary - sary , as it was stated yesterday thiat time recently organized athletic club will be ills- hammdeti ( or lack of patronage. At the inst entertiminmerit time receIpts were mmot. sutfl- Icent to pay the expenses , antI it was announced - nounced thmemm that mm mom-c shows would be glvcmm. Time appointment of an additional member of time Fire department will mimost likely be nmade by time mayor , as time coummcii has authorized an increase 1mm time departnmment. \v. 0 , Wahibridge's appoimmtmnenit. as city wehghmrmuister will come up , it having been laid over for omme week , hioJames to t.'uit % % 'ccilN. Councilman Kelly Is credIted with a scimonio to have time jmrisoners conflmnnl 1mm time city jail hut to work on time streets cuttlimg weeds in order to relieve time constant drain on time street repair fund , Timla plan imas been brought up. a imumimber of times , but was never serioumsly commaitlered on mmccrmumnt of time oppositIon of representatives of local labor orgammlzmitlonmi , who eeeupietl seats in the council chamber , Mr. Kelly acorns to thiimmk that prisooermt confimmed for vctty offenses could be put to work mowimig weeds without Interfering with time laborlmmg simon who are seeking emnploynmont amid in this way contribute to time expemmso of kceimlmmg k:4k4t : : : * : * : * FRUIT A 6MDN [ AR1IN6 Co tin ci I .13. ! u us ! 0 ) YI Ii ( 'liii him r I iii tiroved mm ii ml U It I tim i' c'd frum l I ii mm its i. Ii t'ii tie r I a huM mieIiihl3' Ilimmim smnywIuve iii Iii , ' t' uihtetl StliteM , 'I'Iit'i'i' is tie fmi II- 4s ' ml i'o of a cops here. 1uiL mit 0111' Fi'ui I I i'rim'iii , W hiile t hey un' In liner- . . ' ' ' I' hiIg. _ . .t'i , t A .7' I' ira' i 1)i .liS llflS-i , , , .L1. _ I , ( lii Z. 'J'Iic tii'RI iMtmt t itmiil hOhtui hIrmhcors , 4 : 89 Porsi'l St. Coitiioll B1imrs , 'a ita1 ; i'm' r.mummi ily commmiuic I him vi' ms t Ii ro ii mhm our men ii to m I mm ftmmmima t Iou amid st mi to w ii n t ynmm t. ' oreimmirmis fret' of chnir . smimli , * * 4 : 4:44 : : * * + : * t _ _ - - . - - WEL CJ1ID . SYPILIS ! ) R ! ANd BI0UGIITTOI'ERFECT I nr E t'tk . jJIJ s 1 14 ( , % * . , mtiim irLlar.nt'sub foul curs. smnme . HAIIf'l'9 PHARMACY. , , . * ( C i % ifl it I I AllY IiAi'1 ! Ay. , miii , i ni i'nniamn , em .IIA , i am , i . I _ _ I time city 1mm ii presemmimbie coithition. ; Time city does mmot own shackles , neither imas It amm officer vhmo cotihti take chmamge of biiclm a gammg , immmless specially mmppoimmted. The ox- imemmac of buyimmg balls aummi cimalmma would prebubhy : immnoummt to nmore than time prls- ommers would emirum ; still Mr. Kelly thinks that time vagrants wlmo immfcst ( lie raIlroad yards hmouhti lie mmmnmle to work , or else give South Omaha a wide berth. 2it'ii I'Lii A t t'tit for ioft , im , . Toni Loftmms , who ns arrested with Joe Maddox for time shootlmmg of MIke hart , is no' detained iii time wommmmtmm's delmartmmmemmt in time cIty jail here.'imemm Loftims was sent to thin county jail Ito imecammme quite Ill aoi , time police hero nscertahmmel , that lie was mmot receiving necessary nmetlicnl attentlomm. As as Jailyi'as arrested as the accommi- I 1)11CC of Maddox ninth Hart hail stated that. Loftus was mmot omme of time muon 'hmo tried to rob hmitmm , time imhice judge decided to have Loftims broummzhmt here , where he could be given medical attentIon. Loftims imow has his meals scmmt in froam a restaimrmmnt anti immmm : received a mmumhmer of visits trommi Dr.'hlte. . lie Is rapidly lmmmproving and will he mible to attenmi time trial whenever wammtetl. Mike I I-hart Is getting better almice time bullet was remnoveti from his mmeck anti frequently takes a car ride. Time tiate for time hearing of time prisommers has imot beeni set , hamt it is cx- pected to comae off before homig. 1tYiinnt Siuoh.e CliNuiiuers. Councilmimami Wear's scheme to have smoke consummmers placed on the boilers at time packing imoLmses is miot death , altimougim it was defeated at time Inst nmeetimmg of time city dads. Somime of the members of time coummcil have been corresponding with cor- poratlons in dIfferent parts of time commntry wimero amnoko appliances nmo used and lii nearly nil cases a saving of fuel IS rc'pomtcti. Time matter will be brought imp mignimm when all mnemnbers are present amm'l ' an effort will be mnade to authorize time drafting of mimi ordinmammce comnpehlimig the packers to sumpply theIr stacks wltim suitable smmmoke cormsummmtira. hhi.hli aN ii iiii rglimr. A. S. IClnscimele is hieing hmehtl at police lmeadquartermi on suspicion. It Is tlmoughit that time prisoner is ono of time muon who tried to break into Ir. Glasgow's residence Saturday morning , Time caumse for timis sos- imicion lies iii time fact that outsithe of time window of time Glasgow reskhelmce was fotmnmi a pencil simuilar to others wlmicii worn foimnmd on Kimmschmele. J , $ . Farrell has identiiheii the bunchm of pemiclia found on time lmriaormer as sommme that. were stolen fromim Iilmmi a short t.irmmq ago. Mmigio ( 'I t ) uimssljm. ' The south wails of the postoiliCe buildlmmg are mienriy mit grmuhe. Joseph Maly , ar. , father of ox-City Cleric Maly , dleui Satumrday at Scimuylor , Nt'b. There is a bad imole In the roadway on Twenty-third street between E ommd F streets. A. II. Merrill , whmo has been at time Pros- bytc'riart hospitmml In Onnmmha for snimie ( line , is reported much better. hiritiget Feeney of time Third ward will be tried today for assaulting one of Imer mmolgim- hers with a brick. Marion , the daughmtcr of lUchmard Sss'ift , Is dangerously Ill at ommu of time Oimmmmlma hmos pltals and little hmopca mime emitortainmeil of her recovery , Daughitermt have been born to Artimur Moran and wife , Twenty-fourth arid Wyrnimmi streets , amid John iilunmk and wife , 288 South Tweimty-foimrtlm street , J. S. MeConhga amid wIfe mire in jaIl penti. ing a. imearitig en charges of olrtmnk mind' ' this- oroieriy , 'lime couple were arrested late Saturday - urday imighmt. McConmiga tiseti to he a lammth agent miD Luumcoln amid at omme tinmo was uehl off. ioi.4ettu UWeLt Skoes , , _ I ' ' ° . - : - . . , . , . . , - - . - - _ - - . - - - - - . . - . , . - - - - - - - - . H - DOHANY 'I'HEATIR. 'i'ONiOlI'h' . MARETTA SISTERS AcmoIattm , Cimimtortiommists , Dmmmmccrs mummd 'i'rmttmcztVii k. hhmil'tlOtt & Iho'itii'ih , , Viii at. Carroll . Iii Special ties-Sloe'k ( 'omillinhi ) Iii "i HUSBAU CLOVER. " Iatimmeo Satimrtimmy mmttermmoomm. Chmmttehnimio 1Vmmmehm will lie givemm miwmuy. IhIicJtS , 1(1 CION'h'S. vnic oTriEmis i.tiz , oovir JOCT1IJHS Searles & Searles SPECIALISTS Guarantee to cure Niet'tilIT IIIO1 rteoli. . ouihly all NIiItVOUS , CIL1tONIO AD i'R1'A'l'E o1li'iiics of Mcii smumi women. WEIK MN SYPhiLIS SEXUALLY. cured for life. Night EmissionS , Lost Manhood , H drocele , Vericocele , Gonorrimea , Gloat , Syp - Ills. Stricture , Plies , Fistula and Itectal Ulcers , Diabetes , Bright's Disease cured. Consultation Free. Srictre and Ie ACtmrei.l at by new method without pain or cutting , Cahion or address with stamp. 'rreatnmen I by mall , . . . RS. 8FRES EAIIE. 1.1i. UM.4JIA J.StIe St , 'JCS -ii : : Ludlcs' Department of the New Uygieae Institute Is now oimenm for busines3 , and fully equipped with two new apparatus for giving time mimost hicaltimful , pleasIng baths hcmmownm to time world. The INSTITUTE has among Its patrons , the best kmmowa Indies In Omaha. We ask you to give It a trlai of tyo baths at least , anmi If It. is mmot foummd as ri.'prcmtm.'mited , we whl refund your money. Rooms , New Quarters , 216-21B-22Oee Building New lyjiene nst. , . _ - - - - - - Beware ui Imitations IhhIiJ } fiice0s'tor1sii/i'c / t4 ? 'quc JOHN DUttCA''S .thS , Mini , MW YOU. _ 2 : _ _ : --T '