Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1898, Part III, Page 23, Image 23

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trrri OMAhA flATLY fl11 ! SuNDAY , ' , TTTNfl 2 1S9S
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'r1i Impreon ! , mowhnt enern1 through-
out. the country tlint Phlhulelphta 1 : t 1ow
town tThcs not nppar to ho w1I fOUfllt'i. ( (
A how the Quaker City nrqlIrei that. reptita
' : tion tint natrrInI to the present pur-
' ) OO The cLty Rleopy nppearance anti
nM % pace have tOvOktd ) msny a wesry
stagger at sit. Some were i > ontless BhRft3
of envy ; the hainnee. ipace flhIcr9. Now
4 corneR chunks at truth , proving 1wyon the
hni1ow of a totibt that l'hlltulephla ) Is
travo1ng at the pace that killa. It I not
a foerht ) movetnont , hut a syatcmntth
pittle , against which the law and eIo
ioot t'ry out. A stahl nilmirer of Billy
, Peiin , who resIit joIning the push. wrItes
.to thu I'hllnckliThla Tlger ( that " 300 wheel-
Then PflaSe(1 him In twenty minutes nnd most
of them were rhIIn at the rate ot flftion
7flh1e4 an libur. " A lint once , that. 'rho
3aw'a limit Is seven miles an hour , but
'wliflt's the law between scorchera ? " The
gait Is a trifle ton fast for th comfort of
eleetrIan3 ( nuil the ilircvtor of public high-
vay3 ZifltIOtIflCCR his purpose to Iflt ) on the
brakea with a club. On the theory ( hat it
ta1t' : * a s'hetlman to catch a wheelman a
5ettlnfl of the pollee force were mounted
' on I,1'yeies , anti the duty of arresting thu
seorthers were a3signed to them. The or-
, InnhIN' hraklng wltcelmen soon learned
Jin to dItIiigtzist ) the bicycle Policemen by
their tiiiIrortn , 00(1 ( by slowing down whefl
2)1 ) the ne1liborlinot of one of the law's
srorebers generally niannged to avoid ar-
rest. The director has recently nrrnngeil to
have EOtflO Of these wheel mounted poiie-
Then on duty in citizens' clothe3 each tiny ,
and one of the first results of the new order
wLt the arrest anti conviction of not less
b.- ' than forty acorchers in a single evenIng.
WIeIt ) Tom Cooper retires from the mc-
r in field , it vilt be as a rich man. Cooper
hail carefully linariled his moncy and has
inveatcil II In teirphonc atock that. has
trebled in value , aiul whichi Is paying now
' a hian.lotne dividend. Cooper Invested
1 somethiiiig like SOrO a little over a ycar
ago and this now anio1iits to $17,500 In thu
Btfflk or the 1)etrolt Telephone coInpatiy.
Ioru is hieing added right along , off ! out' or
two more ycara at success for Cooper , U
thin tnon'y Is well iincted , will place the
L- ; mali tt'3fld the Pale or Want.
lhih ho Iha 1(1 ( Is niso I ny I ng by a sa ug stun ,
aul ! , al though th is I s no t Invested a s I acm -
tlvdy anti advaiitngously as the money of
C ° oper , Ihaki will not quIt the game poor.
KhMer I'as nbout 7.OOO Inrenteil In the
1a1110 coII1iruy as Cooper , hut failed to get
lii CII , the gi otiflil floor us d Id Cooper. Kiac r
enjoys a handsome laconic now ( ruin his in-
VcStlneii t and I a gal ala g groan d d a II y I a hi
hflIttif for a fortune. lIe hi naturally of a
frugal dIsposItIon nod saves the better part
of kin salary ,
Arthur ( ardtner savt's very little in pro-
ortIoti to what lie wins. He ihos not
spetid his money foolishly , but is liberal to
that extent where money burns a hole In
lila pocket. ( ' , arhiner ( has 1)en ) known again
anti again to loan large stim to his trainers
and money thus loaned ho has refused to
take baCk ,
a- Major Taylor will save money , for he
spends little except for fine clothes. Taylor
likes to dre'ss vchl and is a neat , not a loud
Michael has thus far been the only mid-
dle-diataneo man to save , afll McI1ftel line a
COfllflCtCflCt3 for the rest of his life. lie will
Athd to this before retIring ( rein the patti
and wIll probably be worth $100,000 before
ho tiulta the game for good. Ills horsoy
aspirations may take avay seine of this
amount before ho learns the lesson ho titust
T learn soolier or later if he keeps at that
Ntylo of game whenhels through cycling.
Thu lndlnnnpohhs meet people are still
pushing things , and now promise to necom-
zuodate from 25,000 to 30,000 visItors without -
out friction of any kind during the days of
tim met't. Separate entrances and ticket
. - . offlco fur cacti tii'islori of the seats will be
erected , and ample space vihI be hrovIltd ( to
take care ot the wheels. The entrancoof the
cyclists will be separate from of the
others , end they will not be In the way of
thc PCOPh ( ) WhO will use the cars to get to
the grounds. Extra tracks tind awitchea will
be VOL In by the Street railway company ,
SOil every caru will he taken to handle tli
; : immense emowil safely anti rnlfc1Iy.
"lead man's pinches" Is an old country
xpiessiOn Used chhcily by omcn. It. mrans
- othiiig lucre than small black and 'blue
r- bruis'a on the arms , dueto various cafises
4 would-be cyclIst , vho , admits that his has
jist reached I lie atogi. nf going It alone and
tailing oil , innltt's the caustic comment that
ho' is ginil of having irog1esseth Car enough
to fall 'vitiinut hinvhi'g the Instructor clutch
at h i in. 'the iio Ice i a I'oI ' a t hit : beeli mdc
famtllai' by his wire with "dent ! man's
ph nehm us , ' ' a ad a I thought lie Is aonmcthm lm g of
an aithieto s'ith hmarthened Ihesh , he shows
black anti blun marks on lila nrnms whore
the instructors trhctl to help him keel ) wab-
bhlng lefOrO hu' reacimeth tIme falling otT stage.
p ' ' : I ) % Vltt calls them dead alan's pinchea , '
110 says , with the best. slmw of humor that
lit ) can muster , "but X caih It mauling , I
atijipese it Is nIl right , htmL oh ! I wish I
could get hold of one of those fihhows outsidu
of the acaticiny , Just for a little while , "
A notable sign of the times is seen iii the
Constantly increasing Provision for tIme
storage of bicycles. l'ery enterprising
shopkeeper immaintahtis a rack. ninny churches
F have their wheel stables ; the nio'lemn olhicu
bisildimig has a llco ) set npart ft'r the ma-
clmiime of its ocomIhimmIlts ; architects SPeCIfY
tIme "wheel macin' ' aim plamma for both city ama !
country hoLises ; certain enterprising rail-
months engage to care for commuters' mallets.
All of which tilthhcate that while the In-
yolvetl opportunity for pleasure In cycling
Is greater than ever , the bIcycle Is begin.
ming to be chiefly esteemed because of Its
Miss Antoinette Notes. stenographer not !
typewriter , 'mta arrested In New 'ork re-
centi ) ' . charged with fracturing thu law by
sorchhmmg , ihe wrs wheeling at the rate of
5txtcen miles an hour , declared l'oileeman
Quhity In court , foIl Z1hstress Notes , con-
' fessing that she u going Pretty fast , sall
- 'rL- "I 'hunt object so mimmicti to his arresting
me , but It was his way of doIng It that I
dishiketl , " hu nthicil. ,
" 110w was that ? " Magistrate Flamnmt'r
, - , " .
- asked.
'lie shouted at mu : 'Ifey , you. stop I
want you , ' in a very rude way. That's not
time ay to talk to a lady. If he hail aitl :
lat1ami , I arrest ) 'Otl , ' it ould luivu been
all right , hut I can't bear to have a man
address me a 'hey , you. ' "
Quiity itl imu had chased tIme young
' ' woman three blocks before catchIng her ,
' And yet she haiti the assurance to criticise
a portly New York polIceman , no doubt
pulling from ida undue exertion , for liii
manner of nddrt'ssi
II ( ) ' % % ' He ) it Ithhflt
' k4lld 'iiis 'I'Mbht' , 3Issvls Out IZ2 I'eet
.ild llsh Out for Vi.rsshf ,
An eastern bicycle crank with a loathe-
niaticmm ! turn tins evolved the fuhlowIn tabic' ,
JY the use of which a rIder cau mccrtaha
_ _ _
\ _
- -
the spee(1 ( at which lm ordinririly travels ,
and also tbu epeemi whihehm ho Is s'ont to
reach when the streets seem clear anti he Is
teimipted to o a little riuict scorching. The
tnblo is based on a well known lihstnne , ) of
$2 feet , whhch is one-fifteenth of a mile.
For Instance , if it takes the rider oR
ends by his watch to iass over thie 32 feet ,
ho ( lien knows that he Is scorching at tue
ratt' of forty miles an hour , aiim ! is eona'-
quently tloing a iimiie In one timinute in I P
half. To get 'lawn to the ordinance limit
of eight miles an hour , he should consume
thIrty seconds is doing the 352 fcct , and
wIll then ho covering one mile in seven antI
one-half minutes. The table will be iu'ind
of vaiuo to rldera in training , and Ia aim 'rh.
Iowa :
No. of secoflils ? tIile er Ithte of
thklfl to pass hour of SPeed per
: L12 feut aped mile.
. i ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40.0' ' ) . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8' ' )
.7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii.2'J . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.45
S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.1)0
! J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th66 . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.hi
10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.00
11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2i.S2 . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.43
12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.0'
11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.46 . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.18
II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.11
18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ir.oo . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.43
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.tJ
17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.12 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.13
1' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I.6I : : . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.18
20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i.oo
21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.05 . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.18
22. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . io.o . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.IC
21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.4't . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.48
21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.01)
: . . .tLl )
, ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G.8C
27. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s.
2't. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.57 . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.0' .
2'l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.27 . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.18
3' ' ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s.ot , . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3' '
' ' ' ' ' ' '
Ul'-'i'o-n.t'i'is CYCl.IEN1 ,
Denver Poet ,
0 ! she looks so neat mind natty as she spins
111)1)11 11cr wheel ,
Just hike a bunch of 8tlgarel lightning from
her knowledge dome it ) heel ,
There is vigor in her movement , lnaplrtt-
thOil in her 1)ose ,
As the t.3'm' drlnkH In tIme beauty of the little
t'ythi' roe.
1very r'tlrvt' of limb and body Is mt soft
nrtlstic dream
Amid ht'r breeze-kissetl face In tInting seems
ml a most's ml rt , v neil In t'remt em-
0 ! Itt ) other Picturtt from her can time
greedy eyes divert ,
' ] 'hmat bewitching little munition In tIme do't- '
hle-bttrellei : skirt.
Shie sibeomla along time highway like a switi-
low in its flight ,
tier twinkling cycit a-sparkle with the
glinting of delight ,
11cr cIenim-cut chimi in motIon ( If thu sweet-
( 'St yummy-yam ,
sttil ) shtt' with lmer mimoltirs time resistless
ch"wing gmmnt.
1''cry Imllist'ie In her
body scemmis to tinmice
I U smmaitiiy gi , 'e ,
As he hunts the fragrant asphalt In her
Il lghm t so grmtct' fmmh I
0 r a lit II g t It e cc ii ii I ry Ii hghivay takes a
reurd-thretLtllig alarm ,
That entrtincimg , buimt'im of beauty In the
IhttlhlO-larrchled skirt.
I3very eye Is gILled upon her as she flle
along the street ,
Aflti they dart In ntlnmlration from her
smile iltWfl to her feet ,
There the ) ' glance and ilatice In rapture
from her neat itimil tIny toes
To the vari-coloremi htiehes of her kalcido-
sCophc hmose.
With a smile that seems rnock-timith she
goes pelahh In g oh ( tag ,
Casting semi-muomlest glances ( tilt oblIquely
at the throng ,
For the airy , fairy creature always is In-
Cliill to flirt
With t1I' fellows whom sla' enlturI4 with
her double-barrelheti skirt.
When you meet her In the parlor she's a
( lileon of ( luiet grace ,
\\lthi a PUSSY-emit expression on her mod-
eat little fmtc ,
And her glances arc as timid as tIme
glances of a lawn ,
Or the roses that seem blushing at the
kisses of the dawn.
In her quiet grace aiid beauty you swould
never dream that she
Nursed a thought whihln her hendiet save
of sweet simplicity-
Never dream shc"d spin the highway
bumming smoke nut of the dIrt ,
In the brief , durtnhlei ( embraces of a
double-barrelled skirt.
Nl'V 'I'll 14GS F'OLL "VII IEI.S.
Sumime of ti. ' Inmpr v-iiteiit , ,
l , , Iiivt'ii tmra.
An accidental discovery reported from
ChIcago seeing to offer many possIbIlities for
tleparturos in tire manufacture. It is claimed
a glucose sugar refining concern , stumbling
UpOn the discovery , has succeeded In per-
feeling macthom. ! of obtaining a substitute
for rubber trommm corn. The protluct is a vul-
canlzed oil , extracted front this material
hitherto regarded as waste In time manufac-
tore of glucose. tmbjcctcd to further trmat-
meat , It hooks for diIi the world like crude
ruhber. , Oflicials of the company emigagod in
producing it say it will add 35 to ii ) per
ccitt to time supply of rubber by pemformnimmg
all reqtiislte functions for those imoPortions. )
In almost every kinti of flumlshicil rubber , fill-
lug Is imsmtI , often as much as 35 per cent.
It. has been simggentetl tlmt. the new coniposl-
then be used for a filler Iii the Iroliortion of
ahoiit 25 per cent. of pure rubber , amitl time
remainder of glucose composition.
A newly Invented patch tot' repairIng
ptlflctHreS consists at a circular htieco of two
strIps of rubber between which is a layer
of Inelastic immaterial , generally canvas. The
Ieaimty of tIme invention consists of a bit of
string attached to tle mlddlq layer. When
tIme Patch is Plisimell through the PtllmctUrO it
is drawn tightly against the liiiier wail of
th'b tire and held there by the cord until time
cement used has hardened. 'rho cord is then
CIII close off , and thio puncture has been
imeatiy remchleil.
hiamuly detachable brake is lut out by mi.
New York imiaker. The brake hiot requires
no attachment to time forks , as ltiga on cacti
side of the ahoc curve arounl the forks.
The clip on the handle bar is also easily
detrichetl. A illlwauitee commccmn has placed
a steering hiatl lock on thio market , and a
number of claIms are advanced. The lock
Is placeil limsido time steerIng heath , mind Is
secured by mc.ins of a rubber washier cx-
panded against time side of the tubIng. Time
locking Is minne wIth a snmall lint key , cngag-
log the bolt. directly , hmnltling llrznly the
front wheel at tin naghe , anti thus tutting It
omit of opt'ratilig position ,
A tllcblgan inventor has id'1et1 ' a new
feature to the hanmhhe bar by making a mb.
sign In which the handle bar ineniberii may
lie taken omt. of their seats and allowed
to iiimmg loosely at time sides. For shipimment
or storage tIme device may be of sonic heime-
Ill , A sliming toitcbeti from tIme out4ido r.
lcaas the lmatmdla bar menmber , which may
be akcim out in a few eenonils ,
An automatic lIre pump i time , InventIon
of un 4Inltammia cyoler. Timm pulnit cyhmntlcr
Is secured to time spoIes of the wheel jmmt
above the rim by mieamms of two erosheathtm ,
whIle a lower cromahead is secured to the
rim by two amijustlblo connectIons , each
beIng lengibeimed or slmortened by menus of
a turn buckle , The iliiton and roth are made
Iii lIme usual manner , except that time rod.
, Imas a slmoe at Its enml that fits time inside
or the tIre. the rod passing through th
mini by means of an aIr-tight casing , 1'hmea
the tire is Jepressed over the shoe the shio
h pusimemi inward , titus comimprcsshmi tIme air
In Lime pump cyhlatler putt forcing It by
nt'tmns of a connecting tub. timroimglm a valve
Into I lie ; Ire ,
I A iieyire In haudho bars , pttinted by s.
bhiiadt'lphia man , has for its object the ad.
of the baud holds to any theshremt
- * ttj5t , . . '
up-and-down position , The bar Is , in general -
oral , similar to the ordinary adjustiblo
bar. except that the hand lioltis are hinged
where thicy meet the bar , and by a system
of pawls and notches may bo held in place.
It Is claimed that this ( bevico will relieve
the cramp in the vrist and forearm that
conies from long titling. A simple ilcvic
to clear a chaIn from titist Is a bracket fast-
cacti to the lower stay on the sprocket aIde
with a small brush at its lower end. The
brush engages the chain on its wearIng stir-
face. and not only clears away dtist , but dia-
tributes the chain lubricant evenly ,
There has been mreenthusiasm stirred up
in local cyclIng cIrcles in tIme Inst ten days
than any time dtlrlng the present year , anti
time Inilhcations are that. from now on there
will be some very interesting events occur.
In view of the fmitt that the Itoh has at last
been set. rolling it Is too bad that there is
not a good bicycle track in the city upon
which some of the mldillo-illstanco match
races that are brewing could bc lick ! ammil
the pubiho given a better chance to witness
them , but as we Imavo no track smut time mdi-
cations are that there will not be one built
this year the People will have to content
theniselves with going out and watching
start of the races , which must ncc'essarmly
be held upon the road , cml stand uround a
half hour or so waiting for the rlilers t' ,
return for 'tue finlaim , however re.I cattiest-
asts do not mind this little incomivemilenec ,
but of course sould rather have , ii riders
all the time in view co that they miiiit su ,
the nole race. The Y. M , C. A. ronmi mace
I was a big success amid the tinia n ade wa
I oed con' itt ing lii. conihithoim of time course.
it. Is belIeved that the Jirommiomora now ace
their mnlstalZ'e iii not liolihing lip race ovt'r
One of the mnacatlarn courses leadIng out cf
the city , wimleii are always in gel condition.
Time races resulted In it numnhar of smmrInlscs ,
In. the first ithace , young Sa'.vyer'a win o
first and time prizes both , surprieil even
Imis frienils , and by hmli Slilendlil
riding In this race thic boy has proven
that ho Is one of , If not Omnabma'a bcst
atnatetlr at the liresent timime. C. L. iheimawa ,
, the young rider wimo did so well last year ,
and who sas looked upon as almost a sure
winner of first tinme prize , did not fimmlsh the
mace at all , but was commipelled to quit titter
rldinr a lIttle over hnif commrs , Pro,1
lhartmtmni , who siomi time iSa' Decoration day
road race , over the Dodge street course , was
another mmiamm picked to win timimo lrize ,
hut tIme best Ito could do was to take second
time. ho ivas , however , ommly halt a nilmiuto
outside first time , amid his ride was a genii
one. 1)an ) Brewer \vaa hooked upomm to do
somimotlm hmmg , hut a imly Ia nil eti thi ni tinie.
liastar. the W'almoo rider , (11(1 not conic up to
imis friends' expectations , and dll , not got
Idaceti. Th race lroved to be so much of a
success that the Y. M. C. A. many hold an-
oUmur one later In time season.
There was quite a imihaunderstanding over
t he Flschc r-M ii entered ng inn tch race ,
which occimrrel Inst Simnilay , nmmd , as a me-
nuit , Fheschmcr has challenged lila rival to amm-
oIlier met' to take olace over the caine coumso
ammo scck froimm today for $25 a able. It.
scents that an agrccomcmmt hail beemi finite ho-
twccn the two rIders that If eIther of theta
inmactitretl a tire that time other was to stop
alit ! wa I t ii ntii tIme hillOCtu me Was mcptij teti
ant ! thmemm coimtlnue time race , cacti mann start-
lug fi cia the 111000 ho StOphCti. ) Flesclter
claims that lila font tire laid a slow leak in
It , cammed by a ptmtmcture , anil that wimeim he
ramm into a rut iii time m cad tIme tire belmmg
soft rolled ott , throwing hmimim , tue result of
time fall almnost knocking itini lnsummslble naIl
ho was at time time a short dlstarmce bebminti
Muemmtefcrlng amid before he could sum-
clently regain consciousness to call to corn-
pctitor the latter was out of hearing. Muon-
tefcrhmmg contlmiuctl time mace aiml reached
Blair some immhnutes almond of Flcachmer , who
cinme in later in a carrIage. The race was
protested , but was later awarded to Macn-
tetering by the committee appointed to hear
the protest , t'imich aroused Ficacher's wrath.
anti the hatter wants nmiotlmer race , claiming
that he can easily tlefeat Muentefeming ,
barring accidents , and backs imp his state.
mnuot by offering to Post $25 against a lIk'm
amount that he can tb as he says.
The Mickel scorch resmilteti In quite a surprise -
prise to the captain's fribnds , who were con-
lhieat that lie could otmtrlie eveim such well
known professionals as Melerstein anti
Proulx on time road. The latter pair wiic ,
however , a trifle too macli for hIm , but ime
says that lie was hot feeling In limo best of
health anti started rather tlmamm di3ipmaimit
the whiechineo who timid ttmrmmed out to wk-
ness the scorch , as well as tlmoso who iiam-
tlclpatCd In It. He wants to have aaolier
trial and says that his original offer to pay
for tile dinner for the crowd holds gael If
they will give him another race. No theilaito
tbate for the second ammo has as yet licen tie-
ciled upon , but it will probably occur seine
time in July. In the meantime time ltitl
acorclmers will tmrmdoubtetily train up so that
niece of them can be in the chase , 'rime
boys say that Mitkel gave them a good dlii-
mier , btmt that. they vorkcti hard enough to
wlmm it even If he svmts feeling badly ,
0. Deal \Vertz , formerly of t1mI cIty , hut
who miow calls Kansas City his home , Is in
the city takIng In the exposition. Old-timmie
blcycilsta of the city wIll remember Wertz
vehi as one tIme the champion of Omaha on
time gooti old ordinary. flu comnmcnced rId-
log brick in 1S85 , end whtemi Jack Prince
built hil famous ten-loll track , In the oltl
F3.rosltlomi bmiiltbimig. on Fifteenth street anti
Capitol aveimumo , which burned down a couple
of years ago , Wcrtz was the Juvenile chanm-
pica of thc \Scst , later lie entered opeli corn-
petition vltIm arnatcmmma and succccdcd in
wInning his share ( if hammicis. lie nimil I'ix-
Icy were pupils of I'rloce's at the nno
time.Vertz retired fromim the game , in 1892.
and has sluice devoted his time to lila profession -
fession as a tiomitist ,
Bicycle timieves are again masking their
presence felt in thIs city anti during the last
ten days there has been as nmmmny as halt a
dozen wheels stolen , and so far itune of thrnm
recovered , anti the chnmiccs of them ever
being found are very somali. There Is uti-
tioubtetily an orgaimizeil gang of pmocsslonmI :
bicycle thieves operating In the city who
steal the wimeels amid ship ihemmi out of town
In thy goods iOXCS , have timem rebuilt , so
that they are Imnrecognix3ble antI thuen ohii.
As long as tIme laws of Nebraska make bicy.
cia stealing only petit larcemmy , Instead of a
felony , tis it shouith be , wheelmen will con-
tlniie to hose their mounts , imnhss they or.
genlze theniseives into a vigilance comnnmit-
tee and tical with a imicyclo thief when
cuiigimt as westerners tbid with horse thieves
In time early days.
There Is commaltierable talk among menm-
hers of the Omnaima'heel climb of effecting
a temporary reorgammlzatiomi of the fanmoims
(3ooglermm for tue imuirpou of takimmg In time
exposition , M'Idway iumtl all erne Saturday
evening , The ooglcrs vere organized In
1892 , anti for lIve years have been time lea , ! .
log fun nmaking body of the stoat among
whmeclrnen , they have attsntletl nearly .ivery
Nebraska state flied uinrt' their orgaat.ta.
tion , but thurleg the last year have lapsed
into innocuous desmictudo. Messrs. Cox ,
Smimithi and Collies arty at. the bend of the
t movement to reorgammize them anti will Un-
iioumbtetlhy bring out a large nummiber of en-
I thuusiast ,
Time Omaha Wheel club tuna a ldlatl run
down on the cart ! for totiny aimmi the start
wIll be made at 2:30 : p , to , from iime club
house. Mcmntiers art requested to bring
along fishing trickle as Captahir 'root Mickei
announce's that life wIll be nmadu miserable
for time' ftnny tribe In semite nearby lake ,
'Iris ; , uclc Cimaim NuteM ,
The road race given on time 18th was a
great SUCCtthS , Out of tlmirty.tliree entries
four failed to start. four dropped out ,
twenty-Ave fInishing ; beat time mastic , 9:2O. :
. .
a - - - -
a.t : . _ . , . . , . % - -
This is good conslrJpg the roughness of
tlme coin-so and the iYng wind wimich was
blowing qurure1y rUlers' faces Time
climb feels under ( mIibPktiorm to cycle defuitra
nod citizens for tiil' liberality anti assist-
alice in mmmaklng thy' 'tQio a success.
Time coolimess In 'IIcir sawyer fmntalmeI imi
first place shows plM ly that there Is speed
In bmim which wlh 1ace him alnoimg time
best amateurs of tmO t4ty.
Tc'mi of the cluil , Ihinubcrs en'or.'ti ' the
road race , mostly o IrFoperly represent the
ehmib , 'rho resimhts.idmdw that the club has
among its mmmernhemssdrne fast macmm , five of
tlmc'mmm carrying off ii1 .s.
Captain thames mils ( RIJenihing the week
will' the Jimniors oiit.t tratmip over iim Iowa.
Tfle club enjoyedf.ti plcasaimt aphi to i'riea
lake Tuestlay. Thmasturmi was isther fast
owing to the absence of the captain.
Sattmrtlay tIme climb goes to hlommey creek ,
where the boys iilt enjoy a swlmim.
Chester Stetom heaves us Monday for a
COtmIlle weeks' vacation.
IToh and Stonmmtm urprIqeti the boys by
their fast riding in tue road race. Watch
I them In the ncit race.
The club Is already making preparations I
for another raCe into in the summer.
Monday evening , June 7 , at d I in.
the club ihll be phOtographed on the city
hall grounds. Menmbers please take notice
and get 1mm this imicture.
The runs for tlmlmi week will ho Tuestiny ,
2S , to I.ako Matmawa ( sii'lm. )
Tim'i schedule for Jtliy wIll be out in a tow
I tiava
St'cictimry Ellis has recs'hvcti a nmmrnber of
' new aphilleations for mmmeoibersimip sInce the
road u-ceo.
'I'mmrmmer' ( 'limit % 'tteu.
At the regular monthly tept , of time Turner
Indians at their wigwammi upon Tliurstiay
evening vere Chief Kucimne , Scroll Keeper
Maxtleltl , 9imekel 1Cee'.nr Wln.limelrn , atal
Braves Iiioelhcr , ihonoy , Valwey , Voss , Neid-
er % % ciser , ( losmmoy , Jammecim.'tmrl , Miuitis , C'omm-
u-ad. Scimumlze , StmmwhoeiTcr , Itulmils , ltetzem 1mm
Time folhowlumg utitusvcre called for the
month of July amid subacqimently approvc'mi
by the tribe : Ilrst , Summdtty , Turniest irnrk ;
secontl , Itbillrmrti ; third , blhmmil rumim ; fourth.
Fort Calhoun , nmmtl fifth , I'iattsmmmou Lb. Braves
to heave wigwam at 8 a. am.
On July 4 nrmangmncnts Imavo bceim maim
to ctmtertnln nil 'lsltlmm Turner whecimen
at iCrmmg's hark. A lii ogrammi of field sports
ntmtI a prize hovhimig cotmtrt hetwcemm picked
teommis will ha one of the ninny pleasant
itond officers of tim tribe were appoimitcl
a specIal comnmmilttce vltbi full power to act
nnmi work 1mm conjtlmmctiomm with hike appolu-
tees of other lornl cyhing clubs In ummatter
of cmitertmilnnmemmt to visitiimg whcclrncmm In
tIme city during thu expositioim. Arrangements -
ments will be' eimtertd into with local wheci
me'mmtlng agencies , to thmut mnoummts mmmtt' ho
obtnlncd at mmomnnl ! cost.
Shekel Keeper \Vlntlb.imn pleaded for immure
timno to nlrammgo for imis iirhzo flehiog coo-
test ,
Referee \Vtmrh of time int. pool tournament
reporteib entries to the nummmhcm' tmf sevctmtcn
anti wmmmmcrs as follows w'tth score : First ,
ii. J. Ltmiitb. 313 loints out of a itossible :150 : ;
second , flu Ifoilges , 3s7 i'olmmts &miit of a
tusslbb' 4C0 ; thlmd , J. (1. Ltmmmd , 352 out of
possible 375.
.v ' ' ! II I3it I ) AN A'l' 'l'lAS FittN'l' .
.Aii Ollielni VlslI im tlmi' iic'inirge of liii'
Sli"iiiiiior ! t Val' & ,
In the last. hatch of jemiminisecmices of thu
war , liillthISlmeti In McClure's , Mr. Charles
A. lana relates the Incidents of atm official
visit to ( ] enc'rnl Shmcrtclnmm as follows :
In October. 1801 , Just after the arrest of
tIme hialtimnore moereitamits , I vIsited Shterltlan
mit his licntltiUnrter , in time Sheimnodonit 'al-
Icy. lie hiati finIshed the WOrk of clearing
out tIme sahley by hc battle of Cedar Cm'eck
on October 19 , and th governnmcnt wammtcd
to recognize the Jotojy by iiromnoting hint
to the rank of maj'or enernl 1mm the regular
army. There vemo numerous voiummteer nih-
cers who were ahjo o'l'llcers In the regular
army. anb , It vdi r'gartIed o'i a comslti-
erabhc thlstlmmctlon. " The rmplointnmommt : s'a3
mimetic. nutS thou , mis nih iiddltioual compliment
to Ccmmeral Sbmeridaim , i'nstcaii ot sending himmi
the comomnisslon by tin ordhiiary officer from
time tiepnrtmmmcnt , Mr. Slmeritlail decided that
I would better deliver it. I started on Oc-
toiier 22 , goimig by speclmmh train to hamper's
Ferry , whither I hind telegraphed for nit
cacort to be ready ror me. I was dciayt'ii
so that I did not got away from Harper's
Ferry ummtii about. 5 o'clock on time mnomnlmmg
of October 23. It ias a distatmco of about
fifly mIles to Shmerhiiaa , and by m'Idhimg all day
I got there alotmt. 11 o'clock at nIght. Sheridan -
dan hati gone to hel , but in time of war
one never dehays In carrying oimt orders
whatever their natimre. TIme general was
awakened and soon was out of his tent , and
there , by the flare of pn arnmy torch anti In
tile PrcencC of a few sleepy aids-dc-camp
and amy owmm tIred escort , I presented Simon-
dan hIs coommiseton as a major general lii
time rcgimlar nrnmy. } Ie dub u-tot. say much , tim
could lie have been expected to tinder the
cIrcumstances. though he showed lively sat-
letaction iii time gnvemnnient'S appreciation
of imis services. cmi spoke most heartily. I
recall , of the immanner In which the adminha-
tration lmatl aiways simjtportetl him.
The ncxt mormmiiig otter this little cero-
niony time general askeil me if I woimld netlike
like to ride timrommgh the tinily tvltlm imimn. It
was cxartly ihmmt I tbid vant to tin and we
were soomi Oii horseback and off. We rode
through time entire army that iuornln , his-
amounting now amiti thmen to give mime no op.
pom'tunit.y to pay irmy rispects to offlnrs
whoai I kne' . I was tntmzk lii riding
time himme by I lie tiny : rsal demonstration of
affectiomm for ShemIthan. hverybotly scemrd
to ho percommnihy nttacimetl to imiin. lie was
lllo ; tic most. popular mnnn after election- -
the whole force ovcrywimcro imonol'cd him.
Fiinhiy I said to tim gciwmah : " 1 visli you
\'otmhi explain otto timing to me. I Icre I find
all timcan licophtt , or every rammk-gaaeral4 ,
rerjcamit.s , corporals 'anti prIvate aolllicr3 , in
faut , cveryboily-mnamtifestlng a personal af-
fecttomm for you that. I Imavo never seen In
any other army , not even In the Anmmiy of time
'Fcnoesse for Grant : I lmnve mmevcr seen any-
tIming like it. 'l'cll mat' , what is tIme reason ? "
' 'Mr. lamm , " Ito inkI , ' 'I ' long ago fiStic
iii ) mnh' timltmti that It ; 'ns riot a gooti plait to
tight htatthoa wIth P5lcr tirtlers , that Is , for
time comiminimmmhor to stantl cmi a iihi in tIme ream'
anti senmb lila flldti-lIc-CaflmlI wmtlm v. ritt-mm
orders to time dhffert'nt comnmaimticrs. My
irccthco hiatt always been to fight In the front
u-mink. ' '
' 'Iimmt , general , " ; thi''ii ' , "that is dammgeroua ,
In tIme front rank ti n1iim is nmucim moore liable
to be hIlled than l'f in this rear. "
'V'ehi , " snli het' ' ll 'ltnoiv that there is a
certain risk In ittut in amy judgment tIme
advantage Is mu i' ' kcntor than thin rIsk
nail I have come tb lmo conclusIon timat this
Is the right thmlngto ip , That itt tile remisoim
lime amen Ilko me. flmoy know that whemm
the iimmrii pinch coimt4"E em as mnucim exposed
as atmy of thmenm. "
"hut are yotm mmtyqr , jirrald ? ' ' I asked.
"If I was I shoiillot ito miahmamneml of It
1w saId , "If I hqyid follow my natural
Impulse I should ; ; , away-always at the
beginning of ( laitgfr.hme men who say they
are never afraid ) ) ( do not tell the
truth. "
ni ;
ii- , ' 3
'VitO hi ighit l immd t F'riemI ,
I was seriously ufflicted with a cough for
several years , nod , lust fall had a more
severe COtigit titan A'or before. I hmav used
immaumy reimmethies tiIthiout recelvlmmg nmuchi re-
Bet , ritmcl being recoinmenileib to try a hot-
the of Chamberlain's
Coimgii Remedy by a
friend , who , knowing me to be a poor
wIden' , gave it. iti roe , I tried It. and with
time tilost gratIfyIng results , TIme iIrt itot.
tl reliever mmmc very mimuch , nnil time second
bottle has absolutely cured mae. I have
not had as gootl health for twemmty years.
Clareimmoro , Ark.
Neier Awniti.
Detroit Journal : "For tlme last tIme.
will you marry nme" hisscd Rodriguez , lila
noble face aflame wIth pasaioo.
"Yes , " sighed Beatriccmn , wearily. It
it's Imoitivehy the Inst time , yes. "
Studiously he kept hi word : for when
they were presently dIvorced again lie went
away , set ! ba never saw him more.
. ' - - - - . - - - . - - . .
4 - - - . - -JA.e ;
- .
how They Keep Up the TriidiUon of'
American Vakr.
Mcii Iii liii' l'reent Nnv hearing Iim
5iiitmcs of hiIimirloius Sircis-'I'hie
1)11 Steele cmiii liii- New
; :
Congress has deCreed at time suggestion of
the executive to lilace at the dlposai of the
president five appointuimeumts of cadets-at-
large to the naval acatlenmy. Time purpose of
the increased aPPolnttnonts Is Iii the tinttlre
or aim cxtra reward of merit to naval omcers
I of time iresemmt war havitmg sons , ieairntms
of following the POfeS3IOfl of their fathers.
I Time ilrst to receive time honor of a hmresi-
dentlal appoIntment Is the son of time late
I Captain Charles Vernon ( itltIiey of the
Olympia , whose death was undoubtedly
imastonet ! by his gallantry at the hattie of
I Manila bay. The retnaining illliOiimtmeults ,
it is amild , are to be reserVed for time eons of
distiugimisbieti naval oilicers.
This Is not a new tleparttmro In appointments -
ments to the mmnvnl acatlemny. It is a cus-
iomui as old as the navy cmiii deserves to ho
perpetuated. In looking over the list of
American naval oiilcers of the last tow
gemmeratlons one Is stmrhmriacd to find how
ninny of timemmi bear fanmoims naval miames , miot
only by Inheritance. bitt in their glen
names. In iiroportlomm to the ntmrnimer lit time
servIce there have iteemi more omcers lu-i
Umiclu Sammi's navy who hmavo been descendants -
ants of well kmiown omcere , or who have re-
cclyeti time mmnmmmes of mmavnl heroes Iii baptistil ,
tlmamm In nmiy other mmavy lii tIme world.
Amn rican umnvai emcers seeni to like time
service , tmotwlthmstatmtiing thmat it is , comimparn-
lively sleakilmg , one of time itooreat paId
011101mg all umaviml powers , ammil waumt their eons
to follow them , mmii It seems to have iteen
time ammmhltlomm of orcr' fatlmer vlmo has given
I iii3 aflit a glorious mmaval minnie to Imave him
cuter time service-amid timey certainly imavo
succeeded In a renmarhahlo imtmmmmbi'r of cases.
Nearly iil of Ammierica's carhy mmcviii heroes
have been fittingly rcpreented In tIme her-
sonimel of lImo navy 1mm succeeding genera-
'l'iit' I , leetitmtvs ,
Timkc almost nimy tmnmne-Decatimr , for in-
statice. Timero 'NtIS time origlmmal Cslmimmln
Stcpimetm Ioeattmr , bcgitmning lila career on
the ocean immimler time Stars alit ! strIpes itt ( lie
war fom' Amcflemum itiiiepemmdemtce. lIe was
mis tt'ume a comm of ohil Neptumme us evem' ioiietl
a quid of tohccu 1mm hiS mimouthm , lie (11(1 roimme
pretty % vork for Ummeic Sammm In time cotmmmtry's
early mmaval cmmgagctmmcimts , mmii , of cmurae ,
imi son , Strimiiemm lecatur , Jr. , hail to keep
up timI record. lie mmot ommly kept it up , bitt
nlletb immaterially to it. . lltmt Stephcmm got
Into ti'tit tluei with Barren timid was hilled
Itoforo Ime lititi comma bent to him to keep up
thio fnnmotms lIne. iecatttr was a Ilglmter amid
whuim liarromm went cc far ( mut of hum way to
pick a Ilimarm ci Iecmitur t'as not. time luau to
avtmttl a mmcciimmg , ntib time rcmitlht'as that
( Jude Saimi ituus deprived of ammy more He.
catumblood. .
Bitt there were plenty to take tiim time
gloriou mis me , Captaitm Edward Trcmmcimnnil
knew iecntttr time eIther very well nial so
nameil his soil Steplmemm Iecattmr Trommelmard.
'rrcmmciiari entered time service-of course , 1w
had to with such a "front" nanme , besides ,
itoimmg the comm of n gallant miary oflicer-iti.
timoimgh his paremmts hind fonilly imoped that
Ito would bud out Into a full-fledged bisimoim
lii dIme course of time , The mmmc aim , ! time
circunmetances of lila birth were too muclm
for them nmitl Trene.imard became ammo of the
mimost valuable officers in tIme miavy , dying 1mm
1880 with the rank of rear admiral.
'i'lm 114lwerses nmm,1 hte i'crrrM ,
Tlmose galinmmt Rodgerses have been part
and parcel of time mmavy ever since It caine
Imito existence. One mimumst be sure to put
a ' 'd' ' in the name In spelling it. Soimie
muhmmmlrers of this celebrated fanmily imavo aaiti
thmmt tIme 'ti' ' should be hnmt. iii Itecaimse they
fight like the devil whoa they once get
starteii. It was the first Joint Itodgers
who precipitated tIme war of lSt2 , because
lie wouldn't take iummpimtbence fronm time Little
Belt , antI no one has ever blatmied him for it.
Otlmet' Itoilgersea Imavo kept op the gooti
work ever since. (1omanmammdcr George \Vsh-
ington Romlgers was kihleti in action iietoro
Charleston , Rear AdmIral Christopher Ray-
mnonti l'erry Rodgers was the name of a
naval hero wlmo , wIth John Rodgers , jr. tllmt
goot service In the Civil war , all of timormi
deserving to have a "d" in theIr imames ,
judging from the way they fought. Anti
thieve are six of time fighting Itotlgerses in
the navy today-Captain Frederick Rodgers.
Lieutenant Comnmander John A. Rodgers ,
Liemitummmtimt Cotnmnantier Thomas S. Rodgers ,
Lieutenant William I. . . Rodgers , Guy C.
hiodgers , nsalstmmmit paymaster , anti that
sturdy youngster , John Rodgers , immuval cadet.
Surely tue Itodgeracs with the "d" arc mmot
deserting Uncle Sam.
Choaely allied to time Itoilgerses were time
l'crrys , who bore one Of time most illustrloims
imanmes in Anioricaim umaval history. Time list
imeglmma with Christopher Rayimionii Perry , In
thu revolution , vhmo lerformnel tommie reimmtirk-
atio opcratloiis , aiil , his comm. Oliver linzartI ,
time cahiant hero of Lake trlo. Then there
was Imis hmrothmer , Mattimew Galbraitlm l'erry ,
ivimo did sonio silemmtiIti work In the Mexicnmm
oat. . butt. win won his lastitmg renown by imis
bloomik es coliiumeat of Jaltami. Then there
wa3 another brother of OlIver hazard
l'erry , vito , tiiuughi emily 13 years ohil , took
an active part in the battle of hnke Erie ,
aimh ( there ate today Conmmmmamider 'rhomimas
i'orry , Chief Etigimmeer Jaimmes Ii. l'erry ama !
Naval Cadet Newman l. I'erry , Jr. One
of time fighting Rolgersos was mmmmmimt'tl after
the first h'erry , ChrIstopher ltaytnond Perry
'I'll , ' l'orers , nut 4 lie Tin xdoiis ,
It is to be oimccted that such a glorious
name mis I'ortor would ito erpetimateti in
Uncle Saam'tm navy after all that Davltb I'or-
tcm thlti iii his celebrateti crumise in time l'mt-
dliii ocean , 1S12-l1 , flat tlmis Porter watt
not the first of that mimimne in thin service.
lie hind a tatimer , 1)avhti l'orter , onti an
uncle , Sammiucl Porter , svlio erc immmprlsoned
itt ( Ito Jersey iii the tIme of tIme revolutIon ,
aumil the latter died from Ill treatment at.
thu Imaumds of Lime BrItIsh. David escaped by
commceahing hmlmaelt In a cask wlmlch was I
taken ashore to be filled with water. It
watt the s'on of this David vimo made lila
mark on the frigate Essex , 1lf son , tIme
thiirtl Iavitl Porter lii tIme umavy , was the one
who cruIsed all about time Eouitim In his efforts -
forts to get a BhOt at time enenmy. Ills
iirother , Captaimm 'i'IhhIanm I ) . l'ortor , wis
connected with some gallant affairs In tIme
civil ivar , besides which there were liona.
mimi .1. l'orter , J. if. l'ortor , John Ij , Porter
and Samuel Porter. At tIme present time
tlmere are Lieutenant Timeodorlc l'onter , s -
siatant Eimgineor John S. Porter and Carltio
P. l'orter. t' , captain In tIme marIne corps.
'I1ie name Trmtxton has always been asso-
elated wRIt two of ( lie immost brllhhammt actions
in whIch time navy has taken a part , l'rimx-
( Un W5S twIce victorIous over the French in
single shIp actIon , and never tlcfeated oa
any oecaion , thmouiglm it muutat be confessed
that such a record Is quite the thing for our
naval otltcors. Themi there was a Iieumtcmtant
Commnaitdcr W'iihianm TTrimxton , who did ox-
ceilent. service In Iihbemarle sound and on
the Atlantic coast in time civIl war , alitl today
tlmere is In Limo service l4outcmimmnt William
i'rt'ble Is one cit time oldest names In Airier-
Icau naval history , for It was Rtiwaril I'rcblo
ho was Iii the Massachusetts state cruiser
I i'rotector , which In 1780 hati a desperate ac-
I lieu with the BrItish privateer Admiral
IulT , It was In the Tripohltan war , how-
I rcr , that Preble added luster to American
ww- - - - : - . .
- _ ) _ _ - -
* 4 * *
; :
jf BUYS T1 [ E BES't' Wil 1EL ON EA1T1T. NAt
: + rjiioN1 L , (1 ( 19E'\7 ELA N 1) , V I ( lPfl ) , AC YC ES , ETO ¶
; ; A Few Whee's ' a9 $11 to
oii aiiti ( hO OUt' LiIIO or wi'ito I'or 1)1'jt't3 ,
:3 : ; MIDLAND CYC [ co. ,
* -II. It. Hayford Mgr-
: 410 North 16th Street , Omaha5 Web.
444 : * * * 4:4 : : * : + * * : *
naval prowess. Time namne was comitiumueti In
time navy by George hletmry l1reblc , who saw
service hum time civil war anti afterward be-
eatmie a rear adimmimal , lie wrote a history of
time Anmorican flag , wimicim every Ammierican
otigtt ) to read. Time only Preiile in the navy
toilay Is Frank II. l'rebhe , acting carpenter.
.Ja,1 , a I'ziiil a iid Ot item' Iotiesea.
It is too batl that there is no representative -
tivo of John l'ntmi Tomic in our navy. There
was a J. P. Jones in the confederate navy
In tim civil war , hut. lie was enrefiml to spell
lila mmalmie 'J. l'emmibreke Jotmes. " Tlmere have
been ltictmtY of JoneSes In time navy , however ,
sutlilcient to supply all deficiencies , anti
nearly all of timetmi were great ilghmtu'rs , too
Jacob Jones capt.ttreii tIme Frolic iii one of
the mmmost htrihliammt actiomma in iimmval imistory.
amid Thmoimmn ap Catcall ) ' Jones wits at omit'
( hue 1mm Uncle Sam's service , hut afterward
iii time coiifcderato navy. TIme way ito bait-
uiieti timc Merrhrnac itt llmimimliiomm htoatis mm
Mardi S amid 1) , 1862 , thmrci' a chili over
tIme whmohe mmortlm. There was a lommes on
tIme lmtmlomi itbe imiso , Coumiummantier it. I' . Jommes.
Ommci mmiigtmt thmink that. there was a iirfeit
of Jommeses in time navy today , but time hatter-
day mmaval Joneses are a eleet mmii strictly
oxchmtsivt' faimmily , ommly three of timt'ni hclmmg
Iii time lImit' .
'l'It , ' Nniimr' of t'it I imlirhil axe ,
lialtmbrldgo also Is a mmnmmmo that usually
nt.oiiscs Atmicricaum prl'bo ' , an'i ' proierhy so.
It was \Vilhiammm Baimmhtrlilgo wima by his ready
wit saved two of Ummelt , Saimi's ar ships
fromim cahmttmro by the Fm'cmicim , nmmti In comi-
si'qiteiiceaa cast hue a Frrmmcbm , ltmngeomm
at (1uindcloumpe. ( Again , mit Tripoli , Ito was
iii time illfmtetl I'hmlhmitielplilii , captured by
t Ito Tim ml a , nail va a kep t. I a ho ad a go e I gli t-
Cell mimotithi a. lhtm t , flimil I mmg tim a t shecpI mmg Iii
imolsoimie cells was mint the most comimfortahmlo
way ( it aclmlcvltig greatmmess , iiaimmbrithge got
lmohti of the frigate Constittmtlnmi ammil cap-
timri'd time Java. Timat. ho got emitirely over
( lie idea mf serving his cQummitry imu mlumngcous
is ImoWmm l ) ) time fact ( hint ott imis ticathu heti
ito cabled for lila sworihs amid pistols , nmmd
Imis inst wormis sere ' 'Hoard ( Ito encnmyi"
iiaiimbrithge's yoummg brother Joseph wits a.
pliely fellow. lIt' was time one who , at
Malta In 1803 , cimallengeti Sir Alexaiider
Bail's secrciary to a ditch h'e.auise thmt' latter
hail said ' 'Those Yankees vlhi hover stammti
tIme smell of powder. " Time secretary got
C lie verse of the argimnmeiit amid tiled. .losehiii
was not. fomtumiate in time inr of lSi2 , for
itt his first ImilePendemit. ( commmmamiI , , time new
Fmohic , Ito was overtaketi hi ) ' a BrItish
sqimatlromi amid Captitreil. It lii lucky that. olti
SIr AlexammdCr dId miot. kmiow of it. mit tIme
tiimme , or lie mmiighmt have remmmhmmded Joseph of
tIme loss of lila secretary. TIme umaimmo Is miow
represented In time navy by Captain William
l't'rimapa tbi ( most remarbtaiiie fatally of
naval oflicers is that of Selfrhilge. Timero are
totlny four generations of Sclfrldgcs iii
UntIe Satmi's navy. Time first. ha hear Admiral
Tlmonmns 0. Selfrlthge , ivimo was ippohntetl In
ISIS. Thou there is Rear Admiral Thomas
0. Selfr'iiige , Jr. , appointeth iii 1811. Folioi-
lug lmini are Licumtemmnt ( " : tmmnammtIer James
it , Soifritigo and Naval Ca'iet Sehfrhiigtt.
Equally interesting is time Stevens family ,
( lie first of tlmat mmmc behtmg 'rimomas hloldtmp
Stevens , oiie of time hc'rnes of the hattIe of
Lake Erie , his son. Thomas hiobmhump Ste tens ,
time late reir admIral , having taken it creti-
itable part in the battle of Mobile bay. Time
rear admiral's son , also named Tlmomna
Holdup Steseims , is now .i ilm.'tttonaumt coimm-
nmnimder In the mmavy.
Itloro than halt of Jiumorica'i early naval
heroes are representemi Iii time navy today , so
( hint with such a imrcporthirm of time old stock
in time now blood Amarmtn need tei umo sum-
pride at such ticeds as that potfornieih by
Dewey at Manila and can comiibtleimtly look
forward to even greater vhtories.
TllJlll 'ViIi3 .lJKIiItt4 ,
Iilili'uitiets of it hirlle. nitil Grooni its
ilii'aiIiig it lt.4 , ttiti UI , ! Sitepi.
At. otto of time big hotels of tIme town , me-
hates the Washington Post , there Is stayIng
a pair Of recently mmiarrle(1 ynimng people
wItose honeymoon began umniler nmost no-
romammtlc circumnatances. They caine from
a city hi the mniilie , vest , amul thmehm' mmnmes-
% , cll , let's call ( item Mm , and Mrs. Stnhtht , Mr.
Smitlm Is a sprightly young manim vhmo for
years has mmmdc It lila pleasure to annoy and
eimmitarrzmss stint of hils frlemmds as were India-
erect emmoitglm to iveil. lie lisa strapped rico
immto theIr umnbrellmui , Ito has lImb white mib-
ijomis ntmd ciii shoes to timoit' baggage , lie hmn
chmalketiVe've Just heemi imiarried' ' on their
carriages , Ito has cent telegrams omit ! postal
cards after thmeimm atitbresseti ho "o-and-io
aiiti lInde , " lie tins , In Imuct , ilomme everytimlng
lie could thmhmik of to finite Itotmoynmoons un-
popular. So , therefore , when imis approach-
log wedthIng was annomincd divers mmii autm-
dry persons determined to get oven wIth
hInt. Mm , Smith Is sagacious as well as
ahirighitiy , anti ho boltbly declart'i ( lint ime'd
outwit ( hero all. lie engagetl rooms for hlimi-
colt and lila bride at titree dlITeremmt hotels
end hertims on three dIfferent trains , 13ev-
sail days before tImO wedding the bride's
trunk was sent , empty , to the express oflleo
anti her belongings were carried down to it
In hmmatailniemits. When It. wits filled It was
sent awny by exmress. M r , Smimltim simmileui to
imitmiself. lifter tl.e weddIng there was a re-
celttioii at. a fashionable chili house antI time
divers aimd sundry reveimgeful persons lay Iii
valt , Mr. aiii Mrs. Snmitlt witlmtlrew , wemmt
tiowti the back stairs , Ummougii time wIno ccl-
mr. anjl out time cellar door , Arouimd time
cortmer a carrIage was waiting , They were
to eimtt'r thIs , be driven to time livery stable ,
step Ilmto anotimer carriage awaiting tlmetn
there , nail escape unobserved , but Mr.
SmIth's young brotimer limb mmoted time cellar
dour , and was waIting there with lila they.
cho. lie promptly snuimmded a lieu-a as a imig-
imal and rode after time carriage , Time per-
semis In waitlmmg with Items repaired to 11mm ,
livery ittatile. Tlmo brIde mmii hirldegrooin
stnyeml inside , 'They knew Ilmat timeir frlermils
I were preparing to make It Itleasant for them
at tIme imotels cud at ( lie railway station ,
So lucy shippeti tmmmt time back way , anti at
the cud of titelr resources , it ent to ( lie imoltee
of time ' lumen' Imlum nail
a aimrgcon ) , rang imp ,
asked elicitor for the night. lie lia'j otily
lila ofhico to offer tltcnm , atmd there , with a
skeleton grInning chmeerfuliy at them , atm' !
amm ocratimmg chair time ouiy comimfortable
piece of ( mmmniture the icomn contained , they
ntayc4 till morning itnii tlieti stole out to
time railway station anti left time town , Timey
do cay , ton , that time lirldu woubiln't speak
to time brIdegroom for two wlmoic mlnys , anti I
tlott't blame her , nor do I blame the roveimgo-
: mi persons , Mr. Simmltim will imimnoy ii.i mmmore
brIdal couples.
it Is expected tltt by July 1 at least 000
, amen will ho employed Ia the former union
wlro naIl plant at Andemsen , hid. , tecemtly ,
leased lu tue United States Wire Nail conm-
pany. The Ilazen plant hail bean closed for
about two years.
- -
2 ----c-
Never' :
1)kI we offer such l3argnins
iii Bicycles as we are olter-
lug at IrOSolit-
A First Class Bicycle 33
Hero S29
IeatIer $25
' 1111se Il'iCCS til'O for cash
Morgan & WriIit
Iiiiier Tiics 95c.
Cor. 16th anI ( Chicago St.
El ) hAYDEN , Mgi' .
For two days-
Monday and Tuesday only-
We will sell you ami Alliance
wheel with two piece cranks ,
Maroon finish and good equip-
mnents for
It is the greatest opportunity -
tunity ever offered in Omaha
to get a wheel at the right
Nebraska Cycle Go ,
Gee. E. Mickel , Mgi' .
Corner 15th and Itarncy Streets.
$75 OO
A ( till hue of now svlte1 at , $23,00
anti .8OO ( ) , Vhco1s ronteti nod re-
Teleplmono .ioi : ,
15th and Dodge SIrtets.
is the recognized lcmuor ] of itli the
wheels-thou why should you not ride
$50 Cmtimli buys iiii 1898 utiudel.
$1 ( ) Ca911 hll'S mill 1897 model ,
Sec'ondliand wheels n low mis * 10,00 ,
Townsend Wheel & Gun Co. ,
11 ( 8. 15111 Sti-ect.
I ] (
J ' (
hiiiftiit Rolls ? , Cure In iS d&ys. haven . retirp.
, , ,
I will gladly . soil to any siitteCrr in
envelop. . . . i'nhfIi a prtierlptloni , wiitl . . Situ . trc
li.tu. j.ji _ a quick private rule fe I.o.t I.upoq ,
Nlttt . . ; eIlnJ. Ilersous i'etillI ' , Small ite& )
j'.ti.rtt'oceL" t1s'.r. . rlc. (1. 81 vi ri.iti Mu.19 -
- - - -
ii _