Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1898, Part III, Page 21, Image 21

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    - - - - V
V - 'rITE OMAhA. DAILY 13ThTh SUN1)AY , TUNE fl , 1898. _ V _ _ _ i
. - ' _ _ _ : V _ _ _
I Ashes of [ mpre1
IL .
ROll1 V. CflAMliERS
( CopyrIAht , 1S , bY RO1Prt IV. Chrtmcri. )
4 omawhere n thu nlgbt a cnb rattIet over
' , itono pavnient a dog barked don by
the Porte Rotge "See the Tockct , " nId
Yoletto. It L Mount VaerIen ( lint en1s
them tip. Ttuy are talking to t. 1)enI with
their rot1ets ; MonRietir Iourke nys o.
Awl now St. Dni w111 send the ineago to
the ortres or the East 1111410 , little sister.
3'oU are cryliig. ' °
1 1 am atrai. "
WaR it the ui14en cold that dulled hr7
V EhehiveretI miii tirneI 1nk ilito tim house.
. , ' J3ourke niovoil about lighting iandIeH in the
tUning room-thcre as no mor ! ml ) 0i1
and Yolette wcnt to the tbIo anti catcd
ft . hCrC1t. her eyes Innocently niweihir the
adoration lit IL.r Ioera Thty watted
In rarturous 1Ienco until Ilfldc entered.
Then l3oiirke sat down ntitl tw ) inca ) hcgn.
About 9 o'cIo'k Ited 1tIdin 1ood Caine to
clear the inhie. niilii ) ] er. 1)cIrit1 out
1cr Own IfltOUC1ed iIflt ) ittsIIig to ci y a
] Ittle In the tAV1 ( tntry , ittil she heard
Ihoiirko Inhl4'i ' in t ii ilInini ruoni ,
- that eomci ted her , Utit whicn shi itturued ,
serene and smiling , thu smile iIed on her
. , 'V Jijs , for hlourko was * uiying " 1 won'ter '
what could ecv Jim ? I don't 11k' It. Ho
. . ought to have been here before iInr. "
A little spnsm of 'fear iinssetl through her
. heart ; she turned nnih entered thi hallways
: before she haI reachieti the front Ioor , It
( )1Iefled , 011(1 a gust of Icy wind swept acroas
her face. At flrst Io thought it was be who
. hail entered ; thcro was nobody tiwre. The
, p i'Islng rn1 tore a shutter loose on the floor
' above ; the tree in fiont or the liougo swayed ,
1JWeI ( , bent. end CrefllCh , showerIng the
duvtiIk v1thi whining leaves. h'hien , lu a
r inoineltt , t. over ; the wind tiled uut , alt
ioinds nod movements scenicut to cease as at
an U oh en rd COlfl flUI1 ii . Tb e h isi ) terrified
her she looked up through the thick air ,
oohcd up thropgh a gray ( tsceIIhlng ( veil ,
a palpable h1a ( , that covereil her with a
. 2nlhhhon sitting annwflahL's. Straight ilown
.1 fiom the fntliolnles. vault of inidiiiglit they
fphl athwart dliii gas jets -ghostly , noisel'SS ,
otiliflOUs iIales. They mcltc'i ' at first , vet-
I ing the sidewallcs I ill thin reiiccted gas Jets
treitililed like torches inirrured in a ricr.
After a. 'hiiIe grayishi atelie and dini blots
V of snow niPeared here and there. spreading
faster than they melted ; the tree was spotted
like a forest beech , the grass on thu glacis
'n'ltItend 014 she looked. The chili In the
air htitd vanished , yet far away he scented
the cold- the clear , clean hrenthl of winter.
V Out over dark hilts and valleys , over nv-
cr5 , woods , anti spires , the iiiscen snow % % 'aS
, lnhItiig ; sin' felt it flS though each hake were
failing na her heart. her eyes strove to
pierce the ghooin where all the worLd was
waiting breathlesS in the snow-wnitiiig as
she waited-for what ? Again that sick rear
struck through her breast ; there came a dis-
taut echo of rontsteps scarcely softened In
the snow , nearer. nearer-a sliatlow passed
across a signal lamp , across the next-anti
the iicxt. 'liiltle ! " lie held her erushied to
Itis breast for a nrnnteiit. Ilir eyes were
vlotl , tier % vet hair glistened with snow
. . , . crystals under the gas Jet overhead. A titin-
.1-V. mo 1tassit-tvo. three ; he lifted her head ,
seeking her lips. "Is it tonight ? " she
5Obheti. V
"Yes. "
Alter a moment tin gently unclasped her
nrnl4. StCpht'tl to the hallway , and called :
k Not tOfllghtflnt yet- ' ' site moaned ,
reaciting out 'blindly. lie caught tip both
S her Itatitis and kissed thttin again nut ! again.
Aliti itow burke was coating through the
hallway , bearing a lamp , and behind film
Yolette. I Inrevooti whiispcre.i . : ' ' It's
V for tonight , Cccil-ljehienrnre's division is
1cavltig St. Dents. Get your dispatches
quick. TIti , cavalry are tiding by the St.
Otiori gate ; the farti ess of the east supports
theni. hurry , Cecil , I've only a second. "
Ilourke turned auth hurried up the stairs.
Yolette looked fiom hiarewood to ililde.
- "Can't It ho hi'hpetl ? " she asked at Inst.
"rJo , t must go. After I have gone-then
tell liourhie-not before. lie would not let
ala go. " lIe kissed hhildu quietly. saying
that there was nothing to fear-saying that
lie would Scott return to be with her aiways.
lintirko reappeared with a itttle vackct. Yo.
letto was crying.
'Jlm , " salt ! Ilourlce , " 1 wIll go-If you
. V say tim wonti. ' '
liarowood anilied antI pressed his hand
hlghtiy. ° Goodby , " he said , "tiiertt'Il be no
trouhie. ' ' Yolette lilti her beau iii her .
. - - - tianils. Ililile turned a white ( ace to hare.
wood. lie hesitated , glanced at [ burke with
inscrutable eyes , then for the last time tooht :
Ilium to lilt ; breast-ti secotitl-ajid 'as gone.
' 'Jim ! " stamineroil Bourlce , ' 3oIiyou
can't go--I didn't
unilerstantl-I-Jlm- ! V
wnIt-come ! back , ynu t4xl I' '
' 'lillile ! " wliisp'reIt Yolette , vith ashen I
Hilt Ilium no longer saw ; an longer heard , ,
'Vht."viII Xi.-'vIit. 4urlI. ' .
At inlilnighit llurewood h)8'35C1l the ( ortifica.
tiotis. rIdIng with a troth ) of hussars to :
point where the Crovecocur road crosses th.
military highway between the fortress 01 rVV r
Aubervilliers tutu the village of La liourget. VV
hero the hiusars wheeled westward towant i
t , IhenIs , calling back to hilni a p
"unit voyage , " and hit rude on alone.
Ills horse was already tired ; it was flu I
only itiotint he bail bet.ii able to ilnil in L
. Paris , a great raw-boiled cav.iry clmrger ,
coutteinned at the Ile'Iot tiiiit destitied fox :
tli ti ( tilt xx i be ii or t lie hotelier.
ilarewnod ,11tVetI , the creature 'vhwn in x
miii ii , bti t I he Ii I ghi sa ) y5 I' . cathy ( heel ) I I
V sIt ii titI lee itiol ( ho horse sflipetl at ever )
Post after post was iaxscih tIi itickets at t
Urancy stopped him , then let him go when
they f'ouii.i his papers sal islactery.l.gnhi I
, ' lie was stopwti vhero the shattered railrnat I
crosses the CocUrneuvo highway , but then '
the obstinate outpost was itiohUfleti by ax I
ellicer vhto knew I Ini'vwoo'h ' tixith % hxt ) seti t
him on his ay with a iixirthIv * laugh the t
rxtiig false anti sail thci'ii'hj tIns aiixg snny
'there ' UI ; nothing to be cci n-now ittit I
their a yc'llow lnrtenn , hIhtix : tip the black
hess , bho,1 nut su.l.leiiIy in a thorny o t
rxiow-a 'lila , xighway lees ) t liii iiit'if ' , Ovu r
? ' hicli hun 1liiii of Ito list tonntetl , only t a
crackle txnlr uk honse's feet. Ott there ii aIt
the tiarkitess to tim westward the three fort 13
t Ct $ t , leiiis lay in obicurlty-ttst , fort tie I a
. I V lirtehto , the fortress of the East and th U
. , - - _ _
h , attcry of the Double Crown , iiehiiid him
t he tort of Aubervliilers crouched above the
h fghiay In utter darkness , Indifferent , un-
h oedlxig the thin siglials ihisplayeti from the
b astions of the cacciate. Once a xoaming
q uartet ot Franc-tireurs afpcarcd at hIs ,
s tirrups and seized his horse. They all
e ere drunk anti ulhenIy suspicIous. cursing. I
s hoving , tiemandlng papers anti lassworls
a nd handling theIr niflos with a carelessness I
t hat threatened the existence of everybody I
c onrerneti. They lighted lanterns at length
a uth eanhined hiarewooti , commenting on his
t weed Norfolk jacktt , on the many pockets
O il brcst and hip , anti finally on the corded
r iding hreeehie and spurred boots. lv1w
Il enti ) ' they coveted the boots.
' 'Take theni , gentlemen. ' ' said linrewootl
s axenstIrahly. 'anti I'll return with GOnV
c mi Iiolhenixtro to show him how my boota
fi t you. "
ThIs produced its effct : the Franc-tireura
p rntet'd that they cared neither for Genial -
c ial hiehiemare nor far the hoots. They con-
s lgnt'il general , boots , nhxti lhnrcvood lilixiseir
t o a livid anti prophetic futux e , nitti let him
g o , shouting after hint that Fhourens' car-
b ixictra would strip him , general or no gen-
o ral ,
Tiii was pleasant iievs ( or hiarewooti ; Ito
hi : id no idea that Fiotirens' three battalions
rc1.o out. \\'itti a. tiihilen misgiving ho
th rew bridle and looked Intently ahienti. There
w as nothing to see but swirling sheets ol
s lie % . . lie listened , peering Into the gloom.
S uppose Spoyer should tibet hiiii here alone ?
- or liuckhurst ?
lie gathered the bridle nervously ; the
h erse moved Iortvarti. "halt ! Qul VI vol"
a voice broke out in the darlcixess.
"France ! " ericti hinrewooth , with a sud-
d cii sinking or his heart. Cloaked and
s hrouded mounted figures aipeareit on every
S file , a Pal e bit to nix gI I in ox t' red I n lx Is face ,
a txng ngain to the ground anti went out.
"Crest hien , " saul soxixebody close at his
e lbow , "laissez PaSSeZ. M. Ilarowuod. "
C olonel Lavoignet's escort Parted right and
l Ife ; one or two othIcr greeted thiner -
l ean i.leasantly . from the darkness ,
'WhiaL troops are these ? " asked hare- .
'ood , striving to recognize his unseen
f nienils.
"The Thirty-fourth do Marelie , " said
s omebody.
"Tue Second and Third brigades are pass-
i ng the forts , " ntlde.h another.
Again a lantern glcaiaetl out , and Hare-
wood saw General hieilemnre passing c1oe
I n front , escorted by dragoons , cloaked to
the ears. The keen-eyed young general
smiled at Hareworsi , 'ho lifted lila cap in
ilciice. "Are you going with us to Le
Hourget ? " asked the general , thrawing.bnidle
and holdIng out a gloved hand.
"Out , mon general-wIth your permis-
slon , " replied hlarewood. "I have General
Trochu's consent , " ho tuhtled.
"Then what do you s'ant with mine ? "
queried General Beliemaro with a good-
h ittinoreti gesture , "you Journalists arc a
nuisance , M. hiarewootl-a nuisance ! "
" 1 ant to carry through , dispatches , general -
oral ; niiw I be of service to 3-oil ? "
General hlelternaro shook his head and
whecleti his horse. "Wait until we take Lo
hioxirget , " he said , and trotted ( onward , ( oh-
loweil by his plunging , snow-covered ethort.
The snowflakes that were now falling
seemed hue as sifted hour ; they powdered
the route with a silvery titist that lay thtek
In every rut antI dItch ; they hilow across
tin' fields in hoets and drIfting pIllars ; they
whirled up before gusta of wind , ilurry after
flurry , iIin phantom shapes thlOt filled the
ilarkixess with inoventents half seen , halt
ii hvlucd.
hlarewood found himself riding bestile a
mounted captain of the 'rhlrt'-tounth In-
rantry tb Marche ; on either side plodtled
the troops , rifles en baudnuilere , overcoats
covering face8 that turned shrunken and
pallid under the sudden rays of some swiftly
lifted lantern ,
The long echo of crunching footsteps , the
trample and sight of horses , the sense of
stilling obscurity , tlepresseth hinrewooti , Ho
watched a lantern's sickly rays fighting up
the Itnapsacks and muddy trousers of a line
at inca In front ; ho spoke to the mounted
captain riding In silence , his heavy henti
burled Iii bite vet cloak collar , but the officer
dlii not seem to hear him.
'flit' snow turned to finest grains of ice ,
the frozen dust pattereti and rattled on wet
caps , on soaked overcoats , nntl stiffened
epaulettes. Again a nudden shaft of coiti
passed through the tilt , bringixig with it a
mist that hung to the fringe of the march-
hog column , and grew faintly lttnxinous as
the snow ceased to fall. The fog became
denser , a sour odor of sweat and wet smoke-
aaturnteii clothing tIlled the air. The soak-
ixig itatitlles , the drenching flanks of the
horses , the nib barrels , gave out a stuffy
penetrating smeil that choked and stifled.
'ritero was scarcely a breath of air stIrring ;
teain rose froxti the oxen's breath ; the
horses' iiaxics eere smoking.
hiarewooti node on In silence , listening to
the creak of sadullt , the slop ! slop ! of steel-
hiol hoots , tIle crushing crackle of thou-
snails of tred ! feet.
One. ' th Infantry captato , ridIng beside
hihixi in the tlark , spoke , , "Monsieiir , it you
arc going through the lines , I have a wife
and child at Ihonnetill"Glv rite thxo
letter , " said hlarewoo(1 ( soberly. The cap.
tam ( umhled in the breast of lila soakcil
tunit' , threw out. a wet letter , and Passed it
to ilarewood.
"Thank you , comrade , " lie aitl. he
spoke a star broke mit overhicati.
halt an hour later the velvet tlepths of
midnight were spangleil Vltlt stars-great
bluish wintry stars sparhling like frost
cryrtals In the moonlight. The long black
coluixin tietachied itself from the shiatlowy
plain , massed squatfs of horsemen broke the
level of the Infantry , anti on a little bill in
front tInt strange silhouettes of cannon hiass.
hag moveth itt shatlow 81151)05 across the sky ,
was 'I o'clock in the morning , hare-
wooil opened hits watch and real the dial
I ) ) 11w splenthld starlight. "We are ne.zx
Lo blourgct ? " lie asked the Infantry cap.
, l\\o are there , " ilaiti the captain , omi' .
Ilsiewood , standing straight p in hib
stirrups. saw a little river Just ahead , ,
spaniteil by a column of wading infantry
horses , too , were for.ilxi the shallow stream I
a few rods below , alid above the caimnonier I
of the two field Pieces moved cautiou3l3 p
_ _ _ _ _
t ' No ordinary boor cax excel In fine flavor
taxte.--lt takeci xtra ordinary
\ "t3Iatz" to do so and thereby prove Its
j\\and in purity and high quality ,
_ _ _ _ Foley Bros. Whoieaale Da1ers. of-
lice DI1one Hotel , 124 N , Four-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cet. Omaha , Neb.
p. . . ' 4.t , . .
nhong flu' pt'hhleti honi' ekIng far it sste
crosing. On the opposite bank of the
tI'enm , In lrrcgtilsr outline. ht'1nwy
hiiie chtIStCti'41 , it single turn spire roar
in their midst , not a nay of hiht caine
from the 'lark ' village , not a sounil.
Ititling ahenil , Itarewool felt the tsbbie,1 ,
shore beneath his horsc'a feet ; bcIde him
th Infantry were passIng the ford. white
th hiack water gurglr'tl anti swinieti to
their knees. Suddenly all slong the opposite -
site bank of the stream a line of tiny lights
danced and sparkle'i ' like flreflles. There
canTo a rIppling , tearing cr.h , the keen
whisper of biiilets-shower of
bullets , that hurtled auth snixickeil on stone
a nti reck and tore through the bushes on
e ither side. Out In the water a horse
r ear'.i , sank on his haunches , then hogan
t o splash furiously. . . soldier In niitltteam
s tarteti ho run in a circle , shrieking : anther -
o ther dropped forwrti atid caine floating
p ast , head untler water , little tin cup shin-
l og in the starlight. ;
A shrill cheer broke out from the infan-
t ry. The shallow waters of the font boIled
u ntlor their rush , Mounted otilcers ilirasheti
tF hrough tIme water , shouting , "Forward !
F orward ! " and the advance trains , borne
o nvnrd by lashed horses , swung the field
i deecs down to the shore and through tue ;
i cy vnter to the bank opposite , where the V
w llh-o'-the-wisp lights flickereti anti danced I
n ail the btdlets whistled like hail through I
s hicafed wheat.
Tiit first rolling crash from the French
i nfantry rifles seemed to extinguish the
f licker of the rifles frorim the oppolie shore.
Ahteatly the battery horses were gttlioplng
b ack with the limbers ; the two catilioli
s tootl apart , half hidtlcn by shrubbery.
' rhioim , through the uxlght , caine the niushi of
a noitiniti , a fierce dicer :
"The bayonet ! The bayonet" anti hare-
wnotl , setting spites to his horse , rotho out
o f the nntddy fieltis to the highway. wlmert' I
t he French onset passed like a whxirlwinti
'vieiory-ths first victory untlt'r the
wn1it of l'aris. miow , when It was won ,
lbs governor tho8ktIt scarcely worth the
I powder Yet Le hinurget was time point of
the wedge whth lvHt'chm thus herman lines
might lit' split ; 1t 'itterceh ' , the very center
of the north 7onnpti , Investment , threatened
: the ( icninait easqr1 communications. nui
, dually imMured st ; Denis atiti opened a wlticr
area of operntlon fIn' thc' army of l'nnis.
General hlehicimlre 'threw ' out the ( ole-
graphite iIirpaIch fit1n I'anis auth rcai ( It
: agsin with knittc' byws :
I "Le flourget hiss , . .o Iniportant bearing
t our lines , and is not orees-
snry to our gener'il pnmm of operation.
TitOC1L. ,1Oovernor of l'anls. "
\'hiat the soryler Trochu tireamning
of ? What. thank chimera ihid In' follow ,
dreanming awake as ho paced thxo dim
¶ chambers of tid 'nr omrt' ?
"Masaicura , " saId General liehlemare
sharply , "call my e400rt. 1 leave for Paris
tomorrow. " General llanrlon steppeti for-
5Vflj taco lighted with hope.
"fly - ! " he cried. "The governor hmali
listen now , or- "
"Or It will be too late , " said General
flehlcmare quietly. lie stood a moment
I watching the tattereti MobIle battalions
pressing wearily toward the Mohiette. The
boyish soldiers turned their satt whtte tacos
towtmrti him ; some smiled , some raisoul rag-
soil arns in salute. A little bugler sotmxmticd
fanfare , but he was too exhtmitett to
fiumisli anti hung his head in shame , while a
sergeant scohtleti imlom to conceal the tears
iii hIs own eyes. On every face the fine
hines of humiger drew lip ; tIght anti simarp-
eneti linac and chiet'kbone ; in every eye the
host flicker of hope had dleti ; yet they
inarchmeti , turning their lmatleumt , palhiti faces
to their general , who watched them in
siience-thxese men hio had conquered anti
w lie vore now left to die-because General
Trocliti hail ' 'other idans. " At last , wln'u
they hiati passed , General liehleitiare txiniieti
anti valhcctl slowly into the church , tuit to
I ii raid on te l1otirget by' hlehtt'mnre.
I Trochu isn't inclined ( a back him up , tnd
here we are , wedged into the German lines ,
p abla to pierce them it supported From I'aris ,
p but hum is bath mess if i'aris rubtintions tis.
Ucliemare starts for i'anis in half an hoxir
to urge per.tonally the direction of a supporting -
porting column. It the Gornians come at
'Is while he's gone. I don't kno.v how It will
cad ,
"In esso of accIdent you will linti ilmipli-
cstc's of nil dispatches In my washtnnti
drawer. I would go hacl ta Paris if it
were not such a shame to risk hosing this
chvmnce to get through the lines. it worst
comes to worst I think I can get back
safely. lint In case you don't from
lie efarteti to add something about tilde ,
but crosacti it out , lnsteatl lie wrote , "Cittit
bieas you au ; " then scratched ( list out , for
V had a horror of liattlcflcht nentimeut
and doleful mes-.cage-s "front the front , "
lie raised his head anti watchieti time
storm. Swifter tumid swifter caine time rain ,
dashing Itaelf to smoking nuist on the gUs-
toning slate roofs. shutter , imammglng
. front one twisteti hinge , swunk like aim inn
sign across the facade of a cott.igo oqio-
Si Ic.
I lIe wrote again a mesngo to lilhik , dicer-
ful anti optintlstic'-a gay pleas.tntry mx-
tinged with doubt anit rorehotilmig-and
slgnetl his name , "Janies Ilarewooti. "
\\'lien he hiatt scaled amid tiini.'ctetl the let-
ter. lie handed it to the hiussar , saying
clmc'erfuhly :
"Thmamik you , comnatie , for your trouble. "
Tue ixtissar thrust the letter limb the
, breast of hits tunIc , poeketeth the silver 1.10cc
that hiarevood held out to hmlnm , anti nodtlcd
lila thanks.
, \ few inimitite hntt General Iieiicmaro
out of the house it.ext the church aimit
chlinf'etl lixto his saddle , calling sharply to
I his escort , auth off they tore Into thit , ti'ethm
of time storni , the hussar's latmec flyIng a
- -
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' ) TH1LOUGI ! Thllt ' . ShOUTING 'FOlt'uV FOItWAltI ' "
straight into the black throat of this vii-
hage street ,
It was over in a nionient he caught a
glimpse of figures outhincti through sheets
of level ilanie ; ho saw a Uhlan clinging to
the neck of a plunging horse rear ill ) in a
blaze of light like a soul in torment. Drums
began to bent from the extreme rIght ; on
the left the troops vero cheering fiercely.
A battalion of sailors came up oxi a double
tjtttclc , tile flames from a thatched root on
lire gleaming on rifle barrel anti cittlass , on
the roth knots of theIr sailor caps , on broad-
aIXOS swinging anti glittering as the hlows
fell on oaken doors from whIch spouted
smoke and neetile-hlko yellow flames. There
were strange sounds too , In the bousca-
shrieks , blows , the dull explosion of rifles
behind barred shutters , the clangor of a lieu
that began swIngIng and ringing in some
unseen steeple. A rush of strange cavalry
liasseti hlko the wind-they were thians of
the l'russlaii guard , staitiping frantically
toward the open country. They drove past ,
a cychone of shunting lances , of
tossing Pennons , and frcnzleti horses , on-
VCIO1)Ctl in flame anti smoke froixi the French
rules , shiilo the savage cheering redouble , ! ,
atiti swift , jetted hashes from revolver auth (
chassepot pricked the ( ringing gloom with
a thinusanil crimson rays.
'rite two cannon of 12 shook the ea'thi
with their discharges in thuo east ; froni thin
vest two other cannon , pieces of I , bro Ice
iii with shiotteti bhasts , accompanied by thin
sinister tlrumnnming of a mitraillemise frttmn
the fllanc-Alesimil highway. The little River
Moletto refiected the glare of a burning
thatch ; a drowneth horse svithi bloated belly
and hitleotis stiff legs swayed with tIn , cur- t
remit. stranded on a shoal.
liarowood , covered with mliii , tooh out
the Stehls of the village clnmrchi , his own
death horse hay in the glitter tinder a aunt.
tereil lamppost , Its patient , sad eyes glaz-
log iii thje sickly light of thu torches. Ccii-
oral llellemnare , cloaked anti xuiutldy , 5(1)0(1 ( (
near Ilarowood out the chmum'ch steps , sur-
rottutleil by dlsmountttI oflicers , hlarewootm
heard him say :
"The Fourteenth Mobiho battalion anti the
Framic-tireurs will occupy the village ; a tie-
tachnuent of three infantry battalions and
two guns will forum the , '
gaumth'gamde , to tie re-
hewed every tweuuty-foumr hours. Two bat-
tallons of the One hundred smith Thirty-
fifth will hold Courneuvo ; Athtuxiral Saisset
must cover the right ( honk with the sailors
aliul fortify Drancy , Where's Colonel Mar-
thu 1 Oh , well , colonel , are you under the
guns of Aubervilhlers ? No ? Is It too far ?
Where are those hlehiovhllo carblneerah"
"Tim lk'llevillo carbitucers mu , " said an
ouficer with a short , dry laugh ,
There was a sIlence , thuen another laugh.
' 'If I hail mixy way t'tl shoot this Fhourens , "
said ( ] emieral hcilemuiare quietly , Ills glance
( cli on Ilaruwood nuid he shruggeti hml
"M. ilarawood , I fear ) 'otm will have o
wait before trytumg to pass the hues , It
I ve am-a to receive uio aid front
I'anis ; we lutist rely on St. Deals , according
to General Tuocbu.
"Hut , ' ' said hiarewood , astounded , ' 'Le
flourget Is the key to St. 1)i'nls ; isn't it
vortht holding ? It has been won gtthlantly. "
' 'Of course it's worth hioltilog , ' ' broico out V
General ilanrion violently. General hId-
lenumro made a gesture of assent.
"It Is the key to the Iouble-Crcmwmi battery -
tery , " he said ; "surely they must realize
title is Paris. If I ulareui to leave Le itourgol
-if I dared go xtmysclf anti persuade the guy.
emnor- "
lie looked hard at hlmitmnion , Vt hun mioddct
buck at htitut.
"St. Deals camt't aitl us now , " cried Cob
and 1voigimet ; "let them euiti us a dozc
batterIes from I'aris. 1)0 thucy expect us It )
anmulbuilato thin trhunlu. , of the Prussian Guard .
Royal ? Let the Uhlaos go back anti tel
their king that a hmaxmdtul of mobIles an 1
fantassins edit them packing. "
Fvcrybody mnoveil uneasily. The apathu : (
of General Trochu disheartened theta , hIer U
* V
t ue altar , holding lila sword clasped , cross
c ii hui niedahed breast.
When lie kuieht , ilarewood StOlpCd to the
c hurch door and closed it.
There was a sudden stihliiess In Le Dour-
g ot.
cAi'iitlt. : xx ,
Li' hlui rict.
At daylight it began to snow again , An
h our later torrents of rain s'ept the tie-
s orted streets of thin village. The roar of
t hie wind awoke hlarewood. A sickly twl-
l ight stole through the church where , rolled
i n his blanket , ho had slept under tIme altar
atilong a dozen drenched olilcers.
A cavalry btmgler , swathed to the chIn in
h is dripping cloak , stootl Inside tIme chian-
c cl , strapping his shako chain with numb
flitgers. lie hati hung his bugle over the
arm of the crucifix , and now , as hmi pInched ,
sick face turned to time sunken face on the
cross , he paused , hand outstretched. After
a seconds slhenco Ito crosseth hlmneif , . Un-
h ooked the bugle , and setting it stiffly to
hIs shrunken hips , blew 'the ' reveille. A
hundred shadowy forms stumbletl up In the
gloom , the vibrating shock of steel filled the
church. An artillery oflicer , saber clashing
oil the stone iioor , left. the church on a I
run , pulling on huls astrnlchuan jacket as ho
passed out into the stonumi.
Ilarewood stood up , aching iii every bone. 1
110 shook his bhnnlcet , opened his dispatch
I t000h , counted the palters , siiapped hack the
lock , antI yawned. 1
An oflicer besitle hint began to shiver anti
almaki' , a thin , Iatutcnui-javed fellow , yellow
with Jaundice , anti covered from cap to boot
wlthu hmalf-tlry multi.
Somebody said : "Go to the hospital. "
Thuo officer turned a ravagoti face to 11am-
wooti and nullcd. .
Outside the church the lutfantry bttghea
weru sountllng , TheIr thin , stnitlent call set
hinres'nod's teeth on edge. lie rolletl and
titralipeti his blanket , siting the dispatch
IOtilt from shoulder to hip , anti tumbled ,
out to the church door , where a dozen horses
tooti , heads hangingVdejeetetitytn the pour-
ink rain. AV mouuted htnsaar , witht it lance
in stirrup boot , looked sullenly at Ifarowood ,
who called to hint , "Whose escort is ( hint ? "
"General flehlenmaru's , " replied the trooper.
"Is he gohmig to Paris ? "
"Yes , monsieur , in half an hour. "
Harawooti hooked down the dismal street.
The lost' stone hottes ! shabby tutu deserted ,
loomed tiark and mittst' through the storun ,
Iverywhmere closed VSltittcrs , chosoti doors ,
dismantled street 'tdmjts , stark trees , rusty
railIngs on baIcon titmtl porch. Everywhere
the downpour , flcmetrt'wlmea the winl swept
the ralim spears , raukLon , rank , against the
house fronts , Att. ndw , down the street ,
through the roarIng 'wntl and slanting sheets
of raiii , mum-diet ! areginientVa apu'ctral regi-
uncut , shiroutloti , gsuist Urumniers abeauf , ha-
log the flooded pavt'ia'nt , ( rout gulter to
gutter , sloppy druutuiikbrating lIke thin death
rattle of an army. it thin Onu Hun-
thrcIthi and Tu'eiity.tflmth of the hue-tim
relief for thu ) ( ; . After it , OliO
by one , rumbled fir,1 annon auxti a tuiltrail-
house , cacorteul by ! - 'I'welfthi bat.
tnliou of thin Seine .
x -
Thu hiussar baTjt4 , )1110 charger onto thin
uIlt.'walk thmiia the Iimfaumtry wt're jtuaiitg.
hiarewood leaned froni tIme church steps and
touched him on the shoulder.
, ,
' ' lli you ulchlver a letter lit l'anis for
me ? " ho asked.
Thin hussar uxoddeti sulkily , and said :
"Arti you going to ida ) ' lucre with ( ho
troops ? "
"Yes , " replied hlurewooti , sitting ulown
under the porch anti bcgimimuing to vnlte out
a Itad With a. Stuuulhi of rctl itoutail.
"Ihen you'll mint ncci ( aim answer to your
letter , ' ' observed the imussar.
ilarttwooii raised hIs eyes.
"Because , ' ' continued thin trooper , viUm aim
oath , " ( lint ti-ti Trochtu won't scud you
any cannon , and you'll all die like rats
-thint'a . ,
I hlarewooti thought a moment , then vent
on writing to hiourke.
"The sortie was no sortie after all. It ;
, .
. V _ _ : V : : ;
; ; ; ; til that stuappeti like a wet t
whiplash in the tempest.
I Iare\0od prowled around the church.
pickIng up scraps of mnforniation from 0111'r
c ons anti maca , nntih lie fount ! that lie hcitee r
I ltulte as nmuch about time sltulitiolt 0.5 any'
body did , which was really nothing.
lie leaned agaiutst thio Gothic cohtuntn thai
supported the vest choir , eating a bit 01 I
bread nut ! drInking from timmie to time thtt
mixture of wine amiti rain water that stooti Ii :
a great stoxie fomit-whiere once the good I
neolihe of Le ilourget had fotmnti holy rater '
Thic church swarmed with soldiers at break
fast , sonic casting ravenously , solute waIIcInl
about listlessly nibbling bits of crust , count i
sitting cross-legged on the stonO-siabbC ( ' I
f leer , faces vacamit , a morsel of bread , un .
tasted , in their hantis. They came to 'lit I
their little tin cups into Gui basin , wlicr
the wimie atiti water stood ; one , forgetful '
touched the crimson iiquiti with lila flngoni 3
and crossed himself. Nobody laughed ,
About 7 o'clock , vitiiout tIme slighites t
warning , a violent exploshoti sIiooI the stree t
iii front of the church. Ilefore Ilarewoo I
could reach the door three bcIls fell , em 3
after another , anti explotleil in the street '
sending cobblestones auitl vavexnent into tfn
"Icep hack ! " shioutted an omcer , "Cleat
the doors ! ' ' hIarcwootl ran ( mutt into th
street. Far away toward Pommt-lblomt tin 3
snioko of the Prussitun guns hung imeavil I'
I n the air.
"Are you conming Itaclc ? " called a solthler
"We're going to cleat' thin church doors , "
hlttrnwool , cautto back , calling out to tim
nihlcer , ' 'It's thu batterIes buhuinti l'ont-lb -
Sonic soldiers pileth pciva end chairs Immtt 11
heaps tmnulcr the staine , ! glass wintlowui. Ox I
each of the heaps aim otilcer climbeil. flelt
gimtsses leveled. The men hay dowut on tin a
floor , Many of tlmemn slept.
Thin cahmnonade hOW raged fumnfoumtiy ; To r
an hour this wretchied village was coveret I
with tturstiuug milieus. Sutidexily ( ho tumul
ceaseti anti hlarewood , clinging to a. umbat -
terotl window , beard train the plaIn to tb (3 (
northward the long roll of volley ftnIn : .
I A moment later un wits in the stied running
beido it ( ) l'Imnn of moitiles. } veryshu'ro
time French hughes cre niimgmn , tint' colilde-
stene ; echoed vith the clatter of nrlihlery
, dashing ptst , tittititttnt'd from hrntmcy ) by
rocket sigimal.
hisminucod , perched tritie a stucco ivahl ,
looked .uctnss tIme plaiti anti saw iixrk
of thi l'rus.laim '
' guarti mutii'aiiciutg iii silence
through the into. The 1-'rcmmchu shelis vent
saIling out 'uvor the Plain , dropping htctveen
( lie t'ntissltin akinmnisixt'rs anti tbe line of
battle ; the i'rttssian cauumien were siletit.
It acemncti to him that after awhile the
tiark lines ceased to advance. but cvri'
t sVInglixg oltlqtitly towanl I3lane-ttlcsuuil.
V Presently lie s.iw that tIme Genimiunus u crc
I nettmaily retiring , amid lie wonulereil , while
' thin troops alcuig thm ivall uinmtterel their'
misgivings as ( lie I'russian iiitvs ( titled nwa'
in it'll-eat. aeeoimuprnuieti by shotted salutes
from the foi'tres of thuo East uimul ( ho Un-
cccii batteries of Auberviliicrs ,
All duty lie butted about the village. try-
lng to furni somimo Idea of Its defensive ios'
ibllitlei , aunt : uL night he retunmicti to the
ehiureb. Thifl rain hail cease'i ag.tln , hut
tlurniughi thu fog a flue titizzle still sic-
scemidetl , freezing as it fell , until the
streets glistened with greasy slush. Thmero
were lirc's lighteti nlotig tii maui street ;
across tIm roth gl.tre silhouettes iutsscd : mind
itarouvtotl looked imp at the gothic ltornl (
of the chiurs.'h , all crlnuscimicti In thin fire-
lIght. .bovo it the rest , window glittered
with SPefltlltl ? lilies dyed dt'cp iii thmt , unities'
glow , anti still above the rose vintinv the
cross of stoite , think nod wet , ubsorheil thto
ruttutly lIght till it glenitueti like a hive chmutier
Soitwwhmere In thi village a hiattnlloui yn
mnnreiiiumg to qttarteriu. lie lmrard the tranmile
of t lie mcii , time' short. lutarat' conuitmauttis c
the ellhcers , t1i cltuttr of a unitralflcumee
tl u aggeti uI oum g ii ) humid.
' 'Thue nmtrbmnc.tVrs ore Insitbordinate. " soul
aim dIcer beside' imlium. "I wish the geuterah
was lucre , "
"Tlt carbinecciut ? " relteated hhau'c'uotitl.
' 'I thuxught the3 itti rummi tinny. ' '
"I'ttrt umf tlmeuti ran , " saiti an artIllery oil-
den , itmllclly. "Two conmpauuk's got lost uuetmi'
Ihlaute-Mesuill auth hod to etirumo ttnt'k vheii
the en xi tmont : tl o begmi xx. ' '
"They're In the next strect. " saul
numotluer oillei'i' , "T1ie3' are qtxanm-ehllutg' be-
diittst there uma been ito tilatrihutiumi. h-
t it t'ti ! , ' ' lie atitleti , ' ' ( ii o ii I strl him ti out I lte' the-
servo Is a volley front mu Gatilng. "
hIaroiootI hiatcoeti a mtlonteimt to the
chorus of .lexitmmtelatiomi thuat : tresc Irma the
group murotinti tIme fire. Futtnx it he gathered
that F'luurens itmttl his carbimut'ers ftal lied
at ( lie first attack on ho ilourget , anti on
the whoi' heViiS iathut'r glad , far lie hmath
Ito tleire to euur'iunte'r any of time htattailoii
that tIme Uiitiertakers hail sent null. lie ws'tmt
to tIme dirtier of the stiect fluid hoolceti ulon a
thio short tm'nnsversc' alley wlmt'rc the ennip-
fires of tlte tivo carltixuet'r Conipiimics : blazoth
fiercely. CurIosIty leti him eu anl ( iii a
tuiculient he ltnti tlone the very timing that ho
iiitcnleil , to avoltl-bio was stamimling in tIme
mumiist of a groump of carblncers , histt'mmimig to
thou' : i it gry b ielceri it ga.
Time tno compamiles 'ere fantastic ettotughi
in their strange umuiforitia. Hunger hail
tiitititt thorn smihiemi. They cursed thmcir oflct'rs ,
titeir generals , auth Le Iloiurgct. At tIny-
light timO } imitentled to heave for l'arlsthey
himul hinti 000itghm of ( lila sortie tooiiImxtes ,
They were freezing , they were tirotl , thin ) '
lynn , ) hutxigry , ntiii above mull thie stereotypeth
Ithirtiso it-as out every carbixiee'r'a hit's ' :
"l'reason ! Our generals have hetrayeti uts ! "
Disgumat suect'etletl Ilarewool's curiosity ;
li glanced arounti ( hue fire and started to
retrace ills steps. As ho passed out of thin
fire ctrci lie looked back at thu mnuImioims (
cai'bimmeers , nntl , its he loolcetl , lie 'iistinctly
saw Duckhurst and Morther conic out of a
hiinuse with theIr arms full of lihuumutlOr.
Startled , he steppeti hack into flue shmatiow
of a gate and svatclieti tlmemn. Amid 110w lie
recognhneti Spayemuiittl Stouffer , bolhi in time
( till uuuiformns of cnrllnner officers , holding
huihlow cases , whuihe fluckhitirat titimpeti hmi
plunder into the imuprovised sticks , antI
Mortier tletl theni tIght ,
i\iid now the phtmiitlerIng had become
general. llancis of the cam'hiimiecrs hogan
snmashuimtg wintlows amid breakiuig shown doors
till along tIme street. Others caumie out loauletl
with the vretchieti hitiusehohtl articles of thin
Itoorot' peasantry , clocks , dishes , lrnwter
vessels , clothing , letl linen , amiti even furiut-
tune. The latter they flung onto ( Ito boa-
fires. hlarcwool , saiv a baby's cradle tosseti
lmitn tite fire.
"The nulserable savages , " lie muttered ,
" , Vh1' tlomm't they tumruu I lie cannon emu them. ' '
The tumult of the orgie was attraetimug at-
teuithon mmow , An oiflci'r galhoped imp on a
Jttdeti imorse , gesticulating furioimsly , bitt thin
carbitmeers nienaceti iiini wIth their rifles ,
auth lie withdrew iii ( lame to save his skin ,
Consohluig hltiisel ( wRit the hope that , emi
General htehicmarc'tu return mroom Paris , a
court-martial would probably settle Dutch-
hiurat nitti his en rhhnecrmu , I tarewood s'ent
Uncle tt , the chiuurch , wimero thmo campfires
roared , nut ! sent showers of sparks iuto the
fog , auth the rose wiutiow ghiumiumutired and
glistened , red as blood.
To be Cniutimiuetl ,
IIiit'ii , ' ? . ' & , 4t'iiieui
The best salvo lit Limo world for cuts ,
bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rltetiin , fever
sores , totter , chopped hands , chiilhlniimui ,
corns , anti nil akin eruptlttuus , antI Positively
ciures pIles , or ito pay i'equlrcti. It is gtmnr-
anteed to give perfect satitfactitin or nuotmey
rofuunilel. i'rico 2 ccimts er box. For sale
by Kultmu & Co. -
A II l'Jtuir.i , ( tilt.
Washington Star : "Chmarley , " saii youn
Mrs. 'Foilcimis. "thu. moore I think ( it it thu
nuoro I titti conviutcetl ihuat ( his goverutumeni
womiilc'rfuliy luag-htemudetl. ' '
' \''s hiappcuilmtg itnui' ? ' ' ho Inqimlreth.
' 'You kmmow what a ' . ' of timulcs we arc i
reatly to alibi to Cuba ? "
' ' 1 have reati somnthifxtg in that contiec
( lent
, .wih , that's wiint sluon' our clover.
ness.t'e'll utile thu unities in Cubit till tin ;
war ta over , tinti titemi they'll bu t1ttre , rlglul L
handy , to go to work mi-s soott t's ( hue lsth
mnian canal is dug. '
0 \ \ 5,000
0Ui ' ,
, : i 'r1k\\ WEAK MEN
Q L wezo resthred last year to nafly vt.or !
h 1)y my wonderful IflyCIhtIoll , the 1)r , W
, Sanden Electric Jelt alit ] Suspensory ,
1 LtVI kVt J usctl time world over for all retihts
Il ' ' -I' i . : Of youthful crror , norvotlness , dralius ,
( * t' liriliutolicy , veii1c buick , vnnlcoeelc , o.
EJ ; : N ( ) drugs to wrcul < tUo 8tomaclz , Sciiiti
t ! ' for
ll 11 0 C ) FBOO
, .
I g ' Which explatis all. Mulled In plain
' ncialcd envelope , Wi'lto t.O.dhY , 0
' - R. A. R. SANDEN , 133 8. Urk 8L ,
ITA ! lii i'ili3I ) .11) 'Ihll8
- . . _ _ _
- - - - - V.V- V V - - - - - - - - - - - - -
V _ _
V _ -
I P"
) L ;
' L q
' \
" 1/f7rOiCi , peopZe Will prtht m'n QnilopI
to LAs gn.ire t11 ? tf03ng ; ; t. . ' . dtbtlilnImmg ttrs' ' ,
let tfuens htmre 'ne'rcy es t1rlitile oar. . "
Mrs. Ammna Porter , G2 W'slnimt Mreet ,
Pine ] hltifl' , Ark , , 5A75i "uIy little boy
hind Inlisincul eyes nrmul tiiere was a ru ,
amid great swelling of the eyehltls ; nI
a small white ulcer over time Pill)11 GI
the eye. I wrote to Muuyon for otivice-
Muimiyoui' Blood Curt' uuuitl l'over CRre
ivere sciut mime. In a week the chIld w
entirely rehl. "
Mrs. tt'o. W' , Lane , 829 Clmanubers
street , St. lotus , Mo. , onys : "My itimy suf-
feted vithi a seeie cold nmiti lund eoug
fur several iveeks. l.uumg tt'omiblt' uievel-
opeti anti this vns crimumplh'nteti I'y ' stein-
itch trotmhuht' amid i'tntits , , 1 i'rct.nt'tl ' this
itcces-.stury Iuiiiysitm it'miietlhis { fromu the
( Irug store tumid cureil tlm t'ltlhtl. "
( itiitle to I Icalth nuud umiedieah nulvico nb-
solutely fN'e. Prof , Muiiyumm , 1503 Ard
at , , l'hillntlelpiiin.
. : , !
It's minta "p'itent."nictifctui but , is lmrt'narc
direct iromn tLo formula of IL 11 ilarton , M. I ) . ,
Clcvclnuitl'm. iiio't ctnincnt Pcliuhit by I tjtulmer
0. hicnnon,1'it.l ) . , 11.5. it , i-i.tN l'tlinrtat-
est known re.torati'o smut invigorator. I t ore-
&it 05 , otii l1vti , nuiicio a mitt sit ni'mugi it , ileara
_ _ _ _ _ ' _ V lhto brnlmm , itinhces uht tiiutsi
/ : , , ' I turn aunt rI.'iu ammit emltiMs4 it
\ gt mitral feeling of ' "
: , . V i'V
' telnus of , tI .
/ , , , mg.
' t ' . ' , u , , , box wIhI befat #
l j s V cliotuhth PrrfCr. it0
_ : , , , T'dlrcctIoxtiti
Ut . ' ( nit. thte tilagn' .
hilt ) emtiotel , xtnt , ° 'i'J
30tH' casO pCclal attentIon id , 't'
charge. l , for sale I
storet , a ( ) t ) ( ltb'O iI ) for lit ) 't ut' ,
mail it , aoLttrrlC sealed au reei'int of p
DILS. JtAWi'ON Al ) 1uiXSON.
91 lIar-Beti libel. , C invelam
For sale by lufitu & Co. , 11th tinil \
i ns' J , A. ltiller & Co. , liii' ' Iutmtmtti (
i t id ra hun xii I ) rug ( rno. , it Ii mu nil l"ii rit
1 . In g 1'Iitt miiumtey' , 27t hi a iutl Le'muvviin'ork
i ' & ' ) tui'S Plimtrunuuey , 2111u utmuI hctt'iiwOrti
: . JV Sc'ykora. South Omiuslma , mmii all othici
u Irtig'ists Iii Otituhit , South Ommuliti , ( . 'ouiichi
Ill tiffs
_ _ _ p _ _ _ - - - p
It salt , and powcrftil rcnmcciy for (
trenmhthes , delay , paimi , anti irregularities , La
° uccesfuihy prc'ci1hel by ( lie hhhtcst ? ticilca
Si'echl'iut. l'ricc $ for s cattihrs. 5,1,1 by al.
1)rttggi.ts ) , or l'oot free. I' . 0. hoc poSt , N. V.
- - - ' - .2
Patro ilize
Iloiue Industries
_ _ _ . _
-s' tWW n-W - %
Il ) . i'tii't'liii'iI iij. : ( , , sii : i itiltza t the Fol.
hovIim&i Nelu'uiiie Fmictoriesi
( ) M.ll.t 'i'i : "I' , sn tttutimimtt Cu.
( Stuee'2sor. Otnatta 'Ft'nL anti Awning Co. )
,1ammuIaeturer. t"mmts , , witimtun , ;'t lndle'
ani geIliS Macicintoihe , , . 'fents ton runt. 1311
Farnnin St. , Omaha.
nituvnuuius ,
tM.LiiA ltitI'I1 ASS1)Ci.t'l'lN
Carload cliIpiteitta , mmisdc In our own refris.
erator curs. ummue Itibbnit , iiIte Uxport , Vienna
anti F'amniiy : xort tieiiveiv'i to nih parts
cit the city ,
liOTt.ins. !
Dirtilt iuoui.tit W'OItiS ,
, J OliN It. It ) % 'lLItY , l'rop.
rlotlers , TankS entI fOiret 'ron Work. Spectil
feciliti" ! ( or doing renIrxs , etc. 2'i. 1351
CORNICC 'tvonma ,
(1 , F ,
J.lC,1fi comtmon 'olis ,
Mantiracturer of G.lvtinized Iron ( 'nrnt ca ( .n' ,
t'tinizeI Iron Skylights , Titi. Iron tnt Slate
hiooftmt , Agent Cctr IInicetr't , , Sleet CeliLn ,
iortli ' , ' " , .
lii-iO-12 te''t"th street.
cmlPf'KmVtl : F.c'TOmmims.
it31 mutmc.N imiSCiYm'I' .txu m u'u ; , CU ,
V'ltoieru , Cra4ier IiiaIuUaetuxeri ,
. OMAhA. NEIl.
_ _ _ _ _ _
IIoitls.Cm't : , I'l , ( jVj1Vy ; i't'B
' % V ( ) It ICS , I I i'striiii in 141.
DyIng tnI , eit'nntng , tt girinetuu' , smi ) gen t
eiery ste.cripmion. Cleniilng at line garnietit.
, pecitjity.
VIVOUIt MtT.t. .
5 , 1" . tltt.tN. ;
Flour. , lr.rtt , lImo , Iii3-fl.u ( ? l.nrlh 17th
Street , Omaha , Nctu. C. j' , iJack ! , Mansr.
'telephone 13 : .
111,9 ! ;
fl.IvIs .c CO'GII.l. , tltoN 'tVOIIICM.
ir.iii uiuiili urn. . . , . Fmui.I'i-N.
lianutactitrers Sill 30b1ere 01 Malitetery ( len ,
ersi repairing .t amcclttmtx' . 1Ql , 1503 ' .nd 2)01
.Jrlton etreet , Oritalta , Neb ,
LINREi1) 011.
% 'OUu)3l.t. I.maliIJ ) 0114 % ' 0lthi.
Manufacturers oil erocebs raw tiii'cl oil , ket.
( is' ) joilei ilmt.etil Ott , lt'l mro-.e &t'tuitI iltiteed
cnkee , ground and acreened lbis"l for 'Ireg' '
ists. ( ) ) lAhii , NlU : ,
$ A'i'TtESgg , :
OUVS II " lIllIIiG Co.
! faiitufticturt'r' or ttIghu rnio Mrtttreei , liii
Itrnet' Sti'CIV ( ) tnttm.
tVEIt/it. ! ANn 5111111' P'ACtOIJ Ii1.
-V '
i''rL-sIYi1 : % ! ; Ciil.'Y. (
ll'r. . Clottiiitg , i'ants , anirm. , Ove : abl.
( ) MAmIi. NEll
lihii.r ( ' .
. . II , IVt i4 ,
% Jimlt.Si ( t 141i111'Z' Coil I'.tNY ,
Exclusive custom sbtirt tailors. 1517 Farnatn
' % 'lNW2Vfl A4D t'U'ui.E13.
Itt % ItI.t % 'lNKG Iii
slantutneturera of 'lniau' . I'it liles , ( 'atsupi ,
l4tietar1e , cmery cam % 'orretershtro iaure.
Von a gno'i , eutsiututittl vehicle f ny 4ecrip.
tioxi. for reroint leg 'in ruble'r tires ii xuew or t'i4
wIeel&- , the Lou itlac , I. Cliii anti I.'tivenwolIb
Street , .
( lOAR M/tNIJI'A"TI'itFitS ,
mlii : ; CO.
i.rgs'.t ( armory itt tue wert 1.'admng
UI Omahd. lCiitttii Cite I.tnc'ln aiti St. JosLp
h.anUu. our g.0di , lQQ i"armism Iltneet.