Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1898, Part III, Page 19, Image 19

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I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE OMAhA. DAILY BEE : STJN1)AY , .TUNE 36 , 1898. _ _ 19
wnII. Aroiin4 the leer prrk. whr t00
o1d hta ot (1t roam nnd browc unr
the forcL rImevn1 , ttit , tnno wnll hi sup.
penne ( ( wUh ft tx-fnot Iron lIIng.
The cows (10 not run wLth the 'seer. They
- ) IaVC richer pa8ture at ( heir own , meaIows
kneecIeeIi In ltu1i blue grns nn white
( lover. lying either i1'le ' of Itlchthntt critk.
' 111(10 iire 1O of ttIen ! , high grndo Jesey
or fiIl tilnoila of the mo.t tafliou mUk.
Ing trnItis , The number In milk rangcs
ti-mn ninety to 1 The milking Is n pretty
IghL liuketi. The sliek , leer.eye4 , full-
thI1crel ( , creamy-klnpe4 creatures come In
from the pnEture and rnngo themselves each
In her appointed ta1l , The BtahI fill three
rle ot a great r1'1are. An open Rhe
envfr IL Outlde there runs a trough ( or
the dry fee hlch ervea a an appetizer
for the abunlant ( grns. In the inkidle an
L well as ntrnut the vantures there are iron-
f work hasketa , open underneath1 each with
it , lump of pure rock nalt.
Five stout and jolly blSiqk inca do ( lie
f milking , They are marelotinly raplil , still
more marvniouniy sklliui. ( They use deep
; tin pails and can make the milk streams
play tunes upon the lottom of them-
' 'Y ikco , 1)oodlo or 'flixie'-as the hear-
era Iticlins to hear. They work in happy
rivalry , as to who shall milk quickest anti
cIlaniBt. As soon as two cows arc stripped
; jiUfl they ate sent away to vasturo without
waiting for the reaL
Thu milking sited is a good way off the
dairy ropcr. to which the milk Is wheeled
in ( led ) tin cans , kept scrupulously clean.
The dairy itsf1t is a picturesque gray stone
btillthlng , with Ivy upon one wail and a
climbing ruse blossoming riotously over the
door. It tins it ceiiionted floor anti a sop-
m . , , . ,
itrato circular chamber for the wise-looking
ntilo which turns the big barrel churns ,
Only the cream is churned. The milk is set
in opeti caiit , gauze covcreI ( , within troughs
ft'tt with fresh spring vater. It stands
there twelve hours , then is shintined , anti
thu cream kept twelve hours longer before
ehitirning. It oi1d bo an instilL to name
butter color in connection with the Itrotluet.
All the year round the 1)01111(1 ( prInts , bear-
'lug the IelIo ) Meatle stamp , are as yellow as
'V I igi 0 gohi.
Tim 'lndows have wire screens ; so huts
the door. An intruding fly is itover per-
rnltted. EverywhQro the most speckless , the
zitost scrupulous cleanliness reigns. The
butter Is oltl by contract and fetches iii
yearly sonic 1)OOO. ) "lint I tiever see it , "
- says General \V. II. Jackson , the toaster of
hello Ieatle. "The dairy belongs to my
daughters-they need what It brings in for
1)111 010003' . ' '
( ENJitt 14 ItA N'I"S I ) , % U ( Ii'i't1L
11 r. Nei I Iv ( iiiii i Sn rtoi'iM 'l'ilks of 1'i-
ii'lIIIMIL iiitl IIOI4'M for I'titi'e.
Washington welcomed Mrs. aitoris back
to a hiortie among her own People severmi
years ago anti she has not retutmied to
- , - - : ' Eziginiut since then , but the fornial rencvaI
of her allegiance to time United Slates fibi
imot take place tiiitll last is prilvhiell alii
applied to congress for rmtdnhissIoii to the
-v-- - -
-s-- " , -
, , , .
- - - - - - - - -
- -
pUvlleges of citizenship. This step vits a .
rather unusual one for a woman to lake ,
Iii tithing it , Mrs. Sartoris was tctttitted by
a sentiment which oildhy enough seenis to
ho as strong In her children as it Is to hici' ,
in sjmito of ( heir Eimghish blood.
, Imi speaking of It , Mrs. Sartoris said : "My
mother ililti fl1 brothers live here. It as
hero that my revered father lived , I anti
lily children wanted to live here and to
ho citizens of the Uniteti States ; I , therefore -
fore , asketi congress to vans the bill ; anti
Annual 8aht flVor6,000000 floxea
ftnq'li as ' 'lntI anti Fain In tilt ) Itoinaehi ,
UbltlInt'ss , Fuhiit'ss after ililjtth4 , licati-
ache. Di1ZiRlCb8 , 1)rovsIIles , Fitislituga
. of hloat , Lots of App3titu. CttLVeltcSt3 ,
, lilotches ( tit thio Sklii , Colil CiiIUa. 1)I- )
- turbeti Sleep. Frightful ] ) reanma anti all
1'ervons ' ItIitL Troiiibl I iig Uerisnt ions ,
- I IN TWENTY MINUTES , iyory sulTcrcr
. wlU itekuowlodgu ( Imem to be
IIEICII.IM's I'iI.LH , taken rui direct.
oil , will titiickty restore Poitlales to coiii.
pietO health , Tile ) ' promithi' ronmovo
obsirtietloits or lrregtilgirltlet of the 8)8-
tout &LIII1 cure iIvk hIcuduVlie. LorL1
Weak Stomach
---p ; , I
r Impaired Digestion
Disordered Liver
floochum's Pills are
Without a Rival
A'nd bus the
efany l'tttcitt Midirilic In the % l'orld.
250. . t sil Drug 8toc ,
I fell grateful to those i authority for their
prompt anti inRnlmoun action. 'You see ,
hy my marriage to Mr , Sartorin , an 1ngiinh-
mane I beennie a subject of Great hiritain.
I left Englan4 when my husband lied ami
returned to the United States ; I nra glad
to ho In America anti to lie a citizen of my
father's country. England has the tender-
ent assoclittlons for mc and for may chll-
dreti , hut we shall be happy hre This i
Our homeS My son Is proud of the fact
that. ho was born In America and long ago
he expressed a desire to become Identified
with the United States. "
The first news that Mrs. Sartoris had that
her son hail a thought of going to war was
when he showed her ( ieaeral Lee's reply
"If there is war and I inn again in the sad-
dIe , you shiall ride with me , " The Iteuten-
ant's commission was a long time coming
from the president and young Sartoria had
almost niaiie up his mimi to enlist as a
private , for stay at home lie would not.
There hover wan such enthuiasui as his
nail ft is a novelty to hear the expression
of it in accents that are as strongly English
as any sound ever listened to ,
The mother is patrIotlc she believes In
"standing by the president" nod in main-
tainhmig the honor of the country , but shmo
Is waiting anxiously for the fulfillment of
her father's sentiment : "Lot us have
peace , " "I cannot say that I am glad to
see my son go to war. For his sake thought
I try to look , It I cannot be , plensed. This
var has already accomplislitd one thing br
which my fathier longed , even in his last
moments-the wipIng out of eactiomimil hues
nod the uniting of ( lie whole itnolile , amid I
know ho would rejoice greatly to see my
son riding by thin side of Gencmnl Leo ; both
moved by one hope , the smicees f the startt
nail stripea. " Young Sartiu Is , by the viy ,
was the first man in V.&shImmgtoi to net time
exanipio of removing his hat whien rile
StnrSpnngled lianner" was played.
The house In hieh Mrs. ( irauit lIves with
her daughter anti her granichhtlr' 'i ' formerly
was owned by .Seunt.h' E'lintiiitis and Is on
Massnclitisctts avtm111e. it Is aim EnglIsh
liasemilont lutiSe , richly farntsm.o I anti tith
an uimustmnlly large lIbrary. A collection of
tIger skins Is one of the comis' 00113 beauties -
ties of the place. Mr % ljrzmiit and \rs.
Sartoris entertain continually In the E"rtSoit
multi may bct'ken of as the most Proitlllleilt
of the famous \\'nshmimmgtoui * Itlowa In thu
lIst of vhtlehx ccc In 'lutledtrs , Shmcritlnu ,
widow of General ! jelIaL , Mrs. llnri4ct
Lane Johnson , etc.
Mrs. Sartoris Is a marvel of youthfulness ;
slia has the cotuplexion anti figure of a
young gIrl timid her glorIous brovmi eyes are
the utmost wonderful eyes in W'asliiimgtoul ,
tier ilaugliters arc both ( lark like theIr
uiiothcr , but the son has Inherited from ills
father tim rosy biomiilo beauty of time typical -
ical EnglIshman , The young Indies are ro-
mantle In name and In appearance. Time
euler , VIviemi , has her mother's eyes amid
limi a good deal of beauty of an exquisIte ,
dreamy type. She is Poetical hooklmig and
is not at all like the ortiimiary , commonPlace -
Place socIety girl. She was introducctt Imito
society Inst year with much pomp anti she
has had a caxcer of trIumphant miopularity
ever since. Shto was oiie of the niost In-
tuiesting terformers In the "beauty show"
tableaux , lit wiuicli all the fashionable beauties -
ties in Wasliluglomi posed for the benefit
of the soldiers and sailors woutided in tue
\var , amid whIch , In spite of the contradic-
tot'3' clainis of the 1) . A. It. of New York ,
was ( lie first entertainment given In Artier-
lea for ( Ito war sufferers. Itoseinury , Mrs.
Sartomis' younger tintighiter , is still a school
girl , but she will Probably come out tiext
1I.Ium of i'tmsim lou.
Hats that turn nbruptly off the face are
Just now among time very fashionable styles.
TIme latest variation of the army button Is
one with a hInged top , suitable for contniu-
lug a photograph.
A martial umbrella handle is In imItnion
of a siorcl hilt of gold or sliver decorated
with PatrIotic designs.
Thin latest addition to the chatelalne worn
hiy ( hue womeii is a somali matchbox. Bicyclists -
cyclists will find It especially useful.
A very celebrated Ihysleiati recently re-
nmarketi that the dottctl yells. with their
crlss.cross meshcs , that onien were now
wearing , ivere mucking the ocuIlsts rich.
Infants are wearing hosIery quite as gay
a-s that worn by their fashionable fathers
and mothers. Their little half hose are
brilliant iii color and extreme In design.
amid. it is said , afford the average youngster
miiore amnusenient ( bait the loudest-sounding
Umbrellas nnti parnols are getting In
th'eir Inuulog nowadays. If a woman would
be strictly up to date she must carry a very
gay anti festive looking sun umbrella. amid
11cr Parasol niust be all huff anti frills.
Curious shades of gray , blue. red and greemi
iro'aih iii tile unibrehlas.
Man needn't laugh at woman about wear-
lug hula ( It's , hints amid gloves. and having
her shoes built after ( lie models of hIs. lie
Ims ahopted her bar pin for a scarf pin ,
antI considers It quite the correct thtluug ,
partIcularly If It happens to be set off with
a siimgle diamond.
Slicer white lawn blouses vihl ho very
rashlonable this summer. They utmay be
iii seriucntiuie form witit long ends , or follow -
low ( Ito conventional hin8 of the blouse ,
% % 'Itht a fitted back and dccli yoke , formed
of alternate rows of title linen lace laser-
tiomi amid strIps of embroIdered lawn.
The last hot peIi seuit linen amid chiecic
skirts to the front in a hurry. Nothing is
fliore conifortahilo amid certainly nothIng
looks heater amid cooler when perfectly
fresh than a skirt of white ( luck pique or
cheviot , The iiuien slirts aren't so at-
tiactlve , but they ore moore practical for
every-tiny purposes in a city.
Color , as a rule , Is very artistically con-
sltlered this year , and even fromir red , whIte
siitl blue as key notes in both dress anti
niillinery , munmty pretty varIatIons are mnatle.
The geumuino royal red is a brililamit scarlet ,
hilt th shade which appears conaltlcuotisly
In faslilommnbie goivuing is like a velvet-
ietalled geraniumui Itloseomu ,
Velvet coliaretttms nrc nil the style , They
are mia lint as hot rmce utt,1iit , , . , , ,
are so
dress that they doim't notice a little tiling
like a velvet cohiarette In August 'eathuer.
Title accessory is only worn ss'Ith white
corgo dresses or those mmmdc of heavy wash
fabrics. l'ale gray , turquoise blue and old
11111k are ( lie leading colors ahiti each ccl-
Inretitu has a narrow belt to rnmitcii , both
beIng emubehllahietl with steel nail heads ,
Time belts itre fastened with steel bUckIu ,
F'euu , Iii I ume ' ( ' , ( , , ,
Mra , Magdalene Tborescn. the step-
bother of Mrs. Ibsen , says ( hiatt ( lie author's
wife is lausslonately fetal of literature anti
has exerciscul a great lmulluencu over him ,
Corsets must hot be worn by Russian
young WOifleli attending hIgh schools , nut-
't'i'3itleS uutl nmusic mtimd art schools , accord-
lug to it recent decree of thu new minister
of etlucation.
Mrs. S. F' . Oreen of Brooklyn has opened
a recruIting chico for moth mcii muitl wonien ,
SIte cants to enlist ammy one , ( rout a cook or a
nurse to a guiltier , She is 'icu president of
( ho Wommman'tu AuxilIary of ( lie National Vol.
Ulitcer Rmserve.
Thin widow of Mr. Phxley , ( lie editor who
mittle the San Fm'aoehsco Argonaut so immilti-
eumtlal a 11011cr , hirovideil in 1mev wIll ( lint
time fine hitie in whichi bite hmuul lived fet
forty years be tlt'stroyeti , as she desired that
no one ilouitl live in her old hromne ,
Inspired by lImo high alum of Interesting
thie voOr auiti igimoraut of Gothiutim in music ,
Miss Emnliio'uguter of llaltiuiiore , a atutieuit
at the l'eabody conEervittory and a graduate
of time women's college at hialtinmore , has
cstabhishtmi a conservatory of tousle in a
New York tenement hioua ,
Mis Yarey % ( . Carroll , thio receiithy up-
pcarcd as uric of the itmwyers in a case in
Jackeon county , Missouri , was ( lie 1i'st ;
wommiami tO grnduat from the Missouri State
Umilversity of Law , and is tIme iirst to plead
a case iii Jaclatomi Cottuit ) ' .
Miss Mumlon llovoy of liostoa hits given
$5,000 to tile town of Gloucester , Mass. , to
be held as a fuimd , ( ho iuterest of whIch
shah tIe glveui to ii , graduate of thie lilgim
schiool to aid him In defraying the expenses
of a coursq In ( be Massachusetts Institute
of Technology , Miss hlovey lisa before done
utucb for the schools of Gloucester.
- - " , ,
, '
' 4
Dr , Bodcrmnnl Announces a Startling
Physiological Theory ,
Oxygen the Great l'romellcr of the
Strenuum of Life , ' % 'huiic time Iteuirt
Morel' Acts as thie
( ioerumor.
During the session of the National Eclectic
Medical ansoclation Inst week Dr. M. .1.
hodernmuntl ( of Appleton , Win , , made an an-
flouncemnunt that startled his professional
brothers , and will very likely startle the
scientific world , hr. Itotlermntmnd contends
that the blood receives its propulsive Power
in the lungs , not this heart. That ( lie cir-
culatloa is kept up by the oxygen breathed
anul not by the muscular contraction of yen-
( ride and aurIcle. lie has ( ievotel many
years of study to thIs topic , anti believes
he is thoroughly caitable of demonstrating
the correctness of his theory. Di' . Roder-
muiitis paper in full follows :
Mr. h'restdent , Ladies antI Gentlemen-It
Is nearly 300 years since harvey demonstrated -
strated that the blood circulates in the
blood vessels. Dmiriiig these centuries we
hiztve been taught by all writers and teachers
on mhiysiology , ( hint thin heart is mm. pump ,
and by its muscular contraction propeha ( ho
blood throughout the body.
This theory that thin heart propels thio
blood is erroneous , absurd and an absolute
Ihi'slcah impossibility. The heart Ims no
immure to do with propelling the blood through
the arteries than time stomach or liver.
Just what does ProPel the blood Is of
immemise imnportamice , for it concerns vitally
all human beings thioughout all times ahil
places , anti nIl who think wIll search out
the imhhlosolihy of the circulation of ( ho
blood as one of ( lie itiost wouiderftmi opera-
( louis of nature , mit1 when the real iower
whichi does circulate ( lie blood is generally
kmtovtm , and ( lie fumictions of ( lie heart understood -
stood , we will hmavo found the bug hiidtieii
cord ( lint timiltes and accounts accitratel ) '
imnitortamit ithetmomnetta by which we are stir-
rounded-also remove front the lrofessioii
anti time world at large mummy itmysteries that
have beciotmtieti tis all-causing imttichi diver-
city of ideas mid theories , as well as falsu
comiciusiotis regarduuig health and dIsease.
To state time PmmrP of this paper In one
sentcmico would he ( imply to say that tInt
power that Propels ( lie blood is received
through ( lie lungs and not perforated by
time heart.
My ilrst forcible thought that the heart .
does not Itropel the blood was in observint
the 1111150 of sIck people. Wo find in th
sick ( hint the weaker the patient anti tin
weaker ( lie action of the heart the zastel r
the circulation ; again at other ( lutes we
have a very qtuick circuluthomi of the blood
where time ptmlse is as full and strong as In
thio healthy suhiject. Once impressed with
this iuiteresting problem , now observatiomis
amid proofs began to preseuit thenmsehves , and
I \ViLS really surpi'lsctl to think that I had
not notIced them before.
4iiuti it - - t luumeuit uf BIrth.
Seconti-Tako for Instance the circulation
of chiIdrn , thin younger or the mitre dell-
cate the child , the fasiter thic circulatIon.
TracIng thiese well ktiowu facts to fetal life ,
it. is still ( aster ; but at the birth of an Infant -
fant we can notice several changes that are
strong and incontestable evideaco in demon-
stratlag the power that propels the blood.
\\'hmat are these changes ? FIrst , the lila-
centa dehiches itself by contraction of ( lie
utertis , and time umbilical pulse-beat contimi-
ues a mInute or two and gratluahly becomes
more feeble until It stops and the child Is
dead. But If tIme chiild makes a sudden gasp
and bcgimms to breathe , life goes on.'hat
are thom explanatloils of these two phienomn-
cuni changes ? One Is that the placenta is
a storage battery amid when exhausted of its
supply it stops ; thie other is- ( lint the lungs
of the new-born chIld. arc charged by air
pressure-this air pressure. as Is well
known , is about 2C pounds to every
square foot of the body's surface , and by
breathing the lungs stay charged frommi birth
timitil death. -
Third-Another proof of time power
that propels the blood Is furnished by hiohul'
ing time breath. The longer you hola. the
breath ( lie slower and febior the pulsation
becomes 1mm every single perton , well hr aick ;
It never fails. Try it on yourself , but not too
bug , and note time slowing of tInt pulse , and
see how full and bounding the circulation
beconmes after taking a fqw good inspirations
of pure air-in innuiy instances the rate of
tim pulse will incredso front seven to
twelve beats-besideS being mmmcli stronger.
Fourth-By suddenly cutting off time
breathing as by hanging or drowning the
tulsebcat keeps tip full for a few moments ,
but gradummilly becomes feebler , and as the
ltimmg cells become exhausted of their air
supply , the circulation StOIs and life is
Fifth-Another strong argumiment that time
heart caminOt propel the blood iii that size
( all other thimmgs being equal ) , is a measure
of power. It is etitimimateul ( hint the heart
in order to accomphishm time task of propelling
the blooti to all parts of ( lie bomly exerta a
Imower at every pulsation equal to fifty
pounds , varying in different persons accordIng -
Ing to health , labor , etc. Thin would lie
equal to 200,000 pounds every hour awake
anti asleep-timid this would tuetmim that the
heart puts forth energy , stithicieimt to raise
Its own weight 20,000 feet every hour-whmero
an active pedestrian chimbimmg a mnountaimm
can raise hirmiself less than onc-twentieUi
of that distance.
Jit-jirt Cutnumot lm , It.
These estimates refute themselves anti
prove'an ImpossibIlity for an organ of its
size ; they are not made fronm ( be sIze of its
nitiseles , nor front whmat it IS actually Xuiown
to accomitlishi , but from what it must ac-
comiiplihi in order to send ( lie blood throughout -
out ( lie system as fast tumid powerfully mis we
kimow it actually does circulate ; anti that. all
( lila lmimmemtse power is miectied in order to ac-
compliumli the circulation Is atimumltteti ; but
that the heart does not and canmmot supply
this power its size alone wotmlti prove ,
That it is seine trememmmlous force that
does tend tIme bhootl thmrouj'h ( lie arteries as
above estimated is emuily scott by Its spurting -
ing for yards when an artery is cut. But
that tIme heart and blood vessels could with-
staimil oil this tiyiiamic pressure front birth
until death is impossible.
Gentlcmiien , time theory is absolutely wrong.
What machinery could withmstamit.l all this
terrible strain ? had we not better look
about us anti see if nature lies not provltled
some oilier means more rational , less liable
to derangement as well as not contradicted
by every law of dynmtnmics ?
This tremendous power neetie4 to circulate
the blood throughout the system is thin santo
as that which furnishes the motive power
thrommgliotit universal nature-and this power
Is furnished through the lungs by the air
we bretithie.
Insteatl of the blood carrying oxygen
throughi ( ho system it is the oxygen front
the air that scuds time blood bounding
through all the minute capillary blood
vessels , exactly reversing thin old theory that
has been believed by us all ( or mmearly three
ceiiturles , In oilier words , it is the oxygen
we breathe , baneti on thin fundamental law of
'You all know that all positive electric
bodIes ltrcportiemmnily repel , while all aega-
tives anti iositives attract each other ; hence
thin oxygen or electricity , both elementarily
the sarmie , 18 0110 of the chief ugemits and
means of life anti is introduced into the
systemii by breathing and nothing else , Thin
air hen breathed charges the air cells of
( lie lungs when the Iron In the blood at-
' 4 twaw , - ' ,
- -
. . .
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
tracts the oxygen this chargetli the air
anti the blood cells positlvlytennd thereby
generates a powerful self-acting propelling
force by each repellluig that In the other.
Just frnuii time Air tVhircfltiie ,
is not this problem plaifl as well as sini-
plo1 That it Is the oxygen from the sir we
breathe and not muscular contraction of the
heart that gives thin tremendous power to
push the blood thirotmgh this flue net work
of blood vessels throughout the body. Anti
this force , not like dynamia pressure , which
would strain or even burst ( hO heart , while
( lie other orks on a dufterobt principle-
that of mutual antngooisnm ftnul not of prcs.
sure. '
A fluid charged with electricity through
an elastic tube will vroduc'o thin sauna waves
as we ( Inmi 1mm ( lie arteries , which we ccli the
litilso bent ; hence we find no pulse beat In
the veins as It moves along leisurely in Its
negative state toward the heart , after hay-
iuig discharged its oxygen in the process of
eomnbtistion anmh nutrltioq.
This oxygen or electricity Is held Ia time
air cells by the breathing crowding the air
cells full , which keeps passing through into
the blood cells , and tIme air cells being
charged by the air breathirul. This leaves
no escape for the electricity In time aIr cells.
whim that lii the blood cells has full hib-
erty to rush away ( rout ( lint in tue air cells
to the extremitiesof the whole system. Thin
muscles and nerves now seize ( lila oxygen
thus brought and consume it iii carrying
oil thin various operations amni functIons of
thin life process , which leaves thIs blood lies-
atit'e by the titan it gets through these
capillaries into the veins. This negative
state of venous blood now attracts it back
to thin kings only to be chiarged positively
amlul sent oft again on its life sustaining cir-
Just think of ( lie vast ahiount of power
that is required to propel this blood to ( ho
surface of these umilmiuto capillaries and to
overcomiie all the obstacles It has to encounter -
counter ; for imistnmmce , the pressure of a
hiorson weiglmiitg 200 Itoummde sittimig out a
femmce or board for hours and yet time blooti
uimust be Pttshied alomig through this loint
of Imressimre-betweemi board amid bomme , in
siilte of this heavy , steady weight amid
litany other like obstructlomms. Thimik of
the vower It takes to resist a wommian's
tIghtly tirawii corset or to keep thin blood
flowing through the ohe of ( lie feet while
stamiding , or cvemm to rcsistthie lressuro of
( lie air out th body , whleh is over 2,000
lOtmuitls ) on every square foot of the hotly's
whole surface , Yet tills electric lirinchimlu
furutishics power for all that without amiy
strain whatever.
'l'rmu' 1'iuimetion of tue lleuirt.
Time fuimetlon of time heart iiistcnul of pro-
wliing the blood Is time reverse ; that is , to
regumlate nmid not to propel time blood ; butte
to bout this electrified fluid lit check-other-
wise it would circulate too fast to perform
. its life-worm Just as ( lie regulator of nit
; emigitmo regulates its rotation , although the
i cnglmieer always keeps anextra reserve of
stemtmn thiat lie can turn emi at will ; ( lie inn-
. , liIn'u ttr U , , , , m , , , hn cnnn nv.nnq ,
; ; i ( ; ; tIle stenimi . its tieetiett
amount-then time svlmolq imachiumery begimms
to slacken ; So with the grmmtdu-a good supPlY -
PlY of reserve emmergy StmbtmtjI be kept out
hmamiti , which of course , tti'gqnerateui by the
commiblimed functioims , amid % t'/in / useti up grad-
Hat exhmaustlomi follows. 'I
If you want to labor bardwitht braimi or
nmiiscles , anti without xhaustion or inJury -
Jury , breatlme abundantly.df oed amid pure
air , which contains thoanorrnal amnormmmt of
oxygen , for it is only oxygei that Is talrc'mm
up in thie bltioti. It is the immvlgumatur of
lIfe and all functiomma or time body. Nature
has no paimacea like it ! , foi as fire goes
dowmr with the scarcIty , mf ox3geli amid goes
out wheim it disappears , so lie fire of life
goes out as its supply d\Iiithtshes \ auth death
follows ivhemt It disapperfs , , mthiowhmig ( hint
oxygen Is mmipre iuidhspesb , to lIfe than
any other , for we cap live , loimger without
food or any of ( lie other necessaries of life ,
but it should always be taken iii ( lie formmm
of pure air-it is rarely of any benefit when
artificially taken.
From time foregoing we see that breathhmmg
rightly promotes every life capacity amid
function , anti we should attend more to
breathing titan to eating ; yet mnammy breathe
so little that the heaving' of the chest is
scarcely perceptible , that it almost seems
ait if too lazy to breathid deeply when it is
so Important to health anti so cheap , amid
nmost of us might live many times faster and
better by redoubling our breathing. Most
men and nearly all women breathe wholly
with their ribs , due largely by suspending
their apparel from' ( helm' hips by bawls
which press just beloyr the diaphragnm , to
irevermt Its easy'-dowmtvtrtl niotiomi. All
apparel of men , womeim amid chihhtlremm simoulti
hang froni time shoulthere , 'pot ' hips. Most
women , by noticing theI'r pwn chests , will
see that thieir breath goes dowmi only five
or six incimes , while evry breath should
niove their whole chest ; 'ia Other words ,
fill thin lungs full at' every breath. Not
one person in a thousand fills his lungs mis
full anti steady while awake as wheum asleep ,
lmtmt if they did they wou'd ' impmove thielr
health and vitality a hundred fold. It is
when asleep that mnostt of us breathe as we
should when awake.
hiosy it helps the Joctor.
This fact , ( lieu , to know the real power
that propels the blood , is of umore vautma
anti Importance to all human beings , amid
all yet to be born , than any hmhtyslohoglcnl
question brought out for centuries. It is
as well of as much importance to tile phiy-
milclans in tIm information It gives theme
in diagnosing and treating disease. It ( clii
him wimy lii dllmhthtcria thin brcathilng ii
slow and the jtulse feeble and sluggish-
anti the more msrked ttii nymptom the
more grave the case , it also teIi bow typhoid -
phoid fever anti like comiditions are often
brought shout by the person going aroimmimi
full of grief , down-hearted , letting his
head hang , eluiom , if over , taking a full
breath to send the blood bounding through
the capillaries , grnttuahiy chokIng up the
fIres of life ; In fact , It is almost impossible
to keep up the blues if you keep the blood
bounding through the system , thereby fill.
log the lungs full at every breath with
pure air ,
It also tells us why people in hot climates
( where the heat expands the air , hence
contains less oygen per volunme ) get lazy
and indolent. It tells why in Chiicka-
mnauga park , where nature has left nothing
umidono to have good hmeslth-anih in that
park are t'OOOO of the pimysteal cream , selected -
lected from all over the cotmntry.'et the
amount of sickness anti mind thin death rate
are large. Why so much ltmmig fever ,
measles anti typhoid fever In such splemiduti
enviroumments ? It is caused by the violation -
tion of the law of balance and proportloii
thoU is between the external auth intermmal
forces , whIch are ( ha same in each indivld.
nal , but differ in degree , amid when time
fixed or normal equivmilemtts are chiamiged
you change it to something else , mind tills
something else is what we call disease.
I would like to talk aim hour out this law
of proportion-it is the "Alpha and Omega"
of all that exists. It is tint greotest cud
grandest , the simplest , the utmost useful , but
least understood by oman as it applies to
hiimnsclt , but it does show the great and iii-
finite foresight anti gootlitess of God.
, hEilhitJU $ .
Just 100 years ago th'e Connecticut lhoino
MissIonary society was organized ,
Thu American Tract society is developimig
its tract work among time soldiers , amid is
aito seeking to lmreparo for the occupation
of Cubit ,
It is stated by an nutimority of tIme see-
retary thmmit time Congrcgatioimal h3tmmuiay
School and I'ubhlshiing society aitla uumore
( bait 200 Sunday chmooIs imtonth ,
Thin chaplaincy of n military regiment iii
tlmiie of lutare many 'be looked umpon ummemely
as a iociah diatimietlon , 1mm timimo of war it
heroines a post of danger , hardship amid self-
sacri flee.
The mimassacre of American unlssiomiamics
at Itotufunk , on tite cat coast of Africa ,
iroves to have ijecii a most bmmvbarotma af-
fair. Six mimissiouiarics v.zre 111cm nil ) ' hmacketl
to death. - All were \vomiicmm , except cmiii.
Christianity still has its mtmaitym'a.
Time ' 'oumigVommman's 'lilmlmcrammcm umihoim
Is holding lit LomidoL its lust torItl's ccii-
vemmtiomm this week. Time Uiiitcd Suites seimt
about eighty tlciegates. The ior1tI's sum-
delit commfcremico at Nm thillc'htI is to begin
J umly 1 , nmtd vill continue ( cit days.
There Is a story going ( lie roummds iii Eimg-
iaiimi that. whiemt Gladstone otmee mtttemmded a
ecmvlce In a church imi Scotlaimd Ime sims ohs-
I gusted , during Immaher , to lieiir tim umilitister
atly : "We itmay 'chico , Lord , to bless time
i't mine iiminister of this gloat mintiomi , vim t
hoW vuJrshlpplmmg under this roof in the thilrtl
pew front the lmulplt. ' '
A atateiriemit front time Anmerican Roam-ti of
Missiomma giV.s the rullovImig ; ' 'Tlu ihelil ,
I ot the uncvamigchmzed ; 013 itmiti'
sloumnrles , 2,916 labomers , 1,501 preaching
places , 4 1.606 livlmmg chtmrchm mmmcmnbers , 3,919
, au.mticd last ycutr , 8'mO chmtmrehitis , tlli 70.1)00 )
atrage commgrcgatioiis , tt4.Gld In schools aumd
colleges , 7,081 in th higher grauies. "
'rho lbesbyteriamt geilemal asseumibly Imas the-
citicti thmtt. i'resbytermun cimumchcs coumlti
umeithier give lettetti recnmmmmumcuuliuig mimcmtibcrts
to Christian Sceiice organizatiomlim mtor ye-
cilve persoims ( tim letters fiomn such om'guii-
izatiomms. 'the Cungregatioumaikst titates ( lint
" 1.0 [ Lti as we have kiioi hedge , that Is th.
lOsitlOui ) generally taken by Christiamm
I chmimmehcs. " Neveithmelesti , various churchcs ,
it Is stated , do give letters to their members
who wish to join the Chiriatlait Science
11ev. Ir. Wiiilani F. Lhrnmmtl , rector of St.
Mary's Episcopal church , Emnnicitomi , Aid. ,
who has Just celebrated imis 84th bimthiday ,
is 00(1 of the best Icimown Episcopal clergy-
mmmcii In the south. Before taking orders lie
was an architect and builder , amid bccanie
a friend of General Jacksoii , whmoom lie
greatly aaslstcd during the uar of 1812 by
hits kaowlcdge of the country. Later , at
imis own expense , lie established a hospital
for soldiers injured lit the war of 1812 , and
in recognitloii of timis General Jackson up-
polnbid his youngest on a nildahipmnaum in
tIme Ummited States navy. During ( lie clvii
var he ias iii charge of the educatlomi of
Jefferson Davis' son , and at tint end of tha
war was visited by the confederate prcsi-
i hAuL 'I'lrl.l.s Or : cA'i'lYI'I'Y.
1testmIl of ObMervat louis Jy hotel
Clcrl.s timid Cmumtmmittrtmhmil 'l'rutv'iers.
Commnmmereiai travelers , anti ito mcmi it is
said are better jutiges of chmarrmcter , cmliii
that ( lucy can always tell to what part of time
I coimmitry a maim belongs , anti this by looking
I only at his hair , They say that in Kentucky -
tucky time hair is worn long behind , so long
thiat it is caught over tIme ears , pcrmittimmg
the oft-repeated gesture of simmoothilmig it
with time fingers as time wearer taiks to you.
The ends are cut square , anti time fnsimion
I requires a certain amount. of pomnmule to
keep it in place. Tlmis gloss is imperative. In
I Intliana , they claiun , it lii worn equally as
long , but. with the ends ctmrled In about ( lie
neck almost touching the collar , Further
vcst. across ( hm Rockies , anti in time outhi-
I west , especially in Texas-where barbers arc
scarce , or were scarce when tIme fashiomi was
set-the hair is worn cowboy famihilon , loose
I over the shoulders , thai ummtrinmmcd entis fly-
lag in ( Ito winds. In the eastern states , however -
ever , amid niomig time whole eastern bonier of
the country , except iii North Cnrollmia , where
. I amotig time cornerackers it grows wild , time
Let Faces Come First0
2 If you use Wool Soap for but one purpose , let it be
for the face rather than for wool.
When wool slirinics , it means only
a spoiled garment. When a soap
: : harms the it means a spoiled
E complexionI' lm
There is a , particular ingredient
I ;
In Wool So'that p rcvcnt lt from
= shrinking woot That quality makes T. , -
it especiall43irable for toilet and
bath. 't
Other maiCeEti mu ) havcn't our secrets. WOOL SOAP
It is not to buy woolens so often , norto buy heal-
inglotions fora soap-injured skin , if you USC this pure soap ,
is a white , swimming soap. In washing woolens it is a ne-
cessity. In tny other use it is a luxury , and it is so cheap
that it makes luxury economical , It is an absolutely pure '
soap. It is the only soap so pure that it won't shrink wool.
"Woi Soap Is an excellent article , and every woman will be benefited by
uslog it.-hIxi.s Id. lAltsxmu , Treas. Nat. W. C. T , U.
? -
- -
_ _ '
----i- i - - -
- - - -
haIr is cropped short , especially behInd ,
where it is shingleth evenly from the top of
the head to the neck.
ilotci clerks amimi to this knowletige of the
hair one of the wearer's phioe , it makes all
the difference in the worlti whether they are
SqUare , pointed or roummid. Each faslmlon
proclaIms a district of its own , l'ntent
leather shoes with extremely pointeui toes
belong to the south ; while people from the
north anti west wear sqiare toes anti heavy
soles. These fashions , however , are duo
more to climatic conditions than to local
tastes ,
CA' 'I'lh'lIt OI' lAIIGAI , "
Piumiiner's Iintrniiet' on time thuisie
huh Stage uutiul His ttmuiek RtI ( ,
Following the example of "iltillalo Bill , "
whit , contintmed in the. circums his heroic cx-
plolts emi the imlains , I'Inthiater , time PiPer of
the ( lortloum Ilighilanders , has been Playing
in ( be Aihnntbra theater , I.ontlon , a Part
which lie ought certainly to have little dliii-
ctmlty Ia rememberIng , The "Taking of thto
Phmitenti of Iargai" tvas the unman ef thin
piece. Time scene represeuits thin stmmnniit of I
the Plateau tiltOil whichi savage Afritils , nil
armed to thin teeth , hour death ) ' volleys imito
( Ito pm'omimpter's box. Sumitiemily the fire ceases
anti ( ho Afritlis aPPear to be astonishieti. In
tint distance the mmiarch of ( lie Gordomi HIgh-
latttlers , lln'eti by fifes amid bagpipes , is
faintly hearth. Mixed ale patriotism rises to
tIme foamiiimig anti overflowing poimit as thin
umimsie increases 1mm voluutte. The Afridis be'
conic terrified anti begin to waver ; but tIme ) '
rally , auii tint fire is restmmneti immure furiously
thittmm before. At time top of tIme mnotiiitmulmm in
the back of time stage Flmitllnter appears iii a
blood of electric light. \\'hiile playing his
baglilpe , lie Stmtltitiiil ) ' staggers and falls.
Theum , iii a m'echimmiitg postmtre , lie rcstmmes
the tune anti couttinimes liiai'iumS while hmis
commmimmiiomms advamice upomi time Afritlis anti
Pulverize timeun with a few prods. here time
ciirtaimi falls , anti Findlater is calhi'tl otmt.
Any lady reader of ( lila paper can have a
trial mmtekmtge of a remedy ( hint is today time
standard for femimalo diseases. It makes Ito
difference whether she Is a subscriber or
not , she will receive a full tilze
sample package PrePitid by nmnii ,
sutitlil ) ' 1) ) ' m4citding her imamne ummd mid-
dress to time I Imtzelimit' Coitilmaimy. It is ivortim
lie ! ' while to semitl for ( lila free mimiumipie. hi
? thc'I'htc'rsoii , Knumsas , it ctmred a holy vlai
sumffereml constaumily over 10 years ( ruin mu-
riouts svoinhi trttmiiem4 , mind mm ftu'r beumig tremtU.
eti by 12 dlffercmmt doctors whmo fmtiietl to
relieve her. A lady livimmg iii 'J'oto , Stmirke
Co. , hid. , 'rltvs that ( hits ftmunous retnu'tly
cured her dntmghiter vimo tt'as ito slc'lc with
uhihlicult mnniithiy sickness tlmmtt shut wms in
lieu mitost of time time. F'ronm Smtcritiiiemmto ,
Cal. , a lmImh3' wrItes that this renmemly titieti
rtwtly vitim mstmrgieiil op'rtttiomtms , mtmtd wims
sa'etl time , hmmmtgc'r auth torture of time icimife
by bmimig cimroti by limizohine. A lady iii
Shlve'r ( 'it ) ' , New Mexico , smtys tiunt whm'mm
she luigitim tmsimtg time remtiedy live nmoumtiis
ago her sufferiimg wtts so intense ( hint shmo
tieltri ) ' 'iumt limitamic' , hut ( It" ( lamely arrival
of I hmmzelhmme smiveth her reasoum ttmmti ( tired
her so ithie is ti'i' ' iimailthiy aitti ittmmuy. ; , llss
Aimna B. i"iSti of Gritnite Ftmlhtt , itlinum. ,
t'rlIes that ftir )4fl5 sue sumffomctl more tiimim :
ithmo cotuhmi fhitti words to tell iutid was ( iii-
With the Victoria Cross upon his breist t
appears before the footlights anti r"etyes
an ovistion ,
This performsnea wu repested tar .n'verah
nights , until the military smmti clvii mMaate ,
became scandalized. The cro's wan pinned
litton I"intilater's breast by limo queen herself -
self , and consequmently it was considered
"dreadfully checking" to find it figuring in
ft music mill under such extraordinary dc-
ctimustances. A committee vislteui Mr. Find-
later anti requested him in the name of
good taste anti loyalty to discontinue his
muppearnumee iii the show. lie stotmtiy reftmse&
saying that lie miever expecteti to win the
'lcorla ( Cross , bitt having obtninc'ti it by
PlUck anti good winti , lie ivan uleteratined to
treat it like hii pipes anti hilay it for all
it was worth. The pension whIch the goy-
ermimnent allowed him after lila discharge
trout ( lie arniy on accotmnt of lila wounds was
itarely stmlilcicilt to keep him in bread , So
ho resolveti to enlist time Victoria Cross in
imi owum service alid inaice it help hIm to
become a uteif'stmpjiortlng subject.
In despair the comuniittco left hint to move
upon the Immamiager. By oliti arguments , or
rallier intitmcemuents , tile ) ' turevaileti upon hiumi
to camicel F'lntilater's engagcuneuit anmi pay
hum imp to Its full ( cnn. This an'angemmment
% 'as ierfcctli satisfactory to Fimiullater , cape-
chilly as ho was gettimig titorotughily sick of
ovations , anti they promiiiscd him a place of
501110 sort in thin service of her niajcsty
So 1"indiater imas retired front thin stage.
W'hmnt II , ' lcumlrti ,
\Vnshmiiigton Start ' 'That translated letter
is a imilserabhe attemnimt to mmiisrepreseuit moe , "
salti time Spanish uiiplommmat.
"Io 3mm vommtm'atilct tIme assertion ( limit. you
nro a chief of silica ? "
"No. "
"Cnmm you reftmte thin clmmirges ( hint you
have assailed much imigh iii ( lie affairs of
your owut govt'rmtmtieumt 1"
' 'I tb lint isli to. ' '
"Wltat is it , thou , ( lint you deny 2"
"Time grammiumimir , "
' 17 " w- tm 3lW : ;
_ .
" "
' t
\ /i / : : , ) ) )
; ,
- . ' i 7 ,
v/ . \ \
' - \
'L'i - - - - - -
pressed in smlrit anti tiespomitiont beyond
llit'amttmrtm lecumso uiou'iormu mtimti rCuimViiVS
fa I i ed . I laz'i I lie c ii red Imer o f nrola msums mu imti
leiucorrlmmoa miami site cmiii now take ioui
wmthlcs without fatigue , whtc'reas she ivmtu
rtlchc timid worim ( Jilt mdi ( lie ttmiie lioftire. i'irs ,
'l'lmeresa Noehi , ( XII Semlgwlck St. , Chmicmtgo ,
writes : ' 'I mmmii willing to tell et'ery tufTer-
big ltdy ; , cit her ht'rsoImaIl3' oi' by letter , hmov
your remnetly ctirefi mmiii ttf ycam's of frightful
stmfl.'rhmmg. ! drs. Itosa l'tmtthmreae of Alden ,
Alei icimmy Co. , I Ii. , lags to imave her inline
su'uit to till intilt's 'a'Imo titifier tImitt shumi mnuty
hmutve nut ttpptiittmuuity tt ) tt'Ii tiiu'mn hiot' thu
% 'ii $ saved it life of suffering by this grmuu
rinethy. Al ruu. Jtseihuiiue , Stotz , 333 F. 0th
St. . Nt'w Yoik , N. Y. , beilevu's it her diuty
to tell hitiw time Wilt cttrel tufter 12 years of
Intense lualum ( ' % 'eI'y mnontit amid ( iftoim hetsvt'e
( lilies. All of thu'SO letters anti a great
niuuiy tmthtcrt on tile commviiice ) 'otm ( hunt ( ho
fioc i'I iii I 1 ( I is ivo i'tim sommil hg ftir. No niat-
( or whut'thit'r yttu suffer 111th. or are itmt imi-
vu t iii t4'ii ti In r t it it mutt I tim I eat vo nfl erfumi
r'inetly that is hI'm'fv'ti ) ) ' free and 'ihi eturo
you. lomm't s'alt mu day , hut write at once ,
sluumtIy your namime awl im.lthrest. 'ritE IIAZ.
ELlNI ( ' 0. , 20i DressIer Iiumilthimtg. South
hiemiti , I immi. , or it ) 'otl prefer , I lazelinc can
ti lund iii Oinmtlma at time following tiruggiats :
1513 Ittthge St , 121 South 35th St. , or 1023
Farnniim St. Full itizeti boxes , $100 per box.
Now AKRON , OimmO , fov WIL , 8.
Since I was sixteen I have had ji
irregular menstrual periods. It
went from bad to worse after I
married , ammd iii ten years I was a - C' ' -
perfect wreck. Morplmmmie injectiomms \
were the only relief I could get.
\'Iien almuost ili despair I heard of
Wimme 01 Cardui , I have usel it with
a little [ iiack-Dratmgimt amid am miuw
. perfectly veII.
lrs.V. . SANDRSON ,
I tELhlEE'c
( A woman who has suFfered ten years with hTcular
menstruation , kucorrhoe.a , falling of the womb or any other
"lemaic trouhk' has simply cndurcd a living death , No pen
can express the joy and that fills her breast when hc
has finally drawn herselF away from the clutches of thc.s dis.
- cases. No woman should cvcr permit hcrscll to get Into such
, a distressing condition , The trouhk should be stamped out
at the start , II mothers will give young girls a little Wine
or Cardul as they approach puberty , will be practically
Irce from danger. The organs ol generation will be strong and
well-lully prepared ror wifehood and motherhood , Even
to the Change if Life
S'ADVlSORYDARTMENT i not likely to be any
For advice In ease. requIring epa serious visitation of sickness ,
elai , hIrccIIune , address , ]
( onuS , I.Sdt"I' Atlrt.t.ri ) JPartPttut , When that period arrives ,
C C Qmatt1mmtouga , ' , Wine of CarIUI will again be
needed to assist Nature in
making the radical change. A few doses of Wine of Cardul
, at the right time make a , rcat diFference In a woman's li1c
$1.00 A BOTTLE ,
- _ - _ _ - _ - _ _ - . _ - - - - - - - ' - - v. - - ' _ - _ _