Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1898, Editorial Sheet, Page 13, Image 13

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i. 'rilE OMAITADAI1IV BJ1 : S11NDAY , JUNE 26 , 1598. 1U
flons Don 8. Bkor Endorzcd by DottglM
County Repnblican3.
D1c&gIfPN lnitriitcil , ( i V MI lEon.
orsilIr MnIrn fli Secure the
lcniiltiitlon of ( he
OunhR Mnii.
flio rrptibllcan convention yeaterny nftet.
noUn , called to , e1ect dc1egate to the itato
. tonventlon nt Lincoln , Auguit 10 , va8
' not over nrgc1y nttended. but wis one ot
't tu ) most hartnnnIou loIItIcaI gathcrIng
¼ ever ealIc toiether Iii thlo colIty. ! It ro
u1tcd tn lion. 13. S. Baker betni niloweil
to ekct the ( Ie1egaton in the 1ntirest ot
b1 ; ezmiltncy for governor , his choke being
ratified bY thu cotiveritlon.
It ( S 3 ocinck betore Chnirman Wit-
1inni of the reitlhlican county central corn-
inittee convened the meeting \Vazihlngton
bnil. After stating the object of the con-
'vention , Chairman \VIi1innB said that in
9 BOflD rinrtcrs be had been criticised for
4 callIng the coue tion at such an early
4 dRto. The attendance , however , ho con-
& tcnileii , Bliowell that ho IiaI lone the cor-
? cCt thing , flfl(1 ( that there wan no ustiflca-
tion for the criticism , lie redlcted that
thin % nUId he a repulIlcan year all along
the line , and ( lint this was a good time
to Plant the gunB upon the fortiflcatinn9 of
the enemY and at once conmcnce storming
ii ; ; ; works. lii introlucing C. I. . Cliaffea
As the temliorary chairman of the nietting.
Mr.VIliinns lesignnted him as the chief
m gutitier.
Mr. ( Thnlfee soie of the gno work ac-
, I comiilis1ni hy the republican party antI
. paltI a glowing tribute to the atlrnlnistra-
tion of l'resl'ient ' McKinley , otter which
Secrtnry , Tuttle renti the call. The call of
V wartls antI vrecincts showed nearly all of
the delegates in attendnnco antI no contests.
.1. II , Kuhn wns tccted assistant secretary
p and all delegates declared entitled to seats.
V John C.Vlinrton asked the indt2igCflc
of the convention while , amIc applause. he
announceil that In his judguient , Douglas
county was entitled to the honor of taCing
V a candidate In nomination for a place at
the head of the state ticket. The man that
' he hail In view , be saul , was lion , lionjarnin
S. I3aker. After another round of applause
the foliowing resolutions , introduced by Mr.
Wharton , were adolted by a unanimous
' oto :
r \Viicreaa , The repubilcatis of Douglas
county , In convenUon assembled , believe It
V to be for the best Interests of the repub-
. licnn party in this state antI for ttio best
iiiterests of the state that the nominee for
gcvclnor of the state or Nebraska conic
from Douglas county ; and ,
Is I'tSUttitIOhiM Are A4lI)1)tI'Il.
Whereas. The distiuguiShMl ability of
lion. Iteitininin S. Itaker anti his unhicin-
Ished record , both In public and private li'e.
V t Is a recomnientlatlon for him for thu high
anti resitonsible position of governor of this
state ; to the end therefore that the choice
t antI will of this convention may be observed
antI carried out In the state convention , b
V Itesotvetl by the republicans of Douglas
? county , iii convention assembled. That lion.
V ] Jenjiunin S. l3aker be nhlti ho is hereby re-
questvd to select the ilciegatlon and name
the chairman ( hereof. to represent Douglas
county In the republican state convention
to be held Iii the city of Lincoln on August
:10. : 3S98 ; atiti saul list or delegates so so-
eCted by the said flenininin S. Baker shall
constitute anti be the delegation of Iouglas
county iii said state convelition ; nod saul
delegation iI hereby instructed to use nh
lionnrabho means to secure the nominatuon
_ . _ J.- . of thu salt ! Ihenjamin S. Ilakor for governor
of the state of Nebraska ; and , be It further
Resolved , That no vroxios be allowed
from titus county in said state convention ;
and in case of vacancies In nid delegation
the said Benjamin S. flahuir Is hereby nu-
a. thIortzttl to select such ronubhicans as he
V ' ift to Il such vacancies. and at
said stat ? ( Onvention the veto of .hl ab-
sentees. If nity , shnhl be cast by said chair-
loan of 551(1 lougias county delegation.
The adoption of the resolutions was followed -
- lowed by calls for Mr. Baker , who upon apr -
-r pcaring the rostrum was loudly ap-
plautleil. Iii addressing the convention he
said that he regarded the action of the convention -
vention as exhressed in the resolution q oie
# of the greatest complIments that could be
V paid to any man. If nominated and elected
lie would give the heOPhO ) Of the state a
clean antI honest administration. lie saw
. victory ahead and expressed the opinion
that the reptihhican ticket. If good men were
) placed In nomination , would be elected from
top to bottom. lie denounced fusion anti do-
dared it a dead istie eo far as politics
vere concerned.
. SeLtt , * hiii the J(1egltteN.
At this point In the proceedings a recess
of ilfteen minutes was taken during which
time the list of delegates was made up
. . by Mr. Baker. Upon reconvening the follow-
fVV log iiames were presented :
t Delegates at large : H. It. Baldrlge , chair-
, maiiV. ; . F. Gurloy. Casper E. Yost , J. if.
_ V Millard , E. Blerbower ; CL It. Williams , It.
S. Berlin , Cadet Taylor. Ii. C. l3rome , llenj.
'l' . White , J. A. Cihieepie. Dan II.Vhecler ,
sr. , Bruce McCuhloch , George McBride. John
, Iehegntet : Ii. J. Cornish , John Itosicky ,
Vi It. C. Jortlon , A. M. hack , \V. H. liancliett.
It. IC. l'axton , A. \Valkup. . Joseph icavan ,
Andrew Kiewttt. George Anthes. H. Ii.
Boyics. C. II. Kessler , Levi Cox , Henry Kno-
Pntonso and Everlasting Suffering
Almost Frantia with Itching
Four Doctors No Avail
I have been en iuten.o iuiferer of that awful ,
dreaded situ everlaiting dlseuae. } czema , for flve
t' ' 7e3r , . I tried every one' . advice in wedicinea ,
V I'tahtlei four doctors , one a i1cclitlhet in .kin dli.
raica , with 119 iniprovetnentat alt , and ftuin ; imo
to tliiiu setuing ins albeit frantic with dreadful
Itching. At Ia'S I KSVC myself up to Cvricua.a
iiiriita , caectiug ) them to rrauit a. all pro.
vholia onti. To iii > auth sgrteable aurpria.
I lutist ! a wontiertiil ctaiig. its tAre. toreks. and
t.Uer using three bottle. of CUTICURA hiEsoL-
yN7 and one bo of Curicuiu BALYS , I found
utyacit cousjtlctely curS.
( lEO A. I.OVI,9O7 MarketBi. , Phil , , 1' . .
Feb. O. 1851. _ _ _ _ _
Ocaip and Back Covered wIth Dry Sore.
Thought Itching Would
DrIve Film Mad.
. .1 wee nMlcteth with Eczema ( or isyon year. ,
. . : . . nti toy icalp Wa. in a bad state , I bad a bad
back , three inchea of hitchi we. covered with a
f . .t ; _ % dry acab with a moisture underneath. Thu itch.
I lug tai iO lsl I thought II would drive inn mad.
. I tried all reinedic. 1 was told el , but could not
gel cured. I w adeleed to try (3uticun. & ftrit.
soils. I ued live bottle. of CUTICUItA lti.aL. .
YSNTtiveeAkea of CUTICURA SoAr , and flee boz.
of OUTICtYIIA 8ALVOand Jt' $ cospteeIy cureJ.
I have nut hid a vimitio on my beAd or body since.
C , LONG , 32WiiLon Ave. , Toronto , Can.
4 _ . CVTIcUIL fliwinits daily porfunu utota ttat Corel of
14 ' torntrtug dliflcuring.hunUlistlogstinscaip,00d blood
- . t VV
ant conittlut. lb. oily Uifstliig ste.iI sod loleruil
tioituiit for all Iazm.ofAln..eaip , sad blood biunoii.
' .
. I. 8iit. Ceo. Tassiiiir vs. Eisr htviioa.-
V W&n biths vitti Cvyevo& , boor. gsoUa inelatlogs
, purest at eaca
sod mild do. , . or tcTwI : Is fttiui.v.oi. gritisI 01
tL..4 priit.oi4 buwui cites.
BoidthrouboottKiwirt4. Ports. D100iMDCUIL
V * w&r..bsi. iai. , Bostoa. ' flow I , Cv : . imoLr * .
doll , sate flrown , henry Rhoda , M 0. Rick-
etta , V. 13 , Walker , John P. henderson ,
Charles Grovet , Jake Lewis , Irying I' . flax-
toe , C. Ii. liryant. 3. C. Wharton , J. W. Bat-
tin , John 0. Kuhn , ! . Rosewater. Ii. S. flail ,
B. hi. Christie , W. B. Christie. IL L.
Loarneil , Ii. A. Meyer. John % V. Muir. John
Swift , It Ii. Carter. IL H. Taylor , J. F. Cars
penter , Robert hioughton , Alfred Hugh , It.
B. Coryehl , J. T. Yates , l. M. Bartlett , Louts
flerka , Frank A. Johnwn , John Steeho , C.
Ii. ChafTee , l'rank Gaines , P. L. McCoy , II.
B. floylea , IL I. . Goddard. K. S. Fisher , fl.
C. 1toley , Charles Leslie , \'ilhiam Cowger ,
F. L. Smith. 1. IL Andrews , Charles A.
nasa , C. 11 hiutchlnson , Charles Miller ,
William Schwarlck , .7. b. Kennely , C. P.
htoblrison , Phii Kern , A. IL Blank , Frank
Jones , Neha Turnqulst , J. N. WillIams , John
P. Schultz , 3. IL VabDusee , Fl C. Mayfleld ,
Charles CummIngs , August Miller , Joseph
Schultz , 1. . 1. . hlalnes , Asmus Gehi , 1. . C.
Ducker. (1. ( 1. . fledman , John McCormick , sr. ,
Charles W'itte , W. A. Saussay , W. V.7. Wilde.
ci. w. l'ox. lionru Kelsey , herman Itosil ,
Claus Matthies , George Johnson , J. Ii. Mc-
Dougal. V. \Vhitmorc , A. P. Akerlund ,
Ii. Cuip , Leonard Gaines , 0. C. Lazarus ,
DavId Reed , I ) . La. Johnson , Ii. \Valtlrun ,
henry F. lielde , John Teideman , litigh Sut-
tie. Claus Seiyers.
lion. John L. Webster was called to the
front and responded to the demands for a
speech , after which the convention ad-
fleni'Iss , lielsiUp the Ilurhlitgt.sii
'l'i stln Are Arresttd by
l'hitlr Alti.
ST. LOUIS , June 25.-A special from
Whitcliaih , Ill. , says : Frank A. Mnsworth
and 13111 Jackson of Roadhouse are the inca
who hold up the fast express on th Clii-
cage , hhurhington & Quincy road about a
mile north of the depot hero last night anti
killed FngIneer Fred Dempsey. A sherIff's
posse was at once organized and blood-
bounds belonging to P. flranzeit of this
Place let loose. The dogs are famous , for
they have trailed and captured many crimi-
flats in this lart of the country. They soon
traced Jackson to Iloodbouao. where he was
arrested. Jackson told the whole story of
the holdup and Atnsworth was arrested a
few hours later.
The train pUlled out of the station ahout
flvo minutes late and when It slowed up at
the Chicago & Alton crossIng It was boarded
by Ainaworth with a gun In his hand. lb
used the usual tactics , crawling over the
Louder and calling to the engineer to hold
up his hands. Dempsey evidently did not
understand. lIe reversed his engine and
throw on the airbrakes. Ainsworth hogan
firing and 1)emp3ey was shot in the hotly ,
failing to the floor of his cab. The ilrcinnn
escaped through the front window. A sea-
oral alarm was preail on the train and the
desperadoes lied. They wore white masks
and as the one who killed Dempsey loft the
train ho fired his gun in the air and yelled ,
"Come on Bill ! "
The night express is supposed to carry a
local and through safe , and the plan cvi.
dently was to cut off the express car atiti
to run ahead vith It.
The coroner's Inquest was hold in the city
hail today over the body of the dead en-
gineer. A great crowd was in attendance
niid excitement was bight. Prominent oilh-
cinls of the llurhington road are here in attendance -
tendanco upon the inquest and no effort
will bo svared by the Iieoph to bring the
desperadoes to justice.
After tile inquest the two prisoners were
taken to Carrohiton. Ill. , and piaced In jail
hero for safety. The preliminary hearing
was titlteused with. At Iiardstown and
Whitehall , whore Engineer Dempsey is well
known and liked , the excitement is lutenac
anti violence to the prisoners is feared.
Jackson , who confessed to the crime , said
the plans had been laid two weeks to stop
the train , cut off the express car and hiot
it. Ainswortli is a son of W. II. Ainawurtli ,
an extensive dry goods merchant at flood-
Trial of Lii nibert .hi.en for tiu rder
i'roJ4resstIig Its Clutries
Mu : Ctiutt- .
CHAMBERLAIN , S. D. , Juno 25.-Spe- (
eial.l-Ttie case of the State against Lamhort
It. Jones , the alleged murderer of Henry
Van Itoden , an old loan , who lived on the
Missouri river , south of here , is now well
under way in Charles Mix county , and will ,
it is expected , continuo until the close of
next weelc. J. V. ' . C. Jones , the father of
the accused , is a Chicago lawyer , and is assisting -
sisting in the defense of his son. The elder
Jones is associate editor of the Chkago Law
Journal. Youiig Jones , on Monday , entered
the plea of not guilty. The state has fifty-
seven witnesses , and the defendant also has
a large number.
A letter states that eight indictments have
been returned by the grand jury against
parties living on the ceded portion of the
Yankton Indian reservation , for arson , in
attempting to burn the home of IV. If. Gun-
seE. a settler on the ceded land. The crime
was a particularly bold one. Gunsel had had
trouble over the ownershIp of a quarter see-
tion of land , and one night a party of nieti
jirovo up tO his house , deliberately fired it ,
and attempted , at the muzzle of guns , to
prevent Gunseh and his family leaving the
burning structure.
The present term of court is the most ito-
portant ever held In Charles Mix county ,
'h'elcjslniir Exclasiiie for Cantoit ,
CANTON , S. I ) . , Jutic 25.-Speciah.-A ( )
local telephone exchange has just been coni-
pheted here by a co-operative company ,
composed of citizens of the city. With the
two long tilatanco lines which connect us
with Omaha and all the large citIes of Iowa ,
Minnesota , North Inkota anti South Dakota ,
Canton is well supplied with talking tip-
liaratus ,
fi t tfti-tl Out for ( , vt'rnur ,
CANTON , S. D. , Juno 25.-Special.-O. ( )
S. Gifforil Is a cauiditlate for governor , and
has so announced huinself. lie will be
strongly supported for the position at tIm
state republican convention , lie has been
a resident of South Dakota for inaity years ,
and was a member of congress tWO terms
during territorial days.
I'lve I'.nils 'I'sski-u Out of * l.e lVrt.t'lc
llssdI Injured , but J.Ise of
'Ihein Vstitthty ,
CINCINNATI , J ° 5A severe InU-
storm today blew down the enlokctacg , i'ev-
unty-fivo feet high and twnntv.the feet In I
enty-ilve feet high and twenty live feet in diameter -
amoter , at Math's bakery o. 1icluaontl trtet ,
crusbing in iortions of the building. Five
persons hare been taken out Injured. Spec-
tatora differ as to the cause of the accident ,
Some who saw it say the stack , which has a
rnetaliio lining , was struck by lightning ;
others say the fierce wind snapped it oif
above the roof. The stack had just been
built. Thu debris fell through several stories
to the floor , The first thotight. wa that
many were killed as nearly 100 women anti
children were at the bakery after stale
bread , distributed free every morning , A
panic resulted , and s.veral children wersi
knocked down. It was found , however. that
only flvo were seriously hurt. Ibernian Lip-
pert , painter ; Charles Coates , Mrs. Jackson ,
Conrad Stoinhuiber and Wiihiam Mannix , it
Is thought they will all recover.
Maps of Cuba at Thu flee otaco-Omalia-
Council Bluffs or Soutn Omaha. Cut a
coupon from page 2. Address Cuban map
I dept.
V a _ _ _
trans-M ississippi and Iutrnatiouai [ xOosition
Oiiiahn , Jutie to November , t9S.
I -
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Doings of the Nebraska Boys"at Their
ltecrultlitg Otlicers F'iiisI No IJiflieni
Iii S'eiirIiug l'ient ut ttca to
Mnke t1p tIt P'iil
CIIICKAM AUGA , Ga. , June 23.-Speclal ( I
Correspondence.'fhe ) Second Nebraska
regIment has heard from its recruiting of-
ficers. They hitive not found the least trouble
in securing volunteers among Nebraska's
Sons. Fifty recruits are enrouto to Chicka-
utauga and are expected to arrive hero to-
The Second battalion of this regiment had
some valuable experience in the drill cx-
erciso yesterday afternoon. Thin itien
marched nit advance anti rear guards to a
point near where Grigsby's ' cowboys are
located. The exercise lasted two and a
hiatt hours and the battalion abowed up
Private Norris of Company M , who was
recently sent to Jits home at Grand Island ,
Nob. , seriously ill , has appendicitis nnd his
friends in. . o been informed that lie cannot
l'rivate Frank Burr , who was appointed
second lieutenant In the regulnr army from
this regiment , was a nicinber of Corn-
pany M.
Company M has received a fund of $51)
from the Company M Aid society at Granti
Island. Four hundred and fifty pounds of
hitetattire is etiroute from the saute society
to Company M.
The members of the Second regiment are
nov fully eItiilIeI ) with gittis , with the
cicelition of the recruits. Nothing is lacking -
ing except cunteens.
The regiment will participate in the
division battle exercise Saturday , ( orating
part of the column to be commanded by
Colonel Bills.
The Second Nebraska regimental band has
on an uviable reputation In the corn-
niunity anti has become o popular that it k
in demand at social functions nuti special
events at the mountain resorts. Tonight
the band 1ilayed a 'star" engagement ii a
grand concert at the Point hotel. on thu
summit of Lookout mountain , The lintel
was connected by telephonu with the iies-
paper olilces and the vrIneuital hotels of the
city and dozens of people enjoyed the timsic
five miles away.
Jisslser'n ( : nc.
The case of John G. Mahier , of the Second
Nebraska , 'who is being triel by court-
martial for alleged disohedienco of orders ,
bait been continued until 9 o'clock TIters-
day morning. The question of Captain
Fishier's chigibihity to act as counsel br
Mahier hia been officially raised. it was reported -
ported in the camp of the Second Nebraska
today that Captain Fisher had been ruled out
on the ground that he is responsible for a
conitnnfltl. At division headquarters Geti-
oral Grant announced that it had not beca
decided whether or not Captnin Fishier could
act as counscl for Maher ,
The Second Nebraska drilled in extended
order today.
The recruiting olficors hare been heard
from and recruits are expected to arrive
The health of the camp is good , and the
boys are in exLehlent spirits ,
The Second Nebrabka is making a do-
iightfuh place of its camp , flesitles paving
and curbing the streets prettily , the trees
have been paved around with stone , and in
places about thu tents snug spots have beeti
iLrritngcti for blowers. and liars been orna-
inonted with trimmings of roses sitU ferns
anti Provideti with rustle vases , from which
frail spectitlitfis of the most charming
growths of the wild wood , Large letters of
moss indicate the COIfljUtlieS , anti the whole
acetie suggests the loveliness of a cultivated
itork. 'rho credit ( or this ivork Is due to
; ihl the members of the roginietit. Many of
the soldiers have manifested useful In-
gunuity by iveaving for their tents folding ;
cots of reeds.
Brigadier General Colby , who is expected
to arrive front Nebraska , will be heartily
welcomed by the Second regintent. There
are in this regiment a tiumber of boys who
were with General Colby in the hattie of
Wounded Knee. General Colby commainleti
the Nebraska brigade , In whIch the Second
regiment fought during the Sioux var. It
was two days after the battle of Wounded
Knee that General Colby returned to the
battlefield and Picked U an Ipdian girl 2
years old , whom lie adopted , and who has
Vk'i OWn to be a fascinating girl.
Second Lieutenant Henry Allen , son of
Senator Allen , and l'rivate Frank ] 'urr , both
of Company L , having been appointed lieutenants -
tenants in the regular army. will aeon Md
the regiment gootiby.
Colonel C rbwbi'is ( , , , .
Colonel Grigshiy's regiment was today
equipped with 1,020 Krag'Jorgonseu carbines
and the same number of Colt's revolvers ,
Word was received that the saddles and
horse eqtiipmeats for the regiment are en-
route anti will arrive in U few days. A
requisition has been made for uniforms for
the members of this regiment situ ith their
arrival the command will be fully equipped.
-j--- : rY
Notwithstanding the lack of equipment ,
the reglimient drills regularly every day.
It. has been found that ( Ito olimate hero
disagrees with horses brought here from the
north and west. Several of the horses of
Grigsby's communtid huve died anti otbom
are dying daily. The affection seems to
be congestion of the lungs. The horses of
the hio1o brigads are sumniiarly affected.
Colonel ( irigaby's wife will arrive here this
wcok front South Dakota to vIsit her
The trial of Henry K Boorman of troop
ii , Sixth tJnited States cavalry. by court-
martial , was helil In Colonel Grlgsby's tent
totltty. Iloornian is charged with forcibly
taking possession of a mule ( Lint belonged to
another trooper. Thmo trial was not corn-
Pleted today.
Major Fish assumed his duties as chief
stirgeolt of the regiment today.
Colonel ( irigsby'a rginmunt drew ten days'
rat ions toia } ' . It required twemmty-threo
i'ottr-nmule teams lo haul tIme supplies from
the depot to time .camp. Two expert bookkeepers -
keepers and six romLre kept busy looking
after time accounts of t1o subsistence depart-
mont. Ammmong tlm mmmro imiortamit supplies
drawn by the regiimm nt today were 12,500
pounds of fresh beet , 7,500 hounds of bacon ,
11,250 ito nd of fresh bread , 1,500 , pounds
of 1)0505 , 10,000 pounds of potatoes , 8,000
lmuntls of tomatoes , 800 Iiomlmmds of roasted
Time non-commui4stoimed olibeers of the regi-
merit estabhIslmd tlmblr'mess today. Adjutant
Ott L. Sites whir hereafter be in charge of
tite eonmrmiissioiied oilhq'rs' Incas.
Commissary stprvs , . have been estab-
hislicti In time briguitt to which Colonel
Grigshy's regiment belongs and all kinds of
subsistence supplies nrc sold to time men at
whtniesale rates and time imrclmases are
ciinrgcd against the pay accounts of tliu ,
regiment. Lieutenant 0. W. McMichael has
been placed 1mm charge of time brigade cclii-
mnissary store. This nrrangeinont is very
much appreciated by C'oioimel Grigaby's men ,
as they can bimy their supplies right in
CflflhI ) as cheaply as elsewhere and can get.
credit on PtlrclmalseS Utitli they are paid off.
Major Fish , surgeon of the regiment , rePorts -
Ports that there is limit little sickness anti
nn seriotmaly ill.
Major Stewart will heave Friday for Cia-
cimmnati to purchase several horses for the
private use of memhers of the regiment.
Mrs. James Itend of Chicago , wife of
Licutemmant iteiil , , aide on tIme staff of Actin4
Brigadier General Grlgsby. will arrive this
week to visit her husbammd ,
Si-ic-re Storm Iii I II ItioI
ALGONQUIN. Ill. , June 25.-'rho severest
storm in this vicinity for aixteen years has
siVthit over Algonquin , thmtlshimig today. The
railroad on liothm sides was swept out timid
time town will be cut off by rail fronm tlte
mitsitle world for several days. Algonquin
is situatetl on the Fox river , between a
rang of blurts. Time water in tIme river rose
twelve feet. There were a number of
mmnrrow escapes front drowning , time Dodd
boys rccuiiig two immen , locked lit a death
embrace , as they iyere gouiig down for time
last time. Several railroad and other
railroad bridges were washed away. A num-
her of immerchiaimts had their stocks injured
by water : umd a iiumnmbor of catttle Mtrtl
EtIutuiI is StUb Oil Guard.
OSlIKOSlI.'Ls. . . June 25.TImo itillitia
is still on guarti. Time l'aybo plant , tim
only nile operating , started mm lni'ay with a
slightly iiicrcaseti ( 'rw. , 'Vhs other immamiu-
ftmcturers have posted notices that their
plants will he reopened todtiy. Sonic of the
btlstncas men are inclined to criticise Guy-
errmnr Seliouielil for animounciuig am : lticn-
tion to recall time militia to Mllwatii.ce fr
thmo carnival exercises next Tuesday , 'rho
authorities nrc trying to find 'm law to or-
mit thin arrest of Thomas f. Kithi , F. J.
Weber and Jtlchtari , Llraunswnlg , three lead-
era of time stlmikers vlm are alleged to be
indirectly responsible ( or the rioting ,
, , , , , liui'rs Sot 11 Igflit' .
LA CIlOSSF. Wit ; , Jummo 25.-TIia simpreutme
court lmas nillrnieii time decision of the dr.
cult court iii tim cnsu of Looflior against
the Modeiii'oodinei , of Anierlea , Time
effect of ( ho 'Ieclioiti to exclude certain
classes , inciudliig twlmolesitio liquor , iealers ,
from becoming iimtimlbc.zs of thu orilur , anti
itt is of inert , tllAiI luai tnmportnimce. i.oet-
bier the \Vcptjimtemi 501mm tune ago amid
afterwariis lecairito9.mnectel , w ith a link' .
sale liquor firm. 1. ics' iayis , nsscssmmmonts
for three years ha watt Itmieti timet privileges
of the order armif irpugiit stilt with tIme
ahOve lestilt. , ,
.tliishii hiidlstfls itt'sji ( tti , ruusiii ,
JUNiAU , Alaskim , Juiie 0.-i Via Seattle ,
'nshi. . mime 25.-OrtFrlday ) mat an immdian
belonging to a Ciiiikatl band of Sticks fired
two shots froni niiIiiihm at Jack Iaiton. thitt
lmnted Alttskmt cxpioi i'r .mnil trail br.'aiter ,
lint rowly mnisatmig Iiu. ; All the circtimn-
stances of this siioqtjpg hoiw It to have been
a carefully liiaLiIiq tmLeiimpt to mtsstttsinimto
time oman whom tii4 juitlians liolil isIonslblo
( or time Influx of whiI's tote titeir country.
l'r'f.r II'ggi ui ( I ,
IIUTCIIINSON , Icon. , June 25.-hluteijin.
son and other towns along the Santn I'o
road mire tiooded with armies of uneimiploycil
nina. A train loathed iitlm laborers from
IAIS Angol.s tjtis arrived lucre anti every
kitchen door iii town is hourly besieged by
then begging for food. Most of them to-
fuse to work in the harvest fields ( or the
liresent wages , $2 to $3 a da.y
.ttotsunry lIds Of lsssy ,
NOltltiS'l'OV4 , i'a , , June 25-Lizzie D.i
Kalb , tbo notorious "woinaim In blnok , "
today pleaded uiiy ( to tIme charge of being
accessory after tbe fact in coiine'ction with
the murder o Mrs. Enmina P. Kaiser and
was sentenced to two years in jail by Judge
Bpecial Agent Donetla alid Atzstants Lund
One Gang Entirely.
.Vehl I'innntI liaisE lit Cacriesi Oat
with No hitch nutS a cnt
( iciuuuuip of usc ( 'rooks I.
( lie ltsult ,
By a ruse the entire gang of counter-
felters known as the "McCarthy
gang" has been captured. A largu
quantity of bogus silver dollars and almost
a complete outfit of moultis and tools used
in the making of ( ho coin were also cap-
The capture was made in the saloon of
Frank lengon at Twenty-fourth anti
F' streets , South Omaha , This mn
were taken entirely by surprise
anti when time officers sttrrouniii'il
them with drawn revolvers dht not attempt
to imiake a roistanee. This gang , of which
Vie McCarthy was once the recognized
head , consists now of John McCarthy , John
Brown , Charles Schartomv and Isaac Beadle.
All of them , together with Mrs. McCarthy
anti her daughter , are In cells at the city
The gang was decoycti into Deogan's saloon -
loon bj Special Agent Donella , who
hail been Posing before them for
ft Week past as a dealer in bogus
money. Friday Ioneiln , who had made
nunmerous trIps to the home of McCarthy , a
short distance front Ilehievue , coimelutleil a
deal for the purchase of $0 worth of coin ,
lie to receive twelve bogus dollars for every
good dollar ho invested.
The money was to be delivered at Dca-
gan's saloon ,
i'huti ' , 'orks l.ikc Oil.
At 8 o'clock Saturday morning , ac-
conupanied by Ummiteti States Mar-
ajmai holmes. Sergeant 11cr fluid
Detectives ilavey amid Cormack Donelia went
tu time saicoim. At 8:40 : McCarthy and his
galls ii ithi the two women drove up to the
saloon in a light farm wagon and niightel.
\Vhea they entered the place they found the
olilcors stmfl.&ol . about a. card table iii the
rear of the saloon playing cards. Thinking
tim officers Were saloon iouimers time cotta.
terfoiters patti no attention to them ,
but vasaed into a rear room. At
a givemi signal the oflicers crowded
into the room and covered the macmm
with theIr revolvers. They were taken entirely -
tirely off their guard.
Iii the floCkOtS of John Brown five packages -
ages of bogus dollars , twenty dollars in each
package , were found. l'aeh of the other
iuien hind a small quantity of the
spurious coin in their possession. After the
capture time four prisoners and the wonitimm
were handcuffed aimd brought to Ommmhuit in
their own wagon. The officers drove
to the home of McCarthy , mmi'ar Belle-
VIto , where they searched tIme house , tindimug
time complete coining outfit of the gnimg hidden -
den about.
lhi'rt- , . , * ltet'ii Oterntl uic.
The gang has beeui in active opeiiitioii for
several weeks and has dumring that ( iwo
Ilootled tIme country with thin spmmriomis coin.
Bunts , it is said. 1)0105 the 'siiovdr , or man
who disposed of it. The lice , a ( ow days
since , published a story to tills effect.
McCarthy has br years been suspected of
leimmg ) a counterfeiter , and in fact was twice
arrested on tim0 charge of niaking antI diii-
ioaiiig of bogus imioney , but was never con-
His brother Thomas Is now serving a fit-
teemm-year soimtence for counterfeiting. The
McCarthy faintly has borne an unsavory
reputation for years , and the sons , four in
number , have been arrested , accredited with
every crinme on the calendar except mur-
tier. The notoriomms "VIe" McCarthy , who
broke jail here three years ago while await-
lag to be taken to the penitentiary to serve
an eighteen-year sentence for a nitmrderomus
assault , Is the ehtiest son of this family.
Aaotlmer was known as "Black Ike , " Ho
dieti noven years ago. In life he was a
counterfeiter ,
MI of the men refuse to talk , particularly
Mccarthy , who is in a very ugly month at
all times. The
money captured is an cx-
eellent imitation , anti is knowii as a "glass
dollar , " because of the amount of ground
glass in the . metal used to make
them , They are defective in the milling
and a trifle tbclter ! than a gooth dollar.
NOtlNA'imONS stY 'I'll i iitism nmx'm' .
Several l'ostiiiius or , , SzLiuIiwI'l&rii Iii
'vIflt A A , , . , ii t , , i'n s.
WAShINGTON , June 25.-The president
today sent these nominatiomis to the senate :
l'ostnmaster-OItlahoma : Wilburn McCoy ,
Guthrie. Texas : Seth B. Strong , hboustomi ;
ltobi'rt T. I3artloy. Ladotmia : William T.
lIlnck , Mount l'ieasant. Arkansas : A. II ,
Itockland , Stuttgart. California : Edward
fhtmsh , Selina , Illinois ; Sylvanus S. Thompson ,
Marseilles. Iowa : Frank M. hloeye , i'crry.
Kansas : Jaimies A.trrnent , lorlge CIty ;
\Villiani fi. I3osetm , Itnrpt'r : ltufmms F. Boiid ,
Sterling ; George B. Croaker , Anthony'
Frank J. Davis , Lamed ; fi. I' . Csreer , W'iim-
field ; Martin I. . Grimes , Lyons : it. C. flow-
ard , Arkansas City ; Joseph C. KItchen , Gar-
dcii City : Frank A. Laimatrum , Pratt ; George
W. Watson. Kiimsley.
VohunteerIntammtrySecond regiment : 5cc-
end Lieutenant. Hayden Y. ( Irubba , Eight-
ecnth Infantry , to be lieutenant. colonel ;
hugh M. Swain and Mark M. iloatner of
Lomihsiana , to be amajors ; Paul J. Christian
of Louisiana. to be first lieutenant ,
ThIrd regIment : Wihiiaimm it. Cobb of Plot-
ida , to ho captain ; Etitly ii. Stevens of
GeorgIa , to be second lieutenant.
F'oprth regiment : Elbert S. Maloney of
District of Columbia , to be seconti hleute'mm-
Seventh regiment : John C. halt of Iowa ,
to be chaplain ; Timonmns It. ltoexmt'r. 'ololpli '
J. Dobbs and James J. Mayes of Missouri ,
to be captains.
Eighth regiment : \Vihhiamti ' .V. l'urnell of
District of Coluiimmbia and Joseph L. Bell of
Illinois , assistant surgeons , ivith rank of
second lIeutenant.
Ninth reglineitt : I. C. Nelson amid Simeldon
L. .loimmmson of Louisiana and John 'I' . Heck-
ham. sergeaimt company F , Secoimti infantry ,
to be Ileitteimanta ; henry F. Franklium , ll-
worth M. l'iiiihips and John C. Allen of Louis-
lana. second hittmtcnants.
'rentit rcginieiit : uViliiain It. W'harton of
Virginia. ( a be captain.
Volunteer Engineers-Foumrtim regiment :
Licuteimamit A. it. Livingsione , First vohun-
leer cagimicens , to lie captain ; harry Do
Lauie anti Volcott L. Ihe'aril of New 'ork , to
be second lieutenants.
Second regiment : howard M. Springett of
New York , to be captain ; Joseph % V. howe
and Itodmuan \ ' . Beach of Connecticut , to ho
seconti Ileuteimaimus.
i'roimiotion in Regular Army-Infantry :
First lieutenants. to ho captains , Edgar W.
howe , Seventeenth infantry : William iflack ,
Twenty-fourtit infantry ; John Newton , Six-
tccnth iimfantry ; F , 1' . Avery , Third Infantry ,
S.V. . hunning , Sixteenth infantry : J. M. T.
Ilarteilo , Fifth Infantry : 'VI' . B. P. Frencb ,
Third Infantry ; I. . Ii. Btrntlie'r , First in-
fealty ; F. hi. Premnont , 'rhmird infantry ; C.
M. Trmmitt , Twenty-first infantry ; 0. Hell.
Jr. , Third infantry ; C. J. T. Clarke , Tenth
infantry ; 'tV. ' II. Cowles , Sixteenth Infantry ;
3. S. I'nrk , jr. , Twenty.flrst infantry. See-
onti lieutenants , to be first hieUtenafltB : J.
E. J. Bradley. Fourteenth infantry ; P. Set-
tie. Tenth infantry ; J. S. Switzen , Four-
teentlu Infantry : II. 0 Williams , Tenth infantry -
fantry ; ( I , I ) , Guyer , Sixteenth infantry ; W.
F Crete , EIghteenth infantry ; W. II , II.
I Chapman. Twentieth infantry ; II. N. Boy-
_ rV .
den , Twenty-thiHi infantry ; I C. , knkmu ,
Twenty fourth infantry , A. W Drew ,
Twelfth infantry ; hi , K. Ely , Twenty-sec.
end infsntry , 1. S. Soricy , iixteonth infantry -
fantry , 'Ihhinnm Morrow , Twenty-first Infantry -
fantry ; Ii. F. hlardaway , Seentecnth in-
Second lieutenant ; Norton Craig , trans-
ferreti fromn infantry to cayiuhry.
On the south wall of the water color room
hangs a picture by one of the best of ( ho
nmodern French water colorists-Madehaine
Lenmalre. It is a picture , light , graceful and
pleasing , representing a group of taco anti
women dancing the minuet 1mm a French
salon. Thby are dresseti in (110 ( attractive
costftmes of silk , satin and velvet of the
eighteenth century , autti the tiuxttmros are
renmarkably well preserved. Time conuposi-
tion Is very good , the figures In the fore-
grotund are carefully worked imp ; thoac iii
time back are merely suggested , allowing the
eye to be imprt'sseul by the crowd of people
as a whole. Each figure is carefully tlrawn
amiti vaiiitetl in a very delicate , high key.
The values have been sacrificed for purIty
of color ; the faces have been painted in time
iuaimistnkiimg Italiami niethotl of stiphing , instead -
stead of by broad washes. Time imituuuihiuig of
tIme costumes soil floor has ticen mmmtieh
broader , although notimimig has imeeti left to
accident. It is brilliantly traiuspam'ent
throughout , as the artist has usual mm oiuaqiln
color. aimil if it lacks a certain strength , it. is
exceedingly reflumed.
Nothing could moore clearly show time
difference between the French aumd Dutch
ticilotihs of lualultimIg tliimn ii cumllimriatfll In time
water color rooni of this picture of Made-
huiimo Lomaire's with Nos , 386 anti SST of
Neuliatms. In the first piaco the disparity iii
the. aubjebta Is striking. One is sparkiuimg ,
gay-society ; the other is lowly , sinmple-
homely. The Minuet is polished uutd iains-
takimmg ; the "lressiimg the ilahy"-No , 3S6 ,
auth the "Evemmimmg Meal , ' ' 3S7-ls broati auth
bold , In the fornmer the painter ban caught
all of the sentiimient of the group. A pens-
dat mother dressing her baby , who , as lie is
stretelieth on ha mother's knee , readies out
a chubby aria to play ith _ time cat , white
another Solid , sturdy little imguro stantil In
front. Time whole is very low in tone , almost -
most inergitug into the browims-yet still
full of color. 'I'ho light coining in troimi ( ha
loft side lights up the hunmblo interior ,
whore each detail-tho table on whIch Is a
green bowl , the cat , the thin of the ivahi
back of the mother's head-aids time conipo-
Time womami's face is btmt roughly sug-
goated , yet full of character-her imammds are
well drawn and sceimi to have been liaintetl
while In action , so iveil do ( lucy stiggest it.
Neuliatms has painted both SSO and 3S7 'ivitim
opaqtue colors and with all the lirumimesa
and solidity of oil.
Iii the 'Evening Meal" the lIght coimics in
tlmuotigh tlme wtimdow at time right anti hlmIito
cli a icasant and wife us ( hi' ) ' are scrvimmu
timetmuselves fi oat tim , . , commmmiic.mi ilushu. The
tiog , who waits lmis ( tii in fi unt , is badly
drawim , anti ivootien iii outline. aimd iii
inclit , yet ( hue group is so suggestIve of reality -
ity and life ( lint one oerloolts time tiog.
Neuhaus fins muaimmtetl the coitimomi folk tis
they are in their lmuimmhile , everyday life , , imtl
imas Painted them ivitiu ii sti cngtli mind ill-
reetliess which appeals to ammy tome who iviil
take the trouble to look ut theni. Aimotlier
water color , which Is very intereting , i
hung up so high that imo one vtio Is net
persevering , ivili fiumd it. It is ' 'Time Lantern , "
by ilugh Brt'ekenrIiigo-No. 58--a study of
a imude figure. iiolduimg iii his hand a higliteil
Japaimese lantern , whmlelu lights up ( lie body
with a yehiowisim red light , suit leaves tli
rest of the figure in a green ahmatiow , enveloped -
veloped in a vibrating green background.
It. is very urtistle nimd very Interesting.
especially to those who have studied color
by artificial light. I SUPPOSO it WiiS till accident -
dent ( lint it should have becit hung 1.1gb. .
while elm the line was 'iuting ' a hideous
l'sychc-or whoever she many be-with a 'ha
located shoulder and a mnatnieti hianil-aittimig
oii a bemichi Iii a gardemi of fiower untimely
looking at a little statue of Cupid-or timn-
ever it immay be-No. 155.
F . Ilopkitmson Snmith , time artist , tmrehiittt : ,
author , has five or six altetches of time Nut'i.- .
yule expoattion-whichi , as they are loaiit'tt
by otto of ( lie magazines , I Infer were ouIg-
iitally imuulo as illuistratiotma. 'l'lue ) ' mire cx-
trumnehy simple and eltcctivo , nud painted
iii the sante maimer In which ho hiatt of hate
paintetl his Venetian sletchoa. : lie uses
gray PaPer-it imichi , of cnumre , gives a tone
to tile whole sketch-uses OiU1)Utl ) white foi'
all the notes iii his sketch , hIgher in miii. '
titan the gray , and transparent ivasbca , whicmm
he cmn. : This makes the greemus look rntiitr
'lark ' In value , but it gives mu certaIn cifect
with very little iork , although niammy decry
time method as being unorthodox.
Miss Hawley' , a teacher of water colors ii' '
Colorossi's , in i'arus , sometimes gets ciuarimi-
lag effects in water colors. in time huictur.
site has here of a mother gtviuug her cimihil a
bath it is tile purple which ititrutles upon
Ofle. Thea , too , a white cap , when seemi
against a wlmitiow , is imo longer white , limit
is flhilil ) shades darker timaim tile light. Ii
tIme light is strong , it appears nliiiost black
against it. liy painting the bonnet timid tiic
taco of ( lie woimman so light in value , iiumc
hiatt destroyed ( Ito strength of tIm source of
light. The composition is very graceful amid
hicasuiig-tiuo tviuidow seat atid accossoriet'
tirtistically suggested , but ( ho color seeiui.
too niulelt time color of boiu-bomms to ho en-
tiuct I ye.
'flue hct.l . of mmn oiti man reathing , by MIss
Emmgley , caused quite a iliseussion , the other
day , between tito visItors , who eeeiiied to
bo inclined to appreciate vbit : the > ' eaw.
' ' 1'liat Is too i'miucli for imie , ' ' ( time saul. ' 'i
can etanti blue hills , hut ito oime Cliii tell imic
there was ever such a timing as a bimmo beard. '
That oulmds like a very logical crltieiimumi , but
there Is a difference hctivccmi local anti iii'- '
parent color. It is ( lie artist's duty mini. to
miiatcii ( lie local color of whiskers , or whatever -
ever Is to be PU Iii tctl , a Ii itlu : tilmy hituze
painter can do equally ivell , but to Paint
it as seotu through atmimoapliere , chuangtiii nut
it is by light , by reihectid lIght , by light
aiud tuhatle , by colmtriust , iutitl variomlim otbet'
causes , which mimny nitect it.
So tIme high lIght on a gray beard , sceim
timrouq'hm a certain atnmospliere , with certain
rollecteti lights , may look blue , eveiu. if the
of ( liii grimy beard thocs nut see it
thus reflected in a mirror.
It IDlA it K tiliI' ) I NV i'i'I1)NS.
( . 'iiiuue'i , imiliiiIt _ I'tiiw ! to , ' , '
tIm. ' 'nr.
' 'Vt'ans anti runmtjns of war' ' are uttitiiulat-
lag thu brains of time country nomvaihays to
irnd uett en , , , ii i n e en I euila I etI I e a ii ii Ih hate
innummmerablo Sp4imtardia. Every cuitcelvabhi
Idea amid deaigui hcariimg on fortilicatinums.
their ttrimmaineiit , luigli explosives , sheiuii anti
lrojectiles art , it9Urhtlg in daily , relates time
Washuimmgon ( Slur.
Moat of ( lue , tiiveiitlve gviituseiu state that
thmey tlmeiimselves are witltouit the ueeessary
funds for expcrinii.'iitiiig with and lirosecut-
lug th.'Ir liuvcmmtions , anti tliertmfoitt tire nax -
bus that tIme government slioulil exaimmiiue
timeir deslgmus amid niproi.riatu inoiiey ( or
( lucir Investlgatiomus. Uncle Sun , however ,
does not generally fall itt with these sug-
geations , which is not surprialmig when one
knows a few of thiciit.
One man conceived the brilliant Pica of
firing ( torn a huge canimon tin iinmnemuse Pair
of shears , whIch , as they wciit merrily along
their ivay , should cut lii two whole mgi-
omemits of time unhappy enmomny. Hut thin
finned of Ordnance and l'ortIflcation feared
this mIght interfere too seriously with ( lie
comfort of tIme emiemy , especially at , meal
Limes , so Lhi8 inventor was duly informed
( lint his idea did not seoul practicabis anti
VV V _ _ _ .
' V
could aM , thretnro , be tested at the jet-
emnnicnt's expense with a view to its futuir.
Stloption for usa in the arnmy. Another at-
most as startling schnue flirt the same cruel
( Ateit Catleti the "elctrieaI swortj , '
in this case the scientific executioner waste
to wear , concealed iii his car , or any otbcr
convenient little spot abott imis anatomy , *
ponertul htery. ( Then , when this modeM
soldier with hi advanced fin-dc-steele mound-
tioru of war , crosses ewords with his an-
( agonlst-snap-splsh-hte latter receives a.
shock. The oumouny ilisappeams in a blaze ot'
lightning and glory , leaving only a charred
mass beiiinul , Hut why , sluice an eiectri
circuult is supposed to have been estbiish d
by time crossing of swords , lila opponent
' should cheerfully title off unscatimod with a.
triumphant smile on his coumatemmanco , ( ha
iuiontor sayeth tint. l'ossihly some of this
New 'ork iioyspauors might : for , baring
I got vintl tuf ( his woumtlemtui iimmontlon , they
took it very seriously , aiuul PCatt'red time tie-
lat-tmmmetmt with fm-eqtucnt inquiries as to how
the invcuiioui ( of " ( lit' electrical sword" was
progressitug. It reuniimtis one of a little jok.
uluriumg the Mexiettn var , iihmeu the govern-
lncmmt hind invited suggestIons as to ( ho ttet
unetlmnil of nrnmiimg a regiment of lancers. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
John I'hcmuix , with a tetmierlty which tienri ?
cost him it cotmrt-inau'titui , semm ( it plait naiL
drawings for tumnishiumg yacht tmooper witIt
a bug lm'uimct entliuig in a hook , which , it
ias uttiggesteil , sluouhth be deftly Inserted in
tim i'mmt'uny's belt. itmeilamatorY to iiacltug hmit
oil the smouintl iiul there dispatching hiimti.
iuicidenLiily time imook would be of service
Iii reehaiiuuiuug deserters.
Hilt ( bemtm dt'ltirtIUflt Is mint nina.
honored u'iIhi these brIlliant schemes ; the
pension ofilco eouimcs In for its shmi- : , nut ) re-
ct'ntly was i'aiit'&l uipoui to Puotect the imota-
ble discovery of a wosterti mnilmlstet' . it ccii-
sisteti of a shell , which at ohio fell swoop
shmoultl renmove Smmgastn , Ct'rvcrn , hits ticet.
Spain aunt ami' stray doims iihuo aught be
hlmigeu-iuig arouuumtl , looking on. rut l'om'to htic'o
or time l'lmilippines. Auth ' 'time special virtue
of ( lila eliell , " it was stated , ' 'lay tint aitutie
iii its extraorthiiitiu'y ulestruictive hmier , but
also iii time fact tlmnt it savctl thuo sotils of
those whose botlie it tlt'imtrnycil. ' '
Consitieriumg ( lint its object was to destroy
Siumninrils , this was certainly a mumost kindly
atmil tmt''tlftul lirecatut Ion-worthy of the in-
vituitor's Christian calhliug.
M Iisiiui ri I'u.iuui' It t'iuitt liii , ' tuistnfl.
ll1tiAN'S'lLLE. Mo. . Jtmmie 25.-Time itoP-
umhii : congresmulommul eunvcumtiouu of. tIme 13ev-
t.ntlu uhistrict , iuu utessloit home , line rcatllrmmied
aileginimco to tue Onmnima cmis'emmtiomi and
opposeth (0 fusion. fl P. Litchut'll of Boone
cotmuity received tile aomiimatioui for eon-
gross by acchn.tiinioti. (
. .
Cure for Qhouiiiatism
i'ilAILEl ) IREE 'i'O 4I.I , . .
r.'ts Not ii Iii hi ) 'i'u' ' ( isis lt.-iiut-dy
'iltiut ( uii'Cs 'eli ( 'list's stuii Stisgits
of hliieuiuiiiutuiiuii ,
I t Is a fr.iuietit , experiemmee to ImitYtit PeoPle
wim.i . ihrnily ielIt't' that mm renmetly extst
t Intl v ii I vim cc rhmt'ti uuuit L isumi. 'i'hmny have
tried a. dzeii or ti o muir , , curea' ' muiti etili
, h ( . * . 'mfl . 'r i-t'iuiu iim , ' iii lm.tshiiI.uls . , others
at hmnnme hmopt'lt'ssIi' helpless , while others
, fi
- . ,
- .
t , :
$ '
JOhN % mh1J'hi
nra hoblil lilt : ni tnt on Ctutehes. . JttImmi A.
linithm of I'tiiiivi tthce , t-tmrt'ti 1timiicif of just
itt ; hiu.l . a ease uf riit'uin.tb'mui its otto viit
thimit Iii a liiOithi4 jomirmuny. tt tiiuits he
iit. . ; ii. ii iii I 'I ' t'hS 1 ltu t lie ha d to take moor-
.1 , , . Ii ft i. ! ttimisttit'i-a ie ! , h.rtoriuig . 'vlt Ii
loathing huhuysit'inhls , vlmo were imimable to
hell. hiiiit , itt ga't' iii ) in , lt'smcuir. I Ic hogan
at miityi tmg I mi t ii t lie en uists of thiemu nuittism
it imti n ft or mu ti t Ii ox t'rhnue Ii I I ii g it iiti repemi t-
ttl failumi a , lie hiiim.lly ( tuiu.i . it m'eimindy
te ii icli ( 'H u't'il huh I mm a slit. . rt t I ate. A ( ( or
t ii I it g lorItiums cii. ii tut' fro nit I 110 ci ii t cii cii of
rl iou inn tisimi ii e ci. I lti I ii o ream eih y ' ' 0 loris. .
ttumiit' . ' ' I ii' then veuit tO WOrk ummil cured
I ui ( rica ii it it mitt imelgim ho iii ii nil nosY lire-
lrmmosts ( C ) cuiril tilt' woritl. limit Giort
ritnlt cureil luini ct ) that hit hasn't haul a
tivhtc'im Of . I ie setmils a trial package
of his remedy fret' to ittlyotme who will
( tiki the trttibic' tO writ. . ' ftim it. The rem-
i'tl eureti ( tO ( liii 1111111 iii 'rtxiu4 ttlio hati
stilforeti forty years. it iur.'tl . if. fluicholz
of Norborime , Mo , . vImu liiid suffered 25
ycm : rs a liii ii I I Ii ti might 70 yi'iu i's o t u go itt tile
( hue vmus itrutitiillY giveim ii n''iv 101150 Of
life. Mrs. l'crsohmn oh' Ainstertitum , N. Y _
I nod a ( ron I na I mm ekago anti t lie reauli
hmiduuccl her to gtmt lilorui of it. Sue was en-
tii'ely ctmreti miller lirtvimmg sul'fereui for years
ivlthm time must iimteuis.u vaIn. stir. Smith
has it ivoimilerfuil ni-ray of t.'sthmnoimy to
.slioiv I liii t 0 lot-lit 'i'ii it' w' I I 1 cut re ii mm y kind
it Iii ! st a go 0 1' miu'mi , imimi t is in , imiuth lie ss'uimts
t.vei.ymit , \i'lit ) hmius t'vciu a totlt'lu of this
itnImIftil dhst'itsn to vrhto hint ( or mu tree
t rim. I 1)11 rkmug. ' . I I e st'mmtls enough o t thi ii
rr'miieily tO nmakt' a fair test anti it the
i.tsi ii I S an t Isfa i'i ui.y thu e n you can
( ) ltitiui ) IL ( till sized box for * 1.00 front your
mi"rur'st .1mg slur. ' . Dolt' t be skt'j.tloal .
iii to ml t t Ii I : i it'iiit'tl ) ' . I f"tn emimhn'r I t ( 'oats
you iunt hi I im I u I ry I I. a nil i I is 51)0,1 eV1
, leiie ( ' that \lm. Smith wouthl iuot go to the
C. X I titI 10' I ) f it'ii.l . iii g t mlii I , iuc'ktuges ( ron un-
l'ss , tiit'r , , wits rent nierit in time remimedy ,
'dr ' , Iirnitii'i4 mmihiiress iii full Is Joint A.
tinn I t Ii . 21 2 Sit in iii erilelci Cli U rchi , Build ins ,
Aiiiwaiilcoe , 'iii.
The Succcss0ra
Summer Outing
deprait chiiruly en I lie w'uic
dialer of route aol tlcsuiin.
lion , Yiti will fimmi it worth
while to cammitic the
Summer Cf ours
of the
] r1Ir6N ; ( JEN'Pi1U '
"TI's Piogata Falle flout , .
Ciiy 'l'ILIrt : 0111cc , i 19 Adanmi St.
0. V. ltUGOl.ES ,
Cemu'i l'iis'r & 'I'lcm , At. , Cbiica'o ,
VV * w'ik.
ct.i:7r'o ; ; ; : ; Y.gilih $ Iiev.o.t hirnud.
* - LLS
OrIginal itad holy Grnutr ,
' iti. tw& , , rsm.t.i. , LaI.IL. .
'I tiruti't a , , ( iik,5r a J'ii. , j
)4oi Llra.'i Ii it.'I iui u.1J w.otmi
. tilt. , , se1 . 'tti I ju , Ibt..o 'lan
. : t nootl.t'r. v
iohli ( .oetm. , . At ittittIn 1 . , n.l 4. . _
ho hoot. . f , ' ' . .rltoul.s , i'.tiniut.ii soS
vi "Reiir tr l'.wliqo"O. ( 'ti , , I , , retur *
Stall. lit 000 'i't.e-iii , j'.i lai..q.
- Cl I..ictprtLemlcui to.,11 4Iu. . b.q.are ,
, . j'tilLtfl. , L's ,
Lake MichiEan and Lake Supedorlransoortation Co.
Ova 'rbi. , " . , w iteul $ , topuoi.I , Msiltuu.
eahilngv From Chicago ,
For Macklao Isia.i lisirolt ' ( Se.oia.i. liuflatoTnr.
ouoeIc'i , us. ii . % Mi''t. 9 b''M'I .u.ii I. 1'i.
icr ( 'i.orIooix . tfnrtr ib'.r ' , i , . 1 eCam' , tue. '
Tue. . It A.'i.'rbur. Ii .t.M,1.l 4 1'
For Mar uoIta. lisutock , hi-r.'ou. Luldand. ,
PuIutI. , eat VtJ , S P.M
lIIuitrai.t ia.r.liei. , ituii'r4 , , . .ltet't'i ,
clhlci AN DotIt , gUN AED . WAItE II'CHIEAkS.
, V V - - - - - -
, -r--