---r - - - - - - - - - ; : - = : : : ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. , I R iInEL- CODITIONOF O1M1A'S TRADE BUEInC3 Tranact1ons for the Wcelc Make a Gratifying Showing. c BANE CLEARINGS AHEAD OF LAST YEAR Not Mnnr Onfthf % People Arc 1luyitt , flonIM-llnnkerN Think Gn.rtiiieiit J1UIII1M IL GotI nsq'Mtment-Jub- IcrM DO ft Lnrg llIudiicsN. In the opinion of iomo bankera Omidia eopIe arc making a great nilstnko In not ubscrlblng more freely to the Popular loan flow being made by the government. It I ( pointed out by them that govcrnment bonds 'p. &tc always salable and can be Eunverted \ Into cash at any time. which h not true 4 .f many RecurRies , and rnoreovtr that banks and ether large investors being unable - able to get nH large a llce at tha loan as tlie ) want will b glad to buy up the bonds a little later on a good tireniltim , which WO1l(1 % make the l'rcscnt ' lurcllasers a nice proilt. l'rent tndlcntIcnH , would point to the ) flhicntlon fur DUOUL $2(00,000 ( in bond8 by : thc , biink8 and financial Int1titIan oC this city und vicinity. Au a matter of course 31i3 IJft ( relrcsent the most of the money , ; t it is expct&4 that ( ha general liublic t ' # iIi bccomt moth deeply intercttcd a little Inter on. I ; The bank clenringa show an enormous , , p gain over IL year ago and In that way ) reflect. the very satlafoctury eondition oC eneraI buSIness oierittions. iloth retailers - ers and jobbers are giving out iiiost en- ccurzIgIlg ! rciorts ami the whole business horizon iii bright with promibe. (1 rl.c.r ) 8II.I4 Unehan el. Very little change took lIflco ) last week on tim Mrocery markt , 'ftc volume o ( btDdnesM retnalnt about thu Fame , iviticli i very snti4factory to the jobbers. 'I'Iiu new , War reventlo hti not unsettled buiiness in eit leant and trade rnovei aIon the same M though tin change weru expected to take pIICU ( III the cost 'of oodn to consumerH. ntis is especially noticed iii the sale ot I ' tt14k.co. 'ilie new law Puts nit additional ti 011 that. article amounting to C . per ; ound , zind one would naturally think that the market would feel ( lie efleet ot it. lIt % daiers do not seem to anticipate their \ % nhItE and are buying only for Pres- ent. use. That is ItOlhtblY ( lU ( to the tact that the cnsunlcr ; iays the full umount o , tax nnl the denier is none ( lie worse crc. 'J'hu inanutacturers Put UI > tile to. bacco in cwimormity to tile rlce , making , tin plugs and tha sucks larger or smaller ' as the ltiC OCN down or up 'rho tax on - v1urs anlolintS to only ubout CO cents iCr , + -e- - thou , anti , and that. the manufacturers ab- uorb , so that itsta on clgar will remain The tobacco market outsi le ot the tax ; is strong and indications are that It vill ; remain that way , or oven show an advance : especially on the cheaper grades , 'l'lie sugar market Is idsu $ tron rtrnl the demand i3 oxceetlingly heavy. Furinaceous i.ood5 , with th e'cvttohI ! o wheat flour , r 7etnnhiTI thu same as a week ago. Flour i tollowlng the course of the wheat market. U.ttI IS cntuwquently falling off. No other ohatiKo or any linportanco In tim Schclule : of Prices li' reported. tIIlnedH in Other 1.iiie. Last week was what hardware men call a quiet wvek , not in ( onnectIon with tlii volume of biisiiiess transactud , but as rt'- tards iluctuations of the market , and changes In the general trend of trade. Goods rctmdn in fair request and e- peelnily is that true oC all easonablo llius and tile innrkrt is ilrrn. Qutatlons ( Ovelt Ofl rope arc uncliatiged ( rolti a week ago , which is an UlIcOfluflOll event of late. Cot- lectillM ate good. About all dry goods merchants are doing now is supplyltig tue demand for season- tLbIC goods. Orders for staple tail gootls are practically itil In from those wlto order - der ( ariy anti the more fancy lines In fall goods hztve not arrfvI ( so nothing is doing In that direction. There is , however , every indication for 811 immense business later on if present conditions are a criterion of the future , as jtJtb01i4 ) relort th best Juno they hlL'e ever had. There 5C(911S to be a feeling In some see- tIOfla of the country thut the market on cotton goods has reached the bottom and that now is the time to buy , There is con- scquentiy a marked improvement in tile call for that class of goods even at ( lila early date. _ _ .I Si..u..s 1tiii N. > t Ai1i iined. There senis to be a difference of opinion among Jobbers of this city as regards the condition of the leather market. t3oino say that the market is simply strong willie others 1101(1 that within the last sixty or ninety (1t3s * there has been as iiiiicii as a 10 per cent fldVahiCO. They oil agree , Itow- over , that tue tuire conllion of tite market - ket is very uncertain , nod while they are not speculating on a further atlvunce still they would not be 4urrised ; ) If it cnmi. Dealers iay ( lIst within tue lnt few months they have not ilut up the i'rice of shoes , ' which , it would seem , goes to show ( hat 1' the reported al'nlice in leatiicr is not very etfrctivo yet. Jobbers are enjoying a good lively trade but this lint weather is c1meklng it tern- pornrliy , Merchants out through time couli- try are not doing any business , as the farmers are all btis , ' in ( he Acids and con- eciuentiy orders urn not coming in as swift as though there were a good ilemand at the country torcs , The present duilnes , however - ever , will bo Inure than matle up ( or later Ofl in the jeniton. ' _ .r 'l'hero has iracticitllv been no change in the rubber trnl ( ' ( luring the last week. Competition is mis close its ever mtmtl so dealers ate on time vntch for business. Or- lers nrc beitmg received as rapidly as could ho expet'tetl at this season of the year amiI while some cuttIng of prices is reported - ported still mercimants are generally prettY well satistied. There is nothing new to report about time lumber trade. 'rho market is still strong on all lines and the indIcations arc that It sviil renmain that way for sonic time to come. .obbcra sity there seems to be I _ better feeling out through time country since time rains have 'ftt up , us is shown by time mmmor , liberal orders that are being . - receive' ) . Now tiimtt the smIth grmtiti crop Is assured merchants feel conlimlent timat a big trade Is in ttor for tiunmi Ilmal nrc nxiou to lay in as soon as itossible a ortion of their ( nil stock. It frcquentiy appens timat immercimants experience no lit- tie ( lifileulty in getting curs Just whemi time ) ' % vmmflt timemn , a little imtter utter grmtlmi nfltl cotton nre imelug trmmmslortel : ) , zumd $0 It is ctmzmm4kierecl a good p1111 to anticipate rail triultI to a eertnin extent. itetmili lumber business renlnivlm4 niamut the sitimic with tim , eXctttilfl of time exposition trade , 'which imas fallen oft until there is practically notiming doilmg in that direction. Fi iilt iiii1 l'r.tlmiee. Wlmile ( 'OflltflisMton mmmcml are glad to see lint weatimer , still timey say it injurc3 the ii imit trade , as PerIshable goods will not keel , ami ) ' length of time and Cmlmstallletll ) ' grocers buy spavingly amid simiipitig Is 41000 with a great deal of risk ammil lass. Ommly a few honme grown mitid Colorado strawberries - berries nrc loft on tue rImarI4et anti are being lltlOtt't1 mit 2.75 mmliii $1.DJ. ' 1'hee will ) O gullo in a few 1ays nnd the strawberry $ ( 'llSll will imo over. Iliackimerries nrt time t fliust imlttltimli at time present time nmi.l are ( selling at ( rein $1.50 to $ iTh. 'l'tme receipts of bltck rasi'imrries ' ) are miisti ii'alto Ilimerni. hut. not as Iflhi'h 144) 04 lmluekberries mtiitl are IL I I t I In lug her. as I lie ) ' are qUot eti t. 25. ittil mtmsimbol rh's , as misual , are I)4)t ) c I y nbuntlant ammil are seiliimg for 51.75ff E t mr 21-i'ipt ' ( ' 1(140. Ietmim ins ii rt , ( it I ii going mm p it I : a ra p Id ra Ic and iuvo retmeimeil the $ . ' imuirk ( or Cniiturimitts and flume ' Musaltimum ) mmro quoted- Lit it ; , . 'I'lmo egg market mis been weak most of the tiimitm dtmritmg time inst ft'mv ilays , but is how i littift drimmer. .Amm over immiply , owing to a. fallitmg (1ff iii 8iii'mneImts ( , % (14 tIme ( ' 1t11140 of thu bri'mik iii tii amarket. 'l'hcro is imo ( iiiimgo Joimorte4l iim butter or poultry. OMAhA a iN1it.t I. 1tlAitLC 1'l'ii , Coii.1I ion ( if 'L'rnii'ntmI Qilot ftttm. Ott Sdiiple mmmiii i'isse' l'rO41UI ! . . lflB-.God tock , Silc. flU'i"l'Iflt-Conmnumii to fair , $ ffllc ; sep. atatur , 35c ; 'gathereti ereanmery , l3Zilic. ViA1.-C.'lioice ( mit , SO tim II ) lbs. , quoted at SiI9 large and coarse , G7t. ' 1In1 l'011L'ritv-Itetms. d0 niml roost- era , 3c ; spriimg cImieleims , ltjl3c ; ducks. Cc ; : : gee4t ? . 4k' . PIG EcNs-r.i'e. jm.r lInE. , CO1The. I ! -'t'imitmtitl , 57(0 ; tUi'ilfllml ( , 13.OO low- limtitl. $ , iZO ; rs e straw , color gitakes time 1--- price ( III iim ) light ( males sell time best ; only t ' tO grath's bring toil , iries. ViGIrA lil.lS ONIONS-Neit' soutimern. imer lb. lc. ltI , Ns.-1 iI4timi.mmit'i mlmt3' . l'cr , Il. . $1.23. VOTA'1'OiS-Oll , 1)0(0 ( toes , 20Q40e ; mmew l'o. tatoes , imor him , , 75e. PA IiiiAIit.Per crate per lii. . 2c. 'roMA'l'ol3-l'er tour basket crate , SSe@ 1100 : 1.3 bu. imox , &O , . ( 'ITC'tJMjli1fl3-Jlolmme grown , imer dos. , ' - ! _ , d. 4Oti&Oc. \'AX 111AN-1.3 Lmtm , box , & 13GOC. ' , . 'i TltOPiC1 FItUII'S. OitA NO FS-Secmlilngs. $2t32.75 ; Medler. ( rant'nn s'Ot'tH. 52.Oij2.7. IltONB-Citlifoiiiit $5.00 ; fancy Mes. hma. $6.00. I3ANJtNS-.Clii , 1aro stock , per buncim. $2.00j2.25 ; ineiliuma sued bunches. M16IrL.AN IOUS. ' 2UT-Ainiomith , per lb. , taree also , 1 A ; N ii ( , 3mtil , 1k , IiraziI , tier ii , 'l0i 1.n- 11.-ft tairojt- ' il , , fatm y soit nf'I , llqD lit. simnmlar..i , tmltr rtt. , per itm IC. eeatms , liollahed , tnedlum. extra large , Sljtii. , lnrie lml'kory ntmts , $1 OMl IC tier bmi. small. SI 2''ql . per mum. coconnuts , ir , 100 , $1 ; wpnmmts , raw , f.j6.1c ; roasted , MAPIE SYflVP.FIve.ni. can , each , $2.75 ; gal cans , pure , per doz. , 12 ; hnlf'gai. ean , I.25 ; ; qunet cans , $3.4) . F1013-lmnporteml , fancy. crown , l4.lb. Ioxe , lOc 6-crown , ti-lb. boX , 3C 2-li , . boxes , Z223c per box ; California , 10-lb. box , $ i. iIoNry-chico wtmitc , 11IJ15'C. DAT-11lin , ei. , Co to 70-lip. boxes , S'k" ihtlr , Sc ; Fur,1 , 9-ib. boxes , 9c. CfbEit-I'er half bbl. , $3.2Mi3.W. FRUITS. ST1L13flft 1tI1'S-$2.711.00. IILACK RA St'BI1tlt I ES-Per 24-qt. case , $2.25 ; 21.qt , casc , 11.15111.20 , DLAC1flflit1ti ES-5l.GOEJ1.75. Ibli _ ltAit14ilIt1ES-1'cr 24-pt. case , : i. 24-qt. case , $ l.001 1 Cilfl1t1tl1S-j'e 21.t. ense , l.O01.25 ; Cmmiiforniris , lr , 10.lti. box. $1.50. I'EACIIFS-Southern , 1-3 Imu. box , ' 75ctJ U.00 : Calitormmitm , 20.lb. box , $1.25. .A I 'U I ( 'O'l'14-1i'r 20-lb. case , 81.2311 iSO. CUfl1t1NTS-1'er 21-qt. case , $ l.2Su1.50. . 111D1S , TALLCI'W , ETC. 111D713-No , I green imides , 7c ; 2o , 2 green hides C'A ; No. I salted iikle. Dc ; No. 2 salted iiid5 , Sc ; No , 1 veal calf , S to 12 lbs. , ! c ; No , 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 lbs. , 7c. 'rALI.ow , (11tIASi , E'rc.-'railow. No. 1 , 3c ; tallow , No , 2 , 2e ; rotmgh tnliow , 1c ; white grease , 2.j2c ; yellow and brown glease. lb2'4c. 8lI1'EI' l'FLTS-Oreen salted , each , 15 , Sc ; green salted ahearings ( short 'wooled early skins ) , each , i5c ; dry shearlmmgs , ( short weoled early skins ) , No , I , each , Sc ; dry lilmit , iCrinsas and Nebraska Imutcher wool Ileit4 , per 11 , , , actmmml weigimt , 4tSe ; dry flint , lnnsmms and Nebraska mntirrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , aj4e ; de ) ' flint , Colorado hutchet wool imeits , per lb. , actual WelKlmt , 4tlc ; dry flint , Colorado murrain - rain wuoi peit , per lb. , actual weiglmt , 3 'U ' Ic. rlv Yottl G1I1tA : MA1tICI31'S. Qunlittiomis fur thelny 4)11 General t'ii.mmu.lI tle , , NEW YOltK , Juno 23.-FLOUR-Itcceipts , 13kS4 bbls. ; exports , 15,032 bbis. ; quiet. itlitl stea.Iy. CO1tNMFAL.-Dull ; yellow western , 71c , 1lA1tbi'Y MAt/F-Dull' western , 62'j7Oc. I EAT-lteccilmts , 23,263 tam. ; exports , 403,3S2 ho , ; spmt , titill ; No , 2 red , 87c f. o. ( p. ahlolit ; options Oliental stronger mtnml ruled iirra on cv'rilmg , inspired by satisfactory Clmbles amid m4lmowery % veatlmem' vest ; closed iitCm1ly ti5-Sc net advance ; No , 2 red , July , 7i7'J'1c ' : 0105041 Itt 9c. CO ltN-lteceilmts , 117,975 bu. : exports , 3,210 ho. ; spot , easy ; o. 2 , 17c ; options openCi steadier , with wheat , bmmt yielded imiter to . realizing anti closed PartlY 1-Sc not lower ; July , : ir i-StlC ; cl , sed at 5i 1-Se. oA'rs-neceiits , 111C0O bim. ; exports , 121- 515 bu. ; shot , dull ; No. 2 , 2Sc ; No. 2 white , 31c ; mptiomms immttctivo anti cusibr , closing % c nit lower ; July closed at.21m4c , 1101'S-Steady ; state , common to choice , 1S93 crop , 3(14c ; lSG crop , f4JTh ; 1S97 crop , 12 til4c ; Pacific cOast , 1i3 crop , lj Ic ; 15.143 crop , C117c ; IS'J7 crop , l2tjlle. WOOI.-Oulet fleece. 17t123c : Texas. 13ff 15e , 011flES1-Very firm ; light skims , 5Cc ; part skimims , 4tm5c ; full skinis , 2(21c. 'rAL.Low-Dtmu ; cit. ) ' , 3 1-Sc ; coummtry , 3 1-S f3 3-Ic. lt1CE-teimdy : fair to good , 6 1-Sff7e ; Japan. 5 7-91CC. MO1ASS1i.S-Steady ; New Orleans , opemi kettle , good ( I ) cimoiCe , 2S11Xlc. Id i'1'AI.S-1'lg iron , miiarket dull : onth- cr11 , 59.754111.23 ; nortiiermm , $ l0.OOtl.5O. Cop- Per. dm111 ; brokers , $11.75. Lead , quiet ; brok- era , $3.75. Tlmm plates , Imnreiy steady. COTTONSEED OlL.-Dtmil ; barely tendy mtnI ( lower to sell ; lirimne crude , 20c mmomuinal ; irimno crude , 1. ci. b. mIii , l7fflSc ; urimne simnilmier yellow , 24c ; off sunimmier yellow. 24c ; butter cli , 2Thj2Sc ; prime wimmter yellow , 2I10l/c. 1ttJTT1fl-1tecelpts , 5.495 pkgs. : steady ; western cr'aniery , l3'17c ; Elgins , lie ; fime- tory , l112c. EGGS-lteceipts. 3,949 1gs. ; steady ; west- em , 12ff12'4e. , IIermo.l 3Inmhet. LIVFH1POOL , Jmmnc 23.-W11EAT-Spot , tIimll ; No , 2 red western winter stocks ox- imausted ; No. 2 northern spring , Cs Dd. Pu- ttmres closed quiet ; July , Cs Gd ; September. 514 CORN-Spot , quiet ; American mixed news , ls 1t1 ; July , 35 1 ½ d ; Seimtcmber. 33 3.d. FI.OUhl.-St. Lohis fancy winter - , dmmll , lOg. 1101'S-At London l'nclllc dull - , coast , , C2li I. 1'ItOV1S1ONSBeef , easy. extra India 1flCiS , 7&s ; tmrImnOnmrs , , ; SH d. Poric , dmmil ; tmrlmoe mess , line western , Sls 3d ; prime mesa , medium wcsti'rn. 41a 9d. llamaS , liort emit , dull , 31g. I3a'nim , tendy , 29s ; short ribs. long clear uliddles , ilgtmt , 31s Gd : long clear nilddies , heii'y , Ols ; shmort clear backs , Ila ; clear lelliCs , tmt Sd ; shoulders. square , firm , 24s Cd ; lard , (1(111 ; prime yestorn , 29a ; tallow , prime city , dmmli , 1h. ClIFESE-Firin , American finest white and colored , 36s Cd. OtLt-Cottommseed oil , Ll'crpool refined , dull , lSq Sd. 'l'urpemitlne snirits , steady , 22s Sd. Rosin , common , steuly , 513. ICItIISUM ( 'it y Gralii nnl I'rl.qlon. . KANSAS CITY , June 25.-WlilAT-Mar- ket fmmirly nctive : No. 1 hard , toe ; No. 2 , 79ijS0c : No. 3 , 7Oil74c ; No. 1 red , 82c No. 2 , 12c : No. 3 , 7O72e ; No. 2 spring , 70@75c ; No. 3 , 651175e. COI1N-Mni'kct lower , closing weak : No. 2 mIxed , 28'm204c ; No. 2 white , 29 3-Sj3O'/c ; No. 3. 2S1,6t12Sc. OATS-Market active and higimer ; No. 2 white , 27c. itYE-Markt steady ; No. 2 , 39i1Oe. I IAY-Iteceipts 'lilmeral ; choIce timothy , $ S,5O ; olmolce prairie , $8.00. 1IUTTE1t-Idnricet steady ; separator , 12ff 14'tc : dairy. 1O1112c. IIGGS-Itlarket unclmnnged : fresh , Smc. itEC1l1'1'S-Wheat , 4,200 bu ; corn , 4SO0 bu : iimtt $ , 7,000 bu , SlII1MENTS-Vlmeat , 4,200 bu ; corn , 13- 000 bu : oats. 1,000 bu. St. LouiM Market , ST. LOUIS , Jmmnc 25.-FLOTfl1-QuIetd and mmnelmanged ; Imatents $ t.50j.7O ; straights , $ i.000 # 1.25 ; clear , $3.6453.90 ; mixed , $ l.25ff3.5O. W'JIEAT-Lower , closing hear the bot- torn , witlm July 7-Cc , Selmtemmiber 1-Se ammO Dc- c'niimer 5-Sc tmlli'r yesterday ; spot nominal : No. 2 red , ensim ammO elevator , nominal ; track , 7Ci78c Jill5' , 6Sc blil ; Septernter , CS 1-815.4c ; December , 66 3-Sc asked ; No. 2 hard , Soc lilti. COI1N-Futures weak , closing at time bet- tomfl and fraetion tinder yesterday ; spot better ; No. 2 cash , 3ic : Jill ) ' , 30 3-Se asked. OATS-Futures depressed and fraction- ( ill ) ' lower ; SPilt iltili ; No. 2 cash , not ' ; ( rack , 2. ½ c ; Jimly , 22' ' , blil ; Sep- tenibt'r , 20'4e asked ; No. 2 white , 23j30c. 1tYF-Nomnimmal at 3i'fe. ST1DS-1ltLxseei1 , nomnimmal ; Prime tim- 11th ) ' seeI , $ 2.59 for new. CO1tNMl'AL-t5tcady at 11.70111.75. liit/tN-Dtmll and lower ; sacked , cast trtmck , SOt' . I IAY-\Veak ; prairie , $6,5O1j0.OO ; timothy , IIUTTEI1-Seatly ; creamery , I I1116lo ; ilairy 1GfIlc. FXut'S--SteaiIy at 9e. \VI11SKY-l.23. CO'i"I'ON T1lS-7Oc. 11A(1GlNO-4 3.7 3-Sc. Il E'l'A LS-Leimil , lirm at $3.S5tj3.S7. Spel- tr iover at 51,75. l'itOVISIONS-I'ork , quiet ; standard tn14s , jblliflg ( , $9.50 , Lard , lower ; Prime iiti'aflm * 5.35 ; choIce , $5.45. Ilmicon , boxed shtmlmltiur4 , $5.21 : extra short clear , $ ( LOO ; r11)3 ) , $ C.l2tt , ; shorts. $ G.211. Dry salt nmeats , boxed simoulilerS , $1.75 ; extra short clear , $5.50 ; ribs , s5.52m ; shorts , $5.75 , itFCl I 1"1'S-1hmimr , 1,000 bblg , ; s'hcat , 4- 00(1 ( bu. : corn , IlOiU : bu. ; ( ( fitS , 8,000 bd. Si I I I'M i'iNTS-l"lonr. 3,000 himls , ; 'hcat , 12,000 him. ; corn , 30,004) him. omttii , G,000 bu. 1.ml tlmorn MKrIct , J1AIT1MOItE , Jumme 23.-FLOUR-Dmmll nmmii tmmmcimangti ; receipts , 3,012 lmbi. ; ox- lion ii , nmlme ; scest era smmjmerlmme , $3.5511 3.75 ; western extra , 54,00111,75 ; western faimmily , 55.00115.50 : wInter wlmeat , $ G,001L6.75 ; mmmrimmg wimeimI. $ C.25(6.SO ; spring vimemmt , striiigimts , $4ockujC.25 ; ; receipts , 3,747 bbls ; cx- lmtmrts. C,373 bimla. \'iIl1\-1'--Duhl ; spot and month , SIWISG ½ e : July. 77tt7'c ; steiminer mixed , red , IOJ , Om,4t. . ltt'c'ditS ) , 'J.Ci $ Liii ; exports. 41,000 bu ; moimtimt'rn s'imeat by sample , 7StiiSGc. COltN-Enay : No. 2 millet and nmommtim , 344 iujite ; July , 31'Atj3lc ; steamer mixed. 33t ui33c. itt'i'cipts , lllt162 him ; exports , 51,428 ( mu : m4oimtimermm white corn , 35tj3c ; southern ) 'CiloW ( 'orim , 3i35'c. OA'l'S-fliisler' No. 2 wimite. 3im,4'i132c ; No , 2 tnixCil. 3tL' asked , Itecelimts , 12,30i ho ; cx- Ilorts ache. i'e'orli 4Illri4t'ts , p1OIt1A : , June 25.-COIIN-Market dull , lower : No. 2 , 3OVc. OA'i'S-Imh&mrkct dull , lower ; No. 3 wimite , 21e. 1Y11-Max'ket qimiet ; No. 2 , 42e. Wi 115KMarket ilrmmm ; high proof aimirits , 'i'ohI.lD Market , TOI.EDO , 0. , June 25.-WI IF1A'r-Lowcr ; c'asim , SJc ; July , 7l3e itaked , COhN-Lower ; uisim , 3214e , oA'rs-w'eak ; No 2 mixed 24c , 3l\'i-Steii'1' : No. 2 , 4214c. CLOVl1tSi'ii11)-Seat1y ; ca h , 52.80 , l'hi I Iiht'l , hi Iii itrui imee , pill fjtIlLl'i I IA , Juno 25.-IIUTTER- fluu ; fancy wcstern crearner' , 2c' ( ammcy western imrints. lIe , FiCGS-Firnm : fresim. nearby , l2c ; west- ermi , 12c ; southern , lie. - ' - CO\L\IERCh14 \ \ ! AND .FINANCIAL Lack of Spccuhtion Resnits in a Heavy reeling in Whcat , , JULY AND SEPTEMBER EACH CLOSE LOWER Oilier ( Irnilimi Peel tli Ilffecl and Corn fliiil ( ) nt.i 1imim Iechltae , limit Pork iiitt iarii SIioi' A.ls'ances 1 Ith itIhi UMeimnhlgeit. CHICAGO , Juno 25.-Lack of speculation today created a lmemtvy feeling in time wheat lilt. Jul ) ' closed 1e ( loWn and September left off ' , c lower. Corn lost 'l2j'c nimit eats declined % c. I'ork advanced Sc and lard 24iSe. $ itIbs are mmnchammgcil. , I Wheat was strengthened at time start by time reports of damage to crops witim which the mail of every commission house was loaded. English cables came a shade better - ter nmmil timere VItS quite a number of bad I , cr0 ; ) advices from tIme other side , among them a cablegram from Itroomnmatl ) saylimg i that time veather in limiglamulvns unsettled , time crop three weeks late , time growtim rank anti ( lie crop oimtiu'ok imoor. Iatcr ( ha mimar- iset succtmnmbetl to ( lie dullness of spectmla- tive trade and ( lie general ImpressIon that sucim a crimp as thus season's can spare it lot to the bugs and otimer heats it ha been ! iuiiioyed I ) ) ' amid still have enough left to make a bigger crop tlman g ever before gathereil. 'Fhie eariy midvatmce was nil lost and imriccs heft off under inst Imighit's chose. Time reeeihmts imere Were six cars imhid Mimmn- iiiollg nnih Iuiuth reported 86 cotS , against 293 ears mt year ago , lleerbohrn's estimated world's simihllehltS of svheat mtimil thtiur to hlmlrtiIe , thus Week were P,20Q,000 blmslm&'ls. 1.x- ilorts from hottm tiinstmm of ( lila country for the week were 3,759.000 bttslil , agiminst 2lS.,000 , bmmlmels the corrcshtmnIimmg week In 1S97. 'I'm , tlmiy'g clearances from Jtliimiic , harts 't're equal to' 713 000 bushmel In wheat mimmil iIomr together. Jill ) ' ohehieil unehimiimgel to lower mit 72ti'Tlc and sold down to 71e bid. Selmermiber started 3$4c $ down at. C7,41G7Zc , , ilechlneil to CCTc , Ill ) to GVIII ) 57m , ilecilneil to C6'fe , imp to C7m8il7.t' ; , off to ) ' , thicit lrmnet1 tip to btP4c biti at ( lie eloe. hotter crop prospects incident to imn. proveil weather depressed corn , 'rhero was some hilltmidittiomi imm Jmml ) itmid hnmhls gave no Support to that or inter deliveries. Jtmly ( ibmemme(1 mc hIgher at 32t7jc amid sold oil to 3t.c at the close. Seali ers * 401(1 ( latH 00 every decline Ia ( 'nra , 'I'ids , C oinblmmctl with time selling by I ) mim's. : r mmuscd prices to sag. When stop imisa orders terc reached the market was on time run iimmtl tiiei4t' orders amidish specil to the decline. July opened b.c higher itt 2'lh e , dechimmed tim 22e , ( lien ilrnmed mmp to 22'4c , the chosimmg figure. Time simceuitmtive trade was still timimi Ia hrevislons cli necount of time yellow fever. I'rices held firm nod were it shade higher mit time chose timan yesterday except in rIbs. July Imork opineil unchanged mit $9.50 ammil 891(1 Ill ) to $9.i5. Juhy lard , 8trd _ 'P1- cmmmmmmgeu at nmiil dechllmeii to $ ) .Ua1J1i.fJat. July rih umichmamigeti at $5.40. Estimated receipts for Monday : IS Imeat , IS cars ; corn , 500 cars ; oats , 204) cars ; hogs , 37,000 head. Leaummig futures range as follows : &rmlols. . I Opcmm. tLIlm. Lovr. Close. Yest'y , \v heai- , Jimmie . . SO 80 80 0 80 Jill ) ' . . . 7'.7t : 75 71 7141 73 St'jit. . U7h(4 ( B7t41 COli4 6G4 ( , jt Dec. . , . ( i7i 674 OUSt OU4 67tt ( 'Co rim- Jimmy , . . 32IG t4 32I 31 :4hi : 32 ' 4s Sept. . . : :4'.i : * 321 * 32) Dec. . , . i3)8 33 32g 32 333i 'Oams- Jim'7. . , 2tI : 231t 22 2215 23 Sept. . . 2Ut OIt 20 2008 Qhl(4 ( .Iuy. : . . 0 lu ) ml 65 0 110 9 55 0 50 Sept. . . C 70 9 721.4 9 U5 9 70 (4 Lard- July , , . 5 05 6 415 (10 5 412 % 0 CS Semit. . . S 7.5 . 75 5 70 5 7flt : 76 S. lImbs- .limly. . . S 40 5 40 5 40 5 40 6 40 _ , lt. ) . . 5 59 % 5 6214 .5 4734 5 50 6 473- . , No. 2. Cash ( itmOtatlons were as follows : FLOUII-huhi ) : tvlmmter patents , 14.SO'I4.9O : straights , $4. lOI4.flO ; special brands , lmarti spring lhttelmta , $3 ; bakers' , $3.25t13.5O. WhEAT-No. 2 spring , CNj7lc ; No. 3 spring , C5l75e ; No. 2 red , 7Se. CORN-No. 2 , 31 7-Sc ; No. ' 2 yellow , 327j 32 1-Se. OATS-No. 2 , 21c ; No. 2' wimite , 2Cc ; No. 3 wiilto , 25c. ' . I1YFI-No. 2 , 44c. BARLlY-No. 2 , 3OJ35e. FLAXSEED-N , ) . 1 , $ l.O3tiJlO5l , . TIMOThY SEED-I'rlme , $2.00. PIOVISIONS-1\tesg pork , per bbl. , * 9.550 9.60. Lard , Per 100 lbs. , 5.62S5.C71. . Short ribs sides ( loose ) , 55.25115.50. Dry sahteil shoulders ( boxed ) . $4.75J5.OO. Short clear Shies ( boxed ) , $5.65Cf5.85. SUGAItS-Cut hoaf , $ tl.02 ; granulated , 5.52. Artlles. 1teceipt. Shipamemiti. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Oco W1ea. , bo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111.000 Corn. tam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37l,0ll0 232,00(1 ( 0ril , ho. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207.5CR , 5.ioioo 3ycbu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iisilcy. ho. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .700 , ooo On the Produce exchange today the butter market was llrm : creameries , 14@ltic ; dairies , 11.4ffl3 ½ c. Eggs , miteatly ; fresh , iCe , Cheese , active ; creameries , 77c. Live Pouitry , in good ( lemnantI ; spring cimickens , 115I4c ; liens , 77e ; dUckS , Cc ; turkeys , 6 @ 7c. CO'l"l'OX MAItICET. 'Prude Ii Dull nail l"i'ntnrelesn 'ivitli St'n I tiers I mm Con I roh , NEW YORK , June 23.-The cotton market opened steady at a decline of 2 to 3 poInts. After steadying to last nigimt's final figures on coverIng by shorts , who feared to take eiiances over Sunday , the market hecmmne ilult and festmircless , with scalpers in con- trol. Time demand for cotton futures was narrow , withm time close qtmiet and steady , at mmet imnchanged prices to 3 points ad- vaimce. l'ort receipts estimated for time day at. 2,500 tmnles , ngalmmst 2,320 biili last week amid 406 bales last year. Port receipts es- tinmated for time week at 12,000 hales , tmgalnst l&OGS bales last 'ei'k amid 1,859 bale's last year. At Memmipimis , 55 bahes , against IS bales lust year , miiitl Ut llommston , 2.54 bales , against 7:1 : buhes last year. Spot. iluhi ; mhltlhiimg , C'e. Net receipts , 23.S bales , gross receipts .167 bales ; fprwartled , 29 bales ; 'gmles , l.0S bales ; spinDers , 125 ljaies ; gtochc , 105,011 bales. Total today and comisolldated ; Net receipts , 3,017 bales ; exports. to Great lint- aiim. 9,170 lmales ; to Frammee , 5,078 lmaies ; to time comitinent , 850 bales ; stock , 300,351 hales. 'rotal since September 1 : Net receipts , 4,116,775 bales ; exports to Great ] lritain , 3.416,229 ( 'ales ; to France , 111,116 bales ; to time continent , 2,90L'Sl ( imales , NF"iV OIti.il/tNS , June 25.-COTTON- 1"tmtures , ( iUlt't sales , 0,400 hales : Jumme , $5.77 bid ; July , $5.75t5.77 ; Augtmst , $5.00lT,7O ; Sth- tember , $5.671iS.CS ; October , $5.661j5.67 ; No- 'ember , $5.rC't5.Cs : December , 53.70175.71 ; January , $3,73j 5.74 ; Febrimary. $5,7ij&.7S , Shot , quiet ; 811105 , 1,525 hales ; ordinary - dinary , 4l , . , . genii orflnimry , 4RC low middling , 5 5-ICe : midtliimmg , 5 5-ICc ; good mmmiildiiug , C 5-ICe ; mmmiddling fair , 4 ; Il-iCc. Iteceilmta , 2,150 bales ; gtock , 112,318 , bmmle' . L.iVllltPOOL , June 23.-COTTON-Spot , ( IlmIl ; imrici's uncimnligeI , . Anmenic'an middling , S 7-16d. 'llme vales 'or. the cimmy yere 5,000 bales , of vimicIm 300'baheH s'ere' f'mr speculation - tion rtmmti export antI included 4.000 Amerl- comm halt's. ilecelptm4 , 6.000 baie , including 4,600 Amnenican bales , T"uttmr'mi ohiermed easy with n moderate ilemnmmi , and vloeiI qimiet , American mmiiilthiimig , h. lit. C. , 3 21-GId value : Juimo mind J imly , :1 : 24-GItI 'iihiic ; July and Augtmmit , 3 24-64d bmm'i.'rmi ; Aimgust mimiI Sop- tenmimer , 3 2i-64d vimlue ; Scptemnber anti Octo- ler. S 23.Cid value : October tinml November , 3 23.f4tI sehhers Novemlmer itlmtl December , 3 21C1d value ; ' flecermmber and January , S 21-flu value ; Jammuary anti Fehiruary , 1 2i-64i1 buyers ; Febrimary antI Marcim , 3 31-G4 Si3 32-Gui bmiyirs ; March antI April , 3 22-64 @ 3 23.640 sellers. ( ; , hi ihCi't'i filM ( II I'rl hielillil iinrkcts. hI INNFiAPOI4lii , Juno 25.-Receipts : W'imeat , 38 cars , ST. LOUIS , Jimmie 25.-Receipts : Wheat , 25 curs. L'iIICAtlO , June 23.-ReceIpts today : Wimeat , 26 cmir4 corn , 2f5 cars ; oats , 149 cars. Estimated cars ( or Monday : Wlmcut , IS ears : c'rn , 500 cmmrs : oats , 2utj cars. DIJLUT1I , Jimmie 25.Itecelptmi'imeut. ; , 48 cars. 1'ANSAS CITY , June 25.-Receipts : "i'imeat , 7 cars. Ciiu'ijiiiati 3inrkii. CINCINNATI. June 25.-FLOUR-Steady ; fammey. 24.251i4.SS ; family , fl.3O1j4.O0. W'hllA'i'-F1rmn. No 2 red , tIe. CORN-Quiet ; 2.'o. 2 mixed , 33c , OA'I'S-Qimiet : No. 2 mnix4'tI , 24"c. t'itOVlSlONS-Lard , easy , $5.40 : bulk mncnts. ( lUiet , $5.10 ; tmacoim , easy , $1.55. 'ii1SlY-Flrm $1.23. EGGS-Stonily , 4c. 'York ir ) Giioiis Market , NE\S' YOItIC , June' 25.-The dry goods mmirket Is on the verge of inventory tmtkiimg time , ii season when buslnes is ; iractlrahly siisia'mded , at least locally. Jolibens have becn riistmtng tbmrough smmt-elai cleimimi to clean ( lilt 14011 lleXt week wUl ho devoted to getting - ting rid of 0(1(15 antI ends as far as lioi- Ide. There are no expressions of exceed- ing satisf , ' ( tn with the' se'ion just clo'1 r among nbbcrs , although the restilts have I not ben so bad as was peetei1. owing to the well sustained IIsg , tn. ( patriotic nov- cities. The tone of the marliet is firm at timt week s close. This applies chiefly to cotton goods , Ihleache1 giw.ls have In gen- eriui ( lonc well. Itrown cqtioni mire quiet for tlomestle purposes. Ex1kSrt ooil show a continmmed active demand-atonrse colored goods are unchanged inmufl way. Oil Mnrkf'i OlTi CITY , Juno 2S.-CITft ba1nncc lOc. Certiiicates oilChlel So bith r eash , dosed 00c bid. No sales. Jhipments amid ruume not reported. SAVANNAh , Ga. , June 2Zl-OtLS-Spirits timrientine , firm at 2lS4dJitosifl firm ; A. , It , , C. lIMO ; D. , $1.00 ; 1m..4$1 2O ; } l , , $1.30 ; U. , $1.40 , Ii. , I. $1.45 : K. , Id. , u.ty ; ; ; N. , 11.70 ; W. 0. , i.Th ; % T , W. . $1.75. Jim W'itMlNGTON , N C..Jmne 25.-OILS- Shilrit. turpentine , firm pt 231723e. ltositi , lIrm at $1.OOjI.ti5 ; crud ( " turpentine , qtilet at fl.OO , $ i.SOi 1.60. Tar , Ptta'y at $1.30. 4mignr Mnrkcs $ , N 1VV OItLlANS , Jimne 23.-SUGAR- Open kettle , stoa.dv at 3t14c : cemmtrlfugal , iluil ; no granuinteit or wimite In first hands ; yellows , 4'4'iul 7-iCe ; seconilmm , 21J' ' 3 7-Se. Molasses , easy ; eentrifimgal , 4uiIc. N15\V YORK , June 25.-SUUA it-Raw , iiUiet ; fair refliming , 3 6-Sc ; centrifugal , 96 test , I'4c ' ; refIned , qulct mould A S 3-Sc ; stamitlard A , ric ; confectiommema' A , o ; cut loaf , 5 7-Sc ; crfiimed , S I-Sc ; powilered , S 5-Sc ; gnitntmlatcd. S 7-Sc ; cubeS , S 5-Sc. Coffee Market , N1V YORl'C , Jimmie 25.-COFI1Th-Optiofl5 opened stcathy at uncimangeth Prices to ami nilvatice of lIve toints ; ruled featureless ; troditmg slow ilimil only local ; weak tmnmler- tulle ; European miilvices lwing tltsaplointtlig anti lirasilian nimirkets closeil tmnchmatiged to 5 lOllmtS lower. Sales 6,500 brigs , immeitmdimig Jtil' , $5.50. Sl ) ° t hi0 , ( Itili ; No. ' 7 immvolce. Ge ; No , 7 jobbing , Gc. Mild , inactive ; Cortluva , M.4S l&c. CsitIfnrimin lined Frimiti' . Nh\V YOIIIC Jmmn 25.-CAL.IFOIINTA Dill Ei ) } 'ItUI'ltS-Qtmlet. Evmmllonimtcd ap- 1)lC5 , cimmnmomi , CliSc ; irimo wire tEa ) ' Rh'- tmic , 9tm,4c ) ; wood drieil irimmie nlmhlheS , O'tc ' ; eliot. C mtlmlllCS , tAc ; fiimmey aIllihes , ICC. I'eutmes. 4 ; Sc. Amrlcots ; , royal , S'17l0c ; Moor Plmrk 1011i2c. l'eeches , timipeeled , & 1j9c ; peeled , 9171Cc. S't'4)CmCS ANI ) ImONtS. I.ps , of Amimi'rieniiSohih loris at ! 4nhitiiigi , Dt'presscs tie Market. N1'V 'I'OItR , Jmlntm 23.-The regrettmtlile lois of some American soldiers In Cmmba imnd ml. ilentlmemitall ) ' demressimmg effect at time opening of stocks this morning , l'rices contiauetl 'eak tltmrimg the first hour. The question of differentials to the Ciinailian l'aciile was 5111(1 to block a settlemnemit of the rate war nimd ( lila contnibtmted to tIme heaviness im Nortlmem'mm l'aviflc. 'l'ime speclai- tb's emi mmiammiptmlatinn IniprovNl substan- (11111)ranIimus Iimdtitninls , Immehuding Smir- Its mimid 'robrmeco. received efcctiVv support , thus chiecklimg ( lie eniiler easiness emi ( ho general raliway list amid ranging traders on the hong side. 'rime Ormimigers felled to quitc reach last mitght's closing. Time gemm- cml list closed 11mm , in anticipatIon of it culmnimmatioim soon of thu lamid amid sea op- eratlons htbotmt Santiago. Time bank statement - mont itilhimenced time sltmmation. 'Lime legal reserves of time banks was above time re- qtmireil amoummt. 'rho action of the imdmtn- istrntiotm imm recommnemitllng time isLme 9f imolmds ( if $5t ( ) and under has been , mtrongmy comnmenlem1 by pronmimient financiers , wlmo argue that the wiihe distribution vhicim the loan will receive amnong small Imivestors will hmrei'lude any miued distimrbimnce in ( lie momiey mnarket. The expected with- tlra'mvnt of this tmnmmmetime simm frormi ( he loaO able fimnds lreselmt different itlhlieCts tO ( hO rammk and mile inVall street. Large 111,11mm- clal liitereats , t'lille apparently comiildent ( tint no emnb'tnasstnnt will ensue to borrower - rower ? . , are imevei'tliehess hoth to operate with freedomim until this' amnd iet'erah , otimer lmotemmt ( actors overshmaovt4g , time security mnmmrket are tll4slhmnted. EihendItures ) on account of time war imroi$2cUtl,000 a dmty ammO mmatmmralhy have given a Iducided stimulus to cei'timlmi ehmanmtelS of trades 1ahtlmough corn- nicrciah coiiilitions in sdiim other ( Itreotions are not mtltoget.her smtilfnct ry. TIme stlrn- imlims giveit to peiitling ttrIilflcIat venttires by time satlsfimctory rnsionai o the govern- mnent'3 call for bid3 elm _ tiie ) mest' bond Issue imas been reSlOmisible fM the imLuilchlmmg of further lrlvnte enerpriscs.iwhlch hod beemm iieitl In abeyance imemitIimg , , iie receltlon of the government's call. Geiprah business in itself has ftuud encoimimgelment , owing to ( lie less timorous attiti.mil' of capital , atmd although operatlomma in eaimercial line3 are imot uttendej with a stnikimig nmnlfestmt- ttoii of comilldtnce , still' tile recent heal- tamicy has gi'en rise to1 mnoro t'igorotms policy ( mf expansion. 'Il , 1SpeCt of wheat cofltlimtle a depressinm nicasuro. as time , lrrri in cereals will tend to urcvelmt time farmer front parfiumg wIth bt drop and re- iluco the tohmnage of thbp mnuivays. Thme collapse - lapse of time Leiter opctttIons , Involving as it ( Bil the liquidatIon tr'bnornmous hold- injs of cereals and ritilway holdings , has given , a disquieting tone to the ejiecuhatlve nimirkets which mmay survive for some time. Uncertnintie regarding time new revenue law in Its bearlmmg on finance deterred the nut3ide public from entering time 'narket alid ezmcommraged the bear to extend their lines. 'rho conconsus ( If oiihilori , secmeml to be that time law would ultimmmately iuljmmst itself satisfmtctorily , nltlmougli temporary enibarassmflents might be t'Xleeted. The expected successes of our army of ioyaiion , coupled with time comitinued eaSe in mntn- etary conditions , the growlmmg foreign trade balance in our favor and time expected heavy inretment demand for securities owing to time July divIdend and interest payments , remitlercil the vigorous efforts by the bears to create liquidation fotile. 'l'he pond mnimrket gave striking evidence of the pleilmora. of motley seekimig immvetment. The gqhd issmies improved substantially and heavy purchases occurred of the reorgamii- zation Issues which promIse a fair return eli Cltliitltt Invested. In government bomids gaimis occurred of % in tue old Is , regli- tered , and lii , each in time new 4mm , Others s'ero ummeimammctl. The Fveiming i'ogt's London financial oa- blegi'amn says : 'rime stock markets here yere gimlet limit firm today. Americans were fairly good. A 1)utch I er cent loaui of about 4S00,020 is to be Issued here and in Amsterdttln next week at about 97. There was a further rho in Spantsh Is (01114) ' , due to the same cause : i time rmse or yesterimay. The following are time closing cjuotatiomis of tlme mending stocks on tue Now York market today : Atehion . . . . . . . . . . I3' . St. P. , . 010 . . . . . . . . dopttl . . . . . . . . : iTh do nfO . . . . . . . . . . . .1111 % lisithimiore & 01110 IC St. 1' . 1.1 , .lt )1. . . . . . . . 149 Canada Pseifle . 5411 So. l'achtic . . . . . . . . . C.aimactssommilitmm 111 So. Rsllwriv. . . . . . . . . Central I'acUto. . . . . . 133 So. Italhwas' imfd 3I Chen.Jhimo. . . . . . . . 23 Txs , t I'ac1hc. 111 Cliiearo&AItotm..l117 Ummlohm Pactilc. . . . . . . 24 C. . ii. .t . . . . . . . . . . . Ummion ? aetmtc pfd. . 6(111 C&I. & . . . . . . . . . . 6'J U.1'.I&Q . . . . . . . . 0.0. C. . ¼ St. I. . . . . . . 434 ( % Vzmbasm ) . . . . . . . . . . . 7 do ore . . . . . . . . . . ? 7 Wzibi1i pid. . . . . . . . . 111k . huh , .t llmmdssn . . . . . 10' ) Wheel , & I. . } . . . . . . 114 lId. L. k . . : Wheel , & I. 11. p14 103- - ' , Dent ltio ( I . . . . . . . i' ' Atlan.i , Ex. . . . . . . . . . 100 . do pta. . . . . . . . . 30)1 AimmeriCan iiX . . . . . . . . Erie ( miewi . . . . . . . . . 1$3Ijimiteti Statei lix. . 411 Er1olstpfd. . . . . . . . . am ; SVe1lsFaro Es . , . , 122 I'm.Vavmmo . . . . . . . . I CI ) Ammm. Cot. Oil . . . . . . . 2 I 3- OreamNoriImsrmiimf1. 175 A , Cot , 0th aM. . . . . llociimnr Valley. . . , (1 Mn , Sptrlts . . . . . . . 14 liliaohsCenmr.il , . . 10434 Mn. Saints luLl. . . . . . 351-i 1alt , , Erie , ; % V , . . , 13 Aimi , Tobacco . . . . . . 11834 . tie pfl. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7131 do . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) Lgkcsbore. . . . . . . . iui : Peoilos ( Ia. . . . . . . . lid Lotim4ylhIc , t : Nash. T.9i Coims , ( : i , , . . . . . . . . . 1ammhatmaii L. . . . . . I0lh : COm. Ca'i , , Co. . . . . ICC Met , St. ity . , . , 1410 Col. I' . iron . . . . . 91 MIclilgait Ccntrl. . 104 110 PT. . . . . . . . . . (10 Mtlmn. A hit. L . . . . . 2734 Gei F.I.'etrmc. . . . . . . do 1st i'f1 . . . . . . . . . 00 hhhinolsStsei. . . . . . . . 1.lo.l'atItio. . . . . . . . . . $5I LaUlcie tJas. . . . . . . 49 Mobil.kOiilo. . . . . 24134 Lead. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ho. IC. .4. T. . . . . . . . 1134 'mc 1,141. , . . . . . . . . . . . . iOiJ3-t - Molt. 'I' i'fd. ' . . . . 3334 Nat. itti. Oil . . . . . . . . ( ilil. . Immcl. &L . . . . . . tI"tlOrPrOn ( mm , . Co. . . . . 20 Co phi. . . . . . . . . . . . 30 lI'acimtti Mali. . . . . . . . . 2143.4 N. .1. Ceitrah , . . . . . . 95 1 h'mm'hhimimn 1al . . . . . . . I 144 N. YC.mtrril. , . . . . . tlfl(4StIerCertiflcatsi , , 51 $ N.Y.Ctii..t81. L .1' 234 St.iiidltoDi' arT. . , . 4134 Ucist pitt . . , . . , , , 117 ' 1tjigir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151) ) 410241 Dfd. . . . . . . . . . 30 . pjo imtl. . . . . . . . . . lii Norolk. ( WesLern Li ' . ( " & Iran. . . . . . . . 211 3.9. Aimmer. Co. . . . . . . II 11. S Leather. . . . . . . No.i'iei1lc. . . . . . . . . 203 ( tIoMd . . . . . . . . . . . . 6534 ito hifO . . . . . . . . . . . 7034 LI41a1bber' . . . . . . Ommlanlo& W. . . . . . 153-6 ilim pl. . . . . . . . . . . . . * 4114 on' . Ii. . Nay . . . . . . . . So 4t''e'fmm Union. . . , (1314 Ore , Simon L1mi , . . . . . 28 $1'.t.kS. SY. . . . . . . . 113-1 i'lttimbtlr . . . . . . . . . . . 3 10 .tlo..pfd. . . . . . . . . . . I I 34 Iti'wimimg. . . . . . . . . . . 11(34 ( 11,1 IV . . . . . . . . . 97 ! eck lslsmiil . . . , . , , l11 ( , ILL' - IV. fftl. . . . . . (17 b , L..14 : . . i" , . . , , , . , , 74 ( L1 (13 , YesL . , . , , , . . I44 110 iatpf'l , , . . , , . , , (1034 ( JohW"stem'n . . . . . . .2314 ( to 241 vfd. . . . . . . . . tu4i jio Itd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 St. i'aut . . . . . . . . . . . OU l14iriIhlg ( 1st pfd. . . . 213 ila pItt . . . . . . . . . . .1 411 ir.i'q'khYim It. . ' 1' . . . . . 6314 llawmiiC,0 , , . : . . . ' - Total sales of stocks-today 131,400 shares , inclutliimg : Atchison ; mf4red , 3,395 ; JIur- hitmgton , 4,8473 ; Mamiliattan , 3,100 ; heading hirl'ferretl 3,070 , ; Jdissmmmmrti I'oclfle. 3,05 * ) ; Nort imern I'mkcitle lreferZdi ) 7,042 ; Reading , 3b52 ; St. I'aul , 5,240 ; Uiibnacilic preferred , 7,844 ; AmerIcan Blunts. 4o5 ; 'I'obnco , 15- 315 ; Sugar , ll,4SGVestlrmV'Untomm ; ' , 3,716. $1.11 inmm.it'i't'o ihi , iui' , ( lilOtfit iitis , SAN FRANCISCO , June 25.-Oflhcial clog. ing quotations on rniniimg'-stocka today were mis foilows : Mat . . . . . . . . . . . ; iimWNorcrvs , , , , IsO MimhaCon , . . . . . , , , 31. Jmpitict , . , . . . , . . . . . Andes. . . . . . . . ' R1timhiiClt ) ' Con 4 flelelier. . . . . . . . . 4 ( kclileimmal Con. . . , 1111 L'esi.t lielelier. . , , 16 ( h'iir , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 liuihiorm. . . . . . . . . . . 2 Ovenmmsmi. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Calei1oni . . . . . . . . . 33 l'oho.I . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cimahlshmroeoli. . . . . 12 Savage. . . . . . . . . . . . Ii Ciioiiiir. . . . . . . . . . . . . a Sierra Nevada 1141 ConflUence. . . . . . . . , 28 Union Con. . . . . . . . . 15 ConCag.A Va , . 10 ClaIm Con.4 crown l'ommi , 1. Yellow Jacket . . . . Ii . (7euioCurra.I 7 Stindartl 1150 Silver liars , rStc ; Mexican dollars , IC' , ; drafts , siiit , 17c ; telegraph , 20c. limimik t4tat'iimtiit , NEW YOltic ; June 25.-Tue weekly bank statement shows the foljowing ehatmgeii Surplus reserve4 lacrease , 2U33,450 ; loans , - g- ; : : . I increase 12 252 SiX ) , lc Ic increase , $1,201 - lcgal tctm.tt rs , inrt'ms , $ .i,331.OQO ; de. I'oslts. lime tease , $4Tl,400 , circulation , O. crease , 120.100. TIme banks now hold 162.- 2250 in excess of time requirements of the 25 l'er cOlit rule. Nsw 'nrk iimiir' Market. NEW 'S'Ohtl' . Juno 25.-iONl'3Y ON CALI-Stemtdy , lEJli,4 per ccmmt ; last loan , R' tier cent , l'ltl ME M1'itCANTlL1 PAPE1'-41J4 per cent. STERT.ING EXCIIANGR-Firm , with ctush business in bankers' hills at $ $ .S5'4 for demand 1111(1 ( it $ I.84174.SI for sIxty (1nmm ; lostei rates. $ l.S5tt4.s5 amiti 4.S64' 4.8 , : commercial ( mills , 51.5.1. SI1XER C1'RT1F1CA't'iS-59j6Oc. hAlt SiLVEI1-59c. MEXICAN DOLbA1tS-45" C. lION DS--State bommtl s , ( lull : railroad lOmmiIS , strong : government bonds , strotmg ; Imew 45 , reg. antI coupon , 124t. ; 4g , reg. , 110 ; cotlimon , ill' 2s , reg , . 93 ; I's , reg. and coUl'Ott , Ill'4 ; i'aciiic Os of ' 99 , lOl'4 Closing qtmotations on bonds were as tol- I 'a' : LI. S.nnw 4ii.r'ir 19 4i4-A4N.Ol1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U. S. .Ioco'ip.121".9t.4 ' . C. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1041 Ii. 8. 4rez . . . 1 10-1 1 1 4o. h'acifl6 1ts , . .113 tl.5.4.icotip.l1l411'2 No. ( 'aciflo Ss. . . . 1 , ' . 5. 2s , rim , . . . . . . . . 011 No. l'acimic Ii. . . . . t114' ' ( U. S. re 111418112 % i , ( i. A St. ti 4' $ . .10114 lJ.S.11NeoimtIlIi'4.Il'234 N A W. 4i' ' . . . . . . . 121 DIstrIct 5. qISS. . . . . 1 1 514 14 , lv. Coii4olt. . . . . . 149 Ma..cha'i A . . . . . . I 10 N. W. neb , . . . . . 11414 Ai..cta'hl. . . . . . . 103 Ore. Nsr.lsts. . . . . . . 11(1 ( AhS.'li$1. . . . . . . . 110 Org. Nay. 4s , . , , 954 AiIm.Ctirrrney. . . 110 0 , 3. i. . , Cs , t. r. . . . . AtchImrIon4' $ . . . . . . . 11:4 : % 0. s.i. . fm , t. r. . . . . hill AtelmmsOtiarmi , 45. . . . 67 0. Imiu. , ( miii , I. . r. . . . III Cmiti3t1zt3e.9.mI . . 1(154 0. Ilimp. 11i , I. . r. . . . . 1304 rit. Tenimg. , Is. . . . 4(1' ( I'aciflc I , . of .113. . . 1014 C4 ( ) . 5 I 144 ii.euIhI)1 ) 4 . . . . . . . . Sfl'4 C' , . It. & 1) . 4 i . . 1I1.I' it. GWeSt 1cit . . . . . 110 l ) . , a. (1. lst . . . 114114 St. . . , tt I , 3.1. C'm. 1 I1t. 0.-Is. . . . . . . . U4St. I..A $ , 3-.Ge.i. h'Ji ) Kast Cm mit. l'iti. ' . . . l'P't ( ' 41. 1' . Coimuls. . . . . . . 145 F.rmcan. I , . . . . . . . 74' St. P. C. It P. 11 ; , . l20' F. v. A.D. IL t. r. 74 St. I' . C. . P. .s. . . . . ! , em , , t'Ic. , Sb. . . . 10:4 : Somithern Itt' . 53. . . . 115 r..ii , . . A. 41. . . .103 ' 1. II , &T. ( l . . . . . . 71) (1 , ll..iirt. A. 9.1g. . .40'2 Teimn.aewiot.1. . , . III Ih.&TCeimt.3. . . . . i 10 'rex , i'i. L. G , tii lOi ( ii. 'I' , C. can 43 , , . 1 (1 1 Tar , l'a. 1i , 2th. 371 ! lOWS C. let. . . . . . 101 U ' . D..kO. lst'i , . (1231 ( La , Now Cjm : , 4 . . . . 1411 $ Ivab. 1st ' U . . . . . . I 1)14 ) r & . Put 4S. . . . . 140 Wmib. 9.Is. . . . . . . . . . . . 51boiri , lb . . . . . . . IC ) IVest Shore 4 . . . . 11(1 ( Ia. K. , lT. 2ti . . . . . )13' ' ( % 'm $ . Centmmrb' . . . . . . . 714 M. 11. AT.4s 8831 Va. tieferr.11. . . . . . . . . S N. ' 1' . C. 1.t . . . . . . . .I hl4' Ummloim I'selric ifd. . 6034 N. J. (1. 5' . . . . . . . . I l.ttfUlml lii 1'.ichmttm is . . l'iiitii Stot'lc Quota tlns. BOSTON , June 23.-Call hoitmis , 2113 ; er cent. tinie loans , 3j i per Cent. tloslug lirlces for stocks , bolmds and mIning shames : A.T. .tt5. I" . . . . . . . 1:134 : lv. pri . . . . Alimericun iiur.lr. . 1130 llosttnm.L. . . . . . . . . . Aiim , S.irar all . I I 1 ( it'll. Ehee. 1.10. . . . . . . Ui 3- net. Staie 14a 114 E 11. 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . I13iI neil r1epiio'me ' 275 AIclilsoIm tifti. . . . . . . . 1)0510(124 &l0t.lv 22:1 : Ahelmmstim 4 , , . . . . . . . 921 % Cosmomit J.iaino 1024 Ahlntez , O. . 113 % C. . ii. .i Q . . . . . . . . . 10.13-4 - Alb'.mtl" . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 $ Fltelioimrv . . . . . . . 1Oi'i $ ' liogiomi . ' Msumtmi : I ' 2(12 ( ; cntrnl iliecmnmo 38tm4 iii flotcn , , . . 2434 IlImnols $ tts , ) . . ( .11 ( ahimmmet .it Itool 4 , . 114.1(1 ? Iexlcstm Catrt ( Ill Ceiitemnuu. , . . . . . . . 1153-4 N. Y. k 14. 5 . . . . . . 115 Frsiikltmi. . . . . . . . . . . I 334 010 Colony. . . . . . 1110 O.ceoia. . . . . . . . . . . 411 iimmfloor . . . . . . . . . 244 i3mlmmcr . . . . . . . . . . . . I 14 timmion Pmioifla. . . . . 9314 Tahllirrii'S : . . . . . . . . . 3117 IVeit Encm . . . . . . . . . S)3'oivt'nimmes. : ) . . . . . . . . ' . 24 1'eIt nt1 ( mid. . . . . 108 % 1'mrr'tt . . . . . . . . . . .24 \v. ELee . . . . . . . . . 24310l'IIoininlou . . . . . . 2414 N''i' " , ' , irk ShIiiIiig Qiiotntiiiims. NEYOlt1 , Jtmnc 23.-TIle following are tIme closing mnin1i ! quotatloims : ( h iiar. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Ontario. . . . . . . . . . . 2111) ) Crown Polmmt. . . . . . 4 Otlimr. . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Cen.Ciil. 2t Va. . . , 20 Pi'inomitti . . . . . . . . Deit1wootm. . . . . . . . . 'JO Qmmlck.Otver. . . . . . . . 101) ) Gotmlii& Ctmrr.m' . . . . . U Otiictnmlver 01,1. . . 2211 lI3lr&Nort'r.'i , , 611 S1crrIjareI.i. . . . 45 ilOUlCitaKO , . . . 43i)0 ) Stamitiar.t. . . . . . . . . 1(10 IloimSilver. . . . . . . . ( tii Iiimlon Con. . . . . . . . . ii ) Mexican. . . . . . . . 7 _ YeiiowJauit _ _ _ _ 39 Yiiimdim St$4k Cl iitnt iflaB. LONDON , June 25.-I p.m.-Closimig : Cons1g. mn'.1 I 1 1-113 N \ ' . Centr.n . . . . . . 120 Co isols , nect..I I I It i'eiimmvivanma. . . . . . . 51)4 ) Cite , t'aemmme. . . . . . . 84111 lttcuming . . . . . . . . . . . Uk Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13m1 ) it'x Cii , . mmewIi (17 grie let old : : illt Atcldi.ou . . . . . . . . . . . 1314 III. Ct'rmIr'it. . . . . . . . . . 1)174 1. . . N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1144 MeMenmi ormlIiar'v 20 ( Iranti Trunk. . . . . . . . 83-1 41.i'rimml conmniomi..1U21i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lIAR SILVER-Steady at 27 5-160. MONEY-i@2 per cent. 'l'he rate of ( iiscotlmmt in time Ollen marketer ( or short bihl , 1 1-8 per cent ; thmree mouths' bills , 1t per ceimt. 1l'Ijmpneltl i"iltCs , OMAHA , Jmine 25.-'rlme clearings for time day were $1,071,301.99 ; balani'es , 5271.442.50. The cheartimgs for 13-97 % t'ere $ C69S40.23 iimitl the balaumces , $64,825.56. increase in clear- tags , $403,464.74. 1898. 1597. Increase. Jimna 20 . . . .51,154,822,00 5786.113.84 $338,601.12 Juno 21 . . , . 917,565.38 657,336.67 260,228.71 June 22 . . . . 884,261.07 699.925.611 184,335.52 June 21 . . . . 961,271.92 79t,43.12 171S20.S0 Juno 24 . . . . 1,258,569.90 778,919.06 479,650.84 Julie 25 , . , . 1O73,3OI.99 669,810.25 403,464.74 $6,254,793.22 54.336,693.4.9 lS6tiO4.73 CHICAGO , Jmmne 25.-Clearings , $13,571,398 : balanceg , $ i,767,4J2 ! ; New York eNcimaimge , 2.7c Prernitmam ; sterlimig exchange , posteil rates , $1.83qj'4.86I4 ; actuah rates , $1.S4174.S5 5-S ; sixty ilays , $4.83 i-S174S33. Stocks , stead ) ' ; Biscuit , 31 ; l3iscui ( preferred , PP.1 ; DIn- mnniil ldntchm , ] 34mNortim , Clmicngo , 2013 ; Strawboanil , 213 ½ ; West Clmit'ago , 91 , IIALTIMOItIO , June 23.-ClearIngs , 52.615- 886 : balances , $450,179. I'IIILADIi7LPIIIA , Juno 25.-ClearIngs , 511,253.51,3 : balances , $1,505,133. NEW YOI1K , June 25.-Cleanings , $118,121- 300 ; balances , 16,390,226. BOSTON. June 25.-ClearIngs , $14,102,23 ; balances , $1,635,548. NEW O1tLEANS , Juno 25.-Clearings , $815 620 ; New Yotk exchammge , bank , $1 per $1,060 premIum ; commercial , 23c per $1,000 premium. MEMPhIS , Juno 25.-Clearings , $175,853 ; balances , $78,279. CINCINNATI. June 25.-Money , 21176 per Cent : New York exchange , par ; clearimigs , fl,554,750. sr. LOUIS , Jujie 25.-Clearings , 53,35.5,671 ; balances , 5554,11.6 ; money , .5178 pi'r cemmt ; New York exelmmnge , 25c llremlimm bid ; SOc vre- mlurn asked. ForeIgn PInaimeini. LONDON , June 25.-The market for Amer- iran securities moved but little all day , with no Hpeeinl features , 'rIme closing tone was firm and time dommtimd mmeghected. 'rime amount of bullion witimdrnwn from ( lie I'lank of Englimntl on balance today was 5,000. Silanisbi 43 closed at SI 5-8 , a net hose of 3-S. PARIS , Jtmnc 23.-Tlmmsiness oa the bourse today opened steall ) ' , but later prIces receded - ceded , owing to ahimrehii'nsloIm , that 51. Pe'- trii had foIled to form &m. cabinet , anti the market closed Omihl. liemites s'ere Imigimer mmtiti Spanisim 4s t'ere easier on accommnt of n report that a delay hail beemi granted In (1)13 stumpIng of bonus , 'l'imree per ceimt reimtes , 102f S7'4c for time accoimmit. Spaimisim im4 cltmsed at 34 1-8 , a net loss of , HRRLIN , Juno 25.-Prlceg vcre fIrm on tiitm bounce today , with time eXCeiltion of Simitimisim 43 , which were heavy anil freely offered oui l'aris ailvancos. Canadian Pa- clilca advanced. , El LlIC'I'l On 1(1 O'I'S J N G Ii It MANY , Sold I er ii ii .1 Fl reuseim Ciii I ed oh 4(1 1)isjmerse the Slob. fllItUN , Juno 25.-A special dispatch to time Frankfort ZeitUhig from ileihbrommn , a town of Wurternburg , Circle of Neckar , twenty-six miles .north of Stuttgart , says that a mob imimle a t1emnonstrmion before the town hail of that place yesterilay against tIme ehectioum of herr hlegelmeyer to time Rolcimstmmg , Troops , with fIxed bayonets , attempted - tempted to clear time square in front of time imall , bmmt. time rioters conticued their assault eli the building imotil thmey myers disperseil by means of sreams of water lilayed on tlmem by the firemen's hose , Later time rioters recommenced their attack , but the military succeetleil in gauiming possessioa or the square , time town hell anti time nolgimliorlng streets. Mammy of those wlmo participated in time disorders were wounileil and numerous arrests were made. I'e'tra1 ( .i'i'cs Up tIme 'I'nsl. PARIS , June 25-In consequence of 58. I'eytral'il friends insisting that a radical socialist must be glvemm one of time portfolios , 51. Dupuy , 51. Leygmics and 51 , ile Lomubro Imavo declined to cater such a cabinet anI 148. Peytral , therefore , has abammdoimed the task of formIng a cabinet. I'resident Fauro has now lnvltetl 58. IfonrI llrlssoa to forum a cabinet , St. jlrissorm has pointed out that time Oliferemices have been acenuateil by time failure of 51. Sarrlerm auth I't'ytral ( o form a rnlmmistry , anti imas muikeil until Sunday evening to consider the mat- ( ci' , Sehids ii lint Isli Sliii to LiwIiiii , LONDON , June 25.-Tlio hiritlslm llrat class ship illustrious , of 14,900 louis , sailed thIs mnoruing for Lisbon under sudden orders me- ceivod last night to protect Ibritishm iimterests in view of posibIo devehopmeuits , ( lihotiltililiN for 141utiiishi Sceurl ( Ii's , LONDON , June 25-Spanish fours opened at 35 aud afterwards declined to 34 3-8. Yesterday's closing price was 34. PARIS , June 25.-Spanish fours opened at 34 5-8 , a loss of 'A. : - - - ' . ' - - - ' = --Tr---- - - - o\IAuA \ LIVE STOCK IARKET Week Wirnis Up with a Good Run rtiia Batter General Tone , BUYERS ALL SEEM TO WANT SUPPLIES Cattle l'ricvs hub Pmmhl' Flrtim and Trailltig is AeIIt'e-t1nrl 'cnk- liCN I II lIigs Iisnpn'iiri , Under Ilic 1)eaiiutiul. SOUTh OMA1IA , itumme 25. Cattle , ilog. Sheep Receipts toihmiy , , . , . , . . . , 1,3) ) 8.740 947 Oiilciai yesteuda ) ' . . . . . . . . 2,326 9,043 315 One week ago . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,6't 6,214 667 'l'ms-o weeks ago . . . . . . . . . . 2,343 7,602 29 0110 year ago . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,765 9,0013 801 Two years migo . . . . . . . . . . ittiJ 5,1175 928 Total timi ts'eek . . . . . . . .15,412 4S',78S 9,555 Vm'ek cuiding Jumie iS. . .l2,9tt1 43I.TS tO,3t8 Wi''k $ ending Jimime 11. . . iti.3s ; 33.4S6 8,0.9) ) W'cek eumdiimg Julio I..15,755 42,1)01 ) 10Ss7 5111110 lt'eck , 1597 . . . . . . . .14,3.73 42,792 4,515 Smilie ( Week , 15 % . . . . . . . . 8,335 Iil013 4,6)0 ) At'enimgo trlee Ilaid for imogs IOi time hmtst few days , wIth eounpmirlsumms : IISOS.11S97.liSDG. 1S93.iS9ilS93.IiS92. - - Jt'no 11 . . . 3 12 3 27 2 91 4 4l 4 5 ? I 4 ( ' 5 Juimi' 12 . . . S 31 3 00 4 361 4 65 6 45j Jtmumo 13 3 74' S 3 03 4 32 ; 4 4t C 4 1(19 Jimuic I 1 . . . 3 79 3 29 4 3ti I 'Ti ) 6 21 4 13 J11im4) 15 . . . 3 7T a 21 2 SS 4 44 4 115 6 1.1 , 4 73 June 16 . , 31)O ) 3221301 43-9 6 10 47& Jituicl ? , 3fdI3lS31i31441. CtIl 481 Juuie IS . . . . : ; so 211 3 10 4 4I I 61. 4 2 Jtiimo 19 . . . . I 15 3 02 4 41 4 10' 6 Cl Jtmrma 20 . . . . . I 791 ' 2 1111 1 43 4 b01 S 90 4 IS , Jtmmo'21 ) , . . . 35l315 423 June 22 . . . .l 3 2 ( 3 2l S Oh i lOi 4 'T' S 1731 4 $ Jummo 23 . . . . 3 ' 72 3 21' 5 0t ' M S 7'J 4 t5 Jmmmmo 21 . . . . 3 1311 24 3 00 , 1 40 S 76 4 45 .Jtlime2S . . . .13651821 2471 ( 'Imithiem&tes Stmimt1a' . 'rimim ohitcial nimmber of cars of. gtoek bm'ooght in today L's' ' ( ' 11(11 m'viid w its : Cattle. hogs. Shieeii. 1t'8e3. C. , M. & St. 1' , 1t' 2 . . . . 0. & St. L. l . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . SliSStLll'i l'im'iIle ht' . . 11 ' 7 2 Ummlwm i'itchtI ilvateumi. 10 25 . . . . F' . , E. 'c 51. V. 11. It. 20 33 - . . - S. C. & 1' . hty . . . . . . . . 4' , . . C.St.1 , , . , :41. & o. Rp. 6 7 . . Ii. & 141. It. It. it , . . . 8 43 . . 1 C. , It. 1. & 1' . liv. , 13. 3 . , . . C. , it. 1. & P. Ry. , Vi' . 1 . , 3 Tot&tl receipts . . . .SS 133 5 1 Thu ( llSI'i.4itliii ' of time ( Imiy'14 receipts SV&tS as fohiot' , ( 'maim btmyer nmrebasimig ( lie mmmli- bun of head imidictited : hiu't'i's. Cattle. hogs. Simeep. Ommmulmm , . l'tmcklimg Co. . . . . . 83 891 3 U. Ii. I ianmnmommtl Co. . . . 362 1,4 I I 176 Switt ummid Cmmiilinumy. . . . . rIS iImt 1110 Ctm'immlmy P.wklmmg Co. . . . . . 131 3,307 . . . . F1rebli4 & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 L. F. hltmsz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Nortim 1' . & P. Co. . . . . . . . . . . . 392 . . . . 1. . Ii. Itt'erm ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 llnunhimolutl , fromn IC. C. . . . . . . . . . . 501 Cimtlahmy I' . Co. , IC. C. . 91 Clii. 1' . & P. Ct , . , Neb. C 705 . . . . Armumour & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,058 . . . . Stvlft. multI Co. to St. Ij. . . . . . 350 . . . Otlmer btmycm's . . . . . . . . . . . . SO . . . 72 TmtrmlM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,139 9,558 1)45 ) cA'r'rLc-As is mimost gemmerahly time case 0mm (4. Smttuu'lay Sommthm Oumittitu imati about mtil time cattle tflem'e t'ere cmi stile todm ) ' . Early tmdt'Ices froimi Cimicmmo reptirteti only 100 crittle receIved 1(110 Kansn City emily 10(1. ( 'I'here Ivere on sale here about lilLy lommtls of cormm fed beevec slmd a fett' mcaterlmmg baths of odls , mmmiii eumds. 'l'lme mmiimrket its it \V1Rle tlitl hot idmumt' nitmi'ii chiamige , valueS beIng lit time annum about Stezitl ) ' . iluyermi evidently vaimtvtl tIme fat cattle mtumd mtlmy- tlmlimg tlmat ts'mma dcsim'uble uld ( limito i'enmlii' amid 1mm gnoih seasoim. ilommme tt'eil iImisimcd ( .onIm fed ' .l'exuns trtmlllimt 4.55 , nimii $3.15 was paId for clmok'e 1&lJ0-iutummil tlmorougimbreti miimorthiorn steers. There were iizti'tll' enough cots's amid iieif- ers here to immmtkc ut test of tilL' lummiu'lle ( . Simim as were offered brought about 'estcrtIay'S irIcos. , 'Time sItuation Ill tIme stocker amtd feeder mmmarket was unt'hmaimged mis regards prIces. 'I'hiero were 1mm fuct 'ver' lew cattle of timmit description In the 3'imrds , lit mtboimt evc'rytimlui description in tIme yards , nm-i about oveu'y- tImimmg' st'is shmipiied emit yesterday and ( loire t\'erl mU ) mesh recallits to slwak of. 'I'hie reccipt of cattle this week have been somewhat above time mtverage , though hot StI large as during umommme recent. veekg. 'fiio market its a wimole lts been km fair comi- dltion , . but. the ( emmdehmc ) ' of vlllues Ims been ratlmor downwartl , There hjini been Ito marked ( lecline on beef cattle and the most iii..t g.tl 1,1 tin .1ntnntn1 nu .1 , , , . q summall 1(5 to be hardly tiuotzmble. Still tlmere hma been a gradumtl easluig off in hoof values that for tlmo tt'eelc Wotilti auuloulmt to ml hum-is of fullJOe. . As lmanily higlmt cattle hate been in the imest ihenmand all along , (110) ' immmve imelil up von ) ' nearly miteuul ) ' . It is ( lie big , heavy , brahided cattle ( lint have ( cit tlm most decline. Good cornfed imelfens Immive sold all time week mtt very satisfactory prIces antI are just as high umow as time ) ' have been iium' tiumme this seasoum. 'I'lmo arrival - rival of grass cows during time lust few tIa's has enaimled buyers to Imotmumil down time market on cow stuff , especially en time common nmiti inferior kltiths , vhmieim imavo beemm sellIng timu hIgh in hiroPortinim to time vmiY cmthier cattle have been selling. Coot- monlsim cow stuff could be qmiotetl all of 25e lower than It was a week or ten days ago. 'l'lme m'i'mot importmtiit devclopumiemmt of tile week wits time break in stocker and feeder 'aitmes. 1"or it houmg thIns back every one has reahizeti timat stoek cattle were too high aimil that when rammgo euttie commeumceil to ghost' ui , there wotmltl he a great como-dowim In values. 'l'ime arrival of a few more cattle this tveek tlman vere vammted antI time kmmotvl- edge ( lint range cattle wommhil become avaIlable - able in time near future brought cmi time ox- lCCtL'l break in 'nlues. I'nlces on that kind of cattle nrc imow ( Lull ) ' 25h15Oc lower liman they were mt week or ten days ago , time heavIest decliume heimmg on imemtvy cattle. Choice iitthc stock steers have hieiii tip better than other grades. iteproseuiatlve gmmles : STEERS. No , As' . Pr. No. At' . Pr. No. As' , l'r. 1. .1260 53 75 32. .1195 Ii 40 20. .1457 $4 50 1. . 830 3 75 i6. .11011 4 40 40. .1163 521,4. , 1.1100 4 05 44.1071 4 40 25..ilSO 1.1070 4 ( ' 0 1. . 810 4 40 47.1215 55 2. .1230 .4 00 24..1037 4 40 18. .1248 55 6. .1230 4 (0 ( 2. .1145 4 10 16. .1448 55 3..1236 4 15 10 , . 8(16 4 45 94.1121 60 3. .10'33 4 10 17. .1532 4 4. 45. .1335 CO 47. .1355 4 5) 45 , .1103 4 45 62 , .1152 60 l..iOlO 4 30 21 , .1h3) ) 4 15 54.1211 6) ) ) 50. .1268 4 .it , 22. 1206 . 1.0 59. .1272 60 20. .1121 4 .50 35. .1273 4 5) ) ) 39. .112:1 : 60 1. .1(170 ( 4 : : o 3 , .1106 4 SQ 13. .124:1 : 10. .1250 4 15 19. .1270 4 50 12. .127:1 : 65 :17. : .1135 4 ' 10 7. .1157 50 2. .1518) ) 15 COWS. 1.1060 2 75 4.1067 3 30 3..1100 3 70 1. .1090 1 00 1. . 550 3 30 1. .1210 3 71) ) 1. . 871) ) 1 (4) ( 5. .1140 3 45 3. .1050 3 70 I. . 590 3 IX ) 1. .1140 3 541 2. .1165 3 70 1. .3031) 3 00 2. .11:15 : 3 50 7. . 9(11 3 75 i..1070 3 ( C l..1O(4) ) S 50 l..lOSO 380 I. , 1.20 3 10 1. . 790 3 60 3..1276 390 1. .1037 3 25 25S'I'EEItS S'I'EEItS AND COWS. 13 , .i13 4 50 S'I'LIERS AND IIEIFIIRS. 3. .1133 4 it ; ER1IORNED TEXAS STEERS , 9. .1075 4 25 51. .1147 'I 55 1111 lI'i'7Ft4. 1. . 800 3 f.l ) I , , 44 ( ) 4 00 6. . 715 4 25 1. . 730 Ii 55 1. . 420 4 25 1.10'JO 4 25 3. . 813 390 flhT1LS. 1. . 440 2 1. ) ) 1.1500 3 15 1..1410 I CO 1..1250 I ( JO 1.1400 3 40 1. .1550 3 65 1..1l90 3 05 1.1120 3 10 CA L.VES. 1. . 290 5 50 6. . 19i 6 1.0 1. , 170 (1 85 1. . 250 6 50 2. . 130 6 75 1. . ISO 7 00 S'I'OCKFMIH AND FEIIDFSItS. 1. . COO 3 50 1. , 550 3 90 14. 710 4 80 1. . 7110 3 60 1. . 800 4 00 1. . 5S0 4 40 1. . 600 31'S 1. . 620 430 i10013-'l'hmo receIpts of ilogs ts'ere time largest toilmt5' for a 2stturtIay lumi'o time mniiltllo of POny.'i1hi time (1XCeitIlIli ) of Cli lcit go , ' , v i3it'hm rcIor , I oil ti gul * ru mm , Onmmthu a immid time largest. rcceipt4 of any of thu markets , . - - 'I'he trmilo openc'I ( rather weak owing to ummfnvoribIo udvitem ) from other selling lloiuuts. 1Cmtnmis City n4'morted the liilil'let emmrlier , wIt ii oumi ) ' ar.uo ii t'i ii , a ml tlmortm ii ii- pea roil I 0 lie IL S'll It feel I ng a I I a I o img time 11114. ' . A ( esv early sales at timis joIiit nuny have hieeim mit IL little easier hirlees , sunmo pretty good loads cii.auigliig bmaumils early at $3.11 ; . 'l'mo * weak feeling wu net. of loimg ilura. timi aumd time market soorm firmed imp , ham- ( 'ii loft 11 et lYe LI nIl or free hum yiiig hot bm for hoca I hi imd sh I iupiumg Ii ( ( ( mU ill , Ii 11(1 closed stronger. 'I'hio hogs solti largely Ut $3.6Siff' ' 3.70. tIme slime us 3''st'rilay. 'l'ime top. hots' . ever , wmmli IL little hiigtuer otmil thuc average of nil time sales uimuwcil smmme gain over y'sterdimy. Evers'thutmg ss'mis sold and tvoiglmed up at aim earhi' hour. ' 1'hm1 hits been the low week Irm hog values iihumcm lvii ) ' buck him 'i'th , (1(10 ( ( III- umrt'ntiY hI time bleat'y receIpts ( it all soil- Iumg 3moimits umnti hi lower i'revision ' markets. 'rime Ilmt ss'imatiier hums evidently made grols'- tm-rH aimxioun to 4IIlflflio of their hmoiIiigs imimil tiley have been ruslmiimg their ( at bogs for- svard at. a rate Ihmat cotuitl hum Oh ) ' hmehim lreakitmg the market. 1)mirimmg the last two ( imlys of thin preylou week yalta's seero almost simitionmir' arid tlmere wmis little change during ( lie first tss'o days tIlls s'ek hIlt \\'t'thimesday thmtro caine ii hi t'ak close to 1Ic. ( On Tliursilay there s'as a L4t01il ) ' market , lull on Fridny there ss'mts another break ammO the week closes witim thu market 124e lower ( lion It was at ( liv , - . , . - , - . , - 'J4. t'log. . ' of but week 8 , glance at the fbl or nvrtages In this tolurnu wIll how this nvsrlge Pill 4. ' pnll on emmclm day of ti wit } Past , 55 ss'eil ss cim correslommIing dayu of Pret'Iotms years , 'I'ho tlcninn.I for hmo&a hftiu teen , (1111(0 ( Rood all time s'c'ek almil ( hers ha becim 110 trotiblfl in tlii'oslng of every- timltmg rt'cvi'el , at lret'allIng l'rIces , Rep.- rcseimtativo snu.'s : No , A % ' , HIm. l't. No y. Shm. Pm' . . . . . . . SO $3 ( .0 10..313 . . . $3 80 CS..210 40 l 6214 CO..200 80 62S. f's..257 3-0 1t II..htrI SO .S 84..2110 20) 65 It..247 . . . C'S 13..23. . ) III ' 1 f'l..Ill , . . 3 ( ' 11 2i.2:13 : 65 $8..244 . . . 65 87..205 80 3 65 IS..i'll 120 3 85 SO..226 111) 3 ( t 10..232 50 3 65 11 . . . . . .220 , . , 3 65 Ml..211 % 1(10 ( 3 65 78..22) ) ; 40 3 65 (1).252 80 ' 1 65 ( .9..210 160 3 65 76..231 90 3 (15 ( 13..III. SO ' 1 1111 8k7.,253 SO 3 (74. ( SI..2'29 210 (15 52..2)9 ) 160 8 C'S 310..22' ) . . . . (15 ( 4).212 ) 80 3 CS f's . . . . . . 223 t'O (311 ( 71 . . . . . .217 , . . 3 G7 72..2.O 12th IS..239 120 3 67 ( 64..2,1 120 6' ½ 66..255 80 (19..242 ( 120 C7m 55..p17 674j CC..215 160 3 C'7t 147 . . . . .2(12 160 3 67h (15..23 , 50 3 Ci1 46..h.s , , , 3 6 ( .5..245 50 l 674 ( 11..206 80 8 6t ' 73..248 . . . :1 (77 ( Ii . . . . . . 2Ci 80 3 67 GO..265 . . . . 674 SI . . . . . .256 . . . S 67 ( .3..264 120 3 671b T9..257 . , , 67 , 64..290 I ) t1511 IS..253 240 67 (44..29 SO . 6734 79..250 , , , 67 . 77..260 160 tim. . . . . . . . 120 .6..215 120 63i 71 . . . . . .2,0 . . . 67 ' 67 . . . . . . ' 0 50 lii 71 . . . . . .238 1(10 ( 70 22..293 40 70 58..3911 160 70 51..310 200 'O 62..O 2)0 ) 1 70 71..29:4 . : . . , It ) Cli. . . . . 278 . . , S 70 ( ' . . . . . . . . 40 70 72..2.37 . . . 3 .0 I . . . . . . . 21'S 50 o sti..2411 80 ' 0 I GO..285 . . . ' 1 70 1.8..297 80 ,0 Cl.153 . 1Cm ) ' 1 70 11 . . . . . .2(12 . SO ,0 116..113 40 3 70 61 . . . . . . ' 421 80 50 ) 210 8 In Ci.2(17 ) 80 70 8 $ . . . . . 23-S . , . ' 1 70 5.1..281 80 3 70 , CS..56 lIt 3 70 (14 . . . . . .512 . . , S 70 . rI ! , 110 1 70 67..257 40 8 70 I ' 34..UI 31.9 3 10 51..281 40 S 70 f5i 111 3 70 59 . . . . . .2 38 . . , 70 77..241 ICO h 70 . . . . . . 200 O , 118..l7 lii S 10 r. . . . . . . liii 80 II , 57..IS' ; Ihi ) 72m 63..295 , . , 72 67 . . . . . :81 160 3 72 53..325 160 75 51 . . . . . .17 IliD S 15 t.S..Ill . . . 75 r. , ii . , , . , . rjt ' , , in ICA 84.5) ) ; 53 3 73 IS . . . . . . 217 O 62' . 858..21i ( . . . 6 $ lil . . . . . .114 ItO 4:15 : 7t1.49 240 ( .5 5.4. . . . . 243 . . . , (1 (12 ( . . . . . .23' .1 . . , C'S . Sf5..IS 10 63 59..2(12 12(1 C'S 19.:43 sto t.6 67 . . . . .274 250 14 CL.237 ; . . . 3 65 ( 5..2(11 . . , 3 , S..237 . . . S 63 CS..21(1 80 3 CO.(1 2 ; ' ) 14 q,7i4 57..2613 . . , 867 If.:67 : 240 61' I'S..503 . 120 3 70 CS..248 . . . 70 . . . . . . . 'Ci ; 1110 3 70 tt ; . . . . . . . . , Ii 70 ' . . . . . . . . 110 3 70 00..282 120 70 77..III 160 3 70 (1 , . . . . . .255 50 70 57..298 80 3 70 , 275 80 70 (15..251 SO 3 O 1) 20) SO i' ) ' 74..24,0 80 3 .0 eq..1(18 80 1 713 63..23(1 . , . . 'I ' 70 52..203 160 3 70 k.3. SO 3 7214 72..St'O ( 120 72I' Si..23 ? . , , 3 75 , 65.:231 : 160 ' 75 62..15 , , , S 77 113..331 , 10 50 ,3tCltN .t'l'S-ThlflOVt'-OU'rS . , I..330 . . . 2 25 1..503 . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . 3 60 1 . . . . . .250 . . , 3 60 11..42S 80 3 Cl ) C'.175 . . , 3 60 2..255 , , . GO 3..170 . . . , . 3 60 4..297 . . , 65 6..m . . . 3 65 . . . . . . . . . . (15 5..23(1 . . . 3 65 ' SIEhI'-1'lmerc verc tlmrem ioaIi ) of lmtmmib ( lii smile tuilU' nuid the nmarkot wuts wltlmout quotable ehiammge. ' ' ( 'here lmave beemi very few sued' on sal this s'eek , timoughm tIme receilits show mipl t''l , ) ' tvll emi IIaa'r. A very coiwitli'rnbh ? Proh'ortiomm ' of the au'nit'mmlu were commmmigmie4 , Ihrect. to Imnekers. Vem'y few mmuimttons , lmow. es'er , tei't' CXI1L''tCiI dimnimg tills mumontli , s t hmrit t here Immi s lice um mu , I Imi ums 0 isztlqOium t Immg in tIme sIze of the supply. After time corii- fed sh'eep utimd lanmlis wei'e 1111 run out of time c'itimmti'y tlit'm't' ss'as gout , to lam ii slmor immtorval befo'e time gu'mim.s SliC'hI wntuhil begIrf arrivimmg in miuty iiminmbers , 'I'Ime Iropcct lmt\ ' is that ghiceim fi tumi time wt'mmtenui raiigc will Imegium arrlvlmmg almolut time mlrst of thio inolmtlm. ltL'preseultatl\'c sales : No Av. Pr. 1'76 yearlings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fl $5 23 110 'emirhIutgs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 5 25 CIIICAGO LIVE S'I'OCIC SIAillcn'r. ( ; .iil 1euii ui n 0 ; 'i'Tu'i ; ; ; le ni itiid for hiig 'im I t Ii l'rleeM SI mu gee , CHICAGO , JUl10 23-'rimo smuall smipply of cattle tii&1it' was ss'eli taken 11110 lIriecs ruleti stend' . Choke steers , $ I.S0t5.23 ; mc- ( ilImmIm , 51.5011 1.60 ; beef si'em's , 54.15114.45 ; , ' stockers utnd feeilcrs , sLsoii : iso ; bimlhg , $2.80 174.00 ; cows anti imeifem's , $3.15&1.O ( ) ; calves , $3,507.OO ; western steers , Texas steers. 53.50174.75. There was ii. good local mmntl shipping de- mnamul for itogs. I'riN's rtuld m4trolmg'r , some gratles Sc hmighter. F'air to clmoI c , $3.S7m4cl 4,00 ; paclcers. $3.70i8.3-5 ; butghi'rs 3.75113.25 ; mixed , 13.75173.115 ; light , $3.CV'h3.7 ; 3)1gm-I , $2.75J.7O. ' 'l'hme sUpplY of simeep omm time mau'ket was linmited , ( Ime greater Iimtrt of tim. . . receipts belmmg comisigneti direct to ( lie slatughiter immmmmmeg. Prlce vert' sternly ; mmmttive slmeep , $3.2Oj&.25 ; rains , 52.11131:1.40 : ; spring lmtrmibms _ O.0uijLS5 ; yenrllmgm4 , $ m.OOfiS.75. 1t'ceipts-Clttth" , 300 imeud ; hogs , 19,000 head ; simeep , 2,500 licail. } CIIIIMIIN CIt' tI'i'e Stiu'ln , IIANSA S CITY , Jtutme 23.-CA't'TLF3-Re. ceiptmi , 120 hmemmd ; ( or week , 21,000 lit'ad. Timere is mme chimingi' lum qumtllty of offenhimgim. All grades of killing tuttle active at steath' lIrlCtM. ( Dcnmmtmtil for stockers hams fallen otf m-.oumme ammil lrlC4'S mmc'rimihiy : hoss't'r. Cimnico iiemtvy steers , $4.80-tmC.M ( ) ; inetilmini. $1,507j4.7O ; Ihglmt lmantly weight stei'nmm , $ l.251i5.00 ; stock- erg numil fecilers , 51.40175,23 ; liutclmormi' cow itiid iielfcrs. $3.256i 4.85 ; czmnmmlng cuss's utum bulls , $2.50t3.20 ; immltchers' bimIl , 53.25111.00 ; westerns , $5.50i 4.55 ; Texas steerS , $3.358j4.C0 ; Texas lumicimers' cost's , $ :1.25t : :1.75 : , llOGS-Recclhmts , 3,710 head ; for week , CC- 500 imea II . Ligim t receipts a imil fiti r 0 enmnmmLl immtve comlinetl to m-iumstuiin imlul even slightly util s'mm flee prices tills week , iLl t ii imgim provisions - visions are a ullmale ) lower. Late sales heavy' hogs , 53.75114.00 : mIxed lmaekers , $3.703.9Q ; lights. 83.50173.60 ; 1igs , $3.0O'm 3.50. SI I EE1'-No umarket todmmy. hteceihmts Cot" week , 13,001) ) imeaI. Supply was not smilllciclit to meet ilenmaim , ] . W'lmile time qtuahlty of time , iferhimgs cuumtlummu's rmttim'r 'umnnmoa prices nrc veIl stitiLilt'll I quality considered , - prices nrc nlmommt We Imrguier than a week ago. 144(4' sales : Siring inmnb , 55.50176.001 ; 'eariiuigmi , f5.Ot1.j5.65 ; ( oil umatives 14.1111 vest. trims , $4.5OjS.25 ; native ( eeder , $3,2514.1O ; Arizona grasm-iers , 53.751(4.25 , St. Iipuis Liv , ' Stielc , ST. LOUIS , Jtune 25-C'A'I"i'LIC-ItecelptU 3.300 head ; Rhiiim'lmtl , 500 iiemtl : ; unmmrke Si'iiiY ) I fair to famic'y miii I icc shippIng an exIlort stOV.J'S. $ i.StlilS.20 ; hitmtk of sales , $4.55 ( i I 'JO ; dresseii itlef ) aimd lutchieu' steers , $4.40 11 1.110 ; bulk of sales , s1.srii SO ; st' crs tunder 1.000 hmOmlul)1H ) , $4.1ti4.60 ; himilk of 5(11(9 , $120 @ -l.f.0 mlt''lcerli ' ammO ( ceilem's , $ l.501t4tmo ; himmlk of sales 53.901i.l,15O ; cows flitO lmeift'ra , $2.O'YO ' 4.70 ; lnulc if ( 'oWs $2 SSGi 3.75 ; 'I'exms amil , In- ilimmim steers , $ : m.lah : 4.10 ; bmulk 0) ) ' sales , $3.6Oi 4.00 : C4).S'H ormil hmelfi'rs , $2 10113,50. I lOGS-IteceiIItl , 1,600 tiniit ; shmipmuments. 1,200 licatl ; rmliinhet 5c hotter ; yurkeu'm4 53.6519 3.80 : pacl'rs , $3.501 1.75 ; bimteimerm-1. $3Ot 3.90. 1311 EEI'-ltecemihls , umoume ; u4iiilmlmmOlItii , 400 hmeati ; rnmmrket nornlmmmii ; niu inimrkut for lack of receipts ; timtl'O ummtmttomms wommid salt for abotmt $4.001j4SS , 1(101 himomims mtt I.831J6.35. N'i' 'York Live Sineic. NI1\S' ' 5'O1tF , Jumme 25-I1EEVF7S-Re. cI3)tll ) , 1,287 ilemid. Feeling stonily. Exports , 1,4:15 : cal 11(1 mimmil 1,816 qtumarlerui of beef. ( 'A1VES-Ioeeihll8 121 iit'mitl. 51.tm'kot . , ( PIlot hilt St'iilY. ( \'m4lil , 55.41311 1,75 ; calves , $1 00 ; ( tile cur westenim , $5.15 ; soimtherum grass- irs , $2.Slu/41g$3.40. ShIRE ) ' AN1) I.A21 liS-lteceipts , 5,021. iiemml ; Pri limo 5110011 ihi ii 4'mnil tid a uui , st end y others hmts' . Prime iamimls ) ( ml'mmod iitemmtly othit'nim ICc losv'r'imJlO ; ) monrkt't clom-li'j easier. Ililet'li , $2.S0f4.h7 ½ ; laummlmi , $ G.O01j7.OQ ; eluilIi , $5.0D'i5.lO. IIOOS-lt4'cCillS , 2,400 lurid. Markat tmoun. inahly Htciiii itt $1.h5ujl.50. (11 mu' I ii iiuit I lI' & ' Stieic , CTNC'INNA'I'I , Jummo 25-11005-ActtvO. 53.101:4.00. CA'I"FLE-Stem'muIy , 52.30114.70. Ill I I'7Fil'-SelilIy ( , 52.651 : 1 , ( ) . LAS1IIS-Stelul ) ' , 55.00176.60. Stuck iii iiiglit. Ilccor'I of receipts of live stock at the ( nun tinihmL'iiIil lnll'kL'm ( for Juno 25 : Cmitili. lIos's. Himeep. ' .I.mi'J 5415 On'lahma . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . Chli'ligo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ( 19.000 2,500 1'1mlmSlH CI ty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I . 21) ) 3,710 . . fit. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,600 . . . . Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3,039 33,050 3,441 f4uiii Frlili'iiil'4) % V li.si t Sliirhcd , SAN F1tANCI SCO , June 25.-'W'l IEA'r- 'Veryw'ak ; casim , 51,23 ; Ilecember , 51.23 % ; Sliiy , 51.27 % . JAMES E. flUYO& CO. , 'l'cli.i i'ilioiie 1 031) ) , OIhlaIia , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISLONS mind S'I'OCICS IIOAI1J ) 01' TI1AIfl. Dire"t wli'e to clmIeae si'l , New York. Corripondtntih John A , S'grrn ( Ia H. I , PENNEY 6 CO. , ltnnzu 4 , N. 'i' . Life Iililg , , ( ) uumnhiu , Neb. Stocks , 6rain , Provisions 1)Irect WIres New York , Chicago &nd Weate'rzs I'u1mtt. v : .