- - - - - - - - - - - . . - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - ; . crLJ JJ czi. THE OMAHA ! UNDAY BEE. iTOs. - . ! ESrflJ13jA1SI [ El ) J UE I 9 , 1871 . OMA1 IA , St 1)AY MOBN ING , J 15N # 1 E O , 189s'i'WEXTY-1ro1JIn PAU 1S. sncaLE COI'Y FIV E CJN'1S. iii1uT OUT I FORCE ' Mcmber3 of the Royal Anmnnm Attend the Exposition. 4 CLIMATIC CONDITIONS ARE FAVORABLE % Local Councils Spend the Day on the Grounds , FIND MUCH TO ADD TO THEIR ENJOYMENT 'Concerta Attrae Th056 of a Musical Turn ot Mind. MIDWAY CATCHES ITS SHARE OF TIlE CROWD FIrMt 1)i Sct AsI.1 fur Sicret S.cIc- tkN 1'rovs to Jie it ( rcnt SueceNs Iii 1vcr IICNDCCt. * - After a week In whtch nearly every day ' w mnrke1 by .nore or 1es claborate cele- bratIoti , tile local COUflCUM oE the Royal Arcanum caine out yesterday and showed bow enjoyable a day could be pascd at the expoafflon without orat.rIcal Ilourishes or ornate ceremonies , They came Elrnply to ) iiavo a gootl time , nd they had It In allo- pathlc doses all day and pretty well Into the nIght. They were especially fortunate in happcnIflg on a day that was In Itself a - umcIent IncentIve for enjoyment. - The cyclone that gyrated over the north. eastern part of the state the preceding night wa not altogether a mis- fortUne. since the cool and in- vigorating breeze that followed in Its wake brought. a grateful rt1lef from the heat that \4ias ruled at. the exposition during the ear- 11cr part of the week , The coniined climatic advafltflg.5 UI all the summer resorts on tills lieinlsnhicro could not jrollce ( a mor& perfect day. After thc depressing lli'at of the last few day3 the change was especially welcome , and it was - A Pleasure even to breathe the fresh atxnosphcro and revel In the delightful favors of such llenl Julie weather. I.ii ,1L11 ( UI tle ( t SInce the feature of the day was almost ( 'fltIlUy of meal slgnlflcance , it did not tiring out the attendance that marked the preceding ( lays of the week. The councils of Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs vre very liberally reIreselltcd ) , and tiler' . ! wcre enotigh at thu. , ineuthers to make a very nrcilitable showing in comparison w ith the other visitors oit tilt ! grounds.lost of those who came In the morning lrought ) well . filled itinch baskets to bridge over the intervals - tervals .iiitll the banquet at 6 o'clock. and the affair was largely In the nature of a flilflhhy licfllc ) where cvcryboly knew his neiltbor flfll cli tiflitell l1 an effort to get tue grcatest posIblc amount of enjoyment - . - ' . - - - - out of the occasion. While there was a fair crowd on the groulkIs during thi0 ( lay , the ibsenco of any peclal attractions had a tClldeflCy to 111(111CC ( : peolile to pOStpolle their visit until ovelilog. Late lii the afternoon there was a declddtl : Increase in the arrivals. 1111(1 after su1)pr they multiplied exceedIngly. There seenid to be twice as inauy PeoPle oil the grotilids n tlnrlng the day and tile various attrae- tions did liii exceptionally heavy blislIless. The concert In the Auditorium entertalnel the muaitally inchlne , hut there were enough left otitsllo to make it a lively ovCn- jug. The Midway was crowded with viIitoril after S oelock anl the ntaln court resembled a sectIon of a busy lown-town street. The attendance of memnbera of the Royal Ar- C1flUU1 also lucre than doubled toward even. ing and III addition to the local councils a numnhler of nicmnbors front Arlington antI othpr adjacent town % dropped In to swell the number. After the supper. which was iierved at the Germiiali Village , they ( he- scended on the Midway in force and their blue badge3 wore colllpiClIOUs iii tile alflUSe snent bectioll .111(11 the gates were closed. ' .V.t'I'EltlhIl.ONS F111t 'I'IIl All N ( . ' * 'I'emM Ihrtiiil u ( ) ; , * , Prte to I'IIlIhI ( ( 'II .51113 I. A. meeting was held In tile Horticulture building yestertiny to arrange for the flr3t "fruit day' of tito eposItton-tbe luangura- tioll of the series of occasinna Ofl witichi fresh frtmlttt of various kinds tvhll be Ills- ti ibutetl to all corners WithOUt OflO and WtthlOtlt Price. Texas Is to furnish the lIla- tcrial for tiitm flrt fruit day 011(1 tile arrange- ; 3nefltS maile for the affair imithicate that. the Lone Star state wili b tile stellar attrac- Unit. A carloati of watermelons will be : h shipped to tile cxioltloii and large quanti- . tics of other fruits. but It Is sates to say thiat. Ihe watermelons wIll be the center of at- traction. The meeting referred to was attended by S. J. 'I' . JOtlIlSOfl , exposItion vice iireldent fer Texas ; I'rof. Atwater , superintendent of : the Texas exhibit ; Prof. F. W. Taylor , sllllerlutendent of the horticulture bultil- lug ; President it. F' . Cohiman of tile Fruit 1estlval association and rumi'rilltcmlclent of the Iowa horticulture oxhhhit ( I.V. . ilervey of Omaha , secretary or the Fruit F'eitival association , nmtl all of - , tIme 4UiCl'iIltemlthCIlt3 of txhmibits In the ilorti- clii titre bulithlmig. I'rot , Atwntcr ri'ttortell that lie had just returned front ttttciiihltig a nteetliig of the CollIlIhIled assocIations of tile San Antonio anti Aransas l'ass ImmigratIon nsociat1on and the Houston liusiness league. whIch has r. furnisiseti the miloncy and material for the Texas exhibit tIiII will furnish the muntorlal for time fruil fetlvai. W'aterinelons sqd other Texas fruit lIrotluets will be * 3illIilCd to arrive In Omaha In time for "Texn biOfl antI Grape day , ' July 1. Timis car wIll be lit charge of itt , U , Ranney of yoctiTh , LelllOld Ccliii offlecvlhlo niitl 0 , M , l'cterson of Normnsnua. , The best iitethtotl of making thu fruit jubl. let ? ft SUCCeSS W08 discussed by tile meeting for some tittle amstl It was finally decided to per the fruit cmi exhibItIon in the west did of the horticulture building until 4 p. III , of 3u1y 1. The big , luscious nIdlons will be r'Iletl ' up In this imrt of the butldlmlg and lime oilIer fruit will ho disiliayetl in an at. tractive nlamlmler linti the public will be al- ' .1 Joweti to surrotmnti time exhibIt multi gloat over time 8ight Ill anttclpatiomt of tile time I - WllCll the Juicy morsels will be transferred to the yawning Interlora of the hungry crowd , At I ccloek short exercises will be ilelil in fiont of the horticulture buildIng. l'resi- A. . i' deilt A. F. Cohhmmlan of the Fruit Festival Zdocintiemt will irc5iii anti short bike will be mmttlu by Vice PresIdent Johnson of Texas amId Prof. 4twater. l'ohiowimig thesti iirelhsmtnarics the fruit vlhl lit' brought out and lllaceli on iomj . tabie3 miortit of time hIortlctmiture building. Arthtur Neisotm , 4uiierint'nient of the Mis- ourl exhibit. was appointvd chief carver and he will Insert a butcher knife into the vitals of th0 biggest watermelon and the sections to the crowd. All ample farce of aulatants will be csigned the duty of carving the fruit and the crowd will be scrved as long as the material lasts. CMltl I.V1IK To hill ( ) Ni' OP MUSIC. Iimterei Immir noul Vssrleil Program % VIii Pt' I'rp.urnlcl nt the A umiltiprluns. While the musical attractions at the cx- position during the east week wore of Unusual - usual excellence tile coming week promises to eclipse them in point of interest and in edtmcational value. A series of entertain- meats will be given extending over the en- Lire week which wilt constitute an etiuca- tion in tilemselves nail aside from the attractions - tractions offered by the exposition grounds will conatittlte inducement sufficient to (1mw crowded houses anywhere In the civ- ihized world. Tiio concert by the Theodore Thomas or- ciiestra this afternoon at 4 o'clock will be but ( ho beginning of the feast of music which biis faIr to Satiate th desire of the jubhic for music of the highest class. Mr. Etlwnrti Schuecker , the ilarpist of the or- gallization , will he the oioit and wili play 0110 of his OWlI compositions. Mr , Schueck- er's playing has won for him a place in the csttnlation of the PCOllC of this section as well mis all tile rest of tile COtlfltm7 , for his connection of eight years with the Thomas orchestra has nlade hint well known to the music loving public ill afl eetions of this broal land. In addition to the harp solo tim program will iflelUlle among other gooti things tile intermezzo from "Nails , " tile 'lLtmy lilas" overture and ltubinstcin'mi galloping - loping "Cavalry. " Monday evealmlg the exposition chorus of Omilahia tvilI Cowan's " " sing "Rose Maiden , with orchestral accompaniment. The COIl- cert will be under tile tlirection of Mr. P. J. lCehly and the soloists will be Miss Jell- SIlO Osborne , soprano ; Miss Mabelle Crawford - ford , alto ; Mr. holmes Cowper , tenor , and Mr. Charles \V. Clarke , bass. The "Itose MaIden" is a most beautiful composition aIlI the chorus has it well in ham ! . Tuesday afternoon the orchestra will play a niatimiec CoIlcert , tile soloist on this occasion - casion being MiBs Silence Dales of Lincoln , a young girl 16 years of age , who Is sal'I to Play the ' 1101111 wIth a 1mi degre , ' of skill Tilestlay evening a short concert will pro- ceile the meetimlg of the educational con- ventlon , This concert. vhhl be but three- qtlarters of CII hour in iengtil , but its cx- ceilence vIIl fully atolle for its brevity. On Wetlllestlay afternoon will be givoll One of the most elaborate performances lmice time begInning of the exposItion. Tue Minneapolis choral society , 250 strong , will simIg "Isaiah , " an oratorio composed by tue conductor of tile socIety , Mr. Willard l'at- temi of Minneapolis. an American musician WilOse IlalilL' iS destined to a place amnong the iist of America's greatest composers , The nerformnance v1li be under the direc- tloii of Mr. I'atten humuseif , amid the praise \vhicit this work has received in eastern nlusical centers whenever it has been per- formed. together with the reputation of tile great CilOrtIs tilider the dlrecfion of tue composer , gives promise of au entertain- lIleIlt't'iitcit will Pack tue big Auditorium to ( ho limit of its capacity. Time soloists tot' tills occasioli Will be Mrs. Genevieve Clark Wilson , Mrs. Katlmerinc FIsk , Mr. Frederick Carbei'ry all' ! Mr. Cimarles W. Clark. Tllursday itiarka tile beginning of the Congress - gress of MusicIans , amid tile evening con- ccrts in the Auditorium will be made up exclusively of tile works ot American corn- POSCI'S , affording a treat wblchs Is rarely enjoyed by lovers of music. Many of tile composers will be present during these performances - formances , amid this fact vlil add to the cnjoynhc'nt of the occasion. ClIiIl ) O'L' llII.II'E 'I'll 11 S'I'ltllS. ' 1'C'lllM ItI ( , , IIl ( II ) * 1 , ( fl'.IHMItlII III Yen f- item , , rtM DC I Sp. Great S lieNs. Charles PL'tdisOIi of Rock Island , Pox , , president of the San Antonio and Aransas I'nss Immigrlttioli association anti a former resident of Omaha , made a flying visit. to Omalla anti the cx- position Fritlay of tile last week to see the Texas exhibit anti the general 3)1011 and 1tCOIfl ) of time CXlIOSitiOIm. The Texas exhibit at tile eXlOSitiOIl is niatic by tile association of which Mr. Peterson Is prcsi- tient and the Iloustoli Business league. A jeutit esslon of these associatiomla was helti in Texas recently , whlcil Wfl5 attended by l'rof. Atwater , superint'mldent of the exhibit Instalied in tue Agricimiture building , willch Ilitmstrates a variety of tile products of South Texas. Tile accounts of the exposition matie by Prof. Atwater were so glowing that. tile SUS- tclons of tue omcers of the society were excited. amid it. was intininted very politely tllat. tile professor wtis "tucking it Ofl. " The flying trip of l'resident I'eterson was for tue Purpose of verifying the reports of Prof. Atwater arId , itmdgimlg front tile statements made by Mr. Peterson before startimig for 110010 , 110 ivlli tell his lImI8Ociates that Prof. Atwater litti not. tell the half of tile story. lie assured Vice President Jolinsomm and i'i'of. AtWater that. time aiready large exilibit will be supplemented by a large quamitity of fresh 'materbl , anti that more Iflofley wIll be devoted to Innimmtaimling tue eximibit and increasimig it. Time commmblned associations wilich are 1110k- log the exhibit for South Texas will 1101(1 a busIness meeting n the exposition grounds July 15. AtlgtlSt IS has been selecteti as "Texas lay , " ama ! energetic efforts are beIng loathe to work up a bIg exeurslomi of Texas Ileolde on tilat occasion. Tile muatter has been takemm till by the association looking time exilibit , 01111 Presitlemlt I'eterson stmted that ntltimlmmg is being left tmndnne to make the affair a success. lie says the feeling of friemldslmip ill time southern iart of tile state for No- bruska Is ito strong that little ditllculty Is anticipated iii sectmririg a large erowml to visit. tile exjiosltinis on the day selecteti for thu Lone Star state. IC.iSSAS 'I't ) , til ) 'i'O UI'S I'XlItlI1'I. ig,1t1Ciiiimiil.siomm 'l'mtles IIsi I i'r In lb mid mtmiil % 'lI I IIrImg Snusmo Priml I , All the members of the Kansas Exposition commission with the execption of Secretary Greer have returned borne and each 111tH. vltitlal member of the hotly will tievote himu- self for the next few sveeks to collecting Imlaterini for the Kansas exhIbIts , Tile PRO- plo In all s ctlomls of the state have been profuse iii timelr lmromilses of fruit , grains , etc. , but the Promlitsea ilave npt. been ful- Illicit anti the comnmisslon will now take the matter Ili Its own hands antI see to It per- somlslly tilat the material Is secured , Time ilorticulturu eximibil. lit Partiulr , imas been neglected anti the mmppearant'e of time material - rial composing 111113 exhibit In time Ilorticul- lure buIlding has not contributed to tile rep- tmtatlon of the state , The outer exhibitors In time buiiding have lrotestetl against ci- lowing tills exhibit to remain in Its ires- emIt ColmtiitiOll , especIally as it Is not lobelia ! tt'ltit the Illtmlle of the state , but it is promIsed - Ised that Imew mmlaterlai wIll be mihlpp.I at 011CC antI the spot mitade to Lilossoin as tile robe. Ilmsll mm t I liilt mmi'sl Im. . EXiOSitIOml 11lU8i0 , for tcmtiay , June 26 , tvIlI bu - Tittodoro Titommmas' Chicgo , , orcilemttrA , Auditorium , 4 ji. nI. , Silecini iloimular vro- gramu. Mr. A , Seituecker. ilarp soloist. Ad. Ulisslen , 10 cemits. Momihay evening , Jutte 27 , Exposition ( "lmorua , COWaIl'S "lnse Maiden , " under tilu direction of Mr Thebes J. Kelley , SoloIsts : tColltllltmed on Fourth Page. ) . _ _ _ WORD FROI SIIAFTER Commander of the invading Army Sends His Official Report , MENTIONS THE DISASTER TO HIS TROOPS Bays the Spaniards Occupied a Strong Position on a Hill. FIRING CONTINUES FOR ABOUT AN HOUR Enemy is Driven Book and J'oc Wheeler Holds the Place. SHAFTER NOW WAITING FOR ARTILLERY lie IteqImeNtli time Smitmnedinte fllsimnteim of 'I'tlgH 811(1 ligiiti'rs ( ( I himmmihile ICimit to I.iimmI hIM FIeld uitil Siege flmmiiN WAShINGTON , June 25.-Tue first dispatch - patch from General Simafte concerning the engagement between the Spalmiards and time American forces reached tile War ( lepart- mont at noon today , and was as follows : "PLAVA DEL ESTE. Jutie 25.-Adjutant General U , S. A. . Washington : l3lAQUiltI , 24.-Further Imews from General Whteier places our loss in this morning's bring about tell killed and forty wounded. Cap- tam Caproml. First United States Voiunter cavalry , killed. 1'ouned : Major lirodie , Captain McClintock anti Liautellftmlt 'fhomnas , ( received ilero Tilonlas , and supposed to be an abbreviation ) , First United States Vcl- Umiteer cavalry ; Major Bell , Captain Knox and Lieutenant lhyram , Firat Iimlitel Stat cavalry ; Captain Kmiox , serlousi ; ; Captcln V.'ninwrlght. , formerly 'eportetl tounded. is umiinjured. The names of the otimeru killed antI wounded are not vet knnwr. . The Spaniards occtmpied a very strong and en- trelleimed posItion on a high hill. Tile firing Insted about cmi hour amid Ilie enemny was driven from its position. vlmlii is 110w ( .0- cupieti by our troops , about a Illile nild a ilaif front Sevilla. The en'mny i'as letireti toward SantIago do Cuba. The department has also received tIle following - lowing ( lispatclles from General Shatter , cc- celvet after , tileugh apparently vrlttemi before - fore the foregoimig : PLAYA DEL ESTE , June 5.-Adjutnnt General , \Vnsuiimigtomi : I1IAQUIF1I , JtlmIe 24. -I it .Ubhilig out to occupy it good PO5ititll near Si'vilin to wait. amid cnr'llca until si'- ' piles anti artillery couitl be lantiecl. Four- teelitii amid Temltii cavalry ( Fotmrteenthi np- Paremitly Is a mistake ) anVooIlH' ! regllmtcllt 110(1 a ilkirnilsil. Umieiiiy was tIm Iveli ( real its poCltieml atmil Gelieral Wllet'ler reports he now occupies their grnuts.l.'otmnaed , Major Bell , Ctptnin Knox , Cn1)tltiliVilght , Llcutenamit Byranl , First cavalry , 011(1 a nunlbcr of IflCfl. Above nau's mIly given. Lighters anti stealu tugs asketi let' timis lnormlllmg should be sent at omice. omice.S1IAFTE1t. . 'I'ehls of ills 'trim , . PLAVA DEL ESTE ( ? ia Haytl. June 2. ) -Adjutamlt General , U. S. \Vashlrigtoa : 1)IAQUI1tI , June 23.-Hail very fine voyage ; lost less than fifty animals ; sl' or eight today. Lost liloic putting tileul tiiroimgh the Htlrf to hand timan on transports. CoIn'riand as healthy as when we heft ; eighty iien sick ; oimly dcatils. two 111011 dt'oviied in iamniing ; landing thiflicuit. ; roast. riutt'simni - br to tilat In vicimlity of San Francisco ailmi covereti wIth dense grnvtil ( f blmshes ; lallding at Biaquirt umlopposeti. All polmits occupied by Spaillab troons heavily born- burdetl by navy to clear them out Sent ti'OpS ) towarti iaimItago auth occupied - pied Jimrngua Cmtj , a naturally strong Idace , this mormilag. 3panlslm trop : retreating as 50011 liii 0U flhlvailce 'WOS known. 110(1 flO mounted troops or cciulti have captul'ed them , about 00 all told. Railroad froni them'e in. Have iarl ammil en- gille In possession. WIth assistance of avy ( Ilsembarked 11,000 men yesterday alit ! as rnamiy more today.VIil get nil trop , ol tomorrow , Including Elgilt artillery anti greater portion of Pack trains , : robably OIl of it , with some of the wagons. Amihmmi have to be jumped to tile vater amId towartl ailore. ilmtd consultations with Genertis Gurcia , Itch ani Castillo t 1 p. n. of tAc 2Otim , twenty mntles west of SantIago. These officers were unanililously ) f tile Cpinian timat lamlilng shmouId be niatle ca'.t of Santi- ego , I had Come to the came con'lualon. General Garcia promises to jclml 1mm' ? at Juragua City tomorrow wRit between iOOO and 4,000 men , who wIll b" brmmgiit ll'OIii vest of Santiago by ships to .luragua CIty and tilsembarkemi. This will give betwecim 4,000 Cubans and leave 1,000 tInder General flabi to threaten Santiago froni tile west. General Keiit's ( livision Is being tilseni- imarketi this afternoon at. Juragea City aiiii tvlii ho contInued titmm'lng the miiht. Tile assistance of the navy has been of tile grcatest. bemlefit and elltllUmtlasticahiy given ; without it I could not have iandeti in ten days anti perhaps not at all , as I be- hieve I should have lost many boats in the stmrt. At Present we want Ilotiling. Weather himis been gooti ; no rain on land tnd ProsPects for ( air weather. Sif AFTER , Major General U , S. , Coinmantling. Siiie ltevorts Misshlig , General Sliafter'mi report. was received about noon and gave the otilciahs tile first ( Iota of the engagement. yestertlay , The general's referemlco to "furtiter news" amId to forrner report" couitl not be explained as tills 'as time only report of any kind received from ilim. There was the possibility that. an early report hIss been delayed enroute , but time accepted iielief was tilflt General Silafter's refcremlccs were to the early Imress reierts , Villch lie doubtless knew were beIng for. warded. Tile only other report receIved was tilat fl'oni Colonel . Allen as to the telegramih lilIes , WiliCil incitlemitaily mnentlollctl the press reports of our casualties. Cliptaill Wainwrlgiit's ilame aPpears iml time oihlcial dispatch for the first lime. As General Shafter reports 11101 uninjureti all concern about him is renioveth , General Shafter's dispatch throws consitl- erablo now light on the general situation of the advailco , IL makes it evithont that. Major General \Vileeler , coniniander of the cavalry ( iiViSiOn , Is with the ndvammce force , the rough riders , amid time cavalry forces wilichi imurticipated yestermiay , being part of General Wimeeli'r's command , It Is felt to bo cimaracteristic of tile dasit and Impetu- ostty of Wheeler tilat ito simtmltl be headin tita advance , anti it Is taken as answering 50100 of the comments niatlo U1l011 the ago of seine of time volunteer leaders. General Shafter's report tiat our troops are Imow about a mnile cud a imahf fr6p Sovilla shows bow rapldiy tile American soltilers have pumlileti forward , They have already passed Jum'agtma , leavlmmg It three miles In the ream , Sevilla is the point where the Spaniards claim they will make a tiesperate stand , anti with our forces only a mile and a halt off , it is apparent that a decisive tlgimt is near at imand , It Is five allies fron Sevilij to Aguadores ( the Interior townniot. .the port ) , and two miles further t Santiago. This shows our troops to bu elgimt and a ilahf miles from Samltlago , according to General - eral Shatter's report. Arlmiy oihlclals say tia name MChintock , contained In General ' Silafter's ri'port , well as in the Assoclted Press ( hisLan ! Undoubtedly wropg , due no doub at'4'J t ; ag : : . . tahes imm telegraphing. Tb'4r smy the name should be Captain M. S. 4icCorrnlck , who belongs tempotiully to theFlrst , cavalry , to which he was assiglieti at4hls ewn request , from the Seventh cavalry recently stationed in the southwest. Theeis no omcer in tlme regular or voltinteeramy by the name of McClintock. Captain McCormick is trom Ohio anmi graduated from Ib , military academy in 1S7C. 1S7C.The CaptaIn Watnkright meferred to ii. General Shatter's report as beIng uninjured belongs to the First cavair , Ills full liarne is Robert I" . P. Wainwrlght , liiliedt flu linrlr FIihmt. Secretary Alger and General Miles look for deslilcate fighting soon. The main at- tentlon is given o hurrying forward rein- forconiertts and stores t ( General Shatter , Ill ( lila connection a serious loss caine to tile knowledge Of the \'nr department today When it % as learned that. the one lighter seni wIth the Shatter opcdItion for time purpose of unloading the heavy artillery 11011 been host. It leaves the Invading army without proper means of getting time heavy siege gmmmms end ordnance from the transportx to time shore. There is one small tug with the tr.insport fleet , bimt U. is Imot believed this can be made available for getting the big guns ashore. liesicles the guns there are the heavy mounts , caissons , trucks , etc. , Wilich nothing - ing but a big lighter can takq ashore. Speedy steps were tmmken to remcly this misfortune am , far as possible. Adjutant Gen. cml Corimin telegraphed General Coppinger at JacksonvIlle to see that two large light- era voro sent. at omice to tile Ilcet of tran.- ports , Time order told Ucnerai Copplngem there was need of the utmost haste , It Is possible that General Coppinger's quartermaster has lighters near at hland , otherwise it Is expected. ho will adopt means to secure anything of the kind within reach. Tiley will have to be toweti over , which is a slow Irocesa , with flat-bottomed craft of this kind. In the meantime it is opected the navni vessels will assist In1 getting the guns ashore , although it. Is doubted if they can afford much more aid titan thm4 tugs , SPANIARDS ON THE RETREAT ' ltetlre from Tileir i3IockimonseN , VhiIeim 'Vhiey 11mar11 , tutu time ClililItiN ( . & ' Climas'- . ( Copyright , 1SiS , by Press l'ubiiaillmlg Co. ) BIAQUIItI , Cuba June 21.-Via Port An- tolilo , Jallialca , Jtmuo 25.-'New York \\'orld Cublegraln-Speclal Teierani.-A ) dozen dark columns of smoke impon as ninny 11111- tolls bet.weemm . Altares anti $ antlago indIcated at ( lawll today ( Thursday ) the abandonment by tile Simnisil of all i.hic territory outs1d tile ( hefemlses of the beieaueretl cIty. Last nIght. was a iilgiit full of imnxiety on the lilcicet lines. General Lswjon late yesterday 'afternoomi had pushed the Twellty-secormd 1111(1 the Tivemity-tiftit regiments hd. hart of tue Second Massacillsa4ts infantry ; llrcC miles westward o Biaquirl. There t'as no oppositlomm. During the night a pIclet line was tilrown a tUlle ijeonti. with inst.ructions to be 'ery alert. Prepartt.lons were made for a nIght attack , but . , tmr men' were not disturbed. Just at thawn a tolIglic , f flame leaped up floln tile apex of a ilihl.c'iuarter of a mule beyond tile advance Amnci"an pickets. This vils quickly folhowd by another nail flllotiler frolu atljacent hilltops , until at least a dozen tires balrmieti fiercely within a radius of five lililes amid then coiunins ! .smoko Indicated time svhiereabouts of otitems shut out. of sight by the Inountains. The rising SUII revealed a blazing block- hiouge , markIng the colnhote ; destruction of the Spanish lIne of defense outside tile reg- imlar cartitworks. During the Ilight , after he had been convinced that tue United States force wits too strong to resist. successfully , General Llnures had filled the blockhouses wIth combustibles alit ! fired them. The SpanIsh retreat began at the same time. The littic village of Altares , on tile coast , four miles west of Blaquiri , vIuich was so tenac- iOtlsiy held \VedneEday In the face of tile 'ltherlng gunboat fIle , was evacuated by its garrison of 300 Spanish infantry. These troops began a lla8t > retreat Ofl Santiago through almost impdssiable defiles of the nloLmmltalmls , V.11050 cIltralices 'cre unknown to nil except tue Cmmbnils. . TIme retreat WotIlti. havd been successful but for the vlgiiamlco r General Castlilo and tite Cubans. Genermti pastille sent a scoutimlg detnclllncnt f rwprdVedmiesthay aftermioon to guarti agalllst Burhirise and before - fore ( layi4reak ito hati mounted his horse an(1 rode to cornmnand It in jerson. When lie arrived two bile's inland , at Altares , ills scouts lnforiiied him of the Spamilsh retreat and pointed to the mouIJcrimmg blockimouses. I General Cimstlllo imistantly took measures to Imitercept the enemy and by a rapid move- nient succeeded in cut4iml off a part. of the Spanisii column. A lively skirmish fol- iowcd , but the Spanish saomm gave way , bay. imlg their baggage ill the bands of Castlilo's mcml. A number of teamnstcrs and mtoiilers were aiso captured , The Cubans lost one Than kiiled anti several wounded. Tile Span- isim loss ha not known. Tile Ctmbans , although lllfertor In nunibers , pursued vigorously several llilles. The Span- iartls , belmlg reInforced , tunctl amitl drove time Cubans back , Fhie latter were cclii- forced In turn and quickly turned the tide. Steadily skirrnisimiii , the Spanish slowly and sullenly retired , A report brought in by a Cmmban carrier lmttu today places the Spanish known loss at tour tlcad. Tile fight , as observctl from the imibbs two miles in time rear , was picturesque. Not a single blockhouse was Jeft stamitling by tile cncrny. Evltloutiy' Gemieral Garcia must be carryimig omit hIs part. of tue contrlct ammti pressIng closely from tit , west , sInce Am- miral Cervera's ships vero called Into ac- tioli tOay to repulse the cjub'ins , About 10.000 flIell and. 500 1iorae hinti h'on lantleil by nIghtfall today Jcn.rai Shatter will astabllshi headquartera at Altcres to. morrow ( i'rlday ) wilich wIll timeim ha. . wltltin the Amnerican lines " WORD FROM CENRAL ! GOMEZ Slimi mm lit ris Coitt"emi4rrt it- % I I 'I'h. e. $ r Fir''es ittriliiist , iit tmmdouiiil- iiiie Ciml.i.it J.adcr. ( Copyright , 1ss , by l't'sj .Publilming Co. ) KEY \VEST , Fla. , June 5.-New ( York World Cablegrnm--Specimd 1'elegram.-Time ) most lomportant commuigatea which has left Cuba 1105 just beca brought in' by the gor- eminent tug , Chief of General DenIes's staff and secretary accompanIed by four others Comiipomse the commnantl , .Timey bring Impor. tammt doeunientu from General Commies. They were Picked tip by the gunboat off Cardenas , They were salltng.ln a sloop pIlot boat cap. tur'ti from the Suanlartis and were towed ilere. Tile Spaniards have abandoned all their minor operations and have concentrated all their forces against ( iemterni Comes , SI'IIuIIii 4tory of thai IhaUle , MADRID , Jtine 25-An otficlat dispatch front antlugo do Cuba has been received baying that General Linares' calulan was attacked on the helgimts of Sovllli by Amen- can soldiers mmd a band of Insurgents. The dispatch says : "Thu enemy was repulsed with scnious losses. Fhe Spaniards had seven killed amid twenty.scyen wounded , in- ' .mmdipg three ottlcqrj. " t . - ROUCII 1ll1)ERS ) IN IT They Get Their First TaM.e of Real Warf'ara Friday Morning. THERE ARE PRACTICALLY TWO BATTLES Regular Cavalry Under Genemi Young Likewise Engaged. CASTILLO'S ' CUBANS FAIL TO CO-OPERATE They Do Not Bacli the Scene Until the Battles Are Over. AMERICAN SOLDIERS MAKE A HARD FIGHT 4iimiii isa rd's .At tuck frolil Amnhiaisht mmliii lInl. . , m' StmIiiurit iLeslNtmaIm'e , hilt Are Pureed Omit nimul Stmaimm- . liedil 'l'nmirii Smimmt ingo , ( C0p3'righlt , 1S9S' , by Associtte'l Press. ) I'ObtT ANTONIO. Jamaica , JtlllO 25.-U a. mn.-Four ( iiilics northwest. . of Jimragtmll , Cuba , Jtmne 23 , 2 P. nm-Dimouilted ) Anmer- ican cmtvairymeml forced theIr way over time rough mountain traIl this mOrliiflg alit ! 0l1 countoremi time Spanish infamitry in a demIse thicket on a imighm plateau almost overiooktiig the city of Santiago do Cuba and routed them after a simarp battle lasting one hour. This afternooli , strongly reinforced by tue arrival of atidltiomial forces , the cavalrynien held a position a little more than five miles from time Spanish stronghold in southeastenil Cuba , preparing for a general mflovelflelit on that city , 'rotlay's victory was aot gaimieti without time shedding of American blood , and one omcer alld twelve of the troopers lie under tile ground oji time field of battle , wimile about. fifty others. lmmciuding six otlicers , are imi timm fleitl imospital simifering froln'OllfltlS. . UI titese , eIght or ten will probably die. It is belIeved that time cneIliy'B loss t'as at least fifty ( ienl , besides niniiy woimmideth , Two battles wore fought. at the sonic ttliie , 0110 by the rough riders illialer time ililmmletii- ate Cofiilllalmti of Colonel Wood , and omie on the toll of tile ilill , several miles away , by tue regulars , with wiioni was G''licral Young. The expedition started froni Jurngua- lnarkcd omm soliic Cuban , fliItS as Altnrcs--a 5111011 town on tue coast miiiie Iiiilcs east of Morro camttiii , vhtclm was tile first place occu- Pled by tile troops after timeir landing at Ihlaquirl \Vetimiesday. . Information was brought to tue American urniy bendquartcrs by Cuhans on'ednes - ( lay that forces of Spanish soldiers had as senmbled at , tite place where tIme battle oc- currcd to block the muarcit on Santiago. General - oral Young went. there to dislodge theni , tild understahidlng being timat the Cubamms umi'lcr General Castillo would co-operate itli iiin , bitt the latter faihed to appear natil the flghr Was' nearly flnishetl. Then they nsleti permission to chase the fleeing Spaniards , itlt as the victory wag alreatly emi C.viltjral Young refused to allow thlemil . * 0 take part In the fight. General Young's plan contcrnpiateti mov- lug half of ills colmllnand along tIle trail at the base of the range of lulls leading back of tile coast , so that lie could attack tile SpanIards on time thank , willIe the rougim rIders Weilt off to follow the trail lead- imig o'ei tile illll to attack them In front. This p11511 l'flS carrietl OmIt completely. Tue troops left Juragua at tiayifreak. The route of General Young anti time regulars was coniparatively bevel auth easy. Tiiree liotciikiss guns vere takemi witim thus cOIn- mamid. Chink Over Slei'i , hills. Tile first part of the journey of the rough nitlers vas over steep hills several hiumitired feet illgll. . . , Tile Inca carried 200 roimntis o ( animntmmmition and heavy equlpmn cmi k Al- tilough tills l'Iis done easily iii time early rnonmmlng , the weather hccnnmc inteimsely lint , and time atimi heat down impon tiio cowboys and eastern athletes as they toilet ! up tile grade with their heavy packs , ammd frequelit rests were necessary. The trnli s'as so imurrow that for time greater hart of tilt ! way time men had to proceed single file. I'ricltly cactus hrllshi iimletl both sities of the trail , anti the under. brmlsh was so tilick that. it impossible to see on feet OIl either lde. All the con- thltiona st'erc favorable for a murderous mini- huscatie , but the troopers kept a close watch amid made as little mlolsc as lmssble. ) Tile rotlgli riders entered into tIm spirit of tile occasion with the greatest enthusl asIa. It was their lirst opportunity for a fight amid every nan was eager for it. , The % s'eatilcr grew swelteringly hint alid one hy One time men threw away blankets and tent rolls and eniptleti theIr camiteens. Time first intimation Ilati by Colonel Wootis' commanti that there were Slaniards imi the vicinity was when timey reachetl it point three or four miles back froln time coast , wimen thin low cuckoo calls of time Spanish soldiers was heard ilm time brush , It was dilhicult to locate tile polmit from which these sounds caine , The men t'cro ordered to slmealc OIlhy In wimispers anti frcquemmt halts were made. F'illlilly a place hOC reacheti about 8 o'clock wimere the trail I opemmod into a BPOCO covered with high grass on tile right hand stile of time trail , A barbeti wire femmce ran niong time other ldc. Time denml hotly of a Cuban was fountl on time side of time road anti at tile 5111mW time ! Cliptalll Capron's troop coveretl time outpost time imeatla of several Spanlmmrils were seen in the bushes for a momemmt. I it WOS not until then that the men wera allowed to load their carbInes.'imen the orier to loam ! was given they acted on It vitim a will 011(1 displayed the greatest eagerness - ness to nlake an attack , At timla time the sounml of firing was heard a mile or two to time right , aplmaremmtly CoIn- log from tile lmibls beyommtl tile thicket , It was tile regulars replyIng to the Sitalmiards , ' 1mm addition to rapId rifle fire time boom of hlotchmiciss guns could ho imeard. Simm. mm imartls Ojiemi Fl re. hardly two minutes elapsed before Mausor cIties ( 'OllilneflCell to crack in time thmickot ammti a hundred bullets wimistleti over the btcads of time rough riders , cutting heaves from time trees and it'elmmhlrmg chips hying from time fence posts by tIle side of tile 11100 , Time Spaniirds had opened amId timt'y poimreti In a imeavy fire , wiiicii soon had a most disastrous effect , The troops stood their ground with the iimmhlets singing all around them. PrIvate Colby caught sight of time Spaniards anti fired time oimenimlg simot at themIm , Sergeant ilamnlitomm Fish , Jr. , was time tlrst man to fall. lie was shot timrough time ileart amid tiled imistantly. Tite Spaniards were not more timamm 200 yards off , but only occasiomimmh glilapses of them could be seen , Time II.fl continueti to pour 'olley after volley into time brush in time dii'ectiou of the soutiti of the Spanish silOts , but the latter becanme more frequent and seemmicti to be getting micarer , Colomiel Wood waiked along his lines .iis- piaying the greatest eoolnes , lie ordered the troops to deploy Into the thicket and THE BEE BULLETIN , 'teathmer Forecast for Nebraska- Fair ; Vnriabl Winds. i'niie. 1 ilo'nl Arciammmmnm l.i at LIimasIt iou. Gt'mmermal Siuuafier tnkes ileliort. Iliattli. aif thu itoiigii itislers , Spain itt ii % 'er ) iImu " . % 'si 2 Saul ifl5l ) lii lie Sttrmimcl. Sbmiamim lInt ( iimit Citicknmimnamgn. liii , n CiT5 natal Commimamemmi , : ; eirtsin Vmilnimt eers Ordered to Imamniia , Puree 'ictimmms of n Sharimi. 'l'nbl& of .tttnck emi Spout. .1 l.mis ( ' . % 'm'ck lit ( immmmihm' Society. Ilining. . , ( if liii' ilumimeulint Its. lug S't-k fur tue 'i'eni'iiers , ft Comimacti liii cial Mutters. 7 Ommimmimmi " .Vi . them' ( hitiuie , i'iuik ( ' ( uim ( CiIvmtgn bcrhy , 8 i'rcpnrt luit3't iii ii ltemnilicmilmM. .t mitIier iIp ; ; sii ammi 1mm Om.tmmimmt , , i It , lit ( iii' % 'urlti. Mamsiemal of ( tic \Vcelc. I 1 Coinimmere Viimnmit'imtl Ne'.m's. ( ' , , mmul it liii ' iuut liii's 'i'riuic , I 2 lid Itirlmtl omumimemmt. I : t nmmmghits " ' ' 1t''iiimlul lestimli , let ter ft It'i.uumimmatgn. trt lit * 1 aualtlnti , , ( miiig ot Cum mierfnitt'rs ( 'mttlixiit , 14 Ii'iio'M Of I ime Aut te Itoiimmm , a , lis'i mie frumitVnr 'L'mtx. Cmi put iI.uiiismmm iii Afrit'iia 1 6 Ilumi I I uig Spiaiit'N hiefnrmmmers , ( 'ramuits ja itim Vnr SellI'mues. Croivum 11mg of linilutuil's ( limeelm , fT ( hut time blunt of time 'tYtirii. 1 $ lit tIme Iiumnllt of % % 'omui ( au. 11) Stmirtltuug 1'li'siologiemiI 'I'Iueory. : .iu lii'elit bits i'.mal Ieuu. Nntaire's Vmuihers itt tlimtinmmma. 21 "imaiieN of Entitle' ' . " 22 Jim the \urld of Siomrt. ht : % 'itht the ' , 'iieels maimil % 'lteeiimmCIm. Pmtmuuattms Nmimaie , . of tue iny. 2t "imaamglutcr ( if Li lt'.gimimittt. " I'eumt'eriitimre nt Omimnlta m lioiir leg. iimmr. leir. ri ii itt . . . . . . TO 1 ii. mat , , , . , , U a lit . . . . . . TI ) ! h I , . itt . . . . . . .4 1 7 it tim . . . . . . 71 8 ii. iii . . . . . . . 14 a , iii . . . . . . ' & 't ii. III . . . . . . 8(1 ( 1) it iii . . . . . . 7(1 1mi. . iii . . . . . . 8(1 ( Ill ma iii . . . . . . 71' Ii it. to . . . . . . ii ml , nm , . . . , 714 7 p. tim . . . . . . 'U 12 mit . . . . . . . . . . SUNIA' _ . 'l' ' 1:90 iN1'OSl'I'lO , . .t ( lie G iaitud i : t i. iii. , ( : rnuutl Comuecri Iii Aim- i I it i. I ' mu SmO ( ) I , . mum. , Grmimtd liluutiimtmit ion of fluttlihi 11gM ititat I.migioimi. Xo-t 'l'OWtl i S p. mit. , 'IieIuItIlh Serviees , , tmuierieituu lust It mitt' ( if ilouueomimll imy , Fl rst Cotmgregmtt iomimtl Cli itreb. selmt anotimer detaclimnelmt iii the 011011 space to the loft. Licutenulit Colonel Roosevelt leti time former tietaciiliiemmt amid tore tlmrouglm the brush urging his imien on. The shots CflIiiC tlilclter aimd faster every moment all' ' ! the air seemed filled with tue shiricklug soutmil of the Mauser bullats , while tue simorL pop of tue Shiaulshl rules could be. distinguisimed easily from time imeavier reports of the Amerleami rifles , Sopietinmes the fire woulti ColliC in volleys and again shots wommlmt follow each other In rapid succession for several ImilliUtes. Captallm Capron toot1 behind his mcmi , mevoiver lii hand , using It vbmenever a ShlanIshi soldier exhmosetl hlniself , Ills aimii was sure and two of the eflenly were seen to fall ilmider Ills fire. Just as ho was pre- parilmg to take lmnothmer shot , anti SiloUtilIg orders to lull men at tue sonic time , ills ro- voiver ( lropmmeti from ills grasp amid hId fell to thme grOulld. Ills trohp was badly disconcerteti for a IfloiTlelit , but lie called oUt wIth nil time strellgthi hle Cetliti Inuster , ' 'Don't nmimmti mile , boys ; go 011 amid flght" lie was carricti from thin field as scoli 1(5 pomisllmie , amid ii'cth ommly a few homlrs. Licutemmant Timomnas of tIme 511100 troop received a wounti through time leg lsoomm after. Tue troops tiiO were in tIme thIcket were not hang iii getting into time Ililtist of the lhgimt. The Siunmiards located tlleln amid lmres5ed titeni hard , but they sent a deadly lire In rutUrli , eveli timotighm most of tllelml could mmot see time 0000ly. After ten or fifteen mInutes of hInt work , Licutelmallt Colonel Itoosevelt ordered hmis I1ICII back from the timicket Into tile trail , narrowly escaping it iUllet iminiseif , whicim struck a tree alongside his head. It Was evident timat time Slialmiartls were ( alilmmg back alIt ! changing timeir hmositioll , but the fire colltinued at lntervuhs. Then -tue troops tore jto time front and into moore open country than where the emlemny's fire was cornuimg fronm. About titls tlmno small squltda comlmlenced to carry time wountied ( coin the thicket aliti lay thmcmn in a more jirotecteti Shot umitil they coultl be removed to a field lmospitnh. Colonel \'ood also ordered imls llotchmkiss gun ilitO action , hut the trooper who rode time mule UOIi trbmlcii a iart. of tilO gun was packed iilltl been stammllmetietl , ills anillilli broke into time woods from time opimuittm tli- rection from time Sptmmmisim fire ttimd the gun could not be used. It t'as jtist after thme change of pommltlomm was made thmmmt Etiwarti Marshmabl , corre- spontielit of time New York Journal anti Ad- vertlaor , Was lhangerousiy woulimleti , lie was hack of tile troops armti a bali struck hinm iii I limo smmmail of time back , Thme stmrgcons were unable to tell timims atternoomi whether lb voiihii recover or mmot. Iunimig the iighmting in time thicket annie of tue treops thu some miilootimmg into time troops ahead of theni , As 50011 miS time posh- tiomi hills Cimaliged tile Aaiericamms IloImm'eti a macro tleimtily lire imito tim Spammlartls , It was not long before time enemy gave way anti ran ( Iowml time Steel ) imili anti up amlotiler imlil to time hmbockilouge vith the evident Imitemit of imiakimmg a final stanmi there. ( 'iimsso After tile limii.uimy , Colonel Wooil ' .aS Lmt the front directing tIme Imioveillent , 10(1 it scas here Major lirothie hVLIS shmot. Colonel \\'ootl anti Coiommol htoose- velt both hem ! time troops lii pursuit of time Spaniards , mmmi a 11011 of bullets was poured Into time ijlockimouse , Iiy tIle timmie tIme Amcrlcamiu ndvamiccd wltimlmi 600 yards of tue blockhouse , the Spaniards ahrnlldommetl it , and micattereti ammmomig the brush imp Imilotimer hill Imi time dIrection of Saiago ( , and the battle hiflB ut mm emiti , lunlng all tills home just as hot a fire hlad been progressIng at General Yoummg'a station. Time imattlti begumm in much the amimno manner as time other one and wbemm th macimimme gmmns obmemmed fire time' Slaniarda semit volleys at time gmmnnerli fron time bruihm mm tile oImposltc biiltldes. Two troops of cavuiry ciiargeti Up tile hmibi , amid otlIers semit it storm of bullets at every point from which time Spammisim idiots came. Time enemy was gradually forced back , timougll hiring all tile time , until they , ati Well itS those confrontltmg the rough ritlers , nun for time blockhouse , only to be dsiodged by Colonel Wood's mcml , Colonel Young stated nfterwimrds that time battle was ammo of the sileruleat hit hmtmml cx- ierienced , it was ommly the quick fire n ( ho troopers , witethmer they could see the enemy or not , timmmt caused the Svammish to retreat , Colonel Young spoke in time Imigimest ( ermlms of Ilte conduct of ( ho men in imis coimminand and both Coiollel Wood mind Colonel htoose- ( Continued on Fourth Page , ) CAll1RA'S ' BIG BLUFF Prnctically Impossible for His Fleet to Roach Philippines. COAL SUPPLY AN INSUPERABLE OBSTACLE Wholly Imprncticahle to Coal from Tmni. iorth in Indian Ocean , SAILING OF TIlE FLEET JUST FOR EFFECT European Powers Agree that Brain Should Stie for Peace. NOT LIKELY TO FOLLOW THEIR ADVICE l'ossihiiiIt flint lime 'mmr 'ibl lrn _ tlnuug limit ii time lmmum. Arc Unto- imetlemi to Smmrremtdcr froti. * Slicer ilxitmiaiuat loti , ( Copyright , IS9S , by l'rcss Ptmblialmimmg Co. ) LONDON , JimmIe 25-New ( York \Vonbd Cabiegralim-Slmecial Telegramn-Admuittimmg ) timat time Spamiimtrtls are callable of this folly of Belldimlg Cammmmim'a to the l'hilipplmies , au- tiloritics quematiommed tleclaro the coaling dliii- culty to be an iusupermthlo obstacle. Until Canmara has gotten half way between Car- timagena ama ! time Plmiiipplmmes he cotmit ! get no COlli excelmt Mlfliclent to take him back to Spain nod if imnvilmg sectlred coal for that object ime comitinimed his voyage to time Pimil- ippimies hq , would be debarred coaling at ammy other mmotmtrnl Port. It. has been stmg- geateti timat ilO has it rendezvous of colliers 1mm the lteti Sea , but inquiries nmatiu at the shipiming oxcilnmmge tetlay simow 110 floatIng cargoes available in time hed Sea. when Caniara Would ho 1)85511mg through. Coalimig itt this sclmsomi in the Ilmdimmn ocenmm is un- practicable , owIng to tilc lmrevaloncc of time sotmtimeast nmonsooum. Even if Camoara made a l'imllippllmo vort mmmtvai eximents ngree lmo Wotibti ommly be rulmmming immto time annie fate its Cervera at. Smumtltmgo , A luathing cabitmet miminister , speakimmg lmrivately to a fllelllbcr of i'arllaniemmt last CVI'llillg regarding the tltmestlon of itence , said : "All lvi. klmow is thmat tue European powers have agreed timat Spalmm shmouhti Sue for eaco ammti time almmbassnhiora of the potvers at Ma- dciii i'ZmVC equally Imgreeti that the m'CgeIlt aliti nhimmistm.rs ammtb time ophiositioli nil concur Ia that view , hilt are theterreti frolmi avohy- 11mg It by fears of illtermllmi troubl's or mnpri'iv Iiartlsaii colisltleratiena. Tile S'iiaiilsh gov- ermmnment , Ilmstcali of striving to save Solne- timhmmg ( cclii tile wreck of its colonial emnlIro by tilmlcly subllhissiOmi , bIns been fri'ctenimmg away t.imimo 1111(1 OllpOm'tUmmity 'lth fimtllc proposals - posals to France , itusaha aliti Gcrnmammy for Ilillalices. 1'hmc lmmipraetlcabhe spirit nmmtl 1mm- tractable temper ( llShlflyed Ill time hmreacmmt. crisIs by Spanish stntesmnomm of nib hurtles seem to have convInced at Blast some aiim- bassatiers ot Madrlul tilat time wut' vIIl drag Oh llideiimhitely , timat stveepimig American smlCCCSmieS wIll , lInt end It , that it. will 01117 die nut under time effecta of Ine'vltnbie rcvo- iUtiOli amId allarcimy 1mm Shialmm itself. ' ' Accurtiimmg to immy hmmformimammt tile minister Shoke im a muost IlL'slmOmilellt ( toll , . thlrougimout , declaring thlat Sallmtbtmry immiti lost vaticmlco wltii time Spanish govermlnlelit. Smmtin iii a Ilitmi % % 'miy. MADRID , JimmIe 24.--Via ( time Frolitler.- ) ( New York World Caiilegrnmv.-Sptaio granm.-Timo ) closure of the Conies , far front paclfyimig Itoimlmiar dlaeommtent , has very' sharply ilmereasetl time simsimlclens of Politi- ClaIms nut ! time uimeaslncsim amId alarmmi of [ lana- ciers nh' ' ! bmmsimless men , whmlhst. tIme genera ! PUhilic is mmioro tiimmn over ready to credit the exaggerated pesslllmlst rumiiors iloateth by time hiross anti towlm gossIp. 'l'ilc govcrmimimemmt is simllmiy [ imi a b'osltioli of uncertainty ammtl perplexity - plexity , living 011 time imrilmclpie of gaining time at any cost. 'I'ime illusions of optlnilsmn are shmareLl imy hellO of its rmmemmmbers or par- tlsalmmi when speaking frankhy in birivate , btmt ns tile Imhinlaters say , tlmey act. as ami abl-inmportlimmt shIeld for the ilmolmarcimy amid dymiasty as 101mg as possible with a view to make less dangerous tile advemmt of time mllimiielit wimen the coummtry will have to be tolti time truth and made to umlderstanml that the game is imp. Marshal Canipos me-kes 110 secret. of his opimmloli 0mm the Situatioli. lie says : "A i'oilvit'ja cabimmet is illipossible , Sllveia anti time conservatives premnuture , as time Cortems woulti Imave to be tiimmsoiyeti , Time best coimrso keeps Smmgamtta mis lommg mis possible with miew colleagues. Simoimhmi it he IlL'CCBSliry I wIll forum a cabinet withm conservatIves anti lii- erais , a coalition of nmemm ( Itisposed to abamat in saving Spalmm n i'ence or ivar. I wilt uiaimmtain order with the ormay antI Imavy. A Inajority of time mmatiomt 1mm adverse to nit revoluthomla mmmii civil wars anti cager for Peace. " TROOPS WILL EMBARK TODAY It Is iixiie'ted ( limit time 'VIilrt ! iiimcthi- litm it , ( ii , ' i'hillimuluimi''ii ' % Viii ( me't t'ms , , . iummilI ) , " SAN FRANCISCO , Jmmne 25-A report is in cIrculation this evemming to the effect that all the troops for time iimirtl exhmeihltinlm will exnhark tomorrow afternoolm , exctpt those assigned to time Vaielmcirl , who scili go aboard ermm'ly 3IOmItllly mmiormming , It is filially decided tile heeL wIll sail 2.iomi- ( lay afternoon. No tlefhmmite hour lmas imeeli set for icavillg cammip , Only the North Dakota volunteers , GOS stroimg , tire asmilglmeth to thme Vnienrlmm , Time City of Ptmehilo is tile 0111) ' vessel 1mm imort so far chartered for time fourth ileet. it is lmelim fit tetl up 1mm a leisurely Xnanmmer. Time Ports , wimicim arrIved yestem'tltmy from ChIna , was imimsimecled totiay 00(1 thlere is no tioubt but thmat It will he taken by time guy- cr11 mcmi t , Time /tlalnetla is due next \'emimmesday from Australia mmml time City of Pammanim frenm Cell- tral Anmcrlca Is timimeti to arrive tIme minnie day , .lmilc time Cahmmmlco will reach llerc from h'mmnammilm and way poInts on Timum'smiay , It Is oxpecteti that mill timse vessels will lie taken by time government for tramimimort pmmrposes. .Ioro recruits arrived today , Over 100 came in ( corn Colorado , fuuntecmm frommi Nebraska - braska and forty-five froni Washington In Charge of Corporal hiass , Fully 500 itro ex- imectetl on Mommilay , ( , .t t imiw S ii i'iil I i's fur I hi , Slimmimlarils. ( ( 'npyrlg'it ' , Hilt , liy AsotIttI l'ress. ) ST. l'IEithtFi , Martinique , Juno 25.-It sup. poseli Spmmmmisim steamer , the Itememuiranco. ( noun Cadiz , under tile English hag , arrived ' . at Fort the Frammce yesterday wIth coal anti Provisions commsigmmcii o time Si'aniihm consul there. The steamer is itt present endeasor- 11mg to cittalmi imenmmmlasion to IIUPIIIY time Spufl- lshm supply simlim Alicante , now in vent , V'k's fimmimorts mu imml lix p.rts. NEV YORK , Jtmne 25-Time liniments of dry goods amid general mnenclmammdisu for time week ending today were 7G17,0l7. Gold amid silver mnovemmmelmts at New York for the week were Expmrta of gold , $38,115 $ ; sliver , $ ti2276 ; ltmiportmm ( if golil , $17,723 ; silver , $113,140. : _