Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1898, Image 1

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ESTABLIShED JUNE _ _ 19 _ , _ 1871. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OMAhA _ _ - - , SA'UUItDAY - MORNING , JIJNE 25 , i898TWTi12YE 1'AIES. - _ _ _ _ _ _ S1N . - ( - LE COL'Y FIVE
Make Their flay at the Exposition One of
the NotableS ,
s. '
EnthuslMm of the Swedih.Auuicans is
Greatly in Evidence.
Vfihors Make Theinolvc at Home and Go
Abont Inspecting Vigorously.
Itcinbcri of flu. ' Or,1tr Will Celebrate
It , . llIrtlldn ) ( ID ( lie ( r.itiils
% IIIL IL Getierni 5lMICIlIL
and LIi&siijiict.
4 1110 celebratIon of Sveth-Amercnn day
Mded aitotlier ucccis to the features that
have marked the week at thu xpoaRlon.
The effective work that has been loi'e by
the local cornnilttee * was evident In the
ininietise crowd of SwedlBh-AInerlcans that
brought together aiut n the ocellenco
of the entertainment that fittingly close.l the
program of the day. There was no hitch In
any of the arratigenicuth and nothing was
lacking to complete the enjoyment ot the
visitors and send theni away with many
pleasant meniurles of the occasion.
\Vhulo the actual celebration did not oc-
cut. until evening the SwedIsh people made
ml ! , a large proportion ot the crowd
alt day. They were the first to
C tue In the morning and their modest
1mb bailges were conspicuous all over the
grounds. Not only was the hulk at the
SvclIsh-AmImcricnn ( population of Omnaha in
evidence , but they brought with them hundreds -
dreds of their nationality from a score of
Nebraska and Iowa cIties. Ammmoimg them
. - . - - - - - vero some of their most roinimmcnt oratorm
aim. ! divines ammil It was altogether a sturdy
ami representative crowd.
The most striking feature of the ctowd was
thu evident determination of the people to
enjoy their holiday to the utmost limit.
} very one was happy and no one secnmd to
miminci the heat or fatigue. They wcnt at
their sightseeing with a vim amid cimergy
that are unusual In exposition crowds in
midsummer. That It was a patriotic coim-
course vams indicated by time manmier in
'which the ICOllO crowded aroumid every fea-
turo that wn suggestive of mmmilltary or
miaval ideas. The C.overninent building was
crowded every mmmlnute 'Imiring ' th day nimd
time courteous nttemmdammts were kept bitsy
explalimimig the workings of time torpedoes ,
ordnance and other lighting exhibits. One
six-pound iiheii iii time Mnnutnctures build-
In was continually surroummiled , It was ro-
cn'ercd by tlit' divers front time wreck of
the Matimo aitti is still rusty ( mmmi its salt
Water bath. limit there wes cniceiy an obJect -
Ject on tIme grounds that nttracteI ( such
general imotico amid over which time PCOIlC
lingered SQ long anti carmm.stly.
No headquarters were established on time
grounds , but the tllstimmgnisied , guests of the
occasion assembled by common consemit at
the l'ress building about noon and enjoyed
_ _ ' . . - - - - timemusclves lim the assembly room nnmjd the
7' coot lreczcs wimich mmmdc the building one
or time coolcat Places Ofl the groummil. Among
those present were : IJr. Carl A. Swemisson ,
president of tiethammy college , Lhmdsborg ,
} Caim. ; Dr. J. A. Immandcr , editor of the
Hcmlandet , Clilcmigo , forimmerly editor of the
Swcdislm Journal of Omaha ; Peter 0. 110(1-
I tmnd of Orlenims , Neb , ; I'rof. l1. P1 hI bled , omme
of the faculty of Bethany college , Limmdsborg ,
Ken. ; C , F. Eiving , editor of the Swcdlslm
Journal , and l'rot. S. M. Hill , asEociate
editor of the same lapor.
The presence of time mnemnbers of the Royal
Arcamummu will be the feature today. No
et mrogramu Imrts Imeemm arranged , btmt the
% c'4mmt will be largely In time nature of an
Informal picnic , In which ipvnri1 of 600
immemnbers of the order will Participate.
Grnhmd Secretary A. 1' . flrinlc of this city is
in clmarge of time arrammgeinents nail ime cx-
pods tlrnt there will be nearly a full rep-
r'sentation of time io.lges fromi' Onmaha , South
. - . - - Onmaha ( mod Council Bluffs. 'rho head-
cluarters wiil be at the Cermnaim Village ,
Whore a banquet will be servc(1 ( mit 6 o'clock.
in conimectioti with next week's attiac-
tines Iirector of Mmtslc _ Kinmbail announces
that lie lies closed Ln arrangemuent with the
Fourth lttglnmemt , band of Sioux City to begin -
gin a week's eugugcimmcnt at the exposition
Mommda ) ' . The band commsists of thirty pieces
and is said to he enpablo of contributing a
very high class of music.
ClSiS VI'l'Jl So' ( AD Sl'llmlClI.
cII,4hi ity ( il' en il 1'lltI i * ClIiiit
at ( lie ti.lIiriiiiii.
Thu festival or song which concluded the
celebration of Swchishm-Ainerlcaim 'hay at the
exposition threw one of time largest audi-
caces to time Auditorlumu wiml h has occupied
tiittt structure siimco the opening of the ox-
vositloim. There was not a vacant ct oil
the lower hoer end very fc' renmailmed 1mm time
galiery vhemt the exercises comumemiced.
11101 ft oat of tim stooge % % 'as prettily decorated -
rated with iahimtn 1111(1 other foliage idalits ,
end these , with the btinting liming from the
ceiling cud about timO front of time gimhiery ,
gave time interior of time great tiulltliimg a
fest Ival aiilca ra ace Iii heopi mmg i tIm time
chmaracjt'r of the occasion , Flags 1mm oro-
fumoloim were used in thu decora-
tiomis , "Old ( liory" predominating , and time
imatloimni colors of IweIen being on every
side. At the front of the stage sot the
siIcmmkers of time cvoimtiig , atmil the Jubilee
committee wimieli imimil arranged the great
Co lebration , immeluding time following Swedish-
Ammierletmim citizens of Oinalmmm : C. 0 , Lo.
ticek , Irebl.lent ; T. II. Jolmiison , vice lresi.
dclii ; 'F , a. Nortlmwail , treasurer ; John S.
iiuhgren , secretary ; C , W. Johnsoii , C. 'IV.
Aimoherson mmliii .tltiln Liljegrcim.
i : ' - [ hack of tlmcse , extending tier above tier
to time great organ rearizmg its hotly front
at the back of tue stage , silt the Jubilee
t chorus , There were 20t1 people in the clmorus
- .
' - ' . - , . . actual count , macdc up of members of
p froimm all tIme surrounding country ,
'iI ° "Csentcd ! a pleasing appearaimee ,
'with ' 'U In dresses of light colors
tim vsrioum sbat1c , bIIe the Inca nil imp.
veered 1mm black ,
The exercises were opened by I'resldent
C. 0 , Lobeck , who presented President 'IVat-
tc- . t ties of time exposition as the first speaker.
p l'resident'attks cut his reimmarks very
' short , sayixig in opening that lie realicd
tLmit the people lied comae to hear music , not
shicechea , lie couteatcol hiimmself with bid.
ding time licoplo wehcomno to time \'I'iilte City
I aimmi lnvitlni them to comae again atmd care.
fully inspect the many tlmImi which have
hemm collected to rthicate tlmq people of the
'moit1 ! regardlug the vss ; eouvc s of the
treat west.
ehutrmiiimis Iurwrcn's Reiiiirt * ,
Vresideut Lcteek then introduced the
di&lcwn the v nIng , Rey. A , .1 , Logrca
of Lincoln , presiding eider of the Swedish
Methodist church.
Ito. Mr. Lofgren made a Short a.ldress
in Swedish , sayitig it was highly flttlng that
a day which tmnol been so auspicious should
tie closed with a feast of song. lie sold
that every good Swede rejoices In every
success of American arms , and they airo rejoice -
joice in every triumphant advance made
by science and education , lie characterized
the exposition as a great exemplification
of triumph of the good and imure in life , flfl(1
complimented the management which hod
brought about such magnificent results.
The speaker also referred to the fortuitous
circumstances which had resulted in briag-
lag together the representatives of the van-
005 denominatIons in a grand celebration of
a national feast day anil expressed time hope
that this was only the beginning of a graimol
era of harmony when all the antlves of the
old matherianil shrill be united by a bond of
unity and common Interest.
The first choral number was the psalm
CL. and the volume of sound which was
called forth at the bid of the baton wielded
by Prof. Adolf Edgren fuifihled the antici-
vations of the audience. Time chortis was
well balanced amid the manner in which the
selection was rendered spoke volumes for the
capabilities of the sitigers and the vigorous
training required to produce such unison
of execution in the short time the mommy
sections commm3osing time choir had been to-
Time next number was a soprano solo by
Miss inimna Moehler of Omnaium. She sang
tile recitative 011(1 ( aria , "IVith Verdure
Clad , ' ' from Haydn's "Creation. ' ' Simo was
entlitisiasticaily applauded and presented
with a. large bummcit of American beauty
roses , responm1in with an encore which was
also vigorously applauded.
OitIoii tO ) Jtiitiiinii ,
A male chorus , "Hear Us S'ea , " was the
next number and then 11ev. J. A. hluitman ,
formerly of this city , hut now a resident
of Chicago , was annoumiced to sing a hart-
tone solo. lie WaS greeted with a perfect
ovation , time applause being hearty anil pro.
longed , continuing for several moments , dur.
11mg which time singer acknowledged ths warm
welcome from his old frienols by repeated
bows , Quiet was finally restored and lie
began hits 501mg , Time has only served to
streiigthien and improve the rich quality of
a beautiful voice , anti the breathless attention -
tion wimicim prevailed ( luring time singing was
succeeled by a burst of applause wlmiclm
sliooh < the house , For several moments time
applause continued , and only wimen it was
80011 that the singer was about to respond
witim aimotimer song did the enthusiasm sub-
side. "Jerusalem" was seiceted for time cmi-
core amid served to bring out the bcautifmmi
qmmahities of time voIce of the singing preachier
in time most pleasing manner. Again he was
lmhilfltidc.1 ) ) , but the auohieiice as obliged to
be satisfied witim a bow.
Dr. J. A. Emmander , editor of lIemianLiet
of Chicago , fornieriy editor of the Swedish
Journal of this city , read a poeni of his
owil conipositlon , written especiahly for time
occasion. It was quite lengthy and dealt
with Patriotism amid love for the adoiitcd
country as vell as for time fntlierlnimd. Tue
beauties of both countries were extolled and
many beautiful Ideas of a patriotic nature
vere expressed.
Time Jubilee chorus sang "Tue Simmgern'
March , ' ' by J. A. lahlstroni , in a very
eatcimic , inertial style and was iiberahiy iiJ ) .
Rev. Carl Sweimsson , president of fletimaimy
college at. Liimtlsborg. Kaim. , olme of the most
vromnimient of SWChIsh-Amncricaims , rns the
orator of the evening. lie Spoke for nearly
to hours tim Swedish and before lie imad
coimciuoleoj a large proportion of the big atm-
diemice bad withdrawn. lie colmiimhlmnemmtel
time people of this vicinity on time enterprise
which imad brought so mummy of them together -
gether on this nceasiomm amid spoke glowingly
of time land which hall given them all birth.
lie referred seimiewlmat In detail to the
beauties of time various portiomis of Sweden
and extolled time bravery of time macmm and time
beauty anti lmomo qualities of time women.
The discovery ( if Anmerica by Lief Erickson
vas referred to with prl(1e by the speaker
and ime recalled time fact that in time rebel-
lieu it. was flhiotimer mmntive of Svecien , John
Ericssoim , vlto invented time famous vessel
wimich clmamiged time tide of battle in favor
of the uniwm. lIe declared that it is mmw
tim duty of every loyal Swede to leii(1 ( his ad-
slstmmImee in time relief of the suffering in
Cmmba. and administered mummy words of advice -
vice amiti patriotism.
lie was frcqmmemmtly applauded amid at time
cohichtision of hits address the applause was
Very emmiplmatic 00(1 commtinmied ,
The progrommi concluded with a jubiicb
cantata by idolf Edgrcm , , immimoducimig solos ,
( itletS and mmmlxoil elmoruses. It was well ron-
tiered and loudly alpinuded. )
.i il'l'l xc ; ot' 'rmmi ni IIECTOIIS ,
i'lM ( till-Mt ion 'L'akt'io. l1i of time
jq .e ut S lie St'NNIOti ,
Time imass question occupied immost of time
tinme of time hoard of oiircctors of time exposition -
sition at time athjeurmmeol meeting yesterday
attermiooii , but mifter diseussimig time sulject
for over an homr the matter was referred
to the execUtive coimirnittec witlmout action ,
flirtimer than to stipulate that it simotihl be
rcporte(1 back In two vcks , The. smmhmjeet
was raiscl iii coommeetiomi vtth an iimformmal
report from Maimagcr Lindsey of time le-
ioartmmmcnt of'ays and Means relative to Limo
imuniLer of vasses of each series that imaul
bccn issimemi , This was takcmm imp by Germ-
ora1 Mnrmdersoim , who declared that Lucre
mlmoimiui be a immure symutenmatic method of regim-
Iatimmg time issummnce of iuasses. lie objected
to the lmrmmctico of ahiomi trig time presldemit and
mneimituera at time cxeciltis'e coimmimmittee to give
out tnhim passea amid contended timat the wlmole
mmmntter should b left to the iiuremmmm of Aui.
mmiissions , Mr. Lindsey oxplaitmed in rointi
detail that this iimms not always luracticable.
itO citeul nunmem aims casca lii which I I imal
been mmccessury to issue trip nasses for imiemmi-
hers of choral societies aimui others at simort
notice amid this was the tirlacipal purpose
for wliit'h the nhemmibc'rs of time executive
coimmimmittee hiatt used their imerogative ,
At this juncture (1 , o. ilitcimeoclc nn
mmouned that he hind a umcrsoimni matter to
suggest in this cohmoeotioim. lie delareil
that it was imitoicralolo ti,1t , emmmployes of huts
hailer should be CoIiutiehivul to aimpiy to Mr.
itoaewater'uu depturtmueii ( for irnsses to the
grounds , it soulU be disastrous to the cx-
position and Ime vas in fayor of taking cc.
tioum timat WOtmid hrve'xmt the issuance of trip
passes by time iepmmrtmnenL of l'uijltcity iimd
Mr. Itosewater mave time board a brief
sketeim of time extent to m'hmtcim iuasses haul
been issmmeui by lila depmmnimnemt , and stated
luositivciy thmut Mr. iiltchock'mu lualmer had
been treateil oven immure lilmeraily timan The
lice. lie was working first and foremost
for time Intor'sts of thu expositioum and in his
otilcial capacity he hail treated Mr , hUtch.
cock vitlu tiuc utmost fairness , Somnie trip
iassea haui been issued to eumiploycs of 7he
lice and others had been conmpclietl to P117
their tuy when thmoy ylsiteti time grounds.
A umuumiber of nmen who veo muoploycd on
Mr. lhitcbcock' puucr mad alutmlld for uasses ,
which had been issued to them without
question , Time stubs which had bvoa re-
ttmruoi to lime bureau of 1uImisions would
simow to whom tuisses had been issued in
tactm ease.
Mr. MaaderEou limen offered a resolution
which vrovided that the bureat of adamis.
storms shquld be immstructed to issue at once
tvo season pauea to cii editors o weekly
papers In Nebraska , Iowa , Kansca and South
VImat Is hlenhh' licing Haute.
This was objected to by Mr. flosewater ,
who contended that some distinction should
ho made between the daily amid weekly pa.
pers. The co-operation of the dailies was
undoubtedly more valuable for advertisimig
purposes and if two passes were to be Issued
to each weekly , then the number issued to
the .daihies should be proportionately in-
creased. In thIs connection he read copies
of circuhars his department is now sending
out to the various daily and 'weekly news
papers , assuring them of the appreciation
of the department of tlmeir past services and
submitting a liberal proposition for future
exchange of courtesies.
Mr. Rosewater oleciared that there was a
ettiuhied effort on the part of certain people
to convey the Impression that time country
lurces was opposed to dealing with the He-
partmnent of Promotion and was personally
hostile to himself , lie was heartily tired
of being confronted with timis petty per-
fornmammce at every meeting of time board.
John C.Vhuartomi moved that. time whole
l.iattcr he referred to time executh'e corn-
mittco with instructions to report in two
weeks. lie was opposed to hasty n tlomm on
such an immiportant matter. The executive
committee had Provided rules nu1 rcgtmla-
tions aocorimmg to which the vasses were
issued , ContractB had been made omm this
basis and it would be exceedimigly bad policy
to stmllenly change time entire system.
C. F. Weller declared that munch of time
discussion was in exceedingly bad taste. In
his ehminion time manager of the Departmnent
of l'tmbhicity and l'roumiotion had been doing
his work well. I-Ic is fnumiihlar with newspapers -
papers and their comparative merit in advertising -
vertising the exposition , lie stated that he
is opposed to a promiscuous distributioum of
passes nod contended that the matter should
be left where it was.
Mr. Whmartomm's nmotion to refer was then' '
carried , Directors Mamiderson and Iiithhi-
cock voting 'mmo. "
Dr. E. 'IV. Lc requested the directors to
take occasion to visit time enmergency hos-
iultal , amid General Mandersomm's resolution
exprcssimmg the appreciation of the board of
time services of time architects of time expot-
tioji , ammul especially of timose of time archi-
tects-In-chief , was adopted by a ummarmimous
Mr. Itosewater offered a resolution which
statel that a judge of time district court
hind declared that memnbers of time executive
coimmnmittee were personally interested in time
Streets of Alt NatIons concassiomm. and provided -
vided that it commmmnittce of three ahoimid Ime
mipuoiimted to iumvestigate time matter amimi re-
liort the rostmlt. lie declared that this
cimrmrgo had hmeen givcmm publicity , ammd lie
wanted it thoroughly ventihmitcd. Directors
Maumticrsorm. Kiipatrick amid ICotmntzo pro-
tl'Stel agaimmst the investigation on time
groummd that it would be giving too much
dignity to a ridiculous accusatiomm and time
resolution was riot adoiutcd ,
P'liuuiuiluLt Cuini II ion IN ( od.
In response to imiqtmiries from General
Mmmrherson and otimers Secretary Wakefield
gave an informal statement of time financial
commdition of time exposition , which iuidi-
ented that time enterprise lus more thmami
imaid its opcratimmg expenees to date. Time
imecesslty for emophoyiimg large forces of mmmcmi
to comrmpiete time work about time grounds amul
repair the tlamimage to the iagoomi bad In-
tinted the pay rolls durIng time early part
of the nionth , but mccii of this expense
svomilul not appear Imeremifter.
General MafllCt'Solm also informally smig.
gcsted time idea of giving a 'lmarvcst borne
festival" dtmriog the latter part of August
or early In Scptenthcr. He referred to time
proimmimmenco timat attmmclued to this festival
1mm sonic of the casterim states , and cx-
breaded time conviction that it could be made
a winhmilig feature qt time exposition.
C momtGmA'S A'l"VmLAc'i'i vi lmi'm.t ) .
Much tltciitiuum IN C Iemm lIme ItuulloIlmug
hipt lie l'uissiuig 'llurouu.
The handsome building crecto'd my time
oximosltiOn commission of Georgia oum the
lower portioim of time fluff tract Is attracting
a great deal of attention and mummy visitors
inspect time oxtemmsh'e collection of Georgia
protltmcts collected tlmougim time energetic efforts -
forts of time Georgia Expoottion comimmission.
Time commission had no state appropriation.
hut the nmemnbers , headed by President 'IV. J.
Nortimen , ox-governor of time state , made a
Series of tours of time entire tatO and eel-
lected nmmoimey from every district In thestnte.
numd fronm tue funds timus collected has sprung
tlme'eximibit immstalhcd imm time pretty bmmiidiui.
Time building is in cimsrge of C , F. Greeuie
of Tocoa , Ca. , , a small town In the vicinity
of Atlanta. Time eximibit Immehimiles a large cot-
hection of time great variety of fruit gromvu
in that prolific region , a well arranged
collection of nmarbles , slates amid buildiuit
atone , a large line of gold ores representing
a large industry in Georgia ; Iron dre , maim.
ganese. a htmminuni , kaohiums , pottery materi-
ala and a fine collection of raire nhinerahs
Goverimor Northicn hmas mmoufied Mr. Greene
timat imo will arrive in Omaha early next
month and will remain here for some time.
Two more carloads of immaterial are expected
50011. to supplement the agricultural display
which is sonmowhmat himnited , bwing to time fmmc
that no attempt was mmmdc to preserve spe i.
omens fromn last year's crops. Among other
things WhIcim Mr. Greene epoLs to receive
is a carload of time famnous Georgia vater-
"You imeopie up Imero never see time g mutm-
inc Georgia watermelon , " said Mr. arcemme ,
mu ; his mmmouthi watered at time tmomugimt. "Time
waterimielon we brag about is a nmunmster nmd
hums a thimi shin , mmmaktng it unsuited for
simippiimg bug distances , so t is not a profitr
able tiansactiomi to ship it i far as tjiis
section , but our people have prommmisel to
siiiii mm carload just to simow time people iere
wimat they are like. They average about
seventy-five tioUnuls In iveigii ammd our meg-
iuiv cever think of catlimg anything but time
sweet , juicy hucart. "
hilt1 FOIL 'I'll 11 l13Il'1fli S'l'A'I'll.
liii uldmoliuuI Suiiiimuerllouse Llreott'uI h ,
bV "mumr.k I , . lIommoi.
Time New York btmiidiumg orm the Bluff
tract is practically completed amid Mijor
A. M. Wimeeler , time secretary of time Now
York eoumnmission , vlhi take up his headquarters -
quarters there early mmext imeek , iurimmg time
last few days the tmiajor has beemu about time
buiimlimmg time greater part of time time , look.
ing after time coimmlmlotion of the work , arid
imo has been sormiewimat surimrised and highly
imloased at the nummitier of calls hue has re-
C0Vel frommi hucolilo who annoummced that they
were imatlycim of time Enipire state. lie pro.
pores to sUmrt a mnovenment for unitiimg these
imeolule In an organization for time purpose
of promoting more intimmmuitu , acquaintance
with erie aoothmer acid will take stolid iii this
dircctien miS soon as me is fully established
1mm the state buiidlmmg.
Time New York building is a typical sumn.
ummer house , with high ceilings , numerous
windows and bread veranda extendiimg
around three sides. t is located imnumo-
( liately east of the horticulture buiidiumg
where a cool breeze seeius semoss time river
valley and muukes limo building one of time
coolest sIots 0mm time goumuhs , while the
view up or down the niyer pr nenoB to time
Iowa bluffs is a most cnelmantig one. Time
central portion of time buiidlumg is a large
room , two stotes mm height , with a men's
( Continued on Third Page. )
Terriflo Gale at Sioux"City Wt aks Its Fo
on a Circus ,
Tent Blows Down , Burying the Crowd
Underneath Ita rolds.
Wild Bush for Safety by the People Tangled
Up in the Debris.
Vuirk of hieMoime I'umrMucol Vmiilcr Grent
hIIIicuties After tli IhiNaster-
Tell TIIUIIMmLII4I flolinrs Iumuui-
age to time Cireums ,
SIOUX CITY , In. , June 2.i.-pecia ( Tele-
grani.-At ) hi o'clock tonight aterrific wind
storm struck Sioux City. The tent of time
F'oropaugh-Sells Brothers' circus was blown
over and resulted 1mm death amid injury to
many people. The list of dead and Imijured
known at midnigbt Is as follows :
Dead :
Time injured :
Peter Branch , struck on ? mad by pole , face
bamihy skimmed and hotly bruised by being
trammmpled on while ummconsoious.
Peter \'ilsomi , right shoulder dIslocated ,
Detective henry Morrison , left arm cut by
barbed wire.
Jack Ryan , serious cuts and bruises about
Patrol Driver Ford , left leg cut.
Ex-City Clerk 'IV. 'IV. Wirmand , arm amid
leg simmashed.
A. 'IV. Erwin , contusion of the head , very
John Nafrzhger , three ribs brokea and
breast crushed.
J. II. Carmmey , Anthon , Ih. , ribs broken.
Miss May fleck , Leeds , Ia. , eye out.
Charles Zcimmmumg , mailing clerk at post-
omcc , struck out head by pole , Injury mmot
Mrs. George Lyons , arm bruised.
Dr. llmmrvcyV. . Marvin , conttmsIon of the
heath. I
Dr. M.V. . W'imite , back t hcu1 crushed.
Wilbur Bailey , nose broken.
Charles A. Hills , scalp cut.
F. Itimummels , clown , siiommider cut and dis-
Mrs. E. 1' . Parr , severe injury on fore-
Policeman Frank liarv , body bruised.
Two dauglmtcrs of Frank Sharp , thrown
fronm hack and slightly brimised.
Miss iihioVuluurm , foot cut by beiumg
pusimed against barbed wire fence by ruum-
away teammi. '
'IV. I' , Keefe , serious scalpemit. _
Frammkio Ryan , leg scrIoy cut.
Detective ilrosnau of ttfo Omaha road ,
hmnnd bruised and cut b3' falling pole.
Maud hiammchaum of South Sioux City ,
shoulder dislocated.
1-icnry Newmmmire , internal injury , possibly
Charles Armstrong , leg bruise(1 ( by being
run over by hack.
CIty Clerk Fritz Seizer , cut.
C. r.i. Seawehi , reporter , simouider imurt.
'J'Lri IIc !
It was riot a tornado so far as cami lie
learned , but a terrific north gaie , wimicim
caused time terrible havoc , probably a sixty-
rmmhhe-a-minute gale. The weather looked
tlireatemiimmg all time evcrmimmg , but after a cc-
yore raimmotorm the people suiuposed it was
nil over. Several thousand iersomms iiemmt to
time circus ammd time tent was crowded. Jtmst
about 9 o'clock time large cammvas begami to
heave and roil. In a minute there was time
greatest confusion. Men shouted to the
crowd to keep their seats , but it was of no
avail , Time caumvas was rent 1mm many places.
Wonmemm and mmmcmi screarmied nd imouted iii
wilti excitement. It did mint ccciii a immimmute
mmmmtlh time tent was swejit away ,
The large center poles fell at once , dealing -
ing serious injury to time people. It was a
terrible scene. All darkness except for
the hlarimes of hightiming. 'uIeo , and
chmildren were scramnhhimmg over each other.
It was a nmatl rush , no cmiii seeming to know
whmicim way to turin for safety. Most of the
ivild animimnis had been reumoved , but many
simouted timnt time animals wore loose. All
this alded to time confusion and many were
imi'fured in time general Btanmpele.
Tue rain felt In torrents and the ivork of
rescue was carried on witlm the greatest
htttlculty. It is immmpossibie at this hour to
give a Corripicte list of the injured , but it
iii ( eared mmmaoy more arc hurt thman lmavc
been reporteul so far , It is feared comae ran
into the FIoyi river 'In ' the mmmd rush , Men
and \vorneu were to ho seen lying hat aim
the grouumd iiammgurmg to aumytimirig In sigimt
to cave timcmmmselves ( rain time tcrriilc wiimd ,
wimicim kept mmmi for fully fIfteen immimmutes.
Finally it cleared up , hut it left as a mark
arm awful scene ofdeymmstatjon and suiTering.
Mammy peopleare stilt inising from their
imonmcs and time olenti list ' '
, may grow. 'l'he
sork of rescue is still In progress.
A force of 450 macmm was vut to work cmi
the circus property , which was damaged
to time extent of flO,000 ,
lteuil ' % % ' , mr Slm ilI4 of Vusuuiiiru's Coilee-
Ilium % , t , Itli 1Is u.le Oruilsimmg
iii time Mu,1flersimiiiiuuu.
( Copyright , 1698. by Prem'ss uhhishmiuig Co ,
I1OME , Jimmie 24.-Ncw ( York World Ca-
biegrnmn-S'peciai Te1egr m0)-Time ) Italian
xmiiuiIstry of mumarino confl ms the report that
10. heeL of Spmmimtumh chlpts Jias lflSsVd time
Island of Panteiiaria , sodth of Sicily , cmiii-
hag eastward in time ilircetton ef tire entrance
to the Suez canal , But it 1mm belIeved to lie
a fictitious ( bet. The battiemnimip l'qiayo and
time other real war thmis cf'Admirai ' Cammiara's
squadromm are not with it , It is thought
imere that time elmips boumid eastward are pur-
imocely navigatimmg the Mediti'rrammeari ' to de-
tude both time Aimmericana nd-Spantarda into
supposing timat tIme .rccere fleet 1s going
to time l ° imihippimmes , thus dimgulsimmg the real
mnovcnmemmtus of Aihmuiral Cmmmzpmra , who may
Imave railed for Cimiia or for tIme Canaries.
The yesscis Wimiehi were eigtmted off l'ammtcl.
lana ivIl be dbe atI'ert auid , the entrance
to the Stez cammal , tomorroi.
LONDON , June 2-Now ( York World
Cablegrmmmmm-Spcciat Telegrnmm.-Tlme ) Daily
Mall's Itomno dispatch says , Camara's fleet
insole no effort at concemmlmnt when sighted
off l'ammteilaria. Flags were llyimmg and timere
ivaur every evidence ho ivaated to be s en ,
for imo could easily havp escaped slgimting
had ho so chosen , Athniralty authorities
herc hold the opinion thd'e tiu fleet 1mm in.
COmmiilete , the battleship l'clayo not having
bcemm seen. Thmercveme ho trammsports amid
it is therefore concidcrem % time L'imiippIus
cannot bo the dcathtistion as pretended.
WAShINGTON , June 21-The Btato do.
pertinent has just received advlce cunflrm-
Weathier Foroenet t'orNebrask-
Generally Fair : Cooler.
1 I..i lst. at tIme l1ioosItioim ,
lfltIu-lt'gmiimmg Storlum at Sloumx City.
ItmnIlghutIng Near Santiago.
2 Itobsoum Not iii MorNi Castle ,
trmuiy Aiinits on Ssimt ( Inutu ,
:1 cluriiskmm ? o'is ,
Surgeout for liryan's ltcgimmuemmt ,
4 Ilillturtal cmiii Comummumemit ,
i ; STC4hislL 3tissiiuui Covenant.
(1 Cuimumell lliIiffP4 Lomeumi Mntters ,
Ion NCiN mmiii Coiumment.
1)nIlmizN of time % 'ouuu1'n'N Climbs ,
7' Omimnlmn VliItetnhuca liui muemijimihis.
1)uiim' i1'iCj' or lhmtsini-ss ,
Coommu I ' Tax Lc' haul uiei.
M lullugs ut tile liouuiue.pmmIuis is.
I 1 Comnmuut'rvinl tutu Fiiumtimeluml 'i'civs.
i2 4'TIue Ser'niit lin.i
NorthlwcsternN Neav Seluciluic ,
'l'emmiiueriitimr& . itt Omumnluam
hour , it'g. hour. 1)e.
m n. flu . . . . . . TM 1 ii. in . . , , , .
U cm. mum . . . . . . . 7 $ 2 ii. in . . . . . .
7 8. III . . . . . . Ti ) 8 mm. nit . . . . . .
S a. mum . . . . . . . : . : .i p. iii . . . . . . 1)5 )
ii a. mum . . . . . . St S p. mum . . . . . . US
it ) a. iii . . . . . . $5 ( I mu. mum . . . . . . 1)5 )
1 1 a. rum , , , . . . SI ( 7 mm. mum . . . . . .
V.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . H mu. rum . . . . . . $1)
I ) p. am . . . . . . 87
TODAI . % . 'V Till } IS1'USiTION ,
At tli Groumum lNu
ltunl Aremmnuimu fln' ,
8 1 , , mu.-rzltoriu ) of "Creation , " 1)tu-
luuuomiuc Choral Cliii , mmmiii 'Ihomans'
000Imcstrm % at , Auoliturliumuu ,
Ioum Touviri m
1) a. mmi.-Aumuerienn IiutItute of Ilitiute-
oimntlu at Creiglutuumm Medical Cal-
Stve.1 IMIL Coi'cuimumut tINMiui , 'I'cuity-
' '
'i'liiriL tutu
Hamuisit l.iutimernmm Coumferenee. 'I'iveit-
tSeeiuimd aiuol Leuuuivurtli.
ing the report tlmat the Spanish Cadiz squadron -
ron Is in time Meriterraneami mimovimmg east-
ward. The dispatch was froni mimi agent
of time departmmrent In Algiers and was as
follows :
Captairm Moon of the Emmglislm stearmier
Ilmmniptemm informs me timat Imo passed on
time 22nd at 3 I ) . fli. off Pantehhiria , time
Spanish squamiromi boummd east. flfteeum chums ,
imicludimmg trammsports laden witlm troops ammd
three torpedo boats.
LONDON , June 24.-A dispatch to tIme
Lloyds fran Algiers conflrrmms the report that
Admimiral Camnara's fleet passed time isiammd of
l'antciieria , goitmg eastwarh , OiiVetlmmes -
tla , ' , Juno 22.
\VASIIINGTON , June 21.-Time war is to
be carried into Africa , metapimorically speak-
lug , If Spain is foolhardy enough to semimi
time Caduz fleet througim time Suez cammal to
attacic Iewey mn time l'mmmmuppmmmes. it is aim-
mmotmnced on good authority that before time
ladt Spanisim vessel has passed thmouglm time
caimnl an American squadron will be stemmmmm-
log at full Slieeul across the Atlantic , straight
for time coast of Spain , to brlmmg the wmmr
hiommie to the Spanish peophe.
After the fall of Samitiago and time capture
or destructiomm of Cervera's sqimlmlromm Sanmp-
comm will have an niitimmdance crC vesseLs .to
spare tom' time task set for him. Probably
he will commatitute time attackimmg fleet in two
squadrons , time first a flying squadron to
ime composed of the swiftest vessels of time
fleet , such as the Columbia , Miumneapolis ,
Harvard , Yale , St. Louis , New Orleamma amid
sucim craft. This will be followed mi.mlcr
aumotimer conmmmmarmd-eitiier Sarmipson or Seimiey
-composed of battieships , wimlchm Captain
Clark's experience ivitim time Oregon has
shown can easily be commuted on for time
voyage across time AtlantIc. Time Orcgomm ,
Immdiarma , Massachmusctts amid Texas , simimple-
zmmommtiuig time New York aummi Brooklyn , ar-
mmiorctl crmmisers aumd the less powerful btmt
speeuly vessels of time 1i3'immg squadron , the
Spammisim coast would he speedily swept clear
of all conimmierce , all Spanish simippirmg woulmi
be ( hestroycti and some of tIme best harts
biockaded or bombarded ,
Cniuilit ion is IeiuIoritIle it mm.l I lie ( , v-
cruuuno'uit Is at Its \nlN'
( Coiyrigimt , lS , by Press Publishing Co. )
MADRID , June 23 ( vIa Frontier-Neiv ) (
York World Cablegramim-Special Telegrammi. )
-The news frommm Santiago , especially Cer-
Vera's telegranm , created irofourmd commstcr-
nation tim nil circles at Madrid , Time queen
regemmt burst Into tears wimea time mnimmisters
of mmmariime ammul war went to commimnnicatc time
desperate condition at Santiago time very day
wlmcmm sime wanted a respite to attend her
comm's first comnununiorm ammil coumflnmnatiomm. She
bore up bravely , showing emily a pale , ( a-
tigueni ani anxious face in time stately cere-
nmommies. Sime desired to imavo all time rmews
tahcemm to time tmaiace any time of aigimt or
day. Disastrous mmews from Sammtiago mmmny
cause popular disturbances 1mm Madritl annul
Barcelona. l'oltce ammO. immihitary lirecautlomis
ore visibly increased. Fimnammeimmi circles arc
immuchm chummed. Fummdc armul nil securities
dropped severely. Madrid presents mimiusual
cxciteimmemmt. Extraordinary editions of time
vapors are boughmt , read ammd cormmrmmemmted
upon. 'lime leahing generals oifercd to cup-
Iort time cabinet. The diplomatIc corps coum-
skiers tine sitummtion grave.
Much coumaterimation exists in official cir-
des owIng to time latest incus froimmi Marmiimt
tmmmd SantIago. Simgasta kmmows positis'cly
that Augtmsti is ommly Imolding out to satisfy
mimilitary honor tummthl Dewey receives reimi-
forcemoents , expected about Jummo 23 , to fur-
nlshm an iuoumorabho trotoxt to surreumuher to
time Americans , avoiding a filial victor ) ' for
time natives wimichm might have led to coal-
plicatious with Germany amid other Imowers
wham are rehuctamit to allow Spanish rub In
time Pimiiiimimimies to suffer.
Time struggle at Samithago mmow lmrcoccupies
time goverrmmmieimt evemm mmiore timan In thmo l'lmii-
iiijmlmmes. Time mmaval authorities alone stilt
Imave a lingering imope that Corvera may at.
temmmlmt to make a dash at mmighmt witim imis
cruisers and destroyers , sacrificing seine 'es-
selmo in order to save time rest of the fleet
from ir.eritabie disaster. A telegranm fronm
General Limiares very fraumidy told the mm.
ister of war hue would mb tile imest , lout lacked
flour , rumeat ammul wine , timoufglm imu imad ermough
of other tmrovisions to lmohti out many weeks ,
but imad oumly 8,000 regular soldiers amid a
few timousaimd volunteers to mnmmmi time fortifi-
catioris amid time bay of antlago to oppose
time landing of Americans , lie adds timat tie
nmust tine attentIon of time governimment
to the fact timat me could not expect rein.
forccments , as the Slmani3hm forced lund their
hands quite full 1mm the rest of time Ibhmmnul ,
Yellow fever amid other diseases arc preva-
but every raimny season and arc raging imu
Santiago flfll Guantanarno , but on time whole
the health of time Spanisim troops Is better
this year titan time two last ,
The question of sending provisions numd
war stores to botim islands imreoccuPles the
home imuthonitlemo , thomugim it is officially reported -
ported that mmmaoy mail steamers anti salting
vessels are constantly running time biockade.
A majority of time people of Spain appreimeriul
the early arrival of unfavorabie news from
Cuba and Manila , o surrender , however ,
is still the tone of the precs of Madrid , suven
it Spain losa fleets amid colonics.
, _ _
Less Than Thousand Cavalrymen and
Rough "Rklcrs Attack Spaniards.
Fully Fifty of Our Soldiers Are Wounded ,
Some of Them Fatally ,
Eight Takes Place Within Five Miles of Santiago and Two Thousand of th
Enemy Begin Firing from Ambush , but the Americana Dismount
and Go Into the Brush After Their Foes , Scattering
Them in All Directions , with heavy
Loss of Lifo.
( Copyright , 1sS. by Associated 1'me ; , )
PT..AYA DIr , Es'rn , .ltnime 24.-S p. nmi.-Omm ( ltoam'd .smuicinted Press Dispatch -
patch lott ) : , otT .lnnrtgtmmm.-'L'lmi : ) umorimitig fonir troopm. omf time F'im'st ( n'mmlly , four
troops of time ' [ 'timtlm eavmmlry , amid eight trout's of ltme'elt'i rotiglm i'iilel'm , lesg
tlummm : lUtt ) ) mmuoim iii mill , dbmmumonmmitetl mumol ntttmch'd : 2JX ( ) Spmtiiislm soltliem's in thmt
thickets vitluimm live mmmiles tmf Siiitimtgo. : 'i'he A mmn'mienlmmm [ merit tIme emmelmiy bick :
into time oity , lnmt time ) ' left time fohiu'iiig demid emi time held
I hllgim I I lio't-
tj. L"I'A hLYN K. CAl'IUN of troop I , .
SEltlN'i' lI.\M I h'i'ON Fii I , Jr.
1'ltl'A'I'ES ' 1'l1.1ioiAN ANI ) lVSON l , both of trooju L.
1ltI'i'fl DOUi lIflht'i'V oi' tiomOl ) A.
I'IIIVA'l'E V. It. 1'lt\ViN of troop Lu' .
1"im'st Cavalry-
'l''mutlm Cmivalry-
COiti'OltAI4'lIl'i'E. .
At lcist : fIfty Aimmericaims weme vonmmuhed , immeltiding sl ouhlecrs. Several or
time votmmmo1od s'iil olk' .
. .I"XCiVO ( lLaLl ( Siumimlirtls'ete : foluim d lit tIme btislm after time fight , lnn thit1r
iom w'mimm tlotmbtloss far hmm-oxce , f that. '
( ienmerti : Yommmmg eommmmmmmimletl : time t' lelithtmm ) , , ntmmtl tm 'itIm thu tegmmiit' : $ ,
w'Imilc Coloimel 't\mod dIrected time opuma tiormt of time rtutmgii rldm'rs meveril : mmmils
\'cst. Ilothm mactics strtmek tIme SP:1mlit : rds about thu ; tmmme I hue , amid time ilgll
lmtod : mmii lmoimr. ' ¶ ,
'flue Simamm In mo1s oii mmi'd Ii te fmu r mm Li me t lm bk limi sin mm mm ol I in ii cv'my mmd vii Ii t mm go
of imurmmhers amid lositlomu ) , but I imo tmoopH tlro'e t lmeimm lumek fmommi t imo $ iart ,
u4torimmetl time biocklmommse. riroumud vluicim timey mmmdc a stmimud mud st'mmt tluo'mmm
seatterimug OVem' tIme mmmommlutaiims.
'I'lme etvuhm'y : : vas : tftemvrird rodriforced by limo ieveimth , 'i'welfllm miimmt 5ev-
emiteezutim imifammtry , atrt of thu Ninth cavalry , I hue Secoimol o1assmehmtmsel : ts : mimml
time Se'emmty-flrmt New York.
, 1'lmi Aliuem'leaims mmo' humid limo pol I hon : ut limo Ilmimluniol of Santiago tl
Cuba , svluli immure troops goimmg 1'oi'vLid : coimstmmll hy , arid they ; tmu pm'elEmrimmg
for it lhmmal assault Upon tiut : city.
'l'lie fmllowimmg ( miilc'm were votmmmdcd : '
i : mJoi' I1moohic , shot thlmuuglm tlm might fomcmrmmm. : .
CmimtalimieChlmmtock , trool ) Ii , sluot thmromiglm rigId. leg ,
lJetituiintmmt J. It. 'J'lmommmas , troop L , sImot thmrotmgim time right leg. , 11 Im comm.
ditlomm h4 $ eiitim. (
4hi tine foregoing olilcermi mm re roimgim riders.
Otimem' oliiecrs vuumuIem1 mire :
Cmplaiim : Imiox , vlmoie eommditiomm h scilous.
? oimmJtI hell. .
Llemlt'mmmmmmt limyitim.
' [ 'hmea : oiiieers : nt'u of' time F'li'st cmt'ulm'y.
'l'lme fohiovling are imimmomug I lie moldiers votiimdemi : .
Ihaighi ltldemm-
'l'm'OOl ) 11 l'mIvnttcs E , ? oI. liii ! , Shelley , P. Itishiem' , 31. S. Newcomnb , Fred N. . -
Ilcale timid Compomai J. I ) . ltlnode.s. . .
11001) E : Com iui'al , Jmmmume I. itet : ii , I'm'i'ates Fraimk 11. Booth , A Ibet t C.
IIiitley , It. (1. Btihm'y : , 11 , Albemm , E. .1. Atlmcrton , Chiffoid Itceti mint . ] Sei'geaiit
G.V. . Arm'iimgo.
Troop ( : Sergeant 'I'lmoiinmm ; F. Cavummaugli , Coiporal r. r. Stewrim't , i'm'l-
' : tics ( .ieomge ituwlamid , II , .1. lImefmier , Iltimitu1 : ( 'oyle , It. tI. Reid ammol oi. Hun-
eii. . . - . I
'l'lOul ( ) 1i 1'rivmmte j. fl , Icanme , loimim P. 1)c'rnrtp , 'rjmoimmmms I. 3lemigimtir , ld-
\.n itt Cmi I hitim'mt it ii ml N a t tin in tel l'oe.
'J'i'iitlm ( 'avalry-
'l'iOOi ) 1I Vrlvtttei httmsst'il , ( iaiines , 'mi ' llhei' , Ciosmm , Iiinxtmmi nutiViueeler. .
'i'iOOi ) I : I 'it vim I l'm $ I t I ml ii it a d 11 miy bt i'i' .
Ftis'aioltimmmmlmail , corrempmnliihmmt of lime Ni's' Yoik Jourmimil ninl olvtriimcr ,
'ri u nmemiuj ii sly niimhc U I ii I Ii e no i ii : i I i o f I hmtt hut c'k.
it is im1hJ8lle ) unit nit lt'ust feim of thu votiiiuhetl 'hhl dIe.
NE\S' YORK , Jmnuio 21.-inmnhiton Fish , jm' . , ommo of tIme hilled , was 0mw of time
youmig New Yorkers of good POSitiOU rmmmui family wino wemut to time front with 1100cc-
volt's rough riders , ha was of distimmguislued ammccstry , lila fammully beIng one of the
oldest hum thuimm state. Ills father , Nicholas Fish , iii time son of the iatc iiauniitomm
Fish , wIno vas secretary of state Iii ( Jrnmmt's cmmiminet , lie is a brmuuker mind lives him
tints city. ] lanmmiitaui Fish was over six feet tall , of imurculean builti atmn.I roweul as
No , 7 of time Cohiummibia college crew in its wimmrming race of IS'Jl over time Pough-
keepsie course.
Captalmm Allyim K. Caimromm of Troop L , Roocvclt'a rough riders , wire Is among the
killed , is mm son of Cmntutaimu Ahlyn L. Capron of time First artillery , cool was well
known in W'asluiumgtomm , lie a securud lieutenant of time Seventh cavalry amid was
recerutiy vromrmmitcmh to ito a captain 1mm limo vuiiimmtccr service , and IIBc given command 4
of Troop i of time rough riders. lie was a yoummg munmi dasimimmg officer , and was so-
goriheth by hits smmperlor5 as omme of time most : mromnisirug cavalry ofilcers In time ,
service ,
- :1 :
( ; .uai i'rogro'MN hli'J ii . ' ) Fsoh. ' I mm .11 , uu-
iou iuug lime 'i'ro,1lN ill I lii ,
VuurIoiuN Siidi's ,
WAShINGTON , Jtmimo 24.-Reports re-
celved mit the auhjutant geumeral's oflleu. of lime
\\'ar , hi'imartmeot simow that tue tornmmatiorm
of tIme new orgammizatlons of regilumtmlmtd , tout-
talions etc. , uumder the ; ir.sitlent' cecormul
cell for troops by time immustering In of oi-
uumteers is now fairly umuder way , him nmost
of time slates the probabilIty is all tine mnemm
mmccessmmry for time new or.pmmmizatioums hmouiti
hoot obtaiped iii two or three ivccka ( ron the
present tummy , when tbo ieimnemmt and bat-
tahioums will lmc ready for erihers from the
comnmrmaomlimug geimerai of time arnmmy , The ran-
dczousbug Polmnts for tine men in the states
imavo been dcsigumateol toy ho governors , arid
it is understood that timey will ho time earns
as ( or time troops raised under the first caller
( or 125,000 macn ,
At time sanmo time tine recruitiag for filling ,
exlstin orgmmmuizationa to their maximum
: stremmgtiu Is imrogrcmmsimmg rapidly , and daily
ohciacimnmiL'mmto ere beimig sent to time mnobihi-
log points.'ery ( ow applications wore
maulu to Secretary Alger for cbaoes In the
Imluimortiormmncmmt as originally saaoummcei by
time depmnrtmnemmi , whIch was a source of so
mmmucim mnhmoyancc and trouble to the officials
Uudtr the llrst cmiii.