. - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------------------'r--------- - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - _ . . . f . . - # VIIE OMAiiA1)A11Y BEIcL.FllI1)AV , 1iTN1 : l , 1898. N 7 - - CORNELL ACA1N \V1NER \ Oourtney's Men Show Far Betthr Po Than \ Thefr RivalL NEVER hEADED FROM FIRST HAtS MILE VishNu Three nnd a llnU Letigt2ps APirnil of Ynhl ! si-Itli lInr'vnrd n i : l'u.pr TIiIr,1-Ynhi VIns tiuc , Freuhn'n Itnee. - . ? 4I\V LoNDo ; , suno 23.-The great In- / torcolleglate aquatic cniites. whIch for montliB ) UtYO been Iookd forwnrt to by Iitinred of collcge youths nn theIr frIen , took ) IftCC totiny flfld the resulti' ' agnln place CorncU on the PCIC8tnl of lame at the champion untverIty crew of America , and . to the fiethmcn of Yale belongs the honor . , or nlccosB In the race with the youngBtcrs i or lIirvard and CornI1. 1iY tndaya vlctorlea and defeats ( he prophets are not entirely without honor , for -r fl the varatty coneRt the Beets tinmed the winnera In advance , In the freabmen race , however , 'the stile thing" went wrong and contrary to almoSt universal expectaIoii the Ihacan novItIates were relegated to last 1)18cc ) , whIle the flrst year men train old . Yale' outdId their varslty collengues and tookns Pretty a victory as ever was won. The two rates were strikingly InconsIt- ' ent with each other In that the one stands - out as a perfect antIthesis of the other. The universIty race , which was rowed down stream at 12:30 : ( lila afternoon , was a lro- cesisInn of the first class , while the fresh. niell COntest was a trnttle royal. . . . * ' Tli drat ince was unInteresting , ecept -.td CorneIIIallH , after the first quarter itille , had beeli rowed. The slight lend whicli Yale secured at the stnit was taken b3 ? Corn - n 'II at this oIflt and Courtneys inqn were hot agaIn lieadd. Harvard was n'ever In the race , l'ruttlor form and waershlp has # _ ) , not heeti 'seen In America than that re- 500(0(1 ( by Captain Corson and the Cornell crew throughout thin race. Vj1e Ios Giuiil .urk. Thio work of Yale , the second crew , Is capable of characterIzatIon as first-class , when not subjected to the deadly parallel r wRh Cornell. Ilarvard was never a factor I- ' the runnIng. The Cambridge men pulled . It long , clean stroke , but. It lacked ProPellIng - Ing power , and farther and farther behInd "re lagged ( lie crimson shell , until victory vanished. Cornell naturally finIshed in superb style . and after the race rowed majestIcally up - the river two miles to Its quarters. The twenty-tour men were all In good . lhysicai condition , wIth Corne11s eight a - -r trIfle the fittest , and Yale ( he worst off In thIs respect. The tIme of the winning crew was 23:48 : , F thin slowest tIme irnule ill a. unIversity race for several years , but this Is attributable to a henil wind and the fact that Cornell was not forceil. Yale crossed the tlnish lliie fourteen seconds behinl the champions , while the traIlIng ilarvards rested on their oars thirty-three cconds later. The freshmen race , whIch was started at O3 , was thrillIng to the last degree. Evecy yard of the course was fought viciously and the result was in doubt until thto second Yale rushed across the line winner in 11:22 : 2-5. Oiio hundred yards from the end it was Yale , Cornell and Harvard , and every one looked or a finIsh in that order. Yale siurted nnil maIntained Its advantage , and ; - - Cornell was not equal to ( he strain , and at ( ho last moment I1ayvar3 shot ahead of tht , Cornell youngsters and crossed halt a length behind Yale , with the nose of the Ithacan Bhell lapping the crimson boat. Corit-It i'1rNt to Apvnr. Cornell was the first of the three crows t to ttiiiear oil the water today for the great race. Shortly after 12 o'clock the Ithacans left their quarters , two miles down the - river , and proceeded leisurely In their steam - - - -T--- launch to Iteil Top , where they got into their shell at the harvard Iloat. A few mInutes later tIle Harvard crew paddled slowly across the river to the start. It was 12:20 : before Yale Put in an appearance. At the appointed tune , 12:30 p. m. , the three crews were at their respective stake boats. Referee Meikiehani shouted his final in- struetlons to ( lie waiting crews and gave - . the order "llendy. " An Instant of sus- house , fl puff oi smoke , a report , and the boats were off. Jffectivo starts vcre made by all of the crews , It there was any advantage it belonged - longed to Yale , the tioso of its shell jumped o the fore , wIth Cornell vIciously hugging it and harvard's prow a few short feet to the rear. Yale was the first to settle down ( to the racing stroke of thIrty-four to the \ minute. Cornell was soon down to the same anil ( lie criinsoneil tips were dippIng In the water thirty-four times a iiitiute. The long , - - - sweeping Cook strokq sei \'alo to thin -r--- front to the extent of a quarter of a length , where it hung for perhaps a quarter of a mile. The torxii of harvard was fairly good , but during the first quarter ( lie crimson fell to the rear slowly but surely and at the half vas LehlIill nearly a length. From the quarter Cornell's strong stroke began to nesert itself. A little spurt brought Corneli's shell oven with 'ale's , and a little Inter 'ale iis seconl ( In the men. At the half , Cornell led Yale by half a length and llnrvnrd was one antI a half li'ngthis behInd tIlt ) trailers. F'rom this Point to the ztilie 'ale unil Cornell rowed prettily , but the' latter hail the hotter of it , and whieii ( lie hugs were passeil , Courtney's men Were rapIdly - Idly reaching a loint where clear vaer could be seen between Captain Colson iiiitt thin iroiv of Yale's shell. Once nioro Cornell eptirteil just to show that the pace had not tohil on thicni. ) IiiihtI , liii Ion of lIol ug , Whi 'n the mIle and a half was reached , liurvaril viia evidently detiiieil to cross the finish hue a iioor third. Cornell continued to gain , and at the end of the eeoiitl mIle llenty of blue water discernIble between thin Cornell nail Yale boats. 1rein Chits , . lIOtfltOfl 9rnehI gave an 9xhIbitlon of row- lag asyorAah1eled. . on the AmerIcan Thames. its crow lowered its stroke and ' iiulled thIrty to the minute. As Cornell and Yale approached the tvo and a half mile flag ( lie hatter sent their stroke imp three lotllts , and began to chose up the gap. Car- nell dItI imot undertake tu respond to thin spurt , antI it was unnecessary. ' Cornell's rowing was as clean as a whIstle. luriug ( ho Yale spurt ( lie flues host somethIng of their fInish , and in ( lie waist of the boat . there was a splashing. The three-mile flag showed Cornell the header by over two lengths , with Yale anti ' p - ; . Cornell both sending their strokes up , The last mIle was rowed superbly by Cornell , while Yale began to show signs of distress , Still Eli's soits fought on pluckily mind did succeeil in crawling up a trifle. Cornell , liowover , litith evidently been waiting for thu stretch , nail iltirlmig ( lie last half mIle rowed hike deinohis , I'ale lost a length in ( lie last t half mile , while harvard was toiling away nearly ten lengths behInd , The booming of the gun on the udgcs' boat announced that Cornell lied crossetl the lIne a winner. Fourteen st'coiid later an- otber t.eliort told that Yale haul finished amid pw4Ly back canto Harvard. ' Cormtehi won the race by three and a half lengths over Yale and nearly eleven lengths separated It amid harvard. Time. 2348 ; , The Cornell men were appircnthy fresh k amid strong at the flnish. In the Yale boat CaptaIn I'ayno Whitney was appareatly ex hiansted. llarviirtl'e inca were not "done , " and all kept their seat8 untIl the launch Caine alongsIde and took theta aboard. The three freshmen crews of 'ale , liar- yard and Cornell rowed one of the lest races over seen on the Thames thIs after. noon. Yale won , but 1larvnrii spurted at the finish an4 was so close a aeeond that only a tew feet acparated the two crewi , wiiile the bow of the Cornell iheil was op. posito No. I of the Harvard crow. It was a royal battle from start to finish , with Cornell leadIng at first , Yale catching it at the one colic anti harvard making a grand rally at beating out Cornell at thin line , ConsldeHng the weather conditions , vith the wind strong up stream and the tide also runnIng In , it was a good race , although the time was the slowest since 1S92. hlarvaril caught the water first and shot ahead about three feet , Cornell , however , was right. after the Cambridge eight and In the first ten strokes bad ( Igawn up even and thea passed It. Harvard mwed about thirty-four at the start , Cornell thirty.two and Yale thIrty-five. The race to the first halt mile rather forecasted what might he expected , for Car- nell , although rowing manfuhiy and with the same long awing that characterized the 'varIty crew earlier in time day , found ( hint It could not shako oft its rivals , and at the hialt mIle both wdme lapped on its quarter. 'aie , however , put in a genii spurt just lie. fore the mile was reached and iassed liar- varil. Yiil ! 'iiNlies Iii Proit. At the flrt mile Yale crept imp even with Cornell , and the to crews swept by time mark with absolutely no difference between them , while harvard was not over half a length behind The next stroke after the I I crows crossed the mIle flag put Yale a foot in the lead , but Cornell recovered , amid in ( lie miext mile the crews alternated , one ahead and then the other , while harvard seemed content to have the' nose of its shell at o , 7 oar of the Cornell boat. Just as the hiclls want by the one and a half mnhle mark Yale succeetied in getIng ( lie nose of its boat heyotiti Cornell's , antI held it there. Then came the finIsh , antI such a finish has not been seen on the waterier ior mnarw a year. IIararti's coxswain called on hIs crew , amiti they responthed nobly with a spurt that mit them on even terms with Cornell. At an eIghth of a mile from ( lie finish Cornell put cli another spurt , ahil estnbhislieth a slight head over Harvard , but could not catch YaIC. Again ( lie Harvard coxswain called on his mcii and the shell jumped this time vehl be- yoflil Cormiehl , and with the line only a few yards distant the Cambridge crew had taken I seconil place and phucicily started after Yale. Inch by iiicii It gained , pulling a dashinm stroke that sent the boat through the water without a hitch , but the finish line was not quite far enough away , and with Harvard's how at Yales No. 2 and Cornell's bow at Harvard's No. 8 the crews sped over the line and Yale had 1iVIi'i' $ ON 'i'I l ltt'NNISG 'I'ILtCKS. Fie Out of S1c i'iiVirld'M Ar , ' Iteztti'ii at I.atOuII ! . CINCINNATI , Jimmie 23.-Favorites were beatti iii five out of ( lie six events at La- tonla , Panchlta being the only llrst choice to s'in.Vnathier fair ; track fast. Itesuils : I First race , six ( urioiigs , seiiiiig : Armorel won , Arctiirus second , Opponent third. Time : lh5'h. : Seconti race , six furlongs , sellIng : Frank \Vmigner won , Ray 13 secomul , Ma Angeline thIrd , Titan : 1:15. : Third race , one mile , selling ; Eddie Burke won , Great Beiid second , Prosecutor third , Time : 1:4P4. : Fourth race , hamitjicait , one mile and one- sixteenth : Azucena wemi , imported Skate second , Orimar third. Time : 1:47. : Fifth race , six fuionsl ls Vic won , I'Iccoha second , Stlvnrez third. 'rime : 1:02. Sixth race , selling , ix furhomigs : Ptuiciittii won , Si3ter Jane ittcond , Cyclone third. Timne : 1:14'4. NE\\ ' YORK , June 23.-In the Tosebutl stnke'hlplmish anti Presrlgittrico leI into the stretch , whiemi Sloan brought Onon- daga's Pridn from the rear and won by a length from 1'rest1iittrice , the addeil horse. Results : First race , F'uturity course. selling : Al- pen von , Ru3her second , Mr. Clay third. 'rime : 1:11 : 1-5. Second race , omie mile and three-six- teentlis : Ben Iiohladuyven , Dainiexi iec- end , l'revious third. Tlnie : 2:01 : 4-5. Third race , Rosebud stakes , 2-year-old Chilies , four anti one-half furlongs ; Onondagas - dagas Pride WOn , Presligittrice second , Whiiithnsh third. Time : O:5t : 3-5. 1"ourth race , Swift stakes , sevkni furlongs - longs : hamburg won , Lutterer second , Murillo third. Time : 1:27 : 1-5. Fifthi ia ( e , six furlongs : hCenmore Queen won , lilornentum second , Peat. third. Time : 1:15 : 2-5. SIxth race , one mile , selling : Ben Ronald won , SUIIIII ) second , Doggett third. 'rime : 1l. : 1l.ST. . LOUIS , Juno 23.-liesults : First race , for maiden 2-yenr-olds , selling - ing , four and one-half furlongs : Itea won , Nontt 13 second , Alta May third. 'rime : 0:57 : % . Second race , conditions same as first : Perdenalas won , Ata' tl'Or second , llindoo's Dreani third. ' 1'ini : 0PP4. : ThIrd race , selling , one mile and seventy yards ; Ioertooton. . Nuonia second , Demuosthienes third. 'lime : 1:47 : % . Foiirthi race , Laurel stake , value $1,500 , six furlongs : Ed Farrell \voli , Gibraltar secomidVhmat Er Lou third. 'h'imne : 1:11 : % . Fifth race , sehliiig , six amid one-half furlongs - longs : Loving Cup won , 1"ireciso second , Laurette third. 'l'ime ; I :21 : % . Sixth race , ehliii- , for 2-year-aIds , live and omie-hitlf furlongs : Flying iJird wait , Lurdali second , Four Leaf C third. ' 1'ijse : I : (13j. ( . ChICAGO , June 23.-Harlem rnct results ; First race , live furlongs : Facade wan , l'riiicesH Murphy ccoiid , Guaiioco thilrtl. 'finitt : 1:03 : % . Secolit race. six furlongs : Tugenla Vickes won , Tenoic second , Thin Tory thirtl. Timne 1:14. : 'l'tiird race , one mile : Locust Blossom wail , Borden 3eeondhbrmahiteline third , Time ; 1 :43 : , Fourth i'nce , ( our amid one-half furlongs : 'l'nhiica von , Oiliithiia second , The J'en- tuckiaii ( hut ! . 'I'imne ; 0:54 : ½ . Fifth race one and one-t'lgiitit miles : htnmlro 11 won , Al Fiescu second , Eva litre third. Time : 1:534. : Sixth rave , lt\'o furlongs ; 'l'lio Dragoon von. l'riiice I larry set ijittiVhittt Pine third. 'l'iiiio I :03. : Seventh race , six furlongs : St. Calatine won. Tartitriahi secomiti , Enchanter titled. 'l'iino : 1:14. : hETII0I'r , Jutie 3.-Resuhts : First rare , li'e inl one-halt ftmrlommgs , selling : Nervura WOn , 'eller second , By George t bird. 'l'ime : I ; 0. Secontl race , ix fimrhottgs ; Fit ) ' hello von , Chiming econii , Dave S third , 'rime : I ; i3 , 'I'iiird rare , live mumiongs , selllmig : Erie hirttitks von , 'l'hittnksglvlng second , Tliana- topslii thiirtl , Time : 1:03 : % , F'ourtli nice , seveii furlongs : Lani' Bob won , l'rico lIen second , Tally Ito third , 'l'itno : 1:27 : % . Fifth race , one mile and one-sIxteenth : Our Joiiiinte won , Arrezzo second , Eviymi third. Time ; 140 ! , , . IIINVE it. Cola , , Juno 23.-Itace results lit Cverlitnti Park : First inee. pacing : Bihi Nyc 'tfl second , thu rd ii iiil tutirthi Iieat anti ritec. 'Fl inc 1 2ltIi ; , 2:15 : % , 2:15 : % , MisS Logan tQa3 liest heat , ' ( 'inn' : 2:13 : % . lirtat , Fismg Aitmnont , Mli iiehti aitid .1ontchair also slatted. Seenmiti race , trottiiig Stamnbouhette won Iii strtighit heats. Time : . 22l ; . 3:1 : i ½ , ,2l5 ; % . Lady lJL'.stimtIit took seconti money amid Hazel I'inney third. Ltiiiy w' nhtt starteti , Third race , four furitugs : Emizy von , Oriirtiia scrotal , Fanciier.t tltirtl. 'lIme : U:48 : % . Fourth race four furlongs ; Tommy 'l'ucker von , I lOflust Johiti second , Demand third. 'I'imne : 04St. ; Fifth race , live and one-half furlonga : Oak Leaf WOIl. Siitrchi ccond , PowiiursktL thtrtl , 'i'imu : 1tJ. : Sixth race , live fumlongs : Omaha \'uOd won. l'itiinutV second , ttnrvcn third. 'l'itflo iY. ( Ititbu rt % ' 1 'is .tgnli , LONION , Juno 23.-.S.t the AhbEnglanl lawn teminis tlittiflhIOflShIh ) tournilmurtit at \VimfllietlJfli * 1)1111) ' Clartiice unhurt , the Amnericaiii tlayer , beat httleblo by U. , 6-3. : i.6 , 6.2. 1 t vas a hoar nit moe , a it I lie wi nil ltttliert'ii the liliicrs , hobart will muect itilierty In the senil.fluiiis tomorrow. ii.Ihier lnrl I'i.s 'sVroii&t , ( 'H ICAG 0 , J tine 23.-l4ttber Karl , the clitstnut stfl Of Forester. in hil filial trial today ( or tb , , American derby Saturday , finished hIs ' 'itrehi" ltimnt' , anti till but broke tlu'It , Ills lammieness set'mils to hie conilmied to thin c.llifl Joiiit. lie viiI not be able to face the starter Saturdity afternoon , ( , rL fossil linuc , 'ORK Neb. . June 23.-Siiecial ( Telu. grum.-l'he ) animal rtnd iarc over the tWiity-mnIle Yurk.Jlrathilhiaw Course took ititico ttlIi ) ' under favorable CirL'UlflStaflces , . Jake Geiger was the first nutmi in nail also VOhi the time vrlze. : hlo had a mulmiute handIcap. Time : 65:10. : Arnold's frown Celery curcs headaches. We , 5c , SOc. All rugistg , - SAiNTS TAKE iILL Oommie's Collection of Antiqnarie Rub it Into the riaher Pamily. ERROR COLUMN TELLS TIlE WHOLE TALE , RIght l.nrge nhmil .1sk' , llIstcs , Seven of 'i'hieiit AiIiiItih the inficid , H- iinht Per ! the 'l'rlek , % % , , t , . 'j'urneil , The hiabes maim a present of the last of the series to the Saints , They rappel oct seven tallIes despite the lierfec fIeld work of the iiortlieriierl and mainly through 'theIr own errors let ( ho Saints go them two hotter - ter , for IJnnmiy hatib did nicely. It is disheartening to hose such a gare , of course , but it had Its good sides , It was exciting , fqr we ! ooked to have a chance to pull ahead until the last mali was out. In the last Inning. There were plenty of features : Joe Cantihlon's wild and iouliy umpIrIng , Fleming's batting. the balloon aseenitlon of Mr. l'hyie , Shugart's mouth , whIch handed him out of the gatne , a lot ui pretty fielding anti a lot of bail and various end divers other incidental tritnmnlimgs that arhled ist to the sport. The Saints had to change their ttam icy- oral titnes during the gante. Phyle was batted out of the box in tIme secoflil and Denzer took liii itlace. In the second Cult- I tiilon invited Shtmgart to take a seat on the bemichi. Pick was ott bases anti acooteil for iccond. Spies threw to catch Itini and Shtugart had hitmi out clean as a whistle , but Cantihion called him safe. Shugtrt Wail rcnl tooth anti threw the sphere down hard and tolti Mr. Camitltlon some very truthful things about lilniach ? , all of which rIled Caiitihlotl-CamtehouiC ) , somebody culled , hIm out there-and he retired Mr. Shugart. Gler came in to short amid Frickemi vent to center , but hater exchanged places with the log. log.Fisher Fisher PIaYCiI first bag for us. Denny Lyons is nurting a bad finger as a result of a thrown ball on ( lie day before , but vihl be Johnny-on-the-spot today. The error column on our iide speaks for Itself. Tile miscues were large , luminous and costly. ; ' , nt I lii' U'gl iiiiliimr , That giddy old wreck , Eddie Biirho , again opened the bail by pasting the very first ball pitched , this time for a two-bagger. Miller was given a Present and Fisher muffed a throw and let Glenalvin got first bag. Ian then pitched wild and h3urk' scored , but Dunnie promptly filled UI ) the bases again wIth a gift to Ghasseock. flier's hit scored both Miller and Glenalvln , and Giasseock scored while the boys wore getting the iicxt three out on flIes. They went some further In the second. After l'hyle and Burke both gave up the ghost Miller singled. Ghenalvia swung his wagon tongue against one of Danmiics bend- and lambasted the ball into deep center. I r I'ick slipped in going afterit and before it got bick both Miller anti Chcnahvin were 4n. Gier went out at first. This bad all the appearance of an Inten- ( Ian on the part of the Saints to give us ii good , sound drubbing as a windup , but we showed Mr. Phyhe a good timno in the see- end , thu first being resuitless. Pick and Fisher both drew a free iass anti Preston scored the former with a nice rap to maiddle field. holly's two-bagger brought both Preston and Fisher home. Mc- Cauhey Sent holly further along with a single and after Daub flew out the rabbit brought home on Fiem's two-bagger , That was all the scoring , for Mac was forced out at the plate by Eustace and Fleming % 'as left on bases. Mr. Denzer then succeeded Mr. Phyla anti for the next two innings we'did nothing. In the third , however , the Saints copped out another. Frlcken drew a prize package anti went , to second on Gihlen's out at first. lie was caught , however , oh his attempt to get to third on Spies' hunt. Spies was brought Itoimie on a drive by Denzer , . which Pickering - ing juggled. Danzer tried to stretch his single into a tally , but was Ingloriously nipped at the plato. l'lck , Preston and Daub all assisted in the play and McCauley had the out. Nothing more happened until our end of the fifth , when we took a fall out of Den- zer. " . % 'arn Ui , aIm'fleizer. . Fleming made another two-bagger and caine honio on l'ustace's triple. The latter caine home , too , on Heat's single and Fred. ( lie trotted across the rubber on a sinle by Pickering , a sacrifice by Fishier and another single hy Preston. That ended It , but things were not so worse with thin score tied , They promptly forged ahead again in the sixth , however. Gillen found safely , but was forced out on Spies' bunt. Denzer filed I : at first , but he succeeded In sending Spies . dowit to se'conti. Then heat's error of Burk&s I ground lilt let the burly catcher got to third , anti he scored on another error. Burke started for second and Mac threw down there to Holly for time old trick. Holly fIred the ball back to tim plate to catch Splos , but lie was away off on time throw. Burke got arounti to third and was nIpped trying to steal home. Time seventh and eighth were easy for i nih parties , but they clnclietl it In tile ninth. After Doggy Miller fouled ( tilt , Gleimahvln mnnde a two-bagger. lie get to third on a s'ihd pItch and scored on holly's error of Gier's grounder. It was an easy ball and I it was tough luck that hiohiy mnisseii it after 501110 of the circus stops lie hail iude. started out 'eli lii the ninth. Flem- lag billed out his fourth lilt-a beaut of a ( ri-sacker. hut Eustace fouled out nuth float ilieti on first , and after Preston got a base on balls , Fisher iomcd tip a little fly liistcad of the home rumi that Would have won the game. Score : OMAHA. All. Ii. 11.513,511. 0. A. ii. Fleming , rf , . , . , . . , 5 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 Etistare , Sb . . . . . . . 5 1 1 0 0 3 8 1 Itonts's . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 1 1 0 0 1 23 Pickering , mf . . . . 3 1 1. 1 0 3 1 1 Fisher , it , . . . . . . . . . . 3 1 0 0 1 8 01 Preston , If . . . . . . . . . 3 2 2 1 0 4 1 0 llohiingsworth , 2b. . 4 1 1 0 0 1 3 2 "McCauley , c , , , . . . , . 4. 0 1 0 0 6 1 0 Jauhi , Ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 0 0 0 1 6 0 Totals . . . . . . . . . . . : ia 7 11 2 1 27 17 3 lIT. PAuL. . . "All. it : 1T5DS1l. 0 , A. ii. Burke , If . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 1 0 2 0 0 Miller , rf and mat : . 4 0 0 1 0 .0 Giemuilvin , 2b . . . . . . 5 J 0 0 2 2 0 Olassenchc , lb . . . . . . 3 0 1 0 7 0 0 (31cr , ef and s' . . . . 5 ii 0 1 0 (1 ( Shiugart , es . . . . . . . . I 0 0 0 0 0 0 I Fricken , nmf niid rf. 3 0 0 0 1 0 Giiieii , lb , , . . , . , . . , 4 1 0 0 3 3 Situ's , c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 0 0 31) 1 Phlyhi' , Ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 0 0 (1 ( 1 Ienzer , ii. . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 1 0 0 1 . 'Votnlq . . . . . . . . . . . 27 8 0 httiiis by innings- Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o 4 0 0 8 0 0 0 D-7 St.Pauh . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421001001-s Ilits _ by Innings- . Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 4 0 0 5 1 0 0 1-li tSt. Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 1 0 0 1 1 1 1-11 1rmnr by innings- Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i o i I I 2 0 1 1-8 BtJ'auh . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000000000-0 Eurn.'iI runs : Qmtiha , 5 ; St. PattI , 2. ¶ I'wo-hiaso hilts : Flumititig (2) ( ) , liohllngsworthi , Burke , Spies , Glennivin. Thiree.hiase hiittt ; Fleniing. Etistiicc. hitime run ; Olenaivibi , Dittittla milny : 1)aub to Fishier. Buses on laths ; Off Daub , Miller , cllnsstock (2) ( ) . Frichti ; ; "ft 1'hi1e. J'fckcring , l"ishier , iff itnzr. , l'iestiiti , Pickering. Struck out ; By 1)aiib , FIcktiit (2) ( ) , Burke ; by Denser , I'Ickcrjng , Daub , \\'Iid i4clies : Daub , 3 , Inmilngs liitClwlh : By Daub , 8 ; by I'hyhc , 2 ; I ) ) ' lenzer , 7. Hits : Off Datib , ) ; oft l'h'ie , 4 : aCt' 1)eiizer , 7 l'lrt base ore errors : St. 13(1ii ( 4 , Left Ott basest Omaha , 7 ; St. Paul , 7. Timno of main : Omie hour and llfty-ilvo huitiutes , Umupire ; Cantillon , Other Yetprn Leuise Genies. INDIANAI'OljS , Julie 23.-Tue Chum. pious had on their batting clothes and took . itdVnfltii of the 11Thry and fielding er roes of the Brewers. Attendance , ( ) ) , t3eore : ) ? . , ' : .ii iu.il.l. tndIanitpolI . . ' 1 0 i ( I 0 5 0.11) 9 5 Nllwaukee . , .0 000 0 0 1 1 0-2 5 4 flatterIes : lndlttnnpohia , hawley antI Lynch : Mflwatlkee , TuXor , Speer antI ilath , ICANSAS CITY , Jsm23.-MIIinenlohIs to. day again met huf tljflting defeat at the hands of the BhtiCtf Core : - - ILILI'1. MinneapolIs , . 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 05 10 12 Kansas City , . 4 0 9 2 3 0.22 20 3 lintterles Minneapolis , S\'right and litit- her ; Kansas City , 1Cgin and Wilson , STANDING TEAMS. 1'ity' % , Won , I.ost. 1'.C. hnthlannpohis . . . . . . . , ,5.1' : t.i ii 65.0 St. l'nul . . . . . . . . . . . , . 5 , 34 21 61.8 I'uiisn City . . . . . . . . . . SI I3 21 ( ' 1.1 Coiumiiis . . . . . . . . . . Is 2'i 20 58.3 Milwaukee . . . . . . . . . . SI 2l 25 58.7 Ietrolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 19 34 55.8 Minhieapoiis . . . . . . . . . SI IS : it ; ate Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 14 II 29. Gaines tOifl ) ' Detroit at Columbus , Miii- iieapolls at Onutlma. Milwaukee at hadiap- ohIi , St. Paul at linflins City. (3.MlIS OF 'I'll hI .t'i'IO. " . I , 1.hi.tGlfhl. Clime t I Sceiis'ln iiit' Cli i'ele.l C lit- Itent or a liimii'i , C. C1C1NNA't'l , 0. , Juno 23.-The Orioles Played miserably toiity , lireiti'nstein kept ( lie hilts veil scattered , Tint lleds' base m'uniilmig and 1r'iti's fieltliiig were the feit- turns. Attetmdance , 2,370. Score : CICtNN.TI. IiAL.'rlMOitli. ltl4.O.AE. It It.O.II. . Melirithe , cC. 3 2 2 Ii 0 llcGriLw , Sb. I I 2 1 Snith , It , . . . 0 2 4 0 0 I'eeler , mr . . 0 4 U Mcl'ht'e , It , . i i I 2 o ! .mennlngs , s. 0 0 : i I 3tlhler , rt. . . 0 0 2 0 0 Mc'tlnnn , lb 0 2 7 0 Corcortiti , sa 2 m I a iltihines , If. . 0 0 4 0 lieckley. lb. I 1 9 1 O1Ilrolie , cf. . 2 1 3 0 Irwin , lb. . . . : t a 1 1 0 Dentont , lii. I. I S I 0 i'eitz , e. . . . . . 1 3 7 1 111'Iarlte , c. . . . 0 0 2 .3 llretten'n , p 2 0 0 1 0' ' IlUghit's , p. . 0 0 1 1 0 Totnl . .l3112112 I Totah't . . 4 91I 8 Ciiiclnnati . . . . . . . . . . 0 3 1 1 0 2 2 1 3-15 Baltimore . . . . . . . . . . 0 1 (1 ( 2 0 0 1 0 04 Earmieti runs : Citiciiina ( I , U ; ilultimore , 1. Two-bitse hilts : McBrIie , 1'sli'hee (5) ) . Stolen bases ; Corcoran ( 3) ) ; Irwin (2) ( ) , Mc- lInde , .tleh'liee amid ? , lcGamimi. Innlle , tluys : 1iritenstt'in to I'eitz to 1lecki. First on hiitlI : lly lhreitetistein , 5 ; i' I hughes , 7. I hit by ; titehiwl bail : By hughes , 1. Struck ( nit : fly Iireitenstein , 2 ; by I hugiie , 1. l'aiited hull : Clark. 'ivilci Pitch : lImit- enatein. Time of game : 'fvo hours itfld fl'a inhiiutes. Uinltimes : Snyder anti Ccii- itchy. SiiI,1'i's l'liiy Annln. CL11"'EIAND , 0. , JUlie 23.-'rhie indiuiis ltltLS'Ctl in olti title , formn totitty ituti Stein wits batteti freely. Steiii's wildness contributed - tributed to' the visitors' defent. Score : CI.E'I'l..Ni ) . i IiIOOKL\ ' . It.1I.o.A.m : . I ) iumkttt , it.,0 I 4 0 OfliIfnn , cf..0 1 3 0 0 C1i111t' , 21t..O I 2 0 0 Jones , r.0 3 1 0 0 Wallace , lh.1 I 0 0 0 $ I.sCli'ce , is. .1) 2 1 4 0 MriCean , sg..0 2 1 .2 0 Shecksrl , 11.1 0 3 0 0 Tebeaii , Il.0 1 11 0 0 'Cocker , lb. . .0 1 12 1 0 Illake. rf..I 2 2 I ) 0 llalinian , ltt.0 I 2 5 B ' .tlt'er , et. . i 1 2 0 1 itIntlle ) , lb. . , t ) 0 3 7 0 mmunier , C. . .1) I ) 3 0 0 GrIm , c..I 1 1 0 0 'VoLing , I'.2 1 4 0 SteIn , p..I ) i 1 1 0 Totals , . .4122712 I Totals . . .2102718 0 Clovelanti . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 0.- ! Brookiyn . . . . . . . . . . . . 000000110-2 Earned runs : Clcvelnntl , 1. Left on bases : Cleveland , S. Brooklyn , 0. Buses cii bails : Oft Young , 1 ; off Stein , 5. Struck nut : By Young , 2. Three-base hilt : Mc- Kean. Two-bmnso hilt : Jones. acrillce hits : McAieer , Zlmmer , LaChinuce. Stolt.n bases : Tebeau , Yoting , Grim. Double PhtiYs : McNean to 'rebenu to Sliindlc ; llmtlhman to Tucker ; , Lynchi to Andrews. 'l'imo of gamne : One .lioiir timid forty-live iiilmitite8. Attendance , i6O0. Seiintors One Out. LOUISVILLE , June 23.-Tim Senators hatted hard and ttmtily and won easily. Weyhtng kept thin Oo1nehs' liIt scattered. Attendance , 500. Scorq ; ' \\S1INUTON. . LOt'ISIhLi'1. . It.Il.O.A.11. ILII.O.A.11. Selbach , lf..2 1 4 0 1 CarIe , If..0 Li I 0 0 ( letintan , rt..2 2 1 lj 1 liltilter , s.M ii 2 4 0 , \iitiers'n , ct.0 2 5 I ) 0 hit ) ' , cC..I 1 1 0 0 McUutre , lb.2 2 7 V ' 0 Ti4'iter , rf..l I 0 0 I ) Farrell , c.i 2 5 (4 Ouflorl , ltt..0 1 1 2 0 \Vagtie. , 21. . . ! 1 2 . \t'ngner , lb..0 I ii It 0 Myertt. II , . . , .1 I I 1 , ( I f'Itagni'n , lbS 1 3 1 1. Wrig1e3 , $5. .0 1 4 4 3 1 ttredse , c.0 I 7 2 0 \t'oynhiig. , . .0 U 0 4 0 i"iascr , t. . . . . 1 1 1 0 Totals . . .512 27 13 7 ; Totels . . .3 5 27 10 1 " . \'ashington . . . . . . . , . : r b 2 0 0 1 1 0 1-S Louisville . . . . . . . . . , , . C 10 U 'U 0 1 I ) 1 1-3 Earned runs : Waelilngton , 1. 'rwO-bas hits : Iloy , Selbach .Aderson Three-late 1)111 Myers. acrihc hit : 1'raser. First base cmi bails : Off Frh.ser . , 1 ; otr wohiing , 2. Struck out : By Fmasr , 4 by Woyhlng , 2. Stolen base : J. Wagner. DoubI v1a's : McGuime Lu \\'rIley ; 1'riglcy to McGuire ; Fraser to Ritchey to Wagner. Passed bails : Farrell , \'ild piten : Fraser. Left ( in bases : Louisville , 5 ; 'ashington , 2. Time of gable : One hour and forty-live minutes. Umpires : ODay antI Me'lonalci. CIiIeiin Lots iii Ilrrrs. CHICAGO , June 23.-Costly errors at critIcal POliitS gave the Chainiiions the last game of the series , after ten innings of chose , but uninteresting pltty. Willis was retired at the enti of tue 111th , Nichols rtj- hiovlng him anti shutting thit litcals tiiit without a hit. Attendance , 3,800. Score : (111CA00. I IIOSTON. it.im.o.i : . it'an , It. . . . 1 0 0 0 1am'i.on , cC 1 3 1) ) 0 0 flverltt , lb. 1 13 0 4) 'fenney , lb. I 2 11 0 1 1..atige , Cf. . . I 5 0 1 Long is. , , . 0 0 3 3 0 IaItlen , its. I ) 0 2 i I Deify , If. . , 1 1 1 U 0 McC'in'k , lii I 3 3 0 L'olifnt , , lb , 0 1 I I 0 Mertet'rf.l 0 : i I OStithi , rf..0 I 101 Chance , rf. 0 0 0 0 I.owe , 2b. . . I 2 2 9 0 Connor. lb. C I I 0 Ilergen , C , , , 1 2 5 0 1 lionaltue . , C , 1 : ; 2 . \'IIIIs. . mt. . . 0 0 0 1 0 Gi.lmtft , p. . 0 0 3 0 Nleliol. , it. . 0 Ii I ) 0 0 TiltelI , m. . . . ( I I ) 1 0 'tlvetts . . . 0 (1 ( 0 0 0 Thorntoii . . 3 0 0 0 I ) _ _ - - - ToOths . , . .5 12 50 17 2 Totnhs . , . , 4 58016 3 hiatted for \'iiIi i in sixtii. Iatted for Grliltth in ninth , Chicago . . . . . . . . . . 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0-4 Boston . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 1-S Earned ruins : 1losii. 2. Left on bases : Chicago , 4 ; Boston. 8. Tvo-hatse hilts : . hliiinhliin , Ttnne- . Sacrifice hilts : Lange , 'I'enney. Stolen taittos : Dahlemi , Mertes (3) ( , hamilton , Iuffy (2) ( ) . Struck mit : By Grif- ItCh , 4 ; by Nichiul. 8. l'assnii ball : Bergen. 13aes cmi btihls : 0 Cf (7 rilllthi , 2 : a ft'i II is , 5 ; off Nichols , 1. \\iiii pitch : Grifhith. 'rmm'o of game : Two hours and twenty-live niiiiimtes. Uinltires : 'iVootl nUll Swmirtvotiti. I I'lrt'te'i iVim , a tilt ! ( ) iie , PIT'FSllURG , June 21.-Pittsburg won an e.citiimg teii-liiiittii game it ) ' a tliret'-bitgger of SfcCartliy'is and singles by Davis amid Ely.'t'arner was hilt out at the game in the seventh for kicking. Menafeo tiltide hii rcnpliearance in the 1)itchn'r's iiox itud did I good WOrk after ( lie 'third imining. Attemiti- nnco , 1,500. Score : 1'l'l'1'3hitItL I 2I'OItI. : . lt.lt.C1.A.t I It.li.O..iil. 1)novnn , Cr 0 1 1 Ii ( I V' llalt'n , ef 0 1 2 1 0 0' Urlen , ef. 0 0 4 0 1 Tl'rnan , It. I 2 4 0 0 ( Ira ) ' , lit. , . . I 1 2 i Juice , ml , . . . 3 2 12 2 1 2tIcC'titv , it. I 2 ' U. layiti , 2 6 2 C U ii. Lavls , lii 2 1 11 1 1 dleascn , lii. I 1 5 2 1 l'atltieti , 2i. ! U I t 2 \IcCrry rf 0 1 ( a U 'I ' Iic'rmiian , C. I ) I 1 0 1 ltsrtniaii , Sb 0 0 0 1 0 Seltriver , C. 0 0 2 0 1. Varner , c. , 0 0 2 1 0 I'Iy , as. . . . . 2 1 0 4 I ) qrati ) , e. . . , o i i u K'Ilen , p. . . . 0 1 2 C 4) MeliatCe , p.0 0 0 3 1 TOtalIt . . . . S ii 30 17 5 Tottihi . . . 7 1425 13 3 'One niit when 'Iiining run wns made. Plttsburg , . , . , , . . 0 l S 0 0 1 0 0 0 I-S NowYork . . . . . . . - Eariietl runs : Plttsburg , 4 ; N w 'York , 2. ' 1'vo-htae hilts ; 'lrnan , J'CC , Graii' . 'l'hireu-bnse hilts : MtCnrtbiy , G Dtvis , Sarilieo hilts : iClhlen 0. Iavls , McCreory. First base on balls : off Kihlen , 2 ; off Mcii- nl'ee , 2. 1 lit by iItltchied huh : OIrieii , Gray , Struck outi : .J ) ) EllIott , 2 ; by Meiiit. tee , 3. 'rime of gauc : Two hours and hf- tefl minutes. UnpJies ; ; C.ushiman timid I leydler. Jbrob ) its Cl'Dii-iit a ( lift. .ST. LOUIS. Jua 28-Tha Qunkirs vent to iIecs in the fourth inmiltig nail gave to. ( lay , i game to thai , ilruwns. Attendatice 1,000. Score. , SI , LOUIS. l'lI1LAmg1.i'IlI. . 1t.It.O.A.'P . ILJI.C ) A S Iowtl , It. . . , 1 2 I. . 0 _ 04Coolel' , ci' . I 2 2 0 0 l4teazei , Ct , , I I 2 k .1jIiu.ias , ml. 0 i 7 0 1 Quinn , ss , , 1 0 2 3 Oiti.h'ty ( It. I 3 6 0 0 ( ross. lb. . , I 2 0 IUOttiiJIe ! , II , . . 1 1 ii t 1 Iecher , lii. , I 0 'J 0 S t'.lica , rt. . . . 1 2 1 U I Ctiigden , c. . . 2 3 11 . .3 U I'lqher , c , . . . 0 2 4 1 1. Cari.ey , ri. . 0 1 1 r o tbitit , lii. . U (1 ( 3 0 1 Cracks , lb. . 0 1 5 3CL ) IIIlerf'tl , lb 0 0 (1 ( 0' 0 'L'ttyior , it. . , 0 0 0 1 , t'roo , , ss , , . 0 0 2 2 0 - - - . . , . . t , . . , . A A I fl Totals 7 10 27 ' 14. l . . . . . - - - - - - A Totals , . . . 4112 $ It S St 111111 $ . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 5 0 1 1 0 -7 Phliadellthiia . , . , . . , , fr 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 ct-4 Euriit'tl rims : St. LouIs , 2 ; phiialel'IttiIa , 4. Two-base hits : Ielehiaiity. Sacrilice hits : Crooks , Stenzei. lilt by Pitcher : h"hsher. h3ase ( Ii ) bails ; Off 'i'ayhor , 2. Pitsst'tI ball : Fisher , Stolen buses ; Dowil , ] ) elehintity. Struck nut : By 'l'ayior. 2 ; by Wheeler , 2. Time of game : One hioimr and fifty-lIve minutes , Unhires : Enishie and Curry , WANliNG Oh' T)1F Played , \\'on. Lost. l'.C. C'inciniiati . . . . . . . . . . . 55 It : 19 63.5 Boston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 . 33 20 61.6 Clctvelamuh . . , . , , , . , , . SI . : c .1 21 1:1.1 : llnitimnuru . . . . . . . . . . . 52 30 22 57.7 ( Thicngo . . . , . , , , . , , . , . 56 31 25 15.4 l'ittsburg . . . . . . . . . . . . 3) 51.5 New York . . . . . . . . . . 54 27 27 50.0 l'hilutielphia . . , , , , . . St 23 2 * bl Brooklyn , . , , , . . . , . . . 52 22 110 423 \\'ashiington . , , . , . . , , 55 20 55 35.4 St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville . . , , . . . , . . , 58 19 39 32.8 Games todny ; Iirtsiklyii at Chicago , Wai.hington at Cincititiutl , BaltImore at , . - St. Louis , New York at Cieveiruii , rhila. delphlst fit Loulvihie , linston at l'ittsburg , Interstate l.cngiie , TOLEDO , 0. , June 3.-Scnro : It.1LF3 Toledo . . . . . . . . . . 0 1 0 1 3 0 1 1 0-915 0 Yoimnstown.000O00oo0-21 lbittriti Toledo , Ferguson and Arthur ; Youngstown , Martin and Patterson , MANSL'il5LD , 0. , June 23.-Score : lt.il.I'i Mansfield . , , . , . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 5 Newcastle . . . . . - hhstttt'ries Mansfield , 1'ehlnm and llelt Nweiithe , Hwltt anti 7.Itiram. OltANi ) . RAPIDS , Mich , Juno 23.-Senre n.hh.l. . Gmnntl itnplda.l 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0-5 0 1 Sliringilehil . . . 0 .1 4 4 1 0 1 0 ' -Ii 14 1 Batteries : OrUn(1 htapitls , Cole and 1loothi Springfield , Crntiit timid 'Gmnhhius. 't'sIt5'ii .tsiot'lntlon , ROCK ISLAND , J tmna 23.-Score 1t.1I.E ltocklsinntj,0 03 0 0 0 0 0 0-a s 1 hit. Joseph .L. I 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-2 3 1 Ilnttt't-ies : flock 151101(1 , SmIth and I3tmntiss ; St. Joseph , itc1)oiinlti alid I litli- sea. sea.DUIIUQUE , In , , June 23.-Scorn : . iLl I.E. Dimhuqtie . . . . . . 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-4 4 S Quiimc3' . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1-3 5 1 flatteries : 1)ubutitme , .1 lhrowi aliti hedge ; Qt'Incy , l'rice anti $ wnrtz. M lii nenpui Is 'ibIs Aft'riioin. . Bore's where we tire goliig to pull out tif the Inst hole , for nit easy thIng Is eoiiiliig ithomig. 'rite Millers , however , tony be couhitt1 tipoti to niakO a fight , for thit' ' ,1ont 'a'nhit te ito tnilenders anti iiesltit's thuit they are sort' over I lie tlmutiltings they got thowii Iii l'niisns City. The fIrst of ( hit' s.ries will be lnlilt'tl ( til this itfteiiiiton. ' 1'iiI is Taidles' day , alid meiiieinhter , there are bnt three mom days of pia'Iiig bi'fcme ( lie lenin gtt's nwtiy. Time hue-ni , will be soinetlling hike this : Omaha Pesltion , Iihlnneapoils , 14'OtlM. . . . . . . . . . first bn . . . . . . . . . . . .i . ( 'iehier 1hoIhiiigsvorthi.it't ( ( ) iii base . . . . . . . . . . . 1)lxoii Iliiitiicti. . . . . . . . third hai4e . . . . . . . . . . . . . Itelily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lttre I'restoii. . . . . . . . . heft held . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .h.ahly Pickering. . . . . . miiltltilo hinlti . . . . . . . . . . . . lavis FlemIng. . . . . . . . right field . . . . . . . . . .CtiiliItiU McCauley. . . . . . . catchier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11111cr Butler or Fishier.iiltclierMeNt'ely em Nort'n .tinerlen ii , t Cli let lv Ilottiti Gimitics. CI 1 ICAGO , June 23.-'rhie atintini chiini- : hiiishiip ( contests of thio Amiiericnii Athletic tiiilon begaii at l'itrksitle this jifterintoit. A light rain It'll just before ( lie gailies itiid left thit track fast. J , 1:1 : hush , chicago Athletic tissocintinit , amid M.V. . Long , New York Athletic climb tiuahlhied iii the first heat of hits ioo-d rita. Time : 0:10 : 1.5. 't\'efcrs did mint start. J , Ii , Maybury. Chicago AthletIc nasoclit- tion , and F. Jitrvis , qualified iii ( lie scrotal iit'itt. Tliiie : 0it : ) 8-5. 'l'hte shot Put was won by It. Slieldon New ' ( 'urIc Athletic club ; distance , 43 feet S Inciics. 'l'iie mile walk lvns ivon by 1V. 11. Fetter- Iflflti , Jr. , New Jersey Athletic club. Time : 6:45 : 1-5. 'l'hie l0-yart1 hiurdlo race vas s'on by A. C. Rrncnzhia , Chicago Athletic nssoc'iatiii. , 'rime : 0:15 : 3-5. Tue 440 yards rita was von by M.V. . Lotig , New York Athletic chili. 'l'iine : 0:52. : Thit' half tulle run vns won by ' 1' . 15. 13ttrIe New York .Atiiletic clul , . 'rime : 2:00 : 2-a. hi. 15. Mativel , New Jersey Athletic club , was seconti. The 1)0 ( ) yarnil run , thtial , was won by F. . . Jarvis , Chicago Athletic association. Tiate : 0:10. : J. 11. Itusli , Chicago Athletic associatiomi'tis 8eciiid. , 'I'niirnittiit-ii t SIOUX CITY , June 23.- ( Special Tom- grani.-Soo ) Guii ciuiis' amateur tuurnhtr mont came to a close today. The shooting was . hard in every event anti ( lie money 1.Its Cut UI ) iiito sniuli ; tieces , Tue weather was very warmn and the shooters sufft'reth considerably frOni the heat. Thin high scores of the day were made by C. T. Cal- lison , Cumings. Ia , , 113 out of 150 ; 1-1. C. Mortetisen , liritt , lit. , second , 140. and 0. A. Ottge , Pritlgewater , S. I ) . , third. 130. ln.Iaiis 1)efeiit Aslilniid. AShLAND , Nob. , Julie 2.'i.-Special ( Tel- egrama.-'l'hie ) Nebraska Indlaitit dufeated Asiilaiid here toihay by a score of 17 to 1. BIG MAJORITY FOR DONNELLY Olflt'Ini 'Vote Shows tutu lie tin , , a 1..eztil of rIree Tlioiisnnil O'er . l'reMeutt. . INDIANAPOLIS , Intl. , Juno 23.-Complete returns officially announced today at tim headquarters of the International Typographical - graphical union in this city , show that Samuel S. Donnelly of New York Typographical - graphical union No. 6 , is elected president over W. 13. Prescott , time present incumbent , by a majority of 5,000. The vote is as follows - lows : Donnelly , 11,178 ; Prescott , 6,627. TIme other rinclpal candidates voted for received - coived the following : Merritt 1' . l'alnier , Peoria , Ill. , 597 ; Frank Hynes , Denver , 654. The other officers elected are as follows ; First vice president , James 51. Lymich of Syracuse , N. Y. ; second vice president , John Decrihinger of NCw York ; fourth vice president - dent , V , 0. Ilarber of Boston ; sixth vice president , Janies fl. Yate of New York ; see- rotary-treasurer , J. W. Bramnweoti of Denver - ver ; agent Chiids-Drexel home , Victor 13. \Villiams of Chicago. The vote for organizer , delegates and trustees - tees for the Chllds.Drexel home will be given out in a day or two , when completed. The total vote cast is about 20,000. The committee cOlfllOSed of ltobert 13. 1)anaby , FelIx J. Krig and Jttmes P. Cherry , all of tue Itidlanapohis union , having been counting I tIm vote for seven days. DEATH RECORD. No't & ' 'l ' .i ii f' ii , - CII 4 t' ' 'C C en , ii. KANSAS CITY , June 23.-Captalr Maurice Iii. Langhorn , a famous figure in confederate history , Is ticail , at his hionie here , of cancer. Cipttiiti : Langhiamn was horn in Cumtmiingliarn county , Va. , In 1834. iii thin late war lie receiveth proinotloli for his bravery atid woo hotiers nuder Cciieral Jo. 0 , Shelby In , thc latter's Mexican camhaign. The story of rngliorn's holdIng Waxahachio with a small party of soldiers Is famillam' . i PI.ti'.r St. .0nMt-Ili ST JOSEPh , Julie 23.-Abrahitini Nave , one of the oldest and wealthiest merchants in St. Joseph , died this morning. For many years Mr. Nave bus been a partner Iii thin Nae-McCort1 Mercantile company chain of stores iii all the inportnnt Missouri river cities. his fortune is estimated at $2,000- 000 , : l rt. Ii ttt'iilt Craig. NEBRASKA CITY , Nob. , Julie 28.-Spn- ( cial.-Mrs. ) Iloweiia S. Craig , one of ( lie Pioneer residents of this city , died totlay agel 77 years. She came here with hair bus- band iii 1855 , She leaves a famIly of six chIldren , among whom is Mrs. It. II. Sillier of this city. (0111 fteftlcr itt 1'.l'uil. MEAD , Neb. , June 23.-Special-F. ( ) Ii. h5gghoston , One of ( tie oldest settlers of this county , died Monday evening and was burled yesterday. lie was 88 years old and hail lived On the farni where be spent his early days since Th70. Th70.HYMENEAL. HYMENEAL. II oherl ' 4-81 iit'li I ii stat , Charles J. Roberts and Miss /tgiiea D. Ilutchinson were married V'eihiiesday , June 22 , at their own residemice , 1919 South Fifty- thIrd street. Tue groom is well known , be- I lug one of ( lie buperintenulemits ha the 'tV. 11. Bennett company , amid thai bride Is an accomplIshed woman , having been PrinciPal of Aclsemnman school for a number of years. They went east on their wedding trip , 11ev , Charles W. Savidge officiated , hASTINGS , Neb , , June 23.-Spcclal.- ( ) 51 , Aacbi of Burr Oak , ICan. , and Sliss Carrie Loob of Hastings were niarrled yesterday afternoon at 1:30 : at ( lie lmomnc of the bride's parents , Dr. Franklin of Oniuhia olflciatetl , hCuiip.ii. Cit ' lii. piLs Co , istil 1111 Ce. KANS4S CITY. June 23-lhusiness circles herq wrre btmrpriscii by the nnnouhict'nient that the Citizens National batik , the old- cit natloiiui hank in Kaiisas City , hail been absorbed by the Union National. Thu inergetl bank , it is said , was not doing a profitable itusiness. Without any previous notice ( ho two banki opened under one maiiaeiaeUt ( liii mmiomniiig. - ' - - -T'--T : : r ; - : GAIL BORDEN : EAGLE BRAN D t1 : CONDENSED MILK I NASNOEQU.4LASAN/NFANTFOOD. iurur IIEALTII'51NT FREE. I LOMEDICI/D ; COM&INED TREATMEf1T -OF THE GREAT CUPATIVE POWERS , Permanently Located in Omaha , Neb. 1308 PA.ItNAM ST Ve g tee re rt-rt'iit'es trout hit' htt'sl Ila ii)5 ) , lIiii.I utest. 3Ieii ainil T.ierehiiints . a tlic uti' , S . . WHE1 ALLOTRS FAIL Iteniember ( Ito woiltierfuhh ) ' successful trcatiiieat of this Institute omiibint's Chic two grt'ntcst fnctors of the healing art kmiowmm to ( lie miivtlirnh IimofessIomi-I5LECTItIClT' and MISlICINE. it is the largest , niost thoroughly flimil completely equii'pd liistitute. both electrically amid imiedicall ) ' , ever estahhishietl iii ( lie'cst foi ( be ( continent amid nhisolue ( cure of nil mmei'voiis , chronic amid iirlvate tiiscascs of MISN and \\'OMl5. lloii- arabIc amid fair deniing accorded to all. The Doctors ol This Institute Can Cure You. . L . / ' . , ' ' L : ( . , ' ; 1J - ' . ' 'S. , , . S fl -i N - - ' : . , . ? & ) \ . .5 :1\ : : - - : , ' . _ i "s1t .t1 , , S . . . , , . ' : ; ' , I ) # r , . . - . ' , : L4 ; = > 7 : - - . . - - t4i4 . ' PECALISTS FOR ISESS O SLSTS F WEI 'i'hio great electrical itiitl nedieah specialists of this institute are fur thin bent , miupt succeesful and sientitIc thin vorld hitis ever ltntiwn , all of vlitcu too griniuti tes of t lie ltest tfle(1 Icit I colleges I a t lie woi'l ii , cli cli htavi i ig ii itti I t t mg it nil sin' . cessfui PrliCtiC(1 in hits 141)ccialty , mid arc ucliieviitg results iti curing tile sick and stifl'ci'lng by their combimieti h5l'ctmoMeilkttl truatiii.'iit . , vliii'hi tvtui,1 tie un- ' inediettl treatment ititnie 'I'iii' Stile El'c ' lOSSilltJ to secure by either eltctmn'tti or C i'ci- 'iiedictth liistittltt is tint ONLY I'LACE iviitro you etiti , , lttniii tIlt' li''iieflt ' ut tithe uccesfU1 trea tnient uiider Chic most skillful ti at ! heariietl opeciallste. 13 is ASSI itisr that if aiiy lis'r , cn earth cmiii clime you tii'tso Toi'ttirs nut. 'l'hey have niCe ' ( i'd coma- liheto and ptrmntflelit : eilrcs after all , ) ttit'rs have Imilleth. Somuti doctors fail iiec'ause of trtsathmig tim wrong ihisettee , othiermi front not kiioi'ilig ( Ito right trt'atjimoat. NO MITAKES HERE AND iO FAILURES , A perfect cure guaranteed iii itll cast's a ceptet ] . Out' special comblmii'il h5hec'trt > . MeIicai 'I'rc.utlneltt for Nervous lebillt' Never Fitii. YOUNG , MiDIh15-AGI5D AND OLl ) AIISN. Last Stuitiitotl , 'l'lio awfui cffect ci ! iiitliscrotlomis In ) 'tiimtli , self- abuse or excesses in tifter life ntih , the oi'ftsci of iiegl'rletl or lmpr4pem'ly treatt'i cases , lrotl ii c'ittg I ark a I' vi ( it ii I y , sex mini 'N "alt hosts , iiiidevtsl ° l , i'il itt' sIt i'ti iileim orgit I t it , ha I n iii ha i'Ic , Id its ii itl ltitl iiu'i3 , C ii cit t iiaItis , iier\lilitIit'ss , iii ' ' ' ' 1)1 emits miess , 'eii it lines or hod y it ad heal ii , ii izzinesit , In I II og to cnio y , I ii ik of cii ira 5' ii a ti t ' i t I i. ' ' i I . ' , d t'e to a - dtincy , evil forelmdings. tinhidlty nitti othm' .histresaiiig syltlptopts , Si'cii cusas , it neglocteil , almost 1ii'Umiabhy head to htm'omnaturo decay , iiisaiiity tuid deittli. Amnolig the iltiii' 1)lseiises tutu 'I'l'ili itles I ii 'nit left the SI ii do ISIt'el ro-31 nil- Iciii liistlCiite CUAANTES A EWT AItIS 'I'll II F ( ) lL'lG I Inflammation of thin kltiiicys. K WHEYS hlrlghil's disease , diabetes , colt- geeticit of ( he khliieymt , mirneinia , gravel stone. Iiillammflation cystitla , c'ystftr. B LADDER rhtoen , cntmirrli of I hit ihischnrges , etc. These , listresttilig 4hisemil"tl invariably 3'ieli to thus s3'eem of combined Neuralgia , SIck , nervous or causes- H EAD tivti hietthiit'hiC : , doll , full feeiitg , , loss , oC miicmnqrl' , ilizzliit'tts , hoftcliIhig of the I I bralti , tumorS ittitl , 'cZumna Of that caip. All aeuiit iuid chiriitiir C ATARUB gitle. eniargeti tonells itnti Itmil. ate. lialirt4eness , 10513 ( If 'Oil'L' , thick puilegmn iiiI Comittimnilit 10 Ii In thin first timid I Ii N BS ectiiiii stage's , lltflOrh'ItIt gee a mitl cli mule broil c Ii I liii. ii r3' a mid ltitise caught , I itit In chest. d I iii t'iiit y Iii htrt'it thtiiig , hopI - I at isa C lotte , ii it t himiia , etc. I 'al hi C at in lilt , irregiila V hiiihSit ( itiiitt , I I H EA RI valvulni' dIsco see , wt'nic ittith fatty hiemirt , clrnpsy iiiiil i'hteumntIsm of heart , haiiuItl circtiltttiOmi , etc. All diseases , if the lIver , LIVER--SPLEEN jaundice , gahl-l4tonlt S gest loll anti ill 1 orgmi ni ti , iititl fu net Cumin I ii is- orders U miii ( I iseamies ( I t t lie lotvels , diii r- rhiona , dysnil tery , I nun in run I ltiii a miii .ihi iier'OUS utui rclh'X disorders , rhicitinatisin. I'iIt'e , fletulu , iliiicki5' cured B UPTUBF without tisti itt ( lie krilftt or ti uSs , without detention ( rum busimiess. S TOMACH Cntnm'rhi , iiht''m'iitltn , * and ih's' PC'pHhit , liitligt'stioii , hillihi ' 10111 ( ullmiess , titem' totIng , heart bunt , water. brash amid dluiiciilty Iii swahlowliig. B LOUD AND SKIN rIsoist's , it , i m a 5 , ii P 4) t Pt , Pimples , scrofitla , talmite , tminmtire , ( ott or , ct'zt'imiii , Cu I t l'iitIUlB , ring % vormmm , a ad tttrj ii lied bjood 1)0154tH , I syjthi II is ) , html inn r' tie st.'cimilrt , ry , thmoiaugiily t'rmiilit'itteii , ht'avlng ( lit , s'stnrn I ii tt Fit COiiS , 1tl ri' a mid heal I Ii ( U I cotiti I t Ic if. NERVOUS OEBILtTY sinti till its tiC. toiithiiig iilhiiieote of YOUNG , MIDDLE AlliS ! ) ANI ) lJ4) tI 15N. Lust Slitimhiattth-thiu rvfiml effet Is itt I ; itl lecret It , tiis I ii yc ii t Ii , s.'I f itl inca t ; i' ox. ( ' ( ' $ t4t'i4 i ii It ft em I I ( a a iid t liii it ll't'ct ti u ( ito- glut t ttI or lilt htroitrl tmea to , I in soi. t 'ii- ( I iit'l hg ha cIt o f ' .11 ii I It y , sex cal % V'ti It tact. . , ii ntlt'vt'lopctl or el tru nit en ol.gtl it e , i I u'et l.ti ii 14 , lter'Otihi ( Hit isi I'tthiltli4 $ I tt'it. ivetik- h11'58 of tasly itnd ki'siiii , iilzziii'ss. ftshlimmg I trielnory , lack of t'miiirgy ii hiti ( 'tilt II 1 i'iirt. I tieitItoiItI'iic ) ' , cvii ( trt'Ioiiiimgs , i Iruithity oil I l t Ii or d I it I med lifI ltyln p toni s. flit el i , 'tt site , i r negl t' ( ' C t'tl , it I itiotit i ii vu rin hi ' I no ii I n lirt. I tii tu ru theta y , I lisa iii I ) ' ii I id .1it i ft V AR I BOCELE I I 'drorelo i-t ilti ft ii siv'l I - Irigs , telltlernt'ss ttltl , liii. hetli ate lit S Ii f I lie sex iiti I i iii etc ( Ill lt'kl re- I I eyed it ad cciii uI t't 'I y t'iirt'iJ. P R IVATE thhst'ti.tt's f i'very miatili'c , lls , gittrriitieit , , gi , tt , , iii m'it'turo. ( lu I cIt ly a nil it 'rota lien t iy cii red ; i''u k it nil siiruiiken imrtc rt'storetl to tlmc'ir iiltttiriI % 'Igor aiid fiiiic'tiolit.i , DSEES OF WOE Thin t'ctnililiu'd ISlect i'o-lt't1ictil 'Frt'atmn'ltt ii I tIm State h5ieetro'STetih'nl ihlittltiite hi l'cIall . ' lTect is'tt I ii t lie cui'tt of ttl I ft'mmia lu e timnltla ho I e , fit I I I ii g or d iii p1 utomen t a f I Ii o 'i'tiiIib , I nilaimiat Ic ii or uieerat itin , lii ott 1 I 1mg , lieu thu dies , ciii niti s't'ak iii'its , i'hi I t en , I , rel- ache , hot iioehiets , iit'r'oilmtflcS , lotte of ttl'h'e ( ito , had general vciikmtess , , lliq'limtrt's , , bladder and Icltliiey I rittjles , Open tinily from i a. in. to 8 p. in , Stinthityn-lO to I p. in. WRITE Ii' YOU OANNO OALL-A11 Correspondence in Plain Envelopes1 ( JosfulontiaL State Electro-Medical Institute , 1808 FARNstAI S'I'REET , OMtilA , NEB. . . . - - - - '