. . - - - - - - ' V - ' - - - - - - - J - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----r--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -r--- : ; : _ - _ - - - - _ _ _ _ _ NEWSOF INTEREST FROM IQWA.f : : _ CQUiICIL BLUFFS ? MLOR UINTION. V flihvcIr beer. ItocnClL ( Tel. 323. Wnntctl.-LateEt cdfIon ot Council fllutm tRy dlrctory. Apply at Ike omce. MrL M. A. flonham 'eft ' yesterlay for ] 'nrI. Tex. , to visit tier old home anil other g.olnts. The regulnr meeting of ( ho Pntrlotlc Order on oftrncvlca will be hell this tvcning. The Evnnfl Inutidry hi the leader In fine V work both for color and finish , 620 rearl street. I'lioiie 290. Tyrtie Io' ¼ o hhI meet in regt.iar scgIon this evenhiig ftfld ofllers : ror the tnitiItig yir 'il1 h 1ctd , Jttilgu and Mrs. Berry of AhhInnce , Nek , are the gue8ts of I. t. i.nhiiscin nnd fainhI ) hlrL' . Berry nti'l ' Mra. Lainon arc sisters. 8tClhICfl RttVceter has been discharged from St. lhernarl's ( hospital as being cured by order of the cominissionera of the in- sane. - Don't yeti think IL must ho a prett7 gow ) laundry ( lint can pleasu so muny huadreds of customers ? \Vohi-that's the Iag1e , " 724 flroadway. There will ho a regular meeting of the Union Veteran union at the flrnntl Army hinhl tonight at 8 o'clock. All comrades are urgeil to he present. Miss Margaret Taylor of high strect ts confined to her home as the result of a fail iecolved a couple of days ago , wheti Bite surcrc1 two broken ribs. \v. S. Alien of Van Huron county , camil. ilat' for st ate auditors was in the city yesterday - terday ( ahlIng on friends and Incidentally in tue interests of his candltacy. Miss 1nte O'NeIil aiit sister. who have be'zi nttentiitig St. lrancls & * cadcmy. have licen SttflIfllI1eI ( to their haute itt Battle Cte.k , Neb. , by the suddeit ticatli of their father. Ix-leputy United States Marshal Elier of Atlantic , acconipanic.i by hits family , was In ( ho city yesterday to attend the dedIcation of the Iowa state building at the exposition. .1. E. Frye and \ViIilnm T. Fvcrctt , after Inihlbing niore Ihitlor luau they catild carry , Itl , decorum. became Involved in an altercation - V cation which led to blows. They were arrested - , rested arul charged with being drunk atid frnturing , the Peace. General Smith I ) . Atkins of Freeport , Iii. . ehltor ( of thte Daily Jouruni of that iilacc , Is in tue city , the guest of his cousIn , Al. dermati J. I ) . Atkins. Generlit Atkins Is a veteran newspaper titan , having been on- gageil in it for half a century. The iiollce were yesterday notified to look for and arrest A. F. Calhoun of Omaha , who is churged byV. . P. Pope of 419 North 'iftceiitli street of that city with havIng stoleit a watch ttIi a vest and with obtaining $200 under fulso lretcnses. ) Mrs. Jo8eph hlerod , lrs. M. B. Wallis , Burton \'allis , harold \'alIls , Allen \Val- his and ItitlerVallis , Mrs. S B. Rider , hubert Ititler and Marie Ithtler constitute a family party train Iubtique that arrived yestorility meriting to take iii the expost- tion. They will stay hero for the rest of the week. Ed Clierlngton of lvans , Ia. , and Lula ] Carncs of l'lnttsmouthi , Nob. , were mar- ' ned In this city yesterhay , Justice Burke V olliciatleg. Justice Irrier purfornied a like ceremony for Clltr1ea Wilson of ICan- Bus City 1111(1 Guenne Caugitey of Grantlon , ' N. 1) . . and \VillIaiu Mulford and Annie Brotliersoti. both of Tetupletoti , ] a. John harry. who inforlnel ( Judge Ayles- worth that 1u vus not a vagrant hut guesset lie Was a tramp , i being held at the police statIon. I3rry , vlio claims to he a native - tive of Ireland , is suspecteI of being sUghty ! deticietit in intellect. lie was V brought to the station by one of the nIght watrltnion at the railway yards. The 1)ohany Stock company presented the laughable farce-comedy , A Bogus Lord , " V to a vcll tilled hpuse inst itight. intro- duclug a nklnuler otii W specIalties. which wore vell received , The Maretta sisters in their acrobatic dances captured the au- dictice. There will be a matinee Saturday , at whIch the Maretta sIsters V.viIl introduce a fresh sPecIalty , Mrs. Clmtfleld , living on Tenth avenue between Sixth and Seventh streets , re. Ported to the police yesterday afternoon that her little 2-year-old son liati strayed away. Mrs. Chatuield hail been to see the supervisor of the Poor at the county court house anti rhihe site was talking with htitit the little fellow vaiitlerei away , Up to a V Into hour last nIght no trace of the chIld had beii obtained , V C , 13. Vlavl Co. , temale remedy ; consultation - tion free. Office hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to 5. Health bool furnished. 32'.327-32S Mcr- riam block. Money to loan on city propetty. ICinne. V N. Y. l'Iuinbing Company. Tel. 250. Lost-Diamond bow-knot , SuItable reward will be Patti ( or return of same to Bee OlilOe , Council Bluffs , V Agreeni.'n II't . ( I'Il Itn II ronils. The agreement between the Union l'aclulc aint V Northwistern RaIlway companies , by : which the latter secures the full equal atid joint possession of the main and passing tracks of the Union I'acItlc between CouncIl Bluffs anti a PoInt onp nnd a half miles BoUtit Of South Omaha , has been flIed for record with County Itecoriler Stiepard. The intrument is tiated May 26 , 18'J8 , and runs for ninety-nine years. In return for the use of the tracks the Northivcstern agrees to pay the Unloit Pacific $3,750 er month , its 1 proportion of the cost of water ( or engines , track inahptenance anti taxes , based on Its proportIon of the number of wheels per flute hauled over the tracks in question and a simIlar proportion of 4 per cent. POF annum on the cost of extraordinary Iniprovements , The official luhotographts of the United States Navy , contaIning over 200 pIctures of the vcssels , wIth their otfleers and a nina- of the views of the Ill-fated Maine , cnn he hail at the Council hhluIfs ullice of 'Flue lice for 25 cents and a Boo coupon , k 1)on't have to s 'ar on expensive shirt 1when taken to the hIliit City iatiiidry. Tl y'ro easy oil clothic's anti use no diem- ifaIt when washing. VV Cunrt : it'M , V fn the district court yestortlay J , W. riuIre , trustee , Collulneuicel ( forecisuro liro- ceedlngs against Joseph Casey anti others , In the suit brought ty the New 1uigIaiutl V , Loan anti Trust Coliuimny against Susscte and Albert ltoyer. ittiti Rosa and E. Mel- thrum and t. J , Schuiorr are also named as "iiofotudaiits. The property Involved in thu V suit was formerly owited b the ! toyeri , but the title has situce , iiasscd to the other do. 'fendaiits , The idulattif asks for the ap- holntment of a receiver pending the hitIga- ' lor sale , acre of red riuspt > erries , heavily VIOttdC(1'ilt sell on bushes , Located one utile north of Chautauqua grounds , formerly : Cbris Froburt place , i , A , Blazicliard , Map of Cuba , \\'est Inthies anti the W'orld , ttt The Bee oIhhee. l0' each , V hI'ii I tHtitli. 'l'rs ; iiNtrs , The following transfers 'yore tiled yesterday - terday in the abstract , tltlo niuti loan 0111cc t of 3 , W , Squire , 101 l'uari Htreet : J. C. lel haven uituil wIfe to 'L'iuoinns Otflct'r tind W' . II , M. Pusey , lots 10 and 11 and s'f , 12 , .ln block 17 , 1iiil uuthul to Council Bluffs , uuiso s 40 feet lt 1 , block 1 , Ahison's tuilth tul Council hilufis , w ii , , , , , . , , , , , , , . , , $2,940 'rotuil runuount of transfor' . , , , , , , . , , $ 2,940 Marrit , L.l.'qiHcs. Licenses to wed were issued yesterday to thu followlug liersorus : Name and residence , Ago. 1d Chuerrington , F'itius , Ta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 t I.ula ICarnes , Plattsnuoutii , Neb . . , , , , . . , . 20 Charles \Vihtoiu , iCalisus CitP . . . . . . , , , . , , Quetin Caughey Granuion , r' , I ) , , , , . , , . 2. , V W'thiiutn Muiford , 'reniIie'ton , In. . . . . . . . . , * .ntd * 13ruUuurun , 'Xvznpleton lu. . , . , . , , - CANDIDATES COIINC OUT Election Being Anticipath1 by a arcat Many Local Aspirant.s. VARIETY FOR CONVENTION TO PICK FROM : litny trii Cotite Out iii S'nr1i of the l'ltiet's * ) int Arc tu lie Ehhicil J ) ' ( lie VilterN' . . ' CtIiNCIit. V Although It is a full four months before electkuii candIdates for the several county olflces to be votetl ott tlds fall are springing UI ) like mushrooms after a heavy rain , anti already mahiy of thteni hne started an active - tive campaign , ThIs taii tue voters of Pot- tawattamlo county will be called upon to elect a recorder , auditor , attorney , clerk of the district court , two members of the iloaril of County Supervisors and a coroner. That a coroner has to ho elected this fall will ho news to nintly , as Dr. 11. II , Jon- flings was elected last fail and in the or- dluuary run of affairs his total would not expire until 1900. It i a questIon , however - ever , % % lwthter l'ottnwattamic county at present - ent has a coroner , as Dr , Jeuuitings , vhio was elected to succeed luinuseif , omitted to quni- ify , as tlu law required , before January 1 following hIs election. There has been no case so far this year requiring the services of a coroner , but It. Is generally conceded that Dr. Jennings holds over until a now coroner is elected , Ills onuisslon to qualify. however , causes a vacancy which will have to be 11110(1 this faIl , jiud Dr. Jeiunlngs will presumably ho the nomltlee of the repub- hican party. W. M. Sluepard , the present incumbent of the recorder's alice , Is filling his third term and consequctitly will not be a candidate for renomhtintion , although it is stated that be is a candidate for auditor.'ihlinm Larsen , vlto has been Recorder Shuepard's deputy for the last four years , is a candidate , and has been making a quiet but active cam- palgn for some time past. Mr. Larsen is cc- garded as a strong candidate , nnti wilt have collective strength of the Scandinavian vote of the couiity , Elmer F , 3mIthu , a prominent - nent and well known merchant of Macedonia , is said to ho a candidate for recorder , and atready a vigorous campaign on his behalf has been coinnuenced by hIs friends. W. 11. Lyuuchari of this city has also recentiy announced - nounced himself as a candidate for recorder. Stin& ' One to Stiet'cetl 1iil thie'uvs , For the 0111cc of auditor there are a iui.im- her of caiididates mentioned at beliug in the field anxious to succeed the vresent in- cuinbent , John M. Matthews. Auditor Mat- tluews is now conupletilig his third term and following the precedent established in Pot- tawnttanuie couiity will not seek a fourth term , although it Is said lie would not ye- ( tiso the iteminatiotu if it was offered to huiiui , but he Is iuot a caiudidate in any sense of the word. , , 1l , Tunes , who has performed - formed faithful service Auditor Mat- thews' deputy during his entire three terms with the exception of two months , is a candidate for the othlce , nnd has the back. lug and endorsement every member of the Board of County Supervisors. Mr. In- lies' candidacy has been very favorably received - ceived both arnon local sepubulcans anrt throughout. the c t whSre he is welt known. . V : \v , L. Ihetiison , whdurhiij the time the Omaha & St. Louis railvty was in the hands of a receiver % Vfl5 Its auditor , Is said to be a canIfllatcu for the office and Is making a quiet campaign among different railroad in- terests. A. Dalrynp1e of this city , who was a candidate for the republican xionu- ination two years ago , is out after it again. lie i a reuddent of the Fifth ward. Nate C , Phillips , who at present occupies the of- flee of city clerk , Is said to be a candidate for county auditor and is being groomed for the nomination by a certain faction of tll _ party in thuiH city. For county attorney the present incurn- bent , Colonel C. G , Saunders , has serveth but two terms , and as three terms has generally been the standing rule in thIs county he is a candidate for renominatIon , which his friends claim he Is entitled to. Present in- dicatlons are that he will he honored with a renomination. There are , however , several other candidates in the field with niore or less strength. Attorney John Lindt of this city early is the year announced himself and has been malcing a vigorous campaign , es- hecialiy among the old soldier vote. Ncoia as a rule is nevcr"backwnrd in coming for- \vard" with candidates , and this year has 'tV. H. Kilipacic as a candldato for county at- torney. Mr. Killpack is conceded to have considerable strength Ia the east end of the county and will make a strong fight for the nomination. C , S. Preston , a rising young attorney of Avoca , is also said to be a cati- didate , anti Clem F. Kimball of this city also has aspirations iii the direction of the county nttornoyshlp. Mr. Klnbahi : has taken an active part in local Politics and his can- thidacy is much favored by thb younger element of the party. So far candidates on the democratic ticket have not yet announced themselves , although it is said that more than likely the party's nomination for county attorney will fall to John Organ , vhio previously held the posl- tion for three terms just prIor to the eke- tlon of Colonel Saunders , It is expected that other catuthidates will develop in the near future , Freenintu L. Heed's second term as clerk of the district court expites thtis year atni as yet no nspiraiut. for tbq. 0111cc hits declared huitutself us anxious to contest his renoini. nation , which is generally conceded , The tecais of Jacob Hansen of hazel Deli tutu Colojiel 'tV ' , F. linker , members of the Board of County Supervisors , expire this year and liresent tndications are thnt both will hiavo a clear field for rciuonuination , Attend the grand exhibition at Broadway - way church tonight and tomorrow night , given by thiti drummer boy of Siutloh , Over 100 views throwui tipon tue eauu''as , Mntiy war scenes , including the battles of Sltilohi niud MaluHa. Adnuisslonj 25 cents ; chulldren untlcr 12 ycais , 10 Vceflts. Mtttiiieo Saturday at 2 p. in , General athiuuisston , 10 cents , hloflaiayr's fancy patent flour makes the best and most bread , Asic your grocer for It. FOR SAL.E-Gooa second-hand bicycle tut a bargeio. Call at Tito Dee olhie. CouncIl iiltifts , V ShlflhllPIS CONtildJil1 1IUS1NI1S14 , Svt ku iitiiil lIeetin of ( lit. ANNoCiII- liii , , (4it'N t lIt , ri I ngon. The seventh annual titocting of the interstate - state Sheriffs' association was brought tO a close yesterday ituorning , at which Hurling- ton was selected as the lulae for Itoh iiug next ye c's inceti g , St. JcsIhi , Mo. , g3t thirteen votes and Milwaukee three , bLt : hiurlitigton secured the meeting by an over nuajority. Thu time for holding ttuo meetitig will be decided later by the 0111- cdt's of tite associatiou. , The coatnitteo : on iroirali1 for the next atunual meeting , corn- ilosed of F' , J. Weir , Iowa ; A. L , Pound , Nebraska - braskaV ; , C. Davenport. Iowa ; 5 , Mor gan , Iowa ; George 't' , Reed , Missouri , anti L. P. Aber , Kansas , was instructed to report to the secretary. The ttieetln.g thuIsycar ltuited three days , but the assOciation decided yesterday to cc- thrn to the former custotn of holdIng but a two days' session next year. At the close of the session the visiting sheriffs went over in a bothy to the exposition - tion to attend thun dedicatIon ceremonies at the Iowa State building. Many of the shier- iffs have decided to remain here for the rest of the wVeek in order to take in the nttrac- tions at the exposition , anti more particu- laily the Midway , The meeting has been a nuost iulensant one for the visitora , aItlmugh in point of numbers the attendance was not what had been expected , Try Moore's death to lice and mites. hlcid UN htisitlic. A young man giving the name of Carl Schaaf was committed to St. Barnard's luos. pitnl yesterday for observation by the coin- nuissionera for the insane. Schaaf appeared Wetinesday night at TerwiIliget barn on Pearl street aitui acted in such a strange manner that Deputy Sheriff Al Morgait tie- cided he was not a fit person to be at large. lie placed him over night in the county jail niud yesterday morning fhleti an information , charging him with being insane , Schaaf claims to hail from Mills county , where he said he had been working for an uncle until a few dars ago , when the uncle turned him atirift. The authorities of Mills county have been communicated with. Miss Ella Williams has jiurchaseti a Lcaguo bicycle from Cole & Cole. 4itiithit' St'hioiii CuhIVctitinhi ( 'lust's. CEDAR ItAl'IDS , In , , June 23.-Spccini ( Telegrnm.-Tho ) thirty-tbirtl annual convention - tion of the Iowa Sunday Scluool association chosed this oveiuiiug. Oskaloosa was chosen us the ilaco for balding the next annual tneetlng and the following officers wore elected : Presltient , 0. S. Thompson of Chuer- okeo : vice president , Rev. U. B. Shoemaker , Toledo ; second ViCOV presitient , M. fledge , Oskahoosa ; third vice president , Rev. A , N. McCash , De Mbines : general secretary , Mrs. Mattie M. Dailey , Slienantioah ; treasurer - urer , 0. 'tV , Dickey , Cetiar Falls ; executive committee for four years , N. H , hart , Kale ; I ) . A. Porterfielti , 'Fraer ; anti T. Scott ROi gers , Chariton. Delejates were selected to attend the anti-saloon league meeting in Cleveland in December anti to attend the Transmlssissippi Sunday School congress in Omaha In September. The report of the general secretary showed that tluero were 454,138 sunday school scholars in the state. The report of the treasurer showed that $2,551 had been received muid an equal anuount expentied during the past year. There were nearly 5,000 inthueVparade , wluieh took place at noouu. Coiiiiicit,1uit't t at 'l'tthjor. TAIlOR , Ia. , June 23.-Speelai.---The ( ) graduating exercises of the senior cIas were held in the cluurch at lO,0 : , Tbere , was a large and enthusiastIc audience ip greet the class. The program was of ptctuiia intdrest. being a symIosiutn on present day questions , political , aesthetic , religious , educational , social , literary anti commercial. J. 0. Stevenson , the last sPeaker on the program as prInted , enlisted a week ngo.nndtis oa his way toward Manila , The vacant chair on the platform for him V approjntat'ely draped with the American flag. The orations were of a high order of merit and mark a tlistinct advance on the. exercIses of some recent years. V ltt'iiI lLlt'iiit Citiuiinlgui hIiiu.hi iiart'rs. DES MOINES , June 23.-SpeciaiV-Cttalr- ( ) man McMlllan has flnislued his work for a few months as Mnited States distrtct attor- dVey and has gone to Cetiar Rapids to give some tln.iVe , to lila newspaper enterprise. He has locatji his official iieadquares there , but the headquarters , .of the republican state conumittee will be kept open in charge of a clerk in this city until convention time , when Chairman McMillan will turn the job over to his successor , who is hikly to be either harry Weaver of Louisa county , C. T. Hancock of Dubuque or S. M , Leach of Add. AilJuttttiit General for Town. DES MOINES , Juno 23.-Spceiai-H. ( ) A. Dyer , of Mason City , has been named by Comtnander Tirriii as asistant adjutant geiuoral of the Grand Army ticpartnunt of Iowa for the ensuing year. The hcndquar- ters of the dcpartiueiut will be inovd o Des Moines from Keokuk at once and Mr. Dyer will have charge of the oU1ca , , which wkll li in the rooms provided , by the , stae at the CaPitol building , Depatmcnt Commauier it. W , Tirrill will alSo. aftenti consd rable of his time in Des Moines looking after the interests of thie veterans , . 'hl for 'l'rln ! , SILVER CITY. Is. , june 23.-Spedat.- ( Yesterday morning two young men giving the names of Frank Morris and Jaiqes Young were brought before Justi e L. 'tV. ' Ilufraker charged with hawing broken thto George l'atrick's resitience and stolen a small amount of cash and several articles , which were found in their possession , They were placed under bonds of $300 each , which they could not furnish and ware taken to Glonwood to await the action of the grand jury. ! ' 49)lUtrut ltiioiiil niit.'tl. CRESTON , Juiie 23-Special ( Telegram. ) -Unanimity of sentiment marked the republican - publican congressional eonventIoa here to- ilay , which renominated William P. Hop- 1mm of Clarinda by a rising vote , 'rho resolutions - olutions endorsed McKinley and hepburn ; favor the annexation of Hawaii , tiechare Unequivocally - equivocally for the gold stamudard and oppose free coinage of silver mud eulogized Governor - ernor Shav. Yt'rdlt't for Inmuhit'rg , DES MOINES , Ia. , June 23.-Speclnl ( Tel- egram.A ) jury in the district court hay- lug in its chiturge the case of C. A. Lunberg of this city against the Viking PublishIng cotiipany of Onuaha returned a vordtct of $1,000 for the plaintiff , Lunbcrg , for an al- legeti libel iubhIshti in the Viking on Octo- her 20 , 1890 , V J ui'Ii , , - ) , . OTTUM\VA , In. , June 23.-Specini ( Tolo- gram.-J. ) G. hiutchinson amuti Miss Mabel V. Dixon were married tonight at the Triii- Ity Episcopal church , Rev , J , hiollIster Lynch offlcinIng , Tiue groqnu is a leading business iuuan hero and lit 1890 was the ye- Pubhican eandiilmtte for governor ngaiust holes. 'I'iio biltie is a lirominomil club vo- , Paruit Nut's , A sale of land In Crawford county last wcek involved the change of ownership of 680 acres mind the price va $18,480 , The appearance of home growiu potatoes In the markets has resulted in a slight droppIng lit price , hut in sonic towns l a bushel Is still the charge , J , F. harper of Iowa Falls recently sold sixty-two heath of shieep that weighted in the aggregate 7,760 iouuias and brought bliiu an average of $4.97 each , "tViliiani Miller , a polled Angus man of Aureila , hail a sale last 'week , with the gross figures of $11,000. The sale included fifty-eight head of all agea. Ileifers vere sold for $320. Recent Iowa land sales : C. E. Names to John Ilamer , 306 acres in Clarke county. $10,723V. ; . Snuouse & Co. to A. anti It. Don- almisoti , 200 acres in Washington county at I $72.50 an acre ; W. A. Biggu to W. S. Surls , 110 acres in Ilarthin county , 4,800 ; J , 1) . Reed to M. 11. howard , 240 acres in Tents county , $50 nit acre ; Vt' . Ii. Wulkor to J , C. Smith. 320 acres in Floyd county , $45 an acre ; Henry lilumu to Jay Milclueii , 110 acres in Floyd county , $4,400 ; Jay Mitchell to Henry Blow , 320 acres itt Dickinson I countT , V V V V TIIOi\IAS \ TAt TIlE PLU1 ' Nominated for the Eleventh Iowa : tct. , ; 4 ot END OF A LONG IND EXCITING CONTEST hr 'iu 'iul Stortim Luke . ) Cotigrewpt- mmmii i'erkins ,111j ( iet I hi' Noin- imntiun tI ; time 217t1t LTiAitS , Ia. , , iuhe 23-Specinl ( Tele- gram.-Congressman ) George B. I'erkins was defeated for renomination this afternoon in the Eleventh district republican convention , Judge Lot Thomas of Storm Lake being the suicccssfui candidate , The nomination of Judge Thnnuas was cifected , mmmi the long deadlock broken on the 217th ballot , after one of the most stubborn and luarti fought contests in the history of Iowa politics. The result of thte deciding ballot was as fol. lows : Thomas , 148 ; Strublc , 10 ; Brown , b l'orkins , 4 , The vote by counties was as follows : Thomas. Strublo. Perklius. Brown , , Buena Vista 9 . . , . Clay , . , . . . . , 8 , . . . Cherokee 6 , 5 , , Dickinson . , 5 . . . . . . Ida . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 , , , . Lion , . , , . , , . , 7 ' . V , , Monona , , . , , S . , . . . . O'Brien , ' 4 0mcCohtL . . . . . . . 5 , . . . l'lyinoUth . 11 . . Sac . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 , , , , , Sintix . . . . . . . . . 13 , , , , Woodhury . , 21 . . . . Totals . . . , D3 10 4 5 Immediately after the result was announced - nounced it was moved that the nomination ho made unanimous. The motion was car- ned. Upon motion a committee was ap- Poilited to notify Judge Thomas of his itonuinatiotu atiti present hint to the conven- tion. Judge Thomas was introduce'i nr.d tiuanked the convention for the honor it had conferred upon him. lie said ho realized the responsibilities attached to the 0111cc for which ho hiatt been nomInated and that ho 'otiid endeavor to mb cretlit to his party anti the republicans of time Eleventhi district. Judge Thomas was followed by other spe.uk- ers , after hearing whom the convention nil- journed. Tiio closing struggle began when Chair- nian Struble called the afternoon sessions to order a few minutes after 2 o'clock , and the meeting immediately proceeded to hahiot , Ott the 2lGthu ballot Perkins host four Cherokee votes tO Thomas amid the cheers of the Thontas supporters. It. was on the 2Hthu ballot , however , that the collapse canto , lila coututy , which hiati beeti voting soldtdly for l'erklns , gave Its totes to Thuomas , Lyon county , anothuer Perkins supporter , ( nhlowed with seven more Tuornas votes. Then comae the Monona delegti ii , which had stuck by Perkins from the first. It cast. eight otes for Thomas. The iitoting was done anuld loud cheering anti ijrtexcItement. O'Brien county gave Perkifour vetes and'Bro'n five votes. OsecoIIr4 'Say. Sioux and Wooti- bury , all cast their otes icr Thomas. When time Woodbury deIegatIon ( Perkins' strongest supporter ) announ ai its twenty-one votes for Thomas the apphuso was deafening. i'orldns ii1'a1losihilcii , WASHINGTON , V .uoe 23.-Spccial ( Tel - gram-Much ) rcgret was expressed among northivesterninembtirs , over Liii' news from Lcmnurs today whiipii told of the defeat of Congressman Perkittif for renomination , Mr. J'erkinsV2ems to b4t'les disturbed over the action of tue oipntIbIu thati any of' his colleagues. lie said , thus evening to a BOO correspondent : 'Whtlo no manV really takes delight In ejectment proceedings personally to hint- self , cay chuief regret over the result of tIme Lemnrs convention Is because of my friends vhuo worked and hoped for my retention in congress. Personally I have no right tO , complain and no dIsposition to do so. happily I can return to my newspaper anti find pleasure itt thie association , I was . , Vithin four votes of renomination , Just htos' the combination was worketi that pulled mute ( i9n : the ladder and finally lantied me out o ! the back door I nm not well informed. I am only clear that I ama In my own back ygrd and that. I shtahl ho more at leisure titan I have been in several years. Judge Thomas is an old and well knowit citizen of northwestern Iowa. He is a lawyer of ability anti his bug service on the bench has brought him distinction as a judge. A republIcan noniltmation in thmo Eleventh Iowa tiistrict Is equivalent to an electIon. I hope lie will find life \S'ashiington pleasant anti hti congressional duties wholly agreeable , " AGREE UPON THE DIVISION Stitthi Itikotgt l'ojtuil Ist Coimecule Dciii- oeriits i'ottr t'lnt''N mind Silver lteluhIit'giiis One , ABERDEEN , S. D. , June 23.-SpecIa1 Telegram-Thie ) populist convention spent all forenoon wrangling over the report of tIle conference continittee , which was finally adopted , allowing the democrats four vlaces on the ticket , thto silver republicans one place , Instead of . two , Nominations were then in order. Congressmen , Knowles and Kehley ; Andrew Lee , governor ; George Spar- hog , secretary of state ; Judge Palmer , attorney - torney general ; Tonupklns , railroad commissioner - sioner , were all nominated by acchamnntloii , Thio tictitocrats and silver republicans have done nothing , waiting action by the OjU- hits. They vill assemnble and nuako nominations - inations title afternoon. itlssaii ri ( itig ressiumutti Nou.iI tist louts , MOBEEILY , Mo. , June 23.-TIme tietnocratic Coiivcntion of tIme Second comigies.ioimat con' trict ha nominated Judge 'IV , "IV. htucker for congress , htesoluitiotms were adoptctl en. dorsing the Chicago platform , I'0I'I4AIt BIA.JF'1 , Mo , , June 23.-Con- grossman \V. U. Vnrmliver of Cape ( llrardonti hitts been tOttOtitlilfljcd by the democratic congressional conttlotu of the Fourteenth district , , . JEL'FERSON ChtI' . : Mo. , June 23.-lion. RIcharti P. hilaiiti' tIm noted free silver advocate , who rt'lirlsents tue Eighth Mis- soiirl district Iii V V ' &iiigresmt , tis today noiiinnted , by acMiiuhition by the theme' cystic conventIon ai.semnbled lucre. con- gruti.mntit hhiand htast'hettn renomInated by the tielitocratit of huitistrict without inter- itilsion since 1872. tIlls i'as beaten once at the voIle , but nevdr inicoiiventioii , FIND A HARD ROAD TO TRAVEL ' ltI' * ii rus'ui ' truism ilns1ui. hlrin IL CQlt'titi , of hunt Iuiq 4orles. SEA'I'TLE , Jutiut t23.-Fifty prospectors who left lucre last ! , pI'ing for Alaska by way of Copper river have arrived hero on theIr way to their eastermi homes Vithu hard luck stories , 11. S. Iiostetter , of La Grange , Intl. , was with 200 men who crossed Tasmania lake and reacbed the Konsiuu river. lie said : "Of the many buntiretis that laniled at tin' foot of VaitIe glacier oiuly one party had been lit further than hue Konsiiu , anti they returnetl Itaif starved , having lost their outiits In the rapids. It. was reported that seven lives hind been lost , but the report line not been contirinet , ' Tue nuost thiscotirtiging story is told by A. C , Johnson of St. Louis , lie said about 800 men have beeti turned back anti are waiting at Vttltlcs to get out of the coutu , try. They will not starve , for tons of pro. visIons hays been abandoucil. k1 FROM-- - . - - -a . . OMAHA TO MANAWA T : I Will dHd You in ManaWa % 1 ( Thirty-nyc Minutes. 'V 'y . tVv V tt "J'HE bathing season coiimencccI on the 19th inst. The water is fine-just right for a bath. Take V the Bridoe line , which passes the principal hotels. V Nice tenting spaces for rent , Special peifortriince at 4:30 : and 3:30 : p. m. Band concert. No extra charge for V V ! t picnic parties Tables and . chairs free Call 'Phone No , 50. CONFIRMED BY THE SENATE ( 1flzijor Cruvtier uS the ietlrnieiit of tIiC ! tl Issotirl Is Conllriili'tl us ti LIeitt'iuitnt Columiel. WAShINGTON , June 23.-Tho senate in executive aesslotu today confirmed the following - lowing nominations : Postmasters : Iowa , Susan C. Carpenter , at Fort Dodge , To be assistant adjutant general , wIth rank of lieutenant colonel : Major Thomas H. harry. V To b t jutifie advocate , with the rank of lieutenant co19nc1 : : Major Emuoch Ii , Crow- tier. . , IVO be chief ciugineer , with rank of lieu- tenatut colonel : FIrst Lieutenant Charles L. V V Potter , , . To be inspector general , vitii rank of lIeu' tenant colonel : Captain Charles W. Whip- V pie. pie.Third Third ihgitnent Vol untcer Infantry-To be najors : Frank Cordon , Georgia ; Thomas S. Wyhhy , Georgia. To be chaplain : DanIel II , I'aricOr , Georgia. To be assistant surgeon , with rank 'of first lieutenant : Joseph A. Guinn , Georgia. 'I'o be second lieutenants : \Vilhiam Dehu , compaiuy D , Elghuth litulteti States itufantry ; John ii. Etitell , Jr. , Georgia. Sixth Regiment Volunteer Infatutry-To ho surgeon , with V ramuk of major : Frank I' . Robinson , Tennessee. Eighth Regiment Voluuuteer Infantry-To be chaplain : hicnjamiu W. Arnott , jr. , LIII- nois , Tentlu Regiment Volunteer Infantry-To be captains : Crandall Mackay , Soutlu Caro' Ilna ; Albert J. Vounde , Louisiana. To be second lieutenant : VInfieid S. Brown , Ohio. V First Regiment Volunteer Engineers-To be captains : Samuel Itodman , New York ; Richard Esmond , New York. To ho first lieutenants : Alexander Dow , New York ; William RobInson Mohitunrd , Marylamuti ; Joseph R. Ilaskin , New York ; Frederick It. Slater , New York ; John Griswold Livingston - ton , New York ; James Elliott liewes , Maryland - land ; Archibald R. Livingston , New York ; Allan A. Robbins , New York ; Sanford - ford Lockwood Cluctte , New York. To be second hicpteatunts : John J. Morgan , Pennsylvania ; Matthew Maury Corbin , Maryland ; Daniel Greeti Morton. Maryland ; Louis Bierly Hamilton , District of Colum- bln ; William Hopkins , District of Columbia. Third Regiment Volunteer Infantry-To be colonel : Lewis Ii , Mattaire , Florida. To be first lieutenant : Micluacl S. Murray , corn- missary sergeant. U , S. A. To be second lieutenant : W' : D , I'asco , Florida. Tentlu Regular United States Infantry-To be captaltu : Charles L. Ihcatty , District of Col unttt 11 , Fifth Regiment Volunteer Infantry-To be major : herman IJ. Money , MississippI. To be brigade surgeon , with rank of major : Ernest Taylor Tappoy , Michigan. To be additional paymasters : Frederic C. Lord , Nevada ; John C. Kraus , Ohio ; Ilenry J , May. OhIo ; Edward A. Iilgelow , Illinois ; Johun R. Lynch , MississippI. To be assIstant quartermaster , with rank of captain : Walter Allen , Colorado. First Regiment Volunteer Infantry of Texas-To be lieutenant colonel : Iliurper Ii , McCaleb , To be majors : Robert A. Rogers , \Villiam T , Levy. To be surgeon , with rank of major : William F. Starley. To he as- slatant surgeon , with the rank of first lieutenant - tenant : Henry A. Ingaiha. To be chaplain : James M. Kinwin. To be captains : Bryant K. Goree , F'rederic J. Cooke , Juan S. Hart , William D. Anderson , Grant It. Bennett , Frank A. Ryan , Amos D. Sparknuan , Etti- enne D. P. hianjo , Stephen Allen , EdwIn K. Marrast , Green W. Butler , Jesse L. hall. To be first lieutenants : Charles F. Neill , Joseph F , Johnson , Joseph O'Ilcefe , Benja- C. Rt'illey , Horace Iiooton , Charles 0. Dulin , John F. Melton , Tluoinas A. Black- more , Taylor M. Reagan , Arthur F. Symnma , Frank D. Tompkins , Thomas M , 1)evino. To be second hleutenaiitB : Davis C. McCaleb , Invi'i ' Chubb , Joseph IdeA , Bower , William S. Sinclair , George II. Dtukin , W , U. Smith , Frauds P. Tiernati , John S. hoover , Joseph T , Maloney , John J. Tierney. Nt'is fur ( Iii' Arii ) ' , \VASIIINGTON , June 23-Speelai ( Tele- grnm.-The ) conirnissloti of henry C. Wart ) , vhuo hiss been confirnied major of infantry , \Vfl5 transmitted to luau today front tile War tiepartrnent. Major 'arii reprcseiuts the I War iiepartrnent at the Tranuumulssissippi I Exposition. Frank J'arts of Lincoln , fornieriy with thmo First Nntlontil bank , has bceiu appointed clerk to Major .1. W. Dawes , ox-governor of Nebraska and paymaster imu the army , Major Dauves has yet to ho assigned to a position , but would like to remain in W'asht- ington. W'tutts C. Valentine , nominated as second lieutenant , has been ordered to cc- hoyt to Letuvcna ortii , ICon. , for examination Juno 30 , 'IV. II. Orey , who is now en route to tlte l'hulllppines with time First Nebraska , will be exatailiod for the Position of first lieutenant in time regular army oii lila arrival - rival in Manila , Frank Burr of Lincoln is ordered to appear Uefoo the board of cx- anuiners at Fort , Monroe June 'JO , ( ihcrkshiiht fur tiss Siiinv , W'ASiIINGTON , Juno 23-peclal ( Tub- granu.-ilorthua ) U. Snow was today alt- poInted a clerk in the surveyor general's 010cc at Cheyenne , Wyo. The contract ( or carrying mail between Conat and VeIls , Wyo. , was today awarded to Joseph hess at $266 a year. luil I y 'l'nt'sisiir SIn h'iuie'uit , \V/F4IlINGTON , June 23-Totlay's state- titent' of the condition of the treasury shows : Available ceBit balance , flST,525,617 , ; ol4 reserve , 165,673,4SQ , : r - FRUIT AND 6AON [ ARMING PAVc , AroblflcI Council BluITs I 11 I iJ + + : 't'tui ( 'it , , bit y I in tuu'oeul tutu uti liii v rttvt't fruii bumuids elton per I a " - . . . . t" ' ? liii's slm'iiuly tlttiui itii3 here in ftc (1 nll&i Stn1t's , 'l'ltere Is ito fail- V 2Vt unujs here. l.tttl at tiir Fritit Uiurmias VhiJi ( . ( lmc' are iii lt'tmr- $ iit , V 4V A P. , rc J.Vt' & 1IflSS , . . of , 'rim , , It'tl : i'stiito anti iuin limIters , . * 39 Ponti St. Council Bluffs , Ia. ? ( tII52Ot1tIitiflt V tV I 't' r'oim till v ettitibuc L b u ye es tIm rough out r timeiti for I ii fu rat itlo a mu tmd state r liti I. yti , , orolinrils Pri'u of charge. want. 4 : + + : : * * : + * 4 * 4HHH:2tHHft:4:4 : : : : : : : : * * * : * * 4 V - - - - - - - - will guarantee V V _ that y Khiinc'y Cure ) VwIii cumre ttO per ccitt , of all forms of kidney oompbnint and In many itistances the most tierlotma ermns of . Bright's disease. If / time disease Is coin. plictuted semud a four- V Otunct ? Vvial of untie. V , We will tutitilyze it ' ' f' and advise you fyi' . , I IW what to do. V MUNYON. At all druggists , 25c. . vial. Guide to flehth and nicdteai a4v1c0 free. 1505 Ardm it. , l'lmllm. , THE NEUMAYIER .JACOB NBUMAYIIR , I'140l' . 201 , 206 , 20S , 210 , h3roaiiwny , Ctnincit Bluffs. hates , $1.25 per do ) ' ; 75 ruonus. First.clas In evety respect. Motor line to nil depots. Local agency for the Celebrated St. Lotus A. It. C , Bec. First-class bar in con- nection. WORD FROM CHICKAMAUGA News ( rout thitt Secitumal Nehurimsicut and Grlgshy's Ctuhuys hint % Vlhi \'ell I'll ) ' i'cruisnl. CIIICKAMAUGA. Ga. , June 20.-Speclal ( Corncspondonce.-The ) Second Nebraska ha- tened to nit nblo sermon Sunday morning by Chaplain Tate , whose subject was "The Othuer Fellow , " meaning the opposite of thuo prodigal semi. One idea he imnpresseii was , "Do not SItCItI1 all you have , nor yet be so mcan you won't spetitl a dollar. " Thie reglnuetit was inspected by battalions yesterday , the inspectiotu takiiig place In tito streets of the camp. The ii' guns of the regiment were used in the inspection. Tim trial by court-martial of Private Johmi G. Mahuer , company L , for insubordination - tion , has beeti tielayeti , owing to thio Illness of Captain Dapray , adjutant general of thuc ii iv is 10 n Teamster 1' . II. Long of Lincoln is cx- pected in camp. lie watt a teamster s'ithi the old Fifth cavalry. Time camp of the Second Nebraska is a mmmodel of neatness , and Is generally commu- Ihitnetitetl by visitors , The general Intelligence QV the niembers of the Second Nebraska is often remarked upon , It is said that there arc more read- ins macn in this regltnen than any other organization at tluo camp. Colonel Melvin Origaby's cowboys have shown thetnsc'lves to be gentlemanly timid chivalrous. An incident iiitmstrates this. There are several Salvation AittiY wotneit who woruc nmnoiig the soldiers. 4tH these womuien were walking through time park they scene accosted by a party of Infantrymen who rudely and outrageously insulted thmem. Time occurrence took place imear Colonel GnIgsby'a ennuI , , anti lila cowboys soon hieartt of it. They 'ere Imiihiganuit , amid a crowd qf tluo rough riders went to wiitiro thtu aol. diets wcro cotugrt'gatc'd tintl without Buy ado proceeded to timramtii the insoletit In- fantryumien. 'Flmoy then escorted time women to time train to ace that no further InstilL was offered tlmem , This action of the cowboys - boys was very generally tupplauded. 'limo arrival of the arms for this regirnciit is daily expected.'htcui time guns tire this- tributed tIme fegimmuemit will be fully equipped. Catup life is becoming 'ehy monotonous to the mcii. Colotmel ( rigsby and LIeutenant Colonel Lloyd silent today on Lookout mnountniii. Major Fremmehi was in command tiuning ( heir absence. There are to qoarter-hihooti Indians en- histeti u'ltht time cowboys. hicks Ilt'acht of troop II is a quarter-blood , and 'claIms to iio the grandson of Sir Michael hiicks.hleaohi , ( lie fatuous Eitgilstmrmmamm. Private Yeatcs of troop I ) is a quarter.blood Cherokee , Major Stewart of time Dakota sqtmtuirou huas received three fine itorses frotmi hluutavlllc , Ma , % % 'uul Iii lulimbu , , I'OCATELLO. Itialto , Juno 23.-Speclal. ( ) -Vool is lulling all along the Short Line. IL Is estitnated there is about 1,000,000 Iouutis stacked up at Caltiwell , anti nearly ( lie satno ptnount. itt Soda Springs , witit lesser aioounts at half a imumudred 11011115 elsewhere , Wool buyers are numerous , Thai highest itrice paid sp far us reported is 17 cents , which was haiti for a clip of 80,000 pountis , bobongliug to I. Steed at Soda ' Srimmgs by a Boston finimi. At Caltlwehl ( lie highest prIce offered Is 14 cents , but usHers ( hero are : mot sellIng. - - - - - - _ _ _ . V . G.W. PangleM.D. " " . TILE ' - 25 YE1RSXPERIENC9tr Jcadcr of DlHcisswu of' iLcit timid % % ' ( ) lliCil. raOi'tlRToht Ot Thll W'onlti's Uet'bul IIsheiiftttry of Mi'tiichi , ' I CUItl-Catarnhi of Ilead , Throat miii iuimtgs , [ ) it'itscs of Eye nint Ear , Fits timid Apoplexy , heart , L''er stud ICidmucy lisenea , 1)Ltmbctes , hirighit's fl. 'tetist' , St'ittms 1)itnco , Ltlioimmnatismmi , 8crofm lii , [ ) iVouy cii rcd wIt lmoiit luitiiitg ) , 'I'IIIOVorimi" r'niti'ed , nil ehmromihci Nervous and 1nivato iieni's , ru _ Tn yoummtg OST L h I timliltile iig'd mmmcmi. _ Omuly I'tiyslchun vlm cmiii S YPHILiS S hroperiY ( 'tti'L' s't'l'h I I ilt4 without ilcatrityimig teeth anti botics. No miter. CtiiV3 or Ististmn mmimmerai used. flue only l'iiyslcimtii vlio can telt whuut ails you without uskimmir it ( htiL'stOui. ! 'Jhud o at a tlistnnco acmmi for question bimmnk. . No. I tar mmmeti ; No. 'A for VtiImcmm Iil cormesItOnlidtuCO strIctly commitdcmmtiul , Nedicitue scOt buy express , - Atidress all letters to G. W. PANGLE , M. D. , 555 Itroatiwuty , COUNCIL 1tl.VVVS , 1A I"Scttd .cemtiV 5111mm ) for reuii' Gas and _ _ _ I , J\ Gasoline ' 1J Engines. 3JyI I to 100 . Horse - 1. Power. Call oa Ui or write Cor pnlce no.1 iercniptlon DAVIT ) hhhl.'tlil'Y & 0(1. , Codicil hiluffs , luwn. - DOHANY 'IH13ATER. ' 1'ONI(1J'V. I MARETTA SISTERS Acrobats , ( 'mmntnrtiomiists , lmuimeerut anti 'l'rmttu'zo 't\'ork. ha r * lt'tl & lhowu ru , " .V I I t M. Carroll I ii Sit''l mmli It's-Stn'h Couimimmium , ' lit 4 THE BOGUS LORD" Matinee Saturday afternoon. Cliatelaln. \Vatt'ii selll be given away , JltItV'FiS. 10 CI'I'S. - - FREE BOOK " ° 'tWEAK ' MEN. My hlttic book , "rhree Classes of Men , " sent lo men only it bus of my X ) years' experience out a pecluiit in oil nervous disorders resuhlitig from youthful lndlecrq. _ V thetis Lmtmo Back , etc. and tolls why I ' ELECTRICITY cures With my Invention , this Dr. Banfieri Electric hell , known and tist'ti the ori over , I rtimtored lust year 5.000 nuwm , young and old Beware of ebmeap Imitations Ahoy1 , hook exphainui .ihh ; semit asaicd Write today5 Dr. A. R. Satideti , No.183S.Ciark St. , ChIcauo , Ill , - _ _ . uY THE CENUlN' SYRUP OF FIGS " 1 . , . , MANUFACTUIW.fl BY. . , CALIFORNA FIG SYJUP CO. V _ r'O'l'Il TIIIIN&ME. VV V