IIMYIiEYES CO1E i iovi Io'wa People Bwartn About th Ipot Dnrng the Mornng. MANY SPECIAlS LOADED WITh VISITORS ' * iItirpi froiti * Iir Slm.ire nf (1 , ( , Ult- , IINNIIIII huh tII tIIC ' % n r .Iipi , ( D the l IMNosrI's MsdII Ilguki. Th Iowa day crowds began to nrrlvc Vcdnedy and all day yesterday the itret cars were loaded with Inwans bound for the expoSItIon. The crowtl5 arc not merely local either. The Omaha line brought In a ej'eclal train carrying the Dubuque Choral club anti a large party of eatcrn Iowa .r peOl)1O. All the regular trains were crowdet c vitli People from all parts of Iowa and the pccials were the heaviest trains that have come into Omaha since the expo3ition ' opened. Throughout the morning the crowds cpt the Mairways IoaIing to the Tenth itrect viaduct crowded and every traIn which came In scemeti to be more crowde1 than thc prcccdiug ones. The hitiriliigton had the flr5t special In at the union depot and unlo ded ten crowded -.Cars. The Northwestern followed with a big F special and the Milwaukee hind two specials , ; tie ) Rock Island capping the climax with ' three. Among the arrivnls on the flrt Ilock lslatid special was the Atlantic band of forty Pieces , which Is to talco part in the services at the Iowa building.- ' The second flock ] lnnd train brought ( love'rnor Shaw anti his _ _ _ _ staff. All the flurlington regular trains car- . neil special ears , which were vcii flhIwh , and 1)7 nOOU thtt rend had brought Into the city _ _ _ twenty-flvu carloads of visitors , or probably somewhere near ir,00 PLOiln. At. the depot acroas the way the other linea hail extra cara ' 1 f 411 ( nil trains and larideti in the neighborhood ef seventy-five wehi filled cars. Adding to k tii5 the arrivals at the Webster str&'et ( leot ; , ThTot less than , OOO visitorB arrived in Omaha on the morning trains. .Aniong the nrrivals were Iowans from Des 3doines , iubuqtie , Atlantic. Iboone. Harlan , Denison. Fort Todgo ) , Sioux City , Mason City . - It tact from almost every town of any eizo , ' - In Iowa. The flrst flock Island special carried more thou 300 PeOple from Atlantic snil each of the other specials on that line ind a large delegation from that town , giv- . log it the largest representation. The lowan who arrived were mostly from thin towns of the state , and many of the vialtora who caine in expressed the opinIon that the showing made this morning wa aiothilng as compared with what can ho cx- 3)cCted from the state na noon as it Is po- 511)10 ) for the farmers to get away from their work. Iii. YOUNG WOMEN GRADUATE CIOMIIIJ lrcINtH at lijtiit SziIii t _ _ _ IUuryN $4i.IInnr ) Are ( liiltc c I Ina'r.MMIve. The graduating exercises and distribution of honors of Mount Saint Mary's seminary ocetirred yesterday afternoon at the Rem- mary building , Fiftccnth and Casteliar streets. The nsscmlly room was beautifully decorntel With flowers and Iotted planta anl the program rendered vns very enjoyable. The opening number was " \iarch Tn- umphal. ' ' GlorIa , Misses Mullen , Ilast , Gun- tiemnu and McShano. "The Iheavans Ane Telling. " haydn , was sung by a chorus , after which Miss Gentleman welcomed the visitors in attendance. "hlouquet do ha ] toinc' was rendered by the Misses 2duhien , Hast , ( 'lair. Iywer , Danahey , Mulvihill. Kelly and Vapor , following which was an essay on "Beauty" by Miss hlast. 'Marche d'iine ( .rnndo Fete , " l'npini , was tdayed iy a flhlXC(1 ( prchinatra of violins , mandolins aiil Pnn ° 5. MiBSCS S. Murphy , M. Baumer. A. , Prlzneau , E. Cody and N. Danahioy being the violinists. MI8SCS II. Murphy and A. Murphy playing the mandolins and Misses A. O'Con- alor and ? .1. IletIwehl the Pianos. "The Dawn OIL the hills of Ireland" 'as recited by Miss Shannon and Miss Nuu recited "Angela namer. " Miss Mullen rendered "Ithapsodie Hongroise , " LIszt. ami Miss Mullen dellV ered an oration on "Defcat8 Are Not Neces- ---r- frnrily Irailures. " l3utterllies Carnival" was a Very pretty song and frolic by the younger members of the sebool. following which caine "Len Coucous et he Rossignol , " W. Moronu , by the chorus. Crowns were distributed to the Misses Mtilleii , O'Connor. heat. Gentle- nan , Vapor , Dwyer , New , Miihvlhihi , Man- aiing. fi. Skipper anl B. Sklpper "firm , tile 're-ar Is the Smile in Thino Eye , " Moore , wns sung by the chorus. RIbbons lar cx- . . - . - . . . - cellenco were ( llstriiuted ) to the Misses Miii- lou. O'Connor , llnst , Gentleman , Coupal , flivyor , Non and Mulvihiihh and honors \vere twarded to the young women who hail excelled - celled in certain branches. Miss Mullen gtvi : an essay on "heavenly Science , Math- ematica auth Ituusic , ' ' following which ( Ii- ploinas anil graduating crosses voro con- erred upon the Misses Mullen , O'Connor and , Hast. "Tue Shipwreck , " C. 11.'hito , was . " nng by the chorus and the exercises were closed with remarks by the itt. Itey. 11181101' canneil. - _ _ _ _ ' _ 1' MORAN AND MORRISEY AT WAR l.rrIsi'"s IIir.e A t' iflurtin's Giurden Ii iid 'llier' Is auiulter for the L'4)tleR Ciirt , I ' Toni Morrlsey's horse , which has a keen aiietite for votntoes and growing regeta- lilt's. has caused a rupture between the clan Moran iciuti the clan Mornisey , both of which live in the vicinity of Forty-ninth Street and ] lartiia. ; The horse has made frequent illicit pil- u grilunges into the gradon patch of Mr. Mo- ' ran. Sunday it mndo its last and was cap- . tuned Iy the Muratis , fattier , two sinuull sons - niuul grown daughter. Mrs. Morrisey wit- iessed the capture and , armed with to : clubs , inailo a charge on the Morons. She V115 met by the latter , who ( Iroppel the horse anti armed themselves with clubs. Mrs. l'ilorrlsey ' , so it is said , fired the first Shot of the battle that wes soon on. 1 ' etruck the Moran girl on the shoulder. Thu 'atter went at Mrs. Mornisuuy and sooui that 'uvo'ti1) : WOuuIUB'S face resoiubled a hainhiurgor StvaI ( , IC two sons of Moran attacked Mrs. Murrise3. 00A from behind anti the other ) ( Xlij 11111 ignt. Mrs. Mornisoy battled against dds heroically nuiti was forced r Into the pig iuen , wherb she was lhuially coull- lielicd to give lii. k She went Iiouiio nuiui soon her husband , 'with club in Iuhnd , was clamoring for Mo- - . Tail's gore , but they did not conic togttluer because Moran displayed an axe , It is said , During the affair the horse , Jerry , greedily ate sevcflu rows of cabbages In the garden nail then with a wiuluny satintereti to tue , tuhitule 0 ! a large tree and lay down , while the shattereil form of Mrs. Morrisey was talce'n home by her husband. Warrants were uiorn tiut by both liarties before l'ohice Juihge Gordon , 31t'I.I for jlIegi'l V'4)rgcrv alit1 ' 1'hitfd. Arthur hreuckcbog is held at the iolIco -L station for forgery and theft alieged to huztvu been coininitteti in Denver. Cole , lb * was eniphoycd In a drug store at Sterling , Cob. , and at tue request of ills employer 'visited Ienyer to litItcilabU a Rotla fountain for the estuztuiishint'flt. lie completed the purchase anil receivvtl no express order from his employer 10 iay for the goods. 'It ' is charged that ho forged a receipt On tile order anti inured with his ifu to this ' I _ % , _ . _ _ sill. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ilrasc uiast 1111g1X4 Stuleit , 3. Ic. ( YNeli. 2010 North Eighteenth trcet , utrove to the Masonic temple. Six- , teuntb and Capitol avenue , halt night auth left his ) ieae and buggy tied at the Capi- tel avenue entrance. luring his absence within ome our pproprtated his vehicle. ORDER OF THE EASTERN STARJ ( lrntuil ' 1incr ( of't.hrnskn lieels ( ) hhIcs'rs fliid 'lrntsutt't 1)1 httr 1IIIM1 tcs , , t ltii ii.t nn'I' , linniethlately 01---i ; ocning of the sesSion of the Neiraska granti chapter oX the Order of the finstern Star yesterday the rctnuplIfkation cit tue intig' , of sorrow was oIeunniy anti Iunbressii-cly rendered by Stehl chapter , No. & 7 , of Wai'oo. ' The committee out the codification of the law unado ft. lengthy report. The members of this committee sure lttv. A. 0. I'inkiiam , past grand master of Minuiesotn , Dr. lb. A Turton of Lexington , ? , trs. Angeilno'hit. . lucy of Omaha , Mrs. Maggie Meagher o ( Cu- iumhuis , and Edwin Davis of Omaha. The committee on mileage reported through its chairman , Edwin Iavls. It recommended that nil omeers and one representative from each chapter be allowed 6 cent8 per mile , but no pci' them , A resolution was intro- iluced to reduce the mileage to I cents per mile , but no thIjioaitioti was made of the matter , During the afternoon and civeninK the session was given over to a closely contested - tested election of omcerR anti the following oiflccra were chioseu ( irand worthy matron , Mrs. 1va M. Baldwin , North Platte ; grand Patron , laviul hI. howard , Lincoln ; asso- ciatc grand matron , Mrs , Matuil M. Green , Genoa ; nssistant.grantl patroui , Charles I'helps , Schiu'ler : grand secretary , ] ) r. Eleanor lalioy , Omnhia grand treasurer , Mrs. Rose McGivinln , ireunont ; contluetress , Mrs. Cora A. Whitemore , Neligh ; assistant conductress. Miss Anna fi. l'eterson. Omaha. Grand chaplain , iCate Amble , Lexington ; grand lvcturess , Alice IC , Lindslcy , Table Hock , In , ; grand Atlah , Mrs. Anna \\'nlder , Neligh ; grand Ituth , Itnoginc Foster. Nei- aon ; granul Esther , Jennie M. Yennel , hart- ingtou ; grand Martha , fimily Conupton , Ce- char ItnIuiliR , 1(1 ( , ; granti Eltcta , Maria fl StrCeter , Crete ; grand marshlah , Ida Taggett , Nehurasica City ; grand organist , Carrie Meutul , South Omaha ; grand varuhen , Mrs. Bertha Culling , York ; grand sentinel , F'rauk lb. Young , Broken flow , Through CV. . Baker of Omaha th finance committee reported that a balance would be left in the treasury after all cx- 1)culges nra linid and that tile finances of the order never were in a mom flourishing condition - dition titan at present. Mrs. Mary flynn Fleming reported for the committee on returns - turns and complimented all the chapters upon 'their excellent condition and the ad- fumble way in which the chapter returns Were sent. to. The election was not finished until hate last night , but the delegates were anxious to complete the session auth have no oppor. tunity to visit the exposition , so the officers were installed immediately and the huBi- ness of thu aesion was brought to a cIoc. Cziut Oti , ' COUNt the EtTeetunlly Ihluelt- , iilI. If confldenc can be felt in the 01)101011 of military anul naval oillcers in highu places at the seat of government , such is the rust extent of our seacoast to blockade it ef- fectunily. Oven if our uiavy and seacoast tie- fenses could offer no adequate resistance , SCt'uuIS to be iIflboSSiblO.Vheli ) a bfockadc ( if the bowels exists. relieve constipation with hbostetter's Stonuacit Di tIers , which couitluers , dyspcpsia. , nualaria , rheuunatiuiun ltitd kidney trouble. Unrrln&rc I.hleitP4es. TiLe following marriage licenses were is- Riled yesterday by the county judge : Name aluti address Age. Frank I'arker , South Omnhua. . . . . . . . . . . . Mary L. Capaut , South Omalvi. . . . . . . . . . 17 Cornelius lcelhy. Sioux CIty , Ia. . . . . . . . Eulzulbeth Gabke , Sioux City , ha. . . . . . . . Louts \Volf. Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Miflflhj Lobunan. Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 SieeIutt , ClItlpnhi 1)IN1lill.ls , Hopkins' Transoceanic Specialty corn- pall ) ' , ivhich was to have appeared uLt the lloyd for the full week. cancehed Its en- gagcinent Thursday night and disbanded for the season. It 110(1 intended to ( iislnnd ) nfer this engagement , but the poor busi- lucas during the fore part of the week of- lured no encouragenient to continue. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Dr Frank Kraft and family of Cleveland , 0. , arc expo3ition visitous. Murat Halstend wont through Omaha at oliulnigiut on his way to Manila. Miss Sahiic tiuggenlielun of Allegheny , l'a. , and Mrs. Gus ArluohIl of Chicago are visiting Miss Dreyfus. Mrs. A. P. Howes and Miss Ibowes of lilair spent a few days in Omaha on their return home from the east. w. it. flowen and family luavo gone to tile Minnehaha-on-the-Ituxton , Mnnitou , Cob. , to spend the SUmmer. Mrs. Lafayette Young , wife of the edItor - Itor of the Iowa Daily Capital , is among the Iowans who attended the dethicatioll of the Iowa building. Governor Leslie M. Shaw and wife. 0. 14. lobson nnul wife , C , U. McCarthy anti Boils arni Jul111 hicrriott fluId wife of the IOWa tielegatioll are at the Murray. Drs. .T. II. Gregg Custis of Washington. 1) . C. , and W. A. Dewey of Ann Arbor. MICI1. , are among the delegates who are attending - tending the meeting of the American Institute - stitute of hOmeopathy , Ir. fi. J. Fermium of Chicago , late proud- ilent of the National Eclectic Medical as- sociatioui , whichi 11CR just closed its con- votution here , will remain over in Omaha for muoumuo time to enjoy the exposition. Thu supreino secretary of time Fraternal Union of America , Colonel John L. 11011(1- hey of 1)enver. Coho. , arrived in the city yestertlul ) ' , The colonel is a Prominent ( iraull Army of the Republic and fraternal order niamu , lie will attend time reception to be given iii his honor at Onialla , Liii- coin , Iflair , Ileatnice , W'ymnore and a dozen other iilaces before leaving Nebraska. Charles J , Sclmnabel. a prominent attorney of I'nrtland , Ore. , and ex-Assistant United Stnto district attorney , was in Oninhia yes. torday. lie left for Now York last uuiglIt Oil a business trip and wili visit Washl- ingtoui , D , C. Mr. Sclmunbel Put iii fIve hours at the expositioa. lie praised its geumeral excellence alud thuouglit it was far ahmeaul of the Midwinter fair iii San Frau- cisco , Nebraskans at the hotels ; C. Ci. Seohy numb wife. Dr. Lenoro Perky. .1. F , Cornell , , l3enjnnuin S. Jiaihey nmuui wife , Lincolmu ; C. v , McNamar and wife , Lexington ; L. L. Carrisoum. Fairbury ; J. Eberly and wife , Stamutouu ; Joseiuh T. Jamneson and wife , Avoca ; Mrs. K T. Meyerhoff. crawford ; \ \ ' . A. Ilunuphirey , I'iattsmuouth ; S'iiliani WillIe , Fainmuiont Guy \V. Sceord , Clay Ceuuter ; J , J. Simmering , hastings ; 0. D. Foitmer , Oak ; 1' . J. Iteney , ( ircoloy ; A. I , . Iluilen , Ray Qulnicy , C , 'tV. Long , \Vake- fluid ; W L , i'nrlc , North l'intto , LOCAL BREVITIES. Sparks from a defective chimney caused a $2i ; loss by lire to the resideucu of AIrs , J. N. Johnson , at TelithI anti North Charles street , George Williamlis , a small Lucy , was or- rested last uilghmt on conuplaimut of 11 , Iauio- vitch , keeper of a fruit i.and at 213 South Thirteenth street. Tile COhlipllliultlflt. 8L5 that the boy carried away a pair of shoes from his ; mremnises. On Friday , Julio 24 , it hiciuig tIme umativity of St. John tile Baptist , there wihi be a special service , iIthi celebration of the holy CoIllumlllniofl , ttt the Churcli of the Good Sllt'pluerd , corner Ohio omid Twentieth streets , at 10:30 : g. rn Time' rector , Tier , George Edworti'u1k , will conduct the sery- lee. I'etor'utcker , 621 South Sixteenth street. causcul time arrest last umigilt of John Owens for atteuuptetl hmlgilway rolmbery , lie says ho was sitting huoneatll the Sixteenth street viaduct when Owens approached liimui and alenanded * mnommey for beer , Wacker re- fuseti and Oweums proceeded to enforce his demantle , James hail , J. 11. Peyton auth 11 , ItI , Chase were arrested last night for assault nuid battery on complaint of C. II. Jordan , 307 North Twelfth street , Jordan is a cook at the Iellone hotel anti claims that the Inca , who fIre forgoer employee of the hotel , made an assault UldOll him out of jealousy and a misunderstanding regarding their employment there. _ _ _ ffiRSEIEN ) FROI TIlE PLAINS1 Torreyts Rough flider Moving Towtixd tba Fnt. STOP TO FEED AND WATER IN SOUTH OMAHA St't'iiui L'I I eul Slat os ul am , I t'pr t'nS- nir , Mnmli' UI , of Vi'stu'rims'rs fruiti I'urt htiussehl , nit 'l'hieI r "sVny * 0 FlorleIn , The Second United States Volunteer cavalry , better known as Torrey's htoligh Itiders , spent several hours in South Omaha last evening , while the horses antI inca Were given itiuch needed rest , It was 1:30 : o'clock when the first section , carrying troops 0 , L and Al , pulled into tile yartla , and the crowd whicil bath gathered at the foot of street to welcome the troops selut up a cheer , which was answered by the cavalrymen as they swaruneti , froln the cars. Stable call was sounded as sooui as a yard i engine hiad hooked onto time cars containing : thue hunrses and a dctachrnent. was told off to attend to the unloading of the animals , Time cars wore switched into the stock yards mmcl the tiremi bronchos were turned loose in the 1)11115 ) , \\'iiter was furnished in plomuty , anti it was a sight to see the wornotmt horses quench $ their thirst. Tue troopers then brought I grain imi nose bags anti feul the animuals amid 1 vhile eating each horse was groomed. It was after dark before the mat of thue four . sections arrived anti the railroad yards were , filled vith cars amid pullIng engines , s'huiie the downtown streets were crowded with 01011 anti officers wearing the yellow utah blue. All of the uuuemi looked hmcalt.hmy anti strong , and were bronzed by oxpo3tmre. They Were tiresseml ims the regular cavalry cani- lualgil tmmmiformn and % 'nre side orals. Seven troops of this regiment were re- I cruited \Vyomimug , two troops in Colorado , I in Utah , one in Nevada and one iii Idaimo , J. S. Torrey of Wyomning is the colonel , J. Q , Cannon of Utah lieutenant colonel , wiiiie the majors are Ilarhord.'iuecler add Gavel- roy. Major Wheeler is an officer In tile regular - ular ariuly. Major \\'heeler comes from Icn- rer anlI Major Caveirey from Wyomnimig , herbert V. Lacey of Cheyenmie , Wyo. , is the adjutant. F'tuhl ( Li.tn uf Al.mi. As now made uii the regimcmlt iii composed of 1,015 men and 600 iloracs. the full quota of olilcers and mcmi being 1,027. An olhlcer of the reginlemlt is how Iii ieui- Ver purchasing horses which are to ho shippey from that Poitli to Jacksonville , Flu. , nOd are expected to arrive a few days after the rcgitlleult. TIme regiment Icft Font fi. A. Russell. Cheyenne , Wyo. , at V o'clockVeclneselay eveniuug , there beimig four sectiomis of thti traimvhuicll iS Coniposeti ot thirty- five stock cars ittiul forty-five coaches anti baggage cars. cars.All All of the ontistell men are usinf traveling - ing rations , which consist of canned goods amid ilard tack. This is suppleuilelited by hunt coffee , iViliCli is lirocureti at Points v1mere tile regiluient is stopped to give the horses feed atmd water. Colonel Torrey cOllie In Withl the Inst section , but left on the first sectiomi of time traimu. From here the regi- Ilielit goes to St. Louis and thence to Jacksonville - sonvillo , Fla , Most of the horses stood tile trip remarkably - ably well , but some of them sut'fered for want of water. A stop was made at Grain ! Island yesterday afternoomu and hay was fed , hut the horses could not be watered lot- lack of facilities. Ptme horses Witil the 5cc- omul section ivent thirty hours without vator , lIevtlr having been gtvemi a drop froni the time they \vcre Placed aboard the cars at Fort Russell until upon arrival here. As oihlccrs are not provided with travei- lug rations , time restaurants lucre did a rush- hug business for a couple of hours last lulgilt. There was no disorder of any kimiul ; tile ZIlCh ivalked about the streets 011(1 ( at- temitleti strictly to tileir owm business. Souiuc visited tlrinkilug resorts , but there was no over Indulgence. Nate Long served 120 gal- Ions of coffee to the emilisted men , a telegram - gram having been sent. by the quartermaster - master , requcstimug iuimit to make the feces- sary preparations. All of the imorses are of the bmoncho variety and hook tough and hardy , They are branded "U S" on the left shoulder and eacim has a number burneti in' tile left front hoof. BREAK UP A NEST OF HOBOES I'uhlec limuhil nil Emmmit , Vnrclmiise' aimul Cutptmire n iilMee11mImmt'mmls Assort - sort mmmcli t of 'i'rmt am , s. A squad of officers made a descent on the old abandoned cold storage building at tile railroad crosstng on Nortll Ninth street yesterday afternoon and captured eiglltccll tramps , wile represeultetl every nationality and degree of condition. In the number wore five cripples. Four well known crooks were aiso identifleul. A female tramp of no- certain ago , ill 111510 attIre , was one of time party , but managed to escape when the ofil- vera made their raid. Tile party luau ! been 1iviIL in th nlil huuiuluimne fnr uovrnm They had fitted its Interior to suit their own purposes. Itcudo bumiles , barren of lice ! clothing , him ! been built ngainst the walls and attempts at wall decoratiomu was SCOII In higitly colored lunints of battleships and prize fighters , A large American flag was looped over the door on the inside. In the center of the room a fireplace of stones and bricks hind been built. Dilapidated - dated cooking utensils were piled about. Tue strangest sight of eli was seen 'in twelve battered tin bucket. or "growlers , " anti cans hung In a row on nails in one end of tile t-OO , A dude sign was nailed to the front of the buildlmg , wbich in rude letters an- flounced "The Hoboes' Rest" 00(1 en old motto picture reading "Welcomne" struck thin visitor on his entry to time room , Time room bore evidences that house clemunluug was hover thought of by time DCCII- aIutN of the place. Vagrammey charges were placed against tlmu names of each of the Inca captured , PASTOR FOR PRESBYTERIANS Cii mi ii regzu t ho II ( , lhi' Fl rst Cli mm reim .lecides to Cmiii Im' .tm.mms ft. ICIe'lmi , , 4) ! II % Vdliui&'e. After limiving had its pulpit vacant for soy- oral months time congregation of the First I'resb3'terlaml church has issued a call to Dr. .nmos A. lCiehlc of Milwaukee. 'rime con- gregatlcuu was umuaninuous in this selection and luas clone 11w unimulater time homier of send- log a comnlittce to luresent the call , This comummuittee consists of Joimn C. Wharton , chairman of the pastoral committee , and Timoinas A. Creiglm , The two will go to Mu- w'aukcu imu a few clays. flr , Kiehla Is a prominent and Popular preacimer of Mliuammkeu and is at Iresouut in cimargo of omie of tile largest churches there , lie has been there for fifteen years. It is not knowmu viuetimor 1)r. ICichhe will accept limo surnmnouis , but It is sincerely ilupod timat ho will , ItviiuhiI lemma Suite 4omivs-imt imii. C1IIiYENN'i , Jumie 2'J.-Special ( Telegrammi-Thu ) republican state comnmittec uuiet hero today Time date of the next state convention i'a fIxed as Atugus 10 , . tIme lilaco louglas , Time basis of representation was arranged as follows ; Albamly county , tclvo delegates ; Ihig Horn , six ; Carbon , twelve ; Converse , six Crook , five ; Johnson , three ; Laramuuie , eighteen ; Natreums. , tour ; Sheridan , eight ; Sweetwater , eyezu ; Ulnta , ten ; Weston , fuvu , - . . ' ' _ _ GULF & INTERSTATE ROAD Tvt'i c ieicgntaflJscuss the Sitna. I itt , , . 'nimp ui.tTjmiiii II t t' a mmml 'Flis.it U III The OmmIf interMM railroath conimlitto luet in the Commnerela uJitIb roomna Wednesday - day night at wit4.piemnbershiip of abommt twelve delegates. rp 'entlng the statcs of Nebralka , ICanM5td. Iowa and Montana , The meeting was ih4estlled over by henry Wuiliace of Ies Mulne.3. Alucil discussion was indliigetl in huylie delegates as to the best means for lrojpotlng the Interests of the farming classes , states , but aside from this nothing was 4one. Several of the delegates were called hiqjne before the meet- lng atljotmrned , amnongJjijun being time chair- moan , nuld Samuel Maiioq of Iowa was called to the eiuztlr. ; Warwick Saunders of Nebraska brought tIle committee down to a business Imolmit by nthleing a mmiotion that a committee of fotmr , 0mb delegate from eacll state , ho appointed to draft a resolution or address to be presented - sented to hit' comthittce at a futtmre time , The eofliflllttee is flt follows Senator Campbell - bell of Kansas , Thoma line of Iowa , Var- wick Saunders of NCbraska anul Mr. Welch of Aictitamia. Tlm meeting tIlOn adjounuietl until JImly 12 , when a nlueh larger attendance is ammticlpated. ' PRIIE ) OF ALL 11114 ! 1A\ITKEYES \ ( Continued from First Page. ) snngmuiflccnt resources , with stmch a history antI with ttcim a people , thu'ro would ho no necul to aulvcrtire to the woriti at am exposl- tion of this cimaracter ; but when we coim- I shIer tllat with the i'amne density of popuia I 11011 08 the state of Massaeiucmsetts. Iowa can Provitie homes for 15,1)00,000 ) immllabittlats ant ! vimen we coimsider that hut a somalI lIen- centago of the manufactures comisimmeel iii tue state are mnamuufactured there , that with the hmmcrcase , of wcaltiu and iopulatiomu ) , a higher civilization than has ever breui known hI the world 'lll comae frommu till' etivimoim- Inents of citizenship unther time' tithi'antagcs Which milreauly exist witlmin this state , we dm11 realize the imnportnnce amiul necessity of lrornoting antI developimug these resources to the fullest extent. " imlulis'i mm iei I'ers ml mm .ildrss , After a aclectioll tiy the chorus Major S. H. A ! . flyers reucel an exposition ode coin- hosed for the occasion , . hioti. Juhmi N. BaldwIn of Council Blulfa , thu orator of the day , was introduced and deli'tred an eloquent address , Among other things , lie said : "As I ii'antlercd thrOugll thte expoi- tion buildings amid strniietl over tilcac grounds I heard orators lure- I claimning frolIc the exedra. the Plaza anul rostrums ill state buildings the glories and trlumnics of their m'CRnqt ii' , ' qtnt , ' , . (1u. . ev4'niug after a stormn I stood on the huriulgo of the lagoon but. a tow feet distant front the sPot s'hmtu e only a year ago we laid tue cormierstouia of this great emmtcu'pnlse , atmd beI I holdimig this mighty Iliommumnent. to tile skill , courage and emmterprlse of time men of Ne- bm'aska. I tiuouglmt what has Iowa , or what ilas Iowa done to comnimare i'itll this ? "I collie Nebraska ulnyland heard that dl- tingtmisiled citizen of tile republic , O'ilOSa heart III love and tomugue tipped witlm sliver cloqliemltly Prrsentel tilO record of time resources - sources anul progrehs or Nebraska ; I caine Illinois day anti heard the represeultatives of that great coninommwL'alth give their no- iort of the work amid s' rth of IllinoIs , couu- cllmdlmlg with tile elhluit to the mmntlispimleul title to the poossIdmm til time third ! greatest comnmercial cantor of limo world ; I Imagined hInt Oil New York dihy lourke ! Coekran would so portray the hiutory amid glories of the great state of Ndwork that we should all soeni to hear the Sibyls chanting the springtime of the greimt st empire on earth , Agaiml I thought , what' 1105 Iowa , or Wilat has Iowa done , to iomlaro 'with all these ? "Iteilecting on all iat I bad seen and Imearu ! and imagineti , I veneratet ! my 0111cc and woultl havO' despairet ! of my perform- once imad not the power ut my subject munde Inc bold In such a presence to 1)lead my thoughts. It whuld be the drivel of idiocy , unbecoming a gentiemnan and unworthy of the states. should I on this occasion make nay statement umot based UOO careful hum- vestigation amId not. founded upon izmcon- trovertible facts. I now and here assert , my imeart beating with pride at hue utterance , that , measured y the standard of religion , education. prosperity , patrIotism , liberty , or any great Primleiple or Idea that makes maca better , nobler and Ilappler , Iowa , in the union of states. Is the veer of nil , superior to many and excelled by none. "Ve dcdicat today this beautiful building to the 11905 and purposes of time Transmissis- sippt and International Exposition. It is merely a type of the habitations of our pco- pie at the present time. A few feet from hero and withIn your vision stamids a wig- warn , which ilUS just been opened. It , too , Is a type-a typo of the habitations of otmr People fifty-two years ago. You cannot but recognize tile significance of the change. The advammcement , improvement omit ! prog- russ of tii pcoile of the state of Iowa in education , religion mIami material interests ha been as strlkuimg as that ill their luabita- tions. "This great state with its wondrous des- tinics Is now in the hands of time younger and llresent generation. It belongs to us to jmrotoct , preserve utati imnuurove. We untlIut take up time work where the viomieors were compelled to let It , go. They pjaceuj high time standard. Lot us nver lower it. Let us look up anti listen ; look forward ammd move. Let our every action be Prompted , ud lierfornied in ncc rdance withm that design - sign created by one of time greatest jlmii- osophers and Poets , 1uiiul ! thou more stately mansions , Oh iuiy soul , As the swift seasons roll. Let outfit new temple , pobier lumen time laSt , Shut thy view from hmemcvell witil a tlxmuo more 'ust Until at last tmou art free , Leavimug thy outgrown hciI l' life's un- restlimir ROIL. "I propose tills sentiment : The state of Iowa , with a PeePie Ilossessiug affections deejmer even thaul 11cr sell ; actuated by pun- ioses broader ovcmm than her prairies , Lllitl iumsplred by aims loftier even timnmm her 111115 , he stands today first In tile union of states in general cbnteuutrnent , In more evenly tilstrlbutcd wc'tltlu ' , antI ill universal " I prosluenity , "The Battle hlymnh o the 'Republic , " was sung by time chorus , mid Governor ilolconlli was Imutroduced by Clmalrmnamu Packard , Ibis remarks were general 'in their nature and application amId the cthmclusion was warimlly applauded. After timb 1o'ticiusioul of the cx- ercisea the speaker , the members of time Iowa counmisslomm amid the guests of the occasion - casion were ententalatni at. luncheon at time I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; - , - - - viaduct cafe , after which the yisutoii in1 spected the xblblts of Iowa products ii the Aricuhturc aunt Horticulture buiiding , At 5'3O p. rn a reception in honor of OoY ernor Add Mrs. Show sins belch in the Iowa bimiluhing , during which hundreds of iOile shook the hand of Iowa's chief executive antI his wife , bringing to a close a day which was universally voted to be ii great sue' cess in every respect. ll1iIt''i'lOm OL'1jjj ; : ; - W'ifl.tM , i'otlmtii Ut tninlt' ( 'nuuntr .mhml him lug rc't'e' Iii I lit' 1' lush I Iumi. , The dedication of the Wigwam erected by the Commacil hlluffs and l'ottwattamuule Coumuiy Exposition association near the Iowa biilel- ! lag took Place at I o'clock yesterday after- taion in oruler to allow tue visitors to attetiti this cerenony as veli as the dedication of the state buildings , The tali yellow \Vigwarn wa.s cruwuleth withl people from Council IllumfIs , Pottawattanmie county anti other Iowa points when l'rcmutdemit A. C. Graluamu called time assemblage to order null intro- cltmced 11ev. 0. V. Smiyuier of the flnglish Lutheran church of Council fliufTa , who do' livened tiie immvoeation. President ( Irahani then oxpresseti the thamika of the ) 'ottn- wattatnie calmly cotunmitten for tue assistance - ance which hati luecum rentiered time c'omnmlt' too by the people of I'ottnii'nttaniie county rind ( 'ouneil ilItmiTs lmi hue way ofuuioncy and in otlmor substantial ways. Mayor Victor Jenumimigs of Colunell Bluffs was the first speaker. lie m'evlewcml the iiitnry of use struggles of the comliuulittee in 'tIme work mci- dciii to the erection of the inlildimug. lie dis- etissuit ! time resources of I'ottawat tanilti enumuty at sonme length 011(1 eiuprt'ssetl the hioie that time iieoplc of the Cotimiti" vill uii.'ike ! tlm btmlltliumg their hueadtimmnrters ou tile grotmmitls. lie said : Ladles 4(11(1 ( ; emmtiemmmen ' W'o iums'c lilt-i here ttdti&iy to tIedic.ai4i tO the uses of thIs great and gramld oxpusitiomi tiuib comitributiotm tronl i'ottutwattamnie otinty anti time city of Cotill cii Il Its Il m ; . Ams time heud of th e lIlIt ml : 0 m'- gummitntiomm of that city it becommies mmmy duty , ( us II. Iii my pleasure , to speak for her omm timimi ocemIsiomI. To thoc fanilliar with the beauties of ( uumielh 1litmfls , vho know of its enterprise I anti thrift , whn are iiroud to claim a 1110CC iii Its eitlzetmsbip , it. is ummileccssal'y for mime to cuter lilto details , 'I'u times , howu'i'r , i % ito i'illiily ( know tiimtt there is a city cahleul Coumlell Bluitta , but i'Iio have not tetu1 itS hospitmdhtioa nor witt'suseui tlme mmnoluiiuig of its mmiu.uy nilmi vanieti inulustries. it ntTorels mmmc grathiieat.tomu to hay that within gunuchiot of this spot , yet luitltlcu almost completely by 'time eternal hills , " lies a city of 80,000 ititelligeuit , imetlustnioumt , comitemited ansi huhmluy lt'ulllO. ) It is time capital city of the largest county iii the state , a county coim- tmuinlng bS2,156 ners's of time nleiu'st land , n the face of ths globe' . It Is secoad , if. in- deeth , it. is mmmli the first , city in time vorlel imm ' tue umlmlgmmituelc of Its ugm'icultum'al imumple- muieutt tramle. 'ilmlpleulleumt 110w , ' ' comupm'isimg blocks empomi bloehes of mmnnmmuottm wnm'e- 1mouc Imito e'lmich the roads from the east Potmr t ra Imu luLmtls 01' I miilletmid' mu is diii ly , amuel , . , , f _ . . , . . .i.,1. , I. . , . . , . . , , . . .i. , . . , ' .d .mi , . 1 , . , U &IIJIIL&fl&V 0 IIO U 4LIU ( O .4U J''J the uio7e'ml hues of rauironus to fitmloSt , 'vei'y quartet' suctiomm of tilis great transmnissis- Silmimi te'rrltom'y , It is a city of micimooluc amId cimurches , uitiul its eltmc'atloimal and moral 1011(3 is ms4omi'I ' to that of no city of its size in time Ummitet ! States. It is a city of fair VOITICll ammul brave inca , ets attested by the avitity ! Witil Wilicil Its claugimtcrs mIre taken tromn the homes of their parents to hollies of whmlull Ilmey are tIme illspiratlon amid the hiad , mmd by tIme mltmnlber of soldier boys it hmuts eoumtnlbmmted to lJncho Sauui's armmiics. Tills city of oumicil hiicmlTa , ammxious to contribute In immaterial \s'ay to thc stuccess of this Transmtssisalppt Expositiomi , llnd , because of its tucanmmess , foehing an almost hm'oPrittmmry immteu est. Imi it , unanimously tie' termnlnt'd at tile very inceptioll of this great ummdcrtnleing-tlme fruitiomi of wiiiclm i'c are wituiessiumg toulay-to be fittingly repro seated here. This detornlimmntion lee ! to tIme Purtimae : of stock of the oxpositiomu , to time callIng of public meetings amid tile orgmtn- tzation of au association wimose duty it simotiitl be to see to it that Council Bluffs shommimi be seen aumul known by miii who camne i'itimin these enchanted grounds uluring time Imeriol of the exposition. It , was a ditilcuit task nssgmmed ! to these macn , but nobly have they 'hiscumargeti It. Tue wigwam tells better than cami words of mimic the womiderful. tue mniracuious tie- vciopment of this transunississippi country. Tim footfall of the red 11100 , followIng his well knowmi trails , has given place to the whirr of the electric nmtor as It muoves along the glistening hues of steci. The smmioke of the "wigwauii" has faded away before - fore tIle smoke from factory anti forge. Tile silence of natural pence has gone forever , stmcceeeied by the never-ending hunl of in- i dustry. The plains and vahlcy are so I longer the waste Islaces of the earth. but Ilave been made tile garden spots and grail- arIes of the world , To the purposes of thus exiosition this ' 'wigivaun' ' is today giveul , To the city whelm gives it in part I cordially invite you. The trails are plainer than they were a hnlt century ago and the hearts of our people , hike the doors of their "irigwams , " are over open to you. We want you to come nail break bread with us , amnoke vith us tue pipe of peace , rest hotly amid mimutl In the prettiest parks hu3tWt't'Il tlue two ranges of mountains , amid , going luack over tile years , fitutl a imew Ineaning in Longfeliow's litmus : Very spacious i'uis t imu wigwam , r1atle of deerskin tll'4 d and s'iiltened , "sVltii the gods of tIle hakotnt Druuvn fluid uI1il1tL'ul cmi its curtains. Spencer Smith , one of thie pioneer lawyers of CouncIl Bluffs , spoke at hengtit of the hardships ammml experiences of the pioneer of tile prairie , Juulge'alter I. Smitlm , a meun- her of the district bencit of I'ottawattamle county , was time next' speaker. lie spoke rapIdly , sulcc'tcillng the history of i'ottawat- tamnie county and passing quickly to the present statmms of affaIrs In the eolmnty , re- furring io tile muom-tahity statistics as showing - ing Iuat the average hfe of tile macu wimo takes imp hi3 residence in Council Bhtmffs is : lr.0 years. In closiimg Ime welcomed tile O - hiD to tile \Vigwaun anti ini'ltecl them to niake It theIr hemmac. Time mlitmaic for tue occasion was fmmrmiishetl by 'the Apollo Man- cohn climb of Council IhitmIls , an orgammization of young ruica , who delighted time audience ivith the excolience of 'tiucir playimig. liis Niii I it t tici' ( rot , , mii. There ii'utx no concert schedules ] last night , limt time crowd was treated to a thisplay of fireworks that % % 'as well worth going to see. Au. 9 o'clock the miontlt tract was densely Iaclccth 011(1 ( timousands of people were congregated - gregated at time various vantage iOilits around tue grountls from wimich the pyre- techlmiiS coimld be seen , The slark clouds that lIming across time sky emphasized the beauty of time display sins ! sonic of the effects were the most brIlliant that have been seen oml time groumiis. ( A mlumier of hovel deaigmms 1mm mines amud bombs were introthmc'eul and tileSO With ) ft aummihier of very pretty set pieces furnished a imaif hour of very satisfactory - factory eumtertainment , hI.il i iUl mm iJIstnr. A very valuable relic has just beemi adulcul to time Arizona exhmillit tim time Mines bulitl- tug , It is aiiegeul to be time llrst iwll that was ever manufactured on the Amnericaui I. : And They Uidn't ' ' , , 'Jn ' , \ do it thing tt ) luthlult' ) \Vt'dhltSdli3'tthll li't'x 14. $ iscnuhmiitii sniti't. tloiuig U thIng to tutu shot' tt'mtde uP' ( ) inmtlumt-oll , no-just giving tlst Iiutlit'i4 thu ik'St ! 2.5 ( ) t4ioe , ' ' ' ' titus 'Ic'i evm' ( m'tOllit'54 ( it illml'lC lt'O'Il ) , kid , t limit iutk54 ) Its vt'hl ass utimy 5 slsoti nimuh'-tlit'y hIF'tI just the right veiglmt 1401t'lt to lmhIhkt' tin'nm couiifoi'tulhti imusl jtui4t $ tYii(4l1 ( emiotigll to inttkti * litmmI tlrtssy --11 COlillhhOll h4thlSti $1100 train the colts tot's to the tol-yOU t'ttuI gt't $8.51)vtrthl 41 ( w'etir ( flIt of , s'rv , 1)5th' ) , utimul tilult I.is 'hiuut I yet ! 'tsiuitl PItY es'vlitri'-but hmel'o-tin ! lilt ; 'itltn' slmoc Hture-tlley tti'e only $2.50 , Drexel Shoe Co. , Oumumihma' . Vim-to-date Slice lIouse. , , , 111) FtiLNAM STItEET. S - _ _ - - - - - ' ; -T--- Ls ' ' - - . - - - - - - - - _ _ _ . - , - . - - - - - - - - - ' ----T---z J "Take it back , - ( -go tn some grocer who 'iIl give you Pcarl- . , i jflc , " 1'hat's the only way to do ; ' - 4 when they scud yu au imitation. _ _ _ _ ' - 'l'hc Poptllarty % of Pearlinc bt . I - gets the habit ofcalling anything that's . md Pearl- , Ii vashing.povdcr , - t t . inc'tm TII0SC who notice the difference $ in name , think 1)CrlialS " it's about the same thing. " It isn't. Nothing else - eqtias Pearlinc , the original and - standard washing CompOtlnl. continent and Its imistory dates lrotii 1.49. It weighs 401 IloUflels miuid * ithitfllgl ! it hucars time marks of its centurIes of use it is still capable of givimig a fairly mmieiothieus tomie. ' It has liummiq In tue belfries of several Si'ati- 1db ciium'clies tumid has outlived tiuemn nil. lii each ease it , Imas been thug from the rtmins muiui i'reservtud as a osmveuir of time early ( lays of SlInumisil comiquest. Tile vceuiinm'ity of its comustruetion aplicara in a dccii crack at the bottom. It Imu asserted that whemi the bell i'as cast , the PeoPle last iii tileir jetvciry amid a quamitity of gold amid silver to vomu- idete time cast amud traces of tile more , Prociotms Ilietais are still apparcuit in the croekcd surface. hmts' . , IIitui's tlt'l. Tii Iowa Fifth Iistrict fidhtorini nsocia- tiOil iielml mu session of its aniiumni mimoetimig at tin' Mercer llotu5l yesterday tmioruiiiig , lmui- hug ndjourmmc'd ita mcetlmmg at Cedar iinpiuls for that lnmrliose. The emily busimanus of iumi- portance tramisactee ! 'vas the election of of- ilcers for the ensuimlg year , as follows : fi. fi. Taylor of tile Star Clipue'r , 'l'm'tler , pm'esi- deult : C. J. Admimna , ( 'nurier , htm'imibu'ck , 'ico iresitlent ; Cym'emltms Cole , Itepimblicati , Cedar ltahiuls , secretary ; J. 1' . Dotsoim , Ieliector { : , Atarshalltown , treasurer. Coniniissioner It.V , Iticlmareisomi , maupenimi- teindleilt of the l'rcss building aims ! repre- st'uitative of thi Iepartnieumt of ! 'mmbhicity and h'romuotioml of time exposition , apimetireti before - fore the mucotimig and ! nvitetl the milemumluers to visit the eXpositiotl and establish their hiemiquantors at the l'rcss liuiltiiimg , Time Imivitntiomm was accepted anti time emitire party , nuuuibtmrmig ! about 120 iersrnis , Pro- ceetied to thio oxiuosition grounmis in a hotly and harticiPatoei in the uheehientory exercises of the Iowa building alIt ! spent the day ill insimectimmg the Points of interest about the grounds. iiiert'sti'il In Fruit , II. At , Iunlap of Cauiipaign county. Ill. , a . - - - - - - , - . . _ . . .1 - lliuJtiliCF Ut - LItH - bUttti duIJUULV , tU , , , t of the IllInois Ilorticumliurat society , huts es- tablisilt'e ! his headquarters itt tue Illinois bulitlimig fom' a few tlays Willie luoktmlg after tile lliummois llortictmlttmral exhibit. Mr. Dumi- lap is one of the largest fruit. growers in tIme extummaive thistrict. of sotmthiermi mmtuui ccli- trIll lllimiot timid has ! ueemi largely iumstru' tmmontnl lu securimig a lIne exhibit of Iilimiois fruits ill the Horticultural buiiding. lie is accommipanietl by Airs. Iuniap , who is prom- imiemit \VOuiimill'S Ilehief corps circles In Iii- ! miois. intiMiM , Cciiummmispuiim 'i'm'ts. TIm Kansas fixpositlon coniniiiutuiomi lucId a business meetimig at. the Kamlsmts builulimig yesterday amid disposed of a Imirge nmount or routIne business , It was ulecidetl that September - tember I shoului be selected as iCuttisas day anti time exlOsitlon mnnagememit was imotifled to that efi'ect. The iCamisas commmuissiommers say a stromig effort will be Illadle to bring large nimmnbers of people fromu the Sumillower State Oil KOIISUS day , and it is cxiuected that time reports nmatie by the people atteudhuig tile ( ledicatioul wIll serve to swell the crowds to large proportiomus. Fore'e at Iovu'a Ito hid lug , Th Iowa building is in charge of Secretory - tory F. N. Chase of the Iowa comnmissiomi , amid time followimig persons constitute tile force of attaches connected. with the build- , itmg : hostess , Mrs. C. 0. Mciiridc , Mus- catlne ; bookkeeper , Guy Thiode , Stuart ; stenographer , Mis. Fred AbcCausiand , Wtusim- ingtotm ; assistauits , Miss NellIe Barber , Oakland - land ; George ft. Feldthaus , Mason City ; B. I. ICinsey , Harlan ; fi. E. Crawford , Mount l'ieasant ; Miss Eva RobInson , De Moines ; Fred Wright and wIfe , Marshmalltown , AImmsie for 'l'odziy. ' The expositiomi music for today , June 24 , viil be : 3:00 : p. 111.-Theodore Thomas orchestra antI Miss Frances Striegei , pianist. 8:00 : p. rmi.-Swedish tiny exercises npd tile United Swedish choirs , in /su1itorItmm. . Admission , 25 cents to each concert. Fis mt.m1 hiui Notes , Dr. Il. L. Raimmiclotti has been appointed veterinarian for the e'xpositioml. There were 6,759 admissions Wednesminy exclusive of comumniutatioml tickets. Aubust 18 has ilcemi selected as Texas day ammei Vice i'remslelemmt Joiimsotl Rays that. the prople of tile Lone Star state will visit Omnaha in large ntmmbers on that occasion. Time execiltive committee hlns called it- cif down on tardy attendance at tll3 daily immeotimigs. From now on every mnemtmber will be expecteil to he on hand iromuptly at 4 o'clock. Jtmst before the ticdicatiomi of tile Iowa huiitlimig Mauunger von Szuimmyey of the Ger- flail Village invltcti the lubuquc Choral club and tluo Atlnmmtic hiamul to mtttc'ntl a dinner amml receptiomi at tile village at C o'clock , Tile imivitation was accepted and the lircelucts of tile village were etmiivcne4 Lu ) ' the lively irnm'ty mit the hour naincul , 5 , 1. . Cary is mmuuheimmg arrangemncuits fo stiace itt time Agricultural imulidhmig for atm ( 'Shitlit by the Soumtliern Pacific linliwny ctunmimmiy , sluowiumg tutu eeoc sugar mills ! rice immultmstnics of Lomuisiamin , Aicek . 'ti'miiiit' , ivlmo e'as eve'rely Injured imi a drmimleetm brawl \'edlietutlay evemiimmg , Is still in time imnsilitm'ti , lila tare is iit'ett ilmor- utmgiiiy smilasimeul tIp , lImit ilOtiti of ! lis iiijtmries are likely to lil'Oi'e serious. A man mlmiineel l'iot ? . , ii'lio is celmtieeteul ivith omme of ( hit' nefmigem'ator concessions , s ruB quite sei'creiy ilijurecl 3'cSt'ruIa7 , lie \i'as assist immg 1mm imauidlitig n tuig iuiot'k of ice , vimu'n it fell asid strtmck iilmmm CII lImo lien d amid ShIOlmi der. cut I I mu g fl gnshm imm hi u seal p aim d I mm ii let I mug seine ftml bruises , The lumbumqtme Choral eltmtu , a chmot'tt ol immixetl voices , 1(50 strotig , arriveth iii time ( 'it ) ' ) 'e'Steri.ty ii ithi the guhei'mmuittii'imi party to tOltti part imm time dt'dicatluml of limo lows huts i uI i ug a mid iiil 1 remnalui ttmm ii I SCm mmd.t ) ' , Sattmm'dny evemiimig time ehoi'tIs niliie'mtrs at tlit Authitoniumim imi haydn's ' 'Creation' ' and Jules Gordon's "liarbnm'mu Fm'eitcluie. " Mmtminger Heed tumid Sumimerimltentli'mit'ail - ' Icy of tile I ) Ciimmrl mllemlt of CeltleessiollS are still inngiu'd tmp in time equity court miumd in their nilsemlee tilt' lnmsimme'ues of the depmirt : llemit ii' imatmilleti by iui l'stim'tlt'Itl. One or two tlt'lnteul e'omieessiommists mmcc gettitig ieady tui mid to tile mtttm'nCtioii of thu' MieIe'ay , but the hulk of hit' busimmess of titus de'lual'ttliL'lit I ; ; how of ii resmtimies lmnttmre. There tire a lltmmmiel' ) of umImutters , iumiwt've'r , that imialo the ilresemce of timt ileatis of the mtmiimtrtmimc'flt ! tlesirable' nhlml it is t'xiut'teeI tlmmit timey will tue able to attend to busimiess before to- tmlorm'ow. Gt'nermil Muimiager Cimirkson itH receivetl a telcgrammi froni Caiutniml Aicroer of time Omummtli a a mi tl \ \ ' i mmneiuago Llgemlcts's , wltitb states tlmat ho will hut' In Otnmiiia totlay for time purpose of comisumltitig Witil the exposition officials fui rcgnm'tl to time Indian congress , lie also says that cmli Prcparntiouis have ! ueemi Imiflhe ( niiul time Iii milamis can ! uC brotlgIlt lmem'o itmaiclu' of m 's'csilc. Time only tliimmg that 1st mmow lacking is time tliulurollm'itltiotl mmmiii mis utonmi as this is mussel the' comlmrrt'ss will be mIt Oil the gm'oumllds ill Rilot't order. 'While Camitnin Mercer 1mm imere time location for tIme lmmdinims vilI be sO- lectel ansi cull ntltiltituimtl mlamls Ilerfectech so that there 111111' be 110 delay ns soon as time mnomioy is avmuiimlllle. MAIZE PROPAGANDA MEETING i'mojt't.ti'd nisiiin'nr Cti'im ituiti Its l'm'uille'tM itt I hi r llbnMi I iom t'uumler ( mums imleriutloum. Time Maize l'retagammtimi held a maccling yesterday attermmoomm mit this. ' ( 'onmuumercini club ilm'esidotl over by Capt ui mi I I . fi. l'mml Ia er. Time cub ! object of time mueetimig was to disctmss omit ! arrange an oximlbt ! of corn mimue ! corn pm'odumcts to be estabiislmed nt time expositiemu , The matter of location for the exlmiluit was discussed mimlil It seas tiot tlecilCul ! wilere it ti'iii be iocted , the mlmemilbertu of the itroima- ganula tliimmleing timat time best stell was to hnvc Secretary Utt com'respotmti e'itim mill mimammumfacturers of corn iul'ouiuets aumd ascer- tmiiml imow mntmclm of nut exhibit cami be lmeiI ! ) C fore tile matter of location is uletermained. Mr. Utt will pIll imlmdsOlf In corresilond- olmco ivitlm mill umlanufacturers of cormu felod irotlucts , gilmcnso fmtctnries , faetom'ims which Utilize cornstalkme for vam'ioims IlurpoSes amid im tact miii imlelustries wiuiclm are dcpelmtlcnt impomi corn , No exllibit of time sort was ever made before eu as iuroal a busts as tile itroposed omme at the Tramismnississippi anti it will 1)0 ) sometilimig far diffcreimt from numy- tlmicmg of the sort ever attempted. It llai been suggested tilat the oxllibit be installed in time Nebraska builtiing , In the Agriculture builtitmig nod in time lougias county buildimlg , btmt it ivouiel be more satisfactory - isfactory to persomu ic'terestnl Iii corn if time exhibit coulul be ItlacetI in a buildicmg erected CSICL'immily for that imurPo. mtmmd tluo propagalmdui wIll spare no effort to secure ' ftmmmmls to erect a buildimig of its owmm. Ii.iI lens'ere.l i I in' iii tImuilmm no , BUTTE. Mont , . Jmmno 23.-SpscImil.-A ( ) story of a clIimml : tlmmt ; has calused a setmSation. imere comes from tile mmlaiml range above tim Moose Creek mnimiimmg ulistrlct. The name of the claim is time Senate. It was flr3t located in 1870 , whemi 'cry little work was done on it. A few weeks ago it was relocated , and ImiUcil develoiimnent work has been clone on vnrlous parts of time claitiu , Pieces of the ore train the lead have been oximibitet ! here which assay 25 per cent copper , ant ! it is declared that tile lead in seventy feet wide. 'em , . . , . . . . , i , . , . I , . f , . , . , . . . . .u. , , I. . . - ' ; . , , , . . . , , , -4 , , . JLLI&CL. . &flIk C by cropplngs that project In PlaceS several feet above tile stmrface. It is in a Iligh "swayback" nimlge about eigimt 111111'S south of Moose inke. Claims imave been stalcerl along the rIdge for several miles. It is a rugged , mmiountalnous coumntry , 'ery diflIetilt of access , Mmlch difficulty will ho cx- perlemiced lii gettitmg tue ore out to a PoiiL fpm. silipmnemmi. It's ' Unusual - an Sight- to ss't' ( ) iiimtmiy hue isinmios-of so innhiy , , , . , sliifou't'mit uiinkt's-umll Iii ono stort-mtt ' , ' I , _ ' ' 0 - I- . such ' 1ov ' cliii - , , i'eiuunrknbly jsi'ices-us you _ , 1 , jiumet l'olluiug iii 0111' s4tOt'e. li'oi'tumme \ S ) I' " ¼ , " oUhitmotIilhd3thLp ; ) l)0I'i ) thulity 1s4 gotip foipvt't' , ' % Ve iuiake it t , ' " _ " at ) t''i'3'iX(1Y ( ' 1111 ise rt'ady i' imiilclumg ; . , - - ' ' \ \ " - ) \ tt'i'iihS I hum t mi I'o i0 eimmy a ily o lie cmiii illtt ( 1 t \1l'bflhtII1Cfl'.hpI3iflLhItt8ht.H - , . \ % \ ' ' i _ . , jJ- ) ii _ viil im' you tO look at tlme'umi. (1 ( ( A. HOSPE , lusIc and ArL. 1513 Douglas You Push the Button- nod the en imiern does the i'nst-tiiomi yoth ' ' , imo l'i.i'u of ' slut t'k t'aII llaS't I listu (1111' ronill- J it , \.uiI 15(5 it ulmiy of dimsappoilltmlht'lit if you go I o I Ii ts tX I sosi I ion vlt lsuiil t IL 'fl I IIt't'it yo ti ihimiy lo rgs't vliut t you ia'o-l slit I lutu _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( 'It ml i Oi'ut ii t' 't'r-i , ( ti ( ' 8 ii get ti i i k I ii s1s hn'i'ts-'i I lit' i' dmi I s's or lii ill s-froi i I he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' tIhl ) I 1isOt'het size tuis It ) the 'ix5- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f1illl $ i.k ( ) iii ) to $ : io.xVe ( ) ( 'itrI'y thmt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --'IL hilost t'oimiislt'tt HtO'k of itinttteuir Hull ) ' phis lii the west , Hth4hm mu's glmut.4 1siuitt's , 1111118 , ciieiuk'iis , dc , Our Isi'l'es are - right. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J1IeAloe &PenfoldCo EXPOSITION .AluutdeLr I'liotu 3uppl ) Iboase , 1403 larnam Street , OItAL1A O&o1te Fztoa Uotsl , . . . dj..ii- ? - - - - - - - - - - -