Tni OMAhA D1ii 13EF a- 1. flOSI\VATE1t , EdItors l'titslllll ; ; ) } VEItY MOItNINO. - - . _ - - . - - . - , = = : r- - .r11tM3 O1 SU13SC.I'1iON Dftfl ) ' 1l ( iVILhrnit IUtlhty ( ) , Ott , Year ] ) at1 1tt and Sunday , One Year S * 5lx Months Thrfo MOflthM . . . Htlhda ) Bee. Onft Yerir . * tturdiy Ice On Ycar . Weekly flee , One YuAr . . orv.Iclg. flrna1n : The flet fluhIdIn. South ( hnnha : 8Iner thock. CoTfll zLfla ZIth Streets. CoiicI1 , U1uT 1 Vcarl CiIcao ) 0111cc : 602 Chambcr of Corn- N'w Yc.rk : Tcmi1o Court. \a.tiIncton &OI Fourteenth Street. COItIL1E3poNDnl ; c1. All trnnmunleatlnn ! re1ntIn to 1UW flfl(1 cdItnrlAI matter houId be nt1ressed To the 1iltr. ) BUSTN1SS All tuslneM letterR nfl rrrntttnnce rhoull ( dr.Id to The Uo I'uttI1fl COtflflt1y , 1)rflirt , Drnftq cheCkH , esprv nn.I putflItf , money orIIor8 to be rnndt IflyflI)1 ! to thr nri1r ot tlio comlIaIW. TI1FItE ! PUfl1TS1t1NGCOMPAN _ _ sTArt ) 1NT OP ( 'HLCU IA'rIoN. State of Nchnuikzt , IotglaH $ County , L George U , TzcIitick. secretary of The BO PtibIIhIn eompnflY. beltig thiY worfl. VflYt4 tlrnt the actual titiinhr of ttifl nntl COtflIItO CIkS ) of TIi. 1)ttIy. Mornilis. 1vcnIng end Suwiny 1c , prtflted durlnt 'thu month of Mny , 1SS. ) was ns follows : 1 : : ; , iI I I . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : tis1t , : IS : : nn s z . . . . . . . , . . . . . . : t8,7fl 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . : n , t 17 4 . . . . . . . . utt : In & " , . . . . . . : W,717 21 . . . . . . . . . . . ' :10.701 : ; . . . . . . . . . . . : w.77 22 7 : t7,1 s 21 B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : tou In 21 9 . . . . . . . .1In)1 : ) _ 23 . 111,107 30 :11,471) : 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :1 : I ,0I)7 ) 32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ti , t 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 1 , ftit : 2 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : tl,112 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : , i 1 0 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : i , s ii 16 _ _ _ Total Losi rettlrns nod U014Il copies . . . . . I 0t Net tntftl snlei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . ' Net tittily averfigo . . . . . . . . . . 30727 , ' aEoIlGF Tt T7.ICflUClC. Sworn to before me arni su1ucrlbed In rny prseticn this 31st day of Muy. ISDS. [ Senl.1 N. P. itL ; , Notitrv Pub1lc. - ' 1'ltt COiil l(1t ) IllUst I1flC congru'vtng woathtr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'l'llO gUt'S tllrt1t ut the .XlU)4Itl0fl AtltIfl1) ) will : u stlck. Tite StltlllIl Z11L' nil right. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I 'orlitps : _ i t b. ; agu iii ' i' ' on er fr \IO itt ) lWo(1R111l flitt : it \ III UeVeV , Ilever 1'OW Cornell : tgalu. 'I'lie 't'lt I 11eV IIIltII S(01114 ! 1t tVIl1ltlOl ( to give I Ii ( ' I II l1ltP0Il ( Ii : It II 8 I hlltt Iii e (10S1 of lllIdStIlllI)1e1 ) teIllIe1ttU1 ) ( . It is ( orlldfl'S , yell. 'I'ite other iiiiIv'il- tI ( ' 11111 y ! tiil : I t S & ( ) IS1 t I , , 1)11 ) t ( ( l1 ielI' ( flIt 1)tlt of oai'siut'u k iiiiexci11etl. TOWIt Ioplc ) III be tilt ) clilt'f o'ri4 If they 11111 to iiitihe good iiso of tlt'ir 1Itnbollle ( 1O\VIL bulhuiiig on tIi t.x1lo4I- tioti gioiiiids. No' tIit li ) : t lOI)1oVi1I ) ) ( ' ) to l1llie tile other t 'o I owa ( lltVS III SCI teluler ) Ilotnilie for a ttltl greater out- tourIug of Iosins. : Is It iiot uhout tliiie fortlie leo 1I11'II -Lc ) sttt : tin' .stoioi : tgolng abunt flip thoit (1)j ) 01 : iiid dtiiiaiit1 fti ox- CC&'d I ug ti i o liIilY , ) ? ' - nIIn. Aiiuictii , : : irniy Is not 1\'Ituess thu 1tteti4 to tlio ltoiia' novr- ) Llel4 ) from the iX ) $ : tt t lie frotit. 'F ho HII1IOVS not oiiI. ' hiiuv h1\ ' to viIte huut to ilto vhl. A ii htitoriinlioiinl co111Illi$4IoII to con- i4 I ti or iii : : t t e rs of ni II ttiiil I ii I &ri t I o ti It' I iihtct1 Stntt , : iiU liii , Dolillilitili of OtI- : : Zthi1. ( hII iiltpt Lilt ? IhtL of iipxt iiioitthi. 'IVttchi fil' it ] ovc fOtt. Siiiit' 1110 Orpgoi rt'tiiriIs lirtvo : iU 1)0011 ) footed up t In' iopocrii I s : : i' 111(1 thiitii c oi convinced that nil piittiots ought to lit ) ' I14it1e I0)hItIt ) t $ I hiI $ ear atid , Johii lii lighting the coiniiioii ciIwhly. It(1)l1lhiCflhIs ) of 1)oiighiis county should hot forgot thiitt I hue vrhIiI:1r3 : chcctiou for eIecthiig (1OI'gItlS to thit , stub Colivoli- thou whhh lii' liohd ho en ( 1I of thie resIectIve wtrtls : of Omaha this (1'riduy ( ) aftoriiooii. Sonotor Alhoii CXItl'cSOS the 1)1)1111011 ) that I ( ) all pra ct iatI to t outs ii ii ti pu i )05tb ) ? thii' ' . .VtlrVIthI SilhIl ) ) Is ( IVIr. ? ' 1'h11i4 Is 1)0(11 ) soluce for t lie VhIhIlg ) vitrrhiii hio lutve slgiihfl'd thIPir r'nli1I1ss to vnlkt In ro- ) Oj.1Sc to ( lie t4'eoItl ) cihl fet troops. hiy sliouuhth thie r1hU1)h1cilll ) ) county .iiiiiiIttoo . fllVertlso ( the coil for ropul ) . : : : iIhlllitIt's ) 1111(1 Et'hull1c81l ) eOII VPfl tIlltS ) lii the 10fl1 1)IIcrittie ) ) ) orgilil flhlti tIIUH tllvprt IIlolpy ) to thu olleitly CIltL'hl ( > - lIte(1 ( to defrity the expoiises of the ro 3)uhlheiuu ) ) CitlIlpitigil 7 A few (1113 $ Ug ( ) the Onunhiit Fakery ] ) r0ChitIIIl'd ) ha big tyle ) thittt Ilryitui u1Il his rogliient 111111 bL'ii IIt4IgIl'd ) to duty 'tiiitlci 0 lillOriti F'I tzhiiigi , Nov t lie ttilIe ; : : LI)1Ilt11)p5 ) ) ) ) thiitt the nsshgii- I1Oit of the 'J'liIrtl Ncbtits1i. huts iot 1)O0i1 ) l100lIt'(1 ( 01111 tlIflt1flbhlshIt1 rp1)ort ) 8 $ to Its dostliiiithoii have no follIldittlon In faict. 'i'lu' ( ) iiinha FithIy ? yIt'hh to l01lC Iii h)0111t ) of hiicoiislstt iicy of Its fnks. 'i'hie suggest Ion t hut lists of thio nu'n oil the vnr 51111)5 ) tif thio .t IIlorLIli : IuLs'y , -vIthi tIIP states fioiii vhII ( hI thn'y COnIC , liii 11111(10 ( itcet'sslhilo to hi iPibhil' , Ir IL good one. 'I'Iiu intuics of Ihto loon vhio hiit'tt Vol UlI t t'01'tl I ii t he itrniy fioni t lie Vilhiultil stntos tire liiovii , 1111:1 : In tiso ot loss can he rpiidIly lottcd : , Iltit should it IHI ft k'shilp I io so nk It vouhd be 51)1110 ) thiiitt hoforo tilt : itubhle ) couihil loarti hut lIittIM ) of the iiiifortuiiitte : iiit'Ii. 'iitt're are iiieii ( ill thu ] ) : ttththII1)s ) froiii nil thitt VtSt1'ril stte. 'l'hio IJiiItt'd Statt' clronitcotirt itt San irziIlCho 1tIi ha vu . rt o iiit ly i1ecIiIti1 thut the Uiiited States hits ihitu right to set : up ity h liit ( 01' it gtiv'riiiiituit In ; iny territory 1)tlrehasetl ) or OIIIIL'Xl'I ( , 0)1(1 ) ( that coiIgr(4s could cvt'ale colonies or t'stab. lishi jroprlt'tary ) coiipaiiles for govirulug iOsst'ssIoiis Iii distant hiarts of thuvnrlth , 1)Ut ) It Is uihhIoy : tliitt tilt ) . llPrIcilil ) . - Pt'hI % 11i tytr Inliorso a zuovellIdnt looking to ttltlIIihIiIlg I lie Eurolean CIIlittI ( ) $ tt1li 1I , ft 1lnI t Of the Iliilteil tblteH. Crown colonies are out of date. 0 / RrlL 2(2' fTh rii ; % ( ONIWb' DOCTflIN. The veteroti tatesninii , Senator Mor. tIll of Vei inont. I ni cnrIitst opponent of territorial nciiiiIsitIoh In a vigorous sIeeehi Iii tiit st'lfItO fl few diis ago ln tb ciurcil ) his cotivtctioui thtt nIIit'XfltlOlu of 4hIstiIiIt I4IOIIL1I IS not lii hianiiouy iti ) the costlttitlon ot the t'iiitetl Stites : but Is conspicuously reugunnt ) thitreto. ltu regard to llnwnhlan nulIiciL- ttlll , Sonotor Morrili nht1 It ivouhti "iut. vt rtiso the floni wreckage of the Moru- roe doetrine , o long hold t1eir by thu AnnrIcaii 1)ftflhhC. ) " "Sd f-respect vihl coiuiptt , us , " sniti the senator , "to iliscard RIHI SPek 0. dtorce frouu the glory of a dOhlIlectillU With It historic inonsuire , to hiIc1i lit' P111)1k ) olilhilon of iiuaiikliid vfli at oiee Proluolince US unworthy. W'e efililiot afford to tienoulict , : iiul forbid all tcquIsit1ous of territory III the wcst era hlclnFsihIcre ) by Eiiropetn govern. Inents , even ut the 1)0111 of war , anti foititvIthi ninhiark lu a t litnu 1)ddaIllllI.(1 ( ciltorlirise ourselves. If we would hiitve our yet UiI.SIIIIIIt1 doctrine rdstlCtCl hiy othivrs we ititist sci'iiliulously 1)lflCtICtI ) what we pr.ncIi. " If we tie hot vauit Eurojie to tielze teIiitry ( Iii this lieiii- i1ihiere COIISISteiiC3' tleinniitbt that we shiitll not sch'.e territory In the other hemispheres. St'iIilt(11 Iorrih1 Is not the only immami vhiost 01)111100 5110111(1 ctrr : veIghit itmitl itItllOVItV vIio hiohils this v1ev. 51)01) 1lftPV tile . tjtiestloii of the occupatitii ) of ( lit' Philippines % 8S ralseil ex-Seliator hl1lll1IlId5 poliitoil out that If the ishtmid : shiotmid tn ICFI)11t11tLltlY ) ) hielti by the Unlteil Stittis itiroiut'tn : goveriilnt'ltt4 ! iiulght : vasoii:11y : rogimrd it as rehieving thiiii frolim 11 113 obh Igittlon to rtsiflCt : t liii vIs1is of thIs country in rigird : to the VPSttlI1 litI ) of the IVt)11i. ( Ix.Se'ri'tlry : ( If State Olney a short thiile ago In it jflhlhIC : uhircss saId lint 1)0 ) dOUlt ) con- iIstetiey rt'qiilies I lint the eoiidtmct tovard Aiiiurica lmIIi Aiit'riet ) exixets of 1llr0It' ) 5111)1111 he oliserved. by nier- ICIL toviid : Euulope alid that t31ic11 re ciprocLh ClilItlet. ( ( Is requireti of us not 01113' liy ( ) IlSiSt(1i ( , hut l)3 ) hot ii miii- ci Pie 11 iiil ox ) t'(1 ( Ieinyy. 'l'hie v I t at fot- : ttire of lilt' IItlIIl' ) I1OCLIlliP , " soul \Ir. ( jItit'3"Is thu t no 1uroittui 1)\VCi ) shiafl forcibly ItOlf of Ainerlenu rohl 1111(1 touchilY cOiltiOl thlpoiitleti : fl)1- tilili4 ) iulid ( lestilliPs of its iCOP1O. ) AS- suivdiy Auit'rlca : Lii 1Itve : no difficulty iii gOVCiilhiig It s behutvlor tovnrt1 EllrOIti ) Oil t I IP til II ( I I ilt.s. ' ' 1\I' tt II 110 t C VII do this by saying that I 'ilIhtpiihiIe tt riItory is A sb tie amid itot 1tmro1itaIi. Enough t i lIlt I t Is In it ii I ) thi t'r hioittIsj iii eve. I te- sii1ts. t lie acquisition of territory in the far etst : VOU1tl u.s certainly htivolvi ! the I'll itt' il Sttts : III E1110itaIl ) 1)hItI(5 ) its th tough I t sVele Cull t Iguous t o 1 lirolie. It is ' 0IVIOUS ) thin I we shall (1lhIPCIilte ( tll'lOfl1Oe tloetriiie if wt assuhlie It ClICdlil ) iii tiIP liisiOSitiOil ) of tt'viitory In the old vorhd vhiichi vo tiolly to ( ) ) ) ) statt's Iii the iiov. I f tills 118 t Ion suit I I I oChcie to i , pli ) I it 11011 t ly oc- CiIhy terrItnr Iii the eatei'ii hdIllispilere not iiliig Is inure Ct'rti ) In tha ii that lulroie ) xviii Iii tulle chma1leimgt our clam : to the ugh I t to lit ) ) ) ) I nt : t e the es t e vu I am I- sphiire. Eu Plitl ) ) Ii fl t 11)115 llflVtj reluc. till ) thy : ) cqmIIt'seot1 hi 0th Ltssturtioii of the ? Tollroe chuctritie lu'Cahlseve iltVe ld1)t II lou f front oiii 'oiitI a ffairs , but the Ill0)lCIIt \ e t'iiUUll ) ( diliart from tils ] JliI ) ( " Iuroie ) V0UiI 110 longer ftei Cithlel ( 111)1)11 ) to tt-h'ct ) that ( iOiYtrIlte ituti thiei e ciii : iP ) 1)0 ) tiltllt lhott soolier or lOtt'r 1l ) OlinitUlilty ) ) IVOIh(1 ) lie fouiiitl to tilsrt'girtl : It. the ( iuiostion Is , sittii : % e ris1 tiit , 1)IInaey ) of a hietuIsJieie ) for it haI t IIltPVCSt Iii tiit' far east , to pro- 501V ( ' . vIihhi 'oIIlli ihihilY ) : cost l)1010 ) than w e should get from It ? FO1EIGN 1J.jfl SII1I' : AT 1I1tN1LA. ' ' ) ( ( is iiothihiig txtrilori1hmmary In the filet of foreIgn viir 51111)5 llng at ? Ia- iiliii. It h.i'ntlreiy legltliiiitte for eoiii- tt Ito ; iutvliig sum1lt't'ts iumiti in terost , ' thIeVe to tnko tills ilieaiis of prtvitling for their vroteetioii 1111(1 ( thipre Is no other sigulil- Called In thit' I)1'SeilCe ) Of OCrillilu , F'rClChl ) itmn i oh her foreign var 51)11)5 ) itt i1itiiIiit _ It : hI In no st'iise it Ilmeilace to the. Amen- Citil ulitviih force thIOVtj aini It Is itiSlmr(1 ) ( to ts4Imilmt , that thii e Is iimiy lnteiitlon to Interfere wIth Ainirlean operations thIeVe , vhiivhi CVCL hut Ion represt'itptl ) by vitr 51111)5 ) fully iiinlorstiiitlg hiI lit' con- ducteil according to the letJtmIreluellts of 1mteVililthlIfli ) 1n' . I 1' there I aily fotndutlomm for the re- hart thin t 11)8 ) nIbs hut Ye been litildeti from till' fottigu itm ships It is safe to sy thlitt It has iieeii iloiie vithi the veiinIs- Sit ) ) ) of .dniIrai 1)tsvey and vlthi the ullilerstamuling thlat thIt'y shiotmhtl be vlth- dritvtt mis tO01l mis I ill .mioniein ) : ti001)5 nm'i l'pi1 In suillelent force to ) F0ieVi3 hlteCt ) foreign rtIt1OItS amid their i'1)- ' ) ei't y. 'rh0 11 gint ru of t lie Phil lpp I no 8rlll shitIII1 iiii''e ' reached \itIIhiL ev- cini ihitys ago imiid is uiidotmliteihly thIere 3Its' , So thiitt It 'votih1 not 1)e surprisIng to leant at itiy tliiie that iuii 4t11)ClICUII ) foi'ct Is occupying at 1eit : thiitt porthun of 1tnlIn : from vhlic1I the iilStIrgtnts ? throve I lIe Sitniirt1s. : 'l'hit' itt tt'iImit. ) tO muake It fllhlilr thlat the hrt4t'Ilee ) of Gt'fliiti ) ) var ships at \Iniilit Is evitienet ( f II iImIost ) ) to In- tt'i ft'i t' s l til t 1lerIeil ) a opera t 11)115 t hitr vliI have imo weight. htli anyboly : vhI ( ) hIlts till Illtehhigdiit ltlt'it of the i4ItUfltlOll. S'JVI ) ri4 a CIWff1S. 01) thC ) irglaiu ) for tile third annuai ill ( ' 0 t I I I g ii t' t ii t' Nit t Itmi8i ' ) 10 t 11)1) ) of ( Jroihlt ht'ii iit'hti iii i ) vtruit thlbi veok ii i)1)tit ) ) V I ii II It 1)105 ) of : t ii 111111 irn o F iioiii I- I ) oil t .t Il'Vi ) can himis I ii t$4 111011 itssigiit'tl 14) tilt ) lliSCImSShfl ( of topit of gent'rmli iiitert'st to the htmsilIess ) svonhd. 'the iliem ) ) ! IPrs 0 1' 1 hi is a ssoc'I a t I emi a vt ii ot tilt ) first busIiius lIlt'n to mnko : ) it )4Vstt1littIC ) _ ) stulily or crt't1it , lUld It is not hrlhIlIl)1e ) thIn I thl'3' ) t'XIeet ) II ) dIscover or ilevelop lilly rtliD for endimig tilt ) lIll&rtahllty or thiiiug inisliloss on credit , lout tlley treat I lie a4tlllly of credIts :15 ii seitimee itiid are itnivlilg to ilillres5 ) fl ) 0111(1's the ha. portiii.e of uniformity in tue eimtciins II uti iiivs governing colnuIor'Iai ert'tllts iI I ) ( I I lolt'St ! y Iii iiiphy ) I II g t ll1a. 'I'iii' ) ) 1(111 ( of iISIIII'sS ) doiie on credit Is $1111 to be sttlUllily Iut'rt'asiiig. 'hills L ; ihiio not sti mfltIthl to uiy : ivei'.ion to Cilshl iiishies. ) $ , SYllichI Is ISMolulug eoliilIiolltr Ill siiinhi retaIl transactions , its to the gnt'iite ; fieiItlt'i for the credit inuslntris , the gitajor stfety : of accoinino. ditthilS 00th tilt ) fltei'slty for hiitsle In 'buIUc3 t budli tI degce Utat setUe- unents niwit follow rather than 1)rccclc ( traIling. lii view of this Iiwren.qlng lrn miortance of credit In Urn commercial world the cr.iit Inca of the larger iumineis , houses of the coumuitry are organ izeti to secure I niprovelimem ) is In time 1avs ahm(1 in tile custoiiis of Innlness IncH. They contend that the general laws relating to business affairs hiouihI ho flS nearly ithike 11) all time states as lOSSiblC , flnl ( that nil reasonable afe guartlet shiotihl ( 1)0 ) afforded those who grant credit to their ctmstomners. The sIilJeCt at 1)11CC 1)roa(1cIl5 ( OUt to iiucltide iieariy all PhflMefi ) of 1)UsllIts5 life. The more it Is studied the larger It appears. GOOD WOUIC .1 T S1tYTI.IG ( ) . The work of landing the American alloy of Invasion near Santiago vns ac- CoimhhiShIed ) ) vitli munich greater expedition - tion than s'ns expectetl anli was free from ntiy till fortunate immcitit'mt It is ShiOWil that tile 3)rehImn mary WLVk of the hoot VnS 101)0 ) wIth great thunotighiiiess miii It iihso npitis : that the iltforlmntIol ) ) l)1)titilleti fromu tile 0111)8115 ViIM VithtIflhilL' . 9hits ) far time Itumrgent ) _ ' iliLve ProvN thmemmmsehves to be trustsvorthly allies itild there is every relson : to expect that they vIhl coiitiitie to b& , siimce they 1)0W ) huive time strongt'st 1)0csh1)le ) ) incomitive to faithfully - fully co-operate s i th the A mmut'rIcitn forces. I t Is somnoviiitt reimaiimtble , thlnt thie Spaniards tlitl hot offer Illore rt sit- nimce to the landing of tutu hmiviiders ittid hL1li8hS ) ti ) ( ) most ihiumsllho ) oxllaliltiun ) 1t4 that they thlti not tmit \'til1eI ) time force for the tiefense of Santiago. 'l'o ilitVe sent a sulhleheiit force to setlously Imlterfere with time hiultilug of time AnIon- cmn : itrilly votiht1 hiiti' 1)0011 ) it e4tIy OX- ltIil)1011t ) ) nud imiitiotmbtitiiy the Spunisim ClfllllIiIIler ) ( itt Santiago Citlillot Offoid to take iiliy very great risks. Ills pimtii pIohathY ) ) Is to fighlt enthiehy on tue tie- feislve. Time vigor tullown by GcllrItl Silatter indicittes tililt no tulle vhll lty ) iistitl lii the 1)ltSCCtlthOmI ) of time calmlniga ) agalmist Smmmitlago. 'I'iie troops ite eager to lt'glmm ) fliZilt lug and evitlelItly It .Is the Intention of thuir COlmllflitmlIlOr hot to PeVimlit thoR elmtiitlShilSl ) ) to 1)0 dmtIleied ) ) ) by fl1) lilt- .nece:4sit1 : y delty. : 'lucre will not , hOW- ever. be itfly uiitlue hiise. : ( .tii'nit1 Shntf- is tiii experienced sithler ) anti lit immi- ( iOlibt(1113' fully cililrehmtllIis the titsk lie 1105 htfoie hulL ¶ fhie elilimly 15 1)14)1)- ) ) 0i13 OS ttoilg Iii iliIlllOVS ) as tue iiieI- calls 811(1 ( theIr Ctmintn it111014 011(1 ( thIcy hUtYfl tile ad-itiitage of helmig vehl In- trtiiciied. ille country surrountlhiig Siiit : ha go is not the most Itvoritide : for IIIIItLL3 ) Oh'rItIlllS ) ) amid the lhfltlCe 111)011 t hut 1)1800ihi ) htitVO to 1)0 ) citiitIoti II II ii ha loiiOtiS. ) 'I t Is hot t 0 lit' ox t ii , thetefore , tllilt a theclsiv laittli' wIll be fougimt itt Oiled auth It Is quite hiisshhile thmtt : ( Iemlt'rai Shiitter : Vihi tequire etimi- Silhl'111)1 ( ' relnfoiceinents infint' itttClnit- ) lug to capture t hit' city. ilimt t lie Imit- itimi of ( ti1ut is nit : tccomuiilhhit'il ftet : 011(1 aecoliIg to reports froniVshlhng : ) - ton it Is time htenthon of the 1)relt1Cflt to 1)11511 it wltht :111 : 1)04Ible ) igor. ( ? .i.uIts OP sirzrt. SInce the gates of the expositIon have boom : ( )1)tIiPt1 the 1)rilicihal ) ) thioroughmftns : of Oiiutlmu have been lii fstetl 'vitit : t horde of fitlIrs and itOfOSSitilill ) swimi- h1tis. All the devices for iopimig In liIl1)e ) tiid munhlng thOu ) l)131i0V0 ) thitt : they Can vIi hinge utns of iioui'y 01 get VliIiIlle : ) itiZt'5 ) for nhiiiost nothIng hitve : 1)0011 ) SOt lii ) Iii lookeliOs anti even OIl the sticets. These kimi gamnillng silohis ( 'aim Ilourisit only h ) the conuh-amice of the 1)1)1100. ) ) 'liii' excuse 1)ehIiild vhiicii thit polite 111(10 is that these svlmuhIe 11)1115 OVO op rttlng : gamiit's of skIll wilemi thmt'y kmiow tiutt they 81 0 mltthlimg ) more nor hess than the wOist form of gamtes if eiltiee. : Tue 1)I'etext ) tiiitt thee gamnbhilmg (10. vices are PloteCtetl by it license for gaines of s1IIl Is too gauzy to go down. As well mIght : t sitloon ohborato a roim- lotte game ulmider 1)1etellse ) that Its liquor ileetise coveis time hitv1ess IllamihllmiiLtIOIl ) of it siieei of fortuie. j'hie ( ) mliy inference - once to be dnitwii from the liutcilomi o1 , the poilce amid timeir toicrittion of these rollels' ) roosts Is tIiitt sollOiOtly ) ) highi in tuitilOlity Is getting a joke-off for protecting - tocting tilt ? thieves. 'Phie res111ilit ) Itil of the islet iminehiimie iii ShLchitlIy ) favored resorts CIII ) scaicely 1)0 ) dofeimiledon the gloun(1 that they arc glines : of slIlh. 'rho ( i1ih , ' skmhh einployetl iii liIIiCilhIlt ) gaiiIbhitig the skihi that mllimk'S the 1litChiille a stito thIng In extracting - tracting illolicy from time ilclsL of the PiitYers itlill transfermillg It to tue voek- ets of time owneis. Quite npmtrt from the vicious nimtl (10- ( imioraiizhiig efFect of JOhiee-prOtCCte(1 galnihimlg ) 111)011 ) the conmnmuiiity alimil Its guests , its JOVIIICI0IIR ) effect. tijion legiti- mnitte trittle COn llanllhy be oxiiggt'iated. iIost of the vlethtims of time sviiidle iiiIhis are either Omaha wage-workers or ox- jositioit ) visitors who wotilti otherwise 81)011(1 ) ( tlmoir Iiiomley s'ltli shiOhkeCit'r8 ) amul mi'riiitIitS ) ( ( vhio give full value Iii retunit for ( Veiy dollar they take mtm(1 ) ( vhmo coim- tilhite their full siiitre to all lOmlihic eli- ttrimrleies. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'i'hme threat of time railroads eonvtrghiig Iii Ommmalma thmtt they vihi withmdrtw ; ox- cmirion rates from : : nil 1)t0JtPl ( ( Coilveli- tions nimd illeetillgs Iii tills city 1l1lhts tilt ) SLiIlitrH ) ? flrt , suulmpIesstl is not to lie Igmioreti by time local an I imomli los ii jut tx- 1)051 I toil mmiitii mm gem mm iii t.'Igoloti,4 ii et loll ( iii I lie hiart of the railroad people tilern- si'i ts ivtiiiid , hiovtr , do immure to l&tp the SCitiier14 ) VthiIll ( tileiV htgltlnimte : pray- iii cc t hi It Ii it miyt hi I n g ohse _ 'i'lmese ( hil)8 wimen time fiiiiner must be Iii tile fleid immimy imot be gosl days to got tilt ) agnIeiiltnrml iopmiiathoil ) of : ' 'ehiraslit , 1ovt , Iitisus mimul Id Issotinl to the ox- iOsitl0mi. 'l'hme fminmmmers mtie commilmig , ilulV- e'er , 11)4 ) SOOil 115 tIlpi , ' tinti the ( ihmi)0r ) tiiility ln'camise tiny are too Intoliigeiit to iieglect nil e x posItIon iiiiiISt nigimt at their ( iotrH offerIng a (1islny ) Ivhmlcil tlley (0111(1 ( imot otimerwlse view iii it till ) round time vhiole world. 'Pun JluiirOitiS ( (4)Jiiilitifl ) that the 1)01101) ) l.iihi rIght i)3 time scaipems Ivimo itme tip- tratimig In tlagraiit violatlomm of time ( ity ordlmiamiecs , but take no steps to eimforeo tue imts limit w'hmut is to be txpietil ( rein inillce netlmmg timider the lloieoiib IoitrI ) ( of otitiitw jiphico COiiImlsiiIIIPVS ! ) ( ? \Vltlm the exmtmnpio st liy tiit'so ialv- defylug eoumiilsskhiors , how can tilt ? rail- expect tii. tcnlpers to oley time seniper ordimmancef Itt * ' - Since tIme thl'fhtt March tIme iatl' it , ltmg jiackiug iiiuses of tile ijimited Stntc , have siqighateretl nearly a limit- hot : imioro hogs thtftn in the correspomul' big tiiiie last ylari Perhaps the Span- iiiiiig who tltiiiTh tT' time 3ItLIkCtI "pigs" Imal ( hecim stmitfyin tile 1)ncklng ) hiotmse stntistlcs. LiI ? ' 11I ltIvcr. Sioui'iy Journni. The crulaer Vu\tis is somumetlimug like the Missouri rIt. It has a careless and WilOihy unbiased y1of moving real estate. iiggcileii ) ,7't tist , ( ) rigill lLesiiit. Deliver News The only war Issue this sear Is to beat the enemy , and save nih we can from the fragments. Ilouso cleaning lostPoned to 1900. Yiitkie ClltrnrllIeMs. Phtin.lehmhla , North AmerIcan Madrid Is beside Itself with rage at the way the hJiiited States iiiakes war. Why , we actually shoot ofT guns and lilt tiiings ; and , With consltierablo reguianlty , capture ships and iitutiltlomis of vnr. II 1gb Creilit , i.iiu Iiiteresl. a iobe-Deniocrat. . ii ) the last war Uncle Sam Patd over 7 - per comit Interest on borrowed umoimey. Now he easIly borrows at 3 per edit. The basis ot this hIgh credit Is the honorable fulfill- meat of all goverilmnent obligations. I'IgIit IHJ ( AIlIi1"ll iflfl. Sirlngmleid lteIlUihICflhi I'mmbhic 01)101011 In time , and wo believe how , vhil tllhOill the minority seuntors In falling back upon conceded parliamentary rights In the rcsence of so grave a menace as distant annexations. They should ttntitl firma against the extraordinary lnlrPoses anti nuethiotls of an Inconsiderate alid var-fevcred niajority. ita I.l "ir ( lit' Price .if PCll1 ( . ittiIl4i15 City Star. flarcehona Is tue one business city of Spain. Tue liarcehonese have beemi cahhed tile Yankees of Spalmi. " Ilarcehomun furnishes - nishes tue best sailors antI soidlers of tile pcnlnsuia. It Is tue IInrio do liarccioua that says : "Every day's delay raises the price at. which Peace Is obtainable and the Anienican resources axe such that even IC 1111 LIlU AflClCflhl squauroiis are uestroycu SPaiil ought still to demand peace at any Price. " 'Ilto IM $ lirltglrnrt Springileid Republican. General lVeylers greatness is constantly xnaiiifested In lii observations on the war. After making one of the most colossal 11111. itary faIlures ill the worid's history In Cuba , ito now boasts of what he wotmid have (10110 In conducting operatIons Ill tile Preseilt war. 'If I hind been sent to the PhIlippInes , ' ' lie says , ' 1 should unloultediy have iilltifltlllfled Spaiii's sovereignty. " He wotild inive 'tikeiu the offensive" at all Points , both In .Ashl and America and havc struck terror" to tIme Yankee heart. Time Amnericamm view of tills Illsutferable braggart Ileeds no re- vision. 4 Cii grzt ( ill SI I i.s Vuvi. t1 I U ii i ve1s I t Buffajo 1xlress It wIll Interest cJorielIIans to learn that President Schurzian has hiivited Edward Itosewater , edItor if Tile Omaha Bee , to tIe- liver a course of lepures on journailsin dur- lug the next cohieatq ! 1year. In nlnkhmlg the aminoti IlCoifleilt l'roitjeT Schurman said that ho thoughit there yas ilot as yet a pluco for a jirofessor of jouinahImn at the universIty , but lie did thlnl tht an able and con- scicittiotis newspIcr man , who has had I large experience. mIght , In the course of bait a dozen lectures , convey mud ) informa- tlon from which 8tUdents could greatly profit. Cornell Is ± 9 be congratulated UpOil securing Mr. Itosewater , , for ho has as thor- ought a knowledge of the jourmialisin of this couiitry , at least , as any man in time work. Ills lectures will bc well worth hearing. ( eiieiii I ii I les' Ojnrtiiii iI ) . WnHillngton 1ost. Gencrnl Miles has lila opportunity at last. The United States is at war and Important military oporatinils are on foot , lie will I mmave every chance to distinguIsh iiiniseif as a header. a soidler , amid a strategist. There is no oiio to block the way of Ills advancement - mont or (1101 the luster of hIs deeds. Let him mnuzzie the iobiles that are eiamnorng for hIs promotion In advance of his achieve- lileilt , let hIm lay that Tuxedo coat In Its little nest of moth iaiis , dispense with the dazzling pageantry 'iii whIch he tistiamly mores , go to the front In tue sImple. aol- dierly fashIon which beconies time truly great warrIor and which great warriors In time 1ast have genoraily adopted-hi a word , hot hIm earn the lieutenant genoraicy as his pmedecessors itt-il iii'l liii II rniI Ititt's. I'llllndeipliia Ledger. SIx or eight years ago stilt was brought to COmiiiel a western road to grant lower rates of freight thamu It ns disoosed to give. The StIlt dragged along anti has not yet been decIded , but it Is now amunounced tililt a mmew schedule of rates wIll on into effect OIl that romul July 15. wiilclt wIll be , in many respects , lower than time rates against which It hmas been fighting miii timeso years. The instance Ilitistrttes the rapidity vttii Which raIlroad rates mire ilolmig cienmoned mu this country , a circtmnistanco brought to notice In almost every annuai report of the trunk lines. It more than keeps IilCO IVIthI the development of the couiitry , and It Is believed that In the mnmttter of lomlg-dlstailce transportation , at least , Amenlcamm rates for 1)0th passengers and freight era the cheapest In the world. A PlIJb.tlt LOAN. 'J'Ite SiniL Pry Situ I I ng Out tie flI 1nnsmtmm City Star. The treasury olliciais at Washington do not give out amiy figures respecting tile amnommut of sniahi subscrIptions for boimmis that are comimig In , but they say that a largo force of clerks Is kept busy accounting fertile tile slmiscriltious antI lrclarItlg ) to forward time imontis as sooia PossIble. Tile secre- timry of tile troasurjimiks Lilat few bonds wIll be heft to allot to the large stibscribera. after Lime somalI puroJmers era lrovldwl for. It woulmi be a grn fimlg amid inspirIng In- cldcimt In tills counrvh1istory ; If the entire HUll ) of $200,000,000 4lmmiommds should be soid lmi small amounts t41111c people , lvlthout ccli- lug all time bammics au oher big investors for a dollar. It thiese1lloIlsls ) call be pieced lii the hands of 1OOO49Oiilffcrcnt cItIzens , Iii sums ranging from 2qo $500 , time achieve- meat will ho of immoimse umlvamltmmgo to tile miatlon Ill many weys It Would be an in- caicuiablo aid to future efforts to ImUt tile curromicy of tile country omm a perimlmlnenthy sound basis. IL wotmid do memo than aily. tilimmg eisa to sIlence he periodical tlomnand for larger Issues otgItIer money. It wouid give thu people miimdir ct Interest in tile votmndmiess of tim nations finances , Ill atldi- tion to theIr patriotic desire for time welfare of tue govermmillent , It wouhti 1)0 flit oXcelleilt I mcasuremneimt of the hIdden fimianciai no- sourccs at time peopie anti it. would make tilt ) credit of the UnReil States govemllmnent better titamm tiat of 8llotber mlatlon ill tile world -better , oven. timaml England's , whose 2 per CemIt bomid are wortil Ill. If the big Investors do not get a cllance to buy bonds , they will , -at. least , ilave time comisolatlou of profiting fronl tiio popular stlccesB of tue war hose , for It will cause1 tile Prices of bondi now outstanding to ad- vance. They ilase aireathy gone up 3 per edIt simice It tticarno icuowil thud the somali investors would get most , If nut all , of the war bond& Sl'AlN Ci.mcOM TO YZOI1SON. Washington Times : Bianco's refusal to exchange ilobson anti his crow Is a piece ot infamy which neeti not surprise anyone who remembers the tortimro ntl murder of Pr. Itulz , the Spanish butchery of little children or the treacherous destruction of the Maine. It harm comes of it ho anti othert .lhi be belil responsible. Cleveland I'hain Peahen ) Santiago whit fail. ttonro castle will be taken , either as It now stands or as a heap of ruins. Cervera and Llmurtres , it they hive thmretmgh the hattie , are likely to be themselves prisoners of war. it wlhi be veii for them if tlue eight pmisoners of Morro castle are found ahivo amid tmnhtlrt When that time comes. Cincinnati Tnibunot The end draws near. WIth ilianco declaring wiii do what he sees flt with ilobson anti his men- which doubtless means murder thmern-aimti Inform- lmig thou blockading fleet at havana that a Ilag of truce with be fired on whiorevtir seen , Simain , the find dog , Is spittimig forth Its last IlloUtlIfIll of froth preparatory to tilting Itself - self to ticath. l'hihailehphla Itecord : Ccrvera'e dodge of putting hlobsomi ill the 111)0 of Sampson's lire vns not entirely original. It Is lil old scheme with our political admirals in Penn- I syivamiia to put time Star b'paogheti Banner between theniselves and the lire of inihmiic Indignation whenever the ftmsihimutie gives sign of getting too imoL Cervera has merely worked time trick over. New York Sun : Signs of 'losiro foi peace are growIng In Spalmu very rapidly. Peace I Vitll victory Was imever possiiihe , ani is not 110w exlmeetetl ; but ieace with hmoitor cannot vehi be 110110(1 for it Siinnish vindictiveness refuses to give to time lIohmsOli party the soldier's betiellt of exchange The most that Geiierah hhlalico or , to imarno time actual I ntitiiority , tim queen regent , cami fairly exact fronm i1uboml , 'is the latter's parole to sink 1)0 ) more Mernilmiacs. Clilengo Trlbtimie : Amid mmos- Captain then. oral Iilamco I (1)8 ( imat iie W Ill hcrenttei iecog- Iliac imo hug of truce , but vhIl fire tmputm every vessel witilln six-muile r'cge , whethIur Ilyllig tile Stars flild Stripes or \'llltO ilag Captalli Geimemni liimtmico is gm-wtmig both tiil- civil and UlIsocimli. ho ii0J5 0 be taught a 10148011 ill good ilmilllliers witbhmi o mIllIe range froiml thirteemi-imicim masters. } ! ow would it ( ho to let. tile Veslmvius give him a few hessOils after It gets through with its en- gmlgeitmtmnt nt Santiago ? Piliiadehlihlimt Letigor : Spantii honor lmas IUOULVL UllUttlOr HEIUCIc It' 1110 'ilLlI111L1O1l that the United States tvmll Imuld l'ando mimi Cervern personally responsible for tue safety of iloimson amId his 111011. It xviii no- ceive a ruder shock it tile threat is carried out to tile letter , as the people of tiIs country - try vihi Imusist that IL silnii be it time prisoli- ens are slain , either by time SpmtmiIariis or as a result of tile inliimmnan and tiishmoimormtble polIcy of lmnprisonimig them in a fortress' CXiOseli to the fire Of olin 131111)5. Notimimmg less than time lIcreomlul Pumtlslmment of the chief criminals viii satisfy IltiblIc ojliimloml ill that evemmt. Cimlcago ChronIcle : Time excimammgc of the Merrlinmme's crew would mneai that J\imirni Smlmupsoml mtmmml ( 'emleral Shatter would at once collIe immto lossession of vmtiumtimie InformatIon respecting the defenses of Samitlogo. HoIm- soil amid imI inca have not of course , beeml permmittcd to wamldtmr nrotmmitl taklmig notes of tile fortifications , but they immive umllloubt- ediy meemm illitilY things \vhichm our mllilitmtry 1111(1 naval ctmmuimuantiers wotmid be giad to kilO. hlemice to cOilseilt. to ttfl excimammgc upon the eve of nit assatmit tmpofl Santiago would 1)0 erlmmmlmiai foil ) ' troll ) a Spanish Imltlitary point of view. Tile Slaniards are mint onhy acting vithiii theIr rights , but. tiley are mnereiy exercising the mllost oh- vious lrecaution wilon timey determine to keep hioison ) lcntiillg the restmit of the un- Ienlillg battle. l'EItSNti. ( AND O'1'1lIiiW'J5E The New York TImes Immslsts that tile ilanle of the governor general of time i'lmlIippiue Isiantls Is not Augustt , but AimgtmstIn , amid nobody has yet foumiti tinle to suggest that time real imnimic is promabiy IJeminis. Kimig Mmiiietoa , the Samoan mnonnrcil gets omii $ liiO a nmonth , amId , lIke lilmilly of hIs inure optilemit and mmore civliizetl contcmn- porarlcs , amId despIte imls smail sartorIal 11Oct15 ime is generaily iml debt to hIs tailor , General Llnares , the comnmammder at Santiago - tiago is & 5 years of ago , anti Is a man of metlluin size COIl of slender buIld. Ho aol- dom amniles , but is cmi exceilent ohtller , and saii to be absolutely without fear In bat- tie. SIr Artlmur Simlilvami's health Is so veer that im'e has abamlt1omlcd all hope of being able to COflIIOS0 ) tile floW cantata that he had ulrom- laud to coutnibtmte to tim Leeds festival next October. lIe riil go to time coIltilleilt. for a rest of two nlontils. At a revlvai imieetlmmg In MIssouri a womamu arose and declared that she 'hInd in lien heart a serpent with eyes lIke balls of fire nimd a Imead as lug mms a washbowl. " There Is nothing In the report to show that she had vIsited time Midway. A l3ostomm Ice cornllamly lost the profits on a wmmgonloatl of lea recenthy. An imnaympa- timetlc jury awardeti $18,000 dammlgcs to a little gIrl whmosc foot had becil crimahicti by a cake of leo which toil ( rome one of time delivery wmtgons of tile COlfl5il. lmlvcmmtors are huiving their day in courL A I'eimnaylvaiiia judge Imilposed a severe line on it mmmcii Wile plugged a slot imlacimhlie with logtis nIckels multi ammother Keystomlo state I tmdgl' semi t it immmimm to thin ieii for refillIng a mlmmerai water bottio wIth counterfeit attmff , A lnemnbcr of the Ohio legIslature , miameti Cox , is handling a motorinan's crank on a Colmmmnbtms street car ratiway , for which he gets $2O a day. hIts legIslative term Is not otit till January 1 , 1900. In ills home couimty Mr. Cox has been a school teacher , jtmatiee or time ioace and postmaster. Tile city fatilers Of tile PI ° h1 city of Idhi- wmumkeo hmtvu beemi Petitlefleli to ( mXorci.90 a glmost whose capers luive ( iniVLml a score of tenants train a certaimi imommso In town , Tile vt'mlcrilble ( halls ( leclImmell tile job , for time rca- boil timat to 11101(0 0 ghost walk with jroper dlgimlty it Is imecessary to ilave a ( LIt trees- tmry itt lnntl. Senator \Vlhhimun F. Cimarmtilor , In a slgmued etiltomial hit time Commcorll Mommltor , advocates tiio capture by thlo Umllted Stubs of time qUccim regent of Spain amId KIng Alfommso because atmeit a 1)10w wouid be 'itai to the enemmly. lie makes no suggestion as to what might. lie tlomo vith the royal lrlsommers or It , ; to their losslbbo availability for exehimumge for hlobson , Saloumllceepers are kicking aguimist ab- sonimlng all of the extra tax helm ] cmi beer , ainounthmmg to $1 a Imarrel , Time brewers say timoy would go broke it thmey ilalmI it. The prlco Is not worth imothering abomlt. It Is estlimmated there ore 4f0 glasses of beer in a bairci , It tloesim't need mm exhort to show iiov easy Is tile task of comiceallmmg the cx- tm ( hailer in the collar. Wimen Speaker Reed boarded a car the other day , a citizen said In a louti voice : ' \'ehl , Mr. Speaker , wimell do you timink time war will be over ? " "Why , is there a war ? " drawled Iteed , In a tone of alarm , "Who's lice ! ) kIlled ? " ' 'Dii. comno now. reuhly , I wamit your Ollimmion'hion do you think IL wlil be over ? " "Over where ? " said itcti , amid that ended the colloquy. A justice of one of time high courts of New York state ilas shultemi the goddess from bier perch mmd simocketl the profession ty appearing on the bench Ill a gray bust- mifismi suit. To trifle thmu with the soiemiin , sober Jlglmity of tile bench is oim itlllovation fraught With ) grave dangers , according to the grcyiieards ; but the younger element. con- tumid , imolmlewhmut Irreveremitly , timal light. wigiit goods are moreboconihug to the bench mt today , TilV (1IIl1l1 4)P Ml'Iltl. Clilcno Chiron1let if we go forth laud- grabbing in this tahion , with what sort of grace can we warmi ltiropcami otmntrht'S oft front this hemIsphere ? We must get renhy to tight the world it we are going into timis btisiness of conquest. We need to take tom' our coullitelor that fine preacher of the gospel of peace and brotherly hove , Rev. Thomas Dixon of New York , and build "the mightiest navy In the aorid , at an expenditure - pondituro of not less than 1OOOOOOOOO" , \e will neetl it if we are going into the Imperial business , anti nih time men who are ilungerlng for fat government jobs will be happy , We are fast learning from our great statesmen of the hour that Monroe is omIt of date and ( barge ' , 'nshingtou was a good deal of 1111 old Cool. I'hibmdolphia Record : Imperialism will be a bit o.penatre. The extiligiiishfllemlt of the SPanish title In tle I'ilihipllmflla wIll cost in imltti5l expense not heM than $100,000,000 ; Cubit 81)11 Porto Rico vhitenslhy ntiti $ lt.iU- 000,0410 ( 'lore in time iiiinpo of imniedlate cx- ilellthittmre and tiu ommtstnmitlhng debt ot ilruwnii to be nsstmmtl will be $1,000,000. To this must be ruttleth $ i',0O0.0O0 ' ) for digging time Nicaragua canal in order to nmmiko olIn l'am'Ifie 31OS5S3ions accessiiit , ) amuil tiefemlsible. limit this prellnlinary cost will he as a flea bIte to the cost of nuninteimnilce We shah get otir hew ishantis In it very run.iiown anti tlmiprnsporotts condItion.Vo shimuli iinvt' to build a mmnvy to correspomiti vlt1i otIr Insular aggrniidizemuelmi l'e linii have niitled to I our hitiidimiga an emlorlmlity of tmmmfortlflcd coap- 11110. V'o shah have to buIld forts ahid iminimi. tale stan&limmg arlilles to hold lusurrectiomlary I i'upuiations ' ill omtler 1 miipvrial I sin is gma mul. It tins a swelling amid llmajeathc soumil. But it is cesthy. Plmilatheliiila Times : Senator Morrili , tile llmitnimlrch of thu alIlmIte , 01111 of time few I survivors of the great. perioml of serIous statcsmnnmmshihp , 51)01(0 tile ortls of trmmthm atmd sobenmiess ill his oppositIon to time amlmmxation of the SmtmllivIchi islltlllill , ' 'hirthiem' by tm caty , by joint rcsailltion , or by liagramlt eectmtive tm.stmrpatlon. " a HCill'lllC % llIehi lie nigiithy thscrilt'ti as 'aim uimttmeiy sivemi illontils' offaplimig of a Ilnevinmis ndmtmimlistrtltloii , " viiose constmmnnuntinim , under whmut ver form , "will ativertise tile limmal wreckage of tllt Monroe doctrImle , 130 iomlg 1101(1 dear by tile Amuerican leolile. " But time warning of the VeimtiiiIhle sumimttor will hot be hnc'mlcd. ilii IIllltZll to ' ' tue hi I s tonIc P0i icy of the repu Ill Ic or tile Uniteth States for the 100 yours jtmst las5etl , based as it lies ileeml llpomi tilt' ilollild doctrine promumligetecl by V.'nshmlmmgtomi In lila fmtrewehl atidress witim ords of pereniiiai Ivisdomn age lust forelgml em ) tamugi i n g mtiiiUmlCOS , ' will hot ho OmltemiflhllCti III it semlato Intoxicated wIth wild lIremlills of mIlitary enmpirc. Till' sommilte is Imut askeI to act in its constitiitiominl capacity mis gtmarlmnml of tile Interests of time republic. ' \'e are out miow for COllllli'St , Cmlii unnaIl Is to he allmiexeth as a "war nmeastmre , " by time orders of time cotmlmilammtier-Imm-nimlet .1 US'1'it'l Volt 'i'il i N ! . TV. its iierirs IB.t 11 lt.i I , , lil 11,11 i'll 3 itii.I iIllI,1N lIt % I'III , I ) llievrs. St. 1.01115 Itemubhic fly virtue of itls oni mntrlt tlm grace of coimgress 1111(1 thio appreciative recogmlitioml , Iewey , the hero of Manila , imoids tile rank of rear atlmnlrni In emir mmavy. It corresponds to time rank of mumlior gemmerni ill tii nrmiiy amid 1muo ttirthmex prommlotlom ) Is oimemi except through sIL'Cbti act of eolmgrcss. Time reader , IimlfalmlIiiar 1tii atmelm tecililIcal ( ItiLatlomIs , WotIltI mmattmrally supsmse time lrihliant. Dewey , imoldlmmg tile hmhgimest regimiar milk of tilt ) 1lCV , Is receiving as mmmcii PUY as time rankimlg officer of the army emit to itis relIef. Not so however. Major General Merritt , Major Cllmleral Groemme amid Major Generni Otis , who immlvt3 beeml omdert'ti to time Pimuhlpplmmes , ore all lrawiimg bigger imy than 1)ewey or any otier ( I mmm cer on t mie rI m I 01 ( ill I II II V . t IlU even time lmlgadier geimemais wile go . , to itI fl milia draw mmcmi mi' as munch lIe y . Tim Is imay Seen ) imlmigular , hut it is none time heMs a fact _ For 500)0 Ine\phicaimlc reasomm congress lIes aiways beeml disgrtteeftmhly mind sIngularly ilarblmnomlious iii Its tmeatmmtemmt of time mmavy Now that Iewey Is a rear admiral , be gets $6,000 a year pay. Merritt. and Greene amId Otis two of tileIn voimmuteer oflicers , get $7O0 Cecil , amid tile brigadier generals , rein- tively omme grade lower timan Dewey. draw 3,5O0 a year . Every reader of hue RellubiIC \I.uii bitmsh at the miiggardly imohicy ovidemleed by these Ilgures. \\'hy this ummfalr ( hlscnimmllmmntlon SimoIlid be made nobody cami say. It always has iitcim but timat. Is not to say It always simumld be Comlgmoss Canllot too mmpeemhIhy rIght this long IlCm'lletUatCd wrolmg. It Is tile best p05511110 Way to Show its recognitIon of the gallamitry of time navy at ManIla , at Samltlago , at Ma tnnzas , at Cardemias , at Cltmmttmegos. Amid the pay immatter Is but omie Pilase of tile story of injustIce to time navy. l'i OhIO- tiomm is nimnost at. a stilmllstlii ( for two-timirtitl of the ollhcers. As it 1ro1ocds lmidcm Prcsemmt laws , flO OmmO o time junior omeera Cflfl 1101)0 to ho a cnptaln before ime Is 50 , aimtl most of them will 1)0 well past thiitt ego imefore rencimimig tIle rank of cominpunmi. Such a stagmmatlomm stifles lllmlbltiohi , dulls the sharp edge of cotmmage amid bakes mmmcii lieptlliellt flUtolmlatons , unfit to exercise mttmtimonlty over otimers. I IllS IISL ( m lIl3 ( Ilttt , ( ) pjlhCiS tile flttV Ull'I stunt time mental nmmd moral growth of noul wimo imave almown imm tue last forty days tlmat timey are of time stuff imcmoes 810 made of cotmid easily ho eXtemlmled further. limit. enough imns been said to krnlmmt time imeed of Immmnmcd Into amid rathiemil rcformn. Thmi s meforimI caim be accollmiiishmed by llmlasimlg time IlItV ) pcraominel bIllVimy cannot comlgress mite it iii 11011(1 ( flmli imiake It a law at ommce9 fly lllt-i'IJI.A'l'I ON Alt ( I1I ! ) l'V. Omt , of tilt. ' , , , 1'it't 1,111 $ of - II , , ' J.i. ! Il'iicry. i'lltimlitthlilIti Itecard. Sonmo of oimr friendly foreIgn reviewers ilavo recontiy expmosseti tue vIew that time timmue hits Conum for this coimmmtry , him thin lImit- ural course of evelmta , to ilramucil out imilo thmo new ammd UmmeXleCtt'ti field of acqlilsitl(1ll ( of territory lii widely separated lortiohia of tilt globe. it Is urged in support of tImla argilmmient for a departure troll ) fonmlmer tioc. trlmmes that contlauotms Imniigratiomm during time hiunt thirty years hmmis rt'sultetl in a comi- gestlon of lloptiimltIoil 1mm districts timmit wore sparsely settled or not settled at. all , when tilO jmuilcy of tile country was mappoth omIt by emir foretmltllora , ThIs argumnont is lmhillishllO , 110 ( hoUbt , to the average reader , vimo is Inclined to iltimnht Its verity witimout. iCmloWhrlg tue whole truth Time ulost rttcemmt statistics publhshietl by the Iiitenior department - mont show that the govermmmemmt still hiss over 600,000,000 acres of lalmd ummnccUplemi , It is true that a little over omie-imaif mf tills hand is located In Alaska , ammd that ill Ilcil of t ii Is wi ii mmm t Ito avaIl aid o for 1101110- stctds , mmlthmougii Its : mIiIrrci value is 1111- doubtelily great. Timrowhmmg off one-half of the emutiro acreage , we still halve an emmor- mnoIis tmnoccupitul area of 300,000,000 acres , dlstnlbtmted Lilrouglm twtmity-iilx states anti territorIes , Let tms suppose that une-timirti of tills reinaimmder is mmlountaimmolms or imtrroim still there are O0,0O0,00O acres of land suitable - able for gmazlimg and farinimmg immmrimoses welt- log to be occupied. Tue nrglmmneimt that thIs country is iii- comnimig ovurcrowdcti is absurd ; there Is climilie rootmi for inammy years to come. Cur- taln changes llttvo been going on for years in tile chmaraeten of our miimtive iloIlulatlon , auld tiley hutve produced n3arketi rcsuitii. In New Eughaild , for eXallIplo , ( lie drift of Population lies hmeen from time farina to time rnammufactuing centers ; nail the cozy Now Bulgianliiiomesttmads , time birthplaces of mummy e kmur great Imlell of a generation now passlim iaway , imavo beerm ill iflUU Instaimces tIeserfd. A new element Is cenilag In to till ) these gaps , and It t probable tbi't u i. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - p _ . - JI- . . _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ in a few years' time the ' 1deaerted farms0 of New England will ngmiimm be temutnted by a thrifty pcOIiho-iimlmiiignttllts fromtho 110db. urn Portiomis ( if htltope : I Time great rush of emnlgrattoti from EtropO ) titmrlmmg tile Past qilarter of a ccnttmny has been tl % % aid time' far wcst , wimeru ir- gin soil of tlliStIrptiCCNl richness could be I hntl for time asking ; but the flood tide hai now turmmeil , amId it Is Probable that tIme miegiecteti lands In tue stmilll ) ' sotmtii will , in I tile micar future , attract at least a share of I this limliux of tue iton of toil. The fact Is , that whether we imk toward the north. I south , east or vest , we perceive that op i'ortuiilties for time ecqtmlsitloiu of hnmltt stIlt- I able for grazillg , farimuitig , nmimiimig or nianU- I factunlng mire stiii lresclttctl to ( lie active and tndlmstrlotma emigrant Cream forein shorts mid to tin , surplus iimhabitnnts of time cIties aliti towIms , It is flIqIarcIlt , there- I fore , tlmnt lilatevcr cogent reaselmus mIni ) ' be 4 glveil for tlio ncqtlisltloml of 151011115 In the Pacific occaum , or of emther Ilistallt imimitls , the argumlielit of ovcn-l'oiulntion ' at iltlllle W1I ilot bean invesigatiomi. ! W'tlt 'l''eii ( 014' "Vi'1'S. Ciilcngo Record : "iirto you tnteii ttl Ilote i4utlit Wilier mltlliletl DeveY ? ' "No.limit is it limivoretl vItii ? ' ' 'Gingemr' ChIcago Tiibumle Olilcer ( StllUtiilg-.l ) % nhit tu set Ut'nermii Orauut" Sentry tIlt a willsier-l Ic isn't hero. Ilut you Cull MOO Uriienmti Fred threat. \ Detroit , Jourmlmmh "hut your niglIt Ililild , " t il ( ' UI 5(11 , ' 1111 14 110 t lost its etmmiu imlg , ' 111(1 illilll MmlllIell. 'Ntm. ' ' lIe mtmimtwercd , "I call still cotlllt on that. ' ' - Intl imtiimtlloiI . .inlmntlalVnttsT : stlppose ' . 'ltl iltmlVi timmit time iltiMtoii girls are \vvarImlg mcli , willIe' itlimi lihtme garters ? I'tt-Yemm it struck 1110 ItS C ratiler ttar row imlmlimlIestmitioli of vmitriutisill. VflMlmiIlgtOml StnrI ' 'l'hitt is going to iii time Immmst , umtsimiommmtlo fabric this sulnmner ? " I II 1111 Ircel iti ii 11th e. . . I tiiii t kmlov timr stmne , ' ' reid it'll ? tlnmni 4' ' 'limit Irin , , nimIllImIg tilel mlevs1lalorls ) , I mIilOtmIti SII3 gtmn-cotttill. " Cilicngt ) Post : "lii'imunrkmmide 1111111 ? I 511(1111 tI m4tl y SI ) . \'hy. lIe ilmis cii led on till lm'eMtllellt , four tillmts sInce the war iiega witiittlt mtskllig that itny 1)110 be mmuttio i bmlgmulicr gemmieral , " letroit Free 1'res ! "No use tmt talkIng tllltt ) miIl ) lt'wey Is it' voioler. I It' lIttered ItI , t im I lit bay vi t ii t he iipmi His Ii lht'tt , 0 lId now I sI , timmtt hii MVclt tile bay tiHteI'11413. ' "Nolmsemlime , mIlan ; you're 1(111 gullible. hl ettIIlIIl'l * l\t'Cll it glemlt bebti ) ' 01 water like that. " , , % _ hr , ll,1 ll ) , ii. , 'Inq ' ' ' - . ' - t _ . . . . . Cillelmmmlnti 1mutmint'r"T : gtlt'ss we better not I \Vmidtlprbeirv mis il risk , " slt1 tue imlsllm'itIlCo mtgcmlt 'iie is titlkilig of golims tt ) vur. ' "Ve , cililimot r'fusm' a innu on IhliehI lInt rimt , it gmilllmltl a , ' ' smi Id Ills lilt rt mIen. j t WIllhl , ruIn , mur lmmlslIios. ' . i t mmimm't tilmtt at all. I know lie vouid not talk t lmmmt way tlllles3 lie ilfltl 140mb or- gammic trouble. ' ' Star of tile imatlomi , tllOtl fair of tue fairest I muiti , Qtmcemm of tile illImest blood timmtt Ilows wIthIn tilt' ' , 'imm4 ) ( If fllmlml foul mf time litarIs timmmt emmliImtZomi tllt3 west- ( nI Stit , 'J'lme timmltt' , ( If time imeart's imuimicimtnd , time 1101mb of tile lmmuim lest tree. Sweet Is tll bllmsillmg 1)enlmty , oil Imlmlid , ) f t iu ilhglmst 141)111 , mmlmm)43 : Ilmm4llimL4 lI 1)l'eSCmlCO of roses ( I t'V'iC ismmi mt t imi umim \VLtkIIlg to greet tilt' tltimmilemmfllil , in stretch. I mig liitls , of icre'm \\'ilit' Il lm'eml k I Ill t t o t il 0 lIlvi'- ( i ed ill Ii 1410 of time s ii ver , ni Ill I mig stremtmmm. \Vt'nltil , anil fmmnmt' itiltI honor , all these timy lIrIli I , immmty lhlhlt , Amtmoimg llt'rot's lmalIlt'S , too , nme WrittemI of timy brn'c it mmtmlmleroels llust ; Hilt lOttm tIllill tIlese 14 tile 1114110 timut lies I II time mIt remmgtim a I t II ( I 1rmt ti II hI mImi bram n Of tile imomiml's of tily sturmly pimwnlcmm immid tile rich micros of tiy ; eiumllailm. lImomI lhrehnlm4 , of drotimns , 0 Iowa , tile briglltest 8111411 Itl ) me t 111110 , t , . . . , , . ' ' li I . . . . . I. . , . . . . , . . .n. 1,11.1 , , . ) Cl , . . ltIm'o ; ; ; ; ; ; ; m4imrimme ? . . . F'rlmu , giomT Imlito glory mmmny tily ihltisfrtiui record be , - A mlii , 'vpr tll smimfl ( ' sweet ilflhilelltlld , from ' till ' . ml0 % eterimlti' Star of tIle mlatlon , tlmotm fair of time fairest ittlld. Qtmeumm of time bluest imiood that 11oW3 % % 'ithllfl till' ' veitma of manml ; iemn of ttll ) pearls that ( mmimtaon tlln vest- cr11 sea , ' 1'imi CilliCe of tile hlcart's Iltlfllolifltl , tile 1101110 of tile lmttllllCst free. Deitison lmt , -L. ALFONSO , - _ _ _ _ - OUR iAJLY hfULLE'I'iN , \ ) 1RItAY JUNE 24w : , iak4t % & _ (7 H WASiiiNr.TON , JulIe 21 , iSDS-I'roimbiy (1111) Of tile nmost. lilillimmo raimhim ever mmmmmtle by . _ _ timi , Goverimmlmllt , llil be 01)411101 ) to(1)ly ( ) _ % vileml 11 ( ( mrco di nom , men will mauve mlgmlizmmlt time nmoonllimlmlers 111 Nortlm Cmtroiiumi mtnd 'i'lIIlIltSSC. All IllIcit dlmttlilem-s are now to 1)0 m3mmImltCHSoU ) , High L Prices are suppressed in our hat dc' , , partment. Now is time " you want something cool for head wear , and we have it. Light weight felt-in light or dark colors-soft and stiff- . From $1 up. and it'i straw , there is every'fl - known braid and shape--and at prices that wilt suit all pocket books , 5Ocupto$5 ky BROWNINOKING&C , . . w. Cert ZzLh and Doega , S4 , 1 ' _ _ w _ -