- - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - . b----- _ _ _ ' - 2 , THE OMAhA DAILY B1E : ] i'ILTDAY , JUN 1 2'1 , 1898. Juno 24 , 189S. Saturday Sundries. Muslin I Unaerwcar- . : tritiimcd . iniertioii axul i.'ii1I1e. * At $1.00 , 1.1 , 2.OO antI $2.25 each. Lfl(1I ( ( ' )1Ott ) corset covers ot fla1nsO -very 1)rettlly lnIU1o-trIrnnlI with laca or clnbroidcri at 1Oc , $1.25 , $ L,60 , p.75 and S2.O cnch. Notioiis-llair ] ) IIIS aIl(1 hair erlinpers. \Ve call iqeclal attention to our shell hair pins lii all s17es aint styles. in amber color. tortoise or hiaclc. They arc smooth niitl perfectly fInished-nt ' lOc , 25c , 3c flfld ; oc er dozen , iciti hair crIIIIlera at Cc. lOc and 11c pcr tloeti. Waving pins , lie per dozen. Men's rurnishInos-i\Ien' iiegH gee 1iirts , fl1a(1C ( of fine ( Jilahity ol 1lL(11ts : ( Very neat PlttcrlIS , $1.10 antI $ lJO each. Mtn lOflflCh" S1iirt , percale or modras. mnln ( 'It1i bite nckhanil , colored cuffs to match shirts-price 8.1 , . Mel's jilght shrts ( st c each , worth tUc-sI2e 15 only. U asicry-Lail I es' i an , (1 r1) . stitch hose , with .col' ored top , Very good uaIity 3.ic , 3 paIrs $1.00. Ladles' tan hose with ribbed tops , dou- , lle lou. olc and heel , 2Z.c pair. Children's plaid hose , In lisle thread , with sUk pin stripe In all s1zes-0c pair. W8sh Tabrlcs-l'retty and inex- 1)en1Ve ) CottoiiB. flood foriun ronn ! for us a lnrge lot of pr1nteh t4tv11s and Dimitles at nn tin- usually littia price. They are OC ( tie best ? tmericnn rnske. Cok'r nrc us snfsiy wnsliab1c ss they could ho at five ( lines the price ; for eIIos deI.cflh 1arg.ly on care in laundering in nfl dainty stuffs. We nave so'd ' thotissluls of 'ards of thlq quality at ten cents Ier yard. but gooti fortune lets us 1nY for these 7'4c per yard , Hurry for best cho3tlflg , they will io quick. Duck Suitings , best grade , at 7C per yard , Underwear-Specials for Sat- m'day. 'turday mooring we wilt place on nic IoIno ; odd hues of ladles' pure silk vests , low neck antI sleevelees , in pink , cream anl blaCk , reduced from $1rjo to $3.00 , at t0c ench , Ladles' floe Swi ribbed combination stuit high neck and long sleeves , hilt- toned dOWn ( he front in white and ecru , $1.25 nli. Ladies' tan colored lIsle , eqitestrilule tights , in opened nod closed , very floe quality , $1.15. cach. rltFtcs nnd children's low tieck and lcevcless vests In White atlil cern , 10. eacH. . ' , - Childi.cn's . Wear . . garllHulih J'or 1)aJy kl SleOl' ] aiicl cool , J.\ . \ made iii ieatest and most . - ! , tasty styles , .j Infants short dresses of nainsoolc , Ills- hop style-at Oc nich. Infants' long anti short dresses , prettily trimmed , front 0c to $ G.00 cahi , I . 11 0 , EL & Co0 tion was adopted to give the itarty thou Iii power to the state a supposed partTsan ad. vatithge In the gov.3rnmcnt of the affairs of the city of Omnhn , and It iliny bit the saute I motive Inliuence4 ( lie adoption of the pro. viBiori of the law of IStT tititler review however that may be , it affords no ground for declaring a law unconstitutional. The sole question that concerns the court is whether ( ho law is repugnant to aity cx- press or implied limitations upon thin power of the legislature. Tue act before us , as ' .velt as the ono construed In State ngalnst hL'aVey , supra , denied to the ItcoPle of Omaha the power to choose a portion of their own ocnl officers and insofar as It did so Is Unconstitutional - constitutional ; for th right , to provide and initintitilt a fire department in a city is Cite of the owere veated In the inhabitants of such zuunicipakity as an element of locai bcif-gov rninenL5q41 is to ho exercised by the'm without legislative inteaferenec , except to the extent that thin lawmaking body iriay create rules to assist in the exercise of such right. It Is to be deplored that a diiTcr.oit conclusion was reached n the case just eiitioned. as it is niways embarrassIng tea a court to overrule one of it own tkclsions. No nienther of the court has beI1 more pot- istent titan the writer In following our own . . adjudications , and would do so now were he * -1.- not convtnced that the rule announced in State against Sravcy , supra , is not only wiong , hut is ( ar-reaching In its colise- qucilcus. l'iii 1Ii-tit'iIii It. is ItTi'ct. The legislation which that opinion sits- taliis tended to take front the people one of their rt'scrved powers , the right of' mciii self-government , one of the principles tipoit which our state fabric rests , It tito legislature - ture utay authorize the governor to appoint a fire and hiohice commission for cities of the metropolitan class tICfl there Is nothing to Prevent the laivninkers front taking ( rout evt'ry city antI town in the state the power to choose alt of the local officers thereof cx- CcItt police judges , which position is made elective by the constitution , and eunpowr the governor to appoint all munIcipal oifl- cci's except the one just named. The mind revolts alien the doctrine of the b'eavey cinto is carried to its legitimate extent. The denial to the vcoilo of the right to govera themselves Is undemocratic anti if such tioetuiiit' is etitorcd we cotuiti no longer linast of it government of ( lie icoile , for ' the PeoPle aini by I he PeoPle. The demurrer to the application , as well : a the cleintirrot to the answer anti cross letitlo'n of tlit. ' invi'vcnors. ( eltoulil be over- rulul the demurrer to the answer of the resItontieuitit , thu governor's appoIntees , should lie usta1netl , nail a juiigineiit of ottst'i' ciitci'eil against them , It will be observed ( lint sectIon 168 of chapter xiln , Compiled 3tatiite , attempts to innice vcrsouts eniutgetl lit liii ) ' ORIL' of ct'r- taut etittineratcil voeatlons iiieiigible to the nill cc of p01 I cc cant in issioner. The o at issinut to ( liSCUSS that mit ovislon must lint ho von- strileil its implledly sustaiiiliig its constitu- tiOflauhtc mci ely refrain ( rein now cx- pressliug tilt opluioii out ( Ito subject , Judgment accordingly. I.itirI iii' nf 'lit' IINMI'tders. The dissenting opinion. written by Coin- inIE3IIler Ityan aitil concurr'tl In by Judga Siiiltu'an and Coununlssloner Irvine , say3 : It Is not elaintoil by the counsel ( or the relaters ( the commission apitoluteti by the council ) flint ( lie sectleuts of tle act of the legislature providing for the appointment of t.iiittlate I It a i t o in a c It , toItu liii , liver , cure Liillieis. hess , hicailtuclie , tIiizInes % , jour tttnachi , ronatlpsitoti , sic. . , l'rle. 2.S cents , $ o14 b' sit drugghuit .IIu , only ? Ihhs to tsk , with Hood' . SrssprJt , , . . . ' . . t , The Omaha Bee Map 01 Cuba Coupon , Present this Coupon with e lOcfor e AMapotCuba. 4 A 1Iap ofth3 West IndIe5. I I And a Mappfthe World , I fly Mull 14 CCflttt , t . s , CUT OUT THIS COUPON. This Coupon with 25c WILL 5CL'it ( liii : Oflicial Photographs of the United States Navy , Addrc.i , NAVY PHUTO6FAH DEPT. ( M UIA flEE. - n fire and itolico commissioners by the gov- crony Is hi contravention of any express piovislon of the constitution prescribing bow itiUtuIcliial otllccrs must be nppointed , hut that thc deny the right of local self-gov- Crnment , which exists Independently of our constitution upon principles which are rec- OgtttZe4l t the deciniatlout at Independence atiti tl' . federal constitution and are illus- ( rated III the evolution of our forms of guy- ornmcnt , state and national. It Is concluded that ( lie case of State against Senvey , 22 Neb. 4sf , must. be overruled If this contention - tion is maintained , and accordingly we shall conldcr whether or not there have been ad- vaneed aigunionts of sufficient weight and cogency to justify the course Indicated. FollowIng this are a number of citations ( rein Nebrasha cases , some of which nrc also cited in the majority opinion , and there is also a lenghy quotation from "Cooley on Constitutional LImitations. " Thin opinion further holds that to sutatn the contention against the right of 'the ' commissIoners appointed - pointed by the governor there must be a iIrect overruling of the State against Seavey , but the court must also discard the iirinclples laid down in dagneau against City of Fremont. It Is also argued that In seine of the cases cited In the majority opin- Inn the question of the right of self-govern- moot was but Incidentally discussed and further argued. that In our own constitution there Is no express 1nhlItIoh against such legislation as that contained in the statute uittI that the legislation giving the governor the power to appoint this coniunission diii tiot vlolate any of the lirovisions of the bill of rights. The court also liauids down an opinloui in Itho Yciser telephone case , deciding against Yeiscr , , lioluling that a maidnius was' not the proper proceeding and that the question of rates is a. legislative and not a judicial question , the province of the court being ouily to interpret the law. There Is no din- scuit to tills opinion. The court today reappointed Clerk D. A. Campbell for the ensuing term of four 3'earL LG.L OPiNIONS flN , 'rilE ti.t'r'j'imt. ( otniulsiosicrs of Ilotli lIed les , PreNs. ' 1'Jieiitntit'M ( iii 11I ( letlsloit. At th time of being appisetl of the de- clsi n of the supreme court 'Mayor tioorcs was dtlircrhutg alt address of welcome' at ouie of the nuitieroun conventions in ( its city. lie sioppeti long enough to say : "I felt cer- tutu all the time that the supreme court could do nothiiug but decide the cane a'long tlio iiucs ! that it line.Vlien I appointed Victor Ii. CoiTuiian , I'V , fllrkhnuser , M. if. Collins and Charles J. Knrbach nit tire nuiti police coininissiouiers I felt that , I was performing a legal duty and subsequeuit dv- velopments hfWc proven ( lint I was right , I felt ( lint the city has just as touch right to control its fire nni imlico affairs as it has to control the actions of its other up- P010tCC5. I urn a member of ( lie hoard by virtue of being unnyor of ( lie city , anti occu- lyiitg ( lint position I shall advise against nuiy hasty action , The court has held sith tin auth we cart lose nothing by taking our tiutto nod being decent.Vo shall wait until we receive the full text of the opinion of thu supreutia court nni thou 'e shall get together - gether auth ihocitlo upon a line of action to be liurnuNi , Until that time nothing vIli ho done.'lint we will do is a question that has utot been discussed , That is a bridge that will , be crossed wbcn reached , Un- tioubtedly th'ero will ho some changes In the volico forcq of the city , hut what they wilt be it is impoasibie to say at thin time , _ ' e are all law abltliuig citizens who have the best interests ot.tho city at heart , We shall do nothiutg that will incite trouble or stir tip atrifo , We shuill acrus businttn3 men aini give the city n good business adininis- ' ' tratIoiu' Victor II , CoiTman did not express any surprIse when itifornied of the decision of ( liii supreme court. lIe saul that , he had felt ( lint ( liii case would be decided in a uilanuer to clint the uuicuuilscrs of ( lie olil board and conseqtit'ntly lie hail Slot felt any uneasiness over the outcome , Liku Mayor luloores , he said that lie was in favor of waiting until ( lie decision caine and s'as cointldereti be- tore taking utuiy action. Clinch's J , lCarbach saithVo shall vork I for the best luitci-ests of the city and will itrobably begin our labors as soon as we iccelve the text of the court's opinion , " p. ihlikhauscr remarked ( list hue matter - ter Catuic out just as he expected , "lit fact , " he added , "there could ho no other way for the court to decide. The law is wRit its arid what vIse could the learned judges do' " Mr. lllrkhauscr advised against haste , saying ( hut It would bo better ( or the interests of the city to have ( lie change innile quietly auth without any disturbance. :11 : , ii. Collins , the other member of the new boArd , is out of tb city , but will return tOday. McCoy & Ohmsteail. the attorneys who. with City Attorney Connell and Judge M , 11 , lteeie , prosecuted ( lie ease ugaiuBt the old I'Ire aitil l'olice Commission In the lower court anti who carrieti it to the supreme Court , felt pretty good over the action of the supreme court , declaring that It 'was great stride in the matter of selt-gnvern- mont. . They added that every point for which they contended bail been gained. fir , I'eno.ly ViilInK to Vntt , ' , Dr. .1. Ii. Peabody of the board spoke quite freely of the supreme court'S decision , ni- though he said he was unable to forecast c'bst actioit the board would taito on the slight information lie bad on hand , "I don't see any use In hurrying to a funeral , " said thio doctor , "so I haven't oh- tamed any definite information as yet of the grounil taken by the supreme court. It seems to me , however , ( lint a court assumes you- sllernhle atutliority in overthrowing no enactnient that was established by the voice of the iteople , Of course , it the ieoilo are not satisfied they have recourse to the iuii- ( lativo nod refereritium anti there Is a , osst- bihity ( lint such action may he taken. "There is another itlinne of the matter thaI. has occurred to me , " addeil .1)r. I'enbody , "and that is that if one portion of the charter - ter is ilechared invalid there Is a chance that the whole an well as the part may be found to be without force , Thin manner of ( lie board's appoluitnients has becut in force for years without question and it is hossible that it be taken to the Uiiited States supreme court before the final test is reached. At nil events I nm unable to see what authority the council lies to appoint , a hew board when it In given such power iieithier by statute tier charter. I with cer- tniniy act with the board in vbatever hue tony be thought best to maintain its lrcs- out positIon. " Comutilssioner . C , Bollard took a lhllo- sopliicai view of ( lie court's ruling , lie said ( lint ho hail no wish to question the jurisdiction - diction of the court or the finality of its dccisioui and is prepared to once more devote - vote his whole time to his hiusiness , The board huts been involved In a continual con- tcntion sluice its nilointuutent ) , Mr. Ilnhhnrd added , nuid he felt that a fluial settlement wouhtl be n relief. lie would make no numso- lute stnteineiit without consultatIon with his fellow members , hut felt that tInt ruling or the supreme court would probably be ac- cptoul. There is a possibilIty , however , Ito said , that there nilglit be a motion mnnde for a rehearing. Neither Commissioners ilcrdman nor ( 'Iregory could be found last night. i'otit'eiiicit ( H IL Ste'.y. The nmnndrte of the supreuime court has cnuiscd a cloud of uiicertaitity to settle over ( ho entire police ilepartinent. TIme rosin- tenance of their Positions is the first anti foremost thought of cycryboity connected with the service now front the gold dcco- rated chief to the pntrol wogon drivers. All have started to get time wires that lead to their pulls. . with influential "friends" read ) ' to operate in their behalf , The supremu court's decision burst among thieni like a bombshell. Th chief and his commanding officers are very reticent and do riot care to discuss the matter , Chief Gallagher and Captain Mostyn beIng particularly closemouthed - mouthed , Captain haze wan the most out- spoben. He said that the 'suprenme court's decision was in his eyes just and only ran- Ocred after mature deliberation , anti that ho could only say amen to it. lie further said that anybody who questioned the court's decision should be held in contempt of court and punished. From his manner it could be inferred that the decision was umt nltogether distnsteful to him. Chief Gallagher , replying to the question as to what his opinion of the decision was , said that ho was wiihing to turn his uniform over to his successor at any time , but said ho did not think lie would hare to do so very soon. 'Until I can thoroughly study the decision and alt that it portends , I shall riot discuss IL" The chief said : "All 1 know at Present is that the supreme court has decided itglnst the present board , I was not omclnhly notified of this fact , but simply hear4 of it In a roundabout way It was entirely unexpected to me. There may or there may not be a way to get a rehearing of the case , but in any event I shall let those who have liaumdletl time rimatter in the vast con- tiimue to do so. I wilt say , however , that there may be a loophole somewhere. " Since the news of the decision the chief has lost In a measure his buoyaimt munncrs anti looks as though something was troub- hug him. No member of the rank and file of time force was wlhiiuig to publicly' , axpress himself , nlthough the court's action was the solo topic unmong thcm. 'I'I'OC,14l01'O'5 Mnlliiie. Saturday afternoon and ' yeutirmg two per- formanees will ho given at the Trocadero , the torrimer beginning at , 23O , when unescorted - corted ladies and children may take nil- vantage of a cool place to spend their afternoon - ernoon and witness a first-class , refined vaudeville performance. The stellar I igimts of this class nre to be seen in this theater - ator and the courtesy and refinement that predominate at thIs. theater lire worthy t'easons why thio best people of Omaha should attend. 'i'l.e Coiitieiiliuh iiiii1t'l. The new Wabash solid vestlbuic train of ilay coachmen , sleeping antI dining cars. A train for tourists anti all classes of travel. Will Leave Chicago ( dully ) . 12 noon. Leave St. Louis ( dully ) , 9:10 : a. in , Arrive Now York via \Vest Shore , 3:30 : p. in , Arrive Boston via F'itchmhnrrg , t:50 p. in. All agents sell tickets for this traium amid will tell you all about it. Ask him or write G. N. Clayton , ( I. W. I' . Agi. Wabash lt. It. : ti a , . ii ii i ' So S it' , ' . A Joint meeting of Nebraska lodge , No. 1 ; Capital lodge , No. 3 ; Covert lodge , No. 11 , nuid Saint John's lodge , No. 2 , A. F' . & A. M , , ii'ihh be lucid at Masommic hail on Friday evening , Juno 24 , nt S o'clock , ( or thmo Inmrriose of immalahling time otflcPr3-clect of tIme nlmovo nanicil lodges. All immaster Masons nrc cordially invited to be present. JNO. BAMIrORD , Secy , Capitah , No. 3. Cui'tl n ! 'l'hsittihs I irish to extend my graceful thanks to frii'tiils , Rev. Chmutrhc'sV. . Savidge nmul macin- hers of his church , for the kirmulness shoivo ( luring the sickness and death of my ivite , J.V. . BACON. , r4 } Suit F'rtiiu'lst' , , unit llrturt FOlt $60.00 , VIA TIlE UNION PACIFIC , for North American Turners' Union Con- ventlorm , July 5. For full informatioim call at ttty Ticket 001cc , No. 1302 Farnaum St. SIGHTS PHANTOM SQUADRON Cuiuiurtu' , , iClect Is ltcirc.l * Nenr ftiil- , his-niled Townrd dli , , $ ues Cisual , PALIIItMO , June 23-TIme Giornale di Sicihia jnmbhisbes a ( iispatch from the Islautti of l'amttehlaria , southwest of Sicily , anumounc- lug that Admiral Camara's squadron , con- sistluig of seven war ships , including three torpedo boats , anti convoyiuug five transports , lineseil there on Tuesday , June 21 , going in ( lie ilirectioum of Suez. SI , , , , ' I'.hi $ i'.n ri t 1-s l-cl iii , ' , LONDON , June 3.-SpanIahu fours opened at 32 7-8 and hater dechiried to 32. Yea- terday's closing lrico was 33 1-8 , l'AIiS ( , Juno 23.-Spanish fours opened at 32 3-16 , 5-16 lower than yesterday's , chos- lug. NI. , , , Ieihto.I , Siiitiisi , A new method of s'aruming money with a forged check has been Inaugurated by a tall innum , aitotit 30 yearn of age , who has ; trotited at tIme expense of a number of Far- asia Street mnerchuauita. his plaum Is to pro- itare a check drawn to the order of Sortie vehi kumown citizen in that locality anti senui It by a boy to the merchiauut with the request that it be cashed. The nier- chmammt La ustmuuily unwilliumg to disoblige the citizen , who is often also hjs customer , and the nmomtoy is returned , One check was in favor of B. A. Mills , 120 North Thirty- ninth street , and was sent to Golden's nieat nmarkct , Fortietim and Farnam streets , where the cash was obtained , A similar schenme wa. sueceistul at ( lie meat market of Peter Bunco , ZTO Farnaw street. EXP1CT 1IT'iNC.M ( ONCE War Ofilcors W1 ot Do Simrprisea at an ir1y Battle , . , t t'tn ' olin TROOPS WILL 'PUSB ON TO SANTIAGO .1 4il _ MZtiithi.iii " , % 'i1ItTttk Purt In the At- ( sick , , ui I htn " ] ' , ncn h y 1n U' ri ii g flu , hlnrli ititil fiiig- , 1'4k , WASIII NUTON , Juno 23.-Secretary Alger amiti General 'Milea were in conore000 in the secretary's office at 4 o'clock thin after- 11000 when the first .1iatlrid bulletin , an- neuimclng that fighting hind begun , was fihiowul to 'them. The secretary roaui it niomd with evident satisfaction arid both of them expressed themselves ratifled with thmis f a- vorahilo report , cuming mis it diii from the enemy. There was no surprise that the 1lghitimm hail begun ito soon , Secretary Alger' said no word had been receiveti uli to that hour ( hint lIghting was iii progress , 11e Itati mio reason to doubt , hoivever , that our troops hiatt encouuitercd thin Spanish forces and had given account of themselves. lie u'einnmonteil on Admiral Cervern's cable ( lint the situation wns "crit- teal' ' and that tIme Spailiards haul been obllgcd to retire as in strange contrast with Matlrid's chaini of a "Spanish vic- tory. " Gomneral Miles said the American 'troops would 110W hush forward aggressively , , hriv- Ing In the Spnuishi nutti forcing them to tight. There was not us suggestion of appre- iiensiomm or doubt , eIther ivltli Secretary Al- gel' or General MIleS , as to whiat the out- collie would be. Time ) ' haul made their lhnas , velh nod they wore confident General Shmaf- ( or auth hni8 ti'oOps wommhil be hiunmitering at tIme gates of SantIago before hong. TIme impression here is that the Spaniards will make thmeir strongest stand close to Snnitlngo nmmd the lOner harbor , ii'lthtlmm the range of Protection of the suits of ( Ito crimis- cr5 hying there. There is no doubt ( hint imum- til these ships utrd removed ( lie campaign against Santiago wll be conducted against odds. Time guns of the ships connunnmmd the hills over which our soldiers must conic to attack the town anti reach the bay , but we will soon bring our owni artillery into play. Sniiinoii % % 'Ili Ilii jet' llnrbutr. The nhvnh oflicers here believe that when the time comes for an attack by land on time toxin Sampson wihh force lila way into the harbor and tahue part In the engagement. They are satisfiud that the wreck of the Merrltnac does not completely block the channel nail say if Sanipson does not conic iii time Spamiish llet Is likely to make a desperate eflort to get out. Tim mines arc to be considered In such nu case , but it is believed that ommse Morro castle is taken b'y' the comnbind , attnck of the soldiers nimtith fleet these obstructions can be removed 'icith the experience gained in Guammtamamno , bhy. The only positi'e news coming to tIme War clepartmucumt up th limo close of omce boors 'as ft dispatch ' General Miles from one of his staff omeers with General Shafter , and also a brief iIspatch to General Greeley from Lieutennnt'tcldnei Allen , General MIhe dipatchi stated in substance - stance that ( lie hndifmg of troohis had been completed wIthoUt casualties save to one Cuban soldier , Wli ( ilid his arni Injured by a bursting shell. TIme troops of Garcia anti Rabbi , about 5,740 , Jinti moot the American forces wIth cnthu&iastic greeting. Stress was Ial'd ' , 'inpin ( ho point that the Cubans were \VCllj i'med antI well ilIsci- phinod , Gwmeraldercin , was commfldcnt that his forces would be , swchled to 10,000 men as soon ns Santiago fell , About the only mnced among time Cubans was shoes amid gui- nine. The dispatch to General Gm'celey merely stated that progress was being nmade In coim- miectlng tine nmilitary forces with ( lie War tiepartinent. During tine day orders were issued to time entire thivisious comprising tine newly created conmunand of Brigadier Genorni Guy V. Henry for speedy departure to reinforce General Shiafter. Already the Thmirty-thmiril M Ich lgamm reglimient anti one battalion of the Thirty- fourth Michigan hmavc started on ( lila mis- slon. Today's orders cover the balance of General 'henry's coummnmanil. it includes the remaining battalions of the ThIrty-fourth Mlchlgaum amid the Ninth Massachusetts. These will complete General Dimillelil's coin- mautil. The Tiilrtl Virginia , which belongs to this brIgade , will not go , as Its equipment - mont is incomplete. . . % .ul Make ltoiiiiii 'FiliH4. These orders also cover time entire brigade of General Garrcttson , ivhichm includes the Sixth ] iliumois , Sixth Mnssachiusetts amid Eighth and Ninth Ohio regiments , The llamt is to move all of General 11emmrys clivisioni on the harvard anti Yale , these ships to inalce two round trips. The first trii ) will carry nmost. if not all , of iermcral Iuflleld's brigade. The War the- partnient allows three ilnys for time trip , two days to unload the troops arid three days to return to Newport Nu' , making eight tlay. Ily that tiumme General ( lnu'rcttson's hirigatie iu'ihh lie at Newport News ready to go ott hoard the shIps , anti ( lien will come time reconmil trip , taking three minys , im'ithi tivo tia3'J allowed for Gnrrcttsomm's troops to uniloaih in Cutia. Reports were curretit at tim Wnr depart- tuent again today that General Miles , coat- miman.lirmg . the army , would leave tIme city within ( lie uiext two days. it was asserted aico that inc hail naked to get into time actual tlghtting by going to Cuba arid thierim nsnumne cnnminmintl of time troops. This w'an contma- dietory to ( lie reports circulated a tow days ago that General MIles would take corn- niaumti of thai l'orto Rico expethitiorm , \\'iieui Gcuiernh Miles' nttomttiomm was drawn to tIme several reports toumlghit Ire refused to discuss them , II declamed It inadvisable to give army itmtiinatiort as to whieui or where hit woimltl go. Ills lQuig comnferemice with Sec. rotary Alger during time mittumrumoon lent sorime color to tIme reports that ( lie general's future unmovernents were wider consi.hi'rotioum. . The details of thodbcIdetit Oti tine Yankee on Decoration t1' have just reached the de- parturient , Whilo't1 ; ' ship was at sea a trial wan nmamie u : tile guns. One , a 6- poimnher , huung fter the , trigger was pulled , The funrmar1 without vnitin , threw oimen time breech 'jui $ as lime charge exploded. The rear blast klUett'Corporal .1 , J. 'Murray , auth severely bimtuuo ( seriously wouritled Private Jesse Fullr both of the United Statea Marine cor. The hosvler Is behieved to be defective , a ' 'ether hang fires have been bath with 1 If used at all in the Csp4TCT. 'i'zute In Vultiubh. dliilIt' I ii Se'Ir'tini' Ftil , A chiihii's taste Is ofteim a reliable guide to palitatable and desirable food , nnti It is worth one's while to observe how the lit- the folks take to Grape-Nuts , the tammious flew tooth. They eat it freely without addition of sugar , for it hitta the peculiar , mliii but sat- Infying sweet of grape sugar anti time nmntur- al taste either ot ttuiiti ; or adult recognizes at once is food tinat ivihi agree with and rich- IT nourish time systeunm , They are generally tunable to explain why. but Iimstinct iteenis to tell tine unerring truth when Grape-Nuts are tasted , and a few days use will show strength auth hmealtim as ( lie result of food that not only has the delicious flavor , but is umiade of those parts of the food supply furimishmed by tbo Creator - tor , that tend to euy absorption by the 7sIcai. ftuttmre it will be with great caution , Nont of the naval militiamen , who In large hart than the ! i'anhtt'e , were hurt , ! % rhl I nh t'tuintil ( ) p5 Ilonie , Ttm British consul at Ilavnnut. Mr. Gollnn who hiss so well protected such American interests there as were necessarily 'left in lila care , is to quilt Havana for home on leave , lie has been quite a hang tlnme in havana , nnl has been umniher much strain. Unmier his absence Mr. Jerome , vice consul , will assiunie the consulate ummntl care of ( lie American Interests. tehirecemmtative l'earson , uncle of Naval Constructor iiobonm , lint ! murmothmar lomu intmm'- view today with Secretary Long respeting the reward of that hero. The secretary Is Puzzled 'by 'the conflicting itite'rcts in thin case. lie intends to reward Ilobson in no- cot-ti with ( hue merits of lila feat , butt would like to do tIml without Injustice to other omoaN. A study of ( hue naval register shows that if Ilobson Is advanced to time grade b'f lien- teminimt eomrnantlcr lie vIhh hma'o been given a greater reward thnmm was ever recorded in our naval hhstory Cumsluimig got fifty-six numbers amid gained omie year nmiil muimie mnoumthn ( line in his record ; yet liobsori , it. is 'calculated , will be given , if ninihe a naval I commander , 344 numbers , auttl ivihl gaimm twenty ) t'arn iii ( line. lie wilt become senior officer of tine navy iui tIme course of about fifteen years , anti owluig to his younthm I would retain that 1)18Cc flO less than twenty yenra. somnethmlmig ahicohintely without precedent - dent In the American navy. These facts are being ndduced by naval oiiicors vlm mire tiesirouts of flumulimig sonic other miiennis of rcnnn'ding our naval hncroes which , while thoroughly satisfactory to them and thnc'ir fricumds , will ivork rio injustice to others , As ant instance of how time jiresent lrac- ( Leo works , the oiilcers point to thmit fact timmit for his spleumilith nchlevenioiit at Maitilmi lewey galuied emily toni mmuumnbers , while its- totmniditmg tue it mmiayscent , ( hint instead of nu reward 'for Iii excehiemit unmautageinnuit ninth scnmnanshuip' I n briuigitmg the great bnuttleshilp Oregon throtngh one of time most rernaik- tibIa cruises out recortl , CaptaIn Clark actum- ally host three nitumbers through time pro- mptioum over diis head of officers engaged In thno battle of Niuuiila tiny. Captaiim Sigabec is cited also .as a etuse iii poiuit , hnvintg suffered thin loss of soy- urnl mtunnlers , nepresentluig ii yenr or two of naval service , through tine Mnuumiln re- warthut , FICIIT1NC is IN PROGRESS ( Contintued fronnFlrst Page. ) cut iimto the heavy In-on stanchion out time ct.fltcr line of the berth ( leek , leavlumg tito tipper amid lower parts immtact. Here the uccurfl'Ii. Sttmnhing orotund at quiarters7 but not In action , was the crew of two six-pounders located fortvnrtl of the compartnient berth cck. Jllahrnly stood by tine king stopper about term feel , from time explosioum. Ha was tonn to jileecs and dismembered. Pieces of the hmcll ilew Ia all directions , woumiditig the eight mcmi , Part of ( lie shell struck a starboard - board plate , causIng a slight bulging out- ward. The corapartinemit hilled with smoke. The fire hose was ordered and the fitunnea cx- titigulsheti. Other shit'lis exploded near the outside. Ensign Anderson , second in corn- nnnmnh in the Port turret , says shells cx- IIodel ten yards away in time water , filling the turret withn smnohte. Firing ahoard tine Tcas iran confined to the port battery. Tile alto was exceiiemmt _ Captain Phillips SJOk * ) hnighiy of all the morn aimd all the oil- cern. The best lilt was scored by Lieutenant Bristol of the port turret , The death spread a gloom over the crew for time first time In the war and , t'tncssed time ltuimrcssivo cere- inOiiies of a burial at. sea , The Texas steatned out to sea anti buried Bhakeiy , ro- turttlng to its Post on the blockade at 4 p. m. VESUVIUS TRIES IT AGAiN ) , , , 'I'hree ) lore ( if Its iilui-lcgil- tug 1'roJet'iles A iiiiii tji , , IJ&ii'iiiy's F'rs , ( C'opyriglit , ISIS , by Press I'ublishiing Co. ) OFF SANTIAGO , June 22.-Now ( Yorh World Cablegriurn-Special Telegram.Last ) night at 10 o'clock the Vesuivius glided tiimoughm tine tlarkmiess to a hOSitlomi f00 yards off the initterios , just across from Morro. Tine first such must have terrorized the Sjanishm. cnnimps. It struck square iii front of time sauim ] batteries. Great itmasses of deliria , stonme , rock auth otlnor objects flying itt tine air , were plainly discernetl front the fleet with time nlti of glasses. Forever over 250 yards here seemed to arise a hake of flames. For no hour a cloud hung over Norn-o. A gunhoat threw its searchlight on limo scene. Stramugely enough , lulorro did miot nInety a sign of activity , hint several shells canoe ; s'inisthintg frorni other itatteries. Time officers , ehtuted is'ithn the sunecess of the Vesuvius , expect it to acconttphish hunch iii time finture. Its oiflceu's nun amtxious to try I their skIll against Marie fon'tress , which lmI'esenmts a line mimark , Atimnmlrtmh Satmipsomn refuses - fuses to lmernmlt It , as Ilobsont is SiilpOSetl to be confined there. If this hind been hmroved untrue , lmlorro castle bug sinmco wouuhtl have beemi reduced to a 1)110 of rulthisim. GEOItGI iIIIONSON ItEA , itisnu uull'ituu'i's 'i'o cuuIucitrGt , it t'irh : 'i'mits .t ci' it'i liur 111,1,1,1 1 , . rIuli 1 , , 'Ihici , ' ( tiuun , CIIICICAMAUGA NATIONAL PAflIC , tIn , , .Ttnnno 23.-Totiny's arrivals nit the jmark ox- crcileml in inunmmhtr any day yet sluice tIne first rccm'units arriveml , the miumnnbeu' lirolmuibly being in excess of 1,000 , Of this tmumnber 227 were ( or tine Eighth New York , sixty-two fou- the F'oiirteetitii New York , 136 for time Ninth Penums'it'annIa , thirty-two ( or thin Fifth i'ennimyhvania , thirty for time Fifty-second Ioss'ii , twenty for time First Missouri , thirty for tIle First Maine mmii squads of greater or less number ( or the One Ilundreil and Sixtieth Indiana , First \Vcst Virginia , time First lCemntucky cavalry antI time Sixteenth l'L'nmm syh t'nim is. Captain Davis Eiklns of the Fim'st Wont Virginia , recently appointed adjutant general - oral to General Coppinger , left on orders today - day for Taunpa to report for duty witim his corps. - Major George Gray Worth , chief surgeon of tine Twelfth New York , was married today - day at the Second I'roshyterinn church , Chattanooga , to Mrs. Etlithi , . Clark of NeW York City , Rev. Mr Terry , regiuneatni chaplaIn - laIn , ofllciatirig , , JUc'I'A ltlCHh Vils A ( ' .tliLlltIhttM , St'uiir Iut huiti. ( lots Olli'isul .til'ieei , froii Cii rt' I tm's A rot y , N1IW Yoltic. June 23-The first official cablegrani recelvemi by time Cmmlian junta direct - rect from Its goverumniment slimee time breaklumg out of the war was received here today by Senor l'alma , as fohiois's : ItLAYA lFL ESTl , June 22.-We are at Guautnr.nnimo. I'osition ttilen : from tine enemy at l'iaya dcl iCete , Fought with 200 Amumericans and fifty Cubans against 450 Spaniards. Conttplete rout , Etnenumy's flight nlnanmieful , We capuual eighteen prisonorB ; one oiflcer , Sixty of thin enmenmy are dead anti slxtv.n wounded , Two officers killed , On our imart we lied two killed and thuree wounded. We captured twenty-eight Man- ser riiies azid 3,000 cartridges , Todny the forces of General itabi and Brigadier General Castliho took Iliaquirl witiu time aid of American vessels , Span- lards set lire to ( Ito town on retreimting , Sixteaum thiouituntl American troops ilisem- iarh'eui at hilaquirl , General Garcia In on boar l the cruiser New York , COLONiL LABOIDI. l'iuit' I.-.vv , . iii t It lI.hifimr'i'icit ta , NF.Wl'OltT NESVS , Juno 23.-The auxhl- fury cruiser Yale , with troops for Santiago , sailed ( rota Old Point Comfort at 6 o'clock this vveniug. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. See otir ADMIRAL TRAP A BEAUTY. COLUMBUS BUUOY CO. , - 1314-1316 Dodge Street , Tel. 1955 11141 , ARI4 SETTLED ON ShORE Last of General Shaflor'8 Army Lantleil Near SMitilugo de Cuba. WORK CONTINUED TIIROUGIIOUTTIIE NIGHT l'iiutlre , ' .ttair Cumihimetel titli Spirit nuil 'Vil liflhlt .tum ) ' . .tet'id'iit- Si.iin inlu i'hi'i' ' ' ' , nu . IIittcnthuig , WAShINGTON , Jiumie' 23.-Clemmerni Miles recehi-emi no interesting dispatch today froumu omie of hits utlile-the-canips , wino is now is'ithm General Simafter's army at llinquirl. lie dti. dined to give Its text to tIme Ilumblic , bitt said It nierely autnouuniced ( lint tIne lnuntlinng of ( lie troops warm nnatie all righit without nuiy casualty whatever anti that ( lie only nimemi umiet wet a tim , ' ( 'tiltati iumtuumrgents on time grotiiiih. It statctl that oumu Cuban wan struck by I Inn btmn'mtthimg Of a shell ninth host his arm autil ( lint ( lucre were nbommt fi,700 Imisturgeumtct out hmaiitl. vehl armed anti umntlcr good tliscijihine. NEW YORK , iimnc' 23.-A 'special , tinteml at l'iaya thol hate , Cuba , to1nv says that at I o'clock this morning limo last of General Shatter'g army of invasion bath lnndeml at liintpmiri. ( C.mpyrlglit , 1S9S , by AssocIated Ircsa. ) . BlAQUllht iiAltTiOlt , Cuba , Juuuie 22.- I. . I' . uuu-Oni Itoaril tine Assoclatetl l'resn licpnt ch floatnti daVi ( it K iii gst out , Jamaica , June 23-.At i o'clock this after- mioonm 6,000 trainied .Anmterlcan uuhthiers nrc cii- canimimeth in the lmihis tnt arid arouuntl Baqumiri nitth 10,000 inure rest on theIr nu'mmmim on hoard tranmsportnt off ntlmore rendy to jna ( hose viio I mayo dcbnirkt'tl as sooim as tine nvailnumle I munches and stnmnli boats caim carry then aslmore. Tune amiti son ninth weather verc propitious for thin arnmy of invasion. The nrmny numd the navy co-operated simlendidhy amid as the big war ships dhoseti in on time shore to l'aye the W5 ( for the approach of time transports auth then went back again three cheers for ( lie ninvy'cnmt up from 10,000 throats nit tIne troop ttimiis and three cheers for tine aruiiy rose from mmhnip attcr ship as time troops ntoved in to take their shnare In time hiazarlotus game. it. was war , amid it maguuifiecumt. Time Cumban Insurgemits , too , bore their share in time enterprise honorably amid well , Five thto'msimnmtl of them , In nmouumtairm fast- 1155505 tumid dark thickets nimd ravines , lay all last night cii their guns , watchiluig every road anti mnounntaIn Imiuth heat.himmg ( rein Srium- tiago to Gunntuinamnmo , A thmoumsamnd of tlmenu were wititini sight of fliaqulri , mimaking time approach of the Sinunlards under cover of time darkness ant impossibility. There is a steep , rocky hill , knowni as Pinntn Dinqumirl , rls'ng nlnmmost perpendiouilarly at time lilnee tnmtlicated. It is a u'eritnhmhe Glbrnultar in posili1itics of defenmsc , Frommm tfme staff at its aummunmit the Spanish flag was defiantly floatimmg at summmset last night ; but it WS goume this morning , nad with it the snmahl Spanish guard , 'uviuich had maintaiumcd the signal stutionm. Between unighftfahl arid thawti time Spaniards hind takemi the alarm and fled from tht place , firing the town as they left. Two shmarp explosions were heuird. lit first they were thought to be time report of guns front Spanish rnaslcd batteries , hilt they proved to be the oxplosionu of nunmnmiunitlon in the burning buildings. Three hours waitlnmg made time muon omm time trammsports impatient to get ashore anti into actiomu , anti every move of the war ships was closely is'atchied by time soldiers. A little before - fore It o'clock tine lionnhardmuient of tine batteries - tories of .lumraguna was begumn by tine ahiims of Rear Admiral Sammmimson's fleet , who suth- denly mantle a feint to cover time real hmohuit of attack , Jumraguma heiuig about half way be- twecni Biuquiri nund Santiago. Time imomnbard- meat lasted about twemmty mninmumtcs. The scene ( lien qunickly shifted back again to tine great semni-ctrcle of time trammsport fleet before - fore liiaquiri. At ) :40 : o'clock time Now Orleans opened fire with a gun that sent a shell rumbling nttl crushmimig agaimmet tine hillside. Time le- trait , W'asp , Machtias timid Sumwaumec followed sunlt , anti soon tine hillsides aimtI time valleys seaummed to be ablaze , as shot followed shmot in swift successioni , unmid the wild anti excited cheering of time soldiers on the tramtsporttt. Sinrd for the Short- . In five minmutes the sen ivan alive tvitii flotillas of small hosts , huenmtled by l&mumnchmes & , speeding for flingumii'i dock. Some of the boats 'were manned by crews of sailors , whmfle otinc'rs were rowed by tine soltlienim thennsclvcs. Each boat commtnimmetl sixteen men , every one lii fighting trim , aimtl carrying - ing three tinys' ratlommnt , a simehter tent , a gun anti 200 cartridges , ready to tnlte the field on touching tine shore , siiouitl tinny be calleti uipomt to tb so. The firing of time uvar shmhhms , iiow'cver , hmro'ed to tie a mmeetliess task , as their shots were mmot retunroem ] , arid no Spain- lards were visible , General Sintufter , on board the Segunraumcnu , closely watchicil thin handing of time troops , Brigadier ( lemieriul Lawinim , ivhrn hiatl been tietnilcil to cnnnnmnmmtl tine landing imarty , intl tine ivay fun a laummmclu , accotimimonmicil by Iris attufT , niuih directeil time ( oruriation of tine him of eperation. A tietachmrnent of eighty neguniar iuitaumtry soldiers ivan the first to lurid , followetl by General Shatter's olmh reginment , time First infantry. Then came the 'i'wetnty-flftim in- ( antry , tine Twenty-second infantry , tIme Tenth lumfaultry , thin Seventh arid Tweiftim Ia- ( aimtry , Second Massachusetts regiuuncumt , and a detachment of time Niimth cavalry , GO ( lilT 'I'O ilNGitGhi 'l'ihit CiflhiSlilt , Itt'port of ii Nzi'utl ilrimNii Of ! tim. ' llitrlDr it f Sum. J tutu , MAflitIl ) . Jumuno 23.-A dispatch receivoil here from San Juan de Porte itico says : An American cruiser appeared off time iuimrbor. anti the cruiser Isabella , a gunboat anti time Terror sailed out to attack it. Time Amen- can witltthrew Iunnnotliatchy , One Spnmumiard was killed and three wounded , mci , i Al fiuuiso Con flrnicl , MAIItiD , June 23.-ICing Aifoumso was confirmed - firmed yesterday with great cerenmony In time lrescnmco of tine royal family , tite court diguil- ( aries , time cabinet umministers arid this gran- 1L ij , Ail7SiitulS1'S. ! JITROCAIE1O ) Lents & W'Illlnms , Props. and Mgr * . V , W. COLl. Act. Manager. Thli COOl.HS'i' i'l..Ul'i I TF'N , Tonight and All the Week , 'l'llhi cutliMlI Or ' . % hJhld'Illll , Suimmm , m. i ti i mumiti Clara Jo , , Inc IIflflTAPI m'ru I VI U Ii I U I iilNA CIl.llS. ( 'AithIhtl li'F.1l31t. Tue Wilson Family. ililit W'ltIS'l'lilt . . . . . . ' ' . ' " lmmlsShli i'lIhil.lI'l , Carroll atict Crawford , .Ar ) . . La Petite Adelaide. Trend-ro (1ittullcngt' Orelcndrn , ' l'rn tin , ili'1 iii , , ui , llreet or , tluul litres " . ' . 'iltit'uuituy , Smut tmriluuy Suuuidn' , 2u80 , Matinee Prices , Adults , 25cc cimiimiu'emm , lOa. ttt'freltuui.n ts in 'l'h.'nI'r a umil flutrtie'n. Fveumimugs , 8:30. : I'rics. 25c , 3c , 60c. n1- : Vnsuii . ltirgea. A 11 ia , .455 i&i.uii Managers. Tt'I. 1131. 0. U. Wuoiiwmmrii , Aimusomitet , liuwi'tor , 'i'Oiluu'P.-Mlu , , 'rilE ' % OOn'l'A1t1) STOCK CO. l'rescntiutg I-c- flh&tgralmlm-i'rt'enititig new war Itictunres. Sttiih113-hOlIlS , GuiIl's Concert 6nrdeii , , S. 11. Cit. 1811. nu.l liyeuluprt , Ike' (1mm ill , I'rouu'ietr. ItON'Y lAt'l3 mu.thi'I1 , The tlammcimig trillium , tim aim original nut eumtitle "tiL'ri' % , ( InUuu , " \ _ _ . , _ Also Miss Agumes Atherton , Miss Mmmd 1Cm- men , Miss \Varreo , Campimell nnmd Cammip- itch , Gillihnan fluid 1)ehmvorc , Mrs. Ciydo Rogers. . . . . . ,11 , T'IlIL , . . JYIERRY--GO--ROUND - - - - I .thi numid Capitol Ave. Ctuptumno the Brass Ring and Ride Again . FIllii. - , . . , . - - ' .Hs. ML ( Iltl S I' , lt'snci' nmiil 2tluuingt'v , 8I\SE BRLL TODAY , 3:30 : P. M. OMAHA VS. MINNAI'OUS iAIllS' I ) , ' _ ' , THE CUBAN ATOM , CHIQUITA. 'rime Lh'imig Doll. Time Feature of riii MIDVAY. All Itoathi , Lead To HA6NBACK'S . 5 'rn'ained Wild Animal Shmow onVest Mid- Wa ) ' ; 100 Lions , 'I'igers itnmd i3lephmmurits. Do Not Forget to Visit the ' - " CH1NSE THEATER , Tea Garden , Bazar and Joss House on West Midway. , lioTJiLf : , , THE MILLARD 1 3th nuid Doumghius Sts , , Onmalinu. CTitAi.LY LOCATED. . . . . .t3nuutmcAAi ) lIUltOl'3i.4J I'LAN- . J ii. M.iJmI.1ll .it ON I'rops , -HOTEL BARICER- COR. 13TH AND JONES S'P. , OMAHA. p U .t'i'IIS ittl.ri ( ) . % I ) .OI ) J'FIt lAY. Emectric car. direct ID expostlion grounds. , 'IiANg mm.tnuicint , Cushier. . . . . . SAM 1MiJMAN CnI.r ( flerk. . . _ . _ , _ , , _ ii URRA Y 11OTiJL , ' I flit numil linirney St. Anmericnn l'lan-3 to 4 dollars tier day. Street cars from depots amid from hotel to hixposition Onominils in fif'eemm ' imminutom , . 13. suiowky , Mnrnager , ' . , , , , . l''I'iiimui iu : au. DUFFY'S PURE MT WUISKY ALL. DRUCCISTS. - JIDIICA'I'Ioi , , . Brownell Udli Opens Sept. 19th , 1898. Hozurdluig timid 1)i ) ' Scilool for ( Ir1ms. . " Under the diroctltnm of Rt. . . . . , , " corge \'orthmimtgttinm , B. ' 1' . 1) , , LL. D. Prinmmnury , lireptunittory mind' crmhlegizue ( courses , Corn- patent coniis of tenichiers , Modern mmtetit- od amid every advaumtege offered , Strict attermtinn ittulti to time Immoral , nmontul arid PhumsiCltl well being of tIle stumdcntmm , Diplo- riots conferred. Propiures ( or alt colleges open to women , Special courses in higher - er Fngitsim , Sciuniecs , Anucient anti Iiiern l.aumguages , % iummiu and Art , Turnmu moth- crate. Iluuiltling realrod utmid in excellent order. Sanitary l'iumbing. ' fitttiimactory steum lmenitltmg. r I'murcnts atmil guiiutmllans 'desirimng to cutter iuiihs will nilemiHo seutti fol' cutniogue , or aimluty Imersoumnull ) ' to Mrs. L R. Upton , Priii. Urow'neIl Iuli , Omaha , Neb HARVARD UNIVERSITY- JiA.tul.t'I'flN ) ltfl3nJSsloN will lie mclii mm Onmalin , in time ronunmt of time Y. lul. C. A , June lit to July 2 , Iumciuslyc. ( 'ii rmtlitlatrs offering Atlvameei ( lerniun , , Ais'nnmcei , Chuennistr ) ' , Ahvnunced Piml'slcs , Adviitucei , Algohura , Aitnilytlo ( h'omtttm' ) ' , ho- gunithms tutu 'i'nigormounet ry or ituilmi ( Inoimi. etry will tisseunhile itt 8 ii. nm , June 28 , Otlmt'r candidates Ut b a. no , ' Jummo 10. P ItADFOIII ) ACAIiMY - Fcmummdad 1S03. For the luigher educ'ntlon of youtmg women , Cbtmisieai mm umil itvIemtltio course of nttuitiy , also I'ciiaratnny mind Optional , Year begins Sept , 14 , Th'JS. Apply to Miss Jil C. Allemi , Pz'imm. , hiradord , Mamm ,