Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1898, Image 4

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- - ---I-L : ; : :
w- 3 : ii . a J .IPgaA..JJ . * u t * 4 A LA. j * ii .f I 1 * , ci i.1 .A * dJ U 4 ti , U .
- - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
: I T ! ' I1IiULYI
- - -
flally flee ( Without 3uncay ) , Otto Yerir.V..OO
InIIy 13cc nnd Sunday , Ono Year . . . . . . .
HI Months . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00
Three Months . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00
Hunday lice. One Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00
IfltUrt&y flee , One Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.&O
VcckIy Iiee One Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .e. . 63
Omaha : The flen fluIldIn.
S UtIi Omaha : Singer Iftock. Corncr N
S nd 2Ith Strcctg ,
Caulicil I3IufTa : 10 Penil ItreCt.
S Chicago omee : 02 Chamber ot Corn.
New York : TenwI Court.
\ahIngton : SOl Fourteenth I3trCCL
All cnlumunIcntIonM relating to fleW' erni
, dltnrlol matter shoulti be nddrcssed To
the liIItor.
nUstNss : L1TTI1tS.
All bulne ; lettiri nun rernIttflflCC
liouhl tie nildreel to The flee I'UbltRhIflt
compnny. Omnhn. DrnftM ctleckR , cxpres
ntl postoflleo money nricrs to ba miult
ilaynbif. to tlii oriler ot the compaflY.
TJ1I fltEl'Ul3L.lSlllNG COMPANY.
lUnte of Nehrnikn , 1)oUgltS Couflty ,
S George Ii , Tzchtiek , iceretnrY of The lice
PublIhIiig eornpauy , being duly sworn ,
S says tlrnt the netual number of ( till flfll
complete copies Of The DiIly , Morning ,
Evening niul Huiulay liec , printed during
the month of lny , 1811 , wits us fulloVs
S . . . . . . . . . . . 2Il ; L 17.t : , '
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : , : : IS. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : , * IT
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : , ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : , I7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) , ) I
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : , 22. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
S 7 - t7.l.I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : , :
- - - - - - - - -
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : , so 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , : , 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . : tu 107
S . . . . . . . . . . . . 81,471) 26. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : , ) 27. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12. . . . . . : , 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : totsr :
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ) ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : , :
: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : , : o. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, l5.b . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.1IlI 31. . . . . . . . . . . . .
i6 _ _ _
: Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
LesI returns nnl unsohl c0p1e3. . . . .
Net totnl ale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Net datly : iverngo . . . . . . . . . . 3O'727 '
OlOltCJ1 B.
Bworn to before inc nnil subscrItd in
my iireenco this 31st day of May , 1598.
( Seal. ) N. 1' . lFML ,
Notary Public.
Iovit tiny today.
Only UIICIV1II7.1'tl flfltiOfli Ilever CX-
C1lIt1g ! ( lrollet of vnr.
- The ltlll11'SS of IlatfOtlU ) making h ;
nnotlier ItlIltlStly tIlUt : Ijpt9lrs to 1H.
again ) icklng t1
F01 'UVI'IY 811(1 ( ( VL-ClItI1gil1g gvala
tlotit ( lie tllsphiy of wcttltur : : tt the ( _ X1)o. )
* itiott IS CIllifli to tIle be4t.
S NOV let tlte iIc % , lltttlci4lIilS : , ? EtiIIC : ,
lII$0lIVi flItil Ohio , lt00 the eIUUI ( of
S the lova , liitlltiut : :111(1 : Orezon.
: ti. ( ( ' : : ( I til1 of ( IlL' 'tl ) Ol1n
, I lou. OIL the qIliStiOfl of l)1rIlt11Ol1t )
l)0SeSl)1I ( of the PlillippiIfl' $ he snys
' ' ' ' '
1)on't. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( If you lii'e 1I1OI1Y you don't know
vlutt to do vitli JuMt buy It l1CV gOV'I'lt-
Ifl11I ( bottd :11111 : jOill the clah4 of bloateil
- ltItlllltl.1.
And iiow We : tii told boots ninI tlioe
. tlneateit In go ill ) O $ a coIIsellIe.11eo ( of
tite var taxe. Soiitetl&iflg will lIavC
ii to be doito to keep tlnun 00 the grtUttd.
TtlliIflft t1oiuocrtt peIst : iii
Si tlieiutlves fet trulC ts s'ell as for
to 1 fice eohllage. Nary a worli , ltov-
I , e'L. , altout. tlI IlIdISSOlUbIC union of
I wheat ILlid silvur.
i 'l'Itt liidIiit : tol1gre4 iii SOIt ) lIe 11're
fiR IIt of thu iIilt1C ( feittures of
. .exposltion. Au aboriginal l"ourtli of
.luly celi1ratIou should be put on the
boards vithioiit delay.
'l'lie (1191110IittS will gt't the iiext
chiatice at IIII eleethiii JOllillClttlOlt. They
feel $ tlt'e of carrying Arkitists : : Septtn- :
; - her 5 llI1ie5 tiltEt ? 15 a gteater Shulill )
1ttiut tluere 'tyns in Oregon.
'I'lue liouigltts eon a ty cx posi t 11)11 lolalM )
veL.e Vtell tO aid 1110 e.'quo4itIo11 utnul
hOt SolelY to aid tue political ai grietul.
tuutists nut ! liovticulturlts. Tle latter
are loUlld ) to thrive uuuuyvuty.
Mrs. Mary FJ. T.e:1-e : is relxrtetl ) to
liutve toll ( the 4Juegoui iueoile ) thutt : she
huiteunis tu , uiuke : her iuouuie In that shu te.
S IJov do tim 1utnsuts PeoPle exiulaiuu this ?
And ltuit b4 \I r. Lease guiiug to tb
It ?
aluout _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
S lsr3'hody lii ( ) ll1llhlL : 'luo luus : frleuuds
Ill illinois , or nuuywhuere else for that
uuuutter : , shuould ueiitl tluein eople4 of 'I'iue
lIce's illustrated Illinois day edit ion. It
lit one of the iutt uuubverthttuuueuut thut ex
. IOtlitiOlI Call5 Iuuuve.
Thue futet that hit' Siunullutruls refuse an
: exhuluge iuullietLS : that they regard
S 1obson nxitl huts little tuniul as vortit
lulturo t I I lie I ilu I I eul Si It I es - I huuu a all I hue
cailtiured Sptnhuurds : unuht1 be to Spain.
Iii this they uuuay 1w right.
qlue IaIhC ) hSHtEtl t4iullhtl ( ) 1tuIrul several
vaItntlle ) it'ssOfls frouuu the huuuuthscuuuiuug
nt tiuc Xiusithuu. ) ( ( ) uut resuuht of tue ox-
lOSltIIt ( ouughut to be a uuuauhed 1 lulurt'Ve.
I Illeilt lii tilt5. apellrtllee ) : of our hItuhIlle
lltVkH ) withula the uuext ( ev
S ( it'uuernl iee Is uPhrtttl ) ( to huutvt set
thurto of t1u 51)115 of great uuieut in the
ft uIuu3 at t iutu tuu ttk of sort hug i unt lu t otj at
' .l't In 1)11 ) , 'l'huu : t I no I ign t nor uuu I ulupor.
, taut JIll , , ilH ( ? ( r.Y fuuruuunr's boy kiuovs ,
iuuuul if the thuue acquit thueuuua'ives eut'ul.
itahhy they viii theservo ) ) utuuul
greater lLILshlihities ) ) ) ,
, Ohio's uussh4tuunt lO1))1'ltts ) ) ( yhuo ti'ietl
to turn thue st'uator.huil ) over to the
t tI1eIluy uiturhuug thin host legislature do Hilt
501'llt to have heen able to cult uuutwhu of
U ligturty lii tilt , r'ltuIlkulu eouuveuution.
'l'huis Is a sutil 1)IVIP ( to thuo
llOVlHIJt.r ) t > rgutIus viuiehu huopeul to
ulrav iohitleal eOlItutl ) galore out of ex-
5 , 1)1(2tCtI lels.
l'ryhouly luu this vhtituity is iii 53111.
: ttlu vithu ; tuuy luuuvelnont to seeuru
h0Veu' Fftts for iuhlvay ) tilhlIllt'lut. ) it , thu
gulf 1)0118 , hut they have their luuuun1
tot ) ttihh to J ( ) hutto tiuc ltuhUCu-i5 ( IC ituild.
.5 lug a new gulf ioail by ilupiular ktlliTip.
tiout just itt the hlrseuIt Luonuelut. Titeto
.I1h ho no lutIrin done however , by put-
tiug tbi road on paper awhilu.
IOflA DAr ,
1on tiny niitb the formal deulicatlon
or the Iowa building at the exixthtIon
should iluark 813 hniortant upociu In the
blending of Iowa auud Nu'luraska In tluo
$ t1IiOVt. ) of nil lllOY0flCutt in whuichu they
arts untittunihy interested. Although bo
cateul In Nehaskut the exposition he-
longs largely to Iowa. losYit rnmle the
llrst state alIproprIntlon Ill euicolirulge
ufleult of the great enterprise utuud In the
tleilkattory exutcist the Iova sjmak.
eus huuive it right to refer to its stueees
ns tiiuihiuig with the wotuderful nehleve
Inents of their Own state.
lown will also be one of thue tt'lflcllfll )
heuuelhchiurles of the exIItIon. All the
IsItOrs from the east lutist trivevue tilL !
fnht fields of the hIiwkeye : stole , huichi
to all Illt'llts utiitl 1)ult1)OSt'S ) , ' , ViiI lue oil
cxhuibitiouu for thieuuu , Invitluig investiutent
uuual ollerhuig nttrncttve huouiue. 'ihie dis-
hIlLY Of Io'a l)1hltCtH at hue . ) ( )
alL' 1tIs ( ) ( If a high order uuud are sure
11) seculre favortblt' nttvntlouu front : ihi.
Iowa ubuuy 5110111(1 ( srvo , to hiring Iowa
to ii. Just llJ)1llCCIlttiOhl of tile great expo
ltIoiu ntntriy svlthluu its lorhers uituit
stiunuhate Its lehhC ) ( ) ) to take advauitttge ( It
thin opinrtuuuuity ) It presents. 1o' P0lle )
V1l ( ) : tttetnl the exlositioil ) cliii ( II ) III )
greater service to tuck luelghlhors tiunu
to tell thiuuuivhitt : tin _ have seoul , to describe -
scribe as leSt they can the beatutles of
thiu exisisitiolt ztuuul lo slIrenul far niiul
vide tue ghory of tile ut'luiPVOlilelt ( ! in
vhuiehu Iowa hui : such a uoillie : share.
Credence can hu3 given thud report that
the lCllC ) haLtY Ia Spain is grov1ng ,
hunt IIS yet it 1)rOlatliY ) ) huts hot. : ittnhuueul
vely large lrourtions. [ ) It contains ,
iuovever , iuiliuuiutlat eheuuueuf1. thint catuliot
( xiii to lllHk ( ' thieiiisehvcs felt. 'I'iie fact
that the Ihuunuicitul nihi coiuuinei'eial interestS -
estS 0t0 deeharl ag for Iuluce ) is highly
siguthilcaiut , shic it vihh nutuchu in
shun ping 1)111 ul i e seu : t I fll'll t. 'i'hue unit ti i-
festo In favoi of Pi't' : ly ) a iiuuutiher of
nssoclttlouis : In Catahonia is said to hn've
greatly iuuipressed tilL' inituistry and It
luus : beeui fohhved by : tlu i'iutflest : iuh-
Vctey of leflC l Ihuuuneiui : itiutus :
' , VIIIL'hl vuice tue feeling in hunsiness
'l'hie Uattbouiia : iuitiIfet : declared t iunt
Ietce : alone can hrevent ) the utter 1tll
iuihuhlttiott : of tiut' Sluluislu : nttiuul : ) ; tIIu1
urget , that it i thut' duty of nih to do.
luitnd : Ietce. : 't'iie iflllOrtlLflce ) of I his
titterauuce vihh lli tilitleistood vhteut It is
stated thuit C'atubonia : is hue richest flilli
ullost. progres.hve province of Spahuu. Its
chief city , llarcelona , is a intnufaetuir- :
I IIg cu'uu t vu a II ul I t- I d u' I ui : 1 ) I'ulI HI.
111(1St destroyed l ) thue ItI. 'l'he inuuuuti.
ftetuuirg ; of that elty have betii op.
iO(1 ) ( to the su : front t hue start auth
tlut' ' t1lpcIL ) : to have ( letCulllillel ( to use
their iiithtience , vhichu shiouhul be vu'y
(201151t11'Lalhe ) , to htiultice the Spinish : gor-
eu'lululttit to sue for lCflCe. )
Allot her ubi'eislve .iiterieaii sue(3s ,
such as the taking of Santiago uie Cuulnu ,
% VQUILI ullu(1OUltClliy ( ) give gient ilfllettls
to thue growth of the Sptuulhu : lfl8Ce
Itrty ) : , lIult it is to be doubted whether
It iil 1)Ceolule ) strong euioughu to over-
collie thin inthtueuice of the : urlny atul of
the utilierents of hue dyittsty : Iii favor
of coutiuuning thu war to the bitter ciii ! .
I t is inconceivable that 8113 SJulI- ) :
ihi soldier or statesnuatu ciui : liive :
auiy ubotibt ui to thifl uitiiuunte
tt1111111)hl ) of the United States , hut
they are unalle to hooh upon the priuc
t Icuil side of the situat inn. its tb the
Ihuunnehl : : u ad btisines interests ( If hue
iitttioit. Satiii iuuust stuffer furthue'r it111- )
Islutuient before the goveriuunent will ask
for ieacc , huovcvcr strongly tiu heite
hllttY nut35 urge the eilliflg of hostili-
S1 ( JAIXST Tir ; or r.-iioiz.
'I'tue advocates of territorial : uequhsht lotu
ulrge that it vuhh ) heiteilt Aunerleuiu :
labor. 'J'huey say tinu t it. vouuhtl fuirtuislu
ant outlet for the suulihtu.s litiRr in tiin !
euutuuitry iuiuul that iii iuerttsitig : truh
titeri Wlhl. ( be better ellIIhyIlellt ) ) for
( I II L lit hHr ) a t liotuic. 'l'hi h is L S t I u itt
1.4 hihtl ) ' to lu. regirdoul : by sonic as
ihittuii,1t. ) , . hIUt VlIlItVtUll ( Jrohflily ) ) ) I > t'
t I to efl'ect 111)011 ) ti IL. uuie rhu : U In 1uj rer ,
espueiuhly : the 4'iiiiutheuui : farm iiuhurer , I
of thuc il(1i)5eh ) ( h)1lhI ( ' of terihtorIil : tic-
( I U isi t I on .1 1 a his eu y a hhe $ ht.0111 I ii
t hi o 1uouisi I ii IIlS i I ion t 0 1 lt i 1:1 II a I u-
uuexahiiiut t. . ,1lIuuO11 of luIulItnt : do.
chiuied I hunt tlte uui'tv policy of inupeilah.
15111 is uigaiuust both hue Interest of tilt )
fit ruler : u H ul t I uo in t ( lL'5t of t I u , . I o I InI'i ,
:1 utd sa i d : ' ' I toll foss u ny a u uuti'.ei non t
t hat geii i he tuten on t Ii is Iioor u U IL
st a ii cii iiuu I ul I en 11 hlotct lou ist s shu uuid
1)13 ) turghuu g 44) st IOu giy I hue a ii uu exa f htl ) I I )
the Itutiteui Stttes : uf thui'-se tuopicuul couuu1
I tics 'hiete ciuwup (0(1110 ( hutluor , tutuiber the
( II Feet Ia a hull ( ( Ill t roh of g rt'ii t i431u1 I I-
Ca tis lu uud ( ) tiOt8 ) I hull 5 , en it a uu d . III
jrOhtlce ) eoluupcthtig hrLuhtlCt ) $ of the Auuuer.
I ( iUl ( U Vlll , suutiu , for itist liii Ce , n ;
stign t a ml 1 ci nu ( ! (0 , ci ui'uu ie t Ii a ii t hi e'y
cit a IlL ? I )1)l ) ) ( tiecul hleic a a u h I I u&'iu I Itt II 141)1 rt
I lueni to oiui 141101P5 ( hIlly frie alud sell
I iletul I a t hue uuueri uaiu nut rhet. ' ' ' 11 I
I :4 : 1 uot a liu : so na I lie doluilt t hit : t suehu
VOulhl ( he t hue cnI4t ; I ha t I a hit 10t112iul
4 uluirifl11 ( 'lttttll'isL' ) Iuuto thut' I'ililil)1Illt5 )
t lii' ic old he d OVohIleh ) ( t iii uSe , wi I hi
ehuen , ( ) oh I ( Ill I )01 ) , a ( ( ) uli ht't ) I t iOl ( v I thu
ct'tta I ii . i ule iiittui ) ) net s t hui : t vouui ih
HIlt lie t ( ) t I in a ii ' a ut a go ( ) I in once a
1110(1 ( IRI $ .
_ .8 to the idea hiatt hue surplus htuiaur
in thue Puuiteul Sintes vouuhul thin ! auu outlet -
let iii I Ittvaii or tue l'IuIliiuhuhules , it Is
stuthleit'nt to suy : tluut It vouuhh not go
there ithi the lucetiy , ( If eonupetiuug
, lu t hue uhu et ha lur i uu t hulse islut n us
; tuuul necept hug I hue hov couluhitiouts of life
that hrt'vuhh ) : utiuuoiug thin luthIoriuug citisses
thucre. Jlttvuuii voulul 1)0 110 better
itehi for . uuuerielli : htluor : If utuuitexu.d
t lutut : it Is flOVVhlhiil It Is utnun-
ifeshly altiurub to 4llihOSC ) ) thuat tutuy
considerable iutiiutiutr of our inhlorilug
t'itssis : vIuuhuh be Iuuluueed to go to a tLulI- )
: uh region like tlue Phuiiiiphuues ) , leIlulel )
1) ) ) ' races vitiu vhuuluI . 'i iuueileuiius vouuhu1
111111 it. very ihiflui'uit. It not inuhosshlhe ) ) to
assiiniiitte. As l I nereasiuug trLl(1e , thuat
tilul be neeounphishueul vi Ihuout hue aeuiui-
Itloiu of lids territory.e do not no'
OVlt a foot of teruItlty ( iii that portiotu ( f
tiit.l vorhd utiud yet our tnuuhe tiucro huui
hu'i'ut bteadiiy growing. 'l'hueic is no
valid CUSIil for tiuitiIiuig that it will
lut eofltitltle to grow , lInt that dcpends
111)011 0111 eziterprise and our ability to
compete hi the markets oZ the far eaut
with othuer countries and not upon ter-
ritorhnh ncquhition. In orler ( to increase
our trade In any quarter of the worhi we
uuuuist Produen commodities 8uperior In
ciuunhlty aunt as cheap in prlce as our
couuupetitor iuroduuee. The heoIIe ) C
Chuhuua nuuil other ensteruu countries will
lint IIU. , ' IHOLI ) ( If 115 siuiipuy becnuise we
ture ilL IOS5'SlOU ) ( of tiu l'huillpplnes ,
nor would vt' nusuterhaiiy Increase our
ttithe : even with those islands unless we
shuotthd meet competition at nih points.
It It becatise ve have- unit tceiu abi to
do tills that the grovthu of our tumhe
iii Ain , as vehI ns in South Auuiericn ,
huns not beeii snore rapid.
There Is Iii hue roose1 nciulsitlon of
remote ( errltory no Proluilse of any uith-
vitiutage or letIL'ilt to American labor.
Oui the cotltraiy such territorial ncqni-
sitlon , iii inakhuug necessary the iuunliute-
11:111cc : of large nuud costly naval utiuti
military estnbhisliuuteiuts , ( ) t1hl mlii to
hue Iuuuruhcuu of itthor (0 ( the exicuit of
hut' Increust'd tuxotlon : that vouhul be
leitllt'd ( to supiuout a iirger : uiruuiy full
uiav3. O sliucere fulenth of Auuuerhctuu :
habor cuiuu favor the ilohlcy of territorial
aggtandizeunen t.
SIIiLL,1. , 2' , ! ! ; COURTS fltJN TI1 ; IX-
Shah the uuuauuageuuucut of hue exposi-
thou be left iii the huuuuul , . of t hue Isntr(1 (
chioseut by the stochiiohuhers or shuahh It
be tIstlIluell by thuc courts ? lhIls titut's-
tloiu Is forihuig itself iuiuoiu the i''iuosi-
thou i , , Jtuuhlclal hutterfercuice tInt t thuieat-
Cutthue ; great entl'uluIso vIthi a state of
\Vithi iuujtuuietlouis niuh cotluuter.Injtune.
ttoiis uuuutl coluteuuuhIt hI10CeClhitlg that uuut
otuly tie the hiiuids : of thifl etuiutive : oth.
(1'15 of the eXiOsitIolt ) ) uuut deprive tiuc
expositlout of lluehrservli es , to say 11(11 ( hi.
I ii g of i lu t ( tf4'till V it hi I hu1 t ) ' ruIth :
freubouuu , I lie eXIn4il 1(111 ( Is s'ihul5hV cull-
lsitrussed : nuuth stuiuJet't cii tu ) Irreparable
1(155. \\'huIiiu it bu trite thuat tlue lts :
uuuutIt tb ilistluich 1(1115 Iuuecuu itudivid-
uais tlr I011)Olittitllis ) : uul is 110 rsshueeIer
of 1i15luls , It is a gnuve5luLesthut ( ) huethier
I hue l ) ° % Se1S ( ItS ( ourts slutuhul iii' arbitri-
lily exer ( ised in tiui-L svay to harass
and 01)81 ) rtuet a guent illlliiC ultltleuIutkillg
vhieuu till ivnI giheluutos : call ht i1eIn-
( ' (110(1 or adjusted ily I ho ( l1diuitly : Pl-
cedure of suits at hiw fuIr tile I'covcty
( If diuiutgca : f(11 injuries uut uuahly suf-
'I'Iue nun ulagers ci' the exJuolt ion uui I
as t'vt IiXb.ktuosvs ) ( . , 1)tlslluss ) lllill vluo
ha ye II egi ct I cub t hid V 1111 V8 I t luui iluss ? Iiu I
hue Iuuttru4t oC tile exiLsit ) lout , ule\til ( )
uuituithiho , iutlrilut 1111(1 tluttiuk-
ulutuly - fl ) ( ) ( ( ( -
less ttsk : v I t I ion t : u y a uud I t I Ion t I u ope
of ( It ltt't teut : id t I lit tu t lie coti sd 'uul lo us-
. itess of hun viuug a ihuievod sulceess in hut'
: of ililllSt lnuruuuountabie oh ) tneics.
It is aslhtug hot ) unuelu ( If any (1110 ( It
I huese uiueuu II ) entry out tlue itlsiuuu'ss
I iue exposit 1(111 ( II t t ilL i'isk Ot I Ill II rislll ( -
liltilt o1 ( let'lltiQul iii tlut. , cuu-4toiiy ( If l1ii
sluerhiT eypi y I I in e souuue ( ' . $ ( ( a Ire
gets iuito hIl ( 1(1115 of the iav either Iii
( . ( IUttuV'L5\ ( Ii a ? 1 hilvuuy rival ( l1 ( y I It
tlut' ( 'Xiiisitloli ) itself.
t No o t I ueu cx i ) ( t ioiu hun s ever I'ell 1111-
j1'lel to Stitli hlOltneilt : at tlui' ituiuui : of
h lie con rts.ri.i uc tul 1 11:1 : gi'rs lii' : c Ito tugi I
Uliti.Voiilitluie ( lhlhiIlIhit'S ( and trihulutlouus :
to Clultelld vIthuVitliIut ltiulg ) Stilul- .
IllflLi13 diaggeil 1111(1 t'ourt ev&'uv Iuiuuir
of : tiuc. (18t auth uuhglut iIuuiliy ilt'ttll5C it
is vItiuiuu the i)0We1 ) of the conit tj giuuut :
restraining orulors fluId btue , attach.
ineuits for eoluteuupt.
Tub ; ( IAULIST 1.1.l1)lfl.
1)011 CurIos. tiuc IIrctL'lutier to thui Slaill-
Ishu thtrolle , is : uceorlltlg to Eehllts ( ) i)1.e- )
ltloul to do sihuut'thuluug vhueuu tIlt' OlIhIor-
tiuluity shuiull 81liYO. But tilert' Is uneer-
tut lilly as to luis hnueutlouus are. \ .
rt'port ( ' ( I i a t etviov vi t hu ii i I II a f&'V & li.v :
ilgu ) ( ( ( ' ' liittu :1 , ; saying that lit'
S ii ruuuhy resol yell to 0111 I t Ill ) sieui lire
in OIthtt to velz'uuu : tld : av"ulge ShliIl , tL
lit ( If CiOLEtttt'tiSthC lIOlllhilSt ) , 115 'iVert'
iliSi ) his OlSJlVtl ( ; louis iui IeLtI1 to 511:11115 :
' 'exalt ed se : i h I inca t 'of huon o u. I I e 'ivao.
said to 1)1' ) in ftyor : of ( liii'
a1. hut tiuc iuuost nggut'ssive way. Iliut
the AIllelicalt rL'LL'sLltuttthvc [ ) ; ( If I ( )
( Jarhos , 'iviu o huuis JIu..t ret uu ru ed fuoi II
visit to the Illeleunlel at Iruistt'J , ; : uiid
is StlhOSel ) [ ) ( to ' ( ) hO his
I I at t I ) oui C'nilu , s .voulul iuot t it he t lie
Si IU I I ishu I iu iout e 8 t p rcst It I , rtg:1 : uti I
t I tCI ( ' I I I COIl t Il ( ( If t hue goverul utu'ut t
hut v I ag ( ) Il1 Ii ii hi i'd II ( ( IhlSSil ( I I ul tutu ul eu Iii
cilgagi Ii g iii I ii .fl.'a II il I uc I ) , ( to
lei'i' : it to hhueuul ho sthle , after vhui ii
hue sviil shell ha aihul ( IlVCct hlItVOV of
1eeI1uM I met I tilt. 'I'lt Is reunesell I a Li s. ( It
h Ii e 11't u'iitht' r sere t'hy , cri t I ciseul I hue
ltlt 111g'llIPli t 0 f I ii t' iva : tjuul su : I ul ti un t
' 'Sttgiista 1111(1 ( hIs Ilauty nue fit only to
hie tiurosvuu on tile ( Clili ) hli'up. "
l'erhuaps It iioi'sii't matter very unuehu ,
iuovever , 'uvhuttt 1)oui Curios tiuluuks ( IF
'ivbuat his hultl'uutiolis are. lie Is hot
hii'1y 1(1 1) ) ( luluclu of a factor iii the
I I t lea I In t II FL I ) f 511:1 : iii. ( 'ti ri I Sill iii :
5(11110 atdll'l(11 I s , I lilt til.S ( Il FO hInt It II I ill' F.
0tl ( ( ' 11 ouglu to hICCOlullhisi I It ily tlu iIlg , itt
ictlat U uuder I 1)5 ) letu detslu I p o f a lIlO n as
vetlc nuitl urtiuhi'ss as hue t'ueteutder ' ,
s'huo is sojouuruuiag iii sceull-ity LL the lId-
giati ( ! itlitUi.
I ici1 uuse iuia iuy iullllbr(1,4 ( ( , of young
hI1'lu \VluI ( halve ( IIT'leL their serviee ill
the uuthioit : 115 ( it'1 e1llt'1 ( s hIhL'Vtj bet'uu ic-
.1 t'ctt'd hiy t hue cx a Ill I it iuug 1 iou u1s is unt
IL sign of the ( lt'euI'laity ( If I hue race
lIF ) iFOof t I ua I ' t hue youu uug nIell ot' on r
eIulIttIy tIlt. ileing FuIlileul hdIxsicihh : huy
thun lives tluey ictud'htat it ( locs lii.
dicahe i tluut : thut ltllly regtihttlon ; flue
iuuutlstuahly sevt'ue : und that. they hlItVe
1)cdIl ) rigiuhhy ( uiIihitul ) ! , 'i'huis siuouuhil 1)0 )
1t'uluOl IlhIdrtd I o I I Ic Qi'ub it 0 C I hue yohulug
lileil eotulIosIuug thte auiuiy of the u.c-
Jeeted. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
tecortl I tug 1(1 ( ' hutti Ilulli ii \ ' III in ins of
tlut' Fephlhilull ( : 1'Ollllllihtee , I Ili yohe on
ella ugh II g I hue a ) hort iou u ull'll t fou' t I uc
sIiaper ( couuvtnl Ion next Satiurday stood
1U to 1. 'J'hu'tt Is tt rutiI0r suggestive
liulIlIber , but thue fuiet tlIutt only IT votes
eu.e eiutt shows t.'ouichtusivtiy thuat tlucre
s'i.uis 11(1 legal iiiu0ttuuui ( If tIle ouuiuty eouuu.
iuuittt'e hrtSe'llt , 'l'hiO COIIflluithi'u von.
sIst of lifty-seven IuuLltuheFu ,
Just as. 1111) huosieLt lIipFOVt'S ) f01 t'uuul.
itlg 'goveruinellt Ill. till' territorial form
iii the Uuuitetl Statii a ? ihissourl Colt.
gti'ssuuiuui has intvodueed a bill to utlake !
of the ] ) Istrlct of Colutuibia a territory.
The government of thu district haM been
fairly sntlsfnctoty'1nmher the direction of
ongress 011(1 ( tilffitIr' thud constitution $11-
prouiie control I ° CoflgrCi3s calIllot be
i S. I
( onsl ' ' * Itnng lip.
St. , ltublIc.
The senate can ) b9 up the hawaiian annexation -
nexation re3olutipu 115 hong as it phenles
without tear of n9uing ; public conOemna-
tion. 'rho pcop 19f the country would
like to have an 1ppertunity to study and
'iote upon that prou t1on. and it tile sonata
blocks the Iegiahin until the next congress -
gross moats the c tnty can ticcido the quci.
tioil in an unmistakable way.
ViI.IItNiII $ ( Ir.iJ itt tIto iNLaNttiOfl.
Mhlwiitlec' Sentinel.
The addre3s \\Iihlarn C. Queries of Mu.
waukee In dedicating th Wisconsin build.
lug at the Omaha CXIOSitIOfl h a production
full of thought and replete with eloquence.
Mr. Quarhes is a gifted young unan , and his
, friends feel the more pritlo in him ad his
future becau3o Ito is a "chip of the old
block. " The naturni fraternization between
Wisconsin and Nebraska was feiicitoushy
pictured by the young orator.
Vtiur i , ( ho VtIiiii leers.
I'Iuhittlel ulia ) Itecord ,
There is n disposltior in some , quarters to
lunticrest ilnati' ti value of the vohulluteer
as a battle winner. Early in the civil war
tlic' martlnets view that only regulars could
fIght prevailed ; yet the war demonstrated
that for luutehhigent , . work , hard work slid
bloody work the world had Ilever scelu tile
equal of thue American volunteer. whether
hu fought at thu nod oI Lee or moved forward -
ward to execute the orders of the great
. , % ii % thill I mule iI liii ril.
IitiIilleIIlOiiS Journal ,
lewey is as modest and geiciotus as lie is
brake. Inileed , lIe ftllIIiShICS in llhlilSeht a
fllle iliuBtratiotl of how uldinirably these
qtinhitic go togetllcr. In his report of the
battle of Mnniiln there is very little about
'ivitat 'r' did. litlt..1a great-deal about tile
loyalty and courage of ills assistants fluId the
mcii generally. No wonder Deweys. men' '
'iviuippcl . the Spaniards. What sailors
wottdn't ! fight for a counmaniler who lilatut-
festetl SUC1I generou appreciation of their
work fllll had the consitleration for tileir
Weifuil'e to call a halt of an hour in tIle
1111(1St of that terrhc light to give the iiucn
a chance to get. llreaktnst ?
ih1AlI. 'II ) ( Ilh)1111.
IOhIiilIt St I rn II. ( UI , I I l-l't-1 I tig iIi-
t'ceii , 'I , iiierl.t : iii.1 ( eriiisLliy.
Ktuecis Cit ) Star.
Tile stories of lIlOPth3Cd German Ituterter-
e51.ce at , Manila COItIC front London niiI the
reports th'it no Cicrinnu interference is con-
tclliplttted come from Iiorhiii nllVaslling -
toti. This gi vcs l'iso to a SUShIC'.Oil ) ' , vluethucr
Just or not , that the interfercilel' ruualors
are Inauiufaetured in London to stir up ill-
feeling betwcciu the United Statca anti Ger-
nlany. It. is ilot necessary , iloivever , to
ah3olutcly believe In any evil or Interested
dcsgn III the mt'ttler. It is quite lltob.llJiC
that our Uritislu ti-tenths would hot oijCct tea
- ft'Ieifdh'rt'intloum ' between the
a 1-rlturo of ? '
United StateS ant1 ! ljti uiutny as tcnding to
li'flIr.otc a rloscr tUiiai'co ! bt'twccn the UnIted
Staten anti GrcatulIriMln. atitl so the BrItish
PIrn ( ) cxogerate iIft evIdones of Geu'inan
Ill-will. such as ( lie 'abusIve and insulting
ttitiido nf Gernlan 1itVS1)iiIClS toward the
IJtttcd ttates , t lid' ' tiuc wIsh dictates tIle
3tatelUCuits of GrmMu iio3tiiity.
It TIIIIY ho bohIe1tl Vluii deelauntlous from
Ii'rerlinucl'its Yt 'erlIli \Vasluington (
arc in accord that 1o Ilreacii Is contenlhateci ,
that the liritleli ltlltilOrItIcs to the contrary
I'O inspired h' tFuir' ' hopes raLlier tilan by
LI' . . oettil faO'ts Iii t1 ! eas. The Position
( Itt tile United St't's IuouI'i be that of absolute -
lute Indifference 1to'foretn suggcstion. in
tlto course of a "ivu" to wIutiu Only the
United Staks and SpaIn arc parties , the
tJiiitc.l States has entered the harbor of Ma-
I niha , destroyed the SIIatlllt iieet tiit'rein , cc-
CUjiCti tluo fort. at C vtc ! and virtually
tai.eii IIlsCSsioii of the PlitIhlIplues-at
It at. the occupancy of the country Is Coil-
tiuugcnt only on the arrIval of the force3 of
the United States row on tiuc way across
tile Paclile , Ujuthor tIle circumstances the
UnIted States is the ( lilly arbiter In the 111111.
ippines. Tue Country is a prize of war as
much as the SpaniSlI vessels siiiik by Ad-
niirah lewey and vliIli 115 may raIse or
leave at. the bot1cm of the harbor 53 he
cIots. The I3hllippines may be iulcorpor..tod
Into the United States or estabItited a an
in.epeiiuient country , or placed in lioession
Os sonic civilized nation-any uower except
Euiaiui. The rowers of the United States in
the matter are the same as those of Ocr-
( many iii regard to Alsacc- and Lorraine after
their occupancy by tile Gelinan troops in the
Franco-German war. Tue rigilts of thp
United States are plain and abEoiutc and
EI100Ii ( be mnfnaInei.
flllr.Ui , . % ii S .t N I ) vokII'I1Ias. ;
fligii I iil ( II.t' 01' ( lie I'ii I I ii re to Jtevral I
I 11C , , I'orlr er Ii , . ( iiiVnr LI 11111.
\\'ztsIliiltoIi i'ot.
It 1:1 easy to raise a great VoltilItcer army.
It is ( llfficuit to cahist even a snidhl tom-ce ot
rcgu1nr' . Ill the last eIght weeks more than
17t,000 volunteers hnvo been enrolled and
about 130,000 mustered 1(1. During that tIme
the call for : : sooo nn for tie regular army
I hiss brought in bu 0,000 recruits. Theac
are , very suggestive facts , , anti Tue l'o :
commenhls their careful consideration to nil
who are advocating tile maintenance of a
large staniiumg ( army as a permanent feature
of our future policy. The I'ost does not be-
hiove that we 5111111 ever need or tIuit tile
peppie will over conent , to thue mainte-
itanco of a great array in peaceful times.
I'eac . not 'ar , lx the normal condition of
tills country. iluit The Post respectfully
asks thlose atntcsiu n , newspapers anti otiler
advocates of the adoption of Euiropeaui mlii-
tarisin where and 1mw they arc going o
get the legions which they nay we must
have , In view of the feeble reeponso ho illO
call for 35.00 in time of war , wlicut the
patrIotic Lpirit of the niasitra as vell as of
tile classes is IIrofotlIuhiY stirreil , Iiosv louug
wotulti it take to enlist 100,000 or 200,000
regulars Iii timd of' peace ? We cai
conceive of nothing but an Industrial
parnlyu'in , tilnes l1O' haiti as to
t'o fsctorbes and plines , fill ( lie poor
ayhuuus 1111(1 ( thousands of novly
created trnnlluu ullolu tilt ) road , thlat would
create a rush of mtifo-botlied ) citizen't into
tile ranks of tue regular ariuy. VilellcO tlmi3
reluctance comes tvi atuihil not step at tilis
time to Inquire , ujtuco it that it exIsts ,
tiint it Is cluronicllem-rooted and incurable
by any treJutltientily to lIe nuhlnluistered.
The average AmriJ4n , native or adopted ,
detests the regular army corvice , Tile average -
age American , native or adopted , hiss a very
diferciit feelIng tcnftd the volunteer serv-
TIle true policy of thus nation , as Tlue Peat
hiss repeatedly poirutehl out , is to lIe always
prepared for war7.11''o ShoilId be able to put
a large army into time field at once in any
suddeti enuergenc it should be always If
existence , organied , oftlcered , equIpped and
drIlled. It should be a volunteer army , the
militia of Illil states , organized under all act
of congress. It should be as complete in
every detail as the regular army and the
govcrnnlent Iiouhd always tIC prepared 'o
move auth sub3iat It. ' With such a reserve
we shall not need a great standing army.
And the. organization aitti maintenance of
sucil a reserve would cost ill fifty years less
than the raising and eluipnlent of troops
ilave cost in the last hundreJ days. But al-
thought we do not need anti will not unaintailu
a great standing army , it might be well
for the military authorities to hod but why
It is tlia Young America has so ironounced
a disincilnation to go Into the regular serv-
The three S's have formed a junetiou with
the fourth-Sampson , Schlcy and Shatter at
American map utakera scarcely know
where they are at. Future business , iuow-
over , pronuises to exceed former bounds.
Pictures of Admiral Camara now appear-
lag in print (10 sot warrant the impression
that he Is too hantisonuo to flght. it would
take a 13-inch shell to spoil his lace.
That mysterious compound with which the
Cadiz armada promise to do up Uncle Sam
probably hnils from China , where fragrance
is a famous weapon. Fortunately for the
nation's nostrils tilO dotus cannot get. near
enough to pitch the pot.
It is fitting enough that Duneaul ii. liar.
hison should be a major of volututeers. lie
tIsed to be , when manager of John I. . , Suti-
Ilvan , the only one with courage enolugh to
put a check on that gentleman's obstreper.
ousness when in his cuus , ,
Whiio General Sherman saiti "var is hell , "
ho alto said "in the providence of ( bit there
is ft time for cli thIngs , ut time WllCTI tue
aword must cut the ( bonhinut knot nail act
free the principles of rlgizf. and Justice boullii
UI ) In tile meshes of hatred , revenge and
tyrnulny. "
Governor General lihanco announces that
he will have no further intercourse with
Anicricana , by truce or otllerwise. The
wrmith of Itamon 'is not aulrllriaing. F'or eight
\venry weeks he ilas waiteil to receive Alner-
icons and they CollIe not. Most any warner -
nor wouid resent SilCh a cold shoulder.
Admiral Sampsoui's cXPerIculce in boin-
bardltug shore batteries convinces llim that
SlllOkciCSS powder is time tluing to shoot with.
Ohlle years ago , while at tile ileaul of tIle
Bureau of Ordnance , he is said to have re-
slated tile introduction or smokeless povler , ,
preferring to await developments , lie dith
not wait itt rain. As soon as Ills eresent en-
gagUtileIlt. ! dhl. permit , tIle admiral will have
a lmrolotiged session with a Ilateilt kicking
niachine. . . .
, , '
'I it t'1' ( Itt I ) I 1. I' I .L F'1' .
.5 5 Lothstii Courier-Journnh It is reported
titnC 'whi'en Camara's squludron sailed it was
'acii'olnpIuuled by' 4,000 troops on tunnsrjorts.
" \as \ tile squadron to protect the troopi or
were (110 ( troops to protect the squadron ?
flaltimliore Alnericalt : The Cadiz squati-
1011 has sailed , nut ! another squadrolu is
ieiIl fitted .otmt. . Spain , as tar as her fleets
are coticer.ned , hiss a fertility of resource
, vhuIciuscorius onhis , dry docks or Silip3thIlS. (
This ticinonsrates the wonderful superiority
of ihunntpnl siulhis over the ones requIring
skili. Liille , labor titll money , with wllIrli
* less imaginative nations arc forced to equip
their navy. -
Globt'-Democrat : Canlera's squadron will
hide itseif In the Atlantic or the Medlter-
taIlcati for a few days atll then drop back
Into Foiflo of SIlain's Ports and repeat tile
performance a few days or weeks alter-
ward. NothIng quite so impressive as those
sUecessive tlcpuirttlrciu mid returns of the
Catilz hoot has Iuaplened since that historic
day a long tltule ago 'ilCfl the king of France
wltii .10,000 imien , marciled UP tile bill and
then nunrclieil ilown again.
New York Tribuuue : There is great news
from Cadhz. Tue Spanisil fleet has sailed.
AdmIral Camara-ol whom Lieutenant Car-
ransa has his opInIon-Is in command , and
Seller Aimnoim , the uiinlster of marine. is
aboard. It bears a ilag of honor , which was
blessed as ceremoniotlidy as the Jackdaw of
ItiuCillis 'i'as cursed ; whether to as effective
result. is to be seeti. It is a bIg fleet , with
lattlcshlps , cruisers , gunboats , torpedo boats
tunti torpedo boat destroyers galore.Vhere
they all conic froni is unknowui and Inmuna-
terial. Maybe Spain , out of 11cr over-
hawing treasury , has purchased the whole
Swiss navy aluil added it to 11cr owil. Maybe
she has been building ships by the dozen
up In the hills of L.a Manciia. Who knows ?
Sutilco It that. .
SIuos got the sliil's ,
She's got the inch ,
, Anti shcs got mule stoies , too.
OLD ANt ) ? EW S'I'Y11E5.
SitmiIil&'mlit I1etterof preNiletlt [ in-
thIi oii . % rniy AllilOl iltIiIeIilM.
Philadelphia Ledger.
Times change aumd with them men and
imletilods. When war comparimons are to
be IIIade we naturally compare the fllell
and methods of the liresent struggle with
those of the great clvii contest. The sons ,
granlsouls ( , iiCiilie'iVS , sons-in-law , nutd Kans
with political influence , have been niuclu in
evIdence latteriy In respect to mliitai'/ .
pointlnentu. The Minneapolis Journal sayx
wIth reference to them.
"The influx of ilntralncd cIvilians into tile
army has reached such a volume that fears
are expressed at WashIngton that. the et-
fectiveness of t'llO army is to he greatly mi-
perilled. It. is said that President
McKinley realizes what should be , lone ,
but that. he in 'powerless before overwhelming -
ing congressIonal pressure. whIch assures
hint that every mall is competent. Of
course , incompetents will be weeded out
after they get into the field , Just as they
Were ill the first months of tile civil war ,
but The 'uoccss is a costly one. "
The Springfield ( Mass. ) Republican , Oil
the sante subject , says
"TIth itrlstocracy 'puil , ' as applied to mill-
tary nplointrncnts ill this war , by whIch
the 50115 antI relatives of great men , dead
anti living , arc honored , without tile slight.
cut reference to merit or ability to , his-
charge the duities of the vlaces they get , is
a shameful scantlal. "
Amnomug tile fortunate ones Is iile son of
tile secretary of war , Alger , but tue greater
number are tile SOIlS or other reiatives of
United States senators and represemltatives ,
anti of governors of states.
The appoIntment by the secretary of war
( ( I hula ' son is especially iiiustrative of the
order of things. To allow what the
olil order' was the Ledger Illibhisiles here
a letter written by i'rcsident LimIcoin to
( icneruii Grant , in the ciosiegycar of the
clvii war :
"Executive MamIsion , Wasillllgton , January -
ary 19 , 1805.-LIeutenant General GrailL :
I'Ieaso read and answer this letter as thouguu
I were not president , but only a friend , My
son , now Itu his 22d year , baying graduated
at Ilarvarti , wishes to see soinetiling of the
war before it ends , I do not wish to put
111111 lii tile ranks , nor yet to give ilim a
comnmissiout , to wluiciu 111030 viuo have ai-
ready served hong are better entitled anti
better qumahifled to bolti. Could he , without
embarrassment to 'you or detriment to the
servte , go into your military family with
50mb IlOlnilual rank , I and not the public
turmliaiiing hIs necessary Imleans ? If no ,
say so without the least hesitation , because -
cause I am as anxious anti as deeply inter-
estcd that you shall not lie encumbered as
you can be yourself , Yours truly.
"A. LiNCOLN. "
The old way aecns to have been tile bet-
ter one.
I'JliI 1'OI'tJi.t IL 14)AN ,
Advaiiilgigea a C * Iiei'Inmi for iIaIuNII
( If I lie S'ur Iigpiis ,
I'iiiladelpiuta 'i'iuneui ,
The government will at once offer $200-
000,000 of the flew 3 per cent colut tioud
to the peophe of the nation , through the
different Ilostoiflees and fiscal agencies of tile
country , They will he issued in sums of $20
anti upward , tiuc limit of COUOIl bonds
being $1,000 and of regIstered bonds $10,000 ,
and the government wisely provides that the
small bonus shall be first supplied , titus
diffusing the loan as largely as possible
among time pcdphe ,
Tile time for subscribing to this loan will
continue for one month-that Is to the 14th
of July-and it is quite probable that the
$200,000,000 offered will be very largely oversubscribed -
subscribed ; but. the masses of the people
are encouraged to mait tielr subzcripttoui.
hoieer smell , beeituse they will be first
upplled b the governmellt , lpaitug the
larger aulbscriptions of inuhlvldntuhs , corporations -
tions ntl syniicates to be awarded pro rats.
It i the true policy of all nations to bring
tluo government into as close touch with the
people as IlOssible , and it is specIally the
trite policy of a republic where the PeOPle
are the sovereIgn power of tiuc land , The
strength of France is in the diftutsion of
her dclii. among her propic , anti when Prance
needs money It comes very largely froul
her peasants ,
Ncmuuly every farmer , shopkeeper ntl ro-
porous mechanIc or laboter of the country
can finti $20 or tnore to itIvest itt a goVern.
meat bond. The bond itehf will speedily
command a premium and its safety as an
investment is beyontb all question.
Let the mosses of the People respond to
tiuls call of the nation for money. Let
speculators and syndicates wait until the
tlitftisinti of small loans has been cxhausted.
We do not know whether Preference will ie
given to those who subscribe early , but it
would ho well for all who want a small
amount of the 10511 to nuake their RhlbsCrip.
tiomus ns promnptly as liossible. Postmasters
in every eolnlntlnlty will furnish all needed
iIlfol'ullntion Oil the subject.
TIlls Is ti'.tltMIiltS' sl.1.'it.
Snlllc ( , 'liciliflItHlMlItlN'il Oh tlu' Ito-
suults of Init 't''nr'M tlnreIs * .
IJaltimoro AlulerictumI.
Tills Will ho a great year for tue farmers ,
uuttwithstnntling the war. The reports for
him ilseal year 'iiiicb ends June 90 will 5110w
that muir agricultural exports will oxceeti
$800,000Ot)0. ) Tluey may letteil $8 10,000.000.
Tills will 1)0 the high-water mark. in 1881
anti 1892 , tito two best Yefll5 , these exports
wemut over $700,000,000. As compared
with the inst fiscal year the increase
iii agricultural exports will be iro.oooooo ,
amId over $2t0,000QO0 increase as celnpal'itl
Witil the year preceding. In breauhstuffs
niono tiuc uxihorts will amount It , nearly
$1,000,000 a tiay , almost enough , in this hue
nione , to pay tile CXCflSCS ot the war.Viiei
hunuber coal oil and other ilrodUcs are
counted in. tile gruintb total wIll be some-
tiling to be protuti of , Tile total exports of
corn for tile year will go beyond 200.000,000
bushels , and the figures for provisions , in-
chiding hog and daity products , will be
Foreigllers may quarrel with us on paper
and criticise us but they know they must
look touts for food.
\'iucat was a remarkably good priet in
May , Tiiore has been sonic falling off since
themu , but tue indications are tilat the year
ihl be a good 0110 for growers , notwitiu-
stnlitiiulg the emiormous crop expected , because -
cause Europeans must have bread.
Tim honie demand for provisions by tile
government , eu account of the war , is cx-
ileCte(1 to make business lively. There will
be over 10,000,000 bales of cotton Produced.
The eastern market for cotton goods is itui-
proving every day , and wllcn China is more
wiileiy OliCileti up , and the boom in business
tilat is expected to follow the flew order of
things ii the Pilihipilines aulil in Cuba and
l'orto Rico , the manufacturers of cotton and
other goods wIli be nblo to see the possi.
bihities of expansion. ' The war taxes , soon
to go lute operatIon , will bring time struggle
close luome to the people , but if business
increases , and our surplus foot ! products are
being freely taken by outsiders , the taxes
i'iil not be a burden. WTiuat the people like
is nioveinent In trade. That means lire ;
dullness means death. As ioml'g as money is
coining iii traders do not object to paylulg
out some. It a great ilIduiStrial activIty 511(1
a wonderful reaching out Itito foreIgn ilelds
does hot follow this war , sIgns will be of
little value as indicators. In any calcula-
tiomi and In nIl prediction the cilormous resources -
sources of this country must be taken itltO
account. Development was never proceeding
at a more hopeful lUCO tilan at present.
. 'l'uld WA5Y ' 10 DO I'I' . , ,
ilIO % the EIilIiiiIe ( II' Oregon ; lit-oil
iii.idvlt'e of mi NolrmtMlcti F'nrlller.
PhimlitleI1iia : Press.
Populist state conventIons are meeting SlId
roafuirmlng the Chicago platform just as if
notillag had occurred sInce the summer of
'isui. : The democrats are also consenting
to fusions with the popuilists anti paying no
hcel to the warning gIven them ill Oregon
two weeks ago. Two such trades vere
fixed up at conventions lucid last week in
Kansas anti Minnesota , and the others wIll
occur thIs week.
It Is strange that men will ilot read time
signs of the tiumes , butt will conUnhte to Permit -
mit themselves to be' ( ioluded. Tilere is
nothing more evident than that tree silver
is dead as an Issue in time west. Evemi the
farmers can see It and they' prove in this
way that they are keener sigiltod that tile
politIcians WilO pritie themselves on theIr
abliity to foresee coming events. here is a
letter from a farmer in Nebraska and
llrinteli by Tue 01115115 flee. It save :
"Smaii grain Is immense. Never saw
such stuff grow out of the ground In any
country before , though I have been all
through the Utulteil Stgtes. Corn is growing -
ing fast , a little weedy , but this week , with
no more rain , will put It in fine shape. The
popuilets are now ilowhing 'What in tilull-
tier yIil we do viUl all the stumi ! ? ' because
they must buIld more cr1113 and granaries
to luotuse tite grain. Wiles WO were bhown
amid dried out they ilowied. Now they are
howling because tiuev must Hitelud a little
InOIlOY to make rootn for titeir crops. Now
you fellows up there in Lincoln keel ) your
eyes peeled this fall at the convention anti
nomInate a good , clean man for governor ,
and I thInk we can elect tile Wilole ticket.
Look at Oregon. Now I Imope to the Lord
McKinley wiii not send Billy Iloy Bryan to
the PhilippIne islands. Billy is playing a
aharp card. lie wamlts to leave tue UnIted
States to get out of tile way of the cyclone.
Multi what I tail you. "
ThIs farmer outlines the situation in
homeiy phrase , but accuratsiy. lie sees that
tile great crops of time west and tue prIces
they are sure to bring have completely
kiiied liryonism and compelled tile ClIlcago
candidate to make a hasty hunt for a new
isstle. lie imagines Ito lIas founl it ill
"anti-imperialism , " hilt it Is not Possible
tilat even 11(1 ( ilimflsClf belIeves that tue voters -
ers can be rallied on such a jlhatforiml , It
Inn ) ' Lu ) 01150 tito entliusiasnu of the mug.
wumnps , but it can mmcver animate tile liopU.
lists and democrats ,
The onhy tiiimigs Ucoded to mnke tile
burial of free silver complete Is for the
republicans to follow tile examnple of the
party in Oregon amid lut "gOIl" ( Iti their
Imlatforms and act otu the advice of time
Nebraska farmer and mlomninate good , clean
cantlltlates for 0111cc ,
Tue Royal 1. the hiiglw.t grade baking powder
kuown , Actual tests ihow it goes otmo-
thIrd further thati any other bread.
AkoIucIy Pure
' . , .
'IYLIMU5e P0055 cO. 1,5W ( O (
lllIfltlZiiM OP Tlli
Detroit Journal : "Olu Mr tlnyhoy , they
lIllY ) ( Itl tb not leiIevo ( n Inarrlnge.
"Nouutt'nse , lily denr Mrs. ( luolgiril blow
0011111 there ho ituiy 'idows ltlt for marriage -
riage ? "
Chicago hhecordVcre : you a guest at
tlue hotel WillIe YOU % VCtO away , lhiotigett ? " S
' 'tihiest 2 Not intuch , 1 Paul cash. "
ifldiatlttpQii4 Johirmlal Time Long I'nrty-
M friend , hurivo otl ever ( lone anytiultug
for tue tulllftlflg of iutinumuiuity ?
' ] 'ilo Short l'nrty-Yotu bet. I'm a dymun-
mite nnmitufacttirer.
Washington Stnr"Our : baker's boy
takes great illtert'it. in his job ulowatlays. "
"And for Wil' ? "
"lie calls iuis morning dolivel-ics roU
calls. "
letroit Journal : Chincy-Caseyt
Clrtncy-Dnn't yes wish tilot Oirehand be'
lulgo(1 , to Siupa in ?
Cleveli-untl Plain Dealer : "Say , wluat
wetuld you do if you llmui It skeletoll in YOUr
Cllsf't ? "
"Tile best tiling to do is to nlako * 10 bones
of it. "
ltltiimlflhilOli.9 Journal : "I 'ant to any
that I have tulore reslect for thuo miss than
ever before. "
"Or etlurmhe you lnte. Tue Price hlas been
raised. "
Detroit Free PressI Editor-Its Smith's
ollitunry I wrote , "lie met illS theathi like a
lwio ; " amiti it comes out , "lie Illet his debts
like a hero. "
Foreunuitl-l'lu ) very sorry. S
llitor-i 'iVQtIldIl'L cmtre so intmch , only t
tb 5(1 Ilato utllytilimig tliitt atnttcktt of a'dula-
tion of the ( lemull.
Cleveltinti l'lmiill IealerI "l'lliC wtur tttx
Is tireathiully wide sprcathiu'mr ' , isn't it ? '
"Yes , It i going tO Vll4i S lflflhi tnotiey
e'ery tune he stilimlils 111(4 ( feet. '
News " 'es " hue nid ' 'I
Ciiiemige : , , can
trmueu . tul ) desceilt bucic ftlr lltmunlrcis of
3.011 r , "
' 'l .liiti't doubt it. ' ' Silo reuhlieti. "Your
lOOr ol I Ituleestors are dead SlId , of eutursu ,
( it 11' t ileli ) tilCtlil4el'eS. ' '
Cleeittnd Plaits icnhcr : ' 'lverythinn- k
mnilitiur ) ' mirotuilti OlaF house these days. " J
" 1)4 ) that soY'
' 'es : we Ctll't get Jimnllly till in the mnorml-
lug unless we blow a imtugle. "
Detroit Journal : "i1ld is there any real
obstacle to yoimr simcce'ss ilpon tile tmte ? "
' ! Aii. my tOlIlC5M , yes ! ' she exclaimed ,
with becoming nlodesty.
Saying which , she ordered mtlittiiet' qumirt
of CilllmllPngflO for llItliIiil3P , it vn5 InOru
full overconlilu 501110 obthtcles tilan otilers.
Jtmdge : Aslcimuti-ilow is your cold totlny ? ' '
Cofllll-Muciu better , thank you. I cough
only all the time now , while before I 1usd
1(1 stOl ) coughing every mow nuid thrl ( ill
order to breathe. " '
Chicago itecordS'luat : is lutiViCe , Uncle
Cllristophor ? "
"Advice is an imwlllid dose 'ivhiiciu 110 Iflhtti
'ivill tmike ililfiselt , but wIllehI CVI'ryboti3' is
nlways trying to for" down tIle throats of
other lColle. ' '
inliatlflloliS Journal : ' 'So , ' ( lU tIlillIc it
mllsoltutely necessary to have 1lieyclo shoes
OIl W)10t1 ) YOU rule your wheel , do Otl ? S
asked . tile Clleerfull Idiot.
"of. coulrse , " saul tile 3 oungest boarder.
"Thou , woultl 3Iii 'i'enr horse slices 'isltcti
you rode a ilorso ? " 4
lv. J. LtinipttmuinNew York Sun.
W'lmmtt ( ireadful horrors cluster
0 , Vnr , about thy muamuic ;
'Viiat cruel carmmtiu'e curries
41 , crinlsomi cretin to Paine !
W'llrtt WtCS ) trend oil eaclu other ,
So fttst they folltav , when
The altar is mntuli's glory ,
TIle sacriiico is mimemi.
0. ' , Vmtr , tilttm Ilurpho inomturcli ,
\'iio swayest uield antI town ,
W'Ilat heartless head of iron
Must liii thy carmine crown !
Thou flre-eyctl 11(11,1 of slaumghter ,
Vllo SVCCPL't4t tirouglut ROil flood ,
Tile situ tItnt ; o f tltttfllltt I itti
Cltmlnot obscitre tile blood
That tiiott itist siieti for eonquet ,
For glory Itilti for ShRIne ,
Anti in the mliehie of 1Iurder ,
I Inst written thine own annie , '
Yet this iS not slIfliclent ,
0 , 1'ar , nmmci we are tolti
ThRt 3JU have now discovered
New horrors to unfold.
rend thnt in Dakota ,
l'ttrsuant to your milan ,
A new anti helpless baby
Is christened Dcweynnul.
Say , W'zlr , thy dreatiful horrors
llcrCttfter arc ill 'nmn
Cio on , anti let them christen
Tile mmeXt Otle liobsolliane.
\ ' \AflX" \ . , Thus ?
. . ' ' ? , JUNE 23 .
TAMPA , FIa , , Juno 23 , .1898.-There will
be an oillciul trial here todny of tito two
Frencil war bahinomus reccultly brought to
tiii ( country , timl kept fur 50100 tlnys at
Goverimors Island. 'i'lio iiulloon tlmum fol-
Itiuvs tIle bicycle into tiuc ileiti of war.
) S.
Speaking . -
of bicycles , have you a bicycle
suitTIf not , come and see oul's ,
We ha'e the best assortm nt in
town. Wool , cotton , duck ,
linen ad crash and at very
modest prices ,
Then there is light weight
flannel and cotton negligee
shirts to go with them.
Or perhaps you prefer a
Bicycle sox , stockings , leggings -
gings and drawers , belts , caps ,
etc. Our line is very complete
and would be pleased to have
you look us over ,
'w JRowN1NaKJNG&Co.
e. W lath