Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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    r : : ; - - : : OMAJEADATLY 1TUflS1)AJUE28 , 189
contingent , which kit Tampa dlrct1y , not.
wIthitnrn1Ing the dlatnnco Is twice as
Iorma1 orders were Iasuel placing Uenoral
( ltjy V. Henry In charge of the hew iIvliiIon
of troops composed of DttmohV and Oarret-
Ion'E brigades , which are to form part ot
the now diviRlon. Probably some of the
troopiiow at Tampa will boattached also ,
In which case they will be dspatcheil I
aeparato transports. General Henry Is ono
of the moat notol cavalry Icailora In the
nrjny , and poaalhly In the world.
It Ia eVIlOflt from the nturo of (1'"l
Milea' advicea that In additIon to the I
no _ landing , uk It Is supposed not fni in
Vlayo. 1e1 Este , on ( lie east side of Sa. . . . .go
bay , the second lanillng 19 goIng o .t a
point just about the same distance t i'C
the harbor entrance. The two ( lvI3o.i ( will
probabl' be pushed torwnrd atendily to take
the town of Santiago on eIther flank , 'huIe
to Garcla'a antI ltalibi'a liandi of Insurgents
xuayJo left. ulie task of bringing on the a
tnck in the rear.
The distance on the west aIde Is slightly
greater then on the east. .but It probably Is
not greater b either route than fifteen or
eighteen miles. The country Is mountaInous ,
hut there is no reason to believe It may not
be traversed by the United States troops.
even If It lioiiIil be necessary to construct
cntrcnchmnnts anil abhatlsevery fo'
in order to drive back the Spaniards.
With the beginning of the milItary iiiove-
mauL the navy wIll draw in shore to P0111111
away at the forts at tizo entrance , antI to
draw the cordon of war ships so closely
aioUiiil the mouth as to make It impossible
for Ccrvcra's vessels to escape , even If they
are diaIosel ) to take the most lespcratt ,
sill I'M l1CI A lIISl'lt'l'ItN ( ,
1)t'iI , ' 4III SiilsI1IrI1M 11 $ iii time I'Iul'c
( Copyright , 189S. by Assueluteil Press , )
PLA\'A TEt lSTI , Juno 22-U a. in.-
TIlO army begati laniling today ut iigila-
dores , fifteen miles east of Santiago de Cuba.
Ii. Is not expecteti that the disentharkatlon
will be finished for several ( lays.
Thu fleet of transports. which arrived oft
Santiago on Monday , d lsappeart1 yesterday
morning for the iniriiose of making a dciii-
oustratlon at points ent an' ) west of Santiago -
tiago to deceive the Spaimlards regarding
thu point of lazullng. The ( lenu1strattoll to
the eastward was niado , at Altarcs , end that
to the westward at a poInt about equally
t' distant from Santiago.
A Cuban who had deserted from the Span-
Isli ranks , surrendered last night to time
Marblehead , saying he was unalil. to loager
endure the starvation rations Issued to ths
Siantsli troops. lie declared there were
many others In the same condition and nnx-
bus to surrender , It Is expected a number -
ber ivIll go fllIflFl the Marblehead today.'IVNIC F'tVOltS tN AbIdANCE.
IttIiII Iurs'N thy tisI tliiti 'I'mthen 1 ,
loMf-IlI Cliii iilerlimtii ,
LONDON , June 22.-The Marquis of Lans-
( lOWne , secretary of state for war. addressing
: the conservative unions of London , this
evening endorsed the recent Birmingham
speech of the secretary of state for the
colotiios , In which Mr. Chamberlain cx-
) pressed the hope that the day would come
when the stars and stripes and the union
jack would wave together in an Anglo-Saxon
Lord Lansdowne saId be could see nothIng
In Mr. Chamberlain's speech to offend time
CoiflfllOfl Sense or PatrIotism of the people of
( Ircat Britain.'c should be wanting in
foresight , " he contInued. 1f w failed to
realize that. the time mIght conic that our
revenues 'oUiil no longer flow so freely ,
wheil the lirItIsli taxpayers would grow
weary of building more and more battleships -
ships afll raising more and more battalions ,
ahmil when , whether we liked It or not , we
mIght have to cnsIder whether we could
stand alone. "
' , - The rations which the soldiers are iiow
receiving arc entirely satisfactory. Lieutenant -
tenant Thomas P. Clifford , commissary of
the Third brigade , Third division , First
corps , gives a list of the most important
Items of food isiied Iii a tm days' ration
to his brigade. They follow : Fresh beet ,
21,535 pounds ; bacon , G,3O pounds ; soft
liread , 28,040 rations ; beans , 3,900 pounds ;
potatoo , 22,500 pounds ; onions , 5,600 pounds ;
roasted coffee , 2,100 pounds ; sugar , 4,200
pounds ; salt , 1,700 pounds ; vInegar , 250 gal-
Ions ; icppcr , 75 hiounds ; soap , 1,140 Ilounds ;
candles , 420 irnunds.
'l'orrey's Ciisiiiry Starts.
ChEYENNE , Wyo. , June 22.-Special (
Tclegram-Tho ) Second volunteer cavalry ,
under Colonel Jay L. Torrey , left here this
evening for Jacksonville , Via. . to report to
( leneral FItzhugh Lee , The regiment , with
Itim horses and baggage , occupied thirty cars
and will travel by the Union PacifIc to
Onialia. the B. & M. to St. Louis , Illinois
Central to Holly Springs , Kansas City ,
Idcmnptil & Biriningliani to I3irniingliain and
Central Georgia and Plant systems to Jack-
sonville. The regiment is supplied with
new equipments and is ivell drilled.
SiniiisIi il iuiems lisieni miloyti1 ,
UAItCBLONA , Juno 22.-The situation In
tIme xnimiimmg regions of Catalonia is most
serious , There arc 17,000 people out of
eniployment niitl more factories amo cx-
ptictctt to close shortly. A renewal of riot-
log is expected , but the authorities are do-
lug everything possible to lrevciit this ,
AU RLrnDown
Hood's Sarsaparlila Built Her tip ,
" t have been In tor health for years.
: i waa run dowit In Bummer and was without -
out any appetite. I vas advised to take
Ihiod's Sarsajiarlhla and found that It
built mc up , and now whenever I am out
of order I resort to hood's Sarsaparifla , "
IDA IIALLMAN , Eliluwood , Kansas ,
L .J , Sarsa
wt00u S parnla
Iii the best-ui fact the Omie True Blood I'imriflcr ,
Hood'a Pills curualiUverlits , iconU ,
: The Omaha ee
I Map 01 Cuba Coupon
, Present this Coupon with
6 lOcfor
4 AMapofCuba.
f A Nap ofthe West Indies ,
And a Maporthe World ,
t By Mliii 1J cemits ,
This Coupon with 25c
Olficial rhotographs
of the United States Navy.
Addreis ,
tM.-tHA 1hEt ,
- -
1IoIllIM ; OUT OLI B Cll
Ohio RopnbBcnna Reach a Oomproxdzo on
the Thsoutions.
PrIc'isls of the l'rcsi.letit nt.iI
lImmitisat Shut I'over to Put
' 1 hrt 411 Iii. ' Ctt'mm t Vhmnt-
i'.e'r 'I'ime I'sirel ,
coIuMrus , 0 , , Juno 22-The republican
state convention re-comivencl at P a. m. to.
day , when the teniporary organization of
yesterday was timado permanent. Prayer
was offered by Dr. J. C. Watt. Owing to
the nil-night session of the coiiiniittce on
credentials on the McKtsson and other contests -
tests , the other committees could hot be
completed till tOdfl ) , but their comnplexion
was not chmnngeil. Theta \VnS scarcely any
factional minority in the convention as it
Was organized , What are known as the
national administration mcmi as (115-
ttmiguished from the state administration
111011 iiiitl everything their way without op.
position. The nominatIons were made by
acelaniation and the rules were aptly
adopted for noininatioiis by acclamation ,
whtcit only one name was Presented.
The cub-conilnittee on resolutions was
koiit up during the night because of ( litter-
enceil on the resolutions regarding the state
aihmninistration and the legislature. Sonic
wanted tIm governor and bolting re-
iiill leans in the legisiat ilrc condcmticd for
not ahldimtg by the resolution adopted at
thu state convention at Toledo last June
enIlorsing M. A. Ilanna for senator , and
they vcro especially anxious for a strong
denunciation of disloyalty of the seven ro-
inilhicnns in the legislature who did not
abide by the imrty caitctis nomination for
senator , but the Auh-comnilttee reported
more conciliatory resolutions to the ftIhi
committee at S a. in. today , and the report
wail tuna agreed to ,
Juilge A. C , Thompson , chairman of the
cominltteo on rcsolutlons , reported the tel-
lowimig , which was adopted :
1'rt'semit the l'intforn ,
The republican party of Ohio , in state
coiisemitioit assembled , adopts the following
platform :
1. We reaffirm the declaration of facts
and irinciples adopted by time eleventh national -
tional republican convention at St , Louis ,
Julie 17 , 1St0.
2. We congratulate the country upon the
fact that , iii resionse ) to the demand of the
St. Louis platform , nnd of the viii of the
people , expressed at the liolls in November ,
1896. protection and twin measures of republican -
publican policy have been re-establlahed ,
and have bOon embodied into public law by
thu enactment of the Dingley bill.
' 3. We favor all measures which will promote -
mote the restoration and growth of our
merchant marine.
4. Increasing trade witii our neighboring
republics , on the west coast of South Ainer-
hen , and our recent victory in the Philippine
isiaiitis , with all the responsibilitIes attached -
tached thereto , remind us that it is essential -
tial to our prosperity and safety that our
Atlantic and I'aciflc borders be Joined by
the nearest practical waterway ; we therefore -
fore favor lii , . renstritrllon 1w Ii , , , ? Tnltn,1
States of the Nicaragua canal , to the end
that our coniiiierce may be extended in time
of peace amid our coasts protectel In time
of ivar.
5. We ask the congress of the IJnitoiI
States to enlarge and to make more effective
our navy so that our country may take and
OCCUI)7 her proper place among the nations
of the earth , It must be adequate at all
times for defense against foreIgn foes , to
Secure the just rights of American capital ,
enterprise and conimere in all oarts of the
world and to command respect for our flag
0. We most heartily approve of the steps
now being taken by congress and the iresi-
dent , providing for the annexation of the
hawaiian islands as a nart of the United
States , and hereby express the urgent wish
that the same be fully accomplished at the
earliest iracticable date by the passage by
ihe senate of the Joint resolution which has
already met with the approval of the house
of representatives.
7. ICiiowing that Justice and humanity
alike made it our duty to put an end to the
hcpeless and barbarous warfare iraged by
Spain against Cuba and insure for that unhappy -
happy island a free anil stable government
we most heartily approve of the declaration
of war made by the United States against
Svain anti pledge our lives and fortunes for
th. , lumrpose of bringing it to a quick aini
successful termination.
Iai.l..rse Mc1Cinle' _
8. We endorse and approve tIme patriotic
American administration of McKinley. We
commend the great statesmanship displayed
by him in his tireless endeavors to secure
an honorable settlement of the Cuban question -
tion by diplomatic methods , and hii fearless
rsfusal t he driveii into ivar until all hopes
of a l'encfuI settlement laid ( alleil and ivise
and needful Steps had been taken to prepare
for hostilities. We
heartily endorse the conduct -
duct of the war by the uitlmninistration , and
feel confldent that time will continue more
nut ! illore to iheinonstrato tile great wisfiotmi
amid matchless leadership of I'rcsident Me-
Kiniey so far remarkably dlspiayeij in his
management . of the war and its conduct , and
i.o rejoice with him that iii the present
crisis the Macrican people are united iii
sustainimig him and that patriotism has coin-
plotely obliterated the last vestige of see-
tional feehiug.
a. Since the war with Spaimi couhil not he
avoided , we approve nit that coiigss has
ulene to lirovide for the vigorous itnil sue-
ccssful lirosecutlon thereof anti gratefully
thianlc all incmuibems of that hotly who have
imtrinticohhy voted the revenues necessary
fem its conduct. We niso conmuienil the
action of congress in providing for raising
necessary funila to carry on the war by
Popular loan , thus affording aim opportunity
to citizenH of moderate riieans to ilivest
In the bonds of the goverumnent ,
10. We reafllrin the doctrine that every
( liluililIell voter has a right to cast his vote
and to have it counted and that we coin-
iiioiid the action of a reptiblicami , congress
in securimig the right of suffrage to our
soldiers while absent fromn their homes
lighting for the republic against a foreign
11. We send greeting to Admiral Dewey ,
whose victory at Manila eclipsed in cost and
courage any naval victory of the world , To
friends and relatives of Busign Dagloy ,
whose nob1e young life was the first forfeit
of the var , ve semmd condolence. To Lieu.
tenant hiobson and his comrades , whose
bravo deed in siukjag the Merrimnac In Santiago -
tiago harbor has made them heroes and
emideared them to their country , we send
cheer and greeting anti comumeini the an.
ticipated action of the vresidemit and con-
zresa ; in recognizing , in a fitting vay , their
courageous and heroic conduct , amid w'e do-
monad that their treatinemit as jrisoners of
war shall accord with the rules and usages
of civilized warfare. To the army and
navy , to the boys wearimig the blue upon
lamid or sea , we senut greeting anti encour-
agomnent , firma in the belief. that their service -
ice will add luster to the /unierican arms
auth , brimig victory the country's cause.
\o hereby pledge the republican party of
Ohio and its senators anti representatives in
congress in their support and defense.
12. imi the near future important problems
will arise out of the 'ar in % hiichi tim mm-
oswEe CORN
for dainty table d1he.
tion is now engaged , Among others 'will be
the disposition tp lie marie of conquered ter.
titory. The people can safely leave the wise
and patriotic solution of these great questions -
tions to a republican president and a republican -
publican congress.
13. The civil service law was extended by
the last democratic administration far be.
yond its hturvose and intent , and we favor
such modificatIon thereof and such revoca-
( ion of orders as will conform it to the origi-
ash spirit and object of the law.
14. Wo regret the 'enforced absence from
this convention of Senators Foraker and
hlanna , but we earnestly coniniemid that
fidelity to duty which prompts them to remain -
main at Washington , and we heartily ap-
nrovo of their determination to stay there
until tin' will of the American people Is car-
red ! out amid our flag once more floats over
( lie hawaiian Islands , never again to be
hauled down ,
15. We retoice in the election of Marcus A.
hlnliiia to the senate of the titmlted States
for the atiort anti long terms , as demanded
by th tvttvbiicaiis of Ohio last year , anti
we hmeatily approve of the action of ( lie
general niscmnlily which has by Its votes
and jmrty loyalty in electing hIm nirule ef-
fectt'e ( lie will of the people as expresseil
at th pollp in November last. We corn-
mciiii party hoynlty essemitinl to ( lie triumph
of our great principles ,
10.Ve comnienil ( lie wise administration
of ( lie eeeutive affairs of this state by the
heals of the various departmemits , placed imi
authority by the republican Party. bits by AeImiiil ,
The following nominations were made by
acclamation : Secretary of stnto , Charles
flinney ; supremne judge , W. T. Spear : clerk
of simprenie court , Josiah Il , Allen ; food and
( hUry comnnilssioner , Joseph Ii , Blackburn ;
memnber of the board of Public works , Vt' , ( I.
The Incident of unusual interest was
durimig the consideration of the majority
and minority reports on credentials , The
minority report was hrcsented by Mr. EasIer
of 1)aytomi , the only one of tIme twenty-one
members of the commnitteo signing it and he
was the only one who supportcd it in time
convention , As soon as the niajority report
was adopted , the MclCisson muon and others
unseated wcro vrovlded with seats and the
proceedimigs vere so expeditiously dispatched
( lint ( ito convention at 11. a. in , adjourned
sImm ( lie.
The new state central committee organized -
ized with Cyrus hiulin , chiairmaa ; P. W.
Durr , vice chairman , and C. W. . ihildebranul ,
secretary. After ( lie icport on credentials ,
( lie state committee , consisting of twenty-
olie so-called hlanna iiiefl , and nil of the other
committees were without rntnorities.
ltiiAIFIlt M Cli l(5.tiO l'I.A'l'l'OltM ,
litnusler IeilloorlLts Noun I mimite a Pith I
SInte 'I'liIut.
INDIANAPOLIS , Jumie 22.-The demo.
cratic state convemition has been In session
here , hard at work all day long , sitting
far into the night. Final adjournment was
rcached alioimt 9 ociock , amid etitliusiastic
demonstrations for Iewey , Ilobson and
Sampson. The convention was one of the
largest political bodIes that ever asscm-
bled iii Indiamia , fully representative of the
best elements of the party. What few con-
tcsts there were seemed free from nan-
nioniouis feelimig , and all nominations were
ninulo unanimous.
ResolutIons were passed to the memory
of the late Senator Voorhces by ( lie morn-
hers of the convention standing silently for
a few rncnicmits. A resolution was also
passed ajvising that state conventions be
held in ther cities of Indiana that : the
Upon the financial question the conven-
( ion made the following deliverance :
We realfirm and emphasize the platform
adopted by the national democratic convention -
tion ot 1896 at Chicago. We are in favor
of the ft t' and uimilifliited coinage of both
gold aa4 silver at the existing ration of
it ; to 1 , without the aid or consent of any
other nation ,
The full ticket nominated was as follows :
Secretary of state , Samuel 111 , Ralston ,
hloono county ; auditor of state , John W.
Minor , Marion coumity ; treasurer , Hugh
Iougherty , Wells county : attorney general ,
Johimi G. McNutt , Vigo county ; clerk of su-
prenia court , Henry Warrum , Marion
county ; superintemident of imblic instruc-
tiomi , 'IV. B. Sinclair , Stnrke county ; state
stajistician , James S. Guthrie , Brown
county ; state geologist , Edward Barrett ,
hendricks county ; judges of the supreme
court , Second district , Leonard J. Hackney ,
Shelby county ; Third district , James McCabe -
Cabe , Warren county ; Fifth district , Tirno-
thy E. Howard , St. Joseph county ; judges
of appellate court , Fiist district , Edwin
Taylor , Vanderburg county ; Second district ,
C. U. Koilmnyer , Bartholomew county ; Third
district , Edgar I3rown , Marion county ;
Fourth district , G. V , ' . Diven , Madison
county ; Fifth district , Johamina Kepelke ,
Lake county.
Mk'lIgzmii I'oiuil isIs % VlIllig tO GIt'
LII , All Else to flue fl4'iuioerguls.
GRAND RAPIDS , Mich. , June 22.-Desire
for hiarniony seemed to be the distinguish-
immg sentiment arnomig the delegates when the
tate democratic and populist conventions
opened shortly after noon today , Appar-
cothy the populist lenders had concluded
that they wanted no fight over ( lie division
of ( lie 8tate offices. They epIesseu1 theimi-
selves wiihing to concede ° anytjiing reason-
able. " but declared they would oppose
cliaimging the name , deinocratic-people's
union-silver to plain democrat , as p oposel
by some of the latter party. The silver re-
pubhicans appeared to be agreeable to go
ivithi ( lie majority parties to ( he triple itl-
hiiico , and nil conceded the noniination of
ex-Congrcssrnan Justin Il'huiting of St
Clam for governor , anul the selection of Dan-
id J. Chiampau of Detroit for clmairman of
the democractic stnte central committee ,
The foliowing state ticket has been rati-
fled by the three comiventions , each party
being equally represented : For governor ,
ex-Coiigressmami Justimi It.'hmiting of St.
Clam , tleinocrn ( ; for lieutenant governor ,
Michael F. McDonnhd of Sault Ste. Marie ,
democrat ; for secretary of state , L. B , Lock-
wooti of Coitlwater , populist ; for auditor ,
General JoImmI L. I"rislilc of hlilladale , silver
republican ; for state treasurer , Dr. Edgar
Smith of hetroit , democrat ; for attorney
general , Royal A. hawley of Ionic , silver
republican ; for land conimissioiier , Canton
Peck of Laper , populist ; for superintendent
of vublic instruction , Mrs. Florence Itenkes
of flurry County , silver republican ; ( or
member State Ihoard of Education , Qeorgo
B , Wihletta of Calhoun county , pOiUliSt ,
, liI re. . Ctmi'ycimt ittuis 11e , ' ( sit Abcrdl..H
ssuuil liIiIi Ovt'ru res ,
AUERIEEN , S. D. , Jumio 22.-Special ( Tel-
cgrnni.-The ) popuilists , democrats and free
silver republicans met in separate state
cozivention In this city today , Chairman
Esebrook ( called ( lie Impulist convention to
order , Louis N , Cr111 was elected teimi-
porary chairman and Miss AlIbi Shouse
secretary , Commuittees on credemitlals , reso-
iutiouis anti permanent organization were
appointed. The cozivcntioiu adjourned until
aftcrnooim , when Semiator HaIninn ( of Moo-
tnna made a itohitical address. Judge Moore
of Icadwood was made permanent chair-
iiian antI ( lie temporary secretary was made
hionnialiciiL After a stormy discussion a
coliiumitteo of nine was appointed to confer
\vithi committees from ( lie otlmer comiventions
as to ( hiViitiOiiB of oiflecs on the ticket , reporting -
porting the rosult. The convemition adjourned -
journed untli evening , Governor Lee is
here and every referemice to him in the
couvention brought forth wild applause , lIe
will Lie renominated without doubt. Fusion
is a sure winner , but will meet with strong
opposition both in populist awl dmnocratic
conventions. The democrats and silver republicans -
publicans both met , electing chairmen and
secretaries and appointing committees on
resolutions. credezitisla amid permanent organization -
ganization ; also conference committee to
I meet with the nIhr like committees. it
is estimated that thO populat ! delegates , 300
I democrats nnui' ° IOd' silver republicans are
attending the tiiWntions ,
lint It'11tt on I'crkiuts ,
LSMAItS , La. , iJune 22.-Special.-Tho ( )
eleventh distriec rtpimbhican congressIonal
convention washehl at Leniars today. The
fIght for the nkimthatlon was one of the
warmest in yearsJ iTboro were four candidates -
dates in the raee. Congressman Ceorgo D.
l'erklna ot Siotsx fty. Judge Lot Thomas
of Storm Lakofl Rev , Jesse Cole of Ireton
and Ed Brown bf Sheldon. The flrat format
ballot resulted r't ) I'ekins , & 3 ; Thomas , 30 ;
Cole , 21 ; h3rown I ; 02 being necessary to
win. The balloting. which begami at 2 , was
kept imp all the afternoon , 111 votes being
taken without. practically a change from the
first ballot. Shortly after C an adjourn-
meat was taken until S o'clock in the even-
imig. On the 110th ballot a new Candidate
appeared In tIme race , Judge S. ? tt. Eliwood
of Sac City , Sac county giving him ten
votes. The vote resulted : I'crkins , 50 ;
Thomas , 28 ; Cole , 2i ; Brown , 14 ; ihlwood ,
10. There was practically no change up to
( lie 1lf'thm ballot. At 10:40 : o'clock tIme convention -
vention adjourned tilt mormuing. Time 110th
ballot rcsulted : l'erldns , O ; Thuonios , 27 ;
Cole , 18 ; Brown , 10 : Ehiwooul , 10 ; Stru-
ble , 2.
IttcIe.r totCtimigri'ss ,
MILAN , Mo. , Juno 22-Special ( Tcle-
gramiu-The ) democrats of the Secomtd Mis-
souiri Congressional district met in convention -
tion at Moberly today and nominated Judge
\v. . W. ituieker for congress on the first
ballot. There were two other contestants ,
Cajitain Eatis of Carrollton and W. D.
beeper of Chillicothie.
'cniiuunl 1sIuim1liCnn Consent Itii ,
MONTPELIBI1 , Vt. , Juno 22.-Thie republicans -
publicans of Vermont in their state convea-
tion today noniinntcul ColomielB. C. Smith
ci St. Albans for governor by acclamatioa
amid II. C. Bates of St. Johiasbury for lieutenant -
tenant governor.
Aliatlier 1it ige 1,1st uf AIii Ia tilleilts
lii I ite A riuiy t re FmLvuriuISly
, tCl'ul Uiii.
WAShINGTON , Jmmie 22.-The senate
today confirmed the folfowIng miomninations :
Postmasters : Missouri , T. I ) . Little , Car-
thngo ; Kansas7 W. B. Menohier , blncoln
D. It. Anthommy , jr. , Leavenworth.
J. E. hiopley of Ohio , consul at Southiainp-
toil. Englamni.
To be brigadier generals : Itenry V ,
Boynton , DistrIct of Columbia ; Joscph VI.
Puirne , New Jersey.
To be engineer oflicers with rank of
major : Captain .1. D. Fitch , corps of engineers -
gineers ; Captain It. J. McGrath , Fourth
Umulted States cavalry.
To be chief quartermaster , with rank of
major : Captalq J. 1V. P'ilsomu , Sixth an-
To be cTit , .vonumlssary , with rank of
major : First bieuenant % II. B. Wilkins ,
Second Infantry , .
First lieutenomits to be adjutant generals
with rank of niuorV. : . B. Ahmny , Fifth
cavalry ; R. II. Noble , First infantry.
To be athlitionah paymasters : C. At. Cam ,
Missouri ; It. Iiartz , Colorado ; S. 0. Tytor ,
Virginia. i
To be assistant adjutant general , with
rank of captain : , First Lieutenant Edward
Anderson , Seventh cavalry ; F. B. Harrison ,
Troop A , New Yor1o cavalry.
To be assistant quartermasters , with rank
of captain : First Lieutenant VI. Robinson ,
Fourth artillery ; First Lieutenant S. A.
Sainoke , Nineteenth infantry ; Second lJeui-
tenant V. S HawFourth infantry ; Ross
Matthews , Illinois ; B. 13. Harrison , VirgInia.
To be conimissarles , with rank of cap-
tam : It. D. Winthrop , New York ; VI. H.
Lyons , Kentucky ; J. Ii. Tobin , Massachusetts -
setts ; C. M. Neal , Iowa.
To be inspector gemierai , with rank of
major : Captain J. 'iT. Mallory , Second infantry -
fantry ,
Seventh Regimuent , Volunteer Infantry-
To be captains : J , A. Duncan , Missouri ;
\v. A. Waldeck , New York ; 'S. S. Janney ,
Marylamud , To be first lieutenants : C. II.
Vt'hitehurs ( , sergeant major Eighth cavalry ;
\v. Hammond , first sergeant Eighth cay-
Third Regiment , Volunteer Infantry-J.
A. Toole of Georgia , assistant sumrgcomm , with
rank of fIrst lieutenant ; M. IV. Harris ,
Georgia , captain ; F. F. Cmenshrnw , Georgia ,
second lieutenant.
Sixth Regiment , Volunteer Infantry-P.
B. Divine , Tennessee , to be major.
Eighth itegimeni , Volunteer iimtantr-
C. C. Estee , District of Columbia. to be
captain ; F , ii. Burgess , District of Columbla ,
to be first lieutenant ; T. II. ft. CiarlI , Dis-
trlct of Columubia , to be second icutenant.
Fifth Regiment , Volunteer lntaiilry-T. It.
Armand , Louisiana , to be major ; J. C. iip-
son nod S. Geode , Louisiana , to be captain" ;
J. Mitchell , Pennsylvania , assistant surgeon ,
with rank of first lieutenant ; ii. L. iabhier ,
Louisiana , and C. L. Wool. I.outlsiamia , to
be first hicutemmants.
Tenth Regiment , Volunteer Infantry-It.
L. Carroll , South-Carolina , to be cluaplaimi ;
B. C. Hawks , District of Columbia , to be
major ; T. Carl , late quartermaster sergeant -
geant First infantry , to be first lieutenant.
First Volunteer Signal Corps-First Lieu-
tonaiil L. A. Rusehl , to be captain ,
Sixth Itegimnemit , Volunteer Infantry-C. It.
Evans , to be captain.
Seventh Regiment , Volunteer Infantry-
J , II. Lewis , District of Columbia , and
harry Bighamn , Maryland , to be captains.
Cllnrlcs .1 , Allison , Tennessee , to c en.
gineer c'Jlcer in yoiunteers , with rank of
Joseplm Steinmeta , to be first lieutenant
First Volutecr Emigineer regiment.
. : etuires St ' , Vri t of Mi , is.lum.mis. .
JEFFEI1SON CITY , Mo , June 22-The
Woodnien of tIme World of Omaha , Nob. , secured -
cured an alternative writ of mammulamnus from
division No , 1 of ( ha supreme court against
Superintendent of Insurance Orear , The
writ is made returnable July 6 , Superin.
tondent Orear rctusqd to license the company
to do business In 'Missouri because it did
not have a report from the government as
required by law.3 TJuo iit Ii ; to Coiiiiel (1w
issue of a license. Time case will be argued
when tim return is filed ,
Pear AuguNtI'p Ptuuumil is Ipmiih.
LONDON , Jummo 3-A special dispatch
from Shanghai indicates ( lie existence of
fears that SenoFukugusti , wife of Captain
General Augusti , nd her children. have
bocii mumassacred by thie rebels on the ibIs.
can. It is thougbti according to ( lie same
advices , that tiI ) Is the reason for the unwillingness -
willingness of aenerni Agulnaldo , tIme insurgent -
gent leader , to allow ( lie British consul to
start to rescue them ,
Cunniu Sotmi leru& Ii1tleud.
NEW YORK , JULIO 22-Tile directors of
the Canada Southern Railroad company have
declared a regular serni-aminual dividend of
I ver cent. Semi-annual dividends of 3i/
per cent on Lake Shore and 2 per cent on
Michigan Central were declared today.
, F ( ) Culor , tl Ii'iu'd ,
JEFFERSON CITY. June 22.-Tobo Lana-
baa mid Ed McKenzie , mmegroes , were hanged
at 9:10 : a. mu. today. A high stoeknde had
been built about the scaffold iii tIme jail yard
and only a few persons wore present at the
execution. McKenzie killed a farmer for
lila momiey amid Lanahaa murdered a 12-year.
oi'i ' negro girl after assaulting tier ,
ftregu' . Olilcizml 'oIc.
OLYML'Lit , gre. , Julie 22.-Time oiflciai yoto
in ( hue recent state election for governor
shows : Total vote , f4,713 : Geer , republican ,
45,104 ; Kimig , fusioll. 3430 ; Luce , middle-
of-the-road , 2,866 Clinton. prohibition ,
2,213 ; Geer's plurality , 10,574 ; Goon's major-
lty , 5,469 ,
Bdinfbrcomcnta to Bs Bout to the General
at Santiago ,
lInrisrul or 'ini Will Carry tht
Troiulis front NCWlOrt Ney , , nnd
the 'I'ri VIil 'rsio Alosmt
Four Da3R.
W'ASIiINGTON , June 22.-The forward-
log of reInforcements to General Shatter at
Santiago ule Cuba have begun , mid this morn-
lag the first body of troops left Camp Alger
for Newport Neis , timuro to take tmaas-
ports for Cuba , Thin was In accordance
with orders issued by Major General Miles
last night , directing the movenuent to begin
toils ) , The order was to Major General
( irahiani , comnuimaimuhing the Second armny
corps , camped at Falls Church , and is as
follows :
Vithi the approval of tiic secretary of
war , you will detaIl Brigadier ( ] emierai
iufiteid and one regiinoimt anti one battalion
of another reglmnent of his comnmnammd to itro-
CeCCl tomorrow ( this 'norutuig ) by rail to
Newport News , 'a. , with ten days' travel
iations. On lila arrival at Newport News.
( iemierai IJuffleld will go on board one of
time auxiliary crtiisers non' awaiting to
transport his comnmimand to Santiago , Cumba ,
Upoti arrival at. that 11111cc they will be me-
Ported to Major General Shatter , coal-
munnuhimmg the Uniteul States forces thore.
'limo troops with carry complete cniulp equip-
muielits and full supplies of nrnunitiomt for
fiplut r.arvice. It is understood not to cx-
cecil six horses can be takemi on board the
Other orulers imu exectitioii of the general
plan of senIimmg rcinforcemueflts wilt fol-
low. Time first movement is contineul to one
regiment and one battalion , as it vmu found
Duilfield's coin-
imecessary to divide General
nmand In order to meet. the accoinmuodationS
of the transports Harvard and Yale , the
facilities of one being considerably greater
thmami ( lie other , The thirty-third Michigan
and one battalion of time Thirty-rourthi Michigan -
igan were selected to go first , coniprlsing
I 1,350 mmmcii aumd fifty-three ofilcers. It iii
I thought that the Itarvarti will be the ship
first ordered , The reinainiiig regiments and
battalIons of General Iufllehd's connnamid
will leave on Saturday next , taking tIme Yale ,
The entire expedition will then proceed mu-
der command of General Dumeld , whose
brigade consists of the Nintlu Massachusetts ,
( ho Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth MichIgan -
Igan and the Third Virganla regiments.
ConfereliCe yitIi I.omig.
General Duffield ball a Personal confer-
dice with Secretary Long on Tumesulay night ,
( luring which the details of this move ivern
gone over. TIme general has the fullest
confidence of the secretary of war , being a
Detroit man , who for years lisa occupied a
close personal relation to Secretary Alger.
Aside from his personal relations , General
Dutfleld is regarded as one of the best
equipped officers of tlni volunteer service.
He haul a long and distinguished service
during the civil war , going out with the
Ninth Michigan infantry , of which he ho-
came adjutant. Later he went on the staff
of General George H. Thomas , in command
of the army of the Cumberiand , and was
with that general through the notable engagements -
gagements in _ which he participated. On
returning to civil life General Duffleid , then
Lieutenant Colonel Duflbeld , became a rnem-
lair of the Michigan State Military board ,
and by a special act of the Michigan legislature -
lature , he and his associates on the board
were placed on the staff of the governor
wIth the rank of colonel.
Geaoral Dufilelds expedition is expected
to report to General Shatter in about four
days from the tine the ships leave Newport
News. The inca got away from camp at
11:20 : today. General Dufficld's cemmapd
will augment the forces under General Shaf-
tsr to about 20,000 men. Besides these the
iresent plan of sending reinforcements contemplates -
templates that General Garrctsons brigade
of 4,000 muon will go as soon as transports
can be secured , which is expected to be at
an early day by the purchase outright of
( lie needed vessels.
The War and Navy departments bad noth-
lag to add up to noon today as to the arrival -
rival of General Shafter's forces at SantIago
do Cuba. The last information came from
Captain Allen of ( lie signal corps at S
o'clock last evening. saying that ho had the
cahhe station at Guantanarno and was working -
ing toward Santiago do Cuba. Thus far
lie reports have come from either Admiuiral
Sampson or General Shatter , although with
the re-establishment of the cable omce , re-
iorts arc hourly expected. General Greeicy
has given orders that commercial business
will be accepted at "senders' risk" owing
to the circumstances under which the cable
wan put in operation. For the present the
facilities are not of time best.
Henry ( mu Coituuuuamd.
Major General Miles this afternoon issumerl
an order assigning Brigadier General Guy V.
Henry to command the division of troops
which are to reinforce General Shafter at
Stui tiago ,
CAMI' ALBEIt , Va. , Juno 22-The fIrst
troops to leave Canip Alger for the front
started today. They comprised thin entire
Timirty-thmirtl Michigan and coo battalion of
the Thirty-fourth Michmlgaim. They were to
have staited at P o'clock , but it was 11:30 :
before they got oft for AlexandrIa , whence
boats vill convey them to Newport News
where they will be placed on lrnartl the
tranHnort Yale. It was at first intetided to
scimil time mmmcii to Newport. News by rail , but
it was thlscoyeretl ( lint tIme draught of the
Yale would prevent it touchming at ( ho dock
to receive ( lie troops. Time boats which will
convey ( lie men fronu Alexandria will be
able to go directJy to tIme side of time Yale
amid so transfer the inca , Colonel Girard
has flumally adjusted the matter of men for
the hospital service by deciding ( hat while
they zaust enlist hr the regular army , they
shall accompany their mcglaionts ivben they
move and be discharged at the end of the
ivar ,
Time 'I'hirml brigade , consisting of the
Ninth , Eighth , Twelfth and Thirteenth
Pennsylvania regiments , has been ordered
to proceed to the river tomorrow on a prac-
( ice march. As a result of continual am-
rival of recruits tbo Pennsylvania regiments
are practically full and this Illinois regi-
meats are mieanly toll ,
VIt1'l'Id 1IflihiG'EiJ 11 % ' 1'Id'I'TIOitEV.
ilot lu Seumntors 'I'tsllc itgni mist Au mici -
mutioim ( pf IlavriIi ,
WAShINGTON , June 22.-Opponents of
the annexation of Hawaii again occupied the
attention of ( lie senate today , Mr. White
( dcin , , Cal. ) resumed hmis speech begun yesterday -
terday , but after speaking two hours yielded
time hoot to Mr , Pattigrew (5 ( , B , ) , who this-
cussed the resolutions for an hioimr anti a
Mr. White has not concluded lila spech ,
Mr , Pettigrew taking up the argument
against ( lie resolutions merely to afford him
an opportunity to rest.
'i'tiii conference report on the Indian appropriation -
propriation bill was presented anti read , but
no effort was made to dispose of it , It was
sharply criticised , however , and the indies-
tions are that its adoption will be contesteil
because of the ebirninatlon of the senate
free homestead aroendinent 511(1 ( lie acinawl- :
edgeunent of ( lIe right in certain corvllIons (
of Indians to lease mineral lands.
Ituil y 'I'reusimry Stnleusm.'Im 5.
WAShINGTON. June 22-Monday's statement -
ment of the condition of the treasury shmows ;
Avaiiable cash balance , $188,816,050 ; gold
reserve , 365,506,4l6.
Scnfltur AiiIsu Tells time' Meiintc' That
flu Atrc.'nicnt Sins Dccii
H each eu
\VASIIINLITON , Jumno 22.---Special ( Tele-
gram.-Senator ) Allison , chairman of time
committee on appropriations , today an-
flounced in the senate that an agreement
hail been reached by the conferees on the
Indian bill. The report outlined that ( lie
house had receded from its opposItion to
an aliProliriatlon for a congress of Indian
nations , tribes and custotmie at Omaha between -
tween the months of Jumno and November
( mdl appropriating therefor time stun of
$40,000 , a. concession of $5,000 $ to the house
conferees , who thought that $10,000 would
be enoumgh money to spend iii war times.
Upon the question of changing the location
of the agency buildings on the Oniahus and
Winnebago reservatiomi ( lie seminte receded
on the amount to be appropriated , leavimig
the location to be determined at a later
date. Itathor than make a fight for this
anicmifiment and thereby jeopardize time tip-
propriatioa for the Imidian congress , it was
thought beet by both Senator Thurston and
Congressman Mercer to allow ( lie whole
subject to go over until the short session ,
when time matter will be energetically
pumshed , There has heemi considerable speculation -
ulation recently as to ( lie transfer of Cap-
mimi Mercer , agent of time Omnlma ant ) \Vimm-
mmobago , to the front and tIme appointnment
of mu civiliami in his place as the result of
war ,
Senator Allen is expected In Washimigton
General 14. VI , Colby loft today for Chticka-
Assistamit Secretary of War Meiklejnlmn ,
Ivlmo has been prominently noticed for gum-
bomnatoninl hoimors ( his year in Nebraska ,
feels that his duties iii ( lie , Var delmartmneimt
arc of so important a character that It
would be iimiiiossIblc for him to make the
campaign for governor.
A. P. Welchminnn was today appointed
postmaster at Grover , Uimita coulumty , Wyo-
An order was Issued removing time post-
0111cc at Iavid City , Nob. , from time present
quarters to a room emu lot 2 , same block as
the preseimt site , at a remit of $180 per
luuuisiis I'opimlln'I'uuke $ lOxeepi lulL to
the Speech lsy Coiii.rr.Msmtimufl
Grosvciior at Columbus ,
WAShINGTON , June 22.-A bill incorpor-
atlng the National Congress of Mothers was
iassed when ( lie house met today.
The conference report on the bill to ratify
time agreement between ( lie Dawes committee -
tee and the Seminole Indians was adopted.
Mr. Simpsomu ( pop. , ICan. ) created a diver-
aba by rising to a qumestion of personal pniv-
liege. He proceeded to remi from a report
of Representative Grosvenor's apeech before
the Ohio convention , in which the Ohio
memnber was reported as sicying , after referring -
ring to the oimposition to time republicans in
the house having voteti in tile interest of
the "reconcentrados" for the $50,000,000 appropriation -
propriation , that nine out of every ten of
those members "had voted no on every subsequent -
sequent appropriation bill for the suffering
soldiers" of the union.
Mr. Ialzehl ( rep. , l's. ) made the point
that it yaii not a uuuatter to warrant the
Kansas member in raising a personal privi.
lege , and the speaker , upholding the poimit
made by time I'enosylvanian , remarked that
proceedings in the house were not lot me-
quently subject for outside comment , and
should members insist on rising in each instance -
stance to a question of privilege , the house
would have its time so occupied that "it
would be unable to give that calm and dab-
orate consderation to legislation that is its
wont. '
Then as the speaker hammered hard to
bring Mr. Simpson to his seat time Kansas
member persisted and declared :
"The assertion as regards the vote of
members on this side is false. Every timan
on this side has voted for every apprepria-
tion tAii , and no maim would have cast time
reflection upon a large portion of this nouse
contained In the speech of the gontienman
from Ohio were he not dead to all sense of
honor and tnumthfulness , having in his possession -
session ( lie facts with which the gentlemnan
must have been familiar. "
Several private bills were ( lien Passed and
one authorizing the Montgoniery-Elmoro
Bridge and Irfuprovement conipammy to con-
stiuct a bridge across the Alabama river at
Montgomery , Ala.
The house then went imito committee of
the whole to discuss District of Colummbia
legislation , and at 3:12 p. in. adjourned.
( ) ppouuuts to itmimuexatiuuu Ask to have
1laviiiI Go Over to t lie Next
Sr"oi , .
WASHINGTON , June 22-The anti-aim-
imexatinnists in ( ho aenato privately suggested -
gested to the advocates of the hawaiian
resoluition , now before tIme senate , ( hat the
most liractical method of disposing of time
question was aim agreement on a timnO miext
sessiomi to vote ; but while the proposition
has not been formally declimied the sup-
imrters of the resolution say they will mmot
consider it. seriously. They say there wilt
be no difficulty in inaintaimming a quorum ,
anti they expect to be able to keep their
men hero to the end , soul ( hint ( imero is
therefore no reason for postponitig ( lie mat-
tar until next December.
COit b hliALhihIN ZIIOCOiI1F 'I'll 1(1 F'I'Y ,
'I'luiuik tliuuler Suumsu % Yitl I'iuy itiy I'rict'
. Asked fur It ,
WAShINGTON , June 22.-Thmo hmeavy demand -
mand for coal Is inducing a number of
thrifty individuals near the seat of war to
secure large stocks of this necessity of naval
warfare on tlo presummmiption ( hint tIme gov-
orimmcnt will Imurchase it ratimer ( lisa allow
it to fall into time hands of the enemy. Time
State department has rcceivatl a draft for a
large aniount , drawn by a colored niami at
Jamaica , who hind stocked uip coal amid withm-
out comitract or negotiation drew on time
departmnent for the full stocl at 12 per
ton. As ( lila grade of coal is scilimig for
less thaim $2 at iioints yiierc the navy can
secure it in this country , the draft was considered -
sidered out of reason , oven hail any ar-
rmmigement been immade for purchasing , Time
naval oiflcers , whtcim inquiry was mimamle of
them , said they knew nothing of the etoek
of coal , TIme draft is hot likely to ho hmomu-
Sour Stomach
"After I was laduiced to try CANOA.
E'1'S , I will micvurbe wlllmeuittliotui in Ito house.
My liver was in a very Laud ibmuo , sad may Itetud
chod amid I bad stomach Irouttie. low , &imic , , tat-
it ( Cascarets , I tool mmmmo , My wife Cas she uied
( heal with bonoticlal results for bOur stomach. '
Jus. KlismtaINu , iwi Congress lit. , hi. Louis , 510.
i'ieaianu. Palatable i'oteiit. Tatr Good. Be
(100(1. Nuserbicksu , teakemior Othie , PAr. aucWc.
IIrfta 5.a.d ; C.apisy , thug. , Usatrsl , 5. . Y t , 515
N . . Bold ked guaranteed by aim drug.
V.IIP. U gIstsoVV5L'Aobacco11abm1
oreti anti this particular stock of Jamaic *
coal wilL be left on the owner's hands ,
SUlTAN tli'I' $ 'Vh(5i Al.i ( ) l'I' HSY.
Pull Pnrdon ttrAhllingnited iii the
him-cent histnrhnuicc ,
% 'AslnNaToN , June 22.-in reference to
certain pubhishetl statements , the Turkish
hegation malses the following declaration :
Time trequient murders and pIllages coma-
nutted by Christians of Ihemana. tinder the
instigation of Motonegrina , imaving exaspet'-
ateul the Musselnian irnhmumlation of ( ho this-
( net , and having forced them into reprisals ,
sonic altercations and disorders have o0
cttrred antI tluring theae disturbances a
imuitmuber of huts of villagers have been tIe-
stroycil. Tue Turkish troops sent mmmcdi-
ately in sumciemit iiuunberiu to tIme spot at
once restoreul order. Ills imperial majesty ,
( lie sultan , in his feeling of grace anil pa-
temnal solicitude towards lila sumbjecta without -
out distinction of race or religion , hitS ' , '
immngnanimmuously accorded full amid comnpleto
nmnnesty to the persons iniplicated 1mm this
affair amid gemueroutuly ordered ( lie reimuiihthiiig
of thin sletroyed litmts and time roiiu.ahlatiomu (
Into their olul hommics of thus Christian iii-
hatmitants who htiil crossed over to Mon.
tenegro. A Turkish gcmicral has been or-
( leEch to tumako an inquiry hun this at'fait.
antI a Montenegrin delegate has been tip-
pointed to joIn amid assist hiiiiu In order tis , .
investigate whmetlmcr there was any frutilt on
thin Part' of tIme Turkish or Momutenegniii of- /
ilcials ,
11u.t cii ml I mum I Ii . ' 'Pci , 'grnphu li ii e.
WAShINGTON , Jumno 22.-TIme War tIe-
lianinient at 4 o'clock this aftermioon received '
a dispatch from l'elaya dcl EstIl , twenty )
miiiles fromim Santiago , nail mnitlwny betweeti
Otmantanamumo and Samitimugo , It vnn frotmi
Captain Ailcmt , iii clunrgs , of signal
service. vork imi Cuba , auth macrely announced
( lint uiothming haul been received from Shutter -
ter or Samithuson , It was imnportamit iii cstnb-
hislmimug ( ho fact tlmat coummiections have been
secured close to Saimtlngo ,
Sonic soaps do bumt little harm.
Some do much harm , There Is
ne Soap that does no harm , It , . , .A
. - won'tslmrlnk
' . . - . , wool-won't
I ' harm fine
' ?
. Injtmrc the
sliii , Make
. any test you
T.d , wIlh , Tlmcrc
s Is absolute-
I' '
1 no Imarm-
SWlSIsINE fulness In
I : ,
; M8dWVJ
Lake MIChIQIC and Lake Supeiorlranstuortation Co.
Own Ilt. Nmtv Sterl MtriiiiIt , SIuItou ,
. SaImI.igmm From Chicago.
For 'hic.Iiuio Ipi.mnm , lttott Umeveiail , SttfrtioTor.
OittoOtC : nie. s a i'.tlThu.Ii .t.'tiSit.4 , I'.M ,
icr ChriyoIx. flitrl'oi Si'rtuig , , I'uioikey , .tc.t
Tei.9 , tMTiitr. , 11 A 31 , bat. 41' M.
For Mtr.j'tteue , , lliuiucuck , thoughtor , , AshIttit , !
DuiuI.ic.i ii.i , S P.M.
lmmuutrato1 t''uuj'ti.i , , , ntnilei fren , , , , nii.hicatir'n.
anilE MID 505(5 , RUSH ANSI N , WATEft SfCitiCAQu.
AMJSliiam IU''i'S.
TiLETROCADERO : : : . _ : ,
Lents & Williams , Props. and Mgra.
W. w. COLE , Act , Manager.
Tonight and AD the Week ,
Samui , iCitlic amid Chnrzi Lousmac
MORTON I I BA I ) Id 'J flitS.
RlNA COLLINS. ( IAIItIIO lO'/lEmt. " "
The Wilson Family.
I.ILLLtN WldS'i'EitN. . . . . .
Carroll and Crawford
La Petite Adelaide.
'I'roeauiero Clttu llemge Orehii'st nt , .
Fm mis AmId itIlill , Iireetor.
iltttiitceu VeiIiies.lay , Suutuurilny t
SundLy , umnu. I' '
Matinee Prices , Adults , 25o ; chuihhren , be.
Itefreslsmimeut Is Imi 'l'Iuetuter isisd Ciii qieui ,
Bvoiuiogs , 8:30. : i'nices. 2&c , He , Soc.
T 1 Le C"'ht" Pnmin & mmurg&'ss ,
.S iJ& Moitaers. Tel. B3L
0. ii , Woociwartl , Autuoitment , iirt'ctor.
'V)1CiI'i'-5mt (
Bingmnph-Preiemitlmig muow war lilatures.
S U it 1)1011.1S.
; iii'8 Coiicert Garden ,
S. Ia. Cur. ilithi mmiii ) ' , ,
Il , . Cutill , i'roiriIor ,
StONY ItVI hltIm'iN ,
Tue dancing tranip , In an original act entitled
"iIv'I' : N. ( iltUIt. "
Also Miss Agnes Atlierton , Miss Mauil Knit-
mer , MIss Warren , Campbell anti Camp.
bell , ( llhiibau miul lelumoro , Mrs , Clytlo
, . . .itT 'J'IIfl . .
- - - -
I 5(1 ( , and' Crupitol As'e ,
Capture time Brass lUng and Hide Again
dOS. ) htJNCIJOFl' , Lisst iumitI Miusumiger.
TODAY , 3:30 : 1' . M.
P15 IaIDN'I'
ii ILt lIUA ( It'I'fluIS ,
I SIB Cli l'zig , , Mt root.
South Situ , J'fi'eritnii Sq uimure.
GR4iNI ) CONCIH'I' l'ilt 1' NIG lii' .
A. Zt'IIiiltU , l'roi , , '
I 311 * aiitt 1)otIins Sts , , Omminlia.
. _ AIlthiICAi AN ! ) iiViIj'Ij4 I' _ .
J LI. 3IAitIClJ , , t NOV ,
. -
Colt. 13Th AND JONES ST. , OMAHA. .
itA.IJS iIt.s ( ) . % i ) 4iiO ( ) l'flit JAY , ' ) '
Ei.'ctric cars direct to CXpoiiticjn gruada. '
g'RAUIc. Ii.tttitSIt , Cashier , , , . , .
SAM IIAUMAN buipt ( ; iemt ,
14th amId Ilamney lIt ,
American l'lan3 to I dollars iiei. day. 4
Street cars lronm depots and from hotel t. '
Ezimosition Grounds in tlfteeiu nminutes ,
Ii , SILLOW'.Y , Manager.
'Icie&iiaoue JUSB.