Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 22, 1898, Image 1

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    F iT' $ EiAiLY BEE.
ES'1'AflJISllE ] ) JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAhA , 1\TEIESDAY ) IOBNINCt JtNE 22 , 1898-'flVELV } i'AGES. SINGIID COPY _ PIVE _ CENTS.
I11noa' ! Beautiful Building ia FAIRm really
Consecrated to Ith Purpose.
Lvnt Made Nothblo by the Presence of
Many Distinguished Guests.
ii , Throng of Pcoplo Pack the Grounds During
the Whole Day ,
. -
i SuittIocr flfii 1VIJI Itii } po-
'IIIi.ii Ilitiii. ( er ( o the
d liii tnsngtrN
4 tc Iortlpu.
1 Yesterday the sons nnI Iaugbters of liii-
, t2oIB ( ongreateI at the exposUlon
ctebrate their purtlclpaUon n the great
_ _ _
_ _ ctterprIo and icdIcate the rnagnlflcent
building that they had contributed to Its
arcIiItecttraI ensemble. One pccia1 train
after another deposited its burden to BwcIl
the CI'OWI and make Illinois ay onu of the
_ _ _ most notable events of the oxpoItion. When
the jiarty fts complete it was one of the
most tilstinguislied and representative bodies
that has yet assembled on the exposition
grounds. The day was celebrated with Inspiring -
spiring music and fervid eloquence and from
the Midway to the Arch of States the blue
badges of Illinois verc supreme.
_ : ' The occasion was fnvored with one of the
most iicrfect days of the season. The clouds
1 that hung between cnTth and sky in the
-r morning screened the grounds from the rays
t of the Juno stiti without belching their burden -
den of moisture on the crowd below. There
was a slight sprinkle it the early afternoon ,
but it WS not sumeicut to cause Incnn.
venience 811(1 ( lie clouds that have pr-
viously droncheil the grounds be-
caine an tiiimltigated blessing. There
was a fresh breeze sweeping up from the
river al day , and except in the brief in-
tervals when the sill caine out clear and
uitc'loqded it was a llCnSlrO ) to walk nbout
ttkti grounds and enjoy the bracing Nebraska
\'litio there cro enough of the Illinois
people to make quite a rcspectn1)u crowil
themselves , they vrc far from being alone in
their eujoyineiit of the occasion. On no day
of the exposition has the early morning
attendance been so encouroging. Tim
peoiilo began to conic nlmost as soon as
the gates were opened nnd all day long there
% Vfl.S a continuous Inflow through all the
maui entrances. Many of them were citiiens
of the Sucker state before they became
residents of Nebraska and they were early
on the grounds to renew acquaintance with
any of their old friends and neighbors who
- might be of the visiting party.
t/ iiii lt.i , , fur the tffnlr.
The Illinois building waS naturally tim
center of attraction 011(1 all day
It ; was literally blockaded with visitors.
Most of the excursionists were contented
to i'ay a short visit to the bnlldlng and then
they scattered around the grounds to see us
k much of the big altow as posIbIe before
the formal celebration of the day began.
i- . . The fact that they had themselves built a
' .Vorld's fair lii1 not prevent tileill from cx-
r pressing the niost enthusiastic admiration
of the superb architecture of the Transinis-
) iSSIipl fair , which they CIO Willing to
admit exceeded anything that had been at-
toinpIti outlilo of lilinois. They were
es1eeinliy , compiiinentnry in ( heir comments
the exposition landscapes , which they
colicetled to. 1)0 ) inoilels of artistic arrange-
- mont.
Thu only regettrtblo feature of the day was
the dciay that attcflded tile adwis8ion of the
Apollo club of Chicago. omo of the cx-
cursioiiiats left tile train at the depot , but
- . four rarloads were taken directly to thu
north gate. Then it was discovered tiutt
the matter of getting inein into tliegrounds
had heelt oreriooked. They had HO passes
and the gatekeepers could UOt net on their
' own nuttlority. .s most of the exposition
OIiiCiltlS vero busy extending the courtesies
of the OCCIlSiOR in other directions , there was
. . - 00 exasperatIng delay in securing tile neCes-
sIlTy traiisport&ttioil , VilICil Was somowbat
vigorotialy resented by some of tile visitors.
JJ 115115 ( ( lIlLIN 'J'o1 fl .
Today Kansas svili Ierform the same of-
lieu that was so gracefully assumed yester-
( ! nY by Illinois. They also llav a hulIdRolile
01)11 ) altogether creditable building to tIodi-
catu 111111 the ceremonies will be held at tim
] ( unsas building at 11 o'clock tills ( orelwnn.
Tue program will be carried out us pro-
YiOttSiy announced nod will Incitldo ud-
dresses by John E. Frost , vice president of
tilt ) ICansas COfllflliSSiOn President U. W.
\Vattlcs of tue oxpoSitiOll assorlation , F' . 1) .
Coburn , secretary of tile ICansas Stat. , Board
of Itgrlcnltiiro , and 11011 , Silas l'orter of
In UlilitiOll ( (0 tile exercises inciIentai ( to
tito celebration of Kansas day tile crowd will
be reinforced by thousands of children Limo
roiigliis county , outii Omaha anil Couacii
lIiiifls , viio will lIe OdillittetI to the grouitis
for 10 ceiits cccii , Tito evening will bring i * ,
uovci feature Iii tile 01)011 ) air concert. which
will be giveii by the /ilOliO clot ) of Chi-
cugo1 tile exposition chorus anti the Thomas
orchestra Oil tue island in the center of tite
- Tile program for tile dcdicatioii cero-
. . lUOllied , Which will begin at 11 a. in. at til
iCailsas iluildillg On the bluft tract , Is n
id lows :
First Cili . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1tuVvili . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. , ( ) First Itt'giment Trumpet Corjl I
ItCtIIIIl ( ) % Ci Ui k lit e1b''TItt ( ( ( I Itglltllt ( 0 ,
Iirt 4ergraIlt ; Artlc MCiiutock
CVllll ( tIllt ) selgeltilt : 11ltii AitFar-
1111111 , third ( Itit ) sergelint ; itussell I.
I'rt)14t , trilnipetur : Jell11 ii , iel'ee
trullilteter ; Ore 4 ( larvill , ( ruin-
1101Cr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
IIP.'OlLtIOllltOY. A. F , IrWill , I iUtcliliitji
. FlOg 'it1lnUt II . . . . . . . . \ Qullitiji
. - AiiUrtsN of Vi'Icomti ( (0(1 ( ( l'resIntatio , ( (
i or the lilliilIiIlg-JollI ( I , Frujt'Ico
I 'residvii t l iltli s Conuii iss ion . . . . . . . , ,
ACeiItftlIee't1 uralen \'ltt I los , I'red-
( twIt l'rnIlslllisslsslppi 01111 lntcrllu-
- titliliti lXIloliiIIQlI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . .
.4 ( a ) iluglu Sting. .qunttet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . IlaUtii
Ii ) ) 'Fg ) IlIn ( ' ( liars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1WV,1iIu iareil--TruInlvt ) Corps. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .llrry Ower I
. Address-P. P. Coiiurii. SertlrY ( JOfl.
SOS 13(0th ( iIoairtl of Arieuituru. . . . . .
Nature's Adoration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I '
J JlIInes Moore.
' licilleatory lliFvsfl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' . . . . . . . . . . . Hlias l'orter'yntldutt ( I
; , . . j4 IIICetiOt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quariti I.
( Anierlea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . fl ) 1verybod3 .
r ' Itetitat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, 1Liti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ll ) Trumpet Corill
? QulLriet ; . L $ iilrt'r , ilrst tenur : 11 i
, . tJerilolt. sectinti teitnrV. . l. Shover
( list tIlitiP J. Moore. ) WCOHI1 buss.
I'iilllit : tIss iieanor ; 'orkv , Toilika ,
A brilliant ilisplay of fireworks vlil hi
given In the evening. Free concerts b
tue Thodoru Thomas orcileatra wifl also hi
gven ( iu the Auditorium Cli the groundi (
durtiig the day ,
iCUuisSZliIi Oil Their Tuy irere ,
There Is sio was' of lcaruiu just ho C
m any Kansas pkopIo will be in Omaha to-
da y. it. is expected tllftt Governor Leedy
en d his staff and other State omeinis , the
m ayers ami city councils of Topeka and
K ansas City , Kan. , anii a big delegation
fr om both tilese polilts will ho here. Atch-
is on , too , will contribute largely to the
cr owd and SL Joseph will send a good dole-
ga llon. Conversation with the ralirend of-
fle es 1at night developed the fact that thce
ar e in considerable doubt as to how many
ar e Coming. The Port Arthur Route 1)55 ft
sp ecial train on tile WSY from Kansas City
to night anti tile Missouri Pacific regular
tr ain from Kansas City will come in two
c ctions. The flock iind expects to bring
in 500)0 ad the Union Pacific and ilur-
ll ngton will also have a share. Alt the
ro ads have made a itberal rate for tile
oc casion.
The oflicial party will leave ( lie Millard
h otel at 10 o'clock ror the grounds. Car-
ri nges ilavo been engaged for the otflciai
p arty and invited guests of the state.
( rvnt lnhii ( If ; ; ; ; , . l.Istiiis In liPs
lflMt Otisalsa l'rogrstiis.
The Marine band , which 1155 contributed
s o IfluCil to the pleasure of exposItionS vis.
it ors since tile beginning of the month , left
yb esterday afternoon ( or Wasilington followed
b y tile best wishes of the aunlerous adtuirers
I t lIfts aeIluirel during its stay. The band
a nd its lender were greeted with VCritltbIe
o vations at each apPearance yesterday anti
w hen the filIal number was ended they were
c heered to tie ) echo wiilic ( lie feminine por-
L ion of their audience waved ilandkerclliefs
I n farewell.
The musicians faced an audience that In-
c luded more new faces than usual at tile
m orning concert and they vlayed one of their
Il lost popular programs with a. dash and
s pirit peculiarly their own , On ot Mr. San-
t clmann's marches , "The Soldiers 1'are-
w ell , " was the flrst number afld after the
l Iberal applause that it evoked had subsided
t he popular ovcrture"Tlle King's Licuten-
a nt , " by Till , w&ts rendered with equal sue-
c ess. A vaitz , "Solitude , " byVaidteufel ,
a nd one of. Sousa's marches followed- , and
t hen a selection " "
from "Wang" struck the
f ancy of tile crowd , Sousa's famous patrol ,
" Marching Thro' Georgia , " fairly brought
t ile crowd to its feet , anti after a couple of
l ess notable vatrlotic llunlbers the enthusi-
a Silt reached a climax under the inspiration
o f "hail Columbia , "
An equally enjoyable program wa. ren-
* ( crc(1 ( at the farewell perfornlance in tile
a fternoon. It included the overture , "fly-
mend , " by Thomas ; the grand march 'Cor-
o nation , " by Moyerbeer ; a selection from
" Mignon , " one of Strauss' waltzes , Sousa's
f amous "Stars and Stripes" march , the
"Arabesqllc , ' ' by Schumann , and tile 'Tour
Through liurope , " by Conradi. The closing
nUllIber was Mr. Santeinlanli's "Voice of
Our Nation , " which has won such remark-
able Popularity with eXPOsition autlienei's ,
nl ull tile long Continued cheering which (01-
l owci the illInlo was at. once a flattering
t ribute to tile composer and a rousing fare-
veiI to the band ,
IllIlLOIN isiitiiiih'sI Off I. . a ! ILSPMt
IcisJtptlsje 'ilsiiiit'r ,
If Illinois day was a success , tile evening
was a glittering triumph. In point of at-
t crldance , feature and cncral enJoyahllity
i t surpassed llfl evening that lIne yet been
spent at tile groullds 0)1(1 ) a tremendous
crowd enjoyed it t. . the utmost alld v0n-
( bred 110W flfl 000 could prefer to swelter
( IOWa tovii when ( or tile expenditure of 50
cents they could revel iii the cool breezes
t hat whitied across the White City ( tall
enjoy such a symposium of attractions. The
breeze carried just enough suggestion of
rain to make it cool and Invigorating and
the entire grounds were sufficiently popuI
lated to Inake the scene indescribably at-
tractivo. Witil tue Incidentals of the brit-
liant illuminations and the 'agnifl ent
flIlIsic that floated out througil the open win-
( lows of tile Auditorium tilde WOS nothing
lacking to complete the enjoyment of the
While tile early departure of Governor
ait1 Mrs. Tanner caused a change in the
plans for tile reception at tue Illinois build-
ing , the affair lost nothing in interest on
account of the lack of formality. It was
one of those spoptaneous and enjoyable
social sessions , which leave ( ho most. pleas-
alIt memories and all through the evening
tile ilandsome 011(1 brilliantly illuminated
rotunda of tilO building was thronged with
gtlrsts. The Sutorius Mandolin club fur-
llisilcd music during tile evening anti shortly
after o'clock tile guests were treated tea
a brief program of vocal and instrumental
SciCetiolls , WiliCh were tilorougilly enjoyetl.
Tills was furnished by Mrs. Catherine Blood-
good , contralto , Justin M. Thacher , tenor ,
and Allen Spencer , iiianist. Iach of tile
artists was received with marked favor ,
Mrs. lIioodgood'B rich contralto making an
esileclahly favorable Ilopression.
When the formal events of tile evening
were over there was still no perceptible
diminution in the crowd and the Midway ca-
joyed a boom , Tile street vns lacle(1 with
people on both sides of time viaduct mInd all
tile attractions enjoyed a liberal patronage.
' 1'IACIlEltS ANi ) 'L'IIFI CONV1X'l'lON.
Sctrt'tiir ) ( iIllnntMsiirrd of ii large
t ltI'iIIIlltCe ut t ! it Congress.
Secretary Gillan is receiving a large num-
her of letters ( rota toacilers who are coming
to the Transmississippl Iducational COOVoIl-
( loll hInt meets io Omaila JUlIe 28-30 and ills
eBtilnute is that there will be not less than
5,000 tellcilers in attenllanco , aside from
those of Omaha allIl Douglas county. Plans
for accoultIlOdating the teucilors are rni-
Idly niaturlilg and before tile end of the
week rooms will be secured for nil. The
secretary states that. at this time ho iias
secured room ill private families anti at
private boarding houses for about 3,000
peroIls and ill but few instances is the
imrice moore tilan $1 per day.
'rho roiralns of the Trausmississippi Ed-
ticatiommul convention are being mailed to
teachers nil over the country , Tileso pro.
grains give the features of the colIventlon
011(1 contain a small flhlIP of tile city , . tile
harks 011,1 other places of interest , Tile
location of the exposition is ShOW ) ) BOsI in
aihlitiomt to this iilerc nrc Ilunlerous statis.
tics relative to Omaha and Nebraska ; 'l'ar-
ties Wile ti Ilot receive these maps through
tilt ) muail can obtalli 1110111 from Secretary
GiiiLlll by mnakilig
l'iiiis. for ii IM'M ioi Iii's Ihi ) ' ,
DES MOINUS , Juno 21-Special ( Tele-
gramu-Conmissloner ) Shaw of time Trans-
mississippi Exposition COIllmnisSiOn was In
the city today woyklmmg in the interest of Des
Molmies day at the exposition , lie attellded
ft COUmlCli nleeting aimti explaimmel the desires -
sires of tile COIllmflissIofl to have July l
celebrated na Des Molimes day. Tile COtlil-
cli lllSSC(1 ( a resolution ilrolnlsing to co-
allocate anti do everything l'ossibie to make
the day a success , The commercial exchange -
change 1iI also exert itielt In tue inter-
st of the day ,
Yesterday was Eastern Star day at the ex.
losltiou grounds in addition to being liii.
11015 tiny end the muelIlbera of lite grnmid
cilapter of tile Order of lime Eastern sr .
who ro in the city assembled at the room
in tile Nebraska building aasigmled to tbc
Free MasOlls of Nebraska mId ( heir asso.
ciato bramlehes , Titers , were no formalities ,
( Continued on Seventit Page. )
Appalling Disaster Overtakes Workmn'B
'Wivcs and Daughters.
Stngiisg flIvpt Wty saltim Direful lie-
isult. . After lmmxiItmsl'M ( Netv lint-
tICPSIiiP Alimisim , is heist Immiti
tila % 'nter.
( Copyright , 1S03 , by rres Publishing Co. )
LONDON , June 2t.-New ( York World Ca-
biegram--Ipecial Telcgram.-When ) tile
ducilcas of York launched Britain's newest
flrst-ciass battlesilip Albion at the Thames
Shipbuilding company's docks , lllnckwell ,
today she failed to break the custolmlary
bottle of champagne across the bows. Tile
opinion of sailors Present is tilat. this fully
accounts for tile terrible catastrophe Wilich
instantly followed ,
A wooden staging liarl been erected across
tile end of the dock under the stern of an-
olller war ship in course of ConstrUctiOmI ,
Between 200 and 30(1 ( peOple , residents of
the poor surrounding ill the neighborhood ,
mainly WOlIlCO and children , had crowded
UiOil this staging , despite tile alleged efforts
of tile workmen to keep theni back. As
the Aibion plunged down tile steep ways
it sent a great. wave behind it , lifting the
wooden staging , bursting it asunder and
precipitating the occupants into the water ,
Several thousand People were gathered
around on all points of vantage to view
the launch and as tiio staging collapsed
the crowd was so vigorously cheering tue
successful completion of the ceremony that
the accident escaped general notice for a
couple of minutes , In fact , tim duchess of
York , accomnpanied by First Lord of the
Admiralty Gosehen , left. the I16k ih a
steam launch , igilorallt of what had ilap-
pemled and cordially returning the salutes
of the crowd as they passed , Yet a bun-
( Ired yards off at that moment a couple of
hundred men , womnen and. children were
frantically struggling for life anlid the
wreckage of tile staging. A member of
Parliament , an eyewitness of tue accident ,
said to your correspondent :
"Tilo calamity was so sulden and un-
e xpected that even the unfortunate victilna
w ere Ilot given a warning shriek before
t iloy Were engulfed in utter confusion , amid
a dditional loss of life was caused by the
c rushing in of crowds US' see what ilad hap-
p emied , so that the police and dock ciii-
1OYeS vcre grievously hampered in their
a ttelnllts at rescue. I saw more than 0110
p oor woman trying to hold her baby out of
t ile Water with one arm willie struggling
w ildly with time other to grasp a fragmnent
o f the simattered staging. Pitiful cries of the
d rowning mingled with tile screams of lior
r or front the helpless , panic-stricken throng
as t the dock side made up a scene mdc-
s cribably shocking. "
The bulk of those thrown Into the water
were rescued , nearly fifty women being
t ukon out insensibie anti only resuscitated
a fter strenuous efforts by the doctors , who
c eilectetl tiulcldy on the scene. At II. o'clock
t onight close to forty bodies had been re-
c overed , more than half of the women being
workmen's wives and daughters , vito bad
C anle arrayed In their Sunday finery to see
England's future queen perform the chris-
t oning ceremony. An inmiuest will be opened
t oday , When , unless tile dock authorities can
s ustaimi the statement that they warned tile
p eolIlo against going on time staging , they
will be called heavily to account.
The bodies of fIVe men , eighteen women
a nti cloven children have been recovered at
I 3lackweil.
Tile duke and duchess of. York have tele-
g raphed assuramlces of their profound re-
g ret and synlpatily.
The Aibion Is a first-class steel hattie-
s hip of 12,950 tons , 390 feet long , seventy-
f our feet broad , and drawing twenty-five
f eet five inches of water. It is to haVe 13500
i mldicated horse-power , ilus two propellers ,
a nd is to cost about i,000,000. The new bat-
t lesilip baa eight inches of ilarveyizod steel
Oil its sides. six inches on its bulkheads ,
alll from twelve to five inches on its gun
portions. Its armored deck Is from two to
three Inches In thickness , and estimated
speed is nearly Ililleteell knots. It Is to
carry 1,850 tons of coal. Tile rrey is (0 (
number 700 men , and armament is to consist
of fotme 12-inch gumis , twelve 6-imich
quick-firing guns alld eigllteefl smaller
quick-firing guns , with live torpedo tubes.
Ieei in'P. tO Alli. , ' 1111 , % , iiericmifl Store- .
1ilj. to 't'iil.e Sulmml Ie at
Uijuir ICs.u.c.
( Copyrigilt , ISSI , by Press Publishing Co. )
LONDON , June 21.-New ( York World Ca-
blegram-Special Teiegramn.-Tho ) Daily
Mail's hong Kong dispatch says :
In accordance with instructions from his
government the collector of Chinese customs
last nigilt ordered tile American storeship
Zauiro to leave Chinese waters Irnmaedlately .
( nIh refused to allow tim vessel to take )
lllfliis or cargo of any kind on board , It is I
tilought that tills is contrary to international - .
tional law , as the Zafiro was entitled to stay
twenty-four hours in order to ship the necessary -
sary stores. To avoid unpleasantness the
captaiml of tile Zaflro removed to British
waters. lie will return to Manila tonigill
instead of tomorrow. Americans here tie. :
dare they must have a naval base in tiit
east and that. if they cannot get one 1) )
peaceful niethod they must take one b
EMt'FiIOit AlIJiliSSIh4 'l'JlI AC'i'OltS ,
'i'It'nter U i'over tim Currying out tims .
l'Inils tsf Slit. il,5IIIre ,
BERLIN , Juno 21-The oiflcial text o f
'Emnperor William's speecil to tile compan : V
of the Royal theater , delivered on Jun C
16 , was published hero today. Tile follow .
log are extracts of his majesty's remarks :
Tue theater Blloull be the Instrument o f
tile mnotlarCll , and like the school and umli -
yersity , work for the I reservation of til C
Ilighest spirit and qualtiet of our uobi 0
Gorimlan fatimerlanil ,
Tile theater Is also one of my weapomls.
it Is the duty of the monarch to imlteres t
iImrel in tue theater. ar I have seen b y
the eoml1po ! of muy ( utl'er and gramldfmitilom
fur the theater can tc.-er imnlenso 1)0W. ) ' r
iii his hands. The artists must aiil lb 0
emperor to serve the cause of idealism wit It
firol confidence in God , amId contimlue th U
lIght against nlaterlaiismi and the un-Ocr . '
man wmtys to which mnany of the Goriiia
playhouses have , unfortunately , already do
The general manager , In return for lb a
thanks , assured his majesty that tile floys i
theater ould galml lll'W victories to l .
dramatic art , umlder tile emperor's guidance ; ,
t'iust 'I'rnims iermiilt'sI ,
CIIEIVENNE , Wyo. , tune 2l.--Si1cIi ( ml
Tclegramll-An ) eastbound coil traimm we 8
derailed on the Union Pacific near floe
Springs today , wrecking a nunlter of Ill e
ears anti tearing up considerable track ami d
roadbed. Trave' ' was delayed eight hours.
flh t'sIe. ml is si V lt'rii mm 'csseIs , , .1 ii i.e 2 I ,
At New York-Arrived-Victoria , from
Mediteranimenim ports ; Bitliopla , fromo Gills
gOW ; Alier , from Naples ; 8outhwark , from Il
Ant we rp.
iucii ( Isissims mit Mndrslhusi ( i1PseiviIerc
ilint StInhlL , 'IVisnis } * o lst.t
tl.e , Wit1.
( Copyrigilt , 1S91 , by Presiij Publishing Co. )
MADRID , Jtlne 2l.NoW ( York World Ca-
blcgrnin-Speelnl Tiegrnm.-Most ) aignifi.
cant articles appeer imi several of the flnanEI
cial papers , written by well known politi.
clamla anti financiers , advocating peace sooner
than prolotmg the imsc1e and hopeless strug-
gb which they say it prolonged will end
in a total loss of the colonies and the ruin
of Spanish finance evemi if it does not lenit
to revolution mind civil war In the peninsula.
Even the 111051 obsttnat6 "No surrender"
papers like El Pnrclal flre obliged to admit
that tile PCflCC party i lhcreasiag in num-
bert anti qualttyln Madridand the provinces.
Everybody Is 1tily ft'am'e that the queen
regent , ministers and ginerals are conviqced
that Spain will be worsted and it must fare
worse with every month that afises. They
have been advised by nil foreign governd
fllent.s , including Austria nnsl the pope , to
give in and save Wilat they ccii get , but the
fear of a revolution and military tliscontent
still overrimlo every other consideration ,
Anxiety has so much 'treyei on the qteen
regent that she looks weary , preoccupied
anti 'sick. 11cr face anti figure haVe much
thinned , hilt she sticks ganlely to her du-
ties , kindly assisted by her 1110111cr , tile
Archduchess El Izflbetil of Iiapsburg , and her
sister-in-law , the Infanta Isabella , Midst
state anti war cares she has taken daily in-
terost in the preparation of her son for eon-
flrmation at the first conithunion at Madrid
court chapel next week. Bishop 51011 , grand
alomoner , has prepared the king , who has
the sante confessor as his mother , the Jesuit
Father Meadia.
The minister of marine lIes returned after
visits to Cndiz amId Carthagena , undertaken
wUii 1110 object of seeing that state and
naval preparations traiiquiillze the public
outcry against insufflcient naval and war
efforts on the part of the government. The
mnirlister came to the conclusion that the
war would niost likely be over before the
second reserve fleet can appear at L.epanto.
lie carefully inspected at Cartilagena tile
Princess Asturias and Cardinal Cisneros.
Virtually the only three hroaclads Spain
possesses arc in preparation and cannot be
ready for months. II knows besides 11101
Spain has , butside these three vessels , 00
other ironclatis , cruisers or destroyers un-
l ess It buys sonic of England , Italy or
Greece , where it could perimaps secure a
f ew. So many transatlantic steamers have
b eca used as auxiliary crlisers and coal to
p rovide blockade runners.for tile heels and
Cuba that only six remain. These are not
f ast vessels. Tile naval authorities , it Is
declared , recently repaired tile old irollelads
Nunlancia and Vittoria , but they arc only
at for coastguard service. The minister will
have to ask tile govermlmnoat to purcilaso
abroad a considerable amount of stores ,
gutis and amnlunition. He complains of the
very backward state of the submarine tie-
tOIlSUS of Cadiz anti Carthagena.
ROME , Juno 21.-Now ( York World Cable-
grain-Special Te1egraln.-Vatiean ) authorities -
ties profess lo have no knowledge of or
share iii the present nil.get1 movement of
the continental powers toward peace. At
tile pontifical secretariatu today I was informed -
formed tilat rmnlored ( pence intervention by
time pope W1IS unfortutmatety groundless , his
holiness for the moint toresceing absolutely -
lutely no hope of ucccss. '
LONDON , Juno 21--Ney ( , York World Cu.
blegrani-Spocial Teiegram.-Tle ) Daily
Telegraph's Vinnn dispatch says : The
report which vas spread tgday in Vienna
and other European cemlters about abdication -
tion of the qutien tegent Is contradicted In
oillcial quarters. NevL'rtileiess it is acknowledged -
knowledged that tile situation in Spain has
changed materially for the worse and that
the position of the queen regent is extremely -
tremely precarious. Notwithstanding this
the queen regent Is resolved not to abandon
her post imntii it Imas become quite untenable ,
The jewels amid oIlIer valuables belonging
to the queen regent were brought to Vienna
sonIc time ago. It Is declared in well in-
( ornied circles that Franz Josef wrote to
the pope recently oaccrning an attempt at
LONION , June 21.-The correspondent at
Paris of tile I'all Mmiii Gazette telegraphed
this afternoon that ho learns from an authoritative -
thoritativo snurce , iii 51)110 of denials , that
the question of neotinting peace between
the United Statts anti Spain has been for
some days the subject of lively correspondence -
once between the ciianceilories. Ho odds
tilat sOnIc of the ambassadors in l'aris were
instructed yesterday to remain on tim alert
and In readimless.
The correspontinet further says it is cx-
pected that an event of importance in opening -
ing negotiations with the United States and
Spaim ) will occur within a ( ow days. M.
lianotauX , tue French minister ( or forcigml
affairs in the Meline cabinet , backed by tIle
cza : , has , it seems , been the principal pro-
mater of the peace Ilegotintions , "hence
l1residemmt F'aure's desire to retain M.
ilminotaux in the foreign omce. "
Vincoiisimi's SeOiitl Cull Memi lten,11 ,
MADISON , Wis. , June 21.-Governor Scho-
field has issued orders for the I'ourth Wis-
copsin reginlellt of infantry and Battery Ate
to mobilize at Camp Douglas next Monday ,
This \Visconslii's quota under the second
call for volunteers. Tao present strength
of these twelve conlpanies is 1,320 mon and
of the battery lop.
Over 'l'el'e 'lI.onssmmid 3tt'iL Niny at
imtmt Prml1Icisoo-'rgImIsllortl4 .tro
SAN FRANCISCO , June21.-Wltil tile ad-
ditiOll of 300 recruits foriItiuucsota , 150 for
Iowa and 100 men of the Astor battery , the
force of troops at Camp Merritt has been
increased to 12,200 01Cm ) , Early this morning
352 recruIts Irons iansas sd , ) Tennessee will
arrive , anti a number of recruits from Iowa
and Idaho are expected lu the evening. On
Thursday 260 men rocriIted to till the
Seventil California svill ruaQil Camp Merritt.
Work on the tranporWlbas proceeded so
favorably timat they wiI probably oil be
ready to sail by Saturtby , Tue monitor
Monadmlock and the oIlier Nero are cx-
pected to start ( or Manlaat the same timmle
After tile departure of jh liexI expedition
the tvoops wifl be re.brlgaded by Majom .
General Oti8.
Governor Richards of Wyoming vili remain -
main ilere until the troops from that state I
leave for Manila ,
Time developmemlts of diphtheria and cerebrospinal -
bro-spinal meningitis at. Camel ) Merritt h
causing conslderabir slept. There arc misc
a number of cases of pneumonia in time imos.
pital , Arramigemnenta are being made to semid ;
beds ( or the field hospital to time Philip.
pines under charge of Major 'S' . 0. Owen.
Stimilomi is lMtu1.iislmeIl Ut Cuulm , Mc- .
Immtler * 1st i'roieoilous of the
Marines nail . % 'sar tUit.a. ,
WAShINGTON , June 21.-General Orcele ) P
received froimi Lieutenaimt Colonel Allen 11dm S
afternoomi a dIspatch , stating that the firsi I
American zmmiiitary sattoa In Cuba , Camni I
McCalla , bay , hind been ( Irougili I
limb electricil comnlunicatioml with the resi I
of the world by the ( htalliiullmcut of a ( do .
graph office , which cpeued at o'clock.
G eneral Osti11o Bays it Can Be Oapturctl in
Ten Days
S lmnlllnrlm ( Prlglifcmst'tl Ii ) ' tiac Onus Cmi
tiimi 't'sti'iss Smm time Aiierit'ititPi
Are iiejLiiIiIItlg to hurl
( Copyright , lS9S by Press Publishing Co. )
- ( vIa Mole SL Ntcolas , June 21.-New ) (
Y orkVomld Cabiegrani-Special' Telegram. )
- We intro 500 Cubans ilere welt armed , but
p oorly dm1 , with a reek's provisions anti
o nly three ilorses In the canip. Time men
d rill every morning wIth 200 navy rifles StlI1
lm iied by Sampson , whticii they vniue more
h lgllly than anytlmimmg that could be giveim
t hem. General Castillo is Illgilly Intelligemit
a nti quite a gentleman. Lopez's nrmny wilt
l amld slightly eastward of his camp , which
lI e considers the 01051 desirable place , lie
u rged tiliS en Sanlpson , I sent letters from
lI lni to Sampson.
Two vrisoners were brougilt imlto camp
t oday , captured while going with letters
f rom Santiago to Guantanamo. They report
a bsolutely IIO flour left In Santiago. The
li eoPlo are niakilIg bread out of rice. OIlIer
p revisions are iot very sca'Ice.
They graililiCally describe the terrible ef-
f ects of tile shot fired from thoVesuvius _ ,
W hich struck Cayo Smith With appalling
f orce hike au eartllquake or some terrible
v olcanic explosion , Time roof of the build-
l og fllli jiart of the battery were simply
w iped totally away , leaving no trace of the
f ragments , while the whole countryside felt
t ime concussion of the awful shock. Tile
S paniards say the Americans are beginning
t o hurl earthquakes.
General Castillo considers Santiago should
b o captured within ten days from tile land-
l og of American troops , for which the pros-
c at fine weather is extremely favorable. The
p risoners also confIrm the news of the tie-
s tructivo effect of the Inst bombardment on
t he fortifications alId the Iteina Mercedes.
MOLE ST. NICOLAS , June 21.-New (
York World Cablegram-Special Telegraln. )
' -Tilo Foote arrived today With dispatches
f roni General Castilio's camp near Santiago.
I n the last bonlbardnlent by Sampson's fleet
no shell tell in the city , but iizimiy imi the
i larhor. Time llama Mercedes was hit and
i ts coninlander and eleven men killed and
t wenty-eight wounded. 0mm brokeml pro-
j ectihe from the dynamite cruiser Vesuvius
f ell in Cayo Smith Just inside tile entramlco.
A terrifying explosion followed , creating
havoc In time batteries. Castilio biicve
18,000 men can take Santiago temi days after
l anding it the upproach be lnade 00 both
sideS ,
Soiis of Seimmitor AIieim :1)1(1 Ccmernl
Cowin Are Chosen for
\VASiiiNGTlN , June 1.-Spectal ( Tec-
gram.-hlrigadier ) General L. W. Colby or-
rived in the city today cmi route to Clileka-
macga , . . .where ho baB beemi ordered to report -
port to Major General Brooke. He leaves
for thc front tonlorron' , It is believed two
Nebraskans will be assigned to Colby's
brigade as aides , Henry U. Allen , son of
Senator Allen of Madison , and William II.
Cowmn , son of General J. C. Cowin of Omaha ,
Senator Thurston some time ago recom-
IllCnded that star route No. 57124 , Illuevalo
to Beaver Crossing , b extendeti to six tunes
a week service. The h'ostoflice department
took up the matter anti foumld that l3luevnlc
was doing suiflcient business to warrant an
increased service anti bids WOIC asked forte
to corer the same , effective July 1. Since
that time several protests have been received -
ceivod against the extension of the service
0(1 111(3 ground that it was useless , but Ceo-
eral Shailenberger has ordered time service
to begin July 1 at six times a week , 011(1
should It be found Unnecessary lie vili re-
yoke the order , but not before.
A ( 'civ PostutTico has been reconlmemltleti
( or cstabilshmnent at Germanville , Cuming
county , Nebraska , eight miles southeast of
\Vcst Point , with Frederick C. Storer for
J , A. Kronk 'as today oppolntcd 9ost-
master at Page , Holt county , Nob. , vice J. T.
Walker , reillovetl.
Dr. W. 13. lIege was today appoimlted a
member of the board of examining surgeons
at Granti Island , Neb ,
Ix-Prcsis1t'mt Advises Agmimmst , All
Ieasim res of A a ii txnt ion or
Jixiemisisimi of ' 1'errittr' ,
PRINCETON , N. J , , Juno 21.-Grover
Cleveland delivered the annual foummders'
day oration of the commencement exercises -
cises of the Lawrenceviiio school hero today -
day , His address was entitled "Good Citi-
Zellship , " amId in tile course of his remarks
ho said ;
The Macrican people arc tempted every
day and every hour to abaotiomi timer ne.
customned way nod enter 111)011 ) ft course
of new and strange etlvemturc , Never before -
fore in oir history Ilave we been beset
'itii tolOitations 60 dangerous as tilose W'e
now hear whispered in our oars regarilimig
conquest and expansion and there is I
pointe'tl out to us ilelda iirigimt in glory ,
The advice in tills Case is "Don't. "
If , u , I1t ' Vili iieSieeecde.l h , ' mm MimI-
lstrr i'1ttigi'd Is , AtIim , ( am ,
lhmmergetie Citirse.
MADRID , June 21-There arc rumors I
current hero today that the Cortes nay
Busilend Its sessIons during the cooing week ,
wheml Semlor l'uigcerver , tile minister 01
finance will resign , in which event it is
thought tile premier , Senor Sagasta , wIll be :
compelled to submit to ( lie queen regent r L
question of ronfitionce iii tue ministry. It is m
possible , .tberelore1 that Senor Sagasta will
resign , iii Wilicit case , it is said , a national I
govormmmnent pledged to tile most euergctie :
course will succeed imis mInistry ,
One ( si lIme 51)801511 FIt'tt Dismibicil I
mi mmii is 'i'omt'tl lisle 1'or-Nows
Coisme" . 1'JrsiiiIi Fraimec.
WAShINGTON , June 21.-Advlces re .
ceived here by way of Marseilles , France ,
copflrmn time first reports that the 51150151 I
fleet has returned to Cadiz. Time dispatclmei IS
state timet the Vitt.orln was Injtmrctl anti mal
( ote1 Into port ,
MlIIC14 Shells fur Merritt's Armimy ,
CLEVELAND , June 21.-TIle Falls Itive I
and Machine company of Cuyahogmi Falla re
ceived a contrnct totlay from time govern.
meat for 5,000 , scrapnt'l shells , to be simippet I
as soomi as pobsible , They viil probably hi
sent to the Pacific coast to be used by Lien
oral Merritt's men in the Philippines ,
Wentilor Forecast for Nehrask'm-
FaIr VrirIlibio Winds.
1 Ililimuits lIn nt ( is c' A psitton.
iroamiliig , . at it 2 , InK ,
$ mlist imsgu 1smsy is , f ken ,
Troops Arrive n ' . go ,
ii lielufurt'eiiiemits - mm ( icr ,
a N'lrmisien Nev , _
AKN'PsPflhtt'mmM ni ii ,
% 'cekim' ( 'rot , I i . ' . ,
l1r1mLm , Igmmnrc . i'iis % 'Is1mes ,
4 l.tiItti-iti mttt,1 C. . :
5 IesiIvmlllmg $ I ' . .mis limIIhliiIg.
IImmlPsnPs Imi' itisit iou.
a Coimsici I iiiitis ii 31II1 tees ,
ltmiii Neis itiisl t'omimiist'ist ,
IImiimmi lbs In ( , mt'cmmtiomi.
' 7 Nmuirtissg Eeiits tiC IL lirsy ,
AtTn irs. ztt SIi1 ii ( ) lIlatlln ,
S loIIlgs of tue Hi'It't'tit' Ittii's ,
ItI'IIl'M itt'g iIIIt'IttM ( hsimmg I mm CslIIsi , ,
I ) 1tmiIc' of ltrcemt lstll it'mt ismis ,
i'Inmm , , fur , lt isesi it isis ,
l'i lug ( he ' : , , sit \'lsr ,
SitrlIriNt'5 III 1it'nl AsscitslmemItM ,
I 1 Csmiiimt'rcissi nash Fl , mnsmeini Nt'ss.
I il Sig mmni l'riiel ie ist 'L'mimipmm ,
, , . , % Sti.licr's lmumiglter , "
'rt'mmsterniirt. itt Omimitisre :
haiti' . hog , llor.
iI ml. nm . , , , , , liii 1 im. Ill ' . . . . .
U zt , Ill , , , . , , (17 :1 : l , , mu . . . . . . 79
7' 8 , III , , , . . , tIM : t m. n , , , , , , 715
S mm , lii . . . . . . 70 .1 p. iii . . . . . . .
15 mm. imm . , , . , . 7'l 5 ii , In , . , , . , SI
so n , nm , , , . . , T'l ( I is. iii . . , , , , 8t
Ii mm , in . . . . . . 75 7 ml. mim . . . . . . MU
Ill lim . . . . . . . . . 55 5 m' . in . . . . . . 75
a ip. III . . . . . . 71'
'i'OIAV .A.'L' 'l'III. tXt'OSl'l'lON.
At the Crsiimmlsm
ICmiimsns 1)113' .
Sun I It ( ) nsiilmn mimith Cuummetl lhitmlTM
Cimiltiremi's in' ,
11 ii , tIm , , ledieiitiiii of tile 1msmmsmis
Mtittt' llsilitiitig.
2 1 , . III. , 'VIisiiinps' Orelestrmt sit .im-
Smji ( ) m. iml. . AloulP Climb Concert at
tile Isimimiti ,
flosit 'i't.ivmm I
Ut ! I Ct ! t 1' Mesh icnl A sssc i a Its a ,
( meIg1ti. limmil ,
Ses1 I sit ivml migel It'iti Cemmnitt ,
Niliett.eltIa 111151 CuMs.
1)nlm 1511 Iimtiit-m'ii mm Couifereitt't' , 't'veim-
t -S&'iiiti mid It'gt'i'eimisorl ii ,
C isif stissl I tt'rstite ito im m'miti C.ium-
11th lt't' , C.itlmtlereiztL Cliii , ,
Order of IhliMi em Slur , ( I rmi ii ii Cititi-
lt' of NeIrINkmi , iitits.iiic 't'iiiiie.
'Em , I ni F.xie'.h I I , . , ilsi 1mi Start
' 1'IiiirssIui' , lint ii ) Slttiml'sla ) ' at
SAN F'IIANCISCO , June 21.-Desnite all
n000tltlcel000ts General Merritt has 1101 yet
t lecithcd whether lie will go with tIme next
fleet of transports or lint , it is tutimnated ,
however , that lie will be take ) ) to the l'hui-
ippilles on tue criliser I'Imiladelpiiin siloilld
it lie ready for sea within it reasonable
tinie. One timlmig is certaill , tile general is
preparing to depart , and if lie should con-
elude to start with tile next fleet he will
be ready.
l'ilo troops 'ealinot get away before Sat-
urday. Time loading of ( lie vtsels witi
quartermaster and conunissary stoles is
going forward as rapidly as possible and
sonic of tile more entlmusiastic of the olhicers
at work on thetn say time ships will be ready
to start by Thursday and not later than
Saturday nt the fimrthest. Tile general 011111-
ion among the ieadlllg authorities Is tilat
it will be tell days before we can salute another -
other outgoing fleet ,
Under orders from General Merritt a board
of nrniy tioctors today examnincti the l'aciflc
mailer Newport , which arrived last Satur-
lifly fromn Panama , with tue view of tilt ; rca.
sd being fitted Uj ) as a llospitfli ship for the
l'liillpplnc expedition. Time Newport is 0)10 )
of tile finest vessels CII tIle coutt 011(1 WoUld
well serve tile purpose of being turned into
a floating hospital.
The surgeons are doing everything in
their vower to atop a spread of the thipim-
theria. Notices have boon semlt to all regi.
lnental surgeons to Cry to head off the dis-
ease. Tue sanitary condition of ( lie cnmii
Is bad arId under the Presellt clrcunistanceit
CAll be little improved , Tile only salvation
it appears , is to ilurry thu troops to the
tramlsports nod away from Canlp Merritt.
Today 130 recruits arrived for tile Tell.
nessee regiment , raising the 011151cr to lOC :
loon per Complklly. Two hnntiretl recrimiti m
arrived for the Twentieth Kansas , With the I
100 who arrived last nIght these recruits I
complete time regilnemlt.
The Monadnock arrived in tile harbor this S
afternoon from Mare Island. Its consort
the Nero , has been coaletl and will be rend )
for sea within a few days , It imas mint bcem :
definitely given out just what part these
vessels will play , but it Is believed time ) r
will accompany the next expedition , or wit
leave within a few days after the ileet sails
Gemterisi i1iies Itailes O'er Psi' Ioeml -
it , . to As't'rmilim Its % tl'iiii tilKes
Lu ( limit Limit ? .
( Cop'righlt , 1891 , ilyI'resH ViltlilRlliflg ) Co. )
KEY \VEST , Jdmne 21.-New ( York SVorb ii
Catllegrnnl-Speciltl Telegram-Oiiicers ) o f
General Miles' staff have heea irlvesilgatiml g
tile ati'limitltgeB of iCeyVest as a point fo r
tile Ilohliliaztiofl of troops. 'Filey find tlmn t
good Ctlllll)5 could be estabhisimed here , 'I'll ( I
only drawlmack is the lack of fresh ) watem . .
Timla difliculty can be obviated by ( ho es -
tahilshlnlemlt. of conlemisern , which would mlis -
till water tar preferable to that ortlinarll I
available for Cfllfll ) use , There arc abundari it
facilities for sea luttiming 110)1 ) the climnmtt a
is simlliy ideal. A glance at tables hotel IT
issimed by tilt ) Weather bureau sliow ill ) ) it
time muaxinmusn telnilerature lIcro is lowe r
limos ) imi niamly nioro nortilermm cities , A t
nights tilero Is always a breeze from tim ( I
sea , fumistroko is never known , It I s
thought that 30,000 troops couid ho mobilize
hero within 100 mnilts of havana if arrange _
monts ill ) 100(10 ( or furmlislling tilelll wit h 1
fresh water ,
( .sosl Fimiti iii mm I'rix , ' Ship ,
( C'oi'rlgiit , , 1(01 , by I'reiis I'tmldisimiii Cl )
KEY WEST , Fin , , Jumle 21-Noiv ( Yor k
Worlti Calilegralll-SpeCiLml Telegram , ) -Or to
of tile Spanish prize slmips has ylclmic'tl saint i _
tiling from Its cargo that wiii delight arm iy
cnginit'ms. lii tile ilOill of the l'cdro official is
have found nine iron cyilmidera twenty-tv. o
feet lollg anti nine feet in diameter , Ste el
beanis anti sectional platforms are timer C
The 011010 Is intended for an ilonlenso ra ft
on WimiClI field pieces or other heavy imi m
plenments of time army can be floateti froi In
the side of a ship to the lIonel ) . Time Spas I-
lsh a ny ilava furnisiletl Anlerican with a
ltlCUflS of unloading their gulls that wi ii
ProVe their undoing ,
- I-
Id , iiii ilig VIli itt' i1t'isseth ,
( Copyright , 1(91 , by Assniltted i'rt'ss. )
MOLE ST. NICOI4AS , June 21.-5 p. rn , . -
Rear Admiral Sampsoml says time gener al
latmtllng of troops of General Shatter's e : C-
itedition oil tile coast of the province of
Santiago do Cuba will necesartiy be d a-
layemi seyerai days. lteports pimblisiled in 11 me
Umlited States to the contrary are pu re
guesammork ,
UuiteI Stttos Troops at Last Po
Junction with the Navy.
Men in Good Health antI pirith Biul r.
for the Fray. ,
General Bhaftor Holtis Oonrerenoo with
Admiral Sampson.
'l'iiruilgli the Iliforts of Cciierai Gree. .
tO ) ' ( lie ( loverli it'mil Citmi Get Voru1
to &titl frtiimt ti.triiiy
uf lit'misitii ,
( Copyright , ISOS , by Press Ptmbhisliimig Co. )
KINGSTON , Jnmmmaiea , mile 21-NeW (
York \'orliI Cablegram-Special Telegram , )
-Tile Amllericamm nrmmmy under the COtfllmltlImIl
lt Gemmeral Shatter strrivetl oft Santiago yesterday -
terday lnormlillg ( Monday ) , 1UiIDINQ.
PORT ANTONIO , Jtmmio 21-New ( . York
\Vorlti Cable'grnni-Spt'ciril Teidgrntll.- )
Montitty morning at duiybreiilc forty-scn'it
United Stales vessels toppcd tweiity miles
sontlmcast of Santiago. There were fifteen
war ships 011(1 thirty-two troop sliiiis. SallIp-
semi wils advised by tile Itogera amiii Erics-
semi of tl'cit' epproacim. Cautaimm , Cimadwlclc
was edit at 011cc on the Gloucester to ro-
colvo General Shatter anti neslilaimIt Itisti of
Possible landing Places and advise thnt time
transports remain out of sight of hand mmntil
a fiuial lamiding iilaco was tiecideti ' .11)00. The
stiloke of tile trtuisports , however , Imlust ho
risible mow froni Morro Ugimt , 250 ( cot ole-
vntiomm , alni time Spanish troops are 110W
lirobablY tilling time coast anti liltmff treilcileS ,
The transports came by tIme \'imllwmird
passage imIstCtd of Ytteatall , ( is SallIlilion eX-
leCtOd. They StOllltetl at every smittiite. Tito
heel was rejoiced at the arrival of the sot-
tl hire.
Culians advise thiiferemit laniimg places.
Con fi'renec vI thi Curcimi.
Cuba , Jumio 2i.-Via ( Port , mitolmIo.-New )
York World Cabicgraln.--Smecial Telegramim. )
-high UI ) on thickly woodeni hills umitler Ii.
miserably tilatelmed hut tIme fate of Santiago
was decitlefi yesterday aftermloon. Gemlerat
Sbaiter. Admitiral b'nniproim , Celleral Garcia
ilIld staffs , after a consultation of two
hours , ngreetl (19011 ft pltn : of. operation.
ngalmmst tile tloolnetl city , There was little
discussion and the slight slifl'oremices of opimi-
ion were quickly adjusted.
4bout noon yestertlay the smoke of the
tramlaport fleet was sigimted to the eastwarsi.
Samupsomi soul time Glotmccster to meet thin
traimtliorta ! , Will ) illatructiotis to remnain fit-
teeti miles oft shurc so as not to betray its
prescmmce. Tile ilect stopped twenty miles
away , hut transport No. 12. itlt Simatter's
pelmonilt IlyhlIg , COllie OIl. 'mVitetm near the
tlagship Samrmpsoli went aboard to pay his
respects to Slmmifter , evitlemmtly determined to
lose . no tulle. Fifteen minutes lstter tue
transport headed west with Sanipson oIl
board. It quickly steamed twenty Illilcs to
Asserratleras , where a Culmnmi hag on tIme
hill imithicateti Garcia's canip. Slmaftcr ,
Satnp5oll mind tIme tmtlT tzroniltly Inmitleti
antI were received tmy Garcmt'ts two stalls
nmith escort'ti .r miii1' ltmlai1t , . hiorsc'a were
Provided , hu the mutter Part of tile Jour-
no ) ' was so steel ) they rere foreeti to diii-
IllOumIt and ; vnlk.
Garcia received time tlistimlgilisimed visitorsi
at tile entrance to ft rutlo. thatched 11111 in a
dignified amid courteous Illamlimer. After miii
excilallge of civilities time PrincIpal oiilcens
entereth tbo llIlt. A cracker box served as
0 table anti logs as seats. Maps were spreat
out 011(1 a disemussion of tilamls comumoticetl.
General Ludlow , chief of engimmeerti , nmttt
Colonel Wagmler , cimief of time bureau of in-
ferinatiomm , tank vart 1mm tile comiforenee mitt
D Currili , ellIot surgeon in Garcia's arnmy ,
Garcia unfolded his PinIhs to which Slmafterm
listened intently and seemed struck with
their IracticabilitY anti athopted them witiL
somne minor loothifications. 'lIme navy hunt
otilcr PlamIs. but the two generals stood to-
getimer anti outweigilemi Samnpsoml , Sjifter
preferred to rely illiOll Garcia's mnlnuto
knowictlge of the coimntry nod Ilosltiona ot
tIle Spamiislm troops.
' 1'v.'putr-Seuummt1 Is us It ,
Time watchlworl of thp campaign is shown
by General Shatter's rapitl luovemnentst. 'Fe-
day not an hour was lost , lie expects to
have tIme city at. isis mercy within a week.
Time Secomld divisiomi , coinposeti of tile Twen-
ty-secnmitl , Fourth , FittlI , Twelfth , Seventh
amId Sovomstecmltll reguhiiist amit4. the Sccotmtl
Massachmusettti , was seiceteti to nlaite time
first imnportammt Iam.'limig , After tile confer-
01100 General Shatter Itmid Sampson returned
to tile boat between two himies of Garcia's
coatitsii ! , mtimoelestst vatermsmis , who presented
armus hI true military fasimhon as the ofiheermi
Wlmilo time Amnerican olhhccrs were consulting -
ing Witil General Garcia the Marbieltead lay'
elf shore iii erisy itiltgmi ready to immtdlmvono
sisouitl any itocesslty arise. A ragged cii-
cert of Cuban snilhiers 11101 time famlioums officers -
ficers on the beacim. General Garcia ad-
s'amsccd to iieicufle timeni , imat in imnnsl , umttler
a blazing Cimban StIll , $0 hot tlmat It burned
the elITes ,
Time ilut which serves as Clamcia's imead-
( timarters stands omm thiti top of a high cliff
overlooking the sea amid time hoot was 1mm
1)11th ) view in time oiling , Five negro sentries -
tries , miaked to tile waist , commstitutetl tlm
guard of 11011cr , lii tii opem space about.
lounged a hundred Cubmmm army otbicers , well
uniformed , anti a horde of Privatem suitlierie
of every known iihintle of skimi , arimletl wiUm
every make of weaiton kmmown to eivlilzatiomm ,
frommi mnncimc'Les to Mouser ritie , ( herein has
3,000 111011 who will play an lImIporturIt hart
iii tile coming oiieratiomia , SIiaftcr's force
hero Is 15,000 , Three Imuntireti ithmarp altout-
landed last light ) eight niiheu wca ( of
Santingo to co-operate with tile Cubans ;
also lnaciihiiu gumms and mmloulltaimm artuhiely
to clear the hills ,
Garcia captured a i5jiammisil post Summday
amid took ( welvH irironers. A hotly of Utmituti
Stutea troops landed today ( Tuesday ) at
Sngua to r.o-ollernto with ( lie ineim of Cams-
11110 , Sinmrpsimootena , scouts anti mmlaeimimlo
gumis are tilso Immodimlg today to itolil the
immotmutain pass with the Cuhtalls at Assera-
dores , All Oii tile troop 01)1115 are vchl nOd
emitlimmsiastic tsiti cager to land. 'Fisu weatimcr
lit. Saiititmgo is warni , but him , Oaria's duet
itilysiciau says there is iio damiger of 'eilow
foyer ,
, tssteimiteti l'rcsit Story.
hhoitrti the Associated l'ress Dispatch float.
Iammdy-VIa ) ( Mole St. Nicolas , hlayti , Juno
213 a , nl-TIme ) United States army for
time Invasion of Cuba , about 1,00O strong ,
Coimlmflailded by General Shutter , arrived oft
Santiago ie Cuba at noon today , The tim.
of Iti disembmrkatiou has not yet been dt-