P1tE , OMA,11i4DArLY BEE : tONIAY , IIJNE O , i89. . 7 - SPEPIAL NOTICESI ; AI1Vq'rtIMqnIcflt for these n1fliUfl * ) vlI1 ) , i titL&ci untla 12 iii. fur the es piIti intl ttnII 8t8 ( ) for nurnhig % nfl ! Sunilny CIlItIOflM. A41'erflNrrN , , y rt.quedIig i ILUfl % eri1 cheek. vjin lini' nniwrr' ntl- .Iresed It , ft nuinhered letter Iti crIer or 'rtir niycr o niI.1reittL iILL lc IlIvereiL on presettntIoht of gI * ( , tIIC'k nnt. ftntt s1 t-2i n wnril flrst nsert1ui * Ic i cnril t1iernrtcr. Nuthhti 1nkfl fui 1i.i tIin 250 fur 1se ftrNt Inter- tion. T1is ndcrtIsntctitN muut ho Tint eonivcitlvely. strIJt1'loNs WtiT1D. i TYI'E\VIUTINU nndcopyhig , 201 1ke thdg. - A-41 JyS WANTED. MItflttIIfl flI cafititor or collcetor ixperIenceiI In , nnkIng ; can tnvct $1.00' ' ) It desIred rcerence. Ai1dr S ' . Ilee. , -1tt78 21' YOUNG man wnnt8 ; ) oftLIon at oXjm4UIOfl lind experlotwe with txhIhttM ILfl(1 ( t1mil Addrisz 'I' 11. lIce. A-M201 21 r 'L J 1IfLl. , \ CANVASSERS to trike ordera ; new linc ot work : no heavy go'(1 to carry 3aInry or coznmh8Ion. C. 1' . Adftm ( . , 521 14. lGth. 11-216 ire tV1.FKbY nn1 expensw fltl(1 * 4tleitnen to 8011 elgnrii to 1eaIer3 no tinrn : oxperlenco tInnecisnry. C. C. 11lI11flP & ' Co , lIt. Louh , Mo. WANTID , 8 men In Ornoha nod non nIne , In each UOOCCtIIIetI ) town In Nolra1cL , anti - niJoIiing titates to take or1er tar melt H maile.to.order IttlitH nt $4.5' ' ) to $15.0' ) , t , mostly 34.0 to $10.00 , pafltt4 $1.50 to $5.00. . $60.00 er month nutdo b btgInh1el8 without - . ' out expeilenco. Vt'c ( ttrnlttli full 1mb of tftiTi1Pie nOd nil neceHsarI outflt. l'or ap- \ plicatlon and roterenco blank antI tuhl ptr- ticulars ttddr'ss Arnerleati Wonleil Mills 'o. , Tailors tor the Trade , ( hicrtgri , III. 14 13-M66 I WANTlI-Succesu1 canvneters. 537 VaX- ton block. 1T1521' , WANTED at enc a flrt-c1tt crayon air trusii ) artist. Apply at the People H . . - Furniture stat ) Carpet Co. Ask for Mr. M. A. lirla. Lh-M9S3 20 L . . WANTED , men to learn barbtr trzti1e Hpe. cml Iniluconients thIIH month , u1o old. . _ _ _ - gratitintes out of employment write for v IcisItltiH ( at ( ) flco ; GOV. % VantH 100 . L grulttntcs for army : Ited Cross so- I ; r cIet' writes for harbors with knowl- , i1go of dermatology as we teach it ; ' many summer rerts.wnnt banters that ( 'Ilti lt ) ladIes' hnI1resin ( wtj teach both ) ; many barbers leaving make hiomo thtnsttiU and wsge gootl ; tttidents jolti- lag now ( 'an 'ngnge for work two monthS . - . in tulvance : eight weeks' schooling corn- . .p. jtlt't'H write at once for eatahoguo. Isloier'H Coiloge. Chicago. 13-M976 20' COVFMINMENT iosttlons. The war mak s IL tletiitttitl for men In the government - ( 'IVII service. Examinations soon. Fell ipirttrmittlon free. Coluinblan Corre- ' . HlOtIlCtlCtt College , Washington , D C. s-- . 13-MIGI 22' - _ - _ _ _ ' ' ' ' . WAN'1'IU-1'1MALE HElP. BEE the Epperly corset. 1511 Deuglns St. C--70S-J-21' . . 100 G1ItS for all kinds of work $3 to $7 week. Canaillnn Otlice. 15 Douglas. ' , C-247 . . 150 gIrls , Employment Bureau , 1524 Dodge. Telephone 76. C-M844 .7y12 . cook week. Gil WANTlD-FIrt-c1ass. ; $ a , S. 18th St. C.-105 GOOD gIrl for enern1 htitiseor1c ; no Iig. 312 * ChIcago st. . C-M911 20' GIItL , ( ittneral hiouswork. 13t South 31st. I . GOOD , Intelligent middle-aged woman I housekeeper. S. 'V. Cur. ZGI1i & California. t . c-- _ _ _ _ - - _ i tt - - A SPI1ND1D paying position Is open for 1 ' an Intelligent WOrnttIl , one able to address sniall nu.htenct's of ladles , 1"or interview r ndilrcss Oh , Dee. . . C-M-136-2 ( ) Plt IlFNT-hltISliS. chloiclo houses nnil cqttages all over city ; $5 to $75 Ildclity , , Lt hour , N. Y. Life. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I . hOUSES. IJentwa & Co. , 108 N , 15th St. - D-249 j - flOUSES. stores. lJcmIt4 , l'axton tIocl ( . I' - - D-20 MOVING household goods ni pianos. Out. Van & Btoraga Co. , i5t1 Farnam. T41 1559. L- Lit . . FU1tlTNi'lt1 and lenst.hiold of a 7 aml 13- roolti modern list for sale ; bltrglLln ; good i I ctttloii , rent low. ihemis , Fcton bik. . - - COTTAOES-3-rom , $7J0 and $ .00 ; 15-room , $ iO.00 ; o-routo , $12.50 : S-room , lG.00 ; newly - PaIfltId and 1)ztPerd : Lwnutltul for situa- tioti. 436 Doartl of Trade. D--912 I3EAiJTIFUI urnrner resIdence In BemI pnrk , near 3tti and Lincoln , boulevard. Large grounds , 1 tl1 lots ; Lirgt htable for 12 hiorscs modern. 'l3emIs , VaLUon block. D-M337 ' volt IIENr. strictly modern lint in Day. \ Idgo's IniIltIIng' oiposlto city halt. JOHN ' \ ' . J1OUUINt3. agt , 1802 Farnam st. D-117 N1vr 4-r. cottugeand 3 acres and. other . 1 hCtIS&IH ) , % F. 1)'end , 16th and Douglas. 13-911-22 NEW 6.rnom modern cottege , ready July 15 , 120 ; 3.rtojn cottuge , $5. 1.V. 11. IttissciI , GIG N. Y. Life. D-M073 23 VOlt IIENT , brick house , 0 roonv . 201 S. 2tli All inoderti. Sidenild loca- tiOfl , Intinlro Charles E. Benson , 310 flanige bplldlng. D-M-111-22' llt It I0'l'-VthlI Isil El ) ItOOMS. BXI'OSITI ON V ISITORS-l,00fl furnished lIJI15. ) \'rlte to bXposttion itoolning Co Ioulits block. ith and 1)odgo. - . E-OhlJyl4' TIlfl llttriuttn Terrace Itotel. 203ti.-40.42 Farjurn , New modern building. new fur. nlshlngs , all elegant outIile rooms ; Itorches , lawn , trees , Especially dslrablu ( to' lean and Iztmlly , 10-M135 Jylt NIC1L.Y tttriilsh'td rooms. 2112 Casts street , . - ' E-M207 BOOMS-1GIS CalifornIa ; restaurant near. 1-451-Jy-3' ! FUIINISIIEI ) roorn , 1624 Cnssl onSher- ZOUII LtVtttUt ear lIne ; references required. 1-M644 VOlt transients , modern. SwIft , 0610 Barney E-J30' ; Ft11LN1Sll1D room ; 1nlo or utts of 3. 1113 St&th 11th. { .OOMS , nil conveniences. G2l to. 19th. E-15 : j2o I"URNIIIIIEI ) rooms. 524 S. 26th ave. E-M5i J29' ' 1'1.ESANT rooms ; central ; irlvate family. 151 Davenport. F.-M320 20' lATLV turnltdLed rooms. cheap. 1526 . 19th. 1-M323 30' 3Xl'OSl'1'1ON Oli1t'Ii Information littreau , 1319 1'nrnarn ; 5,00' ) dIaled rooms to rent. 1LEGANTt.Y furnished roint1s modern. tiu 13. 19th. , ' EIlONT rooms , 1811 Leavenworth. 7' ) -G27-Jy LA1IGIO front room with alcove. closets , hot and cold water. 218 North 19th St. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a ROOMS for housCkeeling to man and wife ; rent taken In board ; 319 N. 17th. MO1)1ltN rooms. housekeeping. 514 North 1911 * . Tr.nIeaits. F-MS6 30' iiIrARNEY. rooms for rent FVF rootna for housekeeping. 511 S. 10th. . \ - TI1ANSI FNT8 ac'umtnot1ated ; reatonable. 19115 Ianiam. - 1iLFlANT furnished room for gtntlenian ; centrally loeatetl ; private family. S02 S. 22t 131. F-kt56l J5' YURN1hUED rooms at . ; ; ; ; price. . 20 N , 9th. 1-.M29 Jyt Putt 1LliT-P1ltNl Sli11) 1tOOM. ( Continued. ) . - .0 FUflN1S1IFD roomR , 1417 Douglas : one bed In room. VOflgenth'men , large 5oUtt room private famIly ; moilorn : terms reattonsblr. t2) South 21tt Street , E-93 20' l1I3Tyour rooms with Mrs. Jeftrles , Iloarti or frade , 16th and Farnam 5t5 itl'q housekeeping rooms find furnl8hed hohl5es. l-M9SS 20' I100MS-t week up , 1731 ½ LenY. . tiptalrs. 1-1tt.3 Jy 11 lIJflNhSlIHt ) IIOOMS AI ) UJ.tItll. T1ll' MFltlt1AM , first chatts family lintel , 5th antI Dodge St.s I'LiASANT rootni' , modern. trictty first. clasM board : reasonable rates transIents taken. & 22 N. 19th St. F-M8t5 PLE'tSANT. veil furnished room ; all iat' . em conveniences. with or without bonrd private family ; tiear llansctnn park. I 12. Ijee. F-792 TI1l ltCSE ) , 220 h1rtiry : nce cool rooms with board : irnesienta accommodated ; rates re0qonab1e F'-7t17 J21' TAKF1 ilown that "tar saie' or "for rent" sign in your window. The flee reaches more PeoPle In a tIny than will window in a month : and they consult those L'ltttflI5 wheti they want to bIt ) or rent. T13F SABATOGA ItO'1'IL I the place. Arnarlean or 1t1roponfl. N. W. corner exposItion - posItion ; Sherman Ave. anti the 24th street hues PIIS tll ( ' house. Summer resort style. FamilIes solicited. Modern , cool , comfortnb1e hiotnlIko Ileths. gas , PIano antI lIbrary. 'rohophone 1931. You can get a street car and find n seat in It. We hiavo trees- birds , green grass anti croqueL Dottlilti parlors. vastverant1as , hammocks , jolly people ittid a pet bear. ilntc'J rensol- able ned according to nccotnmodLttlons. SOUTH rooms ; transients. 2102 Cass. F'-GOO JyG' MOD1OflN south rooms. trnnslenu. 510 N. 19th. TilE TUI1O\VEfl-28 . . good rootns. 2OS N. 17. F-M182 32S' T11F ALBANY , 2101 DouglasI newly fur- F-MOD Jyt' WORKING glrhs home. 823 5. 10th. ' S F316 JylS' FU1tNIShlFD rooms with hoard ; trnntIents accommodated , 2015 Douglas. F-96 20' UTOI'TA-17'21 Davenport , trllflHIentt3 acrom- ntodatel. F'-99i Ji' DlL1OilTFUh rooms. tiefacheti brick resi. dance ; niodern ; transIents accommodated. 212 So. 1th St. , S. W. Cor. 17th antI Doug- las. F-M110 21 FO It lLEtT-lJNVUlBctlED 1100MM. UNFUI1NISI1ED roorns modern. 1812 Leav- enworth , Fiat 4. ( i-MS99-J.24' FOIl. IIENT-STOHEM AD 0ll'lCES. FOR R1NT , the 4-story brlckbulldlng at 9141 Farnam St. This hohlding has a hire- hroof cement basemeat , water on all floors. gas , etc. AppIy at the office of The 13cc , 1-910 St'ACII to rent , suitable for job printIng or other small huslitess. Tehephonc and ( lesk. Rent cheap. 1517 Burt. 1-OS1 GOOD sttVe , with l nice lIving rooms itt rear sLid cemented cellar , on lendIng car linu tu expositIon , only $30 FIdelity Trust Co. , lat floor. N. Y. Life. I-M933 ROOM. 1520. for workshop. BOO Cnss , ground floor. I-MIll 30' AGETS WAJTED. WANTED , agents for 'Amerkai's War for Humanity. " told in picture and story ; in. trodiiction by lion. John J. . Ingalts , for. meriy U. S. senator for Knnsas ; the hIstory - tory Ctihan-Spanlsh-Americnn , war in Toll , with causes letLdIflg up to 1over 200 sit- perb engrtLvinga from actual photographs tnkcn for thl wnrlc 600 qitarto pages ; irice only $2.00 ; very complete otitilt 150 . cents ; agents make $30 to $150 a week. Address - dress N. 13. Thompson IublhshIng Co. . St. Louts New York. J-MS91 26' \VANTED-Ag'nts in ev'ry town loNe. braska and Iowa to sohlctt accounts for us to collect. Ca.sh commIssIon Iahd. \\'rlte for particulars. S 49 , rice , Omnliu. J 935 J. 15' AG1NTS WANTFD ; "MemorIal Life of Gladstone , " by Frank V. Otitisaulits , D. 1) . ; over 400 pages ( ixI' in , ) , magnificently Illustrated ; 40 full page PortraIts ; 000 agent sold 4 In one day , another solt ) 17 In one hour : price low ; no experience necessary ; most liberal terms guaranteed ; freight paid ; 20 days' credIt ; outhit free ; senti 0 two-cent stamps to pay postage. The Bible House , 324 Dearborn st. , Clii. etigo. J-it2 21' ; - ; , to tht popularIty of the new molels , Nos , 6. 7 and 8 , RemIngton typewriters - writers , they have had to secure more roam atiti hii'o removed to 1613 Farnani street. Call and sec them , 674-J-i8 STOIt Ati C. PAcIFrC Storage and Warehouse Co. , OOS- 910 Jqnes , general storage and forwardIng. M-2rd O2. Vati &Storage. l5l1'4 F'arn'in. Tel. 1559. M-256 VA'k'16l-T ( ) III' Y. IF' YOU are In need of anything , try the Want Columns of fhio lied ; they vhIl bring you what you want. N-5G7 iicu : ; : want ' to 'hitiy. sell or t mdc anythIng - thIng call room 512 thrown block. N-MIll 25' Ut ) It FOIl SALE at a bargaIn , 500 plilows and 500 niattresset ; new pillows , 23 cents up , new mattresses , 75 ctints up. IOOS.lO Dodge. O-MS57 J23' 1'tlL S.tLIJ-llo LIMES , % % . % GONS , B'I'C. j:0g : SALE , thoroughbred team of bay mares , E and U years Old sound nntl geti- tIe' , 17 hands high ; sychi broke for cIty driving. S 52. lice. L'-M09 20' 12 1'ASSl'NGEfl wngonetto , 2 good hhue- tons. $00 and $85 ; raitilly carriage. leather tot ) . 50 good trap , $55 ; surrey , brand new , $90. Drunimonil Carriage Co. , lSth antI I larney. I'-31974 Jy17 - ( iOODteunt work horses and harness , $25 ; tilso 2 good , tr."th cows cheap. Jester's yard , 25th and ihurt Sis. 1'-t'Jd ) 20 VPBICLBS , best varIety ; irices and terms easy. Crawford Co. , 1311 Jones St. V-M6G7JyO Poll MA1.I0-MlSC6LL.V1iOUS. i5i sii clIpping niuenines , kiilves and vu- haIri , all standard makes on hand ; grliitl- ing razors , . shears , chippeLi3 ; PromPt. sory- ice. A , L. lindoland. Q-25. hOG , poulLr and lawn fences ; all wire ; Is best. Wiru Works , 14th and Harn'y. Q'-260. ' TIIld SpanIsh POSeHioIis In both tne east atiti west. , . In map form. with acurly 200' photogr.tphte reproductions of the Ainerl- can and ShanIshi navies. naval command- cr5 , etc. All for 2 $ cents , at the Ben ollice. if ordered by mall , address Navy Photograph Department. Omaha lice. . \VOOLF ZACILAIIIA has bought out PhIlip Nathan and Is now at 1207 Farnam \Vorld's fair turtlture fOr sale. Q-373 Jyl _ _ _ - FOR SALII-Ten R.1.P.AN.IS. for 15 cenlH at druggist , ; One gives relIef. Q-9 MANIEI1SON Street tahles nndliitchlng yard ; bait block north of 156th sired exPosition - Position main entrance , t"Olt SA t4-Throe retUrn Tubular hollers : b0.hctrso vower each , Apply to the super intenilerit. 103 lIce building , Q-SS5 GltAT bargain , tour 6 to 10-hoLe steel ranges for hotel or restaurant ; two in- 'valid chairs ; Inust be sold. 1410 Dodge. Q-M9T2 Jyll' 100 hINIS mIneral waters. . Shiertauti & McConnell. Drug Co. . 1.513 lodge St. , Omaha. Q-M909 Jy27 _ _ _ _ _ - - - - COCK1lt Slianiel htiliitios , 4months old ; fuli pedigree. 31 llarker block. ' g-1ln 20' - - J,000 Fi1\VbItn Piutna celery plants for sale. Address Robertson Celery Gardens , Ilearney. Ne. Q-M110 MlSCl61.I..t410VS. . . . . - T\VFiNTY-1'1'l.1 Cents wIll buy the latest publicatIon Illustrating the U. S. and Mpnnlsh nttvlrs. nttval eQnmand"rs. etc. ; almost 20t1 photographIc reproluctions , wIth a large map of the East and West IndIes itt tht omc'e bf 'l'tie tic's. It * 1' doted by mall , address Navy I'liotograph Departrnent.Oznaha We Lt-70 ATt.MONOPOt.Y Garbage Co. , cittn cioohe & privy sitults. 621 N.1G. Tel. 1719. 11-85I Jyl ' 0N'F : NatIonal cash rngli.teriilmnst new ; wIll rent oft ressonable terms itt rP5mfl * sible party. Inquire at Hotel BrunswIck omce , R-'M201 ' ilASSi0h3 hTiIS , ITC. - MUS. DR. LEON , electric mnsage iath pirlors , restful and curattvo. 417 S. 11th , upstairs. T-M2002G SMITH , 11 * N.lSth St. , hot nrIng and vapor iatthn. T-SS-20' . ---S. - -4- 2dFDlCATID baths , massage. Mate. lhri. son , from 1'arI't 101 N. 12th ; open till nIght. . T-M90l Jy14' MZI } : , A.MCS , 507 8. 13 , It. 10 ; masAage.bath. T-MlSO 25' . 1'FIIISONAL. VIAVI for uterine troubles. 31C-S flee bldg. ; PhysIcian consultation or health book free. U-6i LADllS' TurkIsh baths. Mmo. Post. , 3l9 % i. 1th. U-M262 $ ; io. ltJ1UIU0 curt't fr $30. No detention from business ; 6 years In Omaha. Caller or write for circulnrs. Empire Rupture Cure , 932-913 New York Life bldg. . Omaha , Nob. tJ-263 TIlD Pantoritnn. clothes cleaned , pressed end rtptilred , day and nights sliecial care given , ladies' tailor mails gowns : dress suits for hire. N. E. cor. 14th & F'nrnam. i 963. . _ _ _ _ A LARGE Map of the World , one of Cuba I and enother of the entire West IndIes , showIng Cuba. Porto 111cc , Itnyti , San Domingo. Martinique and all the other Wet5 lnlIan , Islands ; 10 cents , at TIm Bee othice , By mail , 11 cents. Address Cuban Map Dept. , Omaha Bee. U-S63 C. II. (1LOVBI1 , gove.rnmetit land attorney antI counselor ; e-register U. S. Land Olllce 17 years' experIence ; will assist local attorneys. 32 Karbach 111k. U-MGS ) JylO j1jj5 , massage. Mine. rest , 3194 S. 15th. W'ANTBDlmrnedlntely , lady or gentleman - man to take charge of splendId payIng business ; large profits ; no experience necessury lady attendant ; don't fail to see us. 1505 Davenport St. , 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. U-M191 21' M0rcIY TO 1.ON-ltEAL ESTATE. XVANTED. holce farm nnd city loars. It C. Peters & ; Co. . U. S. Nat'l Bank bldc. $100,000.00 specltl fund to loan on llrst-ctas improved Omaha property , or for but iii. lng purposes. FidelIty Trust Company. LOAN on imroved and unimproved city property. 'tV. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam. w-z61 tI PER cent city and term loans. arc'In Bros. . 1613 Farnam St. . ANThONY Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. L. quick money at low rates for choice farm land4 In Towa , Northern Mhsouri , tjst- erli Nebraska. MONEY to lana on ImprovedOmahia reai estate. Brennan-Love Co. . 219 S. 16th. \VANT0D , to lean , . ; t' one loan pro- furred ; als.J . want to loan $500.00. F. D. WeaLl , 16th n.ndDoulas. 5 PER cOat money. Bemls , I'axton blk. W-211 40.000.00 private funds , wish to loan on lands In southeastern Nebraska. NenryQ. . Falls C1ty , _ _ _ FOR investors , hI5ts that are Investors' lists ; write to Investors' Directnry Co. , .New York. W-M6143y' MONEY TO LOAN-CIl.V1"FELS. $10 TO $10,000 TO LOAN ON - } 1OUSEFIOLD FURNITUItF1 AND PTIC. NOS. HORSES. W.GONS AND CAll- RIAGESVtREI1OUSE RPCEIPTS , etc. , at lowest rates in Omafla , South Omaha aml Coineil BluOts. No removal of goods ; str1ctly contliteaxlai ; you can nay the. lear. oft at any time erIn In any amounts. OMAhA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 306 South 16th St. TILE OLDEST , LABGEST AND ONLY IN. C0RP0IIATED LOAN COMPA'NY IN OMAHA. X-274 MONEY loaned salaried people holding Permanent positions , with responsIble concerns upon their own name , without security easy payments. Tolman , It. 7013 , N. Y. Life bldg. X-572 LUST. LOST , solitaire screw dIamond , about P4 carat ; reward of $25 if returned Omaha Casket Co. Lost-M977 20' LOST , strayed or stolen , from our Expoil. tlon buildIng , yellow and white Angora cat. Suitable reward for retura to Bemls Omaha Bag Co. Lost-MOtl 20 LOST-Ladles' parasol , with short handle , cat's eye knob ; lost on Capitol avenue , between Sixteenth and EIghteenth. Re. turn to 221 North EIghteenth for reward , Lost-M205 20 11USINEtS CIIAcCEM. EIEVATOrtSfor a1e , a line of sIx do- vators on the RepublIcan Valicy branch of the U. P. 11. TI. , extending sflouthi from Lincoln , Nob. . through an excellent grain producing region.V11l be sold together or separately. us desIred. In good repaIr anti lIne working artIer , \Vill be sold on easy terms. Apply to Ed S. Miller. lIen- trice , Neb , Y-A1821J30 TO GET in or out of business go to J. J GIbson , 1514 First Nut'l batik. Y-276 FOR SALE , good horeshoeing shop ; best locatIon In city : doIng good iatytig , business - ness : other matters require attention of owner. Address XL. , lIce 0111cc , Council Bluffs , Ia , Y-M934 22 FOR SALE or lease , cigar store flxture and pool table. Address 2111 N. 18th , Y-M9i6 20' $230 WILL buy a nicepaying lusiness on North 16th St. Address S 171 , flee. Y-M-l28-20' , - REPIIESflNTATIVES wanted for all west- em states ; an absolutely saTe and profit- bie business ; offers great opporunty to a nian.In each stttte to start a permanent - manent , payIng business o his own ; cx- clutslvo statecontrol giyen ; protection front compe15ttlon tHrough lflt1efltS ttifi Artoecopu greatest .automatie nickel-In- tlt.SlOt machine exhibitlng- - trlt'slly iilumtnated : living pictures , iat- tloshlps. foreign scenes and thousamla of up-tn-date subjects ; excels anything ever teen ; proved where already introdudett that every $100 invested brIngs in return I of $130 monthly. , See samples tttroom 128 , Millard hotel. John hieissenberger , repro- sentlng Stirrup Manufacturing Co. . New York City. Y-M911 20' FOR SALB , a. good retaIl business makIng 318 per week ; cheap It taken this week. ' 1' 7 , lIes , Y-MlS4 22' POR ECIIANfE. VAIIIOL'S hilec'es of ProPerty Lndfarms In Nebraska to trade for merclutndlse. Address - dress l 42 Uo. Z-278 FOIl SAL1-Or will exchange for htipd , I Imber or nierchandlstt , a separator ereitn- ; ery located in suutheasten Iowt run- fling year rounti. Atidresi Postm'ster , Four Corners , In , 2I SFVIRAL desirable cIty propertIes itt good Iowa towns to trade for titerehandlso ; can use toeks from 11,00' to $5,000. It. It. Pyko , with 2.1. J. lcennartL & Sois. 310.3f1 Block lirown , Sli0lt'l'Il.tl ) ANtI 1''l'L1SVftl'l'ING , VAN SANT'S School , Ill N. Y. Ufu The school whose students get employment. Conducted by an expcrlentuti reporter. Al. ' OMAhA Bus. Collegt , 1th & Douglas. . .4 , " IIIIORT-IIAND up.to.dato , taught by court reporters. Iloylei School. 403-6-1 Dee b1di. Full SAl.C-11ta CMTATII. 1 < O1JNTZt. Pisre hL1'gLns. E"$1.715o in $6.50' , J. J. GIbson , 5i4 FIrst 14at'l bank bldg. ItF-ZT9 1lOUSlS , tots fnrmtO12nds , loansnlso fire insurance , 13eniI , I'axton block , - 1111-250 FO1T.OWlNO , icsIrb1ilproperty ; Ilusines.e lot corner. GOxISO ft. , So , Omaha , ; ) ayei. Business lot. 60z150 ft. , Improved , SoutlL Omaha , street pavetti Tract (24 ( lots ) , 3th.5tt Tract (20 ( hots ) , 30th St. For particulars appJy0l2 Farnrim St. 1116-251 IP TOIl have , . ? for sale and want it sold , list t Itith me 511(1 1 wIll sell it-If 1 can. It ) dU vlshi to purchase and want a bIg bargain look over my list , J.1l. Sherwood. 422 N. Y. LIfe bldg. 11 1-232. IIAVI6 you some lots to sell ? Now Is th.t time to dispose of them' let the People know that you want to dispose of them. Tue Bee reaches the people who have the mot'ey. 1116-866 T'liLVfl-ttOOM house , newly furnished , Address S 41 , lIce. 1116-912 21' \V16 IIAVI6 a large list of Nebrnska hands for sale for cash , or will exchange for Omaha propet ty. TIlE COLUMI1IAI4 INVESTMENT CO. , ilooni 411 , 1st Nai'l flank IluIldIng. 1116-M377 SPl6r'L ; Price for few tlays only on a 4 attil fl 5 room cottage , a few blocks south of unIon depot. Owner must sell ; his extremity is your opportunty , whether for Investment or home. F. U. 'em1 , 16th & Dottlti. R16-9I0-2t' 13. B , 11.-BargaIns. Bright Beautiful flames of 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 10 and 12 rooms each ; ben- tlnns the most desirable In the cIty ; if you tire seeldng a home , we wtuld be liletised to liow you the most deirnble property in Omaha. M. J. l'tennard & Son , 310 and 311 Brawn block. 1116-095 44 FIlET frontage on good business street , wIth one-story brick building , containIng three stnre rooms , rental , $540.00 er yt'at ; prIce , $3,800.00 : terms , $2,000.00 cash ; pur- chnser to july subject tO $ l.S00.00 mart- gage , bearIng 5 per cent , due 5 years. GOxIfO feet , wIth two-story business block , in busIness center of South Omaha ; rental. $900.00 Per year ; itrice , 56,000.0' ' ) . 2OxlSO feet In bitsInsa center of South Omaha : inilrovcd : retital , $275.00 per year ; prIce , $1,900.0' . 50 feet on hlttrttey street , two blocks from court house , wIth brick bulhllng that cost when bUIlt , $14,000.00 ; rental , $1,080.00 per year ; price , 310.000.00. POTTER & 016011016 CO. 1601 F'arnam t. 1116-ISO 18 FAT1MS FOIl SALE- 250.ncres , Douglas county , $ i200 per acre. so acres , Douglas county , $240).00. So acres , Douglas county , 32.100.00. SO acres , Sarpy county. $2600.00. 400 acres , Sarpy county , $ 'h.OO per acre. lb- : acres , Burt county , $27.50 per acre. lOt ) acres Burt county , $22.50 lC acre. 160 acres , Washington county , $25.00 per acre. POTTER & GEORGE COMPANY , 1601 Farnam St. 1tE-SSG-18 iiy : painted cottage ani lot , $325. Sightly 10 acres , with trees , $150. half acre near car , $173. S-r. house. 2 blocks tram P. 0. , $3,000. F. D. Mend , 16th and Douglas sts. 1116-942-18 FIA'ICAT. . UNITED STVS BONDS. SUBSCRIPTIONS W1tL BE IIECEIVED BY TIlE NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK. Any kind of UnltedStntes currency accepted - cepted ; nto certlficatds of deposIt in good banks contlng due not longer than three months , interest Ibelag allowed to date when taken. . ' Individual subscriptions of $500 or less are given the preterehce. " No chance for banks or large subscrIbers. The bonds will go tea : , premium shortly after : , ey arc Issued.- HENRY W. ' .YATES , President. . - : -T- ; : -MSOL2t . FOILTIJNI6TELLING. . ' MME. . the celebrate' Eg'ptian Fortune Teller , born at Alexandria - andria , Egypt , tells past , present and fit- tore ; guarantees satisfaction or no hay. South 20th and Vlnton streets , 969-23' 1UI.SC , Afl'l' AND LA'GlJAGCS. PROF. 'ETE11SEN'S music school. pIano , violin , mandolin , guitar. zither German method. Terms reasonablo. 1513 Sheely Block. 520-Jy-4' . - - - - - - - - JUSTICE Ott' TIlE 1'E.CE. D. B. . HOUCK , 500 Karhach Block. 288 IrUIINITIYStI6 PACKED. M. S. wALrLIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 13.11. ISICYCLI6S. NEW wheels , 119 to $25 ; secondhand wheels , $5 to $25. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 16 & ChIcago. I'tVflIt01C16ltM. H. MAROWIT'Z loans money. 413 N. 16th MONEY TO L0.tN. H. GROSS. loans & yatchtnalcer , 518 N. 10. -MS91-J .24 llAltNlOSS AB SthIL161tY. i 13. CASAD. 519 N. 16th t13-J.22 SUMhl6lL ILESOII'l'S. YIILLOW'STONE NATIONAL J'AItK , Wy- lie permnneat camps. Sieclai , rate. 11. M. Hunt , 1 and 2 Ware 101k. 'Phono 2135. . -MSO'J Jy14 . AUCTION. J. It. MAXCY & CO. , auctioneers , room 410 , Karbachi block , want your auction sales of real estate , merchandise , furnIture , lIve stock , etc. -.528 IIORSII 1'1t5'i'PJltIS , ALFALFA pasture , board ( enqes. A. W. Phelps & Son. , 207 N , Y. L. fllfl. Tel. 1051. 61S.-J.23' Volt IOXI'OSITION VISITOI1S. WRITE Exposition Bureau of Comfort , Omaha , Neb. , for all .uccommodatfons : no roes. _ .lt. 996.- PILIVATIO I.OSL'ITAL. . DII. LIEBETI. cnnes , female diseases. 1912 Leavenworth , r 5150 Jy4 I1'1l0LSTEh1ING. , _ _ - -l - - LUNDEEN , furniture' made over : 1523 Leavenworth , -.t69t JylO WANTIIfl-'l't ) TIORILUW , WANTED to borrow $1,900 on good inshie income real estate. 3 to S years , 7 per coot ; hlonie ( 'tilitO.l lrnforrcd , AdXress , soon B. 30 , Bee , - - -1531 ttI I 'I'Yl'I6tUl'E1tS. TYI'16VRlT16I1S for rent , $4 , ' ' per month. The Sniith.i'rernler 'l'ypowrlter Co. , 1625 1"nrnam St. ; Toicphionu 12f4. 211 , Klfl Gl.16 CL16.NING. i : . C. M1DD116TON , practIcal glove cleaner , .3 N , 2tith. -31890-3-21 . _ . l'lOl.IN MAICING , C. A. CASE , Violins repaIred. 410 Shealyl3ik , -31692 J'b0 C0tL. TEL. 848 for llurllngton Nut ; ltcst summer cooking coall prIce ' )3.73 delIvered. liar- moo & Weoth Co. 674-23 hAl IlIIthISSING , BALE of haIr goods ; pricss satisfactory , Miller haIrdressing Pariors , 1511 Douglas , 833-Jy 11 nuIC7. WtT1lNtI.L llro. & Smith , paving , sewer buil'irig capacIty 100,000 a day ; 22' itfl Hickory strt'ets. Tel. 425. 290 . JtttIM.UC1N(1. nRFssMAKrna. Miss Sturdy , 236.1 Da" enport. ' -7913y11' 11AD0165. SEND 25 cents to 1ing & Co. , 410 Ben building for tht ofllctal souvenir btt'go of the exposition. 632 21 UIC'VCI.168. 13A11GAINS In new & 2nd hand blcyclos easy terms , The Safe Store , 1116 Farnhlni. $76 Jy13 - IlAlit DI11OSSING. S SALE oil haIr goods. Miilcrs HaIr Dress. log , IMI Douglas. -901 3y14 I'I.tNOM 'I'UNIIU. PIANOS tUned , $1.50. ltosC , 1521 Dodge. 597 JyG' STENOC.ItAPhlllltS. WE SOLICIT and furnIsh posItIons for stenographers free. 'rho iImIth-l'remie ! T'lewrlter Co. Telephone 1284. 230 IlUNlS P6)11 S.ll.E. BONDS FOIl SALE. Wayne , Ne1rnslca , will sell $4,150' ) electric lIght bonds June 27. 1898 , 10.20's , 5 Tier cent annual interest. Deutomiiuntionti , $500 each. Address Everett LaughlIn , City Clerk , \'nyne , Nebrrtsln. 318d3t 1'OS'l'OFFICIO N'l'ICE. ( Should be read daily by all interested , as changes may occur Ut any time.j ForeIgn malls for the week ending Juno 25 , 1s9 , will close ( PttOStI''LY in all chiMes ) at the General Postoillee as follows : PAIl. GELS I'OS l' MAILS eIoe ciii' hour earlier thati clostiar time showli below. 'rrnns-Atlnistlo Mitht ( . TUES2iAY-At 11 ii. ci. ( supplementary 12:30 : p. in. ) for ( IF1IIMANY dIrect , ier s. S. Kaiser Friedrich , vIa lireinen ( letters for other parts of Europa lutist be directed - rected "per Kaiser Frledrich" ) . \VEDNESDA V-At 9 a. in. ( supplcnieiitttry 10:31) : ) a. m. ) for 16U110P11 ( Oxcehit Sluttln ) , per S. H. Gertnatiie , via Qucenstuwu ; at 10 a. Zn. for 1116L.GIUM direct , per s. a. Frleslaiid ( letters inttst b directed "per Frlesland" ) . SA'l'ITIIDAY-At 6:30 : a. m. for FEIANC16 , S\1'l"/d61lLAND. ITALY. TUIIICEY , EGYI"L' r.titl 11111T1511 lNlIA , per iS. S. La Nnvurre , via iiavre ( letterS tar oIlier parts of Europe ( except Spalui ) lutist be directed "per La Navarro" ) ; at 6:10 : it. in. for GREA't' IhIll'rAIN , TItELAND , IIEL- GlUM. NETIIEIILAN DS. A1JS'I'RIA , PORTUGAL , GERMANY. DENMARK , SWEDEN , NORWAY and RUSSiA , per 9. 5. L'mbriu , via Queenstown ( letters for other parts of Iduropo ( except Spain ) must be directed "per Umlirla" > ; at S a , m. for NETIII6RLANDS dIrect , ier s. s. Obdatn vIa flotterdarn ( letters must be directed "per Obdarn" ) ; at 30 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct. per S. S. Ethlopa vh. Glasgow ( let- tens niust be directed " 11cr Ethiopi" ) ; at Ii a. m. for NORWAY direct , per s. s. Ttutngvalla , vIa Chrlstlanta ( letters must be directed "per Thlngvalla" ) . After the oloihiig ofthO Suppiemeiitary Transatlantic MaIls named above , additional - tional supplementary malls are opened on the pWts of the .acrican. English ; French awl German steamers and remain open until within ten minutes of the hour of satlIn of steamer. MnIIs for Sot"li nui,1 ( lentrnl . .tnierlen , West IndIes. Etc. MONDAY-At I p. m. for BRAZIL direct tuid LA PLATA COUNTRIES. per a. a. lluffoo , via l'ernainhuco , llahia and 1110 do Janeiro ( letters for North Brazil must be directed "per Lluffon " ; at ' 3 p. m. for COSTA'RICA , 1IIILIZE. PUERTO COIl. TI6Z ad GTJATI6SIJ"LA , per steamer from New Orheinut. : TUESDAY-At 10:10 : a. m. forHALTI , per a. a. Prln8 Miturtts , % 'ltt Port au I'riflC ( ' tIut. ters for Curacao. Venezuela , 'I'rlnlda.i , British and Dutch Guiana must be di- recteil "per Prlns Maurits" ) ; at 2 p. m. for NORTH BRAZIL , ocr a. s. Dominic , via Barn , Maranlutini and Ceara ( letters for oIlier Parts of Brazil must be directed "per DomInIc" ) ; at 8:30 : p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND - FOUNDLAND , per steamer from North Sydney ; at 10 p. ni. for JASIAICA , Iur steamer from Philadelphia. WEDNESDAY-At 11 a. m. ( supplementary 11:30 : a. m. ) for VENEZUELA and CIJRA- GAO , also for SAVANILLA and CAR- TIIAGENA , Per s. 5. Abydos , via Curacao - cao ; at 11 p. in. for JAMAICA , per steanler from Baitimoro. F11IDAY-At 10 a. In. ( suppletnenthtr ) ' at 10:30 : a. m. ) for AIJX-CAYES and JAC- MEL HAITI anti SANTA MAIITIIA , COLoMBIA , per s. s. 11. Dumois. SA'I'UIIDAY-At 10 a. in. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. 111. ) for FORTUNE ISLANI ) , JAMAICA , SAVANILLA and GREY- TOWN. per s. S. Alleghany ( letters for Costa Rica , via Port Liion , must be di. rected "per Aileghany" ) ; at. 10 a. m. ( sup- pbementary 10:30 : a. m. ) for HAITI and CA11TIIAGENA , per a. S. Holstein ; at 11 a. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND direct , per 5. 5. Portia at 2 1' . m. for NORTH BRAZIL - ZIL , per 3. 5. Orlgen , via Para and Maiiao $ ( letters for other parts of Brazil must be directed "per Origen" ) : at 8:10 : I , . rn for NEV0'OUNDLAND , per steamer from North Sidney. Mails for Newfoundlant , by rail to Hall- fax , and thence by steamer. close at this othen daily at 8:30 p. at. Mails for Mi. quelon , by raIl to Boston. and thence by steamer , close at this otTlce daily at 8'3) P. m. Mails for Mexiec. City , overlanl , , unless specially addressed for rjefiltatt'h by steamer , close at this ofliec thihlyat 230 a. m. and 2:30 : p. m. "Registered mail closes at ti:00 : p. m. previous day. 'truiis.I'acilIc Malls. Malls for China , Japan an' HawaiI , per 5. 14. l'oru ( from San Francisco ) , close here daily up to Juno 22' itt 6:30 : 1) . 10. Mails for China and Japan , Per S. H , Oiyinpia ( from 'L'acomn ) . close here daily UI ) to Juittu " 23' at 6:3' : ' ) p. in. Malls for Australia ( except West AustralIa ) , New Zealand , Hawaii and Fiji Islands , per s , H , Miowerit ( from Vancouver ) , close here daily up to Juiii " 23i1 at 6:30 : p. nI. Mails far the SocIety Yslantls , per Still ) 'rrohilc. Bird ( from San Francisco ) , close here daily up to Juno 24th at 6:3' : ' ) I , . in. Mails fot' China antI Japan ( specially addressed - dressed only ) . per s , S. Empress of ChIna ( froni Vanctuver ) ClOse liete ilally up to July ' ' 4th at 6:30 : p. m. Malls for Autatra- ha ( except tlioso for West Australla which are forwarded via Europe ) , New 'ieuIand , hawaii. Fiji and Samoan IsI- iind , l > r 1 , 3 , Alameda ( from San Fran- cltco ) , clou hero t1iIly rifler Jun11 23i1 and up to July " 8th itt 7:0' : ' ) a , in. 11 a. m. and 0:30 : p. in , ( or on arrival at. cw York of H. H. CanuIunia with British mails for Australia ) , 'i'rans-I'iielllc mails are forwarded to port of tattling ,4aIgnd the schedule of closIng Is nrrangetrbn the presumptIon of their uninterruuted overland transit , 'ltogis- tore' mail cloe5 at 15 p. in. Previous ha ) ' . CORNELIUS VAN COTT , Postmaster Postollice , New York , N. Y. , Juns 17 , 1890. SENATE TOTAKE UP HAWAII i'rlrids of AniitxlIii Arc Jnler- itilned to Puree tlit Question do on Issue. WAShINGTON. Juno 1h.-The hawaiIan question comes to the front agaIn in the senate during the present week , but under somewhat different cIrcumstances titan attended - tended Its presentation at. the begInnIng of the session. The airposo was thou , as it is now , to secure the annexatIon of the Islands , but the purpose then was to secure this end by a treaty , whereas tlte present course Is through the instrumentality of a Joint reso- lutlon , On the flrat occasion the matter was Coil- eldered In executIve session , with the pub. lie excluded , while now the doors are to be thrown open and the world Invited. What the outcome of tile discussion may be , or when a vote vill be reached , tie one will undertake to say positIvely. The lead. ers on both sides are full of prophecy. but there Is such discrepancy between their opInions as to renIer It necessary to ills' card one in orde to accept the other. Fli rrIeiiib'dnnt'i0XatIon assert that there Is uo ioslble doubt of their abilIty. to paits the resolution attid say they have forty.slx senators , or oue more than a quorum , pledged to remain in the aenato until the question can be tboclddd , while the oIi'oS- log leaders declare that forty-eight setia. tors have assured them they wIll vote to R.tIf.VAY TIMIO CAflfl. Ctt1CAUO , ST. I'AUI. , MIN. , nenpohls & Omnha RaIlway Oqofal Omces , Ncbtnka I ' Blylston , Piftenth nd Webster Streets. CItY flcket - Ofilce , 1101 Farnam Street. TelePhone - I Phone , 561. IJepot , FIftenth tied Webster Streets. Telephone , 1,45g.l.esive. l.esive. Arrive. Sioux City Accom " I'S' am " 8:35 : pm Sioux City Accom. , " 9:50 : am ' ' 8:33 : pm BlaIr , Emerson , Sioux City , l'onc * , fiuirtlogion anti Uloomfield . . . . . . . .5 1:00 : pm " 11:95 : cm SIoux City , Man- kato , St. Paul & Mltiiiespolis . . . . . . " 6:00 : lIi 9Ot : ) am a Dolly. " Daily except Sunday. " Sun- ilay only. ' Does not stop at DeSotti. or Coirnian , CITY & I'ACIFIC ; , T'1 I ltailroad-Clenernt 6 ) Ilices , esr'rn' ' i'us ' Pftlted States Natlimal I'1iIll1Jlbatuk ; : Builditug S.V. . Car- LrA:5l : nec Twelfth iintb Farnam Street. TIcket 0111cc , 1401 l"tirnam Street , Telephone 15db. DePot , 10th and Mason Streets. Telephone blO. Leave , Arrive , Sioux City. Man. kitto , St. l'aUl , 6:10 : am ' 8:50 : nun MitilIt'flh1Oli . . . . . . S I :3. : . tutui ' 10:15 : PIfl Sioux CIty Local. . , 7:10 : cm 9:03 : pm S DailY , . -C1h1CAGO & NowrliwEsT. i em ltaIlwitya-CltY 'Ficket :1k ] 001cc 1401 Foroam Street , ItIIlW' 'l'elcplhonn , 6 > 01. Depot , t.1M' 'tenth and Mason Streets. Veieplione , 629. Leavo. Arrive. Daylight Cluterigo Sperial . . . . . . . . . . . ' G40 am 1150 pm t1o. VnPiy. iliotix ( 'ity. St. Patti & Mitinonpolis S 6:40 : am ' 10:45 : uirn .I.t. Valley , Sioux City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 7:40 : am 90G m Detinlson , Carroll , \'all LAKO and , Councll l1l.if'fs . , . . " 5:40 : ani ' 3:15 : am ititutern lix. , l's Moines , Marshall- towli , Cedar Rap- 905 and Chicago. . 10:30 : am 4:3 : pm Atlantic Flyer , C'ht. vng ( ' and East. , . _ 4:45 : pin 4:35 : pm Fast Mull , Chicago to Omaha ' 3:10 : lIlt ) Mo.'ollev SIouZ City , St "utli nitti MinneapolIs LIm'd 4:35 : pm ' 8:50 : am OmChIcago Site- cia ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:45 : pm ' sflo : am S Daily. ' Daily xconI Sundny. I1t16MoN'r. lmKBOI1N & , Missouri Valley ltallwny- Ocuierul Ohlices. United ' States Notlonni llatilc BItlg , llotithweRt Corner Twelfth rind Fnrrem ' S Streets. Ticket OilIer 1101 F'arnam Street , Telpliotie , 1561. flepot , Flfteciitli and Webster Streets. Telephone , Arrive. 1,458. Leave. Black Ilills , Bead- wood. hot Sprl'gs ' 3:00 : inn 500 pm Wyoming. Casper and Dougla' . . . . . . . " 3:00 : pm " 15:00 : pm flastluigs , York , Do. . vId City , Superior , Geneva , Exeter & Seward . . . . . . . . . . . . S. 3:00 : pm 5:00pm : Norfolk , Verdigro and F'remont . . . . . " 8:15 am " 10 : Ii am Lincoln , Wahoo & Fremont . . . . . . . . . . S. 8:15 : am ' 90:45 : am Fremont Local . . . . " 7:50 am York Passenger. . . . . ' 0:10 pm 940 itlui ' Daily. " IaIly eXccpt sunday. " Suit- day only. " DnIiy except Saturday. 'S. . , Daily exc'ut Monday , ChICAGO. IIOCK 1SLAD . itt Pacitlc flahiroiid-'Tlue ' Great Reel : Islnntl 1ku ! City Thelcet p111cc. 11.3 . ' Farntini Street. Telephone 43. Depot , Tenth and - M'tson Streets. Telephone d. Leave. Arrive. Rocky Mountain Limited , east. , 1:30 : am 1:25 : nra [ toclty Mnuiittalhl Limited , vct ' 5:20 : am 5:15 : am Chicago & St. Faith Vestthuled 16 press . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:00 : pm 1:25 : pm LIncolli. Cborado Springs , Pueblo , D'uiver and west , ' 1:30 : pm 4:25 : pm C Ii I C a g 0 13 e s 31nltir's e. flock Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7100 pm ' 11:2,5 : nm Atinitilu E.xprvis.- for Bets ItToInes and eastern points - - 7:20 : nra ' 8:50 : pm Colorado Flyer . . . . . . ' 7)Q ) am ' b:50 : ale Daily. ' Daily exceOt undny flMAHA&ST. LOUIS RAIL. road-'Qniuhia , Kansas City & Eastcrii Rallrnad-"Tite J'orh AR1HV " Arthur floutc"-Ticlcet 0111cc' , R9.t" . ' 415 Farnarn Street. Teli' . _ _ ithone 322. Deitat , Tenth and iasoti Streets , Telephone 629. Leave Arrive. .It. rouIs Cannon Ball Expreca. . . . . ' 4:35 : pm 11:30 : ani kansas City & Qulncy Local . . ' 7:40 am ' 005 pm Kansas City Ex. ; 'ress ' 7:31 : am Port Arthur Express - press . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 pta . Daily. adjourn in preference to remaining in ses- slon Indefinitely for the consideration of the Hawaiian question. The supporters of the proposItion express confidence that action will be secureti In ten days , whIle the opposition contends that It will be impossible to secure a vote during the present session of congress. 1'ho advocates of annexation declare they will maim no speeches , leaving the oppo. nents to occupy all the time to he con. suimed by this means. The opposition says it is willing to make lbs speeches If compelled to ilo so , bat that If force' to do this it will Insist that the friends of the measure shall maintain ti constant quorum in the senate chamber. They also predict that the annexationists will hint themselves compelled to participate in the lroce'cb' ings , as they expect to atlyanco points which will demand refutation or at least reply. In view of this contradictory situation one can only base prediction upon general con- ditlotis. There Is no doubt in the first plate that the aunexntlonlsts have a majority In the senate it a vote can be reached. if a vote could he gotten now the result would be about fifty-four for to thIrty-five against , in a full aenato. Of these fifty-four senators there are , however , quIte a number who are not zeal- ou.9 and in whose minds nil doubt os to the policy of the acquIsition of otitalde tern- tory' ltn.a not lecn overcome. These ecu- ntors , as a rule , are indisposed to reinalti In session for any length of time tluring the hot summer months to consider iOn- wailati annexation. Most of the senators of this class ore republicans an' there tire protaIly a suhil- dent iiiimbor of them itniler normal cirmtin- stniice to join wIth the democrats to force an adjournment. TlieT ( Intl themselves coiifronted , however , wIth the request of the adtnlnlatratiou to remaIn nptl consiller the resolution as a war : measure and seton or them are tllslOst"i to slitk their own oreferences for the presidentIal wishes , - The prolahtlilty of a ioatponi'ineut itittll a fixed ilay in the next- session increases and many persons aru jurodletltig that Ibtis will be the outcome of this cuiiht. A teat VOte probably wIll bo secureti Mutt- day on the tatting up of thu resolution , as it will he iteccsaary , to get it up. to die- place other measures on the calendar. Arnold's liromo Celery cures headaches , tOe. 25e. SOc. All rugtate , Orpheus SInging h4oeI't's l'les.ie. 'FIle openIng picnIc and ruusicai trograni was given yesterday afteranon in Ituser park. The Orpheus SInging eoclty , ttnder Prof. Charles I'eterson. gave soitie very good itumbers. The club > as composoit of twenty voices ihnl snug Vogel'sValtz Sohig , " Dreggert's "St'r.iiiitle , " Atteahofer's " " ' "Lliulenlaium " "Margaret" anti Storm's , with good siYect. The Schunku Kapehle , forrncriy the First Infantry band , was also preselit. Late in the afternoon there wa4 a short program of l'aces cotupwted of a sack rere , egg race niiti the "i'opti Schla. gen , " a ( lernuin liastime for women anti ehtidren. Tue afternoon was onclu'led ' ivtii ; dancing. The coniialtee In charge coabisted of Messrs.'aiter. . Kesinan uttil Yolituer , -the Food linink-inakes tranquil nerves and a lucid br.tin. Malt.Nutrlno Is PrePared by the famous Anheust'r.llUscht llrewlng Assu , which ftet guarantees the purity , CX- cehlenca and merit. claimed forit. . 1'IMlI C.fll ) , - - ( Contititical , ) - ' ' -Iltt1tT.tN(1TP < , MIS- 0 ' A4 I satin River llniiroad-"Tlun uuriln tOll i llurlington ' , I eral Uillces N. W , Coriier I-lniitn I Tenth cliii Farnauii Streets. IIuulLj I Ticket Ohiie , 1902 l"itrnntn _ J Street 'relepliotie 250. Be- 8)01 , Tenth and Masoti Streets. 'J'eluitliottl 122. Leave . Arrive. Lineohn , linstingit and McCeolt 8:35 : am 9:33 : ni Lincoln , Deflvr , t'ohorndo , Utah , California , Black IIihhs , Montana & I'tiget Sciuni S 4,3,5 4:00 : pm lbneoln Locnl ' 7:00 : pot ' 7140 Ptfl Lincoln lenst Mail ' 2:53 : pm " 11:10 : nig Denver , Colorado. Utah , ( 'ahitortiiit 3ntl Pugi't Soiltid ' 11:13 : pm i1:155 pal Dally. "Dlii ) ' except Stili'iy. I1i'CAt3Ct , Ilt'flfINGTON & n ' Qilitucy Italhrorul - U JI tnton hittu Iiiigti > ii ltottte"-'l'icket OIlie , 1502 1"arnani Street , l.Jflih'Ifl 'l'elephono 250. Deluot , 'l'enth IIUU ( U an' Mason Streets. T'lo. , ltiltiluc 1' . . Leave , ArrIve. Chicitan VetIbitic' Express . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 5:03 : urn 8:10 : am t'hikflgtl Express . ' 9:45 nih ' 41 ) , itl Chicago & St. Louis t'lxpress . . . 7:15 : 11111 SlIt' oni rt'i'ittti Luenl I :0' : ) itin itJ:15 1110 Pacific Junction Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 11 : .0 not ' 5:10 : put Fnst Mail 2:150 : 11)0 ) ChIcago SPet'iiti . . . , 92t15 nun 'II :50 : Pfll DaIly. ' Daily exlt , tltinday. K'iNSAS CtTST. . JO- F ) ' Al. sep'n & Council IliuliTs IlitlI- LI U I I Fig I 0 fl roati - "i'ltti Bttrhiitgton F' Ilouto"-'i'Ioktt * tihlce , 1302 Unhitfl F'arnatr. Street. Telephone IIuuIL , 250. Depot , 'L'euitit niiii ? .iri- Stilt Sti'ee'tiu. 'I'Cht.'jhiluIu 12. ) . Leave , ArrI'o. Kaniet s City Day Exprea'u . . . . . . . . . . . oos : inn 6hO : pin 1 < nnsaiu City NIght . . Expiesa . . . . . . . . . . .10:00 : ittit 6:30 : ata i.xttiti I I tt ii l"l ver' ' for St. JtMClIl ) ittiti St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . 4:10 : turn 12:50 : pin Daily. dP5'l' " UNION 1'Acl LIC - ' "ti 113 ' .v4cJ.vcff : ; 1 iverlittutl 1 loll I e"-leuierith ( Of- .5 h1ce. N. V. ' . Corner Ninth iinii p. ' LI I tt'tirtn Strcei > , . City ' 1 k'kt i . ' I 1 Ii' t'r , 1 30 l"it l'tuit lu S I r.iit ' ' 1''lethin 21' ' ; . DOlt , ' , 'J'eiitii , J . ; ; . - antI Mason Streets. Ttiuphuonu _ _ _ _ 3. I .eit'c. At'i'ive , "The Oi'erbanti l.imlte,1" , for D011 ver Salt Lake , , td westerti p't. . 8:50 : ala 4:15 pm Thu Colorado Spy- - ciitl , l'or lettver & all Colurtiio p' tH , ' 11 55 Ituli 0:10 : a tn ast SIttli 'rrtiti fur Salt l.tike , l'aehilc coitit tutu till 'c'stern 1,1)111tH . . . 4:55 : ittn 6:10 : ate i.htucoln. [ i.'ntriro & Stroinsburg lix. , " ' > : flfl tim i2:20 : pin Fr 'moat , Cohttin. 1)03 , Norfolk , Gr'd Isltmb & Nearney t3S lint 5220 u > m Grand Ishitud l'x. . . " 5rfl : 1)111 " 12:20 : titt 0 DaIly. " Ihiliy eXC"ht Ufltl.17' . South Oinitlta 1oczU. I'.tSS.-l.OiLICY , 6:15 : a , nt. ; 7:0' : ) ii , m. ; 9:15 : a. in. ; 3:1,1 : , p. In. . .r- lives , 10:15 : a. at. ; 31) ) ) . in. ; 5:1St : 1' . 01. Catint'll liltills 1.i > cii-Leives,5:55 : a. in. ; II : ) ' a , at. ; .t't ' it. I n.S :10 ii. in. ; 10:30 : ii. m. ; 2:15 p. rn ; I : l ii , m. ; & : .5 lt. m. ; S:21l : p. m. ; 10r5 ( P. lii. . Arrives , 15:35 : a. ni. ; 7"21 a. in , ; S:35 : a. In. ; II : Si ) a. iii. ; 3:10 : p. in , ; 5:10 : p. in. ; 0lo : : p. iii. 9:05 : t. Iii , : 10:1. : ' . p. m. . \ \ ' A I1A S It itAli.ittliih- $ i. I ett iuio St. Y.oiii "Canon Ball ' Exii'cSS. . . . . ' 1:30 : I'm ' 11JO tim Daily. PACIFIC RAIL. MISSOIIIII &Mj . * . - - . . . rnidIetiernl ( Oiflcea ittil . I Ticket 0111cc , Snuth'nst Car- 11th utnb Douglas Streets. I ' I I _ Telciliutic , 104. rJ'pit , 15th nail \Yebstcr Ste. TclelthOit' I 1418. Luave. Arrivu. Nansits and Nub. 1.iioltotb . . . . . . . . . . . 2.Ct ) inn ' 12:55 : pm KihflSiL4 CitY .1. ' . St. Louts 1'3xpress . . , 0:30 : unn 15:00 : am N.irazka Lneii : . . . " 4:10 : pm 9:45 : flu p DaIly. ' Daily except hunlav. , lT1C1G0. MELW.'tUEEi'i & e"c4 St. l'aul Itnihwny - City A , 0 'l'lykt't Otlhii' , 11.01 iearnam , riILWAUIi'EE iti'eet. 'Fehephone i. Iiepor , . , st/h Tenth tind Masoit Strcut. / 'feleihiine , t9 'p 1.ea't'ii. Arrive. Chicago LimIted Express . . . . . . . . . . . 5:15 pm 8:20 : nra Oinaili , Chicago Fixprcia . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 11:00 : am 4:35 : pm Sitiut > 2iiy nail Des Main's 1xpres' . . . . . " 11 :01) : ) am ' 1:35 : pin DaIl" . "Daily except Silndhiy. FItHT WAS ABOUT A GIRL Cutuise of ( lit' Univ Ipiul 1Vi1eI ii l'otIeeiuitti 'i'iI ) t.iite to Cittelt Early Stiitday morning while the iiaaeO ' ' ' block a \vii5 on in the l'Ott&'i'Sfln gang' of ynung rowiiies congregated dm111 thin entrance on. ltal'uiatn street an' etigageti In a mixup of a sooiewhat blootly sort. There v.ls a free-for-all go-as-you-please st'rahi itt I which no hiss tItan tour bloody ttoscs tatma 0111 second best au' otto yotitit got entirely the eorat of it by having the others pniunc tipon hint. A malt ( ZititO along Farnatit street carrying a big bottle of whIsky' with same other irk- ages. Seeing the callow yotutht bravely haIti- ' lug out against three htlug-tighit's he sailed t lit and attegnhteui ) to seltlratC : the contbittr A moment after lie lint ) engaged lit hn fracas for this good purpose he 'as sorry. In the nielee hIs package ttt Chinese whisky was rlashtcl on the vniIr and hi oketi 1j11'J snithtercuit.t ; , s'hIlt , the ( times of the heath- cuts' firc'watcr lernwntehl thin aimtlttsJliciu that was loudly ttitl assen Lively odlotta. A COhiiIC of hoboes came ahoitg and gloated over the SlhillCtl spirits , joyfully iithaihibg the odor. 'ihe youth i'it1t tile gory fice wiTh too weak to say very unilelt to liiii bcuiotttot' aiitt too wise to tell his hattie. A Policdtiiilii appetred after thtt' lIghters hail talceut to their t.eel ammil ailvhmietl the inait wlot got the worst of it to go lunate , anti lie ilid. It seems the HCrL ) tells brought tibetit over a girl. Cii it ( In i ( 'nest lt ilUi'etIni I y hhIoeI- I f coolhii thee hid ii be to I 1 I it I hit OtiI ii at military and naval otlheers in high phitecs at. the sent of goverituileiit , titteit is thtit vast eXteitt of our eacoust 10 bluchtiuth' It tt fectuehly , oven If otit' . navy anI seacoaat do- tensile could ( IIf'Ir ' itt ) atletiunte resIstance , iteenits to hit , linh)5slhile.Vheui , mt hihtickatin of the bowels exists , relieve 'oitstipmithittt 'itlt ilostetter'is Stontoeht ihilters , which Cotihlld1s , tiyspotsha , malaria , rhleuniutiusni anti kitinuy trouble. l'it' Ij.ii'l' > t I 'ii I U V4'l. Morris Stogetnan IhIeked the 11(101 ( < 01 itt Grover Smith , the cntpluye of ttii evening Paler. cit a i'atch Filthily night out' ttscalit'i , Yttitterilsy tifternooti liii wits ca1turi'ti. 'i'hu ivatuhi wits ( ountl In the po2kets or Stegus- maui. . : _ . ' : # % ; - ' j. & i.tt it- _ _ _ _ _ _ . .5- SYRUP 1W FS . . . MANUkCTUEED UY. . . CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. - fl92.OTE 'FilE .NL3IE.