I- I THE 1 -4 : : ' , ESTABLISIIEI ) .iu.n _ _ _ iI _ ) _ .187.1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OMAhA , IiR11)AY MOING , JitE . ' 17 , 1S)8I'WTE1YE ) - PAGJS. . st ; j coi c.ii's. - - - - - - - - JUST TO SEE 'fiiffI1 Why Thouans of People Journeyed Ont to Exposition Ground3 Yesterday. INSPECT TIlE I3LJILDINGS AND EXIIIBITS Day Given Over to flighteoing by the Unusua1y Large Attendance , WEATHER CONDITIONS PERFECT FOR ONCE 4 , , Threat of flain in Morning rails and Sun " Shines Brightly. BE/WIlES OF DISPLAYS ARE COMING OUT Aetiitd M.'rl ( , . of the ( rcnt Show JuMt Ilegltiittiig to ) , , Ott the I'cu- jIe ' . ' . 'Ia. have I.oohed Uwcr the IllIflallUgH. Nature rcvcred Lts tisual process yestcr- day and Inatead at uElIcrng fl the day Ith tromIsc or fair weather , which was eventually - tually CC1I1)EC(1 by lowering and weeptng clouda , the good dame allowed the sun to be obscured In the early morning and then brushed away the ctIrtnIt and gave the ox- XOStIOfl ) the benefit oC bright June 8UIIBliIIle - and cool and Invigoratilig breezes. It was the only ( lay of the present week on which 501110 epecIaI celebration was not seheiltiled , but. this tlid not iirevent the attendance of . 1 fairly good crowd. Tim grounds did not - tcelfl with ICOPIO US Oil Children's or No- brasica tinys , but they were sumclently pop- UIfltCl ( to IVO theni an appearance ot no- tivity nti.I Interest. There were people overywliere , nntl while no one was uncoin- fortably crowded , nothing wni neglected. .t Thu buildings were comfortably occupied niiil the outside attractions vero fairly pat- } ronized. Early in thn forenoon it looked as though the attendance would be very light. The ikies Iortende ( miii and the people were evidetitly inclined to wait for mom nus- IiCi0tS ) weather. hut as the sky cleared anil the sun came out in promise of a Icr- feet afternoon the turnstiles began to eiic < more regularly and the grounds filled up rapidly. In the absence of ceremonies which distracted - tracted attention from the everyday attrac- tirnis of the exposition tim crowd mit lii a solid day of sightseeing and the exhibitors were as busily occupied as on previous days s'ltoii ice as niaiiy ieoiile were on the grotinds. The interiori of the buildings have tieveloped wonderfully during the last vCe'k anil have now so nearly reached completion that the battty of thin decorations arc clearly apparent. This Is iartlculnrhy the ease with the Manufacturers' building , which l ; practically complete. The booths have ne- thIIhre(1 ( leautles that were scarcely suggesteil until the last touch was applied aliti tile . . . unique atlil attractive designs attract a constantly - stantly Increasing proportion of the cx- position visitors. Tile Machinery buiIdin lb also compioteil with the exception of a part of tilt ) cast end. where thu installation of a vast amount of complicated electrical machinery occupies lucre time thinii was con- tempiuted by the management. Tite Agri- cuittirol building is CoifliliCto With tile cx- CC1)tiol ) ! of a few scattered exhibits. Tile xlii lies 1)0 lId I ng Is sttl 1 iii I log tiit , ho t I t is already the repository ot so mahty interesting coilecttotls that It is equal to any exhibit of the sort that itns been made at ircvious cx- hjositiolls. The ( helay In the arrival of one or two of the exhibIts is cnused by the aux- lety of the cohloctoi's to iltalce a sitow that ivill eclipse anything of the sort that has ever been brought together before nnd hun- ( hells of iniiiernioglsts nil over the United States are searching for rare and interesting - - - ShlceimotIs to be nddcd to the magnificent collection already oti hand. In accordance with the authority granted by the executive committee Coinntissloucr Iny has appointed John B. Goodviu stlperlittentlent of the liiies building and lie is now at work so- periutciithliig thin installation of titet rest of the exhibits. Mr. Goodwin was superintenti- oat of tue Mitten buildiiig at the Chicago cx- Positiolt anti is regarded as ono of the best t 11100 lii the btislncss. his appuintuient viii pcrnttt Cominissiotter Day to leave Omaha tiieii necessary to keep up Ills rcgtihtr gov- . - - crunient work. - - $ , SI'flNl ) 'I'll II It t'i' ( hOUNDS. . ihztii 'l'iiiiiisii u--7 ; OiuiiiJi ' , , FoiiIit&c tiit The popularity of tile exposition grounds 55 it resort in tile evening Is raillihly In- cit'nsing and as twilight approaches all Parts of the grounds are thronged with the constantly increasing crowds iiitciit on gain- lug nil the enjoyment possible. Tue crowds arc not coniliicd to any particular Portion of tue ground , bitt nil iturtlons shitire alike. One characteristic of thin evening crowd is the deliberate iiutnner with which it moves about , Tile haste and hustle apparcilt on every sum iii time .laytimno disappear witi time suit 1111(1 time PeoPle WmtlilCr front Place to place , drinking In time beauties of time seen- ery niul time litany timings of Interest which abutlitti on every hmnnil. The ncmmme of unit- lliflCSS Eceimma to be attained when twilight draws Its mmmammtlo over time seommo mmd tim ioft gleam of time electric hlgimtB changes time % bite glare of time day into time soft , mmmchlow glow which transforms the coznmnorciai exposition - position Into a hand of fairy castles antI Paimmees , 'I'imutmsands of UeoImle bring their lunch baskets with ttiemmm in order to rutimain as ; mis Itossibie nimmi tviieii tim Marine banti begins its concert on time ilitiff tract the hlcdo ; turn in flint direction smith pick out it eomutortablo nook where they eat tlmeir I ii itch i ( ste n t a the mnuslo mm nil enjoy the lu'mtutiftit surroundings nil at time saute time. Other timotumuittlim Immttruimize tite imunieroila Testatirmmn ta mm nil i u mmcii stanls I ii varimuis parts of limo grounds mtisil wander through the mimalim bimiitiiugs 1mm time ilirectiomi of time t1Itiway. Time baimil concerts at C O'clock mire a strong attraction 51111 time mttltiienee which viIjo'N tiItbO Ilerforumancos each night numu- , . , . - - - Imt'rmm tlmotmsamuis. 'l'imo eopiu are deterinlimed that ito oppoi ttIiiit ) shmnii cseaie timemn for bearing this ( anions organization as often - - . . - i-- . as iosslhiho before it heaves ( \'ashIngtoa mimid the nmornimmg aitti eveaimmg concerts are played to imtrge crontis. The band viii leave ( ) munima at 5 oclocie next Tilestlay aftermm'oon 4 itimil time ( Ipportumlitles ( or hmearlmmg it will soomi t'o gamut. . - 'Fime erotvd witilt hiteimed to the coimeert hast night was one of time inrgest which hiss greeted the baud during its mmgitgoincImt. . - ' . , . , t 'rite seating capacity on time i'lazn was taxed t.j to tIme utimmost and lmtmndreds of ioi4u stoo'l during thin entire program. The mncmmmbers ci tue band iaboretl under great incon- ycniencu miuriimg limo first few mmummmhers on I accoUnt of time summ shining directly In their "yes. 'Fhie imrogrnni was otto of Ute best vlitclt has beemi presented durlug time entire en. ; agemment amid contained several nuubsrs ; vbicb bavu becommic very IOLmUiar Mc- doIsotmn'a overture , " 3oa and Stranger , Was tb opeaiiig uumbcr nod the other mmum- ' bcr incitmdetl a suite of five movementim of ballet music from llamiet" by Thomas , " ( li-and Vaimme hiriiliantc" by Chopin , a fan- tasin from 'iilgoietto' by Verdi , the poptm- tar "Admnirai Dewey' march composed by lircctor Santeimammn , a "l'olish Dance" by .Moszkowsky and the beautiful composition by Dlrevtor Santeimann , 'The Voice of Our Nation. " The hatter selection has beemm iayed a great many times during the engagement - gagement of the Marimie banil anti it in one of the most popular seiectIon in the repertory - tory of the organization , The playing of the familiar national airs last night was greeted witim cheers by the great nutlienco and wimen the "Star Spangled lianner" was roitelmed the entire autilence arose and remained - mainod standing until the number was coat- pleteti. The concert of the Thomas orchestra last evening threw an atmdhenco which nimnost filled time imoue to overfiosvlimg. It was one of time largest audiences which Itas occupied time big buihiling since time opening of the exposition - position and tito. eimthtmsiasmn witim wimich the immost exceliemmt program was received demn- onstrated that it was an appreciative audi- 011CC. hitit one criticiammi could be mmmdc concerning - corning time atmilience-a large percentage of those present limsisted In going out as sonmm as a number was concluded and Director Mees was compelled to wait for several muimmutes each time tmimtil those veoide cotmiti get out and those on the outside could find seats within , Imi spite f numerous iuterrtiptlomms fromn this cause the performance was highly sat- istactory amid the audience mmtanifested Its altlreclatloml by frequemmt flPPifltLHe. Time so- hoist of the evening was Mr. It. W. Stevens , who vmts on time bili for a. Imialto solo vith orchestral aeconmimnnhmuemlt , a polonaise , ' 'llriliiammte" by veiier-Itszt , and a double ntmnmber from Chopin. lie failed to arrive 1mm time to imiay when his vortion of the program was reached and tIme orchestra proceeded - ceeded witlmout him. The orchestra program Included the bcautifmml overture , ' 'Roy Bias" by mIendeissoimn , anti Scimuhert's tmmmfinished Synipimony No. 8 , "Ihrtmencr. " These were jiayed as ommly the Thomas orchestra can play , the effect being beautiful beyond cx- pression. Mr. Stevens arrived at timis point and per- forimied lila first number. lie nmntic a good Itmmprcssiomt front the outset , His seiectioa was a very forturmnte one. iiarntonizimtg timorotmghly with the beautiful imuisic just remmdered by the orchestra , and time nudiemmco vas carried by storm. Tue applause was loud nmtti mug aimil would have caiied for mimi encore ummder ordinary circumstances , but Mr. Stevens did not respomid. Ills playing was excellent , lie displayed teclmnique of a high order , his touch was full of force combined with delicacy and imla tone shading was exeetmieti with a fimmish wimicim gave great breadtim to Imis remmdltlomm. Time orchestra played time beautiful ireiutlo of ' 'loimeimgrin" 1mm a inaimner which almost carried the nudicmmce oft Its feet , Time shmad- lags wimhch eomtstituto sucim an esseimtiai feattmre of time successful rendition of Lbs. s'orks of Wagner were executed with a prcelslomm and grndnttomt wimicit eommter only vlicmi artists are gtmtdctl by time batou of a master and the concluslomi of the imtminbcr t as most vigorously applauded by time audi- dcc. dcc.Mr. Mr. Stevemis appeared again , substituting Schumnnmtlt's 'Carmmlval' ' for the doimbie numu- ber front Cimopin ammd was again liberally appintmtied. The closlmig mmtmnmber of time irotrani was a imiarch , "itnkoczy" by Berlioz , anti the anti I ence rcmmmaimmetl t o S Ilmia mmd t ime ben tm titui selection tnsteai , of maiming for the exits. OitflS % NIJ .hiNFBt.ti.S Ot' COl.OhI.tiU. EitIlIls 4V11 I mi. i : . un I I. . ( bitt Sliojyit : tt % ' , .r.ip , : Ir. Contmisstommer harry A. Lee of Colorado. witim 1titt aid l'rice and harry Smith of Den- t'er , arrived in Omaha yesterday to Install time Colorado exhibit of ore atmti minerals in the1 Inca luiiiing. A carload of the material - terial arrived yesterday , but. a car of furemi- turc that tt'as started somnetinme before time ore has not been heard fmomml. It Is expected to turn up before Stmniiay anti then it wiil ommiy take a few days to Install Limo eximiblt. Coimiiulssioner Lee says timat time ittaterial Imas Ieefl thoroughly classified and so ar- rammgcd that It will be a short task to put IL in SilliO ; for imispeettoim. i'hme lmmsttthlattoim of time Colorado exhibIt has been delayed on account of time ( net that the men wile were at time head of the enter- prtse have been haiti up by injuries stms- tmmiimeii lit the wieck of time Union Pacific tiyer , on wimicim timey twere tettirning to Dcii- vor front timeir inst visit to this city. Two of the varty are still in bed. several otimers are bareiy able to walk arotmiul anti Corn. nilaslommer Ice himself not entirely recovered from his Immjurles , in rpeaking of the exhibit that would represent - resent Colorado Commissioner Lee said : "It t.lll ho fully as elaborate amttl Interesting as time One which tvomi tlte mmtodal at the \Vorltl's fair. Some tiiiimgs will be dropped fanti otiiers atimietI accordlmmg to tvhat time previous experience has stmggesteti.Vo Imoped to whim the sammte Imonors in Omnaima that we tliml at Chicago. The eximibit will include a ( till siioting of time gramttte , marble anti sandstones - stones of time state in addition to thu col- iectittim of mmtmmeral spccirncmms. " One of hit' Sitecirneims which Comomissiommer Leo brought with hint is beiievetl to be time largest Piece of free gold that was ever takemm trout a fissure vein. Time nugget weighs ttVeflt-Oime vounds amtml commtaimms tea iounds o ( gold. it has beemm spilt imi imalt in artier that the gold can be mnore readily scout anti time two pieces lmavc been temoporarily iincel emi exhibition at time Omaha National bank. \vi ii. si'i : : I ) 'Iii II ! fl i.t VS IN OM.t iI.t. .ieiuh'rs of Ni.ti.miii , I.isuc'imtInnl As- 5s ) ( lii t I . , ii ( . ' . , iii I is g I mu St I in li r. Louis htoltnmmmn of Iirazii. Intl. , nrmmi J. 31. i'age of Jerse3'vIIie , Iii. , time iormmmer presi- dcmmt nimti the latter secretory of time Na- ttonal 1'litoriai ' association. are Iii the city roimferrlimg svith General .iahiager Ciarkson regnrtilmmg time coining of the mactimbers of this association to time exposition In Sep- ( emmibcm. 'limo National Editorial assoeiatibn mmtects in anmmtiai session in Denver Septenmber 6 nimul nrrangemticimts have becim mmmdc ( or nil time delegates to remmdezvous at Omnaima Sop- teinimer 2 niitl reiunimm hero until the eveim- . ing of Stimimlay , Scptcnmbutr 4. . Time delegates front the cast anti sotitim viil comicemttrate at St. Louis ttnl those ( rout time itortim imitti % vcst Iii imtcet 1mm Cimicago , time several dole- gattnmms itmcetiag itt Oiimniitm. tt'iterc three days tvill be devoteti entirely to time oxpositiomi. .AIl of time delegations will arrive in special trains and these will hut Bldctraeked on the expostthoii grounds imtmtr Ames avenue ammti the delegates will reimmin a the grounds the entire time of thmt'ir stay in time oil- . "Tlmero will be between 1OO nimti GOD tide- gates lit our entIre imrti , " said .i'resldcimt lloltimmcmim , "ammd aimmmost every delegate vIhl ho necoimmpanled by seine ( rienil , ittaking over 1,000 Imolmie aitogetimer.Ve will cc. cull ) ) ' about twenty sieeimers amid our morn. bera will put lii mmii thrir time inspecting time oxpositlan. There are few of our petmpI Who are not mmmcm or less familiar with Oimmaha and tlie ) don't mitre to see nmucb of the city. but they jill want to see time ox- ipsitlon. " ( mim * liiu'stm. ( rivIn i"ivr , - 'Vhe Marine ttantl Coittlitties Ia favor ani Its omorning and evening concerts draw a harg Iroi'ortion ' of time visItors on time grounds to the Otand Plaza , To a consider. Contluued on lLfUm Page. ) MYSTERIOUS CARGO OF COAL hieiit tiint It Ii. N.tY in time hunkers of 14ifle of t li Si.nn hsh ' . 'nr Shtipt. . ( Copyright , 1599. iy l'rcs i'tibilshlng Co. ) MOLE ST. NICOLAS , hinyti , Juno 16.- ( New York World Cabiegramn-Special Teie- gramn.-Tho ) Ravermsdalc , Captain Vt' . S. hluko , chartered by Munson of New York to carry a cargo of coal front I'hlladeiphia , arrived - rived here into last night. The destination of the coal is a mystery. Its manifest said Nassau , but a ootl many timimigs have aroused time suspicion that it Is now In time buinkors of some of the Spanisim war ships. The Itavenadnie was suspected by the United States marshal at I'hmiladelphia nmttl detained there some tIme before its owners were able to clear It. It dischnrul a few tots of coal to a private concern at. Nassau and thou put to sea again. It next appeared in tile Caribbean empty , lmcadiimg for Guantammamo , It was stopped by the Oregon , Captain hltmke salti Imo expecteti to obtain a cargo of sugar at fluantanamno , aitlmot'gh he must have iearmmed at Nassau that Guantaitamno Is in a state of blockade. "Get out of here quickly , " was time substance of time Oregon's reply to tue captains expiammntion. it mtext weimt to I'ort do i'nix , wimere it rernaimmed soy- oral days , Its captain says his only object 1mm coming here was to cable. It is a singular coincidence that the war ship Gioucester itt'- riveti here at he samime time as time Ravens- dale , anchored near It and remained all imight. . 'War ships ustmaily renmain omtiy iotmg enough to get dispatcimes and thea leave Ira- mmtetiiateiy. "To wimomu tiiti you deliver your cargo ? ' I asked Captain hluko. lie hesitated , "TO two war simips , " he re- plied. "Wlmat were tlmeir nantes ? " "I vlll not tell you , but timey were British , " was nil lie would say about it. American otflcers think time coal Is now In the posses- aba of the Spammiards. The Ravensdaie Is a , steamer of 716 tons. IL was built In London and is owned by Steel , Young & Co. of Philadelphia. It left there for Nassau aim May 2 , . It was last re- Itorted at Guantanaitto for Halifax , June 12. PORT ANTONIO , Juno 16.-Ncw ( York \\'oriti Cabiegrani-Spectal Telegram.-Tite ) Slutnish steamer Purisirna Commcepchoa passed Port Royal at 5 a. at. today , leaviimg the cast- era chammnei.t tlto last Inoittent the Purisima Coaeepcion was tunable to cimammge its register. It still ilics the Spanish hag , Tltoi'c ha no doubt It took a cargo of supplies to a Spammishm-Cubamt port , probably Cienfue- gas. 'lime cruiser St. Louis is lying in Walt for it tmmitl the officers of tite heeL are willing to lay heavy odds it will be captured , GENERAL RABBI A FIGHTER Ii is Ad. Ieseiim'nt lii Oei' * , img Aser- rittler , , I' . i'ii'itshti ho tue Cimhititi .Jiiiitit. WAShINGTON , Juime 16.-Time work of the Cubans in reinforcing the marines at Guantanamno , and particularly lit occupylimg Aserradero , is rccciviimg ummistiuted pr.tiso from otiicers Imere. Secretary Qtmcsa.ia amui the Cuban oihiciais take much satisfaction hit timese reports. Mr. Quesatia said toiay that tie Cubans lmai , not secim fit to reply to criticism current during the Inst fotmr weeks regarding time in- sum'geimts. The criticisms were due to the ig- noramtce of the plans matured at Washing- bit by which time Cubami forces were to o - cute their part of a t'eil consitlered progatt. "But itow timat time Cubaut flag Is Iloatimug I over Asurradero , " cotmtiitued Mr. Quesada , "all the criticismns are nmmstvei'ed. Aserra- dora is about fifteen or tweimty mniics west of Santiago anti Is time port of time great trout and copper mines of that locality. It simould not be confoummtied witlm Aguadores. amiother stmburb isoutlicast of Santiago. Btmt it is even more inmportant front a. strategic standpoint , for it has exceitioaal , ianduimg facilities. "lime aclmievcmemtt of General Rabbi in making a forced march front ilnyamo is cimaracteristic of the dash aimd military I gcimltms of that oillcer. lie is cimlef of staff to Garcia aimd Imas time rank of general of a division , whIch is midway betwecim yotmr brigadier geimeral arm , ? major general. lie is about .15 years old , tall , thin and muscular , and knows no fear. "lie takes llrttie lit the fact that Imo is Ilnrtli of Indian ( lcsceitt and he has time nat. ural flgimting capacIty of atm lmttiian. lie umiade I a itaine for hiumteit dtmriiig time last Cuban war and soorm took imigh rank when tito ores- emmt war broke out. "Wimen General Canmpos thmouht to make short work of the Ircseitt wttm ire led mime SiaimiUil forces to Saomlei India , Cacacao and l'eraiejo , where ime met Gcuierai Rabbi viiht a Cuban army much smuaiiet' thmmumt that or Campos. i3tit hit each of those notable en- gagentemmtmt iinbbi outgeimcraied amid defeated Canipos , the reeognlictl muilltary gemmius of Spain. It ieml Cantpos to declare timat lit Rabbi ito imad nmct a soldier worthy o ? hiin best efforts , "in occupying Asorradero Rabbi hind with hint about 1,000 loon , t bile Garcia is coin- lug up vltit 5,000 to 6,000 more Cubamms , "Tim ntarch of liabbi can hardly be rip- iureclatci by any one not faimmiliar with the ntoumttaiits , swamps arid taugletl tropical 'cgetntloit through wimlch Ito ptmhied his way ( coma flayaino to Aserradero , "It lit extremely gi'atifyiumg to Cubans that Aminmiral Santpsomm almomilti iinnmediateiy recog. mmizo this movenmemtt and report it In such comimplimentary terms to ( be Navy depart- iiic'nt. ' ' hiItiIh'iS itt liii % 'lIuIiI. ( Copyrimcht , iSrJS , i ) ) ' l'ress l'ubhisimiug Ct , . ) KEY VEST , Jtmmte 16.-New ( York World Cablegram-Special Tciegranm.-An ) inconi- lug boat gives time 1foiiowing description of iiicitiemmts off ilavnuma Juno 10 amid 13 : Abcmtit P a. in. thin four Spanlsim mthmips anti one gunboat of 1,000 tons appeared , TIme gun- nerit are becoaming imnpationt. "We can't stand this sort of thliig always or the bat- ti esimi its tumid iuen i tars tvii I simel I time fort , ' ' time ) ' say , One samalier ship left the liar- I bar , kept close to time batteries , tue gum- boat leadiimg. Scout nh thu bioekatlers stooti I for time ships. Vhthm a ummoimitor to stop their return to the harbor cli four ivoulti Imayc 1 been destroyed. , 'l'imtt tour simips coimmuter- I munrchieti nimtl hmurrietily disappeared iii time I lmnibor. A imeavy raIn was failing at Ilium time , lmc'nco our thiips diti miot fire. On time 13th a tcn.tnch such struck 100 yards from time Maple. Six shots were tIred lit all. Wo Were five mmtiles off , . , , i-rlezti s I ii Iiuigt'r. ( CotyrigitI , lSS , lty I'rem's ' l'tmbitsiming ( o ) M.\1)ltII ) , Juno 1C.-Ncw ( York World Ca. blegraimi-Special Tciegram.-Tiiu ) position of Amncrlcaim residents and vorrespouttleumts is becoming critical , Time press hns timouglmt fit to tiritotmaco thmemn so persistently as spies that time authorities are said to tie out time eve in this matter , like so ntany otimera , to give way to the dictation aumul outcry of the iress for expulsion , Time atildeat step threat- ent'l Is severe repression. iioiiiiui rlutt'iit Ni'itr Cnrleiiuw , ( Coutyriglit. p' ) , by l'rcss Publishing Co. ) KEY WEST , Juno 16.-Ncw ( York World Cnbiegrammt-Special Tolegramn.-Aa ) auxllt- lary cruiser reports a bonmbardmiment near Cardeuns this morning. Time Americans , detcrnmlimcd to destroy timreo or four blockhouses - houses wimielt were beiumg erected , went close , according to the auxiliary , anti peppered - pored time blockhouses. which did not , rc- Bioutl , Tluo bombmtrdment did not last long. FUN r CiIANERA Texas , Marblehead und 8nwaneo rod More rot 'to' i'ieces , GIVE SPAIN A DOSOF SHOT AND SHELL Hour and a Half of Good Work Done by the Three Ships. LTT1E LEFT OF TIlE FORTIFICATIONS Marblehead's Launch Has a Lively Time Dragging for Mines , FIRES ITS ONE-POUNDER Al A GREAT.RATE ( tiiu Fulls Overhmomurd " , Viiile in .te ( ( nit nmmtL a Iiit Goes . , tiomi wIth it , but time lusttcr is . Itesetiuqt. ( Copyrigitt , 1S9S , by l'ress Publishing Co. ) KINGSTON , Juno 16.-Froitt Dlspatclm Boat lit Guamttanamo Bay , June 15.-Now ) ( 'oric World Cabiegrant-Special Telegram. ) -Time brick fort and eartitworks at Cahutma- acm at the end of time railroad from the city of Guantananto verc demolished today ( Wednesday ) by time bombardment of the Texas , lularbieltend ammd Suwanee. The war altips opemied fire at 2 p. nt. and an hour tind a. half finished it aitd time fort and earthworks - works , This will end the ferrying of Spautish troops across time bay front Caiinanera to amid to the nuummber lmouim the isolated and cx- 1)OSCd forces of ntarinea nmtd of their Cuban allies have been fighting night anti day , whom 'they attacked amid routed yesterday ( Tuesday ) . Tite marines need rest and Ad- utmiral Sampson Is doing all he can to gIve titein rest and quiet. Time next titimmg you may expect to hear Is that the Spammish gtinboitt Sandovcr , wimich itna been doing time ferrylug , is captured and that an American ship is anchored so as to guard Calinammera , for today , as part of Ad- mimI Saimtpsons PurPose. the umarrotv entrance - trance of time himner harbor Was draggeti for itttites.Vlmcut it is free pf mutes it will be easy cmtough to cutter aumtl capture the Samu- dover. Whoa time harbor was being rrcetm or mutes today ( \Vednesday ) tIme Spaniartis htowcti , as umsual , that they arc not wihliimg to fight a boy or girl of their size. Time Texas , Marblehead anti shut up timeir suits in nmiglmty short order. But wittie the Marbichmeati's little laummch wits towimig a sulmtimtmrine mute that floated the Spaniards opommerl ott it with all hteir mmtigimt. Time Sttwanee hind to again pr9tect its suimaii sis- ter. But thf : little sistcr-the Marblehead's laumtelt-toolc Its utvim vart. It fougimt so fast aitti ftmm'iotms , it bumped shelis so 'itmicki front its tllititimtmtive 1-pounder on its hews , that tue guim haimuhieti by the fierce and brave gumtmters as if it was a tcmy , went overboard tinti auto of tile men wemmV overboard with it. The utmami floated anti was saved. Another 1-pouutder nmust be fixed on tite bow of the Mmtrbiehtead's launch. And wimile this ferriae has been hitter- i'uimtcd the mariutes am ready to fight at nil ) ' minute , as they have hccit siutce Caitip MeCailavas fouicci. Witen I heft there Colonel lluntiumgton was simarpemtiimg his sword out a grimidatorme , A hletmtcitammt cob- nd in any arm of the Uiilted States scrv- ice rarely mtharpemms hits own sword. Bitt litmntlngtomm tvishied to be sure it was vel1 tione. hitt. I t lmitit.eiit'ti. Time affair of today was thus provoked. Lletmtcnaat Balista , the Spaniard vito was capttireti , tas utot so frank itii Coin- nianier , McCaiia of time Marbielteati as with itle. I cabletl you yesterday timat the force tlmmtt time niariutcs attacked yesterthay ( Tucit- tiny ) was made up of a contpamiy of the Siiminnca regiment , a company of the l'rln- cipe reglmeimt , both regulars , nutd two coot- panics of guerrillas , itt least 4S0 men. I had intcrs'Iewetl Lieutenant IJitlista on board time Abtremmda : , however , He told Conmmnander McCahia that the force of Spaniards yesterday - day ( Tuesday ) comnpriseti but 200 men , It turneti out timat time two companies of regum- inns anti two of guierrilias miii beeut tile reg- War garrison of the Imeltograpim station cup- tured yesterday , that they hail beemt bush- wlmncking for several days-time fellows our mmmcml imad heeit fighting-amid that timey wore joined yesterday ( Tuesday ) by otimou'mt ferried froumt Cnimamiera to the tort opposite there , wimero begins time road that shirts time outer bay aimd cutds at Caimtp MeCaula. it was titus the Spamtlshm reimmforceuttcimts vere transporteul that fought yesterday ( Tuesday ) . Ltctmtenant Colonel ltummtiuigtomt iearaeti these ( actit anti through him Admiral Santp- itoh. The admiral ordered time Texas to go ( rein Santiago to Caimnatmera to shell the brick fort anti time eartiuvorics at time terimtintms of the Guamttannmno railroad anti time Sutvaitee to drag ( or ummines lmmsido the barber. At 2 p. itt today ( Wednesday ) time Texas steamed slowly up time cimanmmel loathing to the fortifications , followed closely by time Marblehead , 'l'ime Texas fired two shots as range finders , hoth failing short. aumd to the rigimt. Tim Marblehmenmi stood oft to time t'est sIde of the ciutiumnel and opeiteti witim its five- Incit guns omm time fort , ltnockimmg tiowim part of tue wail. Tue Texas tlmen timrew in some tweive-iiicim simehls , tearlpg down time stall oil the fort tuill timrtwihig the bricks amid mortal' thirty feet 10 thc air. Titus was at 500 yards range. The Spututiards for a while aumewcred with vigor , Timey nuswereti time first shot frommt the Texts anti jut ii simehl between it aimd the Maubichucami , Then they narrowly nmlssed the 3inrlmieimeatl , puttlumg a shot across Its bon' , Ior fifteen imtimmumtcs tiut. , flgimt stas fierce aimd the mortalIty In tite brick fort mnust have been large. A tn'- immendotma report itntl a rttiti of imiunko aria- immg followed oimn shot and our gunners sup- 1)030(1 that time fort's nimigtz1ne htti expiocieti. heuimuI isle Imp I'ir , After a quarter of an 'hour our ships waited for time sumioke to clear avay suit ) thmeum flntl- Ing their tuirgct pitched In again nuud do- unohlsiietl the fort. Tile Marblehead hail been banging away at the , south sub of time bay , imemir time towum , amid quickly silnuced tue font there , After bauiiy iamngiag the fort the Marbiehienti stood further in to such time earthworks and barrscis : at time West end of time harbor. It knocketi them Into the air am ) wimen time Shantards , fied front time fort they were simeitod byethe St. Paul cud tinhycim ipto limo busimes , ' As ( ho altips steammued out after time cit. gageumment a subnmarume floated anti time aiqrlehmeati'a iauoeh , with five uncut who had been dredging for mines , started for the one ailoat. Tlte launch within 200 yards of the shore whoa the Spaniards , hmidden In limo bushes , opened lire on It. Time live men Ia the launch fought back for all they were wortim , anti thmeir hantljlumg or the how one- pounder was so vigorous that it was tipped oyerboard , and oum man , cttmmgimmg to it with all his strength , went overheard too. 'hmcmi hue floateti again his fellows dragged hinm itmto the iauucb. Just thea time Suwanee cauite up and a hail of lead front its guums ripped tiurougit time woods on shore. Here , too , time Impatient - patient men on the cruIser t , Paul got into - - - - - - - - THE BEE BULLETIN. Weatimcr Forecast for Nebritmika- Fair ; Wnrnter ; 'VarIable Winds. I age. 1 3initnt lime i'iiONIhIum. ( ' .111,1 , , micra lii Shielil , tgn In , Snimil'unit hIoiiimr,1 Suimt Imtgt , tgnlit 11 Nei.rnskimims for Nns'mtl hhmty , lug trimly to Oti to i'orli , iIii ( , , htmsmmm'gt'iits hii''stimi 3intmilim , Cnmife.ierimte tmittimiiemmt Uuellcii. a NeIrnsln News. 'l'iI ru It eghiiiemi t lii ilmisler 3ioimi1n' . Smnrthuisc itetts hf ir liii > ' . 4 li lt.rliii mmmiii Comimmmtemm I , I ; lii.is for liii' , , I bit. himmmi iiibiir t I * ( 't'ftIIi itti'er Armti' . ( I ( 'unimelI Iblmmhis Local tntlers. hmts a Nt'w s imimil ( 'umimlimemu t. I'iiuli fur l'orlm , 1 % beijim hmmynsluim , , 'I h'nlmtl Ists Cniit lii mie to ' . 'rmmimgie. S Sl.Ii ( inmllI , , t'.mtlhimtme to huh. , flt'trs Islt lime Iiiusitiii. I ) icsi'riiit lint of $ n.mt , . Au ihomie or i'eimee .t hmmmiIimeti , I'lgmures nit ( hmmmiulmn .tss'ssnmemil , Uuiiiiimmt I'mmml bst .ire Sure. 1 1 ( 'uimiimerehmml mummil ltlimumie liii News. Ill unit ( 'girl , , , . nuil Ills ( 'nimse' , \Veull ii of liii' l'im Ilbpumi ites. 'i'eimmmeruil mmcc at Oummnitit m llnuii' . leg. hour , : ; i , , iu , . . . , , fl ; I , . iii . . . . . . 78 ( I ii. iii , . . , . . fill .i i. mu , , , . . . 7 a. in . . . . . . (17 8 ii. in , . , . . , 77 S ii. iii . . . . . . (17 4 mm. iii . . . . . . 9 mm. in . . . . . . 87 r. it. in . , , , . . 79 10 mm. iii , . , , . . ti it 1' lit . . . . . . 7 $ I t ii , iii . . . . . . ( it ) 7 m. mit , , . , . . 7 $ I 2 mmm . . . . . . . . . 7i1 S ii. in . , , , . . 77 1) L , . tim . . , , , . 75 'l'OiAY .t'i' 'h'Iii INt'OSL'I'bON. . % t hit. ' G ruiiimtlst 'I'Is.niisbii iny , I 0u80 it. iii. , bmurIime hln itti Cnimt'ert. Cu p. iii. , .unrhmme ibnimh ( niie'rt , S p. IhI , . 'i'iiliitImPt' Orehtt'st nt at .ttml I- turhmi iii ; Smicebmul Iteqime'4t L'rorriuiim. ilim'it 'i'nt"u i I imtt'rstim he Gritlut 1)etilers' Assoebu- ( , ( 'It ' linhi , Nd , rimslc it 3 ! itM ( , ii I c G riumm ii Idge , 31 ii- snitle 'i't'iiiiihe , Nt.irnMlciu fl'Iel Ic ueiiiciti Steied , : huiuiiriI ii.t'h. the ommgagenient. The St. Paul anchored beitlitti tme little theet turhumg the bomnbard- itteitt , but when it cammme to drbviutg time Spamtlards front the woods It ( lid Soitmtt actIve work. Immning ) tue afternoon a half-slarv"d anti ragged Spanish soldier crawled titto time cantp and gave itlmtmscif tmp. lie saul lie cx- ilecteli to be simot , out uie wouitm gmatmmy tile IL titcy would cmii ) ' give htimn footi anti water , lie imati Itati neither for forty-eight hotirs. lie reported that there were 2,000 Spanlsim soldiers , hutlf starved , who svaumteti to gIve titeimmseis'e up , but timat they believed tlmey svotmhtl be kiiietl by time Ammmenicauts as soon as they ss'ere ouicc in captivity. A good dlmt- ncr nmmd some elothiuig were gIven to the Spamtlau'mi. lie was timeim taken ems boam'tl the Marblehead. lie saId timat. ito couiti not go back to hits comrades , for they would cer- tniumly shoot hint. The prisoner sali , besides that lie was one of a tletachminemut of twenty-eight semmt around the moummtain in an attempt to surprIse time Marblehead ; that ho hail beemu forty-eight hotmrs Ott tito march syltliotit food or svater and decided It wotilmi not be worse with time Aittenicaits titan wIth his own amen ; that the Antericans nttgimt kill lmimmt , but would surely duo with the Spaniards. lie ate like a oif attil then feelIng better lie said uitany young Spamtlards emily ( ouglmt in the war because titoy hind been tiraftemi , anti that slmmce timt'y arrived bus Cuba thtey hati receivctt immuch luau ? treatment , little food antI no pay. Oimssiiig for A mmihl.ei' Attiittic. lIe saId , too , timat the Spammiartis ss'ero massing to attack Camp 3icCoila amid bniimg fIeld artillery to bear upomi it. All this ilnob' ably tim time hope of atmotimer uteri ! , for time marines sent out to capttmne time detacitinent , of which the pnisommer salt ? Ito was ommo , went oil a vaimi search. But time marines ammd time Cubans with them are prepared to tmteet aumy force ( limit may be brought timein. . There tt'as no altirummisiming inst night ( Tuesday ) . 'flicy html eommte sleep until they are neatly for tue mmcxt hlgimt. They have plautted a timnee-imtch field guum ttmtd a Colts raltiml tire inoutttaiii gun out time huh nuiti timey prmsseti timls morn 11mg C VCluleS(1a ) ' ) but bumrim- lmmg time brusit so as to leave ut wide open circle arottitti time caimip. They say , con- temptitously , that time Spaniards won't figimt lit the open tmnd that is a fact. Juaim Saurcz , oumo of time Cubans killed In ycstentiity's ( Tuestlay's ) flglmt was bimried to. day ( Wetlimesday ) with ecreimmoflics that ln'ought closer tin : Ainenicauis auth their brave allies. Saurez was plcketi off by a Spaimisit guerrilla wimlic Ito was flglmthmmg like a maim possessed. lila body was tnkcn aboard time Dolphin , wimt're ml sailor imummler- taker preparetl it for btmrbai by setting it in caitvas , Tommy ( Wednesday ) a comimpaumy of lila coummpatriots escorted Saturez's body astuore. 'Flue liters awl drummers played as solemn imiuisie as timey could anti , followetl by detachments of sailors aumd marines , time bait who tileml flghmtlmmg for his country's freedom was btmnletl fifty yards front time trenclmcs svlmere yestertlay hme lay , very mucit alive , neatly to flgimt ( or lila country's fncotioin. A stiumatI firemi over Saurez'a grave. 'runt is they julletl time triggers of thmelm rifles. it is irolmnhlo timat mm bravo oman is tisimereci to imts reward as ts'eii witim a click as a baumg. To imnvo ilitchuargemi time i'hTes might have iumcitetl tIme Spammiuurds to iuttcrrupt time funeral. Not oumo of our aten was imunt lit today's fight anti notmo of otir simips were iuit. CADIZ SQUADRON OFF AGAIN Cuuuiuii i'll's Slm I mi hli'uInu'ht'ui l , I lute $ nibt'.i fii Ii hest iumutlm.i hiuuit i , Uieimmiw'um. ! ( Cp'nighmt , 19S , by Prets Putmhtsluimtg Co. ) I.ONDON. Jmnmo 1G.-New ( 'orie Vonit1 Ca. itt egra ut-Sped uI Tel egromuThe ) ha I I y Newc' Gibraltar special rays : Thmo Camii muqmmmuinoit has putt to sea and time marine mm- istcu lots gone out wRit it. lie swill Itant commipany al a consitienablo distance from simoro anti return in a dispatch boat. Timere Ic great mnmttgmiatbon at the Aummcricamu threat to bernhard CamlIz. it is nunmored imere that Slialim imulut F9l : time i'hiillplimes to ( ienrnaimy and timult tIme Gernuit squadron is expected by tleuucrai Augusil at itiammlla. Time ( ierrnmmn view giveim vent. to Imere Is hula : Mr. McKmn- he ) ' mmcver wanteti war itor dumb ammy of hIs miimibtens anti least of all time war anti imavy immlnlstcrs , It was time poiitlclimuts anmi job- liens bclmiittl the scemut nimd mmomoo uthllammthro- lusts stimo tlrumggetl time liresiticot as far as ho has goime , 'rime taking over of Mmtmmlia by time Gernmmmns will enable huint to say to the tyat' party : " 'hmat did I tell you ? Are we goltig to try conclusions witim Genmoaumy , Ruts. air. arid probably the French ? Time Ummltetl Staten amid our liritishi fniomitis are for peace , so should alto coimsitier our German imolu. hmutlon. They will beimuuve , if need be , like good Aincnhcaums , but before time umect ? is imp- Itarent Germaut feeling may sway them. " l'i'ohi I iml I t's * , of Csirj'iu. I'lgeoui.m , MApitli ) , June 16.-Il a. m.-A decree hiss becim gazetted , prohibiting time tuse of earner - nor pigtons in Spain , on the ground that they arti Ilos.erfui auxiliaries in ( line of wam' anul ( lint the govenmmmeumt is projetluig the establIshment of a pigeou service. ANOTHER ATTACK ON SANTIAGO Admiral Sampson's Engines of Death Turned Loose on the Fortications. WRLLS OF MA3ONRRECONVERTED INTO GRUMBLING DUST _ Shell from t1'exas Falls Into a Spanish Mag $ with Terrible Results , NR ORLERNS ADDS TO ITS LAURELS RS R FIGHTER Vesuvius Furnishes the Curtain-Raiser to the Entortaintnotit by Presouithig a Trio of Shells , Two of Which Fnlt lit tire Inner Day Near Where the Spanish Fleet is Supposed to Bo 'and the Third Tortrj a Hole in Cayo Smith Large Enouih to Admit a Battleship. Time timlrti attack upon time fortificat bits a t Santiago s'mus timmule by the tiet't iuiuh'r Atiutmiumil Sum utmimmitumi Vm'emhuuebhbm3' immoruiImir : timul time lest i'ttctboit euttised by his lir'ts' : gilums i $ imtit'C1'llitliiL' ( . Omit' lit'avy slmt'll l'u'oumi time 3luweuutc husi'tts tore ut gu't'uut hole Iii limo svnil of oite of time foils , svim lie a shell front titi' Texai fell lumtu ml umiuugnzliic , cuttl8lmmg mimi eNpiosiomm w'itim tet'iliuie el'et't. , 'I lie Ne'ss' ( ) u'ieuu mms iii t cue of t hi e I u cut vy gtu mm s ti f t lit' ( 'lit' uuiy I it t lie imm mizzi i' , llfthim it out of the fot'tihit'iutloums utmuui 1511111mg It mios'n time 'uuulutmikimn'imt. , il meustm v I timi n I to t (10k a hum mm ml I mm t In' euign . ' eli t , I I m m'osv 'tlmg I ii met' o f I itt tittiiv , shmt'litt. is ( ) of timemum fi'ii iumto time imiium'u' btm , ' , svimcu't' liii' Sit1mIlt hlct't ut ; stu I to be mu im ci mutetl , a mm ti I t is h t'l I 'sm'ml t I i cy i' il'u't I s'e. Tiut' I I i I it ? Stt'IR'k time Ca'o Sutuithm , teum dug a hole lii it lunge emutuigim to jn't'seumt time btiiCitOtumCC ) ) of bryiuig the ematL'u' of ut s'oli'mumo. : 'Uiie A mmn'u'Icniis escaped svitlmotut limjtury to uthihlis or mmmcmi , ss'imilc time SiiiuIttII l ( ) i' ; lutist imas'e bci'ut elmormmmotmi. STORY OF THE BOMBARDMENT Vuieie Sum , mu's lhuittit'siiI its ' , 'nrlc 'l'evri- lute itmit'e Iii time iefeuises of Smihi I lug , , ulsmt'ior. ( Copyrtglmt , ISOS , by Aummmocluttcd Press. ) KfNGS'I'ON , Janmatca , Jtmne 16.-b I' ' . itt.- ( On Heart ? Assoctateti Press liapntcht Boat iauntlese , Ott Santiago tie Cuba , June 16 , Noou.-ltcar Admumirni Samtmpsout'u fleet born- bartied time batteries at Samtttago tie Cuba for time third timito at daylight titis ntonumimig. For hours the almips Imoumnuied the batteries at. the I ighit rind left of the cimtrancc , only sparing El 3iorro , where Lieutenant Ilobsout aumti his comnitamulommit of time ? dcrrbrnmtc are In prIson. Time westerim batteries , against. which time imtaln assault was directed , svore badly wrecked. One was utterly destroyed. In otimors ummnmmy guns were disimiounteti. At. first time Spaniards replIed passlomuateiy aitti wildly , but impotently. 'J'imcmt utmost of the guns wore theserted. Not a aitiju was struck nor a man lmmjurcd out time Atumerictin side. It is believed that time enemy's loss of life was heavy. AS R preiimniumnry to time imnmincrIimg given time batteries time Vesuvlus last niglmt at mmmht- nigimt. tytis giveum munotimer chmautee. Three 250- pouiutl charges of goutcottoim were seumt over time forthilcations at time entrance. Time tIe- sigmt to tlrop thetmt iii time hay nnotmnti the nmmgie back of time cummhneumce on wimicim El Memo is sItuated , wlmere It kumuwii that time Sutaumlahu torpedo boat tiestio'ei'it were lying. Two charges svemmt true , as no reports u'ere imeartl-a peculiarity of time exploslout of guum- cotton in svnter , Wimetimc'n time tiestroycra ts'crc mheotoilshmeml ha not lmmowut , but time tie- stritettvo area of guncottoum is large , autl it would not ime stmnprlsiuig if It Is suibst'quetttly ascertalumetl that one or both tvcre destroyed. Time thmtrtl charge exploded ss'ithi terrific violence out Cayo Smith. A crater big cumouglu to imoimi a clturchm was blown out of the sltle of time Cayo Sntitlm , rind was clearly seen ( remit time 51mbps , ( ( .t 'l'iitii' Coffee iclr.t. Coffee was served to the men at 3:30 : this niorrilag , : uiuml with time first imiush of ( lawum the tmmen trere called quietly to quarters. The ships steaittcmi lit itt a flve-kimet sjmccd to the 3,000 yartls range , wlmeim they closeti UI ) broatisile ? on mummtih a distance of three cable lcngth'i separateti them. They s'ere strung out in tue forni of it cresceumt , time heavy flghmtiumg 5111115 him thu cei'iter , the tiagsimIm on time right anti tin. ' Massachusetts oui the left. Time iiimti re- mamned stationary throughout time iomniiartl. uncut. 'l'lmu Vixen anti Scorpiomm took up po- tuitions out opptsIte hlamiks close bum shore , for time itmrposc of eumfliuudltmg any humfaumtry timat mimighmt fire on the shmlpmm. \'houm the shuts got Into imoaltitmum It was still too thank for any flniumg. TImu adnmirai slgnumied ( lie ships umot to fire mimttii time utmmmz. zics of time cuenmy's gumms in time cmumbrazurctm coubmi lie seen by the guim captains. Fltccum ( minutes later , , tt fi:25 : , time Now York let go with a broamlsltie at thin works at time cast of tite harbor. All time ships ( el- lowed In rotl streaks of liumiume. Time Ileet emmveiopeti iii suiioict' , Pelted the hills mmd lclcltctl up immasonry. it wtts a xnagnIfieeumt I spectacle ( room where time Uauumticss Iuy. Though the gmumm captalums hail lmeen camu- tboned hot to waste arnntunitlen , hut to fire tt'itit mieiiberattoum , time fire writs so rapId that there tvrta aim allan it coittlummiotus m ( 'Itolt. Time ieit'asuremi crasim of time big 13-inch gumumi of Limit battloalmips soummmtlcd over time rattle of time guns of thin secummmtiary imatteries like thu ii it en ci a its iulove t ii e ti I a of a iturricim mu e. A strong lanmi breeze oft the shore cmrnle4 : time n'oko of time ships seaward , whIle IL lot In" m n tlmiek curtabim iii front of time domts , Time doims rc'spoumtlcd splritetiby at first , but their frummzlcd , imaif-crazed tire comild not latitcim time cooj nerve , trained eyes anti I alcihicti gunmuery of time Ainericamt alms $ , Our fire was mitch moore cffcctit" , titan in precetiirg : bountmnrtlunents. 'I'hmo admiral's ordumarmee expert bath glremm explicit mnstrue- tions to retiuce time charges aut'l to elevate tIme guns co mmii to sImtmrten time trajectory ammui timmmmt secure a piunglumg flue. Time effect of time redmmeeti charge cuss imtarvcioums. hum fifteen nmlmtutes auto westermm lmattcr3' was completely wrecked. it , , , , ml ifumgmizi.mp , Thu Massachusetts tore mm gaping hole Iii the enmpIaccmimeuit wIth a 1,000-poummil vie- jectlle anti the Texas dropped it shell into time howmicr ) nmagaziit ( ' , The CXltiosbun wraugii ( terrible havoc. Tue trrmmmto was lifted , the sltls were biowmi out amid it shower of debris flew In every direction , One timber , carried out of the idu of time I battery , svent ttuummbilutg down time Imihi , Tue loss of life must imare beeit great. 'I'ii batteries emu time c'aitt of Moire were imarth'r to get itt , hut tIme New Onbcummis ciossei time bows of time Nomv'orlc to within coo ) ards of shore , mtmmd ltirtYemi a tattoo with its Ioimg eigimt-hmtchu rules , hitting timcumm no- peatetliy , stnlkltmg a guru mtqtunrt'iy lit time mmmuz- zic on lifting it until seimdtmmg it Bweepimmg soummersattits lit the air. Sovci'umi ( lines Aminmiral Sntnpsomm slgmmaietl thO siills temnpernrily to cease firing , itt or- 0cm' to aims' time Summoke lb demur ( rein time bat. tcrIu.'imcit time order canto at 6:30 : to cease hiring every gUmt of time 'ittitty imuttl been sllcmtced for tell unintutes. but. : ms the shIps dremi' off soimme of time Spanish couurmge rmt- tmuu'uuci aumfi a hmtuhf dozeum simots were hiretl at time 3iutssaclitmsc tts amid Om'c'gon , failimmg lii timeir wakes. Thmroumghout time boimmimartiment the \'cmtui- vlus aumfi time Porter , hmy direction of time admiral , lay otitsitie of ( lie right flank. 'limo stout mit I atm itch of time iiagshm I p scu ml etl a immuim g the sltlis , cam'ryiumg immessages. At time t'loso of time notion a stream of mntmli-eoloretl flags iloated fu'oin time New 'ot'lc , gencumiiy cnmmtpiliumeumt log time simipit , and especially commtmimommttlumg time trork of the Texas uuui New Orleans. Time uncut of time New Orleans rnimiel , a ciueer , wimleit was PassetI qumielmiy ott fmomum simii. to ship , until every jmckhtm in time fleet was lmowllumg itlimitcif Imori rite. The tlttstntmcttott anti death at time western ha t t cr1 cit mmmuust imitve beemi mm imimuml I I n g. 31 any of time gnus humid hceii ummommumtei , , lmmnuumg time Inst two miays. Fromum titus it is iimfcru'ed that Amluitlral Ccu'vcra hind givemi till hope o ( extrIcating hlmnmseif ( noun time ( ml' in mvhmicim hmo ha euiugimt , anti lmumi , reimmovetl time gtuums ( remit sonta of hits miumips to atneimgtimeim time band tiefemises , Atimmmiu'oi Sutmnpson is lilghmiy gratlfleti whit time neusmilts of time hommmbartinuent. lie timiumkil time western batteries vnacticaliy ulemumol' isimed. As sonic e tile guns out time eastern I liattenles did no. re he timinks they were dutnutmies. Time oumly regret Is that Liemmteum- nut Itobsoim anti his couutpnmmlotms. lit' their imrt'seumcc bum Rh Morno , mamie it sacreul. Otherwise - wise it svouid now be a lube of rimlims. Time ituunmiucr of shots iireti is umot known mvhmcim tiiiit 4lbspuuteim lit seumt. Jtimigeti fromut a Imosittoim umear thu Iiagshmlp , tehulcit thtuning time bommulmarittmeutt , , mvltlu several interrup- Lions , tIred 208 shots , probably no fewer thmumim 5,000 projectiles were hireul , of a total weIght of 500,000 itcuuttla. VIZCAYA IS HIT BY A SHELL C.'m'i'erur Cmmlih i's I luau t Owl uI.c 1mm time % ' , 's'i's SmIiu'riir , .tiuior It \Viis I'iiiJmiru'i , MAIhtli ) , Juume 16.-Captolim Atmmmntm , mnin- later of mumanimme , has retmmm'umeti fromim Catiiz amid hiss ittmrtt'tl ; for Canthmagona. It is nut- eertctl ( hunt aim Ironclad wimleim knit not yet ilguireti iii any uituhuhimmimeil limit. tennis pant of Aduumlrai Cammmumra's sqtmalrouu , MhmnIrtmi Cers'onii cables ( lint he has hmro- visions eimoutgii for ( ito fleet until numtuuumn , lie says a ouch from aim Anmt'rican war almI' , falliimg ( room a great cluvatloum , struck time Vlzeayn , which , owing to Its excelient murmutur , t'itit not .hammmitgcti , Gemmersi niaimeo cutbles trout linvaita ( lint time batterIes there hired eu time l3umitetl States MOiitgomery , wimich left time hue of biocitatle. Rieveum vessels tire imow biochotti- log time jiort of I lumvarma , ' : C5M fruui ( 'ii , ' , . ' , , s , ( ( 'ol'm ig ii I , I Si' , hmy I'rc'mmm I ' tilt I haul mug ( 'a , ) iciy VEST. Juumtt lG.Now'ork ( Woriml Cablegrutuum-Simeciutl Telegranm.-Ilcmitcnammt ) Coiommei Anmiao Major iouiato Solo aimti ( imiluicit Ffdlx anti ilego Loltez arrived today ( ma time Wootlhmury. Time ) ' lining valuable hum- fom'zuiatlon front Major ( lormeral I'etlro 1)1st of Plumar tici 1110 provInce , They left him eu time lIlser 3iummmhmumutumi , lCtWe'um Jutmnuiak numtl Morlilo , SS'imeim bimey ttrriveti itt hiabmitt I iommtia time ) ' crmimttire.i ( mcmii time panhimrtlmm a small saIl boat witim which they hut to sea , After sallhiig timroughm time gulf for two tinys , stimt'uu halt starved anti tmorit out , they mvcre vicketl up by \Vootlbury amu'i hmrougiit here. They iitttl beeui abuteumi ( mcmii ( ' 51111) 5'Vliit days whien pIcked up. Major Solo , trite wits landed in Cuba a umtommtim ago at Vrlas baelm , was with lila acumipaimions moot by a luantl of Spanish giterrihiat. Suto kiiiei Lleumtemmmmnt Picaza , In coinmaummi cit tile guerrilluts.ts soomm as their oiiecr ! fell tue Siauuiartlmi ) fled. Soto siubtl time news of tiuo humnthing of Anmorjcamm forces gave great vnt'oluragenteumt to time ( Yubaumms , who are Itrehuaning with roumeweti emmt'rgy to attack th. Spamilartla umi , ( ho fIrst opportummity ,