Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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IU _ _ ; - 189L I
Grand Loago Oomc8 to Order for Ith Regular
Annual 8eS8iOfl
ICIrIM Of the ( UflcerN 41iiv Iic hod )
to , Re lit (1ne,1 CutiillIun In
tILR SfIttP ut 'I'IIIM
- -
There were ftbout 400 ceIcgntes to the
Nebraska MnEonIc grand lodge iresent
vhen Grand Master John IL IInsmorc called
for order nnd the converittoti prepared for
work. Thu following omcers of the grand
lodge were preReni : John 13. Ilnsmore ,
grand InnEter. 3utton ; 1rnnk II. Young ,
deIuty grand maRter , liroken how ; William
, v. ICeysor , grand ienlor warden , Omaha ;
Albert W. Crites , grand junior warden ,
Chadron ; Christian llnrtman , grand treasurer -
urer , Omaha ; \VIillnin It. liowen , grand Bec
retary , Omaha ; harry C. hlartinan , grunti
chaplain , Nebraska city ; Charles 11. Sloan ,
grand orator , Geneva ; Jairnuo A. Tul1ey ,
grand custodian , ited Cloud ; 1rances F.
' marshal l'iattstuoutli Natli-
V'hite , grand , ;
anlel M. Ayers , grand senior deacon ,
Ileaver City ; Frank i. I3ullard , gratiol
junior deacon , Northi Platte ; Jacob King ,
grand tiler , I'apllllon ,
The grand niaster's report was delivered
at the afternoon sessIon , as well as the reports -
ports of the grant ! secretary and treasurer.
At. the eveiling session Grand Orator Charles
II , Sloan delivered the annual , oration for
the good of the order.
The graid master detailed the history of
Mnsoiiry In Nebraska during the Inst year.
Ho referred feelingly to the death of promInent -
Inent brothers , gave the acts of his ofilco
during the year , th new hodgea constituted
and the official visits. The report referred
to the ( ltIelOt.lOfl of eXCflhItiOfl from grand
lodge utica , which came Ip Itt the last convocation -
vocation , but still remains unanswered.
The grand inflator ioahil that there now remains -
mains IiUC On notes given by various lodges
to the relief fund $7,617.72. The report
said this should be paid in order that the
obligation to the Nebraska Masonic home
fiintl may be naiti. lIe recommended that
thio grand lodge place itself on record as
holding the inasterio of subordinate lodges
responsible that the same might be met by
Nine persona 'ere aided from the relief
fund during the year-a most favorable
sign. Eight icrsons assisted recciveol a to.
tat of $ G90 , or an average of 86.25. In cbs-
Ing the grand muster disclosed thic fact
that a number of lodges veru reported in
straitened financial shape. becnusC they
hail not collected dues bromPtlY. )
l'bie finances of the grand lodge were
shown by Grand Treasurer hlartman's rePort -
Port to be In good sluipe. A balance of
; 3,000 was reported In ( lie Masonic liotile
Grau(1 ( Secretary I3ovefl'S report was sub-
Iflitted aRid (1II1Ofl ( other things it shows Is
that there are SeveRIty Free Masons oVer 65
years of age Will ) have been placed on the
retired list alid are , therefore , exenIjtcd
from the Payment of ( Illes under the grand
lodge enactment of Jutie 11 , 1S96.
'iio anflUlil statement of the trustees of
the Orphans' Educational fund sitows that
tile fulul hia gained 2OiG.26 durlug the
_ _ _ _ year , lIcing 7 Per eent realized.
Many delegates vhio have been enjoying
themselves at the W'hito City have not yet
put in an appearance at the convention
heatiquarters. Among the other Items of en-
tortalninent provided at the headquarters Is
almost a hogshead of free ice cold lemonade ,
which was liberally patronized.
F'or oIl& 'I rinud Ilmihie.
TI you have a wife and babe you will be
Interested In the recommendation of CL A.
Marpie. assistalit postniaster , Coboina , Mo.
' 'I take pleasure in recommending Chmani-
t berimila's Cough itemedy to tIme public. My
wife and bmibe hare tised It and It nevem
fails to cure tim worst cough. It Is mild
amid ideasant to take , too.
fleles4ates ViimoI Ut , 'their IimlsIJiesN In
U IetiiIed ly IIiIOrIIIIIL
! ,
The Peform Precs association assumed
that either its iabor were about finished or
Its limiportammee had been eclipsed by the
meetings of the national committees of the
yegular and "mniddie.of-tlme-roail" populists ,
whelm It reeommvemied yesterday morning. At
any rate nil it did was to make a change Iii
its executive committee anti adjourn to a
future hour to wind tip its convention.
_ _ _ _ _ Before the day was over the National Ito-
form l'ress association cimose its committee
of soveim to carry out time iiaml of N. I , Bent-
Icy of Abilemme , Tex. , ( or an Interimational
Reform Press nsociation , Mr. Bentley was
made chairmnamm and the other mncimibers are
\'hmmtrton flarkcr of tbme I'bmibaiieiphmla Ammieri-
can , Jo A. Parker of the Louisville ( Ky. )
Free Republic , L. I ) . iteynolda of the Chi-
cmigo Express , A. Ii. McGregor of Georgia ,
Abe Steimiberger of the Girard ( Icami.Vest ) -
ermm W'orld miimoi J , B. liretz of Cahiformmimt.
The associmitlomm did very little In the
intetlng line , as most of its nmo'mnlwrs were
too mmmuchm interested in 'imat was going on
between the Butler nmmd l'ark populist corn-
Ruittecs ,
rit-Mldiit Dii rI miiiol Sonic PrIeililN
I Iii' tluiiuii l'aii'IIlt' FIcciiti
Coiiiiiiilut ( t'JiiiIilliiiii ,
President ilmmrt of time Union I'acltbc railroad -
road systi'ifl mtVC a dinmici' last night at
LIme Omaha ClImb ) to Oliver ilarrimami , one of
limo Union Paclile directoms ammd cimairammmn
Df time ex'cutive coiimnmlttc of time road.
2'hie guests r. ( ] . V. hidimirege , OL'neral
C. F. Mnimdersumm , J. II. MIllard , Eml Dicidu-
00)1 ) , Guy C. limmrtomm , I W. Nmmsh , 'IV. ' Ii.
lCeil ) , .J. C. Cowin. I. ltosowmiter , Ii.V. .
Yates , Luther irako , F. II. Davis , J. /t.
Cuilalmy and C. Ii , Trudeau of New York.
Mr. harriman left the city last night for
ICRIISIUR City and from that point will ire
ceed along the hues of tIme Union Pacific emi
R tour of Immspcction.
A ( ) , , ii'Iti-r fr.iii ttp * Olti Soldier ,
I serveti three ytars in time 10th Iowa
lufamitry during time rebellion anti was a
- - vrloommer of ar for ten mnoutimmo , dtmring
wimicim timmmo I saw mnany men tlio froum
diarrhoea. I sum pleased In say to tIme boys
who are now leaving our state for the soutlm
laimmi that if wo Imad immul Clmanmberhmmiim's
Colic , Cholera and llarrhoea remnedy at Gmat
tlnmo mmmammy of our comrades would imavo ieen
living today. Take a bottio of It with ) OU
and you will reumeniber moo when you will
imave use ( or it. James l. Ilotighlanol , Peim-
siomm Attorney , flldon , Iowa , I.ate Corp. Co.
B , liltim Iowa infantry.
'i'rieiiileru's _ i piiiiiiiit'eiieiit.
'Fimo fohlowiimg recognized headlines on tIme
yaut1oIltstago are engaged for time second
week's bill at the Trocadero , commmmeiiciiig
next Monday imight : Saimi , Klttie aud Clara
Morton. character dammeers ; Adeiman duct
J-owe , xylophone soloists ; ha Wilson fmmmniiy ,
conmeily elmtevtniners tiessie l'hiiilps , co.
iimedtennu Miss 1lua Collins , vtmistiiug priRmia
( bORItItt Carrie lzier. songmo atl imitations ;
Liiiie Western , reiiued mnuslcal artist. and
others , not forgetting to mneutiomm F'ranz
Adelmnmtfln's 11110 orcimestra , hichi is a feature -
ture of the eimtcrtainmnent at this voimuiai'
theater ,
'Iuurlsc iInte
ia the Union i'acitlo to time famous suminep
TesolIS In Colorado , Utah , California ,
Idaho , Montamus and Orgors.
Vor rates and midvertismug mmmattvr call mci
city ttckt oitce , No , U0 Farnam st.
.wVnnt JOIn Ilie 1'rmit.
We will not. belong to any trust or corn-
lilac for the PurPose of raising the price on
articles such as crackers , bread , f1our sugar ,
coffee , or any staple article that the people
must buy ,
12 bars standard laundry soap , 25c : 4
pounds of best soda crackers for 25c ; 4
pounds of ginger anaims for 25c ; 4 ioun of
oyster crackers for 25c : breati on sale for
40 per loaf ; fancy high I'atent flour , Per
snck , * i&O ; fancy Messlna lemons , per doz. ,
tOe ; fancy sweet oranges , per doz. , tic ; fancy
separator creamery butter , 111/e , 14c and
lGe ; flnst dairy imutter , 1i114c , lIe anti 13c ;
fancy Young America cream cheese , tic ;
ilerkimer Co. Y. A. cheese , full cream , lie ;
white boneless codfish , only 4,4c ! ; fln.m large
fat mackerel or imerring , 2e. These arc
anti-trust prices this week.
No , 1 rnmgar cured hams , 8c ; PlCmIiC ham ,
per can , &c ; good salt pork , 6e ; No , 1 bacon ,
sugar cureml , tic ; 3db pails lard , any brand ,
2hc ; lomieless ham , per pound , 8c ; cimoico
pickled pork. 614c ; pickled tripe , 4c ; picklee
pigs' feet , 4',4c ; bologna sausage , 6c ; Vienna
sausage , per can , 12 ½ c.
c.h1AYlFN ilitOS. ,
Transmlsslsssippi headquarters.
/tI'uPii'llll loll Of ilntistny 'rejegrniilm
Sujierl ii teflilelitH lCitM RIIi1
1lects Ilpi OIIteeri.
TIme Association of Railway Telegraph
Smmperimmtemulcnts was called to order yes-
tertlay at the Dellone by W , W. Ryder ,
vice president of the association , and Mayor
Moores extended a hearty welcome to the
vlsltora. Without further tmrehlmninaries the
presiding ollicer called for mcmi election of
omecis for tIme following year and officers
were elected as foilows I'resldent , W. W.
ityther , of the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy ,
Chicago ; vice president , L. B. Foley , of the
Delawere , Lackawammmma & Western , New
York ; secretary anti treasurer , P. W. Drew ,
of limo Wiscousimi Central , Milwaukee.
Iteports vcro heard from the commIttee
on boeni arrangements and tim other standing
committees and the meeting adjourned till
2 ii. mn.
The afternoon meeting was given over to
tIme reading and discussing of papers on
topics of Interest to telegraphers. Time first
was a paper on 'Unmmecessary Telegraphing
on Railway Lines" by C. S. lihmoades of In-
dianapoils. K Mackenzie of the Baltimnore
& Ohio nest presented a paper on "Con-
struction and Maintenance of Telegraph
Lines Along Railways. " I. A. Clienery of
St. Louis read a paor on "Installmnemmt ot
Teiepimone Plants at Large Terminals , " and
ti1 last topic , "htemnarks omm the Feasibility
of Combining Telephone and Teicgraph Cir-
ctmlts by Using the Same Wires , " was ilitro-
titmeed by C. Seiden of time Baltimnore & 01mb.
The last topic is one of great interest to au
telegraphers , and many electriclamma through-
out time United States are at. woric oil a
scheme for making possible the use of one
wire for both telegraphing and teleplmoning
[ mm the opinion of most of time superintend-
emits who were present at the meeting it
vlii be only a short time tilt tIme Invention
will be accomnplislmcd and telegraph and
teiephoime comnpammies will be united.
Time meeting ndjocmrned at 5 o'clock untli
U:30 : this morning.
The foliowimmg is a list of time persons In
attemmdammce : C. F. Annett , wife ammti daughter -
tor , S. A. 1'.lnson , ii. M. Sperry , W.V
Ryder and wife , Mrs. C. H. Bristol , Eugene
\v. Vogel , Chicago ; Miss F. B. Terhummo ,
Salt Lake ; Mrs. M. B. Leonard , Itichmond ,
Va. ; J. 13. Taitawahi , Now York ; W. T. Wii-
hams antI wife , l'ortsnmocmtim , 0. ; Charles
Seiden and wife , Miss Imogemme Sejden ,
lialtimore ; P. W. Drew and wife , Mliwau-
hoe ; J. S. Eans and wife , Cleveland ; Ed
Vmmrimnr , Mrs. II. It. Warner , Jackson. Micim.
An informal reception was temmdered last
night to the Association of Railway feie-
graph Superintendents , now in convention in
the city , by J. J. Dicicoy at his residence ,
2418 Dodge street. About 100 guests were
present , many of whom have been associated
with Mr. Dickcy sInce time earlier days of
telegraphy. Those who assisted Mr. and
Mrs. Dickey In receiving were : W. W.
Ryder and wife of Chicago , L. II. Korty and
wife , C. P. MeFarlane amid wIfe , Cimarles
Squires and wife amid A. J. Love and wife. A
pleasing and ummiqtme feature was the prescimce
iii time drawing room of a ntmmnber of long-
distance tclepimomme receivers , which enabled
timose present to become auditors at a concert
tim jmragress in a palm garden mit Milwaukee ,
Wis. Time house was tastefully decorated
and the lawn was illumined with Japanese
heals She Itoiitiii.s.
Me , A. C. Thonmas of MnrysviIle , Tox. , has
focmnd a more vaiuabio discovery than ha
yet been mimade in the Kbondike. For yeara
Imo atmfferocl tmntolti agony fromn CCOSlmImlltlOfl ,
accomnpcilied by hemorrhages ; amid was absolutely -
solutely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery
for Cousumnption , Cotmghs and Colds. lie do-
clare.i that gold is of iittle vaine in corn-
parisori with this marvelous cure ; would
have It , even if it cost a htmndred dollars a
bottle. 4tstlmmna , Bronchitis anti all throat
and lung affections are paitively cured by
1)r. Kimig's New Discovery for Coceumptiom
Trial bottles free at Kuimu & Co.'s drug store.
htegular size 50e anti I.OO. Guaranteed to
cure or mrico rettintletl ,
Visiting pimysiciamis amid druggists arc in-
riteti to inspect the laboratory of the Itlercer
Chemical Co. , plmarmmtceuticnl elmemmmlsts , 1112
howard street. omme-hnlf block cast of Mercer -
cer hotel.
Denver nuti return , $19.00.
Colorado Sprimmgs anti return , $19.00.
I'uehbo itumi return , 19,00.
Via block lslammd Route. Tickets on sale
June 16 , 17 aiitl 18. Good for return tmntil
July 17. Three trauma eacim day to Coioratio.
City ticket chico , 1323 Farmmaimm.
: i IstmiIe'M lii 'I'iiy. . iIol. ' . ,
\Vhibo thu clerks imm time tax ( tola"tmemmt of
tIme coUnty have mmot coilmlilcmtvtl time books
turned 1mm by the assesssors , they ima"e found
somne bimmulicra timat imavo astoimisimed them.
\'hether tlmese bltmndcrs are immteimtiumlai or
made imtmrposeiy timey are unable to say , but
they PEO1)OSIR to timId out by calling tIme us-
sessnrs in mtiil coma PcI I I img I iment to ) eXll ) a I im.
\\'imiio going through the asscsssurs' books
time tax clerks mmmmtdc the tliscovery that the
Brown block at Slxte.mmtIm mmmiii locmgiamm
streets was lim'ted fom' taxation rtt $2,000. It
is a five-story structure ammti oceupie 0110
of time best cormmers in the city.
'i'Iiu Ilest lliiitimi'ii I foe ii Ii 19111111 I
Mr. I' . Ketcdmalmi of I'ike CIty , Cal. , says
'Iuriug lily biolber's late sickness from
sciatie rimetmimiatisnl , Clmammmberbnimm'mm I1ai a
hlainm was time ommly rcnmetiy that givc hii
aRmy relIef. " Many others have testiileu
time irlmImPt ) relief frommi Pail ) 'hbcim timt
hlmmimmment affords ,
dill ) it , iii. , ill LI ) it. lii , , Ill itilmi , mu.
6:40 : A. itt. , 6:40 : A. Al. ,
6:40 : A. At ,
Time Northwestern line tm-ala to St. Paul.
Aiinneapnlls , SpirIt Lake , Dmmiutlm ami oil Da-
kotu poimts. : from time Union Pacific depot ,
365 tlmt'a every year , "Througlm by ibay-
light. ' '
1401 Parmmamn St.
, lii rrizit LIi't'uist'N ,
Time following mimurriage licenses verc Is-
suetI ysstertlay by the county jutlge :
Name unolctldress , Age ,
i : . C' . liunamiro , Ommmaima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z I
Martha Bertram , nebraska City , . , . . , , . . . 29
Alex ' 1' . Cntromm. St. .Iosepim. Mo , . . , , , . , , , , .
hello MeIK'til , St. Joseph , Mo. . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
'lihiam Kennedy , Ommmmtlizc , , , . . . , . . , . , . , . 211
Nellie fllmlno , Omuaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
L. 'I' , Neudimamu , South Otnaha. . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Nellie Rule. South Omaha , . . , . , . . , . , , . , , , 2a
Charles E. Detwiler , Omnatma . . . . . . . . , , . , . 29
( hem'teutbe Weaver , Omaha , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
lbort Schultz , ( ) mmmaba , , . . , . , . , . . , , , , . . , 25
JellIlie Cammmpbcli , Clay Comiter , Kmmn. . . . . . . 23
AIilflhi0 iallto Iuea. Omtmaba . . . . . , , . . , , , . 35
( lenociove Atlanis , C'immtha , . , . . . . . , . . . . . , 17
Wiliimzlu J. Shroder , Omnaima . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
isteiia Nutmtbmtln , Onmaimmi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
P 'V. Edwards , Dunlap , Is. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
1abcl 'I'horuas , Dunlap , Ia. , , . , . . , . . . . . .
Pronouncement of an Alienist on the Growth
of Mental Diseao.
, o , Cur. , for This Forum of Itssttnit'
anti Ilnri3' 'I'rninliig for 'imtlt
the Ottly UI-nlIN h3 VIiicls It
Cuim lie Avoliieol ,
Time fields of knowledge concerning nervous -
ous and nmcimtal diseases were explored at
the morning session of the Nebraska MediCal
society anti a deep interest was shown In
the extensive discussians. II. Ii. Lowry is
cimairamarm of timis sectiomm anti he opened up
a symposium of a number of papers from
several of the leading practitlommers of the
state. The features of the morning were
a treatment of "Progressive Paralysis of
thin Insane" and an exchange of experiences
with Pimases of paresis. Dr. J. M. Akin of
this city exhibited a case in point on atmcxla.
v , M. Knapp of Lincoln dealt with the
mental symptoms , followed by C. E. Coffin
on tlio soimmatic symptoms.
Dr. 3 , I. Greene , into assistant superin-
temident of ( lie Nebraska Hospital for tlme
Insane , discussed the chances of a cure for
aresis amid what migimt be done as a imre-
ventivo. lie thought that little could be
hoped for in the way of a cure. In effect
time doctor timought tiiat a wet elm club was
Just about as elilcaciotms in the amivanced
stages as the au too frequent method of at-
tcmnptitmg to subdue time nmaniacal excitement
by the USC of narcotics.
"The increase of paresis , " the speaker remarked -
marked , "Is steady , In 1538 time per cent
of paresla was 12.6 ; in 1867 , 18 per cent , anti
at time PresemIt time it i from 23 to 25 per
cent. Time alarming increase of so formidable -
ble a disease causes it. to be regarded as
Incurable , anti this being established , pre-
ventlon may be suggested as the best means
of treatmnemit. "
A preventive treatment , Dr. Greene said ,
iends into time domain of ethics , anti espe-
daily time ethics of childhood and yotltum.
It Is during these epochs in life that mnorai
teaching wili take tieepest root. lie who
merges Into manhootl wiUm a mnorai sense
developed and appetite under control witim
a knowledge of the imarmiul effects of alco-
imolism amid excesses will at least be loss
linbie to blaresis in adult life than time untaught -
taught amid uncuitured. He said :
To do timis good laws are required , but
gootl teaching at imonmo and at scimooi would
do moore. Under existing circumstances
there is a Paimiful lack of ethical instruction
insotar as ethics pertain to time sexual
life , both by parents amid teachers. Parents
are too macmob inclined to concitmle that boys
are good ; at least tlmat they will do no worse
thaim their parents have domme before them.
hygiene in our pimblic sclmools is too nmuch
000tilletI to aesthetIcs ammtl consists nh too
frequently of fnmmaticai dissertations lIlOtI time
lmarnlful effects of tea , coffee amid tobacco to
the neglect of mmmccc important teaching.
Drs. Knapp , Ilildretb , Gahan and otlmers
Imarticipateti in time dlsclmssi'h.
Dr. A. D. Nesbit talked oim ataxia and Dr.
Milroy on lntracrnmmial hemorrhage.
Dr. McConaugimcy , presided imm the presi-
dent's cimair during the mnormiing session.
AltciioImiit'e it4 IlmeremiNed ,
Time aftermmoon and evening sosIons of time
society were attended by a larger number.
of people than at any other time. Nearly 300
iistoimod to time pctpers in time afternoomm and
Imlammy able discussions were heard. A lecture
of unustmai interest and for wlmicim tIme society -
ciety comnpiimnentcd time author by a rising
vote of timanks was prsented at the open-
iimg by J. B. Murphy of time College of Pimy-
sicians ammd Surgeons of Chicago on time subject -
ject of "Intestimmal Surgery , " which arocmsetl
atm extraordinary amount of interest. The
paper really partook of the nature of a Icc-
ture miami was presented in a highly inter-
estimmg style. It. was prommocmnced a magnifi-
cemmt address.
J. P. Lord of this city exhibited an apparatus -
paratus for applying hot air iii the treatment -
mont of shock , artimritis , etc. , and was nmost
attentively histeneti to. A subject that cx-
cited commsiderable immterest In discussion was
caiied tmj ) by time ISPOt of Dr. henry 'IV. Coo
of I'ortiand. The paper was an exercise In
heart disease. It received some attention
again at time evening session. Oilier papers
were tliscmmssed during the afternoon.
Iuring time afternoon tlme members anti
visitors were supplied witim badges anti conm-
idimentary tickets to time exposition tonmor-
row , time tickets being provided by time state
society , wimo wilt complete its three days'
session witim a general good time.
4n annex to the Armory hail is provitlemi
with a great variety of exhibits of especial
lmmterest to the profession.
At time reconvening of the meeting In the
evening a lively business session was hcld
Committee reports were read anti timen time
mmmommmbers enjoyed a respite wimlie time officers
were elected for the year.
Ollicers for ext Yt'nr.
ltobert McConammgby of York alid A. It.
Mitchell of Lincoln developed as tIme two
strongest candidates for president. Time bullet -
lot decreed Dr. Mitcimell preaitietmt.
limformal balloting for two vice vrcslilermts
followed. There seemmmed to be a desire to
honor sonic eighteen different persons with
this ollico in both time offices of lirat nmmd see-
mmd vice presidcmmts. J. ' 1' . Miller of Iloldrego
was finally , by a suspension of tile rules ,
tieclared unanimnotisly ebectemi first vice
pretldeimt nnd A. D , Nesbit 0 ! Tekalmiaitmlec-
omimi 'ieo presitlelmt. Time efficient anti obliging -
ing iiresent aecretmmry' Ocorge ii. Sinmmnons
of Lincoln , was re-ciected as was also \V.
Al. Kmmapp for trenstmrcr mind Ii , B. Lowry
of Lincolmm as correspommdimmg secretamy and
Iibrariaim ,
Timis business having been disposed of
ammmiti some generni gooti natureti cimmmffitmg ,
i'rcsimient Bridges immtromltmceci hobart Arnory
hares of time Jeffersoim Medical coiiege ,
Pimilutlelpimia , wimo tlmemm tlelivered an atld ross
on "Time Tmeatimmeimt of Some Grave Comnpli-
eatiomma of liseasos. " Dr. ilmmre Is a commm.
ParntivciY young mmmii anti ltimm mititiress
teeineii with timo'glmtfui smmggestiommmm. it was
a brigllt and was received with time
keenest entilusimmmmmu ,
After this mmmormming's sessiomm time convemm.
tion of doctors will be emmtertntnetl at time
oxpositinhl immformnauly by time Ommmmilma Medical
society mmmmd thus eveimimmg tlmero will be a
"snicker. "
Aimmoimg time visitors at tile commventiomm yes.
icrduy ( roam abroad vere : J. M. Mrmttimews ,
l.otmisviiie ; A. " 1' . iliackimurn , Atkinson , Nob. ;
itniimii ilaimmon. Lemvlstoim , ill. ; J. N , Love ,
St. Lotmis ; Al. B. l.a Force , Ottumnwa , Is , ;
T. C. AlcClecry , Bxeter , Neb.
'l'iiiCoisi IlO'll liii LIiiiidcii.
The mmciv'mibaslm olitl vestibule train of
day coacimes , sleeping mcliii duimimmg cars.
train for tourists mind all classes of travel.
L.ecve Chicago ( dully ) , 12 noon.
Lavu St. Louis ( daily ) . 9:10 : mc. m.
Arrive New York via \est Simore , 3:30 :
p. m ,
Arrive Bostomi via Fitcimburg , 6:50 : p. m.
All agents sell tickets ( or this truin amid
vIIi tell you all about it. Ask hmini or write
0. N. Clayton , NV. . I' . At. Wabash It. It.
'tuu Can
Reach David City , York ,
Harvard , hastings In
a iarlor ebair car without
cimammge it you only
take time "Elkborr" 3 p. m.
traumm from Webster St.
depot ,
1401 F'mmrnammm St.
'I'lle aiiperli LIullmiie1mm
SIId culck thime of the Union l'acifle nmakei
it the popular line to all primmeipal western
resorts , City ticket office. No. 1302 Far-
earn St.
Sillier . ' . Cnili1er1hm& SIiiiimlcitt of
tiat See4tip , froitim Olminhift
tel Nesa' 'iirk.
The $300,000 'm-dfuntilng bonds that have
been hangIng fire since early In the spring
on accoummt of the state of the bond market
lntitmcetl by the 'ar will be shipped to Spit-
zer & Co. of TOiedb , 0. , at once. This is 1mm
accordance withaan order which City Tress-
urer Edwnrtls rcelvett yesterday anti is ac-
conmpmmnlctl by mm. assurance that time caslm is
ready when thmebonds are deposited at thi
flscai agency ot4ime city in New York.
These arc the bonds that were Issued
early in time year to take up the outstnntlimmg
liabilities that had accummmuiatetl frommm year
to year ammdahiow the city to begin 1898 with
a clean balance sheet , At that time the bond
market was in excellent condition anti a
number of vesy high huts were recelveti for
time issue. lJniuckily the city allowed itself
to be taken in by a postage stamp bid of
an impossible premniummm , Time purclmmiser
backetl out , of course , ammtl time city is how
contesting Its right to the cimeck tlmat was
deposited as security. These coimmpiicatioims
delayed time sale until time lmimtrket hatl be-
conic stagnant and time next ativertlsemmeimt ,
brought sucim bo' bids that nomme of them
verc commsideretl , A few weeks ago Simitzor
& Co. nmade a very reasommable proposition
whicim was accepted by the city. The ortier
to ship time bonds closes time deal mmd the
proceetls will sooim be available. Timese will
take up a lot of claims tlmnt have beemm hang-
lag fire simmce 1897 , incluthiimg tIme salaries of
city officials for time last tms'o immontha of that
Visiting plmysiclmmmms anil druggists are in-
riled to inspect the laboratory of the Mercer
Cimemnical Co. , phmmmrmmiacetmticai cimemnists , 1112
ilowmtrd street , one-half block east of liter-
cer hotel.
_ www
P. C. Holland , ptmblislmer of "Time Detect-
lye , " the recogmmized police journai of
Anmerlea , is in time city attenmlimmg time aim-
numml umeeting of time Railway Special
Agemmts' assoclatiomm.
Mr. Holland , who immms a. very wide ac-
qualntance anmong time crinmimmal elemmment of
the country , said ime was surprised at the
great number of tIle grafttimg class of crimmmi-
imals that he nmet during imis simurt stay in
"Why , " said lme , "during my visit to time
exposition grounds yesterday I met mme less
tlman a dozen 'good' macmm mind several vo-
mhmen whonm I knew. Several of timomn I
talked to anti alt professed to be here omm
time 'square. ' They said they imati not
'turned a trick' slmico thmcir arrival , aitbougim
tlmey camno here for timat purpose.
"Time majority of 1timoso I mmmet were from
Chicago and ( roam what I could learn before
I heft imonme the Chmicngo representation dur-
immg the next few weeks will be greatly
SoIled , as a great inammy contemplate visiting -
ing Ommmaima lii a professiomial capacity. "
Like miii visitors ( rein Chicago Mr. Hot-
mmmd was greatly surprised at the magimi-
tude of the expositiomm and comnpared it mmot
unfavorably with time ; reat Chicago exposi-
. I'ersommnl I'zmammgriiliiM.
Dr. Al. B. La Force of Ottuniwa , Ia. . is 1mm
the city.
Frank Barmiett anti wife of Kansas City are
guests at time Barker.
Mrs. C. M. l'owehl is spendimig a few
\ecks ivltim friends in Chicago.
Conmmie Mack anti time liiilwatmkce Base Bali
club mire stopping at lIme Barker.
Miss Aimme Bumiof Lincoini is time guest of
time family of A. P. Tukey mm Chicago street.
Charles ' .0mm Mansfeiclo of Asblaimd is
spending a few days with friends In this
J. F. Edwartis , agent for time Burlington at
Arapaumoe , is In Ornnha vlsltimmg time exposi-
J'ort3'-six t1eieates to the Graimm Dealers'
convention are registered from Kansas at
the Barker , their headquarters.
v. C. floss , manager of the Wyoming Mer-
caimtilo coimipammy , Rock Springs , Wyo. , Is 1mm
the city. lie was formerly witim the First
National bank.
Wiiiiaimm amid Iko itaynmond. 0. H. Oakley ,
II.V. . Shmrmmirmmm and ii. A. McCrenry arc a
party of University of Nebraska mimemm visiting -
ing iii the city.
W. A. Little amid wife of Greenleaf , Kan. ;
11. J , Lane anti wife of Blue itapitis , Kan. ;
J. F. Lukert and Wife of Sabethma. Kan. ; N.
13. ilieatt and wife of Willis , Kan ; lii. H.
itolier , wife alid daugimter of Circlevilie ,
Kan. , are stopplmmg at time Barker.
Nebrasioamms at hoteis : Ii. It. Pettie , Fremont -
mont ; J. B. Templlim , Archer ; At. It. l'ersin-
ger , Cemmtm'al City ; Sanmuel Fl itutledge ,
iloltirege ; George I. Kelley , fleti Cloud ;
Charles Shields , ilildreth ; F. A. ( iralmaum , J.
iv. 1111cr , Al. B. Reese , F' . A. Bates , J. W.
Bmmtler nail wife. George Campemm , F. N. Tyr-
roll and wife , Limmcoin ; Alex hess , Junior. lit.
Beaver , ScribnerV. ; . N , Smmyder , Penner ;
John T. McClure , Beaver City ; Clmarles A.
Hubbell , L3rnuishias' ; J. T. Patcimeim , Nelson ;
J. v. Eiw'eli , Sprimiglield ; C. A.'ihiis ,
Elm Creek : ii. I' . Andersoim. Mimimleni ; Peter
Ebbeson , St. l'cuil ; II. Shank aimd daughter ,
Stuart ; A , G. McGrow , Geimeva ; Jammmes 0.
1)onnchl , H. 1' . Bellows , \Vahoo ; G. W. W'irt.
York ; A. D. Nesbit , Tckainnlm ; Thomas
Barr , hastings ; A. lit. Modisett , Itusliville ;
S. II. Bumek mind wife , fleriiim ; George II.
Brash , Itlbbomm ; 0. 'IV. ilurows.m.imsicy ; C ,
AheMencrmmey. Blair ; W. Ii. flartbctt , Cmuimp-
bell ; J , S. I'etller , Loup City ; J. W. Lantlcre ,
Arcatlin ; J. \ ' . 'l'hiornpson , Strmumg ; ii , 1) .
Meyer amid seife. Talmmmage ; Ilowmmi'd I lammeoclc ,
John Driscoll , Crmtig ; J. It. Kerr , Fnirvhibc ;
George T. flmmmmim , Aurora : T. C , Nelson , Sta-
, . , , , _ , , . ' 1' Y 'i'vinr Will.'I' 1. Cto.
art , l'almyra ; Al. T. Zehlcrs , 110011cr ; H , N.
Alien , Ai'apahoo ; C.V. . libom'iow , Wilcox ;
Jammmes Diimsmore , liebron ; 5 , C. Smmiitim , Beatrice -
rice ; C , L. Pritciiett , Fairbury'iiiis ; Mc-
l.irboie , Mudisoim ; George E , Sjcar. Seward ;
\v. S. l'earvo , Grnuitl Isimmnd ; Tiionmmas L.
Davis , Utica ,
Cook's ) I
Immmperlui ? FIR V. ( lelIcioull wine ,
Clmaimmpagiio I
J. F. Gibson of Marioa , superintennbemit of
tIme Iowa division of time Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Patml rommtl , is lim time city ,
J. 'F. Foley , travcliimg passenger agent of
tilt ) \'nimibaiia systemmi , m'iGm iiemmtlqumirters am.
Kammsns City , is 'in Ommahmj. :
The local Coopers' union Imas nrrammgenl a
picnie at. Snmrpy Alibis imoxt Sunday. 'lime pin-
mmicke.s will be cmum7ietl to time grounds on a
iccial liimrliimgtomm train that leaves the
milmion ( lepot at ii o'clock lii time immorimiimg anti
leaves Smirpy Mills for time return nt 10
o'clock at night.
A contimigelit of time Fifty.flritt Iow'a vol.
ummteers will pass through time city Thursday
afternoon over tlmo Ilurlingtomm passcmmger
traIn No. 3. They will arrive In the city
at 4 :12 : numti leave eight minutes afterwarti.
Time soldiers areon their way to San Francisco -
cisco nod arc journoyimmg in three tourist
cml ra.
Decrees iii divorce cases have been granted
mis follows : Kittbo A. Shaver against Arcliie
Slmaver ; Jessie \Vatson against Alfred \'at-
500.Time injunction case of the Streets of
Cairo against time expositioim association wnis
called in Jutlge Seott'u court , but omvlimg to
the fact Gmat time Chinese ease imad time riimt
of way passed ,
Iii time case of Clement Clark against iora
Clark tine defemmmlant has filed imer amiswr
in % % hicit s.lmo enters mm geaernml denial f the
cilmirges of unfaithfulness to tIme inarrimmnie
vows , As a counter claim she asks that she
ho sufllcicmmt alimony to iay her itt-
tormicy and support herself until the 00511
can ho disposed of , The defendant oulegos
that her husband bas a good positioli and
is abundantly bie to contribute toward imer
Three Days of' Spccial Bargains in Shoes
and Ozfords.
'Vito itimIimiir 0)1 'Viii. , V.'eo-k W'e Offer
Suiiie i Pt'Oiiil i"ili ( llzmrgiti tiN in
SIIIIPM anti ) ( , , at lUg
ltt-iiiot hum in i'mit'e.
l.adies' hannl made button imoes , turn sole ,
opera toe , widtims A nmmmi Ii , at tile , cut fromn
Ladies' viel kiii bahs , coin toe , cloth top ,
wimlthis A to E , at $2.23 , worth $3.00.
Latiies' olark tan vici mimi bals , coin toe.
stock too , at $2.25 $ , cheap at $9.09.
Ladies' vicI kid oxformis , coin toe , stock
tip , silk vesting top , eitimr black or tan ,
at $ .25 , a bargain at $3.00.
Ladies' white cammvas oxfords , kid triimiimmeml ,
at 98c , cut froum $1.50.
Misses' fUme kimi oxfords , either black or
taim , at ' .iSc , retiuced fmonm $1.50 mind $1.85.
liuises' black antI tmtim shoes , sizes 11 to 1 ,
wltitlms A amid H , at tile , cut ( roam $2.25.
Misses' fimmu strap slippers , either kid or
lmatemmt leather , at $1.50.
We have a great ninny special bargains
in ladics black and tamm oxtortis at tiSc.
'l'tmis great simoo reduction oiierImmg Is for
time bainmmce of this week ommiy , mmmlti if yotm
wammi to prolit , by our loss you wilt imave
tocomimo now.
Farmmain anti 15th Sta.
iiiui'i'v icon iituis.
i'ilNICIIIIIN ' .Vho Say Out , iimuy have
Yi'tLoy Fever SeeriLi 'l'lifleN ,
It is very true tiiat time southern troops
wIll be bettor able to stand the climate of
Cuba timan time imom-thcrmm soldiers , says time
Washington Post , but when autimorities on
tIme subject of yellow fever imear time itloa'i
of time atimimimmistrutiomi on tIme stmbject of so-
called ' 'lmmmmnunes' ' they enjoy a quiet laugh
at the Igimoramico tiispinyetl.
"Imimmmmtmnes" exist , but because a person
has imail yellow fevcr once it does mmot follow -
low hint he mmever will have it again. lie
mmmay have it twice durimmg ommo epitlemmmic , and
simoultl ime be exposed to it time imext year he
immay imavo it twice more.
Time people of tIme gulf states are acetmum-
tomeci to tropical heat ammti mimalmmrla , hut
those wimo eimroil their mmamimcs as "imnmmmummes' '
kmmow well time risk tinny run. Surely timese
"immmnmuues' ' will make noble soldiers , for
they realize fully time danger of lmivadiimg
Cuba , while time mmortimern amid western mmmcmi
can only Immiagine time Imorrors of "yellow
jack. ' '
lie has never been shmcmt up 1mm a city where
tile air is rank with imolson , wimere nil business -
ness is at a stammdstili , where ( loath reigns
stmprenme , where corps of noble muon bammd
themmmselves togetimer for time Imiml'Pose of car-
iimg for time sick ntmitl suffcriimg ; auth each tiay
wimen time roll is called mind this omme or timat
elmo falls to ammswer , time rest look at one amm-
other amid ask , ' ' \'hmo mmext ? ' '
Time so'.mtliern troops gemmerally are ammxious
to go to time frommt , anxious to heal time old
scar by lighmtimig for "Old Glory' ' aumtl vi1t-
immg to rumm time risk of fever to simow their
great loyalty to Ummele Sani.
Many - sotmtimerim plmyslclamms of note have
beemm consulted on time imnrnummo question ammti
each amid all agm'ee that raising reglmaeimts of
so-called "inmimiummes" is absurd. Aimmommg
these autlmorities Is Dr. J. C. Lellardy ,
health officer at Savammntahm , . Ga. , wimo Imas
wrlttcmm several voluimmes on time subject of
yellow fever and who has practiced in soy-
oral epidemics.
Whelm appeabeti to by a correspondemmt of
the Post he said : 'Tlme general belief Is
that you canmimot have yellow fever twice.
TImis is mimi error due to time vaut of exact
"Sommme persons never imavo it , but I have
treated otimers four tiimies ( luring ommo epi-
tiemnic , three timmmcs vitim black vommmit. I
imave trcatctl others three times aimtl mimaim ) '
+ , , , in. . A'nlr , I ln'o irnntp,1 In 1554 nor-
sons wlmo hail time disease 1mm 1820 ammd 1839.
in iSiS I-nttemmded a nummiber wimo suffered
again iii 1851. 1mm 1876 , time last time we imad
time fever imm Savannah , I imad vatients 'a'lmo
had hccim time victims of three pm'cvious opt-
deimmicS. "
Br , Lehimirdy also stated positively timnt the
yellow fever belt does not include tIme gulf
states , hut extends froni soutlm Fboritia to
South AmerIca mud that as long as tile San-
itatiomm of ammy southern city is good timere
will mmot be a state of epim.Iemnic.
Wimenm asked wimy mmatlves of time IVemot Indies -
dies rarely stiffer a secoild timne from "yci-
low jack , " tIle imuthmorities all agree timat it
Is becatise they avoid imihaling the loison
by keeping out of time infectt'tl localities at
imight and iii tIme early immormmiimg ,
rubRIc iir.
The Nortimwestern Line Dayligimt Special
now heaves the U. P. depot mit 6:40 : a .mn. ;
arrives Clmcago 8:45 : caine evcnlmmn ; . No
change iii time other trains. Tim C'vem'ianil '
Linmited 4:45 : p ma. minti the Omaha Chicago
Special at 6:45 : p. mmm. arrive at Cimicago 7.15
amid 9:30 : respcctiv&'iy , next morniimg. Time
inmost amlvanced vestibtmied sleepers , dimmers
ronmd free pallor chair cOiS-ol cotirse-what
else would time "Nortitwestorim' ' liars ,
C1t Ticic ° t 0111cc 1401 8'rnanm et.
l's'LiGi l'l''l' iIAIN 'I 0) COLORADO
'iu hock lslitiiii lIouitt ,
Leaves Omaha 5:20 : mm. ni. . arrives iomms'er
and Colorado i3mrimmgs 8 p. 1mm. Take this
traumi and save sleeping car rain of $3.50.
Ticket office 1323 Fmmrnnmim trret.
While slmopiiing ; i ; : . I'etem'somm of 2207
Sommth Tlmirteeimtli street lost imer lmoeletiiook
to sonmo clever piclmpohet.
Time ( rmitt stantl of 13. Rosin at Slmermmmamm
avcntio nimti Pimickney sti'ust was Liivmlmeii
01 mcmm antI booted of its stock of fruits aiil
A smmemtk thief entorcil time roomn of Geoigo
Larange , 314 Soutii 'I'welftlm street , anti smobc
it suit of cbotlIllig anti several articles oR
roommi.fimrillshiings. .
Memorial sc'rvi"es for time late George Al.
O'tirmeim will 1)0 held 1mm court nmonmi No. 1
mmoxt Saturday mnormllng. it is expected that
timei'o viii be a. large attemidamico of lawyers
on this occasiolm ,
Dff& :
Highest Honors1 Woi-ld's Fair
Uold Medal , Midwinter Fair
lice , Jimmie 10 , ' '
Great Olothing House
-The Greatest In the Entire West-
One great reason r1ij we excel in Clothing bnrgiiiis :
is that we are Clotltiers-nolluing else. Olotliiiig is
our IU5t11CS51 our Olily llllIillCSS , 0111' COllStlllIt ituty
lilorluhig , 110011 tulI iuight. 'P1i'it great big stoi't of
0111'S 15 1i1lCI ( to the i'oor s'it1i iuotluiiig but clotluiiig-
SUItS OVel'COttti UI1lJ1'Vi.'fl1' S1uii'ti S1ioei lint
, , ( ( , , , ii-
flll iort : of eot1uing tliit : a man oi' boy wears. Our
Jll'C1'S lUhtil ' the bet ' bC-
) i'nlly get clothing IlIi'gahilfl -
CflUiJ : ( they buy itotliluig but dotluing-ihoy Iuiivo no
i'ibbons or harnesses oi' solps : on their l1lil1di. 'flint's
the theory ol' it. If you waiil to iee how t.i'ue it is
in 1)1'flCtiCt ) COilIC Iii tolay ( 811(1 1OC the great titt VI'O
at 5.00 , 7.50 , 10.00 and 11.50 a suit ; .
Nowlioi'e-no not uiy place-in this bi'oail ! flli(1 etlI *
you. money go as far Ill buying elothuiig as it can "y'
rigli I liei'o.Ve ask you to 1)llt tlii sti'ong statement
to aiiy test you choose. VTe give you time &iiiongti *
, to do so. 'Wliit ; we soil today we are renly to buy
back tomorrow , or next week ; yes , or any oilier
tilile that you 1111(1 0Il could have (10110 better ebe-
.wle.e. ] Not evei'y stoi'e would du'e ; to 1)111 ) a state.
iiieiit like that iii 1)l'ihlt.
SHIRT WAISTS-The U ) to 3,5O ,
nil kiimds , both w'imtte aumti colors.
JRESS SKIRTS-Liiieii , Pique ,
wool , silk amid mnoimair-best in Ommmalma.
FIES-BELTS-A11 the P0Pll11'
styies for ladies.
made at lowest tirlces.
LADIES' ' SUITS - We make a
specialty of ladies' ready-to- wear suits.
No trouble about the fit , style or quality.
You got your mnmommey's mvortim wheim ) 'otm
come to us.
e .SDflELD
1510 Douglas St.
. . . . . . a . . . .
ALL , I"
) '
S You may have a course of medicai
. trentrnment for
of all kinds at tile
ShepaM Medical Institute :
. New York Life Bldg. , Omaha , Neb ,
S , TICQCatarrh. . Deaf-
S 0 I Lt. , I t L I I L ) imess aimtl all
S Diseases of time Lnngs , Stomach ,
Kidneys , Nerves ammil lilooti , Itefer-
0 once , by permission , to 5,000 cmmrenl
0 lmaUemmta. Time largest mi'tiicmti offices
aimd practice in time % s'cst. 'fho Omnalma
0 lIce , leading daily , says : "The Simcpo
0 ard . ' .tctlical Iimtlttmte iii emitirely rella-
S bie tim a professIomial amid bmisiimcss
way. Dr. Simepem'u mimmml his associates
S have gained mInd fully maintained mm 0
S heading reputation in time treatment
0 of cimroimhc diseases. Tile puhiic may
safely trust thieimm. "
MI : ? 1T1' For testimonials from S
S V V I I I I L mirmimutermu , teseimers , bmiiui-
0 flPHS men , farmers , etc. , tolling imow
they mvere cured at imomo timrougim time
0 Mail System ,
S Qrint"Tile New Treatment ; o
ll/ % , l110w It Ctirc.m4. " is sent free
S to all ss'imo write , It is mm clean amedical °
0 mvork for time wllohe , fatally to rend
antI imi of great vulut' to all wimo selc
0 better health. Book arid Consuihtatior ,
S iiircmmics sent free to all inquirers. S
0 Medicines sent everywher. . State
yommr case and sommd ftmr opinion amId
0 lowest terms. Cliargomm low. ConC -
C tmttion ( moe , pormmommaily or by letter.
. , teIIIIPU ! 'l"ls , I'auu , .
4V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5
- . .
A free smmumlulo alp of Beef , Iromm mu.d Vi'immo " ' . . . . . .
s.iii for tIme Il1'xt few days be givemm to stmcit
( if 01.11' eustommncr tis tiesire it. *
( 'U's' DIUG I'Iti'iiS.
iteguilar Price. Our 1'ric ( '
lIe himirmmimnnm's Ileef , Iron mmmd'ime % * * * * * tic
SOC I iii rmmlmn nm' it I k' ' ' f , i romi a mliiV I ml e. . . . . 3 in
$1 .01) ) hitmrimimammm's hoof , lm'immm nilmi'llle . . . . 1913
25e ( 'immtnmbcriuiim's Colic mmmd iimtrrimuwni
( 'tIre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bOo
Quart btittie good I'ort or ' ' ' . . . . . . . . .
(1 , iiii t m'o-timlmlrt F'otimmt mti mm Syri imge. . . . . . . . I '
lIe Verimmolit htotit ileer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
ISo 'l'lm urmm lustmmm' ml Clit'i'r ) ' i'lmm lmilm : t 1' . . . . . . . . . I itt
SOc I itir&uftiril's Acitl l'imosimimnte. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[ Cc l'omimi's Extrmmot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
25c Allen's Footi'mmse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lIe
ft ( ) SimIan's l'sllehisia 'i'LllIiL'tH. . . . . . . . . . .
SOc l'ym'anmitl lile (2mmr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3m ' - . . .
1St , Aiict > ck'it l'mrmms I'iastcrq. . . . . . . . . . . . . . tie
23o ( 'mtrtt'r'H lJv'r 1'lii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12e
:50 : ( ' ; tstorimm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb
iCe ljmmclo Snimum's 'i'mmr Sonp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . So
$1.00 hoof , irtmim nmjml \'iim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lIe
ISo l'iem'ces l'mtrgmcti\'o l'i'hlets. . . . . . . . . lIe
Sherman & MoOonuell Drug Oo
1513 Dodge St. , Ommmnlumt. Neb ,
TIme Miltile , of tin' ilitiek Irmlgglti ,
No cimarge for jaimmiess extracting wimema
teetim arc ordered.
: b.3 l Gold ( rivlIH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 1,4)1) )
Ii ii ii ix- Vi rk , her thus ii . . . . . . . . .1.111 ,
( , iiil Fillings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . li.oIii % l ) .
i'chi otlmer work at sammme reiiimced li'lccS ) , - - - - - - -
120 South 11th , Cci1)ommglas. .
Opemm evemmimigs ummtll S o'clock. Smmmliiay
ummtii 1 1' . lii.
Lawn Hose ,
We sell is guaranteed-time vriccs range from
7m/0 to be icR foot. , *
: mi I FthtNtM S'I' . I
c 0 LLAR'
8 p s
; T .ec ! : . , TU0 TaKATS ALT I
-em ) Private Disease
1e&kN . & % um.ovdr , C
20YoarslZm)5lCnC i
11) ) Yearn in Omrmmmift.
: l :
. *
, .o. .
: 14thandFamnsm1BtS ,
OMAhR L'IIt.i :
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4t .jII
, , ! ! , _ , Ili's ( ho'nnmmii iii iiiiiiei'li ( ' * ili'pm iN
the ii'i'n'i umiliimli mif your nll's.
'l'Iii' 31i'lli'ssl 1411i'i ( ' ( ) ' liIuuhiN MIiI hii :
.rrr l's , ' lhii mii'ni'nl fo ) 101111's liiiii't IN
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his 1iimt'I..eiliiiIC , 'i'll , ' lioIliiINfM I 11111k
- Il'i'lilii nli''i' ihiiiiii' $ iiiiiki' $ 'oiir
.2l-i soi s
piil'50' ii DlpemIr iielit'r.
' 'I'll , . gnu , . liii yo'i's I Piiiil. so , Nilies
' - ifs t
.i'-'OJ ) Li
fill' Jill rMi gut l.i'ifi'i' ui ( iiviigi , ,
% h't'ii 11111 ii ( 'iVl'iN liii ' I ii iii.-
( _ , ( ) fJ ] 1 ] ) .1 ttc : C ) si'im loIn' Jillemlen ii' Imiiiiihiiiig fiit'ii , jiM
111th' mis iunnihilm' .
I ? tli1 irn 3. .i1ILIll Soiit folios emIfimer tenmir iii a IIj.r
mmrh nlii'ili I Ic store I lint sig nil imiiern
c : . . . ' '
( .ml'i. nil lillili' liiiIliNlIfllhN it 4'Ill' loi'
l't'll I : uiiml iii Iii' , ' , , . ' ' . ' r' i ii ii i hl'n
iI3(11'3t1 1 , iiimi Pu ) Iii'ilFI ) ( ci' ( lit' iiicitIireN ut C ,
hii'i ilj Mi't'ii I hero' , 4
s ale iiliio' iirefei III Iiul' ipf a sluro hil.ii
, ' lmert iiuii limi'm'm
Diii's , huh i''iiiiiiiilii' -p pit
I iii tcrstn to iiimiii gocils ( ' 1151 il'liiI ,
) _ ' ) . . * ) i'hio'I hii'r ii.
C .1 ii .13 ti 331s i' lIJii iiIit'Pi , or ilmit's iiiit , hieiiiiil I I , - ,
flit- , mm.if.riuni.rmilIg i'liinn , tt'riiii
I ? ii1 % % T } ) Y 11 $ III ii I Il''reiltq' oil i'll iler itli , I ii& oi-
$ , ! iitiiIhi'l iiiic his iiiiit' ' .
, i'l 'c : ? ii tS' 'l'Iiiit iiii silvo' iiuflht' . Tiieil h.ii liii ; - '
ilt'Etu Is i''iiio'ilt I y t'd ) r't'ct , tiiiiiil I
it'll ( N sisiiihi t't iieiiii It ii ron , rm'l ii I , im
1 .ii , i.7c I 3 tI 0 Il
shill II irolitn iiii.i niiiitll IiriitN iI'ldPiJilM
lIlt' o'imst of Uli4IiM.
.i1siitb1Od isil't I liii I t'tiiiniiii'iml * t
v ( , gmiiii'iuiiie ( ' lii fii.'iiinha itti tilt
mm'ttI stilt for ) 1.3(1 ( imiiii &iii miii i'iiuI '
h.mucu ! o'lsu' iimi'sleii itiiil for oiL'
liii nil mm miumi I ii'tit liii(1,7. ( . ,
' oliii'm clot iiliii tleiuhi'r mb I
w HEREAS : K-z 2 a B f I n I I I' , 'uhul elm i muir 44 f
c ( 'UIii'Nt' * iim' ' i'iihil if their i's-
I I a-j x etc. . etc . lu'iNi's , I' , ti'i' Ill ) 1 hisimi our , ,
His I ilS I I lit , miii r vui lION U CC miii Ph it'iilm'il
I , , . iii lit-r shires fI'emlimioiliIh I ) ' for Rut it
I , ii I' lii ins's ,
% ell mm ill Ihisil lhl'i&l here at iiii * iitia' ,
. . . . - - - - - -
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