_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'VIlE OMAHA DATLY BEE : 4Ru1SIAY , JU E 16 , 1898. 7 iIAUIS TILE 1E1T1I ( OUTFiT , " Ornaha'R WCSICTfl League Team Looks Aftar Manager Thick's Originals. d CHANGE MADE IN THE BATTING ORDER p. Vhtnlng , Insa nud linrit u I.cnhl off In time , , StHt P- LIeN Cunccrnliig t I.e Cnt- t.Mt TeMtrsIn ) . An off ( lAy mr Omaha In the \'cMern kngtio chethiIo offered the excuse for a fra caa tctwen the league Lenin anl Buck Rdtlts OrIgInnli out at the new ball vark ) CIteTlfty afternoon. The IlabeB Id not try awfully hnrt , but the iCetthltes (11(1 ( and fltfckcrhio ilnnccd little Jigs all around 1iIii. v1C whcn hIs ; pets tuived a shutout by n3ak- Ing a fat little tally In the Blxth. The acort vh 2 to 1. Thoto were two reatureM In the game. One vn a 110W vrnkIo In the 1attng Ust , which _ lf probably MnhII for awhile. It hooks good . (10(1 worked well on the Originals. The eec- end p1cturquo bit ot the contest wn. the presence of 1)oinn at Rhiort for the Bucki. * Ili did n6t burn ai , the earth exactly. Buck lCeitIt'H uniirIng ) was another feature , by tilL ) Wfl ) . Thin OrlghtliilR put up a good flght for a hot of amateurs under the circumstances and were tHorn than HatbfleI in saving a Bkunk. Tto run came in the RIxth. IJolan , the 1hrt inati tip , nnulo a two-bagger on the firat ball idtehied flflfl WOS brought. home by Scuhly'i sliiglu. The only thirto other hilts rerc . ' banged out by Bradford. Thu score : ( OMAhA. - , . . All. It. 1I.SILSII.PO. A. E. ] leitlng , rf 5 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 } : tItitt't , b r. 2 4 3 0 4 3 1 itfiat , HM r 1 2 0 0 3 6 1 l'lckurlng , InC 5 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 JyH1H II ) . . . . . . . . . . . II 2 8 1 0 10 0 0 J'reHtofl , If . . . . . . . . 3 1 J U I 1 0 0 ( : i fulllngnwortli. lii. 4 2 0 0 0 2 1 0 - - - ,1cCntilay , c . . . . . 2 1 2 0 6 3 0 Butlei , i , . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 U Totals . l9 12 11 7 1 27 15 2 ORIGINALS. . . - - All. ft. htShI.SU.1'O. A. E. Witlhqr ,3b . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1)htlII , l . . . . . . . . 4 1 1 0 0 2 I Scully. rf&p . . . . 4 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 \ liltiioy nit . . . . . 2 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 Brailrord , 2E ) . . . . . . . 4 0 3 0 0 2 2 1 JowinRti. lb 4 0 0 1 U fl U 0 Miller , If . . . . . . . . . 'I 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 FIlJle. ; I&rf . . . . . . . 3 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 bIgec : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 U 0 0 5 1 1 t TlttLk ) . 2 1 L 2 0 27 20 F OninluL I C ) 1 4 0 0 2 1 0-12 Origlunhi . . . . . . . . . . . U 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 1lLrn ( ( I runs : Omaha 3 : Orlgl an l. 1. 1'vo.bite 111tM Plckrlng , Fustaee , Dolan. 1 IilhlngH IlLChled : ily huLler , 9 ; by 1't1hIe , 3 ; by Scuihy , fl 111tH : Off 11thIi , 5 ; off Scully. 'I--- IL'IId P1 tl Il(1 ( hi ( On 1)01k ; By Butler , \ \ 'zdlerVIltnoy. , . 11dIc ; by 11t1Ic , 1 'Itunhiig , I I)113 , IcCatiIoy (2) ( ) ; I' Scuihy , Etistuce , lilt Unulcy. I3LeH on hit by idtehied hail ; By Eddie. Ly1)n , PreMton. Struck out : By Butler , \'aUer , Bradford , \'IhIIc ; I ) ) EI1hic , Eastace. I3uttur by Scully , Fhein- lng Loft oh ; : Onnlia , 9 ; OrIghutI , i 'I'Iniij of galno : Out' hour nail forty 3nlnUtl.4. ! UmpIre : Ituckerinu Koith. scoJtIs oL' 'rI n V1iS V1ItN I nal Iniis.pul IM 1)ropM tlii Fl rMt One to * Iii linhiNuls CI I y 1ANSAt3 cvrY , June 15.-IndianapolIs lOst the I1rt game of the series to thin Ithues. The h1IflO team pounded eleven hits titit Of i'hiilllps , hut the hatter received good support. am ! lint few of them vcre Inalo to count. Score : iLl I.E. KnnsaH City . . 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 _ 3 11 2 ] iidiityrnpolls . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0-2 3 3 Ilatttrlus : 1ansas City. Egtn andy WIlson - - - . - son ; I tul iUflaIOlIS , Phil I I is and iuhioc. - s'rANIiNI OF TIlE 'fEiS. , . - ' 1'IayttI.Voi. : . Lost. 1.C. JrldilLiIaInill' . 41 30 Ii 6.2 St. Paul 48 30 IS 6.3 : Eiinsas City . . . . . . 47 29 18 61.7 Coitiflihus 41 24 17 55.5 Nllwntikco 46 26 20 56.5 Introlt .47 17 20 36.2 Mliinuzipolk . 46 13 31 25,3 Onuilia 41 11 30 26.5 cntTies today : Intllanapolls ilt Kriiunts City ; Mltvnukee at Onmhn ; Detroit at ZLiii. 3t'ztiiohls ; Coluinlius at St. Paul. - - - - - - G.t31I6S O1' 'I'll I NA'i'I IXI. I.Ii.i ( lIE. . .iist tiii iIiI. s ( Iii Colont ls 1iok I.Ii.i : I lot or 'l'OSI)1N. LOUISVILLE , June 15.-The Colonels ( ' 0111(1 not touchi Jlrelteustein pail were 1u .L I in thlO % IflC The fielding of Cor- ( orzin and Mcl'lien s'ns it feature. Catcher W'ilMOfl and Outilelder Josh Clark \vero . given notice oi their release today. Attend- . - alice , 200. Score : elNclN.'rI. I.OUBSVI lt.IL.O.A.E. iniith , it. . , , 0 2 3 0 0 F. Cliirk. . it U 0 3 0 0 Iteckley. lb. 0 0 11 0 0 Iltelu'y. ie. 1 1 3 5 0 MeI'hec , 21. . 1 1 0 5 0 hey. f . . . . . 0 2 3 1 0 \lcltrttle. ef. I 0 0 0 0 1)ixt.r rt , . 0 0 U 0 0 ,1IIIer. rf , . . 0 0 0 0 0 4tiifforl , 2i. I ) 0 0 2 2 ( .reorun. L I 1 1 4 0 W'agn.'i , iti. 0 I ) II 0 1 Irwin. Ui , . . 0 1 2 2 0 Cl1'gnn. 3t' U 1 3 5 0 Vuglin , c. . 2 1 4 0 0 ny1cr. c. , . 0 0 2 1 0 Iti t nst n. , 0 0 0 2 0 Iruzer , p. . . 0 0 1 0 0 - - - - - .J. Clarke. . 0 0 0 0 0 t r.tuI . . . . 5 i ; 27 13 0 - T&tal'i . . . 1 4 2 14 3 'Ihttted for Frazer in ninth. Cincinnati . . . . . . . . 0 0 1 2 0 1 1 0 0-5 - iOii1iVlhIC . . . . , . . . . 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-1 4r- hnrned runs : Cincinnati , 2. 1'wo-tiase Iii t : I lay , : i I nine cii us'a : ugh a , Corcorn U. SacrifIce hilts : ltltcliny. Dexter , Stuheii lai4es ) : SInIth (2) ( ) hcPiiee , Vaughn. FIrst bao on balls : titt Frazer , 8 ; otT Ilreiten- 14t&'In , 1. Struck out : By hlreltt'istt'Iii. , 2. Iotililo 1)1111 : hey toVngncr. . Passed . mi ii : Snyd er. I uft on Iaisrs : iou tvil to , ( tnc'l ann t I , 7. 'l'tine : 0 in' ho U r aiuh Il ( ty- Ii . . minutes. i'intilres ; Svurtvood utid ' IVOOI1 , 1'I i iItt'N III I t 'I'Ii re. ' St ru Iglit , ( 'hEVE1AND , June I5.-'t'ho 1'irnte iiuiihi It three straight by ) , iinclilng lIve Ii I I H 10 1 ho seveilt Ii Iiiiil ig. 'I'Ii a t tel Is t Ii o whiole Ht.ory. Scorn ; ( 'l.IVIl. . NI ) , I'I'i'TStllYltcI. IL.II.O.A.E. ) Iurkett , ir. a i i u U Ionovan , i-f 0 1 0 0 I ) ( titll , , lb. . . 0 0 I S I O'Iirlen , Cf. 0 0 0 0 0 W'ahlliC'4' , 31i I ) 0 3 1 1 triiy. lb. . . . 0 0 I I 0 . : . : i'K' an , , i. I I 2 1 0 M'artiiy , It 1 2 4 0 0 'I. , 1'au , , II' . I 3 i 0 0 lavls , 1i. . . 0 1 9 0 0 Pliik . r ( . . . 1 2 2 0 0 l intl'n , 2l. I I 1 2 0 Me Iecr , ef I ) 1 0 0 0 Iiow'rmn , a 1 2 6 0 0 Y.iiuui'r c. . 0 0 6 1 0 lIy. : s . . . . . . 0 3 6 3 0 \"Itiin ( , I' ' . . . 0 U 2 0 l'IIcii. ' p. , . . 1 0 0 1 0 iYoniior. U 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - Totals . . . , I 10 27 7 0 TotaI . . . . 3 Ii 27 II 2 'Ilatteil for C'tilIth lU ninth. Cli'velanil . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0-3 I'Ittsburg . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-1 Ii riieil iii ns 1 Cl e''h a nil , 2 ; l'i t t Iit1 rg , 2. I .e ft on bu ses : Cle vuhii 1111 , 7 ; l'i I t shu rg , 7. : F I i'st lulNe ( ) I lath Is : Oil F II len , I . St rock ( , tlt : By Voting , 5 ; by KIIIeii , 3. Two.baso hilts : Yotitig (2) ( ) , Ithalco , 'h'i'ta'au. McCarthy t2) ) . Sncrtlire lilt : ] 1Iit'ii. Stolen bust's : t 1)onovnn , OIrin , Umpires ; Snyder utah ( 'ijittiol I y. TI inn : CHic hour a ad fifty-five UtlitUteti , Attttiiduice ; : 1Ui0. Meisiltors 1)ro Ito lIit ni , , IlAL'1'tI)1tI6 , Jttnt , I5-IIaltlnior. anil \ LI shlngt nit Iditvetl off a i 'ost ' IHllcd go tue I iiiht5 , Iii k I ng iit'i vu at a gi. ' it I u iiiit'ii titi t . italtitnore vott hituitlily. hat'l , tlt , , Oriole twirler. Ittiitg vruvticiills litvlitclhle. 'I'ho . game with called after \Vushlngtoii 1111(1 BAD BREATH I , Iiuve ben u.Iu ( tSLtLI7I'M and a. ft tiilltt flfltt cOectlvu lai.ttvo Ibt'y ure .linply we , , . , liruI My iIaulttr anti 1 t rii bottwrvcl with .Ii'k btOIliaclI atiti our bitnatti ai yt'ry Lad , Alter takIng i liw IiO0 $ lit Ca.carttN o , tiito igii.roycd itotIeruIIy. 'racy am u gnat hel ; In thu fatuity. " SYILluItlI NAI1EL. 1137 ltlttuuhiouio hi. , CIutIunnti , Utile. CANDY \ TRADI MiJN fIOh$1'lRlD PleaEtnt. 1a1tati1o. l'oteitt. 'l'asto (100(1 , lIe Good , ISuvur Slck , , . Weake , , , or U ripe. We , c , We. . . CURE CON5TIPATI0N. Shrhis , h1..p.d7 r..p. . , tkk& . , .tai T.k , ItS N 15 Soidnud gqarant ed by li drug. su thLito CUKETobaocu1h. flntRhed ith half of the eighth inning in order to allow the Senators to take the train for 1loton , Score : It,51.TlMOItt. WASIIINCIDON. 11.11 $3.t.I , . 11.11,0 A.II. M firaw , 2I,1 I .1 1 1 elllh. If..I I I 0 0 KeIrr , rt..2 0 2 0 0 (1ttnwn rIO 0 1 0 0 il nnlng ! ' , 21i.l I 3 1 0Anthrn , IIJ.0 I 10 2 0 Eitk.y. ef. . , , l 1 2 ' 1 0 McluIrp. C. .0 0 3 2 0 Bement , . .1 2 1 2 fllteitz.21 , . . . ,0 1250 Mciann , Ih.1 2 7 0 0 Miyerii. 81 , , . .0 0 2 I I Ilniraci , , It. . .1 2 2 o o Wrlifiy , . .0 0 I 2 3 ItohIflon , c.0 0 4 0 I Mcrrr. at. . .0 2 1 0 1 Mtiul , , . . . . . .0 0 0 0 0 Donovan , : ' . .0 0 0 2 0 'l'otalq . . . . . $ 921 5 2 TntnI . . . . .I 1.2114 4 Washington . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-1 Baltimore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 0 0 0 5 0 0 - S EaritNi run : Baltimore , 3. Two-base ItIt : Mcflann , I'mont , Anfiersoit. Stolen buses : McGraw , Keeler , Delnunt , holmes , Seltinhi. 1)ouble play : Jenning , , to Robin. lIon. IJats on hal Is : Off Maul , 1 ; fliT 1)01w- van , 6. 1 lIt by nitched lath : By DnIovan , 1. Struck out : lIlt IntiI , I ; by Donovati , 3. I'nsse'I ball : Mcnlre , I. 'lllI ldtches : 1)onovnn , 3. Left on bns : Ilahtininre , 3 ; % \'nshlngton , I. TInte : One hour and forty- five tnIruts. , UmpIre ; : Cttshtnn niul I Ieydler. Attendance , 520. ( nI f Vl , I ti'sYflMIq'tq I Iii' lIrni n. ChICAGO , June 15-GrlIhIttfs heavy PI I citing a ad per f.ct stipport nil tvcil hut flOe of the Ilrowns to much thiril today. At- tettilance , 1,100. Score : CIl1tO. WI' . I/thi. lt.lt.O.A.fl. ) t.1t.O.A.I. ltynn. It. . . . 2 2 o I 0 lawiI , ef . . . . 0 0 2 U 0 lverltt , lb. 0 2 9 0 0 ifti.nzel. rI. . 0 I 3 0 0 1.angr. ef. . 1 1 C 0 0 harley , rt. . 0 0 1 0 0 Da1iIn , . . I 1 3 3 0 ( ro"i , 3b. . . . 0 2 2 r , a t'Cink , Ii , I ) 1 2 I 0 lecke , II , . . 0 1 13 0 0 Merte ! , rf. . 0 0 I 0 0 ft'r'le n , e. . 0 2 1 1 0 Conner , 21.0 I 3 4 OQutnn,21.0 2210 IonihiUe , C. 0 1 3 1 0 Stuithi , . . . 0 I ) 0 4 2 ( IrIhlltIi , i , . . 0 0 0 1 0 1-i'er , I'0 ' 2 0 4 0 ( 'Itttii'nts . . 0 1 0 0 0 TotaI . . . .4 91711 0 Totnis . , . 0 II 24 1 , 2 'hlntted for Sniltht in the nlntht. Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . .o 1 o o 0 1 0 ' -1 St.IouIq . . . . . . . . . . . . .000000000-0 lnriieI runs : Chicago , 3. Left on 1,1151'S : ( 'Itlcago , 7 ; St. LJtIii4 , 10. 'I'wo-Iuse III t14 : Ityitti , 2 ; 1vcritt. 1. HltcrIhlce Itlts : Mertt's , IovI. , St itleti IIISPS : Iithi I en , 2. IothI ilo 111115's : Connor to EVeritt. Struck .itlt : By ( irIItIth , I. III1MCS Oil 1tiihI OtT ( rilhIth. I ; (1ff 1sier , 2. I lit by baIl : Sugden. Tinie : Otto hour tutu thirty-live minutes , Urn- vlrcs : Biushle and Curry. IIOMIIIIi Iti Itti lis % 'iii. I1OSTON , Mass. , JIltie 13.-Although tIte home team WIiI crippled by the ztlntence tt 14)flg tIn t1 I In In ii toti 1'Ii llntleh 1,111,1. , % % US beaten with the greatest ease today. Score : ito-i'o : . . 1'li1LAlit.I'1 lt.t. It.Il.OA.fl. It.II.O.A.I6 , fluffy , Itj. . , 3 2 2 0 0 Ceoley , ef. . I 3 2 1 0 'l'ettny , It , . , 4 2 II I I I ) glutS , II , I 11 2 I ) t21i1111is , 4h ) . I 2 0 4 U 1)elelit'y. If I 0 2 0 1 i4tlvetts , ss. 1 3 0 1 1 1.Jole 21 , . . 0 2 4 3 1 tfrrgon , c. . 1 2 4 1 0 FlIck. rt. . . . 0 0 0 0 0 , . . . , ' , , . . 0030 Ycager , ci. . 1 1 2 0 0 M'Faril , p 1 1 0 1 l.ove , 21.1 I 4 SOCrosq. . . . . . . I 0302 Ii'wl. . t , . . . . I ) 1 1 2 0 lunkk , p. . . 0 0 I ) 0 0 t latt , p. . . . . 0 I I ) 0 0 TotaiN . . . .I2 16 27 14 2 Wheeler. t' . i i . Total , , . . . .6 921116 11Iston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 I 0 5 0 1 1 2 -12 PIlilafielIthia . . . . . . . .0 1 1 0 0 0 (1 0 46 Earned ruts : Boston , 5 ; I'hilndehphia 2. Two-base hIts : Tenney , Ilergen'euger. . Stolen bases : Teliney (2) ( ) , Deleltanty , La- Jolt. . Double plays : Cross to Lajoie , Cros ; ( I , Douglas. I. lrst basl nit balls : fly Lev1 , I ; lyVheeler , 1. Struck out : Ily Lewis , 3. itsetI , ttlts : Bergen , 1 ; 1dcl"ariattd I. 'ild Idtche ; : Lewis , \Vhceler ; , 2. 'litnu ( If gnne : 'l'V , , hours zttttl tea ninutes. At- tOtitilLIlce , 900. UmpIres , ODay attid ? ilc- Ionttld. 11 IiHt ( CIII , , ! Eiioiigti to 1.oMe. NE\S' YOItN. June I5.-Rusie pitcheti a fairly gOi game today in Brooklyn. New York lost chiefly through their inability to bat. Attendnice , 2,674. Score : llltoogL.YN. NiV YO1B' . It.I1.O.A. } . flritIln.ct..1 1 2 00'rternan. . Joies. ri. . . I I 1 1 0 IiLV1 , . ss. . . 0 1 2 4 0 l.'t'll'flet' , 55 0 1 3 2 \"llait'r , , ef 0 1 2 0 0 4llPi'tltrt. ; It 0 1 2 0 0 iiltrtrnan. 3t , 0 0 1 2 0 'l'ticker , II , . . 2 2 14 2 0 ( flesson , lb. 0 0 3 2 0 I lftliltlt ! , , 2b 0 1 0 7 I Joyce , lb. . . 0 1 10 0 1 SlIn.tt. , ' , 3h. I 0 1 4 1 M'Crt'ry , rf 0 0 0 0 0 Ityan. e. . . . . I 2 2 1 0 Warner. c. . 0 1 3 0 0 Yaetcor , I ) . . . 0 1 2 2 0 lis1e. p. . . . 1 : i 0 2 2 Totals . . .6102719 I Totals . . . . I 621 10 3 Brooklyn . . . . . . . . . . . . .o I 0 4 0 0 1 0 -6 NewYork . . . . . . . . . . . .001000000-1 Stolen bases : Jones , Ryan. Sacrifice hits : JotIei , Davis Joyce , Tiernan , Shindle. FIrst base tn bails : Off Yneger , 1 ; oft Ittisle , I ; . Struck out : By Yneger , 1 : by Ilusle , l. Left on bases : Brooklyn. 12 ; New York , 5. q'Irno : One hour and forty-five minutes. UmpIres : Lynch and Anderson. STANDING OF' TIlE TEA'MS. Played. Won. Lost. P. C. Cincinnati . . . . . . . . . . . .41 3 14 70.2 Ifostoti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 30 IS 62.5 Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 : ; o is 62.5 llaItItoro . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 17 50.5 'IttsDliIg . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 27 21 56.3 Citlctigo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 26 22 51.2 New York . . . . . . . . . . . .47 24 23 51.1 l'liilatlelplila . . . . . . . . . .14 19 25 43.2 Brooklyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iS 19 26 42.2 Vzts1iligton . . . . . . . . . .45 ) S : : o 7. & St. 14)1115 . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 16 31 34.0 LottlsviIIo . . . . . . . . . . . . .si i 37 27.5 GltIfl'i tiii1tt'Vashiington at Boston , ilaltiruore at 1lrooItlyi CIncinnati at Chicago - cage , I'ltiltttlelithlitt at New York , Louisville at St. Lout ; . V'Nltrti .tMNloilt lou. OTTUM\VA , Ia. , Jutto 15.-Score : H. 1 I.E. Otturnwit . . . . . 0 1 0 1 8 4 3 3 1-WIG 4 Iubuquo . . . . . . U ( - flatteries : OtturnwitVelrner and Keefe ; lubuque , Carutey , hackett. ' .t'htornton and I lidg& ' . QUINCY , Ill. , Julie 35.-Score : 11.11.16. Qutncy . . . . . . - l'eoria . . . . . . - Batteries : Quincy , PrIce , Cooper , Lou- man uttiti Schwartz ; Peoria , Roach and Col- Uns. Uns.ST. ST. JOSEPh , Mo. , June 15.-Score : It. ! I. 16. St.Joseph . . . . . . - ilock Island . . . .0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0-2 8 5 flatteries : St. Josi'pli , Gooiielt atiti i lauseti ; itock IshanilVtth and Sage. I , utnstntIiiiiii. . 1)AYTON , 0. , Juno 15.-Score Ilrst game : 11.11.16. Dtt3'tofl . . . . . . . . . . - Fort\'ayno..0 ( - flatteries : Dayton , Itosehraugli IttitI Iyers ; Fort \\'ILYUO. Herr anil O'Meara. Su'contl game : It. I 1.16. Ityton . . . . . . . . .I 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0-7 8 5 Fort\Vayno..0 5 1 0 1 0 2 U ' -982 Batteries : Iayton. Streighit utuith Doria. httte ; Fort ' 1lytIe , Alloway t1I13 OMeura. IlnMteln I.t'tiguae. \'llkesbarre , 5 ; l ontreal , 3. Iroviuleiice. 2 ; Ititclu'ster , 5. Striiiglleltl , 6 : Iluffitla , 2. Syracu 51 ? , 7 ; 'j'oroi , to , : i. CNX1II IA'IC AND Ills IIIt16'l4Il. ( p thu Ii Ii lui . . I ( , Vsit ( a 'I'iuit gis 1iiijiii I- tItiit 'i'Itl , . _ t fttriioiii. The aggregation liilotetl by Cornelius Mc. Gllllemithily , otht.rwIsl ) ittith better known as Coittilutl'hC ( , svill be the next victinis of the lItitn s. 'I'Ite bresery outfit arriveti iii the cii > ' yesterday trial were Interesteti spec. I it tors a I t Ito gt ( ttt. Ijinycil bet ei'tt Ottill lilt Ii nit t 1111 Origl no I s y.s cr1111 ' it tternoon. They're a titisky looking lot of hulI tossers. 'l'hio ilitbet tutu Ilrowers vIIl have the first a f U. serIes of fit u t on t tht is ii lterncxit. 1'hie latter huive ( 'ohio trot , , Kansas City. Sc IfleWhitit tittliUtied a'er the drutblng they ree.'l . veil I h en' . Ito I ii t'ti'rtn iii ( 'ii t I ) 11111 ku it it ( or it lucre. But hut on us. declares ltiti- itier ; Fishier , rititi Ito's irett3' nearly titiunit rlgli t oil I limit Pruposl I hi ii , Flit hiti' t'I I I be I itt t Ii i' shtl , fit r ii s wit I I tu lb'itly hl I I a uti I I'rob.bIllt' ' tb the twirling honors for the Ii ruver I . 'L'lII , I I net , p Is as full otvs ; Otittltit ; 1'o1tIiitts , IIIwati1ciIt , . 14 ittS . . . . . . . . . .Vlrst bose. . . . . . . . . . Stitiforil I 1oIllngsvorth Second . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I6listacu . . . . . . . . . .bird base. . . . . . . . . . . . Shoe 1oit . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Shun stop. . . . . . . . . . . tt't'vo I'retitlhi . . . . . . . . . .Left IIeId. . . . . . . . . . . I'ickt'ring . . . . . .Ceitter hell. . . . . . . . . . . . . Nlcol Fl cml tig . . . . . . . . .Itit I , t fitultl. . . . . . . . . ' \'ri Id to a MtCatiitiy . . . . . . . .C.itc'Iter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1'isher . . . . . . . . . . . . L'ltcli'r. * . .Iteid ) ' ot' Iiariit's Itlilinlis % 'iii. ( 'itI6'1'16. Nih. . June hS.-Specjitl ( Tele- grant.-Tbe Nt'liraskii Italian aggregution U f 1)1150 ) till II liii , )0r5 Itit , ) 'OIi I he hotti u I cli in itt thIs c'lty thu irtti'rniiig , , , Score , a to I ) iii ( aye r o f I Iii' I nil In us. 'I'lte hattie teit In % cre grt'utly outclurus9d. . 16 I1N'l's t ) 'I' Jul 1tNI'fi 'i'it.tcics , 16.1 Piii'rel IVI I tIN I lie , I iui iIlute , . on I Iu' 1itiiii ii , Cuuut isv. ST. LOUIS. Mo. , Jutie 15.-Fivo favorites vott at the ( itlr grountls. Tim ( t'uttro , of Ihio flIt ) ' iAI ( ( uurtlm on thu earth , In whIch 1tI Farrell , the favorite. came through In tht 4 t Ta t cli ii lid svott , ( I ri vi itg , by a lengi Ii. \\'r'atIar tlireatctting ; truck tst. ltt'sults : First iiie , 2-yenr-oltls , one-half tulle : Iea hiruno voit. l'nndrck sciond , I'eIl Alehl II tliiril. 'l'imnc ; ; 45' . , St'c4)tII % ritce. sd II tig , $1 X ii nil one. htith f ftui- bugs ; St. Augutitine VWt. litirrhe Floyd second. Can I See 'l6lii I tiirl. Tltne ; 12I % . rIt1i race , sohlitig , iuix furlongs : 1)ottisio vun. NaonIu st't'otiil , 1.uld ) ' of the.at third , Tune : I :234. : Fourth race , iitto anti one-eighth toilet Ed 1"nrr'Ii won , Ion Orsino second , Found third. Time : 16. : Fifth race , selling , one tulle and seventy yards : Onlnoor won , I'arule d'Or itecond , 1tittht'lIiio third. Time ; PIT. Sixth z&ce , selling , seven and one-half furlongs : 'The Chemist wn , Uncle 1tbl , spcont1 lleu1n Itowett third , TInie : ' . CINCINNATI Jutt 15.-.A gt'tISi&Ml crowd witncsed the sport at Latonin today. Three of the six wInners were fuvorltct. Venthcr fair ; track fast. ItesuIts : 1"Irst race , one nub , selling : I'etreh won , I'aros econfi , Royal lance third. Time : 1:41. : Second race , five furlongs : llanhlght won , Lola Murray second , itarnlet third. TIme : h:02' , Third race , one mile nnd nne.lxtenth , selling : F'nUnotto woti The l'latiet. second , Countess Irma third. rInie : 1:49. : Fourth race , six furhuingi : Ilangle won , high Jinks second , Don Quixote thiril. Time : 1:15. : Fifth race , five furlongs : Judge Tarvin won. l'aca second , l'cheus third. Time : 1 :0l. : Sixth race. one mile , selling : l'rosectttor vnn , Suydatii second , Mriggit' t third. 1'lrne : 1l2. : 1l2.CI I lOAGO , June 15.-harlem results : First race , four antI otte-hllf furlongs : Mttzio 0 won , % 'hlte 1'Ite 14ec01U1 , Maihe V third. 'rime : 1i9. : Setond race , ix furlongs : Nellie Baker % % 4li l'euri nIker second , Kltig licrintltiit third. 'l'ime : I :1714. : 'l'hird race , one tulle : Al Freeo voii , 1ocitst hi1ooii second , Ni't'eitali third. 't'ltne : 1:4'4. : ' Fourth nice , Proviso stakes , four auth ont.-Iiulf furlongs : I'he Kcntu&kltti sven , hlony IIty second , Sevens thili'd , 'l'lnie : I , irthi race , rutu In two lit'ttt , live fur- lotg14 : First heat-Miss Casey won , Come Quick ccotit1 , AIaluater third. 'l'lnte : I :0I. : Secotitl beat-Alabaster won , Coluti Quick second , Miss Casey third. Time : 1:053. : Sixth rate , Ix furlotigs : Gooti F'rieiul % tn , Na tin In I ) econilVarreu Ioi it t ( lii rd. 'rune : 1 : iS'4. DF.'I'ltOli , Juno 15.-Ihigltland Paik re- stilts : First ntco , sellIng , six furlongs : lIltt Arnett vitti , Nichiolts , second , 1teprlevt tlitrl. , Tune : i :15'.4. Secant ! race , t ci I lag , fault and .ino.hutl furlongs : 'l'ci in Iay won , ( lity Parisian i4C1'OtlII , 'I'ojtitZ thIrd. Titan : 1:17. : l'hi lrd race , one iii lie : Old Saugits % tn , Storm King ecoiiti , Vhnt Next third. 't'itiie : I :11. : F'ourthi race , I'utlchigan stttke , otto tulle : Allen 1'aliey % ' ( liI , 1iv'rocl ( secotidtLss Gussle third. 1'ltne : I :43. : L.'lfth rimte , five murlotigs : Scrnp'r i6aden * , .Iutl 3J1 ( ' 3 tr'n qi'l'nhllt 1 ti Ml , ' 'l'ltv I i ii' Eli I iii. ltlnht , ; I :01. : Sixth race , selling , one' tithe utah otie- uluttrter : I'aut Nauvur won. Traveler see- end , 1. Il tliltth. 'I'ttne : 2l0' : . N t6'OItK , Juite 15.-GruveeniI results : Fiust race , live furlongs : F'ortut'to , won , "I'hieory second , Ahtein third. 'l'itne : 1 :024. : . Second ittce , 0110 tO II C U tud otto-si xtcett ( 11 : George 1ei'Iie Svltn , Sanilers second , Vttit Atltwi'rp third. 'rime : 1:503k. : 'l'hlrd race , sIx furlongs , selling : Lain- 1)t'l I. WOti. Itotterdatu second , 21&irsittt : thIrd. 'Iluuto : 1:15. : Fourth race , llrooktlalt' liatifilcap , Olin In II o and titie-Ititi rt I , : Isoyn I Stag voit , 2ullrthtftit secotol , Lehman third. 'Iliac : 1:53w. : F'Itth race , five furlong * , selling : Itushe , ' v 311 , X'Ietltlltsotno second , 'l'ultttio tItluil. Titno : 1:02' : . SIxth race , one intle anti ono.ixteentIi , soilIng : Geisha 'ou1 , Kutighit of ( lit' Garter secould , 1tet ltotiultl .third. 'l'inio : 1 .iS , 1514 .III&OM Vitin ' 1'io Mtl I elies. 1'111 LADEL1'lI IA , Jtiae 15.-The second day's cotitest Ia the tennIs tournament for the national cltarnjtlonsltlji ladles' sIngles , doubles and itfixed doutiles drew a fair- sled crowd to thin I'iiilnilelphila Cricket clu1s grounils \Vis4tthiielnti I heights. Iiltss Jones , thin Pacific coast cliatnitloti. won t % ' ( ) nuttehes today. In t lie seini-Ilnal she easily defeated Miss C. 16. St'eley ( if ( 'lit. cago. Toltal' Miss Jones will lwet MIt' ; Crutnli of I'hhladelphila. itllss JulIet Atkln- Sot , , the present cliampioti for tim United States , will be met the next iiy. 'l'lie Mtsses Atkinson had no troulilo In beating 7liss IlostaIl aiid Idrs. ] Icuunioiit In the doublvi. St'euuuiil Iny's Ituiel uig jut AseoL LONDON , June 15.-At the second day'a racing at Ascot heath Leopold ile Itothis- schlld's 4-year-old bay colt Jaquemart vott the Itoyal I hint cmiii. valued at SIlO slvereigns. with 1,500 sovereIgns added. Twenty horses ran , including James It. Keene's hay colt , St. Cloud 1 I , anl the 1.orillartl-lieresford stables' chestnut colt Berzak. 11. 1. lilghttun's eliestuttit colt 1"uj- ton was second and Reid \'ttllt'is 0-year- old brown horse 1)lana Forget third. LOSS Ol' VISIJAI. Actr'l'n16ss. hietMluIN lhuutt 'I'Cuuii ii ) IlitIC Cluiiilren : tt ui G : utssi.s. It Is intercstiig to compare the visual acuteness of the normal eye before and after the etittct of some purely physIcal cause , that itiay be within the realm of etther nature or cIvIlization. Taking : i few Ilistances of elICit for illustration , says a writer in the Jewelers' Iteview , I will cite from nature first. It is velI known that severe Illness greatly impairs the acuteness of visIon of nit otherwIse strong eye. Al- most tile first thing a convalescent will (10 Is to call for a hook or a newspaper to viiihe away the tedIum of tile sick room. Unhe6s wartiod not to try his eyes too much lie is apt , through forgetfulness , to ovortask hIs accommodative riowers or injure - jure the already weakened citlary muscle. When the rest of his body recovers Its normal - mal strength his eye contInues weak. After strainIng the eyes more , In the vaiti Iloim that his sight vlil Improve , the per- soil , if he is wIse , will consult experleticcd help ; If otherwise , he will pIck iiii the first pair of spectacles available , regardless of whether they should be too strong or too weak for his eyes. Should ho finally go to an opticIan the latter will often find it fill- fIcult to fit glasses satisfactorily Other natural causes that affect eyes mc- wind. ( lust , light and heat , when excessive. Eyes otherwIse gooti enough become weak utder such condItions. The weakness tony be tIthe to an error of refraction and under most conditions the accotitmodatlve Power of tile CYO is strotlg enough to overcome the error. But utitler such atmospherIc or climatic condItions as I have mentioned thin accommodation Is lessetted and thin eye cannot find relief , except by i use of glasses. They should generally be convex. llavltig luentlotied those loss of vlual acuteness duo to tiatural causes , next in order arc causes , ' 1w civlllzattoti. At the outset 1 will say that If the patient tere to change his occupation ztuiil take tlenty of fresh air auth exercise the opti. clan's servIce tuighit novcr tie licedoti , but these "Ifs' ' are In ( lie way and are not to be got rId of by the average Iruhlvltltial. Take a boy from the country , bring him to toli and jilace hint at clerical ark , wrItIng , perhaps , mill day and Into ( lie nIght. l'ut hilni behInd a counter anti let ititim stand mill day with one hour free out of twelve or mare , or let him sIt at a work bench , followIng a trade ( hint keeps iii eyes fixed steadIly , hour after hour , ts'el 'e or cighiteeui IncItes In front of hilit , , Take this saune youth with hItherto good CC3 and bid liluti use them day In and day out , readIng for a professloit , or let 111111 occupy Ills time iii a flatly lighted roont , or ientl o'.cl. a (1051I beneath artIficIal light all the tIhilti , I mIght go on giving intaneei after instance wIthout PartIcularizIng any call- log as more Ilarnlful than others to tltti eyes. 15 It a wonder that the children of thIs generation are wearing glasses along with theIr granil sixes ? Old ago is Ito longer thin reason for wearitig glasses. In iliac casv out of ten tile young niati necil ; a comivex glass to nslst hi ; overtaxed eye in fulfill - fill ttti their ulut les. Iii additIon to these causes of weakened lsioti , It Is hardly tiecessary to locatIon the cotilnlOllt''ilS of tobacco aittI alcoholic stlnlu- latIts. tgalii , If ( lie strong constItution of a boy cannot save his eyes from their thou. snail ouitl enc uses , how can frail WOOICU es cape ? The ever increasing army of vonctt worltors to shops 011(1 ofllces and ( lie new avetitins of OflllIOyItiCtit opeahtig to them , swell the nutitber of spectacle wearerL It has hiceti my ilurpost' to point out that It Is tint ( lie soflotis and very limb errors of to- fraction that cause the least of au olIti- clan's tiatronage and ho niust offer attribute the loss of visual ncutenes to other causes. lIiuilleui's Aruli'ui Sn I ye , The beet salve in ( be world ( or cuts , brutses , sores , ulcers. salt rhicum , fe or sores , tettef. chopped itatids , citliblalits. corns , and alt skin crulitions , anti PosItively cures plIes , or ito pay required. It lii guar. anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. PrIce 25 cents per box. For sale by Kuhn & Co , l1iI4\TKYTIoM { \ ) : CLERKS' ' National Association Pursues Its Work with Great Vor , NEVER IN A MORE PROSPEROUS CONDITION Ileporis trout hue ( 'outhit It tees Shiiy tiiu' Orgnniuitinmiu lIe l'lniirIsli- hog-I lislinti uIeeiupliI 11111i lt'lt y Sehietil's . . ( isiler'ul , After calling the meeting of the National AssociatIon of ltnilvay Mall Clerks to orther yesterday niornlng I'resithcnt Shatter called for the reports from commIttees , niut ( Ito auditing eoinnilttce turned in a Ilital report. In the history of the assocIatIon it never ; as in as flonrlshliig a condition as at pros- c-nt , there hieing a surplus of 6SS in the treasury , attil no outstanding obligations. The executive conirnitteo Is busy at work tipon several qtiostlons of lmpoitsnce , ( lie dud batter licing ( lie outlining of an ncct- ( lOOt Insurance conipauiy , to be under the stipervistoti of the association , 'rIte committee - tee Ill vrobalIy report Ott the question of Insurance this afternoon anti itiake a ills- Iosltloii of the ltiestlon. A report from the ways and means cciii- ntltteo caine iii Itt thi form of a mitiority and majority , and action on the report stts deferred. The RaIlway Mall has beam , puiihishied by a private corporation for several years , tile National 4ssoclntIoti of RaIlway Clerks hn'- 11mg full supervision of the hititihislllttg of ovet y fourth issue , in this vn' gIving hub' Betty to matters of ltittrest to ( lie artIer. Much dissatisfaction has arIsen front the fact that members of ( lie assocIation are held respomislble for articles laiIhishtcd in thin ltailway Malt at tInies oIlier ttian the Issue whIch is In chtaige of time assoelatloi. : l'hans for avoIding this dIssatIsfaction vcmo suhmnttted , but no definite action ias taken on ( lie matter , Thin atitmoulicelnrint ( lint ( Ito tlepartmiient has dIscontInued the law reqtilrlng alt mail clerIcs toear it cap atid bange and now 01111' reqttlres a badge was hint with great ii pjilanse. Swift atul Conlpany extetitled am , itmvitation to the association to visIt ( lie comupatiy's jihamit in South Ontahia nod offered to lire- side a special trolley train at any tIme ( lie delegates could flitil to go. A risIng vote of thanks was extemaed to thin company nail the assoclatiomi expressed its desire to accept thin InvItation oh Friday. at which ( tine ttie busIness sessions will be concluded. ) , lule f , lhiite A11t'hileiit tuisirituii'e. A tIme afternoon session tlum ( lUestioll of eitabllshiluig an accident itisurance feature In cominection wIth the assocIation was limit to it vote of the convention aiid carrIed almost - most without oposltion , there beIng emily three tiegatlve votes. For' several years month clerks in all parts of the country have hteeli asking that Gus tccidemit feature lie establtshieJ and the ticinanch for it became so strotig that at ( liii hast meeting of the as- sociatlon iii PhIladelphia a comnmntttee , corn- posed ofV. . II. Fry.Vliiona , MIni , . ; Secretory - tory G. A.'eoth , Chicago , amid h. L. Tray , Chicago , was alpolntc4 to investIgate tue cost of accident insurance and the nthvlsabll- I ty of establ Ishil a g an I nsmm en mice cot , , 11:111 : > ' Iii Comimicetlon , with th 1ational associattomi. Tttt committee relip1tvtl to a special cam- mntttee , comiiposed of 1) . , Barnes of W'lelilta , Kttn. ; G. A. Wood ci Vest Medlord , Mass. , and N. L. harrison of ew York. Thin report - port of the special pcuimtittce was ma(1c ( to the executIve cornnjitte and after . nit exhaustive - haustive study of thtp insurance laws of . dtfIeremmt states amidt dieremt kInds of mutual - tual accklent insurammcei rc'Iort was niade to the convention and the report was ac- cepteil by ttte delegates , with the exceiittomi of a few labor changes. 'l'hio work of incorporating the company was entrusted to the executive cornrnlttee and the company will probably be organIzed iii the state of New York. According to tile plan offered $2,000 will lie palI to thin bone- flclary mmmcd by the clerk insured In case of death with 120 days after ( lie Injury oc- curs. A weekly inilenimilty of $15 vlhh be paid to any member who suffers an injury , for a ttnie not to exceed fifty-four weeks. A fee of $2 will ho charged for admisslomi to the insurance lirlwlheges , tIme atinuat dues are to be $1 amid the asessrnonts are to be $1 each. A Jiicmnber Imi entering the coot- IiflhiY must pay the alnlssion ! fee. the an- rnml dues and aim assoasmoemit , $5 In all. According - cording to the constItutIon the betiehicemit tumid mnust be muaixmtalmied at one half of 1 iier cent of tile totat contingent death liabilities. After thin details of the insurance feature hail tecn dlscussel amid adopted by the con- vemitfon there was a stampede of the morn- bors who vero amixlotis to pay their $ to ( lie treasurer and secure the first certificates is. stied. Joliii'nllace ( if litmrlimmgton , In. , secured - cured thin first 1)111CC Oil the roll of honor. A letter was read ( rota thio national organIzer - Izer of ( lie asanelation , Iii hlcli lie recomu- mnemnletl that divIsion auxilIaries be estab- hishcd amomig ( lie wives and datmghitcrs of ( ho menihiers of tIle assocIation. l'iiluhlslut't. ' ( ' , tiil isiet lteuievi ,1. After tome tltscussiomi ( lie comitract wIth \VInrott & Colt , of ChIcago , the puhillshiers or thin RaIlway Mail. Iii whIch they grant t 0 t lie miii I clerk s the lirt vi I ego of cii I I I mm g ( ivory fourth cijltio , , of ( lie ltallway Mall , was remiowetl vihi $ thin distimict lindcrstantuiiig that. everythilmig ublIsiied at ( lie' Imistlgatinmi of thin orgatitzed mail clerks shioiibh be vhaitils' marked so , in order to protect ( Ito assocIation frommi hieing sultjeeteil to ciiticisin oil account of articles whlchi ate not huh- lisl'eih vithi the satictlpmi of umiy of thu on- tiommat officers. A reohution % aa pnsseih ficeharlng tIme nun- itathty of the nasoclal bit to tai vithi ( lie Iteil Crois mnovemncmit anti urging that alt postal cierks ct aside at least otto day's salary to : issIs ( ( lint work. l'le miieat I a g nih oil ro nih till thi I s mtiorn I mmg atitl all of thin tuiembers expressed themselves its greatly lICtbL'th wIth the orgamiizatIo of t lie ncciilent i ii so rami en 1comuhtami 1. w Ii I cli tIm ey bave boon tryttig to Iicrftict ( or several year3 , \'httl .thiis mnattc r dhiqiod of the chief voi'h of the scss'.om , Is cogiilntcfl , liii imq lied I ii I li'.l Ii'I c-gui I is , Au elaborate hamitjii t was served last milghit at ( ito Dehlon ii honor o tIme delegates - gates % vbo are nttemMipg tIme convention of the Nittloimat AsEochitforl of RaIlway Postal Clerks. 'rite dtnliig rthbm vns hiandsoimiely thecoiittah with Pulmmls'ttniI cut flowers and lucre ( lmami 250 wet& n attemidamice , The licIius : lere iii (1101 sli'ulie and color of a nial I tii g , cmi w hi I c Ii svn t lie I abel , ' ' ( ) imtii Ii : ; . ' itti orhtentra 'ins cqnceimlcd bc'liintl a mass of pal ins a mid played ml un tig t lie c veim ing. \'lllharn II. Alcxamiitiactet1 mimi toasimnas- icr anl ( hiegati thin hid3r-l'rauhiuh ( eiieallng lthi a ( OW mvehi clidtlIm w ords , Imitrmhuehmig lion. Lee I6telIe. lai' 5ltOl cmi "Ievtlop- tlitmit : of the Railway Mahl ServIce In thin \'cst. " Mr. I1tchho imcntlontiI thin coimthi- ( lou of lohitlcal donmitiption , m hilchi forimmerly exIsted bti thi.i servIce , nitil haul a glowing tribute to the muon , s ho In former .iays kept ; thin systemii up it , a high staiidnril a a mimI. icr of hiersunch linde. Johimi \\'vbster t 51.0110 CII ( Ito melatiomi of tIme mali st'rvice to cozmiuiiorclal interests. I As nit example of thiu cificleticy of lImo tal system lie lohnteti to tile fact that miiore tItan $15.000uoO of 1)iiialius mthtohesalo trathe for the Inst year was done thuoughi ( lie in- struniemitailty of thu malls and without thieni mmitmchi of It m odd htavu been ohm- lrmtchy ImpossIble. 'Fhie credit of firms hiamigd on ttmo ehilclericy of ( lie atolls auth .shouiti they be abolished alone capItal would be required to carry OB trade , Mrs. Ella Mattiesoxi spoke au "Checks , " antI treated the subject Ia a lmomonous amid Lightly pleasing way , She mentioned the dlf- ferent kln0s of cheeks and particularly those which are muade with blue jiciicil anit stniko terror to the heatt of postal clerks. Mrs. Matlieson also mentioned tue cheeks which are defined as orders na banks amid sug' gested that they are the most important in outlife. . 3hiilt 5tcrIe ; . iimuil the i'res , , . lIon. 16. Itosewater spoke of the relatiomi of ( ho mail service to the press anti tiahi high complIments to the present effective postal system , which has annIe great liniters possIble. Mr. liosewater sioe of the po- Iltlcal rule vhich formiterly dommiimtated the service and lc'ssenei Its effectivemiess amid told of the unequal struggle tli miewspapers kept lilt for imiany years to get civil servica cstabhishietl mmton a firmit basis. At tiresent a. titan lii ( lie service is certain of a 11051- thomi tliirlng good behavior aimfi our vestal System Is the ticer of ( lint of any other na- tlomi. The restraining hiniul of ha lies bet'tt hihflCcl upon all the postal ollicials tromtt ( lie hlgiicst oihthiai to the yotmmtgcst clerk amiti thin result is a lierfect system. Mr. ltoi'- I water spoke of thin lnobahthe ) exteashomi of our postal systemo to Ilonohiihtm niat ( lie h'tittitiiiimies utah expressed ( lie nIlitlIon that It. WOUld ultitnatoly be extelidorl etitirely around (1w earth. I. . C. Fhmich road an orIgInal 11Oct11 , whilehi lie wide on the Omminhia miteeting , Itt the voeili Mr. F'itchi treated nih ( lie nmnushmmg features of tIme meeting auth enilefi wIth a glowimig tribute to ( lie hospitality thin thou'- gates hiave receIved at the lianils of thifl Omaha licohihe. George A.'ool , nntiomial secretary of tlui National Association of Railway Postal Clerks. viis the Inst speaker out ( tie pro- grant atid treated thin lnihtmenco the railway miiitih service has Itati upon c I vii I zat lout. ABERDEEN WILL HAVE A SHOW " i.uit Preutti rut liiis lii 3hiile I liv ( nil ii ! 'uu iiii.e u i4itet'ess-'i.ts liokiusg Fhiti. . A13IltlI1l6N , S. I ) . , JImmie 15.-Spocial.- ( ) Tlto dIrectors of the Gralit l'alace associmi- tion have decliled to open ( lie expositiomi October :1 : ( u.S. Leadumig attractions will lie emigagotl null every effort made to render tim exhiositton tills fall one of the best ever Ithaced hiefore ( lie hitmtihlc. 11ev. T. J. icat has resIgned his hiastorate anti wilt shortly remove to YahcimiiaVasht. . lie has becit a succeqsfut mumbler antI hIs comigregatlomi theephy regret hIs departure. 'rite various contmnittees itt charge are ninhdng every heedful lirelaratiami for thin iiotltlcah comiventlous which meet hero on Jtiiio 22. Crops of all kimitls are looking well. TIme eathier comitlmiucs favoratile amid ( lie itidica- ttoiis arc good for omie of the best crops thin state hits ever tiroduced. Farmnimig lantis are lii genii themnamid nail overythtimg Polmits to a now era at Itrospority iii the state. S. , , , ; ti liii litii l'l reiIi ii's 'I'giiruiituiui'ti ( , YANKTON. S. B. , Julie 15.-Speclah ( Tele- gram.-The ) fifteenth annual tournnmni'mmt of roltmmiteer ( iremiten of South lalota opemied imi this cly today , the day being occupIed iii receiving the comapamihos. The largest crowd over in attendance at an anmiunl miicetliig Is present. and niuchi interest mami- Ifcstemh. Citizens are hiighly elated over tIme prospects and are doIng theIr utmost to make It ( lie host mneetlmig ever held iii thin state. The program opened with a coIn- Iietitlve parade vartlcipated in tiy twelve departmnemits-Sioux Falls. Vcrmllhlon , 161k l'otnt , Pierre , Parkstomi , Tymidall , Alexan- tlria , Elkton , Armour , Mitchell , Ptamtkinton attn Brookimigs. Mayor l6nghtshi welcome'tl the fimeniemi to the city , which was respomided to by l'resldent Jerry CarletOn. Prizes for time parade were alvarded as follows : Larg- ot number I nlhmie , SIoux Falls ; best upltear- tog comilliany , Vermailhhon ; best uimlformned detiartiiient , 1'arlstomt ; theltarnient comulmig ( lie longest dhstmimico , Pierre ; best appearimig aliltaratus , Mitchell. The races thIs afternoomi at ( lie state fair grounths sworn fast and the track teammis tieretofere umiknawn lit miieetlnms miiathe ox- cehlent records. C. S. Shiaw , Armnour , acted as starter lit all races. whIch were womi as lommows : eereemi nose race , i'arxstom , ; : a class hook amid ladder race , protested , to be tiecithed tonight ; utile bIcycle , Ghiii. Ver- miillhioii ; free-for-all hose , Centervhlle ; simigle than's cc'phlmmg , Fox. Yamilitomi. Iluhi nilti hiuti for gicemi teams occurs tomorrow morn- imig at 10:08 : o'clock. Thin best of feelIng hins lirevalled thus far and tomiiorrow lirommilses to 1w a record breaker if the rain does not interfere. 'Flie weather is cloudy , but it Is clearing tomtlghi ( . Election of officers for thin c'nsuliig year has mint yet occurrtuh , FI'It ltiiIshiuir iii Suil Ii 1)tikolii. CIIAMIIEILAIN , S. I ) . , June 15.-Spe- ( clal.-TbaL ) great quantities of fruit are beginning to be annually raised In South Iakota Is ihtfiicult of belief , yet , stratigi' to nay , Is a tact umikiiowu oven to mamiy rcstdcmits of thin state. Thin fruit region is , of course , comiihmmed clmleily to thin nitler set. tIed vortlomi In ( Ito southern hart of ( lie state. D. B. Gtmniiey of Yankton coutity estittiates hiis strawhiorry crop thIs year at 15,000 quarts. lie already has contracteti for over 10,000 boxes , and expects to increase - crease the oriher , George Itay wilt have nearly as mnany moore , while other Parties lii time vicinity will have enough to swell thin total to lie hut 111)011 ) the mitarket iii that sectiomi to Iirohiiuly 40,000 or 50,000 quarts. .1 ii i'3 l'ii I lit ii , .g 'i . h'Il6ltItl6 , S. I ) . , Jumie 15.-Speclal ( Tele- grani.-Jn ) the Uniteth States court ( lie Jury tmi ( lie ilcClmlIen tlamnnge stilt agalmist thin Nerthiweittern road vas th hschiargeti ttfter lie. hmig out thiltty hiotmrs nmitl faillmig to agree. samithhiig ( millie for lilalmitiff amid ( linen far the- fentiami t . Tb is Is t tie thi I rtl ii Isagreemnen t oh ( lila case , which is getting a record In thin state oii account of tIme legal fights over It amid from the fact ( lint It bias beemi useth to defeat tue comiflnmiatlomm of tmie miian sshio laid been iipjiiliited to a federal positloti. 'limo amiiammnt stied for is about $18,000 auth the costs iiow exceed the origImiul atnouumih. Jtmiothier jury broimgtit lii a verdict of guIlty of cattle stealing against Chiarlc's Knife. CituiiilOlut''uiIPti ( ut 3hIti'Ii , hl , MTCIII6LI4 ! , S. I ) . , Juno I5.-Special ( Tel- egt -Commnomicttmmient ) ( 'xcrcIses of Dii. hota : university , imichi have boemi Iii linogrvss for ( tie Past week , were brought to a close this mmiormitnghicil thin senIor class hieki Ito graduatiumg exercIses at thin colt"go clmala I , there hiehtig five mnemmiiiers itt ( lie class , I6lghmheen graduated ft ammi ( Ito Emigtlsh normal course amiil tveive front ( hi , hiushness dehtartinezmt. Tue year bait hicen very sue- ceBfUl with thin uuiiverslty. Thin hearth of ihlreciors tmiOt ( hits afternoon mutt e'ngagetl liractically ( lie satan faculty , udtllmig Ettlun Coltoti. ( mo of thin grathuateit. ! tmii rret I ( ets t lie l'Ivgai I loti. AIli6iilI6I6I' ' . S. 1) . , JulIe 15.-The demno. CI .1 the coil ii I y Co it v emit I out , Imehil t hi I ii a ft enmiotimu ticctetl thirty-eIght mhe'legutes to the stnte couivctmtiomi , which is 10 be Imdhil Intro Juumie 22. MaJor Iiarrctt , cammihkhate for ( lie minim- imiatloii for governor , practhcalhly hiatl thin mtetnhmig of all tloicgates , tvhilebi hmimitires ( tie taunt ) goiuig nolhil ( or hulmo. - uiui iit'ss tI'ti U i'gii ii lie. MITClhl6h.h , S. 1) . , June 15.-Speeiih ( : Tel- ugramui.-Tho ) hustimeea mmiemt of MItchell f- ( ceteil ( lie nrbamilzatlnti of a league lust tiighit for ( hue be'uietit of thiti liuterests of thin city. Ofilcers urn : 0. h. Ilnamiseui. liresi. demut ; C.V. . iowmie'y , secretary ; W. S. lid. wIg , treasurer. .5 111)1 Iit i StOut ti r. CIIAMIIEIIIdiIN , S. 1) . . June 15.-tShiecial Tohegramnj-A strong 110w of water was struck In tIme govermimuiemit artesian well at tiio Chamberlain lmithliin school The water will be mmaed for tiower PurPoses In operatiimg ( lie electric light plant , in jiutnbmg Mis- sounl rlv"r water into the tanks for fire protection and to a slight IegPee for irrl' gatlon. The well is six immches in diameter atah throws water three and one-half feet above the top of the casing. 1F % ii % ' ( , iiuitl lii 'l'roIle , In iCntlstts. F'OltT SCOT'h' , ICan. , June 15.-Special.- ( ) Mrs. Mabel Atiderson , a pretty young woman of miear Iailas , Tex. , lots been lmitllceml by the thititeil States grand jury In this city for her connccttomt with a pmibilshiing concern - corn kiiowmi as the l'an.Aiuorlcan cotopany of Chicago. lter fathomis a wealthy iamiil owner of Iowa , and he easily Procmmreii timid for her. Mrs. Amidersomi lii charged wlthi hnvlmig tiseti thin mails to defrauti , The cciii- hihatiiitig wttmiesses arc two ) 'ouiig women of l'arsons. While representing tIme l'ami- Atmicnican comupany Mrs. Amitiersou mailed the comnpammy's I'ritieii contracts It ) the coin- phalmilmig witnesses with the osteutsible view of iniiucIIlg ttiemn to becomne uigemits. TIwy made coiiipiint to the goveniintent ( hint time scliciiie wits Olin luitenihed to defraud them out of a certalmi sum tmhcht they were to hut tip as security before they wt're comimmis- sinned to PosIttolls Iii ( liii' company's ettiplo > ' . 1etI t liii ii 1'Iiiin,1i 31 Is hiiii. SALT 1.AKE , Utah , June 15.-Specinl.- ( ) lIeu 11. flichi , a loathluig camitiltltite for thin flisioti nommiitiatloti for comigresmu amid uvhto has hiecti hireliari mug t ii Iiiaiiage Semia ton I"ramik Camimion's catithunign for re-ehectlomi to ( lie seliate , has Iecii called out a nilsslomi by ( lie Mermitoil church , Mr. Rich wIll leave to. imiom'row for Chiattanoogmt , where lie will take tIme preshilemicy of the sotmtliermi states iis- sloii vli I eli I mm cI tides a ii ozen stit tes , amiti I a usliheli 500 muissiominrles are at work. Mr. Itieli demiies tli , truthi of tIme etmarge that has been secretly titade ( lint his "call" is owhmig to church hostility to hiinisclt or Seimator Camiiion. vhto is ( he soIl of President George Q. Caution. M.u ii I it ii it P't , I I ( 'es' : , . MISSOULA , MauI. , Jimmie 1S.-Speciah.- ( ) That mmlore ( lie city hears aLnut ( lie crops mlii the Bitter Hoot amid lii tIme i1Issluiu valley orchards , thin imuore appart'mit it becomes - comes thmn ( , tmmiless there Is a destructive hail storni , the apple cmoit nmmth thin shIp- mnemlts of oilier Immults fremu vt'storn Momi- taunt ( his year will hte a vommthenfully large nitiotin t. Tue csthiiimite ( ha t I s muathe of ( hue crop of apples nlone oil ( lie l'ltw Grove fnrmii , the fine hihuce of hhass brothers , Is htetveemi 7,000 amid 10,000 boxes. It is mint itioro lImit ( huron or four years since this figure repro. seitteti thu' entire output of ( lie valtey. lzi uNits ! iu , 't'M ui ! ! , uui .1 ' . TOh'l6FC , Kami. , Julie l5.-Spccittl.- ( ) State Batik Contiimlsshoimer llrelileiithah sas that time IieoIile of Kansas tu'ill Ito iwavy buyers of ( lie miev United States bomids. For ( lie sinahlc'r denoniimintiauts , lie believes , tlier" wIlt be thiousammths of liurchias'rs umiioiig ( lie fimrmiiers. 'I'lie baitba are offerIng to receive amid forwartl orders for the bomids free of cost , and urge their patrons to file their orders early nit uccatmmit of time demitaitfi. Olin smaall bamik iii thlamiii coiiuty mepomts ortler3 iilreahy received to thin amuotmmit of 20iOO ( to smiiahl lots. ' , lir , ' ( i.l ! , iii ( 'uiIlfoiihui. SAN FRANCISCO , Juite 15.-Spechnl.- ( ) Fohlouvitig hard upon ( lie rich goltl strike lit ( lie GvImi mmilmme of Calaveras county celtIcs thin thiscovery of a large hotly of ttight-griuhe ore Iii ( lie Keystoiie mine of Amitador coumity. This miew strike is on mimi east belt of the niotiier lathe , omt ( lie 200-foot level. The ore tahemi out assays $148 to the ( emi , mind evemi at miii average of $100 a toil tint strike u'thh atiioumtt to over $1,000,000. 'Ihie mulne is rac. ticnlly ouvnetl by five imten amat ( lie stock is not for sale. 4eiut I ' , , , , , , Ou t , % 't s. SI'OKANE , Wash. , Julie 15.-Special.- ( ) Franic L. Sterllmig , a hiiomleer citizen amid we'll kiiowul politician , residing a few mIles omit of thin city , filet ! ami action for tltvorce toihay oil the ground of cruelty. Au allegation of lila complaInt is that out thin iihghmt of mite 3 , whIle asleep , his wife tied hint to his betl , set lire to ( lie mimatress , umat after lock- lug lIme doors , ( icti. lie escaped ( lie roast vreiam ed for hint by breaking Ills bonus anti extimigtmishilmmg tIme blaze. I , 'tm ii ii A rrest vii I ii St.ii I I lu. SEATTLE , Waslu. , Jtimme 15-Special.-- ( ) A. T. Scott ha becim arrested Imi this city cmi a chiargti of enthezzlemnemit. lie wa'u formerly a bookkeeper for the Great West- ermi railwny at Dubutitie , ha. Scott fled trout Dubimquo early itt May. lie is alleged to have squandered several tliousamifi dollars of ( ho commtliany's fummids on a woiiamm : uvithi tu'lioin lie was infatuated. Maps of Cuba at The lien otiee-Otmiaba- Cotmmicil Blufis or South Onimihta. Cut a coupomi fromo page 2. Address Cuban maup 0 cot. % % 'I ( ' iii I ii ir N , 'ys li * A big programn of sPorts has linomi ar- rang2ti ( or thin Fourthi of July at Lnrammile. ThIrty tltotisamid 3'otulmg trout frmmmt thu State fish httitchiery ' 1Il soomi lie Phittiteil 1mm ( lie strcamtts of Nmitromia cotmmity. The Cheyenne liumsinesim Mcmi's nssochatiomm is tryimug to luithuce a Fort Collins fouiitlry owmmer to remutom'o his plant to ( lint cIty. The Alger Light artillery mmiemmibems are worklmig vigorously to recruit tlit' orgamihza- tiomi to ( ha reqiilretl etremigtti of 125 mmiemi. Sovemi commtpamilc's of hiomna guianths are' hieltig organizeti at or miear Siicriduimi to lie ready for vosslblo tromihilo front Imahlans or ethers. V.V. . Spuhmtger Is arramighuig to htullth a ercauucry at llhg ltonmm , Thin Itlamtt will eot $2.90. : ; auth vlhl bit ncaily for nperatlomm emi Setitetiit'cm 1. It. I' . Fuller , chIef clerIc iii thin ( iffiro or Secretary of State hiuhlck , hiss meslgnr'th his 1)051 ) tiomi aim tI u'il I go I ii to tIme I ii luther liii sI. tiemts at ( Ircemiwooth , Neht. lIes' . Johmmi ilmyan of Chiattamiooga , Teimmi. , hmmts linen assigmueth to ( lie Metltothist pastnrato ( it thte lug Born basIn towtms. I ho Is a graihttate of time Knoxville Tlmcologbcuh : sc'uni- miary. Itt the Chioycniio schools 1,070 pupIls vere emirolleth in ib'J8 , as against i,07l In 15t17. Thin Chieyemtmio hIgh school has bceui piacei UhlOfl tIme accredIted list of the' fohlowlmig lmistlutions : State ummlv.arsltles of Vyouiing , Coloratlo. Nebraska , Mhclilgmtmi amid New York ; colleges , Cohoratho , Vassar , \Vehlcshoy , : fioUmit Ilolyoko itrid Iemiver umilverslty. ! , ug Cii ti I ii I ( , , autuis , lNDh6l'h6NflINCl6 , Kmun , , Julie i5-Slto. ( cIal.-Fivo ) years ago dary GIllanil of this lihitco lost lien voice as a restuit of nut attack of grip. Slmmco thuemi uI ) to yesterday hie has not hien itlilo to siteutlc a word. Yeztorduiy u'hmhlo pIckIng strawberries lit ( lie yard a itug mu nemoss her hinuol. She scre'nimied uumud shin Is how ithile' to talk liii well as shin ever coul il. Sn ! iiiiui l'jie ! I ii I ) p. gitum , I'OILTLANJ ) . Ore. , Jtmnti 1S.-Spechah.-- ( ) It is esthtmiateth that. the Ctihummnhtin river talmtiori hitch of tlul iiemusomt imp to Jttmi 1 lii 51 .351) iltses. / , 111(0 amid umiexpeeteth frealmet C nfl hI eti hishuemjiicmi to use gil I mi ets fi a yn an uvell as mmigtittt. It hooks an though thin mun of lislu wotmld lie mmiuchi luimger thami hunt year. , OSWE STAfor for the table. Thi Original , Oldest and Best. ) " . $ \ \ EXCLLENC11 OF S1'Illll' OF FIGS Lii due Itot. ( ) t3' % to the orlghtmilty tutlil shmnplkit.3' ( if tIme eottiblmntt.omi , but also to thin elite mumul situ ! vltlt 'Iilcht It. Is tflmtliit itietuirtal 113' SCielitlile Ilroces.sen hnnwmi to tIme C.tm.irt > ttstm Fin S'lwt' Co. ' tititi ' 'hmh to omiI,3' , s'ti Impress ttiwli till thit , imtiitoi'inmmu'e of htilrchtisIitg ( Ito trite mutut original l'elnu(13' . An the gt'mtuhitt' Syrup of Figi' . Is tiiuuiufnotured iby thin CAm.hloltslA FIG & 'ltt1l' (2i. OiiI3' , a h4tlevhodge of ( limit fIlet 'iIl assist otto lmt : tvohulttg the witt'thlewu himuttatiomis tumtttufnctui'ed l' othiei' ties , 'L'Iie hIgh st4Lhiuihmmg of thit' C.tti- lttNlA FlU SYltt'l' Co. with thin unutU. cmii prfesshitmt , iit1 thin hmtthsfImctioii % hilcIt thin geliuilmie S3'i'ttp of Figs hits gvt'ut ti' : ii'ihioiis of fmmnthlles ittulces tile ' of the ' ' itlitilt' Comuipuui3' it gtuit'ttiity of thin excehlemice ( if its i'omiiedy. it is fat' itt : idvumtee of all ot her hitxnt ives , it' . ; it. tintS Ott I In' lchtInt'ys , liver muitti bnwt'is 'itIiouit lm'i'ituttlitg or vea1ceii- ing tItmit , mind it lots hut gripe itot' tttusentt' : . I ti ortlet' to get its bemit'ficinl t'Il'eets , lht'ItSl' t'emiettihieu' thin muntiic of thin Coimipaity- CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. stN I'll NCm'uI , ( 'RI. ! .ut'mifl'l ii.i : . t : iw : ynulK. N.Y. : i u ( hi e c-s I ht ii . rN Ii 'li , I liens I I I Mrs. Vi'imit'Io"im Sootlihmig Syrup hits been tiu.ed for t iver 50 yea rs by mtitl I bIts of liii ) t Ii. cr14 foi' thie'ir ehtiltlreit vhiihe tetlihiI7 vItii iiemit'ct sticcesl. It oothcs thin ehilltm. soft' emis t lie alt fliS , allays mill limi I ml , cures viuitl cil Ic atul iii t lie iicst remiteti y for Diitir1i t'it Soltl ht , lrumgglmits imt evut' han of ( lie wemIti. Ito intro tituti mitik for ' 'Iirt''litltiv ii Sootlilmig Syrup" anti take no oilier kiitul , 23 cemits mc btttlc. The Lalics' Dcpartrncnt ol the New Iiyene I isthte Is miow oitcmi for business , amid fully oulppet1 with two new apparatus for gtvlmig the mtiost hieathiful , hileashmmg battis kiiowli to the world. The INSTiTUTE hits antomig its lintrons , ( lie best known ladies Id Ommtalia.Ve asic you to give it a trial o two baths at least , tiitI if it is mint foumiti its represnuiteti , we will refund your money. Rooms New , QiIrtcrs , 216-218-22O1ee BuiIIn New Iygkvc hiSta w ) ! , ' OTllCl1 T5I1 , CO % ( lILT 4ear1es & Searles r i SPECIALISTS ( luiti'iiii te' to Clime PiI ) 'tttl I I y mial nui.i I- cuilly till Nl6ItOlS , Cli ltO.It ! , t" . I ) h-it mYT16 .ii.etise of , ' , u uitl iiiuiiCii. WEM ( M SYPIILES SEXUALLY. cured for life , NIght EmIuiomtu , Iost Mminhood , 1I- drocelo , Vericocels , Gonorrhea , Gleet , Sypmi- this , Stricture , I'lls , itltImlu anti 1bt'tal Ulcers , Diabetes , lirlghit's 1)lslitse cured , Consultation Free. Srrn'o ad at by new nietliod without until or cuttIng , Cahlomi or address with atmmnip , 'frc'atruient by mail , fine orsal ro V ursnm Ri J2Ui. 14th St UI1i. ilflhiLEi ) II dhllLt ) , v.11.1114 , .IJfl ath s Weath3 'v / ; DR. E. C. WEST'S 1ERVE MID BDMN TIIETMENT I IIIE OHICINAL , ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS , Is .aldunder positlyo W'rItl en Gtmnrnutr , ltyruthrirized utgomitt. only , to curs Weak LI otnitry , thzzimio.s , Wakefulness , jIj(5 ( , I1)uteria , Quick. miass , Nigitt I.oaups , Evil Iroimus. Lack of Comiti. iiiico , Norrousuttisit , Lztshl ode , all Iriiiris ) , Youth. f'il ' Errirs , or Excossio Ui.o of 'I'iibacet , , Ojiumn , or 14qumtln , whIch Irads It ; Ilisery , ( Itimtsiimptltin , Inimmolty and Death. Jut store or hty muttl , i a boz ; six for ISwitlm ; written gmaruiiteLt to cure or I'ttunt inoutey , PuttiiitlO Jinchi. nile , contitImilmig fire clays tre&itmnomt ( , with foil inotrtmciomts , 25 cant. , Ono nmtiliIo only sold to each mir'raomu , At store or by huh. Label peclaI' Extra Strength , t/ rx , For Impotency , Loss of f' $ ' l'owor. Lou. Ztlutttl tttd , V , 7.JA. Sterility or linrrsnmttstt.i - A't..i a litix ; itix for $5 , wttIr . . , cJwnittemi mtansiiilc , ' . . - , . I ' _ i ' , etmroiut 130dad , At etore _ - rCr , , i'hiymtuil , Am Mt'rs iBlloa lriuir ( i , , S. 16 , Coruiel ifitli tititl Fiiriuii to S is , . Uuimuultus , Sib , lleglnsui.g , lint 'it C.k. ftsAin. ( iqirk. WEA ( Insttit tirllet. Cure In ISd.ys. Never rettinti , 1 twill gladly iu'nl mu any , uft'rer iu , ulalu sld ( 10 ( 'iouo I It it : preirriptlni , lilt ltill iluruw. iloiis , for s (1timck1trtsv , eureftr l.oit Mul..i.d . . , S Ilit l.teit's , , hertous Iet.Iiity l.titll Vs.k I _ iris , \ srfri'hi' . ito , C' , It , 55 run , ' . lilsisic