- itI7tJL I I L T11VI(1TY1UW1 b , H3ITW 1iIiiI - - - E-TTrrI : : - - - ---L-IL . _ _ _ _ _ - I NEWSOFINTEREST FROM QWA I COUNCIL BLUFFS. M1NOIt IJNT1O. floomi with or without board. 713 So. 7th. ct1I at T1n3 flco omce ( or Cuban maps. bc ench. Irnnt room nrnl alcove for rent with board. 221 South SeVenth street. Wnntcd-Lntest edition of Council UltiTs ! cfl directory , Apply at 13cc oftice. Mrs. .3. P. FiIbcrt of Los Angeles , Cal. , Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MnloneY on FIfth a cnut. The Injunction suit nf Shea against the City i St for hearing In the diatrict. court ? .Touiby. Juno 27. Tue hearing of the catr works receiver- shil ) C8SC in the district court han beeti ; oat- poucil to Juno 27. The 1cans iaunlry is the leader in fine work both for color end finish. & 20 Pearl street. Phone 290. Mrs. W. M. Squire of Ibis city lai1 a gold Watt'i ) eiialti stOiI1 while she was at the e- pO'itIOfl TUI'HItty evetiltig. tierIlT anti Mrs. John Morgali have r. ? . turned trout a viilt with reinttvon In the eastern jnirt of the state. In the coco of A. It. I'reritlco nOd others agaltist 11. A. Terry In the district court. the lilahiltiffs yesterday flied a demurrer. John 11. Mlthen has brought suit In the district eotirt iigtilniit Eriiest A. ittoer for 4(0 claiiiirct to be tltI br legal services. Tile IiitIitiInsttc club will hold Its last meeting for the season this nfternoon at the rcstihcnce ot Mrs. Nugmit , 1221 Fifth avenue. Mrs. 11. LI. Suing nnd rnniiiy of ilarting- tiri , , Nob. . Al a visiting Mrs. Suing's parents , Mr nitil Mrs. Henry t'aschiel , on Willow aye- title. Ion't you think it irnist bo a pretty good laundry that cliii please so many hutuireds or customers ? Well-that's the "Eagle , " ' ' 24 hJrouihvuy. A building pernilt was issued yesterday to J. U , Keller br the erectioti of n one and a hialt-stoty frame cottage on lot 13 , block 8 , v i I I in tim' 1st n dii It , ' 1tui' remains of Villinuui E. Altchluioui elI I hIs city , \vhio died in MatlisoulVhs. . , last Satturdoy , vero tiuirleil in Forest 11111 cciii- etery iii that city Monday. t3cerctary Chase of the Iowa Expositl3ui coininissloui , will on Monday iuiorniug transfer - for his olflco from the Grand hotel to the Iowa tnte building at the OXflOSitlOfl. lit thu suhiermor court ytsterday Charles Gregory commenced stilt ngaiuist John Liu1t , 13. U. Lindt utnul .Johin IJuider to recover on two iiroutiissarY notes ainouuitiuig to 3,100. I gttnhi.i of base ball played between teninit captaIned by itoy Mitchell nnd Charles flu- gun at tIu. ' FIeld Club park yesterilay rc- RUItCl lii favor of Mitchell's nggigatioa by a score of 12 to 11. lr.V. . M.Volchi of l'hlladelplila , who tius been attelumluig the Atuiorlcaui tedlcal association meethuig In lcnver , Is in the city visIting his lirtlwr , Conductor \Velchu of the U uulout l'aclflc , on his way luutue. flonulo tlchihs , the little colored lad ( a- rulliarly known as " ( .lngcr. " wait sent to the county jail yesterday for tiurco days for as- Elutultilug a small boy uinmed Minty King. The cotnplahuit was flied before Justice Vien. Mrs. Clara leerwester , charged by her hutishanul , 'P. F. Ieerwcster. with hieing iii a crituuluini state of Intoxeation , was gIven a sentence of thirty days In the county jail , which was suspended during good behavior , iv itigi Ire Vtiui vestertlay. The Chaso-Lister company gave a pleasing performance last tilgiut at the Dohany of "Icathiceui hutvoturuiceui" before a vehl filled house. The play will be repeated tonight and "Illicit' Josh \Vhiltcomli' ' will be the bill for the balanecof the week. - In 1)011cc ) court yesterdity morning J. Sand- iosky , charged 'Ithi leaviug his teani oil- hitched lu the street , forfeited his appear- once bond of 5. Fl. U. Marutiardt , chiareil with the same offense , Put UI ) his gold watch us security for a fine of $6.10. Judge Aylesyorth yeiterday remitted the costH In thcUh 'of George flock and Wll- ham Kichor. the two Oniahi young men or- rested 1oi ruling their hilcycies out the sidewalk - walk , and eOCil paul the line of 3. Their wheels were returned to client. - l'iio case against \V. L.Vright , charged with slashing El hiodon with a knife , was continued yesterday until ituuie 2L1. llodcn has iCCfl ) rIlinOYNI front the hospital to his home , but the IhiySlCiOfls say it will be two wielcu ; before lie cliii appear in court. Fred Green. Charles Frame and Frank hell , the three small boys charged with stealing a pocketbook containing $4 , the voperty of Mrs. MIile'lge. ' were up before Justice Burke yesterday. The case against Green and Frame was disnilssctl and con- thuttieti for sixty days as against Hell. Frank \hisoii , a young fellow who is generally - orally credlit'd with being not full witled , Ynh4 attested yesterday for tile larceny of a large ( ieuutity of valuable clothing and hluicut trout a fiunily by whouit he has beeui cxii- ployed. Wilson sold the goods , which were vtiluej , at $67. to a second-hand dealer for 7i cutt. C. II. Viavh Co. , female rCuiC(1y ) consulta- tlon frec Olflco hours. 9 to 12 antI 2 to 6 , Uealth book furnished. 326-327-328 Mer- nato block , Money to loan on city propeity. Khnno N. Y. Plumbing counpauly. Tel , 250. VVtiui ( in * hii' it'"V hIuliige. Ii. C. hlerger & Co. , the contractors , corn- monceit work yesterday on drIving tue new piling for the North Main street bridge over Iuiuhian creclc , In order to avoid digging up nuid removing the ohti piling tito bridge will ho moved about a foot and a half to the south. It will also be lowered at the south cxiii about eighteen Incites nuxul at the itortli cml about text Inches , as hioth apitroaches were considerably higher thou the road bed. ' cnIhs for thriving the _ _ _ _ _ _ Ilerger & Co.'s contract iuiling autil changing the position of the brIdge , hut the work of hUttilig lii 110W striuigurs itiut a uiew flooring will be ubouie by the city engineer's force. \e make your shIrts , collars and cuffs last hanger than when done at home , lhltuIf City laundry , 31 No. Main. ii hull 'ui l.iiI % rresieit. \VlIhis Clark , a runatyny Jail from Tuber , In , , who for the last week has beoli work- lug for one of the bout nurserymen , arrested yesterday as a fugitive from Jus- tice. Thin night Clark ran a'ay trout itoixto a wagon and texini 'eru missed , which were fotluid latex' at llartiett , a sutinhl station oa the \Vubuish. IL Is suspected that Clark took tiluni to drive to llaujlett with , as lie Is lcnown to hove gone to S. Joseph , Mo. , before - fore coming to Council Illuffs. \Vauted-Expvrieuieed oiilcu janitor ; uiiuust have references. Apply 101 l'earl at , , C. II , ltt'ii I hN I U I i' 'I'rsi uisft' rid. The foihowlug transfers vcru filed yesterday - day In the title , abstract aulul loan 0111cc of J.v , Squire , 101 I'eaui street : .1' . It , hlitrilsicy titiul 'lfn to Itny hige- low lot 4. block 2 , I.otlge's add. to \Vuinhit , w. ii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 35 Sheriff to 1tVixiifrtil CI. Iuiowleti , hot I , J ( iii 1154)11'S itiltl. to Ctitineti ill ii Ifs , 8 , d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,311 . J , lCd I y , itil iii I n 1st ru I or. I U I meld get 11. 1ciiy itw . . sv' ' 2 , uie . , be . . 2G-7i-12 , ( I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4S00 Tlireo transrexs , ugureguting . . . . . . Warren Osborne has purchiabed a League bicycle of Colu & Cole , I i eriugs' I It. ' ii Licenses to teit were Issued yesterday to the following Iiersons : Nltui1t nod htestthcncu. Age. ¶ 1' , Ii. Frost. Atixiuxtie In. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Jessie 1. Vrauik , AtiantIc . . , . , . , , . , , , . . , . , . 21 'I' , C. Atlu ins , Crest'nt City. , . . , , . . _ . , , , , , , 21 (1 rutcu 'l'crry , Crescent City. , , , , . , , , . . , , , _ . 21 \\'nrd SmIth. South Onutini. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 13. leillL MtCarty , South Ounuhia , , . , , . . , . 19 , " . - 11. ( Ireeuiliauun , 1)euver. Cub. . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. lhla lhxrtholoincw , Ottuunvu , Ia , , . , 2S \\'hiliuin A. Akin , Ornixlun , Neb , . . , , . . , , , , . 28 Anita Boyle , Ounuha. , , , , . . . , , . , , , , , , , , , , , . . , 15 11. 0 , htogers Oniulia . , . . , . . , , , , , , , . , . , , . . , , 29 Oniahs . , , , , . . , , , , II JuIsy - - - - - - - - - - - - EFFECTS OF NETVAR \ \ TAX Council BltifTh Peopo Look Up the Matter for Information. MANY LOCAL INSTITUTIONS WILL FEEL IT ITII1h ( , SO ill's CnIIcci.r ' % ' , 'III tin vi' II IN lItuiil I ii it NuuuuuIr of I'iekctps % Ih I 'SF % ' 'luutelicil Pc icej , I I I. I 3 , The new star revellue measure was the uttibject of much discus. short nniona thin business tacit of Council filtulfa yesterday , nuid the few copies of the law which hare been receIved hero tere greatly In dernotuti. Those who will be chielly affected by thu now taxes were busy uhlsctuuising anul fnunilittrlzlng themselves with the provisions of the uncasluro , flankers are uiiuchi interested In the ineitatire , us the tax on banks and the busIness in connection - tion wIth baiiklng will be one of the largest sources of the war revenue , The fohiowluig Is on estlnhitte of thin tax thint the different banks wIll be called upon to pay on their capital , which inchudes their sur- phus : FIrst National bank , $185 ; State Say- InKs bank , $125 ; Council fluffs Savings batik , 325 ; CitIzens' State hank , $400 ; Of- hoer & I'iI. ' bank , estimated on lust as- sessinent on capItal stock , $132. Tue uuieasure also provides that all checks drawn 1itill bear a 2-cent stnntp , but this will have to be borne by the customer nutil not the blink. The bank , liovever. 'lll hoe ! ) the stonips on baud for thu use of theIr customers. This tax it is conlldeutly expected vIlh hmvc a tendency to reduce the number of checks given for 81211111 aniOtiuits and consequcuithy Increase cash transactions where the amount of money Involved Is sntzthl , Every certificate of deposIt will call for a 2-ccitt stump anti foreign drafts wIll be chargeable with 4 cents. l3rokers , that is IICrSOUS or firms who engage - gage in the btusiness of negotiatIng per- chases or sales of stocks , bonds , Promissory notes , etc. , will have to pay a tax of $50 , and there are about teii firms axial persons hio wihi Collie under this bead In Council Bluffs. Instiralice agents , Including fire , life and nechulcuit , arc taxeil $12. It Is estImated that at least fifty persons In this city will collie tinder this heath. There are but two Iiawnbrokers in Coon- cii Bluffs anti uuider the measure they vill be coiiipehlcd to contribute $20 each to the war revenue. Pawnbrokers in Council Bluffs also pay a city license of $50. All billiard tables and bowling alleys are flSSesSel under the new measure $5. There nrc seventeen licensed billiard and pooh tables in the city , but no bowling alleys. There arc two bowling alleys at Mauiawa which wIll have to pay the tax. lhhillaril cxiii pnoi tables in the city pay an annual liceiise of $25 for the first table and $15 for the others where there are more than one Iii any one lilaco. The war tax , it Is thought , will reduce the number. The Lohany theater wlhl be called upon to pay a tax of $100. Aiiother large source of revenue tinder the wax. tax vll1 be uheeds and transfers of property - erty recorded In the office of the county re- corder. Every deed of every description vIil bear a tax. Transfers of property will have to pay stamp fees of 60 cents for every transfer of $500 in thin consideration , 10 cents for each note and 25 cents for every $1,000 niortgngo and 25 cents for each sub- seqtient mortgage. Last year there were 6,155 deeds of every description filed with the county recorder , of whIch about 3,800 were transfers of property. Thus it will be seen thin revenue from this source wIll not bo inconsiderable. Saloon men will have also to bear theIr share of the burden , as tile beer tax wIll be Increased $2 a barrel. of this the saloon keepers will have to pay half , as the manufacturers or brewers say they will only stand 1 of the tax. This wihi tend to lessen the size of the 5-cent schooner. Express companies will be taxed I cent on every package shipped. but local agents are undecided as to whether the tax stamp shall ho placed on the package or the receipt glvexu to the customer shippIng. - - rho tax on cigars atul tobacco has been increased , but the smoker of clgar't wilh not be affected by It , as the tax will be berne iiy the inalitifacturer. The chewer of plug tobacco , however , wilh , as In future each plug wIll be divided Into six cuts in place of five , as uiow. Deputy Collector Ohio Knox received fl1fl11 tipltiicuttiofls yesterday for thin new stilnips , but was unable to supply them , ua they have not arrived. Many of the local nianufactur- en ; stocked up largehy In anticipation of the war revenue tax , Map of Cuba , \Vcst Indies nod the Worhd at The Bee ofilce , 100 each. Iloffuuiayra fancy patent flour makes tiux best and most bread. AsIc your grocer for It. MELI'L' .US'I' I'Olt SOCI , % IhIi.I'I'Y , Im re Vuiihi'rvrl ters Soelill Clxii , hlohils I 1w An ii tiuti aleet I uiiz 'I'li Is touud Ii. The annual meeting of the I'Iro Under- writers' Social club of the state will be ixehil In thIs city Tuesday , Juno 28. ThIs organi- zatlon , which Is known among Insurance men as thin "Field club , " luichunles In Its member- shut all thin specIal agents of insurance coin- panics doing htIshiiCSS In Iowa alid a macclIng Is lucid every year for ii racIal good time and IncIdentally to discuss matters of Interest to thin unenibers , Lust year the meetIng was held at Svlrlt Lake and this year Council Bluffs has been selected owIng to the expo- sltlon , as ununy of tiio members expect to bring theIr t'Ives with them and spenil a ( ow ( lays s'Iutltlumg the big show across tixo river. The League roon at the Grand hotel hxns been euigageui for the iiicotlng of the club auiul invitations received hiy local Insurance inca comuttiun tile untiowuuug : llie iocauiou for this meeting was chosen on account of thin Trauisinlssicslppl ExposItion lit Omaha , which It was thought. uuiany members aitul theIr famIlies would valit to vIsIt , ¶ l'lto executive committee which has tIme iirepar.ltiOIlS for thin meetIng in churge is : Captain 3 , 5. Clark , chairnian ; T. 'F. Armstrong - strong , T. A. Robinson , W. C. Ihurlcigh utah II. A. Dike. Thin Italics' auxIliary socIety will also ixolti V. lileeting at the samno titus uxid llutce ) and vili joIn In thin festivItIes. Cordwoatl for sale cheap , Address % V 1. , flee 0111cc , Council hhiuuffs. Try Moore's death to lice niud mites. ! tgiarI ut Sul JIrVIUrM. The county supervIsors completed their work , as a board of review yesterday merit- log with thin result that the valuatIon of the coUuity its returned by time assessors vi1i be raised about 120,000 , Thai. was In the maIn aec'omphisbed by raising the personal - sonal property and itierchantlise valuation on an average about 10 per cent. Members Auid , Kerney , lirandes and hianscit were authorizeil to expend not cx- ceethlug $800 each on the tooths in their re- sliective districts between now situ July 12. The expense bill of County Attorney Saunders - ders , amounting to $106. tas allowed. The claIm of D. A. Coons for $500 darn- ages causeth , he alleged , by a defectIve ap- pronch to a bridge near Carson , was ro- jecteth. City Assessor hiardin's bill of $1,400 for making the valuation of the city for 198 was cut thown to $1,000 , tue amount fixed as hits compensation at the January session of the board , The board adjourned to July 12. lI'SIIN ( , tNh ) ( U12S'I'S . % Ithl lIIIil ) iii' . Ieit Arineul sIl I , ILevuIcrs Stittusi titi i'IV ( ' nutil huh 'I'Iicsu. Two iiicn armed with revolvers anti their feattlrcs concealed by tanaka entered time saloon of Sanke ) Ihoysemi. 1600 South Malt , street , shorthy before ini.hniglit Tuesday night antI compelled tlu bartender , a brother of the proprietor , anti four etistotiter to line till agaiuist the wall aiitl hold Imp their hiantis. The hartcntier. A. Boysemi. was ratiicr show in obeying and one of the rob- hers gave him a blow across the head with tim butt end of lila revolver. The robbers thieii went thirouglt thte crowd , securing about $8 in cash and two gold anti one silver watch. The eashl iii the register , which they also took , auitottitteti to about $9. $ The men are described as being heavy set and Were .hrcssetl lit tiark clothes with black slouch hats. It was nearly 2 o'clock before the hold. UI ) Was reported to the police , who as yet have been utiable to secure tiny clew to the robbers , FOIL SALE-Oooh ecoiiti.imttnd bicycle at bargoiui. Cell at TIm lice oflhe , Council Bluffs. tII1F1'l'IN ( OI' 'TliI1 ci'i' ' ChUNCII. . Suiperv IsorM tiuid AIli'riiieui Pith In .t lcr& ' ( ' ( lit IIIC lt iiil I'iiuil. At the adjourned nieeting of thin city council last night Colonel hhaker , 1chalrinan of the Hoard of County Supsrvhsors , was present amid withthrev thin ProPositiOul 1110110 by the supervisors as to 1thio county road fund at the conference bold between the board and city council Tuesthay moriilag , In its place lie said the board \1as willing that the irnrthon of the fund which was raised by taxation within the city should be expemitleul where the city' should direct and thin work should be done under the di- recthon of tue city engineer , but that the work Itself was to be ( hone by the county. A generiul discussion ensted , but no settle- iiieuit of thin question was arrived at. TIio bill of $305 for the new street sweeper was allowed axiul ordered paid out of the road tumid. It. V. Robinson anti G. W Wilson were appointed - pointed special pohlcemnen without OXPOBSO to the city amid their bonds were approved. The clerk was imistructed to advertise for bIds for the construction of brick sidewalks ordered laid , also for 15,000 feet of oak loin- ber to be used iii the repairs of the North Main street bridge. - George \V , Dalton appeared before the council anti gave notIce of a claim for $25 thamnages by reason of the overflowing of Ittdian creek on his corn crop. The niatter of building a croSswalk , at \Vashlngton avenue aliti First street high enough to turn the vatcr that ilows dovui harrison and First streets onto the avenue into the creek was referred , at the request of CouncIlman Johnson , to a specIal couii- inittee , consisting of Johnson , Casper , Sayhes tiiiti the city engineer. The city attorney vas instructed to draw UI ) a general improveineuit ordluamice lii preparation for conterniIatel paving auth submit the SitlilO at the next regular meet- lug of thin council. Alderman Johnson called attention to , fhlc matter of opening an alley between the MitSoflic building and Glen avenue , back of Broadway , which bad on 1a former occa- aba been petitioned for by the properti owners and It. was referred to the city engineer - gineer 8011 city attorney. SitI t oil CIIIIIIIIIIIIII TteLce ( , J. D , Grout of this city his brought action against tlte Omaha & Council Bluffs RaIlway and Bridge company to recover damages iii the stint of $200. In the petition filed Grout sets forth that on May 26 ot this year be iiurcliased of the motor company a commuta- lion ticket good for thirty rides between this city and Omnahta ; that on Juno 1 , after lie had used eleven coupons and there were still remaitming nineteen coupons good for as inaxty rides between Council Bluffs and Omaha , he boarded one of tite company's cars for Omaha and tendered the conductor the book. The conductor , it hs alleged , refused - fused to peratlt Grout to ride on time ticket and took tiit the book comitalning the time- teen unused coupons. Grout alleges that lie was obliged to get off the car and in consequence - sequence was hate in reaching Omaha. where lie was going to work , anti thereby lost lila day's work. Thai value of the unused cou- P0115 taken up by the conductor Grout places at 95 cents. That thin facts as set forth in the petition are correct time motor coimipany does not deny. hut Superintendent Dinimnock states that the reason the ticket wits taken tip was because Grout had yb- hated the contract sIgned at the time ha turcimaseti the ticket by using it locally , wheux one of time provisions of the contract is that the comnmnutatloa tickets shah only be used for transportation between Council Bluffs aatl Omaha and return. Mr. Dimnioclc further states that wimeit Grout complained about the ticket being taken up the corn- Paimy altered to return it to him on comithi- lion that lie woultl promIse imot to use It exCcit ) in tue mnamiuuer lirescribeti in the comi- tract. This , Mr. Dinimock alleges , Grout , jt- fused to promise anti insteatl threatened to bring stilt , which he has done. Mr. DInimock states the case vllh ho carried to the su- vreme court if necessary. li'elure for Gold. KEOKUIC , Ia. , June 15-Speclal ( Tele- grunt.Tlie ) repubhicaui county convention today sehecteth utato add congressional con- ventioui delegates amid adopted a gold standard - ard resolution. Thu tlehegntes to the con- gresslouial couvcntioui are for Timonmas hedge of Ihtmrhlngloxm , but they vhll go uninstructed , Ilnuiers fur ( olt-rulor $ imiiw' . INDIANOLA , Ia , , Jimne 15.-Speciai ( Tehe- graun-TIme ) boarti of trtustccs of SImpson college tothay voted umianiunously to confer tue degree of L14.I ) , upon Governor Show. Mr. Shiaw gratluated from the law department - mont of the college in the early days of the iumstitution , COOL .Iiiit'i' IIIIvti , FOSTER , Ia. , Juno 15-Special ( Tehe- gram.-\Vlhlmaun ) Ioumghierty , a coal mIner , was killed lucre this morning emi thin Clii- cago. MIlwaukee & St. Paul railroad tracks. lie was beating hula way on a train. It canto ULuCOUIthed anti he was crushed to death , loiva l'rt'ss Coiui i.st'ui t. Ies Moines htegister : A few more hours of hmrlghit uiisiiIime will remove the last tioumtit that this is to be a "mnortgmmgo lifting" year all over Iowa , Sioux City Journal : "Is there a deni- ocratle couiveiitIoti thIs fahi that dares to attack - tack the present imalioiial atiniImmistratioum ? " asks the Dubuqtio lieraltl. Iiti you ever see a democratIc convention tluat wouldn't attack amiythmixmg lit sight ? IubuqUo Tunes : Senator A , 13. Funk says hue doesn't want to succeetl ex-Goreromur Lar- ruben on the board of control anti that ho comishlera othico imolditig a iumistake. 'Ihils should be comforting to tue others these asPIrations were turned down by the gay- eroor. Des Moines Leader ; Thue Ida coumlty coo- ventiout was captured for Congreesunami Perkins - kins by two-aoveimtlms of our vote , Mr. l'er- kin. . in hI8 race for congress , seems about to execute tinotiter one of hits thrihhiug escapes - capes by a hair's breadtlm , the judgment of the wise ones being Gmat the aecurimug of that needed two-sevenths of a vote is the turning point of the strugio now in progress. \VINDIC \ TILE . FAILURE rnjT Oonrt Asks for I1 on the stock of Defunct Millinery Firm , lapti TWO CLASSES OF..BIDS ARE CALLED FOR I--- lyiIeuuei ! Is tlh1 * It Iii the 'I'rhmti i' IhCtN ( ' ) ' StiulYIi ' far .li.rtlt'r niii the t r&c'ffnm'etuls his' .ttlor- 11C3M hiegimi , DES MOINES , In , , Juno 15.-Spechal ( Telegranm.-The ) thlstrict court. today asked for biths for thin stock of thin M. Reigehunait wholesale niIhllnery house. which failed two weeks ago wIth assets anmotintlmmg to $205.- 000 antI iabIhities of $177,000. The court asks for bids ot two classes , one for the stock and thio lease running tour years anti 000 for the stock alone. The lease menus $10,000. Judge Bishop of the district court this afternoon ovorrtuIed the motion made by the city of Des Moines to sot aside the mnjunc- tiout which has itrevented the cit-froni curly- log otut its contract with the McCaskey & llohcommmb eommlpamiy from the erection of a niuntcipah ehectric light plant. The Immiumuc- tion was mtectmrctl by J. Ii. Wintisor , atm cx- teuislve PropertY owuter amid lrouimlmicumt dli- ion. Thin heglslattire last winter legalized the contract between the city anti McCaahcey amiul Ilolcomimb , but Jtmtlga lhIsiiop htoltis that thin old iuijunctiomi nitust stand. The Comnierclal exchiaimgo thirector3 tills noah tieckheml to accept time Invitation of President Stihiwell of thin l'ittsbumrg & Gulf 00th visit Port Arthur on Juno 22 as guests of the road. Time entry of the road into Des Moimies seems certaimi. At the meeting of thin national assocla- tioii of expert judges of swine today the foh- lowing officers for thin enstuimmg year were elected : l'rcsideuit , tV. W. McChungVater - 100 ; secretary auth treasturer , W. M. Lamb- log , West Liberty ; vice htresithents , I' . II. Schuooler , itockwood , Mo. ; D. C. MIller , Ver- mlhion , S. D. ; Sammmuei MclCehvio , Fairfield , Nob. ; A. J. Lovejoy , ltoscoe , Ill. ; JOsClht Gordon , Miutoral Point , \'is. Tweimly-two recruits heft Des Moines today for Salt Francisco to Joimi tue Fifty-first Iowa , wimich shortly leaves for Mamihla. The evidence in time Iletsey Smimlth niuirdor trial was conclutied Gus niornimig and the arguments of tIme attormie's coninienceil. Time arguments will be completed by uioon of Tltuurstiay anti the case will thou go to the Jury. Tile prosecutiimg attorney says that Ibetsey will either be given a life sentence or a setitence to hiatig. Returns train twenty-six of thai counties of tInt state received by State Auditor McCar- thiy show it net incrense iii time total assess- macil of about $500,000. This Indicates an increase - crease ( or the cuitire' state of about $2,000- 000. Twelve of tht C&mmithes which have forwarded - warded returns imn\v an increase antI fourteen - teen show a thecre , These comparisons are made as bcttA thin years 1897 auth 1StS anti imtcltude miotl'tt' rcportetl assessnient of 1897 , bitt tIm eqt hhieti assessmcxit as coin- pared Ith the rcpotet1 assessiumemit of tills year. : ; G u'ii ii ii Aui Emieti iii ii in eli i. SIOUX CITY,1unc 15-Stteciai ( Tehe- gram.-Today ) big day of the Iowa Grand Armey ot'hie'hteptmbhic , ' encampment. Under a threatci1ixq sky tile parade of vet- cmos was g1vei' this afternoon. Tue procession - cession nlovci tlirouht the flrincipa' streets anti was reviewlfd' by Governor Leslie M. ' Shaw nod Depa'rthieut Comiittiqiidcr } lvamia. 'l'oday saw the bcuglminings of the business sessions of the grantl army and thai atmxihiary organizations , which are also Imolditig their state mmmeetimigs here. Assistant Adjutant McElroy of the Grand Army of time Ileptubhic In his aminumal report showed there are now 15,661 members In good standing in Iowa. The death losses in 1897 were 295 , a 11cr- centage of Increase from 7 in 1888 to 19 in 1898. The report siiowctl thin order to ho in gootl financial condition. There is a splr- Ited lIght for the location of the next encampment - campment betwcetm Waterloo anti Iubuque. Big caxmipfires were helti in various parts of the city tonight. Governor Shmaw and oIlier state uuntablcs niade adtlrcsses. It. W. Terrili of Manchtiister was elected commamitler of the Iowa Granti Army of the Republic , havIng aim easy victory. D. S. Eldredgo , Sheldon , was chosen senior vice counmatitler ; P. II. Lenon , Gutimrle Center , jtunlom' vice comunatiuher ; E. II. Ilazen , Des _ amoumics , mnet.mmcau uireccou' ; ti. w. uarmmimg , Sioux City , chaplaimm. The Wornait's Relief corps elected Mrs. Georgia McClellan of of Denison commander. Waterloo was chosen as the next mncetltmg Ithaca of the Gramiti Army of time Reptublic. Carroll was awarthetl the prize flag for having time largest ihehega- tion in the liaratle. I'nge Cotuli I ' iteiitublIeiii , CL/tIUNDA , Ia. , Juno l5-Special---Time ( ) republicans of Page county met in coumity comivemitlon in this city Tuestiny afternoomu ntttl elected delegates respect1'ehy to thue congressional convention at Crestoui Julio 23 , thin state convention at Dubuqtuo September - tember 1 and to the judicial comivention not yet called. The following were the delegates ehuoson : Congressional conventioum : Eu Eimg- blab , Atigtist Floberg , J. I' . Nyc , G. 11. Jen- mlIngs , Class Nordstronm. J , II. Dunlap , hi. h. Cokenower. W. Ij. Lumitly , ,1. E. hill , A. M. Kirby , 1) . 13 , Goodman , M , R. George , G , C. McCormnlck , W. Ii. htyersomt , State comtvcmi- tion : T. K. Elliott , Ellis Tucker , J. T. Stuart , U. G , hteluuimugcr , It. 1V. Morse , \V. P. Hepburn , It ! . G. hioge , C. Liuidermnan , J. 1' . Ihurrows , T. A. Nyc , Ed F , Ratio , 0. II. Frlnk , J. A , Fiunhc and I. II , Tagguirt. Judicial - dicial convention : Alfred Wenstramiti , Ii. I. Foskett. I , Ferguson , U. 0. , Iteimuixiger , A. H. Clark , F. L. Blair , J. It. Good , is' . s. Jordan , William Anthorson , S. 5 , Lbmmgo , F. V. hiensloigim , W. C. Fimiloy , N. WVinter nutd U , W. Shiaffer. Time couigressInnal tide. gates are favorable to thie renomination of Coimgrossmnan w..i. : hlepburxm , l'Ivuiyf ? Iteeriults. REI ) OAK , ha : , JOne 15.-Special ( Telo- gramim.-Tluu ) ThmIrd.4otaciimmient of vohtunteerut for time Tlmir.1 luttm1ioit of tint Fifty-first Iowa heft. today fem Cacump Merritt , San Fran- cliuco , consisting OS llfty-six inca , Tue foumtl and iast1tetftdliiulelmt wIll go west toimuorrow afternaRn to join tlmo Fifty-first , making the full quotas muccessary. Licutemiamit Freumch auud rccruLing staff followeth Thmuis- day , amid from atsIccs received thuo regimmmcnt will leave for1 PhuilIpplmues Saturday. Each town whthti a radius of seventy-five imihles aclit larg heegations eager to en- list. However , aiou 60 er cent s'ero refused - fused today , Ocr ; 200 imiemi were tiisap- Pointed anti are 4'etirolng to their luozueti , Seventy-five lice cat are farmuer boys. Iiicvcuullt 1)Istrit.t i'olities , Sioux CITY , Ia. , Juno 15-Speciaij- ( The Sac county republican convention was imelti yesterday to select delegates to the Eieveuitii district reptihilican congressional convention , Six delegates go to Perkins anti four are doubtful , It now looks like In the district conreatiomi on thin iirst ballot thmo vote will be : I'erkimis , 68 ; Thomas. 42 ; Brown , 14 ; Cole , 20. Sixty-two votes are liecessary to a choice. Otiti F.'hliiiM CInost OIlIt'ers. HURI.INGTON , In. , Juiio 16.-Special ( Teiegruxn.-Time ) Gruumiti Uztlteti Order of Odd Fehhow ( colored ) of Iowa today electeti the foilowbog oliicerut ; Oramid master , J. II. 1I .LAKE MANAWA. . . . . : COUNCIL BLUFFS. ' 1 . OPENED FOR THE SEASON OF l898 t. . ' . Tue Attractions Booked or the Seasoit Arc Strictly High C1uis. ww1w.w.www WSTON. BASY VAUOVft [ COMPANY , the greatest fun iiakers on the road , together vith Professor Charles tiI Z ) I-I. Campbell s wonderful perfoi'ming anu 1 spea11ng i clog , "Cbicao'o . , " Greatest orioinal , acts ever performed by any dog , living or dead. Trains leave Broadway and Ninth street at 2 p. in. and cvcry hour after till 7 p. in. Every half hour thereafter. Last tralu leaves Manawa at I 1:50 : p. In. Prompt connections with Omaha and Council Bluffs bridge line. Special attention is called to the 2 o'clock train run for the bncfit of picnic parties , women and children. Rates same as last year. PERFOBMA1CES AFTERNOON AND EVENINS AT 4:30 : AND 8:30. : - Thomas , Fort Mauhlsoim ; deputy garnth urns- ter. Jamimes Dixon , Muchakinock ; grand see- L rotary. S. 1. . Tigg , hlurlingtun ; gramiti teens- urer , J.V. . Sniitit , Keoktlk ; district director , \V _ A. S. Mills , Kcokuk. An imnmnemise street iiaratie as hmeki this evetilmig , followed by a grand ball. ml ( ' ( 'lii I Is fi'oin Cu'i'sIoii , CRESTON , In. , June 15.-Spccial ( Tele- gram.-Fifty ) fliCIl left Creston today to join thin Third battalion , Fifty-first iown , at Sami l'uitmtcisco. Sergealit lInker and Private Herbert \vere ut charge of the rccrtmlts. Lleutciiatit Gaines expects to heave tummior- row with lOS moon , his full quota. Jitly INIM t I.tir. BOONE , Ia. , Juime 15-Speeial ( Tclcgramim , ) -Bernie Shiult. S years oiti , liati lila leg am- itmtatcl at thie hip yesterday , time restult of hawing it caught in a t agon wheel while catcttitmg a ride. % 'iuutI un tt.I Otu' Deiiiernl. LEMAI1S , Ia. , Jtmne 15.-Spcciah.--At ( ) the repumblican judicial cotiveuttiomi held here Judges \\'mikeiheld , Oliver , hlutchhxisotu timul Gaynor vcre renonilnateul without serious opposition. DEATH RECORD. . .l , ! _ TI 'I' . Sb e rlitn n. GOTI1ENBURG. Nob. , Joule 14.-Specbal ( Telegrcuti.-ThC ) stulden ( heath of John 'I. Sheridan occumrretl tills afterncomi about 4 o'clock froumi heart disease. lie drove Into town about 10 o'clock in apparently good health , ahiotit 2 o'choclc lie ordereti dinmier at a restaurant amid sat down to cat. After eating part of his ( iin1lei he gasped for breath auth started for the door , ttad upon reaching tho.sldovaIk he swooned- anti in less titan tell minutes dieth while surrounded by frIends and attentheti by a physicIan. lie was a well-to-tb farnmor anti leaves a wife anti one chihi. Word was telegraphietl to his brothers iii Iowa , 1io are expectcth to arrIve tomorrow alud be present at his burial. rus. ld.umise Sit ii ftr.h. AsULANI ) , Neb , , June 15.-Spechnh.- ( ) Mrs. Louise Sanford. nmothier of Mrs. Geraldine - dine Armiohl , died at the homlie of her tiatught- ter In Aslmlamitl at 9 o'clock Monday evezuing. She was born Imi 1Vindsor , Vt. , April 29 , Isli. 11cr iaronts moved to Now York In 1SIG and from there to Mlchuigami. Site was marrieci to Joshua Iteynolis in lecember , 1835 , lIe tihed imi 1852 , nnd two years hater slme married Abraham Sanorth. Site comae to Nebraska to live in 1878 auitl has silica made tier home with hmer dnughtter , Mrs. Arnold. The funeral services were coimiltieteti at 2 o'clock tIlls afternoon nt her hate home , ( ) ! ci Setiler of SItluit' ' SIDNEY , Nob. , June 14.-Special ( Tehe- gramn.-Josepii ) Shuarmner , who itait resided hmere since 1S76 , died today. lie leaves a wife amitl four cimiltiren , Ills fuuierai occurs (111 'rhiurathay. .ynuule t Nt'Is.iui , NE\V IIARTFO11D , Ia. , Juno 15.-Spcciah ( Tehcgrnni.-Jnmcs ) Nelsomm , who was oh'- parentiy iii gooti health , dicti itutitienhy today whIle sitting in tue 0111cc of Ir. Jaylmeut. FIRE RECORD. Ioin ' 1' ii I I ii rib I I It. CLINTON , In. , June 15.-Fire at Charlotte - lotte , Ia , , today tiestroycil IC. 1' . Gohilman's hmarilwnre store , M. 0. Golmixmian's hotel and restaurant , tim flank of Charlotte , J. M. Laugiihin'uu drug store amiti several other btmildlngs , Loss , $50,000 ; partly Insured. M I'1IdNFI ' 10 II I1SIGN AS i'll i'l I lilt. Freti eli l'res I d en I 17 rices mm i lie- lutIut Otik.e' . PAI1IS , Julio 15.-The cahimiet met this morning anti reviewed time sItuation. Time mninisters vlil reassenthiho at 2:30 : p. m , uuiuler the presithemiCy of I'resldont Faure , svhuemm , it is ielleved , Mehlimo will resign tIme premiership - ship , nlthmoumghi it is understood that Fautre is urging hmimii to continue in chico. Later M. Melino hianileti I'm esiihemmt Fauro the resignation of thin wiiohe cabluiet , which tue iresitient accepted , while requesting the mInisters to contiumtme time thirection of af- ( airs until their stuccemisors are naimieu , It Is expectcti that 2.1. Itibot , the former iiremier anti minister of fiuiamuce , will be iimvitci to forni mu miew mniniuttry , and It is considered probmublo that. Dupuy , liromihier of time cabiiuet vlmichu iirecetleti that of 2t1. hilbot , vill join time uiow ministry. luther I.It.'r lIuuiui , * ui I1uurxI ishi hIopiin LONDON , Julio 15.-It is said that L. Z. Loiter of Clmicago is negotiatIng for Tintorn Abbey , coo of the lineal historical houses lit the country , which the marquis of'or - cester now offers for sale. CIIIC3AOO , Jumno 16-Josepim Leiter was shio'Ll tiic 'lspuitclm from Lommtbomi staiint that lila father was negotiating ( or the humrchuasc of Tinturit Abbey , Mr. Lelter. Jr. , declared there was absolutely no foundatlout for the report , Ih't'nrus l's m'rl uu' . lIhu'ui I olu' . BEi1IAN , June 16-The Imperial chuancel- br , I'rince hiohuenloiuo. anti a number of ministers and ambassadors , were decorated today , the occasion boimig thin tentim anniversary - versary of time accession to thto throne of Emperor William II. ovt'rruI's louig tutl Short lInul Clnuuse ATLANTA. ( JO. , Juno 15.-Judge William T. Newlimummi of thin circuit court for tue imorthuern district oC Georgia , today rendered a ( inciSion to the effect that coflipetition gives railroads time right to make rates regardless of the long aitd uthmort. huat.ii clause of tIme itt- I terstato commerce ucL The decision wu : = + + J I : FRUIT AND 6AQDN FAQMIN6 pW . 4 : tiouiic1 Council l3luuIs I 1 % J 4'1. . , ? ( 'II ii 1) ii 3' I ni , r. ) t'l anti ii ii i iii I ) i'mvelt ( cii I t I ii titis eli , 'n mu. ' i' i ii :44 : 11.1. . . i.'lIt Shah iiiinhier. ' Iii the U ii lIed States , 'liter. ' Is ii , , fall- .3. . . i : _ . rous liert' . litIL ii I ouui' i'rti I I L'iii'uiu tIi I Ic I iue' ii to I , , lita i'- lug. : : . ' Tb A 'U' 2.3't'2 I'l V , % ' IlU&S , ij .1. Lhi rlie t'til Itsiitti , iutI . , , ii Iirok'rs , , 4:4 : Pearl St. Council Bluffs , In ' " 0' . 1 e rsout iii I y ctmuuth tuet liii y e rut th mougiu o u r ' im ft I xi fo t ton amid iviu i' ori'imaxiIs Imet , at t'hmttmge. . rum a St it to xi t you i Wauut. .i i4 . It -I. ' 0.0. . , . i. , t ll . , ' iT , . . , ' $ . .sI : ' $ - $ . ' S' kI' $ e' e. 4. ? , . . . . . q . 'I : ' i $ . - i' giveit itt time case of the Georgia hallway commission , tIme \'cstermu & Atlantic , time Nasiivllhe , Chiattaumooga & St. Lotus numd time Louisville & Nmtmthiviile railway commipamiles , This rtmhiuug , it is belteycti , 'lhl affect every rnhlroai south of tim. ' Ohio rIvet' . i'miNsmoxs mItYJS'u'hitLN Vmi'l'iiit ASS , 4 a rI m v , r. of ( 'I I 1 ' . % 'n iIt t'iiieun be red . I , y I ii e Geii tan I G o .t' r ii iitt'ii I. WAShINGTON. Jumme 15.-Special-I'en ( ) _ sbus hare been issued mat follows : isatte ( if itmute 3 : Nebraska : Orighitai-Johumt 0. Spahtling ( deceased - ceased ) , ilnyard , $ fi ; Charles Painter , Dust- ttigs , $6. Incucase-Williama II. II. Stommi' , Peru , $17 to $30. lt'iSStle xmuiti tuicreiis-Ciiim. tomi Moore , Mihitialt' , $6 to $10. iowa : Orlgtntil-\Vhuiiield S. Coinstock , Eagle Grove , $0. hitcrease-Johin Lucas , Corn- lug , 17 to $21 Antirew N. Stammun , llambturg , $10 to $17 ; Wilhianm B. Yaryami , Chearhielth , $10 to $14. 1teisstmc-4it'xnuider J. Coilinge , Manchester , $10. Mexican war survivors- Ammtirew N. Slalom , hlamziburg , $8. Atontnmua : Origlumal--Ciiarles It ! . Harrison , Ciow Ageticy , $8. South 1)akota : Original ( special Jumme 4)- ) ItoWa3'aIca ( or One Aritmeth Jima ) , \ViIunot , 112. Atithitional-Vt'ilhlaumi II. Brown , I'ukwana , $ to $12. Restoration nod reiutsue-Jniimm A. Carey , 1)cxtcr , $8. Increase-Daniel Al. Way , Marion , $6 to $8. North 1)akota : Original widow , etc.-Jo- lituuiiia I ) . Ahbrecht , Walipetoim , $8. Colorado : Originnl-Urlahi T. Naco , 1)cn- var , $6. Itelssuie and imucrease-Jarnes G. Itumt- ter , flotmider , 6 to $8. N , . . . . luititlouis lt ) I lie i'resl.h'uuI _ WAShINGTON , Juno 15-Time lresttient today sent the following mtoxmlinations to tIme senate : Navy-Frederick IL P'rklums of CalIfornia , to be an assistant paymaster in the navy. Imitcrior-Boetlus II. Sullivan of Plammkium- ten , S. 1) . , to beregistcr , of the hand nfllee at Nuittto , Alaska ; Joltim C. W. IDiotic of Clii- cage , receiver of public moneys at Numb , Alaska. iteitort ivk'Ietucy III II. WASHINGTON , June 15.-Tue geuicral tie- ficiency bill , carrying au aggregate of $224- 032,323 , was reported to the huous today by the conimnittee on appropriationi. All hut $ IS,205,026 is for war expenses , anti $8,000- 872 of thmo ordimiary tieficiemiclert are for pemm- S ion a. a.Si Si euimivr liii tin ionii a Sehionuier , NIi\V YJitIC , Jumie 15.-Time utchioonci' Gypsum l'rincess of l'arrsboro , N. S. , wail siuuuk by a collision vithi thio North German Lloyth stcaiiier Eimms itt ' 3 o'clock last night. Tue captitin of the Gypatini I'riimcesui , fltvhti : Merriam , his wife anmi thut'ir ohtiest boy , Eti- gar , the mntO , a girl of 14 years nntl a Itoy of S were drowned , ittmu1ortl , Mtmrra ) ' , ( ho cook of time sCiioOiiQF , hmath hiui leg brokemm. Five of the crew besides Murray were saveti by the Ems. m'rof. A uuil reivs tut Go to ( 'Ii h'uij. . . 1'ltOVIIENCE , U. I. , Julie 15.-lr. E. ilcuijarnlmi Axidrews , hresident ) of Brown ummi- vemslty , was asked today if there wait aimy trutht in the report that thio supeiluitemiti- eney of the Chicago ptmhihic mtcluoois hmmutl beeuu tenticreti him. lie refused to talk , It Is stated , however , that lie has been consimier- lug an offer for tIme lust mnomuthm. TIme Itoiti- lion curries withi it a salary of $6,000. , ii , ree Mu ide rid itiuti lIuiruu.'d. MON'i'GOMIiIIY. A In. , Jtmume 16.-Near 'i\'e- I t Ii Ill pica has 1. n I ghit time iiotistt ofV I I I I utmi (1 tu r- tien sas hturimeth auth vlim ( It Gtuxdtn. huimm wife aumc'Ihhham Ctmrley , all white. ( itirthemu hits imad the reptmtutioui of keepiimg a hioartI oi gold anti there is little tlotibt that thue three iterons 1s'cri , ' mitumtiereti hty robbers anti time hmotmsc set out lire. liioetlitouuzthut have hero put out the trnck of time guilty persouts. % I u'euu.l I uuel'tINt'N mi evn ut' . SAN FIIANCISCO. Jtunti 15.-The elfeets of thin new war revemlue i1100tture are airetitly he- conmlmmg apIiareuit , the receipts of time lxi- ternal revenue obllce htere emi Tumcstiay heimig $26,100 , or $20.00t ) muioro than the hattit record of ally day iii tIme history of the ohilco. 1w MERCURY No potashm-flO rniieraI-ni ) tanger ) -iii 3. 5. 3. 'I'Iiis means a great deal to all who kiuow the disastrous efi'ects of timesti drimgt4. It i the emily blood remedy guarantevt.1 Purely VeetabIe. 3. S. S. forces thin disease omit through tim skIn-ioes iuot. dry up time poison to tlt'aay the bones , hike mercimrial mixtures ito , I , j wag a1mot a physical wreck , tlmo rcsul of mercuirlai treatlmteimt forbloodjtnisont.S ; S. is reai Pined remedy , for it cureti me per. iaanentlV " hi 0 ii I Y lbuGi , iBlSSoulhu Ninth httreot , bI. Louis , Mo. ooke ( ,00laddreU , Swift Specific Co. , .tttl&UtL - - - - - Ar t , ) m . ' " p _ G.W.Pang1eM.L , ' TIlE (1O1) SAMARITAN t. 25 s'1R'S EXPERIENCB. JcaieV of uIsen.4c13 . Of 1&C11 ititti l'ROrItImTOmt Oi TIR Vurttl's Jiembiti iIsiieniitry ) of Ilt.dctwi. ! I CUIE-Cstnrrli of 1Iead Thmront ajiti f.tmmigs , iist'mtttes ) iii ilyn and tar , Fits timid Apoplexy , ileart , tivcr utuid Eltiutity lIensV8a ) Duztbete , lirigiut's libettt'e ) , St VItmis iauicO ) ithuemm mimatisuum , Scm orulti , I ) ropsy etm ued wlthioiu tappimig , 'Imiltul ornttt centered , all etironio Neivotis amid l'rlyumto Iisetites. ' ° ymuuig anti LOST 1IOW ) 1mm 111(1 IL' mt'l mmit'ui , , , ' _ Ouily Pluybit'imuuu tlit , etin S YPH'LIS I itroperi3' cimme SYI'it ILflJ Wiiimttit ( iestiOYiiJg ttttltli amid bomics. N" mnor' cii uy or Itoisoim iii literal used. , [ 'lie emily l'huyu.hcitiui shio cliii tell vhtat uuiI yotm withotut itslmitmg xl qtiestioui. ' 1Imt)81) ) ut a diatmunco send for tetasthouJ blank. No. 1 for mumcu ; No. 2 for worncmu. All enrut'sitttmitil'imCU strictly couufl.cntial , Medtcimuo sent by express. .Adtireuts nh letters to G. W. PANGLE , M. D. , t1s Brotidwiiy , ( ) l7NC1L Ui.1FiS , x4 tfSend 2.cenl st,4mU for melti TwoWoeks' Troatmant ' TlIliY AIIb' 1)1,1) SPECIALISTS If ) the treatment of II . . . , Chronic , Rervous and Privatc DS11S4 C sud all WHAKNIISSI12I and BIHORIIRS 09 C&t&rrb , all DI.ea.e. ot the Noip , T.iro.t , ChSSt Ntorn&cb , I.iver , L'iood ' , SkIn nd ICIdney Ii Ce. . , , lost Manlooti. hlydroccie , Vxucocs , Oonorrhee. Giceto , uyptmllii , atricture p11(1 , If . tum& and firetch Ulcers flIabste. Hulgtit's D sac. .ur.d , CIi on or .tddr , . . with etamp tO 're. Iloolt intl New M.thc'd. . 'Vrentuiment by MnII , Comu.nitsgmoum frcc Omaha cdica1 and Surgical InsLItut 4. I11i. l'Ititth unIt gt. K _ _ _ - - . . . - - - -r . . As an Aavertising Medliuni The Bee Is Unexce11o.1 Rates on application. . - - - - - dvGas andt , - ' . ; ltolOO . , . , Horse Power. Call Os UI or writN for price. and tttt' ttpuioflq 1)A'h1) IIII.It.IiY t CO. , thiruut'iI IliumIfut , lunu. DOHANYTHEA'FIU. , - ' 1'OlGhI'L' . ( 'I I A4I1-t.IS'I'lJt ! 'I'll hiA'iiiit ( ' ( I. I us "Kathleen Mavourneen. " xiii , . . ui , ' I'rlt'ti-I , lt'-lI'eerveil ) $ t'aii'i , Seats eu Huilti tit thui'ttt'r box itlilco ( tiu' nil siLsti ci , 'l'el , . ( t NO. So I ii ru ty , flee. nooui 2.lmttimtct' , I'rles ' hOe NOIL BI..U 8 WANTS. IIEN'r , Itutchier uthtopwit it ttitlut i : ; llroatiway ; c.ud location. Dey hess , ageuttM.