Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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I- T---------i - - - -iJ TIBOMAhADA1LYBEEThURSDAYJUNE61898. _ _ _ _ _ _ b
ext Tuesday Lke1y to Bo a Record Brca'er
in Attendance ,
V iutiI flit rq'r nH.l Cnloiit'I 11 nibIe-
. A re % , rIIiij lliriI nitil Situ-
gui iit c I hit' Mttuct's of 'VIsi1r
t& VcII l.ttItl I'luiu. .
I Vn1eis nil IndIcntIon mu 1llIno ( lay wfll
jrcak the record n oIiit of nttendatiee nitil
the dny Will be an event of Itnportanco ii
the history of the exIoiiRlon. CooneI W.
H , Ilurper , eiarniaii ) of the exccutlvo vorn-
nILteo of the 1lIIno1 eommIsIoii , s work-
leg ilko a Trojan at the 111111013 cotl of the
floe to innkt4thc nlTntr a grand st1cees anI
Colonel C. 1. ilainbieton , becretary of thu
comifliMiloll RIHI cttudIaii of the 1lIItios
bGIlIIiig 114 hohllng up the Nuhraskn end
of the line with an nrdor hIcIi proltilses
well for ( ho outcome. It Is settled beyond
Any rvasonnblc doubt th&it & Guvurnor l'an-
, her and his oflcInI stoff , Former ( lovernur
eVcrIdg ! , Foriner ( overIor ) Ogksby. I. A.
Jianctoft , Robert. ' 1' . LIncoln , Melville I.
ltonu , a nilniber of ii oinlneiit Cituo ) rail-
otflclnis , large bodies of tcpreseiitattves
of the Chicago hoard of Trade , the Stock
exchange , World's Colutnblnn IxposItIuii as-
oclutIttn , Natlotial 13usIncis MuII'H league
and IIInIIy other organizations will be pres-
nt oil that ocensicti , together with large
bodks of lCOlIe ) from nil SCCtlOflS uf thu
ntatC , who will tnko ndvantago of the op.
portunity to collie vest itt the tuduced roll-
cny ratvs offered by the roatis. Letters ore
I being sent all over Illinois by Chairman
' Harper , urging the PeoPle In i1l sectiomiB
come to Omaha emi "IllInoIs day , " atiti
ehairmnan writes that the respolises beIng -
Ing Et2ClVed from nil quarters leave little
doubt os to the greal sIze of the crowds
which vllt visit Omaha on that occasion.
The formal exercises for 1"Illlnois day"
'will take placu at time Atitiltorlumu , comnmene-
. .4ng o 11:30 : o'clock anti continuing until
nbout 2O : , These formalIties will he tot-
lOWed by a reception by auvernor nnit Mrs.
' 2'aniicr lit thu Illinois building itt 4 O'4lock.
- . - - - Thu concerttn , the Atulitoriumu In the _ evemi-
fag by tlio Chicago Alollo MusIcal club svlll
be one of the features of thIs occasion.
T Geiitritt
I Colomwl harper has sent out the following
onernl lnvltntIoii
ChICAGO , Jumie 14.-To the Citizens of
. t 'Io''a amiul Nclraskn iornieriy Residing Ia Ii-
' ! inoIs : "Illimiols ( lay" at time Transmnissis-
'sIppi multi litturimotlomial Eositloit , at Omaha
Jts IeelI 1lXi.l fur Tuesday , JUite 11. Time
overnir of Illinois and his staff and other
tftte olitcinis Imave necepted Invitations to be
presimt. The 4\lOhtO ) CIUIJ Of Chicago-200
flieni be rs-w I Ii neco mu ia1t " t1im tixcursiuli mi U
1- piVe a conceit in the Auditorium emi the cx-
position grounds. Among time Iiromtiltmt'itt
) erIms who httve beeti invited ore the tu1
lowing , mutiny oflLomn have accepteit : Suit-
ators S. M. Culiont tutu \'iIlIain E. dnson.
ux-Vice l'rcsidtnt of the United States A. E.
Stevomison , ex-overnors Iticliard J. Ogieshy.
J.v. . Filer , Julio 1' , Attgeid , John L. 11ev-
oridgo and John M. hamilton , I Ion , Lymnami
J _ Gage , secretary of thu treasury ; hail.
CharIc& G. 1)atc , comptroller of the cur-
rcncyV ; _ C. Brown , vice ircsii1ent nmttt gen-
ertt manager of the Chicago , Ihurlingtou &
( iitcy ltntlroad comnaily ; Mr. A. J. Earlimig ,
Vice jresident of time Chic.igo , Milwaukee &
St. : Paul ltaiiwny Conipally ; Mr. Alarvin
IghItt , president of the Chicago & North-
Ivestermi flallway company ; \V. U. I'urdy ,
proslilent of the Chicago , Itock Island & l'a-
itIc Itnitroati company ; time jtldges of the
111101)15 supreme court and all the judges of
the courts of Cook county , all tile members
O coligress from titis state , the inenibers of
- thp Illinois legislature , tint mayors of alt the
pioimiliient cities tiimotmgliotit the stnte aimil
hotigii them the councils of those cities
tllt1 time citizens generally.
'rite following commercial organizatiotis
and social clubs of Chicago have niso been
Inviteti and large delegations are being made
tip trijimi bulky of tlieiii to attend in a 1)0(1) '
'rho Chicago hoard of Traihe , the Coinnier-
' blal club , the Union Stoc1 Yards and Transit
cdmpany , Chicago Live Stock exchange ,
jVortd's Columbian Fxposition asBocintion ,
the Uniomi L'ngtu' ciut , . the IllinoiB club , the
rlIanhiltOil club , time Chicago club , thu Mar-
1Uotte cltih , the Standard climb , the Ca1umt
club , the Union club , the Sheridan club , time
Lakeslile club. time National flusiness league ,
the icenwood claim , tile Iroquois club , the
Chicago university , William it. harper , pres-
Itlent , and Armour ilistitute. , F'V , Guimsaim-
3us iresimheimt.
1lte 'l'ransrnlsslssippi and International
4 mixposltloIm , immanaged with characteristic
western enterprise , will probably excel in
- itcope smIth beauty nay similar expositions
ieId In tills country , always excepting , of
course. the \'orhi'a Coluimiblami expositlomi.
The formal exercises of Illinois day vili
1o iwltl in /ttidttorluin on time exposition
grotmmmds at 11:30 : a. mn. At 4 o'clock lii the
afternoon an Informal reception will be
given lit the Illinois building to time gov-
crnor anti ttrs. 'Fanner and other distin-
Uisltem1 guests.
You are corihially invited to actively 'ar-
. tklpate in alt time exercises mtimml festivities of
tile day , anti you vili be hospitably wel-
comnemi at nit times at the Illinois tuiidlng by
. hio citizens of our state.
- VlILIAM II. hiAitPEIt.
' Chairman Fixectlttvn Committee ,
( Ccmtiimtmeih tromnFirst i'age. )
; ; i- snatched hint from in'mivatlt the Imp-
lifted feet of tite horse. ifimi niotimer cammmt'
'up at tills Instant an ti ciasimeml her offspring
n her arias , Sue declined to give her nanme ,
but hurried away to the carriage which waa
n saiting for liar. Shortly afterward site
( trove back to the gate anti , coiling Guard
Qiwlim to the carriage , gave him a beautiful
basket of [ towers amid voiced her th"nkful-
,1es5 ( or hIs heroism and jreence of mind ,
331G CltVlS ( I ? 'I'll II 5Th ihI'i'S ,
, 'J'liorigls fmi re ' & 'lsriugrsi by V lI t
II mmii Cmiii , 'imt lime ta'l egut m's.
'The downtown streets of time city were
thronged yesterday. A great illRll of the cx-
cursiotmists vlto caine into Omummima to take In
, ho sileclal features of Nebraska day stayed
over , nit' ' ! their mmumimber vaa nugmnemmti'tl
,3y tieit'gntes to a mmuiubcr of bodies which
are maccling In the city at the presemmt tIme.
'he streeta were Imtrticuiariy crowmied in time
! l morning , as time titreatemilmig condition of the
wcatimer kcjmt many of them from going out
to time cx1)osltlon grotmimmis out of fear that
* 110 tistmai dolly downpour was due.
The liress becanme especially gleat about
* % eon , whelm time various conventIons Imoured
their delegates tuba the streets. A great
profusion of badges was noticeable. About
time saute time the imotei corridors were
thtrongeti , Time crowd timimmnemi out coimsider-
nbiy lit time afternoon , as a great itmammy o
the visitors scmtt out to time exposItion
rotmrmmIs , rain or ito mlii ,
. .
. -P----
- - - - ' Slrt'ets of .tii X1ItIIIIIN Stilt itii.i. ,
Timi , edIct of the district court reiatlvo 1cm
. limo Streets of All NatIons diii not lrovent
. ,
- - .
- - that estabhlsimnient front entertaining its
, 'visitors as usual yesterday. Time notlco of
the injuimctlon was served emi Mr. Akouzi ,
but ( emItter titan that ito action 1md been
taken uim to last mmlgbt. Mr. Akoun'mm manager -
agor tmmted lust they ProPosed to go aimeati
, with tIme cntertalnmnent as before. a tlmoy
'do imot coimsitier that tlmey were violating the
_ _ - termimim of the injunction by so doing , They
¶ JUhlOVe that they were lii time right and
ouiit go ahead , it further legal etepR
are tfliftmu they vlll act on time deteotve atmm
,3et the oUter Parties imrovo their case. ilgim ream tit Iii'iir1tiiis ,
'i'lme railroads figure that they carried Into
Omaha aontuwimero between 7,000 and 8,000
eoplo front points in Iowa anti Nebraska
' 1ioso who caine In t.12 special trains
returned ( ill them iat night , but it con.
sidorabie nmmmber of time exeursioniBts tayem1
In the city until todtty The streeth were
well flhleil with them all day.
The Burlington appears to lmzmvc' gotten
the prIncipal portIon of the traffic. for It
official returns showed that It carrIed about
2,000. The Union I'aeIlIc had 1i00 , the
F'remont roami about 1,000 , the Missouri
i'acitlc 1,000 , time Rock island tO0 and time
remainder vero scatterciI amnong time other
systems that come Into the city.
- ' '
At time soutimemn extremIty of time exposi-
Lion grotmimils stnnding head anti simommimlers
abovt its nighhor , 1mm the rch of State ! .
It forms time mnaln entrance front TctmtIoth
! treet , nitmi in 1t severe slmnplletty is a very
ImposIng gateway. It is buIlt after the faith-
Ion of time ciii itoimmamm triuimmphal arches.
Near the ( OP Is a frieze Conlposemi of tha
coat of amnms. In color , of time twenty-four
traimsomississippi states , the whole to lie
stmrmnotimmtcmj by settiptured figures bearIng thc'
United States simleid.
Fimtering by timls arch on time afternoon of
cimhidremi's day , one received time Inmprcsslon
of lookIng lute a 1ctmieldoscoe. (1mm time
biiiige , fnclmmg the eimtrnncc , cimilmircmm Iii all
colors were flittIng about like so mmmatmy ) mtlin-
liming birds , perchltmg for a molmlelmt ott time
railing of time bridge to watch tIme gondolier
plylimg so gracefully lila long oar , then off
tinder the Autmnintstrmmtlon arch for the
Streets of All Nations ,
Thu Admlnlstrntloim arcim , placed thus opposite -
posite tue Arch of States , biatmces It to
time satlsftmctlomm of the eye , In point of size
and posltinim , mmmiii by reasoim of Its contrast.
At time saimme tinmu that our acstimetlc seimse
Is satisfied our minds grasp the tlmougimt that
timese bimlidings arc time syimmiemis of time
factors wimleim imave made time exposition Ito-
sible-locai executIve forcu , with time co-oil- ,
emotion of time trntmsnmlsslsslppi tatcs.
Over on the east Itart of the grounds time
state bulidings have formed quite a vliimtge-
ratimer a imeterogencotis mnss-btmt mIeasiimg
as a whole , wimen oime does imot stop to
aimaiyze anti wimeim otto can avoid seeing timat
yeilow wigwam trout l'ottnwattanmle coUmmty ,
Iowa. Fmoin its excellent locatirn It in-
trmmdes itself ulmoim you so that you cannot
escaime Its multItudinous eyes-they secom to
imypnotize one to look at timeir bald ugliness.
Near time vIgwanm Is time Iowa State build-
lug in process of coimstructiomm , looking mmow
like a image crab , but promising sante de-
ligimtftmi piazzas later cu-a thing we sadly
mniss In otmr Stntu huiitllng.
Tim e Nebraska btm ii ii I it g Is hati ti fimi I y sl t-
uatemi facing time valley miami time ever-cimang-
lug biutTs , temmtlng an arclmitect to build
great porches upimeiti by big pillars where
Noimmaskans immigimt sit. to rest timeir tired
u3LS Oil tIme green trees mmd soft colors of
time iiistammce after time fatigue of the glare
of mummmllgimt oim time lmlte buildings. HtmL lit-
stt'nil timere is aim eimclosed idazza wimere imo
( lime wotmiti care to rest amid time four corners
of time rectangular buildIng are surmounted
by smutii : domes oim each of wimicim Is imaimmted
a tmavsty of time blue imilis ammil sky.
And how iimarUstlc is time arrangemiment of
timc rooimms Ilmalciel One intmnenso ccmmtral roommm
reaching up elgimty-tlvo feet to tue imelgimt
of the large cemmtmal dome gives the lmmmpres-
sloim of beimmg no overland railway station.
Just imorth of time Nebraska Is the Illinois
state building , very inviting ill its colotmlai
simplicIty and hospItable imlazzaS. A gable
extendlimg omit over the front entrance Is up-
imelil by massive pillars in time Greek style ,
addlmmg at time samime tiimme to timu nrcimltccturnl
effcct 011(1 to time coimtfort of time visitor ,
In a small gallery adjoining It on the
south hang several pictures of the Chicago
expositIon painted by Mr. ICey. These
pictures are a careful reproduetloim of time
exposi Lioim-palimted with aim architect's accuracy -
curacy , rather than wltim an abandon to
color or Iimmprcsslonistlc effects. It wIll be a
pleasure to the peoilc who vIsited the dm1-
cao exposltloim to refresh their inemuorles
1mm looking at these pictures. Atimi they who
were not at Cimicago In 1S93 will find tlmeimm
eccedimmgiy lmmterestiimg. Timero are umarmy
who Will vlsim to see theft in order to coin-
Pare ; for timero .is timis curious thing about
Its timat. we tin not cimjoy noythlng in Itself ,
htmL oimiy as commmlaretl to soimmetimlng eio. If
we cannot prove to otmr own satisfaction thmat
this cxposltlomm is as good as the World's
fair , or at least is a mimlimiaturo representatIon
of It , we will immIvo none of it. But they are
lit no way similar beyond the tact that the
tmmaln btmiltlitmgs In cacti case imave been
grouped around a large imasin of water , that
time htmlldlngs are covered with whIte staff
ammd timat they contain exhibits. Time ene lit
In no way a copy or an imitation of time
0 tue r.
South of the state buildIngs Is the llauntlimg
horticultural building , wIth Its doitmes , its
minarets , Its coluimmims ammd Its renaissance
frieze. It Is built In a mixed style of arclml-
lecture aimd appeais to time PCOIlo-jUSt as a
nmcdiey does In timusle-ono Is imot good art ,
the other Is not good unmalc.
vmsm'i'oits PIliM 'I'tIlh Il.tY S'I'ATl ,
Immssimt'miims , . * ss ( milk' 11dM % YI I 1 'lsm1. Iii
tim ' 0111111,15 Fntr.
WASHINGTON , June l5.-Speclal ( Teie-
gmuimm-ltemrcscmmtatlve ) Mercer retlmrxmed today -
day from Springfield , Mass. , wlmere imo wemmt
oil busimmess anti returns with ImmfomnmatIon
that forty-two of time flay stnu. senators aimil
represemmtatlves purpose visiting time Trans.
imtIsisslimpi Exposltlomm early in July. Amm
npjmmoprlmitlojm of 6,000 imas beeim voted to defray -
fray time expenses of time trip , ltmt time dliii-
duty Is timat the whole legislature of Massa-
cimusotts waimts to mnmtke time trip. Lletmtenaimt
( Ios'erimor Craimo ill head time jmarty aiIm !
iota are now imeiimg drawn as to who simali ac-
CuImmIlAlmy the delegation. For time first. time
Iii the lmistory of time state of Massacimusotta
thu legislature has voted aim appropriation
for a tour of Investigation outside Its own
doimmiimloim , Timu Ihay state imas been con-
sur'ativo to a degree in titls regard , but
time vest has for years been a purcimaser of
Its hmaimmifacttlremi nut tim leaven of wIder
mmmmmrkots imavlimg been working , It was fInally
iloclilt'ml tt > ' 'go west" aimmi become acquairmtemi
Witim the section beyoimtl time Mississippi , mmd
accordimmgiy an appropriation was voted ,
tl'i'u ti , llit l.i' ii. . lit ii limit.
Inforjmmatloim has imecim received front Pow-
cli ( 'layton , UimlIcii States tmminlster to Mex-
leo , that time decision of Limo Mexican goy-
crimmnent to imot Ilmmrtlellate lit time exposition
hits becim mimotlilleil sontewimat by the actloim
of time mimmister of foioeimto , Ferxmnntlez L.eal ,
vito has mmotiflt'ti Mr. Clayton in a brIef
note tlmat 0mm account of time imiterest In tue
expoattloit it imas been decided timat aim cx-
Imlitit will be immatle i)3 time tleimartmmmemmt of
agriculture , etc. , simon'iimg time oiiiclal publi-
cottons of time lepartimment , immaps , etc. , aiim !
an exhibit of mmgrlculturai Imrotlucts and mum-
cmiii ,
( ) tlmvr
Wednesila ) ' , Juime 22 , wili be "Chililmeim's
day" for tile school chlltirerm pt Iougiamm
county. South Oimmalma and Coummcli hhitiffs
amId time school cirlltlroim of thee distrIcts
thu invited to conmo to the exposition oim
timat ilay anti emmjoy timemmmsciyes to time Ut-
immost. Children 15 years or less in ago will
be amhimmltteti on that day ( or 10 cents.
, "itch mit'st I'ramgriijit" immy ,
Stmmmtlay will be "reqimest prograimi" day for
the United States Marine band at time cx-
position , Time llmogranms will be made UI )
by Dtrector Satmtelmmman tronm numbers requested -
quested by time Imublic. All who have suggestions -
gestions or favorite imieces timey with to
hear , are requested to send the aaines to
lIrcctor Saimtelmau at the Ilarker hotel ,
31 rim. iirlslImie mimiml liii. l
Mrs. A , Melver lhrusbino imas bcemm ap-
poiutcd by time hillools eomnamlssiomm to am-
range the umusic for IllInois day at State
btmllding. Colonel ammd Mrs. llambletoa am
I the commission wIll recelve It Is probable I
, , lrs. } ntharIno Ihloodgood , the famous eon'
tralto , will conic on from Now \'ork espe-
tinily for time occasion ,
The [ hoard of Trade of Qulney will bring
in a large party. Time excursIon will come
over time i'ort Arthur route aal arrive in
Omaha soiactime Monday afternoon.
ii iii IMNIIIJIM flit clmrummkn lzmy.
The Itoh ! admlssiuns to tim grouads on
Nebraska day were il,16C. ThIs does not
ineltide time large number of commutation
tickets which served as a immeans of ailmls.
slim to the grounds for fully it timousnati
imenitle , aeitiier does It lncitmde the thousands
of people wlmo came In with imasses of various
kinds ,
iIimmsI , I
Tu elegant imlaimos have been liacetl lit
time 'hsconsln building.
Over lt'OO PeOPle registered at the Nebraska -
braska stole tuiidlng , On "Nebraska day. "
The Nebraska state potmitr3' exhIbIt will be
opened Monilay In time somali bulldlmmg erected
for that Purpose bear time Dairy bulidiimg.
'Fito ilhriingtoii moat ! has tenulcre.l the
Moimtana l'ress association free traimsporta-
lion to Onmaima aimd return froimm hllliIngs on
Montamma tiny , Juno 2'J.
A rehearsal ot the Exposition elmerus vlIl
La' held at time city hail toimlghmt. 'Tite Rose
Maiden" alit ! "fly Iiabyion'sVnVe" wIll be
rehmearsemi. Saturday eveimilig it full rehearsal -
sal with the orchestra will be imeld at time
Montgonmcry ' 'm'ard & Co. were tillable to
entertalmm imli time vIsItors vimo called at their
immimmdtoine htulidImm Nebraska day. Timeir
electric cnrrimmge was itt colmstamtt USC , but
it wait tmmiabl to accominotlate btmt a Iortiolm
of their visitors.
'rime rimiidrcn emmjoycml time attractions of
time Mimiway last imlght antI a germ-
emal rcductioim lim ; mrlces fur timeir heneflt.
Nearly au the concessiomma mmmdc a ilitt rate
of 10 CeiltS for cimlidreim and Imtmnilrt'ius or the
3etlimg visitors took advantage of time 0111mm-
ttmnlty ,
Time work of plnclimg time exhibits 1mm time
Aldary anti Dairy bullihitmgs Is lrogressimIg
very slowly. Tlmose alremtily installed are oaiy
the Nebraska state aimit Iougias county tim
the Apiary building. Nomme whatever are tim
time Dairy building , evcr3'tlmlmmg being cielayd
nwaitlmig the completIon of the refrigerator
facilitIes , As soon as COiflltietCd Stmperlim-
tcimmlcmmt llimsiimorc will mmotify time exhIbitors ,
tvlmo will soon arrive wRit their displays ,
Time lianmilton cadets of Nm tii i'limtte
fornmcil the center of attraction yestertity
mmmomnlimg mmii nftermmooim during two exhIbition
drills gtveit on the grounds. Time ilrst drill
was given 1mm the mmmormmimmg lit front of the
Nelmraska bulidlmig auth attracted a large
crawil of Imeeple wimo hiappeimeil to be in timat
vortlomm of the grounds , Time drill lit the
nfterimoon took pince in front of time Gov-
ernnlent buiitliimg and attracted a large
'rlm'I.m't lirolcem's Im'i'I lime ii ) Siiliiiilt to
tiit' itm'&iiIim I bits i'r'sertii'mt ,
I ) , . Ill , ' Cii- ,
Wheim Liceimse Iimspccmor McVittlo sought
yesterday to collect licenses front the llfteen
ticket scalpers anti brokers of time city he
immet % vitim a very 1eternmlitet1 aini flat refusal -
fusal froimm all of theta.
Time ordinance licensing ticket brokers
vas Itasseti in Airii last , , but Ito move was
mmmdc toward collecting time tax until yes-
tertiay. Time iicemuse Is $75 imer year ammd time
ftilflilmneimt of certain ohilgatlons. The anlouimt
of time tax Is not wimat the brokers object
to , and they do mmot. consider time tax aim imposItIon -
posItIon , itilt thmey do coimsuiler time obliga-
tlons mttmcim. Tile ordiimnnce gives tile Ilcemise
inspector or others In authority time power
to mmmahe an litvcntory of their stock of tickets -
ets vhtcimevcr timey desire to do so. It also
lIthiilts tlmeimm trout imaimdling signed contract -
tract tickets. This Is wimmtt. timey take emit-
pimatle CXCCItIOim to. Timey claIm the ortli-
immtnce in every respect Ixtiures their busi-
Hess by time restrlctlotm it places upon them.
0mw and all of timeimi absolutely refuse to
PaY time license unless the ordinaimce Is mood-
tIled. Ihy timeir refusal timey hope to make
time city take time Initial action lit the case.
They will then ileclile how they 'will nmeet
time Issue. The claim Is set up by soimie of
time brokers tlmat time clause In time ordinatmce
was proimmpted by tile railroad conmpaimles.
Slitco the passage of the urdimmammce tile flvo
ticket brokerage ollices timcmm opemateil have
imiieit increasei , ewing to time expositIon , to
hf teen ,
.mAItISItS Altii ! 3l'V'i'jIt 1t1 ,
'I'Iiey l'rohit I- ' '
I'I'lielr ihmtrly Ii.erl-
. ' , mee vltI , time ( iii'rrl has ,
( Copyrlglmt , iS9. by time \3soclated l'ress , )
KINGSTON , Janmalca , Jutmo 15.-S a. , in-
( On board Associated l'ress dispatch boat
Datmutless , off Guammtaimamno bay , Juimo 14.- )
Timere was no renewal of the attack on the
marines last algimt. Titey slept lim time
trenches with tlmelr rifles beside timeimm , pro-
tcctc'd by a heavy picket line of limsurgemmts
aittl mimarlnes tiimdcr coimimimaimil of Llctmten-
omits Lenore and Similtim. Time Pickets imail
strict orders Imot to fire unless comninammiled
to do so. There were several iiiarins , but
110 firIng ilurirmg tue mmlgimt. him consequence
time timoim awoke immucim refresimed after four
days alit ! imlgimts of contlimtmous work and
It was SUpfloSed the enemy had retIred to
the winilimmiii on time south coast , time oltiy
rcnmainiiig source of ivater supply , Time
ii'lutiimmili was shellemi at intervals mmli day
yesterday by time lolpitin ) , bimt the Span-
inrds were still timere tills inorniiig.
At 8 o'clock the enemy imimle aim unex-
pccted sharp attack omm time rear aimmi left.
Ilaiik , Witeit the idekets caimmcj in for ro-
11cC tIme Spaimlsh guerrillas crept along bo-
imlmmd timeimm aimil got within 100 yards , wimen
time accidental duscimarge of a rifle In time
trehicimes lou tltein to believe they were dlii-
covered alit ! thmtmy opened fire with a volley ,
witicit whhstlemi imarimmlessly overheat ! . They
immtd miimot. too imlgim , nit usual.
Time ituirimmes Umeim scramimbled frohim timetr
steaiiming , coffee alit ! imardtack back to time
ticimehmes anti mmmet tile guerrillas with a
ragged but well directed rule lIre. lit ad-
thition five field Itleces , mouimtetl at angles
iim limo trcimchmoa , mint ! time immacimimme guits
potmred a miii of bullets Into time chaparral ,
seatteriimg time immain body of time Simalmiarils
in all dlrectlomma. Slmellmm were droptetl iimto
timeir immtihst as they maim ,
A few of time cmmemmmy stood timeir grpummd
desperately eu time left. flank and time crack
of time Mauser milks amid time "pings" of
their bullets were heart ! rallier timaim seen
for an imotir , mmii time summokeless powder used
by time Svammlarchs mmmade their location lit thu
demmso uimderbrusim alimiost iimmposslbie to du-
ted ,
Time I'ammtimer fired slx-poiimmmiens Into time
Slammiarmhs , wImIlo time immarlimes were engaged
in beatIng oft the attack.
Oitiy one mmmamm ias wounded , armd ito sus-
tamed ommiy a aligimt limjimry on Imis hand.
The Ctmbammii , wimo acted well last nlgimt ,
were witim clitlletmity forced out of tIme skim-
mimisim tine tills imiornlng. Soimme of them reused -
( used to ho drlveit , even when struck by
tlmeir cheers witim time list of their immacimotemi ,
but they were itot eensurrtl ,
Our immeim are at a great dIsadvantage with
time gtmermillus , ilmo are past grand ministers
of this peculiar ltian of cnlnpalgn of savage
matimer than of civilized warfare. Time mmmcmi
slink tlmrouglm time tropical uimdergrowi as
noiselessly as milmadows , some wltim theIr
imakeml lodIes concealed ivitim pahimi leaves ,
so timat they are hmeitimer secit mmor heard.
Our men are not faimmlliar wltit these tactics
ant ! awkmartlly crasit timrougit time brush ,
CaptaIn Elliott says time coenty could not
stand a nmhituttm lit time open , bat adnmits they
are dahmgeroua autagoimists In this sort of
work ,
un t Isli aimil dmmiigtiilim imimie'riiitim ( hi imb ,
The Usual weekly ameeting of the llrltlsli
and Caimadhan-Aluemicalt club will be held
this ( Thursday ) evelmlhmg Ia time climb room ,
431 ltanmge block , at 8 o'clock , Full attend-
mInce requesteth , Caimadlan mind Umitusb visit-
t.orS cordially invited ,
I. It
Two Special Companif the Voluntect
Service BoiniiBaiserL
- ii )
( I , 'I
( ' , til tim iIt'imnti libel hull iitt lie-
mmmii I I t'itI Trim I ii i iur i ) qiIii I I 'm I-Cit im-
tuhim ) ) , I img
for Ii'lwhutIflse lt'n.
- - . '
A. 11. Weher , assisiiti' ' Uimltct ! States
engilmeer , tins been dctllilt. ! to timts city hmy
Colonel Young of tlmoi vbtmntcer citglimeet
corps to raIse a commtiau.-of ; englimeers imt
timis vicinity. it wilt commslst of mmlmmety-fotmr
tmteil , including timroe coimtnmlssionetl olflccrs ,
sIn ! will draw immaterial treat every bratmch
of the sclemmces atmil mtmecimanlcnl trades , Those
eligIble are immacimlalats , blacksmIths , carpenters -
ters , pltmmbcrs , telegrapiters , topograpmers ! ,
draughtsnmen , photographers , riggers , rail-
roatl macmm , boattmteii and timosmi skilled In the
itao of explosives. Time ongimmeers are Inild
sligimtiy higher titan Infantry voltmimteens , and
are not exputet ! to tzmke actIve vart tim en-
gagemnents , Mr. W'eher will be lit titis city
for several weeks , and expects to receive
cimhhstimments front Nebraska , Ioh , orth mmd
South 1)akota.
Orders Imave also been lasuemi from the
\Var departlitent altOliitIflg Cmtptain Frank
Lymnaim , Jr. , of les ) Moines , In. , recm'imitlimg
olflccr for a signal corps to tte composed
of tilegmapim operators ammd expert etcctrl.
claims. Titus braimeh of time service is commsutl.
ereil omme of time mmlost Immterestltmg , itmid Its
duties itro to keep imp conmimmuimicatloit between -
tween time itifferemit colmmnmatmduns mmimd the
rear anti other poimtts. To ito timis pertmmamment
nimtl tiyiimg telegrmtph aimtl teicpimummo hues are
tiseth , as well as Ilags , torches , imehlograplms ,
searcimllgitti , etc. Time slgnainmcit are
mmmoumttetl nit , ! arimmed with saber , carbiime mitt
revel 'er.
CaptaIn lloltlernman Is still itt time cIt. ) ' look-
lug for adtiitlommai mmmcit for time First Nebraska -
braska voitmnteer Infantry , ttow eu Its way
to time l'imlliimlmines. As soon as hentlqunrters
are opelmemi the recrtmlts that lmavo offered
tlmemnselves wIll lie examimincil , alit ! timose aci
ccptel Will be sent to time front at ommce.
Cadet Taylor Inst night received a teic-
gi-ammt from his son , Calmtalim Wallace C. Tay-
br of comnpatmy L , First regintent N. V. I. ,
whlcim was dated on board the transport
Senator. Captain Taylor reported nil ltancls
icil , nut ! everybody on board but omme. l'rl-
vale W'tmitinoro ias heft in the hospital suf-
ferlimg frommt a slIght nttack of fever. When
time Senator received time soldiers timey were
given a great. reception by the citizens anti
the simlpplimg In time harkor. Every vessel
vitlt a wimlitlo turtmcd it loose , yards wcre
inanneti , and tite whole affair was made a
mimost treimieiidoims outiurst of patriotic en-
thushismmm ,
m'htthS ( IN 'rlilh ltAlk'VAY S'i'Vi'iu' S
Nmmrt Ii imest ( 'rim Itomiml Seimil I mmg 'l'lmeiim ' to
.ttL iimiui'ttiIit t'ohits.
ChICAGO , Jimmie 15.-TIme olhiciaus of time
N'ortltwestern railway hmmive decldeul to show
their patriotism and to ltiplro their Imasseim.
gers by decorating tile coMpany's buildIngs
everywhere along the titred iilvlsioims of time
I oad. The tirst Iiags wcra ralseti on time
Milwaukee division. Sixteen beautiful mm-
tlonai emhmlcmns are ln'piura today between
ChIcago anti Mliwaimlcq .auil time breeze Is
unfmmrling Old Glory anti making the statIons
wIth theIr towers aitiear 'nture lIke sniali I
fortresse " " peaceful va dcltots. It was
statem' ' I. ' forty of the irlmmclpal Illaces
in Iil . ' "eli smmpphicii so far armtl that
as fast as m , . . iO time m'itllrund officials would
try to show their latrlqtia toiitlnments to the
sniahler comuiiitiitIies. ijvery viilage or
towmm hla'iilg 500 or more imhmabItnnts there
wlii ho a "hag statlok" There are about
100 such stations on thiifllwaukee , Galeima
anti \Viseoimmtifl divIsions. - On lInes lit Iowa ,
Wlscoitsiim and Mixmimesota tIme stars and
strIpes wilt be itiacetl as well and thIs wIlt
imecessitate time Ptmrchmns ! of flags for the
7,000 mIles of road.
( iietk Ilium . ttt lm ii I'rehg1it 'I'rimi a.
DENVEI1. Coio. , June 15.-Time train load
of Imroiectlles anml powtler from New York
enrotmte to Marc Island , San Francisco ,
reached Denver yesterday. Time tlustaimce
( rout Cimlcago hIatt been covered in world's
record tlmtte. Time ten cars of heavy freight
were hauled across time prairIe mtnmi Up time
Rocky mountain slope In timlrty-elght lmours
anti thirty-two minutes , vimcreas time regu-
hat running time for freIght between C'hl-
cage ant ! lenver is nbaimt sIxty hours , The
litmriIngton road niade the great run At
, 12 13 p nm It tiiilkl out of ChIcago over
the flurilngton fmr tener , arrivIng here mit
3:15 : n m. today. The lila ( Imantlu olflcials
Imope to maintain the rate of smee ( ! at ihlch
It was rushed west front Chicago.
Fou ; iii OMAHA NEWS.
liecaimse the packlmmg imoimse celetimatloim imaim
hen postpoimet ! ummtli fall it mmmtmst not ho
inferreti that time matter will be allowed
to tlmp. MI of the packers amid tite stock
yards coompaity urged that time demmmommstra-
lion imo ileferremi until fall aim account of tite
innbiiit3' of the farmimers to leave imommme at
time vreseimt tlmmme. It Is stated that time
t greater ortloim of the fnrmmi work wIll be
over by time latter part of Septemmtber ntttl
that there vlli then be tto lImIt to time
; crowds. Time Armtmetmr comimpatly , cannot pos.
slimly be rently to comimmenco operations tme-
fore sonic time 1mm July aimd it is tieslreti
that all of time packing hmouscs be rtmnmmlng
full tlimmo wimen tito visitors arrive , 1'Iaiis
for time celeliratloim are mmciv being armatigeth
by rcpresemttatlves ot tite Imackiitg
I and stock ynrmls anti time coimmimmlttees will
be nmmmtommmtceml before ioimg.
Time iteimubilcaim , pubilsimeti at Central
City , Neb , , imas this to say of the protmosed
ltacking house cehehiratloim : ' 'Time lroimosed
packing house jubilee 1mm Soutim Ommmaha wIll
be a gmanil evcmmt If PrImlierly carrleti out ,
So substitimtlai aim Immtproveimtcmmt as time great
Amumotir plant , vimIcim lmas just been coin-
iiletctl , shtoulti imot lie allowed to miss with-
omit suitable coimmitiemnoratioim. ( iremit as Is
time benefit to South Ontaima , It Is fmtr greater
to the state. Netiraska Is a corn-gruwiimg ,
stock-rausummg territory ; outer states dlvlthu
thmeir intiustrles , but with us it is time grunt
iitiustry. ! Stockimmeit lit every tow mm shotmltl
I coimstlttmte themselves a contimmlttee to adver-
, the time lmrolmoseii jubilee. 'l'ime malhioutus
intl tmmmdoUimtuiy ! give thtc ttmmtmzml exctmrslomm
I rates aitti there simouhti be stmclt atm outpotmr-
t imig of iteolile as Ncbriisiut never saw before -
fore , "
sm % I ft n n it rimmim pa mm y's A ssi'ssmnelm I.
Correcteti rettmrmms fmoimm time Titird warti
; show timat time asetsmmiemmt of Swift aimti Cent-
Imaay iras raisc slightly , \'idie it is trime
I that the valuatlnim of the plaimt proper was
: lowered as compareti with a year ago , prom-
erty wimicim tito compamm y reccmmtly acquireti
was raised enougit to mimalce the total $1,100
nmoro than in 1S97. One year ago time Oberne
property , ivimlcim ailjolns Swift oit the sotmtim ,
was assesseti at $ S0O. This year tue vaitma-
I ttotm of this pIece of land was maiseti to $3,500.
' Last year's tota ! for Swift was $41,600 , while
this year It Is $13,500.
lt it mm , I ii I ii mc hm alt' Ii e rs' I 'a i' i' rM ,
Messrs. Johnson , Snmitlm anti Lanibert , con-
stltutiimg time board of exaimtiiters desigimatet !
to examine almlmhlcants for Posltloims in the
litlbiic schools , are still inmay iooklimg over
time papers , btmt it is thougtmt tlmat all halters
will be marked and returited to time Boarti
of Education lit tinme for tomiiglmt's meeting.
'rime exantinntleim was very complete auth
each npphIcant. was exaumiimcci aim teim differ-
emit subjects. As there were fifty mtiqmhlcnmmts
It imas been imeeessLmry to go over 500 Itapers ,
It is understood timat a imiajorlty of timose
wlmo took time exaimtiitatioit imassed.
imt' for t lie ( 'ImIIl reim.
On aecoummt of time South Onmaima schools
imnviitg cleseti aim Jimmie 3 it unit inmpmactlcable
for time cimittireim of this cIty to ParticiPate ill
time Cimlitlreim's day exercises at the expoxi-
tlcmmm. Menmbers of time ihoart ! of Etiucatiomm
ivouiti very tnmmcii like to have time cimihtireim
of this city glvemm the same opportunity as
the Pupils lit the Oimmaima scimools aimd sltim
this Idea In vIew will smmggcst to time oxecmm-
tive comnnmittce of the expositloim timat a
Ito set apart lii Septcimmber , after the fall
terimm coniimmencemi. for the scimool elmittlrea of
tills city ,
iiooiii I ii liii m'gla r A Iii i'imss.
Timere lii a sort of boommm on burglar aimmrmns
just mmon' , causetl by the lncreaslmmg imuummber
of robberies. Electrlciaims are kept busy
mlacimmg hmtmrghar alarimms on doors and windows -
dews aimtl in soijie eases imuuscbreakcrs will
imtcet with mm. warm reception. Uimless time
imollce force is iitcreasetl It wilt be inmpos-
siblo to give Lime protection de.iiromi amid
nmaimy of time resIdents arc taking tIme imiut'
ter of protectiomm into timelr own imantis.
( 'I tAsks it Nt' 'l'rhimi.
City Attorney Moatgommmery has filet ! a nb-
' tlon for a new trial In time case of Fred
irex T. ShiOtnmmmli hilt the tlp itt : :
mmlglit lit time St reels ci' ( .ali'o-ammd ciii' '
Shmte iimj't't' lilt time lmolmithmur hmetvlmeit ] : lie , 't ' 'i
bought I hose iuev ulmiik bt'ovit Vlcl kltls
film' itilh's' : i't'tm'-lit time Oxftmrtii : Iimii
' umd velt moiet-l Ime
ImigIm ( 'lit styles-tutu : -
' ' ' imtt'iit ' otlmer
vt'l'3' ( mulct 'titiitg tniis-No
siio' 'p llmsittuii'n ( 'tmmlhliItJ ) $ $0 Ilhilell
I it gOod hittmks mm mid t'oiit to ii its t Ii Is t4hmlm-
\\'m"re mint gtilmmg It ) ' .ouy a vortI mubtuit
I lit' lm'l't'-t'XCt'lt ) ) tiimtt it. Is mmiii' mlsilII :
itmw' klitil for big vnitme-\\'u' 'amtt time
lmiiilt's oi' Otmimlimmu ititil , timoe lm.'me' . tIglmt-
s't'l ii g t it musk ( iii' I It i si nmi'-t I nqi ivi" ii
thi yell tull aitout It-You don't. tILed to
kuioi' vill. '
buy-mit syc yuu
Drexel Shoe Co. ,
Ommmmtlmzi'ii Up-lo-ilmite Simoe Iloims. ' .
141t ) 1ARNA.1 STRlEL'
Yoiis feiiem's tiat don't go ommtr tIe ? mIId'
W'IIY 1101' dmmmi't simioke ltt' miuh'i : liye.ct'mtt
Sloe'ki'r sigar 1istt hmaf mit' joy mif ihl life
-film it geniI easy $ mmloke dtts : nm genii
OH limost hf do ten cemtt'rs-Yei' iimmist gut
do Sttt'i'lmt'm-Iy : : diid' imiitmlo ticimm fur a
long I him imos' , amid they Is tie saute good
i'igni mm ever-Asic yer mtuaiti l'ur do
S I ( le'ict'l'- I Ii sl st oit ha 'eiI I I- I f it it I o it't
si'll it , imi"s ito gooil-l"iir all do fill't. , fl
U1115i4 ( I I'll lt'l'S iii'i I ii P It s''t't'l i t St mt'i'k ci' ( ' g
t''t'lt If Iht'3' ciili't iIi ) ) $ , ( > ilii1lt' LIt do 110W p
bolmils vIt1 tie profits 1vy imiitlw , i/CfC
1404 Douglas St.
'i'lte , VIliIest lmt'olilu litmimu ( iii' ihm'y
\1Ithit'l'-S0 ( It ) W't'-titt't IVil ivIhl ltuvt' a
II , ,
i'iuii iic't I ii il tuna ml oil1' tIj mi I ot'k o I lit vmt i
Imom\'e ( hOil't st'lI ' vii'mu
It rico ii iii ) , t't"l'U gnhtlg to si'lI lnw'mm
lmmnmt' , ii S I t ivas mm ( tV'i' situ ! t mi'furtm-\'u' vc'
lnmst , it I ltk mu nil I 1c-mt itmi ei''ji a ii
1114 t'eiittt-Sttiiie ( lily , s'tiu'li ilnt a hose " \
-So' j tDit t't'ilt ( 'lit I IPI t hit t-Lmtsv mm m a
tilt ) muot SO litd-"t'l'ti ) tt'li Xi 1 2.IllCli ias'n
liii ) i't'i' ( iii' $2.75In igo 2 1 - I lit' ] i omiim fop
$ TO-\Vt' ( ) iitt'ii otlmttr.Ammy of thim.'itt 'ili
lit' (0111111 mill i'lght-tgeitts i'tii' time
fuimtott8 .Itt'el ltefrigerttor altil liisiir- I ,
11 iht'tm ( I itsol hit , S t ov ems ,
1514 Fariiaiu St1 ,
:14 =
Officidi Souvenir Medals
601(1 ( rlatca and Fine Silver Ollicial Svo-
, 'enir ' Coin Medals.
in (1lUl11titimh ( Of lifty aitiI 111)-Cit Ii ) t O1)Ifli iied
by' ( lCaIOI' at 8. good (1'lcohltlt. ( On tito re'orio s'idu
of the ilhlMifli ' ' hhlOflhiltMl I iilihlli ' .
1 $ i'O1)1't9ithttC(1 fl ( , Epeal'
I hg ; t biI little , Ott I Ito tb\'tI'mt ) side , a coin Iii
)1fltOgl'ap11 ol' .IS 'ouuIg lt(1iC il'hhhI ( I lit ) 'J'l'ithhS'
\IISSISSiII \ ) [ Stilt(4. (
Call on 01' lild ( i'ei ,
"ui" " JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Secretary ,
Stir'ieo But I 1 i ug , Ex poi I oi t ( i'oni tlit.
iintmg , amiummlmmiatmator , ngaimmst 11mm , city of
Somitim Onmaimmm. Time case is cite where time
cIty Is stiti for tiammiages umm amcotmmtt of the
mleatlt lmtt wInter of VIllimtnm ltaimg , allegi't'
11) iiaee beemm cautmt'mt by a thefective month iii
Aihriglmt. At time trial a few days ago the
jury rettmmnetl a jimthgmitemm I mmgaiimst time city
for $ S00. Attoilmey Momttgomncry sets up in
his Itetltlomu for a tteii' trial ttmmt : time verthict
% iu9 coimtrmtry to time evitheiict' anti tii law.
( 'imimilli of ( lii' li'111'11,1.1. .
J. It. Cain , a hianler of Stehla , itlcimartison
county , ias a visitor iii time city ycsti'rthay ,
lie salii that If all Neimrmmthma farimmers iere
in as good circmmmmmstnmmi'es nit those .surrotmmtml-
11mg hmis lmoiime the bammlccrs wouiih soon have
to look to seine otimer iimmsliit'ss for nit lit-
COITtO. Mr. Calim states that evemm at law rates
timt're Is very little mmppllcatloim for loamms , nm !
as fast as lalmer ! becoimies ( limo it IS taken imim. I
itt'al estate mmmortgnges , Mr. Calmm sa"s , mire
bei mig to It cit UI ) a miii cmiii cci eti immomm thl y , vlm i cIt
simows a immosperous coimthItloit of affairs.
'm'nhIlmmx for ti , . ShitiiiiM ,
i'oittinmmsler McMiiian Is aimxloimsiy await-
lng time arrival of time exposition staimmps ,
Large ortierms for timest ? mitalmips hive nlreniiy
itt'eim receI'ed anti a. bIg rim 411 Ix aim ti cipmm ted.
At the time of scimdimmg In the reqtmisitloim time
lostmnaster ortlereti omtiy ( mimO ntaimtim'g simimply
Ott nCcoliitt of being simert of storage roonm ,
but There \'ill lie received as ilcetlt ! . I t lit
immuhi3rstocmti timat tIme .stammmps rere sImiipeti
fi'OiTi'm'asltlimgtoim yesterday.
I'i. , % . , U I ti ii t I , , . ( 'm'uls.
A COiflimtiitSlofl nmmm vitn jlm3t retmmrmmed from
a tm'hIm through tim : ' state saiml yesterday : "i'ime
5'- . . . mover looked bettor , Cant is 1mm good
color aimd tue stain ! is heavy. ott it
i.etiy. Smimahl gmaiim looks iieii auth will
nmatum'e' a large crop witim a bug enougit
Period of sumnsimlmte alit ! good iveatimer for
imarvest , As far its I camm see time farmmmera
have mme reasolm to coinhmlmmlim. "
: 'iuirli' I 'I mm.
Mrs. II. Ilerkmmmamm , lioulevartl anti L streets ,
is quite sick.
City diem k Carpemmtem' is womklmmg Oii time
lStS tax books.
S. S. Gm ilihit of Itokuity was a vIsitor itt.
tiiti exclmaimge yesterday.
Time fifteen-teim scales wcra set iim time
Arimmour vintuc't ! yesterday
'l'iie Tangenmaim-Simell immiantilt etse : Is booiel ;
for itearimmg itm 1011cc court today.
Joiiii ticIvii' , Ti'Irtltytit mmimii It streets , is
rccoverlmmg froiim a pmotm'actcti llimtesit.
Mrs. .Iolmamimma Molcimur of Atlantic , Ia , , is
imere visiting her itoh , c. A. Mt'lcher.
Mr. auth Mrs. ii. Matiura , Timirty-fiftit aimtl
J strt'ets , report time arrival of ml tlamighmtui.
One of tue chiildremm of 'i'imonmmms Fienmhmmg ,
Tnmitty-elgimtim ammd It streets , is quite sick.
Mrs. E , S. Dimmmimioelc is rapIdly r3coverlmmg
( rein her severe Illness intO is mmow aiie to
lilt iii ) .
Charles M.myers of Itia Grove-Itt. , is spemiti-
lug a few dmiys , wltim hut mmeitimew , ii. II.
W'llcox ,
tutu for the commstmuctiomm of time highland -
land school will lie mecelveti ulm to Sattirtlay
noomi. Time Board of Education will liolt ! a
iiiit'ciitl itteetiimg Stittirtirty tmigbt to act eu
time huh.
( icel go Kant left yesterthity miftem mmouim for
Smun Fimimmciitco , ii'iiere ime Will visit fricumuhs
tat' a t'tmtiitiem of weecks.
Toitigimt thu iluarul of Rmlttc'atiomm vIii mmmct't
to trmmimsmict remit lime Imimitummesami lInti elect
teieimQmm ; ittil un mmcipahs.
Tltus t'vemmlmlg time l.mulit's' AItI society of
time First M1'titOtilst i.'iitiivlm will gtv. ' a
blrt iiilmmy t'tmci iii at t It , ' i'm i'ltis of I lm i' im ii m'clm ,
Aimimlvcrsmmry t'xt'm m'isus el time First tlt'tit-
oil I at c Ii ml mcii ii i i t h& ' liii d mm t'x t Stmntlay. 11ev.
F. M. Sussoit mmmiii lc' . I' . N. l.tii'simmm ivili
Joimit Ksciislrlta , tim i laborer i lie i'as hurt
itt A m mimuum' ii 'l'tiesd ay it ftemnoon , is del img
iliecl at tii' imttspital , flltimotik'lt hme ivlil ho
limIt ! imp fum' suimmit timmit' .
' t St. Ill Iiget's ditircim yesterday immorim-
lug Miss Margam et F'aimey ant ! l'mttrlck Miur-
I I mm tier ' mmi a ii led hiy it iv. Fat imt'm' (1 i cmiomm ,
Stmiemuim imigim itmass ntis celcbrmuteih mId mi
large ittmnmtier of fri'mmds ! of tue commtrmmctlng
; mari lee i'tiieitsetl ! I lie ceri.'mmtony.
.Inhtn lmmgnmm of ( lnoilwlim , Nob. , munmi ttIss
: q iimimiO ii. Moriarty , sister of Framik J ,
Mimriarty , casi'lcr cif ti'e I'mmclu'vs' Nmmttommal
btimik , were immarm' 'ml yt'stm'rminy mmmtmrmmlmmg at
St. Agimcs' cbtmrcii by 11ev. I ) . W' . Morlaity ,
M r. ant ! Mrs. iimgrtn wilt spemmtl theIr hoimey-
mmtomolm lii ih t'flSt.
, ' , ' ' ' ' ' ti. . .
( OSl il'lt I 'l'ihIt .t'i'I O't ii.tNIC.
l'mIsmll I' lii . % iim'mishi'mi : ( U ( ) li'ml hiim IIm'lil
I , . . .ti Cltll'IIM.
\'ASlllNGTON , Jimmie ,15.-After time pas-
smuge of a large mtummmber of Itcimsien bills ammO
ltstrimlmtg to SPreelmi'S omm time athvnittmmgeii of
time i up ulmi Icaim I mm m I if leg usia t in mm by t r.
l'rltrimard ( N. C. ) tIme scnnte tutluy resuitmctl
enmmtil therat I oil of time I imtermm at Ic mini bm mm k 1,111 ,
Time rt'sohti I to im % as aimn'mmti cmi ii lid ildimp ted
cx ti' liii I mmg iii ii p rlvl I eges 0 1 1 ime immemusum it , to
mmii cltizemms ii f time U mm I t eti S 1mm teit , I it itt i'tiii of
restricting thmi'mmm to timost' iiicittloiietl Iii time
\Vimemm time mmemmat e aiijoimrnetl coitsiihcratiuu
of time bli i mmii imot. iicei roil Cl utica ! .
rouiIii'iiiiii 1 , ) iii- S'iii' t , .
1VAS1IiNGTON , Jimmie irm.-'rute suimiito to-
ti a ) ' comifi rnim'tl timee imnimi I mm a t
Jimilbeit II. iitrklcy of hlhlmmots , to be brlgru-
, ml ici' gemmemal tmf voltmmteers. ,
( 'aptalim Fmaitim I ) . himhiiwiim , Fiftim tjimitel
States Iimlmmiltrl' , to be iim3pcctor gcimermi : , with
rtmmmk of hieimtemmammt colommei.
Slgmmmml corps : TO iii' cqImtaImls--C. T. mie-
I itt ire , limdlann , ammO Anmijioso' IlIggimmi , I'cmimi-
'I'o be adihltloimal 'payniastcrsC.sriclc ,
Iimtiamma ! , ammO T. P. Vamimey , New Jersey.
I'iitt iiiis * 'm's A ii ii I emI.
\\\Sl IING'i'ON. Jtmmm , ' 15.-Spechimi ( Tile-
gmnmn.-lowa ) hostmasters mmiiiolimted : N. C ,
rmimtsomi itt. Mliltleitowmm , ) Mmlnes ctmummty ;
\ v.V. . Creai itt Northmboro , Page colmmmty ,
anti Mis. Saralm I'arusui at W'ooiistoek'rIgimt
Comm mm ty.
An ortler was Issued today ieimioviitg the
Imostetilce at Mmmqimoiuta , Ia. , froimm Its itresent
utmariers to A. S. Carter's builtiimmg at $309
iwm' mtimimtmmlm ,
\Ve mtt'mm imavliig xi ' smile oh
sI Igim t l.s ii ed iiImt itE4 ( t Ii Is % ' ( 'ek-Nmt mmii
Imtstrmmmmmemmt In liii' lot halt lhmmit yp t'tmi
1.oi I i ittt'iiii to , \ ' oit-Nti t a i i i mist iii am ci u t ' -
, c J1
lit the lot hut timimt ymim ( mill save fmmmn
s : o to i ( ) ( ) tilt , multi mdlii get. lime in'mt
t I I C i.e lit-i I ( 'I ii t' I Ii tier t it t'st' mu t' it ( it voi' Ii
cult liitrummit'iitt--but ln'mtm'tlcihi : iiev-
, As thtt're u't' oimly a ft'sv of tltt'e , ytmit
w' lii I in ye I I ) ( ' ( ml lit' Stoim I f yo ii ex ) I' ( I Iii
secure ( mitt' of tltt'imm-l t costs you iitillmiimg
to lotth at tlti'mn-\\'e vIll voleoitmo yutm.
MUSIC flilti rI 53 Douj1as
- - . _
- - -
Sonic of the tl'ilimell : mtmilmmmnlim at I lie
cmx j 11)51 ) tI omt I imii't'it' t Ii Ii ) ' I eel ii- I ti'imhtlily :
ml I il n' t in ku' en mc ( if I Ii emii w' I t ott you u i '
l''eit i0ihe ( ) Ih ( ' tlit'li' tm'i'tlt through 4 - . : . -
PH i't ? mit'gl i'et- . I I t I I i' 'a mo iiov : tiiil I I i
di a'.sil ' t cost mimiu'ii , it b ml I It I Ii u g t'tm mm 1
ht it I mig msn v I img-\Vc 'xa i m i I ii ii I et' I I i
of clot ige-\'t' eLmm tm'il . 'oii If t Iit'y mire
tttt fiti' gtume to gmts'e-Siitmcllliles it lIttle :
Ill I I tm gv I I I im''s , rye I lieu ii fo m' yt'mt m's ) ii i'
simiahl gold lIlllitgs mul'tm oiily $ : . , Oh ) , sII't't'
itimil gob ! ithloy $ h.iO-\'e ( ext i'ii't i'Ithiout
11:1111 : ( ii' gmni mit r,4)t'-lmtdy ) ltttt'llllhtmit huh t. t
elicit till S I ) , lii , ' ci
13 Yegrm d Vloor t'stxtu , liflC. . -a-----
. ; ; - - -
Eim.rIrlml1r. hub mimmi It'uru rn. -
See that yoi itme vsliml tIll Vit ( ) lit thu
ml ins t sk I I I fil 1 o it I c lit it I ii I evn I ) el'ol'th
I in v I jig yo ii i' eyemt I t'st t'd. 'i'imo ii t't'i'tsi ty
ci' Iiiiviimg , 'i'Otll' L't $ hhited wIth glitmsMemm
stilted to hlmeimi is miimove qllm'stImi $ limo
uimost IIiihltmltitltt tuty ! to yourself. ( 'o tip
l'cnfolml's , litt iIli tt'st yuui' t'yt , iimil
II t I I tt'iiI V I I I i i1il'l' ) gui tie.S it t ti l't'U ' ( iii-
mm hi tt pi'iet , ( ) ii m' o it k'Iii ii ii i on him no i i
tnkt'm ; 111111 'I5 gtliti'imitt'mi HhttIHfltL'tory re-
suits frolmi tint gIiimt's ' , i'u ftii'mtlsii , lax.
It I ii lit ii t Ion ms iminil tm ( tee.
TheAloe &PenfoldCo
li'liilmg SeIintIflo Oimtlclnim. ,
140 Faro mm B1 reet.
Qtua1t. L'ij.aIiu ioL l. jfl H ,
. .