Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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TilE OslAIIA. 1)AILY - -
- - - -
Lancathr Oounty Popullsta } itako Wry
Over the Prescription.
Goernnr'p 1'r1nte ecrctnr lIns it
' IIttit to He .liiI CI.iilriiiiiit ut
p. tIle 1)iiioerut It Sinte Ci , iii-
nilitce I'IilN TIzut.
LINCOfN , Juno 1.-(9pecIaL-The ( ) pop
uIst Lotuer pt Lanenster county are agreed
that the schema whereby their representt.
tion front tiI ) county reueel hi an outrage -
( rage aiu that Etimisten n jils capacity u
chairman of the state committee ) lnR Uset
tile flinelilnery of ho party In an unler.
) Iafl(1C ( ( wily to servo lila own Political ends.
The kent 1)OldlIIIBtS ) who were nnxIou to ice
A. Ii. Weir nominated for governor ale
especially exercised over the ileal unit are
charging tIILt the IdoPtilistorkers of Lan-
ciuikr and Douglas counties arc being prac
tically distranchised by the Ednilsten nut-
, _ s It ) ias como to light that enc of the plans
' 1 lflhIllCdl ) out for tlio fUSIOn COflVCfltlOldS 10 to
make lJ nton liiret cliariiian 01 the demo-
crntlc state committee. Just bow much support -
port there Is back -f thlq plan cannot ho
lcarned1 but It Is certain that work Is being
done In that direction. Maret Cahule to thlii
state strcngly rcconniendei1 as a Missouri
dtimocrat RUdi it ICahlsas PoPuliSt. In the hut-
ter state ho was one of Jerry Simpson's
liettcuuants , In Neidraska he has untunageul
to be tuoth democrat and populist , or either ,
aN the occasion riquireul. It is well known
that lila present belief is that tlo , fusion
Zntrties of NClIflddka shouid nil bc
tiuuulcr one name. W'ithin the last year he
. has strongly ndvocnted tluat idea.
Vlut ( the I'OIIIIIINtN
Ills alfllitiOfl ) to ) ) eCuUC the chairman of
the democratic committee for the coming
year inlhcates his choice of a name for tiuc
cOuulOliuItttet party. Thins there are two do-
- lulciutS opposed to giving Marct the coveted
- position. One is composed of the po1uuhists
who object to having their ouganization
Ewahiowed UP by the democrats. The other
OpiOSillg Cleflielit IS within the democratic
- - . - - luarty , many having the itlet that their state
chairmaui siiothu1 be a straight , dyed-In-the-
wool democrat , They do not want a Jerry
Simpson .POitliist at the healt of the corn-
For a long Limo there ha huen complaInt
III the Pudluillist CR1111) that Governor Iiolcomb
. wads getting to be too much of a democrat.
.t 11 'l'itey said that iii the contests for gocd
, places the democrnts were being favored
too often , to the exciulsioli anti conseqtlcnt
grief of llltlh1'fldlts ) ) belonging to other wings
of the piuocratie army. ow it Is beginning
_ _ to be cilurgo(1 by tilelli that all along lioi-
i- Coflib has been a mere ligurehead and that
the Maret iluiluence has been causiuig tile
trouble , It is even hinted now that there is
an understanding betvecn Mnret and Ed.
uuiiston whereby the two are to become ni-
Idlest absolute dictators of the fusion party ,
Maret now being willing to throw Iloicomb
overboard it necessary to make the sailing
more smooth. Iii other ( lualters the exist-
educe of stichi a scheme is denied with Ru em-
1)1111518 that Is in itself suspicious.
State Iloiuu ( MMIji.
Tue state treasurer has made a call for
general fund warrants amounting to $61,000
and reaching to No. 10,31 , to caine In Juine
The Ilerninglord Creamery company
flied articles of incorporation today , with a
capital stock of $1,760. The stockliolulers
are : \Viilialn Ilinekburn , D. A. I'aui , Matt
ItasinussenV F. l'attcrson and I3ariiey
Governor Hoicoflib has been asked to ap-
poiuit thirty delegates to the International
Mining congress , which will convene at Salt
Lake City July 6 for a three ulays' session.
'flue Principal object of the congress viii bc
to secure national legislation for the promo.
thou Cit business interests nuid developments
of the mining industry In both North and
South America , Tile governor has selected
' '
'r' the foliowing delegates and viii complete
the list in a few days : Messrs. J. N. McDonald -
Donald , Lincoln ; M. J. Mcflerlmlott , Sutton ;
J. H. MacCoil , Lexington ; George 'uS' . Kirby ,
Hastings ; Frank Colpetzer , Isaac Coo ,
L Omaha ; A. Anderson , A. M. Post , Coluni-
bus ; J. B , 1Veston , Robert Kilpatrick , Dan-
id Cook , ilclutrice : George W. E. Iorsey ,
Ihubert Bridge , C. Ii. tirunner , George lIaa-
. - Ian , Arthur Gibson , C. M. Wiiilains , Fre-
LIiicoIn LOclil Nulted' ! .
Corporal C. P. Ames of the Nebraska
First regiment returned to his home in
this city yesterday , and after helping to recruit -
cruit new 111011 will go on to New York to
prepare for entrance examination to West
Point miiltary acaulemny. Mr. Allies received
the recommendation since going to the Pa-
chile coast with ills company.
l'rof , J. W. Crnbtrce , who was appointed
to take cilarge of tile Nebraska contingent
at the National Teachers' assocIation , which
' ineetn \Vnt'luington next month , is making
a tour of time state for the purpose of work-
lag up a good delegation.
I ) . I , l'opoV , J. Laurie , Weadaii hall
arn Sciiuyi r Miller , nih university students ,
started for Seattle , Wnsh. , last night. Tile
boys are mucking tue trip in time interest of
a stereoscopic view company , anti expect to
return by vay of YciIovstono i'nrk in tiuc
There are 1mw 216 students registered at
the university sunmmner ichool and the numn-
her IncrcnEu's ( laiiy.
'file Limlcoln Light Infantry ihdief as-
sedation imnui been orgaliized for time purpose
of raising money to pay the rent of the
hail dumring tue absence of the commpany
and to iireviuio the PilYIliemlt of other cx-
\Vimuston Taylor , the msn brought before
United States Conimnissiommer ilitilngsiey somno
thRIll ao charged with sending obscene and
tiurentening letters thurouglu the muitti , has
been nuijutigeul Imisamie , It Is learned that
Taylor 'lIS OIICO an intimate of the United
States asyinumi \Vasimington. .
. ' rrt'utt'ut ' fur 'i'l'rt.
' FltlulONT. Nob. , Jummie 15-Spcciai.--Dr. ( )
W , S. lticillurdson anti Jenimie Penn were nr-
rested lieie tiuis unornimlg , charged with the
iarreiuy of a large mumnount of dental supplies
anti imlstrulnents trolui the store of E , W.
Aiemulorf of laiisas City. Over $400 worth
of goht hlihing , tuninigamu things , teeth ami
other dentai stlpplies nmmd Instrumnonts were
No iiaii Olin 1)0 flu ) ' better than an
absolutely pure soap , 'rue most
expensive :
touct soaps
, arenot better
than \VooI
Soap. A soap 4
tluttt won't
shrink wool
tnustbeab 4
lutel ) ' pure-
abbolutely 4
free from 1mm4
juriouuu In-
$ . gredients.
'Wool Soap Is ci excellent artIcle md
Oory wowse will be bcmuetltd b umImi It. " 4
11sXN M.1UIIKIIL'l'rVa $ . Nat I W'TU. 4
- - ' _ - _ - _ _ - -
ru avercul The coutulo came ilere about three
wedu ; ago and cngngcd board at the Now
York hotel as husband and wife Thay
iitotmght scrotal trunk'i with them and afterwards -
wards received boxes of goods from Kansas
City. Miss 1'cnn cthployed by Ailendorf
and left there about a month ago. At the
time of hr tlepartumre It was discovereul that
tuft store had been robbed of about $ S0O
' % ortii of dental supplies , consltlng largely
of gold lrepared for filling teeth. She was
at once stmspodteui anti detectives pinced on
her track. On Saturulay Detective Sparks of
Kansas City located her here with ltIchard-
son and at once procureti papers for the arrest -
rest of the Pair , Their rooms u1 the lintel
anti 1ii dentni otilce were searched this
motmibmg. Part of the stolen goods were
founul at each place. Tue woman took the
affair pretty coolly. itiehartisomi mantle an unsuccessful -
successful effort to PUt the trunks out of
the way. Time gold was founti concealed on
his ieron , letectlvc Sparks had not yet
received the requisition papers , lint the pair
finally decided to go without tiurm anti they
left this forenoon ( or Kansas City.
A rreNtt'ui fum I IurM ( SI unlimig.
ASihldtND , Neb , , Juno t&-Special.-A ( )
few wecics ago a Fowing immuchlne agent giving -
ing time name of .1. II. f3lieidon colnmnenceul
01)01 atlomis in the vicinity of Aiihiiinui. lie
heft thIs city for Ilavelock , wbeue he was
mirmic.i and starteil a boarding house.Vhile
engaged in the busimless there he contracted
a good sized account at a grutcery store , stilt-
tilatti ng that tile bl I I shoe Id be paul w lieu
the ilavciock employcs of thin Ii. & M. re-
; ialr shops , who ontituteti his boarders ,
should receive their pay , In thc mndluntlmo
iio gave the grocer itossesslomu of one of his
horses as security.'imeti tue tiumie to liqut.
date tilC bill arrived , ImlSteati of settling
Sileldon vcnt to time shuttle , imarnessed imis
horse miud the grocer's together munti left
ilavelock ) lefldCtl for Ashlatid , this occurring
into last Friday llight. The grocer , liscov-
ered tile theft and aemmi a teiepilomme call for
City 1Iarslml Corwin of Ashland to ho on
the lookout for the horse thief. Snttmrday
umlormiimug the outhit drove through the city ,
going sotmtiueauut to South flood , Marshal
Corwin and Policemnamu Ayers Imimmnedlately
struck the trail , but as the lnnmi haul two
horses anti they had only one , lie kept out
of their roach. On arrivIng at time Ilcild they
foummiul that tiuc mnamu hail crossed the Platte
river bridge about twenty minutes before
their arrival. From iliquirles made along tile
road they foumld that lie as on iii vay to
Council Bluffs. On returning to Ashland the
oiilcers mlotifled the ilavolock parties. 'fiie
latter went to Omaha as directeti by the
Amiiiiammtl oflicers mund with the aid of the
Omnalla ioiico secured the thief just as ito
Vt'LtS preparimig to cross the bridge for the
Iowa side Suntiay morning. Sheldon Is now
reposing lim jail to ammawer to the charge of
imorse stealIng.
lltr Itus jim.
ST. PAUL , Neim. , June 16.-Speeial.- ( )
Jtliother half inch of rain has tallemu and
vork in tile fleitis Is again delayed.
CULIJFITSON , Neb. , Jumno 16.-Special. ( )
-Ono Imicit of raIn fell ilere last night.
Alfalfa was comisldorahly damaged ou ac-
coumut of Just being cut.
T1tENTON , Neb. , June 15.-SiiecIai. ( )
--0110 of the ilOILVIeSt rains of tile
scasomu fell nil over this county
iast night. At least two inches
of vator fell. The llepttbllcamu Is iligher
than was ever known at this time of the
year. Crops of all kimids are doing finely ,
wileat Is iieadimmg , corn tp and growIng ,
though a. little \'eedy , alfalfa Is bolmig cult
811,1 , wIll be ( inmaged by tii wet weather.
Grasshoppers are reported plentIful over tllc
county , but It Is not thought they are In
stllilciemtt ntmlmlbers to do any damnago.
CLAY CENTER , Nob. , Juno 15.-Spcclai. ( )
-After one ulay of good work cultivating
tile corn yesterday , whIch work had been
ulelayed by the wet weatiler , this locality
agaIn had a very heavy rain last night , ac-
conipanied by sharp ligiltuing and consider-
, .m.E. . . . .i..1
, .v , '
. .
'NORTh LOUP , Nob. , Jul00 IIL-Special. ( )
-Another nil day's mimi Tuesday lies soaked
thu already saturated earth. Farmers are
gutting very lnucii belllnd In working corn
fields. Sniall gmalui proslccts were never
better ,
iu'irpu' umf Ij.nior olmicers.
CLAY CENTER , Nob. , Jumno 15.-Speeial. ( )
-Clay Center lodge No. 100 , Degree of
Honor , elected the following olilcers last
evening : C. of IL , Mrs. Chariotta Wheeler ;
L. of IL , Mrs. Cora Ietweiier ; C. of Ci. ,
Mrs. Currla Campbell ; usher , Mrs. Fior-
OnCe Wililanms ; financier , A. J. Jenison ; re.
celver , Mrs. Lutitla Clark ; recorder , 0. C.
Williams ; I.V. . , Miss Maggie Alien ; 0. W ,
\vlii Lmarniger ; organist , Miss liessie l3ur-
lingame ; medical exarnimier , Dr. A. J. Jon-
ison ; trustee. Mrs. Sarah liurlinganie. After
the election those preselit enjoyed Ice creamii
amid cake In the banquet room.
I iijut'y b3 Stornm.
GENEVA , Nob. , Julie 15.-Speclai-Dur- ( )
lag tue storm Tuesday evdlming hail anti
wind worked havoc among the farmers a
few miles northwest of towmm. 'uVimudinlhls and
otlthouses wore blown down , fruit trees uuim-
rooted tumid small graimi amid ohor vegetation
destroyed by hail. .Ex-County Clerk It. A.
Matteson , Coulmity Sumpervimuor Joita M. Ward
nulti IL U , Ayers wore those Injured most ,
F'AIitMONT , Nub. , Juno 15.-Speciai.- ( )
Tluonlas Green's entire crop was destroyed
by tile henvy rain anti hail that fell here
milght before last.
I'uijiimit mi'imul.
BEATRICE , Nob. , Jumne 15.-Speclal ( Tele-
gramn.-J. ) S. Pultnaun , a well known man
about town , vuus foumld dead in his lodgings
this nrnrmilmmg. ieceased was nearly SG years
old , anti for years iind lived alone , ekimug
out aim exItenCo by taking care of a fo % '
olilces and of true Knights of Pythias hail.
Tile latter order lund ( or years kept hIm upon
a unomitlmly p011510mm , amid viil bear tue ox-
itonsos of his burial at tue lodge lot at the
new cemetery. Putnam had no relatives In
the vcst so far tot kmmown.
ltvu- , m ji' i'ri-I t I' rum itch I se.
l1EAThllCl'Neb , , June 15.-Speclal ( Teic-
grani-Tlmo ) city council last night adopted
a. resolultlomu imistrmictIng tile city attorney to
begimi proceedings in tue district court for-
felting the street railway franchise of the
lit'atrIco Rapid Trtumisit company. TluIs cc-
tlon Is based umpon the company's long neg-
bet to operate tue systeni and because of
tileir refusal to assist In the repair of streets
upon which the track is imuiti.
Ii I ) 'vi , r I Ii I , i'gm gmm u Cii mm v u' mm 4 I ii mm.
hUMBOLDT , Nob. , June 15.-Spcclal.- ( )
Time elgimth limmnlmni commyontlon of tue Ep-
worth ielugtlo of the Nebraska City tils.
trict openeti liii mession at the .1othodIst
ciiureiu this evening. Tile principal feature
for ( ito evening 'as a tutereoptlcomu lecture ,
"Walk About Jerusalem , " by Ir ) , ii. L.
i'alno of Lincoln. A large number of dole.
gates ammul visitors from abroad are in at-
' % Vumimm'L 1mm ( Immiumlmum.
SYRACUSE. Neb , . Julio 15.-ISpecial Ti-
egrunm.-J ) , E. Case arrested three muon at
the fair groummuils this afternoon on a laos-
sage fromn titti Ountilla chief of police. that
timey were wamuted for grand larceny coma-
mnitted In Onlaha. Time > ' will be taken to
Omnaha in time morning.
'ilmiiituers ( , tI mmg * 0 lie Pram. I ,
lilNKKIMAN , Nob. , June 15.-Speclal. ( )
-Twemuty-fivo volunteers from this county
left ilemikeinman tiils uutormiimig for Imttltautolzu ,
where they will join company h , Third Nebraska -
braska regiment , anti immedIately embark
for the place of mobilization.
I mnmtmm'lmsm .tii uul fit ( rui , ,
11FNKEI.MAN , Neb. , June 15.-Special. ( )
-Thu imumumiemise alfalfa crop Is being cut ium
tiui county and It Is time imeaviest ever her-
vested here. Tlue raluu is retarding the work
solnuwilat , Alt crops ere In a most flourish.
Riitnm otPorton ! of Stolen Money Confuses
th Jury ,
Nut Yct lCnoumt VimtIier lie W'iil ii"
l'ro'ueu'ui teil elm I 1mm , hlcuitalmi I mig
I I I iii.
LINCOLN , June l&-Spcclal ( Telegram.- )
The jury in the case of the State against
Eumgene Moore brought in a verdict of cc-
qulttai this morning. It is learned that ofl
the flrst ballot yesterday afternoon tue Jury
Btooti seven to five for acquittal. At midnight -
night they stood ten to two , anti at 3 o'clock
an agreement was reached. Tue case as
emu an indlctmeimt charging the embezzlemneut
of $20 ! fees paiti Moore by an Omaha Insurance -
surance company. The jury was t'iiable to
seliarate this amnotlnt from tue $ 1,000 paid
over to the state by Moore. Titere are a
numnber of Indictments on similar counts ,
but it is not kmlowll what action the coumity
attorney wIll take in regard to them.
SIfl'l' j ) ( ) % ' IIY A VIL.i )'VIC.
Simile it ( hum mmimul "Vuis I,3iiig Iii ' % 'uiIt
fr II Is VItIuim u , ( 'umlil' Along.
MO1tSi IILUFF , Nob. , Juno 15.-Special (
Telegranm.-A ) shooting occurred lucre
this ummorning , which , In all proba-
bhhlty , vIli prove to be a uimurder. The mmmii
wile columnitteul the crime , Frammk Levy , i'm
sUpposeti to be Insamie , iuavimmg twIce been
an Imilnhlte of time Insane asylum , but cacti
tlnme was dIscharged as cumreti. lie haul sommrn
real or fancied grlevane against his broimer-
in-law , .iaiiics 'l'omnasek , and made up lila
mlnul to kill ilifli ,
Levy did not have any means at brulid to
carry out his desigum , so he vaIted untIl
night , 'Itu'n ito broke Into \Vngner"m hard-
\vltro store anti stole a rifle , a shotgun and
a quantity of amnmunitiomi , From there lIe
Wont to tile home of Tornaselt , which is
about a umihlo froni towum. Levy concealed
himself abotmt time barn anti quietly vaited
for hits intcntled vlctlni to appear.
Tomasek started from tue house about I
oelocic in the mnorlillig to tttteittl to bitt
stock , antI % 'iieli , tmncoumsciotls of ammy Ilupeimul-
lag danger , lie was only ten feet fromli time
lflafl who was lylmig in waIt for iiiimi. Levy
ulisctmargeul tile couttents of tlitm 'mimotgtmmi into
hIs body. The entire charge entered time
hotly on tue right side , coating out on time
back , Inaking a terrible wound , from which
the doctors say there Is no possibility of
his recovery.
The alarm 'ns ProlflPtlY given by the
family auth a docior was RuniflItilIOth to attend
to time ilijureci nian. Levy , the murtlerer ,
was captured mmd takeum to the jail at W'nhoo
to await the result of Tomasek's Injulries.
NORTH BEND. Nob. , Juno 15.-Speclal. ( )
A shootimig affair occurred this morning
at Morse Ifluif , Jumat across time rIver fromim
hero. Frank Levy , vhmo imas been confined Iii
the insane asyltlln at Ltucoimm , but who tins
leofl at home for a veek or so. effected an
entr.tnee into the hardware store at Morse
liluff last night h ) ) breaking out a wintioty
and stole a 1S-calibor revolver cud a shotgun -
gun and a stm1ply of cartrltlgs. Ito then
vent to tile 1101110 of his brother-in-mw ,
James Tonmasek , and slept in tue corn-crIb.
\Vh.n his brother-In-law Caine out to do his
mornIng chores anti was wIthin sixteen feet
of Levy the latter raIsed the gilmi amul camp-
tied the contents of one barrel Imito Totnasek ,
tue charge strikIng 111111 1(1st under time left
nlpi > io and lotiglug in his body. The woumld
Is pronounceti fatal , Levy wa : urrcstetl with.
out aimy rosistemico anti taken to jaIl ata
WAhOO , Nob. , June 11-Spc ( lai-Otfl- )
rors James Racek cUd WilhIamim Halthotmse
of Morse Bluff brotmgimt Frank Levy to thIs
city this mornIng under a charge of shooting
his brother-Irm-law , James Tomasek. Levy
Is imisaite , having been In the asylum two
different times , and lIftS been out only a
short tinme. Tile shootIng happened about
daylight tlii'm mornIng. Levy lay In wait for
lila victim , and when Tornasek came to the
corn crIb to get corn to teed hIs stock , Levy
fired upon hltmi , striking hum In time side and
billetIng a dangerous wound.'lmon taken
iii charge by Oflicer flacek , Levy was armed
with a shotgun auth a Winchester rifle and
itad identy of amalnunitlon. Touimasek Is ilot
expected to live.
Puurimmers at 1'urk ,
WEST POINT , Neb , , June 15.-Speclai.- ( )
In spite of the continued rains farniors are
busily engaged in cultivatIng corn. Itvlli
be Inmpossiblo , for at least for or five days
to iilow time cacti on the bottom lands. water
stamiutirmg in ninny places. Corn is very
backward , in nuany fields beIng almost hidden -
den by weeds , hut two days of miry weather
will erlabic time farillers to cultivate.
At time annual meeting of the West PoInt
Liedcrkranz held last evening the foi-
lowing officers were elected for thto ensuing
year : L. Thiempko , hircslticnt ; II. J. Kioke ,
vice mresltiomit ; Charles ii. Carstens. treas-
ulrer ; Joseph1 H. Kaimp. corretipontling secretary -
tary , and Thueotloro Renim , financial secretary -
tary ,
On last Suntlay tue local lodge of the
KnIghts of Pythlas keith meumuorlal tiny ServIces -
Ices , anti In a body vIsited time cemetery and
decorated the graves or time deceased mnem-
hers of the order with flowers , FIve tIe-
ceased members of the local lodge rest In the
city cemiietery.
County Clerk C. C. ilartels , the appointee
of the county board , was brought before
County Jumdge Krako titis mormuing cimargetl
with dIsturbIng the ieaee and crentImmg a
riot on tile occasion of ills uleinamttilmig time
0111cc to vliIch hum had been aploIrltt'ti ) by
tile lloarul of County Sumpervisors , M'r. liar-
tels was bound over to the time district court
anti ordered to give bonds in the sumn of
$250 to keep tile peace. Tile barth of
County Supervisors umet In regular seaslomi
tltls rnornlumg , cmlii the umuusumnl mipectacho was
presented of a board with two clerks , eachi
one striving to occupy the posItion. Mr.
hiarteis , however , sumccoedcd in obtalmuing a
sent at tue table , whilst Mr. Wahia was coim-
tentetl with uukirrnlshiing outside.
Guiumul Crop l'ruus.ct.ts.
WAKEFIELD. Net , . , Juno 15.-Speeiai.- ( )
Tile ProsPects for crops in thus sectIon of
thu slate were never bettor. The rainfall
for 1898 ito far bus becim 11.20 inches , 6.02
incites of t'biclm ' have fallen 1mm Juimmo , 0mm
the 0th inst. time rairmfaii 2.82 ineimes , time
largest In ammo day sInce a record was ke'pt
lucre. Tilnes having improved , many are
taking a few days off anti visltimig tile
TrausmIssissippi Exposition. Everybody in
thuls section Imitenuls to visit the exposition
at least once and many wIll tttteuud oftener
during the season.
Company 0 , which is cncanmped at this
place , has Its fuii complenment of 109 men
anti has been well drIlled by Its captain ,
Jolimu II , Brown , and FIrst Lleuteitaimt ii. E.
Nelsomu , both experIenced and ltihly capable
thrIll nilputers , Orders are expected almost
daily to lirocoed to Fort Omnahia to be mus-
bred 1mm and the eonmpany Is ready to leave
emu short notice. ThIs comnpany is raised
fm-omn IIxon , Wayne , Burt amt1 Dakota coun
tics , with a few front ilzmrtlmmgtoim , PIerce ,
1tiaImmvlc' and Norfolk. All are young amen
amid present a tine appearance.
Iieu'rui Ii mmu.r fume I 1mm4u'i'omul. .
LINCOLN , Juno 15.-SpecIai ( Telegram.- )
Fifteen olficers and macri detailed from the
Seconul reglmucot to secure 320 recruits for
tiuo regimnont arrived hmem-e fromu Citicka.
ilmauga this evt'nimig , The recruiting otilces
vIii be established mis foiiouu's : First bat-
tallon , Ltocoimi , Lieutenant J. C , 1Lathgamz ,
and Sergeants 0 , E. Ilend , N. it. Miles , F ,
J , liolehaw and Charles T , Moberry ; Second
battalIon , Grand Island , Lieutenant 0. It.
rerry , Sergeants Premt E. flotiglas , IL K.
Seimars nnui AV. . ( ios * AhitI Corporal Charles
McElroy. Thirtl ttattnllon1 , Omuthn , Secomiut
Lieutenant W. It , 'yieergcammts J. 0.
Ltinn , l'aui Jessen anttz A. flarrick anul
Charles 1) , iteed The , detachmcnts pro-
cectieul to theIr stAtlotmu ? tYiu evening antI
will be ready for work 1oThorrow.
I , rd I ni I on r 0 ru e r , , jijsume fm iii t lue
0111cc t ,
hiNCOI , June . - ' } . ) _ late
for the mobilIzation o ? liu , Tiiirth regiment
has not yet been flxedA but time following
preparatory order issued today :
The commanding nilicers of the several
comimpanlcs , of the ThiruI'igIuneumt , Nebrn8ka
volunteer infantry , are , ijcreby directed to
holul their commnnmmtls In readiness to move
at once to Fort Onmahin , on receipt of orders.
It is desireth timat cclm coimupany vIhi mnoe
to Fort Onlahmn with at least 1J5 nmclm , who
have been subjecteul to timc prelimInary idmys-
teal examimination as Provided by circular No.
2. Adjutaimi General Orders , May 21 , lS9S ,
anti siIo will probably iune time PhYsical c-
aunInntlon required for time volunteer service.
Time govermior lmn received notice fromn
Congresamuman Stark that the exammmimuutlon of
tiicsc Immen wlil be conulticteul by Major
Kei ver. assIsted by two othrer Pimysicinlis
to be nppotnteti by the governor , these three
to also conduct tile dxamulinntion of thIe mueul-
icnl ofllcers of time leglimient.
Conmpammy Q oftliiitt and conmpuny F of
1"rcmiiolmt. are time oumly omies of tile Thilrtl
rgimumcmit that have not rcportu'ti as fully
organized niuti olilcered. Colulpatmy K of
Ilastlmigs hins seIcctcd Harry S. Dungan as
cniitaimi , Carl L. Slmuff milmul W'Iilinmmm J.
Oillllvisor as lieutenants , Comapaimy M of
ONeIll reports the electIon of It. P. Cross
as cnptnIn mUlti J. ilnll anti John " , 'm'ertz as
lieutenants , Comnpnmmy 1. . of Immtlinuioitt has
selected J , J. hammmborn as cnptnimm anti J.
A. Sheldon amid Vu' . A. McCook as lieu-
1)t.iiimml frnmmu Mr. huh.
LINCOLN , June 15.-To the EdItor of Tue
13cc : 1mm the issue of The lice under tlate
of Julilu 16 ahlhtcnrcul an itenm fromn Asimlanti ,
Nob. , statIng that I was timero recruitIng
for time ThmIrth reghnent , Nebi'attka volunteer
infnmttry , amid that I got no recruits tromli
that city as the mon who were Imutending
to enlist refused to emmroil under W. J.
Tlmat tines nfl Iuijimstlcc to tile city of Ashland -
land , I nun sure. I was detoIicd by Cap-
tam IJeer of compaumy II , Third regimnent , of
whmichm I ala a nloimmber , to enlIst twenty
iilcmi froni Saundcriu county and to Include
iii tue twenty much C. C. Ciiapinnn anti his
three comrades who hmati flied an nppilea-
tiomu sonic timmme before wIth time captain. I
had secured sixteen men boIom'e going to
Asiulnnd anti consequently haul no place for
ammy of time Asblalld boys and thltI not solIcIt
th'enm , I could easily hare raised a corn-
puny before I renchmed' Aslilnuth , anti believe
that haul I oiIcitotl recruits in titnt city
wouitl have zumet a PatrIotic respitmse.
0. E. hALL.
ltet'rmiltPt mr .thme First.
Captain hloiuierrnnmu of oornpnny A of the
First Nebraska voluntocrn has opelmed a re-
cruitlng ouilco temporarIly' at 1503 Farlmnmn
street , amid after totlay will remove to time
Timurston hlIIies urnmoy. .1nfutaln holder.
mcmi will enlist 101 mnen for time FIrst bat-
tahien of his regiment , Lhiutcnant Wilson
will enlist muon for tim Seeonti battalion at
hastings cmiii Captain Kilhian wIll fill UI ) time
Timlrti hattniiomi at FaiI City.
' -Wilefl tile Neliraska .dfllclers caine east to
recruit I. was thouglmb thai the mmmcmi wealth
be taken linmeuhlatelytIiut thin regimnents
have sailed without beIp fluleti , and time
officers are In no haste abotit gettimig time
lumen , as they do. flit vant tilenm on their
hands untii they have further orders front
tue. ulepartuaent. - . . . - .
With the three who caine east
were twelve privates , , , SO men were
selmt to their iiOlne tOWfl to secure macn
who vant to enlist aiu4 who will be brought
to tile recruiting statLoms for examination.
( Jilleers mlet'tvil.
WAiICO , Neb. , June 15.-Special.-Stella ( )
chapter , No , 57 , Order of thio
Eastern Star , of this town imld
its annual election last evemming and
the result Is as follows : Mrs. M. L. Ella-
vcmrtim , W. M. ; C. L. Mlelenz , 'tV. ' P. ; Mci.
E. E. Good , A. M. ; Mrs. P. It. Longfellow -
follow , secretary Mrs. C. L. Mieionz , trees.
urer ; Miss Ann I'oisley , conuiuctrcss ; Miss
Cora Cook , assocIate conductress.
Ihu'm ihuisy Irlmliiig.
BLAIR , Nob. , Jumme 15.-Speelal.-A ( ) majority -
jority of compammy E of the Third rogllnelmt
untier a captain have pasmied the preliminary
examination by the local doctors here antI
Captain Don Ci , Van Densemm is busy drlilimlg
thlCfll , expecting a call to Onmaha at tiny tlmmio.
lie imoids three thrills per day and the boys
are rapidly catching on. Most all that signed
are anxious to go.
SuImunu ! . Iumtertul Ii. nuejit ,
BLAiR , Nob. , June 15.-Spcclal.-Thmo ( )
gramitmar department of the hiuhiic high
school imelti Its graduating exercises last
uiigllt. Au admission fee was charged , the
samne as to the graduating exercises of the
111gb scimool , the proceeds to go toward a
library for tue micimools. There were fifty-
eight in tile class who Pass Into tile lilgim
l'rmmsierlt 3 Lit Felemiul ,
FItIENI ) , Nob. , Jummo irt.-Specinl.-WIl- ( )
lIammm Burke baa comnnmelmCod time erection of
a new elevator , It will imave nil the latest
immmprovctl machinery anti will hold 70,000
bushels of graimi.
Carpenters , masons , paInters and paper
hangers have not been In as great dcmailtl
1mm FrIend as timey miow are since 1691.
Euigit' % VII1 ereummsm ,
BENKEI4MAN , Neb , , Jimmie 15.-Special. ( )
A s _ I . . . .1. _ e _ . _ . _ l _
-t I-t-Rt - , t.Vmmit U Ldj titi V t utri . , uu t. . , . .vU
hrate the Fourth of July In Iienkeimnamm
Good speakers , all sorts of immimuseuiments an
a big crowd are assured.
.Aluimimmt , hhimmmimirt.
IILAIR , Nob. . Juuio h5.-SpecIai.-Tlu ( )
sixth almmuuial banquet and reception of ( lie
Itiuinmii associrutlomm of time Illair high school
\.tts lucid on Monday evemmlng , TIle mimajorlty
of tue imast graduates iveCtu Iii atteiuuiaimce ,
i Imert'umse of 'I'tvemity 'i'hmnsmsmi usul llimgs
Is Shmuiuu Osurt till' Ommtmmimt of
CINCINNATI , Jumi1t-SIlecIah ( Teic-
grama.Prlco ) Current a'a : Western Imack-
lags fom' time week arc 4klcltWO hogs , conmpareui
with 410,000 for time rec dImig week ammul
415,000 inst year , mak1 'i total of 6,295,000
sInce March 1 , agaimist 6Ib,000 a year ago.
l'uoimmlutemmt places comihtirt' , us follows :
l'haces , I t's. 1897.
Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I.9tJS0,0U0 1,760,000
Kamisas City . . . . . . . . . . 1120,000 890.000
Omnalla , . , . , . . , . , , , . , . . . 4i7009 450,000
St. Louis . , , , . , , . . . , . , , , t. ,44l2,000 310,000
himuhittoapohis . . . . . . . . . . . . ; ; m8.000 247,000
Milwaukee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372,000 236,00) )
CincinnatI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200,000 181,000
Ottuniwa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176,000 164,000
St. Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199,000 90.000
Cedar Rapids . . . . . . . . . . . 137,000 120,001) )
SIoux City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000 7o,000
it , Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104,000 32,000
Nebruska City . . . . . . . . . . 107,000 64,000
hryuimi 'i'im IIs tu ) ICumismimms ,
WINFIIiLI ) , ICon. , June 15.-W. J , Bryan
adulreased about 4,000 ituoltle : at time South-
era Kaummmns Chautauqua assembly this aft-
ernooim , talking atrommgiy against territorial
acquisition , While here Mr. lhm'yan recelvcui
a dlsimatcim to be at Lincoln , Neb. , without
fail on Monday , when his regiment would
be mustered Into rervice ,
lmumiiemutiomms iCnmmmns I'uipulists VilI
Ieimimni mm te tii I'rcemit
Ohhit.i , lhumiders.
TOPEKA , .Tumne l.-Tiiere were six carmuli-
dates for temporary chmairnian at the openIng -
Ing of the icptmhlst state conventlomm here to-
day. Time roll call ahoweul that Judge J. E.
Andrews of Lane county was chosen. Smudge
Andrews was eacorteti to the chair by the
tleteatetl candidates. lie said
I appreciate the honor of ; iresitllng over a
commvention mhlchi is to renominate our pres-
oat state otlicers. I imeed not sieak tumult.
vittumlIy of those macn , 'I heir records will
atamid tin , most exacting criticism. In time
great commtest goilig on imow our iarty WflS
the first to tiecltire that the trindiltc , of I
tiumimalmity 511001(1 be applied ( C ) time hiltumirt
of Cuba. The clmalrumunn at Ituutchiiuuson a fom'
days ago sarcastically naked , " \'herc would
we be now II hiryahi mias presiuieimt ? " 1
will say that We would now be closing the
u'ar without the issuance of bontla , ( Cheers
nnth cries of ' 'hilt 'cult agalmi , " 'I.ay emi Mc-
Dun. " ( lemitlemimen , I will ask yumur assist-
nOde amid inuhtmlgemmee in ill ) ' labors as your
lurcgiding officer. Tlmnmmkiiig youu for time high
hammer you hlmtve conferred upon me. I await
3umur pleastmre.
Edwin Taylor of Wyandotte nomniumated
\\'illinnm S. Fuller for secretary anti sniti
" \Vynmmulotte county ulon't ask for any lile.
\\'e aimmiltly Wflflt to wait cmi the table. " Mr.
Puller was electeti by acclmmnmmmtIomm. 501.
Long of i'flk county nnul Charles Nicitels of
Osborne were elected assistant secretaries.
Time lmole ticket , with time exception of
lieutenant governor , is likely to be remtollt
lnatetl. Lletmteiuant Govt'rmmor harvey wns
recently appointed major of the Twenty.
second Kaumsas voluinteers , ummul is now vithi
his regimemit at Falls Chmumrchi , Va ,
It is nnticIpateti that ( lie ulemnocratic con-
vemmtIon at Atclmlsomm today s ill renomnimlato
Daviul Overmneyer for hieumtemmtmmmt governtmr nimul
that time Popullist COltvelitiOmt Will cmmulorsc
There \\'na a Atrolig mmmovelni'nt to mmmcc
Daviui Martlmm , formerly chIef jumatice , electt'tl
as a republiramm , In imornimiiutiomm for case-
date jtlstlce , but totiny Mrmrtimm peremmmito-
rIly refimseti to run , annoumiciog that ho was
Imot a. ctumididate mummd haul 110 desire to re-
cuter public life.
: u Iu mmi'sntmm l lu en tes 'm'ry Vimsluuii.
M1NNEAI'OLIS , Tune 15.-Time three nlhiu'ti
silver partles-demmiocrats , populists anti all-
s'er repllitiiCamls-aro nil In session lucre today -
day , emltleavorlmig to agree on a ftlsiolm state
tIcket. Time omuly certaimity Is time nornina-
tiolm for governor of ex.Congrcssniaml John
Limiti of New Ulmtm , who is now qururtermnaster
of time Twelfth Minnesota volunteers at
Chlekainauiga. TIIC rest of tue ticket rlll
ime diViuii up. A nmitiihle-of-time-road poimu-
list bolt I'm not immmprobaimlo.
A mul rlm.m Ite-flt'et i'd to Semmmute.
NE\'POitT. it. I. , Jumme I i.-Ulmltett States
Senator Nelson 'tV. ' Aldrich was re-electoul by
tue legislature today on the first ballot , Tile
s'oto is as follow's : Semmate , Nelsomm W.
. 'uldriehu , 35 ; E. ilemijamnlli Ammdrcws , 1. house ,
Ahtlricli , 61 ; Amitirews , 2 ; L. D. Garvimi. 1.
Seeit au II Iimm lhuitulmu'Is tif time .ietimmul
( ; rut lit 'i'rmumisferrel tim time
lmlw t'uucher.
ChICAGO , JLine 15.-Arrangemiments for
time closing of the Loiter deal liavum been
coiiipieted. FInal papera were lulacod hi'-
fore Josepim Lelter today anti 7,000,000 hush-
el'm of choice casiu whmeat were conveycul to
P. 1) . .Armuour , who vIil heucefortim control
all the Loiter imoidlmmgs. Armour has al-
reauly begun to tllshOse of ImIs holdings. and
ummiess the conlillg crop is harvested sooner
timami aimtlcipatetl , it seems likely that the
irnnmense line of wheat in the nortlmwcst will
be consuliled there.
It is stated that Loiter \ylLmloL OSO as
much as. vas generally beilqme ; i. , Arnont's
assuinlmtlOn of the burden is said to have
macant at least $2Q00Q00 for LoIter. That
much loss would ho immemirred if time IrnifleliSe
line of wheat haul to be mmmercimantlIsotl by
trustees with time probalmlhity of a declining
market. Time loans made to Loiter by time
local banks aggregate nearly $7,000,000.
Each bank was careful to protect itself wIth
wide unargimis that would insure against loss.
Interviews wltim a imunmber of the bankers
interejtted silow that timey are all satisfied
with the transfer of the deal to Armour.
) Iiig'm e r-lI I it I ci 3' .
Miss Emma A. E. , fllakely anti Wllhlnni
a Magner were united in marrIage last
night at time home of tile bride's parents ,
1041 South Twenty-ninth street.1 The bride
has spent her life in Onmalma nut ! the house
was filled to overflowIng with old frIends
of tile family , togetimer withu many from out
of the city , Amnong the visiting guests were :
S. Magmier and wIfe of Springfield , Nob. ,
Mrs. Fannie Blakely anti E. It. Swoarltmgemm
of Darllngton , Wis. , Dr. F. V , ' , Taylor nmmui
wife of West I'oiuit , Neim. , C. D. Streeter ,
WIfe almd daughter of Crete , Nob. , amid Miss
Clara Wilcox of Warren , Ill. The ceremimony
was rerfornetI by Dr , S. Wright Butler and
after an Informal supper tue mmewiy wctltlcti
couple left for Colorado at inltlimlghmt to
speumd two weeks In Colorado. They vihl be
at itomne after Jumly at 2626 Seward street.
Mr. Mngimer Is in the goverxmrnemmt servIce
and hits vIfe iias been for several years a
kindcrgartclm director itt the publIc schools
of tills city.
I ii gies ii-h1miriis.
SCIthhINEIt , Nob. , Juitme 15.-Speclal.-At ( )
the Methodist Eiiscopai church at tills place
today Mr. C. Ii. Inglealmy w'as Inarrieti to Miss
, Mary II. Burns. MIss Ioliey Burns , sister
of time bride , was mmmald of itomior , anti MIss
Flora Jacobs s'as hmritlesmald , WIllis I' .
flurmis , brother of the bride , anti Peter
Jacobs were the gr000mslncum. 11ev. Mr.
Esphlmm of ilooper , assisted lmy Rev. Mr.
Canmpbehl of this place , performed time mnar-
miago cerernommy. Time bride Is the oltiest
dtuugliter of Mr. nutd Mrs. E. C. Burns of tills
place cmiii a favorite teacher 1mm that Scrlb-
ncr ttciiooltt. Time groomim is tue poatmimuuster at
Mercumr , Utall ,
i'mm i , 'Vetl ill imgs gut hlemmt rlt'e
BhiATI11CE , Neb , , Juno 15.-SpecInl ( Telo-
gramo.-Mr. ) Sam Dorcey of les Moitmu's , ha. ,
auth Miss hlarrIett Ewing of this city were
mmmarrletl itere thIs mumming. Anotimer weth.
ding occurring rut time some iitlur was that
of Mr. George Stinebeck of Beaver , l'a , , amid
Miss Nellie Swain , Iloth wedding parties
left at im000 for Ommmtiima to visit the exposition -
tion before iiroceedlmug to their future
Ctiu-lhu ! rler ,
RAPID CITY , S. B. , Juno 15.-Speclal (
Telegramn.Edward ) Cook of ieadwootl and
Miss Mmitido Barber of ( lila city were mnrur-
rIcO at the Imome of the brIde's varemmta thIs
rnoriulng. Tile untie haul resitied here since
chmlidiiood anti line been a teacher in the city
scimools , Tile groom was foriumerly in bual-
ness hero.
1 ! mu rd-S I I mmmx cr1 mm mmml ,
Married , mit thu rcsidemmcc of Mr. F. F.
. Porter , 2208 OhIo street , \Vctinesday morn-
lag , June 15 , Mr. Charles D. liurd of Cimi-
cage , Ill. , anti Miss Mlmimmio C. Shitmgcriand
of Omnalma , Rev. F' . hi. Sanderson , 1) . I ) . ,
Nervous Exhausfion
Horsford'sAcid phosphate
Is supremely bonofloinl.
Shun Sumbslitutes. Put up only In bottler.
- -
hIretir'r Itriiuirtnleorcfl lit ( 'umit-
, uimuiiltIumm mit n ililllomt ittimi it
hfuult limurr'Is ,
ATLANTIC CITY , N. 3. , itunc 15-Time
thirty-eighth annual conventIon of time
Uiiitt'th States Brewers' assoclatloum opened
( nutty in this city , President ilerger prc-
siding. There are about 400 delegates hires-
emmt , h'residemmt C , 'tV. ' Ilerger stated in lmli
rnmmumal atlthrcas that time eonstmrnptlon of
beer uIuurimmg the year ISO ? was 34,423Otti
barrels , a decrease ctmmnparetl with tile lire-
vious year of 1,403.000 barrels , lie called
ntteumtlomu do tlu' fact ( lint timero is tianger
to time brewing lmmtcrests of the couiutry tin-
Ocr tue star tax law , whIch went imuto effect
yesterday , for the reason lust time lmlgiu tax
nfleu it nut immuitmcemnent to tlme mmmanufnctumrer of
ehmeflli umnul inferior beem' to nmau'ket lmis pro-
titmet at a itrIce below timat at which tiuc
brewer of time hmiglt grade article can afford
to sell hoer. Tlme semitiiuient of thue thehe-
gmut's wmus iii favor of cheerfully micceptlmmg
time wtil' tlE ItS a duty time bremcrs owe to
the government.
Shouts it ( hermimim mu I ) liIommmmut.
LONION ) , Jutme 15.-While the first scere-
tar3' of time ( lemma embassy lucre , Coulflt von
Arco-Valley , m'ns emergIng fronm t.ii ciii-
bassy this evenIng a strntlgi'r fired two ttlmnts
from mm revolver at imimn. Omie of the bullets
entereti time secretary's back , btmt time vouummtl
is lint believeut to be fatal. Ills tussatlammt
% vna arretttt'ti after fluilug at nnL1 immlsstmmg it
lmhicemimmun. The immotlve m'lmIch liroImmPteti the
mlitumi to attempt time life of Cotihmt vomm Arco-
Valley is umnknowii.
Tue assailant , an Eilgilshimulllul , refuses to
furmilshm any u'xpiammatlomm of lila eommduict.
It % 'lll lie ( iu'uicritil3' Fumir lit ? c-
hriiskm , % tuu m'mttti tim I ii , ' Ilimstermt
l'umrt luiim. vI(1u Mmiii thiCm'I ) ' ' .Vi mitts.
WASI1INGTON , Jtltmtt 15.-Forecast for
Thtmrstiay :
For Nebraska , South Dakota rmimti ICammsas-
Generally faIr ; wlirtlmer lit eastern portion ;
SOtltimerl ) ' 'limtls.
For iowa--Fair 1mm western jmortiomm ; oc-
casiuttul siiomm'er'm lit elmalern hiertlon ; warmer ;
sotmtherly winds.
\Vyoumiumg--Fnir wetitlter ; variable
For Mlssnulrl-Silowers umut1 thitmimderstOrltls ;
ivarmmter ; southerly wimmds ,
memui , htecutt'I. ,
OFFICflVl'ATihliIt hiUiiIiAU , OMAhA ,
Jumit , ' 15. - l ct'utm'tl ( t f t emmmjue rtu tim r' amiti rid 1mm-
fail , somnitarCui with tim corrcspommdhumg day
of time last three years :
iSIS. 1S97. 1SOG. 1595.
ltlaxlmmmummmu teimipernttmrt' , 70 2 87 5:1 :
\1lmuImntmmui tt.nmpt'rtuttlro . . GO 70 ci ; j
Avertugu terimlit.'rtttlmru . . 65 76 71 ; 72
flflhilfluil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 .07 .00 .00
itecomul of temoperztttmrC tuimd iiru'ciltltntIoim
at Ommutima for tlmltu day anti since March 1 ,
isos :
Ncm'nmal , for time day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Demicielmey fmr , time day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Aceummmmulatel ext'esti , tlImce itiau'chi 1. . . . . . . 121 .
Nornitul rtuinfttih for time . . . . . . . . . . . immehI
Dt'ficielmcy for time day . . . . . . . . . .20 Immeit
'l'ti tlt I rtti mm ftt I I si mice 'sI arelu 1..2 . limt'hmes
i'tt'cs5 sllit'O ' , i&tlCll I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:51 iimt lies
Di'ilcieltey for car. iuerlti , 1597. . . . 2.1t Iimciuu'i
Ixcess fur , cor. veritutl. 1S'J { . . . . . . . . 4.00 Iimcime
Jteiort. frommu Stnt lout" mit S m' .
Sevelmty-flftit Itleridluil tlnte.
- - - - - - - -
- u-i
ai c. ' .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :
Omu : ha , clan ul y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . u o
' . .ortll l'hutte , imartl' ciommtiy . 72 74 'I'
Salt Lake CIty. cletuu . . . . . . . . . . . . S" S4 ( K )
L'licyetmlie , hiai'tiy cloudy . . . . . . . . . 7O 7S :1mm :
Linlmi , LIty , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 7U .00
I itmrolm , cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rs c.s 'r
Cillengo. cltitmdy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stj I" ' 1'
\\'llIIstoii , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? l 76 01) )
St. Lmmtts , rzuiulmig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ° i 52j :14
t. l'tuum , cuotltly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 6l .03
fJtvi'n : I tort , C itmtmd y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ta ; 6m ; 'I'
Ileicita , itartl ciotitly . . . . . . . . . . . . 761 751 .00
Nttmmstus City , cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 7S1 .2.S
llltvre , cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s4 si .oo
fllsimmturck , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711 76 ' 4'
Galveston , cloudy . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . 52 80 .0)
T indlcmutoii trace of prceldtution.
L. A. WELSh ,
Local Forecast Official.
Pain So Intense Would Nearly
Twist Fingers _ from Sockets.
Puffed ypLikoa Toad.
Water Ran Through Band6ges to
Floor. Had to Walk the Floor
Until Would Fall Asleep.
Fingers Pooled Like an Onion.
Doctors Could Not Cure ,
Cured By Cuticura.
About eIght years ago I got sore hands , it
ColnltlenCeti with a kimmul of a bnrumlmtg sousa-
tlomm on may fimigers amid omm told of tile itammil.
W'imeli I custmmttenceul to rmthu thiemmm , you could
scum little whIte ltimuihtie3 en time sklmm. I rubbed
immure amutl inure , umtmtul I felt like twlatlmtg amy
fingers omit of timeir sockets. I haul uilgit
fever , anti cold chills ran over mmmc , nnti so I
kelit it gtiitmg immmtil I ias tiremi omit. Nlghmta , I
imaul to walk tile floor until I fell asleep ,
My llammtls lteiCt1 like an ommItmn , the finger
nails got loose 1mm time mootsamiui thto water ran
out , and % ilcreVer titero was a littio litimlie ,
there time btmrmmlmug lire was , tumid I tell you amitt
can lirouo to ) Oll , that iiappemueti at least ten
tlmmmcs , Ulmrlmmg tim uiay , I haul to attemlli to may
hint mtoss , futr I aimm rmimmmil mtg a ltiack lltltll shmop ,
lmorseslmocimmg , and 1 would not tthmimt Up tim
81101) forammybotly , limIt Itwas htarmi , My iuanul
lttlTCti ( up suorso timami a toad , ' , Vlicn I ulrovo
llmiSO ( mmaiis , time s'ater fruemi mmiy hiands cut
thmromlgh tite liammulage , on to tilO floor. Ny
ctmStttllers refused to look at amy bamitl. 4 imaul
a frlcmitt to take me to tile tioctor ; liii game a
soltttiolm of sonmetimimm to bathe 203' hutmntl
t'Itit. I vas worklmigerery tiny , arttl tiltl not
kmlow wimat to tb so I wCtt ) to ; umtotimcr doctor ,
I thilmtic fur a year. I ( annul your auliertlse.
imlent Imu a Utica minivapaper , anti I got tlto ( 'U.
TICIJIIA ltmso1vr.NTamei CUTIC't'iuA SOAm' . 'rite
nails iuaruieimetl LI I' ' anti ItecictI ( lit : tmtl , I dtim't
believe there is ommo of time first mtali.s left cii
Idly hmaimtls , W'itat I llama told otm is trime , I
.10 tImis for vatmr hJcilCfli anti itulitlaulty's sake ,
I wammiti iltit smitter any mttore as I mhltl , for time
" hole cotintry , CASl'lit lIETSC'll [ ,
1feb.22 , 'tl , 1'einItrokeCieuleeo , Co. , N.Y.
hhd ! throutmout thetuoI. Vorin iia Awn Cnv ,
Con. i'rop. . , hilton. 1iw , Cc. Cur , Every limmnor , , true.
4 Li N.-ivui4s 1Jijeaaea-.ij'iiigi
- ciT1 bapotonc , l3Itwplt'i.nsm , etc. caumed
Li Abuse or otbir Ezeeste'.i mmii Inlis'
cretlomi , ) et , qmltoIIgan,5 aurclV
, - ru.tom LnstVftalIti in ol.ioro'jne.atii
Itt a wan tar itu.fy , luuineiw or marrIag , .
- . L'cevpt .Iitsnity no.1 Conaumaptiott ft
tim .ttm mu tfmnt , 'lhoIra.e , lowi immodlit" Improve.
meet anti aiheeth a ( U1Ig ushioro all nUter fIl lii.
iit upon baying the enulne Alex Thictu. Thor
i.RVti cared thouand and wilicuro iou. Wa gtvo a
hive wrItten guaranuoo to c5sct a curs fl "TC lit
e'tchcamor ' refund the inpno , I'riceuu IJ I Uiper
Z'ackau ; or iti ( full troutm'umttt , for F.iLO. Ii :
miii , lit plaIn wmse.m'er. mipon rnc.'lptot Inca. ( 'lrculmr
truul. AJAX RIt1IDY CO. , TUtI"rbi ,
Per i.tlu 4mm Utnalta. Ib. , by .is. Forsytil , 202
N , iCtit ; icufurm & Co. . Itilt anti Ioumas : 06
In Council ularrs by 0. ii. ilcowum , flruIst , .
Lake MichIgan and take Superior iraniportatlon Co.
Own The New Sled llmuittou ,
Sumllingo From Chicago.
For Macklitac Imii't , hiudroim ( 'levtlhiid , ihuffnioTor ,
outoutC , , 'l'u. 9 A.M.d , I.5i , 'fIiu.lI A.hI.Hsu.4 I'M.
S or ( 'lrlovoIr Ifarhor hiIrIng. , 1'etoike etc. ,
Tue.i AM , ' , L'bur. Ih .t..M , uit , 4 I'M ,
For ? daruttr. , hancock , Ilougitton , Aihihand ,
pultumt. , eto.m mV.d. 9 J'.M.
liIu.traue.l mauta.itm.U , nailwi fru , . an ewileatlon ,
'l'OO LA'l'Fi 'I'O CJ.SSIICY ,
" , VA N'I'IOD. an oxlrienct'tl ativamicu' umiaru to
distribute atlvertituimmg ; tnust tie good
talker anti itiuve gooti city reteremtctth
salary anti exuiemmutelu juuid , ( 'till Idlhiitrd
ibouce , J. Sullivan. M-341 1
"All Aiiiericans
1)n hunt lrluk ier.wntei' , " gruvelv wrltem
nil ohser'uiiit Frencluummmuu. No Indeed ;
inniuy huuc't'i'nhla lmnvo It'nruied fromn
hiallifuul exhit'rleiu'o wiumit p dnimgorou
( il'ltuk le"is'ater Is. Tluey would altuiomt
fis sooth thInk of sw'uthiowIllg cmttboII
acid. ' 1'lu'y drink cool vnter , into w'lulch
lucy pomir a little of
DLlffy's Pure
Malt Whiskey
w'iuleii is a w'ltoIemiuut stIimmuluttut , 8hmt
nell ti' I luc of uiist'nse.brectl-
_ _ _ _
11mg genus in oltoit luh'eseiut iii dt'Iiikilhg-
s att't' , 'l'iult ;' ' tim 1mm-
ftui itmi em'tiiuai t rothuiu' that itr' tt'ai'uubio :
t1II'eetly to lluului'e ) tit'hItkIlug-'atct' .
hIt sine yotui' druggist ci' gruc't' gis'ca
3'OII I hit' gt'uutiiuie hutuiiy'tt ,
r Tltt'i Li. S
- pi. _
wants aLlong inca In its
uervtca. Whim tumlo so-
- cord tile Armay mmmlii Navy
ctmtiori.o mlAtt-IIIN : n.i
tiio greatest ii mu o w a
mttrcngthtencr ,
or and rcm.torattve , It.
I creates t.oiiti ! Iestm. mans-
do mmmmti btrgnL'thm , clears
thn hiralmu , mutrcmtgthtemus
tile nerves nttl cancs
time iromiertitti C orgamis to
qulelilyregattu thtclr lair-
mamul Powers. For mien'-
( illS I1rO'utrltttomi , ovem'-
worlc , Ilmtltaltci vitality .
in elthersoxor excslve time of oltmttln mmqmtor
or tebau'Co , it pi'mItlvu'ly e.ulltmot te excotleut.
0mm bx will work wontlems. Six vIlt euro ,
ItAit-mIEN Is for sale by mull Ortiggists , 61) ) I itt-
lets , flO ccimt s. On' to tmo mmtoittlm'i' tre.uttlmommL
Fhhl OtIt atiti imuttil mis tue dlttgmists shtettt tIm ctuchm
box , anti we tihl gRe youc case 5tti'iai attea-
111)11 without extra t'hamgo. ItAht-IIIIN is lire-
liarti iu1 Jtjaitmmc'r 0. lItlianmI , 1'i ) I ) . , It. S.1 di.
reet froma tile furmtttmitm , of E. Ii. itartolm , M. I ) .
Cievchimmtl'a mno't , elillmmcmtt licciuhlst. : Miulieti
lIt Closed Pmdlttdt lut of iirIt'e.
DES. hiAlt'I'ON ANI ) tlN"0N ,
, 01 Iittr-Ilomt Block , u. letdttlld , 0.
For 'main by Kuhn . Co. i5tmm anti lotmg-
las ; J. A. 1"uller & Co. , 1402 Dotmgims : St. .
itnul Gmaitiumim lm'ug ( 'ii. , 11th tumd Fantitumu ;
iCing l'ilarlnacy , 27th utad Lcavu'lumtmntil
1'e'toa's I'huam'miuuey , 2lth amt'i I.etuvemiworthi ;
Ii. 3 , S'konit. Stt'tthi OImmtt'ma. atmt.l mull oilier
drtmggists In 0uminh Sattum Omaha. Council
I USiES il 41 for umtnittir4
dlschIr9es. lnOammatlo. Irnltilmosi om utretatlo
I.t . . mm. . , . f am u r 0 0 I neubri , . ,
rr.ei uIIjta , I'MDIPSI. amid not sitnt.
- suEvsss CttticttGo.Iut or r'olaommom , .
5.tul bj bruggIta
he plain
ii. L ittit
b7 .zpr.u ; , pripaid
\ k11 or I b.t . U ,
'VOODBUltY'S Fmtt'itil Sotuli % 'ill eratiletita
till lhit'mmiisiues ttf time , \001)hhUlt''I3
1'tt &lt : i Cmutu umm fmtr cult m ultt'ti hitu miduu , ftu cc or
Ii us I s im ml'tuu , : I I t'ti . Semi th 20 ccii t a for 'ma immde
of each \0ODhi1' lU'S 'I'olhet Comnltimun-
titmi. J. I \'OO1)hit.'itY , 127V. . 42 et. , N. Y.
lToiim indiis1ris
aa , aaa a n fl % , , # wa A J K
11' l'mmreltnsl jig Gounis Mmmii e iuf tbe Fol.
iotmIimg XeIiriishuL Fiuctoriesm
031.1 II.t 'l'IlX'I' .tSl ) 1tU1IhtIt CO.
( Sucessora Olnahta 'I'eimt anti Awning Co. )
Mntmtmfttcturert' tL'ntt' , uts'nimmga ; jetl.era ladleR'
oil genie' Ittnchtrtmitett , , 'Fetus or rent. liii.
tarmmnm St. , Ontitita.
OM.thl ( i iiLEvmNG .4.SSOCIA'I'IOS.
Canlonil shtpitments made In our own rotrmg.
crater cars. Blue utttbrn , ElIte Exoi ; I , Vit'tina
Export Faitmity EPurt delivered to all parts
of tIto city.
OMAli.t huomlEht ' .S'ItitS ,
JOhN It. bOtVILCY , I'romi.
miotleni , Tanks timid Sh'et 'ron Work , SpecIal
fncllhtlu'H for doing reahrs. : etc. ' 111 , 139
- - - - - -
C. F. ICI'EXF'I'Ilht ,
m.ronurncttmror of O'tivnnizej Iron Ctrniccm , ( In' .
t'unlzed Iron ik'IhgIits , 'rmn , iron ant Slats
ltooftn. Agemmt for itlnnenr'a Steel Ceiling.
j'4nrtlu Elcventli .
mos-mo-m street. _
* MI1I ( IC. % hhlSCUI'l' ANt ) .iIi"G , C0
W'itolerai Crat'lcer Mnnunticlurerm ,
OMA11A , NEll.
sclIOIht4ACI'S 'l'WIS C1'I'Y I'b'I )
10ItlS , 1 52i I'urniuuii ift ,
DyIng amId cleamting or garinentim amid good. of
every , Ieacniption. Cleanitig of line ganii-iertts a
S. it' . C.hlil.tN.
Flour , Meal , Feud. , 1013-15-i ? North 17th
Street , Omaha , Nth. (7. ( 11 , hilack , Manager.
Teipmnne tt : .
_ _ _ _ _ _ mn9Nwortics.
fl.tYIS & CO'GII.L , IlIOS 't'OILKU ,
I romi nimli Jmrmmss l'ot , mmii era.
? .tanuracttmncrtm mind JoIii'ra or Mamttneny. ( lea.
eral repaIrIng a specially. 1501 , E.03 . &ntl 1505
Jackuon street , Omaha , Nub ,
Lhirt4El'm ) OIL. . I
VOI.t/eN ( ) bIsliIIOiJ , % 'a'OhIICS ,
Manufacturers ( til procetta raw tlneei oil , lust-
the hillel Ititreel tim , t.i : , PQ"'m mtumti iinaee1
cakes , ground anti screemled ulutaseed for drug.
gisti. OMAhA , NEll ,
- _ _ _ _ _
Ol.tl1A IIIiIJlN4 Ct ) ,
Mnnuufacttiners or hltiim grade Mattreaucl , hill
homes' Street ( ) rniltn.
OVEnA1.h AND SlllltT Vtq'I'OItIES.
Mfni , ctothtmng , i'amits , Rltmrti , OVCUt ,
; llIht.1' PAI"l'OItiEi ) .
.1 , II , I'.tN4 ,
Exclusive custom shirt tailors. 1517 Farnaiu
VINElAit ( AN ! ) PIrIcLhll ,
JI/itIl U.tNN I'ISEAIt Co.
Manuractur'rtl at Vhitt'gur , i'hckle , , ( "ulteupi ,
Mustards , Cel"ry antI Worcestcrshtlre Sauce.
For a good , mutatantlsi vt'itice ! ut emil' descnip.
then , ( or repainting or rubber tIres on new or till
witcels-tite best jtlact It' huh amtd bctivnwertb
hhl1tiG & CO.
l.argeal factory In the vest I.eading Jtttters
of Omfthttm , Kanmas ( 'itv , IIncohi anti HI. Josepb
handle cur E'edi. 1O0 rarimomu HIred ,