Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1898, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 , rriii OMAflA DAILY BEE : 'l'IIUBSDAY , , rUNi i , 1898. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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Dick harley jat In the coos veranda ot
the newlyliuflt Charter hotel , at Fort.
Rhodes. l3efOrO him lay the wooden huts of
the mushroom frontier cLteflient ) , nrnt
ncro9 the level veldt , Into the ilistance ,
stretched the slimIng rahiB 9f the IlcIra &
Miuhonnlafld raIlway.
Dick wn only a boy , fresh from an
Engllh grammar &ichool , yet ho had aireatly
managed to win the notice of the alI-powcr
- ful South African company. AB a result ,
he wafi now formally in-
I1CSIltO his years.
staIh as the prIvate representative of Mr.
Cecil Ithodes In lthodebtirg. It was his
( luty to keel ) ( ho government at Saliabury
Hupplied with information regarding all that
went on In thu tiny village. Very little ever
, di happen in ltlloleRbttrg , so that Ilck
Harley was not nverworkcl , but the position
, wag , none the less , one of trust , and
promised much greater things.
As flick sat In the veranda there came
a PIff of white smoke on the horizon , and
gradually a passeilger train hove In sight ,
t speeding at a. goodly vaco across the sun.
talel , plain. Thu boy jammed his broad
straw hat over his cyos anit strolled towards -
wards the little station platform , just as
the clanging frontier locomotive came to a
stanlstil I.
"Anything for me , Mr. Wrigliti" tie ascu
' of the giinrd , ' '
Mail arrnngCflCntB on the 13. & M. are as
yet very primittvc , an ( the train olUclats
are the prIncipal postment. In answer to
Ilck'S query , the 'gunrd" threw him a
letter , directed in sotnewliat sprawling
characters , which he knew to be the writing
of one James ( ireene , otherwise known as
'Long Jim , " an American engineer on the
As the train pulled out on its way towards
tim eastern cent DICk opened Long Jima
letter. This Is what he read :
' 1)r. Dicky : Yr. father has been miss-
tug from the engine shops at Salisbury for
sevtral vcck. lie left itore on n trip after
antelope Lii COlIIinflY ) vltIi a nian named
1)urden. Great iiieaslness is felt about both ;
anti I hava bceii tilling yr. father's place as
chief of the engine shops. If can , come
to Salisbury rIghtaway. . .1. OIttENE. "
Now Dick harley had vorkcd his way
out to South Africa chiefly on his fatiiers
account , and this nva of Mr. harley's , lis-
appearance causeti hIm acute nuxiety. : nts-
tenitig to the little tciegraldi hut he wired
for leave of alSCnCe.'hen the Inland
train arrived , a IC' . % ' i1oUr later , he was at-
ready on the piatform , ready for the Jour-
: i'y to Salisbury.
The capital of Mashona1anl was rcaclicl
flbOUt BIUItI0WI1 , tuui Dick iiiadc au haste
to look ti Long Jitu ( ireeiio. lie foujd that
ortIiy In the nIiist of plentiful , if coarse ,
South African supper , anti s'aa speedily Imt
in POSSCSSIOII of flit tile facts regarding lila
father's disajijienrailee. Dui den. it seemed ,
% US 0)10 ) of the clUBs of expatriated white
men which iiitests the frontier. lie \VIIS In-
deeti a sort of tramp. itilil told wonderfut
stories of what Je ball seen and heard of
I n t he , as ye t , ii i)1iltWfl ) ) interior.
Chief Engineer Harley , a siniple , lion-
cst luau , hint listened to Durden's wild
yarns. und , it. ias 5iIIpOSC(1 ) , 1111(1 bciicvoil
may of them. At last tue two flaIl loft ,
ostensibly bouiid on a hunting expedition ,
but. really , it. was strongly SUSieCtCi , iii
search of sonic of the marvels about which
1)urdcn was hover tire' ' ! of talking. Siiice
their deparlitic neither had becit heard of.
' ' " continued Jim ' 'was
f 'Your father , Long ,
about the only white IIIIIII whom Durden
cotilil get to listen to liiiii. 1'or the most
I hiart lie consorted with the blacks on the
WCStCEII stile of tue town. Your father was
a kliilly man-far too good- natured , iiidccd
-and ho used to give Durden food and let
liliji talk. But the rascal lived mostly
amoiig tim IfatUrs. "
1)ick Harley got up from the table at which
ho Inul been trying to eat.
"Jim , " he said , " 1 ani going over to the
Kalfir section to make inquiries. 1)urlng the
fever itt tjnitaii last year I saved some of
those black boys' liye. They may remcin-
her nie. "
flefore ( Ireeno could remonstrate , the tad
was gone. hours later lie returneil , fol-
loweti by a woolly headed young KaflIr of
his own age.
' 'This is John fleantybriglit , ' ' lie explained ;
' 'the oidy one of the lot whoni I could get
to do any talking. John renienibers the way
: I doctored liiiii at Unitali , you see. lie says
that Iurdcn took niy fattier to visit Ivory
valley. "
' 'Ivory valley ! ' ' exclaimed Long Jim.
' ' \'es ; that is the home. It appears that
a tradition seXists among boors [ 10(1 natIves
of a woiiilertul valley , many days' journey
to tile iiortitivcstward , on a spur of the
ZOiiilCsi ) , wherein a great bent of cielianta
was trapped over forty years ago.
Thn tusks of these elephants arc
ItlIpOSeil to be lying in the aiicy yet ,
ItIIIt Durden lies laiduced my hi1 her to go
NE1it iIAltLl.
prospecting for the valley , in the hopi of
finding this great treasure of ivory. "
"It is all a crazy romance , " growled the
practical Loiig Jim.
"That iiiay be ; but still it Is nt' ' duty to
folini' It tip. John floautyliilght. hero heard
Ilurden and ioor out dati nicking arrange-
lne1is. Tile ) ' took a wagon , and ProvIsions
for four weeks , "
"hut they have beet : missing ( or over flvo
weeks. "
' ' took their too and ibid Is
'Tlte ) gixiis , , a
good shot. Anyhow , l'iii going to set out at
sunup tomorrow. J'vu engaged a wagon and
team already. John 1icautybriiit is coniiug
iUt inc. "
Greenu rose from his chaIr.
Yes't lie said ; "and Long Jim is coming
with you , too , my lad. \\'e'li find your
fattier it have to cross the eontiiient of
AfrIca to do so. "
Ten days later a wagon carrying Dick
Uarley , Long JIm anl the IfaiUr boy , known
as JoIfli Beautybriglit. ILiBpauuel at early
dawn auioutt the footbIll8 of a mouctain
range , many leagues to the northwestward
of Sahislury , anti beyond the furthest con-
fines of the South African company's domin-
ions. The range is called the 1fommetje ,
from the resemblance of its highest portion
to the earthen vessel which the Boors use
for a coffee cup. As yet no trace had been
found of Eiigiaecr Harley and Durden , nor
had any iniman beIng , black or white , been
encountered for ilays.
The oxen labored onward , up the gradually
increasing slope of the IfoinmetJo , while
those in the wagon kept their eyes fixed
firmly upon the ground for any marks denoting -
noting recent travel through ( his wild re-
gion. At last , about the noon hour , John
fleautyhiright tittered a guttural excinma-
tion , and leaped out of the creaking vehicle.
The others followed suit.
In the clay was the undoubted spoor or
track of cxcii , and the mark of wagon
I wheels. Tue spoor approached their own
iiatii from ii. more northerly direction.
"It Is dail's wagon ! " cried Dick Jubilantly.
'Ioii't be too sure , lad , " salil Long .Jiiii
giooiiiily. 'Thiere are other wagons in South
Africa besciiies Mr. honey's. "
"Spoor t'ree ( lay old , " cnleti John Ileauty-
bright , who hal been examining the trackg.
"Ihaus Harley , he got start. "
Somewhat dampened in spirits , Dick
chiiubd 111(0 the wagon again , and the jour-
no ) ' vns resumed. Before sundown they
reached the charred embers of a recent fire ,
and during the following niorning a battered
coffee lot allowed that the owners of the
preceding wagon had not been veiy careful
of their effects.
hut it. at noon on this second ( lay after
finding the spoor , that , quIte unexpectedly
on turning Into a sinaI ! kloof In the inoUli-
tam slope , they caine upon the wagon of
which they 'ero in tiursuit. It was ile-
sorted ! The oxen , stoutly tethered , grazed I
nearby ; but of those who had guided them
hillier there was no sign.
At this ioilit the central iieak of the Ifom-
metje range rose sheer overhead ; and very
ilisinal aiiil uninviting it appeared. hut
Dick was wild to scale it. for alt that. So ,
leaving John fleautybright in charge of their
wagon , and taking their rifles , two paniii-
klns of water , and a supply of bjitong , or
dried beef , the boy' set off with Long Jim
Greene ,
Thio climb was a trying one , especially
iii the oweltering beat , hut Dick's heart
was stout , and Long Jima had been traIned
in hits native Matiio to regard fatigue as one
of the necessary trials of the hunter.
Night descendeil upon the 1fomnietjo Just
as they , reached a nnrroi' plateau , 'hiichi
SeeIflCl to girdle time central peak , antI
stretch like a level road along the top of
the range. They were obhige,1 , to ealul , here ;
but Dick harley could not sleep. lie tossed
uiieasily on tIme hard turf , couimitimig the stni.i ,
iii thu hope of dniviiig away amnJety regard-
lag his fitthier's ( ate.
It was because be chanced to be watching
the stars that lie noticeih , 'cry low in thu west
-much loner indeed than any heaveiiiy
body should hctwliikllng volnt of light.
Moreover the light moved about curiously ,
end evemi secincI to be coining in their
iick huistily woke iiii Long Jim , nail they
both took a. good hook at this ndvuicing jet
of fhpine.
"It's a laiitern , Dieky , ' ' oxclainiu'd Long
Jii at lust. "Also It is coming this way.
Gnu , your , rhfIu anl hide behind that
boulder. I'll guard the other sIde of the
track , "
Slowly-very slowly the light approached
along the pltenu , until at lust the iioked
eyes of the watchers saw iilainh that it
was caused by a swinging lantern , amid that
1w who carried it was ii. white muitmi , But
Long Jim Greene saw oven moore than that.
Steppiiig boldly frommi his concealment ,
with lila rifle at th almo , ho cried ; 'Throw
Ui , your huiids , lurden' Throw up your
hii'iids , or lilt shoot you by the light of your
own lailtorn , "
father's wound. and gave the re31t' engin-
cer some water anti a scrap bf biltong.
At last Mr. harley was able to tell the
whole story. "Toe coma just in ime , " he
said. " 1 could not have lasted much longer ,
That scoundrel Iurden indoceil inn to pay
for an expedition for the recovery of great
quantities of Ivory in this valley , .Wo made
our way hero , and found the ivory. For two
( lays we worked , carrying elephant tusks
( lOWfl to the klnof where the wagon Is.
Tim ivory is hidden in the long grass-
enough of It to make a tidy fortune. Yea-
terday morning , against my inclinations ,
Durden Induced me to make one more Jour-
no ) ' to the valley. Vi'atciiing his chance he
attacked nio from behind , gashed ray head ,
and , while I was insensible , tide zoo up as
you saw. Vhen I recovered lie was gone , "
"lIe didn't go far , though , ilad , " exclaimed -
claimed Iick ; "and ho has the Chartered
company still to deal wIth , "
Next morning the Party sot forth on its
return voyage , Mr. Harley leaning on Dick's
hioulder , and Long Jim driving the wrist-
bound Durden before him. In the kloof sit
tIm foot of the lfommotje they discovered
John hleautybright in a great State of rap-
tune over the fact that ho had discovered
the hmiddeii ivory in the long grass.
Then , both wagons having beeii loaded
wIth the spoil of Ivory valley , the wander-
01 5 inspanned mind turned ( lie heads of their
oxed toward Salisbury.
After the sale of tIm ivory , flurden was
given a fifth part of the proceeds , and
warned to get out of Mashonalaiid as fast
as the new railway could hurry him , Long
Jim and others held out for severer iun-
Ishment ; but mercy prevailed when it was
lUifltcl out that the tramp had been ( lie
real dIscoverer of Ivory valley ,
Itecent advices from Mashonaland state
that a company has been formed under the
Chartered company's protectIon to remove
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The bearer of the light staggered as
though stricken with surprise amid tear , but
be obeyed Long Jim's rimigimig command , and
held up both hamiils , The light tell full upon
his face , aiid Dick , wIse lied also coisse froni
shelter , recognizeti In him a tramp whomii
lie hail often seen along tIme trucks of ( lie
I ) , & M ,
' 'Now , lunilon , " continued Long Jima , "Jubt
face about and bring us to where you left
Chief Engineer harley , who Is ( lila young
fellow's fatli'r. If ' '
you don't you'ro a dead
milan , "
Durden paw that lila tdaiis were spoiled ,
\Vithiont a wonil him tunsicil and led thieni
across the plateau , About three miles to ( lie
westward they encountered a miurrow ravine ,
which broadetied as tile ) ' valke4 until It
aS8tiiiel ( lie lroliottlons of a 'aIle ) ' ,
Lying beside a shallow rivulet , bound
hamuti and foot , as Emigimicer harley , a
jagged cut In his bead , his face of a ghastly
pallor , but still , to Dick's exceedIng Joy ,
showing of life.
It took Just five minutes to unbind Mr.
Harley amid to itiake Durden a prisoner In
his place , Dick. batbe4 and dressed his
( lie great loads of ivory still left in the
lonely valley of the lfommnetjo range. The
company consists of Engimieer harley , Long
JIma Greene , a certain iCatfir boy known as
John Beautybright , amid-as managing di-
sector-one Dick Harley of Rhiodcsburg , a
MIS'EtlCflS COIllttU't'iD ) ,
hfv the 'Veazm , , 'tlii fliiiilne'I a
tea of II Is Stitte to FfTele lIrlois.
'Some ten or more years ago , " said the
gentleman from Texas to the Washington
Star iran , "we had occasion in our town to
senil one of our promiiient citizens to Eng-
iaiiil to loohc after some business of a pni-
'ate character in which lie with hair a
dozen a'oro of us were interested , lie was a
bit raw , as YOU iiilght say in the east , but
for our liurposo he answered admirably and
we shoved himn to ( lie front and let him
1ooe among the effete inhabitants of lint-
am. i don't hinow what lie didn't do or say
over there , for we could only get information
by hearsay , but an AmerIcan , who met him
one miight at a club , told of a conversation
whIch lie 110(1 heard on that occasion , There
was a general talk on the subject of ( ho
wild and woolly manners of the southwest
and the Texas idea of justice.
. , ,
\\o coulmln't hinve anything hiln that ,
don't you liiiow , lii this country , ' said aim
Engllshmniami ,
, ,
'No , I reckon not , ' responded thin Texan ,
'it tiulccs a special trainin' that you folks
won't ketch up to fer a good ninny years
ylt , I reckon. '
hou1d hope not , ' laughed the Euig.
, ,
, i..J lilil i.
" 'Tain't your fault , though , ' consoled the
Texan , 'you can't expect to have alt ( lie best
things over hero , you know. '
' 'It's a good thing , I lcnoi' , ' ndmnittcd the
Enghishimnnii , 'but yet I think the systeni is
most defectIve. Judge Lynch was not always -
ways iii time right. '
' , 'I don't know about ( hat , ' said the Texan ,
shaking hits iieai doubtfully ,
' 'Now , ' said the Englishman conclusively ,
'are you PrePared to say that Justice is al-
vaya promptly adniliiistered in ( lila manner -
ner ?
"Thin Texan hiositatemi a moment amid
showed imnmistakabio signs of falling to uphold -
hold his case.
' 4 'I ickon you're half right , colonel , ' he
said. Sometimncs ( lie rope breaks or a gun
misses lIre the lust time , but you oughitim't
to lucid that a'giii us , ( en wo never let the
cilsis git away. '
FSt'OIt'1'S AS ! ) JMl'it'l'S FOR Mt's' ,
lsi' ( ijim lift. SlsitiI hg fur 'Erode Ciili-
t Iiiis in 'l'lmIs Citnt ry.
WAShINGTON , June 15-The comparative
stritemnent o the immiports and exports for
thin momith of May , issued by the bureau of
statistics , shows ; MerchandIse exports , do-
bustle , $108,691,733 ; increase as coniparcul
vithi May , 1897 , 32,400,000 , Imports , $53-
256S47 , of whIch about 18 per cent is free
of duty ; decrease , about 26OOOOOO. , Gold , cx-
ports , $109,157,000 ; decrease , about $9,300,000 $ ;
imports , $13,110,383 ; iiicrcaso , about $12,500-
000. hlVer , exports , $4,184,482 ; decrease
about $ I 50,000 ; Imports , $158,400 ; decrease ,
For ( be sevemi months of the present fiscal
year there was an increased alnoumit of
domnestic merchandIse exported , as coma-
pared with the same honed last year of
$157,138,821 , and a decrease of $42,732,983 iii
( liii Imports of domnostic merchandise , There
was a decrease in exports of gold of $17,151-
664 , and an Increase of $31,228,775 in the
amnount of gold exported. Th amount of
sliver exported decreased by oyer $5,000 ,
and there was an increase of $62,583 in the
silver Imports ,
Arnold's I3rbmo Celery curs headaches.
tOe1 Zo , &Oq , AU diuIt1 : ,
'l 'l\F tdF \ , ' \li ,
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B ) ' WILL S. ( ilDLtY. I
* :
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"Never tohil you about the way in which
I won my vife's father's Permission to be
come a son-in-law to him , did I ? " queried
Bob Bloomer , an enterprIsing and successful -
ful western businezsmnan , as w&'sat before
the glowing grate clammy snug library one
evening in iccombcetalking over out timiies
and offering tip incense to thin god of Nice-
tiiie , otherwise known as the cigar etoro
Indian ,
"Don't think yom ever told nie about It , "
said I , scemiting a story. "I heard there was
sin odd romance comimmected with the affair ,
but I am coniplctel' In the thark as to the
, , articulnrs. Won't , . you enliglitemu moe ? "
liloomner flicked (1mb ashes from the 011(1 of
his cigar amid settidd back comfortably in
his armchair.
"The matter hmastgpne by so long now that
all time PartIes concerned cnn afford to laugh
at it ; and even mywlfc's father thimiks it
is a pretty good choke-excuse me. I should
say joke-now , though it was anything but
a joking matter fcfrAiiii at thin time.
"At the ( Into upon which my story opens ,
as time novel vnitarn say , 1 wiis emily a
youimg college graduate , with plenty of
brains and ambition. but little or no cash ,
dependent on may wages as nianager of a
western wheat amid cattle ranch for a liv-
lag , whIle time fmttlmer of the girl with whom
I was reckless enough to fall In love
presIdent of tIme village bank , director in
several different railroads amid other comi-
corns , county Judge and a sort of general
Pooh Dali imi that section of the country.
' 'All this , however , did not deter inn from
fallimig In love with pretty Jessie Granger.
I found no dililculty with Jessie herself.
She blushingly capitulated after a brief
cammipaign , in which I bonibarded her chiefly
with booboos , bouquets anl biiietsdoux , flfll
her mother , too , came gracefully nroummd to
my side of ( lie qtiesttommbut 'ld'mm ' I broached
the subject to Judge Gramiger he put on his
sternest judicial look niid glared at inn for
fully a minute without sayimig a word-Just
glared , ) 'oii understand.
einaiiy I iUCKe(1 up courage anti Saul :
' ' \Velh , judge , what is ( lie sentence ? '
"I was hiolitig he'd say 'imanui labor for
life , with Jessie for a Jailer , ' but lie didn't.
lIe glared somiie more , and then began to
sputter. I ciiumght time words 'confoummded
check and impumdence , ' but as this reimmark
seemed to have no bearing on the subject
umiuler discussion , I iet it pass without re-
plying. Fimmaily lie begami to address his conversation -
versation to mime. Said he :
' 'Young mann , are you aware that time
young woman to whose lmanul you aspire is
a prospective heiress and will eventually
collie imito tIme POSsessiomi of IL smiUg little
, ,
'l'vo heard runiors to ( hint effect , ' said
I , 'but that won't make a particle of differ-
mice. 11cr wealth shah never be a barrier
or stumbling block between us. Even if she
hind mu itmihlion dollars I'd love her just as
niuich with it as I wotmhil if she didmm't have
a cent. So you needn't worry yourself any
on that score. '
"The juilgo gasped once or twice , anti I
thought ho was going to have a stroke of
some sort , but lie finally recovered stmfll-
ciontly to call mny attciiulomm to the location
of ( be door and insinuate that a favorable
opportunity for taking a walk for the hemme-
fit of my health was before inn waitimmg to be
un proved.
"I improved it. I walked out of the
judgo's omen anti up to thin Judge's house ,
and Informed Jessie that her.tatlmer was time
miiost obstinate man I knew of , with one cx-
, ' 'And vhmo is the exception ? ' she naked ,
, ,
'Myself , ' said 1. 'Your inuternal ancestor
is inclined to lie a triile-er-muiiali , so to
slienk. but when Jt comes to a annie of
obstinacy I comm givwhini nInety-five poInts
out of a possIble 100 , and then beat him
without half tryImtgh
' 'Comm you ? ' said she , with an encourag-
lag smile. 'Well , if you are bound to be
obstinate I'm glad it is In a good cause. '
" \Vo agreed to i stand togeumcr for good
and all , anti wear i out her father's opposItion -
sItion , even if it remimmired a century to ac-
coniplisli that deirablc end , I am happy
to say , however , that we did not have to
wait the full 100 years. The exact timmie , I
believe , waa fifteen.months , but it seemed
like a century to nio , principally b'tcausc my
intervIews with Jessie duriiig that time were
soimiewliat brief and imifreciuent.
'From thin date ofnmy Intervleu' with him
iii his olhlca lie had imover spoken to or roe-
ogiiizeti me in any way , shape or mummer.
\Viienever we chanced to meet lie stared
straight ahead amid lmassed omm , paying no
mono attention to me than If I vern a clod
beneath lila feet.
"Twice during thin first six months of my
enforced waitIng I called at Judge Grangcr's
venge at last , ' as the poet tells about , and
our positions were unexpectedly rovorssd
and I suddenly became the obdurate and
haughty dispenser of favors , with Judge
Grammger a trembling supplicant before mne ,
not figuratively , but literally.
"I tow ( html thIs woimderfuh immetamorphosis
come about ? 'ehl , it seems strange , yet
in reality it was thin most ainiple amid nut-
ural timing in the world. You see , Judge
Granger was an entinisiastic horseman , fommil
of rIding anti drlvlmmg , and one day when a
stranger came to town and offered him a
flue saddle horse for about two-thirds its
actual value the judge couldn't resIst the
teniptntion to buy It.
'Thme anlnmal had been stolen from a ranch
only a few miles distant , but of course time
purchaser knew nothing of this. The
alacrity with which the stranger got out of
town after disposimmg of the animimal ought to
have opened the judge's eyes , but apparently
it did not.
"Anyhow , the next morning the judge
donned his riding suit amid set forth to try
his new saddle horse , lie rode for ierhmalts
bait a dozen miles out Imito thin country ,
amid then turning about lie was leisurely
joggimmg back to towmm , when he uaa overtaken -
taken by a party of cowboys who were
ridiimg posthaste iii search of a stolen horse
-the very anImal , as time fates had arranged -
ranged it , ( hint Judge Granger was at ( hint
instaumt jauntily bestnidimig.
"The cowboys recognizeil time mnlssibg horse
at once and they didn't recognize the Judge ,
which wits ami unfortunate commibimmtutinn of
clrcunmstammces for the hatter. hit cbiisider-
ably less time than It takes to toll It ( ho
excitable rammchmers hail , (1051)1(0 hits Immihigimant
protests , unceremnoumioumsly separated the
judge frommi time stolen animal and hustled
hint under a convemmiemit limb which over-
i hung thin roadside. l'ersomms foumiml with
stolen horses imu their nossessiomi met with
I scant consideration in that section of Uncle
I Sam's doimmala at that period and thm crowd
hiLul 0 OtC imenthy adjusled miboiit time judge's
I heck muith were on the hioimmt of strlnglimg
hlmn up whemi I providentIally happeiicd aoimg
on may way to town.
"Stramige to' relate , though lie hind been a
first-class stranger to mime for tIme past fhf-
teemi imiomiths , he miow mint only recogimized
mime at once , but actually beamed with pleas-
urn at thio sight of my face ,
' , ' \\'hmy , how are you , Mr , Uloomer ?
Mighty tickled to see you , ' lie joyfully ox-
claimmied , 'Just tell those crazy cowboys ihio
I am ! They won't believe inc. although I
have told them that I am Judge Granger of
Iloonivilie amid that I bought this eomifoummmded
horse Instead of stealIng it. '
. . 'Tlnlt is rather rough on you , mister , '
said I , calm amid cool as a cucumniher on Ice.
'Sorry I eafl't 11011) you , but the fact is you
are just. as much of a stranger to ama as
you are to tIme rest of the crowd. '
"Time Judge's face grew fairly purple with
rage. It was very roor policy to nllow lila
wrath to get thin upper hiaiml of hmini at that
critical mnommient whemi a vord from mime aught
have settled his fate amid ct him to damicimig
a hormipipe in time air , but lie did so.
, , 'You infernal scoimmidrel ! ' lie howled ,
'yotm kmiow veli enough that I uumi Judge
Gramiger ! Haven't you beemm running after
my daughmter for time Inst eighteen miiouitiis
amid tryiuig to obtain may coumsent to make her
your wife ? '
, ' 'You certainly seema to be fanitilar witH
some of tue facts in ( lie case , ' saId I , still
calnu nuid collected ; 'I am a suitor for the
huanil of Judge Granger's daughter , it is
( rue , but thin Judge hasn't recognized or
apoken to mime In over a year amid imniier time
circumstances I see no reaaon uvumy I should
go out of my way to recognize imimim or do
him a favor , even if lie needed it S hadly
as you tb this minute , Now , I don't admIt
that you are Judge Granger , but , If you
are , Just introduce man to the crowd as youm
liroattective son-in-law anti I'll see what I
can do for you. '
" 'I'll be banged if I do ! ' snorted the
' . 'You eertnimmly vhh1 lie if yoim domi't , I
retorted , grimly , starting to thrive oim.
, ' I1ohd 0mm there , Bioonmer , ' simouteil the
Judge. 'For heaven's sake , mlomm't go on
and leave me to time mercy of ( lila crowd !
They'll lynch mao sure , it you do , '
" 'Guess you're right , ' said h , carelessly.
'But if you want me to help you out of your
scrape I shall have to insist on your doimig
thin square thing by Inc and Jessie In cc-
turn. Just repeat after inn : "I am Judge
Grauiger of Boomville , and I freely consent
to time marriage of mmmy daughter Jessie to
Robert 3. Bloomer , manager of the Big
Six ramich , and hereby invite the entIre
crowd now liresent to witness time wedding
cerenmeny and drink the hinltle's health at
amy hiome in floommivihie at 730 ; this even-
Ing. '
. .
'Seems to me you'ro getting in an awful
& ' .
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.iilcc ( or time purpose of talkIng tIme mimatter
over with luau , amid If imosaible iumtiuciimg hum
to change his mind , bu $ on each occasion
tie jmercmnptorily declined to see mime ,
"After this I tdok to writing , I wrote
him several ietteralrettlng forth my pros-
ies amid showing that I wims abundantly
able to take care of Ii wife. Needless to say.
I received mib repWm Of one thing h uaa
sure , my pathetic pleas , instead of hmaviim'
a softening effectiomi Jessie's father , aetet
like a tonic , addImm4 a fresh layer of ob-
stiaacy to his alrdY superabundaimt supply
of that article. After receiving one of in
notes I noticed ( bitt the judge Invariably
carried himself with a maore haughty ammd
unbending air than' ' ever , and iii lila ey03
there was ( lie confident , self-satisfied ho'
of a general who baa the enemy cheek
mated and beaten at. every point ,
'Tbrce dreamy months dragged by , iiii ,
then ' ( lie wbIrhiig oC ( line brouImt its r
hurry , young oman , Better giye the womun
( olts a chance to got reatly , hmndmi'L you ? '
- " , , II" himilge.
, ' 'You needn't worry over that part of it ;
I'll take my chances on their being ready , '
said h , 'All h ask of you is to repeat time
sentence I just gave yeLl , and I'll see that
time rest. of the program Is carrIed out. '
"Well , it was a bitter pill for tIme judge
to swallow , but the cowboys were growing
impatient , time rope begami to tighten up
around his neck at this opportune manhunt ,
amid-lie swallowed it , repeating the semi-
tenco , word for word , as h hind given it to
"We rode Into Boonmvihle like conquering
heroes , escorted by a dozen gallant though
somewhiimt vociferous cowboys. These gea-
try circulated ImpartIally around the as-
boos Iii , the place , masking a fresh circle at
least once oyry huirty maimmutes , until Iii.
hour of 7,30 In the evening , when they
promptly put in an appearance at the rest-
ilenco of Juidge ( Irnuiger to 'see mum get
spliced anti toss off a snifter to the hesullhi
of time bride , ' as they expressed IL
"And I am happy to say that they were
not dippnIntetl Iii either of ( head desires.
Not only did the ) ' witness the splicing
( which wa terfornmed with mieatmmess aumil
dispatch by the local Methiohst parson , who
was an olmi hand at time business ) , but they
drank to time health of the bride amid the
tirkhe's father nnul all the rest of the bride's
relatives for three generations back , or until
time supply of liquid refreMmnments ran ouit ,
and ( lien , with three rousing cheers antI
a rattling pistol fusIllade us a grand finale ,
they dispersed for home , leaving Jessie amid
inn to settle down and emmjoy our honeymnooum
in peace ,
"This , " concluded Boomner , "is the ( rime
story of how I won a fattier-In-law , ammul ,
although lie wits inchlmmeml to be a trifle balky
on the start , I don't believe either of us
have haiti occasion to feel sorry since ( lint
things turned out as they dlii. "
Fntmul , ti'i'Ili'nt I , , Senreiers ,
NE'OltK , Jummo Th.-lrnnk Murphy ,
aged 40 years , is thought to ho dying , anti
two other mmmcmi , umamned Themmilisomi antI liummmt ,
urn in thin tiosimital at Newark as thuo result
of "scorchIng" mm time streets of that cIty
tomiiuy , 'I'hmnmpson antI liumnt on a tnmmuieiii
amid ? tlurphmy oh a simuglo bicycle were rae-
tag dowim liroami street imeatls dowmi , wimen
a cab turned into ( lie street. Murphy
cruislied imito the cab with Mmcli force as to
break this side of the vehicle , while the
tandemum riders struck it at mulmciet equmnl
velocity , Murphy's skuill was fractured amid
Thonmtmsomm nuid Ilumnt were hurt internally.
Mel , Calls sit thiejolI for VoICT ,
t'linrgcd with MnrIerlg Ills
MuSher , hail lIe ' , ' . 'ns ( lone ,
t.IIIEILTY , Mo. , Juimel5.-A mob tried to
batter down time doors of time Clay county
Jail after miihiiighmt Inst imlghmt. It is sump-
lmosetl that time mmmcmi were after \Viihiani S.
l"oloy , coum'ictetl of time mmmumrilcr of till
mother , but hue had hccii slipped cult of town
mmml takcii to lfauisims City. The suuimreuie
court yesterday reversed anti remimumndeul
Foley's case toma new trial. Thuo niob , eomn
hosed of about twemmty-flvo mcmi , left whicH
, they foiimmd ( hint loley was gone.
KANSAS CITY , Juime 15.-Vt'Illiamn S.
loley , chumirged with tIme mumuntler of lml4
mimothier , wits broumghmt here ( mmmi Liberty
today amid hilflCcl Iii the coumit ) ' Jail for ante.
Get a ummaim of Cuitma nuid get time best nnt
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