- - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - . - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - 1'r--------w---- - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! r - 1 . J _ J . 12 TIlE OMAiXA DAILY 1UTh IVEINES1)AZ Jv1fl 15 , 1895. isToN's ' IAMIOT11 DEPOT Proiionnccd the Lrgos ana flc Eqnppcd : . Bttion in the World. two SEPARATE FLOORS FOR TRAINS EtectrlenlIy O1rnftl 1.001 , TrnckN vIth Plntforjip. Cninble of hold- ' lug 2OOO l'nNscnr.-Ai . EttzIiterItig VouIer. /i : ; ernnI railway. station In floe. ton , Mass.1whkli Is netning completion , Io88cssc c'rcal remnrknblo featurea. It. is the Iarget railway depot in the world. The plnn ut 1t ; cotistruction Is Unique-nothing 'ike It has been scan before. It. Is the first lpot to be equipped with facilities for Operating trains by electricity , the tracks In one section of It actually having a third rail tnI.l jidtwen them , all ready for the lOngpr hI4 transition from steam to dcc- tric. ctirront4The growing ) robtcn of vmclcnt. suburbbn train accommodation , whifh , In view of electric 8treet car traction , ban t.akbn bit 110W importance , is hero dcalt with In nuw manner. There ar two stor1us Zar.thtrA1ns ( Locifl trnins run into the StatIoh'nnc1arounl h long loop In the basarnen , Long4istano * trains run in on thu floor' aLhyo. This loop marks the oJvp ; Ut a great engIncrIng irohlem , for it JsJ1ePrCaa Aahf tcbt. bai w the mean and In order toconatruct IEYbero ( first. had to ho built a cofferdam t ri trnas largr than the largest ever constrcted-thnt is , 2,000 feet long by 700 feet [ de. , iito thIs eofferlam was lahi 5. great upof cement , restIng on 44,000 pIles. In this CUPl2 bUilding stands. flnnlly , h or fo makA room for this : gostlon of suburban serytee , and the latter , which Is highly profitable , must ho made i bettor than It now Is , for the electric atreet f car servicO Is leaching out. Its octopus-like tentacles and absorbing suburban patronage In a manner not at all to the liking of the steani railroad managers. The octopus must be beaten oven in Its own manner , by being fought \vItI ; its Own weapons , Therefore , oloetrie traction must be provIded for , on a scab which would take heed of future conditions - tions , Fvery one of these rallier formidable - , : ble problems has been coped with success- uliy in the new structure. : Placing the trains on two floors , at once . accomplished the purpose of separating the local from the through trafile. The arrangement - mont of the tracks for thi , express trains , which run in on the second floor , differs , . - little trout that of au ordinary station. In thd b. . : .iiiit. towovcr , the arrangement is ) unique , Tliore arc but two tracks , eon in I and one out , forming a large and nearly & I circular 1001) . Ily means of a switch , a see- end auxiliary loop Is formed inside of the 'first , Thus there is a continuous passage of trains through the station , which gains for it all of the facilities of a way station , 'while it is at the seine time a terminal. The time ordinarily lost iii backing out of ; ntatlons to make room for other trains , in changing the locomotive from one end to 3 the other , in turiiiig over the bacha of seats and other minor necessities of the same , nature , will now be saved , The double loop .wtlI lipId fourteen thrce.rar trains. It would , ho possible for one suburban train to do- yards the same company is using sceral electric enIns , and is said to contemplate equipping the entire road with third rail conductors , At least , this Mallen will hO quite reads whehov r the toad Is so equipped. The W57 out of the basement for the trains is through a two-track trench , or cut , lying on the left hlo of the main tracks , The basement itself is not entirely below the sidewalk. In fact , it Is depressed 50 that the same umhOr ot step lead down to the suburban trains as lead up to the cx' press trains on the floor above. So , after leaving the station , the grade of the ex press trac.ks leads gradually down to the level just na the grade ot the local trains leads gradually up from below , The local trains In many cases Use the express tracks after getting mica outsLle- and tItle , as may 1 be supposed , leads to a iorid of complicated switch-twisting and signaling. vcn here the system had to be arranged quite differently - ently from that. of an ordinary road. The signals for incoming and outgoing trains viii be located on eight or nine signal bridges. There will ho tWo towers ( iota which the interlocking switches will be operated. 'FILe ewit1us' and signals will be orked by compressed air , which , In its turn , 'wIll be opcrnYcd eletHcatly from the towers. Ihut. It. uiti be almost impossible for a human being to , atmplify in his mind such a maze of swItches , signala , wtres and tracks , The human machine Is perfect to a certain extent , but , unfortunately for the railroad business , it is not mechanical enough to remain uninfluenced by wind and weather , lack of sleep , indigestion and other disabilIties of a iikonaturo. In order to prevent any dlsastroua complication ensuing froni such a cause , tue. ompany is ldncing in every tower a ACts of miniature tracks which is connected electrically with the real tracks out in the yard , atid which operates In conjunction with thOrn. This inininturo sot of tracks is belngpluced tight in front of the side of the main tracks that Its per- apectivo lines rbaliy scent to reach the vanishing point ; a huge carriage concourse which allows the vehicles of passengers to come right into the building-quito a wet 'weather fepture , As ope walks thirodgh the depot its work- log details are thrust soraplilly upon one's understanding that the result is almost mit- fusion. One notices that there Is an Ice- making plant for ' supplying tue coolers In the cars , a llltering.plant for supllying cool , clear water all over the station ; a ictrigerat- lag llant for keeping fresh the provisions In the kitchens of the several large restaurants ; it steani l.ant for warming the passenger cars while they are'standing unattached tea a locoinottyc In tIle' station in cold weather ; a coniliresSod air plant for testing the Westinghouse - inghouso brakes bforo the trains leave the sIted ; an electric lighting and vower plant for illuminating the buildIng 'via Its magnifIcent electroliers and for operating the very numerous passeng r and freight elevators , One sees that. all the needs of a large floating vopulatipnnre provided ( or in the lavatorIes , the barber shops , the lunch rooms , the retiring rooms , the smoking rooms , thu emigrant ootus , the cabmon's antI bootblacking rooius , the soda fountains , the novsstand and thu everything else that ccii- tributes to tlioqmfort of transients , In short the new I3qt9n terminal is the biggest thing of its kind that has over been created , Ti1EODOlU WATII3 , i1M IN TIlE 'CO11ONS SuccossfulInvnI0n of the Popular Branch of Parliuent , . . S i' ' - ; - - ; , - , f'r . ' PLAYS ON TIlE YPWRITER KEYBOARD . ! $ - : : ; , Ilobnoll' it1t Lords nndkEcltansres Sntiics wttl Commoners-Her iiltla Men j1)JrIeICC S Of State. In the staiti old house of Comtaons untIl a comparatively recent date woman was con- sidereti ht nh times an Intruder , This is the rcasorhytbe fact that to hay on thu south sidoof SL'plien'1I.IIJn the , group of Inglish i'arllanient tulltiinks a very clever woman typewriter line been given a desk , salary anti as3istflnt Is the cause of I no little wonder among the few to whom 2 iP A ; ; / , ' , : _ -f - . : - . . ' ' - - - vII\v OF TIlE LARGEST RAILWAY STATION IN THE WORLD. ' ; nt structure , 'there bath .to lo demolished 210 buildings , sheltering during btiiness hours of the dty nearly 4,000 persons , enough ' to founil a small town. More than half the railroads which run ItQo and out of I3ostonwill use this depot. It will divide the patronage othe city with ' . the northern depot , WhIch Is situated on the - diametrically oppoIt si4o of the town. Necessity compelled Its construction. Once there wore no less than eight railroad depots I in Boston. The confusion this enthlied was i enormous and the Impossibility of nakIng 1 % connections finally forced the combination of 'several of the roads. At the present time , outside of the northern , there are three large depots , each of which Is used by halt a dozen conchs. All these roads wIli hereafter use the new station , so that there wlii be but two floston depots-time northern , terminal and the southern terminal. Thu question of travel for Bostonians is tittis t , reduced to the primitive iroposition of F knowing at what point of the compass their t destinations may lie. After that the ques- r tion of selecting the proper depot is easy. l'l'olIeiiiN ( If ConstructIon , The housing of all those roads In one ata- tion involved problems which do not enter into the construction of single stations. TIm rIghts and privileges of any one road must t not be interfered with by the others , Thu right of way for one train after another : must be , so to speak , continuous. The long- distance tralflc must not suffer from a con- , part front the station every mnnuto and yet allow each train to stay five minutes on the hoop to unload auth load , During the working time of the do ) ' , or ( mom .i a , in , untIl raid- ' night. this would mean the dispatch of IOSO trains , Adding the enpacity of the express floor , thma general capacity of tIme station might be reckoned as 2,000 trains a day , Nor is title suburban schedule of one train . t mInute to be considered very wild , ( or rioston rank as the ccond city in the country - ' ' 8 try in traifle of this nature , amid the depot wlli oven now be operated at the rate o : G50 trains a day , iuuster I'lmit ( ornis , Thu loop tracks ar sunk a foot below asphalt iIatforms , which arc capable of hoifihmig 25,000 passengers at one time. The steps of the cars arc quite on a level with tIme platform , lictween the iOOl tracks is an electric conductor , or third rail , lying ready for time contemplated change ( ruin steam to current. , Thu idea of the management waste to provide for the motive POwO of the future , be It steam , compressed air , 'lectiictty , or what not , but the actual pine. lug of 11118 thIrd rail sceiria to indicate that In railroad circles the electric current is expected to be iied. In fact , the Nantaskut beach dIvision of the New York , New ) Iaven & Ihartford railroad is already ; IJpeI:4lit1 : by electricity , In the New Haven where the switchmen will stand. The men I cannot produce any combination outside of the tower which will not also be reproduced withIn in miniature. TItus it will be almost impossible for an accident to occur in the yard If the switchmen arc ordinarily care- ( UI. Iiiiprsto hhlgiiess. As a mere architectural achievement the Boston terminnlsCntio impresses one most vtvtdly by its Immensity. its bigness is like that of thieznain building of some great exposition. It Is a small world under ten acres of roof. Its train shed Is seven times bigger than St. Paucrac station , and twice as big as the London & Northern ; so big , In I fact , that the great St. Louis depot might hem built up in the middle of it and yet leave I respectable breathing roqm on all shies. One genius , wIth a calculating turn of mnhnti , has shown how .tventy-four of the prominent buildings of I3'stOn could be placed bn the grounI occupied by , this station and still leave small passageways tetween , auth the list includes stichi structures as the post- office. the vublic library , the city hull , the state house , TrInity church , several of the large hotels and , Faneuil hail market. The interior of the great pile is cut up in strict proportion to the 'whole , however. So one is not surprised to see a waiting room 225 feet long and two'atories high ; a midway or space betweemf tlp 3vnithrig roomna and train 8110(1 , as high and as long as the building itself ; a ticket omce ninety-two feet long ; a baggage room which extends so far down 1.0sf Their Lives In a Mint- , ST. LOUIS , June 4-A special to time Post-Dispatch front Aurora , Mo , , saya : An ncchd3nt in the mine of the Zmlount Vernon company , at Stott8 City , a mining camp twenty miles ( rein this city , last night , re- stilted In the death of John Durham , his son , William Durham , .1. IV. Newman , J , N , firown and E. A. lfmtuck Samuel l3enuett , another miner , bad a narrow escape ( loin death. For some time the mine baa been under vater and the men mentioned were at work on a raft pumping it out. SS'hthio'tt warning a mass of reck from the sides of the shaft above them fell on the raft , break- lug It Ui ) , and precipitating the men into the water , Sam Bennett , who escaped , did so by clinging to u : log of the raft until rescued , The other five men sank to the bottom of the shaft and are lying in sixty feet of water , l'rceisUtioiiN 40 l'reveiit it LyxiehJiiW , FI1ANIcFOItT , Ky , , June 14.--floverimor flradley baa ordered comny A of the sU.te guards to go to Mayfield to protect Iob Blanks , thu negro who Is to be trie.l next week ( or assault , There bare t'hen six lynebings in Imaves county in two years. and the feelteg against I3lanks runs high. Maps of Cuba at 'Fime flee office-Omaha- touuciI Iiuff oi South Omaha , Cut a coupon ( rota page 2 , Address Cuban map dept. -I Itho kqowielge nsa come. The Iady nilmue is Miss May II. Ash- worth , aiid she is not only mote widely known than anyothor' of , the vast army of feminithia who :80 : deftly 'nanlpuIate the "universal keyboard. " but she holds th3 simd record-two triumnps of a character that seldotq fails to the lot t'\voman. Miss AbworthbcIIcstIt 'there ame hot a half dozen nicinhera of either the House of Comniona.or the house of Lords whom she does not know to speak to. tier 'cxperi- cocos have therefore naturhilybceo of more than ordliiat'y. . itlehtt , brought as she is In daily contact with many amen whose names and deeds are flashed over' the cable every day to all parts of thu woild She tells ta yory Interesting' 1lnccdoto of' 1Mrd Salisbury , 'the 'present Uritish premimler. The typwrit'ers Stephen'ihhlI.btro supposed to be principally fo the'useot alenibers of Commons. but this is not adhered to , and tie services of Miss Ash- worth and her corps of assistants are avaIled of by many memhcr of the Ilousq or Lords , , and oceasionhi' one of the cabinet finds them very useful. On th'day when the Salisbury incident occurred Miss Ash- worthhappened to be alone in her own othlce , all her assistants having gone for time day , Lord Salisbury for , ome reason : wallted Into the room without knocking and said : "Madam , are you the omelal stenographer ? " Miss Ashworth replied that s1e was , like the meekest of commoners" thfe premier hogged her to excuse him for Iroubiing her , but ho imal forgotten a mnatter which re- ( lUiled immediate atteniton , and he did not have time to return to his own , quarters. DIstii..eil Oerllne , "Well , " said Miss AshworUm , "I knew it WOS Lord Salisbury , and that I ought to Ollige him , but really it waa.noL my place to work overtima for'even the premier of England , and I told him so. lie was tre- mendoummly amused amid I was a' little hit I' ' 1 , - .r Jti MISS ASIWORTH ! , confused after realizing what I had done , but my lord asked Inc if I could not put my prejudices oside ( or once ant ? help out ha tt little business of stute , and you know I could not see my way clear to refuse. " Lord Salisbury's nephew Is another statesman - man who appreciates Miss Aahworth's sony- ices , "You see , " she said , "Mr. IJalfour iii one of the most considerate gentlemen I ever met , I rememher on one occasion he came imito our olilces just as some member from Yorkshire was telling what lie wanted. 'rIme Yorkshire man was quite rude and talked to us as if lie thought 'e vere his slaves , Mr. l3alfour turned to him and said : "Sir , are you aware that. you are in the presence of ladies , and that you are con- versing with ladies ? ' I never saw a man more abashed than the member from Yorkshire - shire , shireVo " \Vo all of us liked Sir Michael hicks Beach , he waB such a fine old fellow , and it was a real pleasure to do anything for hlni , I know there were ever so many titiia when ho was in a dreadful hurry to have things done that lie caine in hero and saw that we were as busy us bees. Instead of insisting on our doing what he wanted , ho would say , 'Just a good morning , Idias Aehworth , ' and then off he would go to some place outside the Parliament buiiding , A flit of iclatterl' , "One of the very pheasantest men we have to deal with Is Mr , fleorge Curzon. Let rae see , he married a beautiful American girl , a Idles Leiter , did he not7 Mr. Ourzon is Invariably a courteous , kinily rnau , and never inconsiderate , Ho told me once I would make my fortune in the United States , because I could do my work so well and say so little about it. lie said that combination was rare among the American typewriters , " Miss ) tshwortlr owes her opportunity in Parliament to Mr. Herbert Gladstone , She Is a daughter of the late 11ev , arthur Ash. worth , rector of Hoime Cultran , Cumberland - land , She received a good education and ecaflie among other things a tale linguist , havIng spent some time on the cobtinont. She is greatly absorbed In hoe work1 is genial , energetIc , business-like ttntt tell of common sense. The work she is oblIged to perform requires a high degree of tact anil intelligence and it very stmiiar to that exacted - acted of the typowyiters in our own house or senate at Washington , hhllltNl ) Thlfi SCfl'iES IN HAVANA. The Captain C.cnernl and Stnft at'n l.ineHon. It was midnight in Ihavana , just. the same as It had always beentat 12 o'clock Q. M. relates the New Yorktsun. Thu war had madm ( many anti marked changes , but in resetot this , none. Captain General nianco sat in the dining room of itla palacem.cheving the gristle in the harnbono of a cleathborsc' , The captain general had not retired ore tills because he is notof a retiring disposi- tion. tion.At At this moment an it4e appeared itt the portals of the room t'and l3lanco ordered him up. "how fares ? " he asked , ima the young .man approached. "About the same kiert of tare as that. 'Otl have , " replied the utltl with a grave nod toward the hmambondthxat the captain gen- erich held at "presont" " \Vhnt's the matter with this ? " retorted the captain gcnernil "It ought to be first class ; it cost $4 a pound. " "Nearly as high na"ldatnnzas mule , your excellency , " said tIme able , recahiiug hs manners and the military regulations. "MImIc macat isn't as high as this , Is 117" " \VcIl , your excellency , the mule wont Oft- foot high when , the Taukee slmeil cx- idoded tinder him. 'fhht'a higher tlittn your havana horse , excellency , " ' 1A truce to your badinage , sirrab , " exclaimed - claimed the captain general. "What Is our business with mae , seeing that I have not invited you to luncheon 7" "Your excellency , I crave a pardon. Word has just been received that withiimi the next twenty-four hours the Yankees will have cut our telegraphic communication and we will be shut out flora mother , home and friends. In other words , excellency , there won't be any more chances for you to run your typewriters through the ticker. " The captain general was dumbfounded. For as much as two minutes ho could hot Annual Sai.a ovor6,000 000 Boxes , 'L1 . ' POR BILIOUS AND NER.VOUS DISORDERS amielu no Wind anti Pain in time ltomneli , ( ihtidlimess , } 'tiliiosa nitet' meabm , hlraui- ache , Iiazlnoss } , Drowsinos , 1"Itmsblngs of heat , Loss of Apputib , . Cost ivermess , Blotches on the Skirt , 'Colt ' ? Citiiiu , Dis- turbcttl Sleep. Frightful Drcanms and all Nervous amid Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE \VILL GIVE RELIEP IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer wIll acknowledge thorn to ho A WONDERFUL .MEDICINE. IEECSLAIII'S I'ILLS , taken as direct. ed , wiiiqiiicktyrnstoro Females to corn- pinto health , They Dronmptly remoro obirtructioims or irrc'guhrmritles of the sys- ton : and cure Shi'k HC&tdtLL'hiO. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion . ' Disordered Liver IN MEN , WOMEN OR CHILDREN Boocham's Pills are Without a RvaI Ant ljvu' ( tie LARCEST SALE OcUhl3"Inrent M'dteiiio jziitic.corhtl. 25e. at ailDrug Stores , : : ike Ladles' Department ol the Newt flyene gistl'ttite Is now open fore huaifleS3 , and fully equipped with two new apparatus for giving Limo most healthful , pleasing baths known 'to ' the World. ' Time INSTiTUTE has among Its patrons , the best known ladles in Omaha. We ask you togive It a trial Cf two baths at least , amid if it is not found zmrepresented , we will refund your money , Rooms , New Quarters , 216-218-22OBc Billd1j ] New 1yene kst. wrn : OTIJEItS FAIl. CONSULT DOCTOIIS Searles &Searles SPECIALISTS Gueranlee to ours speedily and mdl- willy a ) ) NIrnvovs , OilItONIO AlD PISIVA'l'lS 41.eaiea of Men and women. WEAK MEN SYPIULIS SEXUALLY , cured for life. Nttht EmiioflJ , Loll Manhood , H - drpceie , Venicocele , Gonorrhea , Gicet , ilyp iii , , Stricture Piles , Flatula and Rectal Ulcers. iDiabcea , fright's Disealo cured , - . Consultation Free. Stricture and GIaet.Ut by new method wlthqut pain or cutting , Cailon or addresi with stamp. Treatment by mall , 119 $ . 14ih 5 * RS. 8EARUS SERLES. Two Neeks' Treatment . . FREE _ I 'ruicY jAItJ tiLt ) SPECLALISTS ha the treatmaiset of all CkroiIc , Nervous aud Private Diseases , d ; li WUUI4flSSSS end bISORDNRS OF Cstarrb , all Disatsea bS ma No. , Tan.t , abet , Piomach , Liver , hJLoo&t.5kin amid KISnaj Dii. $ &hI. LOlL 3.iammhuaoa. . hLV4ro.ul. . Vinicoqals , Oonorrh. . . Gluts. Sy.4dii . , Stricter. . I'll. . , Si. . I t.l. aimS fleets ) VIcar. , Diabetes UiIgbt'p Dii. I cur.4. Call en orcaddress wht atap tot Jri ihook and N.w'MMhdL , Tr.stmuit bS Wm&S , . C-auaulttIo * free. I QLaka edtcaL aud SurgicalInstItnt I. IMmm2t iMhi Ii. _ - - ' lift the hambono te hi taco. Then he broke torti ' & "Gd , anmi go qiicy ( , " b thundered , "and have them hold the 'wire till I get my force ready with their dickers , fly Caramba Cnipea , I'll ship enough stuff over that wire in the next twcntyfomy } hours to keep the world stocked hI rts of Spanish triumphs till the rtr Is ower. Skip , now , and have everything greased by the time I got there , " and the captalq general , hanging on to the esculent bambono , cnt flyIng along the corridors - riders to atsemble his hosts. A Map of Cxtbtt or Teit Cents' . The l3o is gIving its subscribers a. chauct to keep pasted on the movements of troopt. anti , cruisers by means of its combination map. The map of Cuba attows all the towns , railroads and divisions. while front the map of the West Indies sail map of th world you can locate just. where the war ships are at any time and Im W fat' they are from different - ferent portM. Cuttottt. a I3ce coumpon. page 2 , and bring itto ThI Dee orncc , Omaha , Smith Omaha .nr4Coutncil Bluffs , Dy mail , enclose a coupon and 14 cents and address Cuban Map Department. ThaI Mubla' OP .1Ui7AU. Dimugumejemh will ; ' Ainskn flied1 He Coin- . milled Sm.ioitl. The old story by Senator Vcat about the old mule of Juneau which rolled into the ocean blun tnd drowned himself because time fodder ltt , Alnaka contained hittiti else than water , appears to have foundation. Soimator 'cst .told the story when tiisctmss1n the hqmcatcad bill. It. was thought timezi to be a Product of time MissoUri Statesman's vIvid imrmgiimntlon , ' When Governor l3rndy of Alaska was before - fore the conference on that bill , relates the St. Louis , , , fltpubltc , Representative Lacey poked fun at him about the Alaska vegeta- iies. Senator Carter of Montana , one of the coitterees , added a jest about \'est's mule of Juneau , i'hen , to tile surpniso of conferees , Governor lrndy proceeded to a. serious and truthful sthcmcnt. According to the gay- cnimor , tim imuhinal , lmnvhng passed the time whelm it could be uieful , vns turner ! loose In the streets of Juneau. Charitable perSons - Sons strappcdto the mule's back a cotmtnibn- D ra Wilson & WiIliam , ' Siieicior..WIlsnmt".t Drntce. Maimufacturern boilers , smnoic stacks and brecelmings , pressure , rendering , sheep dip , larl and % vater trtnk , holier tubes constantly - stantly on . hand , second lmamiil boliers bought and solmi. Special mutiti proniut to repairs in city or country. 19th and Pierce. BOOTS-SHOES-RUBBERS , mercan I2and Sewed Shoe Co W'f'rs Jobbers of Fool Wear wxsvEnN AOENTSyOTL The Joseph Banigan Rubber Co , Sprague & Co. , lion box , into whick small gifts of mnoney were to be dropped. When the laulo bnd I collected it. comfontablo sum the people wtnttd take the contents of the box and therewith purchase him a hearty meal. ThinKS went well with the mauls until a loca'i wa placed across the animal's bane a sack of froien potatoes , These fell on the ground and' were eaten by the mule. They catiaed him terrible pain , and in hia despair he roantt'4 down to the beach , were ho pushed his head under the mater and drowned himself - self , hAul ) NUT 'r CItACIC. SflhltiflE'N Itnebor CorreotlT DO- scribed as a hIodth. The "bottled " tmsetl phrase up , so widely since the hemming in of Cervora , explains time harb&r of Santiagq do Cuba In a word. Time harbor is a bottle with the entrance at the neck. It that neck was cit a edekacrow almnlo and the body of the bottle widened a bit irregularly the rcacmnblammco would be very close indeed , It is an admirably safe lmnrbor with thin narrow passage thirotigit fringing reefs , but 180 yards wide in its narrowest part. The..hmnnucl is tortuotia tamul dimcult for a milq. t om the mouth and it wired 'well should o , very formidable. The town lies fully tlc and a half nihies from time immoutli. Morro castle , the principal fort guarding the entrance , Is on time eastern side , imercheul well up on the boit hills , which line tIm cimannel's mnbuthm. It is formidable from its position and its guiia cuid deliver a terrIbly effective plungIng fire , ' the most tlesilly fire known , on any ships going by. That is , of ' course , unless they were silenced first , Once immairlo and the'difilcu1ties ' of the channel negotiated stmicesafully tIm rest of tim work for an dttaeklng squiulmon woumhl ; lint be so difilcuit. Ships cotmld maneuver , I although 'not with the same facility as Dewey's ships did in Manila bay , nod the 'gtins of time town could not add iiitmch to time terrois of the defense. The harbor , like ( tic channel , is wired. . but the value of Spanish wires has so far-1in problematical. Most of time Sea-iOlflted gun's of the toivn are DRUGS. - hardsoIDrg 902-906 Jackson SI. 7. 0. RICIIAIZOSON , Preat D. P. WELLER , V. Preat , The 1ere5r Chmu Co 51'f'ri CapsdczriI J'IInm200ntfecd ProporO. 110,19. SpecIal Formulae Preporet to Urdcr. , ' 4end ror Catalopue. Laboratory , ilu howard St. , Oma oEs Bruce6 Co Druggists and Sftrfioiar , "Queen Bee" Specialties , Cigari. Wince , and i3randles. Corner 10th and Heresy OtrestL ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. \Jester Eectrca ! Company Electrical Su/.mtias. lee I rio \VIrnmr ! Balls and ( hits Lighting a. w. .IOIINSTON , Mgr. 1510 tloward St. Wolf ectrai SppIy Co WItOL.E5AL AND RETAIL ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 1101 Farna St , FRUIT-PRpDUCE , B ranch & Co , W1IOLEIALIt Commission Merchants. S. % V . Corner 11th and howard Ste. Members of the National League of Commli. aba Merchants of the Unitad StatiL V GROCERIES. I'4cCord.Brady Go 13th and Leavenworth St. Staple and Fancy Groceris1 hA AND COFFEE goAstEgs , ftc. ? Yt eyer & Raapko , WIIOLI1SALU FINE GROCERIES r , Teas , Bpce. , Tobacco an. CIgnie. I 103-1407 llarney Sari. axton and ' GaHagher Co , PMVOHTLRS. aL COFECE ItOASTERS ANtI JOUuIltU OlIOCIlItS. Telephone ItS. HARNESS-SADDLE flY I Hulaney &Co. 0 , JlAIiNZfSS , M4DDL1 $ 42Y1) COL4U5 Jobber , of Leother , Saddkry ) lardivare , Zte , We solicit your orders , 13th Howard St. HARDWARE. sector & Wilhelmy Co Wholesale Hardware , Omaha. LeeClark Areesen Hardware Co Wholesale Hardware. floyd. . s.nd lportint Ootia , 1.tU.3t-2S flip. ! ! thW" - amboth bore nd umounted on masonry anm the artilterhP On the iamtd side , while modern , is light. , ttch was the condition of the defenSeS before - fore ttu war 'was d elntttl. More guns have nw in All p'obabthity been mounted amen that time &tnI\hti , force of Spanish soldiers , , tben 1,000 , hit been undoubtedly increased. 'With' ts natural defense of location San- tligo is indeed a hard town to reach without - out lose , 4 ' , _ . . .p ror Men , Womenand Children. , J. iI : I 2' 1 ' , 'l' . . ' AIjles .5. I S , All Dealers. - - - - - - JOBBERS . 0 F 0 . M A H . S , .5 . . , S . : ' , , . : , - A GRICUIITURAL IMPLEMENrS ' & Mm'fln Co J obbcrs of Farm Machinery. Wagon. and Buggies - Cor. 5th and jonea , ART GOODS I\o _ - P ici'ure Moldings. Mirrors , Framne , hacking and Artisf.V Materials. BOILERAND SHEETIRON WORKS Rubbers dnd Mockintoshes. 1107 JIotird St. , OMAHA E" . _ ikendaII & Co Eoo/.t , S/toes and Rubbers Basaroint. 1102-floe-not hlarney Btr.t. ve/ev $ , Morse 'Co Bools , Shoes , Rubbers , AT WHOLESALE. Office nqd Salesroom 1119-21-23 howard St. BAGS Bemis Omaha Bag Co Importers and Msmnifacturora BAGS 6141618 South rzI/ Street . CHICORY The American ' Chicory Oo Giowers and manufacturers of all fommi of . . Cbcony Omnaha.Fremont.O'Ntil , CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE M Bliss , a i . xrnportsr and Job .s' Crockery. C/iintr , Glassware , Pilver Plaed Ware Looking Olasacs , the.n. deliers , Lamps , dhtmneys , Cutlery , tc. 1410 VAIINA)1 5' ! ' , CREAMERY SUPPLIES I he Sharples Company Creamery Mat'/tinery and Supplies. Hollers , Engines , Feed Cookers. Wood PL. leys , Shafting , hielting , flutter Pack- 3es of all kedL ° ' ! ° Jones lit. lit.DRY DRY GOODS. M E1 Smith & Go. lampotters cmii Job.ni of Thy Goods , Furnishing Goods . AND NOTION8. ' .5 ' , St LIQUOR $ . - . , , . i\ ,5' \ 'Valier : 1os & Ca , . S Wll0LE5ALI LIQUORS. Proprietors of A-I'ltIC.N IO4tIt AND OT.AS3 WAIW CO. S 214-211 South 14th St. ' ! ; _ , _ C Wholesale Liquors and Czrtrs. 1118 Fiunama Street. 11iigui _ _ _ L : S . : ' East Izdia Bitters , I Oid6n' Shit' Pure ytye and Bourbon Whisk'S. - Willow prlngi flIetiIliy , lien 05 , , lU1 Harrier Street. _ - S _ _ _ _ _ John Boekhoff . , a , . . . . . WHOLESALE Wines , Liquors and Cigars. ' 411415 8. 11th Otreat. _ S - LUMBER ' 1cao Ltmr 00 WHOLESALE . iUMBER. , . 814 South 14th 51. OILS-PAINF StandardOilCO. : . A. Moret , lit Vice Prea. L. J , Drake , Gen Mg . . . .OJLS. . . . Gacolino , Turpont.ne , Axle Grease hue. Omaha Urancim earl ' , gen1cs. John I ) . utm Mar. PAPER-WOODENWARE. ( rPenter Paper Co. Prz'ntiz : Paper , WraJin Paper , Stationery. Comnar hjtbandflowz.niatrtetL - STEAM-WATER SUPPLIES. Crane'ChrahiII Go , 1014.1016 Iioumgtas Street , ZLanufacturern lad jobbers of Steam , Osi sn , Water Suppliesof Al ! Kinds. U"li ° d States Supp'y ' Co . . izo8-ziw . [ Jariei' SI. Steam Pumps , Englne and Boilers , Pip Wind Mills , Steam and Plumbing Mateniai , l3eltinc , hose , Etc. S TYPE FOUNDRIES - G reat Western Fype Foundry Superior Copper Mixed Type ii th. bs em lb. market. market.IIlc'rItOTvPIf POUND7t % . hut Howard Strait. - Strangers in Omaha ' Art invited To inspect The ee Building. The most compIet Newspaper p1rtt In the West , ! _ - ' . - - - - " - f/f ,